#twst ortho shroud
hanafubukki · 3 months
Malleus Draconia versus Ortho Shroud
It seems some people are surprised at Malleus’ actions? That he destroyed the robot dogs and almost destroyed Ortho.
But I would like to point out that Malleus has always been like this; very protective of his loved ones.
For example: In Lilia’s PE vignette, he nearly took Rook’s head off because he thought Rook was trying to hurt Lilia.
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Then we come to book 7, chapter 7 update.
Yes, he destroyed the dogs and almost Ortho but remember Malleus is protective of his loved ones.
Malleus OBed because he wants his loved ones happy and Ortho is a threat to that, so of course he’s going to destroy any threats to them and Ortho basically labeled himself as such.
Now I want to bring up a point that I don’t see many talk about?
Malleus understood Ortho’s explanation about how Ortho woke up and how he was able to penetrate the barrier.
Ortho described himself as immortal basically because he can transfer his data to any body, which Malleus understood as transferring vessels.
This is when Malleus finally took the steps to destroy Ortho. Not because he wanted to kill him, but because he knew that Ortho would still live and transfer himself to another body.
Did Ortho feel fear? Yes because Orth doesn’t like lightning and that’s one of Malleus’ powers but think about it.
Feeling fear is an emotion no one wants to repeat. Malleus acknowledged that Ortho might be feeling fear
With Malleus knowing that Ortho can feel such things, Malleus told Ortho he would end him swiftly because in a way that is an act of kindess isn’t it? To end it quickly rather than prolonging the fear.
But at the same time he knows that Ortho will live and remember this emotion, and that’s what Malleus wants, so Ortho would be too scared to try again.
Malleus is protective of his loved ones and he always has been.
While his actions might seem as if he’s out of control, he isn’t. He understood in his own way what Ortho explained to him before making his move.
He didn’t attack because he’s raging but made a more calculative move on his end to stop Ortho, one that he would make repeatedly if need be, since he knows that Ortho can transfer bodies.
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prince-kallisto · 3 months
Welcome to Playful Land, where family fun and interactivity go beyond anything you've seen at those *other* amusement parks! With cutting-edge animatronic entertainers that will knock your kids' socks off, as well as customized pizza catering, no party is complete without Ortho Shroud and the gang!
Playful Land part 2??? (*゚▽゚*) Perhaps in a “Playful Land IF,” Fellow actually succeeds keeping all the original Playful Land cast into puppets, so the others are on a quest to get them back? 😭🧍
I had a lot of fun trying to figure out the effects for this video (*´∀`*) Especially Ortho’s little chibi thing- I felt a bit inspired by the 8-bit Circus Baby animations and also Helpy’s simplistic movements as well
I feel like a Twisted Wonderland FNAF AU would make a lot of things really different 🤣 like the “sister location” actually being its own separate thing as Playful Land so Fellow can be a part of that axbdjsbejxjw. But I know that would change a huge significant amount of lore, so…to be honest I didn’t give much thought to this AU, I just wanted to make something silly 🤣🤣 I think this was less of an AU and more like just using the audio as a fun reference 🤣
Now hiring: Late night technician. Must enjoy cramped spaces and be comfortable around active machinery. Not responsible for death or dismemberment.
Update: Late night technician hired. Eggs Benedict. Eighteen years old. Exceptionally skilled in animatronic maintenance. Note: After testing with Ortho’s interactive AI audio system, the hire also responds to the name “Idia”
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wolken-himmel · 1 year
In which (Y/n) and Grim visit the Ignihyde dorm to hang out with Idia.
Yet, upon arrival, Idia and his brother seem to have been turned into cats by one of his inventions.
Requested by anon.
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"I can't wait to finally beat Idia at Mee Sports! I've been practicing my tennis technique the entire week. I'll even be able to hold off his freaky smash balls!"
"That's what you've been saying for the last three weeks already," you retorted while walking down the Ignihyde hallways with your cat companion. The excitement he radiated couldn't even be tamed by your teasing grin. Your arms still struggled to balance the popcorn bags and drinks, but you nonetheless flicked his forehead affectionately. "I don't want to be mean, but if you asked Ortho how your chances were, you'd receive a negative number."
