#scarlet witch max art
chaosangelmp3 · 13 days
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yeah….. sw au lumax is on the brain……..
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keylimeart · 6 months
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Happy first night of Hanukkah!
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terrestrial-dracorn · 8 months
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The Magnet Fam ft. Anya and Nina if they hadn’t fucking died (and some of Nina’s friends)
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milkydraws8 · 2 months
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fifiophobia · 11 months
Dadneto ❤️
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I know he didn't meet Wanda until she was a teen, but I still wanted to doodle this.
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geekynerfherder · 2 years
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Showcasing art from some of my favourite artists, and those that have attracted my attention, in the field of visual arts, including vintage; pulp; pop culture; books and comics; concert posters; fantastical and imaginative realism; classical; contemporary; new contemporary; pop surrealism; conceptual and illustration.
The art of Max Bertolini.
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morose-magnetrix · 7 months
Hi there!!! Did you read the Magneto series and Scarlet witch series? I'm eagerly waiting to know your thoughts!
Yes I did! I read through the last issue of Magneto this morning, as well as issues 9 & 10 of Scarlet Witch. Overall, I really enjoyed the conclusions to both of them, Scarlet Witch more so.
This line from Issue 4 really summarizes I think the overall conceit of this story: "Was the 'evil mutant' just a role I played for the greater good... or the ugly truth? Am I the heir to Charles Xavier's dream... or the beast that will devour it?"
At first, this series gave me the impression that the author's argument was that it had all been an act back in the 60's, that Magneto wasn't really ever 'evil,' and I didn't find that satisfying. I think there's a tendency in fiction to try to absolve characters of their past actions/crimes, in order to make them more palatable and less complex (for instance, absolving Jean Grey of Dark Phoenix's actions by making it so the real Jean was at the bottom of the bay the entire time, or saying that Doom had manipulated Wanda into committing M-Day). Removing their responsibility/culpability for actions they took just isn't as interesting to me as seeing someone grapple with something horrific they had done, and having to struggle and reckon with it, and find a way to atone for their actions.
So basically, I thought at first that this was what this narrative was trying to do - to remove Magneto's responsibility for the stuff he did in the silver age. But by the conclusion of the series, I think it became more clear that deMatteis & co were really trying to examine these two opposing poles of Magneto, of his capability for intense rage and violence, but also for empathy and compassion.
I think if the series had been longer, this would've been super successful. As it was, it accomplished what it set out to do in these four issues and the ending scene with Rahne, where they're looking at the photo of Max's mom, it's super touching and sweet. I just wish things had more space to breathe to allow this character study the runway it really needed.
Scarlet Witch:
I ADORE this entire run. I haven't been posting my thoughts on individual issues as much as I used to - and that isn't because these things aren't good, they're fucking fantastic - I've just been busy with work (& getting back into writing fanfic). But I need to be super clear - this is my favorite Scarlet Witch solo ever (not that we have many lol) and probably is up there in one of my favorite comic runs of all time.
The artwork is GORGEOUS. The colors used are amazing and the expressions on the characters, by god they just fucking sing. I love the care taken to depict Wanda respectfully and accurately, the new costumes are sick af, and everything is just so dynamic. Sometimes, I have a hard time figuring out what is happening with comic book art, but I never really struggled here - even as we are dropped into wacky new situations, often times jumping from completely different contexts from panel to panel. And the covers, they are just.... just chef's kiss - perfection!
And the characterization, gods - just incredible. I didn't really like Orlando's Marauders run, I ended up dipping out somewhere in arc 1 or 2 of it, so I was a little worried about Scarlet Witch. I'm so glad to have been proven wrong. The cast works together so flawlessly, the little moments recalling past continuity without aliening new readers is fantastic. I adored Wanda calling Joseph Iosif and I'm hoping that, when we next see him, he may just adopt that as his name? (Although I'm not expecting to see Iosif around any time soon, given that Max is coming back, and historically when Max is back and a good guy, Iosif is either dead or a bad guy).
The treatment of Wanda's family was everything I could have hoped for - honoring Magneto as her father, her interactions with her siblings, with her kids, with her niece. Seeing Luna Maximoff again in a comic was NOT something I saw coming but I loved it lol.
I also just loved the rotating nature of the problems she faced - that every issue was a new adventure, a new place, a new way for Wanda to demonstrate her growth and healing by giving back to others. She's an OP character by definition and I never felt myself bored with the conflicts she had to face. They were unique and varied and I felt most of them, on some level, had a direct connection to a period of Wanda's own history - hell, they even had her basically go and confront someone who was doing a WandaVision which I found sooo funny lmao.
(If you can't tell by my rambling, I'm kinda obsessed with this series...)
The final villain I really liked - partially because I am an inorganic chemist, so a lot of the science and stuff that I do actually comes from alchemists. I think having alchemist villains for Wanda to face is super interesting and a nice change of pace from the demons and other witches she is usually up against, and I hope we see more of Nicola. She's a super neat foil for Wanda, particularly with the current continuity that Wanda comes from a line of Scarlet Witches, and Nicola comes from a long line of alchemists.
Darcy was a treat, she worked super well here, and I kinda ship her with Zelma now??? Like they're girlfriends, right??? Right???
