#todoroki shoto imagine
emmyrosee · 10 months
You left him for two minutes. All of two minutes.
On the rare days off that you and Shoto get to spend together, it’s almost always spent curled together on the couch or in the bed, watching him work out for fun before making him cheat on his diet, anything that lets the day drip by slower than any other day of the week.
You left him to pee. That’s it. Placing the bowl of sour candy down, you slip out from his lap, give him a kiss before moving down the hall like any standard, subconscious person would.
Two. Minutes.
“Shoto, what’re you doing?”
“You like the strawberry flavor the best.”
By the time you come out, he’s got a pile of pink candy, separated by the other colors except for purple, which is in its own little pile. “You don’t like the grape flavor.”
You quirk a brow and walk back over to him, watching as he continues to segregate the candies, “baby, I would’ve been more than happy to just pick around them, you didn’t have to do all of this.”
“But you don’t like them,” he repeats, looking up at you with those doe eyes that you love to get lost in. “You look down every time you reach for one. I thought I might help ease the burden slightly.”
Burden. Your first world problem of not liking sour grape skittles should be the farthest thing from a burden to him.
But to shoto, it’s not one, and it’ll never be one; little acts of services like these aren’t new, small details just to make hour by hour tasks and privilegies just that much easier.
It’s something he’s always done. Something he’s always going to do. Because he loves you.
With a smile, you slink back into his lap, your head nuzzling against his stomach while the tv drones on about whatever he put on while you were gone. You kiss the warmth of his tummy to feel the muscles constrict under the affection, and you bury your hand into the bowl of candy right after.
“Don’t be cheeky.”
“Don’t know what you’re talking about,” you hum. A hand rests on your head, thumb gently rubbing over the warmth of your crown as silence fills the room once again.
Popping a skittle into your mouth, your face quickly grimaces, and he hums in acknowledgement.“Eugh,” you grumble, and he looks down at you, silently asking you what happened.
And you want to lie. Truly! It’s better for everyone if you do, just tell him you bit your tongue and let him think nothing more.
But apparently, you don’t.
“Missed a grape one,” you tease.
“Spit it into my hand.”
“Sho, no-“
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tired-teacher-blog · 2 months
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You once begged Shinsou to use his quirk on you during sex, and guide you through something that you were dying to try, but clueless as to how you should.
He flatly refused at first, as the odd request of controlling your actions did not sit right with him, but your continuous and annoying pleas broke his resolve until he finally agreed..
A few hours after, you plopped down on the comfy sofa centering your living room, laptop placed on the coffee table, and your poor boyfriend facepalming in embarrassment as he sat awkwardly by your side, while you carefully analysed the foutage you insisted on recording in order to document the experience.
_ "Aha! I see, so this is how it's supposed to go right? I think I'm confident enough to do it by myself next time."
_ "Please stop talking." and he was dying in shame for agreeing to take part in your brazen plan.
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Shouto has always been greedy to use his quirk on you whenever in bed together.
He takes full advantage of his dual power and sometimes uses both sides of it at the same time.
He carefully warms up the fingers on his left hand to a pleasant temperature, before slowly stretching you out, and effectively increasing your pleasure.
Not only that, but he also uses his right hand in order to spread a delicious coolness on your breasts while taking his time to fondle and tease your nipples.
He is fascinated by the uncontrollable goosebumps spreading throughout your body, and the perk of your teats as they harden under his tremble inducing touch.
It's something that has proven -time and time again- to make you lose control and drive you over the edge in mere minutes.
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Poor Kirishima is always betrayed by his own quirk whenever with you, a sign of excitement that he cannot hide or control.
It's something that you've noticed a while back when you casually placed a hand on his thigh as you sat comfortably to watch a movie one evening.
He flinched in surprise at first, but instantly relaxed afterwards. However, when you decided to run your hand up his leg and dangerously close to his crotch, the whole patch underneath your palm suddenly hardened, leaving you shocked and impressed at the same time.
You knew immediately that it was your effect, and from then onward, decided to take advantage of the discovery to your own enjoyment, brushing your fingers along his chest, or down the protruding pulse of his neck, just to feel that rock hard transformation appear.
Best part of it though, is when it happens while you're touching his cock, because then you'll just sit back with an amused smirk on your face as he hides his blush behind his hands and apologizes repeatedly while striving to control his quirk and have your hands back on him once more.
Dividers by @/saradika
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sixosix · 2 years
can i request a todoroki fic
i keep thinking abt your dorky izuku one and i'm like FUCKKK BROOOO I WISH SIX COULD WRITE ONE ABT TODOROKI no pressure but like pls i'm on my knees begging this is not a want this is a need /lh
blurb you should really keep up to date with all these rumors.
# fem!reader, fluff, mutual pining, 😭😭 dumbasses in love
a/n anything for you earf. 🙏
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there are rumors flying around.
it spreads, headlines screaming todoroki shouto was spotted behind the school with someone else…! no, todoroki shouto was spotted on a date…! no, todoroki shouto has a life outside of school! with a secret lover? a secret girlfriend? 
it’s not that surprising—having rumors about you be the talk of the whole school, you mean, especially if you’re todoroki shouto. son of a hero, top ua student with a pretty face, insanely powerful, insanely smart, charming with his aloofness. really, it’s no surprise his name alone is capable of catching attention enough to alert the mass media.
you’re not todoroki shouto. but you’ve been hanging out around him enough to see face-first just exactly what he deals with every day.
that being said, you have a feeling he’s responsible for the forest fire of a school today.
your classroom is in chaos. you wouldn’t know what’s happening, you quite literally just entered. probably something about the hero class. or maybe all might is substituting someone today. or maybe midoriya got his ass kicked again, or vice versa.
“hey, hey, did you hear?” your seatmate, yokoo, giggles, his light brown hair bouncing. “did you hear about todoroki?”
i knew it. you mentally pump your fists in victory. “what about todoroki-kun?”
“he has a girlfriend!”
you pretend to gasp. romance and pretty boys aren’t new (there was even one about bakugou katsuki LOL). in fact, this might be the fourth rumor about todoroki having some sort of love affair—once, there was a rumor that todoroki is dating all the girls in 1-A.
for shits and giggles, none of the girls denied it. until yaoyorozu with the righteous heart dispelled the rumors herself, embarrassed and holding jirou next to her with flaming cheeks.
“really?” you almost laugh at the mental image of a constipated todoroki shouto facing yet again another gossip. “who?”
yokoo has a funny look on his face. “don’t act dumb, l/n! you tell me!”
you squint. “huh?”
a juicy rumor about todoroki shouto having a secret lover is the shit. and everyone is eating it up. maybe yokoo thinks you already know about it since you’re (kind-of?) friends with todoroki? it’s not the first time.
yokoo finally leaves you alone when the teacher comes walking in, one clap enough to make everyone shut up. yokoo keeps looking at you, though.
once lunch arrives, everyone slowly files out with their respective groups. you yawn, thinking about ways to scare shinsou because his expression is always funny, always the blank face.
but then suddenly girls are squealing and forming a crowd by the door. they’re talking over themselves for you to understand anything coherent, so out of curiosity, you nip on over to the source of girls fainting left and right.
todoroki shouto is standing outside your classroom, mismatched eyes scanning the classroom.
and todoroki shouto lights up at the sight of you as if he was looking for you. er—wait, no. he was definitely looking for you.
“y/n,” he says, striding in until he’s in front of you.
