#whumper dialogue
whump-queen · 10 months
“C’mon mutt, look at the camera. Your owner wants to make sure you’re still breathing.”
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a-whumped-tea · 2 months
"Look at this. Look at what you've done. You caused all of this by being your fucking hurtable self. I was normal before I met you, but you fucking infected me with these thoughts and impulses.
You did this to me. This is your fault. You're not the victim here, I am. You've ruined me, not the other way around.
You messed up my mind to the point of doing this, and honestly? I think you deserve this for manipulating me like that."
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auroragehenna · 27 days
„Aww. Poor, little, defenseless Whumpee.“
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montammil · 2 years
whumper dialogue
1. “Come on. Don’t make me do this again.” 
2. “Oh, darling, don’t scream. You’ll ruin your pretty voice!”
3. “Go ahead, tell them. No one will believe you. They all think you’re crazy, so it’s your word over mine.”
4. “This is for your own good, Whumpee. I’m just trying to help, after all!”
5. “I’ve waited so long... You have no idea how much I wanted this.”
6. “Don’t worry, you’ll get used to it.” 
7. “Don’t worry. I’m almost done.”
8. “You’re not going anywhere until you learn some damn respect. Get over here. Now.”
9. “This is your last warning. Next time, you’re dead.”
10. “What did you say? No, no, repeat that for me, dear, I didn’t hear you. Tell me what you said.”
11. “Don’t be afraid. I’ll help you forget. Then we can start over again.”
12. “Oh, Whumpee, I’m not leaving this world alone. You’re coming with me.”
13. “I’m not done yet.” 
14. “You shouldn’t have done that.”
15. “Just relax. It’ll be over before you know it. And like I said, you probably won't feel it anyway.”
16. “Oh, don’t cry, pet, you’ll make yourself sick! I don’t have to calm you down myself, do I?”
17. “You think you’re so smart, don’t you?”
18. “Now, sleep. Sleep and forget.”
19. “I told you I’d come back.”
20. “I’ve got a little surprise for you, pet.”
21. “You’ll have to stay down here. It’s for your own good.”
22. “You’re still my favorite.”
23. “I didn’t think you’d be such a challenge. That’s okay, just makes things more fun for me.”
24. “You’ve done such a great job today. Good pet.”
25. “I bet you loved that.”
26. “You think you’re so special.”
27. “You’re not afraid, are you?”
28. “You should have just stayed silent.”
29. “Go ahead, scream. It’s just music to my ears.”
30. “Honestly, you should be grateful you’re still alive, darling. If anyone else said that to me, I’d snap their neck in an instant.”
31. “What are you going to do? Kill me. Go ahead. I’ll even give you my knife! I know you won’t, though.”
32. “Interesting, isn’t it? That you don’t remember anything? Well, let me fix that for you.”
33. “You and me. Forever.”
34. “Please, Whumpee, don’t look at me like that. You’re almost making me feel bad for you. Almost.”
35. “Oh, you poor thing.”
36. “You should have ran when you had the chance.”
37. “Think of how much better life will be for you now. A free roof over your head, free food, free clothes? You should be a little more thankful, honestly.”
38. “You won’t be needing this anymore.”
39. “You remind me of someone...”
40. “Maybe you need to be taught some manners.”
41. “If I weren’t so in love with you, I’d kill you.”
42. “You’ve had your fun, now it’s my turn.”
43. “Have a nice sleep, dear.”
44. “Don’t ever try that again.”
45. “I’m not going to waste any more of my time on you.”
46. “I still remember the first time I saw you.”
47. “You’ll never leave my side again.”
48. “I like those little noises you make when you’re scared.”
49. “Oh, you didn’t argue this time! That’s progress.”
50. “You know, even when you look like you’re dead, you’re still beautiful.”
51. “Why did you run? You know how much I love you. You know how much I need you.”
52. “Okay, now you’re just asking for it.”
53. “Now? Now you just sit here and bleed out.”
54. “I know you won’t remember this, but I thought I’d tell you, anyway.”
55. “I can’t hear you, Whumpee~ Mind repeating that for me?”
