#stop the glorification of busy
thepeacefulgarden · 7 months
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cynicalcharisma · 1 year
fuck you exams, fuck you exams which are in morning. fuck you long ass 1.5 hour travel before exams. fuck you sleep deprivation because of exams and capitalism. fuck you making me go crazy for some idiotic number on a paper. fuck you very much.
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jensettermandu · 5 months
-𝙜𝙤𝙤𝙙 𝙜𝙞𝙧𝙡𝙨 𝙜𝙤 𝙩𝙤 𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙫𝙚𝙣, 𝙗𝙖𝙙 𝙜𝙞𝙧𝙡𝙨 𝙜𝙤 𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙮𝙬𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚-
-𝙞𝙣𝙫𝙞𝙩𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣 𝙩𝙤 𝙨𝙞𝙣 𝙘𝙞𝙩𝙮-
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𝘨!𝘱 𝘫𝘦𝘯𝘯𝘪𝘦 𝘹 𝘧𝘦𝘮𝘢𝘭𝘦 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
content warning; MDNI, morally grey characters, toxic relation/situationships, domestic abuse, violence, substance use/abuse, mentions of weight/toxic beauty standards, dubcon, a lot of smut (spitting, spanking, bondage, choking, rough sex, etc. appears), age gap (legal), mentions of sensitive topics, not made for glorification of toxic relationships.
chapter wc: 12k+
Y/n opened the door to her apartment as the knocking wasn't stopping and groaned at the person on the other side.
"Seriously?" She annoyedly questioned Jennie and blocked the way when she tried to step inside. The girl pursed her lips, she stood in front of Y/n dressed in grey sweats and a grey sweatshirt, both soaked in water as the rain was pouring outside the whole day. In her hold were still her car keys and phone as her chest somewhat heaved–she probably ran up the stairs like she always did. 
It was hard to believe that this was Jennie Kim.
"You said it yourself that you're home alone." She reasoned, sniffling as some of her wet hair stuck to her forehead. The younger girl heaved a sigh at that.
"Yeah, but I didn't say come over, Jen, there's a huge difference– I'm busy studying." She frowned at the vixen's words and stuffed her things into the pockets of her sweats. Her eyes trailed her body, the girl's dark chocolate brown hair up in a messy bun, hair strands loosely falling over her face, it was hard to not look at the piercings protruding through the baby tee as she didn't have a bra on and a pair of simple grey sweats.
"Okay...So, I'm just supposed to drive back now?" Jennie questioned as she had driven for a good 30 minutes from her place just to get to the girl who said that she was alone and studying when she texted her. Jennie had been bored the whole day and Y/n was busy studying. She never wasted an opportunity when the girl in front of her could squeeze her into her schedule which was filled with mostly studying and a part-time job.
"Yeah." The taller girl confirmed and pushed the door to close it and Jennie was used to the mean demeanour of the girl. She stopped the door and forced it open–she was much stronger and the force made Y/n take a step back while Jennie invited herself in. "That's an hour wasted driving here and then back for nothing." Jennie decided herself for the both of them, ignoring what Y/n wanted because they always did what the younger girl wanted.
"Jennie, that's seriously not my problem. Now get your ass out of my apartment." The older girl only locked the door and kicked her shoes off as she stepped into the single-bedroom apartment. "No, you can study, but I am staying 'cause I've been bored the whole day and you haven't been alone for ages." Y/n watched as the girl walked past her, making herself comfortable in the younger girl's apartment the way she always did. 
She sighed and walked away from the door where she had stood and Jennie looked over her shoulder at Y/n's light footsteps, watching the girl who walked into the bedroom.
She crouched down and picked up the Russian blue cat named Vinci who scurried over to her from the couch. His purring was loud as he always snuggled with Y/n and finally, he started to like Jennie too even if Y/n had insisted he never would since he has only ever liked her. His wet and cold nose brushed against her warm neck as his claws dug into her sweatshirt and she walked towards the bedroom through the small apartment that was dimly lit. The second she stepped through the door she would be greeted by the living room and open kitchen. It was small, but it wasn't weird considering Y/n was still studying full-time.
She walked in through the open door and the bedroom consisted of a king-size bed with a grey backboard, the covers white and not made but rather left the way they were when the girl woke up in the morning. Beside the bed against the wall stood the white vanity table that was used as a desk too where Y/n sat. On the other side of the bed was the door to what was a small closet although beside it stood a clothing rack with the girl's clothes hung up as the closet wasn't enough. The fairy lights stretched above the headboard and Jennie was quite sure that they no longer worked, but Y/n would never do anything about it. Aside from that, there was a shelf by the door filled with vinyl records and a vinyl player and that was it, together with the window close to the vanity table where rain was harshly hitting the glass.
"What're you studying?" Jennie questioned, wanting to make some sort of conversation with the girl who usually cut the talking short because that wasn't what they had been meeting for the past four months. Y/n glanced away from her laptop and in the mirror, her eyes catching the brunette who held Vinci against her hip like a kid–the cat cuddling into her.
"The same thing I always have to study, economics, I haven't changed courses."
"I could help." Jennie offered as she specialised in anything connected with the subject. Y/n knew that, but she would never ask the girl for that kind of help.
"I need you to realise that I truly will never want you as a study buddy or anything like that. I already told you that I don't even want you here tonight." They held eye contact for a second more before Y/n looked back at her laptop.
"The mean girl facade won't chase me away, it doesn't bother me, Y/n." Jennie let her know as she knew that the girl was a cold-hearted bitch for a reason, but it truly didn't bother Jennie. For the most part at least. She only hummed at that, not sparing Jennie any more of her attention.
She let the cat down and watched him run out of the room, hearing in the distance as he climbed in his cat tree and Jennie closed the door before stepping further into the bedroom that smelled sweet and of white florals. "How long are you staying alone for?" She asked and walked over to the girl, getting behind the chair Y/n was in. She stood behind the girl, her hand coming over to the exposed skin as she traced her fingers over it. "Till Monday." She simply answered, trying to ignore the slightly cold hand that ran over to the front, fingers sneaking under her shirt and tracing along her collarbones. It was Thursday which left the girl with a weekend to do whatever she wanted to do.
"I'd never let you stay the weekend alone or alone in general." Y/n never read too much into Jennie's words, it was just some type of turn-on for the woman. "I'd never take my eyes off of you, let you text someone who isn't your friend or let you go out with someone I don't know too." Y/n knew that Jennie was in reality just a toxic piece of shit that tried to come off as this perfect type of partner by using words that were supposed to be protective, but with a deeper meaning never would be. It wasn't like it mattered to her since she wasn't with the girl.
"I like my weekends spent alone or with friends." The girl mumbled, swallowing as Jennie ran her hand back up over her neck.
"I know that you enjoy going out, but it wouldn't happen without me there to make sure you're safe and fine." The vixen rolled her eyes and the fingers came up to her jaw. Jennie gripped it and made Y/n look up, holding onto the backrest of the chair with her other hand, making Y/n look her in the eye.
"Asher does a terrible job at keeping you his."
"Maybe 'cause he doesn't own me," Y/n replied, giving the girl that made her sound like she was a thing to own and take care of a forced smile.
"But you are labelled the same way he is."
Well, Y/n knew that it wasn't right, that cheating wasn't excusable, but here she was, going behind her long-term boyfriend's back for the past four months. Her excuse was the good and more of her type of sex that came with Jennie, but that's all it was, sex. She tried to make it fair and excusable in her head even if she knew that it wasn't. Jennie was good and satisfying sex while Asher was someone who truly treated her right and trusted her because they loved each other. They had been together for four years now in the end and lived together as they continued to study at the same university where they met at 18 and he 19.
It was also where she met Jennie although the girl didn't study there.
[Four months ago]
Y/n continued to watch the 29-year-old woman at the front who had been holding a speech for the class for the past hour about stockbroking and entrepreneurship. "You don't think she's glancing this way quite a lot?" Y/n looked at her friend Lisa who sat beside her as they sat in the middle row, her cheek resting against her fist as it was a Saturday and the hungover was still keeping her dizzy.
They usually didn't have anything on Saturdays, but Lisa had been kind enough (Not really) and signed herself and Y/n up for this lecture from a person who became a millionaire at 20, a billionaire at 25 and had dropped out of university and become an entrepreneur before starting her own stockbroker company. Y/n had lost track, but she had no clue how this was supposed to help as it felt like someone would be stupid enough to drop out and try to achieve the same thing only to fail miserably.
"Called Parkinson, her head is twitching our way against her will the way she's fighting it," Y/n commented and both she and Lisa tried to keep their giggles quiet. She had realised that Jennie Kim had been glancing their way quite a lot, but it looked like she tried not to. Lisa shoved the girl who made her giggle louder than intended as everything was much funnier when they weren't allowed to be loud and had been sitting bored and hungover for a good hour.
"Y/l/n and Manoban." The voice was stern from Professor Kalinski and the two nudged each other with their knees under the table. Seemingly it got louder than intended in a classroom where only one person had been speaking and everyone else had sat quietly or talked with hushed tones or only talked to ask questions. As Kalinski said it took a while to get the woman to come and hold this lecture because she was extremely busy.
"Sorry, we're really sorry." Lisa apologised and Y/n held back the chuckle at how forced that was and got nudged once again, making Y/n do it right back. Her eyes landed on the brunette who was dressed in simple loose dark blue jeans and a plain white shirt with sunglasses resting at the top of her head. If she hadn't known or heard about Jennie Kim before she would have assumed the woman had gotten lost along the way and wasn't some billionaire who walked around with a manager and bodyguards. Despite the designer, she dressed simply.
"Sorry doesn't excuse this disrespectful behaviour." Kalinski pressed and Y/n inhaled before deeply exhaling as she leaned back and rolled her eyes. It felt unnecessary for Professor Kalinski to drag it out even more, that was even more disrespectful in her opinion as he was taking the woman's time.
"No, it's fine." Lisa nudged Y/n when Jennie spoke up and the girl raised her eyebrows at the woman at the front.
"She says it's fine." Y/n pointed out and looked at her professor, but instead of him speaking up about the matter, Jennie continued.
"It's fine because maybe you two have something to add or point out about the lecture I've held for you today." The two got offered a smile and Lisa glanced at Y/n, wondering if Y/n would say anything while also hoping she wouldn't because the vixen rarely held back.
"Not really, we just—" Lisa got cut off by Y/n who sat up straight, her glossy and plump lips parting as heads turned when she spoke. They usually did when it came to the girl who had become known as unattainable because of being hard to get close to and also being taken. Her exotic beauty made her stand out and not fit in at a college but a runway.
"I do have some points to make about this whole lecture." Jennie nodded at that as she leaned against the Professor's desk and took the glasses off from her head. She pointed at Y/n with them and gave a nod of affirmation. "Go ahead then, I am always open to criticism and feedback." She gave her averment with her eyes on no one else but the girl whose eyes were alluring from across a room, leaking with seduction that had the older woman stunned.
"I think that having Miss Kim hold a lecture was genuinely a terrible idea." Y/n started as she saw no point in the woman coming and telling the class about her life, and then lecturing them a bit about entrepreneurship and stockbroking. Jennie hummed, nodding along to what the girl said, listening to every word she said with her eyes not leaving the girl for even a second. They were drilling into her but not in an angry way, they just stared.
"Why is that?" The woman at the front asked and Y/n sucked air through her teeth.
"I believe it might give many the wrong impression that anyone can drop out and become a billionaire."
"Anyone can." Jennie prompted and Y/n shook her head as she had read about it all before and what Jennie had been talking about wasn't anything new to her. The only thing new to her was the little life story she told about dropping out, how she started and where she was now. Things Y/n would never have any use of.
"Yes, anyone can drop out and try, but not everyone will succeed and what they risk is dropping a sustainable future for something that only approximately 0.035% of the whole world is. The odds are against most people in this room even if they were to become at least millionaires which is like 1.1% of the world despite the numbers of millionaires are growing."
"What would you do differently then?" Jennie asked as each point was valid and the younger girl had a sharp tongue for sure. It would irritate Jennie, but she was too blinded by everything else to be hurt and instead, it only enhanced the vixen's beauty.
"I wouldn't be selling unattainable dreams to students who are desperate for money and willing to try most things— most people in this room lack common sense." Some murmurs followed the words that were directed towards the whole class and it wasn't the first time the vixen had done something to upset a classroom. Jennie smiled at that and cut Kalinski off who was just about to speak up, probably to give Y/n yet another warning for her attitude.
"Would you mind talking with me after this lecture? I believe we could exchange some words that could benefit us both."
"Depends, I'm on a tight schedule Miss."
"Five minutes?"
"Fine." With that Jennie went right back to where she had been stopped when the two giggling girls distracted the whole class.
"What the fuck are you two going to talk about?" Lisa asked in a hushed tone as she had no clue what the two could contribute to each other. She knew that Y/n would probably take it seriously or continue ridiculing the woman just because she could. "Don't know, I'm just hungover and tired." Y/n groaned and rested her elbows against the table before burning her face in her palms.
It wasn't long until the lecture was over and Y/n had gathered her stuff together with Lisa. The professor and Jennie were talking with each other at the front and it had slipped the girl's mind that the woman wanted to talk to her until Lisa spoke up while they were walking down the stairs to get to the door.
"You agreed to talk with her, so do it," Lisa said and pushed the girl in the other direction before walking herself towards the door. Y/n heaved a sigh that seemed to catch the two older adults' attention. Professor Kalinski glanced at Y/n before he looked back at Jennie, the two shook hands and bid goodbye before the man grabbed his things and left together with the three people who had been with Jennie. They closed the door and left the two alone.
"You seem like a sharp-witted person..." Jennie trailed off and looked at the girl as she was fishing for a name she did not know. This time standing face to face with the girl who looked like a copy of Irina Shayk, but with grey-blueish eyes, her scent was making Jennie lose even more of the track she tried to stay on, but the more she tried to keep an eye contact with the siren eyes the harder it was becoming. 
"It's Y/n. I don't know if I can say the same about someone who lectures students about dropping out and shooting at stars in broad daylight." Y/n wholeheartedly said as she still hadn't changed her mind about how stupid this whole thing was aside from the 30 minutes Jennie had been speaking about stockbroking. "Plus to be able to summarise your life story in an hour seems pretty sad and not as story-rich as you try to come off as. Not all rich people need to have a sob story behind their success. You could have just said that you struggled at the start, but had a support system which were rich parents." The girl drilled on in a tone that let Jennie know that she wasn't enthusiastic about this at all because of how monotone it was and low, holding a rasp to it compared to the tone she used earlier.
"That's kind of harsh." Jennie pointed out. She hadn't had anyone stomp her this way before and she couldn't determine how she felt about it, Y/n shrugged.
"I hear that they call reality quite harsh." She gave her a smile that was also as forced as the other ones before.
"That they do, but I think your words are refreshing since not many people are this honest with me." It was a change and reality check even if she didn't necessarily like them, but this one came in handy for the future.
"Well–" Y/n started and ignored the lingering gaze on her body as it wasn't the first time. Jennie looked over the washed-out olive green denim skirt the girl had with a tight spaghetti strap top in a similar colour with a velvety material midriff zip-up that was a darker grey. The pair of white shin-high boots made her taller as she was already taller than the older girl by probably four inches. "Have you considered the thought that if someone is leeching off of you and your money they might sugarcoat everything for you?" She finished and Jennie looked up after trying to finalise in her head if the girl had her nipples pierced or not. She did and Jennie shifted in her spot as her hands found their way into the pockets of her jeans.
"I have been told that it might happen." Y/n nodded at that and gave Jennie a look that stated that she was quite done with their five-minute talk even if it hadn't been five minutes yet. "Wait–" Jennie stopped the girl who was about to turn around and leave and Y/n stalled as she looked at the woman with a hum.
"Would you want to meet up and continue this conversation but go into more depth on a day when you aren't busy?" She questioned and looked at Y/n with hopeful eyes. Y/n contemplated for a few seconds as she didn't know Jennie more than from what she'd heard and what the woman had told about herself. She had a boyfriend too and wasn't sure how he would feel about it, but at the same time it was just a meeting and Y/n never expected or assumed these things.
"I'm not really into fancy restaurants and wine." Y/n declined as she could tell that Jennie would want to meet over some fancy dinner which wasn't her cup of tea at all. The latter scratched her nape and hummed. "Yacht party next Friday?" Jennie offered.
"Motion sickness." Y/n declined, making it hard for Jennie who let out a gruffly hum in thought at how impossible it felt to get to talk to the girl. It felt like roles had been switched and that the vixen was the busy billionaire although she knew that she was just as busy with studying as she was with work.
"Club opening on Saturday, invite-only, we can enter from the back to avoid any cameras." Something was telling the girl that if both her Friday and Saturday were booked by parties, the girl wasn't just some fancy CEO but lived a life filled with parties that Y/n could not afford or experience since she didn't have the same status.
"I guess." Jennie nodded at that with a small smile. "Do I get your number then?"
"Sure." Y/n was handed the phone and she quickly typed in her number before she handed the phone back and the door to the classroom opened. The two looked at the entrance where a tall and lean guy peeked inside, brown curls, dressed in a pair of washed-out blue jeans and a black tee with vans. He smiled and Y/n returned it.
"Lisa said you would be here, sorry if I am disturbing you two, I will wait outside." He apologised and closed the door after him again. Y/n looked back at Jennie who had a small frown.
"I think that's all, you can text me, I don't answer calls, anyway, my boyfriend is waiting, bye." The woman didn't get to say anything else as the girl was already walking towards the door, leaving only her sweet and flowery aroma.
"So, you're going with this Jennie Kim? How old is she, Y/n and who is she?" Asher asked the girl who was busy finishing her make-up by the vanity table as she applied lip gloss. Her boyfriend was always present and watching her get ready ever since they met as he would leave sweet and cheesy compliments about how good she looked and how much he loved her. 
"29 I think? She held a lecture last week since she's this billionaire that owns a stockbroker company and shares in many other companies that do different things from entertainment to entrepreneurship." Y/n explained what she had heard about the woman who was going up in net worth every living second. The woman who could sleep on money Y/n could only dream about, money most people could only dream about.
"You haven't heard about her?" She questioned and looked at the guy older through the mirror. There was a whole buzz about the woman as she even had TV ads, interviews, being a guest on programs, shoots and whatnot. Her company was more known than her, but she still had a great following and wasn't just some old CEO, but someone attractive who was among celebrities with invites to luxury events. It felt hard to miss her and Y/n just so happened to be going out with her, but she wasn't too invested in Jennie as a person. She always had an interest in the topic of economics and always took opportunities when she had them.
"No...I'm not interested in all that stuff, you know that I am more invested in volleyball." She hummed at that as the guy was prone to playing professionally soon enough as he was being offered deals and was playing for the university's official team. "I just want to know that you will be fine and nothing bad will happen to you." That was the guy's only worry, Y/n's safety as it was the most important thing to him.
"I will be all fine." She reassured him and got up from the chair as she turned off the mirror lights. The vixen walked over to her boyfriend who looked up at her as he sat at the edge of the bed, facing the vanity table. She grabbed his hand as he intertwined their fingers, his hand being much bigger than hers, the guy was bigger in general as he was a middle blocker at 6 '5. "I don't know if you have to wait 'cause I'm not sure when I will be back." The girl said. It was already 9:50 p.m. and her phone notification went off as she was supposed to be picked up at 10.
