#Danny finds all the dead clones au
puppetmaster13u · 7 months
Prompt 59
Danny is exploring- definitely not lost in- the ghost zone. And even if he is lost it’s not important, really! He has more important things to worry about- like the fact that he’s found a solid dozen ghost toddlers who are now all clinging to him or demanding for information he doesn’t exactly have? He’s not ready to be a ghost-dad! 
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kizzer55555 · 2 days
Super Dead Soulmates
In this universe, any injury or scar you sustain appears on your soulmate. However, for as long as he could remember, Danny never gained an injury that wasn’t his own. When he was very young, his parents would always say that he was just a late bloomer and perhaps his soulmate was a few years younger than he was and thus, just wasn’t born yet. As Danny grew older, they got more absorbed in their work and just seemed to forget about the whole ordeal. Danny never asked them about it again, afraid they might think a ghost had ‘cursed’ him or something. It was hard enough to hide the lack of additional scars at school. Luckily, most people don’t get injured very often so it was easy enough to play off some of his injuries as that from a soulmate. The only ones who knew the truth were his sister and his best friends. Danny was just convinced that he didn’t have a soulmate and had accepted that fact, even if it hurt. Then the accident happened and for once, he was thankful his soulmate wouldn’t have to feel his pain. And even more so when he started to fight the other ghosts daily. Danny was content to live like this, but with more ghost fights, his injuries started piling up. Danny excused them saying that they were from his soulmate. It didn’t completely get rid of the scrutiny but most people bought it. Afterall, how else would puny Fenton get those kinds of bruises? So for a while, that excuse worked…until someone realized that Danny and Phantom’s injuries linked up (I vote Wes). Now normally, the natural conclusion would be that Danny and Phantom were the same person. But due to the fact that one of them was dead and the other clearly alive, everyone gained a new theory…that Phantom was Danny’s soulmate. It would explain the recent injuries as Phantom was often seen fighting other ghosts. And to be honest, this was the perfect cover. It’s not like Danny had an actual soulmate who might show up and this added another layer of protection against people thinking he and Phantom were the same person. So Danny remained silent and let the rumors grow. Sure people now thought he and Phantom were dating but that was fiiiiiinnnneee. (But BOY was that an awkward conversation with his parents). 
And then Kon was born.
As a clone, all he knew from the outside was implanted into his mind. He knew the color of the sky, the sound of music, academic equations and a lot of common knowledge such as soulmates. He knew that injuries were shared between a bonded pair and that everyone had a soulmate. But he was different. He wasn't born a baby and grew up alongside another person. He wasn’t even real according to some people. Yet one day, he noticed bruises lining his arms, he was confused. He should have had impenetrable skin like Superman. As far as he could remember, his skin had never been pierced before. And it’s not like he fought a godlike being that day. He shouldn’t have any injuries. Kon decided to ignore them but the injuries kept showing up. It got so bad that his team started to notice and sat him down asking if everything was alright with his powers or if he was exposed to kryptonite somehow. So, very confused, Kon had explained that the injuries just kept showing up. It was only after his team gave him a curious look and explained the concepts of soulmates did everything click with him. Sure, Kon knew about soulmates but surely that couldn't be what this was! He was a clone! He shouldn’t have a soulmate. It was impossible! But after a few more days of observation and a bit of testing, everyone determined that this was, in fact, a soulmate bond. 
To say Kon was ecstatic was an understatement. Actually, it was a mix of excitement, nervousness, worry, and joy all rolled into one. He was elated at the idea that he had someone meant for him. Someone who would accept all of him. Kon had looked at the others and there had always been a slight jealousy when he saw a paper cut bloom on their fingers or see them rub a bruised knee fondly. 
But more than anything. He was happy because this was proof that he was real. Afterall, a soulmate wouldn’t match with him unless his soul was equal to theirs. His body almost melted with relief at that realization. A weight off his shoulders he never fully grasped was still there. 
Of course there was the worry of why exactly his soulmate had so many injuries. For a hero, it was obvious they would get injured (although they tried to have as much protective padding as possible to limit that possibility. But some injuries still got through.) Yet the amount of injuries Kon’s soulmate sustained were far more than that (because Danny lacked proper padding  and didn’t think he had to worry about a soulmate. Most injuries looked worse than they were anyways due to his fast healing). And on the contrary, Kon’s skin was perfectly clear. With his kryptonian biology, even if he got hurt, it never left a mark. So all the injuries and bruises sustained on him were purely from his soulmate. And there was enough for two people. On the bright side, it helped with his cover, on the downside, Kon started to worry about his soulmate. (Meanwhile, Danny didn’t notice a difference. Sure, sometimes he would feel a temporary ache or sharp pain but no mark was left so he just assumed the pain was sore muscles from a previous battle or that one of his rogues were hitting harder than he thought.) 
As for Kon, he and his team used every resource at their disposal to try and track down Kon’s soulmate. They did this for every member of the team as hero soulmates were in more danger than most but they paid special attention to Kon’s soulmate due to the rapid accumulation of injuries. 
Kon would fantasize on what his soulmate would be like. Would they be tall? Short? They would probably be able to fight. Boy or girl? It doesn't really matter. Kon knew opposite gender soulmates were more common but he wouldn’t mind a guy either. His days were filled with dreams of a mystery person. Someone he could hold in his arms and protect. Who would comfort him after patrols and who he could introduce to his friends. 
After a while, Tim finally found a lead. Some doctor records of a boy in a small town called Amity. Apparently he was prescribed pain medicine to help with ‘soulmate injuries’. The lost of injuries were extensive and after looking at some pictures, they realized that his scars and Kon’s scars lined up. A perfect match. So it wasn’t long before they made a quick road trip to Amity. 
This place was already on the Justice League radar. It was a town that appears to have a permanent portal to the afterlife and was attacked often. (Which might explain why Kon’s soulmate was so injured). The Justice League had not interfered yet because the town had a local hero as well. Someone who seemed good at his job and who Tim was even thinking of recruiting. So this was a good opportunity to hit two birds with one stone. Afterall, not much was known about this mysterious Phantom other than he dedicated his afterlife to protecting this one town. Once they got to Amity they would probably need to check in with Phantom before anything. And despite his impatience with finding the person who might be his soulmate, even Kon was excited to meet this hero. Apparently Phantom had vast experience but also a major power set. He might gain another flying buddy or someone he could wrestle with without worrying about his strength. Afterall, Phantom also supposedly had super strength and even if he didn’t, it’s not like you can kill a ghost. Yet no matter how hard they looked, they couldn’t find him. It was only by coincidence that they stumbled upon Danny instead and his group of friends. 
The first time Kon saw Danny, it was like coming home. He wanted to do nothing more than rush to his soulmate and hug him and vow to always keep him safe. He wanted to prove that he would be the best soulmate ever and he wanted to know everything there was to know about him. He was practically vibrating where he stood in his civilian disguise and it was only his friends that held him back from flying over and surprising the poor boy.
But before he could do anything, a ghost attacked. Kon barely had enough time to grab his friends and dodge when some kind of glowing creature crashed into a building. And while normally he would immediately find somewhere to change, Kon’s first instinct was to check on his soulmate, only to see the two people he assumed to be the boy’s friends but no sign of Danny. Frantically looking around, he didn’t notice the glowing creature behind him (was that a dragon?) but before it could reach him, another glowing figure intercepted the attack. They looked almost ethereal with white hair softly floating in the air and a suit that hugged his muscled form tightly. The figure turned around and gave a sheepish smile towards Kon. “You ok?”
And it felt like for the second time that day, Kon was rendered breathless. 
Someone was protecting him.
Someone was protecting him?
Yet it felt…nice. Warm.
