#blackpink imagines
authorforrosie · 2 days
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Book: Little had Jennie known
Pairing: Jennie x You. [GxG]
Warning: Angst
Words count:
Author Note: This imagine is based on the song little do you know and skin. This imagine will be more angsty than happy. SInce I´ve been more into writing about angst instead of fluff, Since life is not a fairytale.
Little do you know, I am breakin´while you fall asleep
Little do you know
i`m still haunted by the memories.
After everything that happened between you and Jennie you still have been haunted by the memories. It still felt like yesterday when you got a phone call by Jennie about her sleeping with another woman. You knew you´ve been broken up since a few weeks. It still hurt though it felt like thousand thorns getting though the heart. Especially because you promised at each other to always come back for each other. Since that´s how much you love each other or at least supposed to be.
You tried not to cry on the phone especially since Jennie could hear the pain in your voice. You know how sympathetic Jennie is and that she will start to cry as well. You thought about muting yourself so she won´t be able to hear you cry. Mostly because you could swallow down your feelings or tears of heartbreak pain. You didn´t know what to say or feel about the situation. You remembered how she told you that she is in love with you. You´ve never doubted her or her words until the phone call. Until you got to know that she slept with another woman on the night to your supposed anniversary. She even slept over at Jennie´s expensive house in South Korea. You´ve been insecure thinking that a woman from her country would be better to date for her instead of you.
At this moment you felt haunted by the memories. You still heard her voice though the phone, her whispered apologies and the sadness in her voice. You thought Jennie was asleep whenever you turned your back towards her when you felt tears rolling down your cheeks, mostly when you cried painfully or silently.
Layin´in my bed a little lonely,
I wanna know how she taste, can you show me
You´ve been crying during the days after break up because of how much you still love her, You won´t have hesitated to take her back anytime and to come back for her.
Now that you know she slept with someone else during the night to your supposed anniversary you wondered how the other woman tasted like. You wondered why she picked her and started something with you. Wasn´t you supposed to be special. Didn´t she say that she is yours only no matter what happens.
I-I-I, I wonder if she knows
That I see her every time
my eyes close
taking off your clothes,
don´t know how to cope
I hate the way my mind is
a bedroom window
I wish my lips were her
lips on your lips
I wish my hips were her
hips on your hips
Didn´t you tell her that I exist
You´ve been seeing the other woman on social media,
since you already knew that Jennie talked to her friendly during your relationship
before the break up. You already had a bad feeling about her at that time. You might have thought that something might have happened, you actually didn´t expect that something would happen between Jennie and the other woman from her country.
You know that it´s okay that Jennie slept with the other woman a few days after your break up and got together with her a few days later. You just wondered why would she cause you pain like that. According to her own words she wasn´t supposed to be in a new relationship since she promised you that you would be her last.
Since you knew about the other woman you couldn´t help yourself from comparing yourself to her. You wondered what the other woman had that you didn´t. You got drunk whenever you felt like crying or whenever Jennie talked about the other woman or even mentions her name. Since you didn´t wanna feel anything. Alcohol helped you to drink your feelings away. It helped you to cope with pain and numbing the sadness.
You caught your brain doubting Jennie sometimes whenever its her phone notifications, mention her name, seeing her react on the other woman´s post or even them following each other. You asked yourself everyday if you are allowed to let your brain doubt her sometimes, your reactions on her name being mentioned, getting scared of a possibility of Jennie getting a notification by her. Jennie reacting on her post or even them following each other.
Little do you know
I´m trying to pick up myself piece by piece
Litlle do you know
I need a little more time
Underneath it all I´m held captive by the hole inside
I´ve been holding back for the fear you might change your mind
I´m ready to forgive, but forgettin´is a harder fight.
You´ve been getting a little bit more clingy and sometimes more distant towards Jennie since you´ve been holding back. You felt captive underneath the fear of Jennie changing her mind and giving the other woman a chance. You´ve been trying to pick up yourself piece by piece in hopes to fix your broken heart, You only need a little bit more time for the harder fight to forget about what happened. You´ve been ready to forgive Jennie completely. You still get captive underneath the fear of possibility of breaking up with you since she has been talking a lot about that subject.
Everything around you was slowly changing for better because every new chapter is a new chance, new opportunities. You wanted to learn how to become better for yourself. At the same time you held hopes that Jennie will always be by yourself. As your girlfriend. Only the future could tell what would happen to you both and what direction your relationship goes into. You only always had four important questions in the back of your mind. Does she love you as much as you love her? is she truly in love with you? most important can she see a futue with you only? does she wants to be yours for the rest of her life? only her actions now and in the future could tell.
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minarisplaything · 5 months
Going Away Present ft. Jennie Kim
pairing: Blackpink Jennie Kim x M!Reader/M!OC rating: Explicit wordcount: 3.8k summary: Being the younger sibling of a member of Blackpink meant you were constantly surrounded by temptation. When the time for you to go away to college is coming up, one member decides to give you a special gift. disclaimer: this is a work of fiction. all characters portrayed are 18+
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 It was just another day when you were walking up the front steps of your parents' house, grocery bags in hand. You couldn't help but wonder why you had been sent to get something so simple. Then again, Jisoo was in town, which meant your parents probably wanted to have some private time to catch up with her. Needless to say, being the member of a popular South Korean girl band and global ambassador for multiple brands required a lot of time away from home.
Pushing the front door open with your foot, you stumbled through the doorway, trying to see past the brown bags in your arms, “A little help—?"
A loud roar interrupted you as you stepped a foot into the house. You don't know what your reaction looked like, but judging from your slack jaw, it had to be some mixture of fear and bewilderment.
"W-What's going on?" you stammered, the bags practically falling out of your hands.
"We planned a surprise going-away party!" your mum explained as she walked towards you.
The smile on her face showed that she was clearly proud to have accomplished her goal. Your shocked expression slowly settled into a small smile and look of appreciation. Leave it to her to go above and beyond with something like this.
“Mum, I don’t leave for university for another month,” you said, handing the bags over to her.
“Yes, well, your sister is only here for two weeks then she has to leave on the international tour. So we decided to do it now. Go on, enjoy yourself, sweetie."
Your smile faltered somewhat. Ah, that explained it better. You would be lying if you said you weren't looking forward to going to university to make a fresh start for yourself out of your sister's shadow. You looked around the room, briefly noting the guests. It was the usual crowd; relatives, some schoolmates, longtime neighbors, and sure enough, your sister, Jisoo, and the other members of Blackpink.
You bit the bottom of your lip as you looked at them. Damn, Jennie, Chaeyoung, and Lisa looked amazing. No, you chastised yourself, Keep it together. Pushing your inappropriate thoughts aside, you turned back to the crowd of gathered people.
"Uh, thanks a lot for coming, guys. I’m sure there's plenty of food and drink, so let's enjoy ourselves."
Luckily, you were spared standing in an awkward silence as someone took the cue to start the music, and the party began. Now you say party, but that was being a bit generous. In reality, you spent most of the afternoon going around to various groups of people, talking and thanking them for coming. The questions were mostly the same: What university will you be going to? What will you be majoring in? How far is it? Have you thought about life after university and so on. It was exhausting, really.
Eventually, you worked your way to the backyard where the members of Blackpink stood gathered. Oddly enough, you had known them almost better than you knew anyone else at the party. In that sense, you couldn't help but be relieved when you finally made it to them.
"He's so grown up!" Chaeyoung squealed as you walked over. "I remember when he was eye level with me."
An embarrassed grin crossed your features as you stopped in front of them. Seeing them so often going through teenage years was never easy and often led to you excusing yourself to your room. At least now you could control yourself...mostly. Chaeyoung, or Rosie, was right though. Where you had once been eye-level and even shorter than her, you now towered over her.
“Ah, I never thought I’d see this day,” Jisoo said dramatically, moving over and wrapping an arm around you. “I was sure he’d drop out of school or something before university.”
The girls laughed as you shrugged her off, “Don't let mom and dad hear you saying that,” you teased looking over at her. "Besides, we all know I'm the brains in the family."
“Does that make me the talented one?”
The others laughed at the display of sibling bantering, and you couldn't help but join in. At moments like this, it was easy to forget just how famous she actually was.
Wearing a slight grin of her own, Jennie Kim moved towards you, wrapping an arm around your neck and standing to the side, “Be nice, Jisoo-unnie, it’s a special day for him,” she said before leaning up to give you a kiss on the cheek. You could immediately feel your face start to redden and hoped the fading sunlight in the yard was enough to mask it. “Plus we have a special way to send you off later.”
You raised your eyebrows curiously. Jennie had always been your favorite among your sister’s friends, something you were sure they secretly knew but didn’t want to embarrass you by pointing out. The idea of a special send-off from her had already sent your mind down an optimistic path. Something Jennie seemed to pick up on as her grin grew.
“Get your mind out of the gutter! It's just a nice club downtown. Especially since you’re old enough to drink now.”
Not exactly the special gift your dirty mind had hoped for but you'd take it. Besides, there were people around the country who would kill to be in your position right now.
“Sounds perfect. This is a nice party and all but there's only so much excitement a going-away party thrown by your parents can have.”
“Don't worry, you’ll have plenty of excitement later,” Jennie winked at you, causing Jisoo to hit her playfully.
“Yah! Stop giving my baby brother the wrong idea!” Jisoo protested.
“Who said it's the wrong idea," Lisa chimed in, a mischievous look on her face, "We might find him a nice girl for the night."
"I'm not listening to this," your sister comically stuck her fingers in her ear.
A round of laughter broke out as Jisoo comically covered her ears. Undeterred, you looked around the yard before returning to the girls, "So when are you guys taking me out for this magical night?”
“Be ready by eleven. Lines aren't exactly an issue for us,” Jennie spoke up first.
You nodded, of course. Benefits of being famous and all.
“Sounds good. You’ll see us all then.”
You hesitated for a moment before leaning down to place a quick peck on Jennie's cheek. This, of course, caused teasing ‘oohs’ and ‘awws’ from the group. You walked away without looking back, but over your shoulder, you could hear Lisa talking as her gaze stared you down.
“He hasn’t even gone off on his own yet, and he’s making man moves.”
The rest of the party went as it had before your run-in with your sister and friends, which was to say boring and dull. Not that it was any fault of their own. It was hard to focus on casual conversation when your mind was already thinking ahead to going out to a club with Jennie, Chaeyoung, and Lisa. And Jisoo as well, you supposed. Eventually, your parents were seeing everyone out, and you were able to slip away to get prepared for the night. Despite not being active in the nightlife scene, you felt compelled to look your best tonight.
It turned out Jennie hadn't been lying. After picking you up, you took a taxi to some club in the heart of the nightlife district. Even with yourself looking terribly out of place, you walked right in and were guided to a table in the VIP section. It was surreal, really. And while you recognized that for many, simply a night at the club with Blackpink would be a dream, your mind couldn't help but wander back to Jennie's words and hope for more.
After a few shots and celebratory toasts, the party was well and truly underway. You could feel yourself starting to loosen up, and whatever nerves you might've had beforehand began to fade away. Time seemed to flow at its own pace, and you were a passenger to its whims.
“I still can’t believe you guys just get VIP tables like this,” you leaned over to say to Jennie, who sat to your right.
“It’s one of the perks of the job,” she replied with a smile before sipping her current drink. “Do you want another?” she pointed to the bottle; you shrugged and held your glass out.
“Jennie! I’m going to go use the bathroom, Chaeyoung is coming with me,” Jisoo shouted over to you.
Her bandmate gave an affirmative response, leaving you alone with Jennie and Lisa. Your thoughts began to wander once again, but before you could work up the courage to act on any of them, you heard a voice calling out to you.
"Do you dance?" 
It was Lisa, leaning over the couch towards Jennie and you. 
Feeling your nerves suddenly come back, you stammered, “Well uh, not too often I can’t really say—"
Jennie's laughter filled your ear, "Just come on!" 
She placed her drink down and took one of your hands while Lisa grinned and took the other. Together they guided you from your booth to an area to dance. Which, while not as crowded as the main floor, was still packed. Jennie easily found you a nook to slide into. She turned around, looking up at you as she pressed her body close to yours and began moving to the electronic beat without a moment's hesitation. Similarly, you could feel Lisa pressing against you from behind, sandwiching you between the two women.
If this was your gift, you could die a happy person.
"Take a deep breath," Jennie says soothingly, her hands rising above her head as she moves effortlessly to the music. Was is that obvious? You try to follow suit, but your body remains rigid despite your best efforts to loosen up. She turns towards you, pressing her backside against your crotch, and you feel waves of pleasure course through your veins.
Without warning, she takes your hands and places them on her hips, leaving them there as if daring you to move them. As you stand frozen in shock, wondering if this is an invitation or not, Lisa wraps her arms around you from behind. Her fingers trace intricate patterns against your skin as she moves to the music.
"Oh fuck..." you muttered, hoping the music masked your comment from their ears.
The singer continued her moves, even going as far to ratchet it up as she slid down using your body as if it were a stripper pole. As a result it also caused your hands to move from her hips to where her breasts were. Unable to help yourself your fingers flexed, feeling the mounds concealed by her tight top.  As if spurred on by your actions her ass rotated, rubbing directly into your crotch over and over again. 
“Noona...Jennie...” you tried to warn but your words were lost in the stereo music as she continued to dance.
You could feel yourself beginning to grow hard but could do nothing to stop her as she moved to the song. Every now and then her arms would wrap around my neck, pulling you down ever so closely only to release you and resume grinding against you in various ways. To add on to that you could feel Lisa's body pressed firmly against mine from behind. Whether either girl sensed or felt what was stirring they didn't let it stop them.
“Ssh, enjoy yourself,” Jennie cooed over the music. 
And you were. Very much so in fact. 
After all, who wouldn’t be in this position? Jennie Kim was rubbing her fit ass against your crotch as she danced to the music to the point where it felt like she was giving you a private lap dance. Meanwhile, Lisa was letting her hands roam over your body as if she was worshiping your form. No one in their right mind would want this to end. 