“um—!” you say, panicked. “todoroki-kun?”
todoroki blinks at your frazzled state, and looks around at the audience he just seemed to notice. “oh,” he says. “can we take this somewhere more private?”
whispers increase in volume. everyone’s staring with bated breaths.
you almost snap at them to fuck off and look away ‘cause this isn’t a free shoujo manga recreation. but your glare only makes the squealing get worse.
you know that you and todoroki can be labeled friends at most, but for him to say that in front of your classmates who he knows will talk about this with everyone… is honestly kind of scary. what’s got him in such a rush? did someone get into an accident? suddenly, you’re not sure if you want a confession.
you nod. “okay.”
with that cue, todoroki reaches for your wrist and leads you outside. he seems really determined to talk to you. it’s a little flattering.
is it just you or is his hand really, really warm?
wait, nevermind. that’s his left, dumbass, of course it is.
todoroki spares you a glance. “hm?”
you jump. “oh! nothing! sorry, was talking to myself—um.” with one last look around the empty floor, you turn to him. “what was that about, todoroki-kun?”
todoroki looks at you, finally, and you shiver yet feel warm knowing that he’s giving you his undivided attention. it’s probably his quirk. “are you free saturday?”
“…am i what on saturday?”
“are you free saturday?” todoroki repeats patiently.
your eyes widen in alarm. oh no. oh no. “uhm. perhaps. maybe. why?”
todoroki smiles—a tiny, tiny thing—and your heart skips a beat a few times looking at it. you realize you want to kiss the hell out of this boy, and his lips are only quirked a little bit.
as expected of the number one pretty boy…
“what do you need me on saturday for?” you ask him.
he stares at you. “a date,” says todoroki shouto, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
oh, duh, of course.
he’s asking you out on a date, obviously.
you choke. “wait—”
and then, the rumors start to make sense. yokoo telling you to not act stupid. everyone staring. everyone expecting something to happen with the secret lover.
you were just not informed that you’re the secret lover.
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it’s saturday.
the date is fun. you’re ashamed to say you’re having too much fun because todoroki is the one who asked you out, but judging by the small grin on his face he tries so desperately to hide in his scarf, maybe you’re not the only one.
you let him feed you a gummy bear. it’s colored red. “thank’sh,” you mumble, and he smiles softly.
he also eats one gummy bear. it’s the same color as your eyes.
you’re aware of the eyes on you, despite todoroki’s pathetic attempt of a disguise. he must’ve forgotten that his hair is just as distinct as the scar on his face.
“c’mere,” you tell him, pausing as you turn to face him. he absolutely does not even question it as he leans down for you.
carefully, you tug on the hood of his top and pull it up until it covers his head. again, he does not question it. he has way too much faith in you. it’s extremely flattering.
“people won’t stare as much,” you explain at the confused look on his face.
todoroki hums, thumbing the bag of gummies and feeding you another. “does it make you uncomfortable? that people are staring at you with me.”
you snort, patting his cheek. “no, of course not. i thought it made you uncomfortable.”
he shakes his head. “it doesn’t. they should know who you’re out on a date with.”
oh my. “i didn’t know you were so possessive, todoroki-kun!” you tease, nudging him with an elbow. you’ve been doing that a lot since the day started, and he looks like he’s enjoying it.
he blushes, his entire face almost as red as the left side of his hair. “sorry, did you not—”
you laugh. “i don’t mind. i’m all yours, of course.”
the glint that flashes in his eyes shows that he very much likes that.
you stare at him for a few more moments, before finally turning away to proceed walking. “say, todoroki-kun, i got a question for you.”
“yes?” he holds out another gummy bear. wow, he sure does love spoiling you a lot today. then again, he always seemed to have fun doing it, so you let him.
“why—oh, thank you—why did you ask me out on a date?”
todoroki does that funny face again. “because i like you.” he studies your face through the corner of his eyes, and nearly blanches. “did you not know that?”
you feel as if you’re engulfed in flames. you blame it on your date. “i’m incredibly stupid, you see. i thought you were just—bored, or something!”
todoroki looks a little displeased that you said that. “you mentioned last week that you’re free from schoolwork this saturday, so i took the chance. i didn’t think you weren’t aware of my feelings, because everyone else told me they knew. except you, apparently.”
a garbled whine escapes your throat. todoroki flashes a smile at that, doing the same face he makes when he finds something adorable. “don’t tease me! i didn’t actually know!”
you’ve heard of rumors of todoroki having a crush. of him sending longing glances at a particular someone when given a chance. but you thought that was stupid! because most people in high school would end up crushing on someone! hell, you’re pretty sure everyone has a crush on someone in class 1-A (and god forbid aizawa-sensei), but to think someone from 1-A likes you…
todoroki pokes your possibly warm cheek. “you’re flustered. does that mean you like me back?” he asks out of nowhere.
you were just not informed that you’re todoroki’s crush.
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bewareblaire · 2 years
Addict. Yan Todoroki Shoto x Reader
a/n: if you’ve seen this post before, no you didn’t. (my life’s been a total trainwreck, okay? mental health went down the drain, deleted account, but now i’m back.)
cw: toxic relationships and behaviours, obsessive and possessiveness, clingy behaviour.
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It had been a few days since Todoroki had seen them last. Of course, the two were still speaking- but with his internship, Todoroki had gotten busy. Sparse messages in between breaks, with little to no time to engage in deep and meaningful conversations.
Todoroki couldn't handle being thrown into the deep end. He missed his darling, craving their touch. Suddenly going from hourly texting, calling, and physically being in their presence to nothing. At first, Todoroki was glued to his phone, waiting for a specific notification sound to go off. The need to hold them in his arms grew with intensity until it was all he could think about. How were they fairing? What were they doing right now? Were they thinking of him?
He had to put his phone away when his father had threatened to take it away. Hiding his panic and growing disdain for his father. How dare he threaten to take away his only mode of communication? Todoroki didn't rest on it, clamming up and focusing on his duties. He could spare a few messages to his beloved, wishing them goodnight, greeting them in the morning. There were rare instances where Todoroki could message them during the day.
The dual-haired boy wanted this entire internship to be over and done with. He felt as if he was going through withdrawals! Perhaps he was addicted to them. Todoroki couldn't sleep much, and when he did, it wasn't good sleep. Anxious thoughts bubbled up in his mind, worrying about them. Were they okay? Did they get hurt? He wouldn't be there to protect them if he were here. 
Todoroki got irritable easier, giving his father the cold shoulder. It wasn't anything new, although it was particularly harsh. He craved holding them in his arms, being in their company once more. It ate at him, building up and plaguing his mind. At times, it was the only thing he could think about. It certainly got in the way of interning, asking his father to repeat things and missing cues.
When he fought the Hero Killer, he had sent a message to his darling explaining what had happened. Todoroki would be lying if he said he didn't like the attention he received afterwards. They had rushed to the hospital, near tears. It almost broke his heart, seeing that expression on their face. That he caused it. On the flip side, they cared about him and were worried sick about him. He knew because they told him as much.
Their hugs were always warm, their embrace soft. Even as their body shook with sobs, babbling about how Todoroki isn't allowed to do that ever again. The hug wasn't broken for a while, the two staying in that position until the other calmed down. Todoroki could've sworn he was in heaven. His heart hammered against his chest as if it were trying to get out of his ribcage. They cared about him, worried for him. He was addicted to them, in the purest way. Akin to a drug addict, he'd be selfish. He'd hold them close and never let go. He'll never share- he won't let anyone see them.
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animeficsworld · 2 years
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Todoroki Shoto x Reader
You could say that he was clueless. You could go up to him and kiss him and he would still be confused. You could shout it at his face, he would still not get it.