A scoff escaping his lips, Grim crossed his short arms and rolled his eyes. "You've never believed in the great Grim, henchhuman. No one ever has." Without much of a warning, he swiped a popcorn bag from your arms and popped it open. As if deaf to your protests, he grabbed a fistful of the delectable snack and threw it down his throat. "It's alright, though!" he said with a full mouth. "Your doubt will only further underline your foolishness when I've proven you wrong."
"Sure," you muttered wistfully. "That's also what you said last week."
His ears were pressed flat against his head, and a large pout snuck its way onto his face. "Oh hush now..." he muttered when the door to the dorm leader's room came into sight.
"Idia? We're here! We also brought some popcorn," you yelled at the top of your lungs. Then, when you received no reply, you banged your foot against the door since your arms were occupied. "Idia? Ortho?" Worry slowly started to bubble up inside of you.
"Huh, he doesn't seem to be in his room."
You pursed your lips. After a concerning while of silence, you once again banged your foot against the door. "That's so strange. Why wouldn't he be in his room outside of class?" you mumbled under your breath and set all your belongings down to the floor. Once your arms were free, you continued to knock against the door. "Something's definitely wrong..."
"What?" Grim asked in confusion when you pressed your ear against the door. "Is it impossible to imagine that he became as outgoing as Cater overnight?"
His remark took you off-guard for a moment, and a look of disbelief flashed across your face. "Are you even listening to yourself, Grim?" Your eyebrows were scrunched together in amusement. Yet, you still couldn't help but worry about the Shroud brothers. A rumbling in the depths of your stomach was telling you that something was terribly amiss. "Idia! Or Ortho? Open the door, please!"
"Shut up, henchhuman. You're hurting my ears." Grim let out a groan, but quickly quieted down in satisfaction when you lowered the volume of your voice. That was when his ears twitched in surprise. A gasp escaping his throat, he turned to you with wide eyes. "Did you hear a meow?"
Just as he had finished speaking, a soft croon came from within the room. You perked up in surprise. "Wait, now that you say it..." Before you could question the sound any further, the door to the dorm leader's room slid open. Your eyes snapped to the door, only to find a small kitten standing in its frame. "Oh, aren't you the most adorable kitten I've ever seen?"
"A robot cat?" Grim asked when you bent down to pick it up.
Its metallic body was cold against your exposed skin, but the croons it produced warmed your heart. Unable to control yourself, you began to scratch the kitten behind its ears. The robot meowed happily. "You're one of Idia's inventions, right? He sure knows how to make adorable robots..." you cooed happily when it began to vibrate.
As harmless as the cat seemed, its vibrations somehow triggered another much less harmless function. The next time it opened its mouth, a fountain of bright, blue fire exited its throat. A scream escaped your lips when you managed to dodge the flames just in time.
"Adorable?!" Grim yelled and tried to extinguish the small flames on the ground. "You better put that thing down right away."
A sigh escaped your lips, but you knew that he was right. "At least my hair didn't get singed..." you muttered under your breath while setting the kitten on the floor.
The little animal chirped happily, and, much to your surprise, leapt into the air. It hovered in front of the door for a moment, as if urging you to follow it. Then, when it was sure that it had your attention, it happily rocketed into the dark room.
Without any second thoughts, you set foot into the dorm leader's pitch-black room. You blindly wandered inside with your arms extended. "Oi, Idia! You in here?" you asked loudly. Your hands roamed the walls in at attempt to find the light-switch. But the switch seemed to evade your grasp.
"That's strange, Ortho isn't here, either," Grim said and walked further into the room. With his feline vision, you thought he would be able to navigate the room better than you. But you were proven wrong when a loud collision had him cry out in pain. "Ouch! Who put this giant metal thing in the middle of the room?"
