#who knows but probably in college
puppetmaster13u · 7 months
Prompt 59
Danny is exploring- definitely not lost in- the ghost zone. And even if he is lost it’s not important, really! He has more important things to worry about- like the fact that he’s found a solid dozen ghost toddlers who are now all clinging to him or demanding for information he doesn’t exactly have? He’s not ready to be a ghost-dad! 
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wizardnuke · 1 year
can't stop thinking about a shadowgast "i'm not looking to fuck do you have a screwdriver my bathroom is flooding" grindr au
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hey folks, putting my Professional Googles Shit Guy hat on for a second, but as I'm sure you're aware google has rolled out AI overviews which are uhhhh dogshit lies at best. Currently this is rolled out in the US only (as far as I'm aware it hasn't got here yet so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯) but even if you are not in the US it is fucking up your search results.
You can, however, turn this the fuck off
basic explanation is you need to append the string 'udm=14' to the end of your searches; arstechnica has a good explanation of how to set that as your default search if you don't know how, for both chrome and firefox.
(edge users, it's basically the same as chrome)
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buglaur · 5 months
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updated gp roster
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wazzappp · 12 days
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One fun little idea I love to pull off the shelf every once and a while: mutant Lisa with ice powers
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sickmachete · 1 year
AVOID HILLS. seriously. the radiant heat coming off the flames pre-heats nearby grasses/fuels located above (heat rises!) which is what cause fires to "run" up hills lighting up long strips in the blink of an eye. you cannot outrun a fire that's chasing you up hill.
EVEN IF you are standing below the fire all it takes is one stray ember blown in the wind to start a fire below YOU and then you're really screwed. if you're caught on a hill, run to the side and (if possible) try to get to any charred/burnt zones behind the fire.
charred/already burnt black areas are safe zones. they will not easily re-burn and can become refuges to retreat to (but still be mindful of smoke inhalation).
healthy green grass lawns can also be temporary safe zones. the moisture held in lush grass makes it a lot more difficult to catch fire and can work as a temporary refuge in the case of a house fire. however, TO BE CLEAR: this does NOT apply to tall forest meadow-type grasses. when i say healthy grass im talkin like suburban manicured lawns okay? if your lawn is looking crusty dry brown then thats not gonna be a good place to run to.
most mild carbon monoxide poisoning (aka smoke inhalation) can be cured by simply taking in fresh air. severe smoke inhalation may require further medical treatment though.
fire needs FUEL + OXYGEN + HEAT in order to burn. if you removed ANY of these 3 things, the fire will go out. this is known as the fire triangle. the reason why water works against fire is mainly because it's cold, however it also helps by "drowning" the fire, depriving it of oxygen.
on this note!! if you're cooking and your food catches on fire inside the pan, DO NOT! pour water onto it!!!! that will only make it splash. what you're gonna wanna do is grab a pot/pan lid and gently slide it onto the pan. this will cut off its oxygen and put the fire out. DO NOT! slam the lid onto the pan!! this rush of wind/air could blow the fire right out of the pan and directly onto you/nearby furniture!
CHECK YOUR FIRE EXTINGUISHERS!!! please!! not all fire extinguishers are meant to be used on the same fire!!! while it can vary (and you should definitely look up the ratings for your own location/extinguishers) many of them will have specific class ratings written along the label. here in the USA, those ratings are in letter form (ie: Class A, Class B, Class C, Class D, and Class K). sometimes these ratings are combined (ie: Class ABC), meaning that a Class ABC fire extinguisher can be used on a Class A, B, or C fire.
CLASS A: these extinguishers should be used on wood/paper/plastic (ie: your basic trash fire).
CLASS B: these extinguishers should be used on flammable liquids (ie: alcohol, gas, petroleum, greasing oils <- not food oils though!!).
CLASS C: these extinguishers should be used on electrical fires (ie: sparking cables, your computer spontaneously combusted and is on fire, etc).
CLASS D: these extinguishers should be used on combustible metals (ie: magnesium, titanium, potassium, sodium, etc. if that metal shit in your garage is burning, use Class D).
CLASS K: these extinguishers should be used on flammable cooking oils/greases (ie: your stove is on fire, your barbecue's on fire, etc).
CLASS ABC: these extinguishers can be used on any of the Class A, B, or C material fires.
DO NOT USE THE WRONG EXTINGUISHER. they are labeled differently for a reason!!! a Class ABC extinguisher (for example) will make a Class K fire splash! you will cause that big old greasy fire to splash right back onto you!! Class K extinguishers are specifically designed to safely put out fires without disturbing the liquids/oils so please please please check the labels of your extinguishers.
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PULL the pin in the handle.
AIM the nozzle at the base of the fire.
SQUEEZE the lever slowly.
SWEEP (across the base of the fire) from side to side.
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katvazamo · 1 month
i think the consensus of the watcher situation is that people would pay a subscription service but seeing the content as it is now they cant justify
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there are too many thoughts inside of me at all times.
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nadiajustbe · 23 days
Okay but I really like the idea of Sophie, Michael and Howell being roommates in 1980's college just for fun and giggles.
Michael, being a typical young student, survives on instant noodles and oatmeal he keeps in his nightstand instead of the table, stacking books on a blanket and trying to get along with Howell in five square meters. Overall he just a sweet boy who tries his best to study while Howell plays music from a tape recorder on the max volume at 1AM.
