#hitoshi shinso x y/n
shinso x reader
thoughts about how shinso would act in a relationship. same premise as the kirishima ver.
lovey dovey stuff, teenagers suck but love can be a beautiful thing <3
a/n: you guys ate up every summertime and started SLEEPING on NIKI. go listen to her music rn >:( song is backburner
a/n: me writing about the men who will treat me right (they literally don’t exist)
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hitoshi shinso, who’s facetimes with you always run late into the night. you ramble on about your day while he hums in response, knowing that you know he’s not the talkative type. he never asks “how was your day?” he always says “tell me about your day.” because he really, truly wants to hear about your day. you could have cured a disease or simply just gotten out of bed, and he’d still want to hear every single detail simply because its from you.
hitoshi shinso, who loves to cook. only you're aware of it, because he doesn't always like sharing personal details with others, but you never complained- it just means more for you. you're always the first person that gets to try his food, though he claims you're not a very good critic. but you can't help it, everything he makes tastes so good. and with every compliment you shower him in, he'll hit you with a 'yeah, yeah, whatever.' and then next moment, make you more so you can always stay fed during long days at UA and long hours during hero-training. its his silent way of telling you he loves you.
hitoshi shinso, whose cats love you more than they love him. he has three triplets, a black british short hair, a siamese, and a grey ragdoll- pepper, lexi, and mustache- he absolutely hates the last name, but he had just adopted the kitten and you named it for its white streak right below its nose. he'll deny it forever, but he gets pouty and huffs in annoyance whenever he sees the cats run to you, even after he's fed and taken care of them for all of their lives. but he also cant deny the way his heart skips a beat whenever he seems them cuddled up with you on his bed, wearing one of his big t-shirts. it softens his heart in a way that nothing else does- your love fills his heart more strongly and more passionately than anything does.
hitoshi shinso, who is the closed-off, funny but quiet dickhead of his friend group. he's known for his out-of-pocket roasts at the right times and his nonchalant nature that contrasts with the loud, spunkiness of his multicolored-haired friends. but with you, he softens. the few times he's brought you along with him to movie night or training sessions, you've softened his heart enough for the love in him to seep out towards others as well. whenever you crack a joke, make someone else at the table smile, and draw laughs and happiness from their chests, a blush blooms across his cheeks. obviously, he fell for you, how could he not?
hitoshi shinso, who's favorite activity with you is your sunday-ritual. you'll wake up together, either in the same bed or over the phone, and bike down to the coast. you'll bug him about wearing a helmet, but he always complains that it ruins your hair. he'd never admit that its because he thinks you're absolutely adorable when you dote on him. afterwards he'll share a smoothie with you- he hates all the flavors except for mixed berry, which is the one he always insists on getting. he hates the the overpricing for what the product actually is, but loves the smile it puts on your face after a tiring bike-ride. and afterwards, you two will go back to either his of your place. his place if your parents aren't home, and his place when his parents are home, and binge watch a long t.v show of your choosing. he'll always complain that its stupid, poorly written or drawn out, but get pouty whenever you watch an episode without him. it's the one thing he looks forwards to at the end of a long week, drawn out with endless studies, training, and burnout. you're his safe place, and he needs it more than he'll admit.
hitoshi shinso, who somehow remembers every tiny detail about you. his mind works like gears, arranging formulas and deciphering codes, but the intellect of his mind makes you its priority. he remembers the way you pick your nails and cuticles when you have anxiety, and how placing his warm palm over yours soothes some of those thoughts. he remembers how prefer to tie your hair back during training but how you somehow always forget a hair tie- and he knows how you always give him a peck on his cheek once he shows off the one he's been keeping on his wrist for you. he remembers how you can't sleep without your nightly calls, and how he needs to hear your voice before he drifts of too- maybe more than you need it. he remembers the first day you met, the first thing he said to you, the first time he ever felt love for you. he remembers all of it and keeps it embedded in his heart. hitoshi shinso may seem like he hates everyone, but the one exception to that is you. and he'll remember that forever.
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angelshimaa · 4 months
⤷ feat. kaminari and shinso
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✧ cw :: gn!reader, fluff, smau, them reacting to a low result on a love calculator, food mention in denki’s, shinso calls you ‘baby’, denki calls you all the synonyms of 'beautiful', 'babe' & 'baby', maybe sliiightly ooc!shinso?
✧ a/n :: third one let's goooo !!
pt 1 | pt 2
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✧ — thank you for reading !! rbs and feedback are greatly appreciated <3
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taglist (complete this form if you'd like to join !) :: @maeby-cursed @katsukismrs @himikoslove @pasteldaze @afairywithacrown @moonshuul @https-spacekay @k0z3me @frannky @sweeteaas @niktwazny303 @justbepeace @bookcluberror @ur-local-simp @awkwardaardvarkforever @dreamcastgirl99
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slayfics · 4 months
is it possible for you to make any sort of shinsou related fics? I think it would be really cute to see him take the reader on a date or maybe a valentines special eventually?
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Valentine’s Day with Hitoshi.
1,700 words~
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"Isn't it so cute!" Mina exclaimed hugging a teddy bear to her chest. You both were walking back to the dorms after the conclusion of classes.
"Yeah, it's a pretty fluffy guy," you said smiling back at her. Mina was overjoyed to show off the teddy bear Eijiro had gifted her earlier in the day as a Valentine's gift.
"Do you have any plans for today?" she asked, releasing the teddy bear from his suffocating hug.
"Yeah, I do...," You answered already prepared for the several questions that were bound to come next.
You laughed at her predictable behavior, "I'm supposed to meet Shinso in about an hour," You answered.
"HU?! Shinso?! Wait- the purple-haired boy from general studies?! NO WAY! He asked you out?! You can't just leave me hanging without any details! When did you two even talk?!" Mian asked surprised.
The truth was you were surprised too. Hitoshi was in the general studies course, so you hadn't really crossed paths with him during your time at U.A., despite that you found a letter stuffed into your locker a few days before Valentine's Day.
You unraveled the letter from your pocket and handed it to Mina who took the liberty of reading it out loud.
I apologize for doing this informally. However, I am unsure if we will cross paths in time for me to ask you directly. I've been interested in getting to know you better for some time now and was hoping you'd be interested in meeting me after class this Wednesday. If you are, meet me at the stairs of the main entrance of the school at 7 pm. -Shinso
Mina cried out loud after finishing the letter, "This is so romantic! The dork could have left his phone number though."
"Yeah, I thought that too- it would have been nice to confirm with him but- that's all right. I'll get ready and, meet him over there," You answered.
"You have to text me right away after! He seems so mysterious- such an interesting quirk. I wonder what he's like. OMG! What if he brainwashes you, good thing you told me! If I don't hear from you by 9 pm I'm calling Aizawa.," Mina spoke, causing you to laugh.
"You're always so dramatic," You laughed as you both entered the dorms.
"You can never be too careful!" She spoke before giving you a wink. "Good luck! I'm off to meet up with Kirishima!"
You gave her a wave and made your way to your room.
Once you finished getting ready you made your way back to the school. You were shocked to see Hitoshi was actually waiting on the school steps, hands in his sweater pockets and backpack at his feet. His eyes lit up as soon as he spotted you.
"Hey," You greeted him nervously unsure of what to expect. You had never talked to him one-on-one before.
"Hi!" He greeted you back, unable to keep the smile that erupted on his face. It excited him to see you had come- and that you weren't afraid to talk to him in spite of his quirk. "I uh- apologize for asking you out in such an informal way- I would have liked to ask you in person but, I hadn't run into you at all the last few days," He explained.
Truth be told you don't ever remember running into him. Were you crossing paths with him before without noticing? He certainly seemed to be noticing you.
"Informal? What do you mean? A letter is as formal as it gets," You laughed, hoping to lighten the awkwardness and break the ice. "I didn't mind it at all, in fact, it was pretty thoughtful."
