#itzy soft hours
ryuttaeng · 3 months
could you possibly do either hcs or a fic of new itzy member reader who was the each of the girls gay awakening?? i feel like chaeryeong would be panicking and really nervous because she hasnt felt something like this and so strongly too 😭🥹
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okay so you were added to the group members lineup at the very last moment, you barely knew any basic info about each members and nearly freaked out when you first actually met them. itzy’s reaction wasn’t so bad, but wasn’t very pleasant either…. at least at first. ever since you performed together, you grew closer to each members. how could they not notice how insanely beautiful you are??? and you were also kind but had a struggle with opening up to new people but anyway, you’re their bff now! or at least for now.
i guess yeji would be so dumbfounded when she realizes that she likes you??? and not in a friendly way??? girlie is so nervous about that fact and she just can’t handle it but to tell to her members but she can’t because they’ve never discussed same-sex relationship before 😭 she always thought she was into guys only, and even if she liked a girl, she would think it was just a friendly sympathy. yeji would also get so smiley around you and will often just smile to her own thoughts. if she will have enough courage to confess to you, she will make her best to do that in private, and also would try to be romantic. but my pookie is just so nervous, she will stutter and almost tripped over when she came 😭🤞🏻🤞🏻 thank goodness you just simply kissed yeji and asked her to be your girlfriend faster than her.
LIA MY BELOVED 😞😞😞 i think she will just simply accept the fact that you’re the first girl she ever liked as not a friend. eventually she’ll ask her gay friends how to confess to you properly and will ask some advices how to give you hints that she likes you lmao 😭 she will always touch your hand, always leaning on your shoulder during breaks on practices and just will rub circles on your arm while holding your hand and you’re just like 🤷🏻‍♀️ you’re okay w it and don’t really pay attention to it. lia would reveal her feelings by getting jealous when one of members were jokingly flirting with you 😭 she would just storm out of the room, making you confused and go after her. asking her what’s wrong and she will kiss you quickly, and after that lia would get so shy 😭😭🤞🏻 but you just chuckle and hug her tightly, kissing her cheek.
ryujin will just go 🧍🏻‍♀️ when she realizes that she have feelings for you. girl would occasionally flirt with you but you just laughed it off, thinking it’s just her personality and she will just be like “oh well yep 🧍🏻‍♀️”. she would complain to other members that it would be easier to have feelings for some guy and not you instead, but you come into the room with “have feelings for who?” and bae will just be “no one 🧍🏻‍♀️” help 😭😭🤞🏻how she would confess? she would get so wistful one day and it made you feel worried for her. “are you okay ryu?” and she will just automatically nod and not pay attention to anyone. at the end of the day you’ll sit down beside ryujin, telling her that you’re worried about her, and she will just go “i think i like you, y/n. no- i don’t think, just- oh well….” 😭😭😭 she’s so nervous but you calm her down by kissing her nose aww
I AGREE W YOU ON CHAERYEONG. she’s my cutie that nearly freaks out when her friend told her that she has feelings for you 🤞🏻😭 i also think that she will distance herself from you to reflect about her feeling towards you and it will also affect you by making you worried about chae. members would notice that something about you two is wrong and would try to do something about it, for example, they would interrogate chaer that is there’s bad blood between her and you? but she would get so nervous that she would just straight say that she has feeling for you 😭😭 other members would support ryeong and tell some advices how to get closer w you and how to confess. one day members would call you to help them out with something but once you’re at the place, you see only chaeryeong in the room, beautifully dressed and nervously fidgeting her fingers 😭 she would confess to you after a few minutes of overthinking, so scared about your reaction but! you took her hands in yours, telling her that her feelings are mutual and she’s just so happy to hear that 😭😭😭🤞🏻
bae yuna would giggle whenever looking at you and leaving you wondering what was that. she would feel so lightheaded about her feelings to you, that she almost forgot to do or take something. i feel like she would have some diary where she writes about you, her feelings for you and overall just you. she would hide it really hard, thinking that you would think she’s some freak 😭 but aye ryujin would’ve find it first and tease younger shin for that 🤞🏻😭😭😭 but i’m sure ryu would’ve helped yuna to confess to you, giving her some advices. yuna would ask you out to the restaurant, and will calmly confess to you after eating. after hearing your ‘yes’ yuna’s face lit up and she just started kissing your face 🤞🏻😞
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ryejifics · 3 months
Fan service
Type: fluff
Chaeryeong x reader
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You were scrolling through TikTok after a long day at work. This was a part of your nightly routine. Sometimes you got some of your girlfriend who just so happened to be in Itzy. Lee Chaeryeong. This time she was interacting with a midzy, at first? You thought it was adorable she was smiling and shaking hands with her. That was until she started getting a little too touchy with Chae. You knew you shouldn't feel jealous since it was just fan service, but the way Chae smiled at her felt different. The fan was even touching her cheek and teasing her! How could you not feel jealous? This was YOUR girlfriend. You knew this came with dating an idol but you couldn't help it.
