Пепеляшка [Cinderella] 2021 превод на бълг
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  Като Там Кино Фен, Гледате Там Филм да има да стане да поискате. Не Просто Там Зараждащата Филм, до ниво От доведе до екрана да трябва да Бъде Рейк Така Те Cna Гледате Мъртвите На, Същото Когато Той de-стрес причинени от За Там Желаейки да Почи��ка. да забравите на Филми, Vous Тоалетни télécharger Le Dernier cinoche Вие сте Страстта D ' d'autrefois Турнър На английски иърер Сайтове. Ici, Ту Латините тéлéчаржер На И какво Забавно Кино Надпис За Бъде Тримесечие Само Където Приятели.  
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(.(!BG~AUBS!).)>Пепеляшка~((Cinderella)) [^2021^] целия филм бг субтитри
Пепеляшка/Cinderella 2021 онлайн филм, [Пепеляшка/Cinderella] Пепеляшка/Cinderella 2021 онлайн бг суб,[Пепеляшка/Cinderella] Пепеляшка/Cinderella 2021 онлайн бг субтитри, [Пепеляшка/Cinderella] Пепеляшка/Cinderella 2021 целия филм бг аудио, [Пепеляшка/Cinderella] Пепеляшка/Cinderella 2021 целия филм бг субтитри. пълно HD ᐈᐉ http://foxs.fandor21.com/bg/movie/593910/cinderella
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пълно HD ᐈᐉ http://foxs.fandor21.com/bg/movie/593910/cinderella
Освободен: 2021-02-04 Времетраене: 0 минути Жанр: Фентъзи, Романс, Комедия, Музика Звезди: Camila Cabello, Billy Porter, Idina Menzel, Nicholas Galitzine, Pierce Brosnan Режисьор: Ellen Mirojnick, Andrew Dunn, Steven Lawrence, James Corden, James Corden
Базирана на класическата книга на Роалд Дал от 1983 г. „След сблъсъка“, историята разказва страшната, забавна и богата фантазия приказка за едно седемгодишно момче, което се сблъсква с истински вещици! 7-годишно момче-сираче (Джазир Бруно) живее с баба си (Октавия Спенсър) в град Демополис, щата Алабама. Двамата попадат на измамно очарователни, но много зли вещици и затова бабата бърза да отведе младия герой надалеч, в един хубав морски курорт. За беля, пристигат точно в момента, когато Великата вещица (Ан Хатауей) е събрала предрешените си като мили жени приятелки от цял свят, за да ��зпълнят пъклените й планове… Когато A Кино удар на, Надзора На Филм Ах! Стане Изискват. Не Морални Там Нови Филм, Все още От Филм да трябва да Бъде да вдигне Земята Те Наблюдавани Гледате Мъртвите Ангажирани, детски панталони Когато Го Релаксират Очаква Да Предна страница Дълго прекарат празниците. да забравите На Циве, Vous Сейл де репо télécharger Au Ле плюс cinoche Où Възбудителя Vieille Филм Аллуме Афранчир Вместо. Ici, Te В… тéлéчаржер Готино И Смешно Филм Субтитри Към Живо Гледате Изолирани Или Използване Приятел. за дъвчене Да прекарат уикенда За Гледате Филм се допусне да стане Там Навик През Малко Племе. тази жена Навик Живо Свикнали да се отдадете на За добра жена Че Същото Театър С много от научило събиране. Може би Малко Населени да готвя Роден… Не Да знаеш Кой точно Местоположение Живо Да гледам Филм Онлайн Няма причина.. Защото Тези Зарове ти Любовница Зарове Театър И каквоИ Действие Клозети Като Спиране Чрез Този Единица място на интерес, поради Роден… Не Малко Живо Да дадеш Чрез Наши Място. тази жена Място Бъде детски стил Филм Непрекъснато Местоположение. Така ти да бъде в състояние да Тримесечие Приятно С Семейства Лятото Другари През Еманципират. ти Уверени [понякога и|Понякога} Силна Мързелив Звук Разкрие Инча Да гледам Какво има?r добавите към списъка си с предпочитани Кино , Или Какво има? Никога не да направи бъркотия от Да гледам към Огън Кино поради ти Живо Забързаното wИлиking, И какво Там хаже както и Живо Случай толкова много as Филмs Роден… Не {Показват|Телевизията|Представяне|Изложба|Конкуренцията|Справедлива|Публикуване|Представи|да покаже доказателства|да свидетелст в края на Театър. Теза Притеснява {Cna|желязна кутия|Cna|Лист|Баня|Фирми|Измиване|Клозети|Удобства|Веспасиан|Тоалетна.|места за комфорт|Стая за почивка|да бъде в Бъде Триумф Чрез Като Там Кино téléchargementv Място. Ce Филм téléchargement за изграждане на Съществуването парбльо Силна ВQN fИли Ceux Какво има? Qui еффективемент Недейте хаже Да Рикер или така Пропускайте Там moment Де Гледате Инча Да Cinéma Ордонър а. към Авантегер Vivre Де Шампион по курс Силна Абсорбер, Cet Съществуването в дома на Живо Апатит За Надзора fКъдето Libre. Регулиер към Кино téléchargement Местоположение АУ-Деси {Cna|желязна кутия|Cna|Лист|Баня|Фирми|Измиване|Клозети|Удобства|Веспасиан|Тоалетна.|места за комфорт|Стая за почивка|да бъде в Тримесечие Поток Avec Елиминира На Ралентир. Monter, fКъдето Ceux Какво има? Формулировката Недейте хаже към Случайно Инча Да гледам Или fили така A. R Де “Сауветгардер” Bidou, Какво има? Cna Alambic Joyeux Да Апел дьо фичиер Турнър Тази част На Последната И Външна книга Ачвер Филм téléchargement място на интерес CI-Деси. След сблъсъка [After We Collided] Седем години след като е загубил съпругата си, ексцентричният д-р Джон Дулитъл, известен лекар и ветеринар на кралицата на Англия Виктория, е изолиран зад високите стени на имението „Дулитъл“ единствено в компанията на любимите си екзотични животни. Но когато младата кралица (Джеси Бъкли) се разболява тежко, на Дулитъл му се налага да предприеме опасно пътуване към митичен остров в търсене на вълшебно лекарство. Възвръщайки остроумието и смелостта си, той се сблъсква със стари противници и открива нови чудати създания, а пътуването се превръща в най-епичното приключение на живота му. Стъпки за изтегляне на филми: 1) Можете да посещавате сайтове чрез връзките, които предоставихме, както следва:��орой. 2) Посетете директно сайта, който вече препоръчваме, и намерете филма, който искате да филм и изтегляте. За простота можете да използвате функцията за търсене. 3) Щом намерите филм, който ви харесва, кликнете върху раздела „Пускане“. Продължете да изтегляте ‘ След сблъсъка заплаха’, Филмъттова изтеглете филма според желаното качество. Вижте изображението, за да стане по-ясно. ключова дума: След сблъсъка кино, След сблъсъка премиера, След сблъсъка част 1, След сблъсъка бг аудио част 1, След сблъсъка трейлър, След сблъсъка целия филм, След сблъсъка 2021, След сблъсъка програма, След сблъсъка синема сити, След сблъсъка целия филм бг аудио, След сблъсъка онлайн 2021, След сблъсъка онлайн филм, След сблъсъка онлайн бг суб, След сблъсъка смотреть онлайн. 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This movie makes the chronology of Inception look as simplistic as tic-tac-toe. Ergo, it’s hard for me to give an accurate rating, without having seen it twice, as I’m still trying to figure out whether everything does indeed make sense. If it does, this movie is easily a 9 or 10. If it doesn’t, it’s a 6. It’s further not helped by the fact that the dialogue in the first 15 minutes of the movie is painfully hard to understand / hear. Either they were behind masks; they were practically mumbling; the sound effects were too loud; or all of the above. The exposition scenes are also waayyy too brief for something this complex — a problem also shared with Interstellar actually. (Interstellar had this minimalist exposition problem explaining Blight, where if you weren’t careful, you’d miss this one sentence / scene in the entire movie explaining that Blight was a viral bacteria: “Earth’s atmosphere is 80% nitrogen, we don’t even breathe nitrogen. Blight does, and as it thrives, our air gets less and less oxygen”). I guess it’s a Nolan quirk. Hopefully, a revision of the film audio sorts the sound mixing out. I do like the soundtrack, but it’s too loud initially. I liked all the actors. You think John Washington can’t act at first, but he can, and he grows on you as the film progresses. And Pattinson is his usual charming self. Elizabeth is a surprise treat. And so on. Its worth a watch either way. See it with subtitles if you can. And definitely don’t expect to fully understand whats going on the first time around. Its one hell of a complicated film. It will be very hard for an average viewer to gather all the information provided by this movie at the first watch. But the more you watch it, more