1236isa7dasugd928ze · 8 years
shoutout to the students who, in their pursuit of education, cannot afford to even go see a film at the cinema
shoutout to the students who had to give up their dream schools because they couldn’t afford it
shoutout to the students who recycle their stationery year after year
shoutout to the students illegally downloading books and textbooks because they can’t afford even the e-book versions
shoutout to the students living on the cheapest coffee
shoutout to the students who have sewed their bags/backpacks over and over again because they can’t afford a replacement
shoutout to the students working part time and full jobs to make ends meet and pay their bills
shoutout to the students who have to give up their passions, indulgents and going-outs because extra money is hard to come by
shoutout to the students affording to go to school, but too poor to do anything else
shoutout to the students that run themselves thin in the process of getting an education
shoutout to the students that prevail despite all this
shoutout to the students who need to take a break from all of this
you’re great
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1236isa7dasugd928ze · 8 years
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6/100 days of productivity
currently working on advanced functions homework/studying because i have a test on monday! once i finish, i have two chemistry papers to write 😅 but on another note, here’s my bullet journal spread from earlier this week (i tried to make it cute but it just looks messy agh)
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1236isa7dasugd928ze · 8 years
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08.31.16 Muji haul (again) bc I’m a notebook hoarder ~ Also saw Kim Kardashian while shopping today omg 😂
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1236isa7dasugd928ze · 8 years
me when feeling suspiciously relaxed: what responsibility have i forgotten
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1236isa7dasugd928ze · 8 years
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oct 15 | revising, revising, revising again!
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1236isa7dasugd928ze · 8 years
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1236isa7dasugd928ze · 8 years
Celebrate small victories! You deserve it so much! Congrats on reading a whole chapter of your textbook! Congrats on taking a walk when you felt like you needed it! Congrats on that glass of water! Your body needed it! Congrats if you got out of bed today! I’m so proud of you keep it up!
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1236isa7dasugd928ze · 8 years
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I originally planned to post this spread only on my studygram, but you guys told me I should put it here too :D you’re all so sweet, it’s not just the studyblr community, the studygram people are really nice too! (although many people there also have studyblrs :D) I’m still so glad I joined ❤️
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1236isa7dasugd928ze · 8 years
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1236isa7dasugd928ze · 8 years
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I thought I learned my lesson about photographing metallics but I’m such a sucker for gold washi tape rip,,
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1236isa7dasugd928ze · 8 years
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24. 09. 16 // this week involved a lot of tea, korean grammar and angsty poetry (✿◠‿◠) ig: studylustre
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1236isa7dasugd928ze · 8 years
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1236isa7dasugd928ze · 8 years
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17.01.2016 // today feat. my very un-kawaii bullet journal 💁🏼
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1236isa7dasugd928ze · 8 years
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12|10 pink on pink on pink….i had a really good day at uni, having engaging discussions with your peers//teachers is such a pleasure & makes me grateful to be a student everyday!
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1236isa7dasugd928ze · 8 years
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1236isa7dasugd928ze · 8 years
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I bought some pink and cream spray roses earlier today and I paired them with a cranberry english muffin, coffee, and a good book for a nice day in! 🤓☁️ Instagram: kokokourtney
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1236isa7dasugd928ze · 8 years
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October spread <3
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