But just as clueless he was, Shoto was also very caring and kind. When you joined UA for the hero course, his class took you in immediately. They were all so very kind, even Bakugou. But Shoto caught your eye.
His quirk and his handsome face took you off of your feet as soon as your eyes locked when you introduced yourself.
At that time, you didn't know how truly clueless he could be even when the other girls warned you. 
One time it was so frustrating you had to punch a wall. Seriously what did you have to do to make him notice you? Well, he did notice you it's just he never understood your intentions.
When you asked if he wanted to see the new action movie, he said yes, you were all dolled up for your date and then he showed up with almost everyone in the class saying "I thought I'll invite them, hope it's okay." and it wasn't his nerves which is why he did this, you could see in his eyes, he didn't understand you meant for this to be a date.
In the end, you were sitting the furthest from Shoto right in between Izuku and Katsuki. The two kept on arguing during the movie, so you didn't even understand what was going on. 
That time, you were encouraged to be clearer, to make Shoto understand, and you tried, you really did.
You asked him out on more dates, and only when you arrived you found again, the entire class there. And just why were you always in between Katsuki and Izuku? And at this point, you probably should just go out with either of them. The Zoo was never the same after Izuku overexplained everything while 'Kacchan' kept yelling at him for talking too much.
Then, you asked Shoto to study with you at the library, he surely wouldn't ask someone to join you right? Wrong, aparently Seto also needed some explanation on the subject. 
You wanted to give up, and part of you did. You stopped asking him to join you, stopped asking him out for things, only to dress up and then be disappointed. You had to accept the fact that he never thought you are asking him for a date, because he didn't see you like that. 
"Good morning," you said as you walked into class and sat down at your table, waiting for class to start. 
That day, nothing interesting happened.
Back in your room, later that evening, you looked up from your book finally. 
You stretched a little before you opened the balcony window to get some fresh air. 
"Beautiful night, isn't it?" the voice to your right made you jump, in fact so much you nearly blasted the entire building with your quirk.
"You scared me Shoto." you said to your neighbour.
"You looked sad today, is everything okay?" Of course, he would notice this but not your many attempts to ask him on a date.
"I'm fine, just finished studying. How about you?"
"I'm not too well. I feel like... like I messed up but I don't know how or what did I do?" 
"Okay, talk to me, let's figure this out." he let out a sign.
"I feel like we are good friends, Y/N, and somehow I feel like I keep pushing you away. And I don't know what did I do."
"Oh, it's about that." you cleared your throat. You looked at the trees around you. "Well, I was expecting this conversation but... when I asked you to meet me I always meant like a date, you know? But I had to realize you are not interested in me like that, so, I had to move on, which is why you feel like I'm pushing you away." you looked at him, his eyes wide, you did confess to him just now, and you truly hoped that this time he wouldn't misunderstand. 
"You... you did?"
"Yes, you are very clueless Shoto. But I do get it, you do not like me like that so it's okay, re-"
"But I do." he then jumped over to your balcony, slightly startling you. "I-I just didn't think you liked me like that. But I am bad at reading signs."
"Why do you think I dressed up every time we met outside school?"
"I just thought that is how you dressed."
Clueless, he truly was.
"I wanted to look nice to you." 
"A-And you did! Please don't misunderstand I just have a lot going on in my life, I never thought you would be interested in me like that. Why don't we go out somewhere tomorrow after school? To get tea or something."
You smiled and nodded.
"I'd like that."
"And this time I promise I won't invite anyone else." 
"Okay, let's meet after class in the common area, I will need to change but-"
"It's a date then, a real one this time. Like a real real one this time." he smiled and you did the same.
"Then I'll..." you said as you pointed at your door. "I still need to shower and-"
"I don't mean to bother I'll go. Meet you tomorrow."
"Tomorrow, good night Shoto."
"Good night." 
As you closed the door and pulled the curtains back, Shoto climbed back to his room.
You were happy he finally understood and the two of you were able to arrange a date.
You shouldn't be as surprised as you were, after all you did know how truly clueless he could be. But you learned from it, and from now on, you will need to be more forward with him.
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fablesofkitkat · 2 years
POV: trading haiku poems with Shoto Todoroki (author trying to hurt you prequel)
warning: tea-centric, angst, depression, haiku-centric
AN: I posted this before, I deleted and posting this again. I shouldn't ever delete this again bcoz one of the convos is inspired by a rly good and happy memory.
tags: @vtte @happilyheavenproductions @bootyholelicker @thefirstimagifabricator @simp-for-bnha-boys @valiixiia @iichiberry @akumicchi @kitsukami4
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Being a part of Dekusquad is the best. (Bakusquad begs to differ, though.) Your friends were wonderful and you couldn't help but be sensitive to their moods, you couldn't help but look out for them. These days, Todoroki has been weighing in your mind; you couldn't shake the feeling that there's something going on with him despite his chill personality. Pun intended. Truthfully, you would have never gotten close to Todoroki without the King Room contest; when everyone dropped by to see his room, it was physically painful for you to leave without treading upon the tatami floors. You took a shot asking to have tea with him, offering to perform the ceremony even, despite being the guest. He agreed to it and ever since then, you two would honor the 'way of tea'.
"The taste of raindrops
are clear; things grow beautiful
heaven asks why kneel?"
Your voice echoed sonorously in his room.
"An old silent pond
A frog jumps into the pond—
Splash! Silence again."
He offers back a haiku.
You frowned at the choice of poem. "Matsuo Bashō?"
"Correct." He leisurely took a sip from his cup.
Your tea ceremonies with him were informal but you couldn't forego the haikus. It felt good that someone shared your appreciation for teas. However, the haiku he offered back nagged at you. Todoroki had always seemed so pessimistic like that time he called himself 'The Hand crusher', Deku and Iida found it funny but for you, it seemed like Todoroki actually blames himself.
Shotō closed his eyes and sniffed the matcha in his cup; he had the strangest sense of déjà vu, just a little. The cozy scent of tea, the sound of rain and... you. The atmosphere here in his dorm is vastly different from the mansion he calls home. There was a certain quality to it. This ambiance.
"May I speak my mind, Todo-kun?" You ask him, setting down your teacup with a soft tap.
He nodded.
"I am very flattered that you're this relaxed during ochadō (way of tea). I always get the impression that you feel like everyone's out to get you. You're very tense except now." You stated.
"I suppose." Then, he added. "I'm a bit better now."
You smiled at him, not wanting to prod too much to come off as nosy. "I'm always available for tea."
I'm here to listen.
"Stumbling upon someone with whom you can just be with. That’s something very precious to me."
Your head snapped to him in alertness. This was out of the blue. Tea always had a way of making Todoroki talk. You secretly call this side of Todoroki, "Toki." From the word talk. Also it's funny since Toki means 'that time when.' That time when Toki talks. Toki toki talks. Pfft.
You giggled. He tilts his head in confusion.
"Nothing, it's just that if I didn't know any better, I would assume you meant me." You covered your mouth as you laughed. "You're talking about Deku and Gale, aren't you?"
He let out a small hmm. "Frankly, I have been hoping Iida and Gale would get together."
"Oh, yeah?"
"They had that race. Her wind quirk vs his engine quirk."
"I remember, but if we're talking about ships, Deku and Gale are the only ones who go by their nicknames in their daily basis."
His brow furrowed. Is he... pouting? "That doesn't make sense, that's not enough to... as you said 'ship' them."
"Ah, but Deku and Gale are quite cute together." You say, teasing him. This was unexpected. He seemed invested with his own ship.
"So would Iida and Gale." Did he just click his tongue at you?
"Let's have a wager then."
"A wager?"
"Deku and Gale will go out with each other by next year."