"So, your boyfriend just lets you go out to clubs with anyone?" Jennie asked as the two were almost near the said club. Y/n got busy with her phone through the middle of the conversation although not in a rude way, but simply because she had to mute it and send a quick reply to her group chat with friends so they would let her breathe.
"Why wouldn't he?" She questioned and put her phone beside her bare thigh, this time dressed in all black. A denim skater mini skirt, lace corset top and an oversized leather jacket. She couldn't tell if Jennie was heading to a club or if she was heading for a quick run for groceries as she was dressed in simple loose jeans again and a long sleeve with a black blazer just as loose. Jennie shrugged at that, deciding not to comment further on it.
Y/n wasn't stupid, she had caught Jennie's lingering gaze a long time ago, it was evident when they first spoke, but she honestly always ignored those gazes as she always stayed collected. It wasn't like she could do anything about it since she didn't control people even if certain gazes made her uncomfortable at times. She knew better and if she paid any mind to those she wouldn't be talking to many people at all. People got over their crushes and befriended her instead. Somewhere along the conversations with Jennie at the club that had gone surprisingly smoothly and weren't conversations where Y/n was hissy, some things did go wrong.
"Are you fucking kidding me?" Y/n exclaimed as she stared into the mirror in front of her. Her pupils were blown, her body felt warm and fuzzy, warm enough for the leather jacket to get discarded in the club, her heart was beating hard and not too steady and she kept her jaw clenched to not bite off her tongue because of how her jaw was jumping basically from the bruxism. The feeling was all too familiar as she had taken it before, but it had all been willingly and not this way.
"I swear, I told her to hand you the water, but not that water." Jennie tried to excuse it as the water with ecstasy got handed to Y/n instead of the regular one. The girl was under the influence of alcohol so the taste didn't occur to her until she felt its effects. At least she had gotten closer to Jennie which made it less stupid to be high at the moment.
Y/n turned around, her siren eyes looking at the woman who she had been drinking with tonight while talking— not only was she drunk, but now also high on molly. She patted over her body, her touch feeling like brushing feathers over her body that felt like a warm and fuzzy cloud as if she was dipped in a warm and comforting bath, a sheet of sweat covering her from how warm it was. "My phone is in your car. Do you have gum? And please for the love of God, can we do something that does not include standing in this bathroom." Y/n rambled, stumbling over her tongue before clenching her jaw again to not injure herself, but the hard clenching wasn't much better because it felt like her teeth would crack.
Although she couldn't care about it since she felt too good and suddenly she wasn't too mad as she felt like every little thing that had ever bothered her, or happened, or her shitty mental health had all disappeared and she felt invincible to everything harmful. She felt free and open. Jennie bit her lower lip, looking into grey eyes that were black from the blown pupils.
"Come on," Jennie said and grabbed Y/n's hand, it felt like she was wrapped in cotton candy and the urge to just cling onto the woman was getting overwhelming Jennie guided her through the club. It took longer than necessary as Y/n talked to everyone they stopped by as people would greet them, but in the end, they reached the club's roof terrace that had been off limits because of uncertain weather. The wind blew cold against Jennie's skin, but against Y/n's it felt like feathers brushed her skin. Y/n gently chewed the gum she asked for from a girl they ran into who seemed to be in the same situation as her.
"Why did we run away from the social party?" Y/n questioned as she felt like talking to everything and everyone.
"I don't want you to get a heat stroke," Jennie replied and guided the girl along with her towards the couches that were under a roof. Y/n's hand was cold in her hold, holding a water bottle in her other hand that only had water this time, but the girl was heated up to the point where the clothes she had on now felt too warm to wear despite barely having anything on. 
"Have you taken ecstasy before?" The older woman asked to make sure that Y/n would be fine, she glanced over her shoulder to see the girl looking around the place with her lips parted. Her eyes sparkled as everything felt much more mesmerising and meaningful, to the point where meaningless things felt meaningful as the stars were close to making her tear up from how pretty they looked in the night sky. Y/n sighed as she felt great.
"Yeah, a few times, but I always get fried after so I try to only take it once or twice a year," Y/n explained, adding more than needed as Jennie sat down on the terrace couch and pulled Y/n down beside her. She opened the water bottle and handed it to the girl who sat slumped on the couch. Y/n took it, her mouth constantly running dry as her heart continued to pound in her ribcage. The emotions felt so real and heightened and she handed the water right back to Jennie after taking a sip.
Jennie didn't mind when Y/n grabbed her hand and wrapped it around her shoulders before leaning against her. Her body felt like a cloud that was embraced by another warmth as she wanted nothing more than to be held and in someone's company. It was like gentle waves that washed into shore and were heated by the sun, sparkling in the light. "I don't think we should stay long, you might get too cold...Your body isn't regulating heat or cold like it should." Jennie commented and pulled the girl closer to herself as Y/n's body started to get cold yet was still covered in a sheet of sweat and her hands felt a bit clammy.
Her eyes looked over the girl who was leaning against her, she couldn't lie and say that it didn't feel like another ego boost to hold a girl who looked like a Victoria angel. Her long legs brushed against Jennie's, exposed and glistening, her scent lingering around them, her cleavage being somewhat in the view from the top-
"It must be nice to be this rich," Y/n mumbled as she thought about who it was that sat with their arms wrapped around her as she laid with her cheek pressed against Jenne's clavicle. Her ears picked up the calming beat of Jennie's heart and the older felt like a fluffy bear the way she held her. The drug made her more touchy and open for it as she wouldn't otherwise be so clingy with the woman, but it felt too nice. 
"Yes and no...It's like you said; some people only leech off of me and don't care about more than the benefits of being close to me. Dating is also quite shitty. It gets lonely at times. Money does buy happiness, it also gets you friends and partners, but it tends to be fabricated." Y/n tilted her head back at that and looked at Jennie who looked back down at her. She chuckled at the girl who was chewing the gum with her mouth closed as her jaw was still impossible to unclench.
Y/n pouted. "I feel bad for you now." Jennie laughed at the tone of the girl and reached her hand over to her face.
"You will hurt yourself, try to open your mouth a little, Y/n."
"I can't." Y/n whined as it felt hopeless and overwhelming with how she couldn't control her clenched jaw.
Jennie gripped her jaw and could feel the vibration from how hard it was clenched. "That feels good," Y/n mumbled and closed her eyes, Jennie brushed her fingers along her smooth face. The feeling was still like feathers as her skin felt so soft and made each hair on her body stand. It was making her melt.
"You're really beautiful." Jennie complimented as she felt more daring now that the girl's cold demeanour was gone because of the drugs and she was acting all soft, whiny and mushy. Y/n sighed and opened her eyes as she stared at Jennie who she found very beautiful too. "I know, but it's hard to be this pretty, I am sure you understand." Jennie couldn't help but laugh as she continued to gently trace her fingers over the girl's face and down.
Jennie decided to use this chance and ask the girl some questions as she was somewhat drunk–answering questions too and Y/n was high and not as cold and closed off anymore. Maybe she could insinuate and get close enough to the girl.
"What's with the mean girl attitude though?" She asked and traced her fingers down Y/n's neck who lay with her head against her shoulder. The two looked at each other and Y/n sighed once again through her nose, enjoying the way Jennie softly ran her fingers over her sensitive body. They went over her collarbones, running down the neckline that stopped in the middle of her chest and back up, it brought shivers over her body and Y/n felt like she would melt from how good it felt to be held and touched.
"I've been a bully since middle school and I guess it just stuck to me and now I am what people like to call a mean girl..." She explained.
"Is that it?" She asked as it felt like a short answer.
"I'm not mean to my friends or family, well, I am at times but in a joking manner. I just guess it's easier to push people away when you aren't approachable. I also decided to live up to the stereotype and be a mean pretty girl instead of a dumb blonde since I otherwise would get categorized as dumb simply because of the way I look. My looks are preceding." She listened to every word that came from Y/n, getting a better understanding of what it felt like to be her. Y/n opened up and let Jennie take a step inside and see what her world could look like. 
Jennie's was much different.
"Why do you push people away?" She watched the way Y/n jutted out her lower lip. The intense emotions surged through her whole body. "Because people come and they go, but I don't like the going part, I hate it, I truly hate being left alone."
"I can see how being mean helps with that."
Y/n gazed her eyes over the older woman who stared at her with an intensity that felt dangerous from how it made her body tingle when she would usually ignore it. The warmth just felt too good to pull away from. She hummed at Jennie's words that crawled gently over her skin.
"Did you agree to come because of the benefits of seeing someone like me?" Jennie asked in a whisper and ran her hand up to Y/n's face. She traced her jaw as she waited for the answer, feeling like the girl would be honest with her since she was under the influence of the love drug and people tended to just spill their feelings when they were. Jennie knew because she did and tried to avoid the drug unless she was around people she trusted dearly. The water with ecstasy was truly an accident, but maybe it wasn't such a bad accident.
"Yeah, but for the benefit of your knowledge even if your lecture was fucking stupid. You know things I don't and I don't mind learning from someone who has experience, but I don't care about your fame or money or your personal life...I get nothing out of it since I am content with my life."
"I have a lot of experience Y/n if you don't care about those things, experience in a vast majority of things and knowledge too that I wouldn't mind sharing." Jennie licked her lips, her tone dropping to a more hushed one as it was low in pitch too. Y/n found herself swallowing down her dry throat as the woman ran her thumb over her bottom lip.
"I don't think that's—" Y/n started, but Jennie stopped her.
"You should open your mouth before you hurt yourself, Y/n," Jennie said and grabbed hold of her jaw once again. This time Y/n parted her lips and Jennie leaned closer as she turned her body. "We should replace your gum too." She added and gestured to the girl who pushed the piece of gum out from between her lips and Jennie proceeded to take it and toss it away. It wasn't a bad accident as it let her insinuate much easier and let her get into this position with the model-like girl.
Then came yet another wrong turn as Jennie helped Y/n lay down who held onto her shoulders, settling herself between the girl's long legs. She looked at her as she pushed her hair away with one hand, the other resting beside her head. "Will you mind? If you do, just tell me to back off because I am not forcing you into anything, Y/n." Jennie spoke, leaning closer to Y/n's plump and glossy lips, her enticing scent sweet and floral, the vanilla lingering on her lips. Y/n's mind felt fuzzy and her body even more heated in the moment with Jennie on top of her who smelled of citrus, spices, cedar and musk. It held a comfort, the scent was calming.
"You will stop if I tell you to?" Y/n asked to make sure as she couldn't figure out if she would back out in the middle or not as everything was overwhelming.
"I promise you, star," Jennie reassured the girl who nodded. 
It felt too good to deny with her fingers already threading into Jennie's hair, relishing in the feeling of all the textures that felt like the euphoria that she was in. Jennie leaned in and closed the gap between them, catching the girl's lips with hers as Y/n pulled her closer to herself. Her heart was pounding against Jennie who was on top of her with her hand gently running along her waist which was enough for the younger girl to sigh in contentment at the feelings.
Jennie tilted her head, pushing her tongue into Y/n's mouth with her hand running under the corset top. It felt lavish against her body, it felt too good to have hands run over her body and Jennie's warm and slick tongue pressing against hers. The older girl pushed herself more into Y/n, pushing her semi against her as the alcohol had made her horny to the point where she had been walking with it since the bathroom.
Y/n lightly hummed, feeling Jennie press against the heat between her legs, making her push more into the older girl whose hand found it to her breast. Jennie pulled away from her lips, watching Y/n's face, her pupils blown in a daze and her fingers played with the girl's pierced nipple and she smiled. "You're so sexy, I had a hard time looking anywhere else in that classroom." Jennie's voice sent goosebumps over Y/n's skin who leaned back in and caught her lips. The girl cupped her breast, brushing her thumb over the jewellery and hard nipple.
Their breathing grew heavier, Y/n's chest heaving as her lips let go of Jennie's, too overwhelmed by all the touch over her body. The girl pushed her one leg apart more until it fell down the couch and Jennie made herself more comfortable between her legs, this time Y/n could feel Jennie's cock pressed against her heat fully as her skirt rode up her thighs. "Feels good," Y/n mumbled as her eyes closed at the lips that trailed along her neck. They were wet kisses like a paintbrush gently painting her skin. Jennie hummed at the words that gently brushed their way into her ears, Y/n being lost in bliss.
The vixen moved her head and Jennie looked up at her. Y/n's heart was picking up more and more, the throbbing becoming too much between her legs as it had left her underwear damp. "I want you to fuck me, Jennie." She breathed out and Jennie kissed her once again, the words making her dick throb at how much she wanted to do what the girl asked for. 
She sucked on her bottom lip, savouring the taste of vanilla from the lipgloss while reaching her hand between their bodies, the other still resting beside Y/n's head. The music was completely muted in their world, the faint talking coming from below them from outside the club, the nightlife of the city being at full speed while the two were melting in their acidic clouds of lust. The world didn't disappear, but they went through a door to a new one. It was an invite to Sin City.
Jennie unzipped her pants, pushing them down just enough together with her boxer briefs at the front to take her leaking cock out that was scalding in her hold, the vein throbbing. Blindly she pushed Y/n's skirt up more and the girl whimpered when Jennie brushed her fingers over her wet pussy as she pulled the lace underwear to the side. The only thing on her mind was to bury herself deep within Y/n's warmth as imaging it hadn't been enough.
She pulled away from her lips, still brushing over them as they both held them parted, breaths fanning against each other from their hitched breathing. She guided her sensitive tip to her entrance while pumping herself. Y/n's breath fell short when she felt the stretch, Jennie's tip slowly pushing into her tight hole as the two moaned. Y/n drowned in how it overtook her body as Jennie moved her hips in one smooth motion, filling her and making her moan and whine at the painful stretch that somehow felt good at the same time. 
Jennie stalled her movement at the snug grip on her cock, the girl being tight as her pussy greedily took her throbbing in-need cock. All she wanted to do was milk the girl full with her cum. The older woman wanted to remove their clothes and be able to see the way her cock stretched the girl out who was holding back on whimpers. To be able and see how her thick cock spread her lips and pushed inside. Her pussy was wet and warm, fitting her tightly. "You're so tight, Y/n, you feel so good." She moaned, placing both her forearms beside the girl's head as she buried her face in her neck.
"Fuck, oh god, fuck, make me feel good, Jennie." Y/n practically begged at the stinging stretch, feeling the scalding dick deep inside her. The woman on top of her let out something between a moan and a groan when she started to move. Y/n's hands clutched onto her shoulders as her head got thrown back. The thrusts picked up to deep and rough, with each a light moan followed by how full she felt and the way Jennie's pelvis was brushing against her clit. Her cock dragged along her walls, getting swallowed by her slick cunt, the girl feeling the way the bulbous pink tip caressed her g-spot as it curved just the right amount. It was making her whole body tingle and clit throb at Jennie's touch.
Jennie let out heavy breaths and grunts, the tight and sweltering walls slick and throbbing around her swollen cock. A moan followed from her lips and she clenched her jaw with her eyes closing tightly at how good it felt to be fucking the girl that had managed to give her a semi with the way she rolled her eyes in the classroom. Y/n's hands gripped onto Jennie's shirt, her moans falling into Jennie's ears as her legs spasmed with her back arching, chest pressing against Jennie's. Her thrusts got harsher but the pace stayed in the same tempo of a beating heart. Y/n let out a gasp at the pleasurable pain of getting stuffed by the older woman's cock who knew exactly how to position herself to fuck her right. It made her walls clamp down around her with each thrust.
It started to wash over her, it went through every nerve in her body, her veins getting filled with more chemicals as her whole body tingled the closer she got. "Your pussy is amazing, God, I want to fuck you right every single day." Jennie groaned out, her stomach twisting as she couldn't hold herself longer from how good Y/n felt around her. She felt almost disappointed with herself because she wanted to keep fucking the vixen whose cunt was taking away her breath, but her orgasm was coming quickly.
Unable to last as long as she usually did– it didn't seem to matter when Y/n's walls clasped around her and she felt nails dig into her shoulders. The moans were light and whiny, Y/n unable to grasp how good it felt or what exactly she was feeling when it came crashing like a harsh wave over her whole body. Jennie's jaw clasped closed, the sound coming out strained when her hips stuttered this time, the first rope of cum shooting right into her and she buried herself balls deep inside the pussy that was pulsating around her cock that continued to spurt out thick ropes of cum. It only made the vixen feel even more filled at how the warm cum splattered her walls white.
Y/n opened her eyes as more washed over her, this time not an orgasm or pleasure as her heart started to beat harder and faster than after the orgasm. She stared at the roof over them that was blocking the sky. That's when it stopped feeling good as Yn knew the whole time that Asher was waiting for her at home whom she loved and who loved her dearly yet she still proceeded with something that felt good in the moment but left her feeling sick after because of herself.
"Did you cum inside me?" She asked to make sure the woman panting into her neck as she laid on top of her came inside her. At the back of her head, she knew that she did because she could still feel her inside, the thick member growing soft. Her hands gripped her shirt, slowly unable to handle all the emotions that were so much stronger from the drug coursing through her veins. All she could do was feel guilty and regret allowing herself to go as far as this. Y/n knew she had no excuse for it except for the selfishness that washed over her at the moment; lust.
Jennie swallowed and slowly pulled her limp dick out of the girl. She pushed herself up and looked down between them as she first fixed Y/n's underwear and skirt. "Yeah—" She simply replied and sat up, leaning back against the backrest of the couch, swiftly putting her cock back inside her drawers as Y/n pushed herself up to sit while trying to not get eaten by the strong emotions. "I assumed you're on birth control since you have a boyfriend," Jennie added while zipping her pants back up, glancing at Y/n who had her eyes elsewhere. She frowned, waiting for a reply from the girl as she now got worried that she wasn't on any birth control.
"I have an implant," Y/n replied and before Jennie could ask more her head snapped towards the door where they had walked out from that got pushed open with loud laughter and talking. The music became less muffled before the door fell closed and it got muffled once again. Y/n's mind was in a daze, drowning in the strong guilt she felt as the people joined them, unable to talk to them as there was a lump in her throat the whole time.
Jennie hadn't managed to say a word to Y/n except to ask if she was ready to leave when the clock struck close to 3 am. She spent the car ride watching the girl whose pupils slowly went back to normal typing away on her phone. Jennie was unsure of what to say so she didn't say anything. It didn't feel necessary to ask anything since they barely knew each other and had only talked about some common interests and to other people who joined them and then the sex. 
She assumed that sex was the problem, but it wasn't her problem since she was satisfied.
Y/n reached for the door handle right away when the car stopped outside her and Asher's apartment complex. However, she got stopped by Jennie who grabbed hold of her wrist because she still had to make sure of one thing that she had been worried about. She knew that she should be more careful. Y/n looked back at the woman.
"Are you sure that you're on birth control? I mean, I could ask my manager to get you plan B's right now if you aren't." Y/n rolled her eyes at the question. She sharply exhaled through her nose and grabbed hold of Jennie's hand and brought it up to her arm, guiding two fingers over the implant and letting Jennie feel that it was there. She dropped the woman's hand and opened the door, without a word more she got out and slammed the door closed after her.