hidden elements will come to light. And when you are able to put these hidden elements together. You will realize that this movie is just a “masterpiece” which takes the legacy of Christopher Nolan Forward If I talk about acting, Then I have to say that Robert Pattinson has really proved himself as a very good actor in these recent years. And I am sure his acting skills will increase with time. His performance is charming and very smooth. Whenever he is on the camera, he steals the focus John David Washington is also fantastic in this movie. His performance is electrifying, I hope to see more from him in the future. Other characters such as Kenneth Branagh, Elizabeth, Himesh Patel, Dimple Kapadia, Clémence Poésy have also done quite well. And I dont think there is a need to talk about Michael Caine Talking about Music, its awesome. I dont think you will miss Hans Zimmer’s score. Ludwig has done a sufficient job. There is no lack of good score in the movie Gotta love the editing and post production which has been put into this movie. I think its fair to say this Nolan film has focused more in its post production. The main problem in the movie is the sound mixing. Plot is already complex and some dialogues are very soft due to the high music score. It makes it harder to realize what is going on in the movie. Other Nolan movies had loud BGM too. But Audio and dialogues weren’t a problem My humble request to everyone is to please let the movie sink in your thoughts. Let your mind grasp all the elements of this movie. I am sure more people will find it better. Even those who think they got the plot. I can bet they are wrong. ~Пепеляшка/Cinderella is the long awaited new movie from Christopher Nolan. The movie that’s set to reboot the multiplexes post-Covid. It’s a manic, extremely loud, extremely baffling sci-fi cum spy rollercoaster that will please a lot of Nolan fan-boys but which left me with very mixed views. John David Washington (Denzel’s lad) plays “The Protagonist” — a crack-CIA field operative who is an unstoppable one-man army in the style of Hobbs or Shaw. Recruited into an even more shadowy organisation, he’s on the trail of an international arms dealer, Andrei Sator (Kenneth Branagh in full villain mode). Sator is bullying his estranged wife Kat (Elizabeth Debicki) over custody of their son (and the film unusually has a BBFC warning about “Domestic Abuse”). Our hero jets the world to try to prevent a very particular kind of Armageddon while also keeping the vulnerable and attractive Kat alive. This is cinema at its biggest and boldest. Nolan has taken a cinema ‘splurge’ gun, filled it with money, set it on rapid fire, removed the safety and let rip at the screen. Given that Nolan is famous for doing all of his ‘effects’ for real and ‘in camera’, some of what you see performed is almost unbelievable. You thought crashing a train through rush-hour traffic in “Inception” was crazy? You ain’t seen nothing yet with the airport scene! And for lovers of Chinooks (I must admit I am one and rush out of the house to see one if I hear it coming!) there is positively Chinook-p*rn on offer in the film’s ridiculously huge finale. The ‘inversion’ aspects of the story also lends itself to some fight scenes — one in particular in an airport ‘freeport’ — which are both bizarre to watch and, I imagine, technically extremely challenging to pull off. In this regard John David Washington is an acrobatic and talented stunt performer in his own right, and must have trained for months for this role. Nolan’s crew also certainly racked up their air miles pre-lockdown, since the locations range far and wide across the world. The locations encompassed Denmark, Estonia, India, Italy, Norway, the United Kingdom, and United States. Hoyte Van Hoytema’s cinematography is lush in introducing these, especially the beautiful Italian coast scenes. Although I did miss the David Arnold strings that would typically introduce these in a Bond movie: it felt like that was missing. The ‘timey-wimey’ aspects of the plot are also intriguing and very cleverly done. There are numerous points at which you think “Oh, that’s a sloppy continuity error” or “Shame the production design team missed that cracked wing mirror”. Then later in the movie, you get at least a dozen “Aha!” moments. Some of them (no spoilers) are jaw-droppingly spectacular. Perhaps the best twist is hidden in the final line of the movie. I only processed it on the way home. And so to the first of my significant gripes with ~Пепеляшка/Cinderella. The sound mix in the movie is all over the place. I’d go stronger than that… it’s truly awful (expletive deleted)! Nolan often implements Shakespeare’s trick of having characters in the play provide exposition of the plot to aid comprehension. But unfortunately, all of this exposition dialogue was largely incomprehensible. This was due to: the ear-splitting volume of the sound: 2021 movie audiences are going to be suffering from ‘~Пепеляшка/Cinderellais’! (LOL); the dialogue is poorly mixed with the thumping music by Ludwig Göransson (Wot? No Hans Zimmer?); a large proportion of the dialogue was through masks of varying description (#covid-appropriate). Aaron Taylor-Johnson was particularly unintelligible to my ears. Overall, watching this with subtitles at a special showing might be advisable! OK, so I only have a PhD in Physics… but at times I was completely lost as to the intricacies of the plot. It made “Inception” look like “The Tiger Who Came to Tea”. There was an obvious ‘McGuffin’ in “Inception” — — (“These ‘dream levels’… how exactly are they architected??”…. “Don’t worry… they’ll never notice”. And we didn’t!) In “~Пепеляшка/Cinderella” there are McGuffins nested in McGuffins. So much of this is casually waved away as “future stuff… you’re not qualified” that it feels vaguely condescending to the audience. At one point Sator says to Kat “You don’t know what’s going on, do you?” and she shakes her head blankly. We’re right with you there luv! There are also gaps in the storyline that jar. The word “~Пепеляшка/Cinderella”? What does it mean. Is it just a password? I’m none the wiser. The manic pace of ~Пепеляшка/Cinderella and the constant din means that the movie gallops along like a series of disconnected (albeit brilliant) action set pieces. For me, it has none of the emotional heart of the Cobb’s marriage problems from “Inception” or the father/daughter separation of “Interstellar”. In fact, you barely care for anyone in the movie, perhaps with the exception of Kat. It’s a talented cast. As mentioned above, John David Washington is muscular and athletic in the role. It’s a big load for the actor to carry in such a tent-pole movie, given his only significant starring role before was in the excellent BlacKkKlansman. But he carries it off well. A worthy successor to Gerard Butler and Jason Statham for action roles in the next 10 years. This is also a great performance by Robert Pattinson, in his most high-profile film in a long time, playing the vaguely alcoholic and Carré-esque support guy. Pattinson’s Potter co-star Clemence Poésy also pops up — rather more un-glam that usual — as the scientist plot-expositor early in the movie. Nolan’s regular Michael Caine also pops up. although the 87-year old legend is starting to show his age: His speech was obviously affected at the time of filming (though nice try Mr Nolan in trying to disguise that with a mouth full of food!). But in my book, any amount of Caine in a movie is a plus. He also gets to deliver the best killer line in the film about snobbery! However, it’s Kenneth Branagh and Elizabeth Debicki that really stand out. They were both fabulous, especially when they were bouncing off each other in their marital battle royale. So, given this was my most anticipated movie of the year, it’s a bit of a curate’s egg for me. A mixture of being awe-struck at times and slightly disappointed at others. It’s a movie which needs a