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shifter br ★ loa & shifting acc ★ 🇧🇷
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0nlywithalex · 2 days ago
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0nlywithalex · 3 days ago
Me pretending anything happened after shifted idk how many times in the void state to every dr in the world, except the one i wanted to because i got distracted
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0nlywithalex · 4 days ago
me when i remember that shifting and manifestation exists 🔥🔥🔥🔥
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0nlywithalex · 13 days ago
🌀 Tips about shifting i would like to know before.
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#1 You dont need put effort on it.
Shifting is a natural thing. "Shifting" dont exists, It's just a pointer, the names "dr" "cr" and etc, it's just a thing mind created to put everything on order inside your head. Shifting it's Just a name for a thing you do constantly, and since you're doing it all the time, it's natural, it's not something you can force to happen, because it's already happening. You just need trust yourself and decide you're going woke up there, because you do it every single day without realize! You dont need anything to shifting, because you always do it! Shifting has just been greatly distorted over the years, that's a fact! 2020 be like: DRINK WATER, DONT TO FANFICS ABOUT IT. Like, man, calm down 😭 It just looked like so difficult, a another world thing, but it's not, it's just a natural move.
#2 it's okay to have doubts, to cry and whatever.
Like i said on a post of mine, i am a Very anxious person, really, and at first i just found myself crying sometimes because of it, crying because i thought that if i be this anxious i would NEVER shift, but it doesnt matter actually. Feelings, emotions and etc it's a mind thing, and you're not your mind, you're consciousness AND without counting that it's also a physical thing, and you're not your body, you are consciousness! I already told it once, but thats true. So if you need cry, do it, dont EVER press your feeling because So-and-so said you cant do it.
#3 Shifting it's your journey, not Others.
Don't EVER compare your journey on shifting with the others, like, NEVER. Shifting is self-knowledge too! It's not the end of the world if a person shifted in one week and you dont. You are you, he is he, and it's okay, dont try do everything like the other person if you dont relate with it yk? An example that i always use a lot is: if somebody jumps off the bridge, will you go too?? I dont think so.
#4 You are NOT separate from your dr and your "self" there, you are the same thing.
I always see a lot of people like "how can i connect myself to my dr?" "How can i connect myself with my self from there?" Actually you cant do it, because you ARE CONECTED since day one. you are Conected with ALL realities, i mean it, with all possibilities and yk. Your consciousness here and there is the same (because consciousness is everything), so dont have a "way" to do it.
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0nlywithalex · 13 days ago
You dont need do ANYTHING to shift, just decide.
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Okay, i was in my school today and then i was thinking about how i was trying do something to shift, even though i always thought "you dont need anything, you're already there" and then something pop in my head "why you're trying so much to go somewhere you're already at? Why i am trying reach somewhere if i am actually everything?"
I've always been a anxious person, thinking on how and why, i was like "okay... i know i'm there...but okay- i Cant overthink about it... it's creating a "False sense of lack" (even though that dont even exist) BUT... We are constantly shifting! You're shifting even thinking on how you need methods, subliminals bla bla bla, you're shifting without even notice. All you need to shift (consciously talking) is DECIDE! When you're going to sleep, you decide to wake up here, you always decide it "oh, okay, Tomorrow i'll wake up here...and do it, do that" it's just do the same with your dr. You just need to Trust yourself, you just need to know you're waking up there by the morning yk?
No need to do a ritual, methods, Starfish position or whatever, you just need decide.
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0nlywithalex · 16 days ago
🪐 Shifting is easy, you don't need to struggle against it.
Shifting is easy and natural, you shift constantly, you shifted now..now..now again. You're constantly shifting in this "cr" (In quotes since this cr is also a dr) you just dont notice it yk? And yet you're doing it, you're not forcing anything because shifting dont requires effort!! you need effort to breathe? You need methods to breathe? I dont think so. Relax a bit, you're shifting every. single. minute!