Y/n had made it inside the silent apartment, kicked off her shoes and gone straight to the shower to wash away the filth she felt like she was. She knew that she wouldn't be able to get rid of it though because she couldn't reverse the fact that she had cheated on the guy she had been with for four years. The one who trusted her every time she went out without him. The one whose heart she had in her hands and knew would crush if she told him. Y/n wasn't ready to lose him, she didn't want to. She loved him even if it made her even more selfish. She had already been selfish once and saw no reason to stop.
She had put on her pyjama pants and shirt that she had left in the bathroom earlier and went straight to the couch. Unable to walk the way to the bedroom and lay down beside someone clueless while being aware of what she had done. It didn't feel right to go to the home she had with him after letting in someone uninvited. Vinci lay beside her as she buried her face in his fur and let the tears slowly bleed from her eyes.
She blocked Jennie's number, not because she cheated on her boyfriend with her, but because she had a feeling she would do it again if she saw the woman. Despite the terrible feelings and how horrible it made her—she couldn't deny how good it felt and it made her feel even worse about it all.
"But you are labelled the same way he is."
"Why are you so obsessed with him?" Y/n questioned as Jennie couldn't keep it out of her mouth whenever she saw the girl. Jennie knew that Y/n was the type of girl who had a mouth too good for her good in many ways, but one was that she could say things that would get on her nerves. She turned the swivel chair as her hand let go of Y/n's jaw and this time grabbed hold of her neck before a clatter followed when she pushed the chair into the vanity table.
"Watch what you're saying. I'm not obsessed with him, I'm just stating the fact that you are dating someone stupid enough to let his girlfriend walk without being there to make sure no one else is wetting their dick in her."
"That's because he trusts me not to let it happen which I guess you've always had a hard time with...Is that why you run to someone taken instead of finding someone who wants you?" For a second, Y/n could feel the grip tighten on her neck. The woman stared her down as she was towering over her because she was sitting in the chair. Jennie poked at the inside of her cheek. She knew that she had no right to fight with the girl about these things so she didn't do it this time. She also knew that the vixen had a thing for making her angry, it was either because of the sex that came with it or to degrade the person she was cheating with because she felt horrible but couldn't stop even when she tried.
She grabbed Jennie's wrist, the older woman looking into the eyes that turned docile and she loosened her grip on her throat. The two weren't sure when the arguing started as it happened at times but it did some time after they started to see each other. "There's no reason to take it there Y/n when you could instead take my cock and if you want to study you could sit on it and do it. Be a good cock-warmer instead." Jennie suggested as she didn't come over to fight with the girl, but Y/n was petty–towards Jennie that is. All she came for was to stick her dick into the girl and spend time with it there.
Jennie liked meaningless sex.
"How bout I go out, buy a strap, and have you sit on it while I study?" Y/n suggested right back as she tilted her head. The only thing she planned on doing was studying and she only replied to Jennie to have her stop texting, but it backfired as the older woman came knocking on her door instead. Y/n was always occupied with school, work, friends and her boyfriend. She had no time for Jennie aside from the times when Asher had competitions and it was the season for them so it happened more often now. He'd be away for a day, two or more on tournaments and Y/n would try to make it with their friends to some.
Jennie's schedule was more versatile considering she mostly worked from home and got to schedule and reschedule however she liked. People wanted her time, not the other way around with one exception which was Y/n.
"Why are you being an asshole when I am just offering you some quality time together?" Y/n removed Jennie's hand from her neck and the woman stepped back when Y/n got up from the chair. Jennie didn't mind that the girl was taller, it was hot in her opinion. "You must be really into ass stuff if you keep coming back to fuck me then." She grabbed hold of Jennie's shoulders and pushed the woman until the back of her knees hit the bed and Jennie sat down. Her hands found their way to the girl's ass as she held it while looking up at her.
"Not like you are letting me." She muttered as Y/n hadn't even let her take off her top or touch her the way she liked. If Jennie knew, she would have never gotten involved with the vixen because she had been running right back to her despite having the option of many other girls. She couldn't figure out if it was the sex, the pussy, Y/n's skills, or maybe the girl in general even if she at times left the place with more pent-up anger than when she came over.
The vixen wasn't one to fight, she deemed herself to not be toxic until she stumbled upon Jennie. She couldn't tell if it was the guilt and shame she felt from cheating whenever she was with Asher—those feelings that disappeared with Jennie. She had never had any serious or real fights, some bickering and misunderstandings always happened—it changed though. It felt like they were fighting every other day now and Y/n knew that it was all her, that it was her fault. She loved him, she loved him too much to break his heart and hoped that he would do it instead, but she knew that it couldn't go on like this.
Y/n looked down, being able to see the print of Jennie's semi-hard dick through the grey sweats. "Not sure I will either." She replied and pushed Jennie to lay down on her back before coming up to straddle her. The woman let out a huff at the pressure put on her dick which had been growing hard ever since she left her place and started to think about the girl. Y/n's warm and light body planted itself on top of her and she groaned at the feeling that made her body react.
"Shouldn't you be at some big private party fucking other girls?" Y/n asked and Jennie released a shaky breath at how she started to gyrate her hips, grinding down on her growing cock. Jennie was a busy person, she had girls willing to suck her off at every corner and yet she was showing up to Y/n's apartment. It seemed stupid in Y/n's opinion to miss out on those parties and that life, she knew that if she were in Jennie's shoes she wouldn't be missing out on it.
Her eyes stayed on where Y/n was pressed down against her, watching how she as smoothly as waves moved her clothed cunt against her restrained cock. "They're no fun alone...What're you doing tomorrow?" She breathed out. 
Y/n smiled and leaned closer, her hips not stopping as she could feel Jennie's erection right against her heat. The older woman's chest heaved and her grip got tighter on Y/n's ass, fondling her cheeks as groping at the siren's body only turned her on even more. To trace each perfect curve, the slim body was easy to hold and bend. "I'm busy tomorrow, my friends are sleeping here and then we are going out on Saturday," Y/n replied, rolling her hips against Jennie's throbbing cock, the friction growing as her hips stuttered into Y/n, dry humping at her. The older woman wanted nothing more than for the girl to take it in either her mouth or snug cunt. She loved both.
"Don't go." It strained, coming from the back of her throat as she suppressed the moan that was close to pushing through from the friction. Her cock leaking with the salty pre-cum and staining as Y/n glanced down to see a small wet spot. It made her continue, Jennie was unable to look away from how smoothly her hips rolled back and forth with ease, there was no stutter or messy humping aside from the way her hips buckled up. It made her grip tighten even more as she held back on the sounds that wanted to escape her lips since the girl hadn't even touched her skin.
"I told you not to go. Call and cancel." Jennie let out, between her uneven heavy breaths, her hips bucking into the girl who was whining against the big erection. The woman was a shower in general and the print was always there, but it got very prominent now that she was erect. There was nothing better than Jennie pushing it all right into her and stretching her out, but Y/n's ego got in the way right now.
"Why would I do as you tell me?" Y/n questioned, staring down at the older woman whose vein was popping out at the side of her throat. She reached her one hand to her throat, brushing her fingers over it. The request seemed fairly odd, but it wasn't new that Jennie tried to order her around. Jennie tried to get control she didn't have because she didn't have Y/n to begin with because she was intruding on a home. 
"I'm not telling you what to do." Jennie defended and was about to lift herself, her eyes trained on their parts that were pressing against each other, Y/n's ass dragging along her and pressing down harder. The patch of precum on her sweats had grown bigger and the outline was lined up perfectly for the girl. She was ready to either fuck the girl or bust any second which she was not up for since she would find it embarrassing if she came in her underwear. She didn't get to sit up though as the fingers that were tracing her vein grabbed hold of her throat and held her down.
"You did." Y/n knew what she heard and what she did hear sounded much like a demand that Jennie had no position to place.
"I asked," Jennie argued in a quiver, her tone defensive and in a rasp as her dick was throbbing, the friction only continued to grow as Y/n pressed down harder against her. This time a grunt escaped her as she couldn't hold back, Y/n's breath hitching every time she dragged over the mushroom tip and rubbed at her covered clit that was pulsating at how needy she had gotten just from rubbing against her.
"That wasn't asking, that was ordering." Her eyes snapped up at Y/n who wasn't letting it go.
"You must've heard me wrong. I said, "Could you call and cancel?" Y/n chuckled at those words, finding it ridiculous that Jennie was trying to lie. She knew what she had heard her say. The woman always defended her wrongs and never righted them.
"You didn't." Y/n calmly said as she knew that Jennie was losing her cool because her orgasm was approaching and she wasn't getting things the way she wanted them to be. That was her worst nightmare in the end. Y/n wasn't giving in and was putting up a fight when most girls didn't because they didn't have the guts to go against someone who was of higher status. They were there for money, but Y/n wasn't. Y/n matter factly couldn't care less about who Jennie was and her money.
Jennie was a loser in her opinion.
"Then what did I say?" Jennie gritted out and tried to stall Y/n's hips and she let go of her throat, the brunette's fingertips digging into her plump ass.
"Don't go, call and cancel," Y/n repeated and grabbed Jennie's hands, prying them away from her ass. The only time she had some sort of strength or control was when Jennie was at the edge and unable to use her strength right. She pulled them away from herself so the woman under her wouldn't be able to stop her and pinned them down above her head, watching how her chest heaved much quicker.
"It wasn't meant as an order, must've been my tone." Jennie's hooded eyes caught Y/n's, glancing at her plump lips that held a haughty smirk.
"Sure." She said in a whisper, not caring since it wasn't her embarrassment, but Jennie's because she knew what she had heard. Somehow she had learned what ticked Jennie off who was holding back whimpers and whines at the moment. She had her in a moment of weakness because Jennie was about to cum which she wanted to do but not in her underwear.
"Asking you to stay is not a big deal." Y/n hummed at that and Jennie's brows furrowed, lips parting to speak only to close as she shakily inhaled, feeling that knot tightening in her stomach before it would at last snap. 
"You're just sensitive. I was trying to have you stay to spend the day or go to a party that will be better than wherever you are going. I was trying to be nice and you twisted it and made me look bad." She only let the woman blabber on desperately as she was going out of her way to explain herself even if Y/n had dropped it. She only hummed once again as she knew that Jennie was going out of her way because she had heard it all right.
"Fuck, I'm gonna cum—get off." Jennie groaned and tried to get her hands out of Y/n's grip. It was a weak try because the knot was getting overwhelming after she hadn't had any release for a good week which was when she last saw the girl on top of her. Her breathing grew deeper and harsher as she could feel it throbbing down her cock that hardened even more and her balls tightened. All her strength going on trying to hold back instead of trying to get out of Y/n's hold.
"Isn't that what you wanted though?" Y/n mocked and bit her lower lip, managing to wrap her slender fingers around Jennie's wrists to have her one hand free.
"Not like this." She pushed 
"You want to cum inside?" Jennie pathetically nodded before burying her face in her shoulder and biting down on her hoodie to try and hold back. "Too bad you will never get to," Y/n stated as they always had protection. Her hand reached for Jennie's jaw, grasping it and being met by her dark eyes when she pulled her away from her shoulder. She tried to pull away to hide her face as she was starting to get embarrassed and the last thing she wanted was for Y/n to get even more out of it by having her make these sounds she had never made before until the vixen on top of her let her get a taste of her.
"Y/n–" She didn't get to finish when the said girl moved her hips once more, all the way to her throbbing tip. Y/n's grip tightened on her cheeks to make sure that Jennie would let out all of her pathetic little whimpers and whines when she came since she always muffled them. Jennie's head went blank as the sounds flew out of her mouth, whimpering as her hips bucked with each spurt of cum into her underwear that grew warm and sticky. Her back arched and she convulsed, Y/n slowing down and removing some pressure. Jennie whined at how she came in a way that made her whole body numb and more cum leak out when she bucked once again into the girl.
"It's so funny how you try to come off all superior, but then whimper like a little bitch and cum in your underwear like a teenager...Is it some kind of complex?" Y/n continued to mock, watching how Jennie panted for air under her and the vixen lifted herself, glancing down to see a big stain that had formed on the grey material. 
"You're a fucking bitch." Jennie gritted out, still out of breath as she struggled her wrists out of Y/n's grip with ease. She grabbed her hips and harshly pushed her off of herself before sitting up. She cringed at the big load she had blown and the stain it caused. It pissed her off as she looked at Y/n with her eyes hard. Never had she let any other girls take it so far or have her humiliated in this way, but it happened all the time with the girl who had her dick under some spell. Over her dead body would anything like this happen, but here she was all alive and it was happening every time with Y/n.
"Not my fault you came as if you haven't had sex in years." Y/n shrugged as she hadn't expected Jennie to release so much from just some simple dry humping. 
Jennie grumbled under her breath, making Y/n hum in confusion as she leaned back against her headboard.
"Cause, I haven't had sex in a week, you fucking whore."
"So sweet." Y/n continued and counted the days before she frowned. "Wait– you're telling me the last time you had sex was at the hotel?" This time she questioned as the two had run into each other and Jennie booked a room for the night–Y/n excusing herself and saying she was staying over at Lisa's place when Asher asked. She knew that if he had called Lisa she would've covered for her.
"What about it?" Jennie asked and took out her phone, wallet, and car keys before tossing them onto the side table. The frown did not leave her eyebrows, the mess uncomfortable.
"Nothing, I just assumed since you've been to so many events and stuff during the week that you managed to see someone else." She looked at Y/n, wondering if she truly didn't care whether she saw someone else or not.  
Jennie wasn't going to tell her the truth.
"I haven't had time, so I would appreciate it if we could at least go at it once." This time she asked with her nicest voice. Y/n tilted her head as she looked at the mess she created in Jennie's sweats–she would lie if she said that she wasn't wet and her clit wasn't throbbing. It was especially hot after seeing Jennie be the mess she was while also being back to calling her these names and manhandling her. 
TAGSLIST! @yxlis @jisooftme @geeminz @lisas-earlobe @xszn @badasgff @badaspookie @hwm1hyun / taglist is open
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theesirenteller · 9 months
Reaper's Crow.
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🅦🅐🅡🅝🅘🅝🅖 Kidnapping, Gore, Abuse, Violence, Profanity, OCC, glorification of serial killings, mentions of sexual violence, smut, mentions of PTSD, Sociopathisim, graphic violence, torture, blood, gore, deaths, dark undertones, angst, slow-burn romance
▌This fictional piece is AU with very little amounts of canon. I understand if this fic isn't your cup of tea. Please do not leave hate comments. The story is set some years after season seven. ▌
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"This is just in another series of bodies that have been reported to have been found butchered and dismembered. Two of the six bodies were confirmed to be Sergeant Robert Combs and Officer Micheal Llyod. Both were suspected to be in business with the Aryan Warriors. Police have put out a curfew for all Mottenhill residents to be inside their homes by seven p.m. We ask all residents to lock their doors and remain safe."
An ear-piercing scream echoed throughout the four-bedroom-two-story home. Drowning out the downstairs news report from the Tv. The sound of glass shattering followed by choked-up sobs and high-pitched squeals of agony bounced off the walls of the home. The commotion let death himself slip in through the backdoor like a dark shadow in the night. The rubber soles of his steel-toned leather boots pressed soundlessly across the wooden floor. The glimmer of his silver c-shaped daggers reflected across the floorboards as the six-foot-seven male crept up the staircase. 
"You stupid fucking bitch! I love you! Why do you have to make me so angry?!"
The reaper tightened his grip on the daggers within his hands as he edged closer to the master bedroom door. His target, the unfortunate son of a bitch stood with his back turned away from the door. Hovering over a blood-covered, badly beaten woman. Who looked more like a girl based on her size. She spat blood across the floor, and a few of her teeth followed. Tapping against the wood as they spilled. The man raised his foot up, no doubt getting ready to aim a kick towards the back of her head. Just as his foot started to lower…
The dagger shot right through his skull with a loud crunch. The leather whip attached to the handle of the blade tugged back. The man's neck yanked backwards as his large body fell onto the floor. The layers of rolls on his stomach jiggled due to the harsh thud. The blade roughly snapped open the bridge of his nose and dug upwards splitting the middle bridge of his eyes open wide. Blood splattering across the man's wrinkled face as his body jolted back and forth out of shock.The Reaper lowly whistled to himself as he walked further into the bedroom. His once bright eyes turned midnight blue as he looked down at his victim coldly. His breathing shallow as rolled the wire around his leather glover covered hand but ultimately yanking the blade from the man's head. Warm blood splattered across his shoes and pants. Something that felt as simple as rain falling on a gloomy day. Crouching down like a panther getting ready to indulge in its prey, he soon hovered over the dwindling body. First came snapping a photo on his mobile then he plunged the dagger violently into the man's jugular and rapidly yanked it across his throat. Viciously causing the mangled bones to disconnect from the spine and shoulders. With little regard to the blood painting his face crimson, The Reaper proceeded to take a plastic black bag from his pocket and toss the head inside. As he stood back up the sound of wheezing caught his attention. 
The woman weakly slithered herself as far away from him as she could. "P-ppp-ple" she attempted to beg as blood steeped from the sides of her mouth. Her sepia-brown skin is stained with crimson so much that he wasn't sure how many places she was bleeding from. She was tired of begging. Tired of pleading. And if this was her end, she wanted to plead for her life rather than plead for the pain to stop. It never did stop when she pleaded anyway. The reaper's left eye began to twitch as flashes of blood, stab wounds, and his cries of agony replayed in his mind. Tara. He dared not utter her name. His eyes closed for a moment. Wincing. WIncing away the painful memory. When he opened them again he looked around before making his way over to the bed. After snatching off the duvet cover he then B-lined towards her again. Now crouching down beside her he proceeded to turn her on her back. Which caused a sudden yelp of pain to escape her lips. Shoe parks embedded across her breasts and her collarbone stuck out of place. One of her eyes was closed shut and swollen with the size of a lemon. A large gash in the middle of her forehead.She had eyes the same color as the grease that used to coat his calloused hands. Eyes that held pain. A pain he was familiar with. A pain he wished to undone.
"Sorry" his voice was gruff. Husky with grief.
Snapping her collarbone back into place only caused a mouse-like squeak to leave her lips. She had no more fight left in her. Her eyes rolled back before they shut. Her breathing was shallow as he leaned in closer to her face. Not wasting a moment longer he draped the duvet across her body and cocooned her into it. Carefully picking her up, The Reaper cradled her in his arms. Swiftly turning on his heel, he retrieved the bagged head from the floor on his way out the room.
Disappearing like an Incubus in the night, The Reaper drove his GMC truck out of Las Vegas. He drove for miles until reaching his destination. Parking his truck out in front of the gated mansion, he grew comfortable in his seat and wrote on the plastic bag in red marker 'Stolbatch' before tossing it out the window. 
It wasn't long before he was back on the road. The road that once was his friend, his freedom, his sense of invincibility and thrill…until it wasn't. It'd become an escape route and pathway to the neck job. His attention turned to his mirror. He watched the battered woman lay unconsciously across his backseat. It's been a longtime since he acted on impulse. And now he debated on what he'd do with her. Where he'd leave her. 