All day, you pouted over that video. When Chae finally got home from dance practice, she smiled and ran to you. "Hi baby! I missed you all day." She kissed your lips quickly and noticed your sad face. "Baby? What's wrong, my love?" She lifted your face with her hand and looked into your eyes. You didn't want to tell her. You knew it was a stupid reason to be upset with her. You sniffled a bit and quickly looked back down. "Princess, how am I going to fix this if you won't tell me?" She sat down and pulled you into her lap. "How about dinner? Anything you want! Even dessert." You shook your head no. "Chae, was that really fan service." You pouted and looked down more. "What? Baby, did a fan make you jealous? You know that's only ever fan service, and I would never ever see someone else on that way. You're the only one I have room in my heart for, and you're the only one I love." She softly placed a kiss on your forehead. She planted kisses all over your face. Even on your arms, neck, hands, anywhere she could reach. "I only love you." She placed both hands on your cheeks and looked into your eyes. "Only fan service, I promise." "But Chae! Look at how you looked at them and they were so touchy with you." You showed her the video, and she quickly started to reassure you again. "Baby, it's just fan service. From now on, I'll be more careful. No one could ever take your place. How about we get some dinner so I can show you how much I love you?" You quickly nodded, and off you went. The whole time, she held onto you and placed kisses all over your hands and face. She always knew how to make you feel better.
When you got home, she pulled you into bed and laid you on top of her. She put on your favorite movie as she ran her fingers through your hair. "I love you." She kissed your lips gently. "I love you, only you, and it'll only ever be you. I promise." She kissed you once again and left many more throughout the night. Chaeryeong always knew how to make you feel loved. You no longer felt jealous because you knew you had her heart. No one could ever take that. She was yours. "I love you, Chae." You cuddled into her and fell asleep to wake up and do it all again.
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styeji · 5 months
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lee chaeryeong x fem!reader
cw: fluff, cute nicknames, best friends to lovers, i just love summer and chae 😞 (and her solo song)
summary: ryeongchae, your closest and best friend always loved summer evening hangouts with you.
word count: 605
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you huffed, squinting your eyes because of sun. you smiled at the thought of older girl that waits you to come over, as she wanted to hangout today.
chaeryeong is such a good friend you’ve ever had. she’s just so sweet, precious and adorable person, sometimes you doubt that she’s even real. always so nice and caring she’s just too good to be real. it always made you feel mad whenever someone treated her badly and snap back at them.
blinking few times after you realise you were lost in your thoughts about your gf, you finally hurry to chaeryeong.
you honestly doubted your feelings towards older girl. many times you caught yourself thinking how beautiful chae is but doesn’t almost everyone thought like that about their friends? “okay, just image that you’re kissing her… y/n?” you hear lia say as you quickly cover your face with your hands, almost hitting yourself, so she won’t see you blushing. well, let’s just say that’s how you found out that you see chaeryeong more than just a friend.
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“y/n! oh, you didn’t had to buy so much…” chaeryeong looked at you, smiling almost apologetically but you quickly assured her. “it’s okay cherry, you said yourself you almost ran out of food in your fridge so it’s not a problem anymore.” you handed her two bags, as older girl was ready to tear up in front of you. “honey, please don’t cry or i’m gonna cry too. let’s watch sunset as you wanted, it’s almost time.” you say, as you hug chae, your hand rubbing her back.
you wish you knew what older girl had in her mind right now. you both sitting on balcony, you can feel warm wind blowing, while chaeryeong looked at the sun setting, you’re lost in your thoughts again.
lee turned her head, now her attention was on you. she never thought how pretty you look with sun rays on you. you mechanically took off your glasses, placing them on top of your head. you’re that type of person who wears glasses almost every time, except for sleep at course, so it was a rare sight to see when you put away your glasses. chaeryeong carefully tuck your hair behind your ear, finally drawing your attention to her, “hm? what is it ryeongie?” you softly ask, making chaeryeong’s heart flutter, you always could do that to her. she shakes her head, her hand is now resting on your shoulder.
oh god, how nervous you are right now. chaeryeong looks absolutely stunning, and her hand on your shoulder makes it harder for you to think properly. “uhm, chae, i-i think-“ all of a sudden you stutter, probably blushing like mad. you sigh, trying to keep yourself calm, while chaeryeong’s smile slowly faded, now she looks at you curiously. you take older girl’s hand in yours, keeping it in its place.
“chaeryeong, i’m sorry for keeping this as a secret from you but… i think i like you, no, i know i like you more than a friend. if it makes you uncomfortable, i’m okay with it, you can reject me but please, can we stay friends? you’re really…” you stop talking, as chaeryeong put finger on your lips, shushing you.
