#itzy reaction
b000mbayah · 1 year
Itzy Reaction to S/O having them as their lock screen
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It was probably the last thing she expected to see when you had let her borrow your phone. All she needed to do was make a quick phone call, but now it seems that she can't even do that.
With her face flared up like the blaze of a thousand suns, there was no way she could even speak. How could she when she's just discovered the love of her life has one of the most embarrassing photos of her set as their lock screen?
She so badly wanted to cripple up and simply die, but she also wanted to just tackle you into a tight hug and pamper you with love-fueled kisses.
The picture contains that of her at a photo shoot. It had just finished and she felt a little goofy… and there was a conveniently stationed can of unused whipped cream that the photographer and stylists seemed to have forgotten about.
To say she had fun was one thing, but to say she had fun while looking like a complete fool was another. She had whipped cream caked on her bare arm, a smear on her cheek and a cute dollop on her cute nose.
Yeah, no, there's no way she could call anyone in the flustered state she's in. So with an ever-burning face, she just returned your phone shortly after, claiming that she had confirmed her schedule with her manager.
You said a quick "I love you" as she briskly walked back to the bedroom, hoping the words wouldn't affect her when she knew they definitely would.
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When she powered on your phone, she would’ve suspected there to be a casual picture of your pet, or maybe even some random landscape, or your family. But what she got wasn't even considered on the list she had subconsciously made in the back of her mind.
She had felt so flustered when she met eyes with herself, smiling widely at the camera as she beamed. It was a surprise picnic date you had set up months before this situation.
How long have you had this picture as your lock screen?
"I'm your lock screen?" Lia had asked from across the room, sitting on the couch while you fiddled with a lamp.
You stood up straight and turned to face your girlfriend "because it was too cute to not have, don't you think?"
Lia scrunched her nose, hearing her heartbeat faintly hum its melody in her ears. "I suppose so"
"You suppose so?" Lia took another look, eyes scanning the lit screen before they met yours. Her eyes shined, as a beautiful smile graciously danced across her plush lips.
"Yeah, I suppose so"
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When Ryujin picked up your phone, her only intention was to put an alarm on it so you wouldn't oversleep and miss work. But when the screen lit up with familiar faces, she turned to you with an eyebrow raised at the choice of image.
She held a half straight, half amused look as the smugness crept up her spine, quickly infecting her brain.
"What's up?" You responded to her silent stare, feeling somewhat pressured by the intensity of her eyes.
"Jagiya, what's this?" She asked, showing you your lock screen. It was a selphy you took with her before she went on stage- it wasn't the best picture in the world, but nor was it the worst.
"It's my phone" Ryujin jokingly rolls her eyes, having already gathered the more obvious information.
"Not that"
"The picture of us?" Ryujin nods, still watching you with her stoic stare "I like to have quick and easy access to a picture of my girlfriend. Do you not like it? I can change it" you teased.
"No!" Ryujin quickly snapped in, shutting down any thought of changing the photo to something else. She felt her cheeks start to burn, normally she'd be the one to do such a bold thing and openly admit to it so easily. But with the tables turned, Ryujin can't help but radiate a small gust of warmth.
"Then what's the problem?" You tilted your head, now staring back at her with a certain curiosity.
"I just wanted to know…"
"If I go on your phone, I better see a picture of us too!" You laughed as she pulled out her phone, swiping and tapping a few times before she showed you the picture she chose- and it wasn't much better either.
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She had caught herself staring.
It took until the screen went dark again for her to realise what she had just casually witnessed. Her eyes remained on the screen however, eyebrows raised in shock as she just stared at her own reflection now- mouth hung ajar with her teeth just about prodding through.
"Y/n?" She finally breathed out, turning to look at you, finding you half immersed in the movie she put on.
"Yes dear?" You turned to her, smiling lightly as you studied her facial expression, curious about the reasoning behind the look she's giving you.
Actions speak louder than words, and right now her breath was so caught up in her throat that this saying couldn't be any more true even if she tried. So, turning your phone to you and pressing the power button had done all the talking for her. She explained everything in a simple expression and the tap of a thin button.
Your smile only widened though, seeing the truth as you reached out for your phone. "Isn't she the most precious person ever?" You laughed as Chaeryeong only blushed, reconsidering her lock screen that's faced many different themes and topics thus far, but have yet to reach the stage yours is at.
"Why am I your lock screen?" She mumbled, still staring at the phone.
"Why do you think?"
Chaeryeong took a brief moment to pause, mind working overtime as she thinks up many different reasons, but none seemed to appeal in a way that made sense. "I don't know…"
"It's because I love you"
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Yuna had quite literally squealed when she turned on your phone. Her eyes widened out of shock but the sound she emitted stated she was thrilled- ecstatic even, at the fact that you had a picture of her on your phone's lock screen.
It was a quick photo- one you took on a Ferris wheel during sundown. The golden hue made the perfect lighting and it showed perfectly on your canvas that just so happened to be your girlfriend.
"Y/n!" She yelled demandingly, desperate for your attention and immediate answers.
When you had entered the room, Yuna had figuratively thrown herself at you- mentally picturing the suprise you'd be in, much like herself a second ago."What? Why did you call?"
"What's this?" She smiled brightly at the sight once again, taking in her own features like she was completely in love with herself.
"A picture of you?" You crossed your arms, sounding more confused than confident "Is that why you're so giddy right now?"
You had simply laughed, shaking your head lightly before sitting beside her, taking your phone back. "Why do you even have my phone?"
"I wanted to message myself" Yuna grinned, pointing at her phone in your hand. You had been using it while yours was on charge in her room- but it seems that it's charged now.
You hummed. "Okay, but no more stealing please" You smiled, placing a soft kiss on her forehead.
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blu-joons · 1 year
When She Misses You Whilst On Tour ~ Itzy Reaction
Frowns formed on the faces of the girls as Yeji gave them a simple response to their question, not wanting to engage with them, preferring to daydream instead.
A hand against her shoulder made Yeji look around to Ryujin. “You’re awfully quiet today, has something happened?” Ryujin worriedly asked.
Yeji’s shoulders shrugged in reply, “I don’t really know how I’m feeling, just a bit lost right now.”
“Because Y/N’s not here?” Yuna quizzed, quickly guessing what the problem probably was for Yeji. “You’re missing her quite a lot these days, aren’t you?”
“This tour has been so long for us.”
The girls hummed in agreement with Yeji as she spoke. “There’s not left,” Chaeryeong encouraged, “and then we’ll be back home, and you’ll be back with Y/N too.”
“That’s true,” Yeji whispered, “I’m sure that I can get through these days.”
Jisu offered her a smile as Yeji brought herself back to the group, “and you’ve got all of us, we can talk and we can distract you if you need us.”
“You’re right, I don’t want to feel alone.”
You could tell that Jisu was distant from the start of your phone call with her, her answers were blunt and her questions were rare to find out how you were doing.
After a few minutes, your patience began to wear thin. “Why are you not talking to me Ji? I didn’t think catching up with you was going to be like this.”
Jisu’s eyes looked to her screen as you spoke, “because I know that we’ll have to hang up soon.”
“Isn’t it better for us to use this time to talk rather than just sit in silence?” You suggested, “I know it’s hard Jisu but we’ve got to value the time that we have.”
“I’m sorry I’ve been so distant.”
Your head shook as she apologised, “I get that you’re missing me, I’m missing you too. The goodbye will be hard, but let’s at least try and enjoy ourselves now, right?”
“Yeah,” Jisu chimed, “I want to feel better from talking to you, not worse.”
Your smile turned up as Jisu began to talk to you a little more. “We only have these snippets of time, let’s make them as productive as we can.”
“I promise that I will do from now on.”
Concerned eyes watched Ryujin as she ran over the choreography once again on the stage, unaware that the rest of the girls had decided to finish for the day.
A sigh came from Jisu as she watched Ryujin lazily walk around the stage. “She’s going to do herself some serious damage if she doesn’t stop overworking soon.”
Yuna hummed in agreement with her, “it’s Ryujin’s way of not thinking about Y/N though.”
“Surely there’s got to be something we could all do together,” Chaeryeong suggested, looking at Ryujin with a worried glance, “even if it’s something small.”
“And something not as active too.”
Whilst the girls pondered Ryujin finally noticed that they were gone, leaving the stage and catching up with them all. “What are you lot talking about?” She quizzed.
“Not much,” Yeji lied, not wanting Ryujin to worry, “are you done rehearsing?”
