#yuna imagine
purecantarella · 2 years
Moment's Decisions
day 3 everyone!! i hope you all enjoy this one!! college AU shin yuna x reader disclaimer/s : smut. minors dni, this one i get more explicit
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this is one of those gifs i will definitely reuse
You and Yuna didn't often see eye to eye despite working in synch perfectly. She was the only one who understood your logic on a fundamental level yet she found you irritatingly insufferable.
Mostly because of your many...escapades.
You were often known around campus as incredibly fluid and amazing in bed, making anyone you'd hooked up with go crazy over you. Yuna on the other hand, had never really entertained such things.
She needed to focus on her academics, her career, she didn't have time for such things. Plus, the one person she had interest in happened to be the biggest prick she knew.
Her feelings for you were rather complex, she found you attractive, intelligent, and incredibly kind when you chose not to tease that day but those days were far-flung between.
In any case, you were a constant in her life, and she was yours.
In that spirit, you two were together again in her dorm room, biology and chemistry books scattered about the floor where you both sat. You spoke on and on about a sorority girl you'd met a couple days ago. "She was just so fucking desperate, Shin. You don't understand—"
Yuna rolls her eyes and throws a stray pencil your direction, "Have some class, L/n. Jesus." You chuckle and continue reading and taking notes. "How bout you, pretty girl?" Yuna calmed her heart before you continued, "Hooked up with anybody recently?"
"None of your business." She replies coldly, making you utter a soft 'oooh' before laughing again. "Whoever the are they are probably not doing a good job, you are way to fucking tense."
You were ready to drop the subject when you hear the brunette mutter, "No one's doing the job at all."
"I'm sorry...WHAT?"
You quirk a curious brow, tossing the book in your hand across the table before leaning up to Yuna. Her cheeks flushing, realizing that she's been caught. You grin devilishly before tilting your head to the side, "Have you never been touched, Shin?"
The moment of silence is all you need to fall on your back chortling madly while you clutched your sides. "Shut the fuck up, L/n! It not like I want that!"
You catch your breath, composing yourself while running a hand through your hair. You cross your legs on the ground, staring at her like a curious puppy, she would have found it adorable if you weren't such a dick about it.
"Absolute bullshit, Shin." You pause, your smirk faltering momentarily before you grin again, albeit a little dimmer than Yuna usually saw it.
A silence lingers. It leaves the brunette a little uneasy, you always had an opinion or something to say, so seeing you so quiet was off-putting to her. She attempts to joke, "Did my lack of a sex life really shock you into silence?"
You look up to her, there's a certain hunger in your eyes. Again Yuna is taken aback, her jaw drops before you shake your head and rasp out a husky, "Maybe I just find it unnerving that no one's gotten you there yet."
The taller girl gulps down nervously but boldly says, her voice soft and fragile, "M-Maybe the person I wanted was being an absolute asshole and fucked around with other girls." You don't say anything, you barely move, but you knew what she was trying to say.
You lift your gaze to see Yuna flustered and playing with the ends of her hair. Nervously picking at whatever she could get her hands on. Your expression never shifted, but you crawled over the books and papers.
You were closer than she'd ever usually let you be. "You are absolutely insufferable, Shin."
You lean in to press your lips to hers, but she raises her hand, pushing your lips away from her. "I...I'm not ready for th-that..." Her eyes stare into yours, the intensity of your gaze making the blood in her veins rush rapidly through her body.
Instead, you tilt your head to the side, your lips lightly trailing over her cheekbone, her glassy skin burning at the contact. You peck her warm cheek before taking on a more active role. "Strip for me, Shin. I have an idea."
The rasp in your voice had her weak at the knees. She'd always made fun of the girls you slept with and how easily they submitted to your every whim, yet here she was, slowly peeling off layers of her outfit.
You bite your lip as you kneel before her, in a complete trance as more and more of her skin is exposed to you. All the while, her eyes are glued to your expression of pure want.
"Jesus, Shin, you are absolutely hot." You mutter softly.
Yuna stands bare before you, her legs going for miles, her stomach tight and her tits were a delight to look at. You breath hitches as she runs a hand through her hair before she stares at you with her big doe eyes, innocence radiating from them.
The brunette is feels humiliated but still, it was the hottest she'd felt in her entire adult life. She gets back down on her knees, awaiting your further instruction. Unable to control yourself, you lean forward, lips finding her shoulder while your hands brush up her bare waist.
Yuna whines and places her hand on your back, pulling you closer. Her high pitched whines make you smile proudly against her neck before you lean back and admire your work. Pink marks lining the outline of the taller girl's neck. "Even prettier, Shin."
She rolls her eyes and shoves you back gently, you grin again before settling in front of her. "Now what, L/n? Just gonna have me sit here?" Yuna asks, her patience wearing thin.
"Don't test me, I definitely would." Yuna's eyes turn pleading instantly, making you laugh softly. "Not tonight though."
You shuffle backwards and begin stripping yourself, the girl in front of you's eyes going wide and the red in her cheeks turning an impossibly deeper hue. "Tonight," You toss your damp underwear her direction, "You're getting yourself off."
Yuna quirks a brow before you sit back, and open your legs. Cunt on display for her, your grin grows as you watch her jaw drop and her nipples get progressively stiffer. "Do as I do, Shin. And you might just get off for the first time in your life."
Slowly, you circle your clit, applying a light pressure, your eyes never leaving Yuna's. She nervously reaches down as you do, playing with the bean nervously, shyly hiding her whines. "Mmm, that it Shin."
She watches you intently as her fingers got to work on her damp pussy. You watch her slip two fingers into the depths of her heat. You tremble as you hear her cry out in pleasure, her voice sending you into over drive. You mirror her movements, panting soft, "Fuck you look so hot like that, Yuna."
She whines and nods, "Y/n please...oh God, please. Tell me what to do." Her breathing is labored and her eyes are hooded as she stares deeply into your dark eyes. You swallow thickly and instruct her, "Use your other hand, pinch those nipples for me. Do it now."
Yuna moans again, following your instructions. You jump up beside her, hands still rubbing your own wet center. Your free hand reaches down to toy with her clit, lips replacing her hand on her tits. "Does that feel good? Huh? Answer me, Shin."
"Yes! Jesus Y/n, yes!" Yuna feels her stomach tighten as you suckle on her perky breasts, both your hands moving in a delicious pattern, all to bring her to her climax.
"Holy shit, Y/n!" She squeals as a rush of dampness soaks her hand and the papers dangerously close to her legs. The smell of sex and both your arousals wafting in the air. You pull away from her, watching her pant and fall to the ground behind her.
You grin and fall down beside her. You watch as her eyes begin to droop slightly. "How was your first orgasm, Shin?" She smiles and chuckles softly before rolling onto her side, more confident.
"I think I need another demonstration, N/n."
You grin before pulling her on top of you, "There's so much for you to learn, Shin."
yeah i'm not gonna lie i got sort of awkward midway through so if its a little weird in the middle, i'm sorry :"") i've never experienced this type of thing so i sort of dont know how to write about it but i like to punish myself so here we are HAHAHAHA i hope you lovelies enjoyed and i will see you all tomorrow!! bye, keep safe!! - r
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blu-joons · 1 year
When She Misses You Whilst On Tour ~ Itzy Reaction
Frowns formed on the faces of the girls as Yeji gave them a simple response to their question, not wanting to engage with them, preferring to daydream instead.
A hand against her shoulder made Yeji look around to Ryujin. “You’re awfully quiet today, has something happened?” Ryujin worriedly asked.
Yeji’s shoulders shrugged in reply, “I don’t really know how I’m feeling, just a bit lost right now.”
“Because Y/N’s not here?” Yuna quizzed, quickly guessing what the problem probably was for Yeji. “You’re missing her quite a lot these days, aren’t you?”
“This tour has been so long for us.”
The girls hummed in agreement with Yeji as she spoke. “There’s not left,” Chaeryeong encouraged, “and then we’ll be back home, and you’ll be back with Y/N too.”
“That’s true,” Yeji whispered, “I’m sure that I can get through these days.”
Jisu offered her a smile as Yeji brought herself back to the group, “and you’ve got all of us, we can talk and we can distract you if you need us.”
“You’re right, I don’t want to feel alone.”
You could tell that Jisu was distant from the start of your phone call with her, her answers were blunt and her questions were rare to find out how you were doing.
After a few minutes, your patience began to wear thin. “Why are you not talking to me Ji? I didn’t think catching up with you was going to be like this.”
Jisu’s eyes looked to her screen as you spoke, “because I know that we’ll have to hang up soon.”
“Isn’t it better for us to use this time to talk rather than just sit in silence?” You suggested, “I know it’s hard Jisu but we’ve got to value the time that we have.”
“I’m sorry I’ve been so distant.”
Your head shook as she apologised, “I get that you’re missing me, I’m missing you too. The goodbye will be hard, but let’s at least try and enjoy ourselves now, right?”
“Yeah,” Jisu chimed, “I want to feel better from talking to you, not worse.”
Your smile turned up as Jisu began to talk to you a little more. “We only have these snippets of time, let’s make them as productive as we can.”
“I promise that I will do from now on.”
Concerned eyes watched Ryujin as she ran over the choreography once again on the stage, unaware that the rest of the girls had decided to finish for the day.
A sigh came from Jisu as she watched Ryujin lazily walk around the stage. “She’s going to do herself some serious damage if she doesn’t stop overworking soon.”
Yuna hummed in agreement with her, “it’s Ryujin’s way of not thinking about Y/N though.”
“Surely there’s got to be something we could all do together,” Chaeryeong suggested, looking at Ryujin with a worried glance, “even if it’s something small.”
“And something not as active too.”
Whilst the girls pondered Ryujin finally noticed that they were gone, leaving the stage and catching up with them all. “What are you lot talking about?” She quizzed.
“Not much,” Yeji lied, not wanting Ryujin to worry, “are you done rehearsing?”
Ryujin nodded apprehensively, looking back to the stage and then across to the girls. “There’s still things to improve, but we’ve got tomorrow.”
“Come on, you need to relax for a while.”