"I'm glad you think so, and I'm glad you came... you didn't have any other plans?" he asked, hoping he wasn't prying too much too soon.
"Mm no-," you said glancing to the side, slightly embarrassed that no one else had taken any interest in making plans with you this Valentine's Day.
Hitoshi tried to hide the smile that threatened to break through on his lips at hearing you weren't seeing anybody. "Well, I uh- got you something," he said leaning down to pick up his backpack and search inside. He pulled out a purple plushie cat with a pink bow tied around its neck. "Hope it's not too dumb," he said holding it out to you.
A squeak escaped you at seeing the adorable stuffed cat, "This is so cute!" you exclaimed, grabbing it eagerly and squeezing it.
"I'm glad you think so," He spoke, blush tinting his face at your excitement.
"I got you something too," you said reaching into your bag.
"Hu? You didn't have to-," he replied, a stunned look on his face.
"Of course I did, it's Valentine's Day and you were sweet enough to want to spend time with me so- here," you said handing him the chocolate bar you had picked out at the store.
"That's really nice of you," he spoke a full blush on his face now as he grabbed the bar from your hand. Hitoshi cleared his throat trying to get his composure back, "I uh- wasn't sure what you'd be interested in, so I had a few ideas but- are you ok with walking to the cafe to get something to drink?" He asked.
"That sounds fine to me," You smiled hugging the stuffed cat in your arms and you both started the walk to the cafe.
"I've uh- been admiring you for some time now," Hitoshi disclosed, as you both walked down the street.
Your face flushed, you'd never met a boy to be so honest and straightforward before. "Really?" You manage to squeak out.
"Mhm-" He nodded. "You work so hard in your courses- I know you'll be an admirable hero one day."
"Oh, thank you- I'm not really sure how to take that compliment," You laughed nervously. "You're in the general studies course, right? What is that like?"
"It's fine I suppose- but I'm working hard training with Aizawa to transfer into the hero course," He answered.
"You're training with Aizawa!?" You asked shocked.
"Yeah- he's your teacher, right?" he asked, as you both approached the cafe, and he held the door open for you.
"Yup!" You nodded happily, entering the cafe. "If he is training you, I have no doubts you'll be transferring to the hero course in no time!"
Hitoshi smiled and glanced at the floor flustered by your praise. "Thank you for that- it's nice to have the approval of someone like you," He spoke causing you to fluster slightly.
Hitoshi ordered your drinks and you both started the walk back to the dorms.
"What do you mean someone like me?" You asked curiously, still taken aback by his comment.
"Hm? Well- I suppose I put a great deal of importance on the hero course so... hearing that a strong hero student like you thinks I have what it takes to make it... It's nice. I'm not used to that. Most people are scared to talk to me because of my quirk or say it's a perfect quirk for a villain," He explained.
"Oh- well don't pay too much attention to those people. Your quirk is amazing and could definitely make for a powerful pro hero. So- just stay focused on your training and maybe I'll see you in my class before I know it," you said encouragingly.
Hitoshi smiled, "I would like that... to be in the hero course but also, to see you more often."
"Oh-," You exclaimed feeling your face get hot again. "I've never met someone so blunt as you- it's refreshing," You spoke hoping your cheeks weren't too obvious.
You both approached the dorms and came to a slower pace. "I don't have any problems expressing my true feelings- if I wasn't training so much with Aizawa I would have liked to ask you out sooner. These are your dorms correct?" He asked.
"Yeah..." You said a little downcast that you were back and already going to part ways.
"If it's ok with you- I would like to take you to eat after classes on Friday," he said. Hitoshi felt his stomach flutter at the way your eyes lit up at his invention. He had admired you from afar for so long that it was overwhelming to see how much you appreciated his attention.
"Yeah! That sounds good," you said excitedly, the stuffed cat bouncing in your arms due to your excited rocking on your heels. "Oh! Why don't you let me give you my number-" You offered holding your hand out.
Hitoshi fished for his phone in his pocket and handed it over. He couldn't help but grin at the careful way you kept the stuffed cat in your arms as you typed out your number.
"Here you go!" You said handing it back to him. "I uh- thank you this was really nice."
Hitoshi nodded in agreement.
"I guess I'll see you Friday then," You spoke feeling hesitant to walk away. You wanted to spend more time with him and get to know him more. You stared at the floor waiting for him to give his farewell and walk away.
"Mhm- I'll see you then. You can let me know wherever you want to go...," he said, and you both silently waited for the other to make the first move to leave.
Hitoshi let out a small chuckle, "I guess neither of us want to go do we?" He observed.
You blushed slightly and looked at the stuffed cat giving it another squeeze, "This was nice- I uh feel calm being around you." You spoke, giving a Hitoshi another flutter in his stomach. He was used to hearing he put everyone on edge because of his quirk. It was intoxicating to hear you felt the opposite.
"Friday will come soon," He spoke and stepped closer to you closing some of the distance. You stared at him with doe eyes, as he moved closer placing a kiss on your cheek. "See you then," he smiled and left making his way back to the general studies dorms.
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Tags: @unofficialmuilover @maddietries @fiannee @derangedmango
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AAAA are you planning on continuing the "How They Kiss" series? If so could you please do my sweet baby Hitoshi next? :cccc
Ooooo yessss - I've been wanting to write some Hitoshi fic for a while!! 💜
Shinsou x Reader | Headcannon: How Hitoshi Shinsou Kisses 💋
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The first time Hitoshi kisses you – you totally don’t see it coming. It happens in the library on a quiet Sunday afternoon. Hitoshi is sitting in your favorite spot of the city's library – a cozy corner hidden from view behind the oversized art book section. He’s dragged two large beanbag chairs into the tiny space, waiting for you to join him as he studies for an upcoming Pro hero rescue certification exam. He’s flipping through flashcards when you arrive bearing a purple travel mug filled with his favorite caffeinated beverage. You know your friend is a chronic insomniac – with his permanently baggy eyes and constant yawns - so you decided to get him a refillable mug so he can keep his coffee close throughout exam week. You’ve stuck a cute sticker of a black cat with big eyes to the side of the mug, knowing his TikTok algorithm is almost exclusively cat videos.
“’Toshiiiiii!” You warble quietly as you drop your school bag next to your beanbag chair. “I brought you a ‘lil treat for studying so hard!”
Hitoshi looks up in surprise, his forehead still wrinkled in concentration. He puts down his flash cards and when he realizes it’s you standing over him, he smiles easily. Things have always been like this between the two of you – soft and comfortable. 
“You brought me something?” He instantly locks on to the steaming mug of coffee, his eyes crinkling into a smile when he sees the cat sticker. “Is that the cat from Kiki’s Delivery Service?”
“Yup!” you hand him the cup as you plop down into your chair and start shuffling through your bag for your notes. “You told me it was your favorite movie as a kid, so I found a little sticker of Gigi on Etsy.”
After a few moments of digging through your bag, you finally find the sheaf of notes you’re looking for and you yank them out – sheets of paper flying all around you. “Whoops!” You hastily gather the papers back into a neat stack.
When you finally look up, you meet Hitoshi’s eyes – he’s giving you an intense, searching look. His eyes are wide, and there’s a soft pink blush across the high points of his cheeks. He absentmindedly smooths a hand through his wild hair, seemingly lost for words.
“What?” You say, a little startled at the sudden tense atmosphere. “Everything okay? Is that not your preferred flavor of coffee?”
“Of course you remembered my favorite flavor.” His voice a quiet rumble and seems to catch in his throat.
You swallow, suddenly feeling hot around the collar as he continues to gaze at you through those bright violet eyes. You can see him biting back his next sentence, seemingly steeling himself to say something.
After a few moments, he takes a steadying breath and his eyes sparkle with a look of resolve. Hitoshi softly places the hot mug of coffee on the ground before leaning towards you. Instantly, he’s a breath away from your face – his delicate features magnified as he tilts his face towards yours.