Just a few moments later, you had found the light switch with the help of the robot kitten illuminating the room with its flame-thrower. You winced in pain when the harsh neon lights flooded your vision. The stinging sensation became a secondary worry, however, when you laid eyes on your cat friend. "Grim, are you alright?" you asked and rushed to his side.
"I bumped into something tall..." He grumbled under his breath and let himself be pulled to his feet again. After you had made sure he wasn't seriously injured, the two of you turned to the object that he had bumped into. "What's this thing? And who put it here?"
"A... machine? The 'Felinator 6.0', the label says..." you read out loud. "What does it do?"
A triumphant gasp escaped the grey cat's lips. "I've found the manual!" he exclaimed and held a thick leaflet into the air. Then, he studied the content much closer and eventually stumbled upon a strange series of pictures. "Huh, so a human goes into the machine... and then a cat comes out? So the machine serves to turn people into cats? Why does something like this exist?"
A soft meow from beneath you caught your attention. The robot kitten from earlier had wrapped itself around your legs affectionately. You bent down and cautiously stroked its metal chassis. "Hmm... does this mean you're Ortho?" you asked slowly. Surprise etched itself onto your face when the kitten nodded. "Then... does this mean that Idia has also been turned into a cat?"
Grim was just as surprised as you. "What a strange predicament..."
"Idia?" you called out and rose to your feet again. "Are you here?" When you received no reply, an idea came to you. A grin on your lips, you grabbed an unopened popcorn bag and shook it up and down. The loud sound it produced somehow caused a blue shadow to bolt out of its hiding place.
Within a matter of seconds, another cat stood by your legs and pawed at them. Its golden eyes were purely focused on the popcorn bag in your hands.
"That's Idia?! He must be a shy cat," Grim mumbled to himself.
"Huh, I didn't think that would work." Much to the newcomer cat's dismay, you immediately discarded the bag of popcorn and instead picked up the cat itself. Although it hissed and thrashed around at first, it eventually eased into your embrace. Your head-scratches were just too convincing. "Aw, aren't you the sweetest cat ever? Such pretty golden eyes! And your fur is such a beautiful blue shade, just like your regular hair."
"Shouldn't we turn them back, henchhuman?"
You exhaled in dismay. "Yeah, just a few moments more. They're just so cute... And besides, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity!"
"Hey, you don't need more cats in your life!" Grim mumbled impatiently and tried to pry the blue cat out of your arms. "You already got me."
Laughter escaped your lips when the cat let out the most frightening hiss you had ever heard. On cue, Grim let out a scared shriek and fled onto the nearest shelf. As soon as he was gone, the cat in your arms began purring again.
"Idia begs to differ," you cooed and peppered the cat's face with kisses.
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crow-stars · 5 months
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❦summary; ice skating can be such a fun time, though that may depend on whether you're new to the rink or have a bit of experience under your belt. ♪the characters in this story; ignihyde, idia shroud, ortho shroud, gn!reader ✎word count; ~494 words ❀what do the ghosts say?; ambiguous idia, school trip to an ice skating rink, falling chatacters, first times on ice, mentions of climates in respective twst characters homeland, fun times ☛the author's notes; continuing my failboy loser idia agenda. also not me totally forgetting about ortho's athletic gear until i was half done ☪look at the catalogue?
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❀ Fail boy loser
❀ Look at him getting sunlight as he falls on his ass 
❀ I will never not make fun of him
❀ We all know that Idia definitely didn’t want to be out in the cold, no less an ice rink
❀ He’s going to be complaining the whole time and refusing to get onto the ice because he knows he’s going to fall
❀ And he does
❀ Oh does Idia fall 
❀ And it isn’t a swift death for him, oh no
❀ When Idia gets onto the ice (through Ortho’s urging), his legs are shaking and he’s desperately clinging onto the sides of the rink and whoever allows him to
❀ Well would you look at that!
❀ Idia got onto the ice!
❀ Maybe there’s hope for Idia to actually be able to ice skate—
❀ He slipped and fell on his back
❀ Oh dear.
