that-bisexual · 13 hours
How did you find your sexuality?
Hi anon! This is a fun story, I don't think I've told anyone fully. (keep in mind at this time I thought I was a cis girl) So I feel like everyone can remember those times when they were little and liked the same sex and looking back it's like...I should have known. But we're gonna start in 5th grade when I learned gay was a thing. Everyone around me was homophobic. Even people who are gay now. Because we're taught to think like that (I have a whole post about that coming soon) but anyway I dismissed it...like that's not me at all. Fast forward to 6th grade I'm in a practice room during orchestra with my best friend and we're talking about something I don't remember what but then she looks me dead in the eye and goes: oh and I'm pan. And I'm like tf does that mean? So she explains it and I'm like oh cool support support and all. On the inside I'm like YOU CAN DO THAT!? Gears are turning in my head i'm generating a thought for once. go home, think about it and then go nah it's nothing. Weeks later I'm doing some internet things you know and suddenly i'm looking up am I gay quiz. It goes yes, you are gay. You know what I do? Stare at a wall for 3 hours thinking about my life before going nah no way. Fast forward it's the middle of 6th grade. Talking to some friends and I'm like oh (x female classmate) is hot. Everyone looks at me. Boom turns out thinking girls are hot are not something straight females do. So. That night I'm doing research, average am I gay research. We got the am I gay quiz, we've got bad reddit answers, we've got all my past crushes (3) being guys, we have the coming out and sexualities explained YouTube videos. The classic stuff. Then I'm reading and I'm like shit I have a crush on my (pan) best friend. Then like a holy God bisexuality rains down on me. I'm like nah...no...two months later i'm like yaaasss bitch i'm gay (but only on the inside cause i'm closeted) I'm gonna leave out the crying, denial, sh, and identity crisis part. That is how I became my beautiful bisexual self.
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that-bisexual · 2 days
ITS GAY GAY FAGGOT DYKE QUEER TRANNY MONTH GUYS!!! PRIDEEEEE!!!!!! just finished listening to boys will be bugs and man’s that hits hard.
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that-bisexual · 2 days
reminder to be extra gay around that one low key homophobic friend this pride month
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that-bisexual · 2 days
@radioactive-bean heck yeah, the gayer the better
staying up until midnight so I can get the full gay awakening for pride month.
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that-bisexual · 2 days
bonus points if I listen to my chemical romance and cavetown
staying up until midnight so I can get the full gay awakening for pride month.
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that-bisexual · 2 days
yeah, love is love. Even platonic love and queer platonic partners. Even aesthetic love. Even love without sex. All love is love.
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that-bisexual · 2 days
staying up until midnight so I can get the full gay awakening for pride month.
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that-bisexual · 2 days
Pride month is tomorrow so I want you all to know that you don't have to go to big pride events. I know a lot of people love big gatherings and stuff like that but it's not everyone's cup of tea. Or maybe you have a disability that prevents you from going to pride. I know there's a lot of places that pride isn't safe either. Maybe you're closeted, whatever the reason may be don't feel like you have to go to a pride event. There are a lot of things you can do for pride and everyone's perfect celebration looks different. Here's some ideas of what you can do for pride
join online lgbtq groups and talk to other queer people
reach out to queer friends and talk about your experiances
consume lgbt media (books, movies, shows, etc.)
Wear your pride merch to work, school, or maybe just out and about. When doing this remember your safety comes first and don't wear it if you could be in danger.
These are just a few ideas, feel free to add on. Hope everyone has a safe and happy pride month!!
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that-bisexual · 2 days
everyone just decided to flood my inbox with really nice asks today for some reason and I promise I will get to them all it'll just take a while. thanks so much I love having a bunch of asks and they're all so nice
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that-bisexual · 3 days
(tired salesman voice) you better believe it, homosexuality is actually not a sin! A horrible misinterpretation of the Bible and a bad translation to English started this idea! Any other questions!?
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that-bisexual · 3 days
Hi, I am doing an art project focused on LGBTQ+. I really like your blog an I think you could contribute really well! It's really easy, just a positive message to all the people in our community!
Basically, what I need is a short positive message regarding LGBTQ+, plus additionaly what you identify as (or what part of your LGBTQ+ identity you wrote it about)
Together with messages from other people, it will be made into an art piece / pride flag!
I would really appreciate your support but of course if you don't feel comfortable sharing anything it's fine! I just wanted to get the idea over to more people than my posts would get to.
that’s so cool!! If you can put it in my inbox or message me with a picture of it! If you don’t want to no worries tho. Here’s my little contribution:
Your gender isn’t a trend. Your sexuality isn’t fake. You are unique and so valid. Don’t let queerphobes get to you. -a bisexual genderfluid demigirl
I think that’s how you wanted that formatted but if not sorry
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that-bisexual · 4 days
honestly I think being a shapeshifter would solve 75% of my problems. just saying...if anyone is a genie or something on Tumblr I would love to shapeshift.
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that-bisexual · 5 days
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i had an...interesting...childhood...it's a long trauma dump i'd rather not share but this kid version is before the bad stuff started (7 or 8) the current me.
@matchalattegreen @lils-ki @storynerd121 @avellyn-jesus @barbthebuilder @forrest-full-of-wolfs and I know there's a lot more mutuals I missed sorry..
Picrew tag game!- Create yourself now vs how you looked when you were a kid
I was tagged by @cutebisexualmess for this but the chain was too long so I'm restarting!
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If only that little girl could see me now (she'd probably think I was cool tbh)
uhm tagging: @b3achfagz (ik you dont do tag games so u can just ignore this but i though u might find it cool) @cassiecryptic @viktheviking1 @depressedgremlinbitch @ramencat12 @inkyslimee @the-horrifying-digital-circus @patipati @cute--thing @musicalsiphonophore @tastetherainbow290 @disenchantedwarlock @bookishcatcafe and anyone else who sees this and thinks it looks cool!!
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that-bisexual · 6 days
If you don't support my identity you don't support me. As easy as that. I'd rather have little to no friends than friends that don't support who I am
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that-bisexual · 8 days
sigma skibidi toilet Ohio rizzler
No...the gen alpha's have found my blog...we must evacuate. RUN!
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that-bisexual · 8 days
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that-bisexual · 8 days
I hate how when you come out about something that you aren't publicly out about the person you're telling immediately assumes you just found out. Like no, I've been suppressing emotions for 6+ months, been dropping hints for 2 hoping you'd say something, and have already told 3 other people. You ain't that special.
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