“You’re just so…” He whispers, moving to brush his thumb against your cheek. Your skin feels like it’s blooming with tiger lilies at the contact. “…sweet.” His tired eyes flutter shut and he leans into you – guiding your lips to his.
The first kiss is feather light – tentative. He wants to make sure you want him back – he needs you to want him with the same deep intensity he’s been feeling in his gut for you for so long. His lips are impossibly soft and taste like a light berry lip balm, and you find the flavor absolutely delicious. When you respond eagerly he smiles into the kiss, blissful. How lucky is he to get to kiss your pretty face?
Hitoshi climbs into the beanbag chair with you deftly, moving his hands to cradle your face. He moves his mouth against yours slowly, purposefully – almost lazily. It’s such a Shinsou way of kissing that it makes you giggle.
“Hey, now.” He breaks the kiss, bringing his forehead to yours as he takes a shaky breath. “Is my kissing that bad?” He’s smiling, but you can tell he’s the tiniest bit nervous for your answer.
You lean in to kiss him again and he pulls back, his lips just out of reach – teasing.
“Your technique can use some refining. But I know someone who can help you practice.” You grin, winding your arms around his neck and pulling him back in for more. He loves that – the banter, the ways you are able to both make him feel comfortable and keep him on his toes. He deepens the kiss, and you know it will be a while before you get back to studying. His flash cards lay abandoned on the floor by your stack of notes.
After that, he’s hooked on you. Any trace of nervousness is nonexistent. In just one afternoon, Hitoshi Shinsou has become a lean, mean, make out machine. He absolutely cannot be stopped. He kisses you everywhere he can – in the library, in dark corners of your favorite bar, at the convenience store. He’s constantly trying to sneak away with you so he can crash your lips together in that way that makes his brain feel all blissed out and fuzzy.
I think we’ve all seen just how much determination Hitoshi has – it takes a lot of unwavering dedication to claim a spot in the hero course. He’s just as determined to figure out how you like to be kissed. He pays attention to what makes your pulse race – maybe he kissed your neck a certain way and you moaned? He’s filing that away in his brain so he can do it again and again and again. You don’t like it when he bites your lower lip? He takes note and never does it that way again. He’s committed to figuring out exactly what makes you tick and how he can maximize your pleasure every time. He can’t believe how lucky he is to have the affections of someone like you – someone so sweet and gorgeous and goddamn perfect.
Of course, once he realizes you find him irresistible – he’s smug AF. He becomes such a goddamn tease. You’ll get a rare private moment and move in to kiss him, only for him to dodge your advances until your lips form a disappointed pout. He absolutely revels in how much you want him and loves to build up the tension between the two of you. He’ll kiss you playfully on the cheeks before your disappointed look causes him to concede. “Sorry, Sweetheart.” He says in his low, gravely whisper. “You know I love to tease.” And then he’ll kiss you with as much passion as he can muster, until your legs turn to jello. After all – it’s not in a hero’s nature to do anything half-assed.
Thanks so much for reading!! I absolutely LOVE writing for Hitoshi, he's such a goof! I have a few other Shinsou fics on My Master List! 💜
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sinfulpanda16 · 5 months
Someone Better?
Hitoshi Shinsou x fem reader
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"There's someone else I like."
Those words kept playing back in his head over and over again. Kirishima had asked you out earlier, you didn't tell him, but he found through Kaminari. Why the hell did you reject him? Kirishima? That man has everything the looks, the strength, the personality, you two would look so good and perfect together it pissed Shinsou off.
He was walking you home like usual but he couldn't stop thinking about what Kaminari had told him. He was looking down at the ground when he spoke up "Hey, so I found out that Kirishima asked you out." he says and then turned to look at you.
You're taken aback a bit by him, how did he know? Kaminari was there when Kiri shot his shot so he probably told Shinsou you figured. You relaxed a bit and giggled. "Oh yeah he did" you replied a bit shy after remembering that moment.
He fucking caught that. The little blush growing on your face, probably at the thought of Kirishima. Oh no. Did that mean...no. He mustered up the courage and asked "So, how'd it go? Did you say yes?"
You laughed softly. "Oh no. I rejected him."
"No? Wait why?" he asked. He was relieved of course but at the same time a bit shocked. A lot of people would love to be with someone like Kirishima.
You turned away and looked at the ground "There's someone else I like." you smile softly and continue "Someone I really like and I want to be with him."
Its quiet for a bit, you turned to look back at him. Shinsou was already looking into your eyes. He gave you a small smile, you returned his smile and he tells you "I'm happy for you Y/N".
Shinsou grunts as he finishes his last set on the bench press. With one last grunt he pushes the barbell up and he's done. He sits up all sweaty and panting. Damn his workout was so good, letting out his jealousy. He smiles to himself "Fuck Y/N. You know how to get me fired up."
He gets up and heads for a shower. He let's the water run in his hair.
"I'm happy for you Y/N."
He runs his finger through his damp hair. No the hell he's not. The thought of you being with someone else makes his chest ache. He wants you to be happy yes but...not with someone else. He wishes you could be happy with him.
That night he layed in bed looking up at the ceiling.
"There's someone else I like. Someone I really like and I want to be with him."
Him. If not Kirishima who? Who the he'll could that guy be? Is he better than Kirishima? He grabs grips of his hair in frustration. There's someone better. Shinsou has always been insecure about his looks, he knows he's not a lady's man, his quirk, with everyone having told him its makes for a good villain not a hero, his strength, he wasn't automatically placed in Class 1-A or 1-B and everything in general. You mean to say that's there's someone who can top all that better than Kirishima? Needless to say, Shinsou fell asleep after a few tears of jealousy and insecurity.
The next day after-school you and him were at the nature park. School has been a bit heavy on yall so you decided some time outside would be relaxing. Shinsou was following behind you, smiling like an idiot watching your cute self lead him to a 'pretty place'. You turn around "You like cute things right, Shinsou?" you ask him.
Yeah. You, Shinsou said in his mind. "Well, I don't mind them." He said chuckling at your question.
A bit more walking later and you both arrived at a flower field. "Tada! Here we are!" you announced excitedly. It was beautiful, the endless sea of flowers. Shinsou stared out into it "Wow. This is pretty Y/N." he said and turned to you smiling. You returned his smile and for a moment it was just you and him, in front of the giant flower field. His purple eyes looking back at your (e/c) eyes, they're so pretty. Everything about you is beautiful, your eyes, your smile, your aura, even your interests were beautiful. Like the flower field you brought him to.
Shinsou blushes and turns away abruptly his eyes landing on a tree. Shinsou smiles, "Hey let's climb that tree. We'd get a better view of the flowers from up there." he says hoping you'd want to.
You bright up "Yes lets! But make sure to catch me in case I fall." you order playfully.
Shinsou chuckles "I'll be right your side don't worry." he reassures you. Smiling softly as you head towards the tree.
You go to climb the tree being careful to not slip. Shinsou was below also making sure you were careful. When you were seated on a branch he starts climbing the tree and sits right next you. The both of you smile looking out into the landscape. "This is nice. Right Shinsou?" you say not looking away from the sunset setting behind the flowers.
Shinsou responds softly "Yeah. I could do this with you over and over again." You blush at his words, you could do this over and over with him too. He was looking at you and he saw you blushing. He did that?
Shinsou takes a deep breath making you turn to him. "Y/N" he says firmly and goes to hold both your hands. You're shocked by his actions but don't pull away. He begins to speak again "You're the only person that has made me feel things no one else has ever made me feel. You make me feel like I'm this strong, well-respected and remarkable man...but... you also make me feel like I'm this weak, undeserving, invalid man. You drive me nuts." What is he saying? You make him feel sad? "This must be what falling in love feels like. Because regardless of the insecurities you bring me back to, I still want to be with you, and I want to only be with you. I want to go far and beyond to work on myself so I can be the best man for you. Y/N..." he brings your right hand closer to his face and places your knuckles on his lips "I love you." he says gently and leaves his lips on your knuckles closing his eyes.