❀ Okay, so Idia tried to get momentum and he fell and now he is refusing to get back onto the ice
❀ This boy has no balance, he is a shrimp. And now that he’s fallen and embarrassed himself, Idia is going to retreat back to the safety of his room
❀ Please comfort him or he’ll never leave his room again
❀ Idia will be rambling and raving about how otakus like him aren’t meant to be outside
❀ He’s going to probably sitting inside for the rest of the holiday season
❀ You should probably bring Idia some hot chocolate, that might make him feel better :)
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❀ Don’t let him on the ice
❀ He’s a safety hazard
❀ Also I’m pretty sure that you just shouldn’t let him out into the snow 
❀ And Ortho’s not happy about that. Until he remembers that he has his athletic gear
❀ And when he remembers, ohohoho
❀ Ortho is absolutely excited. And, even though he doesn’t want to go out, Idia is definitely making Ortho a custom pair of skating (because in no way is Ortho getting borrowed ice skates that don’t fit the rest of the aesthetic)
❀ When the day comes, Ortho is practically as excited as a golden retriever puppy, talking about how he was excited to go ice skating
❀ I’d like to think that Ortho tried refraining from scanning any material related to ice skating so that he could get the full experience of being on ice for the first time
❀ And when Ortho gets on the ice, he stumbles a bit, but pleasantly surprised as well. 
❀ He’ll definitely have to cling onto someone for a bit (not Idia), mostly like you until Ortho can really get a hold of it
❀ Ortho looks like a gleeful child, if the bright flickering flames of his mouthpiece say anything
❀ Honestly, the whole time, Ortho is just a little bundle of joy 
❀ Like, he’s doing that little thing where Ortho is like “look at me!” and then he does a small little thing 
❀ I just wanna think that this is the time where Ortho gets to act like a genuine kid
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dunnowhattodoinlife · 6 months
Shit, Might Be Too Late But Fuck It!
Happy Birthday Idia!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎂
Good Luck For Everyone That's Pulling For Him!!!
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sugarywishes · 8 months
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Ortho Shroud will really be having one of the most insane, horrifying backstory in TWST lore and like, he is literally a silly autistic robot guy lmao
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This is another piece for the October art I'll be doing!! (Just like on Instagram yk) this is probably gonna be my only twst Halloween art however, depending on how well it does
Also MMM I AM SO PROUD OF MYSELF FOR MAKING THE LINEART (and coloring him in) IN UNDER 1 DAY !! like okay the last time I drew him (in his easiest robot form no less) it took me almost a week or more to finish it, so this is an insanely great accomplishment for me
(And yes I know I forgot his holograph hoop thingy I'M SORRY I FORGOT IT EXISTED 💔💔 also I probably made some aspects of his design inaccurate, he is very difficult to draw after all)
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thecoolsquirrel · 1 year
Chapter 7 doodles
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I found it cute how excited Ortho seemed when Lilia agreed to play with Idia 🥺🥺
this ~Didnt save~ but thank God my recording was on so I have a low quality version but any Ortho is high quality Ortho //looks over at chapter 6
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apompkwrites · 10 months
happy production day || ortho shroud
masterlist characters: ortho & idia (platonic) genre: angst contains: ortho birthday !!!!, pov switches again, ending might be confusing with how I formatted it but please ask if you have questions !! summary: two birthday parties fit for a shroud. notes: hihi :] I promise I love the shrouds. btw not a part of the canon black sheep series!! or, at least, not in timeline yet :)
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"a little to the left," idia called to you, waving his hand. "no, back over."
"right here?" you chirped, tilting your head slightly to look at your older brother.
"yep! perfect," idia gave you a toothy grin before walking over, holding up his arms to help you down from the ladder. you took a single step down before idia's hands landed at your sides, picking you up to place you on the floor.
"what next? what next?" you beamed, practically bouncing in place. idia laughed at your excitement, reaching down to ruffling your hair. the blue fire flared under his touch, a trait you had noticed in all of your family members.