Before Kon could gather his thoughts though the battle picked up in earnest. He and his team found cover and changed into their suits. When they came to help, the person Kon assumed to be Phantom looked surprised at their sudden appearance but it wasn’t long before he and everyone else started working together. Unfortunately, actually fighting the ghost seemed to be impossible. Whenever they got close, their hits just passed right through so Phantom quickly regulated them on defense and citizen protection duty. Occasionally getting a hit in when the creature was tangible. Watching Phantom fight was something. Kon could understand why he was elected to join their team. He had this sort of grace and power that couldn’t be explained in words but was clearly from the experience of many battles.
Despite not being able to do much, fighting with Phantom was fun. They seemed to be completely in sync and it wasn’t long before Kon started to enjoy his loud commentary and puns as the two ghosts fought.
However, one particularly hard hit made it so that the dragon’s claws grazed his chest. Leaving three shallow gashes, but Phantom took the close proximity that attack gave him and sucked the creature into…a soup thermos?
But Kon wasn’t focused on that. He was wholly focused on the stinging pain suddenly coming from his chest, underneath his untouched uniform that clearly had not been hit. Kon didn’t know how to process what was happening. Everything suddenly became louder and he vaguely tried to move but it was like his mind became mush as he tried to process what that meant. He managed to get away for a bit and undid his shit, looking down to see three shallow scratches along his chest. Scratches that perfectly mirrored Phantom. In the corner of his eye, Kon saw a head of black hair and witnessed as Danny reunited with his two friends he had been separated from in the chaos. And as Danny twisted to hug them, his shirt flipped up enough to see another identical 3 scratches along the boy's stomach. Perfectly mirroring Phantoms. 
It was only later that Kon and his team did some more research on the town and it’s ghosts and learned the unofficial secret that Phantom and Danny were dating. That Phantom had Likely come back from the afterlife to protect the town his soulmate lived in. On the bright side, at least now he could confirm Danny really was his soulmate. And he knew where all those injuries were coming from.
Kon had found his soulmate.
Correction, he found his soumates
And they were already bonded to each other.
….so where did that leave him?
There are now two options. 
1: Kon decided that he just needs to woo both his soulmates and starts doing so both as Superboy and as Conner. Danny is very confused who these people are (because as far as he knows, he doesn’t have a soulmate, and since Kon doesn’t visibly show injury, there is no sign (unless Danny somehow injures himself in a place that is visible but he’s been trying to avoid that to make everyone worry less.)). Kon goes all out. He gets flowers, chocolates, writes poetry (whether good or not doesn’t matter) starts wooing Phantom in hero form, showing off his strength and skill whenever possible. (And unfortunately, also his dork side when he isn’t paying attention while flying) Asking to hang out, insist on paying for everything. Danny sees this tall Hunk who is paying attention to him and he doesn’t know what to do. And there are TWO OF THEM! (Also, in this version it might be funny if people suspect Danny and Phantom are dating but don’t know for sure and since they are never around each other, people might assume they just don’t know. So Sam, Tucker, and Jazz are all for Danny possibly starting a relationship with Kon along with Kon’s team who are cheering them on and trying to help the poor clone boy who has no experience with romance. Meanwhile literally everyone else in the town who likes Phantom is trying to run interference and get Danny and their hero together. 
2: The angst option. Kon decides that the fact that he has two soulmates who are together is likely a result of him being a clone. It’s not that he had someone waiting for him (how could he think someone was waiting their whole life just for him? How stupid was he?!) Kon had just hijacked a different bond. So he tries to stay away. Unfortunately, Tim had talked with Phantom while Kon was out of it so now they have started to team up. This makes avoiding him very difficult as he keeps running into Phantom. Moreover, he runs into Danny because they need him for the ghost hunting equipment. And slowly but surely, Kon falls in love with ‘both’ his soulmates but doesn’t want to get ‘between’ them. And Danny wants to know why one of his new teammates is avoiding him.
#Dpxdc#dcxdp#Kizzer55555 ideas#Super dead soulmates au#Danny x Kon#Danny x Conner#Kon is having an identity crisis and Danny helps but then makes it worse.#At one point Danny might figure out clones and decide to have ‘Phantom’ and ‘Danny’ in the same place. Kon sees this and almost combusts.#Kon’s team are the ultimate wingman’s/wingwoman.#Tim is deep diving into research and planning dates. He has a board covered with red string on how to make this work.#It’s scaring some people.#I don’t know if this is young Justice or teen titans so I was vague while writing it. Choose whichever team you like best!#All I know is that this is the version of Kon with all of Superman’s powers. I want him and Danny to have flying races.#Danny is oblivious.#Kon is in permanent gay panic mode.#Kon gets super protective of both Danny and Phantom.#At some point Phantom comes into contact with blood blossoms so that’s going to be fun. :)#The reason They talk to Danny is because he’s Phantom’s ‘supplier’ for Ghost hunting equipment.#Secret third option: they find Phantom first and bring him to the team and Kon thinks he’s his soulmate after seeing matching injuries and#gets closer to him as a friend but doesn’t know how to breach the subject. Then they go to a ‘supplier’ for Ghost equipment that Phantom#Trusts and meet Danny. And then something happens where they see how ‘Danny’ and ‘Phantom’ are ‘soulmates’.#Then you can deviate to the angst version or wooing version.
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darkeneddawning · 11 months
Escaped clone au
You know all those fics where Danny and Damian are twins but everyone first assumes Danny must be a clone? How about an au where Danny is Damian's clone who escaped the League after he was assumed dead. Damian could even have been the one to have "killed" him, back when Danny was a newly created, fully brainwashed clone minion and trying to kill Damian himself.
Danny gets adopted by the Fentons and canon goes on as normal, until Dan. Witnessing what would happen to the world should he turn evil really drove home to Danny how dangerous he is.
Even if he was confident he could be trusted with his absurd amount of power (which he isn't), what if the League of Assassins found out about him? Does he still have programming triggers from his evil assassin clone conditioning?
So, Danny does the responsible thing: he goes to Batman to turn himself in.
Cue Danny showing up on Bruce's doorstep with ghost hunting equipment, intel on the afterlife, and an almost unbelievable backstory. Somehow he still managed to be more well-adjusted than Damian.
More thoughts under the read more
Here's how I'm thinking Danny leaving the League went down:
After surviving his wounds but failing his mission, Danny (then an unnamed potential Damian replacement) knew there was no point in returning to the League. As a failure, he was meant to be disposed of. He even thought of simply allowing himself to perish, since that was what the League would do.
But he couldn't help but feel as though that would be a waste of a resource. Surely he could be of more use to the League alive than dead?
That tiny bit of rebellious logic is what caused Danny to go into hiding, only living on based on the off chance he would find opportunities to further the League's goals. Obviously, that mentality didn't last long after being exposed to the real world and meeting one Jazz Fenton.
Being adopted by the Fentons was the best cover Danny could have asked for, since any odd behavior he couldn't hide while he was learning how to be "normal" was totally overshadowed by the sheer bizarre eccentricity of his new parents. He was still the neighborhood weird kid, but even that was a major upgrade from disposable tool, so Danny considered it a win.
Anyway, if anyone likes this idea, please feel free to have at it! Interpret it as you please :)
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bet-on-me-13 · 5 months
Captive AU
So, the GIW has been around for a while.
Ghosts have been a problem for centuries, the US Government wouldn't have waited until the 21st Century to figure out a way to deal with them, so the GIW has been around for years. And the general Public knows about them, it's a common household name like the FBI or the CIA. They are simply seen as another government organization doing its job, no need to care about the Ghosts they capture, they're Non-Sentient anyways.
Over the years of their existence, they have acquired their own little prison full of Ghosts. And among that collection of Ghosts, 4 stand out.