Ryujin nodded apprehensively, looking back to the stage and then across to the girls. “There’s still things to improve, but we’ve got tomorrow.”
“Come on, you need to relax for a while.”
She quickly wiped underneath her eyes as Chaeryeong heard a knock at her hotel room door, calling through for whoever was on the other side to enter.
As the door opened, Chaeryeong dropped her hands to her sides. “Hey, we’re going to do some shopping?” She heard Yeji asked as she walked into the room.
Chaeryeong nodded as she stared out of the window, “maybe you guys can go without me.”
“H-have you been crying?” Yeji nervously asked as she caught her first glimpse of Chaeryeong’s tear stained cheek. “What’s going on? How come you’re upset?”
“I just got off the phone with Y/N.”
Yeji walked across to Chaeryeong’s side, encouraging her to take a seat on the bed of her hotel room. “It’s tough, right?” Yeji smiled, trying her best to understand.
“I didn’t think it would be this hard,” Chaeryeong confessed, “it just gets harder.”
Yeji allowed Chaeryeong to rest against her shoulder, squeezing her tightly. “You’ve got all of us, and we’re all here to help you out you know.”
“I do, I couldn’t do this without you girls.”
Feeling the eyes of the other girls watching her left Yuna feeling flustered, sinking down in his seat as she joined the rest of the girls for breakfast at the hotel.
Jisu especially watched Yuna closely. “Are you alright?” Jisu asked the moment that she met Yuna’s eyes, “you’re not as cheery as you usually are at breakfast?”
Yuna hummed in response to her, “it’s just been a rough few days, I’ve barely spoken to Y/N.”
“I think we all knew that you were like this because of Y/N,” Ryujin spoke up too. “We’ve only got a couple of weeks left to go now, and then you’ll be smiling again.”
“It’s hard to force it up on the stage.”
Chaeryeong nodded understandingly beside her, “no one wants to see you try and be someone that you’re not. The fans will know that you’re missing Y/N too Yuna.”
“Do you think?” She asked in surprise, “we’re supposed to seem untouchable though.”
Yeji’s head shook as Yuna looked to her next, “you’re human, and missing someone is entirely natural, no one can ever judge you for that.”
“You guys are right, I’ll be back with Y/N soon.”
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chomiyeonjogiyo · 1 year
content :: kinda wolfhybrid!itzy, abo ig, first kiss
[/] really got carried away so it might be off main topic times to times but well.
Hwang Yeji
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* confident
* it’s been a few weeks you’re dating now, and a few times you were close but too shy to kiss each other.
* is surprisingly good at keeping her tail to act off when she get flustered.
* then would look at you with so much love in her eyes, you’ve never seen her showing how she felt that much before
* kind of brought a big change in your relationship, she feels so emotionally close to you now as if you immediately understood what was up whenever she felt strong emotions
* and you did. and she loved it sm.
Choi Jisu - Lia
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* screaming on the inside
* but acts confident to show off to you
* all smily afterwards- will quickly try to hide her ears perking down to look though
* kisses your nose right after it like u both always do
* will keep you close for the rest of the day / night
* and giggle randomly thinking abt it
* now when she kisses ur nose make sure u kiss her lips right after or else-
Shin Ryujin
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* u made the first move
* will slowly go from shook - smirk - smile with her whisker dimples showing
* loves it when you do it while brushing your thumbs on her cheeks
* when you both go back to your respective home, she would literally bite her pillow (and destroy it, the fangs…) of fangirling too much
* if you see each other the next day she’ll ask for kisses all day long lol
* you’d be like yo calm your ass
* she’d pout only for you to smile and finally give in
* i can picture the « you really can’t resist me » « stfu » « :( » then you pecking her again.
Lee Chaeryeong
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* makes the first move
* loves romantic dates and shit like she always buys you flower or chocolates even tho you tell her you got too much now smh
* a night person who takes you on expensive restaurants then go out for a walk to enjoy the darkness
* low(high)key a good kisser and knows it
* felt confident asf that night, making you dizzy with the musk she released, preparing for THE moment
* you quickly go from a few lil pecks to (soft) making out
* girl loves you so much she’s all worked up after it and cuddles you all night long.
Shin Yuna
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* you both just woke up from a night together when girl just leaned and pecked you
* all giggly afterward
* but quickly starts panicking when you lean over again, her tail wiggling like crazy and her scent suddenly overflowing
* is a good kisser too but not too confident about it
* she’s usually goofy and bold around you but not when it comes to something serious in your relationship, so you were happily surprised she did the first move
* needs you to congratulate her for that lol
* girl will stare at you the whole day, the butterflies in her stomach never calming down.
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ryupages · 2 years
little moments with you || l. chaeryeong
genre — fluff
warning — n/a
a/n — hii, i hope this is ok. i just wanted to write something cute for now <3
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chaeryeong glanced over her shoulder, looking at you who was too engrossed in the show you two are watching. without thinking, she scooted closer to you and planted a soft kiss to your cheek.
your attention snapped from the tv to your girlfriend, who was grinning from ear to ear. you chuckled, asking why she was smiling.
“i just like looking at you,” she responded, feeling her cheeks warm up from her own words.
you blush and chuckle as you reach over to grab her hand. she immediately brought your hand up to her lips, placing a kiss on each of your knuckles. she laughs at your flushed face, smiling from ear to ear.
it was always little moments like this that chaeryeong cherished the most. seeing you melt from her touch is something she adored most. just being with you made her heart flutter with joy; she can’t stand the thought of not having the privilege to love you everyday.
sighing, chaeryeong turned off the tv, and pulled you on top of her lap, snuggling her head into your neck. no words, just the two of you being comfortable in the other’s presence. she smiles dreamily, pressing a soft kiss to your neck.
it doesn’t matter what you guys do. even if it’s as simple as sitting by the window to watch the rain fall, chaeryeong will love it. as long as she gets to spend these little moments with you.
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acornplays · 1 year
British Girl Reacts To ITZY "달라달라(DALLA DALLA)" & "ICY" M/V *FIRST TIME REACTION*
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aettuddae · 19 days
BUSINESS MATTER — ⌞ karina smau⌝
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↳ pairing: karina/yu jimin x fem!reader/oc
↳ synopsis: two of the most important kpop companies covet a partnership with a huge global brand, only to be surprised when the deal is extended to both labels. fearing potential sabotage and cynical strategies to secure exclusivity for just one of them, both CEOs resort to desperate measures. in a bid to maintain trust and prevent betrayal before the signing, they come up with a pact: forcing a fake relationship between the leaders of their star girlgroups. if one side attempted to fail the other, they threaten to expose it all to the conservative south korea.
↳ genre: social media au, idol au, enemies to lovers, fake relationship, comedy, fluff, angst, slow burn.
↳ warnings: main character is an original character. insults, swearing, kms/kys jokes, mentions of alcohol and cigarettes, grammar mistakes (english not my first language), may add on.
↳ status: on going.
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↳ featuring: aespa, and members of loona, fromis_9, ive, (g)i-dle, exo, blackpink and itzy.
— profiles:
• HeAVEN | aespa | others
• meet HeAVEN. | RA#1
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— chapters.
• chapter 1.
• chapter 2.
• chapter 3.
• chapter 4.
• chapter 5. part 1 - part 2.
• chapter 6.
• chapter 7.
• chapter 8.
• chapter 9.
• chapter 10.
• chapter 11.
• chapter 12. part 1 - part 2.
• chapter 13.
• chapter 14.
• chapter 15. part 1 - part 2.
• chapter 16.
• chapter 17.
• chapter 18.
• chapter 19.
• chapter 20.
• chapter 21. part 1 - part 2.
• chapter 22.
• chapter 23.
• chapter 24.
• chapter 25.
• chapter 26.
• chapter 27. part 1 - part 2.
• chapter 28.
• chapter 29.
• chapter 30.
• chapter 31.
• chapter 32.
• chapter 33.
• chapter 34.
• chapter 35.
• chapter 36.
• chapter 37.
• chapter 38.
• chapter 39.
• chapter 40. part 1 - part 2.
• chapter 41.
• chapter 42.
• chapter 43.
• chapter 44. part 1 - part 2.
• chapter 45.
• chapter 46. part 1 - part 2 - part 3.
• chapter 47.
• chapter 48. | 48.5
• chapter 49.
• chapter 50.
• chapter 51.