She quickly wiped underneath her eyes as Chaeryeong heard a knock at her hotel room door, calling through for whoever was on the other side to enter.
As the door opened, Chaeryeong dropped her hands to her sides. “Hey, we’re going to do some shopping?” She heard Yeji asked as she walked into the room.
Chaeryeong nodded as she stared out of the window, “maybe you guys can go without me.”
“H-have you been crying?” Yeji nervously asked as she caught her first glimpse of Chaeryeong’s tear stained cheek. “What’s going on? How come you’re upset?”
“I just got off the phone with Y/N.”
Yeji walked across to Chaeryeong’s side, encouraging her to take a seat on the bed of her hotel room. “It’s tough, right?” Yeji smiled, trying her best to understand.
“I didn’t think it would be this hard,” Chaeryeong confessed, “it just gets harder.”
Yeji allowed Chaeryeong to rest against her shoulder, squeezing her tightly. “You’ve got all of us, and we’re all here to help you out you know.”
“I do, I couldn’t do this without you girls.”
Feeling the eyes of the other girls watching her left Yuna feeling flustered, sinking down in his seat as she joined the rest of the girls for breakfast at the hotel.
Jisu especially watched Yuna closely. “Are you alright?” Jisu asked the moment that she met Yuna’s eyes, “you’re not as cheery as you usually are at breakfast?”
Yuna hummed in response to her, “it’s just been a rough few days, I’ve barely spoken to Y/N.”
“I think we all knew that you were like this because of Y/N,” Ryujin spoke up too. “We’ve only got a couple of weeks left to go now, and then you’ll be smiling again.”
“It’s hard to force it up on the stage.”
Chaeryeong nodded understandingly beside her, “no one wants to see you try and be someone that you’re not. The fans will know that you’re missing Y/N too Yuna.”
“Do you think?” She asked in surprise, “we’re supposed to seem untouchable though.”
Yeji’s head shook as Yuna looked to her next, “you’re human, and missing someone is entirely natural, no one can ever judge you for that.”
“You guys are right, I’ll be back with Y/N soon.”
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d-dalladalla · 2 years
Hi, maybe you could do a continuation to the one you made with Yeji and the nudes where all the members beg her to fuck their 6th member and Yeji lets them?
In her defence, Yeji thought that the girls' teasing would simmer after a few days, everyone makes mistakes and she was so sure that they would leave the two of you alone after her 'mistake'
And it did work, well for you, they left you alone but their teasing mutated into begging and now all they did was beg and I mean beg Yeji to let them fuck you.
Yeji would have to fight them off with a stick as they tried to convince her, every waking moment of her life for the past week was this torment.
"Yeji please!" Yuna begged, tugging on the sleeve of her shirt, the girls sat with her in the living room, trying to watch a movie but it ultimately came back to the begging. You were sat in your shared room with Yeji, scrolling mindlessly through your phone and trying to relax after a long week.
"Fine!" Yeji barked back, pinching the bridge of her nose in frustration, eyes closed as she gathered herself and didn't explode on them. Opening her eyes and standing up, hands on her hips as the girls stared at her like lost puppies.
"You can fuck her, but I'm staying in the room," she muttered, the room was silent for a moment, the girls unsure what to do before Yeji yelled again.
"What are you waiting for? Go!" she pointed at your room and the girls scrambled to get up. And the next thing you know your bedroom door was swung open with a loud bang, eyes darting up to see the girls trying to squeeze through the doorway all at once, fighting as they tried to get in first and scrambled to end up standing beside your bed.
Yeji followed after them and kneeled beside you, hand on your jaw as she brought your chin up for her lips to meet yours softly, her other hand stroking her fingers through your hair and you melted into the kiss until you realised you had an audience.
Breaking away from the kiss and looking at the girls' hungry gazes.
"Baby," Yeji cooed and your eyes came back to hers, her fingers still stroking through your hair, "You want to do something for me?" she hushed, another kiss to your lips and you nodded weakly.
"Mhm," she knelt back on her knees, "You're gonna let the girls fuck you, I'm gonna watch and you have to be a good girl, okay?"
You felt your response get trapped in your throat, eyes darting between the girls' own eyes and your girlfriend's. You brought yourself up to lean back on your elbows and nodded slowly and the girls wasted no time.
It all happened so fast, your shorts being peeled off, underwear pushed down your ankles, you don't even remember your shirt coming off but it was now and your bra being unhooked and thrown to the side, hands pinning yours down and lips on your own, your neck, thighs, stomach. You let your hands fly up to Lia's hair as she kissed you, feeling hands separate your thighs and not knowing who was doing it. Humming against your lips as your hands tugged at her hair.
Fingers started to glide through your folds and you mustered up the strength to peer down and look at the culprit, seeing Yuna knelt between your legs while Ryujin and Chaeryeong tried to get her to hurry up so they could have their turns.
Letting your head fall back as Lia got off of you and moved down to your thighs, Ryujin coming up and taking one of your nipples into her mouth, letting her teeth tug and pull. Licking and swirling, hand over your throat as you moaned, fingers starting to play with your clit as another pair slipped into your entrance. Ryujin hushed you as she worked, eventually being pulled away by Chaeryeong and letting out a huff.
Chaeryeong was quick, she let her fingers fuck in and out of you, silencing your moans as she kissed you relentlessly, her other hand kneading the flesh of your tits, her body flat against yours. Humming against your lips every time you let out a moan or a whine. Hand leaving your tits and wedging underneath your ass, trying her best to squeeze and smack the skin there. Feeling frustrated when the angle just didn't work and pulled your hips up, the angle now allowing her to pull and knead your ass to her desire. Getting pushed by Yuna who was starting to lick slowly on your clit, trying to push Chae's hand away to get better access and eventually winning.
Turned your head to see Yeji still by your side, watching as the girls pleasured you and her expression was unreadable, she wasn't mad but something else and you were scared to find out, her lips joining yours when she noticed your staring and biting down hard on your bottom lip when you felt Yuna's tongue start to dip into your soaking cunt.
Her hands were on your thighs as her nails dug into your flesh, tongue fucking you ever so slowly as she stopped every other lick to gather up the juices leaking out of you and swallow. The sounds are obscene as she ate you out, licking and sucking and fucking. Your whines were silenced and muffled as Yeji took a hold of your jaw and forced your neck uncomfortably to twist to face her, kissing you hard and her hold on your jaw keeping you in place for her.
Your whines reached a high when you felt your stomach start to coil and tighten, unable to warn them of your orgasm as Yeji swallowed every single sound that came out of your mouth. You literally saw white as you came, your ears ringing so loudly it began to hurt, thighs shaking as Yuna licked up your mess, licking you clean and toying with your clit. Batting her head away with your hands.
The girls stared at you and you felt your eyes start to flutter with sleep, hands coming up to cover your face in embarrassment and Yeji leaving one last kiss on your lips before telling the girls to get off the bed so she could lay beside you. Laying on her side while her arm came under your head to support you, cuddling into her warmth as your felt her fingers land on your thigh and then working their way up to start circling your clit.
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oakparchment · 7 months
No Nut November with Itzy
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Male Reader x Yuna, MR x Lia, MR x Chaeryeong, MR x Ryujin, MR x Yeji
Length: 1,479 words
Tags: cumplay, edging, blue balls, creampie, facials, NNN, cum slut
Summary: How each member of Itzy handles you going through NNN (No Nut November).
A/N: For a NNN post this story has a lot of cum.
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Yuna is a cum slut. Neither of you have any chance of surviving NNN.
After just the first day or so she’s already begging for it: “I’ve been a good girl, don’t you think I deserve to be fucked by your cock? Don’t you think I deserve to be painted with your cum?”All whilst looking at you with the wildest fuck me eyes and pushing her clothed tits into you.
Your will was simply not strong enough to resist Yuna when she gets like this, and so you give her what you both want. You nut on her, in her, sometimes both in the same day. Yuna turns No Nut November into something more like Never stop Nutting November. Her day isn't finished unless she gets at least one load, and you're more than happy to give it to her.
Oh well, maybe she'll be less cum hungry this time next year?
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Lia is very subservient to you during November and goes along with your whims. If you persevere throughout the weeks then she’ll support you along the whole way, doing her best to distract you whenever you get horny. When she feels you getting hard against her ass at night, she’ll turn over and make conversation instead. Or if she can sense you’re about to boil over, she’ll make plans for you both to keep yourselves busy.
But if you instead completely give in, then in a moments notice she’s either on her knees with her tongue out, or bent over with her lips spread apart, ready to use her own body purely to give you pleasure and to extract your cum.
Even when you’re tracking well throughout the month, it’s not like you can completely keep your hands off each other. She likes to suckle on your sensitive balls, massaging them in her mouth whilst you run your fingers through her hair and scalp. 
Schrodinger's Cat. Whether you succeed or fail is completely up to you.
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When you present the idea to her, Chaeryeong goes along with it initially but quickly gets impatient and horny. When you’re home she’ll try to hide the fact that she's fucking wet to help you push through, but when you’re out she’ll send you nudes. Scandalous pictures of herself bent over in front of the mirror, her ass wide on display. Or an upwards angle that shows both her dripping wet pussy and her best ‘fuck me’ face. The messages under it read "Can't wait until this month is over so you can be inside me again" or “I've been a good girl and haven’t touched myself yet, can you tell?”
It’s obvious. She wants to break your will down so that you can pound her creamy little pussy and fill her up with cum. Chaeryeong tortures herself along with you, choosing to participate in NNN together, refusing to cum unless you both do. You reply back with videos of your 
You last a week, maybe even two if you're lucky, but you can only tease each other for so long before you find yourself racing through the door, bending her over before you even reach the bedroom. Fucking her on the floor like wild animals in heat. Her body quivers, milking your cock as you dump a massive load inside her. Chaeryeong's pussy is a creamy mess, yours and her cum oozing out of her hole.
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Ryujin's favourite month of the year is November. Apart from little teases here and there, she doesn’t touch you at all. The most you get is ‘accidental’ grazes of her hand on your hard-on as she walks past. Or when she stretches in bed at night and for one fleeting moment she grinds her ass into your bulge. If you try to initiate anything, or touch yourself, dommy Ryujin comes out. She’ll clutch your balls a bit too hard, or slap you just to let you know who’s in control.
