#whump whump whump
whump-a-saurus · 4 months
i love whumpers that are just fucking delusional, that genuinely think they are in a loving, healthy relationship with their whumpee.
like they brag to their friends about having “such an awesome partner” and how they’re “so excited they are moving in with them”, when in reality their “partner” is tied up in the basement with a black eye and multiple broken ribs.
i just think that’s so silly of them ^^
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voidcryptoid · 4 months
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Favorite whump trope?
Oh this is hard. Love the hiding an injury scenario and the whumpee thinking they are alone/unloveable/uncared for and then eventually is just loved on by one person or a group.
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jamiesfootball · 5 months
What is one of your favorite whump tropes?
oh hohohohooooo there are SO MANY.
Top fave that came to mind? When the strong character, the one who is so good at toughing things out, the one who has Seen Some Shit and been through hell before so obviously they'll be fine. Like, they're a resilient little fucker - of course they'll make it.
And then the rescue comes and none of that is left.
They can't talk through the pain, they can't lift themselves off the floor, they don't even seem aware of what's going on anymore. Whether it was a person who hurt them, or a disaster, or just an accident, the whump has won. Whoever's come to the rescue, they can barely recognize them in this state. All they can do is bring the character to safety, hold their hand, and pray to whatever's listening that their friend makes it through.
That's the good shit.
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generic-whumperz · 7 months
Is this a universal experience for connoisseurs and creators of whumpy content?
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Cw: Blood, Trauma, Graphic injury description, This whole scene is actually quite gross
Jakkon stumbled, wavering on his feet as he clutched his stomach with both arms, blood spilling in thick splatters across the deck of the boat he'd emerged onto. He just managed to hold the wound closed, a thick red slash connecting his hip to his collarbone. He pitched forward, hitting his chest hard against the railing. The impact sent a jolt through his entire body and he vomited a mouthful of blood over the side of the ship, panting and gasping as he tried desperately to keep his eyes open.
The Satyr wheezed another desperate gasp as he lifted a shaky arm, reaching toward the shore where faint voices echoed through the darkness. He dragged himself forward across the railing with an agonizing scrape and tried to call out to the voices. But instead, his whole body convulsed violently, and he crumpled to the ground, shuddering. A squeak of pain dripped more blood from his torso and mouth as the voices grew louder.
"Hey! Get over here! There's blood... on the side of that ship, wait, I see somebody!" Footsteps against stone sent a faint flicker of hope into Jakkon's mind as agony twisted his face, blood pouring freely from his stomach as his hands fell away from the wound holding himself together. He grunted softly with effort to keep conscious, tears of pain spilling down his face. His other arm flew back to his wound as he felt something, effectively punching himself in the stomach, causing him to cough up more blood, but this time mixed with bits of flesh and ash.
He groaned, and the figure stopped in front of him, his hazy vision fading as she shouted.
Rose stopped, staring at her now unconscious brother-in-law, and screamed. "FINN!" His entire body slick with blood and seawater, shook as his flesh and organs quite literally spilled out of the deep cut across his upper half. "Holy fuck!"
@aesthetic-writer18 @illarian-rambling @wyked-ao3 @mr-orion @thelazywitchphotographer
@vyuntspakhkite-l-darling @corinneglass @darkandstormydolls @i-hate-happy-endings @kia-is-poisoned
I am so fucking sorry guys
Anyway here's the masterpost
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ahdriking · 3 months
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Mansuang (2023) Apo Nattawin as Khem
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biggest-whump-fan · 3 months
Am I the only one who's obsessed with whumpee being "black cat " personality, while the caretaker with " golden retriever" behavior??
I mean this dynamic IS TOO PERFECT 😩🫶🏻
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captain-bo-bob-bobby · 8 months
Obsessed with the idea of a Caretaker having spent years rehabilitating multiple Whumpees until somehow, one day, they got the one and only Whumper in their hands.
And so they proceed to give them the taste of their own medicine... or rather, the entire medicine bottle.
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whump-a-saurus · 2 months
i had a vision please let me just
cw: begging, kinda dehumanizing, attempted murder i guess, bad writing
a whumper breaks into someone’s house (with the intent of killing them). they got a knife or gun in their hand. they find the whumpee and basically chase them all around their house until eventually backing them up into a corner.
at this point, whumpee genuinely believes that they are about to die, so before they can even really think about what they’re doing, they drop to their hands and knees and beg for their life.
most of it is just crying and saying “pleaseplease dont, please-” over and over again. at some point they grabbed onto the killers pant leg like a child would in their desperate attempt for mercy. they don’t even remember doing it to be honest.
once that little outburst is over, whumpee realizes that their begging was not only humiliating, but most likely pointless. whumpee stays frozen in place, like a deer in the headlights, not daring to look up like it’s the only thing keeping them alive.
whumper is unnaturally quiet, and they stay quiet for way too long. whumpee can’t tell from the position they’re in, but whumper was uncharacteristically amused by this little show. normally they would have killed and their victims by now, maybe they’re getting soft.
after a few more minutes of deafening silence, whumpee finally gets enough courage to try and look up at them. their eyes almost reach their face when whumper grabs their hair, and slowly (but roughly) leans their head back down.
now whumpee is confused. are they still going to kill them? are they going to let them go? that seems way to easy… whumpers hand is still lingering on their head, in a way that could almost be mistaken as comforting.
whumpee was almost going to say something when whumpers hand starts moving, they flinch violently as they feel fingers ruffling their hair, as if they were a dog.
whumpee has a feeling they aren’t going to be let go anytime soon.