You're shocked "Shinsou." you say softly. He opens his eyes looking right at your beautiful ones. He pulls your hand away "I know there's someone else. Someone else better than me for you, and I have no right to get in between you two but...If you give a chance, I promise to go to the depths of the earth for you. I promise you won't regret it." he says emotionally.
You hold his cheek smiling softly at him and go in for a kiss. Shinsou is taken aback but doesn't pull away. He kisses you back your lips taste so sweet and unconsciously he wraps his arms around your waist.
After a moment you pull away and smile at him. "Shinsou, you're the one I want to be with. I love you too." you say making him forget the insecurities he had earlier, making the happiest man on earth.
"Thank you, Y/N" he replies going in for another to which you happily return.
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andypantsx3 · 12 days
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SUMMARY: When you stow away on a ship to escape your past, you’re caught and imprisoned with a man who is far less human than he seems. TAGS/WARNINGS: fantasy au, siren!shinsou, snark/arguing, interspecies relationships, aged up characters, smut, arguable dubcon (bc you know, siren), strong hints of predator/prey, oral (f receiving), fem pronouns + afab reader NOTES: This is not a new fic, this is just a repost of the original master list because the post editor wouldn't let me modify with small font & colors (rude). Now with insanely beautiful art by the extremely talented, incredibly kind @procrastination-artist​!! And with more incredible art by the deeply lovely, supremely gifted @tangyglowsticks!!​ LENGTH: 11k, STATUS: COMPLETE
CHAPTERS: one, two or READ ON AO3.
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luvbugs-blog · 7 months
(( if requests are open rn/okay)
Getting caught with the boys, Hitoshi Shinsou version? xx
getting caught with the mha boys - part 3
featuring: hitoshi shinsou
a/n: aged up characters!
warnings: just a lil spicy dicey. spoilers for a grey's anatomy episode.
midterms were exhausting. it was a friday afternoon, and you were trudging back to your dorm to rot in your bed for a little bit. you barely had any time for yourself this week, choosing to lock yourself in your room or the library to prepare for all the tests. the late nights took a toll on you, so when you finally fall into bed, you almost want to take a nap. but you choose to scroll on tik tok instead, occasionally giggling at a funny one before sending it to your boyfriend.
oh. shinsou! you haven't seen him at all this week, as his test schedule happened to be when your free time was, and vice versa.
you would go visit him after taking some time to recharge. eventually, you do end up falling asleep, not waking up until the morning, weirdly warm. you blink, extremely tired despite sleeping for 10+ hours and shift in bed before hitting something hard. you whip around, heart pounding, to see your boyfriend leaning up against the headboard, smiling at whatever video he was watching. he glances over at you, before sending you a cheeky smile.
"finally up, kitten?"
"you freak! what are you doing in here?"
"i have an extra key."
"oh yeah." he sets his phone to the side and smirks at you.
"i missed you."
"i know, i'm sorry babe." he scoots closer to you, putting his leg over your hip and drawing you into his chest.
"well, we have time now." you smile, holding him close, nudging your nose to his.
"yes we do."
you didn't. just as your lips touched, his phone buzzed. the two of you jumped and he glanced at his phone before groaning loudly.
"what is it?"
"extra training with aizawa." he looked at you and you grinned.
"go on you big, lazy baby. i'll be here when you're done." he tucked some hair behind your ear before rolling over the bed, heading to training so he could get back to you.
but now that he left, you were twitchy, moving around the bed, feeling a bit anxious for him to come back. he had gotten you in the mood and then left. prick. you straighten up your room, clean your bathroom, and then decide to start an episode of grey's anatomy. at this point, you were relaxed again, and the door cracked open just as meredith placed her hand on the live bazooka in the guy's chest. locked in, you barely noticed as shinsou throws his shoes off and goes to take a shower in your bathroom.
he comes out in a towel and starts to crawl over to you, positioning himself over you. you push him aside, much to his displeasure, to watch meredith shakily put the live bazooka in the bomb squad guy's hand.
when the kisses start up your neck, you whine.
"baby, wait. this is interesting."
"i'm interesting."
but when meredith exists the O.R. to see the bomb squad blown up, shinou sits up.
you smirk. "told you it's totally interesting."
the ending credits play and you finally turn your attention to him. when you start kissing him now, he pays no attention as the next episode started playing.
"no you're right. this is interesting."
"ugh." he smiles, still looking at the tv, and puts his arm around your shoulders, pulling you into his chest. but you are not going to wait another 40 minutes. your hand trails down his abs (and damn, they are defined) to the hair that peeks out from the top of his towel.
no reaction.
your hand doesn't stop, lightly touching the bulge under the towel. he hisses and grabs your shoulder tighter.
"what are you doing?"
"asking for attention."
"you needy baby."
you throw your leg over his lap, now straddling him, hands reaching to move his hair out of his eyes. his eyes travel back to the tv, but you grab his chin and forced him to look at you.
"pay attention to me," you whine.
he smirks.
"make me."
you do. you smash your lips onto his, swallowing his groans. your hands move up his chest and one links in his hair while the other claws at his back. he kisses back with fervor, and to throw him off his game, you grind down on him. his head falls back onto the headboard, and you take the chance to start sucking on his neck.
his hand goes to your hair, pulling him back. his lips part, ready to say something, when a loud pounding on your door has the two of you quickly breaking apart.
the both of you groan, and shinsou shouts,
"way to kill the mood!"
you hear, "DON'T CARE," as he stomps back to his room and slams the door. you totally forgot his was your neighbor.
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crushmeeren · 26 days
Hiii I hope you’re doing well!! I was wondering if you could write Hitoshi shinsou x reader of him absolutely destroying our guts 😊
Thank you!!!
• Everyone is 18+/aged up — scroll or block if that bothers you. •
Hello friend! I am doing well and I can definitely write this. 😜 I hope you enjoy! 💕
P.S. I automatically write it as fem reader unless specified, but I did try to refrain from using things like good girl, pretty girl, etc. because I wasn’t sure. I did however use female anatomy. 💜
How Shinsou eats you out.
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Shinsou Hitoshi Destroying Your Guts
You slam the front door shut so violently the frame rattles, threatening to crack under pressure.
“Everything alright baby?” Hitoshi’s smokey timbre calls out from the kitchen. He was forewarned about your god awful day out on patrol, so he’s treading carefully.
Your fingernails sink into your palms, teeth creaking as you round the corner to your kitchen. There’s a fury boiling in your chest that’s about to overflow.
“What the fuck do you think? You know how to read, don’t you? Because I already texted you what happened,” you bite. Your eyes narrow as your lip curls upwards.
Silence hangs heavily in the air for a few beats.
Hitoshi’s face remains impassive as he stands across the island from you. Leisurely, he folds his arms over his chest, arching one singular eyebrow at your bitchy tone.
“Do you really want to walk down this road tonight?” Hitoshi may as well be exhaling frost as he speaks.
Apparently, you do.
When Hitoshi bends you over the side of your bed five minutes later, you’re entirely naked.
He’s got your arms bent behind your back in an uncomfortable position as Hitoshi ties your wrists together with part of his capture weapon.
It’s tight — you can barely wiggle your fingers, heartbeat thudding in your fingertips.
A brutal swirl of exasperation and anticipation churns in your stomach. Sticky sweat begins gathering in the valley between your tits as you fidget against the blankets.
“Hitoshi!” You cry out, sucking in air through your teeth. “That hurts, you jerk!” He snickers as he wrenches your bound wrists upwards.
“You’ve been way too much of a damn brat tonight for me to care about that. Now, I’m gonna fuck that shitty attitude out of you,” he says hotly, pressing a hand down in between your shoulder blades, shoving you further down into the bed.