With a serious face, he utters. "Iida and Gale will end up marrying each other."
"If I'm right, you owe me gyokuro. Luxury tea is my weakness."
"When I'm right in the future, you owe me a favor."
They took a sip out of their cups simultaneously.
"By the way, you okay?" You ask him because sometimes his anxiety attacks gets the better of him.
He gives you a smile. It caught you off guard. This wasn't the first time you have witnessed his smile. Maybe it's the fact that you're sole recipient of his smile this time.
"Better now."
Did Todoroki just made your heart go doki? Nahhh.
He watches your face carefully, trying to memorize every little thing, even attempting to count your eyelashes. You don't notice his attention on you, pressing warm towel on his right side of the face.
"I... hate myself."
You froze. Pun not intented.
"If I didn't exist then maybe-" He started shaking, his breath shortened.
You couldn't help but hug him, climbing onto the hospital bed.
"Maybe my mom didn't have to suffer." His voice cracked. "If only I didn't exist-"
"No, don't talk about yourself like that."
He couldn't stop; he had to get it out; he had to be heard because the loudest voice in their household was his dad. Every one of them cowered in a single corner, whimpering, crying and heart breaking.
"If I didn't exist then my brother Touya wouldn't have felt like he was such a failure. A failed experiment. If only I-"
You hug him tighter, trying to anchor him in this very moment. Don't let him lose himself, Kami. If there are gods out there, please, please, don't let him lose himself, please stop this boy from hurting.
"I hated my father. I hate how he did all of this, he tore our family apart. But I can't hate him for trying to be better."
Tears ran down your cheeks as you pressed your skin harder, if you could take all of this hurt, if you could make everything better for him, if you could just absorb everything he felt right now, you would. You would.
"I just hate myself more than ever. Ihatemyselfihatemyselfihatemyselfihatemyselfihatemyself- why do I even exist?"
You don't have an answer to that. To say anything would just be arrogance. So you held him til morning, rocking his body to sleep.
Your heart was at your throat.
"Shōto." You call his name out calmly, not moving from your spot in case he suddenly jumps.
A frog jumps into the pond--
Please don't jump.
He was standing on the edge of his hospital room's balcony. He looked at you stoically and says your name in greeting.
"I have an answer now. To your question."
He waits.
Why he exists.
"To be a hero. To be your family's hero." You say.
Heaven asks why kneel?
One afternoon, when you visited Todoroki, you let him use your lap as a pillow as you carved bunny apples for him. You were talking about relationships as to your wager coming true. Deku and Gale started dating. Most were surprised because most of them knew about Ochako's crush on Deku.
"I feel like relationships aren't something I would consciously get into." He says.
You tilt your head thoughtfully.
"To me, it's more like there would be someone in my life, and we just naturally gravitate towards each other."
You place the bunny apples at the side table and listened quietly.
"Not because we like each other or any intention but because when we are together, things go better for us. Like we'd both be quietly thinking, 'hey, this works!'"
You hummed.
"We'd just fit each other. And sometimes circumstances would separate us and I think that's okay. I don't mean to sound weird or lame, but I feel it's more magical that way."
"What way?" You ask, absentmindedly playing with his hair.
"When love is discovered, not decided upon."
That was beautiful.
You don't think you can find any other thoughts that is more beautiful than that of his.
That discovery happens when Shoto lets you touch his scar as he recounts the incident that caused it. When he was done, he holds the hand that caresses his scar as if that part wasn't something hideous, but instead something beautiful. He kisses the inside of the wrist quickly. Ears burning. Face stoic.
"When love discovered,
and not decided upon—
fleeting kiss on skin."
-Todoroki Shōto, When Love Discovered
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celesteleoves · 1 month
hcs of bakugou / todoroki being a hardcore simp for reader maybe?
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summary: what the request said!
warnings: swearing (bakugou…), mentions of todoroki’s childhood (very brief), that’s it i believe!
a/n: i love this request. i hope i wrote this to your liking!
he is a very subtle simp. you probably wouldn’t even think he liked you if you guys weren’t already dating. the way he shows his love for you is… questionable.
he does the simple things like following you around like a lost puppy (even though he swears he does NOT) .
he’ll definitely demand you never leave his side so he can always be there to protect you.
“you’re so weak, you need me to be there to protect you at all times.”
you’ll just nod, enjoying your boyfriends presence. (he’s actually geeking over you aswell and the fact you grace him with your presence).
he takes you everywhere with him and doesn’t care about what anyone says. oh, aizawa paired him up with kirishima? you’re coming with. you can’t stay a second away from him before he’s rushing around like a headless chicken looking for you.
your biggest fan by far, anything you do he’s practically on the floor worshipping you. then the next second he’ll be calling your outfit disgusting in the sweetest way possible.
he’ll also deny the fact he’s a simp for you. one time, kirishima caught the poor boy gazing at you, dare i say LOVINGLY, across the room as you did a mundane task.
kirishima has never grinned wider than he did when he noticed this. your boyfriend noticed the quiet chuckles leaving his friend and turned towards him.
“what the fuck are you laughing at?”
“you stalking y/n!”
“I WAS NOT STARING AT HER.” sure… liar. you literally just outed yourself…
bakugou loved you, even though he shows it in his weird, weird ways.
the sweetest, sweetest boyfriend ever. literally the ideal boyfriend anyone could have SIMPLY because of how doting he is towards his partner.
he’s absolutely enamoured with you. he isn’t shameful about it either! (referencing one of my other head-canons) .
this boy will downright show his love for you.
we all know shoto has a hard time with social cues, he blames it on his childhood and the lack of social times he had – always being isolated.
that’s also the reason why he doesn’t understand why he can’t stare you down like a hawk and not expect people to be slightly worried… why is he staring at you like he wants to eat you?
cuteness aggression is a thing. you both get it when you’re with each other.
you can’t believe you managed to secure this boy. he never opened up to just anyone, yet for you he made an exception. you flew that all the time.
meanwhile your boyfriend is still in denial you two are dating. every time you bring up your realtionship he’s blushing like a maniac and shying away from you.
your classmates notice the little things. such as you placing your phone face up only for it to be face down a couple seconds later because todoroki fixed it for you knowing you don’t want people staring at every notification on your phone (this is so me guys i’m sorry).
he is very attentive, he’s such a simp. he’ll pick up on the little things. sometimes, you feel like he knows you better than you know yourself.
there was definitely one time you had been making yourself a snack in the kitchen, forgetting to get one of your favourite piece of food for the snack .
once your snack was made, you frowned at the missing piece of your food you wanted.
starting to get upset, you looked around for something to make up for this.
“here.” a soft voice spoke causing you to relax at the sound of todorokis gentle tone.
“i can’t find my-”
“y/n. here.”
you looked at your boyfriends hand, noticing he was holding multiple variations of the missing food item you craved.
your lips trembled at his thoughtfulness and you pulled your boyfriend in for a hug as he returned it with a smile on his face.
he’s too sweet for you and such a simp!
a/n: guys, bare with me if there is spelling errors. this was not proof-read! i hope this was good enough, it was kind of short.
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mirkoluvs · 14 days
characters: midoriya, bakugo, todoroki, kirishima, denki
note(s): THANK YOU GUYS FOR 1K WTFFFFF 😭😭💞💞💞 also im bringing back the smaus so drop your requests!!!
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© mirkoluvs. please do not copy, modify, or repost on other platforms. thank you !!
