intotheelliwoods · 3 days
Here to announce that I for one love the future design for donnie in the comic ✋🥺
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People I met for a few moments that live in my head forever.
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violent138 · 1 month
Just saying Bruce is one hundred percent the kind of dad to keep a twisted part from the first time Dick drove (and crashed) the Batmobile, just the symbol from Barbara's original home made bat costume, the first Batarang Jason ever threw (correctly, still got a smudge of blood on it), his tooth from when Tim knocked it out with the Bo staff, one of Stephanie's many Robin headbands (she was slightly obsessed), a printout of the first file Cass typed up herself, and the crossword puzzle from the first time he and Duke met.
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arrowsneo · 4 months
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Highschool Au Jumpscare💥💥💥
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plaguedpriest · 2 months
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prolly not finishing this wip so dumping this here rq
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disked · 16 days
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my art is so repetitive idk how to fix it 🙏
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v-albion · 20 days
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Dad I’m home!
Next: Part 2
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devilanon · 1 year
Simon definitely has a gnarly size kink, by the way.
[ choking tw ]
He slams your face into the pillows when he’s hitting backshots, especially if you’re being too chatty, holding down the back of your head like he’s palming a basketball. You can squirm all you want, but unless you tap out, he’s keeping you there. He’ll pull you back up for air eventually, not even slowing his pace — he’s less concerned with how well you can breathe and more concerned with how tightly you spasm on him when your vision starts spotting.
Simon likes trying to push your head onto the base of his dick, even though the girth is too much, and he knows this. Your jaw is sore and stiff, the corners of your mouth stinging as you stretch your lips trying to cram more of him down your throat.
He likes smacking himself against your cheek, your throat, your tummy, visualizing how deep he hits when he slides inside. Don’t let him see those “snap my choker” videos, he’ll get ideas.
He likes draping himself over you when you fuck, seeing how small you are beneath him. He gathers both your wrists in one big fist, pressing his chest against your back, his other hand trailing your ribcage. The sight of his hand on your throat actually scares him a bit, because of how easily he knows he could crush your windpipe.
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gunsatthaphan · 3 months
idk hate on gmmtv all u want but them bringing back an OG couple from a 5yr hiatus to cast them in an extremely risky remake of a show that's highly critically acclaimed, fighting copyright issues for over a year, getting a ban on youtube, STILL releasing the show on live tv with subtitles and THEN end up making the adaption better than the original, fixing the messed up side couple, giving all 3 couples healthy and loving relationships, a proper development with good pacing, not cursing the 11th episode with dumb drama AND making karan and achi the first gay couple to have a wedding on a gmmtv show is highkey iconic say what u want-
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leafspiritz · 2 months
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they’re the perfect adventuring party 🥘
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arcane-gold · 8 months
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been having the worst week imaginable so i drew my kids to cheer myself up
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kaeirou · 5 months
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well yeah
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koolaidashley · 7 months
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Part 8 😊👍🏻
It was fun drawing the scribble Leo’s, I need a nap now tho so I, gonna go unconscious love u byeee
&lt;<<<Prev | Next>>>>
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radiance1 · 7 months
Danny: Your mother!
Vlad: My mother is dead, Daniel.
Vlad: She shoved me into a closet while saying that we were playing hiding and seek, and me, the oblivious boy I was then, obliged and was excited, not at all questioning that she knew where I was hidden.
Danny: Vlad-
Vlad: Then I watched on helplessly through a crack in the closet door as she was brutally stabbed to death right before my very eyes, terror running through my veins and fear gripping my mouth to keep it closed. I couldn't turn away, as I had a front row seat to each and every scream that they tore from her as blood slowly melted into the carpet.
Danny: Dude-
Vlad: Then I saw the life drain from her eyes and leave nothing behind but an empty husk that once was and the killer standing on top of her body. Before they left, I remember staring at her for an unknown amount of time before the police came and escorted me outside.
Vlad: Sometimes I wonder what difference it would have made if I stepped out of that closet.
Vlad: Anywho, enough about that. Would you like some cupcakes Daniel?
Danny, disturbed: Uh.... sure....?
Vlad: Great, vanilla or chocolate? Or perhaps lemon with some buttercream?
Danny: Lemon with buttercream please.
Vlad, going to his kitchen: Wonderful, wait one moment.
Danny is currently questioning how the hell a simple your mother joke forced him into a lore dump of his mother's death. On the bright side, at least he'll get some cupcakes out of it?
Dick: So, is your godfather always like this?
No matter what anyone says, Danny did NOT scream because he genuinely forgot that Dick was there, nor would he ever admit to being scared, because he wasn't scared.
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blood-orange-juice · 23 days
It feels so weird having a centrist stance (if it can be called so) in most Childe debates. People want him to be just one thing so badly.
I think whatever dichotomy you can come up with he's probably both.
He's a sweet boy and also an abyssal horror, neither part is a mask.
He obviously has cPTSD but also a lot of his behaviours that look like trauma-induced responses are just him, real him. To deal with trauma you have to dig deep enough to find the real you and, well, that's what he found.
He's obviously Abyss-tainted but it's for his goals and seems voluntary and he's very much in control of himself, so can you really say it's not him?
He does need help and acceptance but no way it will make him "normal".
Remember that domain inside Canotila's book? A dog who was a dog and a rifthound at the same time. I think he's that.
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goosefries · 8 months
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