'Christ Jackie…what'd ya gotten into now' an old friend's words played back in his head causing a grimace to flash across his lips.
Pushing those thoughts aside, the only thing now on his mind was to get the nameless woman taken care of and patched up.
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Chapter Two.
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kanmom51 · 9 months
I think I had wishful thinking with how this whole Jk thing would be handled. It’s showing me that a lot of ARMY still forget that our boys are human. I understand having strong feelings towards certain habits due to a multitude of reasons but seeing people question his character is wild to me. Yoongi talked in his documentary about this very thing. Things being blown out of proportion that genuinely in the scheme of things don’t need to be. Our boys have shown us they drink heavily, something that is also harmful but it seems that doesn’t get as much hate as smoking. They are grown men who will do and have habits that aren’t great but as of what we know don’t change who they are. Jk is still our goofy silly guy that we love. I’ll get personal for a second I’m also a singer and used to be a heavy smoker of 🌱, I stopped eventually because I knew long run it wouldn’t be great for my voice but so many singers do it. Now what he seems to be smoking is obviously not healthy but he chooses to do it cuz he likes it and wants to. Of course we want them to be healthy and take care of themselves but again they are grown. I really feel for K-pop idols because it seems there is no way to win. The idol system in a sense sets them up to “fail”. More people upset with him smoking then him being filmed without his permission. Western pop stars are out here doing some wild stuff and no one holds it against them. I feel for them really I do. Again I get that it can be hard for people if they have their own experience with smoking. I shouldn’t be as surprised as I am with the reaction I guess but after how he has been so open on his Weverse lives about being an adult and living his life the way he wants, who are we to say no you can’t do that because we don’t like it.
I agree!!!
Anything else I have to add? I really don't know, cause you kind of said it all @leearmy.
Do I love he's smoking? Hell no. Like I wouldn't love for one of my girls to. It's bad for your health. It's not great for his voice. I lost my mom to lung cancer so it's a little of a sore spot for me.
But at the end of the day, he's a grown up and it's his decision, his life to live.
So, not loving it, but no judging going on. These are my demons to deal with, nothing to do with JK or his choices.
I do have to say that I don't love the glorification of it either. JK is sexy. Period. No need for a cigarette in his mouth to make him that.
I just wish people would accept this is something he does and move on without the ugly or sexy talk going on.
Either way, this is still JK. Smoking or not smoking doesn't make him a good or bad person. It's a lifestyle choice he's making. Nothing illegal going on. Nothing hurtful to others. And as such it's in the "people need to mind their own business" category.
This is most definitley being blown out of proportion. As if we have any say about their private lives in any way shape or form (we most definitely don't).
Like you said, it's still JK, the sweet kind goofie young man that we love.
Plain and simple.
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angele-midnight · 2 months
People on Tumblr/Twitter are being way too weird about working artists on tv shows. Knock it off.
I've been quietly in this industry for almost 6 years now, and I have to say y'all are WAY too entitled to what working artists do online and the art that they create, especially if it's the art they do in their free time.
If you're on the internet demanding an artist be fired because of the art they draw on their personal accounts??? That's insane and highly invasive behavior. What an artist draws in their free time and for fun is none of your business, nor is it the supervising artist/director's business. Any professional director will be staying out of the artist's non-professional work, and any professional artist keeps their work and leisure art separate, no matter the content.
If the storyboard/rough anim/cleanup artist is following directions, doing their assigned shots (not scenes every single scene is worked on by multiple artists stop going after one person for one scene), and working well with their team members, then you can assume their personal art is not "bleeding in" to their professional work and they are, in fact, able to keep the two separate.
"The personal art is proship/SA glorification/gives me the ick" I DON'T CARE. Don't interact with it, that's not your business, if it's triggering you don't engage with it. Get out of that artist's DMs and mind your own business, what they draw for fun is their choice and has nothing to do with their careers. The art depicted isn't real and isn't harming anyone in real life, you need to calm down.
Remember when SU crit was happening?? Remember when the internet decided to bully Lauren Zuke for the harmless art they drew for fun with characters they worked on?? Remember how they ended up leaving the show and art altogether because of that?? We are NOT going to repeat that. It's just a tv show, calm down.
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theme-park-concepts · 10 months
I know this blog has been pretty quiet lately, and reflecting on it there’s a lot of reasons for it.
One is that this whole account started as a place to chart my journey from being obsessed fan to actually doing theme park design as a career…a journey that has for the most part run it’s course for now and has led to interesting unexpected places, and - mostly a good thing - quite a bit too busy to consistently post things.
But also during that journey, partially as a consequence of it, and even more so a consequence of how the industry has changed since I fell in love with it, and maybe just a bit of how things change over time…I find myself a bit less interested with theme parks, certainly as compared to my relationship with them most of my life.
I’m not uninterested, I still follow all the news, still actively planning to visit new ones, still think it would be fun to participate in designing one…but I just feel less invested. I think partially this is because I’ve had the platform to be able to say a lot of the things I’ve wanted to say, and now having said them, I simply have less on my mind. And maybe realized how few people in the field wanted to hear them.
Having had the chance to go to school for themed design, meet and get to know many of the people involved in it…it’s satisfied my curiosity and questions in many cases, and frankly been a bit dispiriting and disillusioning in others. Meeting your heroes is a very mixed bag.
I think ultimately though one of the reasons I find myself less interested in them, is they keep getting less interesting. It’s not just that I’m not thinking about them as much as I once did, I’m not going to them either, or even wanting to go. I’m finding myself much more interested in theatre, independent immersive events, traveling, exploring local hideaways etc.
The world of themed entertainment, at least in theme parks, has just been getting less and less interesting overall. There’s some really great stuff every now and then, but so many new attractions, parks, coasters seem interchangeable, formulaic, paint by numbers, more product-like than anything anyone actually cared about or had an opinion on. And I don’t say this to diminish the work the creatives, engineers, project managers, etc are doing…the work they do continues to be stellar…just in service of or stifled by strategies, philosophies, visions that I largely don’t find inspiring. Tbh a lot of the industry very much operates that way….you get a recycled master plan, and you get a recycled masterplan, you’re all getting the same masterplan!
And the stuff that genuinely is interesting and different ends up being placed behind enormous paywalls or placed in countries that aren’t safe for me to visit largely for the glorification of a couple investors…and that’s not particularly interesting either. Meanwhile touring musical theatre shows these days you can get great tickets for like $40. And most of those shows, despite being big business enterprises, still manage to say something worth saying.
There’s a whole ass brand new theme park being built by the 2nd biggest player in the industry and I can’t be bothered to do much other than glance at construction photos…and despite knowing many people who’ve been a part of it, I can’t say any of them seem particularly excited either. Though I can’t decide if it’s the fact the park is uninteresting, or that it’s just hard to care about when the governor of the state is banning ap psychology because kids might learn about gay people.
Suffice to say, this blog isn’t going away, I’ll be on tumblr until it literally stops functioning, but I just have less to say these days.
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ahundredtimesover · 2 years
The Light of Dead Stars (01) | KSJ
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Pairing: Seokjin x (f.) Reader; side Seokjin x (f.) OC; side Reader x Namjoon
Genre/Tags: arranged marriage, fake romance, boss/workmate aus; angst, drama, fluff, smut; slow burn
Chapter Warnings: Foul language; mentions of injury; alcohol consumption; allusions to past toxic relationsips (18+)
Chapter Word count: 9.4k
Series Masterlist | Muse Moodboard | Setting Moodboard
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Status: Complete
Series summary:  Your unconventional arranged marriage with your company’s President, Kim Seokjin, is necessary, practical, and simple - both your families benefit, and he minds his own business and so do you. But when a slip-up causes his parents to believe that you and he are in love, you have no choice but to pretend you are, especially with the trip to France for his brother’s wedding coming up. When you get back to Seoul, things start to change, and Seokjin is faced with the most difficult decision he has to make.  
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Love–he seemed to have missed it. Or was the love that others told about a mere fabrication of perfervid imagination, an exaggeration of the commonplace, a glorification of insipid monotonies such as made up his love life? 
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You sigh in relief as you enter your house, luggage in one hand and a pair of heels on the other. It’s been a tiring last few days and a whirlwind of a morning. Perhaps that’s what happens when you get disrupted during your business meeting by your mom, frantic on the other end of the line over a family emergency, and you spend the rest of it stressfully booking a flight and rushing back to Seoul. 
But you’re home now, appeased that your dad is going to be okay and that you have time to freshen up before you meet them at the hospital. 
The kitchen counter is clean and the living room is devoid of the usual mess that Seokjin leaves after a night of watching movies. His car is in the driveway and you think he probably slept in; you know he’s had a tough week, too. 
He’d sent you voice messages last night ranting about one of the board members being a total asshole to the hotel staff during their meeting. Your husband was so angry and wanted to call for a vote of no confidence but Yoongi, his secretary, had thankfully stopped him and suggested sending you those messages instead.
Bless that man, but you really weren’t prepared for a howling Jin, cursing in his high pitched voice then laughing contagiously about a dog jumping its owner that he’d seen on the street. 
Your husband is a handful, that much you could say. You had sensed the charm - it’s one of his weapons, after all - but you didn’t expect the bursts of passion underneath his always calm and professional exterior, a subtle contrast to the perfectionist character of the man who was just your boss not long ago. Three months in and he still surprises and annoys you to no end, and with how you found yourselves in this situation, you really can’t ask for anything more. 
You laugh at the memory of the night you got “engaged” and proceed to your room, take a nice long bath, and dress up before you head to the kitchen to make yourself a meal. You’d just ended a call with Hoseok, your brother, when you exit the room and stop in your tracks, a familiar face meeting you at the other end of the hall. 
Seri’s bright eyes widen as they focus on you, her lips parting and from several feet away, you could hear her hold her breath. 
“___,” she stammers, finally coming around to calling you by your first name instead of Mrs. Kim, which is the most awkward thing she could say, considering who she is in your life. “I didn’t know you’d be home. Jin said that you were—”
“Oh, it’s okay; he didn’t know either. I had to come back a day early from my trip,” you smile awkwardly. “Have you and Jin had breakfast? I’m gonna make myself some pancakes and I can make some for you guys, too.”
“That would be, uh, good, yeah,” she says nervously. “I don’t really cook so…”
“Ah, alright. No problem,” you say, walking down the stairs and mentally calculating the measurements for pancakes good for 3.
Seri follows and stands on the other side of the large kitchen counter, nibbling on her lips before she offers. “I can help you, though!”
“It’s fine,” you say, not too keen on having someone inexperienced help you around the kitchen. 
You see her smile fall and you don’t really want her to feel that you’re antagonistic towards her because you really aren’t. “But you can slice some bananas for your pancakes if you want. Prepare some strawberries for Jin, and some kiwis, too.”
“Okay,” she responds, taking the kitchen tools and fruits that you pass to her and nodding when you tell her to be careful. “Sorry for not being much help, and for, uh, yeah…” she trails.
“Seri, we’ve talked about this. Jin and I have an arrangement - he doesn’t question what I do and who I meet, the same way I don’t question anything or whoever he does,” you say too casually. “And he’s always been honest about his relationship with you, and that’s always better than lying about it. Think of it like an approved extra-marital affair or something,” you shrug, as you mix in the ingredients.
“It’s just… not a normal thing, you know?”
“Oh, I know,” you chuckle, as if preparing a meal for your husband’s lover in your kitchen is not as odd and twisted as it is. “But he’s doing me - my family - a big favor. You make him happy and I don’t wanna take that away from him.”
The one time you turn to look at her, she flashes a shy smile. One thing you appreciate about her is that she’s not some entitled witch just because your husband prefers her to lay in his sheets over you. For lack of a better phrase, she at least “knows her place,” as Jimin, your ever supportive best friend and colleague, says. 
You and Seri both let the sounds of fruits being cut up and pancakes sizzling on the pan echo in the kitchen. You start munching on a few pieces while you continue to work, deciding to not stay long enough to actually have to share a meal with them. You may be preparing their food and you may be okay with all this, but you’re not some dysfunctional family that’d have you eating with them like all is normal. 
It’s in the middle of your third piece of pancake while stacking a few on one plate that you hear hurried steps down the stairs, and you meet your husband’s curious eyes and furrowed brows. 
“You’re… home,” he starts, walking over to you and peeking to see 3 plates in front of you. “And you’re making us breakfast?”
He asks you, eyeing Seri, as if questioning if he should be worried, but she shakes her head and flashes him a grin.
“Ah, yeah. I was just going to make my breakfast and I thought I could make for you guys, too. I’ll leave for the hospital after this,” you respond.
“The hospital? Is everything okay?” He asks, genuinely worried.
“Dad was rushed to the ER last night and needs to have surgery in the afternoon, that’s why I took an earlier flight.”
“What’s wrong? Did you have him checked in the VIP suite? Until when is he here?”
“His colon. And no, the private room is fine. I’ll have him and Mom stay at a hotel while he’s recovering before they go back home to Gwangju next week.”
“Oh, okay. Do you need anything else? I can ask one of the chauffeurs to drive them home,” he offers.
“That’d be great, yes please,” you smile, pouring caramel syrup over his pile of pancakes before he even asks for it. “Hoseok will have to go back to Tokyo tomorrow so he can’t take care of it. Thanks, Jin.”
“Sure, no problem,” he says, taking his plate and Seri’s while you clear the counter. “What about you?”
“I ate while I was cooking,” you grin. “Mom texted and asked me to drop by the supermarket to get her some things before heading to them, so I’ll have to get going.”
“Okay. Have Mr. Lim drive for you, alright?” He calls out as you walk up the stairs.
“I will! Thanks!” You yell.
Seokjin looks at Seri nervously as he pours the coffee in cups and takes out the orange juice from the fridge. He motions for her to eat and she smiles after she’s taken a few bites.
“This is delicious,” she says. “I don’t think I’ve had pancakes quite like this before. ___ makes this a lot, doesn’t she?” 
“She usually makes our breakfast more elaborate than this,” Seokjin hums. “But she makes pancakes when she’s stressed; we’ve even had it for dinner a few times. And well, her dad’s in the hospital so maybe that’s why.”
He internally sighs at the thought, wondering if he should have offered to bring you to the hospital instead. But knowing you, you’d probably insist that he doesn’t need to. 
He and Seri eat in peace until you’re rushing down the stairs and calling Mr. Lim, telling him that you’re ready to leave. 
“Send my regards to your parents, okay? And let me know how your Dad is.”
“Will do. Bye!” You wave at them then head out the door.
Seokjin releases the breath he’s been holding in, then turns to Seri. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know she was gonna be home,” Seokjin apologizes. 
“It’s fine. I should be the one who’s sorry,” Seri shakes her head. “I shouldn’t have drank that much and stayed the night. I apologized to her and she said it’s okay. I’m not being too naive, am I?” She wonders. 
Not much has changed with her time with Seokjin since his marriage with you 3 months ago. Sure, she still only gets to be with him when he’s not so busy with work like before, but she still sees him, still gets to talk to him over the phone at night since he doesn't sleep in the same room as you, at least when he’s not working or passed out in bed. And he’s never mentioned any argument with you about her.
She was scared the night he told her about the arranged marriage with you, which was the same night that he found out about it. She was ready to let everything go, to accept her fate that she’d never been good enough for him - and she never will be - but he surprised her when he said that things didn’t need to end. You’d insisted that he didn’t have to sacrifice that relationship, and she’d never felt more thankful in her life. 
But she somehow expected that, too. She only gets to see you during company-wide events - you have a senior position unlike her, after all, but the few times she’s been around you or even crossed paths with you in the office, you’ve always been laid-back and welcoming. 
She’s only heard from others that you’re good at what you do - you wouldn’t have reached your executive position as quickly as you have if you weren’t - and that itself should give you a reason to crucify her, humiliate her, even, but you never did. You never looked down on her, and not once did you ever make her feel small, or like a gum stain on your shoe. 
“And well, it wasn’t so bad, was it?” She continues at Seokjin’s silence. 
“I guess not,” he hums, his mind wandering to you, hoping he didn’t shoot himself on the foot by bringing his lover to your shared home while you were away, and then being caught by you. 
You’ve been nothing but accepting and tolerant of the whole situation, but he also knows one thing you have is pride. Being a kind person doesn’t mean you’ll give that up just because you feel you owe his family something. He just hopes he didn’t push his luck this time; he doesn’t know what he’ll do when shit hits the fan, and you’re not there to figure things out with him.
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“You didn’t have to cut your trip short for me, bug,” your dad tells you as you caress his hand. “It’s not that serious.”
“You fainted due to pain, Dad. What’s not serious about that?” You frown at him. 
“It’s not a bullet to the chest,” he smirks, earning him a roll of your eyes.
“Don’t think you’re invincible just because you survived that. And that was years ago. Your body isn’t the same,” you reprimand him. 
“Yah, am I really getting a scolding from my daughter before my surgery,” he tries to laugh. “Cut your old man some slack.”
“I will, when you start listening to the doctor,” you cross your arms. “You’re so hard-headed.”
“Like father, like daughter, hmm?” Your mother laughs from next to you. 
You continue scowling at your father while he’s being wheeled away by the nurses, with you yelling an I love you when the door closes. Your mom goes with him and says she’ll call the insurance for some questions, leaving you with your brother in the room.
“Am I really hard-headed like him?” You ask Hoseok, who merely laughs at your question, one you’ve asked him a bunch of times.
“Only sometimes,” he says, sitting next to you on the couch.
“I have my reasons, though,” you defend. 
“Reasons I’ll never understand. Like agreeing to some bullshit marriage arrangement, and letting your husband keep his mistress.”
“I forgot we’re still not over this,” you pout at your big brother, whose displeased face quickly turns into an endeared smile. 
“It’s still too soon. I’m just a little upset that you didn’t talk to me about it, about any of it,” he sighs. “I could’ve convinced you of another way and protected you from all that.”
“Protect me from what, exactly?” You say. “We’d be needing more protection if I hadn’t agreed to the marriage. And I’d be way more stressed than I need to be if I made a big deal out of Jin having a girlfriend.”
“I told you, we could’ve figured it out, borrowed money from friends and relatives or something, instead of being indebted to a family like theirs.”
“We can’t pay our debts by having more, you know that,” you argue. “It was the only way. His grandparents offered; it felt like a win-win for everyone - their name protects us, their son gets a wife.”
“You do know they expect you and him to have children, right? He’s the eldest, after all. How are you supposed to do that if he has a girlfriend?”
“Well, they’re not in a rush,” you argue. “There’s still time to get out of the marriage and still be free from danger without having to have a family with Jin. I’ve been saving up to pay off Dad’s debt with interest. I just need time.”
“Wait, that’s your grand plan?” Your brother turns to you. “You’re gonna pay off what Dad owes while carrying the Kim name so we’re all protected, and then divorce your husband? That’s… cruel.”
“Hey, he’s in on it, too!” You pout, hating being called out. It did sound better in your head and when you pitched it to Jin, who agreed that it was a sound plan. 
“You’re both dumb.”
“Do you really think I want a relationship?” You exclaim. “Do you think one Kim Seokjin will make me want one?”
“Well, not if the man is cozying it up with another woman under your watch!”