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emmyrosee · 1 year
Shoto ❄️❤️‍🔥
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Watermelons - dad!au
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tired-teacher-blog · 2 years
Hello lovely Teach, I had the idea of kissing Todoroki’s scar during a cuddle session, I just want to show him all the love he deserves, I don’t know if you like it, if not feel free to ignore. love ya 💐
I love it! And I love you for sending such an amazing request.
Title : Scars
Characters : Shouto/ gender neutral reader
Genre : Fluff/a tiny bit of angst if you squint/ drabble
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_ "Shouto! Come on the bed's getting cold without you!" You shout playfully, giggling and wiggling your legs eagerly as you wait for your beloved to join you.
You haven't seen him in over two weeks, haven't touched or kissed him for that long. So when he called you earlier in the day to say he was coming over, you got incredibly thrilled and could barely contain your excitement.
And as regrettable as it is, you still understand and accept the situation you're in. Your boyfriend is one of the top heroes in the country after all, which means that your time together is usually bounded.
_ "I'm coming honey." You can hear the chuckle in his words as his voice gets nearer.
_ "What took you so long? You're usually quick in the shower." You're pouting now, watching him towel his hair for a moment before placing the cloth away and joining you under the covers.
He lets out a low satisfied groan as he nuzzles your neck, and you can clearly feel his lips curve up against your skin.
_ "I can stay like this forever." He holds you closer and plants the softest kiss right above your pulse.
_ "Me too Shouto." If only it was that easy..
Your palms ghost over his scarred back, picturing each and every mark they trace. You're familiar with them all, even the ones your touch can't reach right now.
You know their stories and the way they came to be. They left a mark on your soul as they did on his body.
They hurt you both, but you love them regardless. They are a part of him after all, a part of his journey, and a part of the reason why he's the man he is today.
You smile tightening your hold before declaring your love one more time.
_ "You are everything to me." Your words come out in a murmur but he hears them clearly.
_ "Y/n, I would gladly die for your sake, you're the only thing that gives my life meaning. Never go beyond my reach." Your heart flutters and you cup his face, gazing lovingly into his mismatched orbs.
Your thumb traces the scar around his eye ever so gently, and you cannot miss the little flinch traveling throughout his body as your finger moves. You understand how grave that particular mark has affected him -how it still does- it's apparent in the way he's averting his gaze and clenching his jaw. It's as if he's silently begging you to stop touching him there.
_ "Shouto, look at me, please." You kiss his cheek as you speak and your lips linger there for a moment, but his reaction remains the same.
You move up -hesitantly at first- and plant another one under his left eye to replace your finger.. and then another on his eyelid.. and another on his temple.. and another on the side of his forehead.. until your lips finally cover his burn entirely.
His grip tightens around your waist as his breath tickles your cheeks.
_ "Y/n, why do you always insist on doing that?" He huffs as a faint blush adorns his skin.
He's not even waiting for an answer, he already knows. He knows you love him, every part of him, even the things he hates about himself.
You giggle and plant one more kiss on his scrunched up nose.
_ "What did I do to deserve you?" His smile is genuine, beautiful, and you would give your life to guard it.
Your fingertips glide along his soft lips and he grabs your hand to kiss each and every pad all the while gazing into your eyes.
You love him, and sometimes it's hard to express it since no words are enough.
You lower your hand and peck his lips once, pulling back and watching his expressions before moving completely on top of him.
_ "You're something else sweetheart."
You giggle as his arms wrap around you possessively. You kiss him again, deeper this time, and you lose yourself into it.
He is your happiness as you are his, and you never miss a chance to remind each other of it.
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luvbugs-blog · 5 months
while bakugo and kirishima are extremely muscular, sero and todoroki have sleeper builds and i will die on that hill
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jackkilmerlvr · 2 months
your breaths came out soft and slowly, his tongue and lips caressing your neck as he cuffed your boob softly. kissing your chest, he slowly moved down your body, your hands fingering through his hair.
his lips felt hot and needy against your body as he played with the band of your small night shorts. your small fingers brushed around his nipples, feeling his bigger hands start to slide your night shorts off your waist. his breaths were fast and needy against your skin.
“I’ve missed you so much, baby. Now take these off.”
| bakugou, deku, denki, kirishima
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nights-legacy · 2 years
Take Me Away - Villain!Todoroki x Hero! Reader
Masterlist MHA Masterlist
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2511 words
Warnings: Mistreatment, Suggested Abuse, Spicy moments
Powers: Dark Matter Manipulation
+Every Hero has their main nemesis. One that was so to say, THEIR villain. But not all Batman/Joker duo's acted the way You & Todoroki do. Todoroki always flirted with you and tried to convince you to run away with him. You never reciprocate until you show up on his doorstep beaten and bloody. You barely have time to speak to him before passing out in his arms.
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I yelled orders to the sidekicks as the battle continued. There was a large attack on a charity auction put on by the Police and Fire Departments. Luckily the event was in a very heavily patrolled area so heroes responded immediately. I knocked out another villain and looked around. I saw a villain trying to sneak up on my head sidekick.
"Canary! Behind you!" She whipped around and wiped them out.
"Thanks!" She smiled. I want to say something but my footing got shotty. I looked down and saw ice forming under my feet. As I started to slip, I was tackled down the side of the rubble on a slide of ice. "Cloak!"
"Shit!" I groaned as I hit. I rolled with the other person until their weight was gone. I shot up and saw Iceferno. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Canary running up.
"Cloak! Are you alright?"
"Yeah!" I never took my eyes off of Iceferno as he got up. " I got this. Go help the others."
" Uh... are you sure?" They hesitated.
"Go!" She ran off. I saw him finally look up at me and he was smirking.
"Long time no see, Noir Amour."
"You're right. I was finally thinking you were leaving me alone." I sassed back. He laughed before lighting his hand ablaze.
"That's funny. And also never an option." He struck first. We danced around each other, sending out defensive and offensive attacks as We went. 
This was a normalcy in my life. Iceferno, or also known as Shoto Todoroki, has always been a frequent event in my career. Always showing up out of nowhere and putting himself against me. With every other hero, he's stoic and aggressive in his fighting but with me he's always flirty, playful, and well, aggressive too. 
"Why do you deny the spark between us so much, Noir Amour?" He said as he froze my feet to the ground. I groaned as I tried to free my feet.
"I don't deny it. I just don't think it's as romantic as you claim it is." I rolled my eyes. I created black spikes around my feet, breaking through the ice. "I think it's a bit more obsessive than you let yourself think."
"Is that what you think?" He quirked his lip. I lunged forward but he grabbed my wrist and yanked me around. He pulled me into his chest facing him While holding both my wrists behind my back. I struggled against his grip before I felt his breath against my lips. "You're not wrong about the obsessive part."
"Let me go." I growled. He chuckled and leant down to brush a kiss on my neck. I gasped. "You're tense and seem stressed. You should let me take you away. Run away with me to escape from all this." I have to admit, his offer sounded heavenly. I always felt some sort of attraction towards the red & white haired man. I shook my head clear.
"I couldn't possibly do that." I snapped. I head butted him. His grip loosened and backed up to send a Kick to the chest. He landed a few meters away while breathing heavily.
"Cloak, where are you?" Multiple voices yelled for me. I looked away only for a second.
"Until next time, Noir Amour." My eyes shoot back to him. He Sent what I would call a longing smirk. He threw an array of ice followed by a blaze. I ducked but felt nothing. I opened my eyes to see I was surrounded by a steam cloud.
"Over here Canary!" I said. I looked in every direction to try and find him but nothing. I heard someone landing next to me. I raised my arm, covered in a black matter blade. 
"Just me! Just me!"
"Sorry Canary."
"Are you alright, Cloak?" I looked up through the dissipating steam to see Hero Deku. I nodded.
