#shinsou hitoshi imagine
emmyrosee · 6 months
“You’re officially in my way.”
Despite his words, Shinso’s hands settle on your waist comfortably, violet eyes boring up into yours, and a lazy smirk on his cheek as you pout your pretty face down at him, arms crossed over your chest. “Something wrong, baby?”
“Don’t baby me,” you grumble, and he pokes his tongue in his cheek to fight back his snarky remark. “You’re in trouble.”
“Oh I am?”
“You absolutely are.” You let out an angry huff of air as behind you, the movie plays on. He wants to, briefly, look over your shoulder and watch the film to piss you off, but he’s more than happy to play the staring game with you. He chuckles and lets his thumbs run over the meat of your hips, “would you like to tell me why I’m in trouble?”
“The fact that you don’t know is absolutely horrid. Kaminari would never treat me so bad.”
Shinso finally lets out a flurry of laughter, and while he sees the smile that wants to crack on your own cheeks, he knows better than to say anything just yet. He’ll let you pout for just a little bit more. “Okay,” he sighs, letting his eyes glaze over you, “before you dump me for our Pikachu, can’t you give me a hint?”
You huff. He blinks patiently.
With gentle hands, you card his purple locks through your fingers, and he mewls and angles his head into. “Feel good, doesn’t it?” He goes to nod, but is cut off by your mumbled “dickhead,” and soft smack to his head.
Now he huffs. And you blink patiently.
“You stopped rubbing my head!” You whine petulantly, shoving at his chest. “I came all the way over here to snuggle, and for my kindness and efforts, you stopped giving me affection to scroll on your phone!”
“I thought you fell asleep!”
“Well I clearly didn’t!”
“Yeah, got that!” He tries as hard as he can to fight the smile that wants to spread on his face, but it’s futile as he rubs the spot softly, his lips creaking up. You stifle a laugh of your own, and he grumbles as he pulls his hand away, “if you lay down again, I’ll give you all the affection you want.”
You pout and nudge his chest, “I just want your undivided attention all the time. I feel like that’s not asking for a lot!”
He snickers some more, “you’re right. I should put the entire of my existence on pause when I’m in your company. Which is most of the damn time.”
Now, you smile, and give him a small kiss in compensation, “good. Glad we’re on the same page.”
“Anything for you.”
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tired-teacher-blog · 2 months
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You once begged Shinsou to use his quirk on you during sex, and guide you through something that you were dying to try, but clueless as to how you should.
He flatly refused at first, as the odd request of controlling your actions did not sit right with him, but your continuous and annoying pleas broke his resolve until he finally agreed..
A few hours after, you plopped down on the comfy sofa centering your living room, laptop placed on the coffee table, and your poor boyfriend facepalming in embarrassment as he sat awkwardly by your side, while you carefully analysed the foutage you insisted on recording in order to document the experience.
_ "Aha! I see, so this is how it's supposed to go right? I think I'm confident enough to do it by myself next time."
_ "Please stop talking." and he was dying in shame for agreeing to take part in your brazen plan.
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Shouto has always been greedy to use his quirk on you whenever in bed together.
He takes full advantage of his dual power and sometimes uses both sides of it at the same time.
He carefully warms up the fingers on his left hand to a pleasant temperature, before slowly stretching you out, and effectively increasing your pleasure.
Not only that, but he also uses his right hand in order to spread a delicious coolness on your breasts while taking his time to fondle and tease your nipples.
He is fascinated by the uncontrollable goosebumps spreading throughout your body, and the perk of your teats as they harden under his tremble inducing touch.
It's something that has proven -time and time again- to make you lose control and drive you over the edge in mere minutes.
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Poor Kirishima is always betrayed by his own quirk whenever with you, a sign of excitement that he cannot hide or control.
It's something that you've noticed a while back when you casually placed a hand on his thigh as you sat comfortably to watch a movie one evening.
He flinched in surprise at first, but instantly relaxed afterwards. However, when you decided to run your hand up his leg and dangerously close to his crotch, the whole patch underneath your palm suddenly hardened, leaving you shocked and impressed at the same time.
You knew immediately that it was your effect, and from then onward, decided to take advantage of the discovery to your own enjoyment, brushing your fingers along his chest, or down the protruding pulse of his neck, just to feel that rock hard transformation appear.
Best part of it though, is when it happens while you're touching his cock, because then you'll just sit back with an amused smirk on your face as he hides his blush behind his hands and apologizes repeatedly while striving to control his quirk and have your hands back on him once more.
Dividers by @/saradika
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sixosix · 2 years
child hood bffs with shinso! child hood bffs with shinso!
( & ) anon you are right and yes i also saw people commenting about this on my other fic. i shall answer my people’s cry!!!
being childhood friends with shinsou means he’s truly comfortable with you. it would take a while for him to open up to others, but never with you.
(it got a lot of bewildered looks when you tackled him with a hug and he hugged you back. he! hitoshi shinsou who might as well have dropped a bomb on their first meeting with him!)
you get to see him with his witty remarks, sly grins, and—unfortunately—flirty comments that he saves for absolutely no one else but you. you swear he gets too comfortable sometimes…
it’s not your fault you react the way he wants you to, too! with a voice like that, how can you stand still and not melt?
shinsou has always been naturally clingy. nothing too overbearing, just a constant presence behind you that feels safe.
—that is until he decides to be bold and just engulfs your figure from behind with his arms.
“mf—!” you glare at him, and he grins back at you, lazy and slow. “hitoshi…”
you try to wriggle out, but unfortunately his trainings with eraserhead gave him… a build. one that refused to let you slip out of his grasp.
“this is for training. you get 100 if you escape,” he says. you try again, but he looks bored, almost. such are the struggles of a now-hero-student and a gen-ed-student. “mm, 5 for effort.”
“you are a headache.”
shinsou laughs—a rare sound, one that always made you forgive him always in the end. “always been yours from the start, you know that.”
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uravichii · 1 year
pov: you're drop-dead gorgeous (and they don't know how to deal with it)
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character/s: bakugo katsuki, shinsou hitoshi, kaminari denki, todoroki shouto
genre: fluff, crack (?), them hyping u up like there's no tomorrow, uhh reader wears makeup 🤕
notes: this is for all u pretty mfs aka all of u whether u believe it or not YOU ARE PRETTY AMD HOT AND AMAZING 😡‼️ also disclaimer: the boys love u not just for your face. they think you're so cool for being beautiful inside n out and this is just them appreciating the out 🧎‍♀️
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bakugo katsuki thinks you're so pretty that his only response to it is to be angry. he'd watch intently the way you'd smooth your clothes down and cutely fiddle with your hair in the mirror as if there's even anything to fix. he'll cup your pretty face in his hands and squeeze your cheeks together (cuteness aggression probably), "tell me why you're so fucking pretty all the time? what are you so pretty for, huh?!"
bakugo katsuki would always watch you do your makeup and hair and then slip into the prettiest clothes only you can pull off and he's just mesmerized by the whole thing.
"katsuki, please stop drooling and get dressed. we're gonna be late."
his only response is: "fuck off."
because he can never deny nor hide the fact that he constantly admires you every chance he gets. he storms his way to you and snatches a shimmery eyeshadow from your makeup bag. "tch, you don't even need any of this shit."
"you don't like it, katsuki?" you stare up at him doe-eyed, easily making his heart skip a beat.
"h-hah?! i didn't say that!" he shoves it to your hand, "now do this glittery shit next!"
and you just ditch whatever plans you'd made and spend the rest of the night trying on different makeup looks. he'll insist that you sit on his lap while you doll yourself up just because, and you gladly do so but then you both end up wearing a full face of glam makeup 🧍‍♀️ he doesn't know how he just let it happen but he's like, "whatever makes you fucking happy, y/n."
he then proceeds to tell you that, "every one of those ugly extras should grovel at your feet, worship the ground you walk on, and then beg for your forgiveness."
"forgive them for what?"
he stares blankly at you. "for breathing the same air as you."
bakugo katsuki's not active on social media at all but on his instagram, his first and only post is a photo dump of just youー the selfies you took on his phone, your date outfits, candid photos (by courtesy of bakugo katsuki) of you smiling at a stray cat, the power nap you took on his shoulder, and his favorite one by far: a photo of you wearing his black tank top that completely swallows you up, holding up two little peace signs on your cheeks.
and of course, he captions it, "u and ur ugly ass wish u were y/n."
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shinsou hitoshi is convinced he's dating a model. he doesn't know how it happened, but he is a little proud of whatever the hell was in him that managed to rizz you up.
he thinks you look amazing in absolutely anything. so when you go clothes shopping together, he casually picks up all types of clothes from the racks until there's a whole pile of them in his arms.
when you shoot him a questioning look about it, he only says, "think you'll look amazing in these, babe."
he also picks up some accessories and just wears them on youー hats, sunglasses, hair pins, and you just let him because each time you let him accessorize you, he gives those little comments like, "amazing." "cute" "this one's tacky; i put it on you as a joke but you pull it off for some reason." "yes. slayed." he made you wear cat ears one time and he just melts right there, immediately taking a photo of you for his new lockscreen.
it bothers shinsou hitoshi a lot when people stare at you even when they can clearly see his hand on the small of your back. he'll slide closer to you and kiss the top of your head all the while he gives them a death stare he wishes he could do more.
he squeezes your waist a little to call your attention.
"hm? what's up, hitoshi?"
he looks at you blankly, taking in your features in awe as if for the first time again. then he stuffs your face into his chest, your legs staggering as you grab a hold of his forearms.
"hey, what are you doing?" you giggle in his chest. he's relieved you can't see his flushed cheeks. "hitoshiii"
"you're too good for this world, y/n. i need to start gatekeeping you."
what blows shinsou hitoshi's mind the most is how you're probably unaware of your effect on him, no matter how many times he's called you all synonyms of the word, 'beautiful'
he's sat on the couch, a tiny smile of adoration tugging on his lips when he sees you running up to him. your eyes brim with excitement as you call his name, truly the prettiest ones he's ever seen.
"something happened?ー" he pauses when you lean your face so close to his. he sinks back into the couch as the tips of ears start to turn red.
it takes a moment until he realizes that you're showing off the purple eyeshadow you had done on yourself, batting your eyelashes at him as you wait for his response bc right now he's just staring at you like 😦💘‼️‼️‼️
"it's the one you picked out from the mall yesterday. is it pretty?"
"y/n." his hands slowly find their way to your waist, "i don't believe you're real sometimes. you are possibly the most beautiful person i've ever seen."
"god," he pulls you by the waist until you're sat on his lap, your legs straddling him. "you have no idea."
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remember how bakugo said all those extras should be groveling at your feet and worshipping you? yeah, it's kaminari denki. he worships you.
he thinks you're beautiful and he's LOUD about it.
he's constantly bragging about you to his friends and showing off your photos (if you're comfy w/ that), "oh this? oh yeah, this is is y/n, the coolest, funniest, drop dead gorgeous, most ethereal person on earth and they're dating ME."
and bakugo would just grab his phone and knock it against his head with a thud 🤕, "WE FUCKING GET IT. NOW, SHUT UP, DUMBASS."
he'll rub his head while cackling, "whatever, i'm dating Y/N. who cares about anything if you're dating y/n?"
kaminari denki doesn't love you just for your beauty though. you're not just some eye candy to him. if someone ever called you one though, you bet he's zapping their ass and with the whole bakusquad by his side because somehow they feel obligated to protect you now too. 🧍‍♀️ (denki's effect)
and just as much as he compliments your beauty everyday, he never forgets to let you know how beautiful your heart is too. in fact, he calls you 'angel' because how could someone be this beautiful and be so kind and caring to him at the same time?
"sometimes.." he looks up pensively from his lap where you lay your head, "i feel like i've been blessed by the heavens when i got to date you.
"don't even think i'm exaggerating, y/n!" he pokes your cheek when you turn your head to look at him, "you're amazing. i don't know what i did for you to give me a chance."
there are times though when a part of kaminari denki feels a little insecure because he thinks he looks quite stupid next to you, and it doesn't help either that the bakusquad never lets him hear the end of it 😔
"denki, you don't look stupid because you're next to me. you do that on your own."
"aww, thank yー hol' up." 🤨
he's pouting but you immediately wipe that off by apologizing and peppering his face with kisses, ending it with a loud smooch on his lips with a "mmmwah!"
kaminari denki now can't remember what you're even apologizing for in the first place.
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you and todoroki shouto are so beautiful, the visuals are blinding 😩 you'd walk to your classroom together, him opening the door for you and you smiling at him, lovingly squeezing his arm as a silent 'thank you,' and people just stare with their mouths agape, not knowing who exactly to be jealous of.
shouto definitely stares the most though until it concerns midoriya, "t-todoroki-kun, you haven't moved in three minutes. are you okay?" because he might as well have drawn hearts on his eyes and stab an arrow to his heart with the way he looks at you.
todoroki shouto always kisses your eyes, nose, cheeks, hair, and your lips, of course, just to let you know how beautiful he thinks they are.
he thinks whatever you do or wear is so pretty, hence, the many, many photos of you on his phone. his lockscreen changes every 2 days because everyday he just gets a prettier shot of you, and he always shows them to you and to his friends and siblings ☹️ because everyone, including you, should appreciate what a beauty you are!
"this looks great! you'd make a great photographer, shouto" you lean in to kiss his cheek, immediately sending a flush across his face.
"well..." he looks to the ground, the feeling of your lips still lingering on his right cheek. "that's all you... you're beautiful. i don't know how it has anything to do with me, but thank you."
and then he leans closer, tilting his head to the side to silently ask for another kiss. you laugh softly at this, and when you cup his cheeks in your hands and start planting kisses all over his face the way he does to you, shouto confirms it in his mindー y/n is an angel.
todoroki shouto would get a little overboard with the photos though because he'll spam that button and keep every single one. when you ask why keep the blurry ones, he explains, "that's still a photo of you. why would i delete it?"
he also has a photo of his point of view from when he had his head on your lap. he said he wanted to capture "the happiest moment of his life." you convince yourself it's sweet but it's literally just a photo of your chin in a weird angle.
"shouto, that's just my chin."
he looks at you dead in the eye. "y/n, you have a lovely chin."
you call him a weirdo, which surprises him a little, but then you drape your arms around his neck and pepper kisses all over his face again because who else in the world would say that to you?
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nightfall-kachiniko · 8 months
“Babe, babe.” He calls to you, grabbing your face to look at his. His eyes glaring into yours as he soft whispers. “look.”
he says, slighting raising his eyebrow as he stares at you with love and lust in his eyes.
He swiftly thrusts harder, going faster and deeper as you roll your head back, shutting your eyes as you let out a moan.
His eyes glare you down as you squeeze his arm, softening like putty as you melt into him . ༯
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agendercrisisx · 4 months
Hitoshi and denki- when ur so full with cum it squelches
They have already filled you with so many loads you can't keep track, but they're not anywhere near stopping. Shinsou pumps into you, as you moan and whimper every time his cock hits your g-spot. Denki stands besides you watching, moving his hand up and down his cock, but every time he gets close he stops. He is only gonna come in you. You need to be filled and breed like a good slut, so he saves every drop for your dripping hole.
Shinsou groans as he can feel himself getting closer, not explicitly working you towards you pleasure, but you're so damn close anyway. When you come around his cock, he can't help to release another load. Filling you up, pressing his hips even harder against your pussy, because he wants your womb to get filled, not just your pussy.
And then the boys switch places, Denki taking Shinsous' place, and now he's filling your dripping hole. Pushing their cum back in you with his cock, he's already so close, from the way he worked his cock. He busts another load in you, and you're so damn full. Your stomach bulging, and as Denki pulls out the cum inside you squelches. They sound has the boys exchanging a look and smirking. A look that says they're not even close to stopping. They're not gonna stop until your fucked dumb and breed properly.
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sugarlywhispers · 5 months
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Lool, here it is~ c;
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When you decided to call your man as you walked home from work, knowing he was at the gym at that hour, you expected anything. Music, loud noises, even people talking loudly.
However, you weren't expecting... that.
A grunted moan, followed by, "Hey, gorgeous... ugh... how's your day? Mmh..."
You stopped walking, mind trying to comprehend what you just heard.
"Umm, good?" You knew your tone sounded more like a question than an affirmation, and so did him.
Shinsou Hitoshi laughed in a breath, followed by another pant and a mmh that now made you press your thighs together. "Are you asking me, baby? Fuck..." and the sound of dropping a big weight was heard.
The sudden thought of him doing those noises while laying over you, your legs around his slim waist and fingers grabbing his strong biceps, his dick so deep buried into you that the only coherent thought would be "more".
And now you were definitely clenching, in need of him.
You slapped yourself mentally to gather your thoughts back together. Looking around to see if anybody noticed your sudden hornyness for this man that was driving you crazy.
A hand slides throughout your locks as you resume your walking, "Shit... Sorry I called, I just wanted to ask if you want some fuck, shit, no, I mean, if you want tonight some dinner, EAT dinner at my place tonight?"
The grumbled of his breathed laugh was felt in your spine, traveling tour whole body even though he wasn't physically behind you, "You said tonight, twice." Another pant.
You gulped.
Jesus, this man was...
"Dinner and fuck, sounds like a plan to me, bub."
You almost tripped. "I didn't..."
"Oh, yes, you did... And I'm definitely gonna have my way with you," his voice sounded breathy, but his flirty tone was there. Torturing you like he always did.
Fuck. You want him so badly it's making you go insane.
You bit your lower lip looking around you to see if there's enough people paying attention or close enough to hear what you're about to say.
"If you can make those sounds again... you can have desert first."
You could picture his side smirk, breathy pants as he completely stops what he's doing, and said, "Deal."
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lovelyiida · 5 months
➜ new years kiss headcanon’s!
WARNINGS: SLIGHTLY smutty, intended fem/gn reader, mentions of panties, angst, the p word, your WAIST
➜ masterlist
➜ tag form
➜ words: 5K
reposts are welcomed!
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➜ BAKUGO KATSUKI ✲ gn! reader
Decides to kiss you after the countdown, he can’t handle the pressure. (No one can tell him what to do, not even a stupid clock).
"I think if I saw Mina force-feed another grape in her mouth under that table, I was gonna vomit."
"I barfed a little in my mouth, actually."
A guttural laugh escaped from your lips as you held your stomach for support, and Katsuki couldn’t stop looking at you. The both of you were on clean-up duty after the New Year’s party the class held. However, you easily stopped caring about cleaning and decided to do what the both of you did best—shit talking.
Eyes snapping wide, you sat up in your seat and pointed towards the blonde with a smirk. “Oh! And did you see Denki and Jiro kiss? Ugh, I swear they needed to get a room.” You grimaced in jealousy. Katsuki let out a dry chuckle before placing his feet up on the common room table.
“Sounds like you’re jealous,” Katsuki sighed. Rolling your eyes, you followed his actions and placed your feet on the table as well.
"Well, I thought a guy I knew was gonna kiss me, but he wussed out." You mumbled, picking at the lint on the couch. Katsuki’s eyes looked out into the distance, going into deep thought as to who this "guy" could be.
Iida? Old news, pretty funny seeing you get rejected by him, though.
Shoji? He doesn’t really want to picture that interaction.
Kirishima? He’d be a dead man if he tried it.
Laying his head back against the plush fabric, he turned and looked at you. “Wha?” You asked, a small smile pressed on your lips as you tilted your head to the side.
“Who’s the guy?” He asked in curiosity, eyebrows lifted as he tried his hardest not to look as if he really wanted to know the answer. Even though he really does.
“You promise not to get upset?” You said softly. You couldn’t help but chuckle as you watched the overdramatic blonde roll his eyes and let out a deep sigh.
“I swear... if it’s shitty-hair–“
Katsuki gave you a look before sighing in defeat. “Alright, lay it on me.” Taking in a deep breath, you covered your eyes and cowered to the side. Slowly lifting your finger (for dramatic effect) towards him.
Katsuki’s eyes widened as he looked at your quivering finger (also for dramatic effect). “Me?” He said, disbelief etched through his tone as he grumbled out the word. Humming in response, the blonde was taken aback.
“I’m… the wuss?” He also said in disbelief. Uncovering your eyes, you slammed your hands on the couch. “Yes! You are!” You argued with a smile.
“And don’t even try and tell me that you don’t have feelings for me; 'shitty-hair' already told me everything.”
A light blush dusted against his cheeks as he cursed under his breath. “I’m gonna kill him,” he growled under his breath.
“So why didn’t you do it, hm?” You hummed. The blonde looked at you for a moment before sitting up in his seat; oh, he meant business.
“Because why should a stupid clock tell me what to do?” He argued. You looked up, pretending to be in deep thought. “Oh, I don’t know…maybe because it’s tradition?” You said it as a matter-of-factly.
“Fuck tradition.”
“Oh, you’re such a wuss,” you teased. Katsuki’s eyes snapped towards you, and he gave you a frown. “Shut it!” He yelled out loud.
“Make me.”
Katsuki didn’t need to be asked twice; taking his feet off the table, he launched himself towards you. Tightly gripping your waist, he smashed his lips against yours. The force of the kiss toppled you over.
Once a harsh kiss, it turned soft as his hands began to gently caress your sides.
Once sour, now sweet.
Pulling away from your lips gently, you blinked open your eyes and met Katsuki’s deep amber eyes. “Am I a wuss now?” He said with a mischievous smirk. You let out a chuckle before raising your hands to caress his face.
“You’re a shit kisser.”
“Bet you liked it though.”
“...I did.”
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➜ TENYA IIDA ミ★ gn! reader
As the clock ticks with not much time on his hands, you were no where to be found.
Will his plans go correct?
"Has anyone seen Y/n?" Iida asked, a twinge of anxiety laced in his tone as his eyes quickly scanned the common room of class 1-A.
"Um, have you tried outside? Denki and a couple of others are out lighting sparklers," said Ojiro. Iida rushed past the blonde without another word as he stormed outside.
Looking around, he only saw Denki, Hakagure, and Kirishima trying to light 10 sparklers at once… using Denki’s mouth.
"Please! Take that out of your mouth!" Iida grumbled sternly. He watched the trio scurry off before hurrying back into the dorms. Standing in the middle of all the celebratory ruckus, Iida placed his hands on his hips.
Iida quietly cursed under his breath as he nervously pushed up his glasses. Iida had a strict plan to conquer, and it seemed as if everything was falling apart.
You see, Iida had a step-by-step plan to win you over today. Starting with being at your side the whole party, he wanted to talk to you and do the many activities he planned so that he could swoon you over.
Next, he was going to lay it out on you. Express everything he was feeling. Through a heartfelt letter, of course. You'd be weak in the knees by then, right?
Finally, he'd corner you in, possibly leading you behind everyone and kissing you right then and there.
The new year would be perfect.
But it’s 8 minutes until countdown, and you’re nowhere in sight. How will he go through with his plan if the main attraction is nowhere to be seen?
Storming into the elevators, he goes floor by floor.
First, second, third… nothing.
Stopping at the third-floor terrace, he let out an irritated groan. Checking his wrist for the time, he sighed.
“3 minutes until countdown…”
Resting his arms against the terrace, he placed his hand against his forehead. Shaking his head in defeat, the raven-haired man sat up and began to head back down to the common room.
Sniffle, sob, snort.
Iida’s brows lifted as he heard the faint noises. Someone is crying? Walking back over to the terrace, he leaned forward, trying his hardest to listen in on the faint sobs.
Eyes going wide, it seemed as if Iida’s hand slipped from the railing. This is what happens when you’re a nosy class president. Flipping over the edge, Iida quickly held grasp of the second-floor railing before he could slip any further.
Activating his quirk, Iida safely landed on his feet at the second-floor terrace. Dusting himself off, he looked up and suddenly put on a frown.
He watched you, all teary-eyed and pout-lipped. Your eyes wide and bloodshot, shaking a little from the scene that just took place.
“I-Iida? What the hell just happened?” You whimpered. Walking past him, you placed your hand on the railing and shook it, making sure that it wasn’t loose, but to your suspicion, it wasn’t.
“I was up there on the third floor and I heard you… I didn’t know it was you– I’m trying to say that I was trying to find where the noise was coming from! Not trying to be nosy– which I’m not, by the way–“
“Iida,” you mumbled. “It’s all good, I’m fine.” You tried your best to smile, but you couldn’t. Iida looked at you with a frown, walking towards you; he placed his hand on your shoulder.
“Well, you’re obviously not, Y/n,” he said sternly. Biting your lip, you began to sob out once more.
“It’s just… seeing everyone down there having a good time celebrating…” you trailed off with a sniffle. “You guys are so excited for the new year and I’m not.” You emphasized with a strained chuckle.
Hanging your head low, you confessed. “I don’t think I’ll stay here next semester.”
Within those small moments, you uttered those words, it felt as if Iida’s world was crashing down. His mouth was slightly agape at your words, dragging his hand from your shoulder to the side of your arm, he speaks.
“What? Why would you leave?” He asked.
“Because!” You yelled out, exasperated.
“I just don’t think I’m strong enough for this. My quirk is shitty. I’m lacking behind the rest of the class; everyone seems as if they’re improving by the second, and I’m just here being left behind—I’m not as special as everyone says–“
“What?” Iida interrupted, in utter disbelief.
Blinking up at him, your mouth was slightly agape as you looked at him. He actually looked angry.
“Not as special? Do you hear yourself when you speak?” He lets out a dry chuckle. Looking down at the floor, you spoke, “Listen… everything that I’m saying is true—“
Eyes snapping wide, you cover your mouth as you watch Iida curse. “Everything that you’re saying isn’t the truth. And I’d know that!” He shouts passionately.
“I can’t believe you’re doing this! You’re so perfect, and you’re saying this? Y/n, do you know how much I look up to you?” He says, a deep frown pressed on his lips as he looked deep within your eyes.
Shaking your head, he lets out a scoff.
“Everyday I look at you and wonder why you’re so perfect. From the way you smile, to the way you treat others, and how you work harder than anyone else I’ve seen… you’re so perfect, and you don’t even know it.”
A singular tear slides down your cheek as you look at him in disbelief. “Iida… I didn’t know you felt that way.”
“Y/n, I’m in love with you.”
Damn, that was supposed to come out more poetic.
“A-and you can’t leave! Because if you leave, my world crashes down and I’ll have no one to look up to. No one to yearn for, and no one to truly love and appreciate.” Iida spoke softly, hands going stiff as he snaked his hands around your waist.
“I’m not saying that you should stay for me; stay for your future. Because it’s gonna be great, and you’d be an amazing hero.”
Iida’s eyes trace along your face, taking in every detail. Each tear, each twinkle of your eyes, the quiver of your lips. Slowly placing his hand against your cheek. You lean into his touch.
beep, beep, beep!
beep, beep, beep!
The both of you jolt at the sudden loud noise. Iida’s eyes trace over at his watch, watching as the clock strikes 12. Signaling in the new year.
Without even thinking, Iida slowly leans in and presses a soft kiss on your lips. Leaning into the kiss, you trace your arms around his neck and deepen the kiss.
Slightly pulling away, Iida places small pecks against your cheeks before looking into your eyes. The both of you let out a small chuckle before leaning back into each other’s arms.
After all the thoughts that have raced in your head today. You didn’t think you’d enter into the new year kissing Iida, that’s for sure.
