2cats1trenchcoat Ā· 1 day
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I spent a little too much time on this
Ref below cut
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2cats1trenchcoat Ā· 2 days
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2cats1trenchcoat Ā· 2 days
i'll draw art for it in the morning but au where cole gets stuck in the temple of airjitzu but the show carries on. every couple of weeks one or more of the remainig ninja brave the temple to talk to him (staying by the door each time so itms an easy escape) and update him on stuff, and let him know they remember him. however, slowly over time, the curse has its effect and cole starts to forget them. it starts with small things, like moments they had together or facts about each of them, but then it gets worse. he forgets villains they've faced, people who aren't the ninja, even the ninja's names. the ninja all start to visit together because they know their time is coming to a close.
one night cole waits for them at the door and says "i don't know why but i felt like i needed to be here. are you the people i'm supposed to meet?"
they talk, and cole doesn't really understand what they're talking about but he knows deep down that these people are important, and that makes what they're re talking about important, too.
and then the next time the ninja go to visit him he isn't by the door. he didn't remember to wait for them
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2cats1trenchcoat Ā· 2 days
If you get to know Weefnut tho theyā€™re really nice
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Uncle Weefnut was a idea me and @zouskon had, which he made Weefnutā€™s brother, Weednut. šŸ§€
They were for shits and giggles
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They both have terrible terrors named Fern and Applejack (which is Weefnuts)
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2cats1trenchcoat Ā· 2 days
Weefnut my beloved
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Uncle Weefnut was a idea me and @zouskon had, which he made Weefnutā€™s brother, Weednut. šŸ§€
They were for shits and giggles
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They both have terrible terrors named Fern and Applejack (which is Weefnuts)
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2cats1trenchcoat Ā· 2 days
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Hi Would You Like To Talk To Me About Dinosaurs?
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2cats1trenchcoat Ā· 3 days
Oddly specific Hiccup childhood headcanons
Didn't start speaking until he was 5, even then he mostly just said the word 'why'. He also had a lisp.
People were struggling to understand him so he decided to communicate through other means
He has dyspraxia and spent hours everyday trying to perfect his handwriting so it was actually legible enough for people to understand him (though reading is not a strongsuit for most vikings and they often just ignored the pieces of paper shoved at them). He also tried his best to better coordinate his movements and be less clumsy. He didn't have as much luck with that one.
At some point he kind of gave up and embraced being brushed off by adults, he got tired of trying to cater to them and it wasn't worth it if they just ignored him anyway (the only time they payed attention was when they were judging him for something tbh).
He started wandering off into the woods for hours at a time to draw or play with animals, or most importantly, going hunting for trolls. He'd often lose track of time but always came back before sunset, and always scared the shit out of Stoick (he thought little Hiccup got carried off by a dragon, even though they're not often in berk's forests, or mauled by a bear).
He was accused multiple times (for various different reasons) of being a changeling. Though the only serious accusations were from Mildew, other times it was more an in-joke villagers made behind Stoick's back (if he heard them he'd shut it down immediately).
Hiccup didn't mind. The 'bad and dangerous' parts from stories never really sunk in, he was in awe more than anything. Everything 'magic' fascinated him to no end and he'd always run to Gobber for more stories (not at all helping him beat the changeling allegations) who was the only one who'd humor him.
He loved the forest animals and would often bring wounded ones home to try and help them.
He didn't have much interest in playing with other kids, and apart from the rare times he'd be invited to join, they had no interest in him (this was before they were influenced by adults, before they realized different meant bad). He's just naturally introverted, as well as most knowing better than to get attached to a hiccup. Runts rarely make it to adulthood.
He brought home a stray cat once. Stoick had no idea where it came from and was going to make it leave but couldn't bring himself to when he saw it curled up and purring in Hiccup's lap. He named it Fiddlesticks
A few years later Fiddlesticks died during a dragon raid, Hiccup had run out to try and help and while he was gone their roof collapsed. Hiccup was devastated. Stoick was just glad that for once, Hiccup wasn't where he was supposed to be.
He still wandered in the forest, making little animal friends and hunting for trolls (with less enthusiasm than before) but he tried not to get as attached.
Once he climbed a tree to try and sketch a birds nest but fell and broke his arm. He was under constant supervision until it healed, and it would've been longer if not for him getting in the way of Stoick's duties
He started working in the smithy with Gobber after Stoick had enough of him wandering about unsupervised. Perfecting the steady hand needed to work in the forge felt like learning to write all over again and it was incredibly frustrating for him, he almost gave up more than once but Gobber was encouraging enough.
When they were little, he and Snotlout used to be close. Snotlout never minded Hiccup not talking as it never really affected the games they'd play and he ignored the notion he shouldn't get attached. Hiccup was famliy, so naturally, Snotlout would protect him.
Eventually Snotlout realized (was pressured by snide comments and looks from adults) Hiccup was 'weird' and being his friend, despite the fact they are literally cousins, was making him weird by proxy. He stopped playing with Hiccup, but never told him why which caused some animosity that then turned into outright bullying a few years later.
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2cats1trenchcoat Ā· 3 days
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Gives these to the surviving Eretlout users
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2cats1trenchcoat Ā· 3 days
Not again
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Having old ocs means u can draw them young
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2cats1trenchcoat Ā· 3 days
Compromise: theyā€™re both cursed but one of them hides it (probably Eret cause of some dragon trapper/Drago trauma)
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twitter loved this one so anyway here's one of my fave ship dynamics
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2cats1trenchcoat Ā· 4 days
Hello everyone, I am Fatuma Ali from Gaza. I am here to request for your support to help get my insulin, just an injection for today to save my life please I beg. I was diagnosed with Latent Autoimmune Diabetes and due to current situation in Gaza I'm unable to get my insulin injection as a result I'm here begging for little financial support to help me purchase insulin for this week. My donation link is attached in the pinned post, I might have sent this ask to you earlier but kindly consider donating and sharing. This is the only option I have at the moment to save my life from going to coma.