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insomniakisses · 6 months
Happy Birthday Yuna 💖
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Pairing: Shin Yuna (Itzy)
Reader: Gender Neutral, AFAB, Refered to as Unnie
Warnings/notes: Smut, nsfw content, MINORS DNI, CIS HETS DNI, alpha yuna, She has a cock, omegaverse, omegareader, creampie, p in v sex, jerking, mentions of breeding, possible unnie kink
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The soft whimpers and gentle humping against your leg woke you up. Groaning you turned over only to hear a soft quiet whine and a needy “unnie please” from the maknae. Your eyes shot open and you see yuna pouting and shifting uncomfortably as her cock strains in her pants gentle whines escaping her parted lips and her cheeks all flushed.
“Yuna baby whats wrong hmm?” You coo cupping her face but she just shakes her head whining. “Its too much, hurts!” She eagerly pulls at her shorts silently begging you for help.
You coo pulling off her boxers and your shorts jerking her softly as she whines and moans against your neck. When you feel her breathing speed up and her cock start twitching you stop, pulling her into a kiss and rolling her onto of you carefully moaning when her dick brushes against your core.
Shes blushing now cock painfully hard and her mouth parted eyes wide with blown out pupils. “You wanna fuck me baby? Hmm wanna fuck unnie full of cum?” She nods so fast griping your hips and pushing in moaning and gasping at the wet tight heat around her.
Your mouth falls slack at her size shes heavy and thick in your pussy pushing in so eagerly u throw your head back, she takes this as an opportunity to place soft kisses on your neck. As she starts thrusting however her kisses get more heated and turn more into bites than anything else.
You moan loudly cupping the back of her head pulling her closer to your neck and her bites get harder at this throaty groans escaping against your skin. Her thrusting picks up and her hips move on instinct fucking deep again and again her cock drooling pre with every thrust until shes screaming “unnie” and slamming balls deep shooting robes of hot cum inside you. You feel her balls twitch and throb against u and it send you over the edge thinking of how your sweet maknae is breeding you deep filling you with her thick creamy cum and moaning your name.
Its not long before shes moving again your name falling from her lips like a mantra as she trails hot open mouth kisses down to your chest. Latching onto a nipple she sucks gently running her tongue against the bud and barely nipping it before sucking once more.
U moan her name, grinding uo into her as you feel her knot forming and your own orgasm bearing. You know she wont push in herself young alphas never do. Especially not on their first try so as her thrusts get sloppy and her whines louder you wrap your legs around her popping her knot for her and cumming hard around her. Her cock throbbing and balls clenching in sink with the pulsating of your walls your juices dripping down her cock as she fills you with another load. This one seeming bugger and thicker but still very hot.
She collapses then nuzzling her face deep into your neck a satisfied smile on her face. “Mm, thank you unnie” she mumbles sleepily into your neck. Falling asleep soon after as you rub her back and kiss her shoulder, her cock filling you load after load. You just smile to yourself kissing her head saying “happy birthday yuna”.
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nanawritesit · 9 months
Your First Kiss with Itzy 💋
tw: kissing before dating, yeji’s is slightly angsty (inspired by the first kiss in heartstopper,) eating food (lia,) laser tag w/ guns (ryujin,) playful wrestling (chaeryeong,) sharing a bed (yuna)
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You paced back and forth across your bedroom as the rain pounded against your window. You barely got any sleep the night before. Every time you started to drift off to sleep, your brain would remind you of that highly embarrassing moment you just experienced.
You were at a party with your crush, Yeji. You both got tired of the loud music and crowded dance floor, so you decided to find an empty room upstairs and take a breather together. There was undeniable chemistry between the two of you as you flirtatiously bantered back and forth. At one point, it got kind of quiet, and with the way she was looking at you, you thought it would be the right moment to kiss her. You were both leaning in slowly, about to connect your lips, when someone knocked on the door looking for her.
“I… I should go…” she told you. You nodded apologetically, and once she was gone, you threw your head in your hands to have a good cry.
When she didn’t text you later that night to ask where you went, you figured she was avoiding you. You must have misread the situation. She was probably just going to kiss you back out of pity. You felt so stupid and gross. You really thought you had lost her forever.
“Y/N, someone’s here to see you.” your roommate said from your doorway.
You jumped at the sudden intrusion, but nodded as if to give them permission to come in. Your roommate stepped back and held out their arm for your visitor. You gasped as Yeji suddenly appeared in front of you, soaked from the rain. Part of you was relieved, and the other part wanted to throw up from anxiety.
“I’ll let you guys talk…” your roommate mumbled, excusing themselves. They immediately understood the vibe in the room, since you had spent most of last night crying to them about what happened between you and Yeji.
You waved goodbye to them, shutting your bedroom door as they left. You turned back around to face Yeji.
“You didn’t bring an umbrella?” you asked with an awkward chuckle.
“I was in a rush to come see you.” she explained. Her hair and clothes were dripping wet, she was bare faced, and her cheeks were tinged pink from the cold air. It was the most beautiful you had ever seen her, which made this hurt so much more.
You swallowed hard, then exhaled to begin your spiel. “Yeji, I’m so sorry about last night. I came on too strong and I should’ve read the situation better.”
“Y/N…” she tried to interrupt, stepping closer to you.
“No, you deserve an apology. I know you probably just kissed me back out of pity.”
“And if you never want to talk to me or see me again I totally understand. I wouldn’t want to be associated with me either.”
“I completely regret what I did and I’m so-“
You never got to finish that sentence, because Yeji pulled you in by the collar of your shift and crashed her lips against yours. Your eyes widened at first, but once you registered what was happening, they closed and you melted into her touch. This was all you had ever wanted. Her lips were wet from the rain, your hands were on her damp shoulders, and you could feel her cold hands slightly warming up on your waist as the kiss went on. Finally, she pulled back and looked at you with a satisfied smile.
“That was a really nice way of telling me to shut up.” you practically whispered, a relieved smile on your face.
She giggled shyly. “I wanted to kiss you last night, I really did. I just thought the moment was ruined when Ryujin knocked on the door. I tried to find you at the party, but you were just gone, which I understood. I really should have texted you last night, but I was just so overwhelmed and exhausted. I’m sorry.”
You wrapped your arms up behind her neck.”It’s okay. You made up for it.”
She grinned gratefully, tilting her head to kiss you again. It was shorter this time, but just as sweet.
You pulled back, happier than ever. “Alright, let’s get you some warm, dry clothes.”
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You and Lia had been seeing each other for about a month now. You weren’t quite exclusive yet, but you both really liked each other and hung out quite a bit. You hadn’t gotten more intimate than holding hands and cuddling, but something you recently started doing was giving each other kisses on the cheek.
You were taking a walk in the park together, when suddenly she spotted an ice cream truck. You could see how her face lit up at the sight of it, and asked if she wanted to get some. She nodded sheepishly, and you told her you’d get some while she found you a nice place to sit.
“Alright, I got your favorite! Two scoops of strawberry with rainbow sprinkles!” you beamed as you met her on the park bench.
“Awh, thank you so much!” she beamed, taking it from you gratefully.
You smiled brightly as you sat down next to her, gaze fixed upon her. She just looked so precious, licking up the ice cream that threatened to drip off the cone, holding it with both hands as the sun made her golden hair and pink cheeks practically glow. You couldn’t help yourself, and leaned forward to kiss her on the cheek.
“What did you get-“ she began, turning her head towards you. She was cut off by her lips pressing up against yours, making both your eyes widen.
You quickly pulled away and began apologizing profusely. “Ah I’m sorry! I meant to kiss you on the cheek, but you just turned your head right before I could!”
“It’s okay, Y/N!” she giggled, placing a hand over yours. “To be honest, I’ve been wanting to kiss you on the lips for a while now, but I’m just way too shy to initiate it.”
You breathed out a sigh of relief, placing a hand over your chest. “Oh thank goodness, I thought I just totally ruined this whole thing…”
“Speaking of which… what is ‘this whole thing?’” she asked suddenly. You met her eyes, which were sparkling with curiosity.
“Well, we’ve reached the age old ‘what are we’ conversation…” you chuckled anxiously. “I wouldn’t mind calling you my girlfriend, but I understand if you’re not ready to be exclusive just yet.”
She tapped her chin with her pointer finger, pursing her lips to playfully exaggerate her thoughtful expression. “Hm, well since we just had our first kiss, I think I have to be your girlfriend now.”
You laughed, lacing your fingers with hers. “You don’t have to do anything, but I appreciate the traditional mindset.” you joked.