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EJIRO KIRISHIMA 🜸 fem! reader
He’s less confident, more fidgety than usual. And it’s gonna take a lot for him to finally confess to you.
Luckily, Bakugo can help!
"Hey guys!"
The room erupted with cheerful greetings and laughter, but Kirishima couldn't say a word as he watched you walk towards him.
And damn, you looked good.
"Whoa, what's with the new look?" said Denki. You played with your hair in response before speaking. "I don't wanna be cheesy, but new year, new me!" you exclaimed.
"Failed," Bakugo deadpanned.
Smacking your lips, you rolled your eyes before looking at the redhead. "Look Kiri, we're matching!" you exclaimed as you pointed at your head. It was true; both of you were matching.
Bright red hair caressed your face and perfectly matched with your features. Kirishima thought he was looking at an angel. One thing he knows: what's sexier than the color red?
Kirishima looked at you with no words, and usually, he can't stop talking. Sitting there, you waited for his response, but it seemed he was giving you nothing.
"I think he's saying you're drop-dead gorgeous—"
"W-what!" Kirishima cuts off Denki's words, waving his hands defensively. "I didn't say that! I mean, you do look really nice— I'm not saying you're not gorgeous. I-I'm just saying I didn't say that—"
"It's okay Kiri, I understand." You gave him a small smile before waving to the group goodbye and walking away to see everyone else.
"Dude!," Denki snorted.
"You absolutely tanked that; how the hell are you supposed to kiss them if you can't even give them a cohesive compliment?" Sero laughs, which then leads to him and Denki throwing themselves into a fit of laughter.
"Guys!" Kirishima bashfully groans out, trying to distract himself with sorting out the sparklers. A present blush on his cheeks grows as he revels in the situation.
"Hey dunce-face," Bakugo speaks out. Kirishima looks up at the blonde, his face unreadable. "If you don't kiss her, I will." Bakugo places down the remaining sparklers before bumping his shoulder and walking away.
Kirishima watches as Bakugo walks towards you with a smirk. As you turned at him, you smiled and gave him a hug.
Kirishima's chest tightens at the sight of his best friend seemingly making moves on his crush. And he knew especially how Kirishima felt about you.
"Kiri… you alright?" Speaks Sero, taking his hand out towards Kirishima's shoulder; he suddenly shoves it out of his grasp.
Kirishima's blood boiled as he watches both of you. Look at you, just canoodling in front of him with no remorse!
Snapping a cluster of sparklers in his hand, he slams his fist down and races over to both of you.
"Oh, shit…" Denki and Sero both say worriedly.
Kirishima walks over towards both of you. Cups in hand, he watched how your body was too close to Bakugo's for his own comfort. Chuckling at whatever Bakugo was saying. Your eyes look over at Kirishima, and you let out a frown.
"Kiri, are you okay?" You say softly. Bakugo then looks up at the redhead, unfazed. "Bakugo, dude, we need to talk," Kirishima says sternly. Bakugo looks at the redhead, observing his clenched fists and red ears; he lets out a dry chuckle before handing you his cup.
"I'm all ears." Bakugo walks behind Kirishima as he leads him into an empty hallway. Turning towards the blond, he erupts.
"What the hell, dude!" He shouts. "What are you doing? You know how much I like Y/n; how could you!" Kirishima says exasperated.
"And what makes you think you're the only one that likes them, eh?" He says with a smirk. His words take Kirishima aback.
Mouth agape, he stutters, "w-what?"
"You heard me. What makes you think it's just you? What if I told you I liked her longer than you've liked her? What if I told you I had the same exact plans you had for tonight?"
Kirishima listens to the blonde in disbelief.
"Dude, you can't do this…" Kirishima whimpers.
"All I'm saying is…" Bakugo steps closer to the redhead. "I tried giving you the benefit of the doubt. But I've grown impatient, and if you're too much of a pussy to make a move; I'm gonna step in and do what I should've done a long time ago."
Bakugo's words dripped with venom as he spoke to his friend. Kirishima blinks before frowning at the blonde.
"You think I'm too pussy?" Kirishima says with a devilish smirk. The blonde looks at him straight-faced, "you've proven my theory so far." Bakugo says, his voice is unwavering as he insults Kirishima.
"Watch me!" Kirishima growls before shoving the blonde away. As he entered back into the common room, the lights were off, and the strobe lights were on.
Each student laughing and having a good time as they began to welcome in the new year. But the only thing on Kirishima's mind was you.
You watched as the redheads eyes were dead-set onto you. You watched with a frown as he stormed up to you. "Kiri, what's wrong—"
"Y/n, I like you!" Kirishima confessed.
Eyes going wide, you became speechless at his words. Kirishima huffs out a breath before speaking again, "I've liked you ever since the entrance exam. I remember seeing you for the first time and thinking to myself—dude, she's so hot!"
"Of course, I never thought I could be your boyfriend though; I mean, I can't even compare! You are drop-dead gorgeous! You're even more than that; you're… you're like Aphrodite or something!—"
Smacking your drink down on a nearby table, you reach forward and grab ahold of the back of Kirishima's neck. With a tight grasp, you smash your lips against his.
Kirishima couldn't even register what was happening at the moment. He felt as if the world was slowing down; the loud noises surrounding him faded away.
Feeling the plushness of your lips and the sweetness of your tongue. Kirishima hums into your lips, tightly holding a grasp of your waist before deepening the kiss.
But in the distance, what Kirishima didn't notice, was his three friends snickering in the distance at the two of you.
"So… are you gonna tell him you were lying the whole time?" Sero quipped. Bakugo leans back into the wall with a sigh, "nah… I'm gonna let his ego have it."
"For now, at least."
For the rest of the night, things went without a hitch. As both of you were able to share a proper New Year's kiss directly at dawn.
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➜ DENKI KAMINARI ☻︎ fem! reader
Unlike everyone else, you and Denki made it a mission to have good luck for the upcoming new year.
Especially luck in the romantic department…
(INFO: eating 12 grapes before the clock strikes 12:01 for the new years is a tradition that is supposed to bring in immense luck for the new year. Also, if you wear red underwear this gives you luck romantically for the new year!)
“How long are you gonna wash those grapes?”
“As long as I need to! This has to be perfect if you want this to work, Denki,” you said with a sigh.
“Whatever you say, Y/n…”
Denki watched intently as you relentlessly soaked the grapes over and over again, making sure each and every grape was spotless. With a mischievous grin, he spoke.
“Y’know, I heard you’ll get even better luck if you shove the grapes–“
“Gross!” You shout before letting him finish. Denki laughed before casually leaning against the kitchen counter.
“So, did you also put on red underwear?~” You said. Denki hummed before reaching into his pants and showing you the elastic band. Looking down, you let out a chuckle as you continued washing the grapes meticulously.
“What? Don’t tell me you didn’t—“
“No, don’t worry, I did! You just didn’t have to show me,” you continued to chuckle. Denki smiled before closing in on your personal space.
“And what about you? Gotta prove it too, don’t ya?” He said with a mischievous grin. You gave Denki a look, cheeks rising in heat at his flirtatious words.
Pushing him away softly, you cursed. “Forget it, and help me out, would ya?” You said irritated, trying to soak the big batch of grapes thoroughly.
Denki promptly rolled up his sleeves and began to assist you with the already clean grapes. “I swear, if I don’t get a boyfriend this year, I’m going to off myself,” you spoke.
“Same here, but the other way around?” Denki spoke, momentarily confusing both of you. This led to both of you sharing a hearty laugh. “I’m just saying that your boy is in desperate need of some c’est la vie.”
You looked over and looked at him flatly, “that’s… not even the right saying.” You chuckled before stopping in your tracks.
“I know, smartass.”
Denki suddenly shut off the water with a quick motion. “I think they’re clean, let’s just set everything up already? The ball drops in 10 minutes!” He said excitedly.
Denki shushed you with a quick motion by placing his finger against your mouth. Turning his back towards you, he started to take out plates and arrange them on the table.
You let out a defeated sigh before following his lead. Both of you began to set everything up, distributing plates of grapes to classmates before filling plates for yourselves.
You and Denki then huddled underneath the table with smiles shining bright from ear to ear. “Make way!” said Mina.
Before both of you knew it, several others began to huddle under the table as well. Bodies pressed up against each other, you and Denki were pressed against each other, chest to chest.
You never decided to look up at him, as the only thing separating both of you was now air and Ojiro’s tail…
As the countdown began, you settled the grapes in your lap, excitedly shouting down the final seconds to the new year.
“Five, four, three, two, one!”
Quickly, you and a multitude of others began to stuff the grapes in your mouth, hurriedly making sure the clock didn’t read 12:01. As you were eight grapes in, you looked over and saw Denki’s plate completely filled with grapes.
Looking at him, you frowned. “Why’re you not eating your grapes?” you muffled. Denki looked down with a smile, “you’re so cute with your mouth full like that.”
You paused in your tracks, not even caring about beating the clock. As you chewed and swallowed, you noticed the light pink blush cascading over Denki’s freckled cheeks.
“What did you say?” you spoke.
“C’mere…” Denki mumbled softly as his hands neared your face. Gently taking you in, he pressed his lips against yours. Eyes rolling closed, your hands grew weak, and your plate of four grapes fell to the floor; all that cleaning for nothing, you guess…
Denki snaked his hands around your waist, traveling lower than expected as he deepened the kiss even more.
“Ah!” you shrieked, looking down you noticed Denki was holding out the elastic band of your red panties. Blushing at the sight, you tried your best to push him away, but you couldn’t.
“Wow, are you wearing a thong?” he whispered in your ear before placing a kiss on the nape of your neck.
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HITOSHI SHINSOU ༄ gn! reader
You and Shinsou could really care less for the new year, it was just another day for the both of you.
So you decide that the both of you should be united in misery and spend the night together, and with his cat.
"Here, kitty…”
Whispering playful banter past your younger companion towards the dark grey furball, you watch as their green eyes glow in curiosity at the feathered toy you held in your hand. Wavering it up and down, you chuckled as the cat began to frantically claw at the feathered material.
“Hey, leave her alone; she pisses when she gets too excited,” Shinsou deadpanned. Pulling your lips into a thin, pressed line, you quickly retract the toy and throw it on top of his bed. You watched as the furball suddenly leaped into Shinsou’s lap; he lazily began to pet the cat with his hands and continued to scroll on his phone.
The both of you currently were sitting on the floor of his dorm, lazily watching whatever was on TV until the "hoopla" was over. You knew class 1-A was having a huge party, but you and Shinsou decided to stay behind. Enveloping yourself in the comfortable silence, your eyes grow droopy as the only noise you can hear was the distant noises of the TV playing old cartoon reruns and the obnoxious purring of Shinsou’s cat.
Letting out a deep sigh, you couldn’t deny it...
You were bored as hell.
Quickly turning over, you reach out towards the remote and start to continuously flip through channels until something actually brings you interest. From family game shows to corny reality TV, nothing to you could cure the hole in your chest that was filled to the brim with absolute boredom. Flipping through more channels, you suddenly find the news channels.
You know you didn’t really want to see it, but the ball drop was a guilty pleasure.
Placing a smirk on your lips, you watched the happy citizens of Japan celebrate the welcoming of the new year. You were actually enjoying yourself until you heard a deep sigh on the other end of your ear. Looking in the corner of your eye, you watch Shinsou roll his eyes. Placing his phone down, he watches the TV, his deepened eye bags only making him look even more miserable than he wished to express.
“You just had to turn this on, huh?” Shinsou says aggravated.
“Oh geez, live a little,” you complained as you turned the volume up.
“I’ll start living once you turn the damn TV down,” Shinsou suddenly snatches the remote from your weakened fingertips; letting out a gasp, you try to reach for it back but you couldn’t. Shinsou turns the volume down before tossing it back into your grasp. Cursing him under your breath, you sneakily turn the TV back up by a couple of points before stashing the remote under the bed.
Shinsou scoffs at your actions and continues watching the TV, looking as if he’s being held here against his will. Chuckling to yourself, your eyes suddenly spark up once you realize the ball was beginning to drop. “Look, they’re starting the countdown!” You excitedly pointed towards the screen; Shinsou lets out a dry chuckle at your childlike excitement.
“Ten…nine,” you whispered excitedly towards Shinsou. “Will you back off if I join?” He questioned; you hummed in response, continuing to count down the final seconds of the new year. Rolling his eyes, he begins to count down with you. The both of you begin to sound out the new year together, even though one of them, in reality, would really care less.
“Five, four, three, two, one!” You quietly shouted out happily. “Happy new year, Shinsou!” You chuckled, suddenly reaching over and embracing him into a quick hug before letting go and reaching down to give his cat the same amount of love. The purple-haired man shakes his head at your antics, stealthily reaching behind you and grabbing the remote; he quickly shuts the TV off.
Shinsou stands from his seat and places the remote on top of the TV, which he knew you’d be too lazy to reach. “Happy New Year,” Shinsou says smugly. He looks down at you, a frown present against your lips as you continue to baby his cat. “What’s your issue, Shinsou?” You accused. Shinsou sits comfortably on his bed, ignoring you completely before scrolling back on his phone.
Scoffing, Shinsou feels the bed sink as your added weight becomes present. You look at him as he continues to give you no attention, smacking your lips; you snatch his phone away from his hands. Rising from the bed, you also place his phone on top of the TV. Which you also knew he was too lazy to reach for. He suddenly lets out a defeated sigh, letting his head fall before combing his fingers through his purple locks.
“If you’re gonna be an ass…you need an actual reason to be one,” you spat. Shinsou lets out a sigh before speaking, “I thought you said you didn’t care for the new year.”
“I mean, I do and I don’t; it’s still a celebration of life. Who doesn’t like to celebrate?” You argued. “Well, you should’ve gone to 1-A’s party then; everyone is over there…” he trailed off.
“I didn’t want to go to that stupid party; it’s too loud. Plus, everyone already knows they don’t like each other…they’re just there for the free chips and dip,” you quipped. Shinsou chuckles at your words, “that’s true.”
“Plus, I kinda wanted to hang out with you anyways. You’re never around when we do parties, so I might as well see what you’re doing…” you mumbled. Shinsou frowned at your words, “so that’s why you’re here? To throw me a pity party?”
“No, not at all!” You defended.
“I came here because I wanted to hang out with you! But it would also be nice if you told me why you don’t hang out with any of us during the class celebrations” you asked curiously. Shinsou leans against the headboard of his and breathes in for a moment, letting out his breath he begins to speak. “Because I just think they’re dumb. When you have a father who basically has lived every single day of his life, it’s just another day with different decorations.”
“Especially New Years?”
“I mean, everyone huddles in a room making empty promises to themselves and stuff their greedy mouths with grapes! And don’t get me started on the kissing—“
“You sound do miserable, Shinsou” you added in. Shinsou was slightly taken aback by your words “No, I sound realistic.”
“Right, realistically miserable.”
“What this sounds like to me is… you’re mad you have no one to kiss this year” you equate with a smirk. Shinsou’s eyebrows lifted at the accusation, “huh?” You let out a chuckle before moving closer towards the miserable purpled haired guy. “It just makes sense, you’re just mad because you don’t have no one to kiss,” you giggled.
Moving even closer to him, Shinsou uncharacteristically reaches out for you. Taking you by the waist, he pushes you against him, holding you in place as you straddle his lap. "And why would ya' think that?"
“Well… You walk around here thinking you’re all high and mighty, but in reality, you’re just tense—backed up,” you mumbled.
As you and Shinsuo's eyelids began to fall, the gap between you started to close. “You could be right…” Shinsuo sinfully admits; this makes you let out a laugh.
Widening the distance between the both of you throws him off guard, his grip on your waist still held tight as he wasn’t going to let go of this opportunity to kiss you of all people.
“So, you’ll let me?” You say innocently, slightly tilting your head. A blush began to form against Shinsuo’s cheeks, but his bashfulness wasn’t going to stop him from being a flirty piece of shit.
“Do what? You gotta use your words,” he spoke softly, teasing you by caressing the sides of your waist. Warmth begins to rush towards your cheeks before continuing.
“Kiss you.”
Shinsuo brings you close again, “hell yeah.”
Closing the distance between the two of you, your lips softly press against each other feverishly.
Maybe, just maybe, Shinsuo might celebrate the next holiday…whenever that is.
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HELLO THERE!! Happy new year to all of you! To celebrate I decided to do some headcanons since I haven’t don’t any in so long. Please comment down below and give me feedback of any kind.
— lovelyiida ❤︎︎
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❥: @xo-evangeline, @nar00, @king-dynamight, @gold24fish, @lovra974 , @bakugospartner, @gaby-11, @akqsa-xxi, @jolynegf, @goldenglow149, @aliruuiz, @zukowantshishonourback, @ilovedenk-i, @atsushiki, @smolbeanzzz, @lem-hhn, @stevenknightmarc, @ryumiii, @idontevenknowlolls, @lyn07, @kennshifts, @ackerman-suck-3-r, @elegantvoids, @thecurlyhairedgoddess, @sunyrose, @thisbicc, @thekookiecorner, @snxwycloud, @skylardarling, @cosmic-rainstorm, @venus-xxoo, @iluv-ace, @yoonievrse, @chixkadee, @starxsage
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luvbugs-blog · 7 months
(( if requests are open rn/okay)
Getting caught with the boys, Hitoshi Shinsou version? xx
getting caught with the mha boys - part 3
featuring: hitoshi shinsou
a/n: aged up characters!
warnings: just a lil spicy dicey. spoilers for a grey's anatomy episode.
midterms were exhausting. it was a friday afternoon, and you were trudging back to your dorm to rot in your bed for a little bit. you barely had any time for yourself this week, choosing to lock yourself in your room or the library to prepare for all the tests. the late nights took a toll on you, so when you finally fall into bed, you almost want to take a nap. but you choose to scroll on tik tok instead, occasionally giggling at a funny one before sending it to your boyfriend.
oh. shinsou! you haven't seen him at all this week, as his test schedule happened to be when your free time was, and vice versa.
you would go visit him after taking some time to recharge. eventually, you do end up falling asleep, not waking up until the morning, weirdly warm. you blink, extremely tired despite sleeping for 10+ hours and shift in bed before hitting something hard. you whip around, heart pounding, to see your boyfriend leaning up against the headboard, smiling at whatever video he was watching. he glances over at you, before sending you a cheeky smile.
"finally up, kitten?"
"you freak! what are you doing in here?"
"i have an extra key."
"oh yeah." he sets his phone to the side and smirks at you.
"i missed you."
"i know, i'm sorry babe." he scoots closer to you, putting his leg over your hip and drawing you into his chest.
"well, we have time now." you smile, holding him close, nudging your nose to his.
"yes we do."
you didn't. just as your lips touched, his phone buzzed. the two of you jumped and he glanced at his phone before groaning loudly.
"what is it?"
"extra training with aizawa." he looked at you and you grinned.
"go on you big, lazy baby. i'll be here when you're done." he tucked some hair behind your ear before rolling over the bed, heading to training so he could get back to you.
but now that he left, you were twitchy, moving around the bed, feeling a bit anxious for him to come back. he had gotten you in the mood and then left. prick. you straighten up your room, clean your bathroom, and then decide to start an episode of grey's anatomy. at this point, you were relaxed again, and the door cracked open just as meredith placed her hand on the live bazooka in the guy's chest. locked in, you barely noticed as shinsou throws his shoes off and goes to take a shower in your bathroom.
he comes out in a towel and starts to crawl over to you, positioning himself over you. you push him aside, much to his displeasure, to watch meredith shakily put the live bazooka in the bomb squad guy's hand.
when the kisses start up your neck, you whine.
"baby, wait. this is interesting."
"i'm interesting."
but when meredith exists the O.R. to see the bomb squad blown up, shinou sits up.
you smirk. "told you it's totally interesting."
the ending credits play and you finally turn your attention to him. when you start kissing him now, he pays no attention as the next episode started playing.
"no you're right. this is interesting."
"ugh." he smiles, still looking at the tv, and puts his arm around your shoulders, pulling you into his chest. but you are not going to wait another 40 minutes. your hand trails down his abs (and damn, they are defined) to the hair that peeks out from the top of his towel.
no reaction.
your hand doesn't stop, lightly touching the bulge under the towel. he hisses and grabs your shoulder tighter.
"what are you doing?"
"asking for attention."
"you needy baby."
you throw your leg over his lap, now straddling him, hands reaching to move his hair out of his eyes. his eyes travel back to the tv, but you grab his chin and forced him to look at you.
"pay attention to me," you whine.
he smirks.
"make me."
you do. you smash your lips onto his, swallowing his groans. your hands move up his chest and one links in his hair while the other claws at his back. he kisses back with fervor, and to throw him off his game, you grind down on him. his head falls back onto the headboard, and you take the chance to start sucking on his neck.
his hand goes to your hair, pulling him back. his lips part, ready to say something, when a loud pounding on your door has the two of you quickly breaking apart.
the both of you groan, and shinsou shouts,
"way to kill the mood!"
you hear, "DON'T CARE," as he stomps back to his room and slams the door. you totally forgot his was your neighbor.
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emmyrosee · 1 year
BrainWash 🧠💜
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Not-So Villainous 
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doumadono · 27 days
HHHIIIIIIIiiiiiii... 🐺💎
So, I am coming to you with a small Emergency Request.
You know what's coming for me this Wednesday. I am just scared, stressed and all over the place. To simply put it I am a bundle of nerves that can snap ANY moment now.
I'd like to ask for a short fic with Prohero Shinso!
I just want to cuddle and nap with him to relax and maybe finally calm down!!!! 🥹🥹🥹
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A/N: sweetheart, I'm confident you'll do your best! I'm rooting for you, and I hope this little fic meets your expectations ᓚᘏᗢ
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Prohero Hitoshi Shinso, known for his extraordinary Quirk that allowed him to control others with just a whisper, was both feared and respected in equal measure.
As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting hues of orange and pink across the skyline, Shinso found himself returning to his modest apartment after a long day of crime-fighting. He unlocked the door with a tired sigh, shoulders slumping with the weight of the world. However, as he stepped inside, his fatigue melted away at the sight of you, curled up on the couch, a bundle of nerves and anxiety.
"Hey there," he murmured softly, closing the door behind him and crossing the room to kneel beside your curled form. "Rough day?"
You nodded, offering a weak smile. "You could say that."
"Sit down," Shinso urged gently, his voice a soothing melody in the cacophony of your mind. "I'll make us some tea."
As he disappeared into the kitchen, you let out a shaky breath, sinking into the cushions and allowing yourself to relax for the first time in what felt like an eternity.
Minutes later, Shinso returned with two steaming mugs of chamomile tea, setting them down on the coffee table before joining you on the couch. "Here," he said, handing you a mug. "This should help calm your nerves."
You took a sip, the warm liquid spreading a sense of tranquility through your body. "Thank you," you murmured, meeting Shinso's gaze with gratitude shining in your eyes.
He reached out, gently brushing a stray lock of hair from your face. "You don't have to thank me," he said softly. "I'm here for you, always." Without another word, Shinso enveloped you in his arms, pulling you close to his chest. His touch was like a soothing balm, easing the tension from your muscles as if by magic. "It's okay to have a worse day," he whispered, his voice a gentle reassurance in the darkness.
For a while, you simply melted into his embrace, finding solace in the warmth of his presence. But as the minutes stretched on, the weight of your worries still lingered, casting a shadow over your mind yet again.
Sensing your unease, Shinso pulled away slightly, his eyes searching yours with concern. "You know," he began, his voice laced with a hint of mischief, "I have a trick up my sleeve that might help you relax."
You raised an eyebrow, curiosity piqued. "Oh? And what might that be?"
An assistive glint danced in Shinso's eyes as he reached out, gently cupping your cheek in his hand. "Just close your eyes and trust me, would you, Y/N?" he murmured.
With a deep breath, you obeyed, surrendering yourself to his touch. And then, in an instant, you felt it — a gentle tug at the edges of your consciousness, like a soft whisper in the darkness. It was his Quirk, the power to control minds with but a word.
"Just relax," he whispered, his voice a soft murmur in the stillness of the room. "Let go of all your worries and fears. You're safe here with me."
His words washed over you like a gentle wave, soothing your frayed nerves and easing the tightness in your chest. With each whispered syllable, you felt yourself sinking deeper into a state of tranquility, the weight of the world slowly lifting from your shoulders. The worries that had once plagued your mind faded into the background, replaced by a sense of peace.
When you opened your eyes again, Shinso was smiling down at you, his expression tender and affectionate. "Better?"
You nodded, a grateful smile tugging at your lips. "Much better. Thank you, Hitoshi."
His smile widened at the sound of his name, a rare display of vulnerability on his usually stoic face. "Anytime. Oh, I nearly forgot," Hitoshi exclaimed, a hint of excitement in his voice. "I have someone I want you to meet, and I hope you won't be upset with me." He darted back towards the main door, returning moments later with a small box cradled in his arms. Placing the box gently by your side on the couch, Hitoshi's eyes sparkled with anticipation as he carefully opened it, revealing its precious contents. With a gentle hand, he reached inside, and to your surprise, he pulled out a small tortoiseshell cat, its bright eyes wide with curiosity as the animal blinked up at you. "This is Luna," Hitoshi announced with a smile, his voice soft and tender as he held the kitten up for you to see.
Luna wriggled in Hitoshi's grasp, her tiny paws reaching out towards you as if seeking reassurance. Hitoshi chuckled softly, gently placing her on the couch beside you where she promptly curled up in a small ball, purring contentedly.
"She's been through a lot," Hitoshi explained, his gaze softening as he watched Luna settle in beside you. "But I think she'll be happy here with us. I've been seeing her lurking near the building for a few days now," he began, his voice tinged with fondness. "Every time I'd come home from work, she'd be there, just hiding in the bushes." He paused, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips. "At first, she was a bit cautious around me, but as I stopped by to pet her each day, she started to warm up to me. Eventually, she started seeking me out, running to greet me whenever I walked by, rubbing her side against my legs as if trying to make friends. I decided that if Luna would let me catch her today, I would bring her home with me," he explained, his eyes sparkling with warmth. "And she did. She hopped right into the box without hesitation, almost as if she knew she belonged with me." Hitoshi's smile widened as he looked down at Luna, who was now curled up contentedly beside you on the couch. "I took her to the vet right away to make sure she was healthy," he continued. "She's a bit underweight, but with some TLC and good food, she'll be good in no time."
As you listened to Hitoshi's story, your heart swelled with admiration for his kindness and compassion towards the cat. You couldn't help but smile at the sight of Luna, her presence bringing a sense of warmth and joy to the room. "You did very well, Hitoshi," you whispered, reaching out to stroke Luna's soft fur. "She's perfect."
Hitoshi's voice was gentle as he spoke. "I truly believe that Luna's presence will be beneficial for both of us," he stated, his tone soft but resolute. "There's something inherently calming about a cat's presence. The softness of their fur, the gentle rhythm of their purr — it has a way of soothing the soul, easing the anxieties of daily life." He reached out to gently stroke Luna's fur, a small smile playing at his lips as she purred contentedly beneath his touch. "I've always found solace in the company of cats," he admitted. "And I hope that having Luna here with us will bring us both a sense of comfort and tranquility, especially on those days when the world feels a little too overwhelming."