“That’s not the point. The point is, I don’t really care. I care about my career, my family, my friends… and Jin doesn’t want this, either. He’s just following orders, and I don’t want him to be miserable just because he didn’t have a choice.”
“So letting him keep his lover is his consolation, that’s it?”
“They’ve been together a while,” you mumble. “As far as I know, he hasn’t had a girlfriend in years so he’s probably just waiting to be in a good position to introduce her to his family or something. I don’t want to stand in between that, you know? Jin is a good man. He deserves to be happy.”
“What about you?”
“I am! Our ideas of happiness are just different,” you say. “His is being with her, among other things like fishing and gaming and caramel syrup on fried food, and mine is all this - work, a safe and complete family, Japanese mayo on fried food,” you chuckle. 
“Aish, I just wish you thought this through more,” your brother sighs, wishing as well that he’d been around to help you figure out other options that didn’t require you to give things up.
“Well, Dad got the aggressive message and old Mr. Kim just happened to check up on him like he does every year and I just…. Blanked out. Nothing else mattered. I’m sorry,” you finally say, knowing that as the big brother, his primary job is worrying about you and your younger sister. “We’ve all had to make sacrifices. This was mine.” 
“Just be careful, okay?” Hoseok gives in, knowing just how hard-headed you really are. “And I know we owe them big time but if that husband of yours does anything to hurt you, I will hunt him down,” he frowns, one of the rare times your usually jolly brother gets serious. 
“I’ve worked with the man for years. He wouldn’t even hurt a fly,” you laugh. “And really, Jin and I are like housemates - I cook breakfast, he cooks dinner, we get groceries together, manage the budget… but other than that, we mind our own business.”
“Fine, as long as you don’t get caught in any drama that would jeopardize your career,” he continues. “And your personal life, too, especially if Mom and Dad find out. It may seem real simple in your head, but feelings can get involved, you’ll never know. You seem to like him already,” he warns.
“Not in that way,” you chuckle. “He’s a lot of good things but I’m not attracted to him; he’s not for me.”
“A handsome face like that can turn anyone into a believer, though,” he bites back. “He may not be my favorite person but I can appreciate great looks and they didn’t name him as Asia’s most sought-after bachelor for nothing.”
“I know, I have eyes,” you nudge him. “But I can tell him he’s handsome with a straight face and he can smile at me without me getting flustered.”
“I hope it’s a humble smile, at least.”
“Hmm, it depends. Most times it’s quite cheeky,” you chuckle. “He’s kinda full of himself in that way but you get used to it. I mean, I am, and it’s funnier than anything. It doesn’t affect me, though. But everyone else just falls for his charms but not me.”
“Funny that you’re now his wife.”
“Life works weirdly sometimes but I’ll take it. As long as I’m safe, as long as we all are,” you smile at Hoseok, hoping that it’ll be enough to ease his worries. 
He envelopes you in a hug and that’s all the comfort and affirmation you need.
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Taehyung walks over to his balcony and lies on Seokjin’s back, curses and groans escaping the elder’s mouth at his younger brother’s antics.
“Get off my back, Tae.”
“You’re the one lying on my couch, hyung,” he answers, stretching as he does. 
“I bought this couch for you.”
“It’s still in the apartment that I own.”
“Ugh, can you act your age? Or at least someone who’s about to get married?”
Seokjin says the magic word and it’s what gets his brother off his back, literally. Taehyung sits down and starts going on about his suit fitting and finally finding the pair of shoes that he’s going to get shipped from Italy. 
“Also, please free up your next week. We’re doing food tasting of the menu for the wedding and I need your palate,” Taehyung says casually.
“You’re gonna fly me to France?”
“You’re the President of the company, hyung. You’re flying yourself to France. I’ll pay for your hotel, though. You can even take ___ with you. There’s a suite so no need to stay in one room since you know, you’re both stupid that way.”
Seokjin smacks the back of his brother’s head the way he always had growing up when the younger would tease him endlessly.
“We’re not stupid; it’s the arrangement,” he corrects.
“It’s the arrangement,” Taehyung repeats, rolling his eyes and mocking his brother’s tone of voice as he likes to do. “Fine, whatever. Anyway, what brings you here on this fine Saturday? No meeting? No date? No extra-curriculars?” He smirks.
“Nah, just bored. I just dropped off Seri at her place… after ___ got home and saw us there.”
“Your wife saw you and Seri doing the deed?!” Taehyung dramatically exclaims. “How the fuck did you let that happen!”
“No!” Seokjin groans. “She came home a day earlier from her work trip and Seri had just left my room. ___ made us breakfast and then left to visit her dad in the hospital. It was a little awkward. For me, at least.”
“Well duh. Your arranged wife makes breakfast for you and your official lover? That is weird. But wait, how’s ___’s dad?”
“He’s fine,” Seokjin says. “But yeah, that was my morning. And I drove here after dropping Seri off because my house does feel a little weird right now. Too soon.”
“Hmm, you agreed to this, though. But then again, ___ never cared for boyfriends because her exes sucked so I’m not so surprised that she’s not making a big deal about you and your little affair.”
“You know about her exes?”
“Yeah, don’t you?” Taehyung wonders.
“Not really. Other than work and what we’re going to eat, we don’t really talk about anything else,” Seokjin shrugs, wondering why he hasn’t made more of an effort to get to know you, his wife.
Perhaps it’s the shock that he still hasn’t gotten over, even if at some point before all this, he’d accepted that he’d most likely have an arranged marriage, although the case with you is totally different from what he prepared for. Maybe it’s the idea that it’s all temporary; you have that grand plan of getting a divorce down the road, after all, even if he’s not quite sure how that will go, given that his family actually expects you and him to have children.
Or maybe, it’s that odd feeling that he’s being unfaithful to his girlfriend with his wife by getting to know you on a deeper level, and the thought makes him sick to his stomach. He really should’ve thought about this much better. 
“When does she even have time to hang out with you?” Seokjin asks. “She’s almost as much of a workaholic than I am.”
“Hmm, during those dinner and drinks we’d sometimes have since you know, I actually spend that time getting to know my colleagues and not hooking up with the— ouch!” Taehyung gasps, nursing his arm that his brother just pinched. “It’s true, though! That’s how you and Seri started!”
“Yeah, but you make it sound so… shallow or like, not meaningful.”
“Isn’t it? She’s still that person for you, isn’t she? Otherwise you would’ve introduced her as your girlfriend to our family a long time ago,” Taehyung bites back. “You could’ve avoided this whole arranged-marriage-with-a-love-affair-on-the-side thing and be with someone you’re actually attracted to and like.”
“It’s not that easy,” Seokjin huffs. “Seri works for us.”
“So does ___, and she’s now your wife, so you can’t make that excuse. Our family isn’t that conservative, you know? They don’t really mind who we get married to, as long as we do, and then give them lots of grandchildren,” Taehyung shrugs. “But seriously though, how come you never introduced Seri?”
“I… never really thought about it, I guess. It just all seemed so convenient. She understood my schedule, the women I’d meet, the places I’d go to… She never asked for more, she just… settled. And I, well, I guess I…”
Seokjin trails, the words getting stuck in his throat. Why had he never made things more with Seri? What was he so worried about? What was holding him back?
“Well, that’s dumb,” Taehyung remarks, jerking away from his brother’s attempt at hitting him again. “You’re dumb. I mean, you just kept her around until time caught up with you and you decided to still keep her even when you have a wife - who, by the way, is really nice and cool - and you don’t even think Seri’s worth it.”
“I didn’t say she wasn’t.”
“You didn’t say she was.”
“Look, I’ll admit, I didn’t really think it through. Father told me about the arrangement, ___ asked me what was holding me back and I said I had a girlfriend and she said it was okay that I did, then I proceeded to meet with that girlfriend right after and proposed the whole, ‘let’s continue seeing each other even if I’m married since it’s not real and my fiancé is fine with it, anyway’ thing,” Seokjin groans; hearing himself say it out loud does sound stupid. “Ah, smart people do dumb things sometimes.”
“No, dumb people do dumb things,” his brother corrects. “Seriously. How are you the most brilliant person that I know but still be so dumb when it comes to your personal life? Now you’re in this situation. It may seem simple to you but it’s a whole ass mess from out here.”
“You’re right, I’m dumb.”
“Thank you for agreeing with me for the first time in my 30 years of living.”
“You’re dramatic.”
“Yes, but like you also said, I’m right,” Taehyung arches his brow. “But you know what the silver lining is?”
Seokjin turns to his little brother, one who, despite his eccentricities and being the annoying little shit he’s supposed to be, actually makes sense sometimes. “What?”
“You aren’t alone. You have ___. You’re gonna figure it out.”
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Seokjin goes around the deli he frequents and finds the ingredients he’s looking for, getting enough for the meal he’s about to prepare.
He called you after he left his brother’s apartment and asked what time you’ll be home. You said you’d leave the hospital after you’d bought takeout dinner for you and for your family, but he insisted he’d cook instead and send some for them, too. You sounded thankful, and perhaps relieved. He can only imagine that it’s been a long day for you, and regardless of how your arrangement is, you actually look out for each other, and preparing each other's meals is how you both do it.
He gets to work once he arrives home, merely asking Mrs. Kang to get him some containers for the food he’ll send to your family. He packs up, sends it through the chauffeur, and works on your dinner while waiting for you.
You enter your house some time after, tired legs dragging you up the foyer steps and into the kitchen. 
“Is this what I think it is?” You squeal, scurrying to where Seokjin is and immediately taking a teaspoon to try the sauce he’s making. 
“More seasoning,” you say. 
He promptly follows and you assess the counter to see what he’s made - scallops with truffle, hanwoo beef, and some cold noodles. 
“The deli finally had some scallops and beef available?” You ask, and he nods in response, plating the food now. 
There’s only two, and you don’t know why but you half expected he’d have Seri over for dinner instead of you, given that he’s spent the day with her anyway. Maybe they’d eaten already, but he was at the deli not long ago and he wouldn’t have had enough time, especially since he made food for your family, too.
You don’t think much about it and remove your coat. You take your place on the dining table and pour him and yourself some wine. Seokjin takes the appetizer while he lets the meat cool down.
You’re singing your praises when he finally speaks up.
“Look, I’m sorry about this morning. I didn’t know that—”
“So this is an apology dinner?” You arch an eyebrow teasingly.
“Uh, sort of?” He laughs nervously. “And well, I may not know much but I know enough that anything about your family stresses you out, even if you seemed fine earlier. I just didn’t want you to worry about what you or they were gonna have for dinner or something.”
“And that’s worth this super fancy meal?”
“It was just gonna be a ribs kind of night but I saw they had the ingredients that weren’t there last week and I just went for it,” he explains, and you’re reminded of last Friday when you’d both planned to make this very dinner together after an intense executive committee meeting that you both just wanted to get out of, but the store didn’t have the ingredients you wanted so you had curry instead.
“Hmm, at least we could make up for it,” you smile. “But yeah, I had a long distressed call with Mom while I was in Singapore this morning when she told me about my dad; she had to be the one to calm me down. But other than that, there’s really nothing to apologize for.”
“There is,” he insists, putting on that pout of his that you always laugh at because it reminds you of that one cartoon character with fluffy cheeks and the fullest of lips. 
“There really isn’t. Because it’s really okay, Jin. We’ve talked about this.”
“Yeah but, it’s the first time that you've caught us here. Seri was supposed to leave before you got back.”
“Not your fault. I should’ve let you know I was on the way home,” you argue, moaning at the taste of the beef that he cooked perfectly.
“But still, that was disrespectful of me, taking her home while you were away.”
“And where do you plan to spend time with her, hmm?”
“Uh… her place?”
“And risk being found out?”
“Well, it’s worked the last few months.”
“And for how long do you expect that?” You press him.
“I… don’t know,” he sighs, sounding defeated.
You look at Seokjin, distress painted on his face. You know enough that he feels guilty, even if you don’t think he has any reason to be. But you’re starting to think after that talk with your brother that it’s not always so simple and that maybe, there are still things that you and Seokjin haven’t fully discussed yet. But you want to assure him more than anything. Regardless of your arrangement, you don’t want him feeling bad.
“Look, Jin, I know it’s an odd dynamic,” you start. “Mrs. Kang still looks at me apologetically sometimes and I have to remind her that I’m not bothered by your relationship with Seri. Your family’s been so kind to mine, and you didn’t want this in the first place; you weren’t given a choice.”
It’s the reason you always give - to him, to your brother, your 3 best friends, to yourself… and it’s always worked to make you think it’s all worth it.
“But I know your father and your grandfather; they’re not gonna be happy if they find out the truth. I’m just saying, be careful,” you add. “There’s a guest house on the property; it’s why I wanted this place. Just think - this is the most I could do for you… as your wife. I’m not being manipulative or vengeful, if you think this is some sort of ploy to make you comfortable and then ruin your life after. This is really the least of my worries,” you continue, seeing that shy smile of his appear.
“Plus, you cook me really good food, you’re honest, and you’re not an asshole, nor narcissistic, nor abusive in any way, so…”
“Your standards in men are so low, huh?” He says, wondering what your experiences with those exes who sucked might have been for you to be like this, as he learned from his brother. 
But Seokjin has never asked; you’re more colleagues or distant friends than you are husband and wife, anyway, and with how things are going, he thinks it’s really the best he could get out of the situation you were both thrust into. 
“Sadly,” you sigh. “All I want is a kind man as a companion. You’re at least fun to talk to,” you smile. “Also, you’re handsome.”
“Finally, you agree,” he cheekily smiles.
And you shake your head in laughter as you think back to what you’d told your brother earlier in the day. 
“Still not as handsome as your brother, though,” you tease.
“Yah!” He frowns. “I’m not feeding you the macarons I bought!”
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Seokjin hauls his luggage up the foyer stairs and parks it by the couch, too tired from his evening flight from France after having helped his brother and his fiancé finalize the menu for their wedding that’s happening in 3 months. It was a good few days, but he wishes he got to actually savor it, but with so much work to do, he didn’t have time to go around like he wanted.
You were the one left at home this time, and the one who sent him a voice message saying that one of your teams finally perfected the vegan dumpling recipe they’ve been working on for months. You sounded so proud and said you couldn’t wait for him to taste it when he got back home, and he didn’t know what to feel about the thought that the only reason you’d make that message is when it’s about work.
Sure, he did that with you last week - that board member was really a rude one - but he did send more of his messages talking about this new character in Maple Story and how he wants to buy Nexon one day so he could design all the items he wants.
He laughs at the thought before his phone ringing rattles him, and he smiles seeing Seri’s name on the screen.
“Hey,” he hums. “How are you?”
She’s fine, she says, on the way back from visiting her parents in Ulsan and that it was a good trip. 
“I miss you, though. When can I see you?” She asks.
“I miss you, too, Seri,” Seokjin smiles. “I’m tired from the trip but I can see you this week. We can have dinner from somewhere nice, anywhere you want.”
Seri starts listing some restaurants, unable to make up her mind. 
“Yes, it’s fine if you don’t know where you want to eat yet. As long as you can wear that other dress this time,” he hums. “We could maybe—”
The words get caught in his throat as he stares at 2 pairs of shocked and dare he say - disgusted - eyes glaring at him. 
“Shit,” he mutters under his breath, quickly ending the call despite Seri’s repeated calls of his name.
“Mr. and Mrs. Jung, good morning,” Seokjin bows, not missing Mrs. Kang behind them and her petrified yet apologetic face for having the worst timing of letting your parents in the house while he was on a call with his girlfriend.
“I, uh…” he trails, looking around the house and scratching the back of his neck, too terrified to look at them again. He can feel their stare boring through the side of his head, and he’s never wanted to disappear in his life more than now.
Fortunately, he hears you running down the stairs, calling for him and saying that you’re gonna head to the hotel where your parents are before they leave. 
You stop in your tracks as you see your parents near the living room, looking as if they’d just seen a ghost. 
“Mom, Dad. I was just about to head to you,” you say, wondering what’s got them in a sour mood.
“We wanted to drop by instead; you’ve been visiting us everyday,” your mom says nervously, eyes constantly flitting from your dad to Jin. 
Your father, on the other hand, stares at your husband as if in disgust and you’re trying to find out what’s going on.
“Dad?” You walk closer to him. “Are you ok—”
“Who is Seri? And why is your husband talking to her as if they are in a relationship?” He glowers, and you feel your heart drop to the ground because you definitely didn’t want them to know, not just for your sake but most especially for Jin’s.
You see your father’s clenched fists and know that you have to clear the air right now; he’s more than capable to take your husband, given his background.
“Because they are,” you admit, taking his hand and unclenching it. “I’ve known it all along. And I don’t mind it at all.”
Your father looks at you in shock, as if he’s powerless, like his heart has just broken and he doesn’t know how they could be pieced back together with what you’d just admitted. After everything you’ve been through, this is the situation you end up in, and to think your father agreed to this because he thought it would do you good. 
It may not have started due to love or attraction but the least he could hope for is for you to be respected as a wife, as a woman, as a person.
“Why don’t we head to the study and talk there, yeah? Jin will just help Mrs. Kang prepare lunch for us,” you say, motioning for him to go to the kitchen and start working. 
Seokjin promptly moves and bows towards your parents again, and you hear him comforting Mrs. Kang who profusely apologizes.
You lead your parents to their seats and ask how their stay was, when the next check up would be, and how much the medicines cost. Your mother answers all your questions, too afraid to get into the discussion of what she really wants to know, so your father is the one who does.
“How long has this been going on?” He asks angrily.
“Ever since we got married. I told you, I’ve always known,” you say calmly, hoping it would appease them somehow, though your father’s clenched jaw tells you that it isn’t.
“How is this even okay with you?! We didn’t agree to this arranged marriage for you to be disrespected like this!” He exclaims, trying to fight the tears. 
“No, you agreed with his parents and grandparents so we could be protected, so his family can make good on their word that they will protect us the way you protected them,” you remind him. “Jin had no choice in this. He followed like the good son that he is, and that took so much away from him. Seri is part of his support team when he was the Vice President, and they’ve had something going on for a while, but he couldn’t come out with it, until this arrangement happened, and it was all too fast.”
“But sweetie, you’re married now. That’s not something he should be doing, or you should even be condoning,” your mother says, trying to understand you, woman to woman.
“So what, then? He’ll be miserable being married to me, and I’ll be miserable as well? Did you really expect that being married to him means that we’ll fall in love?” you sigh. “That’s not how it works, and you know it’s… it’s hard for me to get into love and relationships right now. All that matters to me at this moment are work, you, and being able to do things I want, to do things that make me happy.”
“Well, we didn’t expect you and Mr. Kim to fall in love, at least not right away, but we didn’t expect this at all. It’s unlike him, and unlike you,” your mother reasons. “You said everything was good between you two.”
“They are. Just because—”
“I spent years serving that family,” your father interjects, the sadness in his voice, unmissable. “I took a bullet for them, and I don’t regret it one bit. But this… this isn’t how it’s supposed to be. He should at least be trying with you, and you should be doing the same. You don’t deserve this, ___. You deserve to be loved and respected.”