“Well, I don’t have to do this either.” She gingerly placed a hand on your cheek and tilted her head to curve her lips into yours, on purpose this time. Your eyelids fluttered shut, indulging in the feeling of her lips on yours for a moment before you cautiously brought a hand up to her waist. It was sweet, and tasted like strawberries, and you didn’t want it to ever end. However, you had to pull back eventually, smiling at each other bashfully.
You put your free hand over hers, which was still on your cheek, and gave her a cheshire-cat-like grin. “Aren’t you supposed to be shy?”
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You both were at a laser tag place with all your friends, and things were getting intense. Hyunjin and Jiu had gone rogue and started a guerrilla warfare attack on everyone, and Bella and Heejin were trying to take them down. You were just trying your best to avoid being tagged, running from one hiding place to the other in a chaotic frenzy.
Suddenly, you heard a march of footsteps. Scared of being attacked, you made a run for it clear across the room. It was a risky move, but better than standing like a deer in the headlights. Just as you were about to reach the most vulnerable spot however, a hand gripped your wrist and pulled you down into a tunnel.
“Are you crazy? You could’ve gotten killed!” your rescuer yelled. It was a bit dark, but you immediately recognized it as Ryujin. She seemed to be the only other sane person in your group.
“I didn’t know what else to do.” you explained, breathing heavily from the exertion. “I thought someone was after me.”
She rolled her eyes with a chuckle. “They tried that tactic on me too. They must be getting desperate and wanting to take us as ransom.”
You laughed along with her, resting your back against the wall. “Thanks for saving my hide.”
“Anytime sweetheart.” she winked.
“Ugh, don’t be so greasy…” you cringe-laughed, hitting her on the arm playfully.
“What, you don’t like my flirting?” she mused, feigning shock and betrayal.
“I never said that.” you dared, turning towards her with your arms crossed as to mirror her. “I only meant, if you’re going to flirt with me, do it right.”
She gave you a small smirk, then inched closer to you. She began to brush your hair behind your ear and fiddle with the ends.
“I like what you did with your hair today. It’s really cute.” she complimented you in a low, husky voice.
You gulped. There was always a spark between you and Ryujin, but nothing had ever seem to come of it. You figured she was just flirty with everyone. However, you noticed she never went as far with Jiu or Bella, and Hyunjin and Heejin never flirted back with her. You guys definitely had a special dynamic. You just never knew what to call it. But it seemed like you would gain an answer soon enough.
“You’re a really beautiful girl/guy/person, you know that, right?” she asked rhetorically, eyes tracing over your features admiringly.
She brought a hand up to your cheek, turning your head from side to side as if examining you. “Such bright, sparkly eyes… a cute little nose….” Her gaze was fixed on your lips. “And don’t even get me started on those pretty lips. I’d kiss them, but… I don’t think I’d be able to stop.”
She leaned forward, making you jut your head forward expectantly. Your eyes were about to flutter shut, when she suddenly pulled back.
“How was that?” she teased with a shit-eating grin.
You scoffed offendedly. “Ugh, I hate you Ryujin!”
She raised an eyebrow, still smiling. “Oh yeah? What are you gonna do about it?”
You thought to yourself for a second about how you should match her energy. Then, without any warning, you threw a hand behind her neck and pulled her down to crash your lips against hers.
Her eyes gouged out of her head in shock, and she was frozen in place. You pressed your lips to hers for a few seconds, then pulled away with a satisfied smirk. However, soon after, her eyes darkened, and she was looking at you like she absolutely needed more of you. You looked at her hungrily, then dove in for another kiss. She was happy to meet you halfway, hands slipping around your waist to pull you closer.
“Ha! You guys are out!” someone screamed triumphantly.
You both whipped your heads around to see Jiu and Heejin standing at the entrance of the tunnel, guns in hand.
“You guys aren’t even on the same team!” you exclaimed frustratedly.
“We switched partners.” Jiu explained. “I can’t trust Hyunjin anymore.”
“Come on, I think I saw Bella across the room!” Heejin proposed, tugging Jiu away.
You and Ryujin both turned to each other in disbelief. Not only had you just had your first kiss, but you had lost laser tag.
“Well… you wanna go get a pizza and pick up where we left off?” she suggested, a pleasant smile on her face.
“I’d like that.” you told her. You held out your hand, and she took it, leading you both to the exit.
“Do you think they saw us kissing?”
“Who cares, they’re way too invested in the game anyway.”
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“Give it back Chae!” you demanded, lunging forward. She quickly jumped out of your trajectory, making you fall face first into the sofa cushion.
“No way! You’ve been keeping your crush a secret from me this whole time, and I’m gonna find out who it is one way or another!” she retaliated, clutching your phone to her chest.
“You can’t!” you pleaded, fumbling around like bambi on ice until you were back on your feet to chase after her.
The two of you were just hanging out at your apartment, waiting for the rest of the girls to show up so you could go out to dinner. However, Chaeryeong had just brought up the fact that Yeji told her you had confessed who your mystery crush was to her over text last night. You of course got defensive, because she was your crush. There was no way she could find out. And Chae being herself, promptly swiped your phone out of your hand and ran off with it.
“You’ll have to catch me first!” she teased, waving your phone around in the air.
You began chasing each other around your living room, ducking and diving past each other. Having no other escape, she hopped onto the coffee table for a vertical advantage, holding your phone up on the air. You tried jumping for it, but it was just too high up. Seeing no other option, you scooped her up in your arms and slammed her down on the couch.
“Give me my phone!” you ordered, pinning her down by her shoulders.
She had it caged between her hands in a tight grasp, refusing to let go. “No! Not until you tell me who your crush is!”
You tried prying her hands open, but she was just too strong. You feigned a defeated sigh, sitting up slightly.
“Fine. I didn’t want it to come to this, but you leave me no choice.” Then, without warning, you began relentlessly tickling her sides.
“No, Y/N, stop!” she pleaded, laughing uncontrollably. She began to squirm and kick her legs to no avail.
You couldn’t help the amused smile that made its way onto your face. “I’ll stop when you give me back my phone!”
With her growing weaker by the second, you finally managed to pry your phone out of her hands, tucking it into your back pocket. Still pinning her down, you loomed overtop of her victoriously.
She suddenly looked up at you with these huge doe eyes, and you realized just how tangled up the two of you were. Legs and arms a mess, sprawled out over the couch, clutching onto each other so you wouldn’t fall off…
You were both panting from the excursion, chests forced up against each other. You glanced down at her lips, which were plump and slightly parted. They seemed to be aching for you to kiss them, and her eyes were practically begging you to. In this moment, it felt right to lean down and brush your lips against hers, so you did. You must have been right, because she pushed her head up the tiniest bit to meet you in the middle.
The kiss was soft and innocent, your lips barely pressed against each others, but just enough to where you could feel each others’ longing. Through her lips, you could feel all of her, and how she wanted this just as much as you did.
When you pulled away, you were both breathless, staring at each other with wide eyes and parted lips.
“I guess I know who your crush is now.” she grinned triumphantly.
You rolled your eyes playfully, leaning down to kiss her again. “You’re such a dork.”
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The two of you were hanging out at her place, eating pizza and watching the new episode of the drama you were currently watching together. It was becoming a weekly occurrence, and you would usually sleep over afterward. She insisted on you taking her bed, making herself a little blanket fort on the floor. However, right now you were both on the bed, her head resting on your shoulder as you watched the tv.
“Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, he kissed her!” you squealed at the scene playing out. The main couple had finally gotten together.
“What’s the big deal?” Yuna asked apathetically, glancing up at you.
“What do you mean? They’re kissing!” you exclaimed, hands held out in front of you in exaggeration.
“I just don’t get why kissing is such a huge milestone.” she sighed. “I mean, if you really think about it, it’s just two people smashing their lips against one another. It’s kind of weird.”
You chuckled, rolling your eyes. “Wow Yuna, you’d think you’d have never been kissed before with the way you’re talking.”
She just sat their in silence, gaze shifting over to the other side of the room.
You gasped, sitting up. “Oh my gosh, have you never been kissed before?”
“Shut up!” she whined, pushing you playfully. “It’s embarrassing enough already to not have been kissed by the time you’re 19, you don’t need to rub it in!”
“There’s no need to be embarrassed, Yuna…” you reassured her. “You debuted as a 15 year old, and your company was probably really strict on dating rumors. It makes sense that you haven’t really had the opportunity to kiss anyone.”
“Yeah, but still… it’s been almost four years since we debuted, and it still hasn’t happenend…” she huffed, pouting slightly. “Like… what if something’s wrong with me?”