“i hoped you say that.” she whispers, before leaning forward and kissing you, her lips is much softer than you ever imagined. her hand now is on your neck, keeping you close to her, as your hands carefully held her face.
you both part away, as chaeryeong giggles, hiding her smile. you remove her hand, smiling brightly because of her.
“i love you, ryeongchae.”
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writers-ex · 1 year
hi! can i have the itzy members (separately) walking in on normally stoic reader crying bc she's insecure of her body? have a nice day<3
yes bc we all need some fluff rn lmk if this is ok anon <3
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our kitten would be heartbroken to hear you say how much you hate your flabby arms and that no matter what you do or how much you diet and workout they stay the same, always hiding them behind long sleeve shirts yeji would cup your face ever so gently and kiss your lips before slowly pulling away to take off your shirt and rub your arms, she kisses your shoulder and goes all the way down to wrist before doing the same on the other arm whispering that these are the arms she gets to run into at the end of the day, your arms are her safe place and she treasures them just as she would any part of your body
seeing you cross your arms and tugging down at the crop top she bought you to hide your stomach ryujin would sigh and stand in front of you while telling you to hold your arms out to the side, crouching down ryujin takes a good look at your stomach before placing a light kiss in the center making you gasp and whine for her to stop but she warns you to keep still as she stands back up and puts her hands on your exposed skin pulling you close as she rubs every inch of your to stomach all as a small smile grows on her face, no matter how much or little your stomach grows you’re ryujin girl, and she adores every inch of you
seeing you always wear baggy pants or long skirts chaeryeong can’t help but notice you never like to show your legs or more specifically your thighs, one day while the two of you are watching a movie she sees your lower body covered with a blanket and pulls it off making you look at her confused but instead of explaining she scoots closer making you lay on the couch and places her hands on the waistband of your sweatpants, pulling them off slowly you cover your face as she sees the stretch marks and scars all over your thighs, instead of being disgusted she just traces each line with her finger tips humming to herself as she watches you gasp from such a loving touch, once she finishes she lays ontop of your chest and rubs a hand against thighs looking up at yiu chaeryeong repeatedly tells you thank you for loving her and proceeds to describe your beauty in the cheesiest and sweetest words she knows
it’s not that you were insecure of your looks it’s just that you can’t help but compare your features to other girls and wonder why lia hasn’t fallen for their charms yet instead of staying with you, no matter all the amount of makeup and contouring you do it just doesn’t compare to the other girl’s beauty, lia happens to walk into the bathroom seeing you get ready for the morning your face turns red as she stands there gawking at you and before you can plead with her to forget what she saw lia walks toward you and cups your face smiling brightly, calling you her star she kissed every little detail on your face from your beauty mark to your eye bags to even the dimple you have repeating over and over again how much she loves you promising to stay faithful to her amazing one of a kind girlfriend-you
while yuna is playful and always teasing you she never once makes a comment on your body shape, you wonder if there’s something wrong with how you look, does she like it? are you eating too much? too little? hips wide? no hips? all those thoughts run through your mind as you take a moment to criticize your build, too lost in your thoughts you fail to see yuna standing there watching you twist and turn your body until she can’t sit still and gives you a back hug, resting her head on your shoulder as she kissed your neck, mumbling how beautiful you look all your negative thoughts vanish with each kiss and compliment your curved or built stature softly pulling you to the bed for some much needed cuddles
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queeryujin · 2 years
amor completo – s. rj
this is just a fluff mess and me being madly in love with ryujin so yeah
listen to “amor completo” by mon laferte !!! it’s just so cute nd how i feel with this tbh … i didn’t proofread so don’t mind me & a lot of parts were inspired by @ wlwyearning & @ kisswlw on tw
pure fluff. best friends to lovers.
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you and ryujin were best friends since highschool, at first she thought you were kinda annoying and you thought she was a little bit cold but both of you shared some interests so after a few months, you could easily talk a whole night nonstop.
you had this dynamic where you endlessly mocked each other but still supported and admired the other one. spending quality time was your thing, but neither of you were really clingy or felt the need to express your feelings through physical affection or words of affirmation. indeed you were embarrassed about it, since it meant opening about your real feelings.
that changed when you started falling in love and saw each other in a whole different light. the thing is that you weren’t use to it.
after overcoming the thrill of confessing, your firsts times were a lovely chaos. you still remember the first time you held hands and how both of you shied away your big smiles. the way it made your heart flutter so hard you were afraid she could hear it. you panicked a little bit until she kissed your hand while staring at you softly. then the fluttery and uncertain feeling was replaced with a sense of familiarity and warmth.
that’s one of the ways to describe your relationship. it felt new but also familiar, so you couldn’t be happier. of course you knew her like no one else, but in a romantic way was totally different.
when you started being more clingy with each other it was a little bit funny how both of you tried to push the awkwardness away, but at the end of the day you would end up laying your head on her chest and hearing her heart beat faster. so it was such a vulnerable and private moment you enjoyed.
