#yk what
martiniluvr · 1 month
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the hand placement…the size difference….somebody sedate me
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marsipain · 1 month
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Their duo name is fyreduo
I don’t take criticism
Good night <3
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almostshere · 1 month
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ariseur · 2 months
THE ROCK IS BACK‼️‼️‼️ And has brought you… Cloud Strife x Baker!reader. Imagine teaching him how to bake and he’s just standing there like “huh?” After you just reread him the instructions for the millionth time, which results in him being covered in flour.
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“then you just mix them in like,” you paused as you whisked the thick batter around, cloud noted how your tongue poked out in concentration, “this!”
cloud’s eyebrows furrowed, mako infused eyes flickering between the mixing bowl and you as he cocked his head. you simply grinned at him, hand still mixing the thick cake batter. your hand looked comically small against the big silver bowl.
you had decided to bust out one of your old recipes, chocolate cake with some raspberry mousse on top. simple but definitely one of your favorites. you had offered cloud to try some, even if he wasn’t so much a dessert type person. but then aerith found out. and then tifa. and then biggs. and suddenly—you’re making a lot of chocolate cake. you decided that you underestimated how much help you would need and the duration of time it’d take you to just bake these cakes. so who else to call but your trusty mercenary boyfriend?
“wha—?” with another tilt of his head, cloud watched you curiously as you grabbed his hand, having him hold the whisk while you let out a singsong, “keep it moving!” while you twirled your way to the cupboard and grabbed some cocoa powder along with some various other ingredients.
you giggled as you watched cloud hesitantly stir the mixture, big eyes following you while you walked back up to him and held the ingredients out to him. you beamed at him, “do it just like how i said, ‘kay?”
cloud let out an unsure, “okay.” while you held your hands behind your back and watched as he scooped some cocoa powder out with a tablespoon. mako eyes hesitantly darted between you and the cake batter, unsure if he was doing it right. his worries melted away though—when he saw that your smile never faltered. to be honest, cloud hadn’t been listening to a word you said, only focused on the way your lips moved and how you seemed so sure of what you were talking about.
“i still don’t know what you find fun about this, though. it’s so many..” he trailed off.
“yeah.” was all he said. he watched as you put a hand up, signaling for him to stop as you stepped closer, mixing all the powders and liquids together in one big, chocolate-y mess.
a small silence fell over the two of you as you could feel cloud’s presence behind you, watching each of your movements intently to try and find some sort of meaning behind it. you were doing so many things at once, it was hard to keep track of. a soft smile rested itself on your lips, watching cloud through your peripheral try and lean his head over your shoulder to get a better look.
“have i ever told you how cute i think you are?” you said. your eyes never left the whisk, watching as it created swirls and ripples in the thick chocolate. you heard cloud make a small noise, clearly taken aback as his eyes widened and his posture became stiffer.
“what makes you say that?” he finally asked.
you simply giggled and pointed at the mixture that lay in the bowl below you, “because you put way too much powder in this.” you finally put the whisk down, it making a clank as the metal hit the cool countertop, littered with an assortment of packages containing ingredients.
cloud tipped his head over to get a better look, his face trying its hardest not to redden as he felt your fingertips graze his jaw, softened with the flour that covered them. you were right, he thought, as he saw the clumps of leftover powder that wouldn’t break down. the corners of his mouth quirked downwards as he felt your gaze on him, almost shrinking like a dog that’s been caught red-handed.
“‘s alright, cloud. we can just try again.” you gently guided his gaze towards yours, watching as his eyebrows knitted together once you made eye contact. you rubbed your thumb along his cheekbone, peaceful grin still painted on your face when you looked at him. cloud had wondered how you could be so soft, sometimes. your hand slowly fell, the pad of your thumb making sure to run itself along the entirety of his cheek.
“did you just smear chocolate on my cheek?”