It was only when Lisa moved from around you and began to dance with Jennie in front of you that you finally felt like you were in danger of doing something embarrassing. As intoxicating as the sight was, it wasn’t worth ejaculating inside your pants in front of them. Mustering what willpower you had, you forced yourself to take a step back, whispering a brief excuse. 
“Sorry, ladies, I need to take care of something.”
Before they could turn around to question you on the matter, you made my way through the crowd and made a beeline for the restroom; oblivious to the knowing looks and devilish smiles that the two women exchanged. 
“Fucking hell,” you grunted as you stumbled into a bathroom stall.
You braced yourself against the sides, taking deep breaths as you tried to compose yourself. Which was easier said than done when your cock was painfully hard. As tempting as it was to jerk off and relieve yourself, there was no way you were doing that in a public stall. That seemed like you’d be asking for some kind of infection.
No, no. You just need to take a few minutes, regain your composure, and then you’d go out there and pick up where you left off.
“They were just teasing me. No way that was serious…” you muttered to yourself. “But still…”
What if they weren’t just teasing? What if this was your chance to make a move? If their dance moves were any indication they were feeling it just as much as you were. And it was your birthday after all. Stranger things had happened before, right? Probably. 
Thinking about your plan, of the potential of success, didn’t exactly help quell your excitement but at least you weren’t sporting an aching bulge ready to tear through your pants. You left the stall, went to the sink and splashed some water on your face. With a look in the mirror you set your determination and made your way back to the dance floor.
When you didn’t spot the girls you made your way back to the VIP area where you saw Jennie sipping on her drink and looking at her phone.
“Hey,” you called out.
“There you are,” her eyes lit up as she looked up at you. 
“Decided to take a break?”
“Something like that.”
“What happened to Lisa? The others?” you asked.
Jennie leaned back, crossing one leg over the other. The tight dress she wore rode up her thighs, giving you a delicious sight, “Oh, she had something to take care of. I think your sister and Rosie are off dancing the night away.”
You swallowed the lump in your throat, trying to remember your prior pep talk, “I guess it’s just the two of us.”
Jennie, meanwhile, wasn’t lacking confidence at all. She practically oozed it as she leaned forward, resting her elbow on one of her knees and placing her chin in her hand. She looked as though she could devour you with a single word and honestly, you would let her. 
“It seems that way,” she cooed, “I was actually thinking of getting out of here…” 
Your eyes went wide but you hoped you continued your composure otherwise, “Yeah?” 
“Yeah,” Jennie raised her hand to her mouth in what you guessed was a faux yawn, “I’m feeling exhausted. I guess I can’t party the same way I used to.”
This was it. Your chance.
“I can take you home if you want.”
A wicked grin crossed her features. 
“Jisoo always said you were well-mannered. I’ll text the girls and tell them we’re heading out.”
Your back crashed against Jennie’s door and her lips were immediately on yours.
From the moment you had entered the cab to get back to her place it had felt like a fever dream. Her hand had teasingly run along your thigh the whole ride and at one point her lips had found their way to your neck.
Once you had arrived and stumbled into her apartment, she was all over you. No more suggestive touches with hidden meanings, no more coy flirtations. Her lips were on yours while her hands grabbed at your body. It was exhilarating and overwhelming all at once. Despite not drinking more than that initial shot, your head was spinning. This was happening. It was somewhat fortunate that you didn’t have time to overthink it at all.
Jennie’s hands gripped at your shirt, quickly undoing the buttons and pushing it over your shoulders. Next her hands moved to your belt buckle, her teeth biting at your bottom lip as she looked up at you with a sex-crazed gaze.
“I didn’t give you a gift at your party did I?” she asked.
“I-I don’t think so,” you moaned, feeling her hand slip into your pants to grip your cock.
“Then consider my pussy your graduation gift,” Jennie said, “Or a going away present. Whichever you want to call it.”
Her words made your head spin to the point all you could do was nod dumbly. Jennie had a wicked smile on her features as she reached down, pulling your pants and boxers away to expose your aching erection. An erection that you’d been dealing with practically since the club.
“I was wondering what it looked like,” Jennie cooed. “You know, Lisa and I were taking bets on just how big it was.”
“You were?” the thought caused your cock to jump in excitement.
“Mhmm.” Jennie bit her bottom lip as she reached down, her fingers curling around your shaft. “She’s going to be jealous that I got to you first you know. You’d split her in half with this.”
The combination of Jennie stroking your cock and the image of plowing into Lisa was enough to make you more than ready to receive your gift. Something Jennie must have realized as well as you heard her let out a giggle. She rose to her feet and turned, briefly giving you a view of her ass in the tight dress that hugged her fit body.
The view became even greater when she bent over, reached under her dress and slowly pulled her panties down her thighs. She looked over her shoulder, watching your face as she stepped out of them. Briefly you wondered what it’d be to get a lap dance from her. An idea to hope for in the future maybe.
“You can take these with you when you leave,” Jennie winked.
She placed the panties on top of the desk before looking back at you. She hitched up her red dress, revealing her bare ass and exposed pussy to you. If it weren’t for the fact that all the blood had already left your head and gone to your cock, you might’ve fainted on the spot.
“Come on then. Come enjoy your gift,” she said. She wiggled her ass as she invited you to close the distance in the hallway and take her.
“Do I need a condom?” you fumbled.
Jennie laughed and shook her head, her hair sticking loosely to her already sweat-covered body, “Don’t worry about that.”
She didn’t have to say it twice. The thought left your mind and you closed the distance between her and yourself. One hand took hold of your cock, lining herself up at her dripping entrance. You paused for a beat, etching the visual into your memory banks as you finally slipped inside of her. To say you had fantasized about your sister's bandmates before would be an understatement. In that sense, this was a dream come true. But even those dreams couldn't compare to the real feeling of Jennie's tight walls squeezing around your cock.
"Fuck, that's it, baby," Jennie moaned, bracing herself with one hand against the wall.
Slowly you buried inch after inch inside of the pop star until your hips were flush against Jennie's ass. As much as you wanted to savor the moment, the desire to fuck your long-time crush was far more overwhelming. Jennie was clearly ready for you to start given the way she ground her ass against you, imploring you to start thrusting immediately. You obliged her, slipping your cock out before filling her to the hilt once again and again.
"Fucking hell," you grunted.
"That's it. Fuck me, Baby" Jennie urged, moans falling from her plump lips.
As you gained a rhythm she began to meet your thrusts with her own movements. Your hands moved to her waist, squeezing gripping her tight as you fucked her. It was hard enough to make sure that there would be marks there tomorrow morning but not enough to cause any discomfort. In fact, judging from the moans of encouragement Jennie let out, she didn't seem to have any complaints.
"Harder," she gasped.
"Yes ma'am."
Every time you entered her from behind it  resulted in her perfect ass smacking against you, filling the room with the sound of skin slapping against each other. Jennie clawed against the wall as you pistoned your cock inside of her faster and faster, drawing out both of your pleasure. And it was good. Incredible even. Each thrust inside of Jennie was better than the last, far better than anything your imagination could have come up with. 
It was safe to say that the continued feeling of her pussy tightening around your cock far surpassed late nights with your own hand. The only problem was that you knew that it wouldn't last forever. That sooner rather than later you'd be emptying your balls inside of Jennie Kim. Or maybe she'd let you finish on her face.
"Fuck!" you gasped, cock twitching at the thought.
"Does it feel good, baby?" Jennie cast a glance over her shoulder. Her dark hair was sticking to her forehead, her cheeks flushed red, "You don't have to hold back for me. Let yourself go."
"Jennie-- " you warned, desperately.
All you could focus on was the feeling of Jennie's pussy, the desire to fuck her harder, and the looming inevitable release that was growing closer and closer with each thrust.
"I'm--Fuck. I'm going to--" you gasped.
You didn't have time to finish your sentence as Jennie slipped free of your grasp. Before you knew it she was on her knees in front of you, her mouth open and tongue sticking out as she stroked your cock furiously. One look at that sight and it was well and truly over. Your balls tightened, your pent up release spewing all over the pop idol's face. Your cock twitched in her grasp, ropes of your seed splattering her features. You had seen Jennie a lot over the years, but you had never witnessed her like this.
"Jesus christ..."
When it was all said and done you were exhausted and utterly spent. As your cock finally began to soften, Jennie ran a manicured finger over her face, scooping up a wad of your cum and sucking it clean off her fingers. When she looked up at you she seemed as satisfied as you felt.
"Congratulations again on graduating," Jennie said, a wicked smile on his lips. "I can't wait to see you when you come back for break."
BUY ME A COFFEE - if you enjoy my stories considering buying me a coffee! always appreciated, never required.
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insomniakisses · 6 months
Closets and Creampies
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Pairing: Lisa Manoban (Blackpink)
Reader Type: Gender Neutral (AFAB)
Warnings/notes: nsfw, Minors DNI, Cis hets DNI, creampie, G!P Lisa, Aka Lisa Has a dick, P in V sex, daddy kink, use of kitten as pet name, mentions of body hair.
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You were on your way to your groups dressing room when you felt hands on ur waist and were tugged into a closet. A hand covering ur mouth when u went to yell out for help.
“Shhhh baby, its just me” a voice husked against your ear. But not just any voice this one belonged to your girlfriend Lisa. Who was currently grinding her bulge against you.
“Seriously!?” You turn to glare at her, “I’m on stage in 10 minutes! I can’t fuck you right now!”
She pouts a needy whine falling from her lips as she palms herself through her boxers. Only now your eyes have adjusted to the dim light can you see what shes wearing. A sports bra and her favourite pair of boxers. You can’t help but to blush when you take her in hand reaching to play with her happy trail on instinct.
“Fuck baby” she husks thrusting into the air, “Need you SO bad! I’ll be quick I promise” you can practically feel her desperation and nod placing a kiss to her happy trail and across her abs before pulling away to undress.
It doesn’t take long for you both to undress and for her to pin you against the door fucking into you with such speed and force that the door its self shakes and rattles. That paired with the loud moans and grunts the pair of you are letting out you know everyone is aware of whats happening in their.
Her thrusts get faster and faster and she groans your name nipping and biting your neck and shoulder as she thrusts deep, heavy balls smacking your ass and pussy hard every time. You can’t help the guttural moan you release every time they twitch against you or you feel how full of her cum they are.
You feel your legs start to shake as your orgasm rips through you but she doesn’t stop her thrusts, doesn’t even slow down she simply pulls ur legs up around her waist pinning you completely to the door. Her deep moans pairing with heavy pants as she feels her cock squeezed by your pussy, your wetness dripping down to her balls and she knows shes gonna cum soon her cock practically drooling pre.
Her grip tightens and her thrusts get sloppy and slower till she lets out a few deep moans, “Thats it kitten,” she groans head falling on your shoulder mouth against your ear. “Let Daddy fill you up, breed you till your round with pups”
You moan clawing at her back, “P-please Daddy!” You moan into her ear and thats all it takes shes cumming hard rope after role of thick hot sticky cum fills you and you gasp as another orgasm rips through you the tightness around her cock sending her over the edge again too and your both a moaning mess.
Once both of you are down from your highs she hums reaching for her bag from the shelves next to you, her body keeping you pinned in place. A Soft whimper leaving your lips as you see her pull out some breading tape, but she just shushes you softly.
You feel her pull out and secure the tape over your whole adding enough to also keep it in place and then she peppers your face with kisses.
“There we go baby, now your ready to go on stage”
You whine at her smirk and say its too much, every movement you feel your legs wobble and the sloshing of her cum inside you but she simply kisses your head, helping you back into your stage outfit.
“You’re going to go out there, and keep that tape on while you perform.” She grips your jaw forcing eye contact, her gaze hard. “Aren’t you kitten?”
You nod dumbly stumbling out of the closet to your group who are waiting for you, trying your best to keep in your moans and whines.
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A/n: Hope you enjoyed the fic! :) also 🤠 anon, I chose lisa just for you ;)
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bitchiswild · 3 months
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G!P Rosé x F!Reader
Word Count: 2.8k
Warnings: pregnancy kink, tummy bulge, creampie, face fucking, etc.
A/n: Driver roll up the partition Please😏 Rosé ver. REQUESTED
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As you and Rosé exited the YSL show, the flashes of cameras and shouts of paparazzi surrounded us, making our escape into the waiting limo feel like a whirlwind.
"Whew," Rosé exclaimed, breathless as she settled beside me. "The paparazzi are relentless today. You okay, babe?" Her concerned gaze met yours, and she instinctively pulled you closer, wrapping her arm around you protectively.
You leaned into her warmth, reassured by her presence. "Yeah, I'm fine," You assured her, feeling her hand soothingly rub your arm as she relayed our next destination to the driver.
"To the after party, please," she instructed the driver without hesitation.
Upon learning that traffic would delay our arrival by 45 minutes, Rosé took it in stride, unfazed by the delay.
As we settled into the plush seats, your mind wandered back to the moments before the fashion show, when the air was charged with anticipation and desire.
"God, you're so hot, baby," Rosé murmured, her lips trailing kisses down your neck, pinning you between her and the bathroom sink.
You let out a contented sigh, granting her access to your neck. "Mmm, Chae," you moaned softly, your body responding to her touch, "not here, baby."
Rosé's hands explored your curves eagerly, her touch sending shivers down your spine. "Why not? No one's looking for us," she husked, her lips finding yours in a hungry kiss, growing more intense by the second.
Feeling breathless and exhilarated, you gently pushed her away, promising, "Later," even as you felt her pout against your lips. We both knew the constraints of our current setting – technically, we were both 'working.'
The thought of it caused you to shift uncomfortably in the plush seat, the tight confines of the limo amplifying your discomfort. Sensing your unease, Chaeyoung's perceptive eyes locked onto you, her concern evident in the soft whisper that brushed against your ear, sending shivers down your spine.