Ryujin will make you watch as she rides on her thick dildo, saying things like “I know you wish I was bouncing up and down on your cock instead. You want to feel my pussy walls suffocating that pathetic throbbing cock, hmm?” From start to end, you have to watch Ryujin fuck herself whilst she humiliates you, and you’re not allowed to do anything about it. “This dildo probably feels better than you anyway, I’m glad I don’t have to feel you inside of me.” You are both well aware this is a blatant lie, but for the course of the month you grit your teeth and go along with it.
On the last day of November you’re so sensitive that even just playing with your balls sends shocks throughout your body, which Ryujin is acutely aware of. Without ever giving attention to your cock, she sucks and plays with your balls for what feels like an hour straight. You’re so touch deprived and tender that this alone eventually makes you cum. That’s right. Ryujin went through all of that just to make you lose NNN on the last day without even touching your cock. She’s a fucking cunt and she knows it.
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Yeji edges you, using you like a sex toy to get herself off without ever letting you finish. She'll suck you off or fuck you as usual, but anytime you get even remotely close to cumming she’ll stop. If you’re in Yeji’s mouth then she’ll release you from her warmth with a loud pop and then sit on your face. If you’re pounding away at her pussy then she’ll pull you out and finish herself off with a vibrator. You can’t do anything but watch as she squirts all over you.
Your balls ache. Badly. And the further into the month you go, the shorter your edging sessions last before you’re about to nut and she switches to getting herself off. Numerous times you get so damn close to spilling over, but she knows just how to ride the edge. The last week is torturous, and it makes going about the rest of your life difficult.
At midnight of December 1st, the month rolls over (a moment that you have been waiting for since the first night she edged you). Yeji is fast asleep but not even the world ending could stop you now. With your pulsing cock in hand, you pull her silk pajama shorts to the side and thrust balls deep. Yeji’s gentle breathing turns into high pitched moans, announcing that she's awake. You fuck her pussy hard and fast. This was never going to last more than a minute or two, you’re only after one thing here; to ravage her until you came. Now it was her turn to be nothing but a slutty little sex toy.
As much as you appreciate her, this past month of torture has also built up a small amount of resentment towards her that could not be ignored. It was something that you know will wash away as soon as you finally release this load. Wanting to punish her a little, you pull out and switch holes, fucking into her tight ass instead. Yeji groans deeply, but you slap her face and spit in her mouth in response. Given that she wore no panties and her ass was prepped, she clearly knew something like this would happen. How can she be such a good yet bad girl at the same time? After another handful of thrusts, your inevitable peak arrives. A blinding orgasm follows. The only reason you don’t black out is through sheer will of not wanting to let this nut go to waste after waiting 30 days. You pump a couple loads into her ass, then pull out and thrust back into her pussy. After sufficiently painting her guts white, you find your cock still spurting, so you jerk yourself off onto her abs, her tits, her face, and finally depositing the last few drops onto her stretched out tongue. You step back and admire your masterpiece. An entire month of your built up edging load lays inside and on Yeji, who looks up at the ceiling, panting with a wide smile and fucked out exprssion on her face. Her double creampie starts to drip out of both her holes. A trail of your cum spans from her stomach to her perky tits, and of course she also has what appears to be a full load of a facial despite all the cum throughout the rest of her body. She is a cum dumpster, through and through.
Would you go through all that again next November? Almost certainly not. But in this moment would you say it was worth it? Yeji licks up the cum around her lips whilst fingering your cum deeper into her, chasing her own nut.
Absolutely it was.
NNN with Yeji. Success.
A/N: If you're one of the people who chooses to participate in NNN, I hope this smut didn't make you cum. But then again if you're doing the challenge then should you really be browsing porn?
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panda-writes-kpop · 6 months
Itzy - Covering Their Faces In Lipstick/Kiss Marks
A/N: I'm so excited for today to end - I have three days off of class! (that I will spend doing homework... ANYWAYS) I hope everyone who is studying or working gets a break sometime in the next month or two because it's rough out here lol
TW: None, but it is a gender-neutral reader!
♡ Masterlist ♡
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Super shy and blushy, especially when she looks into a mirror
Does she want you to stop? Absolutely not!
Doesn’t try to kiss you back, she’s too shocked to do anything but allow it to happen
Please help her clean up the marks, otherwise she’ll forget and the other girls will tease the shit out of her.
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Absolutely loves it, please keep giving her all of your love and attention in the world!
Definitely pulls you closer when she realizes what’s going on
A little smirk sits on her face as you kiss her
Gives you a few lipstick marks of your own! Look, you’re matching now. ;)
Would remember to wipe up the marks, but she won’t say no to your help
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Oh, you know she’s enjoying this with every atom in her body.
Shit-eating smirk on her face as she whispers sweet nothings into your ear
Unless you really manage to catch her by surprise, you can’t fluster her
Does not wipe the marks up, partly because she just wants to embarrass you further…
And partly because she likes seeing everyone shocked at the marks on her face
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She’s ascended, she’s won the lottery, Chaeryeong.exe has stopped working permanently
No resistance, she’s all aboard the love and affection train
As long as you don’t mind her being a blushing, shy mess afterwards
Lord help the both of you if someone walks in, Chaeryeong’s soul will leave her body
She does remember to wipe up your kisses, but she accidentally leaves one or two that causes her to get teased
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Again, you know she is loving every minute of this
You’ve also engaged yourself in a kissing war with Yuna
By the end, you’re both covered in a lot of lipstick
She’s laughing at the two of you before taking pictures of herself in the mirror
She will wipe it off before she goes out, but Yuna will jokingly show her members the photos, and they tease you about it when they see you next.
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bangchansdirty-slut · 2 months
The Half Sisters
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Paring:Nerd!G!P!Yeji x reader x Cheerleader!G!P!Girlfriend!Yuna
Summary: You were initially going to Yuna's house to study, but that plan fell through.
More: Masterlist
A/n: Oh my God! It's my birthday. Anyway, my next posts will be about the stuff that was requested.
You waltz into Yuna's house, a spring in your step, ready to settle in for some quality study time with your cheerleader captain girlfriend. The familiar smell of Yuna's mom's homemade lasagna fills the air, mingling with the scent of her dad's aftershave. You head straight for the dining room to drop your bag, and that's when you hear it: footsteps, padding softly across the kitchen floor. Instinctively, you assume it's one of Yuna's parents, and you're about to call out a cheery "hey" when you realize something's off. The footsteps are too light, too feminine. Curiosity gets the better of you, and you sneak a peek around the corner.
There she is, bending over in the fridge, her lithe figure clad only in a pair of panties and a sports bra. Her glasses reflect the light of the kitchen, casting a triangular shadow across her cleavage. You're momentarily frozen, unable to believe your eyes, before it dawns on you: this must be Yuna's older half-sister, Yeji. She looks up, noticing you for the first time, and her face flushes a deep shade of crimson. "Oh! You must be Y/n, Yuna's girlfriend," she says, her voice slightly higher-pitched than you expected.
"Um, yeah… I am," you manage to squeak out. Yeji straightens up and walks over to the table, her movements graceful and fluid. "I'm Yeji, Yuna's half-sister. I didn't realize she had such a good-looking girlfriend. She's always been so lucky." Her compliment catches you off guard, and you can feel your cheeks burning now. "So, uh, what brings you here today?"
"Oh, just studying," you say, gesturing to Yuna's math textbook on the table. "We've got a big test tomorrow." Yeji nods in understanding and takes a seat across from you. "So, you two are really serious about your studies, then?" she asks, a playful glint in her eye.
"Oh, you know Yuna," you say with a grin. "She's pretty dedicated." Yeji smiles back at you, and for a brief moment, you can't help but notice how similar their features are. It's almost eerie. "And how about you? What do you study?"
Yeji shrugs, her movements graceful as ever. "I'm in my last year of law school, so I'm pretty busy with that. But I try to stay on top of things, you know?" She leans forward, resting her elbows on the table, revealing a tantalizing glimpse of cleavage. "So, how long have you two been together?"
You can feel your heart racing as you look into her beautiful eyes. You take a deep breath, trying to steady your nerves. "Um, well, we've been seeing each other for about six months now. It's been really great." You can't help but glance down at her crotch area, noticing that her panties are white with a thin blue stripe running down the side. There's an even more noticeable bulge there than before…
Yeji smiles at your comment, clearly pleased. "That's nice to hear. I'm glad you two are happy together." She leans in closer, her voice dropping to a seductive whisper. "But I bet I could make you even happier, right?" Her hand slowly begins to slide up and down your thigh under the table, making your heart race even faster.
You try to focus on your conversation, but it's becoming increasingly difficult as her touch becomes more bold. When she reaches the hem of your skirt and feels the fabric bunched up against your aching cunt, she grins wickedly and slips her hand inside. Your breath catches in your throat as she begins to rub your clit through your panties, her long fingers expertly massaging your wet cunt.
You feel your control slipping away, and as she continues to tease you, you can't help but moan loudly. Your hips begin to rock involuntarily against her hand, seeking more contact. Yeji leans in closer, her lips brushing against your ear. "Do you want more?" she whispers. "Do you want me to help you study?"
The thought of being alone with her fills you with desire, and you nod eagerly. "Yes, please."
Yeji grins, taking your hand in hers and leading you into her bedroom. The room is dimly lit, the only light filtering in from the hallway. She closes the door behind you and pushes you gently towards her bed. "Lie down and relax," she whispers, her voice thick with desire.
As you lie down, Yeji kneels beside the bed, her eyes trailing down your body. Her hand finds its way to your panties, slowly pulling them down your legs. You're left completely exposed in front of her, and the anticipation is almost unbearable.
She leans in, kissing your inner thigh before moving higher, her lips brushing against your sensitive skin. Her tongue flicks out, teasing your clit as her fingers explore your wet folds. You arch your back, moaning loudly as pleasure washes over you.
Yeji grins, watching you squirm beneath her touch. "You like that, don't you?" she breathes, her voice husky. "You like feeling me touch you."