"Just a bit bruised." I joined them and walked through the battle scene. I felt like someone was watching me. I turned to look around. At first, I saw nothing until I looked up to see a figure standing on the roof of a nearby building. I smiled to myself as a paramedic attended to me.
*Time Skip *
"That couldn't have gone any worse." I snapped, throwing my utility belt across the room. I heard something crash but couldn't care less. I paced across my office.
I just got back from a terrible mission that ended in failure. I was supposed to lead a team into a gang land bust but it didn't go as planned. Somehow the gang found out we were there and more than half my team was hospitalized. The other half were either unharmed or lightly injured.
"What?" I yelled when someone knocked on my office door. I heard them squeak. I opened the door. "Sorry. I'm just frustrated. What did you need?" I asked the person.
"It's alright. Um, the HPSC is here in the conference room and they want to see you." My eyes widened and darted in that direction.
"Oh thank you." They nodded and left. I collected myself and walked toward the conference room. I knocked and got a rough 'come in'. I entered and closed the door behind me. In front of me stood 6 members of the board of the HPSC.
"Hello Cloak."
"Hello sir." I walked farther into the room.
"Do you know why we called you here today?" I gulped a little and went to answer. He continued. "We called you here today because of your Mission today."
"Yes?" I saw a couple of the men walk behind me. A feeling of unease washed over me.
"You failed." I flinched at his bluntness. "It's Unacceptable. So we decided that you need to be reminded of your job and how to do it." A chill went up my spine when I heard the door lock. I was grabbed from behind and quirk cancelling bracelets were snapped on my wrists. "You are going to be taught a lesson."
I drug my aching body through the hall to the unfamiliar door, willing myself not to pass out before I got there. I took a big breath before I knocked on the door. It was only a few seconds before it opened. I moved my gaze up to meet the familiar set of gray and blue. They looked at me in surprise before a smirk came across his lips. He leant against the door frome.
"Well well well. Look who came looking for me for once. What's the matter? Couldn't stay awa..." He trailed off as his gaze trailed down. His face dropped and posture straightened. Concern wrote itself on his face with a dark undertone. "What happened to you?"
"Shoto..." His eye shot up to mine. I knew he could read that my eyes were screaming 'I give up.' As my legs started to shake, he wrapped me in his arms and pulled me into his chest. I felt him quickly checking over me.
"What happened?" He repeated. I just whimpered and looked at him. I gripped his arms, nails digging into his shirt.
"Take me away." I whispered before my body shut down. I dropped my head into his chest just before my world went black.
I expected to wake up in pain and on the floor somewhere. I didn't expect to wake up to the most comfortable bed I've ever slept in. I yawned and blinked my eyes, adjusting to the bright, sunny room. I looked around and saw a large, crisp and clean room. A subtle sound of water caught my attention off to my side. I turned over, leaning on an elbow and gasping.
"Oh wow..." A set of doors was open to the outside. Curtains billowed in a salty breeze, reaching out to a picturesque view of sand, clear blue waves, and a vast open sky. I slowly got up and walked that way. I stood just outside the doors and gawked at the perfect beach view. Off in the distance, I could see the beach transition into mountains. The other way turned into forest.
"Like it?" I turned quickly to see Shoto standing there with two glasses in his hands. He was dressed in a pair of pale pink shorts and a white button shirt that was completely unbuttoned. If you didn't know any better, you wouldn't think this man was one of the worst villains in Japan.
"It's beautiful." I said softly. He set down the glasses and came over to me. He cupped my face.
"I was starting to get worried. You have been unconscious for so long." I set my hands on his chest. He checked me over with his eyes. "How are you feeling? Does anything, Oh!" I pulled him into a kiss before he could finish. 
I kissed him fervently and he responded just as much. I felt his hand grasp at my hips as I held firmly onto his shirt. I let one of my hands run up and around his neck. I felt his tongue run across my lip before he nipped my bottom lip. I gasped but didn't pull away. His tongue danced against mine.
"Shoto." I moaned against his lips. He Growled and his hands moved down along my thighs. I Yelped as he smacked one before picking me up by them. I wrapped my legs around his waist and reached up to trace his cheek.
"Damn." He pulled away gasping.
"You don't know how long I've wanted to do that." I said while tracing my fingers just below his scar. A shocked look took over his face.
"Really? But you always... you always refuted me. I genuinely thought..." He looked away solemnly. I gently grabbed his chin, making him face me.
"I am ... I was a hero, Shoto. If I let it be known that I am in love with a villian. The punishment probably would have been worse than What I got. You probably never would have seen me again." His grip tightened on me considerably.
"No!" He growled.
"Sh, sh." I cupped my hands on his neck and rubbed circles with my thumbs under his ears. "I'm not going anywhere." I bumpool my nose against his before kissing his forehead. A quick thought popped into my mind. "Right?"
"Hm?" He looked at me.
"I don't have to go anywhere, right?" I asked meekly. Thoughts that this was only temporary and I eventually would have to leave. That he would get tired of me. "I don't want to... I can't go back!"
"Hey, hey." He moved and set me down on something. He cupped my face. "You are not going anywhere, not unless you want to. I won't make you. I promise." He assured me and as if he could read my mind he said something else. "I won't tire of you."
"Thank you." I set my head on his chest. After we both calmed down I lifted my head to look around. "This is a nice place. A little bare but nice."
"Only the best for my Amour." He nosed my cheek. "I left it somewhat bare so you could make it your own." I smiled at him. 
"We can make it our own." I pulled him into a searing kiss. He stiffened before returning just as hot. I heard his hand slam against the wall as he pressed himself against me. I whimpered as he devoured my lips.
"I think we should move to somewhere more comfortable." He muttered as his lips traveled down. I bit my lip.
"Take me away and take the lead, mon incendie amour." He growled looking up at me with fiery eyes.
A little while later, I was relaxing in a luscious cabana that was down near the water. After our little adventure Shoto took me through our new home before suggesting going out to relax. He was currently out in the water and I was enjoying the view. 
For the first time in forever, I felt completely at ease. No hiding feelings, no looking over my shoulder, and I could finally be actually happy. I set my head back and sighed. My eyes drifted closed. A few serene moments later I felt a gentle kiss on my neck. I looked up at him.
"Hi there." He was kneeling next to me. He placed a hand on my stomach and slipped the other arm under my neck. He pulled me into his Side. I giggled at the trickles and drips of water coming from him. We laid there together as the sun started to set.
"I want to know something." I sat up. He raised an eyebrow in question. "What are you going to do now?"
"I am going to give that Hero Commission hell. I'm not going to let them get away with what they did. Especially if you're not the only one they've done this too." He said while tracing the bruises and wounds lightly. "And I'm not the only one. There's a certain Viridian hero that wasn't too happy when he found out."
"How did he..."
"I sent him a picture of your condition." He said. "I also think that he was already suspicious after Dynamight's disappearance." I thought back to that time. It was a routine Mission, something Dynamight had done before. there wasn't even a body found. Deku and Red Riot were devastated and in disbelief for weeks. They even disappeared themselves for a time. They said they took time off for mourning but most of us knew they went out looking for him. We never said a word especially when they came back with nothing.
"A hero and a villian working together."
"Against a common enemy." I smiled before laying my head back down on his chest. I yawned feeling the day and such catching up with me. I felt and heard him hum before his fingers began to card through my hair.
"Sleep, mi amoor. There will be plenty of time to talk about what's to come later."
"Okay." I mumbled while drifting off. I vaguely remember being picked up and carried. I was placed on the Soft sheets and felt his warmth disappear. "No..." I tried to reach for him.
