#she continues to be tall
toon-city · 1 year
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carrotkicks · 9 months
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gotham sirens doodle
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Books of 2024: THE GREAT CITIES DUOLOGY by N. K. Jemisin.
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riverofjazzsims · 3 months
When i saw this quote, I immediately thought of Mercy and this scene
"You can leave a toxic relationship, but if you don’t heal what attracted you to them, you will meet them again. The same demon, just in a different person"
How many demons has Mercy danced with knowingly or otherwise. Theres only so many pieces to the life that is Mercy that's yet to be shared and only hints sprinkle here and there.What or who was the person to strike the first blow to her psyche. I feel she has been wandering around wearing a mask of her own for a very long time, and if ever they were to come off long enough, the amount of emotional chaos burried that would bubble to the surface, she wouldnt survive that alone.
Bishop is a fucking sociopath and excels and flourishes at the toxicity he drips daily into her veins.Every apology he offers is a weapon and forgiveness is his trap.
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camellcat · 4 months
you ever realize you never properly learned how to say a character's name, so by the time you finally HEAR it, you have no idea who they're talking about? cause I feel like I keep doing this and it's very confusing to keep being corrected like that
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transformershive · 5 months
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The archivist, Orion Pax, and his bodyguard, Eriel!
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anotherpapercut · 7 months
I know several people who like LOVE seasons 5-7 (11th doctors run) and think the storylines and moffats writing are brilliant and I don't get it!!! what am I missing??? why does literally every single episode have the exact same stakes: Rory/Amy/the doctor is dead. forever. so dead. but wait!!! what if they aren't!!! why do so many of the explanations for why they're not actually dead feel so rushed like they were added at the last minute!! why does every single queer character act kind of weird and awkward about being queer!! why does the doctor casually say that women are inferior when no one's around!!! what the fuck!! hello!!!
#why is rory continuously proving himself as the Only Man To Ever Exist only for the characters/narrative to continuously imply hes lesser#amy tries to kiss the doctor?? at her wedding??????#when amy is stuck for 36 years why is she like i forgot how much rory loved me?? GIRL HE WAITED 1000 YEARS FOR YOU???? WHAT????#he is CONSTANTLY the butt of the joke despite being unequivocally without a doubt the best character from this era#what the fuck was up with river being their kid#THE 50TH ANNIVERSARY???? WHAT?? THAT SHIT WAS WEIRD RIGHT???#does anyone else find it annoying that moffat changed the opening theme and the tardis and the sonic and the doctor ALLLL at once#and then retconned the entire storyline the early seasons are based off of??#WHY IS THE DOCTOR SO GODDAMN ANNOYING?? LIKE SO MUCH MORE ANNOYING THAN THE OTHERS#and fucking sexist!!! so sexist!!!#anyone remember the characters who were like 'were the short fat and tall skinny gay men why do we need names' LIKE HUH???????#gay people still have names steven 😭#i feel like im going insane bc i have no one else to talk to abt it until my partner catches up#but you guys still think these seasons kinda suck right? like coming off of martha and DONNA and her AMAZING storyline#these just kinda pale in comparison right??????#the last centurion is probably the last really good plot of that era imo. none of the other plots come close to having an ending that cool#like rivers story couldve been amazing and then it was just uh. kinda weird. a bit confusing IDK#i dont want to be a dick when talking to people and like shit on smth they love but i genuinely have a hard time#finding kind things to say abt a lot of this era#also and this might just be me but i do not like amy and clara v much 😭 theyre so fuckin mean and not even funny#why were martha donna and rose sooooo well written and they all have rich backstories. we know their fuckin families!!#literally its never even fully explained what the fuck happened to amys parents 😩😩 they just move on. the only friend of theirs#ever shown is fucking river??? as a kid??#am i the only one who found all thay confusing
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gentil-minou · 8 months
wlw wangxian for @wlwangxianweek
Day 1 - In Over My Head (aka short girl Wei Ying being in over her head with her crush on the tall new girl Lan Zhan)
Wei Ying has sat in the second row from the front of the board since the very first day of school. It was the perfect spot, actually. Right next Mianmian and in front of her brother so maximum annoyance potential. Perfect. Best of all, no one sits in front of her, which is soooo important because no one tells you how awful being the shortest girl in your grade is until you're trying to see over their dumb big heads so she can see what the teacher's writing.