Your answer comes in the form of a moan as she presses two fingers deeper into your wetness. She curls them, searching for your G-spot, and you arch your back off the bed, gasping. "That's it," she whispers, leaning in to kiss your neck. "Let me make you feel good."
Her fingers move in a rhythmic pattern, circling your clit as she continues to play with your entrance. You're so close, the pleasure building inside you, making it hard to think about anything but the way she feels against your skin.
As you moan, your hips begin to move in time with her fingers, seeking more contact. You feel yourself getting closer, the pleasure building inside you, and you arch your back off the bed, gasping. "I'm going to cum," you manage to choke out.
Yeji grins, leaning down to kiss you as you both feel the tension building. "Cum for me, baby," she whispers, her voice low and husky. "Let it out."
You feel your body tensing as you approach the edge, the pleasure coursing through you. You arch your back, crying out as you feel your muscles contract, your inner walls clenching around nothing as your orgasm crashes over you in a wave of intense release. Your body shudders, your vision blurs, and you let out a long, drawn-out moan as pleasure washes over you.
Yeji's fingers never stop moving, even as you come apart beneath her touch. She leans in, kissing you deeply, her tongue tracing the shape of your lips as your hips continue to move in rhythm with her fingers. When you finally begin to steady, she pulls her fingers away, licking them clean as she watches you, your chest still heaving.
Her hand finds its way back to your thigh, gently rubbing the sensitive skin there as she smiles at you. "You feel so good," she whispers, her voice low and sultry. "I could do this forever."
You feel a surge of heat in your core at her words, and you arch your back, pressing yourself further into the bed beneath her. "Do it," you breathe, your voice barely more than a whisper. "Please."
Yeji grins, and before you know it, she's positioning herself between your legs. The head of her cock nudges against your entrance, and you gasp as she pushes inside you. It's even tighter than before, but she doesn't slow down, thrusting deeper and deeper, her muscles flexing with each stroke.
She reaches down, her fingers curling around your clit, and begins to rub in a tight circle. "That's it, baby," she whispers, her breath hot against your ear. "Let it feel good."
The sensation is almost too much to bear, and you arch your back, moaning loudly. You feel so full of her, so stretched and sore in the best possible way. You try to move with her, to meet her thrusts, but she's too strong, too experienced. She's in complete control, and you can't help but surrender to her touch.
As you feel yourself building toward another orgasm, you glance over at Yeji, watching her as she watches you. Her eyes are dark and intense, her expression unreadable. But then, suddenly, she grins. "That's it, baby," she whispers, her voice husky. "Let it out."
And with that, she thrusts deeper, harder, faster, pushing you over the edge. You cry out, your body convulsing as pleasure washes over you in waves. Your inner muscles clench tight around Yeji's cock, milking her as you cum, and she growls, her hips bucking wildly.
It's almost too much. Your body feels like it's on fire, your mind reeling from the sensations. But somehow, it's perfect. As you come down from your high, you glance over at Yeji, who is just as sweaty and flushed as you are. Her eyes meet yours, and there's a look in them that you've never seen before. It's a mix of pride, lust, and something else you can't quite place.
You turn your attention to Yuna, who stands there, half naked and anger, her cock still hard against her stomach. You can't help but wonder what she must be thinking, seeing the two of you together like this. You wish you could ask her, but the words get caught in your throat.
Yuna shoves past you, throwing herself onto the bed. Her breath is ragged, her eyes darting between the two of you. "I can't believe you'd do this to me, Yeji," she spits. "You promised me."
Yeji chuckles, a cruel sound that makes your heart ache. "Oh, Yuna, you know I'm always the better fucker. It was easy." She watches you, a knowing glint in her eye. "But go ahead, be mad. It only makes it hotter."
You can't help but feel the heat in your cheeks as you lie there, your body still sore from the intense fucking you've just endured. You glance over at Yuna, wishing you could understand what she's feeling right now. Her eyes dart between the two of you, her expression a mix of anger and… something else. Longing, maybe.
Yeji chuckles again, her hand trailing down your chest and over your stomach. "Come on, Yuna, don't be such a sore loser. We all knew you couldn't keep up with me." She leans in close, her breath hot against your ear. "Besides, I think you liked it just as much as she did."
As Yeji's words sink in, you glance over at Yuna, whose face has turned an even deeper shade of red. Her eyes flick between the two of you, a mixture of anger and desire dancing in their depths. You can't help but feel a stirring in your loins as you watch her struggle with the conflicting emotions.
Yeji chuckles, her hand still tracing lazy circles on your hip. "See, Yuna? I told you she'd enjoy it. And look at her now, wanting more." She leans in closer, her lips brushing against your ear. "Why don't you give her what she wants, Yuna? Let her feel you inside."
As Yuna hesitates, you feel a surge of desire welling up inside you. You reach out, taking Yuna's cock in your hand and guiding it towards your opening. Cunt still slick from your earlier encounter, and she slides easily inside you. Her eyes meet yours as she begins to thrust, the familiar feeling of her inside you making you shudder with pleasure.
Yeji watches the two of you, a predatory grin playing across her lips. She straddles your chest, her weight pinning you to the bed as she lines up her cock with your mouth. With a sharp thrust, she sinks into your throat, choking you with the thickness of her arousal. Your eyes water, but you don't resist as she begins to fuck your face, her hips slapping against your cheeks in rhythm.
Yuna steps closer, her hand tracing over your stomach, teasing at the sensitive flesh beneath your navel. She leans in, her lips brushing against your ear. "You're so beautiful like this," she whispers. "So full of Yeji's cum." Her fingers slide lower, teasing at the hairs around your entrance.
The feel of her touch sends a shiver through you, and you arch your hips into her touch. She smiles, her hand finding its way between your legs. Her fingers dance over your clit, and you let out a moan, your body tensing as the pleasure washes over you.
Yeji watches you with a satisfied grin, her hips still moving in time with the rhythm of your lover's touch. "Oh, you like that, Yuna?" she teases, her voice husky with desire. "You like making her feel good?"
As if in response, Yuna's hand presses more firmly against your clit, her fingers dancing faster. You arch your back, moaning loudly on Yeji's cock as the pleasure builds inside you.
"That's right," Yeji says, her hips beginning to move a bit faster in your mouth. "Let her feel it. Let her make you cum." She watches with a satisfied smile as you writhe on Yuna's cock.
Yuna's cock goes faster, her thumb pressing firmly against your clit as she brings you closer and closer to the edge. You feel your body tensing, your muscles clenching in anticipation of the release that's building inside you.
"Yes," Yeji growls, her hips slamming into your mouth as she feels herself beginning to lose control. "Let her make you cum. Show her how good it feels."
Yuna's thrusts become more urgent, her body shuddering as she nears her own release. You feel her fingers dig deeper into your flesh, her thumb rubbing circles around your clit as she drives herself deeper inside you. The sensation is exquisite, the pressure building and building until you feel like you're about to explode.
Yeji watches you with a look of pride and possession, her hips undulating as she rides your face. Her moans fill the room, her pleasure clear in the way she arches her back and throws her head back in ecstasy. Her juices coat your tongue, and you can't help but taste her on your lips as you suck her cock, wanting to savor every last drop.
Yuna's thrusts are unrelenting, her body moving in perfect sync with her lover's rhythm. Her breath comes in ragged gasps, and her eyes are half-closed as she focuses on the sensations coursing through her. Her free hand reaches down, teasing at her clit, her fingers moving in a blur as she nears her own release.
You feel your body tensing, your muscles tightening as your orgasm builds inside you. The pressure is intense, almost painful, but in the best possible way. You grip the sheets, arching your back as your hips buck upward, meeting Yuna's thrusts with equal force.
Yuna's cries fill the air, her body shuddering as she reaches her climax. Her juices spill over you, coating your insides as she cums deep inside you. She collapses on top of you, their weight pinning you to the bed, her chest heaving as she catches her breath.
You feel your own energy waning, your limbs growing heavy and weak. But just as you begin to drift off, you feel Yeji's strong hands on your hips, pulling you to your feet. "Come on," she says, her voice husky with desire. "Time for a shower."
Yuna giggles, her body still pressed against yours. "And maybe some more fun while we're at it," she adds with a sultry smile. You let them lead you to the bathroom, your legs wobbly from the aftereffects of your intense lovemaking.
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ourdadai · 2 months
✿ yuna ꒰ itzy ꒱ lockscreens !
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jayflrt · 3 months
𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐧 𝟕𝟖𝟔 06. standing on business (vlog boycott)
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SUMMARY ▸ private investigator jay park just wants to complete his mission quietly and move on with his life. you, his new assignment who keeps consuming his thoughts, don't make that very easy for him.
TAG LIST ▸ @zdgx1 @smouches @heesdazed @teawithbucky @leep0ems @peachpie4you @niniissus @kgneptun @jaeyunluvr @hooniesuniverse @zerasari @enhalov @sophiko22 @iselltulips @hoondiors @baekhyunstruly @jays-property @woninluv @heerinnie @fakeuwus @yizhoutv @en-happiness @theothernads @y4wnjunz @dammit-jjk @en-happiness @mari-oclock @enhypens-baby @soonyoungblr @jakeslvt @taetaenic @jebetwo @fairysungx @hsgwrld @shmooooo @ineedsomezzz @mrowwww @enha-stars @isawritesss @seongclb @lockburn-castle @alyssajavenss @enczen @calumsfringe @w3bqrl @luvyev @uhsakusa @luvnicho @wildflowermooon @navsnct
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kkurades · 1 year
━━ you had a bad habit of overworking yourself until you physically couldn’t anymore so your best friend decided that perhaps it would be best to distract you by adopting a hybrid but the both of you didn’t expect for you to end up with seven love struck hybrids
pairing: hybrid!ot7!bts x reader
word count: 2.4k
warnings: injuries
note: the first chapter is officially done!!
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FIGURE skating is your life. It had always been and it probably always will be. It's like a drug to you. You can't stop until you’ve crossed the line.
You had been training for months on end. Sleeping less than five hours a day and spending every waking hour at the ice rink.