"Shh. I'm just going to get changed. I'll be right back." He brushed hair back from my forehead and kissed it.
"M'kay." I mumbled. I drifted in the limbo between sleep and awake until I felt his warmth engulf me. With a nuzzle and kiss to my neck, I fell into a stress free slumber.
Tag List: @spicy-therapist-mom @dxnaii-rxse @iris-shihabi @l0vely-lee
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uwtloml · 1 month
- accidentally texting mha boys about smut
ft. katsuki bakugou, denki kaminari, shoto todoroki, and eijiro kirishima
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angelshimaa · 8 months
━━ [ 𝟏𝟎:𝟐𝟑 ] ;; 𝐓𝐎𝐃𝐎𝐑𝐎𝐊𝐈 𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐓𝐎
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✧ cw :: gn!reader, fluffy fluffy fluff, todoroki is just enamoured with reader <3
✧ a/n :: i just felt like writing a soft piece with shoto bc I GENUINELY BELIEVE he'd be such a soft bf <3
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thinkin about todoroki shoto who just can't take his eyes off of you.
he's next to you, out on the balcony of your dorm as you both stargaze— your idea. yet, he doesn't seem to give a second thought to the stars that lay across the sky like freckles on skin.
he's so open about how he's gazing at you simply exist in silence. heterochromatic eyes trace every feature you have, watching how thin moonlight kisses the edges of your nose, your soft lips and your cheek.
"shoto, you're staring."
he's aware that he is, and your pointing it out doesn't make him look away at all. to him, it's a fly-away comment, nothing worth focusing his already busy attention to.
when you can no longer ignore the burn coming from his eyes on you, you turn to be met with shoto's beautiful face. anyone else would make the mistake of calling his expression neutral, but you've caught him looking at you long enough to notice the warmth in his eyes.
"what?" you ask.
he has a full view of your face now, and he takes a mental image as if he wasn't going to see the same face tomorrow, or the next day— or, if the universe was on his side for once— for the rest of his days to come.
"you're so beautiful."
it's barely above a whisper and it tugs at heartstrings he knows how to play by intuition alone. it's a fragile thing, his sentence— as fragile as his comprehension of your existence. he means it too; the adoration across his eyes tells you so.
your gaze drops as shoto renders you speechless, your heart beating faster as if trying to catch up to something.
"thank you, shoto."
filled with the desire to get close to him, you shuffle a little so that you're close enough to lay your head against him. your heart calms as he puts his arm around you and the contentment settles into your chest when you sigh.
as you both watch the stars, you take note of something— there's something about the way shoto loves you that is so very peaceful.
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✧ — thank you for reading !! rbs and feedback are greatly appreciated &lt;3
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wttcsms · 9 months
we play our fantasies out in real life ways ; shouto todoroki.
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pairing shouto todoroki x f!reader  word count 2.7k  synopsis knocking up his sugar baby seems (and feels) like a dream come true for the future ceo and youngest son of japan’s richest conglomerate family. content contains sugar daddy!shouto, yandere themes, car sex, creampie, breeding kink, quirkless au, ceo!shouto, tiny daddy kink author’s notes this is a repost of an old fic but pls tell me we are still horny 4 shouto. also ignore the Tesla promo, i was feeling silly when i wrote this </3
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He can have anything he wants, you know.
And of course you know this. Of course you do. It’s hard to ignore this fact whenever he’s the exact reason your closet is overflowing with more dresses than you know what to do with; why your dresser can barely stay shut due to the amount of lacy lingerie you’ve had to shove in them; why you’re a third year college student driving to campus with a brand new Mercedes that technically isn’t even supposed to be out on the market ‘til next month. 
He can have anything he wants, and because you’re his, by extension, you have the power to make all your material wishes come true, too. All you have to do is ask him.
All you have to do is look up at him and give him those puppy dog eyes of yours and say, “please, daddy, can I cum?” and he’ll let you. You know he will, because stoic Shouto Todoroki, the future CEO and prized son of the Todoroki clan that happens to be one of the most famous conglomerate families in all of Japan, just can’t seem to say no to you. He signs off multi-billion yen deals as easily as one blinks and running multiple companies is just something he’s been born to do. It’s no easy feat to give commands to such a powerful man. 
And yet, one look and a tiny whimper is all it takes to turn him into putty in your hands. 
It’s always an out of body experience when you’re with Shouto. Being with him is like constantly being the main character of a movie. He rents out entire restaurants so the two of you can dine away from prying eyes. He sends you good morning and good night texts every single day. (One time you joked about him forcing his assistant to do it because there’s no way a busy man like him would ever have time to do something so insignificant; he didn’t like that you couldn’t seem to wrap your head around the concept of you being someone very important to him.) Shouto is incredibly good to you, incredibly good for you.
He’s incredibly good with a lot of things. Taking care of you, for one. Taking care of all his businesses, for another. And right now, he’s taking real good care of your cunt when he’s got three of his fingers knuckles deep in you. 
The windows to his sleek, outrageously priced car are tinted so dark, even you struggle to see through the windshield. You always tell him it’s dangerous, but he reminds you that there are always reasons for the things he does. You wonder if getting tinted windows so he could fuck his college student sugar baby with some semblance of privacy is the reason. 
And then all thinking on your end comes to a stop when he nips at the skin of your neck, biting down softly and getting you to let out a tiny whimper. It doesn’t hurt. You don’t think Shouto is even capable of hurting you; not because you’re some unbreakable being, but because you don’t think the calloused hands that have caressed every centimeter of your body is capable of harming you. 
The two of you are currently parked in the lot right outside the building where his main office is located. In about ten minutes, the parking lot will be flooded with employees who have just clocked out and are getting ready to speed home. In about ten minutes, anyone could accidentally (or purposely) become a little voyeur to the activities going down in the future CEO’s luxury car. 
Your back is pressed against his chest. More often than not, you find yourself naked while he’s practically still dressed, and it’s the same thing that’s happening right now. The buttons on his shirt are digging into your back, but you can’t find it in you to complain. Instead, you focus on gripping the wrist of the hand that’s in between your thighs. The sleeves of his button down shirt are rolled up, and if you take your tiny fingers just a bit higher, you can feel the veins running down his arm. 
“Tell me what you want, baby.” The baritone of his voice is smooth, calm, collected — in control. Because you can make any request in the world, and Shouto will fulfill it for you, but that does not mean that you are the one who makes the final decisions. At the end of the day, everything you have, everything that is given to you, is because of him, because of the decisions he makes for you.
His eagerness to gift you the world thinly veils the true depth of your submission to him. A subconscious part of you is well aware of the power imbalance in this relationship, but if all has been well these past two years, then surely it’ll only be smooth sailing from here?
You lean back, leaning into his warmth, breathing deeply to inhale the scent of his spicy cologne that costs more than your textbooks (that he bought for you). 
“D-daddy.” You moan out, trying to coax him deeper in your tight little cunt, as if his fingers aren’t already as deep as they can go, spreading out your hole to prep you for what he knows you truly crave. 
“You’ve got to speak up, love. I can’t give you anything if you don’t tell me what to give you.” His breath is warm against your ear, and it’s so hot in the car. So, so hot. You wonder if it’s just you feeling the heat, though. Shouto seems as collected as ever, not the least bit uncomfortable at all. 
“Mmm — w-want you.” You wriggle a bit in his lap, but his free hand grips your side and squeezes you with a firm, nonverbal command to stop moving. You do, immediately. Because that’s what you always do: follow his command. 
