2billion · 1 year
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2billion · 1 year
updated + event wcs :*
in the middle of the night, at the bottom of the bottle, at the end of the world - very heavily based on this. need won to be very pathetically into/pining over someone to an unhealthy level its central to his character jk but actually yes toxic relationships being all that has ever been modeled, he doesn't know how to keep a good thing going. i have a few ideas! maybe they got together a few years back and things were great until his father passed and his gg scandal hit. or this could be a case of they used to be together in the past but maybe they've lost feeling for him or find it too hard to be with him so more of a one-sided thing now and he's ~ trying to be better ~ so they take him back. 'i can fix him' kind of rls also works. or they could have been good friends for a while and won has always had a thing for them but he has never broached the subject bcs of his phobias and fears surrounding rls. another possibility is fwb with feelings developing. this can be one-sided, on/off, mutual, anything. i'd prefer it to be mutual and endgame bcs i rly want to anchor this character to an endgame since it makes sense for him to have a constant/overarching theme or whatever but that doesn't have to be the case either and we can just see what we brainstorm!
for event02
would love to get some plots going for this art exhibit event! some ideas: 01 essentially his date the person he arrives with at the event they get photographed together at the photo op etc 02 maybe someone who wasn't invited but wanted to get in so won brings them 03 the two of them enter into a very intense bidding war over one of the auction pieces (meant to be romance/hookup leaning since won likes when ppl go up against him but it doesn't have to be!) 04 they bid on something they cant afford and go to won for help yk what they say about making a deal with the devillll etc etc 05 they drive to the yutnori party together but maybe end up never arriving 06 tw drugs two of them doing lines at yutnori together 07 tw drugs or maybe they planned to but whoever was meant to bring the stuff didn't bring it for some reason now what are they supposed to do ! 08 tw drugs someone who does hard drugs for the first time at yutnori with won's help he's a bad influence for all intents and most purposes 09 or in a shocking twist of events he wants to look out for this person at the party and ends up sober all night and at the end of the night, their designated driver. out of ideas now tbh so let's brainstorm i'm in dms and d1scord!
hello ! ! revamped this guy to make plotting and writing him easier for me. overall the same just slight change to background and personality. i will be messaging ppl he has plots/threads with !!! but hot off the press his new about and plentiful new wcs/plot ideas > > >
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straw (23+) - one of the three people gg reported he hooked up with on the same night. straw was in a long-term relationship with someone else at the time.
sticks (23+) - one of the three people gg reported he hooked up with on the same night.
bricks (23+) - one of the three people gg reported he hooked up with on the same night.
snitch (s' nu subplot) - friend who tipped off gg
step siblings ! ! he has had 4 stepmothers since he was 6 yrs old so they could have been step siblings at any time or even currently.
s'nu subplotettes ! ! he is reliable dad friend who might not always be the nicest but a friend who you know deeply cares for you. would really love for his core friendships/people he trusts most to be within the subplot hehh
big brother mentor (21-23) - would make most sense with someone in the arts or starting a business. someone he met recently who has heard only bad things about him but expectations were subverted when they found out that he's not only quite knowledgable about [thing] but he's also a good and willing teacher. won genuinely likes them and is supportive of them.
lampshaded - someone who dislikes him because [reason] and consistently calls him out on his shit that people usually let slide. everytime he does something bad, they're right there to make sure he gets his comeuppance. one good side effect of having this much friction in a relationship is they know they can count on each other to be real and honest. (i would love a enemies to best friends thing here tbh)
let the bad times roll - probably grew up together. they've seen his many ups and downs. and for some reason, they only like being around him during the downs—probably because he's a lot more fun that way. they've been hanging out a lot again recently.
part of your world - had a very brief but serious relationship where won met all their family and spent a holiday or two with them. they broke up long long ago, so why is he still going out fishing with their dad?
old moneys who look down on him for being new money (even if he might be billions richer than them, you can't buy birthright!)
non rich he looks down on
someone smart who has cracked the code that won can be manipulated into doing anything if they bring his father into it, so they use that on him. high risk high reward.