You didn't mean for it to get this far, but when you suddenly collapsed during your regular night training you knew you should have listened to your friends.
No one was around at that hour, so you laid there motionlessly for hours until the concierge found you unconscious in the early hours of the morning.
Black and blue marks covered your body from the number of times that you had fallen, and your skin was so cold under his touch that he nearly assumed that you were dead.
When you think back to what occurred, you only vaguely recall the shouting voices, loud sirens, and blue lights as you fell in and out of consciousness.
As you woke up in the hospital, you noticed your siblings nodding off in the seats positioned around your hospital bed while your parents were speaking to the nurses down the hall.
A groan left your body as you attempted to sit up, the monitor attached to you beeped loudly, which alarmed your siblings immediately.
Your brother flew towards your figure, his arms wrapping around your neck as he shut his eyes tightly in relief, while your sister had tears rolling down her cheeks.
Sakura let out a shuddering breath as she enveloped her quivering hands around yours.
“Oh my god! You're awake. I was so worried about you! When I suddenly got a call that you were in the hospital, I thought I was about to have a heart attack!” Your sister cried out.
Guilt formed inside of you as you watched the older girl break down in front of you before you made an effort to shuffle to the side of your hospital bed to make space for her.
Sakura slightly hesitated, but once she saw Heeseung's soft expression encouraging her to lay down beside you, she practically leaped onto the mattress.
The hospital bed was tiny, but the two of you managed to fit by cuddling into one another like you used to do when you were kids.
Heeseung sat down in his chair once again, his hand never leaving yours to make sure that you wouldn't vanish abruptly.
The silence in the luminous white room wasn't comfortable, but it wasn't uncomfortable either.
You quickly decided to just remain quiet and enjoy the peaceful moment with your siblings before you fell asleep not even ten minutes later.
The next time you woke up, you were alone. One of the nurses shortly entered after and clarified that your parents and sister were eating in the canteen, while your brother was making calls to assure all of your friends and family members that you were okay.
Fortunately, you managed to leave the hospital the following day and said goodbye to your parents and sister, who practically banned you from skating for at least a month, before Heeseung drove you home.
His dark car parked on one of your numerous parking spots before he quickly got out to open the door for you.
He assisted you out of the vehicle before allowing you to lean onto him while sauntering to your front door.
Your house was large, far too large if you had to be honest. Sakura had frequently advised you to at least adopt a hybrid, so you wouldn't feel so lonely, but you had always refused with the justification that you simply didn't have time for a hybrid.
Heeseung scrutinized the gigantic building in front of him before he scoffed as you ticked in the password of your front door.
“I swear this is more of a mansion than a home,” your brother began complaining to you about how you weren't responsible when you purchased the place.
You knew he was only worried about you, so you just choose to dismiss him while walking into your home.
Heeseung carefully planted you onto your couch before letting out a deep breath.
“I would like to stay to look after you but- I- uh-” you decided to put your brother out of his misery as he stumbled over his words while scratching the back of his neck sheepishly.
“Go home to Jake and Ri-ki. I know they need you more than I do,” you smiled at your younger brother as he scanned you, nodding gradually.
He kneeled so he would be able to hug you tightly before he calmly left you alone in your big mansion to go back home to his hybrids.
The eery silence of it made you squeamish, and you settled on turning on the television for some noise.
You looked through all the various kinds of movies and series before you settled on Vincenzo, after having recalled your sister fondly blabbing about it.
As you were halfway through the third episode, you heard your phone ring, and you grunted slightly as you reached for it from your pocket.
The name displayed at the top of the screen made you smile slightly, and you instantly tapped to reply.
You pressed the phone against your ear lazily while continuing to watch the entertaining show.
Yuna's anxious voice filled your senses as you silently listened to her rambling on and on about how worried she and Sunghoon had been after they heard the news from your brother.
Ultimately, you managed to soothe her and now as you listened to her nagging you slightly regretted it.
“C'mon yn! You're so lonely and depressing that it makes me feel sad!” She exclaimed loudly and just as you opened your mouth to argue against it, she managed to beat you to it.
“You can't use the excuse of being too busy anymore. You're on hiatus for at least a few months, so now is the perfect timing to adopt a hybrid!”
While you wished you actually were on hiatus for a few months, you knew that wasn't the case. In the very best outcome, you'll manage to get two months off before you'll be back competing again.
“I don't think I'm ready yet. To take care of another being,” you tried to exemplify, but she wouldn't have it.
“At least give it a shot, yn. Just come to the center tomorrow. I promise you won't regret it.”
You skeptically gazed out of the extensive windows as the rain quietly plunged from the sky.
You had always yearned of having a hybrid when you were younger, but not quite in the way they are seen today.
Furthermore, you didn't desire a hybrid, so you could have a pet or a servant of some sorts. You just desperately wished for a hybrid because you wanted a friend.
You had heard about the indestructible friendships that some people had with their hybrids, and you longed for someone like that.
Someone who you would be able to tell everything, someone you could always rely on, someone that would mean the world to you as your best friend.
And while you had Yuna and Sunghoon it wasn't quite the same.
“Fine, I guess I'll come by at two?” You questioned hesitantly, and could nearly feel Yuna's excitement through the phone.
“Alright! That's perfect! I can't wait! Okay, I'm going to hang up now!” You giggled at her rambling before quickly managing to squeeze a goodbye between her words.
You hastily threw your phone on the couch as you slumped back into your seat.
The following day, you slept in until eleven am, finally being able to sleep for more than five hours.
You put on your fuzzy slippers as you stalked into the kitchen to make a brisk breakfast.
Time passed quickly, and before you knew it you were sitting in your brand-new car while chewing on a piece of gum.
Your music softly played from the car, and you bobbed your head to the tunes as you neared the hybrid center where Yuna worked at.
You parked your car in one of the spots behind the establishment before unhurriedly walking into the building.
The doors hadn't even properly opened as you felt someone slamming into you at full speed.
A smile spread across your face as you recognized the sweet strawberry scent of your friend before you embraced her.
You tightly hugged one another before you broke apart, but you didn't manage to say anything as she hauled you towards her desk to fill in some papers.
She reviewed your living situation and asked you an infinite number of questions that she knew the answer to but nonetheless had to ask, but you didn't mind.
In fact, you were glad your friend took her job so seriously.
A grin sprouted across her face as she gestured for you to follow her as she explained to you that due to your habit and routines, some sort of feline would be most suited for you.
And you knew better than to oppose, so you quietly followed her towards the feline hybrids that resided in the center.
It seemed like there was an indefinite amount of cat hybrids as you watched them all hang out in one humongous room.
You noticed a lion hybrid peacefully grooming himself while sprawling on a couch, a Siamese hybrid that was napping on one of the cat towers, and a lynx hybrid playing with a mouse toy.
Multiple of the cats curiously spun towards you and Yuna before hurriedly approaching you. Some were more eager than others, and your heart softened as you looked at every one of them.
But you weren't expecting to feel a soft bro ration of purrs against your legs, your gaze quickly turned to the floor only to see a black panther rubbing its body against you while purring happily.
Yuna beamed dazzlingly at you as she saw you gazing at the feline before tilting closer to you.
“That's Taehyung. He's a black panther hybrid and while he may be a little uh- troublesome sometimes he’s really sweet, I think he'd be perfect for you.”
You carefully listened to the description, catching the desperation in her voice as she told you that he'd be perfect for you.
His vibrant green eyes flickered up to meet yours, and you realized that you wouldn't be able to leave without him, so you carefully leaned down, which gave the panther the opportunity to graze his head against your hand for pets.
As you softly scratched his head, Taehyung attempted to move even closer to you, almost making you tumble backward because of the lousy position you were in.
“Yn?” After a few minutes, you heard Yuna's eager voice before you glanced up at her.
Taehyung let out something that you assumed to be a whine as you turned your attention to your friend.
“Should I get the adoption process started?” Her inquiry slightly caught you off guard and your gaze returned to Taehyung, who was looking at you with expectant, sparkling eyes.
“I don't- I uh-” your words got caught in your throat as the panther's eyes saddened while letting out a miserable whimper.
You felt your heart clench before you impulsively started nodding. You didn't even know what you were doing, the words rolling out of your mouth while you carefully watched the hybrid.
“Alright, yeah, get it done,” Taehyung's eyes instantly lit up, and he started nuzzling into your warm body with a loud purr.
Yuna's eyes contorted crescent as she bolted to her office, so she could get the process started before you would be able to back out.
Your eyes scarcely enlarged as you realized that she left you inside a room full of feline hybrids, but you felt your nerves calm as your attention turned back to Taehyung.
The panther hybrid was circling your tense form, growling and hissing at any hybrid that dared to get near to you, his soon-to-be owner.
Taehyung couldn't believe his eyes when he saw you walk in, it was like you were an angel.
You looked so ethereal that he found himself approaching you without any hesitation.
When he managed to push through the huddle of other hybrids, purrs poured from him when his fur touched you.
His pupils dilated when your eyes met, his heart aching to touch you.
He knew that he couldn't let you adopt another hybrid, but neither could he let you leave without taking him with you.
So, he put on his finest sad kitty facade and when you confirmed to get the adoption process started he had never felt so delighted.
His senses were drenched by your scent, and he was unable to formulate any thought as you smiled at him while petting him as you waited for Yuna to return.
When your friend re-entered the room with multiple documents in her hands, she guided you out which made Taehyung hiss at first.
But when another employee came in to help him pack his things, he felt his skin buzzing with excitement while he altered back into his human form.
He hastily pulled on a sweater, not wanting to be away from you any more than needed, before he followed the man towards Yuna's office where you had been signing his adoption papers.
Of course, before you were even able to do that, Yuna had to run one last checkup about you to make sure that you were capable of taking in Taehyung.
The hybrid entered the room with wide enthusiastic eyes and humming ears as his eyes immediately found you sitting on the chair while scribbling something on the forms that are laid in front of you.
His steps towards you were lengthy and fast and before you even knew what was going on you felt someone colliding with you, your chair slightly rocking at the force.
The scent of fresh lavender surrounded you as a warm body awkwardly enveloped you.