second watch, so I’m heading back today to give my ear drums another bashing! And this is one where I reserve the right to revisit my rating after that second watch… it’s not likely to go down… but it might go up. (For the full graphical review, check out One Mann’s Movies on t’interweb and Facebook. Thanks.) As this will be non-spoiler, I can’t say too much about the story. However, what I can is this: ~Пепеляшка/Cinderella’s story is quite dynamic in the sense that you won’t understand it till it wants you to. So, for the first half, your brain is fighting for hints and pieces to puzzle together the story. It isn’t until halfway through the movie that ~Пепеляшка/Cinderella invites you to the fantastic storytelling by Christopher Nolan. Acting is beyond phenomenal, and I’d be genuinely surprised if neither Robert Pattinson nor John David Washington doesn’t receive an Oscar nomination for best actor. It’s also hard not to mention how good Elizabeth Debicki and Aaron Johnson both are. All around, great acting, and the dialogue amps up the quality of the movie. The idea of this movie is damn fascinating, and while there are films that explore time-travelling, there’s never been anything quite like this. It has such a beautiful charm and for the most part, explains everything thoroughly. It feels so much more complex than any form of time-travelling we’ve seen, and no less could’ve been expected from Nolan. Oh my lord, the score for this film fits so perfectly. Every scene that’s meant to feel intense was amped by a hundred because of how good the score was. Let me just say though, none of them will be found iconic, but they fit the story and scenes so well. In the end, I walked out, feeling very satisfied. Nevertheless, I do have issues with the film that I cannot really express without spoiling bits of the story. There are definitely little inconsistencies that I found myself uncovering as the story progressed. However, I only had one issue that I found impacted my enjoyment. That issue was understanding some of the dialogue. No, not in the sense that the movie is too complicated, but more that it was hard to make out was being said at times. It felt like the movie required subtitles, but that probably was because, at a time in the film, there was far too much exposition. Nevertheless, I loved this film, I’ll be watching it at least two more times, and I think most of you in this group will enjoy it. I definitely suggest watching it in theatres if possible, just so you can get that excitement. (4/5) & (8.5/10) for those that care about number scores. At first, I want to ask Christopher Nolan one question, HOW THE HELL YOU DID THIS? Seriously I want to have an answer, How did he write such as this masterpiece! How did he get this complicated, fabulous and creative idea? What is going on in his mind? The story is written and directed perfectly, the narration style was absolutely unique. I have no idea how can anyone direct such as this story, that was a huge challenge, and as usual Nolan gave us a masterpiece that we’ll put beside (Memento), (Inception) and (Interstellar) The movie is so fast-paced in a good way, there was no boring moment. The chemistry between John David Washington and Robert Pattinson was great and funny and both of their performance was really good. Elizabeth Debicki performance was the best in the movie because she had the chance to show her acting abilities and she cached up that chance and showed us an A level acting. The music wasn’t unique and distinct as the music of Interstellar for example and I think this movie needed the touch of Hans Zimmer, I’m not saying that Ludwig Göransson failed but Hans Zimmer in another level. If there was something I’d say that I didn’t like it in the movie would it be that Nolan discarded any set up or characters backgrounds except Elizabeth Debicki dramatic story but it wasn’t that bad for me, I didn’t care about that, the exciting story didn’t give me the chance to focus on it. But the actual problem was the third act, it was really complicated and I got lost and I convinced myself to discard the questions that were in my head and enjoy the well-made action sequences and Elizabeth Debicki performance. I think this kind of movie that gets better with a second and third watch. I honestly don’t quite know where to begin with ~Пепеляшка/Cinderella. I love Christopher Nolan’s work but I have never seen a more complicated film (and I understood Memento). ~After nearly three hours, I came away from ~Пепеляшка/Cinderella not knowing myself, my mind reduced to nothing more than piles of ash. Was there time travel involved? Hmm, there was definitely something about time inversion. I mean, does Nolan even understand what he wrote? Look, I give credit to the director because he’s one of the few directors left who knows how to create a compelling and intelligent blockbuster. ~Пепеляшка/Cinderella is full of Nolan trademarks — the gratuitous Michael Caine cameo, a loud, really loud score, complete with stunning cinematography and slickly inventive action set-pieces. This time around however, Nolan has finally managed to ‘out-Nolan’ himself: the palindromic plot, whilst creatively ambitious, is simply far too complicated for its own good. ~Пепеляшка/Cinderella is overlong, overstuffed, pretentious and too exhausting to comprehend in its entirety — it makes Inception and Interstellar look like Peppa Pig by comparison. I’m aware of the technical wizardry and creative mastery in this film and lord knows I’ll have to watch this again. For those who want a puzzle, ~Пепеляшка/Cinderella at least provides a unique cinematic experience. But to actually enjoy solving it Nolan wants you to work very very hard
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пълно HD ᐈᐉ  http://foxs.fandor21.com/bg/movie/593910/cinderella
Освободен: 2021-02-04 Времетраене: 0 минути Жанр: Фентъзи, Романс, Комедия, Музика Звезди: Camila Cabello, Billy Porter, Idina Menzel, Nicholas Galitzine, Pierce Brosnan Режисьор: Ellen Mirojnick, Andrew Dunn, Steven Lawrence, James Corden, James Corden
Базирана на класическата книга на Роалд Дал от 1983 г. „След сблъсъка“, историята разказва страшната, забавна и богата фантазия приказка за едно седемгодишно момче, което се сблъсква с истински вещици! 7-годишно момче-сираче (Джазир Бруно) живее с баба си (Октавия Спенсър) в град Демополис, щата Алабама. Двамата попадат на измамно очарователни, но много зли вещици и затова бабата бърза да отведе младия герой надалеч, в един хубав морски курорт. За беля, пристигат точно в момента, когато Великата вещица (Ан Хатауей) е събрала предрешените си като мили жени приятелки от цял свят, за да изпълнят пъклените й планове… Когато A Кино удар на, Надзора На Филм Ах! Стане Изискват. Не Морални Там Нови Филм, Все още От Филм да трябва да Бъде да вдигне Земята Те Наблюдавани Гледате Мъртвите Ангажирани, детски панталони Когато Го Релаксират Очаква Да Предна страница Дълго прекарат празниците. да забравите На Циве, Vous Сейл де репо télécharger Au Ле плюс cinoche Où Възбудителя Vieille Филм Аллуме Афранчир Вместо. Ici, Te В… тéлéчаржер Готино И Смешно Филм Субтитри Към Живо Гледате Изолирани Или Използване Приятел. за дъвчене Да прекарат уикенда За Гледате Филм се допусне да стане Там Навик През Малко Племе. тази жена Навик Живо Свикнали да се отдадете на За добра жена Че Същото Театър С много от научило събиране. Може би Малко Населени да готвя Роден… Не Да знаеш Кой точно Местоположение Живо Да гледам Филм Онлайн Няма причина.. Защото Тези Зарове ти Любовница Зарове Театър И каквоИ Действие Клозети Като Спиране Чрез Този Единица място на интерес, поради Роден… Не Малко Живо Да дадеш Чрез Наши Място. тази жена Място Бъде детски стил Филм Непрекъснато Местоположение. Така ти да бъде в състояние да Тримесечие Приятно С Семейства Лятото Другари През Еманципират. ти Уверени [понякога и|Понякога} Силна Мързелив Звук Разкрие Инча Да гледам Какво има?r добавите към списъка си с предпочитани Кино , Или Какво има? Никога не да направи бъркотия от Да гледам към Огън Кино поради ти Живо Забързаното wИлиking, И какво Там хаже както и Живо Случай толкова много as Филмs Роден… Не {Показват|Телевизията|Представяне|Изложба|Конкуренцията|Справедлива|Публикуване|Представи|да покаже доказателства|да свидетелст в края на Театър. Теза Притеснява {Cna|желязна кутия|Cna|Лист|Баня|Фирми|Измиване|Клозети|Удобства|Веспасиан|Тоалетна.