“sshh..” you said, bringing a finger to his lips. you closed your eyes as you took in the moment before you, removing your finger and giving cloud a chance to actually lick his lips and confirm it really was chocolate. it also gave him the chance to grab a pinch of flour from the counter behind you, except instead of a pinch, cloud more so grabbed a handful. and perhaps he dumped it on your head, too.
you gasped, watching as he narrowed his eyes playfully at you. backing away with his hands in a smug surrender motion, before you grabbed a handful and threw it at him, too.
“you’re on!” you shouted, and then began what would soon be referred to as ‘the flour war’.
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eleiwitch · 2 years
my brain either picks one ship to focus on for hours
or switches between 7 different ships from 3 different fandoms in under an hour.
no in-betweens.
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youronebraincell · 6 months
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I deadass thought this was Jackie. I saw the hair and the abs (god bless) and just went with it
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ashpkat · 6 months
i was thinking earlier (which isn’t a good thing) about the series and here’s my thought: how popular do you think the magisterium series would be if calron had been canon?
the magisterium series came from two (semi) well known authors that are worth hundred of thousands — maybe millions — of dollars, and observing stuff from other VERY popular fandoms like percy jackson and seeing how feral they go over canon LGBT characters in POPULAR media i just had to think. these lgbtq+ characters aren’t even main characters— well, yes they are main characters but they aren’t THE main character— but these characters like nico are practically worshipped purely because they are lgbtq+ .
and so i began to spiral: how feral would the gays have gone over a canon lgbtq+ main main character? cc and hb could have MARKETED IT. not to say i condone it, but they could’ve capitalized the lgbtq+’s community want for representation and they very well could’ve grown a fan base much larger than what they had. instead, they chose a straight ship over a fan favorite (sorry callmara shippers, i love you, but it isn’t very popular) and pushed the magisterium series low onto their priorities and gave it the BARE minimum because it wasn’t getting nearly as much money or attention as their own more popular series.
(i will say this, the magisterium was never extremely popular from the get-go and it only declined further and further because hb and cc more than likely completely gave up on the idea of it being as popular as folk of air or shadowhunters after TCG dropped. however, and i’m reiterating this, by marketing/ writing the new books to incorporate lgbtq+ main characters into the story it would’ve multiplied whoever was reading their books by 10x purely due to the fact of good representation and more than likely could still have been semi relevant today. but maybe im being dramatic)
here’s the last thing ill add: the fandom now includes three active people and a shoelace. hate to say it, but compared to cassandra clare and holly blacks other works, it wasn’t successful at all. i don’t want a sequel series or a prequel series or even CLOSURE at this point, what i want is something that’s no longer possible or obtainable. i want a redo.
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a-lambhadmary · 17 days
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I think I made a new.. Oc sorta? I call them !Title Frisk!! Mostly they’re the opposite color of !Core Frisk
Yk, I think I have a plan for them in the multiverse!!
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justplaggin · 1 year
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the ACTUAL live scenes
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hypnoneghoul · 9 months
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srk8t · 7 months
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Not sure if this is something tumblr likes, but glyb glub! Melusine-fied Lloyd Garmadon!
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philzokman · 9 months
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lesbiansiffrin · 2 months
What's happening in qsmp rn I'm so confused
the admins were not getting paid well (if at all), not being communicated with, volunteers being overworked, pommes admin being removed from the whitelist for talking to pierre outside of the server, higher ups were embezzling money, those people were fired, french union got involved, pomme dapper and ramon’s old admins quit, Q doesn’t have twitter so email is his only way of communicating, the french union never emailed him and said it was his job “as a CEO” to contact them(through twitter. btw. the thing he doesn’t have.)
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jojo-has-a-blog · 7 months
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Altoids wallets
If you have one of these can u lmk if they're practical enough to use? Or are they better at being decorational? because it's so cute but they look like a pain to try and open in public, should I just stick to little fabric pouches?
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krash-8 · 4 months
im so sorry rick but the tlt musical is actually the greatest pjo adaptation ever. I said what I said
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I forgot I was a trans girl
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