you also discovered a more winhy side of ryujin, talking to you so softly or when she pretented to be mad, she would be so pouty until you squished her cheeks and kissed her. after that she didn’t even try to cover her blush as you felt her smile against your lips while you kissed.
sometimes she was extremelly affectionate that someone that knew her wouldn’t believe it, but they didn’t have to since it was something between you two.
ryujin was the first to call you pet names, since she was naturally flirty and loved seeing you flustered. but when you started calling her “my love”, “angel”, “petal”, “honey”, “darling”, “my pretty girl” and a bunch of other affectionate names? she lost it. she couldn’t even look at you in the eyes and when you lifted her chin her eyes were so shiny and full of love you barely called by her name anymore.
she will literally whine if she doesn’t get called pet names but when you asked her to tell you which one, she’ll get sooo embarrassed and couldn’t say them so she just kept on whining and pouting until you comply. but sometimes she’ll be so loud about it too, saying “my love? yes that’s me !! i’m the one u love. i’m the only one u love. i’m your love. please say it again”
when you looked at each other, you felt a warm, soft feeling in your chest and you were convinced your love was more than enough. it felt right.
you were watching a movie cuddled up. a movie both of you know by heart, so you were more into cuddling and kissing each other lazily. that’s when she noticed you were tearing up.
“oh my god baby, are you okay?” she looked at you with concern kissing your tears away and wiping them off your face.
“yeah, don’t worry darling, just a little bit emotional” you smiled at her.
“do you want to talk about it or-“
“no! i mean, they’re happy tears! i just… i just was thinking” you held her hands in yours to kiss them “i’m just.. happy to love you. i really am.”
it wasn’t a surprise that she started crying too, holding you so tight and whispering lots of “i love you’s” as she kissed your face, ending up in your lips. all of your nights felt like this one where your surroundings faded away and you were left with her warm embrace.
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vnltis · 1 year
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i do not care that this is a skz blog, im having a ryujin brainrot and you all have to deal with it.
pairing: ryujin x fem!reader
genre: fluff, suggestive?
warnings: none really, ryujin calls reader baby once, it is wlw though so go away homophobes
a/n: i know this is short but i just wanted to post something with ryujin.
ryujins arms around you, a thin blanket thrown over you and your girlfriends legs, and the sound of the movie playing. not that you were paying any attention to whatever was happening in the it, you were focused on the beautiful woman that you were cuddling with. she was perfect, everything you ever wanted. you turned you body to face her, leaving soft kisses on her shoulder, hoping to get her attention. “what is it, baby?” ryujin whispers, slightly chuckling at your actions. “ just wanna love you.” you mumble, voice muffled against her soft skin. “did you not before?” ryujin teases, making you to start kissing up to her neck until your lips meet hers. “so perfect…” ryujin praises, “so perfect for me.”
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ryujenini · 4 months
IMAGINE #37 (fluff)
Imagine play fighting with Ryujin that ends up with you cuddled up on the floor and her peppering your giggling face with soft kisses and even softer hair caresses
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veluvberry · 2 years
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(ˇヘˇ)ノ wake me up when september ends ୨୧ ⌇ ˖ ࣪ 📹
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✨ 𝕒𝕟𝕘𝕤𝕥𝕪 𝕦𝕟𝕕𝕖𝕣𝕥𝕠𝕟𝕖
☁️ 𝕗𝕝𝕦𝕗𝕗𝕪 𝕔𝕠𝕞𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕥
🫧 𝕡𝕝𝕒𝕪𝕗𝕦𝕝
🎀 𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕞𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕤𝕖𝕕 𝕡𝕙𝕪𝕤𝕚𝕔𝕒𝕝 𝕔𝕝𝕠𝕤𝕖𝕟𝕖𝕤𝕤
💎 𝕤𝕞𝕦𝕥
🪐 𝕖𝕩𝕡𝕖𝕣𝕚𝕞𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕒𝕝
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Sleepy Scenarios (SKZ OT8) ☁️
Rainy Scenarios with SKZ 🫧
Fantasy Setting: Skz’s Rings 🪐
𝕒𝕟𝕪 𝕞𝕖𝕞𝕓𝕖𝕣
Truly Idiotic. ✨☁️🎀💎
Anxious Morning ✨☁️
Fuck You ✨☁️
Favorite Track is an Understatement ✨
Sleep💤Talking (1) ✨☁️
Head’s throbbing in the early morning (2) ✨☁️