"You okay, baby?" Her voice was laced with genuine concern, and her touch felt like a soothing balm against my nerves.
You nodded, but the heat building up between your legs made it hard to focus. Instinctively, you started rubbing your thighs together, hoping to alleviate the growing warmth pulsating through your body.
"Yeah," You managed to stutter out, your voice barely above a whisper. Your eyes involuntarily drifted to the faint outline of Chaeyoung's bulge visible through her pants, the sight only adding to the turmoil of sensations swirling inside you.
Chaeyoung's gaze followed yours, and in that moment, understanding flashed in her eyes. Without a word, her hands moved lower, trailing down to rub your ass in a reassuring gesture.
Realizing the need for privacy, Chaeyoung swiftly took charge, her voice firm as she addressed the driver, "Driver, roll up the partition and turn up the music, please." The driver met her gaze through the rearview mirror, acknowledging her request before discreetly raising the partition, effectively shielding us from prying eyes and granting us the privacy we craved. As the music filled the air, drowning out the outside world, a sense of intimacy enveloped us, heightening the anticipation of what was to
She gripped my face with a gentle urgency, pulling me closer until I could feel her warm breath teasing my lips. "Were you thinking about earlier, baby?" she asked softly, her thumb tracing the outline of my lips as her eyes bore into mine.
Caught in her intense gaze, I could only nod in response, feeling a rush of desire coursing through me at her touch and the memories of our earlier encounter flooding back.
"You're so dirty, baby," Chaeyoung husked, her voice low and seductive, sending a shiver down my spine. "Getting horny while we have an after-party to go to?"
Her words ignited a fire within me, and I could feel the heat pooling between my thighs, aching for her touch. With a playful smirk, I leaned in closer, my lips brushing against hers teasingly. "Maybe I just can't resist you," I whispered, my voice laced with anticipation and desire, before capturing her lips in a passionate kiss, losing myself in the intoxicating taste of her.
Chaeyoung responded eagerly, her lips moving against mine with a fervor that mirrored my own. The world outside the limo faded away as we indulged in the electric chemistry between us, our bodies pressed together in a tantalizing embrace.
Her hands roamed over my body, igniting trails of fire wherever they touched. I gasped softly as her fingers traced the curve of my waist, sending shivers down my spine. With each touch, the hunger between us grew.
Chaeyoung's breath hitched as she pushed you down onto your knees in front of her, a mischievous grin playing on her lips. With eager hands, she fumbled with the button of her pants, her excitement evident in the way she trembled. Finally, she managed to undo them, and with a quick tug, she yanked them down, revealing her throbbing cock straining against her underwear.
A string of precum connected her tip to the fabric as she freed herself, the slick fluid dribbling down her length. She didn't waste any time, grabbing your hair roughly and guiding your mouth to her needy member.
"Suck it, baby," she moaned, her voice thick with lust as she thrust her hips forward, pushing her cock deeper into your mouth. You gagged slightly at the sudden invasion, but Chaeyoung only groaned in pleasure, loving the sensation of your mouth enveloping her.
Her movements became increasingly erratic as she chased her own pleasure, thrusting into your mouth with abandon. Precum dribbled down your chin as she lost herself in the sensation, her breaths coming out in ragged gasps. It was messy, sloppy, and utterly intoxicating.
Tears welled up in your eyes as Chaeyoung relentless thrusting caused your mascara to streak down your cheeks, mixing with the precum and saliva already coating your face. Sensing your distress, Chaeyoung eased up slightly, giving you a moment to catch your breath.
With a firm grip, she wiped away the smudged lipstick, a brief respite before plunging back into the intense rhythm. "You look so fucking hot with your makeup running," she growled, her voice thick with desire. "You're such a good little cocksucker for me."
Her words sent a shiver down your spine as she pushed you back onto her throbbing cock, the wet sounds of your mouth eagerly accepting her filling the room. "That's it, take it all," she urged, her voice dripping with need. "You love sucking my cock, don't you? You're my filthy little slut, and I'm gonna use your mouth until I'm satisfied."
Your muffled moans and the sound of her hips meeting your face filled the air as Chaeyoung lost herself in the pleasure of fucking your face.
she gripped your hair tighter, guiding your head back and forth along her throbbing length. With each forceful thrust, she buried herself deeper into your mouth, reveling in the sensation of your warm, wet lips wrapping around her.
"Oh, fuck, you're gonna make me cum," she groaned, her voice strained with ecstasy. "You like that, huh? You like making me feel this good?"
You could only whimper in response, the overwhelming pleasure and intensity of the moment rendering you speechless as she continued to fuck your face with abandon.
Her breathing grew ragged as she neared the edge, her movements becoming more erratic with each passing second. "That's it, take it all," she panted, her grip on your hair tightening even further. "You're such a fucking good cocksucker, you know that? I'm gonna cum so hard down your throat."
With one final, desperate thrust, Chaeyoung reached her climax, her body tensing as she emptied herself into your mouth with a guttural moan of pleasure. Hot spurts of cum coated your tongue, the taste overwhelming and intoxicating as she rode out her orgasm with abandon.
As she finally began to come down from the peak of her pleasure, Chaeyoung collapsed against you, her breathing heavy and labored. "Fuck," she breathed, a satisfied grin spreading across her face.  "Fuck, baby, you made me feel amazing," Chaeyoung huskily whispered in your ear, her voice dripping with desire. With a tender kiss, she pulled you closer to her, the warmth of her lips igniting a fire within you. Then, with a sudden movement, she pushed you over the seat so that your ass was presented to her.
Her hands eagerly hiked up the bottom of your dress, revealing your soaked underwear which she wasted no time in yanking down and stuffing into her pocket. The cool air against your exposed skin sent shivers down your spine as anticipation built within you.
Without warning, Chaeyoung delivered a series of hard slaps to your ass, each one sending waves of pleasure coursing through your body and leaving red marks in their wake. You couldn't help but jerk in response to the delicious sting, your senses heightened with desire.
With a firm grip, Chaeyoung then began to rub her hardened length between your ass cheeks, the friction sending sparks of pleasure shooting through you. Her tip teased your entrance, tantalizingly close yet just out of reach, driving you wild with anticipation.
"Ready for me, baby?" she growled, her voice laced with lust as she teased you mercilessly. "I'm going to make you feel so fucking good, you won't be able to think straight."
The leather seats creaked beneath you, adding to the primal atmosphere. Chaeyoung wasted no time, her hands gripping your hips with a fierce intensity. "Fuck, you look so fucking hot like this," she growled, her voice rough with desire as she admired the sight before her. "You're mine to fuck however I want, understand?"
You could only nod in response, the anticipation building within you as you waited for her next move. With a sudden thrust, Chaeyoung entered you with force, eliciting a gasp of pleasure from your lips as she filled you completely.
Her movements were rough and primal, each thrust driving you deeper into ecstasy as the limo rocked with the intensity of your passion. "You love taking my cock, don't you?" she taunted, her voice dripping with dominance. "You're such a fucking slut for me, begging for more."
With each thrust, she pushed you closer and closer to the edge, her dirty talk fueling the fire burning between you. The sound of your moans and the slap of skin against skin echoed in the confined space, a symphony of pleasure as Chaeyoung claimed you as her own.
Your moans filled the air, a symphony of pleasure mixing with the sound of Chaeyoung's own primal groans. The limo rocked with the intensity of your passion, each thrust driving you deeper into ecstasy.
Chaeyoung's grip on your hips tightened as she increased the pace, her movements becoming even rougher as she claimed you completely. "That's it, baby, take it all," she growled, her voice filled with raw desire. "You're mine, and I'm going to fuck you until you can't walk straight."
Her words sent a jolt of excitement through you, igniting a fire within as you surrendered completely to the pleasure of being dominated by her. With each powerful thrust, you felt yourself teetering on the edge of oblivion, the intensity building with each passing moment.
"Fuck, you feel so good," Chaeyoung moaned, her own pleasure mingling with yours as she relentlessly pounded into you. The sound of her voice, thick with lust, only fueled your desire further, driving you both to the brink of ecstasy.
Chaeyoung flipped you onto your back, her movements swift and assertive. As you lay there, breathless and trembling with anticipation, she wasted no time straddling you, her eyes blazing with desire.
With a wicked grin, Chaeyoung positioned herself above you, her cock throbbing with need as she guided it towards your entrance. With a slow, deliberate motion, she pushed inside you, the sensation causing you to arch your back in pleasure.
As she began to move, her hips rolling in a relentless rhythm, you felt a delicious pressure building in your abdomen, a tummy bulge forming where her cock pressed against you from the inside. The sensation only added to the overwhelming pleasure coursing through your body, driving you to new heights of ecstasy.
"Fuck, you're so tight," Chaeyoung groaned, her voice thick with desire as she rode you with increasing fervor. "You feel so fucking good wrapped around me like this."
Her words sent shivers of pleasure down your spine as you surrendered completely to the sensation of being filled by her, your moans mingling with hers in a symphony of ecstasy. As Chaeyoung continued to thrust into you with primal intensity, her desire reached a fever pitch. With a guttural moan of pleasure, she leaned in close, her breath hot against your ear.
"Fuck, I want to put a baby in you," she growled, her voice thick with lust and longing. "I want to fill you up so good that you end up pregnant."
With each powerful thrust, Chaeyoung's words echoed in your mind, fueling the fire burning between you as you both surrendered to the overwhelming ecstasy of the moment. "Don't you want me to fill you up, baby?" she growled, her voice thick with desire. "Don’t you want me to pump you so full of my cum since your pussy is practically begging for a baby?"
Your moans of pleasure only fueled her primal need as she continued to pound into you relentlessly. "Yeah, that's it," she taunted, her voice dripping with lust. "You're gonna be so fucking full of me, you won't be able to walk straight for days. And when you're pregnant with my baby, you'll know who made you feel this good."
With each thrust, she drove the point home, her dirty talk sending shivers of pleasure down your spine. The idea of her filling you with her seed, of creating new life together, only intensified the passion between you. She flipped you onto your side, her hands gripping your hips with possessive force.
With a primal hunger in her eyes, Chaeyoung buried herself deep inside you, her thrusts growing more urgent with each passing moment. The limo rocked with the intensity of your passion as you both surrendered to the raw, unbridled desire coursing through your veins.
With each powerful thrust, Chaeyoung's grip on your hips tightened, her primal instincts taking over as she claimed you completely. "You're mine," she growled, her voice filled with possessive need. "Mine to fuck and fill with my seed."
As Chaeyoung's primal desire drove her movements, you found yourself lost in the overwhelming pleasure of the moment. With each powerful thrust, you couldn't help but moan in ecstasy, the sensation of her filling you completely driving you wild.
"Yes, Chaeyoung, just like that," you moaned, your voice filled with desperation and longing. "Right there, baby, right there."
Your words only fueled Chaeyoung's primal hunger as she continued to pound into you with relentless passion. The sound of your moans mingled with hers in a symphony of ecstasy, echoing through the confines of the limo.
"Fuck, I'm gonna cum," Chaeyoung groaned, her voice thick with desire as she continued to pound into you with primal urgency.
The sensation of her throbbing inside you pushed you over the edge, and with a loud cry of pleasure, you felt your body convulse in ecstasy as waves of pleasure washed over you.
"Chaeyoung, yes!" you moaned, your voice filled with ecstasy as you surrendered completely to the overwhelming pleasure coursing through your body.
Chaeyoung reached her own climax, her body tensing as she emptied herself into you with a guttural moan of pleasure.
Chaeyoung gently pulled you on top of her, guiding you to sit astride her lap. Her cock still buried deep inside you, her cum leaking out of your swollen pussy, serving as a reminder of the passionate encounter you both shared.
With tender care, Chaeyoung began to rub your back in soothing circles, her touch a comforting balm to help you calm down from the intensity of your orgasm. Each stroke of her hand was a gesture of tenderness, a silent reassurance of her affection for you.
Just as you were beginning to catch your breath, a sudden knock on the window startled you both. "Miss Park, we are here," a voice called from outside.
Chaeyoung's grip on you tightened slightly as she glanced towards the window, a hint of reluctance in her eyes. "Okay, give us a bit," she responded, her voice tinged with a mixture of frustration and resignation.
As the driver's presence reminded you of the outside world, Chaeyoung's question brought you back to reality. "You still want to go, baby?" she asked softly, her gaze searching yours for reassurance.
Feeling a strong desire to remain wrapped up in the intimacy you shared, you shook your head no, a silent affirmation of your desire to stay together.
Chaeyoung nodded in understanding, a tender smile gracing her lips as she signaled to the driver. "Just drive us back to the hotel," she instructed, her voice firm yet gentle.
With a nod of acknowledgment, the driver pulled away from the curb, leaving the rest of the world behind as the two of you retreated into the private sanctuary of the hotel.
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jensettermandu · 5 months
-𝙜𝙤𝙤𝙙 𝙜𝙞𝙧𝙡𝙨 𝙜𝙤 𝙩𝙤 𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙫𝙚𝙣, 𝙗𝙖𝙙 𝙜𝙞𝙧𝙡𝙨 𝙜𝙤 𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙮𝙬𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚-
-𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙢𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩-
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𝘨!𝘱 𝘫𝘦𝘯𝘯𝘪𝘦 𝘹 𝘧𝘦𝘮𝘢𝘭𝘦 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
synopsis; Their relationship is like a beautiful exotic flower although the stem is filled with poison. It burns, scars, and ruins them like cyanide. Their definition of love is the toxicity that is seeping through their skin, nestling itself deep down in their marrow. It is what makes them feel alive. They're both addicted to it which makes it so much harder to let go when they find beauty in something ugly. Whatever pain they feel, it all goes away when the substances course through their veins and they are with each other. The highs they constantly bring each other to before bringing each other down. It's what makes them hold on despite how it all leaves scars. Too blinded by one another, too lost in the fire, like a moth to a flame. It is what keeps their skin warm and glowing while they breathe in the toxic fumes it creates and poisons their brains. There's no place for shame, guilt, or pain in their world.
content warning; MDNI, morally grey characters, toxic relation/situationships, domestic abuse, violence, substance use/abuse, mentions of weight/toxic beauty standards, dubcon, a lot of smut (spitting, spanking, bondage, choking, rough sex, etc. appears), age gap (legal), mentions of sensitive topics, not made for glorification of toxic relationships.
𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘯𝘢 𝘣𝘦 𝘩𝘪𝘨𝘩 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴
part one
1.1 - invitation to sin city 1.2 -too deep, too little control 1.3 -not a home 1.4 -her doll 1.5 -prisoners 1.6 -the reminder 1.7 -the hills don't judge 1.8 -everywhere
𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘪𝘵 𝘰𝘧𝘧
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𝘵𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘪𝘵 𝘰𝘧𝘧
part two
2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 ... '𝘤𝘢𝘶𝘴𝘦 𝘪 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘧𝘦𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨
𝘪𝘵'𝘴 𝘰𝘬𝘢𝘺 𝘨𝘪𝘳𝘭, 𝘪 𝘧𝘦𝘦𝘭 𝘪𝘵 𝘵𝘰𝘰
TAGSLIST! @yxlis @jisooftme @geeminz @lisas-earlobe @badaspookie @xszn @badasgff @hwm1hyun @herwhcre @lilacura @naycore @dreamingst99 / taglist is open
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hyun0o · 2 months
Hi author. I want to request for blackpink imagine can you do for ot4, where y/n is really clingy with all of them and they treats y/n like a baby and rosé loves to carry y/n around. They would always do everything for y/n. Thank you love your stories.
[Blackpink x 5th mem. Fem!Reader][FLUFF]
I'm so sorry anon, I didn't realize this req was 2 months agoo (—=—') pls forgive me °///°
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Scenario 1 🎮
"Unnie no fair you cheated!" You whined when you lost to Jisoo in mario cart. Both of you sitting on the comfy couch in your vacation hotel after a large and successful comeback, while your other members were in the kitchen, preparing the dinner for tonight, well except for Lisa who was failing her tasks miserably. "Yah, what do you mean I cheated, just admit it you lost boo" Your unnie teased, your puffed cheeks turning slightly red from embarrassment. Maybe it was your own fault for challenging the queen of games. "I can't believe I lost to an oldie" You earned an annoyed call from Jisoo, soon she nagged you on how to play the game properly, taking power ups, stop ramming into the sides, and what not. You stuck your tongue out at her while she talked and when she saw your little shenanigans, you booked it knowing she'll poke your sides.
Running into the kitchen, your unnies saw you as you frantically hid behind them. Hoping for you to get protected by them, but of course it's not going to work. "Y/n-ah!!" Jisoo ran to you in a flash, but you wont lose to her again, the other girls watched as the oldest and youngest chased each other around the whole hotel. It basically lasted for 4 mins until Jennie finally called you two to stop. As you enter the kitchen again for the 4th time from the chase, Jennie glared at you with her cat like eyes, making you immediately stop dead in your tracks. "U-unnie..." You stammered with your words getting scared, 'Did I piss her off too? ' You thought as you gave her your infamous puppy dog eyes for some mercy. Jennies eyes furrowed as she stared at you, trying not to break but come on, you looked far way too cute to get angry at.
She sighed and pinched your cheeks, her tall walls breaking in attempt to lecture you "You're going to get hurt if you continue baby, come on and eat" She whispered with loving eyes, you loved your Unnie so much, you loved all of them. But of course you're not always going to say that just to tease them,as a maknae your job is to be mischievous to them. You hear a scream from Jisoo from behind and immediately your flight or fight mode went off, you chose flight. Hugging Jennie to her neck you hid in the crook of her neck to get protected. "Nini!!" You screamed in fear, really not wanting to get tickled. Jisoo bursted out laughing, were you really that scared? Jennie glared at her as well, making her shut her mouth. "We were just playing Jen..." Walking closer to you and soon she unsurprisingly poked your sides, you jumped and whined. "Come on you're over reacting silly, stop clinging onto Jendkkie" You looked at her and just for funs and giggles you stuck your tongue out to just annoy her again. "Yah! You little-" Jennie playfully hit her head to stop and just let it go, earning a pout from the oldest.
"Girls, food is ready!" Chaeyoung called, walking towards you three while Lisa prepared the dishes to the plates. She stopped in her tracks when she saw the funny scene. "What are you guys doing" Laughing, she looked at you pushed your hair to the side so your forehead can breathe. "Jisoo-unnie is so mean!" You pouted back at your oldest member, making her pull a jokingly annoyed face. Before she could even defend herself, Chaeyoung immediately went to your side and pampered you. "Yah this is why she's so spoiled" Jisoo crossed her arms with furrowed eyebrows, you giggle and finally wanted to stop teasing your unnie. Letting go of Jennie you soon hugged Jisoo and apologized for teasing her, even if you two always teased each other, you still loved her. Soon Chaeyoung and Jennie joined in the hug while Jisoo apologized as well. The warm embrace making you all feel at home.
"Hey I also want to join!" Cutie Lisa hugged last making you all chuckle.
Scenario 2 🎥
A sunny afternoon was the perfect setting to go out to the mall, shopping for some groceries and whatever items your hearts desired. For you, it was basically hell. Your heels were killing your damn feet while you're sweating inside of your multi layered outfit, only now regretting your choices, you curse your past naive self. While you suffered from your poor choices, the worst part is it was as if you were invisible to your other members, completely forgetting about you ever since the outing started. Chaeyoung and Lisa were bickering in what to buy for tonight, including board games, food, and other necessities. While Lisa was recording your fun little outing for a vlog. "Come on please, play with me tonight this seems like a fun game" The blonde girl raised the board game up for the camera to see, Lisa can't help but just say yes. And then going back to the camera to shake her head and whisper playful no's. "Yah I heard that" She threw the board game in the basket, finally noticing your tired state, droplets of sweat twinkled on your forehead with your shaking feet not being able to support yourself properly.
"You okay bub? You don't look too good" You wanted to burst out right then and there, finally she noticed you. They were basically ignoring you for the past evening full of walking around and buying things. Rather than anger you start to tear up, making Chaeyoung panic. "Everything sucks" You sniffed, maybe you were over reacting? Maybe you're too sensitive? Maybe it's not even a big deal. You tried hard to reason with yourself, but no matter how much you invalidated your own feelings; nothing worked to calm your nerves down. In fact it made it all worse. "W-what wrong? Does your feet hurt? Here let me help you" You didn't reply, heart still filled with emotions, as Lisa turned the camera off, she finally noticed you two from behind, also spotting the tears on your face while Chaeyoung was taking your heels off. "Y/nnie what's wrong? Did Rosie bully you?" She wiped your tears with her sleeves, guilt emerging in your chest, it wasn't really their fault, yet you were still hurt. "You're probably the one who made her cry idiot" She replied with an annoyed tone making you shiver, Chaeyoung isn't the type to get frustrated at people.
"Here bub, climb on my back. I can carry you back to the van" Your tears swelled up again, you didn't deserve this just after throwing a stupid tantrum. "Listen to Chae, Ynnie, I'll carry your jacket, you're sweating beads" With that you went on Chaeyoungs back while hiding your face on her shoulder, tears still flowing while sniffling. The two older girls can't help but feel guilty, were they the reason you're crying? "Ynnie... Did we do something wrong? Please tell us so we can apologize properly" Lisa looked at you with worry in her eyes, hoping that you'd answer. You whisper something only you can understand on Chaeyoungs shoulder, although it was audible, they couldn't really understand your muffled words.
"Say it again bub what is it?"
"You two ignored me... Ever since this outing started, then my shoes started to get uncomfy to the point it really hurt my feet. And then I got to suffer the consequences of my own choice of clothing, today sucks..." They thought back to this morning where you all got to the mall, you were right. They did ignore you but not on purpose. It's when they always get interrupted to reply to you or when they just shrugged you off. Lisa even remembered that you mentioned how you feet started to get hurt but before she could acknowledge your comment, she got distracted by an item in the store. They both felt horrible, you didn't deserve such treatment. "We're sorry bub... We didn't realize it till now, we promise we'll make it up to you" Chaeyoung hung her head low, as with Lisa, "We promise it won't happen again." You feel content, that's all you wanted to hear from them, a sorry and some assurance where they'd make it up to you. Looking to your side, you were met with Lisa with furrowed eyebrows, guilt evident on her face. "Promise?" You held your pinky up, Lisa smiled brightly and took your pinky with hers, intertwining it.
"We promise" Kissing your forehead, the heavy weights in your chest finally lifting as you hugged Chaeyoung by her neck with a content smile on your face.
Huhu I love the thought of yn getting pampered by their Unnies, this is probably why most of my biases are maknaes lol. I hope you guys enjoyedd <3
- (_=_)
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moonhoures · 8 months
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🕷️ kinktober — day 21: oral 🕸️
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pairing: rosé (blackpink) + reader (g/n)
genre: non-idol!au, smut, fluff
warnings: 18+, minors do not interact, explicit smut, oral (f receiving), face sitting, reader calls rosé ‘pretty’ & ‘baby’
word count: ~900
synopsis: you finally convince your gf to try facesitting
posted: october 21, 2023
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“Are you going to sit on my face or not?”
Your girlfriend giggled, busying herself by picking up the TV remote and her phone and placing them on the nightstand. Meanwhile, her knees were pressed into the bed on either side of your waist. When she turned her attention back to you, you put on a pout that made her roll her eyes.
“I am, I’m just nervous. I’ve never done this before,” she said, though she knew you already knew that.
“I know, that’s why I’m so eager to be your first,” you tried to ease her worries by running your fingertips over the smooth expanse of her thighs. Her legs were completely bare, and she was covered in only her panties and a crop top. It took so much convincing on your part to get Chaeyoung to this point, so you didn’t want to ask too much of her. But you really wished you had gotten her completely naked before now, “Just come up here and sit, pretty.”
Chae sighed, apprehension evident in her expression and her movements. But she climbed up anyways, extra cautious of your body so that she didn’t knee you by accident. Then she arrived at her destination, her clothed core hovering near your chin. She was uneasy, you could tell, but if only she knew how much you loved your view.
The way her cute, sparkling eyes looked to you for guidance and validation, it sent you reeling. “Like this?” she asked.
“A little lower,” you urged, noting the large gap between your face and her cunt. She hesitantly lowered her hips, barely an inch more, “Little lower.”
“This doesn’t feel too comfortable, how is this enjoyable for you?” she asked curiously, looking down at you over her tummy.
“It’s because you’re not low enough, and trust me, this will be much more enjoyable for me once i get your pussy on my tongue.”
“Baby,” she groaned in embarrassment, but she couldn’t deny the effect your words had on her.
“Sit,” you told her once more, and finally, she listened.
She carefully put her weight on you, and you didn’t waste any time in reaching up over her thighs. Your fingers moved the gusset of her panties to the side, and you noticed the fabric was already damp. You decided to dive right in, pressing kisses over her heated skin.
Chae’s breath became heavier as she felt your lips on her thighs and the tender flesh of her pulsing cunt. She was admittedly nervous, but also excited—after all, she did love the way you ate her out. You knew all the right ways to tease her, building up that flame inside of her. You knew how (and where) to leave lingering kisses that had her yearning for more. You knew when to finally give those licks that had her moaning out softly.
Moments later you were smirking to yourself as her hips began rocking on their own. It was subtle, but you caught the swaying easily from your position. Your hands secured themselves on her thighs, holding her close to your face so she couldn’t move away. You delved even further between her warm folds with your tongue, prodding and licks and sucking on her wet skin. Mewls and whimpers of ‘don’t stop’ and ‘oh my Gods’ tumbled from her lips without a care.
“You taste so good, Rosie,” you hummed into her thigh, both of you highly aware of the arousal that coated your lips, cheeks, and chin. You returned to the task at hand, going back to eating her out with vigor. Your tongue lapped at her, collecting her sweet juices, willing her to cum. You focused the tip of your tongue on her clit, circling the sensitive button, eliciting wanton moans from your girlfriend as she slowly thrusted her pussy over your mouth.
One of your hands snaked up her torso before slipping under the bottom of her crop top. She wasn’t wearing a bra, and you couldn’t be more thankful to be met with the soft, pliant feeling of her tit in your hand.
“I’m almost there, ________,” she panted, head thrown back from the climax building up higher and higher within her.
“Ride my tongue, baby. Make a mess, all over my face,” you drove her to release, sticking out your tongue as much as you could to allow her the control she needed. She grasped some of your hair in her hand gently, keeping you in place as she moved her slick cunt up and down your tongue, using you for her own satisfaction.
“Yes, right there! Just like that!” her movements began to stutter as she came, letting out the loudest, most lewd sounds you had heard her make recently. And you were just there for the ride, relishing in the taste of her on your lips as you cleaned them with your tongue.
Your hands massaged Chaeyoung’s thighs, calming her down from her orgasm. She dismounted from you, not wanting to sit on you any longer than she needed to. But as she laid down beside you, you could hear her heavy breathing. A laugh rumbled from you, and you two looked at each other.
“What?” she asked between breaths.
“That wasn’t so bad, was it?”
“Better than I could’ve ever imagined actually.”
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— taglist #1
@jaylaxies @xiaoting999 @kookthief @zaddywilk @wonrangwoo @pedriswrld @ikykleeknowww @odisdad @abby-grace @jungwonloveer @pinklemonadeflav @celestialplatinum @luvkpopp @nlklstan @kisses4denji @jenos-eye-smiles @a-l-i-y-a @channiesprincess @bekah931215 @heerinnie @fairygirl18 @cinnikoi @im-ur-calico-cat @unlikelysublimekryptonite @k-drizzle @iguanas-world
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writerpetals · 7 months
breathless | 🔞
; optional female lead smut |  ☁️
You’re already breathless by the time she sinks her favorite toy inside of you. It’s strapped around her hips and you whimper her name as she thrusts beneath you, wrapped up in one another with arms around her and her mouth on you. She teases and toys with your nipples, licking, sucking, biting, while your hips begin to move against her, eyes closing, head falling back in pure bliss.