(sorry for the horrible writing i’ve never really done one of these before, and also i’m really tired)
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whumpderhoy · 2 years
We need whumpees that are out of control.
Whumpees that can and have fought Whumper on multiple occasions AND have won.
Whumpees who take no bullshit and defend themselves with any means necessary, to the shock of their Caretaker
Whumpees who, when a group of people or someone comes to save them, they already have Whumper on the ground, either heavily injured or dead.
Whumpees that are too big of a deal for Whumper.
Whumpees that grow to appreciate Caretaker and will snap the neck of someone who messes with them.
In conclusion, whumpees that have to be kept on child leashes
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Making a post to keep all my @whumptober stuff together. All of this is subject to change (okay I guess some of it not all lol). I’ll add links as I post each day. Still working on ideas for the blank slots. The rest are at least WIP stages and some are done ✔️
Feel free to share any prompts or ideas of what you’d want to see! Esp on the blank days.
Jamie gets a concussion falling out of a tree trying to save Dauphine the cat.
Jamie is sick and Dani takes care of him.
Ted helps Rebecca through a migraine.
Jamie is injured during the decoy play (Part 1/2)*
Jamie and the team are caught in an earthquake while spending a night out. (Part 1/2)
Jamie finds out the real reason for his father’s sobriety (Fuck Jamie’s Dad)
Jamie is jumped in an alleyway. Sam takes care of him.
Part 2/2 of Jamie is injured during an earthquake.
Jamie is injured during that first rough practice when he returned to the team, hides it and doesn’t handle it well when it’s discovered.
Jamie breaks his phone hiking.
Jamie has a nightmare at an away match and Declan comforts him.
Mom City introspective.
Roy gets an appendicitis.
Jamie, Isaac and a few others take a boat trip that almost takes a turn for the worse.
Jamie hides an injury post first West Ham match so he doesn’t lose more ground to Zava (Part 1/3)
Jamie hides an injury post first West Ham match so he doesn’t lose more ground to Zava (Part 2/3)
Jamie sprains his neck attempting a trick on a playground to impress Phoebe.
Ted steps in when he sees Jamie with his Dad in the season finale but when Jamie goes back to Manchester that night his father isn’t happy at being interrupted.
Jamie hides an injury post first West Ham match so be doesn't lose more ground to Zava (Part 3/3)
Jamie has a minor slip down the stairs and thinks he’ll miss celebrating his birthday. (Happy Birthday Jamie Tartt 🥳)
Jamie doesn't show up for training in 1x06 after James paid him a visit after he was pulled from the match (as requested by @vigilanteavengerqueen and part 1/3)
Jamie & Roy are in a car accident. (Part 1/3)
Jamie is injured during the decoy play. (Part 2/2)
Roy hadn’t meant to hit him, he really hadn’t.*
Jamie doesn’t show up for training in 1x06 after James paid him a visit after he was pulled from the match (Part 3/3)*
The car had come from nowhere and disappeared just as quickly.*
Jamie has his tonsils out.*
A look at Roy Kent and his sister’s relationship from her marriage through her divorce, the first Uncle’s Day and his retirement.
Roy reflects on the end of his career and Richmond’s relegation.*
Keeley faints from overworking and Roy & Jamie are there to take care of her thanks for the request!
in the morning i’m bulletproof chapter 8/epilogue aka Rupert Mannion takes Jamie out before the final game of the season.
* means I used an alternative prompt so could be moved around
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I know he's a kid but PERCY WHUMP PERCY WHUMP
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jamiesfootball · 5 months
What is your favorite kind of whump ? Like Sickfic, concussion, etc etc.
Good old fashioned physical whump. Straight up hurt that guy with violence whump. Just a real fucking beatdown. But especially with a side helping of unfairness.
Catch him unawares and beat him up in a parking lot. Fight club but it goes wrong. Boxing match that goes on long after the ref should’ve called it. Bystanders thought it was a scuffle but ended up having to pull someone off for going too far. Talked back too much and got their ass handed to ‘em for it. Forget knives, here’s a blunt fucking object you’ll never have a good association with again.
Did something break? They can’t tell. Everything hurts and an ice pack isn’t gonna fix the half of it. They should go to the hospital (they hate hospitals). They should call someone (who can they bother about this). They’re gonna notice (They can’t stand the thought. They need it desperately). They’re not gonna be able to do their job (that’s all they’re good for).
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stabbynunchuckss · 2 years
Okay. Hear me out here.
Hero sends Villain to a supposed 'Villain Rehab Centre' which is actually punishing/torturing villains.
When Villain finally escapes (months later? years?), Hero sees them and feels guilty for what happened, and tries to fix it.
Enemies to lovers.
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Too tired to write
Jak Vomiting blood
That is all I will say
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