You don’t speak, clenching your jaw as frustration forces a hot flush to pour over your cheeks. The material of your current restraints dig annoyingly into your skin when you flex your wrists.
Hitoshi’s palm rains down on your ass, a sharp sting radiating up to your tailbone. He made it his mission for that one to hurt.
A muffled scream of his name punches out of you into the sheets below.
“What is it sweetheart?” He snarls, teasing the tip of his cock over the lips of your pussy. Parting you open with ease. “Can’t handle the punishment for being so fucking rude to me?”
Your breath hitches, goosebumps littering your arms. Your clit pulses, pussy eager to swallow his cock whole.
“Well?” He urges, yanking your forearms backwards until your spine arches, freeing your face from the blankets.
Your shoulders ache, throbbing dully and then suddenly a switch flips, all traces of your previous rage draining from your veins.
“I’m sorry Hitoshi!” You sob, voice scratchy and breaking. You shove your hips backwards, trying to get him inside you.
“That’s it pretty baby, good job,” he purrs, gifting you mercy and completely filling you with his cock in one effortless motion.
Hitoshi starts fucking you as if he’s attempting to carve a space out inside your guts just for him. Hips bouncing off your ass until your muscles are going taut, slick pussy suffocating his cock.
He fucks you until you’re a gooey, brain melted mess beneath him. Encouraging you to keep cumming for him, moaning when you curse his name.
Afterwards, once your chest stops heaving and your soul has returned to your body, you’re infinitely grateful for a boyfriend like Hitoshi.
“Hitoshi, thank you. I really needed that,” you mumble, throat raw as sandpaper. Hitoshi hums as he swiftly works to free your hands.
“No worries baby. I’ll fuck you into your place anytime you need it,” he teases, tilting his head back in laughter as you punch his shoulder halfheartedly.
Your wretched day is entirely forgotten as you climb into bed that night.
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doumadono · 27 days
HHHIIIIIIIiiiiiii... 🐺💎
So, I am coming to you with a small Emergency Request.
You know what's coming for me this Wednesday. I am just scared, stressed and all over the place. To simply put it I am a bundle of nerves that can snap ANY moment now.
I'd like to ask for a short fic with Prohero Shinso!
I just want to cuddle and nap with him to relax and maybe finally calm down!!!! 🥹🥹🥹
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A/N: sweetheart, I'm confident you'll do your best! I'm rooting for you, and I hope this little fic meets your expectations ᓚᘏᗢ
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Prohero Hitoshi Shinso, known for his extraordinary Quirk that allowed him to control others with just a whisper, was both feared and respected in equal measure.
As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting hues of orange and pink across the skyline, Shinso found himself returning to his modest apartment after a long day of crime-fighting. He unlocked the door with a tired sigh, shoulders slumping with the weight of the world. However, as he stepped inside, his fatigue melted away at the sight of you, curled up on the couch, a bundle of nerves and anxiety.
"Hey there," he murmured softly, closing the door behind him and crossing the room to kneel beside your curled form. "Rough day?"
You nodded, offering a weak smile. "You could say that."
"Sit down," Shinso urged gently, his voice a soothing melody in the cacophony of your mind. "I'll make us some tea."
As he disappeared into the kitchen, you let out a shaky breath, sinking into the cushions and allowing yourself to relax for the first time in what felt like an eternity.
Minutes later, Shinso returned with two steaming mugs of chamomile tea, setting them down on the coffee table before joining you on the couch. "Here," he said, handing you a mug. "This should help calm your nerves."
You took a sip, the warm liquid spreading a sense of tranquility through your body. "Thank you," you murmured, meeting Shinso's gaze with gratitude shining in your eyes.
He reached out, gently brushing a stray lock of hair from your face. "You don't have to thank me," he said softly. "I'm here for you, always." Without another word, Shinso enveloped you in his arms, pulling you close to his chest. His touch was like a soothing balm, easing the tension from your muscles as if by magic. "It's okay to have a worse day," he whispered, his voice a gentle reassurance in the darkness.
For a while, you simply melted into his embrace, finding solace in the warmth of his presence. But as the minutes stretched on, the weight of your worries still lingered, casting a shadow over your mind yet again.
Sensing your unease, Shinso pulled away slightly, his eyes searching yours with concern. "You know," he began, his voice laced with a hint of mischief, "I have a trick up my sleeve that might help you relax."
You raised an eyebrow, curiosity piqued. "Oh? And what might that be?"
An assistive glint danced in Shinso's eyes as he reached out, gently cupping your cheek in his hand. "Just close your eyes and trust me, would you, Y/N?" he murmured.
With a deep breath, you obeyed, surrendering yourself to his touch. And then, in an instant, you felt it — a gentle tug at the edges of your consciousness, like a soft whisper in the darkness. It was his Quirk, the power to control minds with but a word.
"Just relax," he whispered, his voice a soft murmur in the stillness of the room. "Let go of all your worries and fears. You're safe here with me."
His words washed over you like a gentle wave, soothing your frayed nerves and easing the tightness in your chest. With each whispered syllable, you felt yourself sinking deeper into a state of tranquility, the weight of the world slowly lifting from your shoulders. The worries that had once plagued your mind faded into the background, replaced by a sense of peace.
When you opened your eyes again, Shinso was smiling down at you, his expression tender and affectionate. "Better?"
You nodded, a grateful smile tugging at your lips. "Much better. Thank you, Hitoshi."
His smile widened at the sound of his name, a rare display of vulnerability on his usually stoic face. "Anytime. Oh, I nearly forgot," Hitoshi exclaimed, a hint of excitement in his voice. "I have someone I want you to meet, and I hope you won't be upset with me." He darted back towards the main door, returning moments later with a small box cradled in his arms. Placing the box gently by your side on the couch, Hitoshi's eyes sparkled with anticipation as he carefully opened it, revealing its precious contents. With a gentle hand, he reached inside, and to your surprise, he pulled out a small tortoiseshell cat, its bright eyes wide with curiosity as the animal blinked up at you. "This is Luna," Hitoshi announced with a smile, his voice soft and tender as he held the kitten up for you to see.
Luna wriggled in Hitoshi's grasp, her tiny paws reaching out towards you as if seeking reassurance. Hitoshi chuckled softly, gently placing her on the couch beside you where she promptly curled up in a small ball, purring contentedly.
"She's been through a lot," Hitoshi explained, his gaze softening as he watched Luna settle in beside you. "But I think she'll be happy here with us. I've been seeing her lurking near the building for a few days now," he began, his voice tinged with fondness. "Every time I'd come home from work, she'd be there, just hiding in the bushes." He paused, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips. "At first, she was a bit cautious around me, but as I stopped by to pet her each day, she started to warm up to me. Eventually, she started seeking me out, running to greet me whenever I walked by, rubbing her side against my legs as if trying to make friends. I decided that if Luna would let me catch her today, I would bring her home with me," he explained, his eyes sparkling with warmth. "And she did. She hopped right into the box without hesitation, almost as if she knew she belonged with me." Hitoshi's smile widened as he looked down at Luna, who was now curled up contentedly beside you on the couch. "I took her to the vet right away to make sure she was healthy," he continued. "She's a bit underweight, but with some TLC and good food, she'll be good in no time."
As you listened to Hitoshi's story, your heart swelled with admiration for his kindness and compassion towards the cat. You couldn't help but smile at the sight of Luna, her presence bringing a sense of warmth and joy to the room. "You did very well, Hitoshi," you whispered, reaching out to stroke Luna's soft fur. "She's perfect."