“And I am, just not in the way you think,” you argue. “Jin is a good boss, and a good person. I don’t want this marriage to take that away from him, to change him just because things are difficult for our family. And I know it may not seem like it but he does care about me. He checks up on me, cooks for me… he doesn’t yell at me and not once has he laid a hand on me. He respects me as a colleague, as a person, and—”
“Well, he should; he’s already disrespecting you as a wife with that affair he has,” your father scoffs.
“Mom, Dad, I don’t expect you to understand. But if there’s anything that you both taught me, it’s that I should choose my battles, and this is one I’m not willing to fight,” you say, putting your foot down.
“Whatever happens with Jin and Seri, that’s their issue, not mine. But I’m just minding my business here, focusing on doing well at my job, proving that I earned the position not because I’m his wife or was being prepped to be one. And there's both of you. We still have debts to pay, so let’s focus on that, okay? I didn't want you to know because I didn’t want you to worry. So please, don’t. You know me, I don’t take shit from anyone, not anymore. I know how to step away now when it isn’t good for me; you taught me that, too.”
It’s that confident, assuring smile of years that for years, disappeared, and even if it’s not ideal, your father knows it’s sincere when he sees it. You’re a big girl; you know what you’re doing. He did put this on you because of his mistakes, and he just has to do the hard thing and trust you.
“You’re a stubborn one, aren’t you?” He nudges your knee, causing you to smile wider. 
“Well, you raised me, so, there you go,” you laugh now. 
“Just… at any point it becomes too much, you let us know. I’ll beg his family to let you go if I have to, trust me on that,” he says.
“No one’s gonna be begging anyone. I’ll be fine, Dad. Trust me on that.”
He stands up and hugs you, whispers how you’re still his little bug and that he’ll protect you no matter what, and you hug him tightly, thanking the universe that he’s as amazing he is, even if your luck when it comes to boyfriends is the opposite of your luck when it comes to your family.
The knock on the door prompts you to look up and see Jin peeking in, saying that the food is almost ready.
“You okay?” You ask, as you lead your parents to the dining room then walk towards him.
“Yeah, but I can’t join you since Father wants to meet with me about the issue with one of our distributors and their scandal,” he answers.
“Ah, I heard about that, they were talking about it the other day. But yeah, sure, we’ll leave some food for you,” you answer.
Seokjin excuses himself then heads up the room, purposely missing lunch so he doesn’t have to face your parents again until he has to say goodbye. He refuses to look them in the eyes when he does, and his anxious face says enough.
You lead your parents to the car and head back inside, assuring your husband that things are okay. 
“I’ll just meet Dara and Jimin at the mall. You good here?”
“Yeah, I have some things to work on,” he responds, thankful for once that he’s got something to preoccupy his mind. “Dinner tonight?”
“Yeah, sure,” you say, grabbing your bag and heading out. 
You spend the afternoon with your best friends, narrating to them what happened with your parents at home, and some days you wished you’d surrounded yourself with less blunt companions instead. 
“I really don’t know how you and Mr. Kim managed all these months,” Dara says. “Is he so desperate to get his dick wet that he keeps his side chick while married to you?”
You slap her arm at her non-modulated voice while you walk around COEX. 
“First of all, can you stop being formal with him and calling him Mr. Kim?”
“He’s a sexy bitch, okay? Calling him by just his name doesn’t give him justice. It makes him less handsome,” she argues. “I can just call him Mr. President if you want,” she chuckles, earning her a glare from you. “Anyway, so what’s your second point?”
“I don’t know about his sex life but you make him sound so shallow. I don’t think Seri’s just a booty call. They’ve gone on for so long.”
“Someone can have the same booty call for years, ___. You know how Dara does it,” Jimin laughs. 
“Yeah, and she still hasn’t settled down with him,” you point out.
“Because it’s convenient. He’s convenient,” she explains. “Some nights Jae and I don’t even have sex, you know? We just talk, and that’s convenient, too. He’s just not… it. He’s fine for now since I don’t wanna settle down yet. We’re 33, hun. We’re young. And he knows that, and he doesn’t mind. He never demanded anything more because he knows I don’t want anything serious.”
“So what’s your point, exactly?” You turn towards her with furrowed brows. 
“My point is that maybe Mr. President has just kept her around because that’s all he wants her to be… a secret. There’s something exciting about that, you know? But she’s probably like, a secret who serves whatever purpose he wants for her, and she’s probably down for it, too. I mean, hooking up with your hot boss? Who’s never fantasized about that?” She chides.
“Me,” you reply. 
“Well, you’re too focused on work so all the other men around you fade into the background,” she responds. “But you’re also this saint who let him keep seeing his side chick when you’re married but that girl is… I don’t even know what to call her but the fact that she didn’t seem to demand anything or like, fight you that he’s her man? That she also got the short end of the stick by being his secret for years and then now his mistress? Girl’s got it bad. He makes it up somehow, I guess. His dick’s probably as pretty as his face.”
Jimin can’t help but laugh and you can’t stop yourself from wanting to strangle her, but you can’t deny that it also makes you wonder.
What is it about Seri that made him keep her around for so long? What’s lacking that’s kept him from making anything official? 
“We don’t know their story, okay? He’s nothing like Taehyung who’s an open book. Jin likes to keep to himself, bury himself in work and do his duties as son and heir of the company,” you defend. “How he’s managing is agreeing to arrangements and making them, I guess.”
“It’s either he’s a selfish prick who can’t make up his mind, or he just doesn’t know what he’s doing. And I don’t know which is worse,” Dara shrugs, and you hate how valid her points are, too.
“Hmm, better than the ones I’ve had, at least,” you sigh.
“Obviously, but don’t lower your standards, okay?” Jimin hugs you. “I know you said you’re not giving into love and relationships - for how long, we don’t know, but even with just a companion or partner like he is, don’t settle for less.”
“I know, that’s why I keep telling you guys and Kook and my brother - if it were someone else, I wouldn’t have agreed,” you state. “Other than the fact that Jin makes amazing food and he’s nice, he makes me feel safe.”
You smile, thinking about how the past months have been living with him - cooking for each other, going to work and going home most days together, attending events, and minding each other’s business. There hasn’t been anything to complain about. 
“And wanted, even as just a housemate or something,” you add. “Three months in, and that’s all I’ve ever felt with him.”
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You enter the restaurant that Jin had texted you an hour ago to go to, and your eyes would’ve blown out of your head if it was possible because of the place he chose.
You take the seat he pulls out for you and you eye him curiously. “Still feeling guilty, huh?” You say.
“Hmm?” He looks at you innocently while sipping his wine. 
“You don’t like this restaurant but I do, and you’re treating me to dinner.”
“Their whole menu has garlic. I’m allergic to garlic,” he grimaces.
“You’re not. You just say you are but you just really don’t like it.”
“How did you know?” He looks at you surprised.
“I remember 3 years ago, one of the interns mistakenly served you dumplings with garlic oil and nothing happened to you,” you recount. “No rash, no shortness of breath or nausea… you just went on and finished a whole glass of soda, which we all know you also don’t like.”
“How… what? Why were you watching me?”
“I wasn’t; I was watching him. He was the intern from my team and I got to him too late when he served you that thing, and I swear my life flashed before my eyes,” you chuckle. “I wasn’t about to kill the Vice President of my company. But you were fine, just made a face and I knew… you were just pretending.”
“And for good reason,” he defends. “I don’t want people to feel uncomfortable when I say I can’t stand the taste.”
“Fair enough. I’d say that about green tea if it was a more common ingredient,” you shrug. 
“But I can’t ever put anything past you, huh?” He chuckles.
“Hmm, not really,” you laugh. “I’m quite observant.”
“Is that why you knew about me and Seri this whole time?”
“Ah, I see you overheard my conversation with my parents, then,” you say, his actions from earlier to now suddenly making sense.
“But yes, that’s why I knew. I mean, we had that Christmas party one time and almost everyone was drunk except for me, and my ever flirty best friend Jimin had his arm around Seri’s shoulder and you looked like you were about to tackle him to the ground, but you didn’t do anything and just left,” you explain. “And so when we spoke before we agreed to the marriage and I asked you if there was something you wanted to tell me, I felt relieved that you admitted your relationship with her. I guess it should’ve been easier to lie to me and hide it, because there was a chance I’d tell you to stop.”
“But you didn’t.”
“I didn’t see the point. Like I said, you’re a good person. You don’t deserve to be trapped in this with me.”
“What you said… about not being keen on love and relationships. Is that true?” He wonders, remembering what his brother had said about your exes.
“Yes, but I don’t want you to feel bad for me so that isn’t something I’m willing to share yet.”
“Okay, fair.”
“But sorry, too. My dad went pretty hard, huh?”
“It’s okay. I expect him to be protective as a father,” Seokjin responds. “And I don’t give you enough credit but you’re a good person, too. You didn’t have a choice in this, either. That must be hard for him to accept - letting his daughter be with a man who can’t treat her right. But what he said, about taking a bullet for my family… I didn’t know about that.”
“It’s not really something he broadcasts or anything,” you say. “He didn’t realize that being part of the building’s security team would put him in that much danger. It was after a controversial merger and your grandparents had left the building to go to a press conference and some sniper started shooting towards their car. My dad was assigned outside and protected your grandmother, taking a bullet to his chest. I was a teenager, then.”
You recall running to the hospital after your brother had called you, in fear that your father was going to die, but the Kims made sure that he got the best treatment, and they’ve felt indebted to your family ever since.
“Dad asked to be left out of the news articles for fear that we would be in danger. He quit his job after that, but your grandfather always looked out for us, would check in on my dad regularly and that’s how he found out about the threats to my family because of a debt that my parents couldn’t pay,” you narrate. “And now we’re here. So yeah, it’s on us. I’ve been saving to pay it off so we’ll no longer need your protection, and you can be free from me.”
“You make it sound like being my wife is a terrible thing,” he laughs, masking his disappointment that he’s somehow let you down.
“I’m not. It’s fun being your wife, actually,” you nudge his foot, trying to encourage him. “I mean, it felt weird at the start, don’t get me wrong - you’re my boss and I look up to you as a colleague - but it was easy,” you smile, recalling how everything happened so fast but you and Jin kept assuring each other that it was all gonna be okay. “We found a rhythm, a routine, and things worked out. But Seri’s important to you and I’m just glad you told me about her right away.”
“So you would’ve hated me if I lied about her?”
“I would’ve lost respect for you, actually. I can’t stand liars, cheaters, abusers… And you’re not any of those.”
Your face falls a little but you turn to him with bright eyes right away. 
It’s something you’re not yet comfortable to talk about, and that’s something he respects.
“Seriously, you gotta raise your standard higher. I’m telling you as a friend and as your husband,” he laughs, the irony not being lost on you both. 
“I did! I found him, too,” you say, your eyes wandering, and Seokjin is glad that at some point in your life, someone hadn’t hurt you deliberately. “Seeing the world was just more important to him than me; something always is. He said he’d come back for me but he hasn’t.”
“And now you’re stuck with me. I’m sorry,” Seokjin says, wanting to have your smile back.
“Well, that was 5 years ago, and he still isn’t back, which is another reason why I agreed to this. I’ll never know what will happen. Five years is a long time to wait for someone.”
“It is, huh?” He asks, suddenly feeling a tightness in his chest that really started since you came home last week.
“Yeah, I mean, people make promises to comfort us, to give us hope, even if half the time, they’re broken. But he said he’d come for me so we can be together without the distance, and I believed him; I still do,” you share. “Why, how long have you and Seri been together?”
“Five years.”
“Oh, well… Uh, your situation is different,” you backtrack. 
“Is it, though? I…” Seokjin trails, fumbling his words as the thoughts start to make him wonder. 
First, it was fearing you’d hated him for bringing Seri to your house, and then his brother slamming a cannonball at him about why he’d never taken his relationship with Seri further, and then humiliating himself in front of your parents, and then tonight. 
You, specifically, and how comfortable he feels around you despite your situation and how you always try to make him feel better about everything, especially about himself. 
And how the thought of 5 years being too long to wait for someone hits him more than he cares to admit. 
“Yeah, maybe you’re right. It’s different,” he settles, not wanting to argue.
He knows you’re right, in a way that unlike whoever it is you were talking about, Seri is here, and that makes it different. 
But he also can’t help but think that so many times, he had a chance to admit his relationship with her, yet he never did. That in all these 5 years, all he’s done was make her wait, because something else was always more important to him than her. 
Work, perhaps? Maybe it’s his time, his convenience, his comfort that mattered more. But as he watches you eat and critique your dish, the soft smile painting your face whenever you talk about food, he thinks that maybe it’s something else entirely, and he’s only now finding out exactly what that is.
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brokenbluebouquet · 18 days
Here’s a few questions:
Do you resent public taxpayers money being wasted on the private indulgences of an elite few?
Do you think that the religious settlement should not be left to the vagrancies of the line of succession, court intrigue, and foreign intervention and should be guaranteed by fundamental law?
Do you not want one of the catholic superpowers dominating Europe and in particular the Netherlands (and all their trade and ports?)
Do you think that there is too much overconsumption and unsustainable behaviour in society?
Do you believe that people have the right and obligation to criticise and resist rulers who fail to uphold true religion and who disrespect the law and the rights of their people?
Do you believe government is a public trust and not the kings secret?
Do you believe people should not cheat on their spouses and that marriage is a sacred partnership and not simply a business agreement?
Do you find the glorification of violence and sexual misconduct in theatre and popular literature offensive and dangerous?
Do you believe that the Church of England still needs to reformed further to stop and potential Romish backsliding?
Do you believe the king really needs to just abolish the bishops and seize their land as the easiest way to solve his financial issues?
If you said yes to any of these questions you might just be a puritan.
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thepeacefulgarden · 1 year
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cynicalcharisma · 2 years
AHAHAHA guess who's back, it's your usual low esteem imposter syndrome academic burnout but loves research and knowledge kid who is surviving off 2 iced lattes without sugar and lives in a room which was cleaned 8 days ago, yes Nobel prize i am coming
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jensettermandu · 5 months
-𝙜𝙤𝙤𝙙 𝙜𝙞𝙧𝙡𝙨 𝙜𝙤 𝙩𝙤 𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙫𝙚𝙣, 𝙗𝙖𝙙 𝙜𝙞𝙧𝙡𝙨 𝙜𝙤 𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙮𝙬𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚-
-𝙣𝙤𝙩 𝙖 𝙝𝙤𝙢𝙚-
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𝘨!𝘱 𝘫𝘦𝘯𝘯𝘪𝘦 𝘹 𝘧𝘦𝘮𝘢𝘭𝘦 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
content warning; MDNI, morally grey characters, toxic relation/situationships, domestic abuse, violence, substance use/abuse, mentions of weight/toxic beauty standards, dubcon, a lot of smut (spitting, spanking, bondage, choking, rough sex, etc. appears), age gap (legal), mentions of sensitive topics, not made for glorification of toxic relationships.
chapter wc: 6k+
At this point, she couldn't even pinpoint why she kept going at it. It was the sex, but then it got too much. She put herself through all these feelings just for sex, she was putting her boyfriend through hell just for sex, and it no longer made sense to her. The fact that cheating could feel so good during the moment. At least the older woman made it feel good and at times she made it feel good outside the bedroom. It was all just more bad news.
Y/n glanced at Jennie who was on her phone as they sat in her bed, being busy with doing the studying like she said she needed. Vinci laid in the woman's lap which was already baffling enough to Y/n. It was overly odd to have the older woman sitting right beside her, in clothes and just being there–there being where Asher always was. On one hand, Y/n minded it, on the other, she didn't mind it because, despite their nature of somehow bringing out the worst in each other, she did enjoy being with Jennie. Not like she admitted it to herself or would to anyone.
She did want to blame Jennie for bringing out the worst in her, to blame her for her cheating. Y/n knew that she couldn't do that, but maybe she somehow could blame her for bringing out this ugly side in her. That toxicity that she wallowed in because of her, or maybe it had always been in her, but Jennie just knew how to bring it to life.
She couldn't figure it out.
"What is it?" Jennie questioned when Y/n glanced at her once again, she shifted in her spot to look better at her and Y/n sighed.
"Okay, I know what I said, but could you maybe help with this one and don't even–" Y/n gave in at last and quickly stopped Jennie whose lips tugged up into a small smile. The last thing she wanted was to feed Jennie's big ego, but the woman was good at these things and she needed help. It would be dumb not to ask for it.
"Fine, come here." Jennie prompted and turned her phone off.
"I am here." Y/n deadpanned as they sat shoulder to shoulder and getting closer didn't seem possible. Jennie sat up better as she was almost lying down, the cat got off her lap and moved to lay at the foot of the bed.
"I need the screen closer, I don't have glasses so I can't see from far." She reasoned.
"Of course, you had to be blind too."
"Sorry, Miss Perfect eyesight," Jennie grumbled while Y/n moved somewhat closer to her and moved the laptop.
"Oh no, I can't even see what the vinyl says and that's like five metres away." Jennie looked at the wall with vinyls, a few facing them and she could see what they said and she looked back at Y/n.
"So you wear lenses."
"No, I just squint because I don't want glasses or lenses. I like being blind." Jennie chuckled at the words and lifted her arm and Y/n automatically leaned forward a bit for the girl to wrap it around her.
"How do you drive?" She asked her as Y/n rested her head against her shoulder, Jennie adjusted the laptop to be able to see the screen. Her chin rested at the side of Y/n's head. She never really spent more time than needed with her flings, but despite her at times unbearable attitude, Y/n was still bearable to stay with. All those other women were too, but they just lacked what Y/n had and weren't worth the time once she had her release.
"I hope for the best and usually arrive at my destination without any accidents,"
"There have been instances, but that's not important, help me now." Y/n ushered and nudged Jennie's ribs with her elbow who hummed. Her hand ran under the tee Y/n had on, caressing her warm skin as she looked at the screen before she went on explaining it to Y/n.
In moments like these, moments with the two of them together, when she was with Jennie. All that pain and guilt disappeared because it felt okay even if it shouldn't be. It just worked for some reason and that was unusual for Jennie because it never worked out for some reason. Maybe she hadn't been the problem but the girls she had surrounded herself with, Y/n was different from them. She wasn't one of those girls. She was much more and Jennie wanted to keep that around for as long as possible because it satisfied her. 
"That's it?" Y/n asked in disbelief at how simple it had been all along, her hand grabbed hold of Jennie's and pulled it back down to her waist when she ran it to her breast. Jennie hummed and Y/n looked up at her, her eyes closing as she almost flinched when the latter placed a kiss against her temple. "You're welcome," Jennie said as the girl didn't thank her and scoffed instead, annoyed that she had spent so long trying to understand it only to get it in five minutes after Jennie explained it.
Jennie's eyes stayed on her, reaching her hand up to her hair and brushing it behind her ear. It made Y/n squirm when she kissed her ear, pressing it against her shoulder because of how it made shivers crawl all over her body. "You have sensitive ears." She had taken notice of how the girl would almost squeal when her ears got touched. It made her lean in again, tugging at it with her lips before blowing some air and Y/n pushed her away.
"Stop it."
"Does it turn you on?" She curiously asked.
"It does something, so stop it." Jennie decided to let her ears be for the meantime and instead looked over her seemingly perfect side profile. Jaw-defined, plump lips and an upturned nose gave Y/n an amazing side profile.