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0nlywithalex · 17 days ago
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this is probably how my irls view me whenever i try to talk about the creative power of humanity, how their thoughts shape their reality and that the only limitation we have is our own imagination
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0nlywithalex · 17 days ago
ok so like. there is literally nothing noble about acting like people are pathetic for struggling with loa or shifting. nothing sexy or glamorous or spiritually superior about looking at someone who is scared, or tired, or full of doubt, and going “lol u just don’t want it enough.” that’s not tough love. that’s just being a dick.
people are human. people doubt. people have bad days. people break down. the world is exhausting and sometimes believing in yourself feels impossible. and there is nothing weak or shameful about that. what’s weak is pretending you’re above it.
like congratulations. you���ve successfully convinced yourself that empathy is cringe. do you want a medal. a statue. a little parade in your honour where everyone claps bc you were mean to a stranger on the internet for struggling with something that is seen as occultist or schizophrenic or weird????????
real power is knowing that you are limitless and still holding space for people who are learning that. real power is saying “this shit is real, you can do it, and i’m not gonna act like you’re dirt for struggling.”
stop making basic human emotions a moral failing. you are not the main character for having a god complex and no compassion.
people are gonna struggle. some aren’t. good job for being a master manifestor . no hate or anything, genuinely. just. idk. be more……understanding, maybe?????? LIKE THIS SHIT CAN BE EXHAUSTING !!!
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0nlywithalex · 17 days ago
How i feel after saying "universe is my suggar daddy" knowing damn well that i am the universe:
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0nlywithalex · 18 days ago
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if you practice loa but have "difficulties" stay here.
First of all, you DONT have any difficulties, and you're not doing ANYTHING wrong.
★ ⌇ᝰ How to manifest fast and now
We are ALWAYS manifesting something, and let me tell ya, dont exist process or time to manifest something, because everything happens here and right now! "But i'm not seeing in my 3d" girl ☝️ no.
i was seeing a post those days, and yk, i dont remember exactly what was that but it had a phrase like "Yk the void state? People usually ""go"" there because everything manifest fast there, but the void is when you get at you pure cousciousness state, and you are the cousciousness, so you always manifest everything at time, but the 3d is making ""a storie"" yk? It just hits different, you're always manifesting something, the thing you manifested? You already have it, literally, but the 3d is making a storie! Your Desire is happening, right here and right now, there's no process!
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★ ⌇ᝰ Anxiety, doubt and obsession over you desire doesn't get in the way of anything.
Anxiety, fear and etc is a physical thing, and you are your body or you are pure consciousness? If you be anxious over it and then be like "oh, now i wont get it because i got anxious over it" Just relax, this isn't happening! If a god (you) be sad for a day, be anxious for a day or whatever, he is going to loose all his power? If a billionare be sad for a day he's going to loose his money? Obviously no! So if you got anxious about your desire, just ignore it, dont fight against it and ask yourself "why i'm anxious over something i already have?" And observe How this go away easily. "Okay, but what about the obsession?" Same thing, obsession isn't going to end with everything, it's okay you think about it, i mean, you already have it, why you wont think about it? BUT, before someone distort everything i said, i'm not telling you to think about it 24/7 and dont live your life or ignore your fellings, i'm just telling that is not the end of the world. You are the consciousness, the consciousness dont have feelings, this emotions part is your mind, and you're not your mind
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★ ⌇ᝰ Pedestal mentality and self-concept is OPTIONAL.
I always see a lot of people (mainly in brazilian community, bc i'm brazilian💔) saying that you need have the best self-concept in every part of your life if you wanna manifest anything or you need to take things out of a pedestal, but, girl, It doesnt matter, pedestal doesnt matter, you're always manifesting, self concept and whatever it's ALL optional!
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0nlywithalex · 18 days ago
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How it feels to be overpowered in my dr and at the same time be the most unserious person you'll ever meet
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0nlywithalex · 20 days ago
"Don't have high expectations, you will try and if you don't succeed that's okay"
"good luck getting that, you're going to have to compete with ** people
man, i'm a master manifester, i have anything i want 💥
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0nlywithalex · 20 days ago
"oh but you wont manifest anything if you do it-"
"oh you cant manifest if you have ** type of think"
"you cant shift if you think like that"
"you'll only shift if you-"
STFU😭 i'm the god of my reality, who are you?
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0nlywithalex · 20 days ago
★Things I already manifested this year (consciously)★
—A New phone
—New Earphones
—Desired body
—Long hair
—Pastry 💔
—Fried chicken
—Gym Just for fun
—Jiu jitsu classes
—Being good at Mathematic
—Sp created from 0
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0nlywithalex · 20 days ago
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