56. “I’ll give you to the count of three.”
57. “Just think, maybe this will all be over soon!”
58. “You’ve ruined everything.”
59. “You’re making me do this.”
60. “Oh, darling, please be still. This won’t take long.”
61. “The only reason you’re still alive is because of me. Remember that.”
62. “You can’t scream. Not here.”
63. “Do yourself a favor and give up. You can’t escape.”
64. “I told you to shut your mouth.”
65. “You should have seen this coming.”
66. “Be quiet. You don’t want to wake the others, do you?”
67. “The fun has just begun!”
68. “Just because you aren’t beautiful anymore, doesn’t mean you can’t be useful.”
69. “Now, clean yourself up. I’m not doing it for you.”
70. “Look how pretty you are... Red’s really your color.”
71. “Now that you found your anger... it’s time to play.”
72. “You should have thought about that before you started screaming.”
73. “I didn’t break you, did I?”
74. “Either you apologize this instant, or you’ll be seeing nothing but the basement walls for the next week.”
75. “I’m disappointed in you, Whumpee.”
76. “Shh, don’t struggle. It’ll be easier this way.”
77. “You want to sleep? Beg for it, then.”
78. “I never tire looking at you, darling.”
79. “Now, why’d you go and do that? Look at you, now you’re hurt! And not by me this time...”
80. “I suppose I could always just toss you aside like yesterday’s trash.”
81. “Don’t be scared, Whumpee! You’re back with me now, why would you be scared?”
82. “Oh, my dear. Don’t tell me you think you’re the first person I’ve done this to.”
83. “Careful now, don’t tense up. It’ll just hurt more.”
84. “You’re not the first, and you definitely won’t be the last.”
85. “Let’s say you did escape. What would you even tell them?”
86. “I want to kill you slowly, but even that might be too kind for you.”
87. “Next time, I won’t knock you out first.”
88. “No one will ever know.”
89. “I can tell you’re not really asleep. Your breathing is different.”
90. “Don’t be sad, little one. I’m putting you out of your misery just like you wanted! You should be smiling!”
91. “Now you’ve really gone too far.”
92. “Do you see how completely useless you are now?”
93. “Sit up straight.”
94. “You have a visitor, Whumpee!”
95. “You better hope you’re worth it.”
96. “I’m going to take you apart slowly, and then... I’ll put you back together again.”
97. “Let’s see... where to start, where to start...”
98. “My friends will take great care of you.”
99. “I heard that you like pain. I won’t disappoint you.”
100. “I’m going to let you in on a little secret, darling...”
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whumpitisthen · 7 months
"People used to cut off the hand that the criminal used to enact their crime. Quite the severe punishment, I agree. We could crush yours, flay the skin off, or cut your fingers off instead... I'm flexible."
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redd956 · 1 year
Whump Dialogue Prompts: Captivity
Content Warning: Includes violent themes, captivity, implied torture or abuse, and potential death
“They look so thin.”
“Whumpee? Do you understand me?”
“I can see their rib cage.”
“What have they done to you?!”
“It’s okay whumpee. I’m here now. I’m here now. We’re (I’m) going to get you out of here.”
“I can barely even recognize you.”
“Shhhh. Don’t move. I got you.”
“I can’t handle this.”
“When was the last time you had food...or water?”
“Whumpee? Is that you?”
“Help me get this thing off of them!”
“C’mon, let’s lift them up.”
“Caretaker’s here. Everything is going to be okay.”
“They flinched...They flinched when I touched them.”
“It wasn’t easy breaking in here, y’know?”
“Who...Who are you?”
“Just leave me here.”
“Whumper said you wouldn’t come get me. They said you weren’t even looking.”
“Took you long enough.”
“You’re not real.”
“Let go of me!”
“Where am I?”
“Where’s Caretaker?”
“Get me out of here...”
“Whumper? Is that you?”
“You’re early- Oh.”
“Please don’t take me- They’ll come back! They’ll see I’m gone”
“Where are we going?”
“Kill me.”
“See? They’re not coming.”
“Guess how many days you’ve been in here. No really. Guess!”