ex-classmates. people he was in the snu arts program with. maybe they used to be regular study buddies/project making buddies/class partners but now he's left.
was heavily involved in the arts scene pretty much his entire teenage life up until recently (they probably knew him as some up n coming graphic artist/was starting to get into tattoos), so friends he made from there.
he loves clothes, fashion as an art form and will drop 10k$ easy on a single receipt so shopping buddies ! ! or even unwitting sugar bb/dd plot
old party buddy who got caught in the gyeonggi video and suffered huge consequences and is upset he wasn't in the video bcs they knew he was an even bigger partyer than some ppl caught on the tape
current party buddies n they party harddd and really get into some trouble
slept around a lot circa 18-21 yrs old and circa since his dad died-now, so fwbs hook ups flings one night stands many night stands sneaky links regular rotation etc not beating the gossip girl whore allegations in fact supporting them. if you're looking for something ur musezzz can be ashamed of doing, here it is
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2billion · 1 year
it was perfect—a two-seater golf cart, with enough leg room for both their long limbs to fit into, handles for won's drunk ass to hold onto, and it's even in a dashing shade of white. he drags won towards the golf cart, nudging him towards the passenger seat while he checks if there was engine left in it. "get on." it's his first time operating a golf cart—never had to do it on his own, but it was better than getting back by foot. when he hears the vehicle start up, he heaves a sigh of relief, one that gets drowned out by an exhilarated laugh. "this isn't considered drinking and driving, is it?"
he feels lost at sea, tossed about by savage wind. won gracelessly throws as much of himself into the seat as he can, helping jaerim with his own weight. seeing him stumble is almost satisfying, like watching mother nature get her revenge for all the land won's father fracked and all the forests he tore down. for all of the altars to capitalism he built and shrines to the establishment he erected. this—this lifetime of ruin, this endless cycle of self-destruction—it seems, is the price to be paid for won's lofty last name.
he grips a slippery metal bar he thinks will steady him, lightheaded and laughing as he leans back. how still the air is makes him sick. once again, won is holding onto the edge with his littlest finger and praying for the wind to change. "just drive, jaerim," he answers, echoing jaerim's laugh. but, though he's still smiling, he's only serious, "we won't get into trouble."
as the cart rovers down the road, he brings his hand to his mouth again, affronted when he finds it empty once more. won wipes at his mouth instead. where's that bottle? he looks around, forgetting he'd lost it minutes ago and sure it's somewhere in the cart. moving his head around inside a moving vehicle quickly proves to be a miscalculation. from then on, he decides to stay completely still, holding onto that bar and letting jaerim steer their course.
the further they get from the lights, the darker it gets, the more at peace won seems. there's a shadow of a smile cast across his face, something contented in his eyes like a fed cat. he closes his eyes to blink, but they stay closed too long. won stumbles from where he's sitting, nearly tumbling out of the moving cart. it's with the last bit of his strength that he manages to steel his grip on the bar he's holding onto and keep in place. "ooh..." he purses his lips. he makes a hissing sound with his mouth as if he'd been burned. the brush with death jolts him awake. he looks at jaerim and laughs. he laughs so much his chest begins to ache. he can feel all of his bones jostling around inside him, like he's something completely hollow. he nods his head to the road, telling jaerim to keep going. go, go, go.
won squints into the dark, seeing nothing. sounding bored and impatient, like the wrong answer could send him careening down the green himself, he asks "are we there yet?"
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2billion · 1 year
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John Milton, Paradise Lost // Wait for Me (Reprise), Hadestown
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2billion · 1 year
hands use her makeup brush to contour her face with expertise, so much so that her gaze is upon won within the mirror's view, studying his body language, nature. "i ⏤ shit, didn't you say that you wanted to pregame or something? was that you?" lips purse in half-baked thought, but there isn't a increase in pace of her hands. it's not much longer before she's pops one brush back in its place and swoops out another for blush, preparing it, "but are you okay though? like seriously. i know we essentially had a therapy session at the benefit and probably owe each other money for the emotional labor and stuff, but ... you still don't look one hundred percent, you know." and there's a pause to show that aera means what she says ( as if she ever hasn't with him ), "you're not running on low battery mode anymore at least, so ... say seventy percent now? maybe?"