Because they are somehow Ghost-Human Hybrids.
The first was captured a while before the others. A College Student studying Ectology had been admitted to the Hospital after a Lab Accident, where he had been diagnosed with an, as of yet, unknown and incurable Disease. He had Green Boils popping up all over his Face, and he was in excruciating Pain.
The GIW had sent a team to investigate, and they had found that the College Student was slowly transforming into some type of abomination. He was still partially human, but he was also partially a Ghost. They had him declared Dead and shipped him off to a Blacksite Facility to be experimented on.
The Second One came about 10 years later. Coincidentally, it was very similar circumstances. The very same pair of scientists who had been acquainted with their previous subject had just admitted their 5 Yr old son into a local Hospital. He had been in a Lab Accident that had stopped his Heart for a few minutes, and out of curiosity the GIW had sent a Team to investigate.
And what did they find, but a perfect recreation of their favorite Test Subject.
They declared the Child Dead, and sent him off to the same Facility they kept the other one in.
The 3rd of the Hybrids was actually created in a GIW Lab, 3 Years Later. In an experiment to see if the Hybrids condition could be recreated, a GIW Scientist had taken the DNA of the 2 existing Hybrids and had cloned them.
Of the Test Batch of 15, only 1 Subject survived. It was deemed only a Partial Success, because while they did manage to create a New Hybrid, it was Unstable and prone to melting if overexerted.
They placed it in the same Containment Unit as the other 2, and left it at that. No more Cloning Experiments had been conducted afterwards since the project was deemed an overall Failure.
The 4th and Final Hybrid was found in Gotham City of all places, 2 years later.
A GIW Operative had been visiting Family when their Van's Ecto-Detector had gone off. Soon after that they found the Subject in an Alleyway, seemingly disoriented from its recent awakening.
DNA testing had revealed the Hybrid to be deceased Jason Peter Todd, the adopted Son of Bruce Wayne who had been killed 6 Months Prior while studying in Ethiopia. By the Scientists Best Guess, an Anomoly in Space-Time had caused a Natural Portal to open right on top of the Teenagers Corpse, fusing his Deceased Body and nearly formed Ghost into One.
They shipped the Teen off to the Blacksite, and placed him in the same Containment Unit as the others.
So now the GIW have 4 Hybrids, all created from different circumstances, all different ages.
One was formed from the Slow Death of a College Age Student, after a Lab Accident had flooded his system with Pure Ectoplasm.
One was form from the Instant Death of a 5 yr old Boy, after a Lab Accident had flooded his Body with a dimensions worth of Ectoplasm.
One was created in a GIW Lab in a Cloning Experiment. She was created to be 3 Yrs Old upon Birth, and was Unstable as a Result.
One was created from the Fusion of a Long Dead Teenage Corpse and a nearly formed Ghost, in a random Space Time Event that forced both together.
All the Halfas are basically a Family together. Vlad is the oldest, at around 35, and takes the Paternal Role.
Danny and Ellie are the Kids, and are 10 and 5 respectively.
Jason is the Oldest Child, and takes his Older Brother role very seriously. He is 15 when he is brought in.
They all take care of eachother, through all the experiments and tests the GIW force them through.
One of the most common experiments is to have them battle the other Ghosts in Captivity. Although that is just a thinly veiled dog fighting ring that the GIW scientists like to Bet on. Sometimes they are put up against eachother, but they refuse to fight until they are electrocuted into submission.
They were also forced to Push all of their Powers to their Limits every day, just so the Scientist can see how they are growing. This had drained them, since they only got the absolute minimum amount of Ecto to survive off of, and they were forced to use it all up every day.
This goes on for 3 more years.
Until the day when the GIW messed up.
During one of their Constant Dog Fights, they had made the mistake of putting two Electricity Core Ghosts against eachother. The resulting battle had created an Electromagnetic Wave that fried all systems in the entire Facility.
It was a Disaster. Dozens of Scientists were killed when the Door Locks failed to contain the captive Ghosts, and even more were injured when a few of the Ghosts managed to break into the Armory on Base.
It was only hours after the whole ordeal was Finally quelled that they realized that their most Valuable Test Subjects were missing.
Vlad, Danny, Jason, and Ellie had taken the chance to run away during the commotion. Vlad had unfortunately been injured during the escape, and Ellie had been forced to use her powers causing her to destabilize a little, but all in all they had managed to escape on one piece.
But now they were fugitives on the run from the Government, with an injured adult and a sick child.
Jason had an Idea though. While he didn't have very clear memories of his life, a side effect of his late resurrection, he did remember that he used to live in Gotham. And they all remember researchers grumbling about how their scanners always malfunction when they passed nearby Gotham.
So, Jason led his little Family to the most Familiar place in the city he could think of.
Crime Alley.
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ew-selfish-art · 1 year
My brain is unwilling to let go of Twin AU prompts. Sorry for the long post lmao.
Jazz and Jason are getting pretty serious in their relationship, and honestly, they’ve both been hesitant to introduce their family members to one another despite constantly talking about them. They’ve been dating since she started her doctoral studies at Gotham U and she’s about to defend her dissertation, so it really is about time. He saved her in her first week as the Red Hood and he immediately felt at home with her (something, something liminal), she runs into him the next day at a coffee shop and thanks him for taking the time to help her. 
Identities are obviously blown. Jason knows that her brother works in ‘politics’ and her younger sister is a travel blogger, and that the three of them don’t talk to her mad scientist parents anymore. Jazz knows that he came back from the dead, his adoptive family had a slew of issues in addition to their hero-complexes and that he would be prepared to kill for any one of his siblings. Their communication skills are top notch. 
But then came the issue of actually meeting the family. Like Jazz knows all of the drama between the siblings but could not pick them out of a line up, or more importantly, know who to talk to if an emergency situation came up. Jason agrees, that yeah, it would probably be for the best if he could at least identify her little brother and sister if they had to like, meet at hospital or something. 
So that was the plan. Invite just siblings over to their shared apartment, no parents and no fuss. (She even called Danny ahead of time to tell him not to portal straight into the apartment, he needed to walk in the door like a normal person. They could share Ghost King secrets later.) 
Tim arrives first, he’d been working a case nearby and Jazz & Jason live pretty close to a nice coffeeshop, so he stopped along the way. He’d done some creeping to figure out that she drinks Chai so he brought one for her. Creepy and yet, endearing. 
Ellie comes in second from the window, launching into a story about how annoying it was to find the place with all the gloom, didn’t this city have any respect for the dead? Tim doesn’t get it but Jason is laughing along so Tim files it away for later. 
Dick comes in with a shit ton of Pizza he panic ordered, a fruit bouquet and two bottles of wine from Bruce’s cellar. Duke came along with him, a large tupperware of Alfred’s cookies. 
Then Steph, Babs and Cass show up, immediately treating Jazz like family while also being hella suspicious about the whole thing. She notices them looking at her hands and Jazz explains that no, they weren’t doing this because Jason proposed. Steph and Cass are annoyed at Jason but tell Jazz she could do better if she wanted. Babs is happy they aren’t rushing into anything (she’s the only one besides Tim that knows how long they’ve been dating- this is just to throw out a red herring for the others)
Everyone is getting along and having a great time, Ellie being a natural entertainer along side Dick, everyone trying to tell embarrassing stories about Jason. Loud noises are coming from the hallway when they realize that neither Damian nor Danny had arrived. 
Rushing out the door, the boys are alternating putting each other into choke holds and arguing about not being clones. Danny keeps phasing out of Damian’s grip and Damian keeps pulling out more knives. The hallway looks like it had been blown up and the two are continuing to yell at one another about going to a family dinner. Jason and Jazz just stare at them from the doorway, and wouldn’t you know it, they look like fucking twins. 
