19daysmanhua · 1 day
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Chapter 443: Haircut Translator: https://twitter.com/maomaozaii Editor: https://twitter.com/Lum_Cheng
Please credit maomaozaii on twitter as the translator if you upload it to instagram etc. Join our discord if you want to chat with like-minded people and be the first to see new updates~
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dunmeshistash · 1 day
I was reading - or rather watching - the book dedicated to Daydream Hour released this year, and I came across some pages dedicated to the various characters who give each other Christmas presents. I found it very funny from what little I understood with Google Lens, and was wondering if there was an unofficial English translation. Thanks in advance if you can find it. P.S Pages from 130 to 135 in case you don't understand which ones I mean.
Oh boy, I do have a translation but I think this version is so confusing, it's from when it was in ryoko kui's blog i think
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Too much information for me LOL
Here's the untranslated daydream hour version
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Yes that's where the Floke family christmas pic comes from.
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jewelleria · 18 hours
“goy” is not a slur.
goy is the hebrew word for “nation.” it’s a neutral term that can have both positive and negative connotations. it simply means non-jewish; as in all the other nations (goyim) that are not the jews. (in general, non-jews who are offended by being called a goy are usually also offended by jews who, for lack of a better word, live jewishly.)
yes, there are some ultra-religious jewish communities who feel negatively about “non-jewish ways of thinking”—and that mentality is the real issue, not the word. the word is in no way a slur, as it doesn’t meet the technical requirements for it. the venn diagram of people who are offended by goy and those who think “jew” (as opposed to “jewish person”) is a negative term is basically a circle.
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realtsceline · 2 days
18+ and only who can afford pay for meetup schedule DM if you can afford her💫 or you want her premium snaps video, pictures or even have FaceTime video call sex💫🥰😘
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Die's Food Diary in Europe (March 2024 tour)
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For the magazine Weekly Shinchou April 25th 2024 issue, Die wrote a blog of what he ate on Dir en grey's trip to Europe. Their flight lasted 14 hours.
March 18th – After landing in Warsaw, he went to a seafood restaurant but seeing as he doesn't like seafood or raw food, he ordered a beef steak, which he was satisfied with.
March 19th – Die ate breakfast at the hotel. The buffet typically contains ham, scrambled eggs, salad, bread and coffee. There were sausages and bacon, but they seemed oily/greasy and he was concerned about how much fat they contained. By the third day there though, he started getting bored with that menu.
The lunch is catered by the venue for the concert. It had ham, cheese, bread and minestrone. Because it was the first day and that preparations were hectic, he actually went on stage for that first show without eating dinner. After the show ended, he enjoyed a traditional Italian risotto with mushrooms.
March 20th – Before the second show, he ate pierogi for dinner. He commented that it looks like gyoza but that the taste is "modest"? He also highlighted how it was difficult to get used to the time of day because of how late the shows start in Europe.
March 21st – The band and the staff left on a double-decker bus toward Paris. Die bumped his head on the ceiling of the second floor because it's really low. The bunk beds are narrow for his height but they're decent once he got used to them. They all ate from a service area/stop along the way but Die, not wanting to succumb to the temptation of eating fast food, ate leftovers of a burrito prepared the previous night... which he then realizes can count as fast food too hah.
March 22nd – He ate from traditional French home-style meals that appeared to have been cooked in-house at the venue. Die was excited to try the food out but all the names were in French... The only meal that he could recognize visually was a quiche. I think he ended up trying a few regardless of not knowing what he was eating and he was satisfied.
Die was a bit nervous before going on stage because of the Bataclan's tragic event in 2015 (terrorist shooting). After the show, he had take-out bolognese pasta with thick noodles.
March 23rd – Apparently a fan from Japan gave them takoyaki, which was however heavier than pure takoyaki. He found the taste powdery. All the band members stuffed their faces with takoyaki. The band always receives a bunch of instant food from Japanese fans when they tour overseas, it seems. If someone on the bus starts eating something like ramen, the others are lured in by the smell and they will likely indulge as well. He doesn't usually take (instant?) ramen in Japan, but he finds it tasty on tour overseas.
For dinner, he had kebabs before the show, and pizza afterward. In the end, he did succumb to junk food.
March 24th – Breakfast was served on the ferry boat's restaurant. He took fried eggs, mushrooms, tomatoes and bread while looking out at the sea. At night, he went to a local yakiniku-style restaurant with his American friends. While the atmosphere was similar to a Japanese yakiniku, he felt sorry for his friends about the taste of the food.
......... A menu critic highlighted at the end of the diary that Die had not eaten any fruit or vegetables hahah.
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wandeewittaya · 24 hours
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Do you like deep throating girl cock🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🥰
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peintre-stephane · 1 day
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"a table "
translated from a @jasmine7031 photo
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meikuree · 2 days
stuff li aixue says
this is a quick compilation and translation of mandarin chinese segments in exordia, for reference purposes or just the discerning curious reader out there. quotes aren't limited to aixue, of course, but I wanted a catchy title.
I do have the memory of a single-celled organism and am not really skilled at combing through chapters for that one quote, so if I've missed something you're welcome to send it to me to be added.
spoilers ahead.
note: all mandarin chinese bits in Exordia are rendered solely in Hanyu Pinyin and not Hanzi, so I've done some guesswork for hanzi (in places where they're not immediately obvious) based on context.