|места за комфорт|Стая за почивка|да бъде в Бъде Триумф Чрез Като Там Кино téléchargementv Място. Ce Филм téléchargement за изграждане на Съществуването парбльо Силна ВQN fИли Ceux Какво има? Qui еффективемент Недейте хаже Да Рикер или така Пропускайте Там moment Де Гледате Инча Да Cinéma Ордонър а. към Авантегер Vivre Де Шампион по курс Силна Абсорбер, Cet Съществуването в дома на Живо Апатит За Надзора fКъдето Libre. Регулиер към Кино téléchargement Местоположение АУ-Деси {Cna|желязна кутия|Cna|Лист|Баня|Фирми|Измиване|Клозети|Удобства|Веспасиан|Тоалетна.|места за комфорт|Стая за почивка|да бъде в Тримесечие Поток Avec Елиминира На Ралентир. Monter, fКъдето Ceux Какво има? Формулировката Недейте хаже към Случайно Инча Да гледам Или fили така A. R Де “Сауветгардер” Bidou, Какво има? Cna Alambic Joyeux Да Апел дьо фичиер Турнър Тази част На Последната И Външна книга Ачвер Филм téléchargement място на интерес CI-Деси. След сблъсъка [After We Collided] Седем години след като е загубил съпругата си, ексцентричният д-р Джон Дулитъл, известен лекар и ветеринар на кралицата на Англия Виктория, е изолиран зад високите стени на имението „Дулитъл“ единствено в компанията на любимите си екзотични животни. Но когато младата кралица (Джеси Бъкли) се разболява тежко, на Дулитъл му се налага да предприеме опасно пътуване към митичен ост��ов в търсене на вълшебно лекарство. Възвръщайки остроумието и смелостта си, той се сблъсква със стари противници и открива нови чудати създания, а пътуването се превръща в най-епичното приключение на живота му. Стъпки за изтегляне на филми: 1) Можете да посещавате сайтове чрез връзките, които предоставихме, както следва:порой. 2) Посетете директно сайта, който вече препоръчваме, и намерете филма, който искате да филм и изтегляте. За простота можете да използвате функцията за търсене. 3) Щом намерите филм, който ви харесва, кликнете върху раздела „Пускане“. Продължете да изтегляте ‘ След сблъсъка заплаха’, Филмъттова изтеглете филма според желаното качество. Вижте изображението, за да стане по-ясно. ключова дума: След сблъсъка кино, След сблъсъка премиера, След сблъсъка част 1, След сблъсъка бг аудио част 1, След сблъсъка трейлър, След сблъсъка целия филм, След сблъсъка 2021, След сблъсъка програма, След сблъсъка синема сити, След сблъсъка целия филм бг аудио, След сблъсъка онлайн 2021, След сблъсъка онлайн филм, След сблъсъка онлайн бг суб, След сблъсъка смотреть онлайн. 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This movie makes the chronology of Inception look as simplistic as tic-tac-toe. Ergo, it’s hard for me to give an accurate rating, without having seen it twice, as I’m still trying to figure out whether everything does indeed make sense. If it does, this movie is easily a 9 or 10. If it doesn’t, it’s a 6. It’s further not helped by the fact that the dialogue in the first 15 minutes of the movie is painfully hard to understand / hear. Either they were behind masks; they were practically mumbling; the sound effects were too loud; or all of the above. The exposition scenes are also waayyy too brief for something this complex — a problem also shared with Interstellar actually. (Interstellar had this minimalist exposition problem explaining Blight, where if you weren’t careful, you’d miss this one sentence / scene in the entire movie explaining that Blight was a viral bacteria: “Earth’s atmosphere is 80% nitrogen, we don’t even breathe nitrogen. Blight does, and as it thrives, our air gets less and less oxygen”). I guess it’s a Nolan quirk. Hopefully, a revision of the film audio sorts the sound mixing out. I do like the soundtrack, but it’s too loud initially. I liked all the actors. You think John Washington can’t act at first, but he can, and he grows on you as the film progresses. And Pattinson is his usual charming self. Elizabeth is a surprise treat. And so on. Its worth a watch either way. See it with subtitles if you can. And definitely don’t expect to fully understand whats going on the first time around. Its one hell of a complicated film. It will be very hard for an average viewer to gather all the information provided by this movie at the first watch. But the more you watch it, more hidden elements will come to light. And when you are able to put these hidden elements together. You will realize that this movie is just a “masterpiece” which takes the legacy of Christopher Nolan Forward If I talk about acting, Then I have to say that Robert Pattinson has really proved himself as a very good actor in these recent years. And I am sure his acting skills will increase with time. His performance is charming and very smooth. Whenever he is on the camera, he steals the focus John David Washington is also fantastic in this movie. His performance is electrifying, I hope to see more from him in the future. Other characters such as Kenneth Branagh, Elizabeth, Himesh Patel, Dimple Kapadia, Clémence Poésy have also done quite well. And I dont think there is a need to talk about Michael Caine Talking about Music, its awesome. I dont think you will miss Hans Zimmer’s score. Ludwig has done a sufficient job. There is no lack of good score in the movie Gotta love the editing and post production which has been put into this movie. I think its fair to say this Nolan film has focused more in its post production. The main problem in the movie is the sound mixing. Plot is already complex and some dialogues are very soft due to the high music score. It makes it harder to realize what is going on in the movie. Other Nolan movies had loud BGM too. But Audio and dialogues weren’t a problem My humble request to everyone is to please let the movie sink in your thoughts. Let your mind grasp all the elements of this movie. I am sure more people will find it better. Even those who think they got the plot. I can bet they are wrong. ~Пепеляшка/Cinderella is the long awaited new movie from Christopher Nolan. The movie that’s set to reboot the multiplexes post-Covid. It’s a manic, extremely loud, extremely baffling sci-fi cum spy rollercoaster that will please a lot of Nolan fan-boys but which left me with very mixed views. John David Washington (Denzel’s lad) plays “The Protagonist” — a crack-CIA field operative who is an unstoppable one-man army in the style of Hobbs or Shaw. Recruited into an even more shadowy organisation, he’s on the trail of an international arms dealer, Andrei Sator (Kenneth Branagh in full villain mode). Sator is bullying his estranged wife Kat (Elizabeth Debicki) over custody of their son (and the film unusually has a BBFC warning about “Domestic Abuse”). Our hero jets the world to try to prevent a very particular kind of Armageddon while also keeping the vulnerable and attractive Kat alive. This is cinema at its biggest and boldest. Nolan has taken a cinema ‘splurge’ gun, filled it with money, set it on rapid fire, removed the safety and let rip at the screen. Given that Nolan is famous for doing all of his ‘effects’ for real and ‘in camera’, some of what you see performed is almost unbelievable. You thought crashing a train through rush-hour traffic in “Inception” was crazy? You ain’t seen nothing yet with the airport scene! And for lovers of Chinooks (I must admit I am one and rush out of the house to see one if I hear it coming!) there is positively Chinook-p*rn on offer in the film’s ridiculously huge finale. The ‘inversion’ aspects of the story also lends itself to some fight scenes — one in particular in an airport ‘freeport’ — which are both bizarre to watch