Hitoshi's voice was gentle as he spoke. "I truly believe that Luna's presence will be beneficial for both of us," he stated, his tone soft but resolute. "There's something inherently calming about a cat's presence. The softness of their fur, the gentle rhythm of their purr — it has a way of soothing the soul, easing the anxieties of daily life." He reached out to gently stroke Luna's fur, a small smile playing at his lips as she purred contentedly beneath his touch. "I've always found solace in the company of cats," he admitted. "And I hope that having Luna here with us will bring us both a sense of comfort and tranquility, especially on those days when the world feels a little too overwhelming."
You nodded in agreement. Indeed, there was nothing quite like the gentle presence of a furry companion to chase away the worries of the day and bring a sense of peace to the heart. Not to mention, your dear boyfriend knew how to use his quirk in the wisest way possible to soothe your inner demons.
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koishiro · 2 months
Could you ever make more mood boards of mha academia characters (I would mostly like Tokoyami, shoji, sero and shinso if possible, but any is fine)
Dating Hitoshi Shinso <3
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Find Tokoyami / Shoji and Sero… here .ᐟ‪‪‬
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sweet-honey-tears · 1 year
✂️Long Hair 🤍
Characters: Hitoshi Shinso,Shoto Todoroki,Hawks,Eijirou Kirishima x Gender Neutral Reader
What happens when the boys grow out there hair? Hi everyone! Thank you so much for your support! As always feel free to leave a request!
Reader does know a lot about long hair.
🐈‍⬛Hitoshi Shinso🐈‍⬛
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Shinso didn’t realize how long his hair had grown till your fingers brushed away his bangs. He couldn’t look down anymore without his violet hair blocking his eyes. He had just ignored it, not making a big fuss over something so small. But the feeling of your fingers pulling back the strands into a knot made him freeze. Then when your hands moved away and the strands stayed put he looked up.
“That should help a bit shin”
You hummed, leaning down to his hair before moving back to whatever task you had been doing before.
Shinso found himself reaching for his phone, switching to the camera, and looking at his reflection. His bangs were pulled back, and his hair reached around his shoulders. Shorter strands fell back in their place from the messy bun you made. His tired eyes peered back at his reflection, he looked so similar to him now.
You must have noticed him spacing out since you spoke out.
“It looks really nice, Shin. You look good with it.”
The following week the two of you had Eri over, a tradition the two of them kept. When Shinso entered the apartment after patrol, his eyes landed on his teenage sister and you. Eri was sitting at the counter, she was still dressed in her UA uniform. Her red eyes glanced at him, taking in the new hair. He watched her smile grow before she quietly spoke,
“You look like dad.”
🧊Shoto Todoroki🔥
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Shoto had originally wanted to grow his hair out a bit since he wasn't really allowed to when he was growing up. But he didn’t intend for it to get so long though. It now went past his shoulders in red and white strands. Laying flat against his well-toned back. When Bakugou yelled out,
“Hey Repunizal, to your left!” He had realized just how long it had gotten.
He debated cutting it, watching himself in the mirror as his finger combed through his hair.
“Oh Sho, your home!” You had chirped, breaking him from his trance.
“Yes, I got home a bit ago but I didn’t want to wake you up.” He smiled, his arms opening to receive your hug. Yet he caught his gaze in the mirror over your shoulder. He stiffened a bit. Endeavor only ever let Fuma grow out her hair past shoulder length.
“Sho, what’s wrong?”
You questioned, brushing away his hair slightly from his eyes.
“My hair. Do you think it’s too long?” He asked, his gaze on you as you looked up at him.
“Oh, I guess it has gotten a bit long, huh?” You spoke, your fingers combing out a long strand of red. “But I like it, it looks really pretty on you Sho.” You said, leaning up to kiss his cheek. His face had turned pink. His ears darkened to red.
So the long hair stayed, and he continued to grow it. If it wasn't for you teaching him about how to care for it, condition, brushing, washing, etc, it wouldn’t be as healthy as it was. But now he even found himself researching hair oils off and on.
“It’s so pretty Sho.”
Even the media took notice, they started to comment on it. They talked about how shiny it was, and how well taken care of it looked. And because you had taught him to braid it, the media loved it even more. Photos of him mid-turn, his duel-colored braid levitating above his shoulder, and his pale face appearing out from long ruby strains circled around news stations. He was beautiful.
Some of your and his top picks for his hair are:
A three-strand braid. One strand of pure white, one pure red, and the third was a mix of both.
A messy bun: where his hair hangs in swooping strands. You can’t help but kiss him every time you see him like that.
High pointy tale. Looks like cascading water the way it falls and shines.
The names Bakugou gave him apparently stuck too.
At one meet and greet, his long hair was in a braid on his shoulder. No one had said anything about it till a very shy little girl holding a Repunizal doll went up to him. She was dressed as a Disney princess which wasn’t too uncommon. Sometimes hero meet and greets would also be mixed with some Disney characters. It allowed kids more options. But usually, the event didn’t mix much
“You’re like Repunizal”
She had spoken so lightly that Shotos barely caught it. But he caught your gaze, the soft look in your eyes. You were his Prince Charming in a way, his savior.
“Well, she is my favorite princess.”
The little girl got two pictures with Shoto, one of both of them next to each other and one where Shoto is holding her Repunizal doll. Her hand in his free one.
To say the least, Todoroki became the favorite hero among some little girls solely for his hair. Another event, had a little kid yell out.
“Do the magic!”
Your heart exploded the day the two of you went on a walk and these two kids came up to you both. “Can we please put these in your hair!?” They almost shouted. Their small hands holding clip-on flowers and real ones, their eyes full of stars. You had squeezed Shotos hand so tight he almost thought you were trying to break it.
To say the least, Shoto gained two more supporters that day and many clip-on flowers. You have a picture of him with flowers weaved into his now somewhat messy braid with two little kids by his side with the biggest smiles you’ve ever seen.
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Hawks had started to grow his hair longer a year into your marriage, specifically, it was after the incident that happened. And marriage or not, the two of you still acted like teenagers who just fell in love. The two of you were always next to each other when you could be. Keigo did try to keep you away from the camera and lights, but things slip through. A blurry photo of your figure standing at one of the windows of the house once appeared. That freaked you out and angered him. The photo became too gossip. People trying to unblur your face, heading reading “Gold-Digger Rising?” Or “Fans have a new villain .” Yeah, that pissed him off. Keigo ended up investing in good blinds (since he couldn’t move at that moment) and made a public statement about the incident. Asking his fans and news outlets to respect your wishes. It caused some fans to actually argue against him. Stating “Well if they don’t want to get pictures of them taken, then maybe they shouldn’t have married a Pro Hero!” “Yeah, they were asking for it!”
“Are telling me my spouse was asking to be harassed by people?” It was quiet, and your bit your lip as you watched your husband through the screen. Your knee bounced up in down, the commission was going to be pissed at Keigo. The thought caused your heart to ache. He’s gonna get in trouble because of you.
“There is a reason they hide their identity, it’s because of incidents like this.” The crowd seemed to stop arguing after that.
When Keigo came home, landing on the balcony, he looked tired. With his phone in hand, you could hear a woman and two men screeching at him. You caught something about ‘Irresponsible’ and ‘if they were gonna be such a problem!’ before Keigo set it on the counter and walked over to you. The sounds of anger still rang in the room, he couldn’t hang up-less they get more pissed. His wings wrapped around you both. His arms snug around your waist, pulling you incredibly close. His lip rested on your forehead as he murmured, “I found a nice place on the opposite side of town.” He paused, waiting if you had any protest, but you hummed and wrapped your arms around him. His body relaxed slightly, the muscle in his back flexing more as his wings drew closer. “We’ll get some private movers so no one will know and I have some friends who will buy the flat with no publicity.”
It took about three months to fully settle, and thankfully the public didn’t know. One day their favorite hero was there, and the next, not. It apparently made some fans realize their intense…’ fanning’ may have gone too far. Some even spoke out about how they were the ones that drove their favorite pro hero away from his home.