"we're gonna set up a game," idia revealed, him sharp teeth poking out from his lips as he grinned. with just that one sentence alone, your eyes glimmered with curiosity.
"what kind of game?"
"a scavenger hunt," idia explained. and before you knew it, you were rushing around your house, planting little puzzles and clues for your brother to find. it took you a few hours, but that time was cut down since idia was the one to actually make the puzzles
so, when the time came for your little brother's birthday, you woke him up by shaking him, excitedly pulling him out of bed to begin the hunt.
little did you know, that was the last birthday you'd throw for your little brother.
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"a little to the right," you directed, watching as one of the ignihyde member's drones flew through the air. "too far... there we go!"
one of the dorm members let out a soft sigh of relief, waving for his drone to return to him. he walked off, presumably to gather with some of his other friends. but you had no time to dwell on that.
you walked over to where the tables were set up, inspecting each one carefully. you hummed in satisfaction, moving on to set up the plates in a pile beside the silverware.
once you finished setting up the plates, you wandered the venue. it was nice, all decorated with blue. streamers, banners, screens, everything that screamed a celebration could be found in the dorm's main hall. the perpetual flames that flickered on the porcelain pedestals only added to the atmosphere.
maybe you could light the birthday candles using those flames. what a funny thought.
with nothing else to do but wait, you found yourself floating down the hall towards the dorm rooms. and you reached that oh so familiar room that you spent most of your days in.
your metal knuckles tapped against the door. it immediately opened, revealing your two brothers inside.
"(name)!" ortho cheered upon seeing you. he stood up from where he sat on the floor, immediately grabbing your hand to pull you into the room. idia greeted you with a small grin, his eyes staying glued to his phone as he tapped furiously at his screen.
ortho sat you down beside him and immediately handed you a controller. when you looked to the tv screen, you noticed it was an open world RPG, one fitted with multiplayer. it was ortho's favorite to play in your downtime while idea busied himself with his dailies on his mobile games.
you logged into your account and let yourself become consumed by the game. and ortho did the same, idia's room now filled with sounds of the main characters yelling and enemies dying.
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hours passed since you started playing. idia had finished his dailies long ago and had taken to just watching you and ortho play. that was until he reached over your shoulder to grab your controller and pause the game. with that single look, you knew it was time.
you helped ortho up from the ground and held his hand. idia smiled softly at the sight of you two and (begrudgingly as always) left his room.
"oh, are the decorations ready?" ortho beamed, his voice peaking slightly as he spoke.
"mhm! i spent all morning getting the others to help!" you explained, floating behind idea towards the venue. "the rest of the afternoon let the dorm members prepare their gifts!"
"gifts? they didn't have to!" ortho gasped, which drew out a wheeze-like laugh from idia.
"trust me, they did," he remarked, earning a deadpan stare from both you and ortho.
"big brother... what did you do?" ortho asked. idia paused for a moment before shrugging. and you didn't get anything else out of him, no matter how much you two pried.
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"happy birthday ortho," a handful of dorm members cheered.
"key phrase detected. now playing special voice message: "i thank you for celebrating my production date," ortho read off from a script. it earned a few laughs from the other dorm members.
meanwhile, idia stood off to the side, idly watching as his two younger siblings conversed. you were adjusting the sash that sat around ortho's torso, brushing off some of the streamers that fired from the confetti cannons.
it was a strange day. it always was. idia never liked celebrating them. it was cruel. two cruel days out of the year that always reminded him of how much of a failure he was for his siblings.
i should of been there, he would think. if I was, they would still be here.
we could celebrate their birthdays for real. i could give (name) and ortho the birthday treasure hunts they deserved.
but, he couldn't spend long wallowing in his thoughts. not when you and ortho looked up at him with those sparkly, glassy eyes, illuminating with everything except that pure childlike wonder he had grown up seeing before that day.
but, for now, if he thought long and hard, used his imagination to escape...
he could see them.
"big brother! look at the gifts i got!" ortho cheered, holding up a box with a figurine of his favorite video game hero. you stood beside him, smiling brightly as ortho showed the figurine off.
yeah... he could see them.