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he lets himself be dragged into her doorway, and as she prattles on about something that matters, he feels something in his chest. a warmth blooming slowly, spreading steady. comfort—and not the cold kind, for once, but he doesn't have a name for it yet. leather shoes tap-tap-tap against the floor as he heads to the kitchen, glasses clink as he makes himself useful. he pours two of something that will do. he listens to her story like a low-hum song. she's talking again and he's already walking to her with the pregame in question. slow tap-tap-tap again like he knows the world can wait—will wait, as it does for people like them. he's putting a drink down in front of her, softening the noise of it by setting his pinky on the table before the glass. (if he listens close enough, these are almost all the sounds of home.)
won leans on the wall beside her vanity, watching her with unabashed admiration. "seems like a lot of work to mess with perfection but," he tilts his glass slightly towards her in cheers, "you're the expert." he drinks. she jokes. he lets himself laugh—a low chuckle, throaty and quiet like something unused.
"a hundred," he answers, and maybe it's a joke because he's not quiet there yet, but it's not insincere. he looks at her and he can feel the words rushing up, the same way he felt on the night in question. he wants to tell her—well, he's not exactly sure what. not everything, of course. but he wants to talk to her about things that matter because he values her, maybe even trusts her. he knows it might be naive. won presses his teeth into his bottom lip for a second, pensive. but then his face breaks into a small smile. his excitement, though subdued like all of his manners, is bright and child-like.
"i'm better, aera." his eyes supply the thank you. "i've been working on some things. diversifying. you know that old art deco bank in gwangju? it went under last month. i'm thinking of turning the front into a restaurant and the vault into... something for the after hours." he's grinning behind the brim of his glass, and he winks knowingly at her before he takes another sip. "i haven't told anyone because nothing's final yet, but my bid looks good. i want you to be there on opening night." he basks for a moment in how real everything suddenly feels now that he's said it out loud. the warmth in his chest reaches his fingertips. he looks at her and gets the overwhelming urge to not fuck everything up this time.
"and you? how are you? i'd say you look better but..." he picks up a tube of lipstick sitting on her desk, examines it before putting it back down, placing it nearer to her in request. "i can never tell. even on your worst hair day, there's never a strand out of place." he looks at her like he's waiting, like tell me everything—not expectantly, but patiently.
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2billion · 1 year
full-time white and gold
won is conscious and not chemically altered for the fourth time that week. for the thirteenth time that month. he rubs his temples and glances the grey face of his watch. the date reads april thirteen. the short 18k gold hand points to ten, the long one stabbing five. he looks out the window. it's almost pitch black, with only the lights from the street lamps dotting the dark. turns out time flies when you're trying to do right by someone who put their trust in you.
he stacks the papers in front of him, tightening his jaw to stifle a yawn. won leans back in his chair and tugs on the tie around his neck. he can feel tiredness creeping in, making his eyelids heavy. half-finished contracts and drafted proposals and venn diagrams and pie charts lay in small piles in front of him. there's a weight on his shoulders that's becoming harder and harder to carry. the benefit had its highs and lows, but from a purely business standpoint, it was a shitshow. (maybe, all things considered, sobriety is a pretty sweet silverlining.) but now, his body is begging him for a break. still, when he finally wrestles his hand into putting the pen down, he really does it because he doesn't want her to feel as bad as he does.
won looks at shiah across the table, struggling to make his mind ease off the work. he's looking at her because she's there and she's nice to look at, and thinking of her more makes him think of the work less. he's staring, but he's too tired, and she's too beautiful, for him to make an effort to stop.
"let's go somewhere," he says, eyes dark as the night but teasing smile exceedingly gentle. he lets his head loll to the side, "do you still drink on an empty stomach or should we get dinner?"
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closed starter for @plushvibes
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2billion · 1 year
so when saturday afternoon rolls around, the wolf himself pulls up in front of her apartment building and sion exits about five minutes later, gossip girl's latest hot goss on her mind.