Just informed this is a scammer. Proceed with caution
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2cats1trenchcoat Ā· 4 days
Big ass guard dog man
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Grimmelā€™s Pet AU
I think i am done with this but. Spoiled for heavily implied ||drugging||. Since this is an exceptionally dark au eh.
It has been a VERY LONG time since iā€™ve drawn this AU. Like. A year plusļæ½ļæ½ if not two years holy shit I think the last time i drew art for this au was in 2022ā€¦ GOOD GOD.
Anyways since itā€™s been a while since i touched him i figured i should give him somewhat of a redesign. He looks much older and is far more gaunt than the last iterations simply because the deathgripper venom has not just caused his body a *lot* of stress due to how much he needs to stay under control and render himā€¦ essentiallyā€¦ a shell. He doesnā€™t do much thinking, thatā€™s for sure. His job is to kill, since that is what heā€™s good at.
Anyways yeah. The stress the venom caused on his body made him age quite a bit faster because heā€™s likeā€¦ *checks notes* 28 in this AU if said notes are in fact correct.
*Scurries away*
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2cats1trenchcoat Ā· 5 days
Is echo Zane a part of these scraps?
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Zane wanders into a room in The Administration, only to find that it has a pile of other Zanes in it. Hopefully nothing bad will happen to him.
Drawing of a rough concept for a fan fic a wanna try and write someday. (Weird alt color ver below the cut cuz I thought it looked cool - there are bright colors tho so be careful)
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over-saturated blue my beloved <3
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2cats1trenchcoat Ā· 5 days
Wow heā€™s in his housewife apron while his butch husband chops wood with his bare hands šŸ„°
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Eretcup šŸ˜Š
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2cats1trenchcoat Ā· 5 days
Theyā€™re so dinosaur I love them
dramillions šŸ˜“šŸ’š i love them
tried to create unique designs but these dragons are so hard to paint
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free base (cred me)
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2cats1trenchcoat Ā· 5 days
Hiccup projects his insecurities on dragon killing so intensely that it blinds him to everything else- the belief that killing a dragon will fix all his problems makes it so that him not being able to kill a dragon is a problem, and while it is partially true that everything on Berk did rely heavily on dragon-killing, we see especially in the scenes following Hiccup having shot down Toothless that people are actively getting upset with him for participating in the battle- instead of pretending he had no differences, physical or mental, if he calmed down, the Vikings might have been more amicable, and though maybe it wouldnā€™t have been exactly what he wanted and things would still be bad, it would be easier.
Toothlessā€™ position as a metaphor for Hiccupā€™s insecurity is solidified the moment Hiccup decides not to kill him. This scene takes on a whole other meaning given that Hiccup is finally forced to look inwards -is forced to look at himself- and can no longer blame any physical-situational barrier for keeping him from his goal of killing a dragon. This is the first time he acknowledges that it really is something that is inherently him that keeps him from being able to kill dragons.
From here, Hiccup had to make a choice, not just about Toothless and not just in consideration of how other people view him, but also about himself- he has to confront what he quite literally canā€™t do and has to determine what to do next.
After, Hiccup is shown why learning to work with Toothless is good. What Toothless provides for him is not just the ability to fly, an action which, while crazy and exhilarating, he would have no objective need for- learning about Toothless means, for Hiccup, learning how to truly navigate the world around him, teaching him how to deal with the other dragons, acting as a metaphor themselves in that him learning how to deal with those dragons means Hiccup learns how to better understand and communicate with other people using what they donā€™t yet know about themselves.
Hiccup is in less physical danger as a result of what he learned from Toothless and he is better off socially, too. Toothless affects Hiccup so deeply that he changes the way Hiccup interacts with the world and with Toothless having been the key to Hiccupā€™s social success during Dragon Training, heā€™s become so essential to Hiccupā€™s person that an acceptance of Hiccup cannot come without an acceptance of Toothless.
He has to stop viewing his insecurities -Toothless, his inability to kill dragons- as something to hide, as a weakness and the scene with Astrid on the docks following Stoick sailing off to the Dragonā€™s Nest is important for that very reason; Hiccup has to make the final decision to actively make changes to his own environment instead of acting as a passive participant who, yes, might be learning better through his own silent exploration of his strengths and weaknesses but is also someone who remains stunted socially by the limits other people placed on him.
It is only after being essentially forced to see Hiccup functioning with Toothless primarily as a result of their own hubris that the other Vikings are forced to acknowledge the dragons as things that arenā€™t inherently evil.
He forces them to look inwards, and so itā€™s only after the Vikings get rid of the Red Death, i.e. the years and years of generational trauma and conditioning, that there is the very real possibility of them learning how to live in harmony with the things they fight against.
Hiccupā€™s missing leg isnā€™t just a token of war but also a physical manifestation of the fact that Hiccupā€™s insecurities arenā€™t just ā€˜things to work overā€™ anymore- what once hindered such an important part of him, with Toothlessā€™ missing fin keeping him from being able to fly, putting his life at risk, all things caused by Hiccupā€™s own ignorance- by the end of the movie, theyā€™re his greatest strengths. Theyā€™re things that are so essential to his person that to take them away would be to kill everything heā€™s lived for.
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2cats1trenchcoat Ā· 5 days
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