"You're so weird." She mumbled and turned her head to look at Jennie whose eyes she felt right on her. It was wrenching to feel her eyes on her this way, in a way that wasn't right in a house that was not hers. The way Jennie made her feel so many things, how she was able to make Y/n hate her in the span of a second only to have her begging for more the next. She knew where she had gone wrong. It wasn't when she cheated, but when she allowed Jennie to get tangled up in her sheets too and make it that much harder to leave.
"Why? I'm just being friendly." She shrugged, doing her best to avoid making it awkward because she was starting to get close to her. It was nothing new, the two pulled to each other like moths to a flame. There were just certain moments that made it too overwhelming for two people who were just fucking.
"Can I get to know you a bit better? I'm just curious." She broke the silence and crossed her heart, hoping it wouldn't turn out awkward. Jennie was genuinely curious about the girl who she only knew some things about. She wanted to know why she was drawn to her, what exactly was so different about her compared to the rest. 
"What do you want to know?" Y/n gave in and closed the laptop as she had been at it the whole evening. It was close to 10 p.m. and she had been staring at the screen while eating too, leaving Jennie all quiet and alone. In the end, the latter agreed and knew that Y/n had to study.
"Where are you from?" Y/n put the device beside her on the bed
"Like what? Country, city or?" The question was one she had many answers to. It was all quite preceding that Jennie was trying to get to know her now after they had been in bed more times than she could count. It was preceding because they weren't supposed to have these conversations to start with but the longer they stayed the more they gave in to these new desires and stepped over more lines that shouldn't have been crossed.
"Chicago, moved here to study."
"That explains the accent." Y/n quirked an eyebrow at how quickly Jennie pointed it out.
"What? You say Cah instead of Car."
"I barely have it left after living in L.A.. You would be laughing if you met me when I first moved here." Jennie smiled at that, her eyes crinkling and she reached for Y/n's chin. She tilted her head up and left a peck on her lips before trailing over to her cheek, taking in the sweet smell of her skin. "There's still some Chicago left in those words, even the way you say Chi-cah-go." Jennie teased, mumbling against the girl's cheek and laughed when Y/n nipped her at the side of her ribs.
She pulled away and the girl looked somewhat annoyed. "Tell me more, are you truly American?" She prompted while looking into the grey in Y/n's eyes. This time it wasn't empty like it could be during certain moments that they shared. They weren't dead, Jennie hadn't killed the light in them yet. The girl looked like a model with her features, siren eyes, high and sculptured cheekbones, straight but slightly upturned nose, brown chestnut hair, and a defined jaw. It was her eyes and lips that always caught Jennie's attention the most.
"I was adopted from China by two people who I call mum and dad. I'm not Chinese though."
"You're adopted?" Jennie asked, taken aback by the answer from the girl who only shrugged her shoulders. It didn't change anything, but it made her realise that she didn't know her at all. It made her think about how other people knew Y/n much better, from one nerve ending to another, but yet only Jennie knew about her sins. She couldn't determine if it was better to know her for the outside or for the inside that was kept away. 
Asher knew her, but he didn't know her. Not in Jennie's opinion. It didn't matter if he knew these things about her, Jennie knew her desires, she knew that she was cheating, and she knew Y/n better in her opinion, not Asher. He couldn't know her better when Jennie was the one who knew about her pain, shame, and guilt when she knew about these secrets kept from everyone else 
"China's one-child policy. Dad is Volga Tatar, and Mum is East Slavic—but they reside in China or did at least. That's all I know." Jennie frowned at those words, something threaded in her, like a needle poking through and it did so a few times and made it tighter. Y/n didn't seem too bothered by it, but Jennie felt– she felt what? She couldn't pinpoint it. What did she even feel? She didn't like feeling things for anyone but herself. Jennie looked over the girl instead to get lost in the visual appeal as the outside was less complex. Surely her mother's genes won as she looked like a Slavic model.
"How old were you?"
"Have you ever wanted to meet your biological parents or go back to your roots to learn about who you are? I've heard about how people feel like there's a part of them missing because they don't know where they truly are from." Jennie asked, being invested in it and Y/n frowned as she hadn't been asked about it before. She had been asked if she was curious about her biological parents, but not as deeply as Jennie decided to ask. It felt a bit too deep. She even sat up straight and removed herself from the girl, looking at her and waiting for the answer. She had heard things, but never really spoken to someone who was adopted. No one close to her at least.
"I don't know, I'm not sure, never really thought about it. I mean– I don't know, I grew up in a completely white household where we ate steak and mashed potatoes. I haven't thought about these things, my parents– Jennie...I don't know much and never really thought about it." She watched how the girl stumbled over the words, unsure of what she was supposed to answer. It was a never before answered question so she had nothing to truly say without maybe needing some time to think it through.
"It explains why it feels like a fur coat and hat is missing. You look like Irina Shayk but somehow hotter." Y/n giggled at that.
"I've been told that I do. Maybe we're related."
"Could be, but you'd make an amazing model or porn star," Jennie said as she looked over the girl's figure that she didn't mind being submissive at times. The things Y/n did to her, no one else could, truly no one else could because she had a hard time keeping an erection because of the standard Y/n had caused. It was more than physical, and skill. 
"Okay, you always know how to give backhanded compliments." The girl clicked her tongue and averted Jennie's face to have her look away because her eyes were overwhelming. The older chuckled and grabbed hold of Y/n's hand, taking in hers as she looked the girl in the eye instead.
"That's all about me though. I don't know much more." She concluded.
"Okay, but you know that there are many ways to come in touch with who you are based on your roots." The woman brought it up, her fingers caressing the girl's knuckles, gently going over her skin as she found her soothing. It was like a natural drug for all her anxiety that she usually suppressed with drugs, but Y/n somehow brought it without really needing them. Maybe that was why she was sober at the moment.
"I do, never really done anything to do it though."
"Your parents?"
"They raised me as if I wasn't Slavic."
"If you want–" Jennie was cut off by the buzzing of Y/n's phone and the younger girl turned away from her. It made Jennie frown as she just dismissed her completely and got up from the bed with the phone against her ear. The frown only deepened when she heard the pet name which let her know that it was the guy.
It pissed her off, she couldn't pinpoint why but it did. Either because Y/n just forgot about her or because she forgot about her because it was Asher. He took Y/n's attention away from her. She just left the City of Sins, she walked right out the door and left Jennie alone to keep her secrets without any gratefulness for keeping them.
It didn't make sense, she shouldn't have answered if Jennie was right there to be with her. He could have waited until tomorrow when Jennie was gone. She took her phone and glanced at the door that was ajar as the girl had left the room. That anger kept bubbling in her chest. The girl never answered anyone's phone calls except his. 
[A month ago]
"Why are you all over me!" The girl exclaimed in frustration, her nerves snapping like threads one after another. The constant feelings of the truth always kept her on the edge and got her angry much easier. Nothing wanted to work out. Her life was falling apart and she couldn't save any of the pieces as the quicksand right under her broken foundation was swallowing all the pieces before she could even grasp them.
"I'm not all over you, Y/n." Asher reasoned as he sat at the foot of the hotel bed. "You're the one being distant for no reason at all...I just wanted to spend some time with you alone." He continued and the girl groaned as she looked at the guy who was sitting. Fingers threaded through her hair in more frustration, somewhat shaky as she felt like crying. It was getting harder and harder to keep the tears at bay when the lump in her throat was like spikes. Everything made her emotional and she was losing her mind at times. Was it love or the drugs, or the damned truth that she was hiding?
She knew she brought it on herself. She didn't want him to be all loving, he made it difficult for her, she made it difficult for herself, and she hated that she hadn't been able to just leave the brunette or leave the guy. 
She didn't deserve him and he didn't deserve someone like her, he deserved better. It hurt her, knowing that she no longer was everything he wanted her to be because she had grown selfish.
"I spend all my time with you, Ash. You don't let me breathe by constantly being right on me."
"The last time we did anything together was a good two weeks ago. We finally all leave together, no school, nothing to worry about and you push me away every second–"
"I don't push you away, Ash!" Y/n defensively let out despite knowing the truth. She couldn't help that she wasn't able to be around him without being swallowed by guilt, shame, pain, and despair; those feelings that only went away with Jennie. It didn't feel right when she was fucking someone else behind his back when she was thinking about the woman she was cheating on him with.
He inhaled deeply and messed up his locks as he ran his fingers through them. "Last time we had sex was over two weeks ago too, Y/n. You barely even want to kiss me." Her eyes hardened at that.
"So it's all about sex for you?" It was probably another one of the most selfish things she's done by turning it all around and making it his fault. It was something she was good at, it assured her that if anyone would leave it was her because it wasn't her fault, but his and he couldn't leave if he was at fault. She knew why she wasn't able to have sex with him. She'd be stuck thinking about how what he thought was just the two of them was all along someone else too. It felt unfair because she felt like dirt and didn't want it to get on him too.
"It's not, I didn't mean it like that–I just, Y/n...We just–" He seemed at a loss for words and Y/n scoffed.
"Fucking make up your mind." She hissed.
"I have made up my mind; you're fucking distant for no reason at all, and yes we haven't had sex for over two weeks which is quite frustrating too." He finally snapped back.
"Don't fucking cuss at me. If sex is all you fucking think about then there is the reason why I am distant. Maybe you'd show some more love than just in the bedroom." It was all bullshit, sex was never big in their relationship. She knew he didn't only think about sex. His love language was these small compliments and gestures that she had ruined, but it wasn't the sex that would happen twice a week if not once. The gestures lost their meaning when someone else was making gestures too and he wasn't the only one who did things for her.
If she was honest, she was the one who had constant sex and then getting home to be intimate with him twisted something in her because it got too much. It was just another excuse, she managed to twist it around to not make it her fault as she felt guilty enough. It didn't feel right to get out of one bed to go to another.
"I don't feel like fighting more than we already have." Y/n sighed as she grabbed her leather weekend bag as they had managed to arrive a good hour ago. The two were away from L.A. and in Milwaukee for the Summerfest with friends. It was yet another thing she had managed to ruin and blame it on someone else.
"Where are you going?"
"I don't fucking know, but you will ruin my whole fucking week if I stay with you." She grumbled as she wasn't up for staying with the guy. She wasn't able to do so without fighting with him for no reason at all and it would only ruin the whole getaway with their friends. Y/n didn't want to make their relationship worse than it already was.
"Fine, go then." She rolled her eyes at that, fed up with how much of a coward he was and always let her walk away. It felt pointless. He couldn't fight for her.
6:58 P.M. where are you?
Jennie put away the rolled-up bill while sniffling and looked at the message from the girl that felt weirdly random especially since she asked where she was and not if she was busy and wanted to fuck.
6:58 P.M. Hotel, what's up?
6:59 P.M. where though? im in Milwaukee
7:00 P.M. What're you doing here?
7:00 P.M. summerfest
7:01 P.M. Thought you weren't going. I'm in a suite in Milwaukee for the Summerfest I told you about it
7:03 P.M. well sue me but I forgot and there was a change of plans friend is working and got us free tickets do you wanna meet up?
Jennie looked up from her phone and bit her lower lip, the suite was empty of people and she quickly opened her contacts with another woman. It was a quick text that said 'don't come' before she opened her chat with Y/n as the model that she was supposed to be with during the weekend was long forgotten.
The thoughts were already swirling in her head and her hand that was resting under the hem of her boxers ran further down to her sweltering length that was coming to life from the imagination that would become a reality.
7:05 P.M. You cam come over I ill send driver
7:05 P.M. get the hand out of your pants :Location
Jennie quickly forwarded the location to her driver with details all while working on her dick. It made her last longer if she would jerk off before the girl came since she couldn't hold herself once she filled her cunt up. The snug and sopping grip of her pussy around her length, the way she would stretch her out, the sounds she would make, thinking about how she would colour her in her cum.
A breathless moan left her lips as she went right back to the chat with the girl.
7:11 P.M. Can't, so hard rn
7:13 P.M. when i get there I will let you empty your balls on my chest and face, let you fuck me on every piece of furniture, baby <33
When the girl arrived Jennie had just gotten out of the quick shower that she had taken after the release she had. "What's with the bag?" She asked as she pulled on a new pair of boxers, Y/n only glanced up from her phone as she was resting on the bed. Jennie adjusted herself and looked up at her to see her back on her phone again. The weekend bag hadn't gone unnoticed or the slight mood around her. Y/n always was unpredictable and Jennie was slowly learning for whatever reason.
"I had a fight and left, now I am waiting for my friend to get me a hotel room because most places are booked, but he knows some people." She simply explained, not going into detail although it was enough. Jennie frowned, grabbing her sweat shorts to put on too. It wasn't new to hear that the girl had fights with her man, but she had no clue what they were about although they seemed constant.
They never had been constant or serious at all before Jennie.
"He just let you leave?" She questioned and Y/n hummed.
"How can you be with someone like him?" Jennie asked, still baffled about how the guy was so easygoing and relaxed, especially with letting his girlfriend just leave. To leave without knowing where (leave to begin with), without knowing she had a place to stay, in a city miles away from home. He wasn't nearly a good enough boyfriend in Jennie's opinion even if he loved Y/n. Loving her wasn't enough and Jennie knew that.
"What does it matter to you?" Y/n looked up to see the girl dressed in a plain white tee and grey sweat shorts walking over to her.
"Just the fact that–" Jennie started and got up on the bed, crawling over to Y/n. She grabbed her knees that were raised and spread them open to make room between the slim thighs. The girl was dressed in a pair of loose jeans and a baby tee that clung to her body, her piercings protruding through the material. Y/n moved her phone away as Jennie nestled herself between her legs with a huff. "I wouldn't let that happen. I don't care if we fight, your safety matters more. You wouldn't get to leave" She finished and rested her forearms beside her head, leaning down and kissing along her neck.
"That's good, your future girlfriend will be lucky." Y/n's voice was monotone, not caring about what Jennie said as she tilted her head back while holding her phone up and still texting. Lips wetly kissed along the underside of her jaw and nipped, the woman inhaling the addicting sweet scent of the girl. "You're dating a coward, he doesn't even have the balls to stop his girlfriend from leaving him. It's pathetic." She mumbled, pressing further about how bad of a boyfriend she had as he didn't care about her safety but would rather let the steam blow off for his comfort. It wasn't what Y/n needed from Jennie's point of view.
"Good thing you have the balls to stop an army- just shut up about my relationship, it has nothing to do with you." Now she grew more annoyed than she had already been as she didn't like Jennie meddling in her relationship–pointing out the obvious and things that were just fine in Y/n's opinion. She didn't need an overprotective boyfriend although she wished he would man up a little–she blamed it on Jennie who had given her a taste of something she couldn't have. She had kind of hoped he wouldn't let her leave and give her reasons to stay—Jennie was somewhat right depending on how the situation would get handled.
She let out a grave hum as she pressed her heat against Y/n's, her dick slowly growing hard for the girl as she continued to kiss along her exposed skin. "It has to do with me when you decide to come after your little fights and talk about them." She trailed up, Y/n still holding her phone slightly above and beside Jennie's head with her head leaning more to the side.
"You asked, I answered, nothing more to talk about." She mumbled before her lips got captured by Jennie. The older woman tried to kiss her but it wasn't hard to realise that the girl was barely kissing back.
"Put your phone down." She grumbled and pulled away, pushing herself up with her palms planted beside Y/n's head–the girl took the opportunity to have the phone right in front of her face now. Her attention was undivided, staying on the phone, not listening to Jennie who was growing angry with Y/n ignoring her and what she had said.
"You can wait, I need to figure this out." It made something twitch in her when she told her to wait. She held back though and sat back on her heels as she licked her lips.
"You don't have to, you will stay here." She decided as she had nothing against sharing the suite with the girl. It would only come with benefits for them both and she would be able to make sure that the girl wasn't roaming the streets because her boyfriend was incompetent.
"Why would I stay with you?" Y/n asked with a chuckle as it would be too much to stay with Jennie, someone she was cheating with. They were just meeting to fuck, barriers would be broken if they stayed. They always parted ways after. No sleeping over, no cuddling, or spending time together.
"Cause I said that you will and so you will." There was that taste Y/n had grown somewhat addicted to. 
Her hand reached for the phone and she took it out of the girl's hold who sat up right away. She turned it off and tossed it to the side.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing Jennie?" Y/n asked, clearly annoyed as she tried to move to grab her phone again. It didn't mean that she would submit to Jennie just because she liked the taste of her power, the dominance in her. Y/n didn't lower her own.
"I'm doing what someone needs to do since you have no one to fucking pull you down to ground level." She gritted out and grabbed hold of the girl who managed to get a hold of her phone once again. The stubbornness was doing unthinkable things to Jennie who was using her all to not snap further at the girl because she didn't want to go that far with her. The last thing she wanted was for the girl to run back to her sorry excuse of a boyfriend.
"Fucking let me go before I leave and block you. I'm not gonna put up with this shit when I come here to fuck." The whine got stuck in her throat when Jennie grabbed hold of her jaw and stood on her knees, towering the girl and it worked enough to make her feel somewhat smaller. The only difference for Y/n was their height as Y/n was a good three inches taller, but Jennie had an advantage when it came to everything else. She could feel her fingers pressing into her bones at her jawline.
"If you come here to fuck you fucking listen to me too. I said that you stay here so you will. You give me your phone before I take it and smash it into pieces. Block me and your boyfriend will find out what you've been up to lately."
The threats left word after word, there wasn't a single stutter in Jennie's speech as she continued to stare the smaller girl down. She quickly grasped at her wrist when she tried to pry her fingers away from her face.
"Are you okay in the head?" There was a slight quiver in Y/n's voice and she couldn't figure out if it was because of the pain in her jaw and wrist, her free hand planted on her phone that rested under her palm, or if it was a slight fear. She wasn't sure what she was fearing more in that case. If it was Jennie, or her telling Asher what had been going on, or just what the two of them would cause at some point. The fire was already out of control for them, but it only grew bigger, stronger, and wilder while destroying everything on its way. It was destroying them.
"Yes, but you won't be if you don't do as I say. That's a promise from the bottom of my heart. I will ruin everything for you, Y/n." Jennie waited, her tone had been at the thin line of calm and furious. She had let Y/n get on her nerves multiple times and she was still holding back on her, but she didn't like how disrespected she had made her feel by ignoring her. She was growing exasperated with how little control she had over the weak girl yet she kept her as Y/n pretended to be more than the girl who was under Jennie.
"You have mistaken me for your ex or a dog or something Jennie." This time Y/n moved her face away, slipping out of the tight and harsh grip as she used the hand that was in Jennie's hold to push the girl away. That power held over her was overwhelming as she had no clue whether to submit to it or run away from it, she tried to push it away. Although, she had no clue where to run if she wanted to. 
At that point; Jennie was almost confused about what had happened because no one had done that before once she threatened them with multiple things. No one had talked back to her once she had their grip on them. Jennie's threats were never empty sounds, but they seemed to go through one ear and leave through the other for Y/n. It left Jennie in a point of distress at the control she didn't have.
"I'm fucking leaving 'cause you must've fucking hit your head." Y/n scoffed out and sucked air through her teeth as she looked at her reddening wrist while getting off the bed where Jennie was sitting. It was as if she had been hit by Y/n as if she had been the one threatened and thrown to the curb. It didn't feel right at all. It was as if Y/n had bruised her skin and not the other way around. It was all wrong and didn't make sense in her head. 