“Yuna, there is nothing wrong with you!” you giggled, grabbing her hands. “You’re perfectly fine. There’s plenty of people who would kill for the chance to kiss you.”
She laughed along with you, then squeezed your hands. “Thanks Y/N. It’s just…”
You looked at her comfortingly. “Yes, what is it?”
She looked down at her lap anxiously before meeting your eyes once again. “Can you be my first kiss?”
You were taken aback at the proposition. I mean, obviously you would love to kiss your beautiful best friend. But what if this changed you mr relationship forever?
“It doesn’t have to mean anything.” she quickly explained. “I just…. want my first kiss to be with someone I trust, you know? Someone who could give me honest feedback.” She leaned forward to look up at you with sparkling eyes. “Please?”
You gulped, blinking a few times. I mean, how could you refuse when she asked so nicely?”
“Okay, I’ll do it.” you told her, straightening up your posture. You cautiously placed your hands on the sides of her face, prompting her to lift her chin up. You inhaled one last time, gathering your courage, and slowly leaned to down to graze her lips softly.
Her eyelids fluttered shut, and after a little while she was melting into the kiss, placing her arms up around your neck. The two of you crashed your lips against each other a few times, poking your tongue between your lips every now and again to wet them. Her hand went up into your hair to tug at the nape, and yours traveled down to rest on her lower back, feeling the bare skin under her crop top. Your chests were pressed against one another, making it easy to feel each others’ rapid heartbeats.
Before things got too steamy, you pulled back, releasing her lips from yours. Her eyes stayed close for a second, but opened again momentarily.
“Wow…” she breathed with the tiniest smile. “I totally understand why kissing is such a big deal.”
“Yeah?” you chuckled airily, still catching your breath. “You’re not disappointed at all?”
She shook her head. “Not in the slightest.”
You nodded, eyes shifting around the room awkwardly. “Um, it’s getting late isn’t it?”
“Yeah, we should probably go to bed!” she agreed, obviously happy to change the subject. She hopped off the bed to get comfortable in her little blanket fort. You both silently curled up into your sleeping positions, ignoring the obvious tension.
“Yuna?” you finally asked before turning the lights off.
“Hm?” she chirped, a satisfied smirk evident on her features.
“Do you wanna sleep up here tonight?”
She happily bounced up from her spot on the floor and under the covers with you, cuddling up to your side. You clicked the lights off and put an arm around her waist, trying hard not to think about how good she smelled, or how your heart was racing, or how warm your cheeks were getting. Maybe this had changed your friendship, but it seemed to be changing in a way that you both liked.
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yawnzzznnn · 10 months
Helloo, can you do a itzy x reader where reader also has anger issues like ryujin(maybe even worse) and almost starting a fight, how would the members react?(maybe you couls also include ryujin in this 😭)
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Special thanks too: anon & ITZY & Dope Lovers by DPR IAN
Note: sorry this took so long to get done ive been a bit busy and I had requests backed up from awhile ago but it's here now so I hope you enjoy<3
TW: anger issues : arguments : could have a little bit of angst but leans more on fluff :
Words: 348
She doesn't really like fighting so once she notices your getting a bit more angry she will put an end to it and admit she was in the wrong even when she wasn't once you cool down she'll sit you down to talk about it
Once she notices you getting a bit more angry than what she considers the level amount and sit you down to talk she'll do what she knows calms you down rather it be petting your hair hugging you rubbing your arm/back
Oh girl...she had an attitude she does so her attitude and your anger issues are not a good mix so when you two argue the members would have to tear you two apart and have you two talk it out once she realizes the actual issue at hand she'll put the attitude away and actually talk to you
She sensed you were about to get angry so she dropped the argument or if y'all weren't having an argument and you getting game rage or road rage she'll take over and tell you to breath
Ryujin is cocky that's not a secret but that means she'll rarely admit that she's wrong for her own pride on top of her anger issues and yours, you two would get in an argument and won't talk to one another for weeks till the members get tired of the attitude from her and "fix" your relationship
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b000mbayah · 1 year
Demon!Itzy Reaction to falling in love with a human
+*: ♱ :*﹤+*: ☥ :*﹤+*: ⛥ :*﹤+*: ☥ :*﹤+*: ♱ :*
Requested: No
Warnings: None
+*: ♱ :*﹤+*: ☥ :*﹤+*: ⛥ :*﹤+*: ☥ :*﹤+*: ♱ :*
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Yeji held an impressive reputation within her large community of Demons and Horsemen. And due to this reputation, it was common that Yeji often found herself in different realms, trying to keep many entities in their separate lines.
She wouldn't say she hated her assignments per say, but dealing with no good Ghouls was probably the worst part.
Yeji dreads the possibility of finding a Ghoul with its boney bum half up in the air as it claws its way towards its next meal. She often hears the clawing of their crooked nails upon the wooden surface of an unopened coffin- or the squelching of mushy flesh without even being near the situation.
Despite being a Demon, Yeji is particularly squeamish when it comes to actual corpses- hence her hatred for Ghouls and their feverish desires.
Unfortunately, her most recent assignment was to deal with a lurking Ghoul as it stalks somewhere just outside of a graveyard, fenced off to the public at this time of night.
When Yeji arrived, however, the gate was pried open- not by force but rather through a simple use of a key. This had confused the Demon, up until she noticed you.
Yeji had truly believed she had seen it all, for she had seen Ghosts and Ghouls, Phantoms and Leviathans, Beasts and Freaks. But, she's never quite seen something like you.
The way the golden glow of the moon dances delicately along your skin, and how your hair gently flails in the small nighttime breeze. It was all mesmerising. It all affected Yeji in a way she didn't think was possible anymore, and she felt for you when dangerous pricks of tears shone between your growing fears.
You looked like an Angel.
Though, not all beautiful things last, for even the most beautiful flower will wither in the end.
Yeji had noticed the Ghoul in the corner of her eye. It was crouched behind a gravestone, observing you and your unwary motives as it planned its next move.
And it was sure to win, unless Yeji dares to intervene.
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Lia has always been able to just freely roam whatever realm she'd please. And she's always found herself in awe of her surroundings each time, finding the locations uniquely different to the previous one.
Realms of vegetation, void, plasma, water, smoke and many more never failed to keep her entertained and each one fueled Lia with a crazed knowledge, therefore supplying her with power.
But this realm was different. It was riddled with uncertainty, with untrustworthy beings. Lia had never seen a human before, and she never really planned to. But one misstep led her to another and instead of being in the realm of bones, she ended up in a realm full of solar systems instead.
The first planet with life she has so far come across (in this realm) is planet Earth, all the others before were complete wastelands, or provided very little nutrients for sufficient life to form and procreate.
Nevertheless, Lia found herself quickly occupied with the many activities these humans have created. Additionally, Lia had found herself particularly in love with shopping and listening to music.
And what better place to be than a place where both of those activities are conjoint? Where they coexist for a price, and with the disguise of being human of course.
A music concert. It was absolute bliss when Lia arrived, and it was absolute bliss throughout. Though, her night only got better when you shyly came up to her, your heart in your hands, figuratively as you asked her if she knew where the nearest restrooms were.
You looked so cute, so vulnerable with the puppy eyes you almost gave her that Lia couldn't help but smile at your words. She knew very little of your language, being somewhat new to this lifestyle and place. But she picked up a few words here and there, and it was enough to help her understand your request.
Lia would happily help you, but at the cost of her not being able to get you off her mind for the rest of the event.
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Ryujin has always been the favourite. She's always been requested to reap the planet Earth of its troublesome humans, to carry away the souls of the dead ones. She always got the fun tasks, the fun tasks that require a lot of power, therefore draining her of her abilities for a while.
She was told to conjure up yet another plague, to stop at nothing less than a third of the population again. And she swore upon her entire entity to do just that.
Within just a day, news outlets had exploded with horrific tales of another plague going around. Headlines spat vigour words, outlining every detail thus far discovered.
The world had gone into total panic. Countries were like dominos- following each other's strategies to keep its civilians alive. They'd copy each other's research, lockdowns, guidelines and laws like it was a competition to see who did it best.
And yet, despite all the plague has done in the first day- scientists had given it the worst name yet. Ryujin almost felt offended when the name "The End" was given to it. The name was neither original nor calming to the public. An elementary child could've come up with that name.
However, while Ryujin was sprinkling some more death upon the locals, she had come across you and your family. You looked so happy- despite the negativity branding the world.