You nodded in agreement. Indeed, there was nothing quite like the gentle presence of a furry companion to chase away the worries of the day and bring a sense of peace to the heart. Not to mention, your dear boyfriend knew how to use his quirk in the wisest way possible to soothe your inner demons.
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uravichii · 1 year
4:17 AM ー shinsou hitoshi
genre: fluff, heavy comfort in the end, self-indulgent !!
cw: (1) mention of "ma'am" i'm so sorry it sounded cute i couldn't help it. that's the only gendered term here tho :') this is for all u tired smarty pants girlies im giving u a bf who'll stay up with u 😡
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shinsou hitoshi's favorite thing to do is staying up with you throughout every single one of your all-nighters.
whether it's for an exam, a shit ton of homework, or a group project which, for some reason, you're finishing all by yourselfー he's plopped there on your bed, perfectly behaved and quiet as you threatened asked him to be.
when you ask him why he's so insistent on accompanying you during these ungodly hours when you can't even give him a scrap of your attention at all due to your heavy workload, he simply shrugs and says:
"'ts fine. can't sleep in my own room anyway." hitoshi's lips slightly curve into a smirk. "plus, i like watching over you. you pout when you're focusedー did you know that? cutest shit ever."
you roll your eyes as you turn back to your laptop, frowning at the heaps of unfinished work left. "well, if you bother me, i'm throwing you out of my room, alright?"
"yes, ma'am." he obliges. "coffee service is an exception though, right? back rubs too... if that's not a bother."
you whip your head back at him with tearful puppy eyes of gratitude. it's taking everything in you not to mount your boyfriend right now and pepper his face with little kisses.
he snorts at your adorable expression.
"stop. don't look at me like that. i'm gonna want to snuggle with you, and you won't get any work done." he chuckles softly as you swivel your chair back to your desk. "let me know if you want anything else."
a few hours and two cups of coffee later, he's still there, watching as you hunch over your desk, nimble fingers typing incessantly on your laptop with the occasional cursing of familiar names under your breathー he's guessing you're carrying a whole group project by yourself again.
he glances at the time on his phone, and being the ridiculously observant boyfriend that he is, he knows the exact second you're about to say:
"okay!" you hoist yourself up, slamming your hands on your desk. it doesn't startle your poor boyfriend anymore at this point.
"power nap?" he guesses.
"just for 20 minutes."
"alright, c'mere."
you collapse into his open arms, melting into him as he instinctively starts rubbing circles on your back. he peeks at your already closed eyes. "hey, you set a timer yet?"
your eyes snap open, "oh right." you pull out your phone and clumsily make a few taps before you toss it away, not even bothering to turn it off. "'kay done. g'night."
hitoshi glances at the bright screen. "uh. sorry to break it to you, y/n, but i don't think typing typing '430' on your calculator's gonna wake you up."
"fuck." you jolt up and grab your phone again.
hitoshi watches as you make a second attempt to set an alarm, which seems to have magically disappeared from your phone.
"that's... that's the calendar, babe."
and then another attempt,
"you're dialing 430?"
"well, i can't find the damnー" you shove the phone to him and whine, "you do it!"
he snickers before pulling you closer, caging you in his long limbs and obligingly pulling the phone from your hands "alright, alright. i'll wake you up. you just take a nap right here, hm?" he gently pats your cheek twice before kissing your forehead. hitoshi has always had a habit of babying you when you're all sleepy and snug like this.
he doesn't actually let the alarm go off. you're obviously exhausted, burnt out, and a tad irritatedー the last thing you ever need is having your power nap cut short with that god-awful noise.
instead, you're woken up by your boyfriend rhythmically smoothing his palm down your arm, planting featherlight kisses across your sleeping face.
"y/n. babe, wake up." he gently lifts you up until you're sat up on the bed, your back laid flat against his chest as he wraps his arms around your waist. he props his chin on your shoulder and coos, "sleepyhead. c'mon, you can get all snuggly and cute with me when you're done. right now, you gotta get up and get that gorgeous brain working again. you're not done yet, are you?"
he presses one last kiss on your cheek before you eventually (and reluctantly) rise from the bed, dragging your languid feet across the floor until you reach your desk and start working again almost instantly.
you hear the pads of his feet across the hardwood floor as he walks over to you, draping his heavy arms around you and brushing his thumb against your shoulder, "coffee?"
you give him a tired smile in response.
this cycle repeats two more timesー you crawling in his arms for another power nap, him waking you up in the sweetest, most gentle way possible, and you rising from the bed like a zombie, getting increasingly worn out until you finally stop typing and pass everything barely on time.
you slip into hitoshi's arms again and nuzzle your face against his chest, "'t's done." you mumble, your exhaustion draining out your energy to even enunciate your words.
"really? that's good then." he strokes the back of your head, pulling you closer by your waist. "you okay?"
you instantly start weeping. "no, i'm so tired. i'm so fucking tired. i'm dying. i can't do this anymore. that group project took up so much of my time so i couldn't write my own essay well. i just bullshitted my way for the last two paragraphs. it's awful."
"hey, you never write anything awful, y/n. it's physically impossible for the y/n to write a bad sentence." he continues petting your head as he consoles you.
"i justー" you mumble, your voice muffled by his hoodie as you press your face against his chest, "i could've done a lot better if i had more time."
hitoshi sighs, soothingly rubbing circles on your back. he wishes people didn't expect so much of you. never mind how intelligent and reliable you areー he's sick of people exhausting you like this. aren't you tired, even a little bit, of people constantly taking more than what you can give?
hitoshi's lips pressed on the top of your head as he ponders.
"hey." he calls.
"what if i... extend the deadline for that essay? you know, 'convince' your teacher to set a more reasonable one."
you raise your head to meet his eyes. "what?"
he clears his throat, avoiding your concerned gaze, "what if i brainwashed your teacherー"
"no, i get what you were saying, but i don't think that's a good idea, hitoshi." you frown.
"look, if you're not on board with it, i won't force it. i can't help you with these essays, can i? no one writes as good as you, so i'm just trying to help in any way i can."
"but hitoshi, that's notー" a yawn interrupts your sentence, brimming your eyes with tears. you easily surrender to sleep and snuggle back on his chest, "yeah, you know what? do that. fuck them."
your uncaring teachers be damned. count in your group mates that may as well be dead weights too. sleep and your sweet boyfriend felt less irksome to think about. you'll worry about everything later.
hitoshi snorts at your easy submission, hugging your waist even tighter as he whispers sweetly in your ear, his voice deep and tired, "i love you." he presses a kiss behind your ear, "if only i was half as smart and brilliant as you, i would've helped you with these thingsー you know that, right? if i could write essays as well as you do and my talents were on par with yours, i would've helped you a lot more."
he lowers his head to peek at your adorable, sleepy face before attacking your cheek and neck with smooches, "but you write such beautiful sentencesー how do you do that? what's your secret?" you giggle, both from the validation and his loud smooches.
silence settles over you as you catch your breath from that burst of laughter. he gently strokes the back of your head, feeling comfort himself at the steady rise and fall of your chest against his.
a sleepy mumble of "i love you." was all you could utter to your boyfriend before you start to drift offー you'll coddle him in the morning when you have the energy.
hitoshi smooths your hair back and presses a soft kiss on your forehead. "i love you too. i'm proud of you, okay? if you ever feel like no one acknowledges how hard you work everyday, just know that i'm here, and i see you every single timeー i've never missed an all-nighter, have i?" he snickers, "no matter how delirious and insane you get during these hours, i'm always there."
you chuckle softly and sigh, brushing your thumb softly against his arm.
"yeah? what is it?"
you pause in hesitation, but you say it anyway. hitoshi would love the idea more than you already do.
"what if you brainwashed my group mates too?"
hitoshi smirks proudly. this is when he knows you've been spending way too much time with him.
"give me their names first thing in the morning, babe. i got you."
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special tag: this is for @escapenightmare who also recently carried a whole group project on her back gws <3
TAGLIST [1/2] @uxavity @joy-the-reader @kiiraes @escapenightmare @afk-dreaminq @avocamich @theboredvee @wonderwrench @ur-local-simp @p-ol @x0xuglyh0tgrl2005xoxo @cosmonettica @melin-oe @mitzi127 @lilac-o @r2katsu @bakucumsackslut @idunnomynamesince2005 @astralwaifu @taurus852 @creepyproxies @maycat-19-142 @stella-fleurets @veenxys @devilgirlcrybabiey @drawingaddict @kageyama-i-want-tobiors @lexiv-web @angelshimaa @izukus-gf @christiansdior @homosexualjohnwayne @uwiuwi @hirugummies @cupidines @loveisningning (bold couldn't be tagged)
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moonbeamwritings · 1 year
Hitoshi has known Denki for long enough to know that receiving a TikTok link from him at 3AM is never a good thing, especially not when it’s accompanied by a text that reads “ayooo i wish you’d look at me like that” followed by a dozen drooling, weeping, and woozy emojis.
Squinting tired eyes at the screen, Hitoshi reluctantly taps the link. He’s already more than a little sleep deprived; what’s another minute wasted watching some stupid video? Except, Hitoshi’s heart quickens, his eyes widening when he sees himself onscreen, decked out in his hero costume.
It’s a video from a week ago, taken shortly after a villain attack. It was minor, no major injuries or destruction, but you both had lingered on scene until everyone was properly taken care of. In it, you and him are standing practically shoulder to shoulder, eyes scanning over something offscreen. Hitoshi watches with rapt attention as you giggle, dropping your hand to his elbow and staring up at him with a friendly smile. He can’t remember what he’d said that afternoon to make you smile like that, but warmth floods his cheeks as he recalls the feeling of your body so close to his and the sweet sound of your laugh. 
Whoever took the video lingers on his face long enough to catch the moment Shinsou’s expression shifts when you finally look away. No longer under your scrutiny, Hitoshi has the freedom to stare unabashedly, gaze shifting along the line of your side profile, a smirk tugging at his lips all the while. Before the video cuts away, Shinsou straightens his back and crosses his arms, widening his stance. The smirk doesn’t drop, though he has the decency to tuck it behind his binding scarf.
It loops and loops as Hitoshi’s mouth drops open in abject horror. Over and over again he comes face to face with the feelings he’d been trying, and apparently spectacularly failing, to hide. The video already has thousands upon thousands of likes and just as many favorites. The comments share Denki’s sentiments, ranting about how hot Shinsou is, how pretty and how lucky you are. How obvious the tension between you two is. Shit.
He falls down a comment thread filled with speculations that the two of you are already dating or that you’re hooking up, though some naysayers prefer to ship you with Deku or Dynamight. Nope, he thinks to himself when one commenter suggests you’ve been dating since high school. Just hopelessly pining. And Hitoshi’s face feels much too hot as he presses it into his pillow to muffle a long, embarrassed groan.
It feels weird, almost invasive, to see himself through someone else’s eyes, and sure, the conversation had happened on the sidewalk in broad daylight, but Hitoshi can’t fight the feeling of discomfort that lingers beneath his skin. He’s always been pretty reserved, quiet or pensive where other heroes may be more outgoing, so the video, and it’s climbing view count, leave him feeling put on the spot. Curse his dreams of becoming a pro-hero.
When he flips to press his back into the mattress and stare at the ceiling, he only hopes you haven’t seen it, lest you witness his crush on you on repeat (with an incessant pop song in the background). He texts Denki a few eye roll emojis and surrenders himself to the rapid beat of his heart and another sleepless night.
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Drunk& horny tamaki, Katsuki, and shinsou headcanons plssssssss
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He's the type of guy who acts like he can handle just about anything, but surprisingly has a terrible alcohol tolerance.
For that very reason, he prefers to avoid drinking much. He isn't looking to make a fool out of himself, after all. But if someone goads him into drinking by phrasing it as a challenge, Katsuki definitely isn't going to back down.
It's a rare treat being able to see him so vulnerable and needy, cheeks flushed like never before. Katsuki will become incredibly clingy when drunk. He's actually quite touchy to begin with, but now that his inhibitions have melted away, there's really nothing holding him back.
He tends to chuckle and smile a lot more when he's drunk as well. You find it to be incredibly adorable, but others are kind of horrified, since it's such a stark contrast from what he's normally like.
When he's drunk, the odds of him getting into an argument with someone are also amplified tenfold. He's rather docile around you, but if anyone else says something to get on his nerves while he's drunk, it's probably going to turn into a bit of a hassle.
When Katsuki has a partner, his sex drive is fairly high. He can hardly stand to keep his hands off you on a good day, but now that he's drunk, all rationality has gone out the window.
"Katsuki!" you cry out, mortified when he starts feeling you up in public. "You need to calm down!"
He'll just laugh and keep on groping you, all the while pressing kisses to your neck and nibbling on your ear.
"How could I calm down?" he mumbles. "You're way too fucking hot. Look. Feel how hard I am."
He will literally grab your hand and place it right on top of his boner, which is itching to break free of his pants. Again, all of this is happening in public, so you're going to have to do your damn best to make sure that no one sees anything.
Katsuki won't hesitate to grab your face in his hands and plunge his tongue down your throat. You should be prepared for the sloppiest make-out session of your life. It's a good thing you love him so much.
He's way too horny to be reasoned with, and although you protest time and time again that you should leave this sort of thing for when he's sober, it's safe to say that it doesn't end until his arousal has been dealt with.
Katsuki isn't really one for semi-public sex — when he's thinking coherently, that is — but while he's drunk, pretty much anyplace will do. He'll shove you into a bathroom and push you flat against the wall, then pull down your underwear and pound into you relentlessly.
"Is it just me, or are you extra tight today?" he'll groan, panting against your ear. "Fuck. I love you... so much!"
Since he's drunk, he'll either cum pretty quick or it'll take a while longer than usual. Despite the fact that he's intoxicated though, he'll still make sure to overwhelm you with pleasure. It's not just about chasing his own orgasm. He wants you to enjoy it just as much as he does.
Needless to say, he's prone to hangovers after a night of drinking, so you'll need to baby him the next day. Not that he'll ever admit it, but he loves resting his head on your lap while you stroke his hair.
Even if there are gaps in his memory from the night before, he'll remember the sex clear as day.
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He's not really a big drinker, so it's rare that he ever gets drunk. But when he does, it's pretty much the cutest thing you've ever seen.
Tamaki is the type of drunk to hiccup after every couple of words and occasionally slur his speech.
"Can I—hic—h-have a bit more water? I'm really t-thirsty."
You're barely able to bite back your grin. "Tamaki, that isn't water. It's vodka."
"Huh? It tastes like water, though..."
Tamaki's smiles are normally timid, like wobbly little lines forming across his lips. Seeing him drunk is quite refreshing, because he's able to smile widely without feeling self-conscious about it. The sight of him with violently flushed cheeks and a big grin is so cute it makes your heart clench, and you definitely snap a few pictures to look back on later.
His self-esteem goes up in general while he's drunk. He isn't outright extroverted, but he's definitely less worried about the things he says or does, and how people might react to it.
He's also more likely to initiate physical displays of affection while he's drunk. Things like wrapping his arms around you or giving you a peck on the lips don't embarrass him as much as they normally would.
Seeing Tamaki horny while drunk is also quite rare, which is why it's so memorable.
Unlike Katsuki, Tamaki will hold himself back from doing anything inappropriate in public. Even if he's super drunk, a part of him will retain enough self-control that he doesn't do anything to embarrass either one of you. Once you get back home though, it's a different story.
His body will push you down against the couch or whatever the nearest piece of furniture is. You can feel his heart beating like crazy, and before you can even process what's happening, he's kissing you like a man starved.
Strings of saliva connect your lips together, and Tamaki is panting so heavily it sounds like he's struggling to breathe. "I-I want to put it in," he begs. "Can I?"
You can't possibly refuse him, not when he's so horny and desperate for you that tears are blurring his vision. You strip yourself as quickly as you can manage, then spread your legs with a sultry smile. Tamaki doesn't waste another moment before pulling out his cock, which is flushed an angry red and throbbing as if it's about to burst.
"Y-You feel amazing," Tamaki moans, hips rutting against yours uncontrollably. "Ugh... I-I'm sorry, but... I can tell I won't last long."
Sex with Tamaki is very intimate and usually happens at a slow and sensual pace, but when he's drunk, he fucks you harder than ever. It's nice to be able to see a different side to him, especially since he acts more dominant for a change.
He feels very spent afterwards, and since he's drunk, it's mostly on you to clean up and all that. You don't mind, though. He's more than worth it, and you'll probably be having dirty thoughts about moments like these for a good while.
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He's not opposed to drinking, but he has a much better tolerance than the other two. It will probably take more drinks per sitting for him to end up fully drunk.
Whenever that does end up happening though, the effects are immediate. Shinsou isn't normally super talkative, but that sure changes once he's drunk. He can hardly keep from babbling on about things he wouldn't normally bring up. You sometimes record videos of him going on all kinds of funny rants and show him once he's sober — something that embarrasses him beyond words.
Shinsou also tends to brag about you a lot more when he's drunk. It's especially funny because he'll just decide he wants to show you off out of nowhere.
"Isn't [Name] so great? I'm the luckiest boyfriend in the world."
You get a bit flustered in the moment, but you know this is just him voicing his genuine thoughts, and that makes you happy.
Shinsou doesn't usually have much of a problem with PDA, so it's not like he gets shy about physical intimacy under normal circumstances. He's probably bit touchier than usual while drunk, but he doesn't do anything outright inappropriate. Well, he'll maybe sneak in a quick squeeze to your ass while people aren't looking — then grin crookedly — but that's about it.
Once Shinsou has you alone and he's really feeling the effects of all the alcohol, it won't take long for things to escalate.
Even while drunk, he's always mindful not to accidentally use his Quirk. He loves you and would never want you to feel like you're being controlled or pressured into doing anything. It's a different story altogether if you ever ask him to use his powers on you, but he would never do it without your consent. It's a good testament to his morals and self-control that he's never accidentally activated them while drunk.
He will be adamant about stripping you himself, but his hands are a bit shaky from how drunk he is.
"Just give me a minute," he'll insist, looking a bit embarrassed. "I-I've got this."
You might expect him to be a bit rushed about things because he's drunk and horny, but if anything, the foreplay actually lasts longer. Shinsou just can't get his fill of kissing and licking up every inch of your body. His entire body is already burning up as is, and the longer he stares into your eyes and drinks up all the lewd expressions you make, he just knows the pay-off will be that much more worth it.
Normally, Shinsou isn't partial to any one position in bed, but when he's drunk, he'll want to spread your legs out wide and fuck you at a fast and steady pace. It takes him longer than usual to climax when he's drunk, so you can expect a fairly long session. He'll want to make you cum multiple times, ideally.
He's also especially needy about cumming inside you when he's drunk. He won't be upset if you refuse, of course, but watching his seed spill out of you and run down your thighs just turns him on like crazy.
Shinsou is a sleepy boy, so odds are he'll probably be out like a light after finishing. The fact that he's exhausted from being drunk means he'll finally get a good night of sleep for a change.
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dashielldeveron · 1 year
soulmate trope | shinsou
Shinsou’s route of soulmate trope.
this one is for the touch-starved girlies who are scared of intimacy and scared of people leaving warnings: female reader has a very specific view of sex and intimacy: that someone sleeping with her and then leaving her would fucking ruin her psyche forever. so she's a big-ass, kissless virgin for nasty evil plot reasons. sexual intimacy and abandonment/commitment are major themes. pseudo-sex work, with shinsou's hobby/side-job. shinsou and reader toss around the term bitch as a playful insult. this version of reader is fairly insecure and anxious about being loved and lovable—but so is shinsou.
Kirishima had his tongue in Mina’s mouth.
Well, more accurately, sometimes it was in her mouth. He was visibly licking at her lips and around her mouth fairly often, letting saliva drool down both of their faces—Mina’s shirt had a damp spot near the neck. Their kissing skills seemed sloppy at best and fucking disgusting at average, making loud squelches, splorches, and suction noises, overall sounding very wet and a bit like walking through ankle-deep, thick mud in rubber rainboots. Their moans, too, didn’t sound very sensual—more like there’s someone in the next room sampling someone haunted museum sound effects with some overlapping Yoko Ono texture.
Kirishima’s hands cupped Mina’s boobs, his fingers stiff and just, like, holding them. Not playing with her nipples through her shirt, or anything, but the way he occasionally squeezed them must have felt good, since Mina moaned more loudly when he did so. He’d moan the loudest when she pulled at his hair, knocking the back of his head against the refrigerator door.
You ducked back around the kitchen corner, grimacing as you sank to the floor to clutch your knees to your chest. This wasn’t the first time they were blocking the fridge, but you’d learnt there was nothing to do but kill time until they finished. Stealing some of Aoyama’s posh bubble-pop ice cream would have to wait.
“No, thank you,” you said to Monoma over your shoulder, pushing open the main door to Class A’s dorm, “You taught me stuff about my quirk today. I really value your fresh eyes on my old shit. Next time we train together, I’d like—Jesus fucking Christ.”
Yaoyorozu and Jirou were dry humping on the commons couch, with Yaoyorozu in Jirou’s lap with her hands in Jirou’s hair, tilting her head back enough to lick up her neck, right over the spot where her half of the soulmate tattoo lay.
Grimacing (you heard it in his voice and by his sucking in through his teeth; you’d covered your eyes and shied away), Monoma stooped to pick up Yaoyorozu’s shirt to slingshot it back towards them. “Get a room.”
All you’d wanted was to find the closet where they keep the lightbulbs.
Instead, you opened the door on Midoriya kneeling, Uraraka’s leg over his shoulder, audibly slurping, while she, skirt hiked up around her waist, ground against his face.
You shut the door again. Your dorm could stand being dark for a few more hours.
“I’m going to kill myself. I’m going to peel off my skin. No, actually, I’m going to eject my skellington from my body so that I can just be a lump of organs and skin. And then I can rest on the carpet in a pile,” you said, frowning into your ice cream, cheek propped on your fist, “Why can’t they all, like, give some sort of warning?”
“Not everyone carries a sock to put over every doorknob,” said a grinning Shinsou from across the table, licking around the side of his mint chocolate chip cone, “And c’mon, the U.A. dorm rooms are not sexy, and the walls are thin.”
Some sprinkles fell off of your ice cream when you gestured loosely. “Don’t I know it. I share a wall with Hagakure, and she and Ojiro are fucking constantly. He makes her get off on his tail a lot—I guess kind of like thigh riding?”
“You can’t do anything about it when they’re fucking in the privacy of their own dorms.” Shinsou bit directly into his ice cream and chewed, like a maniac.
“And apparently, she really like when he tickles her clit with the tip of his tail? I am burdened with knowledge,” you said, sighing, and you ate a mournful spoonful.
Shinsou swallowed thickly. “Does it lessen your opinion of them?”
“No. I’m glad they’re happy,” you said, “I’ve listened to their yearning over the years, so I know it’s such a relief for them for this quirk intervention to get feelings out, along with the assurance of permanent romance and stability. Hashtag get some, I guess. I’m just—the influx of soulmates and their PDA is highly inconvenient for navigating my everyday life.”
“You sound like you’ve put thought into it.” Shinsou smirked, tongue flattening as he licked over the top of his scoop (and turning slightly green). “Just inconvenient?”
You shot him a look and fished around in your paper cup for more sprinkles. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Are you sure you’re not jealous?” asked Shinsou, the shop’s A/C kicking in and blowing through his hair—he pursed his lips and scooted his metal chair out of the way of the vent. “Since, y’know, you don’t appear to have a soulmate. You ready to tell me yet? Why’re you so nervous?”
Yikes. You’d been avoiding that.
“Are you not marked physically? Or do you have one on your boobs—”
You sighed overdramatically and sank down in your chair until your ass practically hung off of it. “I have a soulmark, and it’s not in an embarrassing place. Relatively normal, actually. It’s on my back, so it took me a while to notice it.”
Shinsou bit into the cone and crunched loudly. He raised his eyebrows expectantly.
“You’re not seeing it. No one’s ever gonna see it.”
“No one? You’re confident. You think your soulmate won’t ever want to take you from behind?” His tongue flicked out to swipe at a melted drop on his lips.
“Oh, my God.” You buried your face in your hands. “God, the thought of someone I don’t even know having sex with me—I don’t wanna think about it. But that’s not what I meant. I was being facetious; I meant that my words are pretty embarrassing.”
Shinsou slumped down in his seat at that, but nowhere near as far as you. “Oh? First words?”
“I assume. It’s a sentence, anyway.” You sat up, stabbing your spoon into your ice cream. “I—I’ll tell you, since I don’t want anyone—seeing me, and I know you’ll bug me about it, but it’s—”
“Just spit it out. Rip off the bandage.”
Cringing, you held up your hands in defence. “Don’t kill me, but I also don’t remember who said them to me?”
“Oh, you’re joking,” said Shinsou, his face lighting the fuck up, “That’s fucking hilarious, if it’s true. And how do you know they’ve already been said to you? How do you know they aren’t still to come?”
“I don’t know. I just…feel it in my heart of hearts that I have already heard these words, but I can’t for the life of me remember who said them,” you said, and you bent to riffle through your bag for your phone, “I keep a list of everyone who’s not paired off in my notes app, and I’m trying to remember the situations in which I first met them—”
“You’re stalling,” said Shinsou, grinning as he popped the last of the cone into his mouth, “Tell me what it says.”
Wincing, you set your bag aside. “Don’t make fun of me,” you said, biting your lip and scrunching your eyes shut, “but, uh. It reads, Looks like the ice princess finally decided to grace us with her presence.” At his silence, you cracked an eye open.
Shinsou’s eyes had glazed over, but he shook himself and spoke. “Don’t know why you’re embarrassed. That’s fucking hot.” He grabbed your used napkins to toss them in the garbage. “Think it’s an enemies-to-lovers type relationship? Just kidding,” he said at your pained expression, “But I see what you mean about those already being said to you. Weren’t you seen as sort of a cold, uptight bitch when we first started attending U.A.?”
“An easy misinterpretation,” you said, scraping at the bottom of your cup, “People thought my being shy and not talking to people was being a bitch, but I was just nervous that I was around so many people my age who seemed so much more in tune with their quirks that I was.”
“So, that gives you a time frame for when you met your soulmate. And,” he said, holding up a finger, “that lets you know that you met your soulmate in a group with other people, unless they speak in the royal we for some reason. It also sounds like you were late to a scheduled event. You remember doing anything like that freshman year?”
“Look, all I remember about the first three months of freshman year is being overwhelmed by how cool everyone was. That time is a blur to me, and before now, I’ve been grateful for that. Aizawa-sensei really put us through the wringer. I was meeting literally everyone I currently hang out with during that time, though, so that’s not helpful.” You gave your empty container to Shinsou when he held out his hand, and he threw it away for you. “How’s your search going? You gonna share your details?”
“I’ve got a name,” he said, cool as you please, chair clanking as he sat back down, “but I’m not sharing. It’s not yours, if you’re concerned.” His nose scrunched as he grinned, poking your arm. “It’s someone out of reach, and I’ve come to terms with that. I’m doing pretty well on my own. You ready to leave?”
Nodding, you slung your bag over your arm. “I envy you. You’re brave. Me—I’m dreading the thought of the pain we’ll feel if we don’t find our soulmates. Shouldn’t we be feeling it already?”