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taglist: @brokenncrown @help-meplz @destinationdesignation @rainys-personal-garden @kalims @sxftiebee @luxaryllis @auld-a @the-dumber-scaramouche @ayra2452008 @tinywho-man @spadecentral @justeclem44 @bajifairyy @mulandi @sadimon @stormyovent0aster @sn00zl4x @f1fty-f1fty @bloomed-night-flower @madusas-girlfriend @b0nkers-papaya @arandomeroacher @randonamedcl @potabletable @meerpea @luvcalico @chlousp @prettyinblack231 @dindarasuum @elizaboba @ravenlking @reveristmain @lasignoramybeloved @poto-de-michi @sherryuki-callmeyuki @cadit-in-aestus-sidereum @valeriele3 @munchkinkazooie @venusdandy
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polart-lol · 4 months
This sound was trending on Tiktok back in August when I made this video, and I felt like it matched the Shroud brothers really well!! They're just so precious and they make me so happy🩷😭
Also, I took a twst characters kin quiz like a year ago, and no matter how many times I got Idia💀 I don't know how to feel abt that😪
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v-anrouge · 11 months
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hanafubukki · 10 months
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(Ahhhh I wish silver had a groovy 😭😭😭)
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sugartealeafs · 8 months
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every day i stray further from eng twst and im blaming it on him
anyway yes im still thinking about playful land what about it?
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tezret · 2 years
But don’t let Ortho distract you from the fact that bungee gum possesses the properties of both rubber and gum
You, trying to talk to Idia: so uh, Idia, what do you like to do?
Ortho, here for Idia: He likes video games.
You, nodding: So Idia, what else do you like other than video games?
Ortho: He engineers and experiments with robotic vessels
You: Ortho I love you, but you need to SHHHHHH!
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prince-kallisto · 8 months
Dang my phone is about to Overblot from making a 6 minute video haha, but I haven’t seen a compilation of all the Overblots with their magestones, so I had to make one myself \(//∇//)\ I mostly made it for me to reference these scenes with more ease, but to my fellow theorists, I hope this helps 💞🐦‍⬛
If anyone has a request for a video compilation regarding TWST, please let me know! I’d be happy to help ^_^
@rayroseu Our convo yesterday about the red tint in the magestones was a big motivator for me to make this haha. I can’t believe I didn’t notice it in Vil and Malleus before…but as far as I can tell, I think the red tint has only been in Vil and Malleus? But I think it’s still very important 👀
I lowkey feel validated with my Meleanor-in-the-mirror theories because Vil and Malleus resemble her in personality and appearance the most…so perhaps if the Magic Mirror gemstones are involved, the third one is for Grim, Crowley, or the Dark Mirror/Meleanor???? 👀👀👀
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axica-cattleya · 1 year
Ortho (spoilers)
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:(((( book 6 is so sad
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sugarywishes · 4 months
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Hiii TWST Tumblr 👉👈 anyways SORRY FOR BEING GONE FOR AGEESSS my posts on here have been totally dying so I took a bit of a break to refresh myself, and boy oh boy during late January I got inspired so much that I made this...and I only just now finished it by today.
(Yes I know this seems suspicious but I swear me making fanart of two characters that are roughly the same age, similar backstory, and the art being released near valentine's day, is a GENUINE COINCIDENCE 😭😭) (but yk I guess if people can become the CEOs of other ships, I'll become the sole CEO of Gidel/Ortho) (/J /J)
Anyways, I SWEAR IF ONE OF YALL TRIES TO REPOST THIS PARTICULAR PIECE ANYWHERE !! I worked ridiculously hard on both Ortho's and Gidel's outfits and ain't no way some dork is about to steal it ! In fact it's the reason why this took so long to finish lmao (Seriously though Miss Yana Toboso I've got some beef with you for making their outfits insanely complex, WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO MEEE 💔💔💔)
Anyways I'll make some real valentine's day art soon!!
(Get it? I made it pink cause of valentine's day lol)
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