Jazz grabs Danny, Jason grabs Damian, and everyone is fucking confused. Both sides of the family can confirm growing up with the twins, that neither are a clone. Ellie helpfully supplies that she’s the clone and that opens a whole other bag of chaos. 
Eventually they get everyone to sit down for dinner and the night gets weirder from there. 
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starry-bi-sky · 1 month
DPxDC Masterpost
Almost all of my DPDC posts have the #Danny Fenton is Not the Ghost King tags, barring perhaps my earliest aus like my Thomas Wayne Au (which will be included in the post). This tag includes art i've made, asks i've answered, and non-fic au posts I've created. This is my main tag!
DPxDC posts under the main tag that don't have their own tag: Danny's Life-Changing Cross-Dimensional Roadtrip with A De-Aged Batman Danny is also Bruce Wayne (Starry goes back to their middle school roots) Danny being the first batkid (if i can get the creative juices flowing I will expand on this. mark my words) There is a Damian clone LOOSE in Amity Park. Oh wait, Danny's got him.
My Biggest DPxDC Aus #Danny Fenton is a Clone: all my posts talking about clone!Danny.
Clone Danny Masterpost: previously my pinned post. A no-powers au where Danny is also a clone of Bruce Wayne, also includes some clone^2
#Clone^2: Clone Damian + Clone Danny au combined, explores themes like identity, found family, and growing into your own as a person. Starting post Here.
#Childhood Friends Au or #Cfau: A childhood friends dead on main au that explores grief, how it may change a person, and how growing up in Crime Alley changed Danny. Contains heavier themes like smoking and mild violence.
#Danyal Al Ghul Au: Mostly contains my au where Danny is not Damian's twin, but his older brother! An excuse for me to delve into the psychological effects that growing up in the League would have on Danny that I don't really see in other DAG aus. Putting the 'assassin' in 'raised by assassins'.
My Minor DPxDC Aus Danny Fenton is Thomas Wayne: an oldie but a goodie! An reveal gone wrong au where Danny decides to go by his middle name 'Thomas' shortly after the events of TUE, and leaves Amity Park two years later. He finds out that Vlad cloned him again and finds an infant in the lab. Danny takes the baby, names him Bruce, and ends up adopted by the Waynes.
#Danny Fenton is Jason Todd au: An au where Danny is Jason Todd! He was adopted by the Fentons shortly after the events of the carjacking.
#Older Brother Danny: contains all of my aus where Danny is an Older Brother. This currently includes only my DAG posts but it's not limited to Danyal Al Ghul.
#Changeling Danny: a half-ghost? oh, wait, no. that's a changeling. even worse! Danny's got latent fey blood from a Fenton getting freaky with a faerie some dozen generations ago, and it reactivated with a fervor when he had his accident! Instead of a halfa, he became one of the Fair Folk.
#Blood blossom au: currently the name for the time being. A Nightingale/First Batkid au where Vlad poisons Danny with blood blossom extract, and it results in Danny running to Batman! Currently only one post, but it has a lot of branching pathways in the reblogs. Batdad centered!
#tales of the passerine: the official au name for my "Danny being the first batkid" post! This au is what inspired changeling Danny. It's the idea that Danny was the first to be adopted by Bruce, and features me favoring batdad over "lmfao Danny goes fuck you bruce and adopts the other kids" au. Because I want batdad.
(Nightingale is, so far, the official vigilante name for the Eldest Batkid Danny concept on my blog.)
Bonus Excerpt: a ficlet I made in response to a DPxDC Dead on Main prompt! It's not under the main tag as I didn't make the post, however it can be found if you search #fem danny fenton on my blog. I actually really love this idea so I may make it its own tag in the future.
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Project R AU where Danny is a clone created from the DNA of all the Robins past and present by the drs Fenton when they were teenagers.
Upon realizing the child they had made was going to be used as a weapon for evil they quickly and quietly packed up thier family and belongings and jumped ship to a new dimention with the kid after putting him in stasis so he was essentially frozen in time.
Later on little Jazz finds the baby in the tank and assumes the stork had made a delivery and flips the switch to release him from stasis so he can finish growing. A week later the pod beeps and she brings him out of the storage room as a chubby healthy baby and her parents loose thier minds for a bit.
Danny grows up normally...well not really but you get what I mean. Maddie makes sure Danny knows how to fight and wouldn't take no for an answer. No matter how much Danny complained that he wanted to play video games, go to the park with his friends or that Jazz didn't have to fight, she would never relent. Maddie knows she's nowhere near the level of a fully trained assasin but she wanted to give Danny every leg up she could.
She knew he would need it. Call it a mothers intuition.
Well, crap happens. Vlad outs Danny as Phantom and it ends very poorly for the wannabe vampire. Danny escapes into the GZ but just barely and is forced to leave his old life behind but not before Jazz tells him about what she had recently learned about Project: R.
The portals are destroyed and Danny flees to his home dimension in search of his fathers. Unfortunately when he gets there he learns most of his fathers are dead, only Damian Al Ghul and Jason Todd remaining, both having very strained relationships with thier own father Bruce Wayne and everything has gone to crap.
Theres an evil dictator in red and blue ruling the world and they're the reason two of his dads are dead. So he decides to rip the symbol off his chest, put on a mask and make his big debut as Phantom.
How you may ask?
By killing the evil Superman and his cronies on live television and announcing that he's the child of Project: R and what that means.
Damian finds Phantom in Bludhaven looking for him and asking him to take him in only to get refused. Damian fears that Bruce might try to turn Danny against him so is hesitant to get close emotionally.
Jason has no such concerns and scoops him up before Bruce can dress him like a traffic light. They then have the superhero talk and Phantom says he wants to be a anti-hero not a superhero. He already tried that one and it sucked so much. Jason definitely didn't like the fact his kid had been a superhero at any point but finding out pretty much all the adults in Dannys life had failed him so hard made Jay fly into a rage.
Bruce tries to go for custody but fails. Dannys doesn't like how the Titans treat Damian so he steals all the ABBA cds from the tower and makes off like a thief in the night. When they discover this they flip out because those were Dicks and they became practically sacred after he died.
Danny decided to cause problems on purpose. Such acts include:
1. Turning all the furniture in the common rooms of the Titans Tower into hyper realistic cake so when they sat on it/tried to turn on the TV, ect they'd be in for a suprise.
2. Stealing all the tires off of every vehicle Bruce owned and giving them to Jason/whoever was down on thier luck and couldn't afford to change thier tires. Danny says he has "a legacy to uphold" while balancing on the top of on of the tires as he runs it across Gotham
3. Torments Black Mask and Slade. Somehow all thier homes and safe houses are filled with beans. Yes, beans. Whenever they are in Gotham they get beaned in the face with a pickle. (This is worse for BM cause ya'know)
They have no idea whos doing this or why.
Ras Al Ghul is not amused by the pickleing but does not get beanified cause Danny doesn't know where most of his places are so he gets A LOT of pickles thrown at him every chance Danny gets.
4. Danny decides Damian requires lots of snuggles and just turns intangible whenever Damian tries to pry him off. Multiple people keep comparing him to Dick and its starting to get on Dannys nerves. He has three other dads to compare him to and Dick isn't even the only dead one! What about Tim??? He wants to learn about Tim! He demands his fathers tell him about themselves and Tim
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radiance1 · 10 months
A 'No one knows' Au and that one au where Danny leaves behind a corpse after death.
With a twist.
Jack and Maddie, not fearing death but fearing becoming a ghost after death have perfected what one would call functional immortality.
Which is kind of why they're pretty careless about danger outside of combat, they just, quite literally, cannot be bothered to care less. If they die? Then their souls would just be thrusted into a clone body.