Shinsou held the shop door open for you. “It hasn’t been that long, and when it happens, I’ll manage. I’ll be more worried about you, you crybaby.”
“If it gets too excruciating, I’ll just have you brainwash me to not feel it, right?” you stuck out your tongue, walking backwards as he caught up to you.
His countenance darkened. “Stop that. You know I’m never gonna use my quirk on you. I don’t wanna do that to you.”
“But Hitoshi,” you said, dragging out the last syllable, “Imagine how productive I could be if you made me study, or how fucking relaxed I could be for once, if you told me to; my brain could be fucking calm for once—”
“Never. And that’s final,” said Shinsou, stuffing his hands in his jacket pockets as he jogged to your side, “You keep trying to convince me, and y’know, the definition of insanity is—”
“Fudge off, you fuck,” you said, smiling, “I guess I can keep trying to empty my brain on my own. Gosh, it must be nice to be able to not freak out and overanalyse things constantly, and you’d think you’d want someone willing to train your quirk on. I mean, I’m here, and I want it.”
“Keep dreaming,” said Shinsou, gently shoulder-checking you, “So, got any ideas about how to get Hagakure and Ojiro to shut up?”
Since Midnight was working with Tainted Love at a women’s rehabilitation centre, she was able to confiscate some of Tainted Love’s team’s notes on her quirk. It had a lot to do with math and probability, but the nub and gist of what interested you was that while soulmates typically breathed in the same pink cloud, they didn’t have to.
Which brought a new factor to your soulmate search: maybe it was someone outside of U.A., someone who breathed in her quirk before she was captured.
But while you were at first reassured by more information, you were also now perpetually on edge. Though all of her victims had reported, what if someone didn’t even know they breathed it in? Plus, your request for the list of victims was still being processed and supposed to have around four thousand people on it, and you might not even get it due to privacy laws.
At least someone was finding all this funny: Shinsou laughed but listened to your frazzled thoughts, and he opened his dorm room to you whenever Hagakure’s moans became too pornographic.
Everybody’s fucking. Everybody.
Everywhere you went, you walked in on someone sucking face. You couldn’t drop a pen in class without noticing that someone’s getting fingered.
You bounced a tennis ball against Shinsou’s dorm room ceiling. “Why is everyone focused on the physical? Why isn’t anyone into the goddamn romance and intimacy of it all? If you’ve been fated to know and love someone for the rest of your life, living out the mundanities and revelling in the unfolding of a relationship, then why the hell is everyone focused on physical pleasure?”
Shinsou didn’t even look up from his phone. “Spoken like the world’s biggest virgin.”
“Hey!” The ball fell onto the floor. “So what. Just because I haven’t experienced that sort of thing doesn’t mean I can’t understand its value but still want something more.” You slinked your top half off his bed to grasp for the tennis ball, fingertips grazing it, not wanting to get up. “I get the appeal of sex. I get it. But I would be more interested in the intimacy of knowing someone and being known.”
Shinsou waved a dismissive hand. “I know. Zoom in on our friendship.” He locked his phone and set it on his bedside table. “But for someone who says she doesn’t want sex, you’re one touch-starved little bitch. You’re doing it to yourself, not letting anyone touch you casually. I hazard to guess you’re putting too much value on the physicality of a future relationship that might not even exist.”
Only your feet were still on the bed as you strained to catch the rolling ball. “I touch you.”
“You put your head on my shoulder. Sometimes,” he said, getting off the bed, “and you occasionally let me touch your arms for comedic effect and emphasis.” He picked up the tennis ball and took it back to the bed, and you scrambled back to get all the way on it.
“Listen, I don’t know where everyone’s been,” you said, taking the ball back after he tossed it against the ceiling himself once, “Especially now that everyone might have bodily fluids on their hands. You, I know you wash your hands. I know where you’ve been. You train with Aizawa-sensei and come back to this room. You should get a plant, or something, to keep you company. It might encourage you to raise the blinds for once.”
“Excuse you. I also spend time with a cat Kouda’s hooked up for me,” he said pointedly, “Her name’s Dango, and she loves me. You could say I’m drowning in pussy.”
“I could not say,” you said, rubbing the ball’s highlighter-yellow fuzz as you lay back in his bed, legs dangling off the edge, “Big sigh. I guess you’re right about my putting too much stock in being physical with my soulmate, instead of with someone now. I think—I don’t wanna be vulnerable in that way in front of someone who might leave? If someone saw me naked and then ghosted me, I think I’d strangle myself. Or him. There’d be someone walking around with that information on me, and he could tell anyone. I can’t have that. He’d have to die.”
“Well, you’ve already seen a bunch of our friends naked on accident—”
“Not up close. Besides, it wasn’t my goal to see them like that, and I wasn’t absorbing details. I can’t tell you who’s got moles in weird places.”
Shinsou hunched over, grinning toothily in your face. “You’re waiting to lose your virginity to your soulmate, aren’t you?”
Pouting, you flipped over to face away from him. “Shut uuuuup. I know I’m embarrassing, but I can’t talk myself out of it.”
“Wait, hey.” The bedding rustled as he got adjusted himself, getting closer to you. “If I’ve gone too far, I’m sorry. There is no fucking shame in waiting. It’s in character for you, how you’re scared about vulnerability and how you value being intimate and romantic. I can’t make fun of you for that, genuinely.” He sat next to you, back against the wall, and he nudged your shoulder. “I’m a bit lost, though. I get the part where you’re a virgin overwhelmed by the sudden sexual atmosphere at U.A., but I fail to see the problem when you’re planning to lose your virginity to your soulmate, and odds are, you’ll meet him soon.” He paused. “Or you’ve already met him.”
Glancing over your shoulder with a sour expression, you grabbed the blue-pineappled throw blanket folded at the end of his bed and hid under it.
Instead of yanking it off, Shinsou lifted the blanket’s edge to join you underneath it, his pale skin tinged with blue in the dampened light. “C’mon,” he said, leaning over you to get a look at your face (and you tugged at the blanket to cover you more), “I’ve heard you say worse. If you don’t wanna share, that’s cool, but I can’t help if you don’t tell me what’s going through your head.”
Shinsou tilted his head to the side and grinned his stupid crooked grin that you were not immune to: it’s one of his expressions that made you feel at ease, like you could trust this idiot man with anything. (Which you could, but you didn’t like being reminded.)
Forcing yourself, you spoke in a small voice. “What if my soulmate wants sex immediately? I’m—I’m not ready for that. I’d have to work up to it, and what if he doesn’t have the patience?”
Shinsou laughed and brought his hand up to cover his mouth when he let out a snort. “Sounds like a shitty soulmate to me, then, if he doesn’t respect your boundaries. Any man can wait it out. We’ve don’t have two hands for nothing,” he said, wiggling his fingers.
“Thanks, I guess.” You pulled the blanket off of your heads and sat up slowly. “But I worry. What if I’m too much of a sick, touch-starved weirdo who freaks out over every single touch for my soulmate to like me?”
“Your soulmate will love you.”
“But what if he gets irritated at how much I freak out or flinch at everything?”
“You’re overthinking it. He’ll adjust, and you’ll learn, if that’s what you want.” Shinsou picked up the tennis ball and threw it against the ceiling again. “If he doesn’t, then he doesn’t deserve you, and I’ll destroy him.”
“Okay,” you said, deflating. You moved to rest your head on his shoulder, but the instant your temple grazed his sweater, you shot back up, eyes bulging. “What if he wants me to give him the most egregious head when I’m not—”
“All right. Fine,” he said, brow furrowed, and he shifted on the bed to kneel in front of you, staring right into your eyes. “Let’s entertain your fucking insane thoughts. Let’s say your soulmate does want to fuck you immediately. What do you want to do now about it? Can you do anything besides worry?”
You shrank back, biting the inside of your cheek. “I don’t know. I don’t know! I guess…somehow get…used to casual touching, but once again, 1) what if my tester person leaves, and 1a) it would be mean to ask someone to not feel things for me and touch me, and 2) I don’t want to burden anyone with—”
“Fuck.” The way he said it was crisp and full of reluctance, punctuated by the tennis ball hitting the ceiling. “Okay. I’ve kept something from you. Something pretty big. I can use it to help you.”
You blinked. “Are you saying you have a dildo to lend me? I think I have to refuse.”
“I haven’t been going on dates.” Shinsou shuffled about to lean back on his pillow, crossing his arms behind his head (huh, that Sailor Mercury t-shirt was really tight around his bicep. Has it always been?). “You’ve seen me go out to teach people how to dom.”
“What?” You caught the tennis ball when he threw it at an odd angle. “You’ve been—who’s asked you to—”
“A fair amount of people, actually.” He sucked in through his teeth. “Won’t tell you details, of course, because part of the payment and contract includes a non-disclosure agreement. But people you know have wanted to learn how to dom or just experience being dommed, and I happen to be the perfect person to ask.” He shrugged and gestured loosely. “All I’ll say is that some people—people you know and don’t—have come to me for help with stuff like shibari and dirty talk. Or how to do anything, really, because of, quotation from client, ‘being a useless lesbian,’ unquote.”
So that’s how he can afford all those video games and imported books. Sneak. “You’re telling me—”
“That I can help you get used to physical intimacy, professionally,” said Shinsou, propping one leg over the other, twirling his socked foot in the air, “However far you want to go. However you want.”
(So those jokes about perfect dom Shinsou during girls’ nights had an inkling of truth in them? You may have to throttle some of your friends.)
You hesitated. “Hitoshi, you are my best friend—”
“Therefore, we already have an established relationship based on trust and respect, and I’m not leaving you. Not ever. I value our friendship too much. I won’t screw you over. Tear out my fucking vocal cords if I ever do.” He ran his hand back through his hair, flattening it, but it fluffed back up anyway. “I’m already unbearably fond of you, so I’m not gonna be cruel about it. It just so happens that I have the resources and skills that you’re interested in, and we’re not gonna end our friendship anytime soon. I might be a good solution for your problem—though, I have to admit, I don’t really think you have one.”
“And,” you said quietly, tossing the ball back and forth between your hands, “you don’t think my soulmate would think less of me for being touched by someone else?”
Wincing, Shinsou said, “Purity culture has chewed you up and spat you out. I’m not telling you to compromise your morals and lose your virginity to someone who’s not your soulmate, but I am saying that even if you do, it’s okay, and—and I’m just not saying that because I wanna fuck you. I’m saying that it’s okay if you experiment for what you want later with other people now. It doesn’t devalue you.” He clicked his tongue. “And nobody’s dick is good enough to alter your worth fundamentally. Anyone who says otherwise can’t find the clitoris.”
You managed a laugh at that, and you crawled up to lie next to Shinsou. He flipped his onigiri-patterned pillow over so that the cool side would face up, and he scooted it over for you to rest on, too.
“Let me continue to entertain your overthinking: even in the slim chance that your soulmate is a fuckshit who thinks less of you because you’ve fooled around before,” said Shinsou, tilting his head on the pillow to face you, “that fact will hold less and less weight the more he gets to know you. You’d be so easy to fall in love with.”
Sighing, you bit your lip. “You really think so?”
“I know so,” said Shinsou, staring at the ceiling again and folding his hands on his chest, “Hell, I wish you were my soulmate. It’d make things easy, don’t you think?” He managed a quick glance towards you before returning upwards. “We already know each other so well, and you wouldn’t have to worry about being vulnerable around someone new. You’d just have me.”
“Please, Hitoshi, there’s nothing just about you. You’re so fucking lovely,” you said, imitating his position and laying your hands on your stomach, following his gaze to the lazy swing of the ceiling fan pull. “Would you—would you be grossed out by seeing me?”
“Never. I wouldn’t offer if I didn’t want to do it.” Shinsou twiddled his thumbs and knocked his socked foot against yours. “If it makes you feel safer, I’ll do anything to help.”
“People pay you for sessions, right? How much would I pay you?”
“What?” Raising a brow, Shinsou flipped on his side to face you. “You wouldn’t. I’m offering. Other people came to me, but I’m the one approaching you. I’m not gonna make you give me money for this.”
“But,” you said, shaking your head, “what do you get out of this, besides endless dirt on me?”
“I get to see my best friend be comfortable in her own skin. I haven’t seen that much at all, in all the time we’ve known each other,” he said, and he reached for his phone on the bedside table. “Consider it, at least. I won’t mind in the slightest if you want to or not. It’s only a way I could help quell your anxiety.”
all right, you schmuck
i’ve slept on it
i think i want to do it. i can rescind that at any time though
of course
how much time do you need?
uh. guess i’m ready whenever you are.
my dorm or yours? or somewhere else????
I bet you’ll feel the most comfortable in your own bed
if you’ll allow me an hour to prepare, I’ll be over soon
What does one wear to get dommed?
Revealing clothing? Underwear? Anything at all?
A brisk knock on your door, way too quickly, but you braced yourself and opened the door on a serious Shinsou, clad in all black (jeans and a turtleneck), hair mussed up a bit more than usual, and carrying a duffel bag. He tilted his head as he looked up and down your body, the corner of his mouth twitching up in a smile at your loose, cat-patterned loungewear.
“May I come in?”
You stepped aside, and he strode inside, noting the lit candle (against dorm rules, but he’s no snitch) and cherry blossom lamp, and set his duffel on the desk. As you trudged in behind him, playing with your fingers idly, he pulled out your desk chair, spun it around, and straddled it, propping his folded arms across the back.
“Let’s talk,” he said, gesturing for you to sit on your bed, “I custom build my routine for each client. What I have in mind specifically for you is drastically different from anything I’ve ever done: it’s much gentler, slower—” He held your gaze, wide and serious, and wetted his lips. “—and intimate. I will walk you through every step, and you have the power to veto anything I propose. You have all the control here. I will never be disappointed in your decisions. You are not in danger.” He gripped his opposite elbow, knuckles whitening. “I want you to know that what we do does not have to be inherently sexual. Our goal is to increase your tolerance for physical contact, isn’t it?”
“Yeah,” you said, your fists clenched in your lap, “To feel at ease when people I trust touch me…I’d like to have some shred of chill by the time my soulmate comes around.”
You hoped Shinsou wouldn’t start by making you suck his dick. Judging by the way he was sitting and the bulge in his jeans, he must have a huge fucking cock (weird to think about your best friend’s genitals). Opening your mouth that wide wouldn’t feel comfortable, and you’ve already been chewing gum today, soreness already imminent.
(What’s in his bag? Is it all condoms? [That’s a lot of condoms…])
“First off,” he said, raising a finger (but for some reason he’s raised his pinkie finger to indicate one instead of his index finger, and then you’re noticing the length of just his pinkie finger and imagining how far it could go down your throat), “I’m not gonna fuck you. That’s your soulmate’s job, as you’ve established. What else are you specifically saving for your soulmate?”
Shinsou’s mouth twitched into a smirk when he noticed your narrowed eyes followed the loose gesture of his pinkie finger, and with a roll of his eyes, he returned his pinkie to his fist and raised his index finger, which had your shoulders slackening as you slumped back onto your bed, leaning back against your hands with your neck tilted back, arched at the ceiling so that you didn’t have to look him in the face.
“I’ve got, uh, reservations about the…” You shifted your weight so that you could gesture vaguely with your hands. “Mouths and hands directly on my cunt sort of thing.”
Shinsou let out a low whistle, and at that you had to break from the ceiling to see his expression: he was fucking grinning and shaking his head, his eyes a bit glassy as he scanned your own expression. “Using some crude terms, aren’t we? For a virgin.”
“Oh, come on. I’m a virgin, not ignorant,” you said, crossing your arms over your stomach and hunching over a bit to hide, “Do you want me to be clinical? I can say vagina and vulva and stuff all the time if you want me to, but cunt, at least, blurs the specificity and makes it simpler—”
“No, no, you’re good. You can sit back up; no need to hide.” Shinsou flicked that index finger in a gesture that lifted from your knees to your head, and you unfurled, pissed that he’d picked up on your body language like that—but, you supposed, that’s what he’s here for. “I was simply surprised you didn’t go for pussy. Do you want me to avoid using that term?”
“Uh.” He’s being. Thorough. Thoughtful. Why didn’t anyone else ever treat you like this? Some of your friends have such an unholy combination of words in their vocabulary that barrage you with psychic damage, and no one’s ever asked or noticed if you’ve been uncomfortable. “I think—I think if you use it sporadically, it’ll be fine.”
“All right,” said Shinsou, nodding, “So, no direct contact of my mouth or hands on your cunt.”
God, he can’t turn off teasing you for one minute? “Yeah. Though I can rescind that. I’m hoping that I might be comfortable enough down the line, but right now, I’m not.”
“Of course. I’m proud of you for recognising a boundary, even if it’s temporary. We’ll only go there if you decide you’re ready.” He blinked slowly, like a cat in a sunbeam. “Anything else only for your soulmate?”
In a bunch of stories you’ve read about hook-ups or friends-with-benefits situations, the people don’t always allow kissing, because that implies romantic feelings. You didn’t know precisely due to your lack of experience, but maybe that holds a grain of truth?
“Okay. There’s another thing I’m not sure about at the moment but is subject to change,” you said, and there’s no fucking way you’re going to look at him while you said this, so you became very invested in pulling at a hangnail, “I don’t know about—how I feel about kissing. You. On the mouth. Because what if I’m the super susceptible kind of virgin who attaches herself to the first person who shows her affection, and I fall in fucking love with you?”
“Hm. That sounds less about kissing and more about this whole situation in general,” Shinsou said with a grunt, over the sounds of his pushing up from the chair and taking the two steps to stand in front of you. “Hey. Look at me?”
He’s got nice shoes. He didn’t take them off at the door, but considering they’re scuffed, black doc martens, they may be part of his getting into character as a dom. Huh, they made his feet look long and narrow; what kind of insane socks must he be wearing under—
“I’m gonna use one hand to touch your face. Is that okay? Nod, if—thank you,” said Shinsou, and his right palm cupped your cheek, his long fingers grazing wisps of your hair and thumb over your cheekbone, and he tilted your face up to look at him.
Wincing, you averted your eyes from his, but he tapped your cheek with his thumb. “Nuh-uh. Look at me, sweet—thank you,” he said, once you made yourself do it (and it was hard, harder than it had ever been whenever you’d shot him side-eye when he pulled a crap move in a co-op video game, harder than glancing towards him in class to see if he’d gotten your joke, and it left a stone sitting in your stomach, one whose full weight you didn’t care to discover). Part of not looking him in the eye was bracing yourself for his usual reprimand of you’re overthinking, but it never came. “Let’s entertain the thought of your falling in love with me,” said Shinsou with far too much ease, his lips remaining parted at the end of that heavy sentence, “Isn’t that good? Because it means that whatever part of me you fell for, you know that that’s something you want in your soulmate. It tells you more about yourself and what kind of love you want.”
Your jaw dropped on impulse, and his grin widened as he stroked your cheekbone.
“Think about your favourite characters in books and movies. Aren’t there patterns of traits in them that you’d want in your soulmate? Falling in love, in all of these frequent iterations, is just a way to learn about what you like in a partner. I know you like Prince Zuko—”
“Hitoshi,” you said, abruptly very aware of the warmth of his palm as you tried to move your face underneath it, “Are you telling me to treat you like that? Like someone disposable? Like someone who isn’t real?”
“The way you talk about Zuko does not indicate that you know he’s a goddamn cartoon,” said Shinsou, “Or, more specifically, his hands—”
“Hitoshi,” you said, screwing your face up in a pout while leaning into his hand (holy shit, leaning into his touch, a pseudo-depending on him to keep you upright—something about allowing the dependence mixed with the warmth of his scarred hands [very slight, calloused dents where he wound his capture weapon as default] had you feeling lightheaded—and then you felt stupid, because you were feeling lightheaded over a goddamn touch to your face that’s not even that delicate), “I’m not treating you like that. For you, that sounds—” You huffed, and you worked up the strength to look him in the eyes again. “—so lonely.”
Breaking the eye contact himself, Shinsou sighed, and he moved to slide his hand off of your face—but you clamped your own hand over it, first an actual clamping-type move, to get him to stay, and then lessening the pressure, to let him know he can take it off, if he really wants. “Sorry,” you said, tapping your finger on the back of his hand, “I like this. It’s easy. I can handle it, I think.”
Nodding, Shinsou kept his hand on your cheek as he grappled behind him for the chair again, and this time, he sat in it properly, with his knee grazing one of yours. “Listen. I’m used to people projecting feelings onto me. They get wrapped up in the heat of the moment, and once the scene is over, they know they don’t actually like me romantically. Post-nut clarity, y’know. So, if you want to,” said Shinsou, rubbing his thumb over your cheek and grasping one of your hands with his free one, “If you have any inclination to project feelings on me, if it does anything to make you feel more at ease, then please, do it. I want you to get to know you better.”
Project feelings. Not truly feeling them. And if you did happen to fall in love with him, then it’s only a passing thing to get to know what you want in your soulmate.
Shinsou seemed so certain that he was unlovable, and that stone in your gut burbled mournfully in stomach acid. You’d respect his decision to hide his soulmark’s name, but should he ever let it slip, you’re going to find his soulmate to prove him wrong as soon as possible.
“Okay,” you said, nodding firmly and looking him in the eyes.
“Okay? You sure? Right, then,” said Shinsou, and he sat back in his chair, relishing in how you visibly grieved at the loss of his touch, and crossed his arms loosely. “Any other boundaries, hard or otherwise?”
You took a moment. “The stomach-tummy area is personal.”
“You’re insecure about it?”
He waved a dismissive hand at you. “I knew that already, but it’s good to have verbal confirmation. I’ve seen the rate at which you bare that part of you, even in the light of peer pressure. Just means I know an area to lavish affection upon, when or if we get there.”
Groaning, you fell back on your bed, the heels of your palms digging into your eyes. “You’re insane for noticing that. You’re insane for noticing that. How—”
“Being aware of my environment is part of what a stealth-route hero like me has to do, sweet—” Shinsou cut himself off and frowned. “How do you feel about terms of endearment?”
“Not Jack Nicholson’s best work.”
“You piece of shit,” said Shinsou with a laugh, yanking on your duvet to make your ass fall off the edge of the bed, “I meant. I meant if you were okay with pet names, like sweetheart or baby or anything.”
You scrambled to get your ass fully back on the bed, pulling the duvet with you. “I don’t know how I’d respond if you called me anything; it’s not really a sexy word—”
“You are in for a world of trouble one day,” Shinsou said, tossing the corner of the blanket over your head (you swatted at it), “Because now I can be honest about how you behave: you’re a goddamn brat, y’know?”
“Oh, come off of it, Hitoshi; with the way we tease each other, it’s like you’ve trained me to be this way,” you said, laughing a bit as you tucked your duvet in again, but when you caught Shinsou’s eye, for some reason, his expression had completely stiffened. It only lasted for a moment, though, and he recovered in a flash.
“Well,” he drawled out, “I figured that using terms of endearment would add another layer to teasing you, and judging by how hard you’re avoiding answering me seriously, you’d like that. Wouldn’t you, sweetness?”
“I’ll kill you,” you said, hating every fibre in your being as you’d, on reflex, tensed up, halting any movement, and flushed, heat flooding your face and neck, when he’d called you that. How old are you? Old enough not to get fucking flustered at being called—
“As if you could.” He clicked his tongue. “Are any terms off-limits?”
“You can probably think up something absurd or nasty that I wouldn’t consider,” you said, “Sticking to the classics would probably be the safest.”
“All right. Anything else you think of later, as a boundary, you let me know immediately. Now, listen: unless otherwise instructed, you’re free to touch me in any way you want. I may direct you away from something, should I think you’re not ready for it.” He raised his index finger again, and he made a big show of raising a second finger from his fist. “And finally, two. This is a hard, non-negotiable rule for you: I’m not going to use my quirk on you. Ever.”
You collapsed on your bed again with a disgruntled groan. “What else is new?”
Shinsou shook his head. “I don’t want you getting the impression that just because we’re in a session that I’m going to do that to you.”
You sat up and snapped your head towards him. “You said it’s a rule for me. Do you use your quirk on other people who get you to dom them? Because, if so, I call bitch.”
Biting the inside of his cheek, Shinsou hunched over to rest his elbows on his knees. “Yeah. Yeah, I do. They ask me to, and! And,” he said, holding up his hand to stop you from protesting, “It’s nothing but a session. They’re paying me for a good time, and that’s it. But you—you’re doing this as—as something akin to therapy, I guess. I’m just a step on your journey to being intimate with your soulmate—someone you’ll be with for the rest of your life. That’s a long time to be without my quirk, if you get too used to it, in the context of being intimate. If you end up needing to be brainwashed to be vulnerable, then it’ll only stunt the physical part of your relationship with your soulmate.”
“Fuck you for making sense,” you said, mirroring his hunched-over position and nudging his knee with yours, “And as for real-life reasons for not using it? Because you’re an ass?”
Shinsou’s eyes narrowed and glinted in the cherry-blossom light. “Because imagine,” he said, reaching towards your face again (pausing a moment to ensure you were okay with it, and after you nodded, he continued) to lift your chin with nothing but his curved index finger underneath it, “if I could finally control the biggest brat in my life, and what’s more, she wants me to? Much too addicting. I wouldn’t get anything done. I’ve got to become a hero after all this; I can’t spend all my time taking care of my prettiest little girl.”
When he dropped your chin, you stayed tilted up, in the same position he left you in, throat exposed and blinking profusely as you tried to process what he’d said. Your mouth was very, very dry.
“Oh, Jesus Christ,” said Shinsou, and you jolted from your stance to see his hand clapped over his mouth, brow furrowed with the tips of his ears reddening, shoulders curved in as he slumped.
It’s about time he showed he could get flustered, too, because you’ve already embarrassed yourself just with conversation and a few touches to your face. But what the hell was he getting like that over?
Shinsou dragged his hand down his chin and formed it into a fist in his lap. “Do you know if you’re into proper Dom/Sub dynamics? Do you know if that’s something you’d like to explore? Because with the way you stayed there for me,” said Shinsou, inching towards you, his chest heaving at his steadying breath, “you could be someone’s perfect little sub someday.”
“I think so. I think I am,” you said in a small voice, “I think that’s something I might want to be—hold the fuck up. Did I manage to turn you on?”
After the tiniest moment of shrinking under your smug smile, Shinsou puffed out his chest as he sat up, rolling his shoulders back. “It’s to be expected in a session, since it’s a sexual context.”
“Oh, my God, I did it. I turned someone on. Holy shit,” you said, running your fingers back through your hair, “I think I have to call Mina. I finally did it.”
Shinsou scoffed. “Please, it wouldn’t be the first time you’ve—”
“Oh?” You froze, your hand almost to your phone on your bedside table. “Say more right now? Who do you know who’s been—”
“We’ve discussed boundaries enough for this first session, since it’s not that invasive. Let’s get to the heart of the session,” said Shinsou, standing to reach around for his duffel bag, and, after unzipping it, he handed his laptop to you. “Pick out a movie.”
You tilted your head as Shinsou trudged back to your door to untie his doc martens. “Excuse me?”
“I should already be logged in. Check my bookmarks bar for streaming sites,” he called from your door.
Shrugging to yourself, you slipped his laptop from his Put Your Hands Up Radio sleeve (leftover merch that wouldn’t sell; you had one as well) and opened it to search for a movie, automatically shifting over on your bed to the spot where you sat when the two of you watched something and blindly reaching for your throw blanket.