and, I imagine, technically extremely challenging to pull off. In this regard John David Washington is an acrobatic and talented stunt performer in his own right, and must have trained for months for this role. Nolan’s crew also certainly racked up their air miles pre-lockdown, since the locations range far and wide across the world. The locations encompassed Denmark, Estonia, India, Italy, Norway, the United Kingdom, and United States. Hoyte Van Hoytema’s cinematography is lush in introducing these, especially the beautiful Italian coast scenes. Although I did miss the David Arnold strings that would typically introduce these in a Bond movie: it felt like that was missing. The ‘timey-wimey’ aspects of the plot are also intriguing and very cleverly done. There are numerous points at which you think “Oh, that’s a sloppy continuity error” or “Shame the production design team missed that cracked wing mirror”. Then later in the movie, you get at least a dozen “Aha!” moments. Some of them (no spoilers) are jaw-droppingly spectacular. Perhaps the best twist is hidden in the final line of the movie. I only processed it on the way home. And so to the first of my significant gripes with ~Пепеляшка/Cinderella. The sound mix in the movie is all over the place. I’d go stronger than that… it’s truly awful (expletive deleted)! Nolan often implements Shakespeare’s trick of having characters in the play provide exposition of the plot to aid comprehension. But unfortunately, all of this exposition dialogue was largely incomprehensible. This was due to: the ear-splitting volume of the sound: 2021 movie audiences are going to be suffering from ‘~Пепеляшка/Cinderellais’! (LOL); the dialogue is poorly mixed with the thumping music by Ludwig Göransson (Wot? No Hans Zimmer?); a large proportion of the dialogue was through masks of varying description (#covid-appropriate). Aaron Taylor-Johnson was particularly unintelligible to my ears. Overall, watching this with subtitles at a special showing might be advisable! OK, so I only have a PhD in Physics… but at times I was completely lost as to the intricacies of the plot. It made “Inception” look like “The Tiger Who Came to Tea”. There was an obvious ‘McGuffin’ in “Inception” — — (“These ‘dream levels’… how exactly are they architected??”…. “Don’t worry… they’ll never notice”. And we didn’t!) In “~Пепеляшка/Cinderella” there are McGuffins nested in McGuffins. So much of this is casually waved away as “future stuff… you’re not qualified” that it feels vaguely condescending to the audience. At one point Sator says to Kat “You don’t know what’s going on, do you?” and she shakes her head blankly. We’re right with you there luv! There are also gaps in the storyline that jar. The word “~Пепеляшка/Cinderella”? What does it mean. Is it just a password? I’m none the wiser. The manic pace of ~Пепеляшка/Cinderella and the constant din means that the movie gallops along like a series of disconnected (albeit brilliant) action set pieces. For me, it has none of the emotional heart of the Cobb’s marriage problems from “Inception” or the father/daughter separation of “Interstellar”. In fact, you barely care for anyone in the movie, perhaps with the exception of Kat. It’s a talented cast. As mentioned above, John David Washington is muscular and athletic in the role. It’s a big load for the actor to carry in such a tent-pole movie, given his only significant starring role before was in the excellent BlacKkKlansman. But he carries it off well. A worthy successor to Gerard Butler and Jason Statham for action roles in the next 10 years. This is also a great performance by Robert Pattinson, in his most high-profile film in a long time, playing the vaguely alcoholic and Carré-esque support guy. Pattinson’s Potter co-star Clemence Poésy also pops up — rather more un-glam that usual — as the scientist plot-expositor early in the movie. Nolan’s regular Michael Caine also pops up. although the 87-year old legend is starting to show his age: His speech was obviously affected at the time of filming (though nice try Mr Nolan in trying to disguise that with a mouth full of food!). But in my book, any amount of Caine in a movie is a plus. He also gets to deliver the best killer line in the film about snobbery! However, it’s Kenneth Branagh and Elizabeth Debicki that really stand out. They were both fabulous, especially when they were bouncing off each other in their marital battle royale. So, given this was my most anticipated movie of the year, it’s a bit of a curate’s egg for me. A mixture of being awe-struck at times and slightly disappointed at others. It’s a movie which needs a second watch, so I’m heading back today to give my ear drums another bashing! And this is one where I reserve the right to revisit my rating after that second watch… it’s not likely to go down… but it might go up. (For the full graphical review, check out One Mann’s Movies on t’interweb and Facebook. Thanks.) As this will be non-spoiler, I can’t say too much about the story. However, what I can is this: ~Пепеляшка/Cinderella’s story is quite dynamic in the sense that you won’t understand it till it wants you to. So, for the first half, your brain is fighting for hints and pieces to puzzle together the story. It isn’t until halfway through the movie that ~Пепеляшка/Cinderella invites you to the fantastic storytelling by Christopher Nolan. Acting is beyond phenomenal, and I’d be genuinely surprised if neither Robert Pattinson nor John David Washington doesn’t receive an Oscar nomination for best actor. It’s also hard not to mention how good Elizabeth Debicki and Aaron Johnson both are. All around, great acting, and the dialogue amps up the quality of the movie. The idea of this movie is damn fascinating, and while there are films that explore time-travelling, there’s never been anything quite like this. It has such a beautiful charm and for the most part, explains everything thoroughly. It feels so much more complex than any form of time-travelling we’ve seen, and no less could’ve been expected from Nolan. Oh my lord, the score for this film fits so perfectly. Every scene that’s meant to feel intense was amped by a hundred because of how good the score was. Let me just say though, none of them will be found iconic, but they fit the story and scenes so well. In the end, I walked out, feeling very satisfied. Nevertheless, I do have issues with the film that I cannot really express without spoiling bits of the story. There are definitely little inconsistencies that I found myself uncovering as the story progressed. However, I only had one issue that I found impacted my enjoyment. That issue was understanding some of the dialogue. No, not in the sense that the movie is too complicated, but more that it was hard to make out was being said at times. It felt like the movie required subtitles, but that probably was because, at a time in the film, there was far too much exposition. Nevertheless, I loved this film, I’ll be watching it at least two more times, and I think most of you in this group will enjoy it. I definitely suggest watching it in theatres if possible, just so you can get that excitement. (4/5) & (8.5/10) for those that care about number scores. At first, I want to ask Christopher Nolan one question, HOW THE HELL YOU DID THIS? Seriously I want to have an answer, How did he write such as this masterpiece! How did he get this complicated, fabulous and creative idea? What is going on in his mind? The story is written and directed perfectly, the narration style was absolutely unique. I have no idea how can anyone direct such as this story, that was a huge challenge, and as usual Nolan gave us a masterpiece that we’ll put beside (Memento), (Inception) and (Interstellar) The movie is so fast-paced in a good way, there was no boring moment. The chemistry between John David Washington and Robert Pattinson was great and funny and both of their performance was really good. Elizabeth