Chaya's Protocol:
A woman in a red T-shirt trots right past her, headed toward the angel. She’s shooting video on her phone, chattering excitedly: “Jiào tā mén xiān yòng huā cài cauliflower hé xī lán huā tǒng pì yǎn bā, zhè cái suàn shì universality of fractal behavior de lì zǐ!”
=> 叫他们先用花菜 cauliflower 和西兰花捅屁眼吧, 这才算是 universality of fractal behavior 的例子!
ENG: right, tell them to use buttholes from cauliflower and broccoli then, that's a real example of the universality of fractal behavior!
note: ah, Aixue's memorable entrance. I'll admit I'm lost on 捅屁眼 and don't know what else it could mean aside from the literal translation of 'asshole'/'butthole'; attempts to check whether it's a mainland chinese slang phrase didn't tell me much, so if you know something please feel free to message.
chapter 33:
Master Sergeant Zhang: Máo gān, zhè shì máo jiān. Wǒ mén xū yào jǐn jí kōng zhōng zhī yuán!
=> 矛杆、这是矛剑。我们需要紧急空中支援!
ENG: High Spear, this is Sharp Sword. We need urgent air support!
chapter 39:
Aixue: Wǒmen bìxū yào Pò fǔ chén zhōu… / Bù xíng! Wǒmen bìxū yào pò fǔ chén zhōu!
=> 我们必须要破釜沉舟... / 不行!我们必须要破釜沉舟
ENG: we need to fight to the very end... / no! we need to fight to the very end!
note: Aixue says 破釜沉舟, which is a four-word chengyu (idiom) that roughly means 'to pursue your last resort'; it literally means to sink one's entire fleet in an offensive, and figuratively refers to cutting off your own means of retreat i.e., to fight to the very death and leave yourself no choice.
and some trivia on other Chinese phrases:
lala (拉拉): Chinese slang for 'lesbian'. comes from lazi (拉子), from the novel Notes of a Crocodile by famous Taiwanese lesbian author Qiu Miaojin.
T / P: the Chinese counterpart to the butch/femme spectrum. T = tomboy, P = po ('wife') or also pretty girl, apparently.
tongzhi (同志): Huang Lim says this to Chaya. this is slang for homosexual in Chinese, but also means comrade (with historical communist associations), hence Huang Lim phrasing it as comrade first.
Li Aixue: aixue's name itself makes sense once you learn about her whole shtick with prajna, a fact that impresses me because Seth had already set her name into stone as early as the precursor short story for Exordia. just things that make you wonder if they'd planned everything out from the very beginning. anyway, Aixue sounds like 爱学, i.e., 'love for learning'. get it? there are many possible surnames with the hanyu pinyin Li, but my pet theory is that Li = 厉 (lit. 'powerful'), so that putting it all together into 厉爱学 means Aixue is an ultra nerd.
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official-wonho · 2 days
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[240531] Wonho's Story Board 구름사이로 빛이 너무너무 예쁘다 위니들 좋은 하루 보내!! 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙
The light coming in between the clouds is so beautiful Wenees, have a great day!! 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙
Translation: official-wonho. Please take out with full credit.
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jjellysoo · 13 hours
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Happy Pride Month, to celebrate I bring you Squalo’s relationship info page, to prove that he is the sin of pride and perhaps also the sin of homosexuality
Header: I don’t care about anything but Xanxus…!!
Subheading: Squalo only respects those equal to or better than him!! The Varia officers are nothing to him!!
About Xanxus: I fell in love with your rage!! (Verb used is ほれる - to fall in love, to be in love, to be smitten with etc…a strictly romantic phrase 💀)
About Mammon: You’re none of my concern!!
About Lussuria: You fucking okama!! (comparable to f*ggot)
About Belphegor: You have a split personality!! (Squalo is put off by Bel’s reaction to his blood being spilled in the Storm battle)
About Gola Mosca: Can’t you be more useful? You’re fucking huge!!
About Yamamoto: Your swordsmanship isn’t that bad!!
About Tsuna: Don’t try to stop Xanxus!!
About Levi: The fuck are you looking at?
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fine-art-stephane · 10 hours
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We are two amateur artistes, we decided to paint or draw from the same photo, and to publish it as a cooperative work . We published a post to get your cooperation in a nude art photo.
from top
the original photo from @elementoftheeye
painting from @fine-art-stephane
drawing from @hiddeneyesworld
Cooperation is open to new artist , modèles, drawers , painters .. , it is a fine way to improve our creativity.
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dunmeshistash · 2 days
How is lycion pronounce
in japanese his name is リシオン Rishion
So I imagine it would be like lee see on? You can put リシオン on google translate and make it say it out loud with the japanese voice if you're curious
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savaralyn2 · 5 months
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Dungeon Meshi - Happy New Year 2024!
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adhd-languages · 9 months
In the Spanish Gravity Falls dub, the “My ex-wife still misses me..but her aim is getting better!”
Is translated as “My ex-esposa todavía me quiere…¡me quiere matar!”
Roughly translating to “My ex-wife still wants me… wants me dead!”
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skyekurisu · 4 months
I Went to a Mixer and a Handsome Girl Showed Up.
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Original by mrmk_z
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