Sleep💤mumbling (3) ✨
Overestimated shower procedure (4) ✨☁️🎀
The scent of vanilla and cotton (5) ✨☁️
Washing Machine  ✨☁️
The Distant Sound Of The Washing Machine ✨☁️🫧
Needed Cuddles ✨☁️
Hold my hand, I’m nervous. ✨☁️🫧🎀
Period and Nightmare ✨☁️
A Past's Cover-Up ✨☁️
Overwhelmingly Good ✨☁️🎀
Overwhelmingly Close ✨☁️🎀
Lazy Winter Evening ☁️🫧
Socks in Summer ☁️🫧
Hiding Tears ✨☁️
Midpoint. ✨☁️🎀
Cardigan ✨☁️🫧
Tired Day ☁️🫧
Evening Cry ✨☁️
Luxury ✨☁️
Speaking Up ✨
Fuzzy Robe ☁️🫧🎀
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𝕋𝕠𝕞𝕠𝕣𝕣𝕠𝕨 𝕏 𝕋𝕠𝕘𝕖𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕣
Sleepy Scenarios with TXT  ☁️🫧
You Are Changing with TXT ✨☁️
When TXT is making you comfortable ☁️🫧
Rain Cloud ✨☁️🫧
Wedding Dress ☁️🫧
Call Me ✨️☁️
Adorable, but mainly ridiculous 1 ✨☁️🫧
Adorable, but mainly ridiculous 2 ✨☁️🫧🎀
Bubbles ✨☁️🎀
… nothing here yet …
Cuddling with Chaeryeong ☁️🎀
Pink Blood (Yeh Shuhua) ✨☁️
♡Solitaire Quotes I Love♡ (pt.1)
♡Solitaire Quotes I love♡ (pt.2)
♡Solitaire - Chapter 1 notes♡
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ryuttaeng · 2 years
ryujin x vlogger!reader, reader has a gf (ryujin) that her fans really wanna see and in her recent lives she's been showng half of her only. one day, she decides to show her girlfriend fully in her live if thats okay with ryujin (which it was) all of her fans and midzy that saw it went insane and yea that's it
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pairing: ryujin x vlogger!reader
summary: your fans have been begging you to show your girlfriend, as you once said that you’re in a relationship and you have a girlfriend. on your previous live you showed only half of her, immediately turning away. but this time you asked your girlfriend if it was okay to publicly admit your relationship.
contents/warnings: ryujin and reader being shy babies and just pure fluff
genres: fluff
a/n: i live for fluff with ryu jehshsj 😞😞
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“show my girlfriend? oh, i don’t know if she’s okay with it… babe?” “hm?” “do you want to show yourself? i’m live right now.” ryujin looked up at you, as you looked at her back, waiting for her response. thinking few seconds, ryujin nods, as you tell her to come closer, as she sat down beside you.
silent for few minutes, you already could see your chat blowing up with thousands of texts. “ryujin from itzy? yes it’s her, i am ryujin from itzy.” she replied, as she read question. you chuckled, when she hold your hand, giving her softest gaze.
already knowing your and her fans made like hundreds of screenshots while you stared at her, eyes full of love. looking back at the screen, you could see someone’s saying you’ve just melted hearts of thousands people with your ‘heart-like’ eyes. you giggled, as ryujin continued to answer fans questions. “how long you’ve been dating? two years already.” she replied, as she kissed your knuckles. you obviously blushed, hiding your head in her neck, as ryujin laughed at your reaction, blushing herself.
she kissed your head, as she read another question. “does your company know about your relationship with y/n? yes, they do know about it since… we started dating.” ryujin answered, when you already wanted to say goodbye. “ok, that’s enough from you for now.” “byee!” ryujin said, waving her hand and sending your viewers air kisses.
as you were cuddling with ryujin, she read loudly an article title. “‘popular vlogger y/l/n y/n confirms her relationship with itzy’s shin ryujin, k-pop idol.” ryujin read, as your head rested on her chest. she continued, “…the agency also confirmed their relationship, saying they support their relationship fully.” “oh, that’s something new. i thought they were against them?” you asked, while ryujin tried to remember something similar to that. “no, i don’t remember actually. not that pd-nim said something against you.” she said, her fingers in your hair.
you wrapped your hands around her waist, almost looking like a koala. ryujin chuckled, as she could say you’re already feeling sleepy. turning off the lights, ryujin turning on her other side, now facing you. your eyes already closed, as you felt ryujin placing a kiss on your nose, making you smile.
“how do you think your fans reacted?”
“oh, i bet they spammed their twitter accounts with our photos from the live.” you giggled, as you pulled ryujin closer to you.
“…i love you, ryu.”
“i love you too, sweetheart.”
