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kpopfanpage-blog · 5 years ago
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kpopfanpage-blog · 5 years ago
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nct 2019 | wallpapers
like or reblog if saving !
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kpopfanpage-blog · 5 years ago
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These have the same power and im ATTACKED
Credits to the owner
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kpopfanpage-blog · 6 years ago
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kpopfanpage-blog · 6 years ago
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we boom era 😈❤️ renhyuck
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kpopfanpage-blog · 6 years ago
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Renjun: *exists
Dreamies: (´♡‿♡`)
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kpopfanpage-blog · 6 years ago
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RenHyuck is really thriving this era 🌻
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kpopfanpage-blog · 6 years ago
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why are they so extra
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kpopfanpage-blog · 6 years ago
[1:00 AM]
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Renjun's eyes sparkle with stars and galaxies that he adores.
There's a small smile tugging at his lips throughout this moment of his- this moment of yours.
Of all the memories of great adventure. Of all the love and joy in each and every discovery.
And as you two share your last breaths, you remain locked in a breathless embrace, in the broken spaceship built out of kisses and love.
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kpopfanpage-blog · 6 years ago
Renjun: Hey! hehe
Jaemin: Yes😊?
Renjun: Are you tired?
Jaemin:...😐...I'm never tired when I see-
Renjun: -Cuz you've been running through my head all day.
Jaemin: 😄 Did you just...return my affections?♡♡
*nervous laughter*
Renjun:heh...I was just jokin-
Jaemin:-say it to me again plz
*Pulls out recorder*
Renjun: waht, no what are you doing?
Jaemin: It's going to be my new ringtone
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kpopfanpage-blog · 6 years ago
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⌨.. ᶻᶻᶻ __ [ nct icons ] !
Matching Jaemin & Renjun icons
like/reblog if you save ♡
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kpopfanpage-blog · 6 years ago
Protect you || Renjun
Character: Huang Renjun (NCT dream) Genre: badboy!au  Words: 1.6k words Summary: Renjun doesn’t just beat someone up, he always makes sure to break at least a bone of theirs just to keep them away from you Warning: none Request:  Renjun extension of badboy!nctdream 
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You’ve always thought that Huang Renjun’s just a soft-looking kid at the back of the class. He seemed absolutely harmless to you. But your first impression soon changes when you encounter him at the back of the school a few times. He spends his time there a lot and most of the time, there’ll be someone else as well but lying on the ground, unconscious. That’s when you know he’s not the harmless guy you thought him to be.
The people he fights with almost always end up with broken bones. And it truly terrifies you that someone rather delicate looking can have people shake in fear. You promised to yourself you’d never cross paths with him because that could mean the end of you.
Unfortunately, fate had other plans in store for you.
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kpopfanpage-blog · 6 years ago
For Those Dealing With Broken Hearts
Pairing: Jisung x Reader
Genre: Some angst, fluff
Word Count: 2.7k
Summary: Life sucks. You got cheated on, dumped, and when you get to this DNYL Club, there’s only one other person, this Jisung guy, who you barely know. At least you know he’s heartbroken too, right?
A/N: It has been so so so long since I’ve written a fic!! I really hope you guys like it, and thank you for taking the time to read it!!
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When the announcement first blared over the speakers, you thought it was a prank. Don’t Need Your Love Club? What a joke. You scoffed at the idea of a club for broken hearts, finished drying your eyes, and reconsidered. It hadn’t been a great day romance-wise. You’d caught your now ex-boyfriend groping some cheerleader behind the bleachers, and somehow you were still the one who got dumped out of that relationship. Insult after insult. You debated whether some stupid prank club could make your day any worse, and concluded it couldn’t. With red eyes and a backpack slung over your shoulder, you strode out of the classroom and towards whatever awaited you.
You stood before the door, unsure of whether you should knock or not. You put your ear next to the door to see if you could hear anyone behind it, but were startled by a loud swish of the door opening. Someone on the other side had pulled it open, and you nearly fell into them. Your eyes dragged their way up from the surprisingly tall stranger’s chest to his face, and vaguely recognized it.
“Have we met?”
The stranger’s eyes widened at the sight of you. “Uh… yeah. We had physics together last year. I’m Jisung.”
“Ah, right,” You flushed, feeling guilty for not remembering him. “Of course. Hey, Jisung.”
“Hey, y/n.”
He knew your name already. You cursed yourself for spending all of last year pining for the idiot who dumped you today. He was a waste of time you knew you’d waste more time getting over, and you wondered how many other people you ignored because of your infatuation. You realized Jisung was holding the door open, and hastened inside and plopped your bag on the table.
“So… are you here for the club too?” He called from behind you.
Keep reading
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kpopfanpage-blog · 6 years ago
kidnapper: if you care about your friend, get in the car.
renjun: which friend?
kidnapper: yangyang.
renjun: *keeps walking*
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kpopfanpage-blog · 9 years ago
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kpopfanpage-blog · 13 years ago
[INFO] EXO-K Mengakhiri Promosi Mini Album ‘MAMA’ dengan Sukses.
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EXO-K menyelesaikan promosi debut mini album MAMA dengan sukses Pada 9 April, EXO-K merilis mini album MAMA, dan telah terjual 100.612 kopi (per minggu kedua Juni), yang menandai debut mereka sangat sukses. Angka penjualan, dikombinasikan dengan 51.643 kopi dari versi Mandarin dari album oleh EXO-M, dan memberikan dua Sub unit ini dengan total penjualan gabungan dari 152.255 kopi. EXO juga sukses dalam iklan dengan Calvin Klein Jeans dan Ivy club serta penawaran lainnya. Melihat kesuksesan mereka EXO-K menyatakan, “Ini adalah promosi pertama kami setelah debut, kami belajar banyak melalui waktu yang berharga. Kami ingin berterima kasih kepada semua fans kami yang mendukung kami dan melalui pengalaman ini kami akan berusaha untuk menampilkan versi perbaikan dari diri kita sendiri. Kami meminta perhatian dan antisipasi. “ Dengan kegiatan untuk MAMA telah berakhir, EXO-K sekarang akan fokus pada promosi di luar negeri serta perlahan-lahan mulai bekerja di album berikutnya. Source : enewsworld
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kpopfanpage-blog · 13 years ago
[INFO] Sungmin Memberikan Petunjuk Tentang Comeback Super Junior?
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Fans telah heboh dengan berbagai berita comeback Super Junior, dan dengan postingan blog terbaru Sungmin, sepertinya ELF akan mulai bersiap-siap untuk comeback mereka di bulan Juli! Sungmin menulis pesan di blog-nya yaitu: Akhirnya, teaser 6jib Super Junior ..! tidak banyak waktu yang tersisa .. kapan kita bisa tampil.. aku ingin melakukannya lebih cepat .. kekekeke Fans telah membanjiri postingan tersebut dengan pertanyaan dan komentar, banyak yang bertanya apakah ini berarti bahwa Super Junior sudah memulai syuting untuk MV mendatang. Juga banyak yang menyadari bahwa member Super Junior telah mengalami perubahan gaya rambut, seperti Sungmin yang menjadi pirang platinum, Yesung menjadi merah, Shindong juga berubah menjadi pirang, dan Kyuhyun yang juga terlihat dengan gaya rambut baru. Semuanya masih tersembunyi, SM Entertainment belum merilis informasi lebih lanjut, namun rumor yang telah beredar tadi malam, Super Junior akan comeback pada 10 Juli. Source : allkpop
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