Your smile never faltered at the mention of Ryujins child, your eyes never dimmed at the death of someone you knew, and your words of positivity never let the negatives get to you.
You rightfully quipped Ryujins curiosity, and so it was no surprise when she found herself almost living with you- although invisible to the human eye.
She'd linger around your house, later finding out that you moved back in with your family to help support them during this pandemic, and her heart swelled.
There was just something about you, and she couldn't seem to let you get infected- at least not yet.
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Chaeryeong couldn't remember the last time she was even near the vicinity of your country, let alone city. She found that she preferred the freezing cold chill of the Antarctic against the warmer temperatures your home provided.
However, on a random whim to just see all the commotion of a sudden burst of energy coming from nearer to the Equator, she had fled the Antarctic in search.
Chaeryeong was guided by the strong magnetic pull until she found herself lost when it had suddenly disappeared, leaving her stranded in a place she's never been.
Out of desperation, she had changed her appearance to blend in with the human kind and began to ask around for a map, but everyone refused to even spare her a second glance. Was it maybe because her voice was roughed from not speaking for the last few hundred years? Or did she just look dodgy for asking for a map?
Either way, it hadn't stopped you from tapping her on the shoulder, a bright smile playing upon your lips as you offered to show her a map on your phone.
Chaeryeong quickly found your boldness to be something she was fond of as she eagerly accepted, albeit with slightly reddened cheeks and ears.
You had pulled up Google Maps, guiding her around the city through the screen on your phone. Not before long, Chaeryeong knew exactly what direction to head in order to get back home.
But was that really what she wanted now that she'd actually met a human, one that's kinder than the rest with a comforting demeanour?
She wasn't entirely sure, but she does know she'll return one day- preferably when you're still alive to repay the favour.
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When Yuna was assigned to Earth, her intentions were set on foolish antics like the occasional possession, or messing with curious teenagers' investigations on the paranormal.
She'd often prey on the newly experienced, finding it entertaining to mess with their ouija board sessions or play into their little shenanigans before actually deciding to traumatise them.
However, Yuna would also occasionally go after the more equipped individuals. Whether they be demonologists or just YouTubers who have maybe gained a steady following due to some paranormal activity captured, she always liked the challenge.
And there were no exceptions for you.
You were dragged out of your house with a few friends, who just so happened to have their own YouTube account about ghosts and whatnot.
You didn't want to be there, you had no care about the paranormal and if it was real or not, you just wanted to go home and sleep. Which was understandable, but your friends rejected your laziness.
So you found yourself, sitting in a hallway with padded cell rooms lining the walls, each room only ten feet wide, some caved in from the decades of rot and rust while others were infested with insects.
You had a pair of noise-cancelling headphones occupying your ears, plugged into a spirit box. Your friends had explained how this device constantly flickers through different radio stations, allowing the most convenient and efficient way for Ghosts to communicate through types of frequency. This basically made you a mouthpiece for all Ghosts around.
You weren't listening, in all honesty, since the headphones were already half on your ears and the surplus noise of static jumping from ear to ear had made you half death. Soon enough, a blindfold was placed over your eyes and you were left to depend mostly on your sense of hearing.
Yuna found it intriguing to find such a new person doing the Estes method so quickly, but shrugged it off and put her tricks to work.
Yuna had thrown answers left, right and centre to your friend's questions, using you as her spokesperson. But things quickly got extreme as she'd use the radio stations to scream in your ears, to whisper and growl at you.
Though, much to Yunas dismay, you only mimicked these sounds, seemingly unfazed by her trickery. So she resorted to touching you. She'd play with a strand of hair, or lightly trace the skin of your neck.
But even that hadn't fazed you though.
Yuna was fuming when you had taken the equipment off, having not reacted in the slightest to her touch. She doesn't do that for just anyone, and you just dismissed it like she was some wind?
Yuna wouldn't reveal all her cards in one show, that's just cheap, so she'd have to save them for your next date, but you can guarantee she's following you home.
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blu-joons · 2 years
When They Can’t Sleep Without Cuddling You ~ Itzy Reaction
Your head shook as soon as you walked in to see Yeji still awake and sat on the sofa. “What are you still doing up?” You immediately asked her.
A weak smile was on Yeji’s face as she moved the cushion away that she was holding onto. “I didn’t want to go up to bed until you were home.”
Your smile softened too as you walked further into the room. “You need to sleep, you’ve got an early call time in the morning,” you told her, taking your hand out for Yeji to hold onto.
“I can sleep now,” she smiled, “because now I can cuddle up to you.”
“Come on, let’s head up to bed rather than sitting down.”
Yeji took your hand and used you to help her stand up to her feet. “Don’t you want to get something to eat before you head to bed? You’ve had a busy day.”
“I’d much rather head up to bed so that you can sleep,” you told her, leading her towards the stairs, “I’m alright for now anyway.”
“Are you sure? You don’t need to miss out because of me Y/N.”
“It’s alright, I fancy a cuddle anyway.”
You barely had the time to leave the bathroom before Jisu appeared beside you. “What’s going on?” You asked, drawn to the smile she wore.
Jisu’s hand pressed into the small of your back, turning to face you in the direction of the bed. “Can you hurry up and come to bed now?”
Your head nodded as Jisu nudged you in the bed’s direction, “I’ve just got to finish my routine and then I’ll be there. You can still get in without me, I’ll only be a few minutes.”
“No,” Jisu sighed, “I want to get in with you and cuddle you Y/N.”
“You can’t lay by yourself for a few moments?”
Jisu’s head shook in reply to you, hearing a chuckle come from you too. “I want to lay with you, it’s cold so I don’t want to lay in the bed all by myself.”
“I guess I could leave my routine,” you trailed off, “I mean it’s not as if they’re crucial steps for me to need to do before bed.”
“I think you should leave them too and come with me instead.”
“I thought you might say that.”
A smile formed on your face as you slid under the duvet, feeling a presence move towards you. “Hello,” you laughed as Ryujin appeared.
Her hand rested over your chest as she rolled in towards you. “Hi,” she whispered, resting her head against your shoulder to stay with you.
Your head shook at how quickly Ryujin shuffled as soon as she realised that you were there and in bed for the night. “I can’t move with you laying this close to me you know.”
“I know,” she giggled, “I want to lay right here though I’m afraid.”
“It’s alright, I didn’t need space anyway.”
Another chuckle came from Ryujin as she listened to you, “you might want to tease me, but I know you love falling asleep cuddled up to me as well.”
“I’m not complaining that you’re here with me,” you smiled back down to Ryujin, “I just didn’t think you’d be here so quickly.”
“I wasn’t really asleep; I was just here waiting for you to come to bed.”
“I could tell you weren’t asleep too.”
A hand slipped into yours as soon as you got into bed, hearing a hum from Chaeryeong. “Can I help you?” You teased across to her.
Another hum came from Chaeryeong as she tried to pull against your hand. “Don’t lay so far away from me, I can’t sleep like this Y/N.”
You could hear the desperation in Chaeryeong’s voice, shuffling a little closer to where she laid. “How’s this?” You asked her once you had your other arm at her waist.
“There’s still a gap,” she pointed out, “which means you can come closer.”
“Shall we just sleep on top of each other instead?”
A laugh came from Chaeryeong as she reached bag to dig her elbow into your side. “Stop being mean to me, all I want to do is sleep with you.”
“I’m not being mean,” you laughed, “you’re the one that wants to sleep as squeezed up as we can be together.”
“I’m not letting you go, so don’t think about moving away.”
“I promise that I won’t go anywhere.”
Her eager eyes followed your every move as you moved around the bedroom, with Yuna getting impatient. “I’ll be there in a moment.”
Yuna’s head shook as she tapped against your side of the bed, “hurry up,” she pouted, watching you closely as you sorted yourself out.
After a few minutes, you were done, being ushered across to the bed. “What’s gotten into you anyway?” You asked Yuna as she helped you to get into bed, moving towards you.
“I’ve missed this,” she whispered, “sleeping on tour alone sucks.”
“Did you manage to sleep much on your own?”
Yuna’s head shook as she let go of a deep sigh, “I barely slept a full night, that’s why I’m so excited to fall asleep with you tonight, I’ll sleep like a baby.”
“Does this mean you won’t be moody and tired tomorrow?” You joked, “will I get to see you smiling again tomorrow?”
“I’ve not come home in that bad of a mood you know.”
“You’ve pouted since this morning Yuna.”