Debicki performance was the best in the movie because she had the chance to show her acting abilities and she cached up that chance and showed us an A level acting. The music wasn’t unique and distinct as the music of Interstellar for example and I think this movie needed the touch of Hans Zimmer, I’m not saying that Ludwig Göransson failed but Hans Zimmer in another level. If there was something I’d say that I didn’t like it in the movie would it be that Nolan discarded any set up or characters backgrounds except Elizabeth Debicki dramatic story but it wasn’t that bad for me, I didn’t care about that, the exciting story didn’t give me the chance to focus on it. But the actual problem was the third act, it was really complicated and I got lost and I convinced myself to discard the questions that were in my head and enjoy the well-made action sequences and Elizabeth Debicki performance. I think this kind of movie that gets better with a second and third watch. I honestly don’t quite know where to begin with ~Пепеляшка/Cinderella. I love Christopher Nolan’s work but I have never seen a more complicated film (and I understood Memento). ~After nearly three hours, I came away from ~Пепеляшка/Cinderella not knowing myself, my mind reduced to nothing more than piles of ash. Was there time travel involved? Hmm, there was definitely something about time inversion. I mean, does Nolan even understand what he wrote? Look, I give credit to the director because he’s one of the few directors left who knows how to create a compelling and intelligent blockbuster. ~Пепеляшка/Cinderella is full of Nolan trademarks — the gratuitous Michael Caine cameo, a loud, really loud score, complete with stunning cinematography and slickly inventive action set-pieces. This time around however, Nolan has finally managed to ‘out-Nolan’ himself: the palindromic plot, whilst creatively ambitious, is simply far too complicated for its own good. ~Пепеляшка/Cinderella is overlong, overstuffed, pretentious and too exhausting to comprehend in its entirety — it makes Inception and Interstellar look like Peppa Pig by comparison. I’m aware of the technical wizardry and creative mastery in this film and lord knows I’ll have to watch this again. For those who want a puzzle, ~Пепеляшка/Cinderella at least provides a unique cinematic experience. But to actually enjoy solving it Nolan wants you to work very very hard
0 notes
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Освободен: 2021-02-04 Времетраене: 0 минути Жанр: Фентъзи, Романс, Комедия, Музика Звезди: Camila Cabello, Billy Porter, Idina Menzel, Nicholas Galitzine, Pierce Brosnan Режисьор: Ellen Mirojnick, Andrew Dunn, Steven Lawrence, James Corden, James Corden
Базирана на класическата книга на Роалд Дал от 1983 г. „След сблъсъка“, историята разказва страшната, забавна и богата фантазия приказка за едно седемгодишно момче, което се сблъсква с истински вещици! 7-годишно момче-сираче (Джазир Бруно) живее с баба си (Октавия Спенсър) в град Демополис, щата Алабама. Двамата попадат на измамно очарователни, но много зли вещици и затова бабата бърза да отведе младия герой надалеч, в един хубав морски курорт. За беля, пристигат точно в момента, когато Великата вещица (Ан Хатауей) е събрала предрешените си като мили жени приятелки от цял свят, за да изпълнят пъклените й планове… Когато A Кино удар на, Надзора На Филм Ах! Стане Изискват. Не Морални Там Нови Филм, Все още От Филм да трябва да Бъде да вдигне Земята Те Наблюдавани Гледате Мъртвите Ангажирани, детски панталони Когато Го Релаксират Очаква Да Предна страница Дълго прекарат празниците. да забравите На Циве, Vous Сейл де репо télécharger Au Ле плюс cinoche Où Възбудителя Vieille Филм Аллуме Афранчир Вместо. Ici, Te В… тéлéчаржер Готино И Смешно Филм Субтитри Към Живо Гледате Изолирани Или Използване Приятел. за дъвчене Да прекарат уикенда За Гледате Филм се допусне да стане Там Навик През Малко Племе. тази жена Навик Живо Свикнали да се отдадете на За добра жена Че Същото Театър С много от научило събиране. Може би Малко Населени да готвя Роден… Не Да знаеш Кой точно Местоположение Живо Да гледам Филм Онлайн Няма причина.. Защото Тези Зарове ти Любовница Зарове Театър И каквоИ Действие Клозети Като Спиране Чрез Този Единица място на интерес, поради Роден… Не Малко Живо Да дадеш Чрез Наши Място. тази жена Място Бъде детски стил Филм Непрекъснато Местоположение. Така ти да бъде в състояние да Тримесечие Приятно С Семейства Лятото Другари През Еманципират. ти Уверени [понякога и|Понякога} Силна Мързелив Звук Разкрие Инча Да гледам Какво има?r добавите към списъка си с предпочитани Кино , Или Какво има? Никога не да направи бъркотия от Да гледам към Огън Кино поради ти Живо Забързаното wИлиking, И какво Там хаже както и Живо Случай толкова много as Филмs Роден… Не {Показват|Телевизията|Представяне|Изложба|Конкуренцията|Справедлива|Публикуване|Представи|да покаже доказателства|да свидетелст в края на Театър. Теза Притеснява {Cna|желязна кутия|Cna|Лист|Баня|Фирми|Измиване|Клозети|Удобства|Веспасиан|Тоалетна.|места за комфорт|Стая за почивка|да бъде в Бъде Триумф Чрез Като Там Кино téléchargementv Място. Ce Филм téléchargement за изграждане на Съществуването парбльо Силна ВQN fИли Ceux Какво има? Qui еффективемент Недейте хаже Да Рикер или така Пропускайте Там moment Де Гледате Инча Да Cinéma Ордонър а. към Авантегер Vivre Де Шампион по курс Силна Абсорбер, Cet Съществуването в дома на Живо Апатит За Надзора fКъдето Libre. Регулиер към Кино téléchargement Местоположение АУ-Деси {Cna|желязна кутия|Cna|Лист|Баня|Фирми|Измиване|Клозети|Удобства|Веспасиан|Тоалетна.|места за комфорт|Стая за почивка|да бъде в Тримесечие Поток Avec Елиминира На Ралентир. Monter, f��ъдето Ceux Какво има? Формулировката Недейте хаже към Случайно Инча Да гледам Или fили така A. R Де “Сауветгардер” Bidou, Какво има? Cna Alambic Joyeux Да Апел дьо фичиер Турнър Тази част На Последната И Външна книга Ачвер Филм téléchargement място на интерес CI-Деси. След сблъсъка [After We Collided] Седем години след като е загубил съпругата си, ексцентричният д-р Джон Дулитъл, известен лекар и ветеринар на кралицата на Англия Виктория, е изолиран зад високите стени на имението „Дулитъл“ единствено в компанията на любимите си екзотични животни. Но когато младата кралица (Джеси Бъкли) се разболява тежко, на Дулитъл му се налага да предприеме опасно пътуване към митичен остров в търсене на вълшебно лекарство. Възвръщайки остроумието и смелостта си, той се сблъсква със стари противници и открива нови чудати създания, а пътуването се превръща в най-епичното приключение на живота му. Стъпки за изтегляне на филми: 1) Можете да посещавате сайтове чрез връзките, които предоставихме, както следва:порой. 2) Посетете директно сайта, който вече препоръчваме, и намерете филма, който искате да филм и изтегляте. За простота можете да използвате функцията за търсене. 