Y/n was scared, but she couldn't tell if Jennie was up for actually ruining everything by reaching out to Asher or not. It could all have been empty threats for all she knew and she wasn't going to stay to not find out, but she was going to leave to find out. Then maybe there would be a reason for Asher to finally break up with her and free her from the chains of guilt and shame. That hatred which had been growing in the pit of her stomach and spreading through her whole body. It was as if each nerve was fueled by hatred towards herself.
Jennie quickly got off the bed and with a few quick steps made it over to Y/n who was just about to exit the bedroom through the double doors. The control was flying out of her head as she fought for a control she wasn't allowed to her; the control over Y/n. "You don't get to leave, do you fucking hear me? I'm not your fucking boyfriend who will just let you walk out. You're gonna get your ass on the bed and fucking stay!" Jennie snapped and shoved Y/n into the door, the girl yelped at the pain. She reached for the vixen's phone and this time threw it across the room, her hand gripping onto her shirt and holding her pinned against the wooden door as she stared at the girl who looked at her with eyes that held an intensity she couldn't figure out.
Was this what Y/n wanted when she wanted her boyfriend to man up? Was this what she wanted when she wanted Asher to ground her, be what she needed and not just what she wanted? Everything that Jennie did. She didn't let her walk out the door like he did. Jennie fought for her even when she had no right to fight, she fought when she had no reason to do so. Was Asher truly the bad person for not being able to keep Y/n? Was he the one at fault for not doing it right?
She glanced at her phone that lay by the wall where there was a mark after it flew into it. "You broke my phone." She pointed out and clenched her jaw, not sure what she was more pissed about. Jennie or how she broke her phone, maybe both.
"I will get you a new one." She breathed out.
"You hurt me." She pointed out further as her wrist was pulsating, fingertips tingling as her blood flow came back.
"I will soothe your skin and give whatever you want...You have to stay because I care about your well-being and finding a room now won't be easy unless you want an unsafe motel–Please listen to me." Y/n heaved a sigh as Jennie's grip loosened on her, removing the pressure on her chest that she had from her forearm and pressing her into the wall. Jennie pleading with her. 
It all was digging itself into Y/n's marrow, staining her skin with these kisses that bruised her, but it all felt like kisses and nothing else. It hurt at the moment, but then felt like much more right after, like soothing kisses and assurances of something so good that the low lows didn't matter. All that did was the high.
"Such a pretty girl, you take me so well," Jennie mumbled, holding herself up with one hand beside Y/n's head as she rolled her hips into the moaning girl. Her eyes trained on their conjoined heat, watching her thick cock disappear inside the girl before she almost fully pulled out and rolled her hips back in with fluid strokes that made Y/n's back arch. The girl took her snugly, letting out moans as Jennie's fingers rubbed at her clit while her swollen tip continued to caress her g-spot.
Y/n's hand grabbed hold of Jennie's shoulder, her orgasm closing in on her as the moans picked up. Jennie turned her head, her lips brushing over the bruised wrist of the hand that held her shoulder. She left a few small kisses on it, still feeling bad about how she had hurt the girl as she never intended for it to happen, but it just did. It wasn't her fault when she didn't control it. "So good for me." She mumbled against her wrist, keeping up the slow and deep thrusts.
Y/n was brought right back to that high as she pulled Jennie closer, her walls being stretched by the woman. It was all forgotten and all she could think about was the pleasure, the work put into everything else. Her grip fell to Jennie's shoulders and stopped the woman before they found themselves with Y/n on top of her. 
All Jennie could do was admire the girl who rode her, watching Y/n rise up and down, gyrate her hips back and forth as she whined them perfectly. The vixen could feel Jennie hit the deepest spots in her, the ones no one else reached. "Fuck." Y/n breathed out, the brunette's thumb played with her swollen clit, her other hand playing with her breast that fit right in her hand. She tugged at the nipple, caressing it and cupping the soft flesh while watching her split the girl with her cock. 
"You take dick so good, I just want to fill you until you're leaking, Y/n." Jennie breathed out, Y/n's nails dug into her stomach as she felt her walls clasp tighter around her. The girl's plump lips parted in a gasp, a cry following as her back arched, the sensation tingled through her whole body that turned ten times warmer when her orgasm washed over her. 
Without stopping her movements, her ass slapped down on Jennie's thighs whose breathing ragged at how close she was. The walls were pulsating around her throbbing cock. Y/n leaned down and caught Jennie's lips, sucking whatever was left of her tar-black soul when she sucked on her tongue. Their spit connected as she pulled away for a split second to lick it up from Jennie's lips who let out a moan. With her head tilted her tongue met Jennie's again, the woman barely being able to breathe as her body convulsed into Y/n and her dick started to spurt cum into the condom. 
The girl did stay for the week, lying that she was staying at a room in the hotel and she did but with Jennie who she only saw once she was back from being out with her friends and boyfriend. That was usually at midnight and when they woke up, it was spent with sex like usual. It did break some boundaries. It did bring them closer than before.
Jennie did get her a new phone and Y/n assumed it was another way to say sorry when she supplied her and her friends with free Ecstasy and coke. She wasn't complaining, she didn't have the energy to complain as nothing seemed to go her way either way.
She hated Jennie yet stayed and so it made her hate the woman even more.
The bruises disappeared and the pleasure came whenever they were right back in each other's arms. 
TAGSLIST! @yxlis @jisooftme @geeminz @lisas-earlobe @xszn @badasgff @badaspookie @hwm1hyun / taglist is open
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alarrytale · 1 month
Thank you for answering my question about Harry being surrounded by Zionist but it still doesn't make me understand how people can still say that he's a good person and he's a cupcake when he's literally surrounded by the worst of the worst of the business. Azoff's horrible reputation is legendary and by everything we know Harry sought them out. We know that James Corden is a bad person and it has been said that Harry has been with him while he has ripped into a poor service worker. How can he be a good person if he just sits there and lets James berate a poor service worker? I've always been told you are the company you keep so he just confuses me. You can say that James is just a industry friend but hes constantly around him and why would he publicly be around someone that is so horrible when he's pushing the image of being kind?
I'm a Larrie but I just can't get past Harry's circle. There's not one good person around him and at the point where he's at he can change that and he chooses not to. It feels like he's willing to kiss up to Zionists as long as it advances his career. I almost feel like those pictures of him wearing the Star of David back in the day were signaling that he's ready and willing to cooperate with them as long as they can get him where he needs to go. It makes me feel very icky.
Hi again, anon!
You're welcome 💙 It’s a difficult subject, but in the end it all boils down to who you think H is as a person, what his morals are and if you trust him to make the best decisions possible in the situation he is in. I struggle with all this too. I think most of us do. It is very icky. The world is never black and white and H isn't either. You can be a good person and do bad things. If you don’t know that what you're doing is bad, if you don’t have a choice and if doing a bad thing is stopping him from having to to do something even worse, that's mitigating circumstances.
I can't tell you how you should think or feel about all this. You have your own boundaries and feelings due to who you are and your life experience. You need to make your own decision on how to feel and what to do about it.
I think H is an uneducated person who doesn’t want to offend anybody, but who values friendship and connection over politics and differences of opinon. I think H doesn’t like conflict and i think it would be difficult for him to stand up to someone older, well known with a lot of power and connections. I also don't know if they've got leverage they hold against him.
I think you need to be reminded, that when we see H he's ment to be seen. It may seem like he's around J.C. all the time, because we always see him when he is. But he's not. I think they might be friends (i hate that fact), but a lot of what we've seen the past year has been pure business and image rehab for J.C. Even if they are friends, their friendships is pushed and publicised by the media.
Harry seems like he's interested in a lot of things (aquarius) and he took interest in judaism when he first met B.W. I don't think B.W. taught him a lot of history, and he probably only got the glorifed side of Isra*l tbh. H lifting the hammer of Isra*el was H not knowing any better i believe. If he's constantly around people of the same mindset he's not going to be exposed to different perspectives and see that he's been mislead or not been told the full story.
Harry does have good people around him. His family, Louis and the members of his tour band seems like good people with no agenda and who don't do things to take advantage of him. It's his management and greedy industry people like J.C and B.W who uses him who is the problem. I wish he could ditch them all, but i don't think that's possible. So here we are.
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starlightsmoon · 11 months
[Read at Ao3]
List of poor souls he’s gonna suck some money out of? Check. Excuses of being from some relative of the Toghrul that hit it off with their bird rearing business? Check, he’ll be able to recite the lines in his sleep. Clothes? Simple black shirt that took half of his savings - Oh how he sacrificed for the minimalistic rich aesthetic - He looks like those guys who’d get those mova globes as a toy when he was five. (He had sticks, pieces of glass he called crystal and a pet rock.)
He didn't have it in him to feel bitter about that anymore though. He slurped on way too many pumpkin spice lattes for that.
The birdbrain he’s gonna be swiping from might never have had it before. Gotta pity them for never having a sugar bomb corporate cash grab.
Oh he almost forgot, hair? Looks fancy enough to him. Giving the bristles another swipe in front of the hand mirror dangling from his apartment door and swiping the keys from his beloved plant soldier, Nuggets. 
His mark looks as tired and anxious as always, swirling - well, trying to. Obi still can’t believe the guy has a gold bar as a door stopper - the vodka in his hand and though it kinda turns into more of a disturbance to the liquid relief in the cup.
“Hey there.” What was his name again? Oh well, it’ll slide off his tongue eventually. 
The man had been a loser who was probably a bit more into feet than he should be, and had been dabbling in drugs that Obi doubts the guy can actually live after intaking. He’s drank quite a couple of drinks with him for the past months. Hell, the man has made Tuesday be labeled as ‘drinking for the money’ day in his calendar - He kinda admits, even with his totally admirable work ethics, that he loathes Tuesdays now - to his dismay, Torou said she’d love to take it over from him if he didn’t want it. And though he really doesn’t wanna hear any more mommy issues and glorification of drug addiction, he’ll get through it.
“Oh hello Nanaki.” 
He was surprised when Mr. Foot Stuff actually was sober enough to remember his name, but today was special so he’ll give him some props, he normally dialed him when he was down to half a brain and third of manners and a non-existent filter about how much chipped toenails have a charm.
Obi gets seated in the stool next to him - lets the man order fucking champagne for him without his input - and puts his honey filter on. He normally gets lazy with this guy but he’ll have to be on high alert, can’t let him get any second thoughts after all.
“So regarding what we talked about-”
-God he’s got the sweetest deal of the century, he’s gonna be ordering those fancy ass kaleidoscopes just you wait.
If he survives this, he’s gonna buy Torou a ticket that shitty boy band concert and he’ll make it so that she cries for it. Hell, he’ll even buy Haruka one of those tacky you’re the best dad mugs too. Of course unless he gives him a lecture and attitude then that is gonna be replaced with a your the best dad mug instead.
Not that he doesn’t deserve the attitude though.
But can you blame him? The guy seemed like the best catch he was gonna get there, and cherry on top being that he was gonna get it by just sipping booze. He wasn’t wrong either, just that conning his dad’s company while he was at it didn’t seem like a bad idea.
Who knew that old fuck was running a human trafficking business. 
He didn’t at the least. But now Obi finally got the biggest con of his life, with a boatload of money that he’s shipping to Wistal for it to be Haruka’s problem and taking the railways to wherever his heart takes him cause he has no fucking clue what he paid for at the ticket stand.
But the redhead that’s his roommate seems nice, though it’d be nicer if he could stop looking at her,
She’s got a lotta luggage, and she’s so careful with it.
It makes his one duffle bag packed with some clothes and a toothbrush look quite sad in comparison. He regrets selling off the suitcase. It’d make a statement and he would be able to disguise himself as a rich conglomerate, even if he doesn’t have his extra shiny shoes and rocking a plain button-up and jeans, he’d be able to make it work- he’s done it in worse before. Wait, did he pack any shoes at all? 
“Hello.” a meek voice breaks his thoughts, and he can worry about being shoeless later.
“Uhm, is there any issue if I put some of these,” she gestures to her four suitcases and plus one tote bag he can see peeking out from the one plastered with stickers of flowers and beach umbrellas ”On your space?” She points to the tray above him that’s a bit too close to his head for comfort, he’s nearly smacked his head on the damn thing four times already. Thankfully his lightning quick reflexes and prowess triumphs the future bump on his head he’s definitely gonna be dealing with.
She’s already attacking her bottom lip and clutching at her sweater. He’d be a monster if he said no.
“Sure but you gotta tell me one thing,“ he really doesn’t need the space, his luggage was acting as his foot rest just until she arrived. It really didn’t need his permission anyways.
Unluckily for her, he may not have been a monster but he sure is something close to it.
“Do you think a hotdog is a sandwich?”
And judging by the way she tilts her head, furrows her brows and stops her abuse on her lips; He’s gonna be having a fun time.
He has confirmed she’s not a psychopath, and surprisingly seems to not want to murder him and throw him out the window for more room to put her suitcases in. Yet. 
And it seems like his ticket and the place she’s headed to have the same spelling, which means he can actually thank himself for once, a pretty lady on his trip to become a nobody doesn’t seem so bad.
 “So, my name is Shirayuki, I’m a botanist, and I really appreciated the help.” he’s sure that lugging around some suitcases was not worth the smile bestowed upon him, - It’s way too trustful for somebody like him - but he’ll have a cute face smile at him anyday.
“Well Miss, you can call me Obi, I’m a guy with many secrets,” Obi earns a giggle that he’s sure that’ll haunt his dreams. 
“And no problem, though I admit I mourn the sight of you struggling to hop around with suitcases.” and before he knows it, his hand reaches out for a shake. He should probably get rid of that-
She clasps his hand, “Nice to meet you Obi.” and suddenly, all words die in his throat.
Her hands are soft.
He struggles not to whimper as the words leave with his tongue without permission, “Nice to meet you too, Miss.”
And her laugh is way too pretty.
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minerwarfare-suzuya · 7 months
Miles ownership drama timeline, part 1
Where to begin? Well let's start this off with a conversation on Discord with @xxk3vonicaxx .
Before Miles and I would have a feud with each other. I was talking with Kev about her web series til she brought up that she's no longer a fan of Mobox87 and stopped being their friends in our conversation.
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Kev then sent me her video that she uploaded to YouTube filling me in on what's been going on with her and Mobox87.
I wasn't aware of this during the time cause I had stopped looking into Mobox87's artwork and hadn't communicated with her for a while since I've been busy or getting into other stuff online or focusing on personal matters of my life.
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Note: Mobox87 doesn't go by He/Him anymore and went back being She/Her.
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After finding out about this stuff, I've practically cut all ties with Mobox87 by deleting conversations with her which would come around to bite me in the ass later on.
Though despite getting caught up about Mobox87's controversy online for her Child porn artwork, Nazi glorification and defending a pedophile. The harassment part of our conversation following would bring in topics of Mobox being on Facebook more, selling her OCs and her new web series. Though we would be more on the topic of Mobox87's sold OCs and new owners.
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"The person who owns the ones from Affinity, is really strict about his characters, he doesn't allow anyone to draw themm"
And thus, our story begins. . .
Miles Jeffery, the strict OC owner.
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This is where I start learning about Miles online presence in the Mobox87 fanbase. An owner that spends a majority of his money to buy Mobox87 OCs that go on sale and has made a strict rule as he owned them which comes off as unfair to many artists and fans of the characters he bought off when I was learning more about him.
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I did my research on Miles and looked all over Social media to find his accounts outside of Tumblr such as his three Instagram accounts, Twitter, DeviantArt, TikTok and Discord.
This is what he pinned on his Tumblr blog:
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There are more posts like this on the blog when I was going through it and it's basically just full of nonsense when reading through it because of how petty Miles is over something he never originally created except for that it's their comfort character.
Part 2:
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Part 26
(Montgomery leaves and Barry goes outside the courtroom. Several reporters start asking Barry questions)
Reporter #1: Barry, how much honey is out there?
Barry: All right. One at a time.
Reporter #2: Barry, who are you wearing?
Barry: My sweater is Ralph Lauren, and I have no pants.
(Barry flies outside with the paparazzi and Adam and Vanessa stay back)
Adam: (To Vanessa) What if Montgomery's right?
Vanessa: What do you mean?
Adam: We've been living the bee way a long time, 27 million years.
(Flash forward in time and Barry is talking to a man)
Business Man: Congratulations on your victory. What will you demand as a settlement?
Barry: First, we'll demand a complete shutdown of all bee work camps.
(As Barry is talking we see a montage of men putting "closed" tape over the work camps and freeing the bees in the crappy apartments)
Barry: Then we want back the honey that was ours to begin with, every last drop.
(Men in suits are pushing all the honey of the aisle and into carts)
Barry: We demand an end to the glorification of the bear as anything more
(We see a statue of a bear-shaped honey container being pulled down by bees)
Barry: than a filthy, smelly, bad-breath stink machine. We're all aware of what they do in the woods.
(We see Winnie the Pooh sharing his honey with Piglet in the cross-hairs of a high-tech sniper rifle)
Barry: (Looking through binoculars) Wait for my signal. Take him out.
(Winnie gets hit by a tranquilizer dart and dramatically falls off the log he was standing on, his tongue hanging out. Piglet looks at Pooh in fear and the Sniper takes the honey.)
Sniper: He'll have nausea for a few hours, then he'll be fine.
(Flash forward in time)
Barry: And we will no longer tolerate bee-negative nicknames...
(Mr. Sting is sitting at home until he is taken out of his house by the men in suits)
Sting: But it's just a prance-about stage name!
Barry: ...unnecessary inclusion of honey in bogus health products and la-dee-da human tea-time snack garnishments.
(An old lady is mixing honey into her tea but suddenly men in suits smash her face down on the table and take the honey)
Old Lady: Can't breathe.
(A honey truck pulls up to Barry's hive)
Worker: Bring it in, boys! Hold it right there! Good. Tap it.
(Tons of honey is being pumped into the hive's storage)
Bee Worker #1: (Honey overflows from the cup) Mr. Buzzwell, we just passed three cups, and there's gallons more coming! I think we need to shut down!
Bee Worker #2: Shut down? We've never shut down. Shut down honey production!
Dean: Stop making honey!
(The bees all leave their stations. Two bees run into a room and they put the keys into a machine)
Dean: Turn your key, sir!
(Two worker bees dramatically turn their keys, which opens the button which they press, shutting down the honey-making machines. This is the first time this has ever happened)
Bee: ...What do we do now?
(Flash forward in time and a Bee is about to jump into a pool full of honey)
Bee: Cannonball!
(The bee gets stuck in the honey and we get a short montage of Bees leaving work)
(We see the Pollen Jocks flying but one of them gets a call on his antenna)
Lou Lu Duva: (Through "phone") We're shutting honey production! Mission abort.
Pollen Jock #1: Aborting pollination and nectar detail. Returning to base.
(The Pollen Jocks fly back to the hive)
(We get a time lapse of Central Park slowly wilting away as the bees all relax)
Barry: Adam, you wouldn't believe how much honey was out there.
Adam: Oh, yeah?
Barry: What's going on? Where is everybody?
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