They didn't just cheat death, they walked all over it, spat on it, and continued walking over it a multitude of times.
Which accidently became a plus for Danny and his secret identity.
See, when Danny went ghost to save the day, he came back only to find his body gone. Safe to say, he panicked and looked everywhere for it, or tried to at least, because if that got out he wouldn't really know how to deal with it.
Only to then learn his parents hid and are quite literally experts at hiding bodies, his included.
Jack and Maddie are quite happy that they were the ones who stumbled upon Danny's body and not anyone else, since it would take a quite long amount of explanation as to why their son was found dead yet seemingly walked to school fine hit Monday!
Well, they weren't happy he died really, as any parent wouldn't be, but they're glad they prepared extra bodies for both him and Jazz in case the day ever came.
Danny awkwardly slid himself into said excuse while trying not to externally freak the fuck out. But hey, at least it's a plus that whenever his parents find his corpse they just, hid it no questions asked.
Good, it would be so weird if anyone managed to find either of their multiple corpses.
But hey! At least Jazz hasn't died yet!
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disillusioneddanny · 10 months
DP x DC Fic Recs
A list of DPxDC fics that don't have the following tropes:
Danny gets adopted by the Waynes
Danny is rejected by his parents for being Phantom.
The lovely @spite-sapphic-starlight started a really wonderful list that you can read here
But lets just show a little more love for the fics that don't fit those tropes.
also disclaimer: this is not any hate to those tropes, i love them dearly and have written quite a few of them myself. but apparently that's all DPxDC seems to be known for so we should take some time to highlight some truly amazing fics.
Born to Make History by Halfagone and Nightshiftshenanigans
It's a Jason Todd/ Danny Fenton Figure Skating AU with a no powers AU and it's absolutely beautiful.
I’m Falling for you (Now we’re both Falling) by Milaley, ziazippy5379
Danny is a paramedic who moves to Gotham because he wants to help people and the pay for paramedics is good. He meets former police officer Dick Grayson who spoiler happens to be his soulmate. Danny's parents struggle with the fact that they are the reason he's a halfa but they don't reject him.
A Second Life by Die_Erlkonigin6083
Danny is reincarnated and wakes up to find himself a little boy who is the clone of Dick Grayson who decides to raise his clone as his son. This isn't really an adoption AU since Danny was created as a clone and he didn't run away from the Fentons, I can't really share more without spoiling the entire premise :3 but it's very good and is a good play on the Danny is a Wayne trope.
Fall Before You Fly by DisillusionedDanny, GuardianofDawn
Danny decides to go on vacation and explore the different universes, he goes to the DC universe and joins a circus and becomes an escapologist and meets Dick who wants to learn how he's so good at what he does.
Schrodinger's Danny by Die_Erlkonigin6083
The Fentons were never Danny's parents in this AU and he became a halfa in a completely different way. Danny is the twin brother of Damian and flees into the ghost zone letting everyone think he's dead. He's younger in this AU and honestly it's such a cool take on the DemonTwin trope.
Forget the Christmas Spirit (Run Away With Me) by halfagone (milkywxy)
Danny and Damian meet in Paris right before Christmas. They fall in love on the trip and Danny decides to spend Christmas with the Waynes instead of going back to his own family where his parents make Christmas an entire thing each year.
We Lit a Match by GuardianofDawn 
Danny has a gift that lets him see if people around him are going to die. He learns that he's the reason his family dies and runs away before that happens. He finds himself getting adopted by one Lex Luthor.
No bad parents Fentons, Danny runs away to keep them safe
Not adopted by a Wayne, it's Lex Luthor
it's a fun flip on both of those tropes.
Shovel Talk by SummersSixEcho
Danny and Tim go on a roadtrip for Tim to meet Danny's parents. Established relationship Tim/Danny
It's a very wonderful take on Good Parents Jack and Maddie Fenton and it's just a lovely story altogether.
Eat the Acid by DisillusionedDanny
Danny meets Conner Kent and falls head over heels in love with him. They discover that Vlad and Lex have teamed up to make the ultimate clone warrior. With the help of the Fentons and some unlikely friends they bring the clone back to Fentonworks so that they can raise their baby together away from Lex and Vlad.
These are just a few examples of fics that don't fall into those two tropes, they are all absolutely amazing and wonderful and the writers put a lot of work into these pieces of art. There are so many other fics that fall into these categories, I just don't have the time or space to add every single one but please don't act like all of DPxDC falls under the idea that Danny runs away to gotham to escape his evil scientist parents and gets adopted by the Waynes, that's a very small part of what this fandom does. It's a lovely part but it's not all that the DPxDC fandom is.
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brothebro · 1 year
Any dp/dc fic recs?
of course! Honestly, i love so many of them and I'll try to include as many as i can in my list here! The Undead Lockpicking series by Milaley: In which Danny has a lockpicking youtube channel and he lockpicks the Watchtower. Hilarious, excellent 10/10
The Bat Trap by Threee: Honestly a good ol twin switcheroo with many funny moments but also a lot of delicious angst! (a Damian & Danny twins au) Just, chef's kiss!
GLXY:PSSNGR by socraticat: Danny takes the place of his alternate universe self who lives with vlad in Gotham after vlad killed his parents. Muchas angst, lots of worldbuilding and fantastic action!
A second life by Die_Erlkonigin6083:Kid Danny who has memories from a past life and currently is Dick Grayson's clone baby (and a bunch of others but mostly Dick's) Adorable 100/10 recommend>
lex luthor's ascent from supervillainy to fatherhood by halfagone (milkywxy): Epic. Dad!Lex and and dimensional travel son!Danny. Sweet and super well-executed Cass/Danny. 10/10 i need to catch up with the latest chappies but it's so freaking good I am aaaaaa
Rooftop Express by EmeraldsAndAmethyst: Danny/Jason. Awesome af. Crime lord Jason ftw! Danny is a (supernatural)delivery boy and professional enigma in Gotham
Our Empty Graves by suomifae: Hazmat Suit, no one knows au! Danny/Jason in which Danny finds himself helping out in Jason's gang. Very cool story building, ideas and execution. Im literally screaming in every chapter. so so good!
bloodlines by halfagone (milkywxy): Danny is Diana's and Bruce's son. He of course doesn't know that. There's a prophesy involved that says Danny will end the world, Diana finds out accidentally about it and finds out she has a son (memory wipe shenanigans) and GOSH. There's so much awesome stuff happening and it's a pleasure to see them piece together the facts. 10/10 Diana rocks
Summons by DizzlyPuzzled: Ghost king Danny in which because he's underage his father gets summoned in his stead. Bruce would very much like to know why he keeps getting yote through summoning circles. Just the right amount of funny, family fluff and angst.
If You Give a Bat a Burger by Cielle_Noire: BOI I HAVE NO WORDS. the plot in this is thiccc and juicy and delicious and the mystery is the cherry on top! Danny lives in Gotham, does some ghostly sigil stuff around to protect Gothamites from bad ghosts, it backfires, we don't know why. Red duck candles are involved. The Batkids are chaos. and im here eating popcorn because it's all super entertaining to watch unfold. 100/10 jessica's duck candle
Friendly neighborhood vigilante by Elizabehta_Beilschmidt: Jazz/Jason THE FIC. honestly one of the best Anger Management fics i've ever read. Love the way Communication between partners is portrayed here and how they overcome the hurdles despite the shitshow that is both their lives (affectionate). 10/10 would read again
Danny Fenton: Dead and Loving It by HyperKid: You need an ao3 account for this one, go go go go make one because it's super worth it! Jason/Danny. They meet at the graveyard, your honour! They actively mess with Bruce and the rest of the Batkids! Gala Shenanigans! What else can i say? Go read!