“You’re needy tonight,” she teases you, a dominating yet playful tone to match her aura and you simply melt into her. It’s no secret after time apart just how much you can grow to need her, already dripping by the time she eased the toy deep into you and now the room spins as she tends to your body. Rolling your hips against her, you say nothing, only a moan falling from your lips to tell her she’s right. You are needy. “Ride me,” she orders, another thrust of her hips from below as she pumps the toy deeper inside of you. 
You follow her words, of course. Another whimper slips from your lips, a gasp when you feel the rounded tip press farther inside your dripping walls. Your body is hot in her hold as her hands roam every inch and she only pulls her mouth away to chuckle at how desperate you are. 
“Fuck me,” you cry out breathlessly, grinding yourself against her to feel warmth spiraling from between your thighs. She chuckles again, reaching to grip your ass, and then rolls her hips into you. Another surge of electric pleasure jolts through you. Your mind grows numb. Your legs tremble around her. You only need a little more motivation to reach your peak. 
“Lean back,” she instructs, and you follow her commands once again. Your back falls to the bed in seconds and she’s between your thighs once more, gripping the thick base of the plastic toy with one hand before easing it into your soaked heat. A gasp falls from your lips before you moan her name, feeling her beginning to thrust into you just as you close your eyes. Then you feel her hand fall to your body, her thumb brushing over your clit to send a surge of warmth shooting down your spine.
“Please,” you whimper, showing her just how needy you are. She moans at the tremble in the word and the way your body looks beneath her as she fucks you, spread open, trembling, the toy sinking into your dripping warmth, begging for more and dying to come. With a smirk, her hips work faster as she massages your clit, earning every moan of her name, every breathless whimper, and every time you cry out not to stop, that you’re so close.
“Come for me,” she groans, pumping the toy into you harder, deeper, making quick work of your clit with circles around the swollen bud. Your body tenses and she can feel how close you’re getting as a final gasp falls from your lips. The pleasure of red hot heat surges through your body as you come undone, rolling your hips, riding out the bliss against her as she continues fucking you. With legs trembling, your back arches from the bed as the bursts of ecstasy roll through your body, and you finally begin to come down while her motions slow.
She carefully pulls out of you with a giggle, happy to have given you the pleasure you desperately needed.  
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halcyonwrld · 4 months
PAIRING. Jennie Kim x Reader
With a big test coming up, you and your girlfriend make a bet to see who can stay awake the longest during your study date. Ultimately, you win. This is a brief glimpse of the cozy morning afternoon that follows. (1.3K)
TAGS. college!au, just some good ol’ domestic fluff, a suggestive mention or two, playful mention of suffocating 💀
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Waking up feels like transitioning out of a daze and headfirst into a living daydream. Everything feels warm and hazy. Sunlight pours in slats through the blinds. Distantly, you register the sound of the humming air conditioner, and the soft lull of music from the apartment above you.
Being inside of these four walls brings you a feeling you can only describe as pure comfort. The kind that makes you wish you could stay in bed forever.
You yawn as you come to, sluggishly scanning your apartment.
The TV is on, paused on Netflix’s home screen.
With a groan, you stretch, careful of Kuma at the foot of the bed. The joints in your legs crack with a satisfying pop of pressure. That satisfaction is shortlived; you can’t help but grimace as you notice your arm is trapped.
Jennie snores softly against your shoulder, blissfully unaware of your predicament at the moment. Your girlfriend is practically on her stomach with the way she’s curled into you, black hair mussed wildly about on her forehead, arms contorted in such an awkward way you wonder how she’s sleeping so peacefully.
She’s lucky she’s cute.
You try to pull your arm, but no give. And an annoying blunt something is digging into your waist.
Turning fully onto your side, you blindly fumble with your hand underneath the sheets. You realize it’s your phone as soon as you get ahold of it.
Turning it on— your eyes widen: it’s nearly 2 in the afternoon! You can’t believe you’ve actually slept the entire morning away. Again.
It takes you mumbling her name at least three times before Jennie begins to rouse from her sleep. (Though, you think it's your weak movements attempting to free your arm that truly wakes her.)
She squints at the light, immediately screwing her eyes shut. Then, she loops an arm around your waist and nuzzles into your chest. “Five more minutes…” she murmurs, the ghost of her lips tickling your sternum.
“Jen…” you warn.
Like a child, she whines an indignant noise, burrowing further into your warmth.
You roll your eyes before you press a patient kiss to the top of her head. Your stomach grumbles; of course she smells like blueberries, of course.
“You… you know that you fell asleep first, right?” you murmur through a yawn, teasing despite the sleepy haze that still has a grip on you both.
"Mmm, no I didn't,” she rasps, lying straight through her teeth, “you fell asleep before me, but-"
"But nothing- unless… you have proof that I don’t?”
She goes quiet at that.
Too quiet.
"Babe… you're gonna fall asleep in five more minutes, and-” You huff, yanking your arm from underneath her. Tingles shoot down to your cold fingertips as the blood begins to flow back into your veins. “I need to piss."
Jennie groans. "Just hold it."
You scoff, pushing her away by the forehead. "How about I suffocate you instead?"
"Ugh… fine.”
Jennie rolls onto her back, allowing you to move. She cocoons herself in the sheets to the neck after you stand. Watches you with puffy, low eyes as you round the bed.
“Delete the photos… I know you have so many terrible pictures.”
You scoop up a random shirt from the floor, sending her a lovesick smile when your head pops out of the top. “Babe, please… you’re the most photogenic person I know.”
“Blegh,” she complains, face scrunched as she tugs your pillow over her head, “Too cheesy.”
You giggle as you make your way to the bathroom.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
You hum at the term of endearment, glancing at your girl as you tug on a random pair of grey sweatpants, foamy toothbrush stuck to your jaw.
Jennie looks far more awake. In the time you’ve spent in the bathroom, she’s propped a pillow underneath her head, and found her phone. The sheets have slipped just below her collarbones, revealing the straps of her lace bra.
She places her phone on her stomach when you look at her, giving you her full attention. That soft stare of hers doesn't fail to give you butterflies.
"Thought you only needed the bathroom?" she asks.
You shrug. "Well, now I'm hungry."
She smirks. "No need to leave, I'm right here."
You roll your eyes and head back to the bathroom to finish up, ignoring her call of complaint.
"Since we missed breakfast, m’gonna make some. Want something specific?" you call before you turn on the shower for her, knowing she preferred to first thing in the morning.
You step out to hear her clearly, leaning your weight against the doorframe. She’s staring at herself in the ceiling mirror, rubbing an eye.
"Toast please,” she mumbles sweetly.
You hum, then collect all of your textbooks and loose papers from last night and shove them into your bag.
"What is-"
You look over.
Jennie is sitting up now, blankets bunched around her hips and a familiar paper in her hands. She smooths out a yellow sticky note, and you wince to yourself as she squints to read it, already knowing what it is.
She holds it up for you to see, eyebrows raised. "Really?"
You can barely make it out from where you’re standing, but you don't need to. You remember lazily scribbling the words ‘LOSER’ on it last night. Along with the click of your camera taking an incredible amount of pictures after sticking it to her forehead… how your drowsy laughter flooded the room as she didn't budge not once, too comfortable in your presence to once rouse from her sleep.
And yeah, maybe one of those pictures is your wallpaper right now, but what she doesn't know won't hurt her.
"Oh, where did that come from?” you drawl, scratching your head and glaring at the slip of paper as if you didn’t recognize it. “Weird.”
“Yeah… so weird.”
You glance around, trying to ignore the feeling of her knowing gaze burning holes into your face. Kuma scratches insistently at the door, whining. "Oh, Kuma needs to pee. Gotta go!" you rush, happy to have an out.
You swing open the door and let the canine rush out ahead of you, phone in hand as you escape Jennie’s grumbles to herself.
You pause mid-step down the hall, a suspicious squint to nothing in particular. Your girlfriend actually sounds upset. Kuma continues on without either of you, nails clicking against the floors as he jogs around the corner, not a care in the world as he races to the kitchen.
You shove your phone into your back pocket as you walk back to the room. You peek inside, blinking innocently as possible. "What?"
Steam wafts from the bathroom. Jennie is on the edge of the bed in nothing but a bra and some sweats, tying up her hair into a ponytail. The simple image of all of her beauty in a haze of golden light, is a sight that makes you swallow, hard.
She turns toward you, mischievous eyes brightening when she sees you've come back for her.
"Kiss please?" she begs in a voice you know all too well. She reaches out, expectant. Pleading with an expression that makes you a little weak in the knees.
Definitely a trap.
You’ll give her a 9/10 for effort, but you know any tricks she has up her sleeve will only prolong your day even further. Typically, you wouldn’t mind, but you’re nowhere near ready for an interrogation about the pictures you took last night, and you know she’s wondering.
You match her scheming smile, pretending to her request over. "Hm…. you can get all of the kisses you want, after you get up and brush your teeth.”
Just to be annoying, you blow one to her before you leave.
Jennie groans dramatically as you shut the door behind you.
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cool-fancier · 3 months
Captured Moments
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Jennie Kim x Fem Reader
Word count: 2.3k
Synopsis: Y/N and Jennie's journey from trainee friends to K-pop stars culminates in a dazzling Calvin Klein photoshoot, winning fans' hearts
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Before the fame and the bright lights of the K-pop industry, there was a friendship that laid the foundation for something deeper. You and Jennie met during your early days as trainees under the same entertainment company. Drawn together by a shared passion for music and performance, you quickly became inseparable.
Despite the pressures and challenges of trainee life, you found solace in each other's company. Late-night practice sessions turned into heart-to-heart conversations, where you shared your dreams, fears, and aspirations for the future. In Jennie, you found a kindred spirit, someone who understood the highs and lows of chasing your dreams in the cutthroat world of K-pop.
As the years passed, your bond only grew stronger. You watched with pride as Jennie rose through the ranks to become a member of Blackpink, one of the most iconic girl groups in the industry. Meanwhile, you pursued your own solo career, honing your craft and making a name for yourself as a talented performer in your own right.
Through it all, your friendship with Jennie remained a constant source of support and inspiration. You celebrated each other's successes and lifted each other up during the inevitable setbacks and challenges that came with life in the spotlight. And amidst the chaos of the industry, you couldn't help but feel a growing attraction to Jennie – a spark that ignited into something more.
After two years of dancing around your feelings, you and Jennie finally took the leap and confessed your love for each other. It was a decision met with both excitement and trepidation, knowing the potential backlash that could come from being open about your relationship in an industry that often frowned upon same-sex couples.
But love, as they say, knows no bounds. And so, you and Jennie made the decision to stand together, facing whatever challenges came your way with unwavering determination and a fierce devotion to each other.
— — — — — — —
The day of the Calvin Klein photoshoot was a whirlwind of excitement and nerves. As one of the main ambassadors for the brand, Jennie was a seasoned pro when it came to posing for the camera, her confidence and poise evident in every frame. Meanwhile, you were a newcomer to the Calvin Klein family, eager to make your mark alongside your girlfriend.
As you stepped onto set, you were greeted by a flurry of activity – stylists fussing over wardrobe choices, makeup artists applying the final touches, and photographers adjusting their cameras for the perfect shot. Despite the chaos, there was an undeniable energy in the air, a sense of anticipation for the magic that was about to unfold.
Jennie was already in the midst of her solo shoot when you arrived, her signature pout and smoldering gaze captivating the camera with effortless ease. You couldn't help but marvel at her beauty, the way she seemed to command attention with every movement.
"Wow," you whispered to yourself, a small smile playing at the corners of your lips. "She's incredible."
Just then, Jennie caught your eye from across the room, her lips curling into a mischievous grin as she struck a pose for the camera. You felt a blush creep up your cheeks as she winked in your direction, her gaze lingering on you for a moment longer than necessary.
"Cut! That's a wrap for Jennie's solo shots," the photographer called out, signaling the end of the first part of the shoot. Jennie sauntered over to where you were standing, her confidence radiating like a halo around her.
"Hey, you," she said, wrapping her arms around your waist and pulling you into a tight hug. "How's it going?"
You melted into her embrace, reveling in the warmth of her touch. "I'm good," you replied, your voice soft with affection. "Just a little nervous about my solo shots."
Jennie leaned back slightly, her hands resting on your shoulders as she looked at you with a reassuring smile. "You'll be amazing, I know it," she said, her voice filled with confidence. "And besides, I'll be right here cheering you on every step of the way."
As you and Jennie took your places on set, the photographer wasted no time in getting started. The studio lights cast a warm, flattering glow over both of you, accentuating every curve and contour of your bodies as you stood side by side.
"Alright, let's start with some solo shots first," the photographer instructed, adjusting the lighting and camera settings.
Jennie flashed you a quick grin before striking a pose, her movements fluid and confident as she effortlessly switched from one position to the next. You couldn't help but admire her grace and poise, the way she seemed to command the attention of everyone in the room with just a single glance.
As you watched her, a playful smirk tugged at the corners of her lips, and you knew she was up to something. Sure enough, as the photographer snapped away, capturing Jennie in all her glory, she couldn't resist throwing in a few extra flourishes – a wink here, a subtle hair flip there – all designed to make you laugh.
"Cut it out, Jennie," you chuckled, shaking your head at her antics. "You're going to distract the photographer."
Jennie just grinned in response, her eyes sparkling with mischief as she struck another pose, this time exaggeratedly dramatic. "What? I'm just giving the people what they want," she quipped, earning a chuckle from the photographer.
