Knowledge Enthuist
44 posts
Autodidact Mindset
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11thlab · 5 years ago
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This is usually how the story goes. They do not believe you until they do. Keep working, keep grinding and growing. You will soon be the pioneer and mentor to many. https://www.instagram.com/p/B_nwwG6AZC3/?igshid=9etfkab189uq
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11thlab · 5 years ago
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Many are lost to the rat race of life. Working 9-5, going home, waking up and repeating the process for 30+ years. Do you want more? Do you wish to control your time and life? If so, you will have to be willing to do what 95% of individuals are not willing to do. Make the decision. https://www.instagram.com/p/B_nvzVLAvma/?igshid=g5z37wejx5tv
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11thlab · 5 years ago
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Many are lost to the rat race of life. Working 9-5, going home, waking up and repeating the process for 30+ years. Do you want more? Do you wish to control your time and life? If so, you will have to be willing to do what 95% of individuals are not willing to do. Make a decision. https://www.instagram.com/p/B_nvfrPg5x6/?igshid=tye7g91427z2
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11thlab · 5 years ago
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Sometimes it is the simple small gestures that mean the most and have the greatest impact. Every now and then you may need stop and appreciate those simple yet beautiful things in your life. #lovelife #simplybeautiful #beautiful https://www.instagram.com/p/B_JAV5GnZjB/?igshid=a5rdradif8tw
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11thlab · 5 years ago
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If you are in a relationship with that special someone, celebrate victories together, celebrate milestones together, and always remember to celebrate each other. Life is short and full of adversities along the way, not having to go at it alone, makes it all worth it. #love #reallove #loveforever #timeless https://www.instagram.com/p/B-vO0S8nKOx/?igshid=1g9jry78pfq6a
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11thlab · 5 years ago
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Operating as our higher self is the quickest way to accomplishing our dreams. Visualize yourself writing that book, starting that company, developing that product, then be take intentional steps towards accomplishing that goal. #goalgetter #grinddontstop #higherself #getitdone https://www.instagram.com/p/B-ni_zoHaXJ/?igshid=175xzkzy0z6it
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11thlab · 5 years ago
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Adversity is inevitable. In most cases there is nothing you can do about it. However, you can control your reaction and mindset. Don't let anything or anyone stop you. #keepmovingforward #mindsetiseverything #keepgrinding https://www.instagram.com/p/B-nh7NlH4HL/?igshid=1ss9ut30q88v7
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11thlab · 5 years ago
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The only thing capable of stopping a determined individual is that individual. You have everything you need to be successful, accomplish your greatest desire, and reach your life goal. Make the decision to do so. #keepmovingforward #keepgoing #stayfocused https://www.instagram.com/p/B-coqfLJmjk/?igshid=s40ee89937ov
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11thlab · 5 years ago
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We did not realize how important human touch was until it became detrimental to our individual health. When this is over (we will definitely get through this), shake hands more, hug people more, embrace others as you remember what lacking togetherness felt like during this pandemic. #togethernessisourstrength https://www.instagram.com/p/B-ZqD8rnkpq/?igshid=fevu21avvkmt
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11thlab · 5 years ago
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Covid-19 has changed our human interactions. The question that everyone is asking at this point is "Is this the new normal?" Togetherness/intimacy was once our way of life and now in, what seems like an instance, has been taken away. Since the human touch may be in question for now, raise your words of affection, kindness, and love. Covid-19 may be strong, but our communication abilities are even stronger. We will get though this!!! https://www.instagram.com/p/B-Vkm__nuAK/?igshid=1jl2rke62ahs8
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11thlab · 5 years ago
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It has always been "Yolo" (you only live once), so do not waste it being indecisive.You do not need permission to go after all your dreams. You do not need approval. You a only need to decide then take action. Get confident then get moving. https://www.instagram.com/p/B-PdczQnZkt/?igshid=1hcvr8ofro36d
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11thlab · 5 years ago
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Covid-19 has presented several perspectives. On one hand, it has uncovered some chinks in our country's armour, but for me it has revealed that our togetherness is our greatest strength. Social distancing has allowed me to understand and appreciate how much EVERYONE NEEDS SOMEONE. https://www.instagram.com/p/B-M3inFHMue/?igshid=1qhcxuf50tqml
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11thlab · 5 years ago
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If you want something bad enough, go after it will all your efforts and you will eventually have it. Nothing is more important than actually making the decision of pursuit. You will has to be and continue to be more than any adversity that presents itself. Go around, over, or through !!! https://www.instagram.com/p/B-HqswbnsZu/?igshid=xdg2akx3qrki
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11thlab · 5 years ago
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Life hits you hard sometimes. In some instancs, you can dodge the blows, but sometimes you will get hit. Life sometimes goes by the alias adversity and when operating in this form, it takes no prisoners and does not discriminate. However, not all hope is lost, when you enter into a match with adversity, which is inevitable, you may get some bumps and bruises, but do not give in and do not give up. Fight back by continuing to pursue that which seems daunting, that which seems almost impossible. You will eventually be victorious. https://www.instagram.com/p/B-AweH5Hg5D/?igshid=1xdn7lj6v7rtp
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11thlab · 5 years ago
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Opportunities will present themselves and we have to have the courage to step up and meet those opportunities with courage. Understanding that risk will be involved, but also understanding that by not taking our shot/swing, with are at an even greater risk with doing nothing. Taking the shot, taking the opportunity, leaves nothing to "what if" Earn your badge of courage for the effort given trying to succeed when the opportunity presented itself. Keep climbing, keep shooting your shot, keep swinging, keep going. https://www.instagram.com/p/B-AMH9PnEXe/?igshid=1o2sldkg5f55w
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11thlab · 5 years ago
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Pursuing your dreams will never be a walk in the park, you will certainly face adversities. Its ok to be nervous, its ok to have some hesitations, but pursue those dreams/goals anyway. The decision to take the first step is what separates the average from those in which monuments are built. https://www.instagram.com/p/B99zo1Mn9Zo/?igshid=2eg3lh9wv8zu
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11thlab · 5 years ago
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The person you love, the dream you have, the goal you want to accomplish. Cherish it, go after it, focus on it as if it was your only purpose in life and this will force you to give your greatest efforts. Do not hang your hat on a single accomplishment. Be your highest self in all aspects and every arena. Whether you are loving your spouse or building rockets, give it your absolute best. https://www.instagram.com/p/B97bFKLngaE/?igshid=1o0au6a2xv094
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