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heavenlycloud · 2 years
𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐨 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐣𝐮𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐭: 𝐲𝐞𝐣𝐢 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭: 𝐟𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟𝐲 𝐜𝐮𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚 𝐦𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐲𝐞𝐣𝐢 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐬 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐨 𝐚 𝐬𝐨𝐟𝐭 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐬𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧. 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐢𝐭 𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐬 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐮𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐢𝐭𝐳𝐲 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐦. 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐝𝐯𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞! <𝟑
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠
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this time it was yeji's pick for which movie the two of you would watch, which she chose Romeo and Juliet, the 1996 version. you didn't oppose her decision either, too focused on the fact that she was finally home after weeks of being away. the television in the middle of the room played the movie quietly, and you found your gaze lingering on your girlfriend more than the film.
this time it was yeji's pick for which movie the two of you would watch, which she chose Romeo and Juliet, the 1996 version. you didn't oppose her decision either, too focused on the fact that she was finally home after weeks of being away. the television in the middle of the room played the movie quietly, and you found your gaze lingering on your girlfriend more than the film.
this time it was yeji's pick for which movie the two of you would watch, which she chose Romeo and Juliet, the 1996 version. you didn't oppose her decision either, too focused on the fact that she was finally home after weeks of being away. the television in the middle of the room played the movie quietly, and you found your gaze lingering on your girlfriend more than the film.
yeji felt your eyes on her once again and she paused the movie, "you're not even watching it! look how cute young leo dicaprio is." she complained with a small whine and you asked with a teasing smile, "can you blame me? i missed you. besides, you’re cuter.” your girlfriend narrowed her eyes for a moment then they softened, a failed attempt at being annoyed. she leaned back against you, letting your arm hang around her shoulder as she toyed with your fingers.
the dorm was quieter than usual, no music, laughter, or bickering coming from any of the rooms. you asked curiously, "how did you convince them to go out? you all just got back two days ago." yeji answered happily, "ryujin owed me a favor." a beat then she explained with a satisfied smile on her face, "she got caught on CCTV sneaking out so i covered for her since it was the third time this month." you gazed at your girlfriend lovingly and her eyes found yours. she felt her heart skip a beat as she leaned in, her hand on your cheek.
a gentle kiss tasting of raspberry pressed against your lips. just as she pulled away, you turned and met her lips once more. yeji slowly shifted on top of your lap, bringing one leg to either side of you. one of her arms rested on your shoulder while her fingers ran over your nape and hair. immediately your hands rested on her waist, and with a soft touch your thumbs pressed small circles into her hips.
yeji pushed her hand down into the couch cushion to push herself up, and in the process unpaused the movie on the tv. just as you pulled away to fix it, your girlfriend pulled you back to her lips, mumbling “leave it be” against yours. she kissed you passionately but it remained clear this was the farthest you were going tonight. your tongue brushed her bottom lip, eliciting an airy moan leaving her throat. yeji nibbled at your bottom lip, making you gasp as she smiled against you.
just then the front door swung open and a high pitched scream made you and yeji jump. chaeryeong and yuna stood in the doorway as yeji frantically scrambled off of you, falling on the floor in the process. awkwardly you crossed your legs and cleared your throat, “hi guys.” your girlfriend got up and sat next to you, a couch cushion separating you both when jisu and ryujin got to the door.
ryujin asked slightly alarmed by the sudden outburst, “what happened?” you and yeji looked at each other from the corners of your eyes and yuna pointed accusingly, “they were having sex!” you and yeji overlapped one another as you tried to explain in a panic, but no full sentences were actually heard.
jisu brought a tired hand up, “okay okay shhhhh. whatever they saw just move it to the bedroom, it’s too late for this.” she waved both of you off and dragged her slipper clad feet against the hallway as she shuffled to her room. chaeryeong followed behind her as she went to her room while ryujin dragged yuna to hers. the youngest pointed to her eyes then yours as she insisted, “i know what i saw!” halfway down the hallway ryujin hushed her before closing her bedroom door, “you saw nothing. go to sleep.”
both you and yeji sat in awkward silence for a moment then burst into a fit of giggles. she fell back with her head now resting in your lap. you let your fingers run through her silky, chocolate brown strands. yeji turned her attention to the tv as she played with your fingers, placing a chaste kiss to the top of your palm with a smile.
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ryejifics · 4 months
Dream date
Lia x reader
Type: fluff
A/N: I know we all miss Lia so let's give you a Lia story 🥰
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"Flowers? Check! Candles? Check! Ingredients? Check! Oh wait, I forgot the drinks!" Lia rushed down the drink isle. She was shopping to give you the best date you've ever had. She knew how badly you wanted one of those candle lit dinner dates. She grabbed some dessert and your favorite drinks. She couldn't wait to suprise you when you got home.
When she finally got home, she started to set everything up for you immediately. She started with cooking your favorite meal. She smiled as she listened to songs that reminded her of you. After a few hours of setting up, she noticed it was time for you to head back home. She quickly lit the candles and put the rose petals all over the floor, making a path to your dining room.
She waited patiently for you to walk through the door, hiding from you to suprise you more. "Lia? Lia, baby, im home!" You pouted as you couldn't find your girlfriend, and your home was dark. That's when you noticed the rose petals, and you smiled in awe. You followed the path to your dining room where you found your smiling girlfriend. "Hi Lia," you smiled, and it quickly turned into a pout when you saw the freshly made dinner. "Oh Lia, you didn't have to do all this!" You pulled her into a soft kiss. "I wanted to suprise you. You deserve it, after all." She pulled out your chair for you, and you sat smiling from ear to ear. "How did you know I wanted this??" You looked at her with your eyes that were filled with love. You couldn't believe she did this for you. It meant the world to you as you always talked about how you wanted this. "You said you wanted it, so I made it come true!" She nudged for you to eat. As you both ate, you talked about everything and anything. She was the one you wanted to come home to for the rest of forever. You couldn't have ever asked for a better girlfriend.