Howell Jenkins collects dust, random tests and papers, magazines, posters, a couple of dozen deflated rugby balls and old cassettes under his bed. A small family of spiders lives peacefully above his bed, who look like they've been here for 10 years already. He also locks himself in the bathroom for at least two hours every evening and every morning, and Michael fights for HIS LIFE to find a moment when the shower is free.
Sophie Hatter, on the other hand just...lives with them. Seriously, one day she barges into their room completely unannounced and starts cleaning Howl's part of the room, telling them that "she lives there now." She was not worried about the lack of extra space, nor other small points related to the fact that she simply invaded their private property. None of them kicked her out anyway, allowing her to terrorize their ten square meters. And, partly, not without scandal, spiders and Howl's fashionable clothes.
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puppetmaster13u · 2 months
Prompt 271
“Grandmother is visiting,” Damian suddenly said with no warning and with his usual not-quite demanding tone. 
“Who?” Tim wasn’t the only one to startle, seeing as Bruce had practically froze, a downturn to his lips in a silent show of confusion. 
Damian scowled. “Are you deaf Drake? Grandmother is coming to Gotham to, quote, make sure I am being properly cared for.” None of them had known that Ras was with anyone actually. At least Tim was pretty sure that would have been in the files. 
“Oh?” Dick didn’t quite crouch to Damian’s height but it was a near thing. “She-” “He,” Damian corrected, interrupting him. They all exchanged a glance before Dick continued. 
“Is he coming to the Manor or…” 
Damian scoffed again, a tiny bit of a flush against his face. “No, Grandmother will most likely be staying with Akhi-”
Now wait one moment-
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princekirijo · 4 months
I'm curious and I personally don't know the investigation team that well so:
Feel free to reblog and put your reasons in the tags :3
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bumblingbabooshka · 10 months
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Young Teacher Tuvok Patreon | Ko-fi
#Person: So I heard from the students that you're the headteacher? / Tuvok: ???This is a college???#his kids gave him a mug that says 'Father' bc it would be impossible to ascertain whether or not he is in fact the no.1 dad#despite their own emphatically positive opinions...'Father' is factual v_v (in my mind the mug just has a vulcan symbol)#bea art tag#st voyager#Tuvok#Tuvok went through Starfleet training/academy - Quit - Then probably had to go to a whole different college to get a teaching license#When he re-entered Starfleet did he have to take lessons again?? Is there a separate license to be a Starfleet instructor?#After being expelled from his school as a teen ... how long was he with the monks? Did he repeat a grade?#Tuvok your education fascinates me#Vulcan school - expelled - learning at a temple with monks - repeat grade? / Vulcan school - graduate#enter starfleet academy - graduate - quit - enter college - graduate - teach - quit job - enter starfleet (academy?) - graduate?#- starfleet teaching license - end#note: I don't think under normal human circumstances you'd need to go back to the academy but Tuvok quit Starfleet at like 20 something#and who knows how many decades passed since then - I'm sure the curriculum changed a lot in like 70 years v_v#maybe....a few catchup courses. Like a semester instead of four(?) years#st voyager art#also I like the thought that Tuvok is considered introverted/reserved even amongst Vulcans#Less so than how humans perceive him but still enough that it IS a personality trait rather than purely a cultural difference
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roitaminnah · 1 year
um. literally about to fall asleep and then i remembered this idea i sketched out the other day and jumped out of bed in a cold sweat to look at it again
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willowparkfanclub · 2 months
okay look. not to gatekeep but i think if you're a newer starkid and you can't tell me 1) who julia albain is 2) what little white lie is and 3) all the names in liam's got a phone call, i don't wanna hear your complaints about what starkid chooses to produce next
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Happy New Year!!
*pops grape juice bottle* woooo we’ve made it, guys!
2023 was such a nice year in the fandom, in my opinion. There was s3 and that was a banger, but I feel like the stuff we were up to ourselves over here was amazing too. I got to talk more with some of my mutuals who I hadn’t been as close to before, and lovely people keep coming to this corner of the internet!! We had our first sketchbook event and are currently preparing for a general Hilda Appreciation Week, I feel like this is all amazing considering the size of this community.
Just wanted to thank everyone who’s been here for the ride as well! It’s certainly always more fun when you have people to be insane with you. I just. Get very touched thinking about the amount of support in this fandom and how we creatively fuel each other.
Anyway, just wanted to write this post as a thank you. I hope you’re having a lovely end of the year, and may 2024 be even better 💜
(I do have one small writing update to add, though! The first months of the year will probably be relatively devoid of new content from me. This for two reasons. One is that I churned out so many fics this year that I feel like even the people who like my writing are having a hard time catching up (I don’t know how this happened either-), and the other is that I’ll be using my free time to get ahead on preparing my content for the rest of the year! I won’t completely stop or anything (Hilda Appreciation Week will see to that), just wanted to leave this noted so no one things I’ve Vanished from the fic writing scene or anything. I’m just preparing my next attack. Anyways that was it happy new year!!)
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punkrogue · 22 days
one of my fave things about the xmen is like half of them are super geniuses or experts in some field and half of those people don't even have high school diplomas. none of these people are accredited but half of them can build a fusion reactor as a fun weekend project
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