“Now, did I tell you to do that?” asked Shinsou as he rounded the corner again to see you settling into the usual routine, and after retrieving some water bottles from his duffel, he stood by your bedside table, where he put the water while bouncing on the balls of his feet (plain black socks. He is taking this seriously). “I’m not your friend right now, sweetheart; I’m your dom.” The same hand cupped your same cheek as earlier, and he briefly ran his thumb over your cheekbone before returning his hand to behind his back. “All I did was tell you to pick out a movie, and while I’m pleased you can extrapolate from incomplete information, it’s not what I want you doing right now. Sit back where you were.”
Holding your breath, you scooted back to the middle of the bed, where you’d been sitting on the edge, computer in your lap. What have you gotten yourself into? Was this what your best friend was really like? Has he had some sort of issue with your movie nights up until now?
Shinsou sat at the head of the bed, but he took up the whole space instead of sitting in his normal spot. He held out his hand for the laptop, and he placed it, cracked open, on your bedside table, moving your phone out of the way.
And then he fucking spread his legs.
“C’mon, sweet girl, sit back against me,” he said, patting a thigh with one hand and extending the other towards you, “I know you can do it. Come here.”
I know you can do it felt condescending here. Of course you can do it. It’s nothing but sitting between his legs instead of next to him. Very simple. Mind-bogglingly simple. So, it felt patronising and unnecessary that he would pull out that line for something so easy, this early in the game.
That didn’t mean you didn’t like it.
This was his idea of a first session? You were so pathetic that he felt the need for you to practise sitting between a man’s legs? Shut the fuck up.
Penis. You might touch a rascally ol’ penis, even if it’s through layers and layers of fabric. Inch resting.
You’ve never been fucking held. What if you cry, or something?
Which, oh, yikes, oof, makes your second point make a bit of sense.
Steeling yourself, you crawled the two feet towards him, but you hesitated before turning around: he’d parted his legs ever wider while you’d crawled back, so none of him was touching you at the moment, giving you still a chance to back out before it began.
“If it helps,” he said, tired eyes half-lidded, “think of me as your soulmate.”
Swallowing, you managed to nod just barely, and you turned.
At first, you’d tried to have some space between you and Shinsou, but he’d helped position you, guiding you with his large hands on your hips to have your ass snug against his pelvis (and yeah, the penis was there), hips framed by his inner thighs (since when have his thighs been bigger than yours? And his were all muscle), and he slid his hands up to your waist and ribcage to keep your back pressed against his chest. Once he had you all pressed against him the way he liked, Shinsou set his chin on your shoulder, startling you, but he petted away your alarm at your waist, a gruntled huff of hot air at your ear while he grounded you.
“You can tell me at any time if you get too stiff or want to change to a different position, but you’re staying in my arms tonight,” said Shinsou, untangling one arm from around your waist to reach for the laptop, “I thought cuddling would be a good start for you—full-bodied vulnerability, but you don’t necessarily have to look me in the eyes for it, and you can feel safe knowing I’ve got you. You’re held; you’re not in any danger.”
He placed the laptop on your knees. “Now, knowing your sense of humour, you’ve picked out Terms of Endearment.” Instead, he opened it to the title screen for a Zuko-centric episode of The Last Airbender. “All right, that’s fair.” You heard him laughing through his nose behind you before returning his chin to your shoulder.
Initially, you couldn’t concentrate on Zuko’s rippling pectorals for once in your life, because there was a man holding you and his dick was right there. Not, like, hard or anything, but it was present, just something extra to press against your ass. Eventually, it became less about the cock and more about being held, which was fucking intoxicating and warm and made you feel so small and safe, and that was out of the ordinary for you. The small huffs of Shinsou’s laughter in your ear through his occasional commentary (really kind of him to talk through a movie, like he normally did, instead of staying in dom mode, you thought. Helped you relax).
But even the movie night had to be cut short. Five minutes into the third episode, you’d finally cosied into his arms—dare you say, feeling like you could handle this thing called cuddling—when Ojiro and Hagakure started going at it next door. Hardly a full minute had elapsed between their clamouring down the hallway, the slamming shut of her door, and what sounded like a kabedon and something immediately plunging into Hagakure, based on her moans. Probably fingers.
“I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I hope they were fooling around in public beforehand, so she’s at least gotten some prep,” you said, as Shinsou shut the laptop.
“We’ll continue this another time,” said Shinsou, setting it aside, and he, moving to kneel, guided your hips forward to turn you around to face him. “Was this okay?”
You shot him a double thumbs-up. “Excellent first step. New but safe, facilitated by a variation of something we’re already used to.”
“Something we’re already used to,” he repeated under his breath, for some reason, barely audible over Ojiro’s tail thwacking the shared wall. He reached for both his laptop sleeve and a water bottle for you, and he started packing his stuff away.
You twisted off the cap to break the seal. “Are we gonna do something different next time?”
“I think we’re going to do this a couple more times so that being held is no longer a sort of event in your mind, adding some minor variety so that you don’t get overwhelmed, before we move onto something completely different.”
Wiping water off of your mouth with the back of your hand, you bit your lip. “You’re being so kind to me. So patient. Considerate.”
He shot you a look from where he was zipping up his duffel. “Why wouldn’t I be?”
“Well,” you said, holding the bottle in both hands, “Don’t most of your clients, like, choke on your cock within fifteen minutes of starting?”
His back was to you as he fiddled with a side pocket, and it took him a beat to reply. “Believe it when I tell you that I am delighted you’re letting me walk at your own pace.”
You were completing the world’s most pathetic checklist.
Holding hands? Check.
Cuddling? Check.
Spooning cuddling? Check.
Being able to look a man in the eyes while he tenderly cupped your face with both hands and told you nice things about you? Check—though that one took a lot out of you.
Were you embarrassing? Maybe a bit, but you couldn’t talk yourself out of being who you were, and Shinsou didn’t seem to want to, either.
You allowed yourself to curl up into yourself in the café booth, hiding yourself in the back while you propped your forehead against the exposed brick of the back wall. Lately, Shinsou had been directing you away from hiding your body and making yourself smaller when you felt ashamed, and damn it, you understood how he was trying to be helpful, but sometimes you just didn’t want to be perceived.
This session was the first public outing—a practise date, he’d called it. Practise for showing small, safe gestures of affection out in public. He’d dressed up in another all-black outfit again, as usual, because he’d emphasised that he had to get in character, to get out of “Best Friend Shinsou” mode. He’d even made a hype playlist, but he refused to show it to you yet.
He’d picked a café that you’d never been to so that you wouldn’t have to worry about the staff at your regular places judging you, and once again, you’re struck by how kind Shinsou was. If he were this level of considerate with all of his clients, no wonder they kept coming back to him. To be able to stop worrying, to leave it all to someone who took such pains to ensure your comfort and safety, who made your decisions for you—it’s goddamn inebriating.
Huh, it’s taking him a while to get menus. You tapped your fingernails in a ripple on the table where he’d parked you. Where was he? Twisting around, you scanned the open café area but recognised no one. How do you lose someone with purple troll hair?
Oh, he was rounding the corner of the dessert case, coming out of the hallway with the bathrooms, and he…he was talking to someone you’d never seen before, way shorter than he was with pastel pink hair and enormously puffy, white earrings. Even from the back corner booth, the way her face lit up as she spoke to him charmed you.
Shinsou was smiling, too, a pensive sort of wryness crossing his face as he snatched two menus from the basket up front, his brow furrowing when he had to shake a sticky third one off. Her elegant face pinched up when Shinsou unstuck the remaining two, and he gestured towards the booth where you were sitting. Oh, the fabric on this chair was absolutely fascinating, all of a sudden, and you kept plucking at it until Shinsou’s doc martens appeared in your view.
“I apologise for taking so long,” said Shinsou, sliding in next to you instead of across from you like a normal person, and he offered a menu.
You took it, rubbing the tacky plastic film. “It’s fine. Why sit next to me? It’s a booth, not the Last Supper.”
“It’s so we can hold hands, you muppet,” said Shinsou, and he promptly laced his fingers between yours and rested your hands on the table between you. As he laid the menu flat on the table, he returned the pink-haired woman’s wave as she exited the café, squeezing your hand as he did so.
“Care to enlighten me?” You scanned the drinks section, honing in on the coffee.
He flipped over the menu. “I can tell you she went by Mawata, with me. Not giving you the family name, mind. Signed the contract.”
Who would pay that much for a café au lait? Bougie. Perhaps even pretentious. “I see.”
“She recognised the getup and assumed I was in a session. I didn’t want to betray your trust, so I told her I was on a date. Which isn’t far from the truth.”
“I see,” you said, this time more strangled.
“Do you know what you want to order yet?”
“Good,” he said, releasing your hand and scooting closer to you, “because we’re going to try doing something a step further. I—”
“Fucking go for it,” you said, peeking at the other side of the menu.
Shinsou faltered. “Are you sure?”
“You’ve kept me safe so far,” you said, shooting him a smile, “I trust—”
Mawata was bursting back into the café, the bell on the door ringing rather violently, and rushing back to your booth, her puffy earrings swaying erratically. Shinsou turned himself towards you, taking up space and shielding you the best he could by the time she skidded to a stop at your table, her kitten heels leaving a scuff on the tile.
“When can I hire you again?” she asked, breathless, “I’m assuming she knows.” She didn’t even spare a glance towards you.
Bracing himself, Shinsou turned his head in her direction, still hovering over you. “Now’s not exactly the best time.”
Mawata fidgeted with her purse strap. “I know I’m being rude, but holy shit. I can’t stop thinking about you. I’ll be rude if it means I get to see you again. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me, and I can’t let you go now that there’s a chance again. Even if I have to pay you, I have to have you in my life. There’s no consistent way to contact you, so it feels like fate that I met you today.”
While Mawata rambled, Shinsou turned towards you, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he swallowed, and, wincing, he shot you an apologetic look, eyebrows raised. You didn’t know what was coming, but you nodded. Running his tongue over his lower lip, he mouthed thank you, and for a brief moment, as he turned back to her, you caught a hardened expression you’ve never seen on your best friend.
“Mawata,” he said, stone cold and callous and chilling, “It sounds like you’ve broken one of my rules.”
She flinched, the movement shuddering through her whole body and bobbling her earrings, and she dropped her gaze to the floor, her head bowed and fists tight on her purse strap. A choked whimper escaped her as she took a shaky, shallow breath.
The distressing, empty space in which Shinsou waited for her to answer caused you to tense up behind him, and without looking back, he fucking skimmed his fingers over your thigh, cool as you please, until he could place his spread palm across it. Lightly, at first, a barely-there touch, but—you had to give him some sort of signal, so you grazed your thumb over the back of his hand—after he had your approval, he let the full weight of his hand rest on your thigh, gently tapping his fingers on the fabric of your jeans.
Good. Considerate, attentive Shinsou was still there, underneath whoever the fuck he was being now.
Her choppy, straight bangs shielded her eyes as she kept her head down. “I—I’m not sure what you mean, sir.”
Sir?! Sir?!
That’s fucking Hitoshi. Hitoshi, who talks in a high-pitched voice to cats and encourages Eri to decorate his face with stickers. Hitoshi, who can’t always remember to take the tin foil off of his leftovers before putting them in the microwave. Hitoshi, your best friend, who’s got his goddamn hand on your thigh.
(Hand cover…so much…of thigh. Big hand. Big hand good. Big hand safe. Big hand hold you.)
([Good God, woman, pull yourself together. It’s just a hand on your thigh.])
(But there is nothing just about Shinsou, is there?)
Shaking his head, Shinsou clicked his tongue. “And I’m sure you do. I want you to say what rule you’ve broken—and I know which one you have; you can’t hide from me. I’ve been in your brain; I know how you think. I want you to admit it. And I want you to tell me what you’re doing wrong now because of it. If you can’t even say it, I no longer know you.” He lifted his chin as he stared her down, and even from behind, you can tell that he’s giving her that cold glare that made anyone shatter—you’ve only seen it in training, and it’s never been used against you. “You know what you signed. Say it.”
“I—I’ve developed feelings for you,” she managed to say.
“And that means, by contract, I can’t see you again.”
“And!” Mawata inhaled sharply, shifting her jaw as she raised her head to look him in the eye and chickened out, instead focusing on the table. “And by approaching you in public with another client, you’re gonna fucking blacklist me with the others across the fucking city. But sir, you said you were on a date, and I didn’t know you did that now, and I want that—”
“Not quite. I’m not out with a client,” Shinsou said evenly, squeezing your thigh under the table, “I’m out with my girlfriend. Which is a greater transgression on your part, wouldn’t you say? We’re done here.” Shinsou nodded once and gave a dismissive wave, and she bolted out of the shop.
Shinsou turned to you, expression soft, posture crumpling, and hands lifting to cup your face, and he babbled apologetically. “Baby, I’m so sorry you had to see that. Mawata’s violated contract before by badgering Kaminari for my personal number, but that doesn’t immediately blacklist her; it got her put on a probation list. I’m sorry. I tried to get rid of her the best I could at first, but it didn’t work, and I’m so fucking sorry you had to see me like that. I would never treat you like that, sweetheart; you mean too much to me. Please believe me when I say that what you saw was just a continuation of the dynamic established between Mawata and me and that I would never—” He cut himself off and rested his forehead against yours. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean for it to turn out like this.”
Hello! I would like to address girlfriend. Are we going to do that?
(Well, you figured, in the moment in which you cracked your eyes open to watch Shinsou’s unfairly long eyelashes flutter against his cheeks, that using girlfriend was a firm way to establish that Mawata was not wanted there.
Plus, he had said earlier that he hadn’t revealed you were a pseudo-client, so it may have been a confidentiality thing. Even though you never signed anything. That’s Shinsou for you, being a step ahead in caring for you.)
“Hitoshi, it’s fine,” you said, placing your hands over his and bringing them down into your lap, “I get it. You did what you had to. Yes, you scared me a bit, but some part of it was also hot. You let me know you were still there.”
Shinsou pulled back to garner your expression, and, after seeing something that he evidently liked, he bent to put his forehead on your shoulder. “So, the hand on your thigh was good?”
“Very. I appreciate that you did it through clothes for this first try. Not as startling.” Since Shinsou has been so good to you, you bolstered enough courage to comfort him back: you tentatively raised a hand to run it through his hair, scratching at the base of his skull, and the man fucking groaned, snuggling down into your shoulder and getting as close as he could to your neck without going past your collar (you hadn’t gotten to neck stuff yet, which, as you noted it, may be the dumbest fucking thing about yourself). “She mentioned others? I’m assuming other hired doms?”
“More or less,” said Shinsou, his voice grumbling, “I don’t really see much of them. Mostly at the start, when I was learning how to do BDSM stuff myself. Making sure what I was doing was safe. Helped me with legal stuff. I don’t wanna be sued or arrested for any of this, y’know.”
“Don’t tell me Aizawa-sensei’s involved. You can just look at that fucker and tell he’s into tying people up and brat-taming.”
“All right,” said Shinsou with a muffled laugh, “I won’t tell you.”
“Holy shit. That’s our professor—”
“No, c’mon, keep scratching. Go on. Let’s see what I can tell you,” said Shinsou, “He’s never been one of the employees proper, but he has provided some educational materials—yes, on shibari. Thank God someone else is now burdened with this information.”
“Think he was affected from the soulmate quirk?”
“If he does, his soulmate’s in for it,” said Shinsou, whining a bit when you moved away from the base of his skull, and he plopped your hand back there to keep scratching. “He fucking needs someone to take care of. And to take care of him. Fuck, he’s a mess.” He sighed into your shirt. “Speaking of, I’ve got an escort mission with him and the rest of the stealth-focused group in about a week, so we won’t be able to have a proper session. Odds are, I’ll be prepping with the rest of the students, so we won’t see much of each other at all.”
“Remind me who’s studying stealth?”
“Bakugou and Aoyama. Oh, and Todoroki’s been shoved in our group, since he’s hopeless at PR, according to Kayama-sensei. Don’t know how that’ll affect our current group dynamic, but I look forward to working with him. Midoriya can’t say enough good things about him.” Shinsou dragged himself away from your shoulder. “So, I’m sorry we won’t be seeing each other as much. I’ll text you when I can.”
“I’ve got stuff with Present Mic to work on. It’s fine. That just means I get to hang out with Dango instead of you, right?”
“Stop bragging,” he said, and he pointed at the menu as he stood. “Time to tell me your first and second choices for your order. I’ll get the second one, so you can try some of it.”
“Wow, someone’s a slave to routine,” you said, indicating what you wanted, “If I hadn’t seen your performance just then, I’d say that your dom persona is the same as typical Hitoshi.”
His eyes glinted strangely as he smirked and gathered the menus to put them away. “Is it?”
bakugou is bitching about the quality of aoyama’s trail mix
says it’s shit
he’s made us trail mix that he considers good. we have spent a considerable amount of this mission prep meeting debating what qualifies good trail mix.
bakugou, I mean
idk man i thought aoyama’s trail mix was pretty fucken tasty
why am I not surprised you’re the one who ate most of it last night
if they ask where it went, I won’t tell
The day of Shinsou’s escort mission, you were out shopping for a plant for him. “I mean, you’re extremely attentive with people and cats,” you were saying, your phone tucked between your ear and shoulder as you checked the price on the bottom of a zinnia starter, “but something tells me you will forget a plant is real.”
“Thanks for the vote of confidence, jackass,” came Shinsou’s voice over the phone, “I could keep up with something like a succulent. Or bamboo. I bet bamboo would fucking thrive in my dorm.”
“Bamboo requires frequent watering and heavy sunlight, actually,” you said, moving on to non-flowering plants, “So that thing would fucking die the instant it crosses your threshold.”
“Distressing things to hear,” said Shinsou, and you heard Aizawa’s voice and Shinsou’s distant response. “Gotcha. Listen, I’ve got to go. The plane’s scheduled to land in five minutes, so I’ve got to focus. Talk to you later?”
“Of course. Good luck!”
“Thanks. You, too, with the plant. Bye,” he said, but he didn’t hang up. You figured he meant to and just didn’t. Your thumb hovered the end call button, but when you strained to hear Aizawa’s and Bakugou’s voices and Shinsou’s closer replies through the phone, you elected to stay on the call.
Putting it on speaker and into your front pocket, you wandered through the garden section moving into the sheltered area as thunder rumbled, fingering at the textures of leaves, and admiring colours. Having him on speaker like this, even if it were just mission talk, felt like he was here with you, and you haven’t hung out with him in over a week—and now with the frequency of both friend hangouts and soulmate-prep sessions, his absence left you with an emptiness, an ache curling into your gut that pinched at your insides. This morning, you’d awoken feeling like you’d been kicked in the chest, so that’s why you risked calling him, even though he was out on a mission, and when you heard his voice, the ache disappeared.
None of these succulents were bitchy enough.
You covered your mouth as you laughed: what if you got him a fake plant and never told him?
You meandered inside as the rain picked up. Talk about radio signals scrambling came through as you debated the merits of a fake blossom on a fake cactus, and you turned the volume down in case you gave away confidential information to the few other losers in a home improvement store this early in the day. It’s a good thing you did, because otherwise, the sound of the airport explosion would’ve scared someone other than you out of your skin.
You ran back outside where you could yell, even though you might not be heard over the pouring rain. “Hitoshi?! ’Toshi, are you there? Say anything! Please!” He never responded to you, but you could hear yelling—not from him, but from Aizawa, from Bakugou, from Aoyama—and heavy cracking and crumbling you couldn’t tell if it were from a building collapsing or thunder rolling.
God, he’s not going to respond, is he? He didn’t know he’s still on a call—but you can track his location, right? Oh, my—fucking.
Staying on the call on your way back to U.A., you sent Shinsou’s location to Present Mic as soon as you could, saying you were headed back. Mic shot back a thumbs-up, since he couldn’t interrupt your call, said you should go give keep tracking with campus security, and that the location has been the biggest help so far in finding the team. They’re buried underneath airport rubble, and your connection with Shinsou’s phone is the only clue they have. Even if his phone isn’t buried—and it probably isn’t, since it has signal—it’s their best chance so far of being found.
The ride back to U.A. had you jolting at any little outside stimulus (and you had to keep apologising to people on the train for not having headphones), but all you could do once you reached security was keep listening. Ages and ages and ages of faint sirens, pelting rain, and shifting wreckage, with you crying so much that one of the security workers felt bad enough for you that they bought you a drink from a vending machine.
And then—as you’re screwing the lid onto your empty bottle—the crunching of footsteps. A distant, “Oh, sweet,” and the grappling of his leather glove around his phone. But something in your gut told you to keep silent. To keep this to yourself. Glancing over your shoulder to the final, straggling security worker at the far computer, you borrowed a pair of earbuds and hid your phone.
Shinsou must have put his phone in his pocket (the one on the side of his chest, based on how close his voice sounded) without looking at the screen, because the call kept going.
“No, say that again,” came Shinsou’s voice, exasperation prevalent, “What happened while they were underground?”
“Bakugou, Aoyama, and Todoroki were all affected by Serendipity’s quirk, but they’ve worked their way out of it,” said Aizawa, more gruffly than usual, or perhaps that was just the thunderstorm interfering with the sound coming through. “Listen. Don’t ask them for details and just be glad you’d been confined elsewhere. But we’ve got to peel Bakugou off Serendipity’s back before he breaks it and get her to Sakura Grove now.”
The relief at their voices triggered exhaustion, and you slumped in your seat, head down on the desk. God, you’ll take all this bullshit about travelling and escorting to this sakura place or whatever. It’s good to hear him talk. You’d listen in forever, so long as he was there. You couldn’t bring yourself to talk. Something in your gut screamed for you not to.
Actual, informative dialogue picked up when they’d apparently arrived at this Sakura Grove place, rushing through security to find Midnight and the team prepared to control Serendipity. You managed to smile at the sound of all of their boots clacking against tile. Lots of running, it seemed, even before they split up.
Shinsou was the one to find Midnight and frantically updated her, all out of breath. “—and Aizawa-sensei’s got her contained in the main waiting room, but he can’t keep her for much longer—”
“Listen,” Midnight interrupted, “I can’t have Ito and Serendipity be in the same room. Watch her while I take care of this. She can’t do anything more to you, so—” Her voice grew faint.
And at last, silence again.
Eventually, a woman’s voice came over the speaker. “Nice tits.”
“I’d prefer if you didn’t stare at my chest,” said Shinsou, and you fucking laughed under your breath, shoulders heaving. You folded your arm to use as a pillow on the desk and smiled loosely as you listened in.
“Who are you? She said Ito, but that doesn’t tell me anything.”
“Yet what she said told me so much.”
Shinsou paused. “What d’you mean?”
“That I can’t do anything more to you. Tells me you’ve met me before. Inhaled my quirk.”
Shinsou took a deep breath, as if to remember. “You broke into U.A.” Heavy exhale. “You ruined my goddamn life.”
“Want to sit down and talk? They’ve set up a lovely sitting room here, really. Seems a shame not to put that great ass to use.”
“Please stop objectifying me,” said Shinsou, sighing (and you could picture him running his hand back through his hair, with it bouncing back instantly), “Fine. Fine, I’ll talk. I know someone who likes having information. I’ve got to kill time, anyway.”
Shuffling. The creak of a chair.
“Why don’t you start with how I’ve ruined your life?”
“Take a fucking look at this.” The sounds of velcro and thick fabric being adjusted, and then silence.
“Okay,” said Ito slowly, “It’s a name.”
“It’s my fucking name, jerkass. Do you have any idea how much sleep I’ve lost over it? How am I supposed to deal with this? Am I doomed to be alone? Am I supposed to cry while jerking off for the rest of my life? Is that what the love I have amounts to? Because—and not that I would fucking want this, but even if there were another Shinsou Hitoshi, it probably wouldn’t be spelled with the same kanji, so fuck with that, if you will.”
More fabric shuffling, as Ito spoke. “I bet it would be difficult to find another Shinsou written as chastity and honest.”
“Yeah, my parents are insane. Bet they’d be disappointed in me, if they knew what I was doing concerning chastity and honesty. Has your quirk created something like this before? Is there a way to fix me?” Shinsou’s voice cracked.
“Well, let’s backtrack. There may not be anything to fix.”
“So, you have seen this before?”
“No, but I’d like to cover all my bases,” said Ito, “How bad is the pain? Are you at the level where you pass out yet?”
A beat. “What pain?” Another. “Stop staring at my tits. Pecs.”
“This is funny. You’re funny.” You could hear the smile in Ito’s voice. “Good thing I like funny. I crave funny. Did you know I have no contact with the outside world except through letters?”
“I don’t like where this is going.”
“They keep packets of cheese crackers somewhere in one of these drawers. Will you help me find some?”
Shuffling. Wooden drawers opening and shutting. Crinkling of plastic.
“You’re not feeling the pain because you’ve already met your soulmate,” said Ito through a mouthful of cheese cracker, “If you hadn’t met them, you’d be in fuckin’ agony. All achy, and shit.”
“I can hardly see how I could avoid meeting myself.”
“Okay, cut the bullshit, smartass. My quirk doesn’t work like that, unless you’re attracted to yourself.”
The sound of chewing, up close and personal. “God, no. I hate myself.”
“Then you have a soulmate, and you’ve met them. Easy as that.”
“I’m not sure I follow,” said Shinsou.
“Oh, get fucked. You’re a young hero affected by my quirk, who has associations with Midnight, and you haven’t read my team’s notes on my quirk? You’re not employing all your resources,” said Ito, crunching.
“Someone who read it told me pertinent details,” Shinsou protested.
“Not pertinent to you, it appears. Not that it matters how my quirk works, I suppose. Just be assured that you have a soulmate who’s not you, and you’ve met them. Since you’re not feeling any pain at all, it sounds like they’ve accepted you in some way. Acknowledged you with some sign of affection. Depending on how obvious they are, you may be an idiot.”
“Fuck,” came Shinsou’s whisper, “I’ve been in some…situations recently. There are a number of candidates.” Crinkling of plastic and chewing. “But I still don’t get how my own name as a soulmark works.”
“Bitch, you’re overthinking.”
And Shinsou laughed. Hard. Hearing it made up for all the distress you’ve been under today. His laugh always sounded a bit higher than his speaking voice, like it hasn’t been through as much or like it’s well-rested.
“Got a preference for who it is?” Ito asked.
 Shinsou swallowed thickly. “Yeah.”
“Perfect. Then we can start from there. I can help you find out who it is, by process of elimination.”
“Hey, give me your trash.” Footsteps, there and back again, and the sinking back into the cushy chair. “Why would you help me? You’re a villain, and I’m a trainee-hero you just met.”
“Whatever is going on with you is pathetic and hilarious, and like I said, I like funny. What’s more, I like conclusions to stories,” she said, “and yours, I feel, is going to be marvellously, gloriously stupid. I wanna hear it when it happens.”
Shifting in his seat. “You can get letters? All right.” More shifting. “But what if my soulmark is broken, and I don’t have an ending?”
“Okay, then I’ll take payment now.”
“I think I want to back out—”
“Relax, asshole. I’ll help you,” said Ito, “All you have to do is describe what body part on a woman you prefer.”
“That’s all?”