As long as they don't elbow her (though if they do, Wei Ying is much stronger than she looks. She can take them These thighs are all muscle, baby), she's peachy keen. Even when assholes like Wen Chao try to make fun of her, being this short gives her the perfect angle to look down at his crotch, frown, and say, "Wow, I'm so sorry. I think you can get surgery to fix that." Before running away cackling. She's fast, and these lumbering idiots will never catch up to her anyways, hehe.
So Wei Ying is feeling pretty damn good about everything, until the new girl walks into their homeroom.
She's laughing at something Nie Huaisang said and so isn't entirely paying attention until their teacher draws their attention. When she turns around, all she can see is the back of someone very, very tall, with incredibly long hair that goes all the way down their back.
Shiny and silky, the kind she'd seen in hair commercials, with the shower running overhead and soap streaming down a stranger's body…
Wow, Wei Ying must be envious. She's always liked her messy waves, but maybe it's just that she's interested in growing her hair out and straitening it or something.
Anyways, that's not the most important thing here. The most eye-catching thing about this new kid is how incredible tall she is. Like, almost reaching the top of the blackboard, taller than most of the boys tall. Wei Ying's head would probably wouldn't even reach her shoulders.
"So cool…" she whispers, subconsciously. Jiang Cheng elbows her to quiet down and she yelps, "Hey!" which unfortunately draws everyone's attention to her, including the new girl.
And…oh. Wow. New girl isn't just tall. She's so pretty. Model pretty. Pretty pretty.
Wei Ying's struck dumb by the way New Girl fixes an intense gaze on her, peering above wire-rimmed glasses with eyes honey-brown and lashes long enough the must brush against her glasses all the time. She's staring at her, well, glaring at her more like, but wow, Wei Ying doesn't mind at all.
She gulps as her eyes trails down the side of New Girl's perfectly sloped nose, down to thick plump lips that are pursed in a frown and just…ah, her throat feels parched.
Wei Ying has never cared much about other people's bodies before. She's touched herself, of course, but she hasn't had more than a peripheral interest in others. Her breasts are small and she's perfectly fine with them. The rest of her female friends are a bit larger than her, but it's never been much of big deal for her. She changes in front of them all the time and there's never been even the smallest hint of anything more untoward.
Now, she can't look away. She doesn't think she wants to.
New Girl's breasts are…incredible. Wow. She buttons her shirt all the way to the top, but she must have the wrong size or something because one of the buttons is stretched a bit and Wei Ying can just barely make out the lace edge of her—
Mianmian clears her throat beside her.
Oh. Wei Ying was staring. With her mouth wide open in an o. And standing up over the desk to lean forwards on the palm of her hands.
Wei Ying drags her gaze back up to New Girls face and…yup, New Girl's glare is 1000% times worse now. But her ears are also tinged pink, peaking through strands of her long hair.
It's cute…really cute. She's super cute. Yeah.
"Wei Ying?" the teacher asks, "Are you perhaps volunteering to guide Lan Zhan around the school?"
"Huh?" Wei Ying says around her still dry throat, the name echoing in her head. A pretty name for a pretty girl. Wow.
She's a bit speechless still, but Jiang Cheng elbows her again and that seems to do the trick, fixing whatever got dislodged from her brain, and sending her back into high gear.
Yeah, she can totally show New Girl— Lan Zhan, wow, around! She's great at that.
She beams her brightest grin across the classroom, and okay Lan Zhan just frowns more but somehow that just makes her even prettier. "I'd be happy to!"
"Wonderful," their teacher says, amused. "Lan Zhan you may take a seat in front of Wei Ying then and she will give you a tour around the school after class."
Lan Zhan nods and walks over, except it almost seems like she glides over, the ends of her long uniform-issued skirt swishing around her ankles revealing plain white socks and matching shoes. It should be ridiculous but with the way her hair fans out behind her just makes her look ethereal. Wei Ying can almost imagine the sparkles that would follow in her wake.
Lan Zhan stops in front of her new desk and glances at Wei Ying, who smiles back up at her, all friendly and everything so she feels super welcome. Lan Zhan's face doesn't change at all, just gives her an impassive look before she sits down and...
Oh. That's a problem.
She blocks the board…Wei Ying can't see at all.
Normally, Wei Ying wouldn't think twice about telling someone to move their big head…except Lan Zhan doesn't have a big head.