"really? her?" she greets him with a raised brow, beating him to grabbing the door. there's no need for chivalry here, they are far too comfortable with each other and this is barely a date to begin with. so instead, sion decidedly fixates on the gg blast on her mind, eyes flicking over to the infamous big bad once she slips into the passenger side.
"i have to know," she starts, amusement evident in her tone. you never do know with men and everything is funny till it isn't these days. "was it while you were coked out for three days or after you asked me out?"
a grin graces his lips, practiced and lazy, just like the usual slur of his words. "if you really have to know, i'll call you next time and you can join. see for yourself." the quip is muscle memory, so is his foot on the gas and the turn of the steering wheel. he doesn't think too hard about her question. he doesn't have to. he doesn't remember—not the place, not the time, not her name—and something feels wrong about admitting that.
and at first, he doesn't think too hard about what he says to sion. he never has. nothing said or done between the two of them has ever had time to turn into something that matters. but there has been a shift in the air—maybe because this is the longest time they've spent breathing so much of the same.
"i don't want to spend our first date talking about some girl," he says, the crude grin on his mouth melting into a cheeky smile. his eyes kinder and his guard lowered, he looks so much like the boy she met all those years ago. it's jarring how much innocence his face can retain so suddenly. "how has your day been, sion?"
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2billion · 1 year
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DEAN // Get the Feeling
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2billion · 1 year
he tugs his friend by the collar of his jacket, whispering sternly in his ear, "i thought we said we'll act like adults this year." he turns to offer someone yet another apologetic smile before turning back to his staggering friend, whispering through gritted teeth, "how much did you do?"
lee wonjoong is twenty-six now, but somehow, the only thing that's changed is he's more alone. he's still the same out-of-control boy raging through the world trying to deal with the loss of a parent. jaerim is still pulling him off ledges he insists on standing on. won puts firm hands on jaerim's chest and shoves him. "relax," he says, severe but inspiring no confidence. won tugs his coat back on straight and fixes his collar. he's crossfaded and his fingers are clumsy, so he doesn't really fix anything. (his father is in his ear, telling him all he does is ruin everything for everyone.) he takes a breath in and the smell of cotton candy and spring and smoke and his own perfume makes his eyes sting.
won sniffles, and messily drags the back of his hand across his face. out of habit, he pinches his nose and rubs at it like he's trying to get rid of evidence. he looks at his empty hands and wonders where the bottle he was holding went.
in between the lights and the crowd and the chemicals, won runs headfirst into a moment of clarity. he's twenty-six now, and he's trying to build something, and he can't be the same out-of-control boy raging through the world. the world will never forget lee wonjae, and lee wonjoong's successes need to supersede all else. he's suddenly aware of all the eyes on him, suddenly aware that it doesn't matter how angry or lost or craving comfort he is. his head's spinning and he needs to lie down. more importantly, he needs to do damage control. he's clutching tight onto jaerim's sleeve—doesn't know when he did that, just knows he has done it a million times before. won nods, closing his eyes so he won't have to watch the world shake. "you're right," he says, letters drawling but not insincere, "we should get out of here." but he doesn't move. how much did he do? more than he planned to, enough to have him keeling over if he takes another step.
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2billion · 1 year
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gossipgirl  sometimes, in an effort to spread the most outrageous rumors, we look over the very thing that’s even more scandalous—the truth. and the only thing more shocking than the truth are the lies people tell to cover it up. but it’s often said that, no matter the truth, people see what they want to see. some people might take a step back and find out they were looking at the same big picture all along. some people might see that their lies have almost caught up to them. some people may see what was there all along. and then there are those other people. the ones that run as far as they can so they don’t have to look at themselves. and as for me, i can see clearly now. xoxo —gossip girl
view all 202 comments   —   prompt (truth or dare)
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2billion · 1 year
here’s the thing when dealing with the devil: sometimes, you win, but most times, you tread on broken glass. tiptoe between the shards and hope for the best because god only knows, one slit and he’ll leave you to bleed dry. 
so far, through the years and the countless duplicitious schemes, seulki prides herself on having endured it relatively unscathed. perhaps, there is something about seeing each other with blood-soaked gowns, hands stained with all the guts and glory of warfare that bonds two people into solidarity.
she knows how far he will go. he knows she’d follow. 
still, familiarity breeds complacency and complacency marks a sin, failure a penance. and so, she’s aware that he’s already one step ahead of her when he sends her a text she never expects whilst she’s in the midst of her nighttime routine, pristine dollop of la mer cream resting on her fingertips. doesn’t bother replying, just dabs it into the apple of her cheeks and waits. 
he arrives - all white shirt and gelled hair and unwavering eyes. annoyance simmers, but she lets him finish speaking. how fucking irritating, men and their fickle minds.
