#kai jiang
lostgoosebe · 2 days
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paperbooart · 17 hours
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raexda · 2 days
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“Fire Maker”
One of my favourite Kai scenes, you can see how much he tries to light the fire and how much guilt he feels about not having the ability to help. Gosh I just love his character sm and dragons rising has done him SO SO well, the writing of Kai in s11 deserved better bc this was a great arc for him but unfortunately it was fumbled a little.
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medicated-death · 2 days
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Kai and Jay so pose like high school girls every time they take a pic
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notreallyninjago · 3 days
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Finally added 2 additional chapters to the AU!
Hopefully I can add more chapters soon :D
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nyaskitten · 24 hours
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Some silly jagos <3
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ceruleanthiing · 20 hours
they may be stupid
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kaiespen · 1 day
FFbA Kai because I forget he has a tattoo 👍
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Guess who Raised him 🫶
Just a little Snake Tattoo
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pandemonium-kidz · 2 days
Thinking of the pilots.
I'm assuming Nya spent kidnapped like 2 weeks to 1 or 2 months at worst.
Thinking of Kai and Nya reuniting, Kai noticing Nya has grown taller, is just a small sprout but is noticeable and he's like damn I missed her growing.
Then... Kai bitterly thinking how none of them were able to see Lloyd grow, he's older yeah but they weren't able to actually see him grow taller little by little, practice and perfect his powers at his own pace, one moment he's ten, the next one he's sixteen.
And he has to fight the Overlord in like two weeks.
Now think of DR, think of him coming out of the portal, him noticing Wyldfyre is taller, stronger, she has even changed her look! And he missed it, again.
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kiaerinnn · 1 day
Congrats to those who know what they are and who they like cause I sure as hell dont!!🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ (But I atleast know one thing, I'm Demiromantic👍)
To celebrate, here's my favorite homo shippp:
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dream-brutus · 2 days
Destiny HCs that I think about a lot!
A lot of these are from Discord chats, but I decided to crosspost these here! Enjoy the crumbs!
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• No warnings for these for the most part, all of these are mostly just fluff but there are some HCs for physical intimacy at the bottom!
If Kai is wearing any sort of hat or head accessories, you best believe Morro is going to pull it down to mess with him
morro has insomnia and sometimes Kai has too much energy to sleep (adhd go nyooom) so they stay up and have sleep-deprived jokes or conversations until they pass out, curled next to each other.
One time Kai had gotten so drunk that he started blabbering about how much he loves his bf.... to his bf. Morro will never let it down and Kai suffers from embarrassment every time it’s brought up.
Morro is severely emotionally constipated so whenever Kai does something nice for him he internally explodes. It literally could be the most minuscule thing like giving him a tiny flower or placing his plate in front of him and Morro would be internally punching the air and thrashing around.
Morro has a big sweet tooth but only for baked goods, they can't stand candy or anything hard/sticky like taffy. Their favorite is lemon meringue but anything with citrus is on the top of their list. Kai, with more cooking prowess from cooking for Nya, indulges him, especially on days when Morro is in a mood.
While Zane is an exceptional cook, making various gourmet levels of food, something about Kai’s cooking strikes a cord within Morro. It sparks so many memories of their youth, the days when he would eat with his father Wu after a long day of training, days of mirth, days of home. Food that might not stand for a 5-star restaurant, but works for comfort and warms the heart like a fire. So whenever Kai cooks for the day, Morro always eats whatever he makes and asks for seconds.
Morro and Kai would have fake arguments, from elaborate soap opera levels of drama (bad acting and all) to 5-minute jokey spats that they try their hardest to be serious about but end up falling apart the more ridiculous it gets. They’re both dramatic assholes and having someone else that can feed into both their theatrics is more than sufficient. Sometimes it’s hard for other people to tell if they’re joking or not but once they notice the small little quirks they make, like how the corner of Morro’s lips slightly twitch up into a smile or how Kai exaggerates his movements, it gets more obvious. It makes for great banter and inside jokes, the most common one is how they’re gonna file a divorce soon (they’re not even married).
Kai suffers from having his clothes taken and never seen again. there have been multiple occasions where Kai has bought a new hoodie/shirt/sweater and had it gone the next week. Morro is the culprit for said thefts. They can’t help themselves really, they like the way they’re baggy on him from the obvious size difference and of course, the smell of Kai that lingers on each article of clothing. The scent of sun-dried linen from the way he does his laundry, the wood spices from his perfume, and a hint of something smokey from a fire is distinctly Kai and hard to confuse it with anything else. It honestly has Morro acting like a fool and getting giddy over it like some schoolgirl which is so not like them.
There’s this additional layer of possessiveness to it as well. Something that subtly says “He’s mine <3” to anyone. And oh lord there is no short supply of possessiveness when it comes to Morro. Although it’s not as bad as before in general, not even in a romantic scene, just in general, it still pops up every once in a while, the clothes being an example of one.