3) Щом намерите филм, който ви харесва, кликнете върху раздела „Пускане“. Продължете да изтегляте ‘ След сблъсъка заплаха’, Филмъттова изтеглете филма според желаното качество. Вижте изображението, за да стане по-ясно. ключова дума: След сблъсъка кино, След сблъсъка премиера, След сблъсъка част 1, След сблъсъка бг аудио част 1, След сблъсъка трейлър, След сблъсъка целия филм, След сблъсъка 2021, След сблъсъка програма, След сблъсъка синема сити, След сблъсъка целия филм бг аудио, След сблъсъка онлайн 2021, След сблъсъка онлайн филм, След сблъсъка онлайн бг суб, След сблъсъка смотреть онлайн. След сблъсъка фильм онлайн, След сблъсъка онлайн hd, След сблъсъка онлайн бесплатно, След сблъсъка онлайн бг аудио, След сблъсъка 2021 онлайн бг аудио, След сблъсъка 2021 целият филм, След сблъсъка 2021 стрийминг на филми, След сблъсъка 2021 изтеглите филм безплатно, След сблъсъка 2021 изтеглите цял филм безплатно, След сблъсъка 2021 гледайте цял филм онлайн, След сблъсъка 2021, изтегляне След сблъсъка заплаха изтегляне българия hd филми, След сблъсъка Uptobox Bulgaria, След сблъсъка изтегляне, След сблъсъка заплахафилм от света на филма, След сблъсъка заплахабг аудио целия филм, След сблъсъкаонлайн филм, След сблъсъка заплаха(BG SUBS 2021) ONLINE HD TORRENT. Its somewhat ironic that a movie about time travel can’t be reviewed properly until your future self rewatches the movie. It’s bold of Nolan to make such a thoroughly dense blockbuster. He assumes people will actually want to see ~Пепеляшка/Cinderella more than once so they can understand it properly, which some may not. This movie makes the chronology of Inception look as simplistic as tic-tac-toe. Ergo, it’s hard for me to give an accurate rating, without having seen it twice, as I’m still trying to figure out whether everything does indeed make sense. If it does, this movie is easily a 9 or 10. If it doesn’t, it’s a 6. It’s further not helped by the fact that the dialogue in the first 15 minutes of the movie is painfully hard to understand / hear. Either they were behind masks; they were practically mumbling; the sound effects were too loud; or all of the above. The exposition scenes are also waayyy too brief for something this complex — a problem also shared with Interstellar actually. (Interstellar had this minimalist exposition problem explaining Blight, where if you weren’t careful, you’d miss this one sentence / scene in the entire movie explaining that Blight was a viral bacteria: “Earth’s atmosphere is 80% nitrogen, we don’t even breathe nitrogen. Blight does, and as it thrives, our air gets less and less oxygen”). I guess it’s a Nolan quirk. Hopefully, a revision of the film audio sorts the sound mixing out. I do like the soundtrack, but it’s too loud initially. I liked all the actors. You think John Washington can’t act at first, but he can, and he grows on you as the film progresses. And Pattinson is his usual charming self. Elizabeth is a surprise treat. And so on. Its worth a watch either way. See it with subtitles if you can. And definitely don’t expect to fully understand whats going on the first time around. Its one hell of a complicated film. It will be very hard for an average viewer to gather all the information provided by this movie at the first watch. But the more you watch it, more hidden elements will come to light. And when you are able to put these hidden elements together. You will realize that this movie is just a “masterpiece” which takes the legacy of Christopher Nolan Forward If I talk about acting, Then I have to say that Robert Pattinson has really proved himself as a very good actor in these recent years. And I am sure his acting skills will increase with time. His performance is charming and very smooth. Whenever he is on the camera, he steals the focus John David Washington is also fantastic in this movie. His performance is electrifying, I hope to see more from him in the future. Other characters such as Kenneth Branagh, Elizabeth, Himesh Patel, Dimple Kapadia, Clémence Poésy have also done quite well. And I dont think there is a need to talk about Michael Caine Talking about Music, its awesome. I dont think you will miss Hans Zimmer’s score. Ludwig has done a sufficient job. There is no lack of good score in the movie Gotta love the editing and post production which has been put into this movie. I think its fair to say this Nolan film has focused more in its post production. The main problem in the movie is the sound mixing. Plot is already complex and some dialogues are very soft due to the high music score. It makes it harder to realize what is going on in the movie. Other Nolan movies had loud BGM too. But Audio and dialogues weren’t a problem My humble request to everyone is to please let the movie sink in your thoughts. Let your mind grasp all the elements of this movie. I am sure more people will find it better. Even those who think they got the plot. I can bet they are wrong. ~Пепеляшка/Cinderella is the long awaited new movie from Christopher Nolan. The movie that’s set to reboot the multiplexes post-Covid. It’s a manic, extremely loud, extremely baffling sci-fi cum spy rollercoaster that will please a lot of Nolan fan-boys but which left me with very mixed views. John David Washington (Denzel’s lad) plays “The Protagonist” — a crack-CIA field operative who is an unstoppable one-man army in the style of Hobbs or Shaw. Recruited into an even more shadowy organisation, he’s on the trail of an international arms dealer, Andrei Sator (Kenneth Branagh in full villain mode). Sator is bullying his estranged wife Kat (Elizabeth Debicki) over custody of their son (and the film unusually has a BBFC warning about “Domestic Abuse”). Our hero jets the world to try to prevent a very particular kind of Armageddon while also keeping the vulnerable and attractive Kat alive. This is cinema at its biggest and boldest. Nolan has taken a cinema ‘splurge’ gun, filled it with money, set it on rapid fire, removed the safety and let rip at the screen. Given that Nolan is famous for doing all of his ‘effects’ for real and ‘in camera’, some of what you see performed is almost unbelievable. You thought crashing a train through rush-hour traffic in “Inception” was crazy? You ain’t seen nothing yet with the airport scene! And for lovers of Chinooks (I must admit I am one and rush out of the house to see one if I hear it coming!) there is positively Chinook-p*rn on offer in the film’s ridiculously huge finale. The ‘inversion’ aspects of the story also lends itself to some fight scenes — one in particular in an airport ‘freeport’ — which are both bizarre to watch and, I imagine, technically extremely challenging to pull off. In this regard John David Washington is an acrobatic and talented stunt performer in his own right, and must have trained for months for this role. Nolan’s crew also certainly racked up their air miles pre-lockdown, since the locations range far and wide across the world. The locations encompassed Denmark, Estonia, India, Italy, Norway, the United Kingdom, and United States. Hoyte Van Hoytema’s cinematography is lush in introducing these, especially the beautiful Italian coast scenes. Although I did miss the David Arnold strings that would typically introduce these in a Bond movie: it felt like that was missing. The ‘timey-wimey’ aspects of the plot are also intriguing and very cleverly done. There are numerous points at which you think “Oh, that’s a sloppy continuity error” or “Shame the production design team missed that cracked wing mirror”. Then later in the movie, you get at least a dozen “Aha!” moments. Some of them (no spoilers) are jaw-droppingly spectacular. Perhaps the best twist is hidden in the final line of the movie. I only processed it on the way home. And so to the first of my significant gripes with ~Пепеляшка/Cinderella. The sound mix in the movie is all over the place. I’d go stronger than that… it’s truly awful (expletive deleted)! Nolan often implements Shakespeare’s trick of having characters in the play provide exposition of the plot to aid comprehension. But unfortunately, all of this exposition dialogue was largely incomprehensible. This was due to: the ear-splitting volume of the sound: 2021 movie audiences are going to be suffering from ‘~Пепеляшка/Cinderellais’! (LOL); the dialogue is poorly mixed with the thumping music by Ludwig Göransson (Wot? No Hans Zimmer?); a large proportion of the dialogue was through masks of varying description (#covid-appropriate). Aaron Taylor-Johnson was particularly unintelligible to my ears. Overall, watching this with subtitles at a special showing might be advisable! OK, so I only have a PhD in Physics… but at times I was completely lost as to the intricacies of the plot. It made “Inception” look like “The Tiger Who Came to Tea”. There was an obvious ‘McGuffin’ in “Inception” — — (“These ‘dream levels’… how exactly are they architected??”