“You want this? Then beg.”
“I can’t stand to look at you. You’re really pathetic, you know?”
“Leader has made negotiations. Let’s get you cleaned up.”
“You’re not going to say a word about this.”
“What’s the magic word?”
“You are pitiful when you cry.”
“This makes my every morning.”
“Caretaker can’t find you here. No one can.”
“Walls so thick no could hear even a banshee scream.”
“And you think I’m cruel?”
“I could make this so so so much worse, whumpee...”
“I’ll let you out, under one condition.”
“Let’s get this over with.”
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Whumpee is usually very articulate. But under intense stress, they stutter badly and there’s no hope of getting control of it until they’ve calmed down
Whumper treats it like a little game. How badly can they make Whumpee stutter? What triggers it the worst?
One day, Whumper holds up a card for Whumpee to see. Sweat drips down their cheek, mixes with old blood. Handwritten on the card in uncharacteristically clear scrawl is one word: allegorical.
“If you,” Whumper taps Whumpee’s nose, “can say this,” they wiggle the card, “without messing up…I will let you go.”
Whumpee’s heart leaps in their chest. Cruel hope. Cruel mockery.
“I c-c-c-can’t—”
“Yeah, probably not, but don’t sell yourself short.” Whumper kneels in front of them, smiling with many teeth. “I believe in you. Best case scenario, you win, and I let you go. You get to breathe good air and see deer and whatever else you’re imagining right now.”
Shame warms Whumpee’s cheeks, like they’ve been caught in something perverse. Hope has become a forbidden fantasy.
“Worst case scenario…” Whumper pauses, absentmindedly folding the corner of the card while they think of a suitable consequence.
Whumpee swallows. “I st-st…” The game is already lost. They can’t even tame their tongue on a single syllable word. “I st-stay here?”
Whumper’s eyes raise without their head moving to follow. The effect is wolflike, predatory. A spark flies across them suddenly, the flash of an idea. Whumpee’s blood runs cold.
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whumpy-bi · 1 year
Whumper dialogue
“Look at him, right there. I wanna make sure you both see how badly he failed to protect you.”
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lumpsbumpsandwhumps · 6 months
The Five Stages of Grief
Denial - "This can't be happening" // "I'm going to wake up any minute...it's only a nightmare..." // "None of this real, it can't be!" // "There's been a mistake!" // "They...they wouldn't leave me like this, they'll come rescue me, they will!"
Anger - "You can't do this to me!" // "Fuck you, you fucking psychopath!" // "I don't have to listen to you!" // "You're a goddamn coward!" // "Let me out of here so I can break your neck!" // "You'll be sorry when they come find me, creep!"
Bargaining - "Please, no, anything but that!" // "N-not the cattle prod, please, I'll do whatever you want!" // "No, don't hurt them! Hurt me instead, I can take it!" // "I'll let you touch me however you want just please don't use that!" // "I'll tell you whatever you want if you just let me go!"
Depression - "Do whatever you want, what's the point?" // "I don't think I have anything left to scream for you" // "Just kill me and get it over with" // "Just...just leave me alone..." // "Why are they taking so long to find me? Don't they care? Don't they love me?"
Acceptance - "I knew I deserved this..." // "I'll be good, I promise" // "I love you, too" // "They were never looking for me, were they?" // "Yes, sir/ma'am" // "What do you mean 'leave'? I can't leave, that's against the rules"
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whump-mania · 2 months
More Whumper Lines
In honor of my first Whumper lines post getting over 1,000 notes, here’s some more! And in some fun categories!
Tag me if you end up using any!
1. “Aw, that was cute. I almost felt that excuse for a punch. Why don’t you try again?”
2. “My favorite part is right before you lose consciousness.”
3. “Caretaker, you know how to do stitches, right? No? Oh well.”
4. “Hm. Your blood’s darker than the last one’s was.”
5. “Sounds like Whumpee’s having fun in there…would you like to go join them?”
1. “Get the fuck over here or I’m dragging you.”
2. “Look at me. Look at me while I hurt you.”