After a series of solo shots, it was finally time for the two of you to pose together. As the photographer directed you into position, Jennie sidled up next to you, her shoulder brushing against yours as she flashed you a conspiratorial grin.
"Ready to steal the show?" she whispered, her voice filled with excitement.
You nodded, a grin spreading across your face as you leaned in closer to her. "Always."
With that, the two of you launched into a series of playful poses, each one more adventurous than the last. From piggyback rides to playful wrestling matches, you threw yourselves into the shoot with abandon, reveling in the freedom of being able to express your love openly.
As the photographer urged you to get closer, you felt a surge of adrenaline course through your veins, the thrill of being able to share this intimate moment with Jennie overwhelming your senses. With each click of the shutter, you and Jennie grew bolder, more daring in your displays of affection.
"Let's try something a little more intimate," the photographer suggested, motioning for the two of you to move closer together.
Jennie grinned mischievously, her eyes sparkling with excitement as she wrapped her arms around your waist, pulling you flush against her. "Closer, baby," she murmured, her breath warm against your ear.
You shivered at the sensation, your heart racing as you allowed yourself to surrender to the moment. Wrapping your arms around Jennie's neck, you pulled her even closer, reveling in the feel of her body pressed against yours.
"Perfect," the photographer exclaimed, snapping away as you and Jennie shared a lingering gaze. In that moment, there was no one else in the world but the two of you – lost in each other's eyes, bound together by an unbreakable bond of love.
As the shoot came to an end and the final shots were captured, you and Jennie lingered on set, reluctant to let go of the intimacy that had enveloped you. It had been a day filled with laughter, tears, and everything in between, but through it all, you had stood together – united in love and unwavering in your commitment to each other.
"Thank you," you whispered to Jennie, pressing a soft kiss to her lips. "For everything."
Jennie smiled, her eyes shining with love and affection. "Anytime, my love. Anytime."
As the photographer signaled for you to start your solo shots, you took a deep breath, steeling yourself for the task ahead. The studio lights illuminated the set, casting dramatic shadows against the backdrop as you struck your first pose.
You glanced over at Jennie, who was watching you intently from the sidelines, her eyes filled with admiration and pride. With a playful smirk, you began to move, each step deliberate and purposeful as you channeled your inner confidence.
"Work it, babe!" Jennie called out, her voice filled with encouragement.
You couldn't help but chuckle at her enthusiasm, feeling a surge of warmth wash over you at her words. With renewed determination, you launched into a series of sexy poses, each one designed to showcase your best angles and highlight your natural beauty.
As you moved, the photographer adjusted the lighting, capturing your every movement with precision and skill. With each click of the shutter, you felt yourself growing more confident, more empowered by the knowledge that you were owning the moment.
"Beautiful!" the photographer exclaimed, snapping away as you struck a particularly sultry pose. You couldn't help but feel a thrill of excitement course through you at the praise, a sense of satisfaction settling over you as you basked in the spotlight.
But it wasn't just the photographer's approval that spurred you on – it was Jennie's unwavering support and encouragement that gave you the strength to push yourself further. With each passing moment, you felt yourself growing more confident, more radiant in your beauty.
As the shoot progressed, you found yourself growing bolder, more daring in your poses. You threw caution to the wind, allowing yourself to fully embrace the sensuality of the moment as you basked in the glow of the studio lights.
"Hot damn!" Jennie exclaimed, her eyes wide with admiration as she watched you in awe. "You are absolutely killing it!"
You grinned at her praise, feeling a surge of pride swell within you. With renewed energy, you continued to pose, each movement fluid and graceful as you allowed yourself to fully inhabit the role of the confident, seductive soloist.
As the shoot came to an end, you couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment wash over you. You had conquered the camera, owning every moment with grace and style. And as you looked over at Jennie, her eyes shining with pride, you knew that you had done more than just take pictures – you had captured a moment of pure magic, a moment that would live on forever in the hearts and minds of those who witnessed it.
— — — — — —
After the photos from your Calvin Klein shoot were released, the response from fans was overwhelming, but in the best way possible. Rather than hate, there was an outpouring of love and admiration for you and Jennie. Your fans flooded social media with comments and messages, expressing their awe at the stunning images and the undeniable chemistry between you and Jennie.
As you scrolled through the countless messages on your phone, a wide grin spread across your face. It was incredible to see the positive impact your photos had on your fans, and you couldn't help but feel a surge of gratitude for their unwavering support.
As the photos from your Calvin Klein shoot made their way onto social media, fan accounts dedicated to you and Jennie erupted with excitement. The images of the two of you, captured in intimate and sensual poses, quickly became the talk of the town, eliciting a flurry of reactions from your devoted followers.
@JenYoursTruly: "OMG, have you seen the latest pics of Y/N and Jennie for Calvin Klein? They look absolutely stunning together! 😍 #Yennie"
@YNNation: "Y'all, I think I've died and gone to heaven after seeing those photos of Y/N and Jennie. Can you say power couple? 🔥 #Yennie"
@JennieIsQueen: "Jennie and Y/N's chemistry is off the charts! These photos are everything we never knew we needed. #Yennie"
@YNNavy: "I'm convinced that Y/N and Jennie are the eighth wonder of the world after seeing those Calvin Klein pics. My heart can't handle this level of perfection. 💖 #Yennie"
@Jeniverse: "I swear, Y/N and Jennie are trying to kill us with their hotness. Those photos are pure fire! 🔥 #Yennie"
"Wow, look at this," you said, turning to Jennie as you showed her your phone. "Our fans are going crazy over these pictures."
Jennie leaned in to get a closer look, her eyes widening in amazement as she read through the comments. "I can't believe it," she said, her voice filled with awe. "They really love us, don't they?"
"They do," you replied, reaching out to squeeze her hand. "And can you blame them? We look pretty damn good together."
@YNNation: "Obsessed with Y/N and Jennie! They redefine couple goals with every photo and every moment they share together. #Yennie"
@Jeniverse: "Y/N and Jennie are the epitome of love and beauty. We stan this power couple forever! 💖 #Yennie"
@YJEnthusiasts: "Every time Y/N and Jennie grace us with their presence, we're reminded that true love exists. Here's to forever shipping #Yennie!"
@YJUniverse: "No words can describe the magic of Y/N and Jennie together. Their bond is unbreakable, and their love shines brighter than any star. 🌟 #Yennie"
@JenniesDarling: "Y/N and Jennie radiate love in every photo, every gesture, every smile. Their relationship is an inspiration to us all. 💕 #Yennie"
Jennie chuckled, leaning in to press a kiss to your cheek. "We do, don't we? I'm so glad we did this shoot together."
"Me too," you said, smiling as you leaned into her touch. "It was an unforgettable experience, and I'm so grateful we got to share it."
As the two of you basked in the glow of your success, you couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement for the future. With each passing day, your bond grew stronger, your love for each other deeper than ever before. And as you looked ahead to all the adventures that lay in store, you knew that together, you could conquer anything.
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yujinslovr · 10 months
babe can we get g!p dom!jennie and dubcon? 🤲🏻
a/n: bae im so sorry, i know you said dubcon and i tried to make it out to be that in some parts but i think this is for the most part just noncon😞😞
CW: noncon, kinda dubcon, somnophilia, degrading, breeding, impact play
“what movie do you wanna watch?” jennie asked from beside you on the couch, remote in hand and scrolling through netflix. 
“anything’s fine me,” you responded, leaning your head on your best friend's shoulder. 
a smile spread on your face simply enjoying the moment, you didn’t have many friends, but you’d trade the world for your friendship with jennie. you two had been friends since middle school when she defended you from a bully. jennie, being the richest and most popular girl in school, had easily stopped the bullying that was directed towards you. you would forever be grateful for her friendship. she was the person you trusted most. 
you both settled on watching blue jay, reading the description and finding it interesting. by the end of the movie you and jennie were both sobbing into each other's embrace. 
“they should’ve ended up together.“ you sobbed out through tears, a clear frown on your face as you recalled the ending that had just played. 
“she should just break up with her husband!” jennie exclaimed, leaning more into you. 
“let’s just watch my little pony.” you said, in hopes that my little pony would make you feel better. 
“let's watch rainbow rocks! i love that movie you much!” jennie said, already having forgotten about the sadness she felt. the sadness replaced with excitement to watch her favorite movie. 
a smile replaced your frown at how excited she seemed at the idea of watching rainbow rocks. you found her adorable like this, you found jennie’s childish side so endearing. when jennie was around you allowed all the walls you had surrounded yourself with to drop. she was truly your best friend, you genuinely wouldn’t know what to do with yourself if you didn’t have her. 
if only you had been more wary, maybe then things would’ve been different. 
“let's go to bed now, i’m tired.” you whined, burying your head in jennie’s neck. “carry me?” you asked, jutting your bottom lip out in hopes she’d carry you to your bed. 
“fine, only ‘cause you’re cute.” jennie said, easily scooping you up and carrying you upstairs bridal style. 
when she reached the inside of your room, she threw you onto the bed, causing you to yelp. “what if i got hurt?” you pouted.
in response to this, she just pinched your cheek and said ‘well it’s a good thing you didn’t.’ the pout on your face stayed hearing her words. 
jennie jumped on the bed next to you, pulling you closer to her by the waist and burying her face in your neck. “ ‘m tired, les just sleep.” jennie mumbled into your neck. 
you giggled, the ticklish feeling of her talking making you tilt your neck to the side her head resided. not suspecting anything, you slowly felt yourself fall asleep in your closest friends embrace. the thought of jennie ever bringing harm to you never even crossed your mind. that’s why when you woke up in the middle of the night to a stinging pain in your lower region you called for jennie. you called out her name, tears stinging your eyes thinking someone had broken into your house and was now forcing himself onto you. 
when jennie’s voice called back from above you, your eyes widened. “surprised?” her voice echoed in the mostly silent room. you let out a broken sob, it was jennie. the person you trusted most in this world was forcing herself onto you. you shook your head side to side, refusing to believe this tragic reality. 
“no,no,no, it can’t be. my j-jennie’s a g-girl a-and she w-wouldnt.” you brokenly sobbed out. 
jennie’s grip on your hips tightened as her hips that were slamming into yours never stopped. an evil grin spread on her face “sorry baby, but it’s me, your jennie.” following her words, she tugged the metal chain of your bedside lamp, lighting up the room. the dim light was enough for you to see that it was jennie and that she was smiling through your torture. 
“c’mon baby, i know you want it too. just enjoy, let me take care of you.” jennie said, a hand reaching down to your clit and circling it. 
you shook your head side to side. you didn’t want this, you hated her, you hated her for taking your virginity without your permission. but if that was so why were you struggling to hold back your moans. “let me hear those pretty moans.” jennie said, reaching her other hand to your mouth to release your lip from your teeth. you whimpered at this action. 
“see, i knew you wanted this as much as i did. you hear that, you’re so fucking wet, baby. you can deny it all you want but your body’s telling me the truth.” jennie said, her finger on your clit never stopping and successfully distracting you from the pain of her splitting you open. 
“fuck baby, your squeezing my cock so hard.” she grunted out, delivering a blow to your thigh, her red handprint staining your skin. 
you let out a squeak at the impact. her bringing harm to you differing so much from her earlier once again brought tears to your eyes. how could she do this to you, the one person you trusted more than you trusted yourself. “i thought you loved me, i thought you were my friend.” you said, lip wobbling and eyes brimming with tears once again. 
“i am your friend y/n, it’s because i’m your friend that i’m doing this. i’m the only one who can treat you well. i’m doing this because i love you, i cant let anyone else fuck you baby. it’s for your own good.” punctuating each sentence with a grunt, her voice dripping with condescension. 
hearing her words you could only sob harder. where was your jennie that you would watch my little pony with, the jennie that would cook for you, the jennie that would sing to you? you could only wonder. 
“fuck baby, i’ve been waiting for this moment for so long. the moment i saw you, i knew that i had to have you. it was so worth it to wait all those years.” you wondered if she ever actually saw you as a friend, or if it was all just for sex. she only befriended you so that one day she could do this. 
“i-i hate you! I hate you, jennie kim!” you exclaimed through tears, thrashing around trying to push her off you. you knew it was no use, she carried you around regularly. you knew she was much stronger than you. you stopped your thrashing when you felt her hand come down on your face. the sound echoed throughout the room, her thrusting stopping as she grabbed your neck.
she squeezed, blocking your airways. you clawed at her hand around your neck trying to get her to let go. her thrusting started up again, this time harder and faster while choking you. “wanna fucking act up, dumb fucking whore? you really think you can escape? you think you can push me off? dumb fucking bitch.” 
“i-i’ll tell the cops. i’ll t-tell them that you raped me.” you said, her hand still at your neck and squeezing harder with every word that left your mouth. 
“and you think they’ll believe a slut like you? what’re you gonna tell them, the millionaire jennie kim raped you with her big dick? they’ll call you delusional and crazy, no one would believe you over me. you think they’d even believe i have a dick? i’ll drive you to the police station myself after this. i dare you to.” a sense of helplessness washed over you at jennie's words. she was right, she was so influential that many people probably lied about her daily. and to say she had a cock? who would believe you?
you didn’t have anyone other than her, your parents never wanted you. and with jennie, you never thought of the need for other friends. you had no one and she had everyone and everything. you were a nobody and she was somebody. you couldn’t do anything. you could only accept this horrible reality. you stopped fighting against her and just laid limp on the bed. 
“that’s it baby, enjoy it. so many people would kill to be in your place.” jennie’s hand around your neck dropped and she flipped you over, your ass in the air and head in the pillows. 
“fuck baby i’m almost there.” she grunted out, slapping your ass as she went faster. her finger circled your clit as she tried to bring you over the edge too. you hated yourself so much for the moans that slipped past your mouth. you hated this, you wanted to hate what she was doing and her. your body wasn’t aligned with your head though, you body’s response of pushing back into her making her think you wanted her more. 