In those three tense months, Keigo forgot to cut his hair. It was longer, some parts reached around his shoulders or past. He could put it in a ponytail now. But all thoughts of cutting it disappeared soon after. You both had been laying on the bed, having finally finished putting away every last box. (Hero work slows down the progress) You had been laying down on him, your back against his pelvis and head tilted upwards. Your hands reached up, fingers clumsy curved around his jaw at the messy angle. “You’re so handsome Keigo” you sighed. Your eyes suck on his gorgeous face that was framed with his honey hair. You ended up sitting up, and Keigo stayed still to allow you to move around him. Your knees went on either side of his strong legs as you faced him. Your fingers curled and played with the hair that hung around his face. “You look good with long hair,” Keigo smirked, his arms going around your waist to pull you flat against him, which almost caused you to fall over him.
“I’m glad to hear you like it chickadee.” He smiled, his hand going up to your back.
“I like it a lot” you rasped out, your lips pressing against him. To your surprise, you both lose balance, causing you both to fall back on the bed.
🪨Eijiro Kirishima🪨
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Kirishima has been more focused on maintaining his hair color than the length. His hair was already long, so he didn’t think much of it going to his shoulders… then past. He was still able to spike it! So what did it matter? That was until it became too long to spike. The points starting to fall mid-patrol. If Sero hadn’t offered him a hair tie, he would have been pushing hair out of his eyes. He didn’t think about it that night, getting distracted by you, but this morning it hit him. Kirishima stood in the mirror, his hero uniform on, mask included, and stared at his face. How his hair lay limp at his shoulders and beyond. He could feel that sick feeling clawing up his gut, self-consciousness was creeping in. Did this look manly? Did he look weak like this? Did he even look good like this- would you like him like this? He self-deprecated himself mentally, wishing he got a haircut after patrol.
You passed by the bathroom, on your way to make breakfast. You were still in PJs, mid-yawn with messy hair.
“Hey uh pebble, can I ask you something.”
You paused and entered the doorway. Your body was still heavy with sleep as you walked behind your long-term boyfriend. Your arms wrapped around the back of his, your face smushed into his strong arm.
“What poppin Rocky?” You smiled lazily, your eyes meeting Kirishkmas in the mirror , you were still hazy with sleepy, and Kirishima could tell. It made him smile, watching you slowly open your eyes again. That was until he caught yours then his eyes. His hair.
“Pebble… do you think my hair looks too long?”
The tones snapped you awake. It brought your mind forward. Kiri was feeling self-conscious. No.
“Oh, I guess it has gotten a bit long.” You hummed, moving to the front of him. You stared at him, as if thinking about your responses, even though you already knew it. “But I like it, it’s nice.”
Kirishima was quiet for a moment, catching his reflection again. You watched his face fall.
“Are you sure?”
Kirishima asked, your heart lurched. You grabbed his hand.
“Rocky, you look good in everything. You look strong and scary with your hair spiked up, and you look strong and beautiful with it down. You look amazing either way.”
You smiled softly. Your fingers then trailed to his face mask, taking it off. “Plus, I like the un-spiked look. It makes it easier to play with your hair.” You hummed, finger running through a strand before your eyes caught his ruby ones. They were soft, a form of a thank you. You pecked his lips, “I’ll go make us some eggs”
“Wait pebble, my mask!” He caught your mysterious grin in the mirror before you turned the corner sharply. Kirishima could hear the sound of your feet hitting the floor as you run. He smiled brightly, you always brought him out of his mind. “I’m coming for you peddle!”
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slayfics · 11 days
Ok… on the topic of fights with Shinso. I’ve had this scene of Shinso and Bakugo fighting over reader for awhile now. It would be the dirtiest fight in existence. Bakugo who is use to spewing out insults can’t say a damn word due to Shinso’s quirk. While Shinso is pulling out all the voices to piss Bakugo off.
But not just any voice, your voice.
And it’s not just your voice. It’s your moans, and your moaning Shinso’s name.
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shiggybrainr0t · 10 months
shinsou who knows he’s not a good boyfriend. he loves you more than anything, anyone- and he thinks he always will. but he’s a bad boyfriend. he’s a pro hero, and you never fault him for that. but that means he constantly misses dates and anniversaries. whenever he comes home to your excited face he can’t help it whenever he’s out as soon as he hits the pillow. he’s not the best at communicating, and seeing you try to keep your composure whenever he does something that makes you angry makes his love for you grow. because even though he’s a horrible boyfriend- you’re the best partner he could ever imagine. when he misses the dinner he promised he’d be home for since you had a new recipe you wanted to try, he found a cat shaped sticky note taped to the table reading “I know you’re probably starving, so I left you a plate in the microwave! <3” whenever he pushes you off of him because he’s too tired too overstimulated too much, you hide the hurt and tell him you understand with a sympathetic smile. when he comes back from a rough day, you’ve seen it all on the news, you welcome him with his comfiest pajamas in your hands and gentle touches. but he sees it wearing you down. he sees the permanent furrow in your brow that was never there before. he sees that you’ve stopped waiting up for him (and even though he told you to it still hurts). he sees that this relationship can’t be saved, no matter how many heart shaped bandages you carefully place on the cracks. but he can’t bring himself to break up with you-even knowing you’ll be happier in the long run.
“yeah toshi-“ you freeze, mind clouded in a thick fog.
“break up with me.”
the hurt that is painted across your face once he releases you from his quirk is something he’ll never forget.
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mintsbubbletea · 18 days
𝐇𝐢𝐭𝐨𝐬𝐡𝐢 𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐨 - 𝐌𝐢𝐝𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐖𝐡𝐢𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬
Word Count: 976
Contains: Gender Neutral reader, no pronouns used,Nothing bad lol
Proof read and Edited
A/N: thanks to @slayfics for the idea tehehehehehehehhe
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You tapped your foot impatiently while perched on the edge of your bed, eagerly awaiting Shinso's message signaling the all clear. It had been a nerve-wracking 10 minutes since his last text, and your mind raced with worry that he might have been caught by a teacher - the worst-case scenario. Just as you were about to give in to your anxiety, a notification sound broke the silence. Snatching up your phone, you read his message with a grin, quickly throwing on a sweater before quietly slipping out of your dorm room.
After checking that the coast was clear, you shut the door behind you and made your way to the elevator. Stepping inside as soon as it arrived on your floor, you pressed the button for the ground level. The doors slid shut, and you descended to the lobby. As you stepped out into the lounge, you breathed a sigh of relief upon seeing that no one else was around.
"Where do you think you're going?" a voice suddenly rang out. Startled, you gasped and frantically scanned the room before your eyes landed on Tokoyami seated on the floor, engrossed in a book with Dark Shadow snoozing in his lap.
"Fucking hell, Tokoyami," you exclaimed, placing a hand on your racing heart. You could feel the adrenaline pumping through your veins. He chuckled, setting his book down on the table. "Couldn't sleep?" you asked, walking up to him. He nodded, his gaze fixed on you. "Always, and what about you? You didn't answer my question," he smirked, already knowing the answer. You smiled, rolling your eyes playfully. "I'm going to see Hitoshi."
"Again? Didn't you see him last night? Around the same time as now?" he inquired, his observation skills on point. "You're quite observant," you blushed. "Could you keep an eye out for Aizawa?" you requested. He nodded. "Of course. Have fun," he said as you quickly left the dorm, stepping into the darkness of the night. The cold air hit your face as you made your way towards Shinso's dorm, where you would meet halfway and spend an hour or two together before heading back and getting some sleep.
As you walked, you finally caught sight of the familiar face you had been longing to see. "Hey," he greeted you with a soft smile, his black hoodie pulled up to his chin to keep warm. "Hi," you smiled back, leaning up to give him a gentle peck on the lips. "What took you so long?" you asked, remembering the seemingly endless ten minutes you had spent waiting.
