yooo-lets-go · 4 months
Happy Valentine’s Day ♥️
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To everybody except Hesh, I guess
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coldasscheeks · 29 days
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the-deer-temple · 3 months
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them 💔
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onlyroach-archive · 4 months
made a goofy cod ghost vine 😭
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tokillamockingbird427 · 4 months
Hesh figures out Logan and Keegan are “maybe a thing” because he (like every sibling) constantly steals Logan’s clothes. (Logan does the same. They have fused their wardrobes at this point.)
Now one day, while looking through Logans clothes for shit he can steal, he finds a shirt he doesn’t immediately recognize, but eventually remembers seeing Keegan wear it around.
Cue the slow turn to Logan, the “Is this… Keegans?” And the immediate panic in Logan’s eyes that tells Hesh he’s just found out a secret that would get any lesser mortal whacked dead.
(Fortunately, Logan loves Hesh, and does not kill him… doesn’t stop him from threatening it tho.)
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kurt-dontcry · 26 days
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Mini Comic about the Ghosts! I love them a lot they need more attention and love!
(I‘m not a 100% sure about their designs I might change them in future art works)
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2009-ghost · 3 months
proposing with a grenade pin
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inspired by a fic that i have to find the link to lmao-
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alidravana · 3 months
100 Word Drabble
Decided to try @deadbranch's 100 word drabble for today, and apologies, cause of course the angst came out...
The ground trembled, causing Keegan to jerk upright to find himself in bed, the sheets pooled low on his hips, a warm body beside him. “You okay, Keegan?” Logan murmured, a hand reaching back in a half-hearted, yet still sleep-filled attempt to comfort his partner.     “Yeah, sorry,” Keegan mumbled, laying back down in the bed as he tried to banish the memories from his mind; of cities crumbling, the screams, and his own horror of the ground breaking directly under his feet, Ajax grabbing his hand, saving him from falling to his death.   But his heart wouldn’t let him rest.  
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shinzoo69 · 4 months
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matznothere · 4 months
valentines doc for my bf you guys think he’ll like it 😓❓
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coldasscheeks · 9 months
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the-deer-temple · 3 months
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Silly sketch
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sillyz-art · 6 months
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ruh roh!! it looks like one of the Walker brothers has fallen head over heels for the Russ guy!! Guys...... I am so bad at art right now.... :((( I'm sorry </3
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timhex · 1 year
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tokillamockingbird427 · 3 months
Hangover type au where the Ghosts for some reason have a very wild day they don't quite remember and then have to deal with the consequences later.
Keegan "Oh god... what did we do yesterday..?" Merrick "We got really drunk is what we did." Keegan "I know that- *sees him* OH FUCK- I mean, uh, hi Merrick!" Merrick "What? Something wrong with my face?" Keegan "Uh, uhm, no. Nothing wrong with your face. Specifically. But uhm. Maybe uh... look down..?" Merrick "...Why the fuck is Riley tattooed on my chest." Keegan "I mean... It looks quality, so uh... not the worst tat..?"
Hesh "Guys! Guys! Guys I can't find Logan!" Kick "Hey, calm down man, he's a big boy." Hesh "Oh god, I'm gonna throw up. I can't find him. We got up to so much stupid shit yesterday! What if something happened to him?!" Keegan "Hesh... have you maybe taken a second... to look up?" Hesh *stops, looks up* "... How the FUCK is he up there?!" Logan, sighing "This ceiling fan is installed very well."
Hesh "We can't even drive. I can't find my car keys. Logan was on the ceiling fan for fucks sake, who knows where we put them!" Neptune "Hm. Well given I can see them all on the front passenger seat, I'd say we did the responsible thing of making sure we couldn't drive last night." Hesh "... The registration's in there too. We can't even call a locksmith to get them out." Keegan "Get me a wire hanger and I can jimmy us in." *they all slowly turn to look at him* Keegan "What? It's not the most criminal thing I'm capable of doing and you all know it."
Keegan "Hey, Logan, uh. I didn't wanna ask this in front of everyone, but for some reason, I woke up and I had Elias's ring on..? I know he left them with you, so I figured I should give this back." Logan "Thank you. But Keegan... have you thought about why you might have been wearing it?" Keegan, with dawning horror "What do you know?" Logan "...I wasn't shirtless when I woke up." Keegan "No." Logan "It was a commemorative T shirt." Keegan "No." Logan "I will say, it looked like you were a good kisser. I don't remember it, but I looked like I enjoyed it." Keegan "Hesh is gonna skin me. And then Elias is going to beat me once I'm dead." Logan "To be fair I think dad would be laughing his ass off right about now."
Hesh "Hey, who's that guy driving towards us?" They all pause and stare Merrick "Is that..?" Keegan, immediately tossing Logan over his shoulder "FUCKING SCATTER DIPSHITS, THE ONLY THING HE'D LIKE TO HIT IS US! NOT THE BRAKES!" Hesh "IS THAT RORKE?!" Neptune "How'd he find us?!" Logan "I might remember sending him a heated text inviting him to try and fight us again! With our location." All of them, scolding "LOGAN!" Logan "What!? We got so close the last time!"
Hesh "Hey Logan, do you know anyone named Diego?" Logan "...I might... Why do you ask?" Hesh "Well, there's a blimp that says "Logan; I miss you, leave that stupid punk bitch, I'm hotter and richer." and it's signed "Diego Almagro 2." which is... A weirdly familiar name." Logan "Oh god no." Hesh "Who's this "Punk bitch" though? Do I know them?" Logan "Uh, well. You see- POCKET SAND!" Hesh "FUCK MY EYES! LOGAN WHAT THE HELL?!"
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hutaosss · 8 months
maaaaaaybe a hot take??? but i've been thinking about logan walker and my interpretation of him vs the fanon and i kinda wanna make a post describing my headcanon of him because (here's the take) i Hate how infantalized he is in so many (walruss) fics. like yeah, there's an age gap but you won't portray that by writing him with the obliviousness and mental maturity of an 18 year old. the man is 26 years of age. make him rude. make him Weird!!!!!!! i don't see him as a super serious person but while he's the youngest, he's an adult.
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