Worm Off the String by TourettesDog: I am licherally dying of laughter. Peak comedy. Danny/Tim ft little baby man Danny who Tim thinks is Danny's weird af pet. Honestly, so GOOD. 100/10 comedy gold.
Press Heart to Subscribe by Die_Erlkonigin6083: A Danny/Damian fic in which Danny is a streamer and Damian watches his stream. Super cute, well executed, 100/10 sweetness scale
Imprint by Hashtag_DriveBy: Babes i dunno what to tell you. I've done fanart of this fic. De-aged baby Danny and DadHood. Human-ish Fright Knight and Excellent friend Roy. Guys seriously. SO SO SO SO GOOD. 100/10 I wanna see the kid reveal to the batfam and am vibrating out of existence imagining scenarios. - There are more but I can't possibly list them all in one go, I'll make another fic rec list later 💙
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phantomposting · 1 year
Another sleepy soup brain rant about possible au prompts I hope you guys enjoy and sorry in advance for any spelling/grammar errors.
I think you guys can tell my favorite thing is twin aus. I absolutely live for the found family trope and I love a good reuniting story. Usually these aus are written with Danny and Damian being close as kids and when they reunite it highlights just how inseparable they were, but what if that wasn't rey the case?
Growing up in the league is super competitive and it's kill or be killed. Look at when Damian tried to kill Tim it wasn't a he hated him thing it was more of a "I have to prove myself" thing. They were raised in a way where only the strongest get positive reinforcement.
So it stands to reason these twins constantly has to fight against eachother for Ra's praise and eventually that leads to an all out fight for the right to be the League's heir.
Needless to say Damian and Danyal saw eachother as nothing but obstacles to overcome. They would constantly belittle eachother in an attempt to lower the other's moral and get into fights. The day the duel for heirship happened they were both prepared to take the other's life. It just so happened Damian was the stronger twin and came out on top. He had no regrets and shed no tears for Danyal. He was simply too weak for the league. Damian had always known that fact.
So clockwork interjects since Phantom plays a very important role in keeping the timeline on it's optimal path. He uses the pits to revive Danny and drops him off in Illinois to be adopted by the Fenton's.
With hazy memories and a competitive instincts he at first gets in a lot of fights with Jazz and feels he has to prove himself in order to gain his parents love. He's slow but surely proven wrong tho and unlearns what the league had ingrained in him. Eventually he grows up to be the kind and caring kid we know and love.
Damian gains the same progress he does cannonically. He has a cold exterior but a soft interior. He is warm and kind even with the demon reputation. As he grows and gets in a healthier headspace/environment he grows to regret how he had treated Danyal though he would never tell a soul or admit it he regrets having his twins blood on his hands.
Danny from what he can remember hates how mean he was to his twin and wishes he had a chance to rekindle their relationship and be kinder to him.
Eventually Danny becomes Phantom and that wish gets granted when he's on the run from his parents. He ends up in Gotham and gets into trouble which eventually leads to Damian running into him as Robin.
Damian immediately assumes this is another plan the league has to kill him or his family so he attacks Danny and demands to know if the league sent him. He knows Danyal is very cut throat and cold after all he's not risking it with his evil twin/possible clone of his twin.
Needless to say he's speechless when the terrified Danyal apologizes profusely and has no idea what the heck he's talking about. This kid acts nothing like his brother. Did he make a mistake? Nope this kid admits he vaguely remembers the league and him but has no connection to them now.
He keeps his guard up but everything about this Danyal is throwing him for a loop. The only mean words he says about him are done in a light hearted sarcastic way. He apologizes for how mean he was as a kid. He's meek and anxious absolutely the opposite of the bold and confident Danyal he had known. 
Bruce is insanely surprised to find out he has another son that's supposed to be dead but surprisingly isn't. He opens his home to Danny tho cautiously but still kindly and warmly. It's insanely surprisingly to the family that this kid is a polar opposite of Damian.
Damian is cold towards Danny at first and it takes awhile for him to warm up even then he says some pretty cruel things out of habit. Danny is pretty forgiving and feels he deserves it for how awful he was so he rolls with the punches.
Due to the distrust between the twins it takes a lot of time for Danny to finally open up about being half ghost and running from his previous parents whom want to experiment on him and dissect him molecule by molecule. Damian is the first to learn this after making some big strides in treating Danyal kinder and learning to trust him.
Eventually we get to a level where they are protective of eachother and are very close but it takes a hot minute and the path to this point is very rocky.
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faeriekit · 1 year
Works archived on Faeriekit’s AO3 page:
Tumblr media
Links included! 🖱
DCU/DCU Crossovers:
Blister Pack: Completed.
Danny Phantom x Young Justice(ish) prompt fill from @stealingyourbones​ and @mikami1992​ on tumblr: What if the Kryptonian cloning process required a little more refinement than simply adding human DNA? (Conner-centric.) Archived.
Quiet Respite: No set update schedule.
Teen romance Cass Cain x Peter Parker, loosely inspired by the Dark Matter premise. Batgirl!Cass finds a spider-thief loose in Gotham. Peter is introduced to a friend’s quiet sister. Neither are not all that they seem.
Dig Three Graves in Apartment 31c: Completed
Danny Phantom x Batman prompt fill. Danny, in the role of Willis Todd. Angst/Not a lot of Comfort. Originally posted on tumblr. Archived
Catching Stars and Comets: No set update schedule
Prompt fill, but like...my own prompt. “Reverse Robins AU but instead of making Damien oldest and going down the line so on and so forth, it’s a bunch of assembled weird vigilante-crime men and their accidentally adopted autistic eight year old rich boy, Bruce, who calls himself ‘batkid’ for reasons beyond their mutual understanding of expected kid behavior.” (Batkid!AU) Originally posted on tumblr. Archived.
The Haunting of Drake Manor: No set update schedule.
Batman x Danny Phantom prompt fill. "Tim, as a kid, wishes for a new mom. Desiree didn't know her wishes could turn against HER, of all people. However, Tim's wish had turned her into something resembling a human form and now she felt obligated to take care of the little guy." Angst, Found Family (sorta), and shenanigans. Posting primarily on tumblr.
The Health and Wellbeing of Hybrid Entities: No set update schedule.
Danny Phantom x DCU Crossover. “Adrift in an unknown space, his transportation lost, his body a wreck, and only half-conscious, Danny has to find himself somewhere safe to recover.Now, if only he can convince the locals to leave him alone while he does... [A mashup between a cryptid!Danny, presumed-alien!Danny, dp x dc, and whatever prompt made the one body horror meat grinder fic.]”
The Foster Mother: Completed
Danny Phantom x DCU Crossover. “Tim wasn't waiting for anyone to call on him at Wayne Manor. His parents were dead. The investors already knew he had nothing to offer them. The gawkers and gossips had already wrung every sordid detail about his parent's deaths out of him; but there was someone waiting for him in the sitting room downstairs. Someone had already come all this way, just to ask for Timothy Drake. Tim wasn't all that excited to find out who the caller would be. (Or: Jazz Fenton packs a bag, and goes to find a child she used to know.)“
Dead Man Walking: Completed.
Danny Phantom x Batman crossover. Talons!AU. “None of this was Danny's problem— and he's determined to keep it that way, no matter what the cops, the weird dude in full-on themed body armor, or the secret society of rich people hiding in the sewers of Gotham had to say. If he wasn't getting paid for over time and he wasn't not on the clock, then what was he supposed to do about it?? Or: Talons, Talons, everywhere, and nary a living Mortician around to clean them up.” Archived.
Patchwork Memories: Completed.