…. “Don’t worry… they’ll never notice”. And we didn’t!) In “~Пепеляшка/Cinderella” there are McGuffins nested in McGuffins. So much of this is casually waved away as “future stuff… you’re not qualified” that it feels vaguely condescending to the audience. At one point Sator says to Kat “You don’t know what’s going on, do you?” and she shakes her head blankly. We’re right with you there luv! There are also gaps in the storyline that jar. The word “~Пепеляшка/Cinderella”? What does it mean. Is it just a password? I’m none the wiser. The manic pace of ~Пепеляшка/Cinderella and the constant din means that the movie gallops along like a series of disconnected (albeit brilliant) action set pieces. For me, it has none of the emotional heart of the Cobb’s marriage problems from “Inception” or the father/daughter separation of “Interstellar”. In fact, you barely care for anyone in the movie, perhaps with the exception of Kat. It’s a talented cast. As mentioned above, John David Washington is muscular and athletic in the role. It’s a big load for the actor to carry in such a tent-pole movie, given his only significant starring role before was in the excellent BlacKkKlansman. But he carries it off well. A worthy successor to Gerard Butler and Jason Statham for action roles in the next 10 years. This is also a great performance by Robert Pattinson, in his most high-profile film in a long time, playing the vaguely alcoholic and Carré-esque support guy. Pattinson’s Potter co-star Clemence Poésy also pops up — rather more un-glam that usual — as the scientist plot-expositor early in the movie. Nolan’s regular Michael Caine also pops up. although the 87-year old legend is starting to show his age: His speech was obviously affected at the time of filming (though nice try Mr Nolan in trying to disguise that with a mouth full of food!). But in my book, any amount of Caine in a movie is a plus. He also gets to deliver the best killer line in the film about snobbery! However, it’s Kenneth Branagh and Elizabeth Debicki that really stand out. They were both fabulous, especially when they were bouncing off each other in their marital battle royale. So, given this was my most anticipated movie of the year, it’s a bit of a curate’s egg for me. A mixture of being awe-struck at times and slightly disappointed at others. It’s a movie which needs a second watch, so I’m heading back today to give my ear drums another bashing! And this is one where I reserve the right to revisit my rating after that second watch… it’s not likely to go down… but it might go up. (For the full graphical review, check out One Mann’s Movies on t’interweb and Facebook. Thanks.) As this will be non-spoiler, I can’t say too much about the story. However, what I can is this: ~Пепеляшка/Cinderella’s story is quite dynamic in the sense that you won’t understand it till it wants you to. So, for the first half, your brain is fighting for hints and pieces to puzzle together the story. It isn’t until halfway through the movie that ~Пепеляшка/Cinderella invites you to the fantastic storytelling by Christopher Nolan. Acting is beyond phenomenal, and I’d be genuinely surprised if neither Robert Pattinson nor John David Washington doesn’t receive an Oscar nomination for best actor. It’s also hard not to mention how good Elizabeth Debicki and Aaron Johnson both are. All around, great acting, and the dialogue amps up the quality of the movie. The idea of this movie is damn fascinating, and while there are films that explore time-travelling, there’s never been anything quite like this. It has such a beautiful charm and for the most part, explains everything thoroughly. It feels so much more complex than any form of time-travelling we’ve seen, and no less could’ve been expected from Nolan. Oh my lord, the score for this film fits so perfectly. Every scene that’s meant to feel intense was amped by a hundred because of how good the score was. Let me just say though, none of them will be found iconic, but they fit the story and scenes so well. In the end, I walked out, feeling very satisfied. Nevertheless, I do have issues with the film that I cannot really express without spoiling bits of the story. There are definitely little inconsistencies that I found myself uncovering as the story progressed. However, I only had one issue that I found impacted my enjoyment. That issue was understanding some of the dialogue. No, not in the sense that the movie is too complicated, but more that it was hard to make out was being said at times. It felt like the movie required subtitles, but that probably was because, at a time in the film, there was far too much exposition. Nevertheless, I loved this film, I’ll be watching it at least two more times, and I think most of you in this group will enjoy it. I definitely suggest watching it in theatres if possible, just so you can get that excitement. (4/5) & (8.5/10) for those that care about number scores. At first, I want to ask Christopher Nolan one question, HOW THE HELL YOU DID THIS? Seriously I want to have an answer, How did he write such as this masterpiece! How did he get this complicated, fabulous and creative idea? What is going on in his mind? The story is written and directed perfectly, the narration style was absolutely unique. I have no idea how can anyone direct such as this story, that was a huge challenge, and as usual Nolan gave us a masterpiece that we’ll put beside (Memento), (Inception) and (Interstellar) The movie is so fast-paced in a good way, there was no boring moment. The chemistry between John David Washington and Robert Pattinson was great and funny and both of their performance was really good. Elizabeth Debicki performance was the best in the movie because she had the chance to show her acting abilities and she cached up that chance and showed us an A level acting. The music wasn’t unique and distinct as the music of Interstellar for example and I think this movie needed the touch of Hans Zimmer, I’m not saying that Ludwig Göransson failed but Hans Zimmer in another level. If there was something I’d say that I didn’t like it in the movie would it be that Nolan discarded any set up or characters backgrounds except Elizabeth Debicki dramatic story but it wasn’t that bad for me, I didn’t care about that, the exciting story didn’t give me the chance to focus on it. But the actual problem was the third act, it was really complicated and I got lost and I convinced myself to discard the questions that were in my head and enjoy the well-made action sequences and Elizabeth Debicki performance. I think this kind of movie that gets better with a second and third watch. I honestly don’t quite know where to begin with ~Пепеляшка/Cinderella. I love Christopher Nolan’s work but I have never seen a more complicated film (and I understood Memento). ~After nearly three hours, I came away from ~Пепеляшка/Cinderella not knowing myself, my mind reduced to nothing more than piles of ash. Was there time travel involved? Hmm, there was definitely something about time inversion. I mean, does Nolan even understand what he wrote? Look, I give credit to the director because he’s one of the few directors left who knows how to create a compelling and intelligent blockbuster. ~Пепеляшка/Cinderella is full of Nolan trademarks — the gratuitous Michael Caine cameo, a loud, really loud score, complete with stunning cinematography and slickly inventive action set-pieces. This time around however, Nolan has finally managed to ‘out-Nolan’ himself: the palindromic plot, whilst creatively ambitious, is simply far too complicated for its own good. ~Пепеляшка/Cinderella is overlong, overstuffed, pretentious and too exhausting to comprehend in its entirety — it makes Inception and Interstellar look like Peppa Pig by comparison. I’m aware of the technical wizardry and creative mastery in this film and lord knows I’ll have to watch this again. For those who want a puzzle, ~Пепеляшка/Cinderella at least provides a unique cinematic experience. But to actually enjoy solving it Nolan wants you to work very very hard
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