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chomiyeonjogiyo · 1 year
wolfhybrid!itzy reaction to their first kiss with their gf coming soon :) hope it’ll be good enough💀 i’ll work hard and improve my writing skills dw👍
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urfriendlylocalidiot · 9 months
In honor of ITZY’s comeback
Reader x ITZY
Returning Home w/ ITZY
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Coming home to your love is always the best part
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She would be so nervous about you coming home after 4 long weeks. What if you didn’t feel the same anymore? What if? Would probably stress-clean the apartment before you arrive. And it would be spotless to say the least. Everything just had to be just right for when you came home.
And just right it was, when you did arrive home, she ran into your arms, just for you to change it to a long-awaited makeout session. Even showing her the flowers you had picked up for her along the way. They were her favorite, proving that you hadn’t fallen in love with her after all. And although you were tired, you were full of adrenaline with being around her again.
Instead of unpacking, you guys decide to just have a long romantic date night. You both get changed and get ready to head out for a night out. Something she really needed, with all the stress of her comeback. You guys decide to get dinner together at your favorite restaurant and catch up on everything that has happened in the past 4 weeks. You end up staying until closing and having to carry Yeji back into your apartment, but you wouldn’t have it any other way.
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You guys definitely missed each other. Like so much. Like handwritten letters every other day since you left. And so when the day finally came that you were coming home, you were honestly both elated! Yes, you had some good times with your new friends, but nothing could truly compare to being with Lia.
When you do get home, she pulls you into a hug and gives you a signed copy of her comeback cd! Needless to say, you guys have a lot to catch up on. Even though you guys wrote each other everyday, there was still so much else to talk about.
You guys end up staying in bed all day, which was honestly just what you needed after a long day of traveling. She told you more about her comeback and you were finally able to see the music videos she had wrote about recording. Obviously you told her some memories you made while away, but they paled in comparison to a whole comeback.
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The moment you step foot into your apartment — bags and all, she jumps you.
“I missed you” she murmurs into your neck.
“I can see that” you say, chuckling.
And don’t expect this to change for literal hours. You manage to set down your bags despite having a literal Koala attached to you. It was clear that today was not going to be the day you unpack your bags. Which was honestly fine with you. For the most part of the day you guys just stay cuddled up on the couch, nodding in and out of sleep.
You guys even manage to cook a dinner for you two, it was a simple chicken and rice, but it was still the first meal you guys had together for 4 weeks. It was honestly perfect for you two.
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Definitely nervous and worried about you coming home. But the excitement easily overpowers that. You’re finally coming home!! After 4 long, stressful weeks without you, you’d finally be home again. And god, you had a lot to catch up on — daily phone calls still weren’t enough to fully express everything.
So when you do arrive home, she jumps into your arms. And she relishes the feeling of finally being with you again. Like she even cries a little out of happiness of you coming home. And she cries even more when she sees the flowers you bought her. She’s just so happy and full of love now that you’re back.
You guys obviously spend the rest of the day together. She even cooks your favorite dinner since you’re actually home now to enjoy it. My god, she’s missed you and neither of you guys can stop smiling from the joy of being together again.
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AHHHH!! To say she was excited was an understatement, she was literally counting down the days until your arrival back home!! 4 weeks was far too long to spend apart. She would literally wind up at the airport like 3 hours before your arrival time. She was just that excited to see you again!
In order to kill the 3 hours though, she buys you flowers and even makes a poster for you. God knows how she found a poster making shop in the airport, but anything for you. She’s just so happy that you’re finally coming home. She was so restless without you. But thank god, you’re coming home today, so all is going to go back to normal.
When you do land and come out of the gate, Yuna literally runs into your arms. And obviously you pick her up and give her a little spin. When you eventually put her down, you see her holding the poster and flowers and pull her into another hug. Only to pull away to pull out some flowers of your own for her. Needless to say you both missed each other a lot.
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acornplays · 1 year
British Girl Reacts To ITZY "WANNABE" & “Not Shy” M/V
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lovesickstay · 5 months
can’t believe I forgot to post this here! they really popped off with this song!
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aettuddae · 6 days
business matter — chapter 42.
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↳ synopsis: two of the most important kpop companies covet a partnership with a huge global brand, only to be surprised when the deal is extended to both labels. fearing potential sabotage and cynical strategies to secure exclusivity for just one of them, both CEOs resort to desperate measures. in a bid to maintain trust and prevent betrayal before the signing, they come up with a pact: forcing a fake relationship between the leaders of their star girlgroups. if one side attempted to fail the other, they threaten to expose it all to the conservative south korea.
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[written chapter]
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a blonde-haired girl wakes up after hearing commotion in her apartment. voices, disguised in whispers, but still loud enough to cause a disturbance. it sounded like two people fighting in the distance. she got up from the bed disoriented, her heart beating rapidly at the thought that something bad was happening to one of her members. with her vision blurred by not having yet gotten used to the tangible world, she roamed around her room. visualizing her acoustic guitar, she wobbled to it and reached out to grab it, trying to shake the sleep from her body along the way.
she opened the door to her room with a rough yank on the handle and hurriedly ran down the hallway, raising the instrument over her shoulder, ready to throw it or use it as a hammer at whoever had barged into her home.
"come in!"
"i don't want to!"
“i told you to take off your shoes and come in!”
“i'm not going to let you see my socks… WHY DOES SHE HAVE A GUITAR!?”
"what's going on!?"
winter dropped the guitar and admired the situation anxiously, swaying from side to side as if at any moment she would have to run away. in front of her was her leader, with her elaborate makeup and elegant wardrobe, barefoot and stressed, pulling on the arm of jang serim, who was in the hallway, clinging to the door frame, refusing to enter, objectively more disheveled than her member. there was a strong aroma of alcohol in the air, and after assimilating what was happening, she understood that it was coming from the guest.
“serim is drunk and she doesn't want to go in.” karina explained with annoyance in her voice, lifting her leg and resting her foot against the wall so she could increase the force with which she was pulling serim into the apartment.
"why?" the youngest took a few steps until she was next to her member, stopping to look at the oldest of the three in confusion.
“it's just,” karina let go of the other party, causing her to fall sitting on the floor. “she says it's not respectful to come in drunk when other people are sleeping here.”
“i am a well-mannered baby.” serim spoke, forming a pout with her lips, but her words were barely understood since they came out in a blur. after that, she lost her balance and fell on her back.
“oh, she's gone.” winter judged.
“she didn't eat anything before drinking." her roommate explained, walking over to the girl who was on the ground.
"she didn't?" the vocalist followed her.
“she didn't, because she wanted to make me upset!” karina complained as she put her hands under serim's arms to lift her up.
"that's true." jang admitted and then began to laugh frantically.
"be quiet." karina ordered, using all of her strength to move her inside while minjeong pulled her legs.
“we had to leave early because the idiot got drunk, so our manager brought us here.” she continued contextualizing as she carried the eldest. “when we were in the car i managed to get her to unlock her phone and i notified her staff, but they will come in an hour, so she has to stay here until then.”
once in the living room, she let go of serim, instructing winter to do the same, letting her fall. the blow and roar woke up the member of heaven, who clumsily stood up, leaving her standing statically with her back to both aespa.
"where am i?" she questioned, lost as she analyzed the place and realized that she didn't know it.
she abruptly turned around, trying to discover the entire room, only to find the girls who had their eyes glued to her. winter couldn't contain her laughter and karina was rubbing her temple with a burdened grimace.
"oh, it's you." serim left the alert position in which she was and her face showed disappointment when she met the dark haired woman. “and giselle!” she regained her energy upon seeing the other person and pointed at winter excitedly.
“i'm winter.” she said simply and laughed covering her mouth.
"please don't rob us!” ningning exclaimed, appearing from behind her friends in her pajamas, throwing various stuffed toys into the air, trying to hurt the criminal who was in her house, but not hitting anyone because she had her eyes closed in fear.
“giselle!” the drunk girl repeated before the arrival of a new individual.
"where?" the youngest opened her eyes to look for the japanese one, finding the disastrous situation. “jimin!” she squealed with displeasure.
“no, i'm serim from heaven.” she introduced herself politely.
“i am jimin." karina corrected her coldly.
“no, you are karina.” she shook her head. “i know because i had to repeat it many times to learn it.”
“why didn't you tell me that serim was here?” the maknae protested, fixing her hair.
“because i shouldn't be here,” the oldest remembered.
"oh no…" vocalized minjeong.
"stay still!" the leader of aespa shouted, going to catch the girl who began to run towards the door.