A beat. “You look like a feet guy.”
“I do fucking not.”
“You’ve got the mouth for it.”
It sounded like Shinsou pushed himself up out of his chair. “Y’know, I think I can live without your help.”
“My dude, I have already established that I am desperate for humour in my life, and even from our brief interaction, you have revealed yourself to be wonderful to tease. Sorry for accusing you of being a foot fetishist. Didn’t mean it. Sit back down?”
A pause. He must have sat and chosen his words carefully. “You usually shield your chest or genitals when someone’s threatening you when you’re physically vulnerable, yeah? What’s left unprotected, though…I like to take advantage of the vulnerability of an exposed neck. Sensual and intimate. Satisfying. I’m betting—kissing the back of it, even when she expects is, is going to make her jump out of her skin. I can’t fucking wait. Hey, don’t look at me like that.”
“Something’s wrong with you. Really.”
“I happen to be—normal. Normal and well-adjusted.”
“You’re into necks and not into choking?” Ito tutted. “Even with your BDSM hero costume?”
“Choking is when something’s caught inside your throat. Technically, what people have taken to doing in bed is a type of strangulation.”
“Way to bring the conversation down, fusspot.”
“I did what you asked and answered honestly,” said Shinsou, “I think we should skip the rest of the part in which you make fun of me and proceed to where you actually help.”
“Sure. First, we’ll need an airtight container.” Another pause.
Shinsou made a frustrated noise. “If you’re really that desperate to stare at men’s tits, my friend Bakugou is in the lobby, and his are way bigger than mine.”
“No, it’s—I get that you’re all posh, since you’re a U.A. student, but I’m assuming even a hero’s BDSM costume isn’t supposed to glow in the chest area. Or at least, only one side of it.”
“What are you—oh, shit, that’s my—”
The call ended.
What were you supposed to do? Pretend you weren’t on the phone, obviously, but moreover, how could you possibly help Shinsou find his soulmate when his soulmark was his own name?
Monoma was no help solving anything, but at least he was good company when everyone else was making out (you missed when people played video games in public instead of dry-humping). He and you were caring for Eri that afternoon, since Aizawa, Shinsou, and the rest had to go in for documentation.
Eri pressed a pawprint sticker (from that cat café Aizawa frequented) onto your cheek. “They’re in love,” she said.
“Who?” Monoma asked from his place on the floor, lying down with his legs straight up to rest against the couch.
“Konpeito and Dango,” she said, pointing to the two cats cuddling together on the middle couch cushion, “See how they’re yin and yang?” From above, she was right, ish. Konpeito and Dango certainly had the swish-shapes fitting together in a circle, if not the entirely correct colourings.
“I’m glad they finally went to sleep,” you said, choosing a coffee mug sticker for Eri to put on you next.
Eri nodded gravely. “If Dad-sensei finds the pottery pieces in the trash, I’ll tell him a shark did it. I don’t want him to make Konpeito move out.”
Monoma caught your eye and stifled a laugh, but you didn’t know if it were for Dad-sensei or the shark. “Eri,” he said, checking his phone for the time, “Do you know what’s going on with the room at the end of the hall?”
Frowning, Eri pursed her lips. “Dad-sensei lives there. Is something wrong with it?”
“I should’ve been more specific; I apologise. I meant the empty that been used for storage so far, on the other side where no one goes,” said Monoma, stowing his phone in his pocket, “Room 310, I think. It’s okay if you don’t know, Eri.”
“Oh,” said Eri, peeling off the coffee mug sticker, “I don’t know much. Dad-sensei and All Might-sensei have been talking about it sometimes.” She smoothed it out across the inside of your forearm. “I think someone like me is going to move into that room, but not for a long, long time from now. I hope they like cats. Can I see your words again?”
Monoma shared a sympathetic look with you and became busy with bothering the cats, allowing you the space to stretch the neck of your shirt down far enough to the middle of your left shoulder blade for Eri to read your soulmark.
“Ice princess,” she said, bafflement creeping in, “That doesn’t sound like you.”
“I know, kiddo,” you said, “but I used to be a bit mean. It used to fit me.”
“When I first started going to U.A.,” you said, “Before the first sports festival, especially. Even though I was shy, I remember being very protective of the few friends I’d made in 1-A at that point. Maybe I had a bad day and was mean about it. Mean about the way I was protecting my friends, or something. I don’t really know, Eri. I don’t know what my soulmark means.”
“Can I copy it? I want to practise writing ice princess.” At your consent, she told you to wait while she got some paper, and you waited more while she carefully copied down the kanji for that part of your soulmark. She presented the paper to you when she was done.
Cute. Adorable. Her basic penmanship made your confusing, harsh words into something endearing. Except. “Hey, Eri, I think you’ve written the kanji for forever here, instead of ice. See how you’ve put two little strokes at the top? Ice only has one.”
“Oh! Thank you very much. The handwriting on your back is all squished, so it’s hard to see all the strokes.” She corrected her kanji on the sheet at the same time that Monoma’s head snapped towards yours, both pairs of eyes bulging (clown to clown communication).
Eri carefully copied the corrected kanji again and stopped to admire her writing. “Even if you don’t understand it, I still think it’s good.” She wrote her name at the bottom and turned the paper around to show the both of you. “Do I get a soulmate someday?”
You hid your sorrow, and Monoma answered for you. “I hope to God you don’t.”
Instead of breaking off towards Class B’s dormitory after dinner, like he normally did, Monoma followed you up the stairs of Class A’s dorm.
“Ah, ha, who are you going to see? Shinsou and I have a movie night,” you said, lying about the session you were going to his room for, “so you must have made a friend.”
“Hilarious. A lie and an attempt at a blow to my ego,” said Monoma, stuffing his hands in his pockets, as he trotted up the stairs behind you, “No, I’m attending Shinsou’s little session, the same as you are.”
“Fuck it all to hell,” you said, halting on the top step, “Did everyone know about that except for me?”
“Chill, I learnt about it two days ago when Shinsou asked for my help. Keep going; he’ll explain it when we get there,” said Monoma, passing you to hold the stairway door open.
Shinsou was waiting for the both of you. He opened his door before you could knock twice and ushered you in. You expected Monoma to make some comment about Shinsou’s clothes (you think he’s got outfits on rotation, but since a fair chunk of his wardrobe is black, anyway, it’s hard to tell) or his serious vibes, but Monoma didn’t say a word or make any condescending expressions. For once, it seemed, he was quiet and subdued, hands in his pockets and standing behind you, waiting.
“Monoma’s here to help,” said Shinsou, stepping forward to curl his long fingers into your hair, scratching gently at your scalp (your eyes fluttered shut, and you struggled to keep them from crossing and rolling back; you have definitely been denying yourself the simple pleasure of someone playing with your hair: safe but immensely satisfying), “If you don’t want him here, or if you don’t want him to see a thing you do, he’s out of here before anything can happen. Either way, he’s sworn to secrecy about this entire ordeal. He owes me, and I’m paying him. And I know you already feel fairly comfortable around him. He’s on his better-than-best behaviour.”
“I trust you,” you said, and Shinsou pulled this strange move where he lifted his hands just barely while he was still cupping your head to scratch it, and you rose to your tiptoes to follow him—the move, paired with his blunt nails on your scalp, had you feeling lightheaded, and you’ve only been here for about a minute (calm the fuck down, babe). “If you think Monoma will help me grow, then I’ll do it. Within reason.”
“All right. You can back out at any time, remember? Okay. Monoma, you first. On the bed.”
On the bed? Are you sure, Shinsou?
Monoma peeled off his TinTin socks and climbed onto Shinsou’s bed to sit at the head of it, and he contorted himself to pull his phone out of his back pocket to set it on the bedside table.
“Go on, then,” Shinsou said softly, prodding your lower back, “Sit between his legs. Just like you’ve done for me.”
Oof. Someone other than Shinsou? I mean. You guessed if it had to be someone other than Shinsou, you’d be the most comfortable around Monoma, but still. It’s as if there’s a heightened layer of friendship with you and Shinsou; it’s different than the relationship you have with Monoma and the relationships with other guys. Somehow, this felt weird.
“Okay, boss,” you said as a joke, and you watched Monoma for any of his many micro-expressions for a shred of disdain or judgment, as if he would tease you for calling Shinsou a title in a sensual/sexual context, even as a joke, but Monoma’s face was placid. No outward signs of malice. Instead, he made room for you between his legs, silent and languid all the way.
“Hee hoo ha,” you said instead of actually laughing, a knee on the mattress. “I suppose you’re aware that this is, like, second base for me. For the state I’m in. I’m fuckin’ calling you Neito from now on, now that you’re witnessing me being a slut.”
There’s no snide comment. Eyes-half lidded, Monoma calmly nodded, resting his hands on his thighs. “If that’s what you want.”
Oh, holy shit. Shinsou must have talked to him about how sensitive/delicate you were about this situation. Either that, or the pay is just that good.
Worried, you glanced back at Shinsou, but he just gestured with a loose flick of his fingers for you to keep going. So, you found yourself easing into a different man’s arms, and it’s instantly a list of comparisons: thighs still framing your pelvis but nowhere nearly as thick or long as Shinsou’s (and that tracked with what Monoma’s told you about how he wants a twink gymnast’s physique for his manoeuvrability in battle, along with Shinsou’s having seven centimetres on Monoma height-wise), somehow colder than Shinsou, not giving off as much body heat, his chin not fitting as well into the divot on your shoulder as Shinsou’s did—but his arms slid around your waist the same way Shinsou’s did, down to the positioning of what hand overlapped on top—Shinsou must have given specific instructions.
You figured that you don’t feel as safe as you feel when Shinsou’s holding you because Shinsou was bigger than you: bigger in presence, really, over physicality—though certain parts of him were objectively bigger, like how fucking long his fingers were and the overall size of his hands. Monoma, though, didn’t give as much of a large presence, but Monoma had said before that being unimposing and nimble worked better for him strategically. Either way.
Wow, yeah, Monoma really was holding you just like Shinsou did, without space between your legs and his, with his arms snugly around the upper curve of your waist, and his mouth pressed—but not puckered or kissing (a polite boy)—to your shoulder, on the shirt collar as close to the bare skin of your neck as possible without touching it.
“Fishy,” you said, glaring at Shinsou while tapping Monoma’s hand at your waist.
“I’m glad you noticed. Good detail work,” said Shinsou as he stowed away the Put Your Hands Up Radio laptop sleeve, and he crawled onto his bed.
As Shinsou pulled up a movie, you panicked and snapped your head back to look at Monoma. “Hey, are you okay with this? I don’t wanna impose on you if—”
“I’m fine,” said Monoma, blinking slowly, “I haven’t been told everything, because that’s your business, but I can garner that this is very important to you. And since you’re comfortable around me—though I don’t think anyone will ever lower your walls like Shinsou does—I knew I could do this for you. If it were anyone else besides me, you wouldn’t be as comfortable. Worry about me if you want, but it’ll be misplaced.”
You faced the front again and grimaced. “You two are acting fucking insane.”
Shinsou looked away from the screen for a moment. “No, baby,” he said, tapping the top of your foot, “We’re being careful. You deserve to be handled delicately.”
You didn’t know if it were his usage of baby or the skin-to-skin touch on your bare foot that made you jolt. Probably both.
(Because while you’ve been getting used to Shinsou touching you, it’s all been very face-waist-shoulders-arms. His hands haven’t gone below your stomach or to your boobs. So, yeah, while it was just your foot, he hasn’t been around that area yet. Startling.)
“If you say so,” you muttered, and you pressed back against Monoma, as if hiding from Shinsou’s comment—and, to be fair, the careful attention to you felt unusual, especially now that it was someone beyond Shinsou. “What are you going to do? Why have you got Monoma—”
You cut yourself off with a sharp inhale, chest tight and shoulders tense, when Shinsou placed his hands on your knees, and he said, “I want you to get used to a man between your legs.” Carefully watching your expression, Shinsou slowly parted your legs, keeping his hands near your knees and low on your thighs, and he crawled up to lie on his stomach between them, resting, for a moment, on his elbows, propping him upright on either side of your hips.
And you were fucking panicking. You’d steeled your expression the best you could, since Shinsou was watching, but you broke and couldn’t control it; your visible facial distress, you supposed, was hardly the giveaway when you were already stiff and tense, heart pounding, one hand gripping Monoma’s wrist so tightly his bones might grind together, pressing back into him while subtly backing away from Shinsou.
When Shinsou (pausing briefly but continuing, more cautiously, when you didn’t say anything) moved to wrap his arms around your hips and settled down against you to rest his head on your stomach, your breathing picked up, and your chest started heaving.
(C’mon, baby, it’s just a guy’s presence between your thighs. He’s not even touching you in a sexual way. He’s just there. You’ve even got the security of an extra friend, grounding you by touching you in a familiar way. Neither of these people [you weren’t even thinking of them as someone who might see you as a romantic or sexual target, but just as people] has ever done anything sincerely malevolent to you. By all accounts, you should be safe.
It shouldn’t be anything. It really shouldn’t be affecting you this much. Right?
[But when purity culture has been gnawing at you for a lifetime, it can be a lot just to spread your legs, let alone have someone between them.]
Damn Shinsou for being right.)
And Shinsou was peeling himself away from your stomach, reaching up to hold your face, to comfort you, to assure you it’s all right; he can move; you can do this another time or not at all, but it’s not really working. You kept squirming between both of them, unsure if you truly wanted to get away or be touched in a different way or anything at all: your brain had resorted to irrational anxiety.
In the back of your head, a reasonable voice noted that both of them were taking good care of you and that it made no sense for you to be writhing about like this (why weren’t you saying anything?!), but that voice never got loud enough for you to obey.
“Stay with me, sweetheart; stay here,” Shinsou was saying, moving back into a kneeling position to avoid physical contact with you where he could (but with the scant space, he could hardly avoid touching your thighs), shifting to hold only one of your hands, which he grasped desperately. “I’m gonna walk you through a grounding exercise, okay? And then when you’re ready, we can talk.”
Behind you, Monoma had been keeping a neutral presence, erasing himself when he couldn’t imitate Shinsou, and while he’d retracted his arms from around you so that you could escape, you were still trying to hide, almost, by retreating back against him. You caught it out of the corner of your eye but didn’t process the meaning until later: Monoma subtly manoeuvred his foot to graze Shinsou’s bare ankle.
And Monoma’s voice blended with Shinsou’s, warm breath ghosting over your ear. “Are you listening? You with us? Do you need us to go?”
You didn’t have any answers, and it was killing you. “I don’t know.”
It’d barely left your mouth before Monoma spoke. “Relax.”
Your brain emptied.
As if it unhinged itself from a latch and now hung loosely.
Into a comfortable, distant trance.
Body going limp. Muscles losing tension, as if you’d submerged yourself up to your chin in a hot bath. As if the tight spring that’s been coiled underneath your ribcage your whole life has now been reshaped by the touch of a forge you haven’t known, the hot, bright, molten metal oozing before it’s moulded into a gentler form. Your eyes fluttered closed, feeling a faint throbbing in the roof of your mouth.
You weren’t thinking, and it felt good.
You were barely able to hang onto even that observation, and therefore, you later had grace for yourself for not understanding what was happening between Shinsou and Monoma at the moment. In your floating, weightless distance, you absorbed the conversation but didn’t process it until much, much later.
You couldn’t be worried about their argument when you’d been told to relax, so the last hint of concern flew out of you before Shinsou ripped Monoma off of you and onto the floor. “What the hell is wrong with you?” Shinsou was whisper-shouting, his splayed hand pinning Monoma to the rug, “What the fuck? She’s never felt my quirk before; I’ve sworn I’d never use it on her, because it’d be—what the fuck is wrong with you, man? You said you’d fucking do what I said.”
Monoma was scrambling out from under Shinsou’s grip, and he let him go. “Fuck it, you never—you never told me that.”
“I didn’t think I’d have to? Jesus Christ, Monoma—”
“You saw her.” Monoma scowled and crossed his arms, plopping himself down in the desk chair. “I could feel her freaking out before you could see it, and it’s fucking heartbreaking, y’know? I didn’t—I felt fucking sorry for her and wanted her to be okay. That’s not a goddamn crime.”
“You forced her. You took away her agency and fucking forced—”
“Have you taken a look at her lately?” Monoma jerked his head in your direction. “Heard her talk about her soulmark? About her life recently? She’s only getting more stressed the longer this goes on. I want her to be able to relax, and I saw that I could give that to her.”
Shinsou paused, pinching his lower lip between his thumb and index finger.
Monoma went on. “Listen, I’m sorry. And I’ll apologise to her once she comes back down, but honestly, I think she deserves the time away from this. I know she’s your girl, but she’s my friend, too, and I want her to have some shred of peace.”
Shinsou frowned. “Don’t say that. She’s not—she can’t be my girl; she’s got a soulmate out there.”
Scoffing, Monoma waved a dismissive hand. “Shut up. You were fucking showing off earlier when you were scratching her head. How you made her follow your hands when you lifted them. That’s some infatuated shit right there.” He ran his tongue over his lower lip. “You teach her to do that?”
Shinsou tentatively sat next to you on the bed—and you, floating somewhere distant, still registered his weight sinking into the mattress and his hand near your face without touching it. “I hope not,” he said, brow furrowed, “I…I generally enjoy being a bad influence, but in her case, I’m terrified that I actually am.” He raised his hand to cup your face, but he withdrew, fingers hesitantly curling into his palm. “I don’t want her to change to please me or anyone else.”
At this point, your vision started to black out, spots creeping in at your periphery. You have no recollection of what you did next, but considering how both Monoma and Shinsou avoided your gaze when you asked about it later, you must’ve actually done what they said. You apparently took his hand in both of yours to play with his long fingers and said in a slightly slurred voice, “You sound nervous. Don’t be nervous.” And you promptly stuck his first two fingers in your mouth, taking them as far back as you could go and sucking.
An alarmed Shinsou, mindful of your teeth, removed them as quickly as he could, but neither he nor Monoma could erase their looks of shock before you dozed off.
You’d woken up nine hours later, with Shinsou asleep on the floor next to the bed and Monoma sleeping upright in the chair, arms crossed. They’d stumbled over each other in their apologies, but since you were feeling more well-rested than you have for the last ten years, you couldn’t bring yourself to be truly mad. Irritated, sure, but that’s inevitable.
You nibbled on the thumbprint cookies Monoma had made for you in the interim while they both empathically apologised, over and over and over. You still weren’t all the way there, but it was on purpose this time.
Because Shinsou’s quirk had felt absolutely fucking fantastic. And he’s been keeping it from you.
You’re confused, really, because if it’s got that mind-numbing pleasure tint to it, why’s he doling it out to others but not you? He’s said recently that he didn’t want you to get dependent on it, but that’s…that’s only an excuse he’s given since the soulmate incident. Otherwise, he just hasn’t, with no explanation. Has he leaked a clue somewhere along the way?
Nevertheless. His quirk had sponge-dabbed at your brain, washing and making it new while you were under its control. Your mind has felt cluttered and cramped for years, and his quirk ushered in spring cleaning, opening windows and letting in light.
Oh, no.
i found your so-called dom hype playlist. you didn’t even make it private!!!
why is it just the naruto soundtrack over and over again
it makes me feel powerful :(
Though your gut was urging you to stay, you wanted nothing more than to go home.
Classes 3-A and 3-B had an undercover mission in four days, with all of you sectioned off into teams for quashing PLF bases spread across the country. One of the base locations was a high-end club, and those who were assigned there (Asui and Todoroki) had never been to a club before, a group of you were at a club tonight to help them get used to the environment.
Still early in the night, you had been among the few who hadn’t the courage to go dance first thing, so you had volunteered to guard bags and coats at the enormous table you’d commandeered towards the back, away from the music, close to the bar, and now with mismatched chairs shoved closely to make enough space.
Shinsou was only just now finally getting back from the crowded bar, his beer and your pink lemonade in hand, with Ojiro in tow, babbling and gesturing wildly.
You moved your bag so that Shinsou could sink into the blue leather loveseat next to you, and he nodded towards you, staying engaged in Ojiro’s conversation. Oh, yikes, Hagakure was there, too; you just didn’t see her—she’s strategically wearing something nearly translucent.
Thumbing at the condensation, you stared into your glass, cloud-shaped ice bobbing in pink, when Hagakure (presumably) grabbed Ojiro’s face to kiss him, and his tongue appeared to be inside her mouth. Shinsou glanced towards you, checking in, and when you made a mild, furtive look of oof, he leaned in towards you.
(“A club? We should go,” Shinsou had said, nudging your shoulder with his, “I want you to practise a greater level of casual touching while in public.”
“But we’ll be with our classmates this time,” you’d said, slumping down onto the picnic blanket you’d spread out on the roof of Class B’s dorm, “They’ll notice.”
Shinsou had flicked a straw wrapper into your hair. “Sure. And then it won’t be such an abrupt surprise when you do it with your soulmate.”
You’d rolled away from him, taking some of the picnic blanket with you. “But what if they see me be vulnerable?”
“I’ll keep that from happening. You have the perfect cop-out, too: you can always claim you were drunk.”
You’d peeled one of the heels of your palms from your eyes. “I…guess. I guess.”
“Anything you want to do to me is fine,” Shinsou had said, tearing the blanket away from you and smoothing it out again, “But I want you to start thinking about something else we’ll try soon. I’m giving you the choice of what to do, since it’ll be a bit more intense.”
“Ah.” Giving up, Shinsou had shaken his head and had lain down next to you. “I misspoke. Intimate would’ve probably been better.”
You’d sighed and flipped towards him. “Lay it on me.”
Shinsou had counted off on his fingers, starting with his pinkie to irritate you. “Skinny dipping. I’d ensure no one could walk in on us, and I wouldn’t look at you, if you didn’t want me to. We could play strip poker or variations thereof—and once again, we could play it in some way that I wouldn’t be able to see you if you didn’t want, but you’d get used to being—being less clothed in the presence of a man.”
“That’s assuming I’d lose.”
Shinsou had cracked a smile. “So it is. Or I could undress you, and I—I could wear a blindfold, or something, if you didn’t—”
“Do you have one handy?”
Shinsou had propped his chin on his fist. “Do you even have to ask?”
“Any other options?”
Here Shinsou had looked away, instead staring into the night sky. “I—I was considering, if you’d let me, touching your boobs as an option, but that felt like a level more intense than the others. More personal. And I’ve concluded you aren’t there yet. Or at the point at which you could try sitting on my lap to get me hard.”
“Hitoshi, you’re insane. You’re going at it from too many angles.”
“Nah,” Shinsou had said, tilting his head towards you, “I want you to be comfortable, however we do this.”)
Shinsou’s hot breath unfurled down your neck as he whispered, “Use me. In any way you want.”
You smacked him in the chest, and he winced, clutching the spot as he grinned at you. “That’s fair,” he said.
For a while, the back table housed only Hagakure, probably grinding on Ojiro’s lap, Ojiro, whose tail shot straight up and stayed there, and you and Shinsou, smushed together on the leather loveseat, talking in hushed tones, starting with when he was going to return your copy of Fire and Hemlock and somehow ending up at which pokemon the top pro-heroes would eat.
When the others settled around the table in a break from dancing, you low-key mourned the loss of the privacy you’d had with Shinsou; it had been kind of cool that in this deafening, crowded place that you and Shinsou had had a moment alone, even with a couple actively making out beside you. No one else could fit on the loveseat, but even with enough space elsewhere, some soulmate-bound couples still overlapped, like how Mina and Kirishima were squished together in one chintz armchair and how Jirou had her legs splayed over Yaoyorozu’s lap in the next folding chair over.
You zoned out for a while—everyone else was talking at once, anyway, so that gave you leave to consider if Hawks would have a preferred evolution of Pigeot to deep-fry. But you were snapped back into reality when Aoyama suggested that the group should play truth or dare.
“Fuck no,” said Sero, slapping a hand over Kaminari’s mouth, “How old are we? Where are we? Get your head out of your ass.”
“And we’ve otherwise been working our asses off doing the boring prep for this mission, Sero, and we’re supposed to be having fun tonight, anyway,” said Mina, her tongue darting out to lick the salt around the rim of her glass, “I think we should.”
“I don’t want—look, it always goes the same way,” said Sero, and he let his hand fall from Kaminari’s mouth but still gripped his shoulder in a tight threat. “It’s either you get dared to perform some fuckin’ gross or sexual act, or you have to tell everyone who you like. We’ve moved past primary school, so I’m not—”
“Then we just change the base rules.” Kaminari didn’t bother dodging Sero’s thwack to his head. “We make it sort of reversed. Where truth is the more dangerous one to pick, and dare is extremely low stakes. There’s super personal shit that no one needs to know that I’m dying to know about some of you.” Kaminari lowered his heart-shaped glasses and stared pointedly across the table at Iida, Uraraka, you, and Shinsou in turn.
Kaminari’s proposal assuaged most issues the table had, so it came down to you and Shinsou as the ones still not wanting to play.
“Too dangerous,” said Shinsou, leaning back with his arms folded behind his head, “There are things that are my business only.”
“Yeah,” you said, sucking in through your teeth, “I’m not—I’m not into this. Plus, I’m really tired already, and, like, if we have to play something, can’t we think of a better game to play? This is—this is so fucking cliché.”
“Never mind,” Shinsou said quickly, giving you a strange look and letting his arms fall to his lap as he sat up straight, “I desperately want to play truth or dare. In fact, I demand it.”
Laughing, Kaminari reached over the table for Midoriya’s drained beer bottle (having to wrestle it from his grasp) and cleared out a space for it in the middle of the table, while you shrunk down in your seat, wishing you’d brought a book. Because—the bottle was spun—it could keep landing on the same person, meaning more focus could be on a single person than in a turn-based version of the game.
With the bottle landing first on Todoroki, Kaminari pulled no punches once truth was chosen: “Of your three closest friends, would you fuck any of them?”
Contrary to everyone else, Todoroki hardly reacted, instead his brow furrowing in thought. “I’m so fortunate to have so many friends,” he said carefully, “I’m not quite certain who would consider themselves closest to me.”
Uraraka grinned. “Well, who would you consider the closest?”
“Gracious,” said Todoroki, blinking, “I’m very lucky. My friends are so good to me. I—”
“Is he dodging the question or genuinely being weird about it?” Kirishima asked.
“Oh,” said Todoroki, “Well. My answer would be yes, I suppose. It would be wonderful that they’d believe themselves close enough to me to consider asking.”
“You fascinate me,” said Mina, reaching over to pat him on the head, “I want to study you like a bug in a jar.”
“You wouldn’t initiate?” Sero asked over Todoroki’s spinning the bottle, and Todoroki shook his head. “Valid.”
When it landed on Uraraka, she chose dare. “Hm,” said Todoroki, “Low stakes. I…You are dared to rest your head on Midoriya’s shoulder.”
Nearly in his lap, Uraraka was already almost doing that, anyway, so she complied.
From then on, you wanted to melt into the cracks in the floor and evaporate, even though the bottle hadn’t landed on you. All of the questions weren’t being phrased in a way that could fit someone like you—all questions assumed everyone’s had sex already, that everyone has some sort of sordid, sexual history, and good God, it sounded like everyone present did, to an extent (except for, perhaps, Todoroki, whose answers only spurred more questions). Even if their only sexual partner were their soulmate, the picture was painted that everyone was doing what you considered, to put it mildly, risky.