 “oh?” she replies, tilting voice and cocked eyebrows. refuses to look at him; instead, gazes at his reflection on her mirror. there’s a placid smile on her face, but it doesn’t reach her eyes. she knows he’s lying and she knows that he knows. “but you always loved doing my dirty work.” 
“what’s wrong, won?” his name drips like honeyed venom, saccharine and loaded. “am i too boring for you now? don’t worry, i can make things fun again. just say the magic word."
she gives him an inch; he does what he does best and takes a mile. if only because that mile will get them further from the truth—he wants to save what they set out to destroy. he breaches lines drawn in the sand and walks in. won has been there so many times before that he looks like he belongs as well as any piece of carefully chosen furniture.
"not you," he says, standing behind her and meeting her eyes in the mirror. he looks down, takes a lock of her hair in his hand and twists it carefully around his finger. gently, he pulls her hair back behind her shoulder, the back of his hand barely brushing the lobe of her ear. and he takes no measure to hide the way his eyes caress the delicate curve of her neck. "never you," he says as he looks back at her through the mirror.
when won looks at seulki, he sees the worst version of his own reflection and a part of him loves it. the depths of hell isn't as lofty a place to be as a moral high ground, but he's looking at seulki, and he can't deny the view. "but that place doesn't warrant all this," he says, quickly brushing past the subject at hand in all his effort to steer away from it. he's playing with her hair again. "we can find other games to play," he says, gently tracing an invisible line across her shoulder with a knuckle, "i have a few ideas..."
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2billion · 1 year
wonjoong's message displeased her for a second, but then the second message followed. ayano sighed as she slid her phone back into her pocket. for a little bit, she stayed seated in the car, pondering whether this meeting was worth the potential consequences. after all, the last time this happened, it was posted all over gossip girl.
but not this time, she thought. this time we're meeting in a private, secluded area. just a friendly meeting, nothing more, nothing worth posting about, she lied to herself.
just because she could, ayano walked into the building a bit later than she had told him. her way of paying him back for the fact that she had to walk through the rain like some groupie? or was it just her nerves acting up, unsure of whether to proceed or do the right thing and go back home? either way, she decided to turn off her brain for once.
when wonjoong opened the door for her, her voice was stern (in case there was anyone around eavesdropping). "i'm here to pick up my jacket." her brows furrowed slightly as she noticed his damp hair. for a moment there, she regretted having spent the last hour getting dolled up for this ... occasion.
"did i come at the wrong time? you don't really look like you're ready to host a guest."
the magic of love is you don't ever feel hungry or tired or bored or lonely. the science behind it is your brain's too rushed with endorphins to think about anything else. your brain too addled with serotonin, nothing exists outside that one person. and when they're gone—when you've pushed them away because your father was right, disappointing people is the only thing you do well—the trick is to see their face everywhere you go. imagine that one person is everyone, think of them when you think of anyone. you can suck out enough happiness from the memory of them to get by.
it's no way to live, but when everyone around you dies, your body starts to think you're next and goes into survival mode. everything turning to dust and slipping between your fingers fast, when all you've ever known is control, nothing exists outside grappling for it.
won's gaze drags slow, like the hour hand of a broken clock. perpetually hooded eyes lift back up and he anchors his attention on her face. ayano is beautiful in a way that makes this easy. he steps aside to let her in. "sorry," he says, small smile sweet with apology and cool eyes warm with it. "good thing you're just here to pick up that jacket, right?" the door clicks shut, like a sardonic laugh to punctuate the rhetorical question. part of him has grown bored with their game of coy, part of him wants to see how much longer she'll play. he walks ahead, crossing the cavernous space to reach his closet, his bedroom—tacit instruction to follow, wordless if you want to leave, now would be the time.