Danny Phantom x Batman prompt fill. (I'm paraphrasing the original post here) A younger Danny is a clone of Jason Todd, and is deeply interested in finding family that has yet to reject or experiment on him, and tries to Bond. Dick is mourning a brother he never spent time getting to know, and doesn't need the constant reminder. Originally posted to tumblr. Archived.
The Firstborn Son: Completed
Danny Phantom x Batman. “Danny Phantom, a somewhat established ruler of the Ghost Zone, has unwittingly acquired a baby. And. Well. He can't exactly keep it in Pariah's Keep. It would be convenient to have the baby's other parent take care of it...assuming that the man is entirely innocent of the plan to sell their offspring for immortality. There has to be a way to prove that the man is safer than the home the baby comes from. But the man has his own ward. Hm. Danny can exploit this. What's an assessment without a little test?”
Lazy Sunday: Completed
Danny Phantom x Batman. “Jason Todd does not have a boyfriend. He has a dom, because vulnerability is for chumps and Jason's playing it to win. It doesn't matter that Foley likes picking soft clothes for him, or eating breakfast together, or sharing chores— look, he's only here to get hypnotized straight out of his trauma-induced cycle of self-punishment, okay?? The blow jobs are just necessary to hit that end goal! That's all!” E rated Tucker/Jason Domestic Hypnokink smut. Archived.
Anger Management: Completed
Danny Phantom x Batman. “Jazzmine Fenton is her parents' daughter. She is going to rehabilitate this lingering specter and make him safe to human society, even if it kills him. (Again.) Jason is, like any red-blooded American man facing down a gorgeous redhead, entirely into that. He never wants another therapist in his afterlife ever again.” Somehow both Dead Dove/E Rated and also a family reconciliation fic. Originally posted to tumblr for Halloween. Archived. Check the warnings before reading.
DPxDC tumblr fills: No continuation
Shared Custody (Tucker/Sam/Danny ghost pregnancy. Weirder than it sounds, actually)
Auto-Parentification (and other half-assed wish fulfillment scenarios) [Villain!Tim/Danny tangle with time, Robin!Tim, and appropriate childhood milestones]
A Bed, a Breakfast, and a Pending Paternity Test  (Jazz&Danny are half alien, and Dick gets a clone scare)
Danny Phantom:
Monster in the Closet: No set collaboration schedule.
Danny finds Dani alone and injured...in perhaps the most conspicuous setting possible. Reasonably, he loses his shit. The school staff struggles to provide what care they can to an increasingly hostile, increasingly inhuman teenage student.
A Visitation: Completed (?)
Gray Ghost, Demon!AU. Valerie grapples with hiding her demon hunting from her boyfriend...but her dual-natured boyfriend always knows where she’s gone. Explicit. Check the warnings before reading.
Faer’s 2024 Phic Phight Fills (Danny Phantom One Shots) can be found here.
Percy Jackson:
Trade of Trickery: MIA
Sometimes change is wrought by divine intervention. Sometimes change is wrought by Sally Jackson, winner of Mom Of The Year for over a decade, new devotee to Hermes, and apartment complex manager. She is singlehandedly going to right the world for the sake of her son, or die trying.
Perseus Jackson, God of the Shrimps: Completed.
Simultaneously a crack!fic, a discord meme, a Creole!Percy fic, and a Texan!Annabeth fic. Really.
Kids on Pegasi: Completed. Awaiting further beta-testing.
TTRPG adaptation of the Kids on Brooms/Kids on Bikes system by Renegade Games, modified for Percy-Jackson-themed play. Screen-reader accessible version is provided. Links to free materials from both systems provided. Not a fic.
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bluerosefox · 5 months
[2023 Prompt List 1][Previous] [2023 Prompt List 2][Here] [2023 Prompt List 3][Next]
|The MANY Bloodlines of Constantine (Its by pure dumb luck Danny is crowned Ghost King before his 18th, because he learns his biodad had sold his soul, its void now, and not just his but also his half-siblings as well... Constantine is getting decked.)  (Psst read the reblogs, everyone had fun adding to this one) |Daughter of Phantom, Lady Gotham. (Lady Gotham, is Danny Phantom’s daughter) |No Longer In Service (Ghost King Danny has an idea how to get summoners to stop summoning him) |Overdue Payments (Ghost King Danny finds Ra’s al ghul’s overdue payments and a request to repossess it) |For Them (Danny uses his ice to save Dani (Ellie) from melting and does so in front of one Dr. Victor Fries, aka Mr. Freeze) |In A Single Night (Vlad is taken down by either Selina or Tim in a single night due to being a creepy creep) |Assassin Heir? Crime Fighting Furry? NOPE NO THANK YOU! (Danny wakes up in a DC version of himself and tries to nope out of the Assassin lifestyle and avoid becoming a crime fighter. Now if only the others understood that) |Playing Dead AU (Danny is the dead body for those Murder Mystery parties and gets a gig for the Gotham elite. I strongly suggest reading the reblogs, they get amazing for this) |Of Godsons, Fruitloops, and Lois ‘I will drag all secrets out into the sun’ Lane (Lois Lane is Danny’s only godparent, Vlad better watch out) |Recluse Owner, Bookshelf Gremlin, and the Cute Cafe Guy (Danny and Dani have to leave their home dimension behind and decide to open a cafe with Ghostwriter whose been wanting a way to get new books without having to go out and deal with people. Jason is sus of the new bookstore that opened up overnight) (Very hinted Dead on Main) |Cujo is.... Trying (Danny gets hurt, Cujo and him are yeeted into the Gotham, and Cujo... Cujo is trying to do his best even as he’s chased after a sword wielding bird boy)  |Tim, buddy, what do you mean you might had accidentally made a Love Child?! (Danny learns is the love child clone? of Tim and Kon that Tim accidentally made during his bad year of losing everything and Danny gets deaged and tossed back into his home dimension. It was due to Clockwork that he never noticed the life he created (cause villain Tim timeline was nearly on set) but finds out what he created when said love child shows up at a Gala wandering around just after he announced he’s dating Kon) (a TimxKon story where they try to raise their clone love child) |Bellatrix Star ( a TaliaxDanny idea. Queen Talia and Ghost King Danny) |Joker Messed Around and Found Freaking Out. (Joker messed with the wrong person when he took a visiting class hostage) |Fenton Ethics and Test Tube Babies (Jazz and Danny aren’t Fenton’s but are half-siblings and cousins (basically same mom, different dad’s)...The Fenton’s have some... questionable ethics and moral) |Timelines, Red Robins, and Kings (dont ask about the title, it was only thing I can think of) (Tim crashes in on Danny’s ghost King lesson’s during his Red Robin run. Clockwork is excited for this timeline cause he gets to have some fun) |Beloved Beyond Time (Due to weird time-traveling, Ghost Prince Danny is summoned and mistaken as King by the LoA. There he meets a smitten young Damian al Ghul who proclaims they will marry... Later Danny finds himself cornered by a year older Damian when he returns to his own time) |Over Tea (Gotham gets a sudden and strange weather that shakes it to its core. The Batfam is trying to find the source, meanwhile a young Ghost King and Lady Gotham are discussing things over tea. |Good Doggos Give Hope! (A self-indulgant idea of Cujo wanting to help his fav ghost boy and meeting a very special ring wearing Corgi) |Taking a Chance (Good!Mom Talia! DannyxTalia (Royal Errors) and half-siblings Damian and Ellie (Danielle). Talia discovers Ra’s future he set out for Damian and is at the ends of her ropes, she is given a chance to leave in the form of a cryptic time being. Meanwhile Danny needs someone to become Danielle’s mother before she completely destabilizes)
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ew-selfish-art · 1 year
Here’s the thing about the Twin AU that people aren’t considering: the Drs Fenton are resourceful! They can make amazing inventions out of household objects and machines!