You quickly came to realize that the unknown man embracing you was, in fact, the hybrid that you were about to adopt, so you let him hug you for a little while longer.
Eventually, Taehyung had to let go of you, his eyes flickering all over your face.
Your breath almost hitched by Taehyung's beauty. His eyes were a consoling dark brown color that you knew you could get lost in if you looked too long, and his features were almost godly.
When Taehyung noticed you staring at him, he could feel a smile fighting its way onto his face along with a rose-colored blush.
“Hi,” he breathed out while not taking his eyes from you, which made Yuna grin negligibly.
“Hi,” your voice was delicate and Taehyung was sure that he could listen to you talk for hours.
“Let's finish the paperwork then,” Yuna giggled after having watched you steal glances at the hybrid who refused to look away from you.
Yeah, she was definitely sure that the two of you are perfect for each other.
©cupidsheqrt , 2023.
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ryuttaeng · 3 months
could you possibly do either hcs or a fic of new itzy member reader who was the each of the girls gay awakening?? i feel like chaeryeong would be panicking and really nervous because she hasnt felt something like this and so strongly too 😭🥹
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okay so you were added to the group members lineup at the very last moment, you barely knew any basic info about each members and nearly freaked out when you first actually met them. itzy’s reaction wasn’t so bad, but wasn’t very pleasant either…. at least at first. ever since you performed together, you grew closer to each members. how could they not notice how insanely beautiful you are??? and you were also kind but had a struggle with opening up to new people but anyway, you’re their bff now! or at least for now.
i guess yeji would be so dumbfounded when she realizes that she likes you??? and not in a friendly way??? girlie is so nervous about that fact and she just can’t handle it but to tell to her members but she can’t because they’ve never discussed same-sex relationship before 😭 she always thought she was into guys only, and even if she liked a girl, she would think it was just a friendly sympathy. yeji would also get so smiley around you and will often just smile to her own thoughts. if she will have enough courage to confess to you, she will make her best to do that in private, and also would try to be romantic. but my pookie is just so nervous, she will stutter and almost tripped over when she came 😭🤞🏻🤞🏻 thank goodness you just simply kissed yeji and asked her to be your girlfriend faster than her.
LIA MY BELOVED 😞😞😞 i think she will just simply accept the fact that you’re the first girl she ever liked as not a friend. eventually she’ll ask her gay friends how to confess to you properly and will ask some advices how to give you hints that she likes you lmao 😭 she will always touch your hand, always leaning on your shoulder during breaks on practices and just will rub circles on your arm while holding your hand and you’re just like 🤷🏻‍♀️ you’re okay w it and don’t really pay attention to it. lia would reveal her feelings by getting jealous when one of members were jokingly flirting with you 😭 she would just storm out of the room, making you confused and go after her. asking her what’s wrong and she will kiss you quickly, and after that lia would get so shy 😭😭🤞🏻 but you just chuckle and hug her tightly, kissing her cheek.
ryujin will just go 🧍🏻‍♀️ when she realizes that she have feelings for you. girl would occasionally flirt with you but you just laughed it off, thinking it’s just her personality and she will just be like “oh well yep 🧍🏻‍♀️”. she would complain to other members that it would be easier to have feelings for some guy and not you instead, but you come into the room with “have feelings for who?” and bae will just be “no one 🧍🏻‍♀️” help 😭😭🤞🏻how she would confess? she would get so wistful one day and it made you feel worried for her. “are you okay ryu?” and she will just automatically nod and not pay attention to anyone. at the end of the day you’ll sit down beside ryujin, telling her that you’re worried about her, and she will just go “i think i like you, y/n. no- i don’t think, just- oh well….” 😭😭😭 she’s so nervous but you calm her down by kissing her nose aww
I AGREE W YOU ON CHAERYEONG. she’s my cutie that nearly freaks out when her friend told her that she has feelings for you 🤞🏻😭 i also think that she will distance herself from you to reflect about her feeling towards you and it will also affect you by making you worried about chae. members would notice that something about you two is wrong and would try to do something about it, for example, they would interrogate chaer that is there’s bad blood between her and you? but she would get so nervous that she would just straight say that she has feeling for you 😭😭 other members would support ryeong and tell some advices how to get closer w you and how to confess. one day members would call you to help them out with something but once you’re at the place, you see only chaeryeong in the room, beautifully dressed and nervously fidgeting her fingers 😭 she would confess to you after a few minutes of overthinking, so scared about your reaction but! you took her hands in yours, telling her that her feelings are mutual and she’s just so happy to hear that 😭😭😭🤞🏻
bae yuna would giggle whenever looking at you and leaving you wondering what was that. she would feel so lightheaded about her feelings to you, that she almost forgot to do or take something. i feel like she would have some diary where she writes about you, her feelings for you and overall just you. she would hide it really hard, thinking that you would think she’s some freak 😭 but aye ryujin would’ve find it first and tease younger shin for that 🤞🏻😭😭😭 but i’m sure ryu would’ve helped yuna to confess to you, giving her some advices. yuna would ask you out to the restaurant, and will calmly confess to you after eating. after hearing your ‘yes’ yuna’s face lit up and she just started kissing your face 🤞🏻😞
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blu-joons · 2 years
When They Can’t Sleep Without Cuddling You ~ Itzy Reaction
Your head shook as soon as you walked in to see Yeji still awake and sat on the sofa. “What are you still doing up?” You immediately asked her.
A weak smile was on Yeji’s face as she moved the cushion away that she was holding onto. “I didn’t want to go up to bed until you were home.”
Your smile softened too as you walked further into the room. “You need to sleep, you’ve got an early call time in the morning,” you told her, taking your hand out for Yeji to hold onto.
“I can sleep now,” she smiled, “because now I can cuddle up to you.”
“Come on, let’s head up to bed rather than sitting down.”
Yeji took your hand and used you to help her stand up to her feet. “Don’t you want to get something to eat before you head to bed? You’ve had a busy day.”
“I’d much rather head up to bed so that you can sleep,” you told her, leading her towards the stairs, “I’m alright for now anyway.”
“Are you sure? You don’t need to miss out because of me Y/N.”
“It’s alright, I fancy a cuddle anyway.”
You barely had the time to leave the bathroom before Jisu appeared beside you. “What’s going on?” You asked, drawn to the smile she wore.
Jisu’s hand pressed into the small of your back, turning to face you in the direction of the bed. “Can you hurry up and come to bed now?”
Your head nodded as Jisu nudged you in the bed’s direction, “I’ve just got to finish my routine and then I’ll be there. You can still get in without me, I’ll only be a few minutes.”
“No,” Jisu sighed, “I want to get in with you and cuddle you Y/N.”
“You can’t lay by yourself for a few moments?”
Jisu’s head shook in reply to you, hearing a chuckle come from you too. “I want to lay with you, it’s cold so I don’t want to lay in the bed all by myself.”
“I guess I could leave my routine,” you trailed off, “I mean it’s not as if they’re crucial steps for me to need to do before bed.”
“I think you should leave them too and come with me instead.”
“I thought you might say that.”
A smile formed on your face as you slid under the duvet, feeling a presence move towards you. “Hello,” you laughed as Ryujin appeared.
Her hand rested over your chest as she rolled in towards you. “Hi,” she whispered, resting her head against your shoulder to stay with you.
Your head shook at how quickly Ryujin shuffled as soon as she realised that you were there and in bed for the night. “I can’t move with you laying this close to me you know.”
“I know,” she giggled, “I want to lay right here though I’m afraid.”
“It’s alright, I didn’t need space anyway.”
Another chuckle came from Ryujin as she listened to you, “you might want to tease me, but I know you love falling asleep cuddled up to me as well.”
“I’m not complaining that you’re here with me,” you smiled back down to Ryujin, “I just didn’t think you’d be here so quickly.”
“I wasn’t really asleep; I was just here waiting for you to come to bed.”
“I could tell you weren’t asleep too.”
A hand slipped into yours as soon as you got into bed, hearing a hum from Chaeryeong. “Can I help you?” You teased across to her.
Another hum came from Chaeryeong as she tried to pull against your hand. “Don’t lay so far away from me, I can’t sleep like this Y/N.”
You could hear the desperation in Chaeryeong’s voice, shuffling a little closer to where she laid. “How’s this?” You asked her once you had your other arm at her waist.
“There’s still a gap,” she pointed out, “which means you can come closer.”
“Shall we just sleep on top of each other instead?”
A laugh came from Chaeryeong as she reached bag to dig her elbow into your side. “Stop being mean to me, all I want to do is sleep with you.”
“I’m not being mean,” you laughed, “you’re the one that wants to sleep as squeezed up as we can be together.”
“I’m not letting you go, so don’t think about moving away.”
“I promise that I won’t go anywhere.”
Her eager eyes followed your every move as you moved around the bedroom, with Yuna getting impatient. “I’ll be there in a moment.”
Yuna’s head shook as she tapped against your side of the bed, “hurry up,” she pouted, watching you closely as you sorted yourself out.
After a few minutes, you were done, being ushered across to the bed. “What’s gotten into you anyway?” You asked Yuna as she helped you to get into bed, moving towards you.
“I’ve missed this,” she whispered, “sleeping on tour alone sucks.”
“Did you manage to sleep much on your own?”
Yuna’s head shook as she let go of a deep sigh, “I barely slept a full night, that’s why I’m so excited to fall asleep with you tonight, I’ll sleep like a baby.”
“Does this mean you won’t be moody and tired tomorrow?” You joked, “will I get to see you smiling again tomorrow?”
“I’ve not come home in that bad of a mood you know.”
“You’ve pouted since this morning Yuna.”