“I know you do.” He coos, finally moving his fingers. It’s agonizingly slow, too slow. The car is silent save for your little pants and the obscene wet sounds that come as a result of his fingers thrusting in your wet cunt. 
“Faster, daddy.” You whine out, looking up at him. The sun is setting, and despite the tint of the windows, the orange glow from the sun still shines against his smooth skin, casting his face into something that’s half sunset/half shadow. It’s a good look; a sharp contrast that matches his hair. Seeing your blatant admiration of him only spurs him to give in and go faster. He had planned on drawing this out for as long as he possibly could. He had originally wanted to coax you into as many orgasms ‘til you were nothing but a fucked out little mess, too worn out to pay attention or even care when he finishes your little session with you plugged up with his cum. 
The lives of children born into the Todoroki family are more cursed than it is blessed, and Shouto had, a very long time ago, made a vow that he would never continue the bloodline. He would have no children, which would be easy because he planned on never having a lover.
And then he met you, started providing for you, realized how much he enjoyed providing, and realized even more that the only way to strengthen this transactional relationship is by forcing your hand. He likes to think that you would stay with him willingly, but there are some chances that he’s just not willing to take; there are some extremes that he’s all too entirely happy to go far to, though. 
Your sweet moans mix in well with the lewd sounds of your pussy getting thoroughly fingerfucked. His fingers are so much longer than yours, can reach spots inside of you that you can’t quite reach yourself. He’s efficient with anything and everything he does, and you’re not surprised when he doesn’t slow his pace. The consistent strokes of his fingers, your lowered inhibitions when around Shouto, and the look on his face (equal parts concentration and adoration) all help in making you cum all over his hand. 
“Good girl.” Shouto whispers, removing his fingers and holding his hand up. The sunlight beaming through makes his digits glisten even more, and you’re enraptured as you watch him bring his fingers to his lips to suck your essence off of them. Piercing heterochromatic eyes never leave yours as he sucks on them, and you have to turn away from embarrassment. How can he keep such a straight face when literally licking your cum off his fingers? 
“Don’t turn away from me.” His hand — still wet — grips your chin and forces you to look at him again. “I don’t like it when you shy away from me.” 
You nod meekly, and Shouto sighs. 
“You shouldn’t be shy around me. I don’t like making you feel uncomfortable, you know that, don’t you?” 
You nod again, a subtle, barely there move. He’s not impressed. 
“Answer me properly.” There’s a hard edge to his tone, and you sit up a little straighter. Shouto would never lay a hand on you with the intent to physically harm you, but he’s not above roughing you up during sex. You’ve heard him get this way before, and the imprint of his fingertips and the purple hickeys littering your poor body took three days to fade properly. 
“I’m sorry, daddy.” You say with a pout, trying to conjure up any sort of leniency he can spare. Judging by his facial expression and the wavering look in his eyes, he’s already softening up. You just have to make it up to him now to have his complete forgiveness.
Maneuvering in the limited space the driver’s seat gives is no easy task, but you manage to shift positions to where you’re straddling his lap, finally facing him properly. He’s leaned back, watching you with a hungry glint in his eyes that makes you feel like the most wanted girl in all of Japan. A surge of heat flows through your body, from the tips of your ears to your cheeks and all the way down to between your thighs. If you were in a different position, you could clench them together, try to rub your thighs in an attempt to ease the need for friction. 
Your fingers make quick work of his belt and his zipper, pulling down on both the waistband of his slacks and his briefs to finally free his cock. He’s already hard, and you admire the way your hand can’t even wrap fully around him. The tip is flushed red, pearly beads of precum already present. 
This is the part where you look up at him, almost as if you’re unsure about what to do. You don’t know what it does to him, to see you sitting on his lap with his cock looking outrageously large in your tiny hands. He can see your pretty pussy practically dripping all over his slacks. Now’s not the time for you to be playing the role of an innocent, unsure little girl, but then it hits him: you’re asking him for permission. He almost lets out a bark of laughter. 
“You’ve already taken it upon yourself to tear into my pants and make a grab for my cock. Surely you don’t expect me to beg to fuck your little hole now, do you?” He has a cold smile on his face as he brings you closer to him. “I thought this was my apology. Don’t tell me you’re going to make me do all the work?”
“O-of course not!” You look startled at the suggestion, eyes going big and round. He looks at you expectantly, as if telling you to do something. 
It always burns when you first take him. It doesn’t matter how many times he makes you cums, doesn’t matter how long he spends stretching you out on his fingers. By now, your pussy should have memorized the feel of his dick, should have been moulded to fit him and only him. And while there’s a tiny flash of pain and discomfort for you (which Shouto hates), it’s hard not to be in love with the feel of just how tight you are. 
The stinging pain is brief, though, and is easily replaced by one of satisfaction from being stuffed by the prettiest, fattest cock you’ve ever taken in your life. 
You moan, rocking your hips back and forth. Maybe this was originally supposed to be an apology to him, but it feels more like you’re using him as your own personal toy, and Shouto really couldn’t care less. After all, if it brings you pleasure, it brings him pleasure. 
“Are you enjoying yourself, baby? What would happen if I never met you, hmm? Are you willing to spread those pretty legs of yours for any man?” He says the last sentence with a tone sharper than usual. You shake your head as you continue to rut against him, chasing after your own high because you might not be a simpleminded slut for anyone, but you are nothing more than a cockslut when it comes to Shouto. 
“Ah — fuck, fuck, fuck!” You moan out, falling against his chest, burying your face into the space between his shoulder and neck. “D-daddy, fuck!”
He holds you close to him as you cum, not even minding the mess you’ve made of his work pants. “Daddy’s got you.” He coos, his hand finding the back of your neck and squeezing you there, gently. “You must be tired now…”
You’re still too fucked out to really comprehend what’s exactly going on ‘til it’s happening, but even with your slow reaction times, you still manage to let out a slutty moan as you feel Shouto thrusting up into you. It must be uncomfortable, you think. This position doesn’t make it exactly easy for him to chase after his own pleasure, but then you remember that Shouto Todoroki doesn’t back down or break down when it comes to challenges.
He perseveres. 
You’re like a rag doll, like a personal little fucktoy, made for him to use (and maybe even break) as he pleases. Every thrust is sharp and intense, and his teeth are clenched as he continues to use you, enjoying the warmth of your tight walls and admiring the ring of white that coats and clings to his dick every time he pulls out. 
It doesn’t take him much longer to finally finish; he grabs you by your hips, raising you slightly before abruptly pushing you down on his cock, making sure that he’s nestled as deeply in you as he can be when he finally cums. He’s breathing a bit harder as he comes down, and then he’s grabbing you by your hair, making you stare at him. 
His cheeks are flushed, there’s some slight sweat building up on his forehead, his shirt is wrinkled. He’s never looked better. You’ve never felt better. 
Or, more accurately, never felt fuller. 
“Shouto, did you c…” You can’t even finish the sentence. Did you cum inside? Not like you have to; you know the answer. Some of it is dripping out of you. 
All he does is give you that small smile, the one that he rarely lets anyone see, and starts up the car. 
If he doesn’t want to talk now, there’s no way you can get him to answer properly. You try to remove yourself from his lap and make your ungraceful, disgusting journey to the passenger seat, but Shouto places a firm hand on your waist, forcing you back down.
“Where do you think you’re going?”
“Shouto, you can’t possibly drive while I’m sitting here on your lap.”
“I bought a Tesla for a reason.” 
Right. Because everything Shouto does has a reason for it.
You think about this on the drive back to his penthouse, a little bit of fear building up in your lower belly. Shouto does everything for a reason, and what’s the reason for any man cumming inside?
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