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2billion · 1 year
between the jetlag that materialises midway through desultory conversations and the pounding of this head-splittingly loud music reverberating off the walls, the blur of blank faces and empty gestures of cordialities at this party all come to pass her by like a dizzying whirlwind. hyejung barely finds it within her to pay any recognition to even the arm wrapped around her waist all night, belonging to only a stranger she had chosen for arm candy at touchdown, when she came to the realisation that having companionship makes for a better shield than solitude at gaudy functions like this.
and sure, she could have easily skipped out on this. but the irony is that she finds the most twisted sense of comfort in the exact person she thought she wanted to hide herself from, that even this carefully fabricated pretense of dalliance was only a way of seeking him out. because she knew that this way, he wouldn’t be able to keep up his indifference. (and because, like a cliché melodrama, her heart still foolishly craves the one who broke it.) so she stands poised with an affectation of calm, even when she catches him drawing closer from the corner of her eye.
tugging imperceptible strings into place is innate like second nature now, lost in the subtleties when she waits for mister arm candy to head for the washroom to lose herself in the crowd, to go off-track enough such that she positions herself perfectly in his line of sight. and then, turning to look only when his steps come to a halt right beside her. “what do you want?” eyes narrowing, voice weaved in exasperation, and arms stiff across her chest — despite it all, she closes the act without budging from her ice-cold demeanour.
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the ice in her stare, the ire in her voice, stings. curt words blow like cold winds, and it takes everything in him to take it in stride. won takes a deep breath, letting her perfume inebriate him. he can't look at her. despite all the times he has carried the weight of her disappointment, he has never truly been able to bear even the idea of upsetting her. so, he drags his eyes down, gaze walking every dip and curve in sight as if he doesn't already have the landscape of her memorized. he basks in the memory of distant yesterdays. her eyes full of a benevolent warmth, her smiling lips kissed swollen, her breathing heavy in his ear as he paints her soft supple skin with fading reds and lasting purples. an unaware smile bends the corner of his lips as the image enters his mind.
he doesn't want to look at her and see her contempt again. but the conversation has lulled, and, as he does, he'll carve out any excuse to stay beside her. with great effort, won lifts hooded lids to meet her stare. "if i told you, would you give it to me?" he returns, leaning imperceptibly closer. the silence stretches long enough for an answer to be thought, but not long enough for one to be spoken. "i'm more interested in what you want, hyejung," he says. won glances to her date, standing on the opposite end of the room. he grimaces and nearly rolls his eyes. "he hasn't held you once all night," he says keenly. (he can't burn through all the walls of ice he has put up over the last few months overnight. this is the only way he knows how to tell her that he misses her.) "you can't honestly tell me polite charming is satisfying all your needs," he sneers, suddenly so close that he can lower his voice, "a suit of armor makes for a cold bedfellow."
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2billion · 1 year
hello ! ! revamped this guy to make plotting and writing him easier for me. overall the same just slight change to background and personality. i will be messaging ppl he has plots/threads with !!! but hot off the press his new about and plentiful new wcs/plot ideas > > >
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straw (23+) - one of the three people gg reported he hooked up with on the same night. straw was in a long-term relationship with someone else at the time.
sticks (23+) - one of the three people gg reported he hooked up with on the same night.
bricks (23+) - one of the three people gg reported he hooked up with on the same night.
snitch (s' nu subplot) - friend who tipped off gg
step siblings ! ! he has had 4 stepmothers since he was 6 yrs old so they could have been step siblings at any time or even currently.
s'nu subplotettes ! ! he is reliable dad friend who might not always be the nicest but a friend who you know deeply cares for you. would really love for his core friendships/people he trusts most to be within the subplot hehh
big brother mentor (21-23) - would make most sense with someone in the arts or starting a business. someone he met recently who has heard only bad things about him but expectations were subverted when they found out that he's not only quite knowledgable about [thing] but he's also a good and willing teacher. won genuinely likes them and is supportive of them.