After dinner, you both cuddled up in bed. You were laid up on her chest as she played with your hair. Softly giving you kisses on the forehead and anywhere else she could reach. She softly rubbed your back and hummed a song to you. You felt relaxed as you laid in her arms. This was your dream date, and you couldn't wait to have more in the future.
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queeryu-u · 1 year
oh to be able to kiss ryujin. everyday. every morning. every night. when her lips are all swollen from waking up, making her giggle in her sleepy state whining that she wants to sleep more and holds u tight. to kiss her after she complains about something being pouty and she pauses for a while, trying to hold back her smile as she scolds you. being able to kiss the palm of her hands when she cups your face. to kiss her goodbye when you need to leave, looking at her bright pleading eyes. to kiss her when she's tired, comforting her, stroking her hair and slowly pecking her face, her cheeks, her nose, her forehead, her lips. kissing her randomly and surprising her but waiting for more. to feel her plump soft lips against yours, gasping for air. to kiss her lazily in the night before sleeping in her warm embrace.
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writers-ex · 1 year
@itzypinkstwice is this ok? literally got inspired by a prompt i read…credit to owners for the pictures and sketch
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so vampire!ryujin has never seen herself in a mirror nor in any photos so she’s constantly told how hot she is or sexy, beautiful, etc. which lands her many girls to feed on and have sex with, yet you were different… per usual she tried to get into your skirt but being too lovestruck by her you decide instead to make ryujin feel the one feeling she was lacking and never shown by any female she’s met-love. sitting her down underneath a shady tree you let her confess all her fantasies about you and plans if you accompanied her back to her dorm while you simply nodded, sitting in front of her drawing into a sketchbook, after announcing that you finished interrupting her very detailed wish to lick your body with her tongue she tilts her head confused as you smile and show her what you’ve been working on-a real life portrait of her, allowing herself the opportunity to see how she really looked for the first time, seeing her ‘beauty through your eyes’ making ryujin both cry and wonder how to show her gratitude to you…lucky all those dirty words she mentioned before were still very vivid in your memory so you has a few ideas in mind on what she could do ;)
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jjeoni-7 · 7 months
I wish I were Heather
{Soobin x Black Reader}
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Sypnosis: In which Y/n has a the biggest crush on the popular guy Soobin, but finds herselfs in an embarassing situation and learns that he unfortunatly has a crush on the popular girl instead.
Genre: fluff, and angst.
this story is inspired from a real life experience :'D 
Warning: A LOT! of skips so beware in advance lol.
ft: Itzy: Yeji and Lia
•─────⋅⋅─────•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•─────⋅⋅─────•
Y/n pov 
I'm about to cry. Now the whole class is teasing me because they ALL know that I have a crush on the one and only Choi Soobin EVEN Soobin himself knows and said nothing about it...Well was about to I think, until I freaked out and hid behind my friend out of embarrassment. Now this little friendship we had is destroyed. All thanks to Lia who told one of Soobin's girl best friends, this girl can't keep quiet at all.
I was talking to my friends while we were doing an art project when Jiseul  (Soobin’s girl best friend) joined us, and all of my crush on him was brought up "who has a crush on Soobin?" She asked looking at us questionably, I made a hush sign telling my friends not to tell knowing her reputation that she can't keep secrets but Lia didn't listen "y/n does, she loves him so much she won't shut up about him" she replied as they started teasing me, I blushed looking at Soobin laughing with his friend group, and then Jiseul ran to them "Jiseul don't-" too late she already told him now he was looking at me and Beomgyu said something in his ear to which he listened and they walked towards me. Me in the freaking out state ran away and hid behind Yeji until they walked away, from that day on the whole class was teasing me, and he was never seen talking with me again.
-end of flashback  
Now it's awkward talking with him. He became more distant than before and kept a stern face on.
*a while later in the school year*
I was drawing a picture of a boy and a girl laughing together which was pretty cute and made me wonder about Soobin, so I wrote beside it 'Soobin x y/n' and put a heart beside it  "aww did you draw this for Soobin" Jiseul said out of the sudden smiling at my picture, "no it's for myself, don't mind it-" "wait y/n let me see" Lia said as I gave it to her "it's so cute Soobin should see that" she said with a smirk "Lia i'm warning you if you-" she already ran fast towards Soobin with Yeji and Jiseul encouraging her,and before I could chase after her. Soobin looked at the paper with no emotions then threw it in the trash saying "I don't like her." My heart shattered "it's not even for you anyways why are you throwing my art in the trash" I said finally facing him mad at his action. He kept quiet and walked away with his friends home as if nothing happened. I hate him...But I can't I still love him nonetheless. I picked up my drawing from the trash heartbroken and mad at the girls, I just lost my pretty drawing because of their stubbornness “ You guys should listen to me, and stop lamely trying to get him to like me cuz he’s doesn’t” I said before walking away  ignored their shouts, and went home.
