#keegan x logan
yooo-lets-go · 6 months
I beg of you, I need more of your COD Ghosts content!! I love your art so much. (And I’d love to see your take on what you think Logan looks like)
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Keegan did, in fact, fuck his brother 😔
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milomossy · 3 months
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Apr 2023
Military man yaoy
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vithoma · 6 months
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Cod ghosts stuff
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the-deer-temple · 3 months
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them 💔
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coldasscheeks · 9 months
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kurt-dontcry · 26 days
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Mini Comic about the Ghosts! I love them a lot they need more attention and love!
(I‘m not a 100% sure about their designs I might change them in future art works)
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artdrawsok · 1 year
Hear me out-
Keegan tearing the world apart (not literally) to find Logan.
This man would immediately be out there tracking down the location of where Logan was. Hell, I'd imagine he'd do this by himself the majority of the time.
The Ghosts would try to get to him as quick as they could, but Keegan would just leave destruction and an aura of death in his way. Going from place to place, getting closer and closer to where Logan was being held.
The idea of this rumour of a vengeful, destructive spirit goes around both military factions. Nobody knew who or what it was but, the stories people heard were enough to leave you sleeping with one eye open. This however, was no undead being. It was a man trying to get his partner back in his arms once again.
At one point all of the heads of the federation were found dead, along with Rorke. The main building they operated under was burned down to the ground. All that was left is ash and rubble.
Him finally finding Logan, and he just about loses it with the state he finds his partner in. Underweight, half-awake, delirious and in desperate need of medical attention.
But, he finally has Logan in his arms and he wasn't going to let anybody take him away for a long time. Let's just say, the hospital had him wait outside the operating room as a compromise, after he refused to leave the building.
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matznothere · 4 months
valentines doc for my bf you guys think he’ll like it 😓❓
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fixfoxnox · 1 year
Regarding the ask game, most COD Ghosts fanfics are Keegan x Logan and I know you ship them too based on the hint in camboy au, I’m interested what your reasons are lol
I adore Keegan and Logan together and I can absolutely explain why I ship them. (Just a quick note I've only played through Ghosts once so forgive me if I get some info wrong)
Most of the reason that I ship them comes from two specific missions: Federation Day and Into the Deep
These two missions both feature Logan and Keegan working as a team with primarily just the two of them the entire time. I think an important thing to note is that Logan was my favorite character after playing through the game, so a lot of my focus while playing was on him and his story/character.
One of my favorite things about the dynamic between Keegan and Logan, specifically during Federation day, is how impressed Keegan is with Logan. As their going through the mission he's complimenting him and just seems incredibly impressed with him throughout the game. But prior to that mission which is, I believe, the first time they work together just the two of them, their dynamic is also one that I like.
Keegan and Merrick both really seemed to doubt the Walker boys prior to seeing them in action. The lines they drop are very much like "try to keep up 🙄" type of dynamics. So for Keegan to go from that so being genuinely impressed with Logan during Federation day already made me love their dynamic.
Then you get to Into the Deep which is another mission that is primarily just the two of them. I think this mission is the one that really solidified them as a ship for me because of the way that they work together. They just work together so smoothly after having not known each other like only a week prior.
Not only that but this mission featured a lot of danger for the two so I felt like you really got to see some care that Keegan had for Logan come out at different points.
I think that because they seemed to get paired off together so much in the game, it kinda impacted how I saw them. And when I play the silent protagonists, a lot of my opinions on their character comes from how other characters interact with them. That being said, I got very like stars in his eyes energy that Logan would have toward Keegan. During Federation Day, I was like "we're trying to impress Keegan aren't we?" Sjdjdjjdjd
I think another part of the reason why I love this ship is because I like the dynamic sjjdhdjd. Like Keegan who is a bit older than Logan and worked with his dad for years before ever meeting him. So there's almost a bit of a taboo there, but at the same time Keegan is young enough that it isn't a weird age gap/predatory thing (esp. Cause he didn't meet Logan till Logan was well into being an adult)
Combine that with like overprotective father/brother combo of Elias and Hesh who know that Logan can take care of himself but also can and will threaten Keegan for looking at their sweet son/little brother makes me laugh.
Like my dynamic for the Walker family is Logan who is murdery/very much not innocent vs Hesh and Elias who know this but also treat him like he's the sweetest little guy in the universe. So adding Keegan to that dynamic where is would probably be like:
"You're corrupting Logan!!! Pervert!!!"
Keegan, who not even an hour ago was dragged into a side room so that Logan could suck the life out of him and demand to be bent over a table: 🧍‍♂️
Idk man I just think they're neat ajdjdjhd
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shoukiko · 6 months
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I drew Keegan and Logan on magma with my besties, they are so cutie patooties Thank you @clemlemon for the reaction in the corner
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bonus, a very poorly drawn Ghost <3
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rkefiko · 1 year
Silly things
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yooo-lets-go · 4 months
Happy Valentine’s Day ♥️
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To everybody except Hesh, I guess
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milomossy · 3 months
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Dec 2023
Save him
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the-deer-temple · 3 months
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Silly sketch
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ltsaint020735 · 2 months
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hutaosss · 9 months
keegan x logan smut fic <3
hey!!!!! new to tumblr posting (a lurker...) but i wanted to try smth new and try to post my fics here / general fandom stuff — by that i mean cod.
but yeah. the fic's a smut. trans logan. loooots of sexual tension, emotional build-up. i love them. logan's a tease. keegan is no different.
writing them was sm fun i need to do more:3 hope u guys enjoy !!
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