“fuck, such a slut for my cock. you say you don’t want me yet here you are pushing back into me and moaning. what a slut.” you bit into the pillow trying your best to stop the whine from leaving your throat. why did your body have to have this response?
“g-gonna fucking breed this slutty hole of yours, fill you up with my babies.” your eyes widened at this, a kid would ruin your life. but then again, could your life get any worse than it was right now? 
“p-please jennie, please dont. you know i can't afford an abortion, please jennie, please don't.” you pleaded, you didn't even have insurance. jennie was the only reason you were even able to have a place to stay. 
“baby, even if you somehow had the money for it i would never allow you to get an abortion.” you could only cry out your frustrations, you were ruined, your life was over. 
“f-fuck here it c-comes!” jennie moaned out her voice increasing in pitch as her warm semen flooded your cunt. 
you couldn't help but let yourself unravel as well, the feeling of her warm load in you sending you over the edge along with her. you felt jennies hand caressing your stomach as she smiled into your shoulder. “I can't wait for you to be my cute little pregnant housewife.” your body laid flat on the bed when jennie let go of your hips, your tears soaking the pillow. 
this was your life now. 
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ratedfleur · 5 months
nsfw x links | blackpink edition
🚫: links below contain 18+ content.
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[link] when jisoo’s feeling a little risky, she often flashes you or sends you videos of her just flashing her phone in the dark.
[link] jisoo immediately has herself creaming when she pleasures herself at the thought of you fucking and manhandling her.
[link] you know jennie is getting horny when she just sends you random audios of her just fucking herself when you’re away.
[link] whenever jennie can’t get herself to cum, she asks you, her manager, to finger and eat her out til she cums.
[link] just rosé showing you what you’ve missed since you bailed on fucking her that night.
[link] trainee!rosé was on top of her game when it came to sending random nudes to her favorite trainees in the company.
[link] sometimes the manager needs to put lisa in her place by fucking her.
[link] lisa was unsure about her nude photoshoot but the process and reward was her favorite — getting fucked with the cameras on.
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starrynini05 · 3 months
like we’re moving in slow motion – painter!kim jennie x photographer!reader
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summary: when you were with her, everything felt like a dream
warnings: none
tags: non!idol au ; photography student!reader ; art student!jennie : university au
genre: fluff
word count: 1k
You will always remember your first encounter with her as if it was yesterday:
In the city of Seoul, where skyscrapers kissed the sky and neon lights painted the streets in a kaleidoscope of colors, life moved at a dizzying pace. With the arrival of spring, rain cascaded from above, transforming the urban landscape into a shimmering mosaic of light and shadow. The streets, usually bustling with the hurried footsteps of pedestrians, the murmur of crowded sidewalks, the rhythmic pulse of music escaping from nearby shops, and the hum of traffic, now lay quiet under the soothing rhythm of the rainfall.
The city, for a brief moment, seemed to catch its breath, basking in the tranquility brought by the new season. Most people would find it an inconvenience, but for you, it was an inspiration. Amidst the chaos, you were enjoying yourself in the solace of a nearby park, covered by trees, the soft shutter of your camera blending into the sounds of nature. As a photography student, you had a penchant for capturing beauty in the mundane. Your world was seen through the lens of your camera, each click capturing a frozen moment in time. The final frames were a stark contrast to the vibrant city outside, often highlighting the quiet corners and overlooked details of their urban landscape.
As the rain began to pour harder you noticed people entering different shops for shelter. Preoccupied by your equipment, you decided to continue your little shoot inside an old bookstore. While capturing the reflections of the rain-soaked streets you saw a slender, cat-eyed girl enter the store, canvas, and brushes in hand. It felt like you were moving in slow motion, almost serendipitously, your eyes met across the room, a spark igniting between both gazes.
Kim Jennie was the name engraved on her pink smock tag, slightly covered with paint. She was an art student at the same university, carrying a heart as vibrant as her paintings. She was slightly older than you, being in her third year of liberal arts while you were only a freshman. Her paintings were scattered along the campus, being exhibited as examples of skill and talent. Her world was a riot of colors, each brushstroke on her canvas a testament to her passion. Unlike you, she was pretty well known around the university, having friends in different areas, and being involved in various academic activities.
With a surge of confidence, you showed her a timid smile that she reciprocated with an even bigger smile and an invitation to talk. As you approached her, she extended her paint-covered hand and presented herself softly, “Hi, my name is Jennie, I’m a third-year art student at Hanguk University” “Nice to meet you…” too lost in her orbs, you missed her going quiet so you would continue “Oh, yeah, hey, my name is Lee y/n, I’m a first-year photography student at the same university”, your cheeks turning red at the statement. As you exchanged timid smiles and hesitant words, you discovered a shared love for art and expression. She admired your ability to freeze moments in time through your lens, while you found solace in her colorful imagination that breathed life into your monochromatic world.
You both returned to campus that day with a new perspective on life, wishing to know more about each other. Thus, as time passed your connection deepened. You spent your free time together wandering the streets of Seoul, exploring hidden alleyways and abandoned rooftops, looking to capture these landscapes in both painting and pictures. As the artistic outings became more frequent, they suddenly turned into coffee dates, picnics, and even movie dates. With each passing moment, you found yourselves falling deeper into an enchanting rhythm, your hearts beating in sync like a melody.
She became your escape from reality, leaning all your weight, showing her your most vulnerable and integer form. Likewise, you were always on her mind, she kept the memories of your countless interactions as sacred treasures, like tiny blessings to her troubled heart.
It had been almost four months since that day, and now, lying on the grass under the moonlight you couldn’t help but keep on admiring her perfect profile. She had moved your head to rest on her chest, enclosing your small frame from behind. In that moment, time seemed to stand still as you gazed at the stars in perfect silence, lost in each other's embrace. You felt her take something from behind her back, and suddenly, a small bouquet of pink tulips entered your vision. With a small sigh, she slightly sat up and sat you in front of her.
“I know it may seem like soon, but I like you a lot, you were there on my lonely nights keeping me together, you gave me a new lens from which to view, and you made it so easy for me to love you” – “So, wouldn't it make sense if I was yours?” Her voice was barely audible with how nervous she was, and your eyes were almost brimming with tears. You were moved, and, as if on impulse, you threw yourself at her, enveloping her in a bone-crushing hug, as the tears intensified. Worriedly, she asked you “Hey, why are you crying beautiful? Did I do something wrong?”, at her words you hastily moved your head in denial. “I just really like you too, and those words were so touching and profound, it made me emotional”, you carefully rubbed your eyes and took a deep breath before continuing, “For me, you are just like the dream, one I never want to wake up from. I love you; it will be my pleasure to be yours” A soft smile drew on her face as she gingerly kissed your nose.
And so, in the quiet embrace of the night, you both found yourselves enveloped in a love that transcended time and space. For in the chaos of the world around you, you had discovered a moment of slow motion, where everything else faded away, and only your love remained, moving in slow, slow motion.
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bitchiswild · 3 months
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Office Seduction
GP Lisa x F! Reader Word Count: 1.8k Warnings: Smut 🫶 A/n: Lisa is so fine🤤 REQUESTED
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"Hmm, that's it, baby," Lisa moaned, her fingers entwined in your hair as you pleasured her. Her gaze, filled with desire and appreciation, met yours as you sucked eagerly on her cock.
"Your mouth feels amazing, baby. You're such a good girl for helping me relieve this stress," Lisa groaned, her head tilting back against the plush office chair. The weight of her responsibilities seemed to melt away as you skillfully attended to her needs.
Your wife, Lisa, had summoned you to her office building in a moment of desperation, seeking solace from the overwhelming pressure of her day. Without hesitation, you abandoned your own tasks and rushed to her side, eager to provide the comfort and release she craved.
As Lisa's arousal grew, her words became more breathless and unrestrained. "Mmm, yeah, that's it," she moaned, her grip on your hair tightening as you continued your eager ministrations. Saliva mixed with precum dripped down your chin as you hungrily devoured her, the wet sounds of your movements echoing in the office.
"God, your mouth is so sloppy, so good baby," Lisa gasped, her body trembling with pleasure. Her office chair creaked under the force of her shifting weight as she sought to get even closer to you. With each thrust of her hips, she pushed deeper into your mouth, reveling in the messy, uninhibited sensation.
You could feel yourself becoming lost in the moment, consumed by the intoxicating blend of desire and filth. Lisa's moans grew louder, punctuated by the occasional whimper of ecstasy as she reached the brink of release. In this private sanctuary of lust and abandon, you were both free to indulge in the raw, unbridled passion that connected
"God, I'm gonna cum," she gasped, her voice trembling with anticipation. With one final thrust, she released herself into your mouth, her moans echoing off the walls of the office.
As Lisa pulled out of your mouth, you looked up at her with a mischievous glint in your eyes, your tongue adorned with her seed. With a wicked grin, you swallowed her cum, savoring the taste and watching as a shiver of pleasure ran through her body.
"Fuck, baby, you're so dirty," Lisa groaned, her desire evident in the huskiness of her voice. Unable to resist any longer, she pulled you into a passionate kiss, tasting herself on your lips.
Lisa's hands roamed over your body, she guided you to sit on her desk, her touch leaving a trail of fire in its wake, each piece of clothing removed, Lisa's breath grew heavier, her voice husky with desire. "God, you look so hot like this," she murmured, her hands trailing along the contours of your body. "I've been craving you all day, baby."
You couldn't help but respond in kind, your own voice rough with need. "I need you, Lisa," you whispered, your words punctuated by urgent kisses. "I need to feel you, all of you."
As their bodies pressed together in a feverish embrace, the air between them crackled with anticipation. "I want you to fuck me, Lisa," you gasped, your fingers tangling in her hair. "I want to feel you deep inside me."
Lisa's eyes darkened with desire as she met your gaze, her own words laced with a primal hunger. "I'm going to make you scream my name," she growled, her hands gripping your hips possessively. "I'm going to take you until you can't think straight."
She pushed you back onto her desk with a force that stole your breath away. The sudden movement caused a cascade of papers, pens, and office supplies to tumble to the floor, forgotten amidst the intensity of their desire.
Lisa took control, pinning your wrists above your head with one hand as she positioned herself between your legs. The air crackled with electricity as she leaned in close, her lips brushing against yours in a searing kiss that left you dizzy with need.
"Ready for me, baby?" Lisa's voice was a husky whisper against your ear, sending shivers down your spine. Without waiting for an answer, she plunged into you with a ferocity that stole your breath away, her movements rough and unrelenting.
Each thrust sent shockwaves of pleasure coursing through your body, the sound of skin slapping against skin echoing through the room. The desk beneath you groaned in protest, unable to withstand the force of your passion as it rocked and shifted beneath you.
Lisa's voice dripped with desire as she leaned in close, her lips brushing against yours between each heated breath. "You like it rough, don't you, baby?" she murmured, her voice laced with a raw intensity that sent shivers down your spine. "You want me to fuck you hard and fast?"
Your response was lost in a guttural moan as Lisa's relentless pace drove you to the edge of ecstasy. "Yes, yes," you gasped, your words barely coherent amidst the overwhelming pleasure. "I want it rough, Lisa. I want you to take me."
With a feral grin, Lisa unleashed a barrage of dirty talk, each word a deliciously wicked promise of what was to come. "You're mine, baby," she growled, her voice low and commanding. "I'm going to fuck you senseless."
Her words sent a surge of arousal coursing through your veins as you surrendered to the intensity of her passion. The desk beneath you groaned in protest as your bodies moved in perfect sync, the sound of your lovemaking echoing through the room.
As the pleasure built to a fever pitch, you felt yourself teetering on the edge of oblivion. "God, Lisa, I'm gonna cum," you cried, your voice raw with need.
With a triumphant smirk, Lisa quickened her pace, driving you both to the brink of ecstasy. "Cum for me, baby," she whispered, her voice a seductive purr in your ear. "Let go and give me everything you've got."
And with those words ringing in your ears, you surrendered to the overwhelming pleasure, your body exploding in a torrent of release. As you collapsed in her arms shaking.
Her eyes sparkled with a mischievous glint as she pulled you up from the desk, her strength evident in the effortless way she handled you. "Ready for another round, baby?" she purred, her voice dripping with seduction.
You nodded eagerly, your heart racing with anticipation. Without hesitation, Lisa guided you to bend over the desk, your hands gripping the edge tightly as you braced yourself for what was to come.
As you presented yourself to her, offering yourself up for her pleasure, Lisa wasted no time in taking control. With a sharp slap to your ass, the sting of her touch sends a jolt of electricity coursing through your body.
"Fuck, Lisa," you gasped, your voice a mixture of pleasure and pain as she positioned herself behind you. Her grip on your hips was firm, almost possessive, as she drove into you with a force that made you scream in pleasure.
Each thrust was a symphony of desire, the sound of skin slapping against skin filling the room as Lisa claimed you as her own. With each movement, she pushed you closer to the edge of ecstasy, her touch igniting a fire within you that burned hotter with each passing moment. “Lisa! Fuck!” You screamed out.
"God, you feel so good," Lisa moaned, her voice thick with desire as she pounded into you relentlessly. Her fingers dug into your flesh, leaving marks of possession as she claimed you as her own.
As Lisa thrust into you, the pleasure kept building, pushing you both closer to the edge. Your breaths were ragged and loud, yelps here and there, mixing with the rhythmic sounds of skin smacking together. It was like a symphony of desire filling
As Lisa continued to thrust into you with fervor, her voice husky with desire, she groaned, "God, you're so tight, baby." Her words sent a shiver down your spine, intensifying the pleasure coursing through your body.
Your muscles clenched around her, responding to her every movement as she buried herself deeper inside you. The sensation of being stretched and filled by her only fueled the fire of your desire, pushing you closer to the edge of ecstasy with each passing moment.
Quickening her pace, her thrusts became more urgent as she chased her own release. The sound of her ragged breaths mingled with your own, creating a symphony of passion that filled the room.