“she's so funny.” ningning said as she bit her lip and undid the last button on her pajama shirt.
"what is she doing?" jang murmured to karina, who had successfully caught her, staring at the chinese woman, while being held firmly by her waist by yu so that she wouldn't run away again, but this one only looked at her out of the corner of her eye angrily.
"what's going on?" giselle joined the meeting, appearing down the hallway with hiro in her arms.
“giselle!” the guest threw her hands in the air happily. “and the dog i definitely don't hate." she pointed at the animal.
“serim is drunk and she has to wait here for a moment until her manager comes to pick her up." karina repeated. “sorry for waking you up, go back to sleep, i'll take her to my room,” she noticed.
“can she come to my room?” ningning intervened.
“ning!” aeri reproached her.
"alright." serim accepted, trying to walk in her direction.
"get away from my baby." jimin nagged at her, hitting her arm.
"then can i sleep with giselle?" she wondered with a strange hint of innocence.
"serim!" the main rapper amended her.
"cheater..." ning muttered in disbelief.
"stop." karina pretended to start crying while she tried to keep the eldest still.
"why not me?" asked winter offended, as her leader started to drag the guest to her room.
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the puppy had decided to change his sleeping partner and entered karina's room following her and serim. once the animal was inside, the resident closed the door. the vocalist stood in the center, looking vacantly around her, her body moving beyond her control due to the alcohol in her system.
hiro walked past her, heading to her bed. with a single jump, he went up and lay down comfortably. he looked warm and happy, so serim was tempted to try it on her behalf, walking there and then plopping down on the mattress.
"sleep and i'll let you know when your manager comes." karina advised seriously, leaning her back against the door.
“i shouldn't fall asleep in your bed." said the oldest, but ironically her eyes closed on their own and her words came out in whispers.
"i'd rather you fall asleep than keep talking."
"you are so mean." she took a big breath of air trying to regain clarity, raising her head a little and resting her weight on her elbows so as not to fall asleep. “it's your own room, are you going to stand there?”
“do you want me to lay with you?” she crossed her arms.
“it's your bed." she made obvious. “and i think we are already committed enough to each other to share it.” she let her head fall against the pillow.
karina looked at her from where she was, taking a moment to think. she began to wander removing all the accessories and makeup that she had on her, finally leaving her earrings on the nightstand and sitting next to her workmate. serim had her eyes closed, but she lifted her eyelids when she felt the weight next to her. she looked at the younger from below, who was focused on watching what her dog was doing. since he was asleep, serim, still intoxicated, realized that she was just trying to avoid eye contact.
“see that we can coexist?” she tried to break the ice.
“didn't i tell you to go to sleep?” she contradicted bitterly.
“you're more irritable than usual." she observed, doing her best to speak properly.
“i have to live with you,” she answered, still not looking at her. “and then when we have an event you get drunk.”
"i don't think is that." she dismissed without getting affected. “you are like this because of your boyfriend.”
“can you not mention it?” she blurted abruptly, quickly turning her head so that she couldn't see her expression, and fixing the position of her body.
“see how is that?” knowing that she was right she laughed, and because of her drunkenness, she couldn't stop it.
“no, i'm sorry, but you're not always right.” she frowned and finally turned to her. "can you stop?" she asked seeing that she wouldn't.
“serim, it's crazy how happy it makes to be right.” she criticized her angrily. “serim!” she held her shoulders with her hands as if she was about to shake her to make her reason, but she only exerted pressure to hoard her attention, intending to make her shut up. the named one connected her eyes with hers and little by little she stopped her fit of laughter. she raised one of her hands and placed it on karina's, which was on her shoulder. keeping the smile on her face, she explored the features of the blackhaired woman with her gaze, who would keep her grip until serim's joy was erased from her face. serim gently squeezed the hand she was touching and accompanied it with an unconscious lip bite.
“i can't believe you, you're horny already.” she quickly pulled away from the older one. "gross."
“you were very close!” she noted merrily. “and i'm not horny, i just have a lot of love to give.”
she let her arms fall spread all over the bed, accidentally resting her right one on the other's lap, making them both look at it expectantly. they remained silent, still. the atmosphere was peculiar, there was a different tension than the one that usually created between them, and it seemed as if one of them made an abrupt movement, it would dissipate. in the dancer's gaze, it was clear that she wanted jang to stop touching her, but nothing in her body language matched that, she did not move to push her away. the vocalist slowly raised her limb, gently bringing it up to the girl's face, to touch her cheek and caress it, gaining her attention, getting her to observe her without any emotion.
“karina,” she called and received a hum. “you know that if you kissed me now i wouldn't remember it tomorrow, right?” with her knuckles she tenderly drew her traits.
“i don't want to kiss you." she stated, still in the same position.
“stop thinking about that guy.” she ran the tip of her thumb over her bottom lip.
“while you ask me to kiss you?” she took the focus off of her. “he is my boyfriend, i can't cheat on him.”
"cheat? but if you're not together and he hasn't spoken to you for two weeks." she let out a giggle full of irony. “and i'm not asking you to kiss me, i'm just saying that if you wanted to i wouldn't stop you.” she leaned on her forearm, slightly separating herself from the mattress.
“we are taking a break." she lowered her head.
“whatever that means.” she took her chin between her fingers and made karina face her.
“if you don't want to, why don't you get away?”
the girl hadn't noticed how she leaned into serim's touch, and how it had drawn her into her personal space. they were at the perfect distance so that they could touch each other just by lowering her head a little, and so that the smell of alcohol the oldest one emanated made her a little dizzy.
serim was right, wasn't she? jongin had disappeared. at first, she didn't believe that he would be so brutal, but who had been her boyfriend for over a year simply asked her for some time and erased himself from her life from one day to the next. and now she didn't know what he was doing, or where their relationship stood.
what does taking a break mean? if he had already cheated on his ex, what could assure her that while they were apart he would not be with other girls? is it okay to want to make him feel bad for leaving her?
if they weren't together as of now, it wouldn't be infidelity, right? serim was probably right. as usual.
karina leaned in, reaching the older girl's lips with hers and trapping them in a kiss. serim moved her grip, sliding her hand down her cheek to her nape, and from there she pulled her closer. the dark haired woman moved closer to the center of the bed, held her opponent's face from both sides and gently pushed her, making her lie down completely again, remaining on top of her.
they were kissing slowly, but intensely. in the end, it was not a loving kiss, but one motivated purely by desire, attraction, and resentment, they did not have to be sweet with each other when they could continue battling as they always did. they pressed against each other and held themselves as close as they could, karina's nails were digging into serim's cheeks, who could only concentrate on maintaining resistance so as not to completely lose control.
until the screen of her phone turned on, and more than it concerned her, it was yu who moved far from her to see where the light was coming from.
“your manager is calling you, he must be downstairs.” she straightened up, sitting properly on the bed and stretching her arm out to reach the device.
“no, he's not.” the senior refused and lifted herself, trapping her face in her touch again to connect their pupils, running her lips from her shoulder to her neck, causing her to close her eyes enjoying the attention, a sign that told her to continue on karina's jaw and cheek, until it reached her mouth another time and they kept going as if the phone wasn't still vibrating.
leaning on the embrace that serim had on her waist, biting her lips while she got lost between them and met her tongue, she convinced herself that she could vent her anger towards jang in this way more often. although she would surely change her mind as soon as it was over. and suddenly she forgot how jongin had treated her. although she would surely remember after serim left.
they were completely immersed in each other, until hiro's growl replaced the silence of the room, forcing them to put an end to it to check what was happening to the dog, who was standing firmly ready to throw a tantrum.
“it seems like someone is jealous..." the drunken one pointed out in a flirtatious tone, making jimin laugh.
perhaps the first time she made her laugh.
“it's okay, don't worry.” the puppy's owner spoke softly to calm him down.
when she made sure that hiro was already appeased, serim took advantage of her grip on karina's torso and hugged her carefully, but also surely, to which she responded by reconnecting their lips, but not for a long time.
serim's scream was possibly heard on the upper and lower floors of the dormitory and woke up all the members again. the girl jumped on her feet over the bed due to the pain and since she was still completely numb she lost her balance and fell to the floor, which made her yell again.
all as a result of the fact that hiro had not really chilled out and as soon as he saw that his guardian was still kissing someone else he couldn't stand the wrath and bit hard the hand that the stranger had on jimin's waist.
“i can't believe i just made out with this loser.” karina talked to herself, covering her face in shame. “i'll cure you and you'll leave, your manager has already waited too long for you.”
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