The most bizarre place Kaminari has jerked off was in a sewer, while he was staking out a suspect, with Pro-Hero Manual not far down the path. Midoriya’s favourite sex positions had to be looked up by the rest of the table, so for a delightful moment while Midoriya glowed beet red, everyone else hunched over their phones. Mina has given head in the recording booth for Put Your Hands Up Radio (“Everything was turned off, guys—except for Eijiro.”). Jirou would rather orgasm during oral rather than actual intercourse, and out of on a beach, a plane, or in the bathroom of a high-end restaurant, Yaoyorozu would prefer to have sex on a beach, because—she added unnecessarily—she’ll never have sex on a plane or bathroom again. After hearing that Kaminari would kill to muzzle someone, you concluded that you may be living in a different reality than the rest of your friends, and then the bottle pointed towards you.
You didn’t want to play. You didn’t want to admit anything. You didn’t even know what they’d get out of you—besides the fact that you’re a big-ass virgin, you supposed, and that would only open the floor to an awkward soulmate explanation. “Dare,” you said, sighing.
Narrowing his eyes, Kaminari tilted his head. The only other dares so far had been Uraraka’s head-resting and Sero to hold hands with Iida, which they were still doing, hands on the table between their drinks (Iida had made them swop seats so that his dominant hand could be free). “Riiiiight. I dare you to sit in Shinsou’s lap.”
Do what.
Shinsou turned towards you, brow furrowed with a quirk of the corner of his mouth to check if you were okay with it, if you were comfortable, and you sighed again, your shoulders heaving. “I guess,” you said, and you started to shift over but halted mid-movement. “Sit in lap how? Sideways? Straddling? Other way I don’t know?”
Eyes flicking around the table before settling back on you, Shinsou opened his arms and said, “Sideways is fine. I’ll help you—and don’t worry; you’re not bothering me.”
Holding your breath under everyone’s gaze, you climbed into his lap, crawling across his legs and then flipping, your ass mostly on one of his thighs while your legs draped across his other leg and into your old seat, and—holy fuck, Shinsou’s thighs were so thick that you sat a little taller than he did; you could put your chin on top of his head if you really wanted to, oh, my God. What the fuck. Shinsou must have seen the incredulity in your expression, because he guided one of your arms around his shoulders, to fit more comfortably in the space, while he wrapped an arm around your hips to stabilise you, fingers lightly pressing at a belt loop of your jeans, and with his other hand, he held yours in your own lap.
Jesus fucking Christ. You’re not going to make it out alive.
You needed time to process this, but you were denied it; you had to ask a question to Uraraka, since the bottle had landed on her again, and so you popped out what the table groaned to be the lamest question of the night: “Who’s in your ideal celebrity threesome?”
“Huh.” Uraraka steepled her fingers together. “Togashi Yoshihiro, in his prime…and Hawks.”
Kirishima screwed up his face. “Who the hell is Togashi—”
“He’s the mangaka for Hunter x Hunter,” said Todoroki pointedly, before closing his lips around the straw in his mostly drained strawberry daquiri and making a strident suction sound against the glass.
Kirishima screwed up his face more. “I get that writing a shounen manga can be manly, but why else would you choose specifically—”
“Because he pulled Takeuchi Naoko, the mangaka for Sailor Moon, even with his filthy apartment, poor fashion choices, bad posture, and questionable hygiene. The dick must be insane, in a rat-boy sort of way,” Uraraka was saying, running her hands through Midoriya’s hair, “Plus, he’ll feel insecure in comparison to perpetually charismatic Hawks, so there will be some sort of pathetic, competitive air to the sexual encounter.”
And then Uraraka was spinning the bottle, thank God, so any involvement with you ended. Shinsou—he could probably hear your fucking heartbeat going crazy from being paid attention from everyone else in a sexual context—rubbed his thumb over the back of your hand, softly smiling up at you to calm you down, and something inside you caved. You had the impulse to curl into him, to close your eyes and press your mouth to his hairline, to ignore the rest of the group until it was time to go (Shinsou would keep you safe), but you couldn’t obey it, because the bottle pointed towards…you and Shinsou.
Squeezing your hand, Shinsou steeled himself (thighs flexing underneath you) and said, “That’s me. I don’t believe I’m in any position to complete a dare at the moment, so. Truth.”
“Oh, fabulous,” said Uraraka, clapping her hands once, “There’s so much I’ve been waiting to get out of you. What’s the most pertinent…hm.”
“Want some help?” asked Mina, leaning over Kirishima’s bicep and the armrest, holding her drink at a hazardous angle (Kirishima lifted it out of her hand to set it on the table when Mina leant further away).
After Mina had whispered in Uraraka’s ear for a minute, Uraraka returned her attention to Shinsou, biting the inside of her cheek to conceal her delight but practically beaming regardless. “What’s the most you’ve ever made someone come in one night?”
Shinsou’s eyebrows shot upward, his tongue flicking over his lower lip (and you tensed up. The hand at your hip squeezed it gently). “One night? Fourteen.”
“What the fuck.”
“That can’t be true. You’re fucking making that up.”
“With toys? With your quirk, right?”
“No quirk. Not really,” said Shinsou, bowing his head slightly, and he bit his lower lip, his teeth showing for a second when his lip curled in. “I happen to be very, very, very good with my mouth.”
Silence. In it, Shinsou briefly released your hand to spin the bottle himself, and he took it again as the bottle turned, threading his fingers through yours. Blankly, he bumped his forehead against your shoulder, like a cat, before a tired, half-grin stretched across his face. You returned it, fighting the urge to play with his hair.
But then your luck ran out for the next year or so. Perhaps your whole lifetime. For some reason, the bottle kept landing on you and/or Shinsou, and he kept speaking up to save you from answering. The relief and gratitude that flooded you each time Shinsou covered for you only made you wish you could do something for him, too—you could rent his favourite Everest documentary from the library again, get those bizarre sour jawbreakers from the Mom ’n’ Pop gas station in his home district…lie with him in your bed…play with his hair before he puts the mousse in…
What was his favourite position to give oral?
“Kneeling,” Shinsou said so quickly it was a bit startling, and he shifted underneath you, sitting forward. “Kneeling, with them on the edge of their seat, legs spread a bit too widely than what they’re comfortable with for them so that they feel exposed. They can’t touch me unless I let them, and I won’t. They have to ask permission to look.”
Okay, bucko, a follow-up of how you like to receive oral?
“I don’t, generally,” said Shinsou, tilting his head, “because if it’s about me, then my partner isn’t getting as much pleasure as they should be getting. But if they insist, it’s however they want to.”
No, idiot, this isn’t about your partners. This is about you.
“Fuck you. I have to be lying down, or close to it, because my knees tend to buckle if I come from oral.”
If your partner were going to send you a video, what could they do to make it turn you on the most?
“Oh, huh.” Shinsou shifted so that he could scratch the back of his head, and you moved your arm out of the way for the gesture. “First of all, I wouldn’t want my partner to send me anything like that. No nudes, or anything. Because that’s private. That’s intimate. That could get leaked or hacked, and really, her body would be for my eyes only,” said Shinsou, his eyes half-lidded, “In addition, odds are that any video wouldn’t live up to the real thing, so I wouldn’t want it. Just makes the ache worse. Besides, I’m the only one allowed to tease.”
You’re ridiculous. Fine, if the video would never be shared with anyone else, guaranteed, and it lived up to seeing them in person, what would that look like?
“Just my partner saying that she loves me, preferably after she’s just woken up. Sorry to disappoint, if you were expecting something kinkier.”
Spit or swallow?
“Offended that you have to ask.”
You were growing antsy—antsy on the cusp of hyperaware and jittery. Something about the night had gone stale, like you were at a high altitude without enough oxygen. Something about the way some people were reacting—Jirou’s controlled, stone-cold expression (pinched brows and shifting jaw to hint that it took focus to stay that way) paired with Yaoyorozu’s letting her hair down to hide her red-tipped ears, Mina’s constant, excited whispers alternating between Kirishima and Uraraka, Midoriya’s seeming lack of surprise to Shinsou’s answers while he peeled the label off of his fresh bottle. Were they acting like this because they wanted to contain themselves hearing it for the first time, or have any of them—any of them witnessed any of it? Shinsou had said that people you knew had enlisted him to dom for them, and…you didn’t know. Something about it didn’t feel right. Yes, these were your friends, and you loved them, but something about their seeing a part of Shinsou that you haven’t got under your skin. Your friends may love Shinsou, but you love him more.
“Hey, babe,” Shinsou said under his breath, while the bottle spun again, “I need you to let up a little, okay? You’re getting a little too tight.”
You looked down at Shinsou and shook yourself; you’d unconsciously been constricting your arm around the back of his neck, pulling his face near your boobs. You relaxed your arm for him to lean back.
“I also—” He set his hand on your knee, stilling it (how long have you been jostling it?). “—need you to stop fidgeting, if you don’t mind.”
The bottle was slowing, but Kaminari missed it entirely to stare over his martini glass at Shinsou’s mouth. With a glint of pale pink club lighting flashing over Kaminari as his eyes dropped to Shinsou’s chest, you were pierced with an icicle-cold awareness of the bulge under your thigh you’ve been too nervous to acknowledge, and a full-bodied shiver swept through you.
You pulled away from Shinsou, frowning down at him. “I do mind, actually. Come with me somewhere?”
“Of course,” said Shinsou, and he helped you off of his lap, ignoring the bottle and the protests of your friends. You couldn’t look back at him, lest you lose your nerve, but you grabbed his hand and led him through the club, shoes sticking on the beer-soaked floor, weaving through dancers and bar patrons until you ended up in some empty, mildewed corridor with one flickering, fluorescent light.
You spun on your heel, grit grinding under your shoe. You had no plan, but what came out of your mouth, pulled from somewhere deep in your gut, sounded right. “I need you to bite me.”
Shinsou blinked in time with the light flickering. “I’m sorry?”
“A love bite. A hickey, or whatever,” you said, and, taking his hands, you placed them on your own shoulders and made him push you against the wall, with the crackly dust under peeling wallpaper shook onto your sleeve even from the slight impact. “The next step you wanted me to think about. I choose this.”
“Oh.” Glowering towards the floor, Shinsou stuck his hands in his pockets, his mind somewhere else, but he recovered, face softening, and took a step closer to you. “All right,” he said cautiously, fiddling with his jacket zipper, “Is there—where do you want it?”
You were about to say the top of your left boob, since the low cut of your shirt allowed it, but an intrusive thought struck you, bringing to the surface the memory of Shinsou’s voice over the phone: I like to take advantage of the vulnerability of an exposed neck.
When you raised a finger over the pulse point on your neck, Shinsou froze, stilling all movement. Even the rise and fall of his chest halted for a moment. After a long beat, he snapped out of his distant haze, his Adam’s apple dipping as he swallowed. “Got it. I can do that.”
When Shinsou put his hands on your waist, you understood why people fight wars over people like him. Light and hesitant at first, his hands fell into their full weight at your silent encouragement, encompassing so much more of you than you’d thought, steadying you against the wall and back in reality. Drumming his fingers on your waist, Shinsou ducked his head, shot you a sliver of a smile, and pressed his lips to your neck.
His lips were cold. But Shinsou always ran cold, you told yourself, so it shouldn’t be a surprise that this dry, close-mouthed kiss to your neck was—oh. His lips parted (smoothly and a bit stickily; you’d seen him re-apply his coconut-pear beeswax chapstick at the bar), pressing more fervently against your neck as his tongue made the first sweep over your skin. He curved the tip of his tongue for the second lap, spreading more saliva over the spot, and at his first suck, your hands flew up to grip his biceps. You felt his mouth curl into a smirk and his quiet hum, and you, mildly embarrassed, slid your hands from his arms up around his neck, one of them sliding into his hair to press him further into your neck—he broke off to laugh under his breath, a heated huff brushing over the wet spot on your neck.
“You okay?” he asked, adjusting hold on your waist, one hand easing down to the small of your back and inching upwards between your shirt and your coat, his whole, flattened hand weighing down and warming you.
“I’m fine,” you said, keeping his head tucked in your neck so that he couldn’t see whatever embarrassing face you were making, “Keep going?”
“I’m gonna have to use my teeth now. Just a warning,” said Shinsou, and at your tap on the back of his head, he returned his mouth to your neck and sucked.
You inhaled sharply and gripped the back of his collar, crumpling it, while his tongue laved over the spot between sucks, hot and cold, pressure and release, and Shinsou pulled you tightly against him, his jacket zipper cool through the fabric of your shirt. He was lightly nibbling, gentle and barely there, between harsh sucks, the spot aching and raw, and he bared more of his teeth, letting the length of a few brush against you as an alert—and he sank his teeth into your skin, sucking, lips smushed to the tenderer wet insides.
“Holy shit, Hitoshi.”
When he pulled back, Shinsou licked his lips, his eyes glued to the spot on your neck. He swiped the corner of his mouth with his thumb. “Looks good.”
“That fucking hurt.” Releasing him, you ran your fingers over the spot, unable to tell any different aside from moisture and the slightest swell.
Shinsou raised an eyebrow and stuffed his hands in his pockets again. “It is a bite. Bites tend to—”
“Oh, shut up.” You fussed with the collars of your shirt and coat, wanting to frame the bite. “Help me out?”
Shinsou’s crooked grin returned. “You want it on display?” He adjusted your lapels for you. “Someone’s cheeky. Don’t tell me you were—”
“Don’t say it, fucker,” you said, deliberately averting your gaze to stare at the fluorescent light.
It took you the whole process of Shinsou arranging your shirt and coat, the shared grins, the navigating back through the sweaty throng, leading him by the hand, his cool one in yours, beat to some bubble-pop song pulsing in your ears and chest, and plopping back onto the loveseat at the group table to realise two things: one, that he’d been himself throughout that whole thing. He’d been joking, reacting like your friend instead of your dom. Like Hitoshi instead of that Shinsou you didn’t know. The dom persona had slipped away in a flash, or it hadn’t even entered the equation. So quick a transition, from what he’d been showing to the group to how he behaved around you. Had he noticed? Was it intentional?
And two: you really wanted to mark him back.
You dangled your legs off of 3-B’s dormitory roof, full of self-loathing and nervous energy. Stressed enough to fight the urge to exfoliate with a cheese grater all the way down to the bone.
The hickey had worked. No one had said a word about you or Shinsou the rest of the game. In fact, as soon as you got back, the game ended within a turn. Kaminari had opened his mouth, probably to ask where you’d been, but his eyes fell to your neck, and he shut his mouth, turning his attention to Sero and clamping his hand over Sero’s and Iida’s. The rest of your friends had behaved similarly, acting like nothing was wrong. It’d given you immense satisfaction, and you’d grinned into your refill of pink lemonade; you hadn’t noticed until the end of the night that Shinsou’s arm had been around you, resting in a divot in the leather on the back of the loveseat, running behind your shoulders. Felt good to be special.
Gritting your teeth, you clenched the edge of the roof, knuckles showing. Why it felt so good—you didn’t want to put it into words. If you did, that made it real.
Instead, you’d recruited Monoma to help you in a last-ditch effort to find your soulmate. You’ve been going through your old shit from freshman year, trying to find any record of someone calling you an ice princess. Or a bitch, or something along those lines. Since Monoma’s better at tech stuff, he’s been combing through everyone’s social media dated from the first semester at U.A., searching for any pictures of you or anything that could be vague-posting. You’ve even bothered Aizawa for the old seating chart and records of some of the earliest group exercises, though those weren’t appearing fruitful, either.
Mirio was watching Eri today, so Monoma and you were camping out on B’s rooftop, spreading out the blanket you and Shinsou usually used, with your laptops and old notebooks strewn across it. Monoma was currently taking a short break to make popcorn, so he’d be back in a few minutes.
It wasn’t enough. But you’ve involved another person, so you might as well see it through—but you wanted to quit looking. Fuck it if your memory were faulty and that you couldn’t remember who said your words to you. They didn’t matter.
(Fuck, no, don’t allow yourself to put it into words.)
([You can’t stop what’s already happening. You can’t kill a thought once it’s made its home in your head.])
(Yeah, so shut the fuck up. Don’t think it. Distract yourself. Keep searching for your—)
([—soulmate, whom you didn’t care to meet, because you had feelings for somebody else.])
hey y’know that page where ua students can submit anonymous confessions???
i found me in a post. in freshman year and everything
says that i’m a “frigid bitch who needs to pull the column outta [my] ass”
oh lolololol don’t worry about that one
I submitted that lol
drop your location right now so that i can come rip you to shreds
Once you acknowledged them, your feelings peeled you like a grape. No, more like—more like someone’s scraping away the outside of a pineapple with their fingernails, juice occasionally getting through, but mostly just a mess of spikes and sticky fingers, with the conclusion that it would’ve been easier to smash the damn thing.
Bad. Bad feeling. Evil, even. Shinsou trusted you, as a friend, and you’ve gone and put him in the romance zone. You’ve put him in a category he wouldn’t want to be in. Bad and evil and diabolical. Life-ruining. Relationship-ruining. You might lose him, and that would snap you in half like a raw carrot.
“Baby, you’re just staring at the bell peppers,” said Shinsou, leaning on the shopping cart, jolting you out of your reverie, “Pick two and c’mon. Everyone else has left the produce section; they’re over towards seafood.”
“Th—thanks,” you said, shakily accepting the plastic bag Shinsou handed you, but you made no move towards the bell peppers. “Why don’t you catch up? I can finish here.” And maybe process your thoughts enough to make a decision.
Shinsou smiled, standing upright to stretch his arms above his head. “Nah. What else do we need over here? I can get it for you.” Good God. His shirt rode up just enough to reveal a dark, violet line of hair trailing upwards, a soft line suggesting abs framing it, a thick waistband of a popular brand of boxers peeking out of his plaid pants. Stomach as salvation. Your eyes bulged and glazed over, but you shook yourself out of it.
“Uh,” you said intelligently, “Potatoes. Those mad small ones.” You made a circle with your middle finger and thumb as a measure. “Around this size.”
“Gotcha,” said Shinsou, already spinning around to scan the produce, “They come in purple; is it cool if we use those?”
“Of course,” you said, miles away somewhere, freezing and back in bed underneath a nest of blankets, with Shinsou tucked in next to you, his arms around you with his mouth to the back of your neck.
Oh, you’re fucked fucked.
You normally took normal bell peppers and normally put them into the plastic bag, like a normal person, and twisted it normally to seal them in, setting the bag in the toddler seat of the cart in a normal way. You’re good. You’re fine.
(How do you act around him? Is this how you typically behave around Shinsou?)
You have questions about his behaviour, too. Because you’ve looked back on your sessions with him, and the further they’ve gone along, the less stern the dom act has been. He’s been more and more like how he normally behaves around you, just with the addition of physical contact. Have you been making him be a poor dom, because he’s so used to you? He might not even realise that he’s slipping. Subconsciously, his behaviour has made it feel real to you, instead of as a service he does professionally, because he’s just been…himself.
You’re breaking that rule he establishes with other clients, which was not to develop feelings. He didn’t have this rule with you, but he’ll probably stop the sessions if he finds out.
You wanted Shinsou, just as he was. Yes, the dom persona was hot, but it was essentially just a door into your true feelings and wanting to touch him for real. If his dom act were slipping in your sessions, you’ll take it—it’s probably the closest you’ll ever have to being truly intimate and romantic with him without ruining your friendship.
Your heart skittered at the sight of Shinsou returning to the cart, bag of tiny, purple potatoes large enough to share with the class heaved in both arms, and you joined in his laughter at the pathetic, tinny noise he’d made lugging the bag into the cart. Shinsou commandeered pushing the cart from you, edging you off of the handle, but when you wouldn’t let up, he kissed your cheek. Frozen, you let him take the cart from you, and he hastily proceeded towards seafood, not looking back.
To keep the sessions going, you’d have to pretend you’re still looking for your soulmate.
The sessions could occur more frequently if you pretended the game of truth or dare made you feel like you’re falling behind.
“You’re an idiot.”
“Thanks, Neito. Care to offer any solutions?”
“No,” Monoma said, bending back over his laptop, “but I’ll start searching for other Shinsou Hitoshis so that you can kick their asses.”
You gestured for him to keep it down, jerking your head in Eri’s direction. She was watching Monoma’s Japanese-dubbed, extended edition of The Fellowship of the Ring, holding her unicorn-kitten doll in her lap, sitting atop the booster seat cushion for her spot on Aizawa’s couch. “If Aizawa-sensei hears Eri swearing, he’ll blame us.”
“Not my—” He cut himself off, wincing. “You’re right. I’ll keep the cursing to a minimum. But if you murder any other Shinsou Hitoshis that exist, then, de facto, he’ll no longer have a soulmate, and you can get with him.”
You sighed, sinking into one of Aizawa’s worn armchairs. “I’m not gonna resort to violence.”
Pursing his lips, Monoma shut his laptop for dramatic effect. “But you’ll resort to compromising your morals and fucking him.”
“Keep quiet,” you said, swatting at Monoma and missing, “I’m not gonna—how else am I—”
“I just don’t think you should.”
“I’m not gonna have—have sex with…”
Monoma sucked in through his teeth, reaching into his bag of trail mix. “You’re not emotionally ready,” he said, shaking his head, “If you added sex to the stuff you’re going through right now, you’d explode.”
“I know that,” you said, slumping down in your seat. You shot a mournful look towards Monoma, and you held out your hand for trail mix. “I…I don’t wanna have sex at this point in my life. I just don’t think it’s—I want to do it eventually, yeah. But not right now. I’m tired.”
He tilted the bag into your hand, shaking some out. “I understand. Why don’t you say fuck the soulmate shit and be with Shinsou regardless?”
“I don’t wanna take any shred of happiness from him,” you said, crunching, “If he has a chance at happiness with his soulmate, he deserves it.” You swallowed thickly. “I’m guilty as hell for wasting his time like this, but I admit that I’m selfish. I want him all to myself.” You picked through the mix you had in your palm. “I feel horrible about it,” you said softly, “but if I want to keep his attention in these sessions, I think I have to up the ante, at least a little.”
Grimacing, Monoma shoved his hand in the bag of trail mix. “Who put that in your head?”
want to try sexting????
no <3
Against Monoma’s advice, you were going to make a move on Shinsou under the false pretences of soulmate preparation. Which, you supposed, wasn’t too different from what you’d been doing, but now you were deceiving him.
Shinsou could always notice when you were nervous or insincere in person, so you resolved to do it over the phone. Building up the courage to call him took half an hour of staring at your phone, face down on your bedspread, the whole decision-making process taking longer than usual, because the person you’d usually consult for advice was the very person you were going to call.
When you finally unlocked your phone and pressed the call button on his contact, your fingers darted to turn on the speaker, and you tossed your phone towards the foot of your bed, skibbling backwards away from it as if it were a slippery lizard you’d found in your sheets.
Six trills of the dial tone later, Shinsou answered, fumbling his phone, by the sound of it, and out of breath. “Hello?”
God, his panting reverberating throughout your dorm room made your heart race, and you needed to be in control for what you’re about to say. You scrambled to pick up your phone to switch off the speaker and hold it to your ear. “Hi, Hitoshi.”
“Yeah, hi.” With his rumbly, winded voice low in your ear, it was as if he were standing next to you, instead of near a busy street, judging by the rush of cars passing in the background and the skid of tires. “What’s up?”
Okay. You are strong and brave, and you can do this. You can and will be this ridiculous man’s personal whore in the name of love. “Hitoshi,” you said, letting a whine creep into your voice, “When are you coming home? I need you.” Hopefully, he couldn’t hear your cringe when you said those things.
You could, however, hear his frown when he spoke. “I,” he said, pausing, and you could easily picture the crease between his eyebrows, “I’ll be home soon. I’m out on my bike. What’s the matter? Are you hurt?”
“A little. I don’t know quite what’s wrong with me, but I really, really miss you, so much, and I need you to come home now so that I—fuck.” You took a slow, controlled breath, and when you came back down, words that weren’t your own spilled out of your mouth, pulled from somewhere deep inside you—as if they were a surfacing whale carcass from the Mariana Trench of your stomach (the loose script Monoma had helped you draft lay forgotten). “’Toshi, I’ll be real with you. I need something in my mouth. I need your strong hands spreading my thighs. I need your mouth on my boobs, licking and sucking up until you can bite the side of my neck. I need to watch you touch yourself, to see how you make yourself feel good and learn how I can do the same. It’s a side of you I don’t know. It’s a side you haven’t let me in. I need to know what all you’re capable of, because I know you’re capable of teaching me, of corrupting me, and I’ve never wanted anything more.”
Three cars honked in quick succession in the background while Shinsou stayed silent. “Who put you up to this.”
“Nobody. No one can tell me what I want. And I want all of you.”
“Bullshit. That’s fucking bullshit. Tell me who’s been pressuring you to have sex. You wouldn’t want this with me otherwise.” Shinsou wasn’t panting anymore. His voice was stony and flat.
“Is it that hard to believe that I want you of my own volition?” you asked, and you covered yourself with your throw blanket, burrowing out of sight, even though he’s halfway across town. “Are you saying I’m not capable of making this decision?”
“No,” Shinsou said, “I simply don’t think you would. It’s—it doesn’t line up with what I know about you.”
That’s fine. That’s why you have a fake motive. “I’m tired of being so far behind the rest of our friends. It makes me feel so small and immature, hearing them talk about things I haven’t experienced, and the game we played at the club proved how far beyond me they are.” You swopped your phone to your other ear so that you could lie down on your preferred side, and you snuggled into one of your stuffed animals. “I—I don’t want my soulmate to be embarrassed by me or unsatisfied with what I can do. I just want to be good enough. You’re my lifeline, Hitoshi. You can give me what I can’t give myself.”
“Fuck off with that. Soulmates aren’t—hold on. My helmet’s getting in the way.” Rustling and the click of a strap, and Shinsou’s voice came in more clearly—and he overenunciated each syllable, signalling that he was growing livid. “Soulmates aren’t all about sex. Life isn’t all about sex. I’ve been holding back the entire time we’ve been dealing with this soulmate shit, because telling you what I really think only bounces the fuck off your stubborn ass: I honestly think what you’ve been doing with me in the name of your soulmate is fuckin’ psychotic. Everyone lives a different timeline; there’s no standard for when a so-called life event is supposed to happen, if it happens at all,” said Shinsou, “You can graduate university at 90 and have your first kiss at 45 and learn to ride a bike when you’re 23. It’s fine if you never check all the boxes. You’ve never been behind. You are your own, on your own path, at your own pace. So, please, don’t rush into love, baby.”
Baby. He called you baby. He’d done it before, but now, you craved it. You cherished it. You could pretend it was real. “If you really thought it was a bad idea,” you said, eyes fluttering shut, entertaining the thought of Shinsou being there with you, spooning you and calling you baby softly in your ear, “why—why did you go along with it? Why did you offer?”
Shinsou huffed into the phone, and the sound was familiar enough for you to picture his expression as he did it: pursed lips, scrunched nose, dark eyes. “Because otherwise, you might have gone to someone who might hurt you. Because when some people hear that there’s a virgin in a vulnerable position, depending on them, they can lose sight of the person in front of them, instead fetishizing the corruption of virginity, because—because do you know how much the idea of teaching a virgin how to love you and only you drips with sexuality? People go crazy, sweetheart. Virginity can—it can attract the wrong people, and it can repulse the wrong people. You shouldn’t be with anyone who sees something like that as a problem.”