One of Morro’s biggest faults is their jealousy and oh boy does it show. They have gotten better and mediating it to a degree thanks to the help of everyone and resolving grudges but it’s hard to overturn a bad habit that has been festering for years. It seeps out uncontrollably at times, making them act on impulse a lot. In some instances, it’s not bad or catastrophic, just something to laugh at afterward or teasingly chide them for. Like spontaneously kissing Kai, or wrapping a hand around his waist to send a message, but sometimes in other instances, it can get nasty. When that happens both of them need to step back and talk it out before it becomes a problem. What’s important though is that Morro is trying and doing their best to get better at it.
Kai is more physically affection while Morro is more words of affection due to them being so touched starved that they don’t know how to enact things like hugs besides asking, which even then they have several aneurysms because asking for things as asinine as “Can you kiss me?” is SO embarrassing for him and his big ego. So instead they opt to just let Kai take the reigns in terms of anything physical and welcomes it. Kai does know of Morro’s predicament and even though he teases Morro for it from time to time, he understands and doesn’t mind.
Physical intimacy:
The PDA between them is atrocious. Not a day goes by that someone doesn't see them smooching or holding hands. They’re that annoying couple that will make their love known in public.
Speaking of which, if Kai isn't holding Morro in some capacity he will Explode™. No seriously, he gets antsy and fidgety if he’s not holding Morro’s hand or something. He just simply doesn’t know what to do with his hands now! Not when his handsome partner could be holding it instead!
As much as Kai whines about getting his hair messed up, he really does like it when Morro runs their hands through his hair, or anyone in general. Especially when he's lying down snuggling or resting his head in Morro’s lap. It always manages to help relax him and ease some tension that he didn't even realize he had, even going as far as making him sleep. Just something about it, the sensation he feels when Morro combs through it with their fingers, just feels right. Sure his hair might be an uncontrollable mess of strands afterward but he finds it worth it.
In the same vein, Morro, the ever-touch-starved, absolutely loves it when Kai touches his back, especially when it’s skin-to-skin contact. The feeling of Kai’s calloused hands from years and years of working in the forge, hammering away to make blades and carving leather to make hilts, softly and gently ghosting his fingers against Morro’s spine; Being so delicate with them in fear that he might hurt them if he was too rough but it was tender enough that he could feel the love ebb and seep from every touch. And even though Morro was as tough as nails, it was the sheer care and consideration that made Morro’s throat tighten and the obvious love that made their stomach curl into knots.
Morro likes to kiss Kai practically everywhere since the latter enjoys being pampered in kisses even though he will FEVERISHLY deny it. Every single part of Kai’s skin has been kissed at some point by them, but Morro especially loves to kiss his hands, just below the plender gap, and their personal favorite, in the middle of Kai’s throat. The last one always makes Kai's breath stutter and sends a shiver through every bone in his body. It’s a naughty trick that Morro’s learned and considers it their greatest ace.
Kai's favorite place to hug is from the back, wrapping his arms around the smaller’s waist and embracing them and like Morro, Kai also has favorite places to kiss. Leaning down from his hugs, he kisses Morro softly along their neck or the nape and keeps his head buried in the crook, staying there for as long as Morro lets him. Kisses and hugs like that are more frequent if he’s tired (either by just waking up or needing sleep) or mentally strained. Depending on the circumstance it could be an indication that he wants something like snuggles or any sort of physical affection, in which Morro will try his best to comply.
Also just, as a side tangent, Kai picking up Morro like they weigh nothing. Like that one cat image. That’s all.
Despite the differences in their height, Morro is the big spoon! Usually at least. They’ll hold Kai close to them, as close as they physically can, and for Kai, it feels quite nice to be the one being held for once. But for some nights Morro likes to sleep on Kai’s chest because dear lord something about that man’s chest is like touching the divine. Morro would also be lying if they didn’t admit that something about how warm Kai is eases something in their bones too. They both know that nothing will happen to them if they’re in each other's arms and that’s why, no matter who’s the big spoon, they always feel safe.
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lostgoosebe · 2 days
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The sillies
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marsipain · 2 months
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Clothing fold study that turned into Nya and i was like “why not do one for kai too”
Used posca markers and a black brush pen :)
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galaxyhanart · 4 months
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Cole says something like this in the Dreamzzz crossover and it’s haunted my mind ever since. Cole what are you talking about. Destiny is most certainly NOT on your side
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officercooks · 15 days
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Rising Dragon
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alizibtheterrible · 6 months
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I just like the idea that Zane and Nya are RUTHLESS during snowball fights. Let the braincell holders go apeshit
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Don’t tell me either of them haven’t dumped slush down someone else’s neck. There are no rules except for one. Win.
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