Her head is small and perfect actually, and her hair slides over her shoulder and it's taking everything Wei Ying has in her to not touch it and see just how soft it is….but that's not the point. She can't see, and she's feeling so hot and flustered by it for some reason she doesn't know what to do at all.
Then, almost as if she can read her mind, Lan Zhan glances at her and, seeming to understand, shifts to the side so Wei Ying can see perfectly just around her shoulder.
Wei Ying smiles at her and taps her shoulder to say thank you, earning a static shock that's electrifying and sends sparks down her spine to pool in something low and deep within her.
Lan Zhan nods again, eyes cast and demure, and turns back to the board.
It's worked. Wei Ying can see the board again perfectly. So even if the new girl is kinda mean-looking, she's kind. The realization makes Wei Ying's heart flutter and her cheeks turn an embarassing pink. She tucks her chin into her hands, palms at her cheeks hoping her cool skin can relieve some of the heat.
But there's a new problem now. With the way Lan Zhan is sitting now, towards the side and angled a bit as she jots down notes with perfect penmanship, Wei Ying can study her profile. An unobstructed view.
It's very distracting, she can't focus on anything the teacher is saying, at all.
A very pretty distraction. Oh dear.
(threadfic here)
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wreckedhoney · 2 months
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screencaps from the second playthrough! a few things i missed or forgot to share from the first one, with some more minor additions under the cut. my personal fav here is THE SCREAM poster with our new host's name just taped over the old one's lmao i love that little detail, sorry kurt and thankyou clive we love you.
obligatory oogling at peggy and her lovely lovely silhouette, the model looks so good. i also appreciate, again, reggie's office decor?? it looks like the drawing of a rocket ship you can find maybe twice around the station might be from his son lol. or. maybe it's his.
and the cassette! another great find from clive. maybe he closed in on who could've been offing all the people he found out about. what a sweet touch from the game, too.
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some extra liquid that i thought had some interesting little blurbs. the cleaner is so…so fuckin… fuckin gallows creek man… who owns bimbam bc fellas we got another request for the next whistling men
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rotisseries · 8 months
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girl the what ttt
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the narines bj ask. duh
#context here is that I think a bit before I got tals and juno into tbos?#I had forgotten that nate is a tall character and hella was making fun of me for it she was like “nate is literally taller than drako”#so then I sent her an ask like “I need to know if nate is taller than rin too”#and in the replies gloomy was like “it's not like it matters nate will make him shorter either way”#which started hella and gloomy having a whole convo in there#just devolving into “ooh the implications the king on his knees we're talking about bjs right?”#which. fun#and then the other day I was thinking about it again and I was like rin literally has appearances to be keeping up#he's not going to like. AGREEABLY go down on his knees#so then I went to go send hella that ask and as I'm typing “rin would bite nate's dick off”#my train of thought continues and I'm like well nate wouldn't WANT his dick bit off he'd need to keep him in line#so them I'm like dagger to the throat obviously that's a standard threat the dagger has made. appearances. in narines scenes already#and then as I'm typing that out I'm thinking about the awkward logistics of the dagger to the front of the throat#(where it usually goes when you threaten someone)#and I'm like well that wouldn't work so I automatically make sure to specify the side of his throat for some reason#and then I just like. had to deal with that image in my head🤨#so obviously I immediately clicked the send ask button#ask#ghoultaffy#hi jayme!
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chikoyama · 1 month
continued from this | @opalchoi
The corners of her mouth remained uplifted in her usual gentle smile once Chiyori observed Opal-chan reanimate after her display of affection. Chiyori was aware that Opal-chan had a tendency to disconnect from the world, so seeing her zap back to reality like that wasn’t exactly novel, but watching her become flustered was cute regardless. “Oh, I- okay..” she returned, smiling still, though couldn't help but feel a little rejected once the other turned down her offer to help.
When the pinkette proceeded to tumble down — clumsy as usual — Chiyori instinctively took a step backward to not get tangled in her friend’s fall. Her brows arched in half surprise, half concern, and she was about to extend her hand toward her friend, but Opal-chan seemed to be up on her feet again before Chiyori could actually offer her her assistance.
Luckily, though, Opal-chan didn’t seem to be badly hurt, and with a smile of relief, Chiyori mirrored the finger heart gesture. "You know, I'm always here to help you, Opal-chan," she returned before her hand fell back to its natural rest at her side.