lampshaded - someone who dislikes him because [reason] and consistently calls him out on his shit that people usually let slide. everytime he does something bad, they're right there to make sure he gets his comeuppance. one good side effect of having this much friction in a relationship is they know they can count on each other to be real and honest. (i would love a enemies to best friends thing here tbh)
let the bad times roll - probably grew up together. they've seen his many ups and downs. and for some reason, they only like being around him during the downs—probably because he's a lot more fun that way. they've been hanging out a lot again recently.
part of your world - had a very brief but serious relationship where won met all their family and spent a holiday or two with them. they broke up long long ago, so why is he still going out fishing with their dad?
old moneys who look down on him for being new money (even if he might be billions richer than them, you can't buy birthright!)
non rich he looks down on
someone smart who has cracked the code that won can be manipulated into doing anything if they bring his father into it, so they use that on him. high risk high reward.
ex-classmates. people he was in the snu arts program with. maybe they used to be regular study buddies/project making buddies/class partners but now he's left.
was heavily involved in the arts scene pretty much his entire teenage life up until recently (they probably knew him as some up n coming graphic artist/was starting to get into tattoos), so friends he made from there.
he loves clothes, fashion as an art form and will drop 10k$ easy on a single receipt so shopping buddies ! ! or even unwitting sugar bb/dd plot
old party buddy who got caught in the gyeonggi video and suffered huge consequences and is upset he wasn't in the video bcs they knew he was an even bigger partyer than some ppl caught on the tape
current party buddies n they party harddd and really get into some trouble
slept around a lot circa 18-21 yrs old and circa since his dad died-now, so fwbs hook ups flings one night stands many night stands sneaky links regular rotation etc not beating the gossip girl whore allegations in fact supporting them. if you're looking for something ur musezzz can be ashamed of doing, here it is
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2billion · 1 year
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James Baldwin // T.S Elliot // Warsan Shire // Amy Lowell // Into the woods // Taylor Swift // Lorde // The great gatsby (2013 film) // Erin Hanson // Edward Sharpe and the magnetic zeros // The Smiths
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2billion · 1 year
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the bending of your curve is too much the length of your skirt is too much my gaze that moves down is too much you’re too much but I like it
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2billion · 1 year
ayano stared at her phone in utter disbelief.
... or was it shock? maybe appalment was the right word? whatever it may have been, it made her heart skip a beat.
not in the way a message from your loved one would, of course. more so in the way a message from her school friends asking her to sneak into a bar they were way too young for used to make her feel when she was younger.
come to think of it, it wasn't disbelief, nor was it shock or appalment. it was titillation.
way before ayano‘s conscience could tell her not to, she had already replied.
✉ → lee wonjoong how silly of me. thanks for the reminder. i'll pick it up later tonight.
polite words, nothing that could possibly evoke the mere idea that there was more to read between the lines. nothing that could possibly prove that there was actually nothing to be picked up.
just two hours later, ayano sent another text.
✉ → lee wonjoong i'll be there in about five minutes. i better not have to ring your doorbell.
nakamura code for: you better come pick me up at my limousine or i'm going back home.
there's no one around to see (if there was anyone, he still would have been too pleased to notice)—as he reads her reply, he lets free a small, satisfied smile. it's easy enough to while away the time. these days, he always has a hundred-and-one things to do. in the blink of an eye, the sky has begun to turn blue. through window-paneled walls overlooking the city, won watches seoul become a stormy sea of blinking lights.
bzz. bzzz. bzzzz. his phone vibrates itself off the edge of the glass coffee table. he quickly types out a reply, tosses his phone on the couch, then hops into the shower.
✉ → nakamura ayano come up. reception will know you
✉ → nakamura ayano you don't want anyone to see you again do you?
does she? he bounces the question around in his mind. he doesn't know ayano well—besides in the biblical sense—and so, minutes later, as he steps out of the shower, he's still wondering about who she is. what kind of person she really is, what she's really capable of. as he pulls on a black shirt and runs a towel through his damp hair, he wonders if she wants anything from him besides what he has already given her twice before. outside, the rain really starts to pour.
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