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pupyuj · 10 months
gp itzy thoughts i beg cuz ur yuna one has me GIGGLING
i got you anon 😩😤😤 i personally view all of g!p itzy as subs (yes even ryujin don't fight me on this 🤭🤭) unless the scenario prompt is specific SO IT'S DOM READER TIME 😏 their names r color coded cuz some are longer than others i got a bit too into it 💀
that g!p yeji thought i posted a while ago is kinda perfect bcs it's just so her?? like to be so weak n pathetic when it comes to you :(( a little tease n baby is immediately rock hard, weakly asking for you to stop messing with her but secretly wanting for you to just,, ride her already 😭😭😭 she definitely likes being forced into having sex in like, public spaces 🤭 like she's saying "no stop (y/n) we can'tttt there's people here :((" but then why is she eagerly pounding into you while she's holding you up against the mirror in a changing room?? why isn't she doing anything other than sitting there n letting you jerk her off while you're in the movie theatre??? 🫢
lia's never beating the pillow princess allegations to me, even when she has a dick 🫡🫡 you're so pretty to her that she just wants to sit back and watch you do whatever you want to her with her cock :(( which ties into her voyeurism bcs she definitely gets off to the sight of you playing w your pussy in front of her,,, and n also in front of the mirror but like you're giving her a handjob n whispering dirty and borderline mean shit to her ear it gets her sooo horny you have no idea 😭😭😭 n she loves when u give her head bcs she can just look at your pretty face taking in her cock, she gets so proud :( big on praises during those moments but ultimately she's a slut for you 🫣
ryujin is kind of the tsundere-ish, pissy pants, big pride = big dick girl who hates being teased and played with but unfortunately you're a fucking brat 🤭 you're always groping her cock while people are around (they never notice), telling her things in her ear, wearing revealing clothing to rile her up, being touchy w people... but see, even if that makes ryujin pissed as hell she will not like, grab you and ruin you— no, that's what you do to her 👀 coming home from a party after flirting w the entire fucking house n ryujin is soooo mad 😭 like she's huffing, arms crossed and glaring at you while sitting on the bed as you're talking like nothing happened.. then you notice that look in her face n you laugh at her, making her even more mad 😭😭 but then you stand in between her legs and make her look up at you.. suddenly her eyes were the same as a puppy's?? like glossy and pleading while you're talking to her like, "d'you get jealous of that guy? c'mon, ryu, you know i only want your cock..." and "want me to prove it?" then she's nodding w a pout 🥺🥺🥺
making ryujin lay down on the bed to give her the best head of her life, one that pushes her to tears and has her seeing stars 🫠🫠 by the time you're riding her, she's crying bcs you feel so fucking good, like she's in literal disbelief over it 😩 sometimes the pleasure gets too much that ryujin will be so lost in her head while you're forcing orgasms out of her, but you're there to keep her grounded 🤭 leaning down to kiss her just to keep her eyes open and saying, "s-see, ryu?? fuck... i only want you..." she never doubted you ever again, but that didnt rlly stop you from just pissing her off anyway 😭
chaeryeong's reputation ain't the greatest bcs of her permanent rbf but that's what u love about her :( bcs she looks like this mean bitch who could kill anyone that thinks to approach you in a way she doesn't but u know how she is behind closed doors :(( she's your whiny baby who hides her face whenever you're touching her dick 😔 she's big on mommy kink and she's super polite 🥺🥺 always using 'please' whenever she wants to do something to you, or asking for your permission before coming she's the cutest 💔💔 and she looooves the collar + leash combo while fucking you from behind 😵‍💫 you pulling on the leash to bring her down, telling her to fuck you harder n then she's moaning "mommy!" in your ear the closer she gets to coming it makes her feel crazyy 😩
yuna is the type that can't keep her hands or her dick off of you 😭😭 she's always touching you and finds all the ways to feel your ass on her cock whether by sitting you down on her lap or hugging you from behind 😵‍💫 quickies happen a lot bcs again, she's just so addicted to the way your pussy clenches around her cock she literally cannot go a day without fucking you :(( so being apart from you is hard, sex wise!!!! she gets so pouty n she complains a lot,,, sends you photos and videos while you're away, and PHONE SEX!!!!! but it's never enoughhhh 😔😔 when you come back however.. be prepared for an entire day of fucking bcs yuna will literally not let you go anywhere once you're back with her 😭 yuna immediately pulling you to the bedroom as soon as you step inside her house :(( undressing you swiftly, pulling you to her lap to have you ride her cock for god knows how long 😵‍💫😵‍💫 her cum filling you up for hours but neither of you stopping bcs her cock and your pussy are just.. the perfect match 😔😚😚
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hwangyeddeongie · 3 months
itzy most to least likely to send nudes?
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Oooh okay this one’s interesting
Cw: smut. Men and minors DNI
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We all know she’s a freak 😭 it’ll be a random Tuesday and she’ll send you a pic of herself in front of her bedroom mirror with her legs spread open, wearing nothing. Will also take selfies at a ridiculously high angle so that her face is barely visible, and it’s obvious she just wants to send you a tit pic. she owns a huge collection of toys, will send you short snippets of her pumping a dildo into herself or using a vibrator
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She loooooves to tease and fluster you. Most of the time, she’ll just send a hand pic (sapphics you know this is the female equivalent of a dick pic) or a mirror selfie with her pants low on her hips so you can see her strap 😵‍💫 also a slightly blurry image of her with a hand between her legs and biting her lip. will pair it with a “I know you like these, baby 😘” message
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Yeji won’t usually resort to explicit pics, she prefers those that leave some things to the imagination. For example, she just bought a really cute new set of lingerie? She’ll send you a suggestive pic posing on the bed. She’ll also do topless pics, but taken from the back, so you can’t actually see anything. Silhouette pictures are her go to. She will send you voice messages of her pleasuring herself and moaning your name, though. 😩😩😩
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Lia won’t really send you nudes unless you ask for them. She just prefers the real thing over a picture, but she’ll definitely sext you a lot. Things like “waiting for you, honey, can’t wait to ruin you” or “you looked so pretty on top of me last night, baby” 🤭
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Can’t really see Chae sending nudes tbh. She’s really shy, and insinuation alone gets her super flustered, let alone an explicit pic. If you really really want one though, she’ll send you like, 1, of her on the bed, fully clothed with a hand down her pants, her face red
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oakparchment · 7 months
If Yeji wants it, she'll have it.
Yeji x Lia, Yeji x Ryujin, Yeji x Chaeryeong, Yeji x Yuna
Length: 855 words
Tags: g!p Yeji, dom Yeji, futa, free-use, CNC, food sex, phone sex, somnophilia, watersports (golden shower), cock warming
Summary: All the other Itzy members are free-use sex toys for Yeji's horny desires.
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A/N: This is basically a bunch of different kinks condensed into short stories for each Yeji pairing (because when it comes to writing long pieces I lose focus and rarely end up finishing them). If you read through all those tags and decide to continue reading because you're into all of that then congrats, you are one kinky individual.
If Yeji wants it, she'll have it. Lia in the kitchen cooking? Better hope nothing's currently on the stove cause the older girl will bend her over the counter, grinding her dick into Lia's still clothed mound. At first Lia will complain about how its unsanitary and say ridiculous things like "the kitchen is where you prepare things that go in your mouth, not your other holes", but Yeji knows its all talk when she can feel the wetness seeping through her roommates panties.
After a few minutes of fucking her into the kitchen counter, Yeji notices the array of vegetables yet to be prepared. "Pick up that cucumber and fuck your mouth with it, I know you like having both your holes filled at the same time". Lia does as she's told. With one hand holding herself up, she uses the other to suck off the green rod, timing it so that Yeji's hard thrusts matches when she shoves it down her mouth. This continues until Yeji has her fill, finishing inside Lia's creamy pussy. She's not completely inconsiderate, making sure to pull the girl's panties and leggings back up to help prevent leakage whilst she finishes cooking.
Ryujin's in the middle of a phone call? Yeji uses the girl's free hand to palm her own cock through her shorts, letting Ryu know what she wants. With a devilish grin, the younger girl looks up to her leader, feeling her bulge grow as she rubs the outline. Yeji pauses these ministrations to pull her pants off, her cock springing free. "Stroke it for me" she mouths silently, as if Ryujin didn't plan on doing that already.
Ryu distractedly continues with her conversation. Who was she even on the phone with? Honestly it didn't matter to Yeji. All she cared about was the feeling of Ryujin's hand wrapped around her cock, pumping up and down at a rapid pace. Both girls helped contribute spit to the handjob. Ryujin when she was on the listening end of her phone call, and Yeji when she felt it could be a little sloppier. When Ryujin notices the older girls balls tighten and sees her eyelids start to flutter, she directs her cock towards her own chest, letting Yeji nut all over her tits. Satisfied, Yeji then walks away leaving Ryujin sitting there like a used sex toy. She hurriedly finds an excuse to end the phone call, and runs to the bathroom to use Yeji's cum as lube to stroke herself off.
Chareyeong asleep in the middle of the night? Well Yeji's having a hard time falling asleep after seeing Chae's ass imprint through the blanket. Two layers get peeled to the side: firstly the blanket, secondly the sleeping girl's cute panties. Yeji groans at the sight of Chaeryeong's juicy peach, straddling it from on top. Growing impatient, she lines up her cock and pushes deep. The poor girl abruptly wakes up to the feeling of getting her cheeks clapped. Moaning into her pillow, she takes it like a good little slut.
Yeji continues giving her backshots, railing Chae's pussy until the pleasure surges over. Without slowing down, she pumps the younger girl full of cum, feeling those walls tightening around her cock simultaenously. Still sheathed inside, Yeji rolls the girl over so that they're both laying on their sides. "I'm not gonna pull out okay? Keep my cock warm while we sleep" she says as she pulls Chaeryeong in to cuddle her closer.
Yuna trying to take a leak? Yeji will barge in, lock the door behind them and stand next to poor Yuna sitting on the toilet. "Can't it wait Unnie? I really have to go...". Yeji pulls her dick out and slaps Yuna in the face with it. "I'm not stopping you from going, so go" she says, before shoving it in Yuna's hot mouth. Desperate to empty her bladder, Yuna does as she's told and starts pissing, the warm stream splashing out of her pussy as her leader fucks her in the mouth.