Lisa's voice was a husky growl of desire. "Fuck, baby, I'm gonna cum," she groaned, her words filled with primal urgency. "I'm gonna cum in you so hard."
With a cry of ecstasy, you urged her on, your own desire reaching a fever pitch. "Yes! Cum in me," you cried out, your voice echoing in the room.
Feeling your body respond to her touch, Lisa's finger found your clit, rubbing it hard and fast, sending shockwaves of pleasure coursing through you. You squirmed in her arms, unable to contain the overwhelming sensation as she pushed you closer to the edge.
Your body convulsed with the force of your release, waves of pleasure washing over you in a tidal wave of ecstasy. Your pussy gripped her cock so tightly, making it hard for her to thrust.
With a grunt, Lisa pushed herself all the way inside you, going as deep as she could as she reached her peak. With one final thrust, she released herself, filling you completely with her warm thick cum as she came deep inside you.
Calming down, Lisa pulled you into her embrace, both of you sinking into her office chair with her cock still buried deep inside you. "Thank you for coming to take care of me, baby," she whispered, pressing gentle kisses to your shoulder and neck.
Letting out a shuddered breath, you managed to reply, "Of course, my love," as Lisa held you close, offering comfort until you had calmed down. With a tender touch, she helped you clean up, her presence a soothing balm after the storm of passion.
A sudden knock at the office door shattered the tranquility of the moment, and Lisa's assistant's voice trembled as she spoke. "Mrs. Manoban, um, you have a meeting soon."
With a composed nod, Lisa replied, "Alright, Millie, thank you. I'll be out soon." She quickly composed herself, adjusting her appearance before turning to you with a look of adoration.
"I'll see you at home, baby. I love you," Lisa said, pressing a passionate kiss to your lips before reluctantly pulling away and leaving the office.
As you sat there, still feeling the lingering echoes of your lovemaking, you couldn't help but smile at the love and passion you shared with Lisa. Feeling a flush of heat rising to your cheeks, you couldn't help but notice the curious glances from her colleagues as you walked out of Lisa's office. The intensity of your encounter with her still lingered, leaving you feeling both exhilarated and slightly self-conscious under their scrutiny.
But as you caught Lisa's eye, she gave you a playful wink, a silent reassurance that everything was alright. Her confidence and ease put you at ease as well, and you returned her wink with a small smile before continuing on your way back home.
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jensettermandu · 1 month
shameless - jennie kim
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genre; smut
pairing; groupie!jennie x rockstar!female reader
content; exhibitionism (there are people in the room), fingering (jennie receiving), reader is a rockstar (?) & jennie lowkey a groupie, it's set in the mid 2000s but it's not really relevant? very much dirtbag coded
wc; 1.5k
a/n; please keep in mind that this is from a story that i scrapped. thought i could still use the smut from it to post.
“Did you enjoy the show?” Y/n questioned, turning around and running a hand through her hair, damp at the roots with her chest still heaving. 
She couldn’t exactly figure out why she dragged the girl with her since she would probably make it out of the crowd just fine…or maybe not. There was just that need because it wouldn’t have felt right if she hadn’t pulled her with her backstage. 
“It was hot.” Jennie let out a humid whisper, her voice faltering as she grabbed the tie again. Y/n grabbed her waist as they leaned in, their noses barely touching. Maybe it was wrong, probably extremely wrong, but seeing the vixen use such violence during a performance made Jennie throb with need. There was just something attractive about the lithe girl who was so unpredictable. 
“You think?” She hummed in confirmation and slumped back onto the couch Y/n guided her to, straddling Jennie in the process. There were those like their manager and then there were those like them, the shameless ones. Jennie was on the right side as she yanked the girl forward.
“Hot enough to make you wet?” The lead singer questioned right before they attached their lips. Y/n’s one hand came right up to the long-sleeved cropped shirt that hugged the brunette's body as she snaked it under. Jennie moaned at the cold hand that groped at her breast, fingers tugging at the hard nipple, making her pull on the tie in pleasure. 
“So wet.” She breathed out at the split second they pulled away before getting Y/n’s tongue pushed right back into her mouth, making her suck on it. It was enough to make her whimper and grip the warm breast under her cold palm, groping it needily and squeezing the hard bud in a way that made Jennie’s hips buck because her clit was throbbing. The slender fingers ran over the belts on Jennie’s skirt, not stopping as she continued to play with the hard nipple that was making Jennie breathless. Fingers brushed over the cold belts, coming down between them, going further down.
Jennie’s other hand went to the girl's back who was in her lap, running right down and under the skirt as she gripped her ass cheek. The cold fingers brushed along her inner thigh which quivered faintly in need until they pressed right against her covered pussy. She released a moan that made her pull away from Y/n’s mouth, fingers pressing against the soaked-through material of Jennie’s underwear. 
“Now that’s hot,” Y/n said with a grin as she gently ran her fingers along the wet material, brushing and teasing the girl who was holding back the whimpers. Jennie let go of the tie, pulling Y/n closer with the hand on her ass as she glanced down at the hand between her thighs that was under the skirt. Her eyes caught what was hers–the leather garter with a pentacle–and she trailed her hand over Y/n’s thigh and over to the pentacle that was now inverted and a pentagram. 
“Are you a Satanist?” She asked as it was inverted—mimicking the girl who asked her if she was Wiccan, Y/n chuckled. Jennie’s tone was a bit more whiny because of the fingers that slowly caressed her through the thin silky material of her panties, the wetness had smeared on her inner thighs a while ago and the mess was getting bigger. 
“No, but I relate to and pity the angel banned from heaven.” Jennie let out a moan, Y/n caught her lips with hers as she pushed the panties aside and found the clit with her thumb—the two ignored the door that opened as the rest walked in while talking. 
She tightened her grip on the plump butt that fit perfectly in her hand, closing her eyes tightly as her ears couldn’t catch a word of what was said. Her light moans and whimpers were swallowed by Y/n who ran her two fingers down to the leaking and clenching hole. With ease, she slipped her two fingers inside Jennie, the warm and wet walls engulfing them with need.
Her fingers hooked around the garter, gripping it in her fist at the harsher pinch on her nipple before it got tugged on. The long fingers filled her as they caressed her g-spot, pressing on it, the thumb circling her swollen clit in steady motions that were making her legs tremble and tense up. Her stomach was filling up with the orgasm that was about to hit her.  
Her head was empty, not being able to think about the fact that she was about to have another orgasm that made her legs quiver in a room filled with Y/n’s bandmates. 
Their bodies burned, leaving her cheeks with tender pink as they both heaved, Y/n slowly getting off to the girl moaning into her mouth who was unconsciously jittering in her seat because of how her body was convulsing. Her walls throbbed more and tightened around the two fingers, the sounds being lewd yet muffled because of their clothes and bodies. Jennie was sopping wet and the mess was coating Y/n’s fingers. 
“Y/n, do you hear what I am telling you?” Stan asked louder this time and Y/n pulled away from the sloppy, warm and heavy kiss. She quickly leaned back in, licking up the spit that was about to drip down Jennie’s wet and plump lips. Her head turned at the manager as she frowned, still working her fingers—the rest being busy talking it up on the other couch while drinking. 
“Not now Stan, I am fingering a hot chic.” A high and light moan forced itself from the back of Jennie's throat as she couldn’t suppress it. Her eyebrows were furrowed, vision black and she couldn’t figure out if she was rolling her eyes back or if she had them closed. She leaned into Y/n, biting down on the frail shoulder through her shirt, her body curling up into her. Y/n turned back to look at Jennie, leaning down and taking the girl's earlobe between her lips, gently tugging on it.
Stan’s eyes widened, catching what was happening and realising that it was more than just the two making out. “You’re what—all of you guys are odious. I am going outside for a cigarette.” The guy sternly stated and walked out the door that he slammed closed, his words followed by laughter from the group on the other couch. 
Y/n could feel the wetness through the material of her shirt, Jennie panting right against her and biting down harder. She moved her hand away from her breast and ran it to her back to hold her. Her moan muffled as her body jerked into Y/n, reaching her orgasm with a series of muffled whimpers while Y/n slowly circled her clit, still moving her fingers inside her until Jennie’s teeth that were buried into her shoulder loosened. 
The girl heaved, catching her breath as fingers gently traced her warm back and Y/n leaned back, Jennie lifting her head. “I don’t see my jacket.” Y/n pointed out as she had hoped Jennie would come with it, slowly she pulled her fingers out and fixed the underwear by pulling them back. The hand came up to her mouth as she licked her fingers clean of the slickness on them, tasting just as good as the last time.
She chuckled and slumped back onto the couch, letting go of the garter on Y/n’s thigh that belonged to her. Her fingers traced the warm skin as she held her ass with her other hand. “I don’t see my CD’s.” Jennie pointed out right back. Her things were still missing. Y/n only grinned, leaning in and attaching her lips to the girl's hot neck which was like the sun against her lips. She could feel Jennie’s heart still pounding hard after her orgasm.
“It’s at my place though.” She breathed out, still catching her spirit after getting fingered quite unexpectedly as it seemed to add to how good it felt. 
“I see what you did there.” Y/n teased against her skin and Jennie moved her hand up, tangling her fingers in the dark hair and pulled Y/n back. 
“You do? I haven’t done anything.” Jennie mumbled, holding Y/n by her hair to stop the girl from doing more than she did. That lust still worked like a magnetic field between the two, pulling them to each other as they got each other worked up and needy. Eyes were dark and sex was running around their mind and to think that they were both sober. 
“You have given me another reason to return to your place.” Y/n’s voice was humid.
“What’s the first reason?” She asked.
“You and what’s between those nice thighs.” Not only did Y/n want to spend another night between the girl's legs, but the other reason was Jennie herself whom Y/n had become fascinated with. The sex itself and the girl. 
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insomniakisses · 6 months
Being the Omega
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General Hcs -
soooooooo protective of you
like you literally always have to have one of them with you if you go anywhere
more chances than no its at least 2 of them
they like to do wellness checks on you
basically holding you to them and scenting and sniffing at your neck to see if your okay
there very instinctual alphas
cuddles is a daily activity
happens more than once a day and lasts sooo long
incredibly horny babies
like you have 4 alphas that almost always have semis
Jen and Lisa do fight over you quite often and it always leads to Chae or Jisoo stealing you
very respectful alphas though
they just love you so so much and want you safe, healthy and happy
Your Heats -
like most groups they prefer you dont go on suppressants
they wont outwardly force you off them if you do take them but there disapproval is clear
they just know they do no good
say the word heat around any of them and there hard and ready to go
take turns with you to an extent
see chae and jen dont mind sharing if its with each other but anyone else is a no
mainly because jisoo and lisa are too possessive to share and if they are fucking you they hate anyone else touching you
soooooo into breeding plugs and tape
if your in heat and not knotted your plugged or taped up to hold their cum
they all have the prettiest of cocks
Jisoo's cock
shes got a pretty lengthy cock
id say easily at the 7-8 inch mark
its heavy too, being thicker than average
has a pretty cock with a blushed tip
her balls are pretty even inside and hang just slightly lower than average but not much
thick potent cum
mommy kink
Jisoo Hcs
possessive baby
aggressive af when her ruts approaching like shit pisses her off so more and she only likes being near you
you wake up to her thrusting in you and nipping your neck
pressed her face to your neck ALOT
When her rut actually hits she goes straight to you
her scent so strong that your practically beggin for her
such a potent alpha so her happy trail is thick and her cum is SO fertile
her moaning is deep and loud
shes rough tbh.
takes you from behind or has you in a mating press
her rut typically lasts 2-3 days
Jennie's Cock
not as thick as jisoo's but just as long
pale cock with a pretty pink tip
her cock curves up slightly
she has 2 small and cute balls perfect to suck on
her cum isnt all too fertile
its runny and her loads aren't that big either
but babys cum is warm af
Jennie Hc's
cuddle monster
always uses the excuse its cold and omegas need heat to pull you close
just nuzzles and kisses at your neck
always ends in cockwarming and making out
baby LOVES making out
will whine for attention
when shes in rut baby is even more clingy and whiney
growls alot instead of just asking for what she wants / needs
if shes in rut she likes to have you ride her till shes shooting blanks
will mark you up SO much
im talking bites and scratches
such needy and whiney moans
cums so many times
just a needy needy baby who is so so horny all the time
her ruts are typically 4 days
daddy kink fr
Chae's Cock -
like she stretched tf outta your pussy
shes big in length too 8-9 inches for SURE
and she LOVES fucking balls deep
speaking of balls baby has some heavy ones
full of hot thick cum
shes relatively fertile
either just above or bellow average
definitely has a thick happy trail
but keeps it trimmed so she can show off her abs
her cock is for sureeee tanned with a light tip
heavy cock fr
always hard
biggggg loads
Chae Hcs -
horny 24/7
like I said always hard
loved just fucking you in missionary to bite and scent at your neck
its also easy for her to push you into a mating press when she needs to
cums so much
asks you to cuddle ends up fucking you all day/night
def has a size kink
daddy kink and breading kink too
likes tying you up
uses toys on you alot
likes how you moan and beg for her
probably likes the idea of food play
her ruts are usually 4-5 days
Lisa's Cock
babys 8-9 inches
and thiccck
heavy low hanging balls
ones slightly higher than the other
they hit you with every thrust
such hot creamy cum
its that thick sticky kind too
tastes sooooo good
her cock has a slight curve
either up or to the side
thick happy trail and such potent / fertile cum
Lisa Hc's
she fucks deep and only deep
so you get so so stretched
cocky as helllll
always teasing you
definitely cums in your pants
like I'm talking your used pants she will jerk herself with them
such a daddy kink
calls you kitten
breeding kink
loves dirty talk
always hard and ready to fuck
will pull you for a quickie just before your about to go on stage
wears vibrating cockrings while she fucks you
falls asleep inside you and keeps thrusting
her ruts about 5-7 days
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