3. “Nothing you say is going to stop me. I have a job to do, and I don’t give a shit how it happens.”
4. “Don’t you get it? I’m not being careful. I want this to hurt you.”
5. “Stay still, you motherf—Stay STILL!”
1. “Come on, scream like you mean it…there we go. Much better.”
2. “It’s so cute when you fumble with your keys everyday when you come home.”
3. “Your pretty little screams are only for me to hear, understand?”
4. “It’s a shock to me that you’ve never considered modeling. I mean…red just looks so good on you.”
5. “Ah, you remember this scar, don’t you? The day we met…god, what I’d give to break you like that again.”
1. “Look, I’m—I’m sorry, I just need to get this over-with. Bite on this.”
2. “They’ll check for bruises. I have to.”
3. “I’m sorry, boss, I’ve…I’ve never done this before. I-I’m trying.”
4. “Don’t look at me like that when the others are here. Please. They’ll know I’m faking it.”
5. “I’m sorry, I had to say it—you know that’s not how I actually think of you, right?”
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whump-queen · 1 year
give me a whumpee who reveals insecurities or past trauma in a moment of vulnerability,
give me a whumper who leans in with the most genuine look of concern, their eyes warm and compassionate, their palm gently cupping whumpee’s cheek, a bright smile blooming onto their face—
“oh sweetheart,
I’m going to exploit that.”
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a-whumped-tea · 1 year
"What's wrong?
You think people shouldn't be treated like this?
Well, I have to agree. People shouldn't be treated like this.
But you aren't a person, are you?"
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auroragehenna · 3 months
Whumper: „I‘ll let you choose Whumpee. Pet or prey.“
Credits: @shattermind-8
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montammil · 1 year
Lab whumper dialogue
My favorite trope is the sadistic scientist/doctor whumper, so I may have indulged...
1. “The greatest scientific discoveries often require us to step outside of our comfort zones. Are you willing to take that leap with me?”
2. “It will only hurt for a moment.”
3. “My dear, the ends always justify the means. Think of how so many people will find our research beneficial. You aren’t being selfish, are you?”
4. “Morality is just a construct created by society.”
5. “Everything we do is in the name of science... and science requires sacrifice.”
6. “You should feel privileged. Few people have the chance to contribute so directly to the advancement of science.”
7. “I understand your apprehension, but remember, you agreed to this.”
8. “I must admit, darling, I find your resilience quite admirable. You're much stronger than my previous test subjects. But don’t worry, I have a few tricks up my sleeve to break even the strongest of wills.”
9. “I assure you, I have done this many times before. You will be fine.”
10. “I know the methods I use may seem cruel to the unenlightened mind, but you’ll understand... one day.”
11. “I’ll have to remember to make note of this in my journal. Fascinating.”
12. “The line between genius and madness is a thin one, so go ahead and call me mad. To me, it’s a compliment.”
13. “You signed a consent form, correct? Then you fully knew the risks.”
14. “You’re doing so well, darling. Just a little longer and we’'ll have all the data we need.”
15. “I’m sorry, but the procedure was not a complete success. We'll have to try again. As many times as it takes. You understand, right?”
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whump-in-the-closet · 10 months
“I almost didn’t recognize you.”
“The scars are new.”
“Who…who gave them to you?”
“Doesn’t matter. They’re dead.”
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Let your whumpee beg, let them learn how.
After all... They've been such a defiant one. They had always fought back against it all. The torture, the chains and ropes, the insults and taunts. They've tried to be brave and confident and strong... but had failed. They've always have felt it was so humiliating to beg, but... it was the one thing that could make the pain go away or stop it from happening at all.
They've learned through trial and error how to have that perfect combination of pathetic whining, self degradation and stammering their words with that sweet fearful tremble in their voice. They've learned how to sink to their knees, how to keep their head low, how to avoid eye contact and when to make eye contact. They learned when to flinch away and when to keep still. They've learned it all so well. And now, with a body covered with marks of the times of lessons and learning, it didn't matter how pathetic they seemed, how humiliating it was. It was a small chance to avoid pain and they'd take it as they couldn't take much more. Broken at last.
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