Long after Yuna finishes pissing, Yeji finishes in a different way, pulling out of that wet mouth and jerking herself off over Yuna's entire body, making sure spurts of cum land on Yuna's face (who sticks her tongue out like a good girl), her perky tits, and her belly. "Don't move, I've needed to go this whole time too" and with that, Yeji takes a step back and starts pissing on her maknae. Aiming at her face, she splashes Yuna with her warmth, making her way down to her tits and eventually to her clit. All of Yeji's cum and piss runs down the length of Yuna's body, trailing off her pussy down into the toilet below.
Lucky the shower is just a few feet away... Yeji instructs the girl (dripping with her fluids) to hop in the shower with her to clean up. Hot water runs, steam fills the room, and as expected, seeing Yuna's soapy lithe body makes the leader hard again. You already know what happens next. She's Hwang Yeji, and if she wants it, she'll have it.
A/N:Btw this is the first smut that I've ever posted, it's sloppy (heh) but I have a lot partially finished (both short-form stuff like this but also more cohesive actual pieces) in the backrooms aka my notepad so if I'm feeling productive in a degenerate kind of way then those works will eventually see the light of day.
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insomniakisses · 6 months
Happy Birthday Yuna 💖
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Pairing: Shin Yuna (Itzy)
Reader: Gender Neutral, AFAB, Refered to as Unnie
Warnings/notes: Smut, nsfw content, MINORS DNI, CIS HETS DNI, alpha yuna, She has a cock, omegaverse, omegareader, creampie, p in v sex, jerking, mentions of breeding, possible unnie kink
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The soft whimpers and gentle humping against your leg woke you up. Groaning you turned over only to hear a soft quiet whine and a needy “unnie please” from the maknae. Your eyes shot open and you see yuna pouting and shifting uncomfortably as her cock strains in her pants gentle whines escaping her parted lips and her cheeks all flushed.
“Yuna baby whats wrong hmm?” You coo cupping her face but she just shakes her head whining. “Its too much, hurts!” She eagerly pulls at her shorts silently begging you for help.
You coo pulling off her boxers and your shorts jerking her softly as she whines and moans against your neck. When you feel her breathing speed up and her cock start twitching you stop, pulling her into a kiss and rolling her onto of you carefully moaning when her dick brushes against your core.
Shes blushing now cock painfully hard and her mouth parted eyes wide with blown out pupils. “You wanna fuck me baby? Hmm wanna fuck unnie full of cum?” She nods so fast griping your hips and pushing in moaning and gasping at the wet tight heat around her.
Your mouth falls slack at her size shes heavy and thick in your pussy pushing in so eagerly u throw your head back, she takes this as an opportunity to place soft kisses on your neck. As she starts thrusting however her kisses get more heated and turn more into bites than anything else.
You moan loudly cupping the back of her head pulling her closer to your neck and her bites get harder at this throaty groans escaping against your skin. Her thrusting picks up and her hips move on instinct fucking deep again and again her cock drooling pre with every thrust until shes screaming “unnie” and slamming balls deep shooting robes of hot cum inside you. You feel her balls twitch and throb against u and it send you over the edge thinking of how your sweet maknae is breeding you deep filling you with her thick creamy cum and moaning your name.
Its not long before shes moving again your name falling from her lips like a mantra as she trails hot open mouth kisses down to your chest. Latching onto a nipple she sucks gently running her tongue against the bud and barely nipping it before sucking once more.
U moan her name, grinding uo into her as you feel her knot forming and your own orgasm bearing. You know she wont push in herself young alphas never do. Especially not on their first try so as her thrusts get sloppy and her whines louder you wrap your legs around her popping her knot for her and cumming hard around her. Her cock throbbing and balls clenching in sink with the pulsating of your walls your juices dripping down her cock as she fills you with another load. This one seeming bugger and thicker but still very hot.
She collapses then nuzzling her face deep into your neck a satisfied smile on her face. “Mm, thank you unnie” she mumbles sleepily into your neck. Falling asleep soon after as you rub her back and kiss her shoulder, her cock filling you load after load. You just smile to yourself kissing her head saying “happy birthday yuna”.
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mncein · 11 months
love your writing! will it be okay to request some ot5 (or a specific member, whoever you want) being a jealous dork for reader?
this made my day :(( and yes of course !! i will be doing 2 members from each ot5 member group which i think will fit in being a jealous dork. thank you for this request anon, enjoy !!
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the type of girl to roll her eyes at everything you do or say. but is listening intently if you ever mention her name 😭 coming up to you with a fake sweet smile but deep inside she has a burning jealousy building up. you brought her with you to meet up with some of your classmates which are also your close friends. but before you two could go to the meet up place, she asked for coffee. and the cashier was absolutely fazed by your beauty. and uh oh...
— you ordered your usual and yunjin's coffee matcha latte, "that'll be all, thank you." you smiled and payed for your orders. yunjin noticed something though. the cashier was staring right into your eyes.
"you look so pretty ma'am." the cashier smiled.
"aww, thank yo-"
"i know right? i'm so lucky i have her as my girlfriend." yunjin cuts you off, took both of your orders and dragged you outside the coffee shop.
"hey- she was just being nice." you removed her hand on your arm, she furrows her eyebrows at you, were you that oblivious?
"she was flirting with you, i had to do what i have to." yunjin smiles and takes a sip of her drink. holding your hand and walks to where the meet up place was.
"come on, your friends are waiting." but that doesn't end there.
she told almost everything about your relationship to your friends! it was fine at first, but she was telling all the times where you made her jealous and the reason why! you plead her to stop because it was very embarrassing, but she turned into a deaf ear and continues talking about it.
extremely jealous when she found out you've been gone to go play some games with your sakura-unnie 😭 the worst when jealous, like when you try to talk to her about what's wrong, she just *smack* you on the arm just as hard enough to leave a small red mark :( poor girl felt so lonely inside her room, waiting for you to be done playing games and come cuddle with her :(
— "chae, come on, i'm here now." you whined when she pushed you away, you've been trying to hug and cuddle with her for the past few minutes, but it's no good.
"stay away from me, jerk." she's calling you a jerk while she's been more than a jerk to you, but can she really refuse to your warm hugs and cuddles? of course not! she just has to tease you a bit.
you gave up, standing away fron her bed and crossing your arms, "says the one who's acting like a real jerk now." you roll your eyes as you prepared to leave.
"where are you going?" she asks immediately, just once your presence is gone again, she's gonna go feral and spam you messages.
you turn back to her, "back to sakura-unnie to play more games, not like you will."
"i will play games with you, you just have to ask me to join you." she pouted and stood beside you. taking your hand and leading you outside her room to the living room where all the girls are. you sigh, at least she can be by your side now.
using her maknae advantages! when she sees you around her unnies, she gets so clingy with them and purposely trying to get you jealous for revenge. isn't actually good at it, but she's the one getting more and more jealous when you talk casually with her unnies as if she wasn't even there 😭
— after all of the chaotic happenings in the living room, you found yourself alone with yuna in her bedroom. she's on her phone and ignoring you straight for 30 minutes now.
"hello?" you wave your hand in front of her face, trying to get her attention. successful, she puts her phone down.
"mind explaining what you planned earlier?" yuna crosses her arms.
"what do you mean, 'explain what i planned'?"
"were you flirting with my unnies?"
"actually, you're the one who started it. and it didn't really affect me. so why when i flirt with them, you get so jealous?" she went silent, not having anymore reasons and comebacks. she groans and turns off the light and ignores you to bed.
master of being a jealous dork actually. her jealousy immediately backfired! you spent time with the group, but specifically yuna, at the park today. ryujin couldn't help but get jealous at the sight of you making yuna laugh effortlessly, but when you're joking with ryujin, she doesn't even laugh but tell your jokes aren't funny :(
— seeing you with yuna, she sticks to yeji quickly and linking arms with her. eyeing you time to time to see if you noticed or had a reaction. but still no good! you're still with yuna, picking some flowers of your liking.
"this flower reminds me of you." you say to yuna when you pick the flower up and put it on the side of her ear. complimenting that she looked beautiful, ryujin copies what you did to yeji.
"amazing job ryujin, i hope you did your very best to make me jealous." you put your arms on your chest.
"glad it worked." she smugly smiles and copies your pose.
"but you're still the one who got jealous first." you laugh.
"but you're the one who couldn't stand me with someone else." ryujin smiles and flipped her hair.
"ugh, whatever. dork."
not only jealous, but practically mad at you 😭 lets out her anger to the members or at you, but not really violently but verbally. once you know she's jealous, you're swift in taking action and dragging her to your room or hers. sighing, you have to talk your way out of this problem.
— "hyein, stop being so loud." hanni sighs and sits more comfortably on the couch as if her previous position was making her legs cramp.
"don't mind her, just keep doing your thing." you pat the younger girl's shoulder, whom gave you a soft smile.
"and you too, shut up." hanni points at you, what did you do this time? is it bad to comfort someone who was told they were loud? she's really so hard to get with when she's jealous.
you stood up from your seat, excusing yourself between haerin and danielle. dragging hanni to her room to apologise for whatever you did and didn't notice.
and you found yourself with a red slap mark on your arm that lasted hours in that day. and you're still unforgiven.
close to being cruel, loves when you're the one jealous. dork? yes, she'll probably do what you did to make her jealous, but hers is intentionally. doesn't give you time to explain and walks off right there, could be planning her revenge inside the kitchen or her room 😭 her plan includes hanni and haerin! literally convinced the two girls who were eating their dinner peacefully.
— minji sat in between hanni and haerin on the sofa while a movie was playing on the tv. apparently, she has this, whole plan, to make you the one jealous once you get back to their dorm.
"what's taking y/n so long?" hanni asks, shifting from her position a bit.
"most likely had a hard time finding the thing i asked her to get." minji replies as she checks her phone for messages from you.
"you're so cruel sometimes." haerin spoke while her eyes are fixed on the tv.
"it's because she made me jealous-" the door opening cuts off minji. she motions the two to lay their heads on her shoulder while they pretend to watch the movie.
"hey, i got the thing you ask for-" immediately shutting your mouth when you saw the scene in front of you. hanni and haerin lifted their heads from minji's shoulder and giggles, the two leaving the room while muttering a small good luck to minji.
"well done minji. don't even think about talking to me again, thank you very much." she's in big trouble.
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