0hmymapleold-blog · 7 years
I have now moved my account on tumblr to @0hmymaple so follow if u wanna-☆
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0hmymapleold-blog · 7 years
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This was bound to be expected from me guys, don’t blame me
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0hmymapleold-blog · 7 years
u know what makes me lowkey sad? when someone says ‘i know it seems silly’ before talking about something they clearly care very deeply about bc u know that means someone gave them shit for caring that much about that thing before which is Fucked Up.
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0hmymapleold-blog · 7 years
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Life is a big place, it’s easy to feel small and under qualified for a lot of things, but there’s no reason to loose hope over things that can be learned, and skills that can be made better!
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0hmymapleold-blog · 7 years
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Nogla, smii7y, H2o and Bryce sleep time 😘 // trying a new art program 💖 //
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0hmymapleold-blog · 7 years
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Wanted to draw Smii7y since i have been watching him alot, love it 😂💖
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0hmymapleold-blog · 7 years
Same to you hunny! 💖💖
Do u ever just REALLY love someone in the most platonic way ever? Like u just wanna buy em cookies and watch movies together and just make them as happy as they can be? Because just knowing they are happy makes you really happy?
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0hmymapleold-blog · 7 years
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Friday the 13th game with Swag, Bryce and Gorilla!! Kinda like this drawing ^^*
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0hmymapleold-blog · 7 years
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A little gift for @zap-trap ! 
I wanted to do a little gif for chu and i hope u feel better soon hun! ^^
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0hmymapleold-blog · 7 years
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I’m back with some @brycemcquaid ;p
Wanted to try to do a semi-realistic painting and thought to draw Bryce- !^^
Hope you like it~
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0hmymapleold-blog · 7 years
@zap-trap us
Yellow belt vs. Black belt
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0hmymapleold-blog · 7 years
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I wanted to try to do a semi-realistic art so here it is  Tiffany Cox or so called "The Flirty Girl" from Friday the 13th!! ^^
..ignore the hands i kinda failed on that//
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0hmymapleold-blog · 7 years
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Some H2o fanart~! (For @zap-trap <33)
Hope you like it!! ^^
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0hmymapleold-blog · 7 years
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Just some random doodles of Bryce from last night stream~! ^^
(Sorry if its bad I did this at 5am bc time zones-)
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0hmymapleold-blog · 7 years
me: pls talk to me pls !!pls pls!!!
me: *can't hold a conversation*
me: *has nothing interesting to say*
me: *is bad at replying*
me: pls :) talkto me
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0hmymapleold-blog · 7 years
i’ve never been the best at anything. ever. i wasn’t the best at math or even writing. i wasn’t the best runner and i wasn’t the best artist and i wasn’t the best listener. for a long time this sat inside of me, this resentment of my mediocrity. 
not being the best was the same thing as failure. 
but here’s the thing.i made a best friend in my freshman year because she knew more math than me and was patient enough to teach me. i couldn’t run but i hung back with the rest of the kids with asthma. my art never changed the world but it once made someone cry with joy as a birthday present. and my writing never made it to shelves but it carried me, and these bones, and my empty body, when nothing else sustained me.
the best sounds lovely indeed. but i was born me. and not being the best made me gentle and soft and loving. made me make friends who knew failure and who saw only the worst in themselves when i saw only gems. made me listen and learn and not be afraid of falling. made me try hard and cry and scream and beg the world to be nicer to me. but it also made me strong and capable and better at looking deep.
and here at the bottom, i found the best in mediocrity.
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0hmymapleold-blog · 7 years
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Positive phone wallpapers!
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