2narcissitic · 7 years
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100 days of Raymond Reddington » day four
Right now I have a pressing matter which requires your assistance.
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2narcissitic · 8 years
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Flatsound // You Said Okay
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2narcissitic · 8 years
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“Maybe a set of James rubbing his thighs during interviews?”
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2narcissitic · 8 years
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Alexander Kirk…
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2narcissitic · 8 years
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Promo pics. S4 The Blacklist
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2narcissitic · 8 years
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The Blacklist - 1.09 Anslo Garrick
Have you ever sailed across an ocean, Donald… on a sailboat, surrounded by sea with no land in sight, without even the possibility of sighting land for days to come? To stand at the helm of your destiny. I want that, one more time. I want to be in the Piazza del Campo in Siena. To feel the surge as 10 racehorses go thundering by. I want another meal in Paris, at L'Ambroisie, at the Place des Vosges. I want another bottle of wine. And then another. I want the warmth of a woman and a cool set of sheets. One more night of jazz at the Vanguard. I want to stand on the summits and smoke Cubans and feel the sun on my face for as long as I can. Walk on the Wall again. Climb the Tower. Ride the River. Stare at the Frescos. I want to sit in the garden and read one more good book. Most of all I want to sleep. I want to sleep like I slept when I was a boy. Give me that, just one time. That’s why I won’t allow that punk out there to get the best of me, let alone the last of me.
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2narcissitic · 8 years
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2narcissitic · 8 years
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The Real World of Raymond Reddington // Pt. 1
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2narcissitic · 8 years
Another Emmy’s Snub
You know what? These nominations don’t mean anything. Spader’s performance in Cape May (and the rest of the series, for that matter) is far superior than most of those recognized. 
WE know and love, support, and honor ALL of his accomplishments and achievements, and THAT’S what matters. While he may not relish the accolades, we do…we want the world to see the impact he’s had on the industry, and for everyone to experience his true grace, immeasurable talent, and unwavering commitment to the craft.
Congratulations, James. Your contributions to the artistic world are bar none, and your legacy will shine brightly, regardless of what the Television Academy says or does.
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2narcissitic · 8 years
Spader Appreciation Week Day 5 (Thursday, July 14) Favorite James Spader Monologue (from a film or TV show) I love this monologue! It gives me strength sometimes to persevere despite of my circumstances so i can enjoy all that life has to offer. James performed this superbly! Emphasis is put on being able to sleep as he did when he was a boy, out of all the extravagant experiences mentioned he highlights the simplest pleasure. @imyourplusone @alyblacklist
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2narcissitic · 8 years
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Day 4 - Favourite James Spader Moment from The Blacklist
The way he puts his fedora on
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2narcissitic · 8 years
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Spader Appreciation Week Day 4 (Wednesday, July 13) Favorite James Spader Moment from The Blacklist The entire scene, you have no idea what is going through Red's head, but you know his thoughts are racing. Maybe pleasant mixed with not so pleasant. I just loved how it was set up & how Spader sat quietly, portraying a story of 1000+ words. @imyourplusone @alyblacklist
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2narcissitic · 8 years
Spader Appreciation Week Day 3 (Tuesday, July 12): Favorite Scene (From a James Spader film or TV show and why) The Blacklist: The First Time Red & Liz Met First off, the man is a brilliant actor. The little that finds its way onto his lips as soon as he sees Elizabeth is the cutest thing. Despite the fact that Liz blocks out his clear desire to speak on personal topics, he persists. Though he is an actor, he portrays his character so well, that I immediately began to feel for him for not being home in years. When he tells Elizabeth she is very special, she clearly rejects his comment & he finally.. "gives in" and starts to provide Liz with information. When Liz asks "And I'm supposed to trust you?" Spader nailed the laugh and as he progressed into his lines, Raymond Reddington became even more of a mystery, as well as Elizabeth. He Foreshadows and ends with "I'm going to make you famous Lizzy." I've watched this clip countless times & Spader never fails to amaze me. @imyourplusone @alyblacklist
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2narcissitic · 8 years
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Spader Appreciation Week Day 2 (Monday, July 11): Favorite James Spader Character (From a film or TV Show and why) Alan Shore - Boston Legal After watching all of TBL, i began watching Boston Legal. James' character Alan Shore, has a certain personality that I relate to. He can be funny, seductive & also very serious. A character that loves his friends, is passionate about what he believes in and helps others in need. @imyourplusone @alyblacklist
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2narcissitic · 8 years
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Spader Appreciation Week Day 1 (Sunday, July 10): The Film or TV Show that first made me a James Spader Fan I'm a youngster so, My first exposure to Spader was The Blacklist. My older brother introduced me to TBL, he was catching up on Hulu and I came in the room mid episode. Spader is truly a phenomenal actor and I appreciate him! @imyourplusone @alyblacklist
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2narcissitic · 8 years
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Red “Let Me Threaten And/Or Kill You In The Most Seductive Manner” Reddington
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2narcissitic · 8 years
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As most of you hopefully know by now @alyblacklist  and I are organizing a James Spader Appreciation Week here on Tumblr. It also happens to coincide with the week Emmy nominations are announced. Whether James receives that much deserved nomination or not, his past work and his brilliant portrayal of Raymond Reddington deserves to be celebrated. Well, we already do this pretty much on a daily basis, but lets amp it up and also share why this guy is important to us and how his work has made an impact.
The themes for the week will be as follows:
Day 1 (Sunday, July 10):  The Film or TV Show that first made me a James Spader Fan
Day 2 (Monday, July 11):  Favorite James Spader Character  (From a film or TV Show and why)
Day 3 (Tuesday, July 12):  Favorite Scene (From a James Spader film or TV show and why)
Day 4 (Wednesday, July 13) Favorite James Spader Moment from The Blacklist
Day 5 (Thursday, July 14) Favorite James Spader Monologue (from a film or TV show)
Day 6 (Friday, July 15) Favorite “Spaderism” (quirky Spader habits or mannerisms)
Day 7 (Saturday, July 16) Favorite James Spader moment I would LIKE to see on The Blacklist.
***Please tag all of your content with the tag #Spader Appreciation Week***
The invitation is open to all in The Blacklist fandom so please help spread the word. We look forward to seeing what you create!
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