So when they were accepting a contract from Ra’s to look at the Lazarus Pits in conjunction to their research (ie the best dissertation material ever) they looked at the spare twin that was being sacrificed and said “a perfectly good baby like that would probably be nice to have around!”
Sure, the Spare Heir was ecto contaminated because of the pits and that’s why Ra’s was getting rid of him, but seriously, not everything needed to be brand new these days! Upcycle! Science can fix all the ectoplasm and possession! He’ll be just like new in no time! Take that baby out of the pit and wash em up and take that baby to the Midwest! Teach that baby about stars and Ghosts!
The Drs Fenton take baby danny on their last day, knowing that the league thinks that he’s dead- already sacrificed, Ra’s felt the power shift of the Infinite Realms- and proceed forward like nothing was ever a big deal! They published their findings on the pits, they got another contract/grant and then began the journey to start moving towards their other projects!
Why tell Jazz, she’s only a toddler when they bring him home?
Why tell Danny, he’s just their little man, their Dann-o?
Things will probably be fine, because just like their up cycled machines and portals- an upcycled baby wouldn’t have any problems! Their inventions always worked perfectly! Their son would be just as perfect!
Cue the shenanigans of Damian and Danny meeting, the normal amount of “you’re the clone” finger pointing (which Danny wins because he has actual baby/childhood photos) and then some ghosts of assassins past trying to cause issues for Phantom.
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widderwise · 6 months
Kid Infinity! (DP/Shazam)
So this is a ‘Danny is adopted’ AU. He was found by the Fentons on one of their ghost hunts (just so perfectly right there- def not sus). I’d say ten or younger, if on the older end he has some (convenient) amnesia. The Fentons roll right along and adopt him, probably blaming ghosts for him being alone. (They might even be right- sort of)
Danny grows up a Fenton, has his accident, becomes Phantom as in canon. But when he gets cloned and Dani needs to be stabilized he’s told that he needs a sample from a biological relative that’s fully alive (for reasons). Cue panic over the ‘adopted’ reveal (if he didn’t know or others in Amity didn’t know -side eyes Vlad-)
They eventually end with Clockwork to find Danny’s birth family. Clockwork is acting shifty. He reluctantly admits that he stole Danny away as a child to avoid a worse timeline. In his previous timeline he still would have died as a teenager, but he would have been sort of brought back, tricked and used by evil while having no memory of his name or family. By bringing him here, Danny still died and came back but he has family and friends (and maybe a kingdom he defeated Pariah Dark for).
They are skeptical, but in a hurry, so they head off to Fawcett/Philly (depending on world) where Danny’s biological brother lives. They have an address and a name: Freddy Freeman.
Freddy is shocked to find out his little brother Kit- Christoper Freeman is still alive. Kit went missing before Freddy was in foster care, maybe. Maybe disappeared into the system. The explanation that his brother was cloned and they need help… well Freddy is really into hero stuff. After all, he is Captain Everypower/Captain Marvel Jr (depending on world). He is down to help and now Shazam and Phantom are allies (the GIW shiver in fear).
Yes, Clockwork stole the kid (Kit Freeman) who would become Kid Eternity away before he could be killed and then tricked by the Lords of Chaos and the (canon-wise!) ghost Mister Keeper. (He was a ghost in the original and 'an agent of the Chaos Lords' in the reboot) In this Mister Keeper would be a ghost working for the Chaos Lords. Kid Eternity’s powers were invisibility, intangibility, summoning spirits of the dead, flight, and a ghost form! Sounds familiar.
Clockwork wanted his King of the Infinite Realms Phantom and he made it happen.
Now Freddy has a brother, a sister (Dani), another new sister Jazz. He’s happy!
Uh, maybe Freddy’s foster parents take in Danny and Dani if the Fenton parents don’t take the reveal well?
Diana finds out her grandfather (Kronos) adopted a kid? And he’s part of Captain Marvel’s group now. Say what? Diana versus the American government (Anti-ecto acts)
Happy endings for all. Except the GIW.
So instead of Kid Eternity we have Kid Infinity!
I am imagining old Mamaragan (the wizard) and Clockwork staring each other down. Two old beings with magic staffs and a team of powered kids.
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magical-awesome-kid · 2 years
Danny Phantom has been the King of the Infinite Realms, a halfa, and hero for thousands of years now. He, by all accounts, is considered a god or Eldrich abomination (or both), which means his power levels are par to few/none. Under his reign, his planet Earth found massive peace (religious wars were stopped simply by asking people there, pre-meditated murder went out the window when the risk of them coming back as a ghost was very real, and Fenton Technologies compounded with Ghost Zone technologies had completely changed the course of human evolution).
Danny learned how to rule and does so well. He does it so well that the afterlife basically runs itself now. Sure, disputes still happen, fights still break out, but they're small affairs compared to how things used to be. As the King of the Zone, his mere presence has healed much of the cracks and fissures that had occurred under Pariah, and, even in a place where death and life mix as well as his own DNA mixes with Ectoplasm, where one minute there's a sudden influx of the dead just as a new species is born from the mythos of old, it's quite a content place to be. With the dimension's growth, so, too, has Danny, now looking like a man in his thirties, lean and strong but comforting all the same (he can never quite die due to his halfa status, but he stopped aging normally around the time he turned thirty-three - he now can appear however old or young he feels, and, after his family passed, he reverted back to his younger man days, which he felt was when things seemed to settle around him).
But, well... Danny is bored as hell.
Now, he's been looking to stretch his legs in the land of the living again. He's been a Zone Body for nearly 2500 years now, only making trips to his own dimension when called upon for input and to sit in on galactic meetings, but, even then, he's got tons of people who can stand in for him. Danielle, appearing as a late-twenties, early-thirties woman usually going by Ellie or El these days, is considered the Princess of the Realms and leads up exploration teams on different dimensions that have either pinched off from the realms, forming fully-living or fully-dead places, and better charting the healing process and anything they need to step in personally (while considered the 'land of the dead,' the Infinite Realms is more akin to a purgatory, connecting, well, infinite dimensions where life and death exist more exclusively, acting as a bridge, a binding agent, between time and space).
Danny decides to appoint his top advisors (largely still Sam, Tucker, and Jazz, who have become ghosts and, as royal appointees, have access to all afterlifes and free pass to go and come as they please, as well as some trusted long-time allies like Clockwork and Pandora) to keep eyes on everything for him while he takes a 'short scouting mission' with Danielle (i.e. maybe take a break).
Ellie and Danny head off to the next dimension on the list, and, as soon as they hit the ground running, it's immediately clear that this one is filled with issues.
While the general rule is that they don't meddle in dimensional affairs, this dimension, right off the bat, REEKS of stale Ectoplasm. Like it's been broken off and re-attached incorrectly to the Infinite Realms, and thus the normal flow of ectoplasm has stalled. This can cause a lot of complications, especially for people who come into contact with said ectoplasm. It's also a dimension of heroes and villains, which immediately kicks Danny's protective instincts into high gear.
Ellie manages to keep them on track... until they find out about a clone who's been treated horribly by both of his 'parents' even though he's done nothing wrong.
Then... yeah. She doesn't mind staying a little longer.
So yeah, they may be meddling, but this dimension needs help! They swear!
(The Justice League doesn't know what's about to hit them when two new, absolute power houses come on scene, one instantly going out of their way to adopt Young Justice, but mostly Superboy, while the other starts spearheading global unification in the most convoluted of ways. Well, except Constantine, who takes one look at the two heroes, INSTANTLY recognizes them, and nopes the fuck out. He's heard stories of the Ghost King and Ghost Princess, and, while pillars of goodness and justice, they are also known to be absolute hellions, and he's dealt with actual hell creatures).
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