"Sorry, there were a lot of my classmates around. I had to wait until there were only a few left," he explained, and you nodded in understanding. Unable to resist, you wrapped your arms around his waist, burying your face into his chest, seeking his comforting warmth. His arms instinctively pulled you closer. "Are you enjoying yourself there?" he chuckled softly, feeling your face nuzzling against his chest. "Mhm," you chuckled, missing his scent even though you had seen him just yesterday. Eventually, you pulled away and settled down on a nearby bench together.
After 20 minutes of chatting and venting, a notification from Tokoyami popped up on your phone.
"Heads up. Aizawa is on his way," the message read. You quickly showed the text to Shinso, and both of you jumped up, ready to leave. However, your excitement was short-lived when you heard a voice interrupting your plans.
"Not so fast," the voice chimed in. You and Shinso turned around to find a tired and irritated Aizawa standing before you. "Mr. Aizawa," you began, but he cut you off. "Y/n, Shinso, you both know the rules. You can't leave the campus after hours, especially without a teacher's knowledge," he said, rubbing his weary eyes. "What are you two doing out here?" he questioned.
"We were just talking, sir," Shinso replied softly, sensing the tension in the air. "Talking?" Aizawa repeated, clearly not convinced.
"Yes, we just wanted to spend some time together. We don't really have the opportunity during the day, so this was our only chance to see each other," you explained, trying to gauge his reaction. "I'm sorry," you added, feeling remorseful.
"How many?" Aizawa asked, his gaze shifting between you and Shinso.
You and Shinso exchanged glances before turning back to face Mr. Aizawa. "What?" he inquired, clearly confused.
Aizawa let out a sigh, his frustration evident. "How many times have you two been sneaking off? I want the truth," he demanded. Shinso's gaze dropped to the ground, feeling a sense of shame for getting caught by his mentor while trying to see you. "It's been happening for the past two weeks," he admitted reluctantly. You reached out and took his hand, gently rubbing it with your thumb to provide comfort.
"Well, that ends now," Aizawa declared firmly, and you nodded in agreement. "It won't happen again," Shinso assured, his eyes still fixed on the ground. "I'll drop you off at the 1-A dorm every night and pick you up after two hours. Is that enough time for you?" Shinso's head snapped up in surprise, and after a few seconds of freezing up, you squeezed his hand and he soon replied, "Yes, thank you, Mr. Aizawa," with a soft smile. Aizawa nodded before walking away. "You have 10 minutes left. Then you guys have to part ways."
Once Aizawa left, Shinso looked down at you, his hands still holding your waist as he leaned in to kiss your ear. "I didn't expect him to make such an offer," you spoke up, laughing softly at his affectionate gesture. "Me either… but I guess he likes seeing me happy," Shinso mused mostly to himself.
"I'm just glad we don't have to sneak off anymore," you said, relieved. "As long as I get to see you, I don't mind."
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tags: @slayfics Lmk if you wanna be added 🐸
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nivtee · 1 year
: ̗̀➛ BOTHERED. shinso hitoshi
shinso hitoshi x gn!reader
pinning ! flirting ! suggestive themes ! reader wears a skirt for the first time !
hitoshi is a thighs man. and fuck, you get him with that skirt.
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― hitoshi whose never told you but he loves your thighs
― he knows you've never slept with anyone, and even if he has, he's not going to pressure you or start that conversation with you.
― it happens in school, both of you in your third year. you're in different classes so you only see eachother at lunch. usually, he'd walk you from the dorms but he had a training session with aizawa early and couldn't see you.
― and then he sees you.
― then he sees what you're wearing.
― he's literally breathless??? holy fuck?? the skirt you're wearing is a part of the uniform, but you'd only worn pants from when you started school till today, apparently.
― its hiked up around your waist, flowing down till it sits just covering the edge of your butt.
― he cannot look away for the life of him oh my god someone get this man some water he's so fucking thirsty for you.
― he doesn't say anything until he's walking you back to the dorms and he shoved you against the door to the building, knee between your legs and his hands gripping your hips.
― "fuck, kitten, can't think straight when you're all dressed up" and he's kissing down your neck so feverishly you think you have a cold.
― his hands are wandering and there;s hickeys on your neck and then you finally drag him inside and you have to wear your pants the next day because of the hickeys covering your thighs.
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sp1d3rzz · 7 days
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Warning !! : Somnophilia, PiV unprotected (wrap b4 u tap), cumming inside, implied pregnancy, breeding kink..??? Let me know if i missed anything.
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thinking abt how frustrated poor Shinso feels when every civilian underestimates him because of his 'villainous' quirk.
he isnt the first pro-hero with a rather intimidating quirk, so why is he the only one receiving hate for it??the bare thought of everything makes his head pound. all he needs right now is you, so he can release his pent up emotions.
his hand curls around the knob of his door and twists it open. the comforting smell of a clean apartment flows through the air and into his nose. " 'm home." he mumbles, entering and closing the door behind him.
when no one answers, his eyes eyes sharpen in annoyance. the one time he needs reassurance, you aren't there for him.
so when he walks through the house searching for you, he figures you might be resting in bed. perhaps even in the shower? no, he would've heard it running.
finally. he peaks past the cracked open bedroom door and sets his eyes on you.
"baby? you asleep?" and you are, arms hugging his pillow tightly to your body. one leg lifted higher onto the mattress to get you comfortable.
but what he really notices is your state of complete slumber. completely available for him to just post himself behind you and fuck you onto his cock.
its not like you're aren't prepped, wearing only a skimpy piece of panties and black tanktop. he can tell you were probably touching yourself earlier with how wet you still are. but don't worry, cause he's here now.
he starts by stripping free from his hero costume, untying his scarf and kicking off his shoes somewhere he doesn't even bother to look at.
and when he's left with only his boxers, he slides into bed, carefully so he doesn't wake you.
you look so at peace like this, eyes shut to where your lashes almost touch your cheeks. soft mumbles leaving your lips when the bed creaks a little too loud.
the mattress dips under him, and he positions himself behind you. a warm hand slides under your top and trails up your back. he can feel you shiver under his touch, and it makes him suck in a breath.
he pushes his hips against you , aligning the outline of his hard with the fat of your ass. "gonna fuck you so good." his other hand slips under your thigh and gently lifts up your leg.
suppressing a groan, he slips the head of his dick against your clothed pussy. the base slides up and down your warmth , tip brushing against your clit with every push and pull.
"risk my life out there, and those dumb ass– mmh– people don't even a-appreciate me.." each slow thrust against your slick makes his hips stutter. back and forth grinding against you, coating his cock with your wetness.
he hears you murmur and whine, unknowing of what exactly he's doing to you. what he's going to do to you.
a deep sigh leaves his lips before popping the tip into your cunt. "shit—" he doesn't expect you to take him so well, especially while you're still sound asleep.
his hand grasps a tight hold onto your thigh, holding on for dear life because he swears he's so close to reaching his orgasm already. slow and deep strokes get him impatient, so he decides to go faster, skin softly slapping together as he slides in and out of you.
your walls suck him in eagerly, taking all that he can give you. it gets him high with how good you make him feel. maybe, if he fills you up and gives you a baby, you'll stay with him forever.
"wan' me to make you a mama?" a hand slides down your skin to rub your clit, pads of his fingers circling your nerve. "bet you'd like that, huh?"
he knows you can't hear him, but he likes to think you do. begging him over and over again, pleading for him to give you what you really want.
his cock twitches inside of you, and releases pearly cum that seeps from your hole and onto the soft sheets.
he drops his head to your shoulder, grinding into you from behind, grunts brushing past his lips as he drags out whatever seed he might have left in him and pushes it into you.
and it isn't long before he hears you gasp softly, mumbling nothings as your hands search for his, making sure he really is there. "it's late.." you whine, easing yourself off of his cock.
but what really wakes you up is when he crashes you back down onto him to make you scream his name. "but i know you can take it."
"for me."
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