God, he’s so nice. He’s so compassionate. You were arguing with Shinsou over, essentially, his decision to be kind to you. What a dependable fucker. Why can’t he be your soulmate? “So, you’ve been holding back from telling me all of this. Anything else you’ve been holding back? Any other information, or—or in how you’ve been touching me. Are you one of those virginity fetishists, Hitoshi? Have you wanted to touch more of me?”
“I’m not reducing you to a fetish, clearly, and—and you belong to someone else,” said Shinsou, sounding like he was gritting his teeth, “If I were your soulmate, then I would allow myself to want more from you. But I’d only do it if you wanted it—for real, not whatever you’re doing now—because I’m not a selfish bitch.” Each word sounded like it had to fished out of his stomach with a barbed hook. “I can fucking wait for you, because I wouldn’t ever want you to be fucking scared around me for any reason, and I’ll keep waiting. I don’t mind. You’ve got the rest of your goddamn life for all of this.”
Welp. Shinsou was more upset than you meant for him to be, but perhaps this conversation would frustrate him enough to kiss and suck at your neck during a movie when he returned. “Then come home and touch me, Hitoshi. Fucking do it. I want you to. Stop holding back.”
“No. No, I won’t. I—something’s up with you. You’re not acting like yourself, and—and it’s pissing me off. You don’t know what you’re asking for, and you can’t really mean it. You’d never want me. You’re being a goddamn brat,” he said, and you could picture him running a hand back through his hair, mouth twitching, scowling, “Is that what this is? Does my precious baby girl wanna be punished? Seems like you want something drastic. I can give you that. Listen up: I’m about halfway through my bike route. Go to my room. In my bedside table, there’s a toy I’ve chosen for you. Originally, it was gonna be used months down the line, but since someone can’t watch that bratty mouth of hers—when I get back to the school, I’d better find you fucking yourself with it.”
“Wait, what?” You snapped upright, the blanket pooling around your waist.
 “You heard me, you lying little minx. I’m not going to lift a finger for this punishment. You’re doing it all by yourself.”
What the fuck. “Why are you being so mean?”
“Why? Are you getting wet?” Shinsou scoffed into the speaker. “Key’s in the usual place. Get to it,” Shinsou said, and he hung up.
Numbly, you lowered your phone to your lap, staring as the screen returned to your home wallpaper.
Uh. That’s. That’s a bit more extreme than kissing your neck. You supposed…you supposed that you should do what he said, lest he get even angrier.
You went to his dorm. The fake cactus you’d given him rested on the windowsill, bathed in sunlight, and after a quick check to the soil—moist—you permitted yourself a smile. You dropped it when you opened the top drawer of his bedside table, but you hid the toy under your shirt and dashed back to your room before you or anyone else could get a good look at it.
Locking the door behind you, you pulled the toy out from underneath your shirt. New in the package, so that alleviated any worries about sabotage. You cut it open, and silicone cock dropped into your lap. It’s a pale blue, almost translucent thing, and it’s five and a half inches, according to the packaging. For a moment, you were insulted at the size, because didn’t Shinsou think you could take something bigger? But then you remembered that you and what pussy would be taking it, so. That’s fair. There doesn’t seem to be anything special about it—no suction or vibration or anything. Just a fake dick.
How do you even prepare for this? You changed out of your pants into a semi-short skirt, deciding you still wanted to be somewhat covered, and you tossed your underwear to the foot of your bed. While you were laying down a towel, you briefly considered if you should put on that virgin English song by Madonna. Not English English, but—wait, was Madonna from England? Or another English-speaking country?
You’ve masturbated before, of course; you’re not an idiot, but you’ve never—you sighed, cringing at the five and a half inches—taken something this long or wide inside you (which aspect would be more trouble?). Lying on your bed atop the towel, you held the dildo up to the light, blue specks of glitter shining through. You parted your legs and rubbed the tip through your folds, completely bone-dry, feeling inadequate and ashamed that you couldn’t get turned on, worried about Shinsou and what was going through his mind, and Madonna was from America, from a place called Bay City in the state of Michigan but was raised around Detroit, and you couldn’t focus on getting aroused or anything, so though you were circling your clit, it wasn’t doing anything for you, and the tip of the dildo could barely make it inside you, not even passing the first ring of muscle. Using the head, you gathered what slickness you could, even teasing and prodding your clit with the rubbery material before trying to work the head past the first, tense ring, but the stretch of it burned, entrance strained and stinging, while your feet slid against the towel and blanket, trying to give you extra traction to get it in—and it slipped out of you entirely, the head bouncing as it flopped to lie flat on the towel between your legs. Jaw clenched and eyes watering, you were flooded with a hot rush of embarrassment. If you can’t take this, how would you ever take Shinsou’s cock?
Time passed without your noticing, but it felt like no time at all before you could feel yourself drying out, even though you were never that wet to begin with. Collapsing back and staring at the ceiling, you took a deep breath and smoothed down your skirt, wanting nothing more than to go back to before you made the phone call, but you’ve dug your own bed, so now you have to grave/lie in it.
But you couldn’t get it inside you.
You fished the dildo out from underneath you, and to your surprise, the cockhead had turned a light lilac at the wet heat between your legs, and it was slowly fading back into blue. Okay. You got it. Another phone call would further your cause. Dread building, you called him again, and he picked up after a single ring, quiet. “Hitoshi?”
A short reprieve of relief passed through you at his calm inflection, but it left when you braced yourself for what you had to say. “I—” Goddammit, steam would be coming out of your ears if you grew the tiniest iota more embarrassed. “I can’t get it in.”
Though only a few painful, prolonged seconds elapsed, the silence that followed felt long enough for you to have listened to Madonna’s entire discography. Eventually, a careful, resigned-sounding Shinsou said, “Would you like me to give you instructions over the phone, or do you want me to come over?”
You nodded, even though he couldn’t see, and said in a small voice, “I think you should come over.”
“Right,” he said, “Give me three minutes.”
Two minutes later, you were opening your door for him. Freshly showered with damp, partially fluffed hair (he must not have put in his mousse yet), Shinsou rushed to hug you before you could lift your hand off the doorknob, his muscular, still wet-warm arms wrapping around you with great fervent, pinning your own arms to your sides, and he tucked his chin into the crook of your neck, mouth half on your shirt and half on your skin.
“Oh, baby,” he said, his nose scrunching against you while he smushed you against him, getting your own shirt damp, “You don’t have to do any of this. I’m so, so sorry. I was inexcusably angry, and I didn’t—I leant into hard dom mode because I froze up and didn’t know how to react, and being a hard dom comes easily for me. You didn’t have to—I was terrified. I’m sorry.”
“No, I—I wanted to be good for you. I wanted to be so good,” you said, and Shinsou pulled back enough to look at you, his hands on your waist (!!!), and he gasped softly when he caught your drying tear lines. “Because I was being unfair to you. Being a brat. Pushing you.” You sniffed, closing your eyes as Shinsou cupped your face, his thumb brushing away a fresh tear. Two more ran down your face before you managed to get out, “Help me make it fit?”
Shinsou avoided your eyes by moving to your bed while retrieving the small, squeeze bottle of lube from his back pocket. You winced when he picked up the dildo, since the head was still slick and purple, and he twisted it around, looking it over, while he sat on your bed against the wall, legs outstretched across your bed. “I see you didn’t get very far.”
“Shut up; it’s dried off,” you said, one knee on your bed, wrinkling the towel, “And so what if I’ve got a tiny vagina. It means you can indulge in any size kink shit you have going on with your massive, monster dong.”
“Don’t fucking say it like that,” Shinsou said, laughing a bit but refusing to meet your eyes, and he patted his thigh for you to sit. “You probably didn’t warm yourself up well enough.”
Good. Good. So far, it had been unfolding comfortably, like an average hangout, ish, but when you swung your leg over Shinsou’s lap to straddle him, everything became much realer. Heavier. Both of you tensed up, with you hovering above his lap, really, instead of putting your weight on it, and when your skirt rose up a hair, you flattened it back down. “Warm me up, then.”
The shock in Shinsou’s widened eyes reflected your own. Where had that come from? “I don’t think I should,” he said, his fists bunched in your bedding.
“Hitoshi,” you said, shifting farther up his hips but still hovering, “I want you to be the one to stretch me out.” You did a very good impression of a completely calm, normal person as you held up the dildo. “Should I—should I lick it first, or something? To make it easier?”
Shinsou made a noise that sounded like a combination of coughing and choking. “No, uh. Natural—natural lubrication. Would be best. First,” he was saying as you guided his cold, trembling hands to your thighs, “Let’s. Let’s try that. First. If that’s okay.” His touch was so light that you barely felt it, so you pressed down on his hands, his fingertips indenting in your skin, and you nodded, letting him know it was okay. Watchful for your approval, he hesitantly smoothed long strokes down your thighs.
“That’s fine. It’s—it’s what I called you over for,” you said, losing brain cells when you noticed how much of your thighs Shinsou’s large hands could hold, “Touch me? I trust you.”
“Okay. Okay. I’ll.” He swallowed visibly, spit audible. “I’ll keep your skirt down so that you don’t have to show me anything; you’ll be safe. I won’t—I won’t take advantage of you. You’re safe with me. Why don’t you—” He cleared his throat. “Why don’t you put your hands on my shoulders to steady yourself?”
Going a step further, you wrapped your arms around his neck and leant in, holding him close, shoving your nose in his neck, getting struck with some sort of fruity scent (pears?), and arching up as an afterthought to give him better access, your skirt riding up to reveal just the slightest curve of your ass.
Shinsou rubbed your thighs twice more, the second time allowing his fingertips to dip under the edge of your skirt before running back down your thighs. He then slowly drew his shaking hands up in parallel all the way up to your hips, his fingertips pressing into the swell of your ass and his thumbs sliding into the line where your thighs met your—
“Holy shit,” said Shinsou, snapping his hands back as if he’d been scalded, “You’re—you’re not wearing anything.”
You clenched around nothing at the crack in his voice. You were about to ask him if he typically wore his underwear while masturbating, but you found that you couldn’t get your mouth to work.
“Hold on,” Shinsou was saying, and you leant back, dragging your arms from around his neck to rest on his shoulders, “I need a minute.” He closed his eyes, pressing his thumb and index fingers against them, biting his lip, clonking his head back against the wall.
Saliva building in your mouth and thighs about to give out, you eased your weight onto Shinsou’s lap—and his breath hitched the moment your bare cunt pushed against his cock, achingly hard and bulging in his sweats.
“Good Lord, have mercy,” said Shinsou, opening his eyes to half-lidded and dragging his hand down his face, a flash of alarm reaching his eyes when his hips involuntarily bucked up into yours (probably at the wet gush that had dripped onto him). The movement had shot arousal from your clit all the way up to the back of your throat, so you tried to roll your hips against him, mimicking his motions. Shinsou stopped you, his hands shooting to your thighs to still them. “No, you don’t—you don’t have to do that,” he said, breathing hard, “I am honoured you’d even let me touch you.”
Honoured? You scowled when Shinsou buried his face in his hands, because you’ve had enough of his casual comments here and there that he’s not worthwhile. That he’s not worth loving. That no one would ever want him. Ha, as if it were possible you couldn’t want him. Shinsou has always looked at you with a tenderness that ached. He knew you and valued you and saw you, just as you truly were, and didn’t ask for anything more. How could you ever love anyone else?
From this angle, the sag of his sleeve revealed the final syllable of his name written on his wrist.
So, you fucking did it. You grabbed his wrists to move his hands out of the way and kissed Shinsou. It was probably a bad, desperate kiss, since you didn’t know what you were doing (probably too firm?), but the way Shinsou sighed into it made up for the wave of insecurity. The moment when his shoulders slackened, you celebrated in your head, relishing how his cold, coconut-pear lips were just warming up, but Shinsou shuddered and pulled away, pushing at your shoulders.
“What are you doing? Weren’t you saving that for your soulmate?” asked Shinsou, spluttering and panicked, “It’s just me. You wasted it on me.”
“I didn’t waste it. There is nothing just about you, Hitoshi. Listen, I—I don’t want things to change, but at the same time, I do. I’ve decided I don’t fucking care about my stupid, fucking soulmate. I don’t fuck with him. I want you.” You removed his hands from your shoulders to grasp both of them, closing some of the distance he’d creating by scooting nearer to him—cracking a smile at the way his dick twitched when you inadvertently grinded on him. “I think I always have. You are lovable and witty and kind; you look at me and handle me with gentleness to the extreme. I will never connect with anyone like the way we do. No one is like you, Hitoshi.”
His hair was fluffing back up, and based on his expression, if you didn’t know any better, you’d think he was being electrocuted. He opened his mouth, but nothing came out.
“My soulmate is probably a bastard, anyway,” you said, jerking your head to the side, “and your soulmate—I can’t stand the thought of losing you. I want to be the closest to you forever, or as long as you’ll have me. It terrifies me that someone else could get between us. I want you to take all my firsts; I want you to be the only one who ever touches me—”
“Fuckin’ hell,” Shinsou was saying, muffled behind the fist he’d brought to his mouth, the tips of his ears flaming red, “Baby, please don’t say things like that to me. You’ll give me hope.”
You shook your head. “I’m sorry for ruining our friendship like this, but I’m in love with you. I love you. I always have, without even knowing. And I always fucking will, even if some bastard soulmate shows up someday. I choose you. You’re what I want, every day for the rest of my life, and I wanna be yours.”
Shinsou sighed, shoulders heaving as he embraced you, holding you tightly. “Don’t worry about ruining our friendship; I did that already. I got caught in my own damn capture weapon the day Tainted Love attacked. I could’ve stopped her if I hadn’t. I could’ve prevented all of this. We could have kept going, keeping a tender distance, so neither of us would be…burdened.”
“Fuck you and your conception of being a burden—”
“And I have a hunch who your soulmate is,” said Shinsou, deflated as he pulled away.
You blinked. “You what?”
“I’m evil and sinister and foul for keeping it from you. But I—I talked to Tainted Love. Got some help. I think I know.”
“I don’t need to know,” you said, lifting your hand to hold his cheek, and his eyes fluttered shut, his light purple lashes contrasting against his skin.
Shinsou leant into your palm, looking like the world had been taken off his shoulders, but he furrowed his brow and opened his eyes, his jaw shifting. “I’m not going to tell you how I feel until you know who it is.”
“Hitoshi,” you said, grinning weakly, “I’m pretty sure I already know how you feel.”
Shinsou took your hand, sliding it off his face and held it palm up, and he traced over the lines with his middle and ring fingers. “I don’t think I should tell you until you know your soulmate.”
“Fine, then. Enlighten me.”
“You sure? I’m evil and sinister and foul,” Shinsou said again, dodging when you moved to flick his forehead for debasing himself, “and I’m about to get even worse.” He ran his tongue over his lower lip, eyes flicking to yours. “There’s one way to figure it out for certain. Do you trust me?”
“I tried to impale myself on a fake cock for you. What do you think?”
Shinsou laughed, finally, easing into his crooked grin, turning a sad sort of bittersweet at the last second. “Remember the first time we met.”
It’s as if a ghostly hand was penetrating your mind, tracing back and back and back, through filing cabinets of memories, farther back than you could’ve reached yourself, exhuming parts of your past you’d forgotten that flashed by in hazy slideshows of photographs as it thumbed through manilla folders. When the hand appeared to startle in revelation, it slithered a shoddy file from its misplaced location, shoved sideways along the drawer vaguely labelled to be first semester, freshman year. When the hand was joined by its pair, you realised they were your own, and when you opened the file, you were plunged into the memory, set to relive it exactly.
God, you’re going to be late. You’re never late, and this way, Aizawa was going to get a bad impression of you and your standards. It’s not your fault that this follow-up to the Sports Festival was scheduled at the ass-crack of dawn, but—and you sucked in the morning air through your teeth, pulling your collar up to protect you from the wind—it was, admittedly, your fault that you’d stayed up late with Asui and Jirou. It’d been like a sleepover, almost, and you were loving the people your classmates were turning out to be.
What was this meeting for, anyway? All of the Sports Festival participants were invited, so it must be some sort of practical evaluation of your performances. Maybe how you can improve. But why did it have to be before school? Aizawa was crazy.
You skidded to a stop in front of the gym and swung open the door, and it creaked so loudly that fucking everybody stopped what they were doing to stare at you. Smiling nervously, you took a step inside.
“I’m so sorry.” Any excuse you would’ve made wouldn’t’ve made up for your classmates’ suffering, so you didn’t offer one.
You scrambled to the back of the group, hunching in on yourself, and as soon as you found a place, you heard a scoff.
“Looks like the ice princess finally decided to grace us with her presence.”
Your jaw dropped, and you turned to face some purple, troll-haired bitch with bags under his eyes. Ah. You knew this guy. He’d scoped out Class A before the Sports Festival and insulted your new friends to their faces. That sort of jackassery would not be tolerated by you, so you’d adopted a rather cold, defensive front to anyone outside of Class A for the time being, presuming they felt the same. Oh, yes, you remembered this guy, above all others shunning your class.
You scowled back, the corner of your mouth twitching, and you spoke with disdain. “Shinsou Hitoshi.”
He opened his mouth to retort, but both of you snapped towards the front when Yamada clapped and began yelling again.
You were ripped out of the memory by the softest orgasm you’ve ever had, gentle and washing through your body like a bathtub overflowing; you found yourself held snugly by Shinsou’s arms, clutching you to his chest, while your hips grinded against him, arousal seeping out of you and soaking the fabric over his pulsing cock.
Gasping, you kissed the side of his neck, and he shuddered. “Hitoshi.”
“You’re back?” Shinsou raised a hand from your lower back to stroke your hair, pulling away to smile at you. “You were under for a while,” he said, and he slowly, deliberately, rolled his hips into yours. “Seems like you had a good time. Started grinding on me all by yourself. I tried to stop you, but you—” He broke off, grinning and shaking his head. “You moved to suck at my neck, and I fucking shattered.” He tapped a spot, spit reflecting in the light.
“There’s no mark, if that’s what you’re wondering,” you said, and you slumped against him. “Thank fucking God. I’m so glad that it’s you. I wanted it to be you. I was ready for it to not be, but I’m so fucking relieved.”
“Excellent,” said Shinsou, lifting your chin by tapping the underside of it, “because I love you so fucking much.” Cradling the back of your head, Shinsou pulled you into a fervent kiss, desperate and firm as you’d been at first, but softening when you parted your lips a little, and the subsequent slide of his tongue against yours made your head buzz with pleasure, doubling when he let out a needy groan.
“Oh, my God, you’re fucking perfect,” you said, breaking off to breathe, and he chuckled, resting his head in the crook of your neck, inhaling deeply and pressing his lips to your bare skin there. “Wait. You used your quirk on me. I don’t know what you’re on about, Hitoshi; it felt incredible.”
“That would be the orgasm you just rode out on my thigh, sweetheart,” he said, nuzzling into you, cold and hot at the same time.
“No, it was something different, too, something I felt when Neito used your quirk on me. It feels—it felt like you were holding me, unbearably fond and full of compassion.”
Shinsou blinked, his eyelashes brushing against your neck. “Well. I’ve never heard my quirk described as something affectionate. If it’s like that way for you, then I’m glad.” He took a deep breath, the exhale fanning over you, and he pressed his lips to your neck, letting them linger, softly puckered, before speaking again.“I’m so fucking glad I don’t have to dance around my feelings anymore with the dumbass teaching sessions. I’m out of practise, anyway, since I stopped doing them for anyone else a long time ago; you caught me being evil, right? When I allowed myself to be me instead of the dom I moulded myself into.”
“I noticed,” you said, bringing a hand up to scratch the base of his scalp, and he fucking moaned. After a brief pause, you continued, feeling powerful and loved. “But good. Good. I was—I was scared of going further, but I didn’t know how else to keep you acting all romantical with me. I don’t wanna have sex with you. Yet. I’m not ready.”
“I know,” he said, and you felt his grin as he pressed a light kiss to your neck, once, twice. “I don’t wanna have sex with you, too.”
“How romantic.”
“You know what I meant,” he grumbled, blowing cold air over the slight wet spots he’d left, and you shivered with a laugh. “I will wait however long you need to. I’m in no rush.” He propped his head sideways on your shoulder, looking up at you. “To be honest, I know I wouldn’t last, even if we did. I’m pretty sure I’m gonna come the moment I touch your sweet cunt.”
“How romantic,” you deadpanned again, Shinsou’s huff tickling you, and your fingers curled into his soft hair. “But yeah. I love you. And now—now we can be sincere about it. Real. We don’t have to hold back anymore.” You gently guided Shinsou up so that you could cup his face and smile at him, lips close enough to suggest another kiss. “You can love me with everything you’ve got.”
Face framed by your hands, Shinsou looked like he was in the clouds. “That I can do.”
soulmate trope taglist: @bakugouspsycho, @pansexualproblemchild, @doonaandpjs, @sunsetevergreen, @the-coffee-is-on-fire, @liberace2, @ladymidnight77, @nonomesupposedto, @gooooomz, @kissmebakugou, @pachiibatt, @celestair, @tiredkittykat, @cheshireshiya, @90s-belladonna, @infjsnightmare
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dira333 · 3 months
Your name on my skin - Shinsou x Reader
A/N: What your soulmate writes appears on your skin - requested by @bookishgalaxies
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It happens during Homeroom.
One second he’s trying not to fall asleep as Aizawa drones on about the importance of good defense - his metal leg clicking every time he moves around - the next his arm tickles like a horde of ants is dancing on it.
He scratches it, but the tickling doesn’t stop.
Annoyed, Shinsou pulls the sleeve up, only to reel black at the sight. There, on the pale skin of his arm, appears black ink, one letter after the other as if a ghost is writing it.
He’s not an idiot. He knows what that means. 
Well, he doesn’t really know what that means, because where other people’s soulmates write a “Hello?” or introduce themselves by name, his soulmate’s first message is…  E = σ / ε = (F/A)?
Shinsou blinks down at his arm. It’s only the comforting sound of Aizawa’s voice that drones on that keeps him grounded. 
Behind him, someone clears his throat. 
“Hitoshi,” a voice whispers. When he turns around, Izuku is blinking up at him with wide green eyes. He looks both worried and delighted simultaneously, which is a common enough occurrence.
“Can I see?” Izuku asks and Shinsou blinks to the front where Aizawa has taken a seat, eyes most definitely closed for a quick nap. 
“Sure,” he tips his chair back and offers his arm. In a matter of seconds, multiple eyes are on him. 
He’s not the first person this has happened to. Sato’s got a cute soulmate in first grade who blushes every time they come across each other in the hallways. Her first message on his arm was a doodle of his name with a heart around it. 
Fumikage refuses to give out any information about his soulmate but regularly shows off the artwork they’ve created on their skin. Elaborate drawings or silly little doodles mark his skin each day.
And then there’s Bakugo, who’s started wearing long sleeves, barking at everyone who asks if he wants to shed a layer. 
It doesn’t take long for his arms to be absolutely littered with formulas. At least he thinks they’re supposed to be formulas. T = F x r x sin(θ) and P (1 + r/n)(nt) - P, F = m x a and p = eoA(T⁴ - Tc⁴). Izuku has managed to identify quite a few, rambling on about what they mean but Shinsou’s mind can’t follow, too busy trying to wrap itself around the fact that he’s got a soulmate. 
There’s less than a minute left, the coming break looming over him - they’re all going to ask him about it, crowd his table like they did last week with Denki - as he uncaps a pen and scribbles in some of the few spaces left untouched.
“Hello, please use a notebook, I’m running out of skin.”
The sensation stops immediately. His skin starts stinging right above his wrist and when the ink there starts to bleed he realizes. They must have tried to rub it off, saliva probably included.
He writes another line.
“Don’t worry about it.”
Shinsou knows, as he’s writing it, that he will get shit for that nonchalant tone. And he’s right.
But it’s not Mina, or Momo, or even Jirou who convinces him that he needs to adopt a different tone when talking to his soulmate. It’s Bakugo.
Bakugo’s arms are littered with poetry. 
The other boy pulls his shirt back on so fast that Shinsou can’t make out much. But he’s seen enough. In every other verse, there are little hearts dotting the i’s. The poems are written in two distinctly different types of handwriting, one of them he’s familiar with. 
“So you’re writing poetry?” Shinsou asks, because why shouldn’t he? 
Bakugo dragged him into his room for a reason and he’s pretty sure he knows what it is. 
After all, Shinsou’s Soulmate has been quiet, not a single drop of ink appearing on his skin ever since. 
“They’re just as scared as we are,” Bakugo huffs, unusually quiet and unable to make eye contact. “You should keep that in mind.”
He doesn’t say any more, pushes him out of his room with a glare that speaks volumes, but Shinsou’s always prided himself in being quick on the uptake.
If the Bakugo Katsuki can learn to write poetry for someone else, he could probably start with an apology. 
p = eoA(T⁴ - Tc⁴) is written neatly on the inside of his right arm. 
Shinsou uncaps a pen with his teeth and drags it over the other arm, the still untouched skin. He’d been thinking about this for weeks now, maybe even longer if he’s being honest with himself. 
The year is coming to an end. He’s got a job lined up after graduation and even though they haven’t been able to properly secure an apartment yet, he knows he’s going to share a flat with Denki for a while, maybe even Sero if they can find one big enough. 
He knows what his future is going to be like, with or without you and he even knows who you are, because he’s too curious and too good at solving riddles for his own good. 
Shinsou halts, pen hovering over his skin. 
He knows that you like him. You’ve told him so, multiple times. 
But it’s different to like someone on the other end of a cosmic connection, not knowing what they look like or knowing their reputation. 
The bullying might have stopped, but the scars have not yet faded.
Somewhere in the hallway a door falls closed, the sound loud enough to make him flinch. 
The cold wetness of ink tells him that he moved too suddenly. Now there’s a smear of ink across his arm and he sighs. Well… he might as well commit to it, now that he started.
“I like you too,” he writes, in the direct way you said you liked about him, “And my name is Shinsou Hitoshi. I’m in your year but in Class 3A.”
His skin prickles, but there’s no immediate response.
He’s learned your schedule, more by following the notes you leave on your - and therefore his skin, and you should be free right now.
Every second that ticks by is torture. But he stares down at his skin and waits.
He’s not sure how long it takes you to answer. He’s too scared to look up from his skin and miss it to check his watch.
Someone knocks softly on his door.
“I’m busy,” he calls out, fully expecting Midoriya.
“How busy?” You ask back. 
His chair clatters to the ground as he rushes over.
You’re smiling at him when the door opens, a little out of breath maybe, fingers digging into the fabric of your uniform, fiddling with the hem of your blazer.
“Hi,” your smile turns mischievous. “Do you wanna go out?”
“With me?” He asks, like an idiot. But it’s hard to think with your eyes twinkling up at him like that. You might be related to Aoyama. 
“Who else?” You ask and stretch your hand out. 
Shinsou can see his name on your skin. Yeah, he thinks, who else?
My Kofi if you want to tip me
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