Casting her eyes downward, Chiyori considered the question about her day for a moment. “It was… okay,” she shrugged, not sure if there was anything new to bring up. Her day had been as per usual — not really bad, but not amazing either. Studying to become a nurse wasn’t exactly a struggleless journey. Like most things in life, it had its own ups and downs.
Amber eyes landed back on the pinkette once Chiyori remembered why she’d come to visit her friend at the coffee bar today. “Ah, Opal-chan, I saw they offered a good deal on clothes at the mall this week." With both hands holding onto the strap of her bag, Chiyori tilted her head sideways. "Would you have time to go shopping with me one of the coming days?”
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deltagf · 5 months
1 + 13+ 16
answers for miss calamity...specifically miss tfp cali...
1. what are the basics of your self insert? name, date of birth, height, etc.?
Calamity is a Predacon whose beast mode strongly resembles the extinct Earth animal Spinosaurus aegyptiacus. She's also roughly the size of the actual creature, which makes her about 60' tall in robot mode! Notably, she's also not a clone like Predaking; Calamity had a long, complicated history on ancient Cybertron before she came to Earth and was infected by the blood of Unicron. This caused her to enter a sort of stasis for tens of millions of years, until she is awakened at the end of season one. As you may imagine, it's...a bit of a culture shock.
13. does your self insert have any information about their family?
She had a sister, once - as close as you can get when you're part of an asexually reproducing species, anyway. Her name was Marauder, and her death at the hands (claws?) of a rival ultimately resulted in Calamity leaving Cybertron.
16. freebie! name a fact about your self insert you want everyone to know.
She does not care for those thangs that Shockwave made. Ideal dynamic between Calamity and Predaking is that vine of the adult cat pushing a kitten off the shelf - they're close enough in size that she feels no guilt over throwing hands. ALSO bonus fact bc I can't stfu: Like 90% of Megatron's paranoia becomes directed at this huge ancient warrior woman who's only working with him out of covenience and is clearly a massive threat to his authority...except she truly does not give a fuck about him 😭 Cali just wants to know if his second in command is single!
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yourplasticpal · 8 months
Curious if anyone else is having the same extremely torn feelings as I am...
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got into a convo with my family this morning that started with politics and philosophy and ended up spiraling into a rant about the nature of goodness and none of that is actually important eXCEPT that it reminded me of the ‘without hope without witness without reward’ quote and this all leads me to what I want to say which is—
I have realized that that line ^ is the standard by which I measure any portrayal of River Song. if there’s a story about her that doesn’t convince me that a) this is a person who could and would write that OR b) this is a person who can become the kind of person who writes that, then it’s not going to work for me.
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handcat · 11 months
back to the dating app 🚶
#got inspired to try it again 🙄#i have a date semi planned now and all of the women in portland are obsessed w me or whatever#bc i like love and dating ppl but i keep falling in love with friends and it HAS NOT ENDED WELL ONCE so maybe stop it you dumbass#(this may be caused by the fact i’ve gotten my hopes up a bit abt a friend of mine but i should NOT… unless…)#i crave companionship#and am#also so scared all the time i’m soooooososcaredddd rn#why can’t everyone just love me all the time#must be my personality bc i’m like really hot rn#also me swiping on ppl just looking for hookups them matching and just 😳 i do not know if i’m at a point in my life where i am confident eno#ugh to do that 😳#as previously stated i’m so so scared#idk i’m conflicted and need to over share about it#idk will continue flirting w that one friend tho#even though flirting with eachother is an ongoing joke in this friend group so i don’t think she would take it seriously lmao#was telling my dear good pal to come over and suck my fingers yesterday like that’s just how it is#anyway she’s cool and makes childrens books and stories and loves dinasours and is tall and can jump really high#we got drunk together at my friends bday and bonded and it was SO CUTE#also she cries a lot when she’s high but doesn’t notice (she’s not even sad there’s just tears lol)#ruh roh just typed that all out and realized it seems like i’m obsessed w her 😳#going to hit my head on a wall okay goodnight
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zaatanna · 1 year
sailor jupiter was always a fave back in the day because she was the tall girl and like that was her thing bc everyone in the show always commented how tall she was and i was like omg me too i'm the tall girl too but then i remember when i found out her version of tall was 5'6 and i was like oh
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