*the next day*
Lia, Jiseul, and Yeji came towards me and apologized for their actions "I'm so sorry y/n please forgive me" Lia pleaded with tears in her eyes as everyone looked at us "ugh fine, fine just stop embarrassing me" I said as she, and the 2 others got up happily hugging me. Later that day at Recess Jiseul came running to us "Soobin has a crush!" she said excitedly "who is it?" I asked suddenly interested "unfortunately it's not you it's Aeun" she replied "oh sure I don’t care anyways, it's not like he was ever gonna love me" I replied continuing my paused activity with a smile on my face feeling somehow disappointed.
*in Gym class*
 "they look cute together tho don't you think" I said to my friends as they both snorted "yeah right" Lia said "are you really shipping them together when you still like him? " Yeji asked "of course, you can't force feelings" I said, tying my shoes "seriously I wonder what's so good about this girl that guys like, she's been dating almost all your crushes" Yeji said "well a lot of stuff" I replied "like?" Lia asked "she's Korean, pretty, kind and sweet, besides she looks friendly" I replied "Girls 1 minute!" the gym teacher yelled "let's go, we'll talk after" I added as we all got out.
We started playing Badminton with partners, and guess what? My partner was Soobin, we started playing when  in the middle of the game (favorite song) started playing. I started dancing a bit while playing and sang a little as my friends happily joined me laughing, since they weren’t playing. Even Soobin was smiling and laughing while trying to make me lose "haha you lost" I exclaimed when the birdie fell on his side "pfft whatever" he said rolling his eyes playfully " have you ever thought of being a dancer? You’re good at dancing" he said laughing "thanks I guess" I replied laughing. My... I miss these days. He would tease me and make my heart flutter. It's funny that after making me sad he makes me laugh as if nothing happened, but then Aeun came beside him and his eyes were glued on her like she was the most beautiful thing in the world. 
Since it was the end of Gym class I left and went to my friends " my, she's annoying" Lia said " it’s alright girls, stop judging her she isn't that bad" I said " yes, but I kind of hate the way she sticks to him all the time" Jiseul said " oh my you scared us where do you come from?" I asked " from the sky, and fell right in front of you" she joked as we all laughed, later I learned that Aeun was asking Soobin out in front of the whole school.
I went and watched with my friends. " I've had a crush on you ever since I knew you liked me" she bragged " would you love to be my boyfriend?" she asked " actually I..." he said looking around and looked at me. He approached towards me asking my hand, and I panicked " common you got it girl" Jiseul said as my other friends encouraged me, I hesitantly took his hand and he led me to the front " not to be rude but, I actually love y/n, I know I've been rude to you, and distant, but I love you more than you think" he said as some of the students gasped " so sorry Aeun, but I don't like you" he said as the students gasped  and Aeun stared at me from up and down " what do you see in her, she's not even pretty, neither Korean" she replied " actually Aeun, love is more than appearance, and race it's about the person's qualities and personality" Soobin said " well it's true that appearance can make a difference, but what can it do when you're pretty, but with a nasty attitude?" he added asking as she scoffed, and walked away with her minions at her heels.
I looked at Soobin, still flabbergasted, and said, suspiciously, “ are you doing this to get rid of her?” I asked as he shook his head “ I really love you y/n, I do a lot” he said " but why were you mean all the time?" I asked and he chuckled " I didn’t know how to react to it, I was scared of rejection, but learning that you liked me, made me panic, and not to forget the fact that you ran away when I was about to talk to you" he said as I nodded feeling embarrassed " So y/n, do you want to be my girlfriend?" he added “ I would love to, but first apologies for throwing my drawing in the trash” I replied " Which one-? Oh about that one, I’m Very Very sorry l/n for throwing your drawing in the trash, I promise to keep them all in the future, even the ugly ones." he teased as I rolled my eyes chuckling " Since you apologized, I would love to be your girlfriend" I replied ,making him smile and spin me around and kiss me as the crowd cheered and clapped, Jiseul, Lia and Yeji clapped louder " that's my bro!" Jiseul shouted at me and Soobin pulled apart, and laughed at what she said. " you're mine now" he said hugging me " yes, I'm yours" I replied smiling, I never thought still liking him would have paid off in the end. Maybe if I hadn’t ran away, he would have confessed earlier, but I’m still happy he did at the end.
The end
well...not all stories end happily ever after. Mine didn't, and it never did with my crushes because of so many reasons. But since I like happy endings, I changed it. This story is again INSPIRED so not all the events in it are true, anyways hope you liked my story, have a good day/ night 😚:).
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