There's probably things I'm frothing at the mouth over with this series that I've forgotten about, but I also don't want to write you an entire essay in response, so.... I'm gonna cut myself off here and say that I am VERY excited for the follow up Quicksilver & Scarlet Witch series. (Maybe we'll get a Quicksilver & Scarlet Witch & POLARIS series one day, hmmm? Please Marvel? Pleeeeeeeease? I neeeeeed it soooo much....)
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doraambrose · 4 months
Hello friends! I just wanted to put it out there that I do art for alot of different Fandoms so i can do any submissions or asks! I don't have a limit, my art is usually thick line, not super realistic, more trippy or cartoony. My art varies between micron pens on Bristol vellum paper or posca markers on thin canvas. Only putting this because I usually always remember to put my supplies with my art. Here are some of my favorite things to draw for:
Jason todd or anyone in the batfamily
Dc in general
Scarlet witch
Skulls or flowers and stuff like that
Amazing world of gumball or cartoon network stuff in general
Spirited away or studio ghibli stuff
Mario (especially rosalina)
Anatomically correct organs
Alice in wonderland
I'm probably forgetting others but you get the point
Here's some examples:
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I also have done portraits for people's dogs, including my own lol:
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I DON'T do:
Any kind of incest really
Any kind of hateful symbols or bullying (homophobia, sexism, antisemitic, tansphobia, etc.)
Jayroy or Bruce/Clark
Max goof x yakko warner
Danny phantom or miraculous (sorry not sorry)
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hueningoo-archive · 1 year
ok so this is my first time doing match up i kinda know who im gonna get but i wanted to try anyways (in my delulu era btw)
so im 21, entp, leo sun libra moon cancer rising, virgo mercury, cancer venus, sagittarius mars, 160 cm, i am afab and i am mostly comfortable with the gender i was assigned at birth but is this really important idk
lmy hobbies include talking and with talking i mean lots of talking(i was in the debate team in high-school), walking, biking, binge watching, cooking and baking, and of course listening music. i usually listen emotional songs or songs to go crazy no in between. for example i listen mitski at least an hour a day but i also listen the most energetic stuff out there like crayon pop bar bar bar. i really love languages and linguistics. i love dc comics, my favorite character is zatanna. i love playing videogames and especially if it is with my friends. zatanna is my favorite thing in the world btw but i can talk about batman and batfamily nonstop.
i usually get along with everyone but i am kinda paranoid believing that they don't actually like me. like they usually say that i am kind, friendly and cool but it doesn't convince me. i have a cat named robin bc i am the batman duh... i love her she is my rock. i study english language teaching. some say im manipulative but i honestly have no idea what im doing to manipulate them? i have a pretty dark sense of humor but it is not offensive at the slightest. i bully ppl i love but i also worship them again no in-between. i am respectful and helpful but if it is my family i am the opposite bc of the trauma lol.
and the things i dislike include harry potter(im the biggest hater ngl), iron man, scarlet witch, the music eva max is doing(but in the most respectful way), harry styles(not in a respectful way i despise this man), people who say superman is boring, selfishness, not putting an effort to understand other people's feelings, most men, people constantly criticizing me, myself, people who say astrology is stupid
what my potential partner can do to make me happy: they can draw zatanna for me im a simple person i love zatanna and everything they do that is slightly related to zatanna would automatically make me happy, cuddling sessions, trolling people on the internet together, them being patient with me, them liking my cooking/baking, having inside jokes together, them getting my sense of humour, them being my safe space, them being happy, them listening/reading/watching the list i made for them and linking it, them doing the same to me, them telling me their struggles and thinking that i understand them, them not getting mad at me
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i match you with... beomgyu!
we all know, gyu may be quiet at first or when hes alone- but when hes around people hes the complete opposite! keeping that in mind, long conversations of god knows what are bound to happen. he'll listen to everything you have to say even if its a lot. he does value his quiet times with you though. beomgyu also listens to emotional music so expect a lot of listening to that with him. he probably also has a playlist dedicated to u lol
i think that even if beomgyu mayyy not be the best artist (ive never seen his art so idk if hes that good or not BUT STILL) he'll draw whatever as long as it makes u happy hehe. also, gyu is all for cuddling! cuddling while trolling people on the internet..?? hes all for it!!! he will literally at anything u baked/cooked, if u made it, he KNOWS it tastes good!
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midnight-raven · 2 years
Stranger Things/Avengers Characters Pt. 1
Inspired by @a-dealwithgod
Master Will the Wise/Will Byers
When he was young, Will Byers was taken to a training ground for sorcerers to study the mystic arts. Growing up in Kamar-Taj, Will excelled at every lesson and mastered every spell; until he became the youngest master of the mystic arts. With his natural talents, Will also developed a power that took decades for wizards to learn; True Sight. When Will sleeps at night, his mind would travel through the many realms of the multiverse, including the dark dimension.
The Hulk/Dustin Henderson
After being in the wrong place at the wrong time, Dustin Henderson had been exposed to a dangerous amount of gamma radiation. The levels of radiation resulted in Dustin gaining the ability to grow into a menacing green monster any time he was provoked. With scientists and bad guys chasing after his new power, Dustin ran away and disappeared from everyone. During his time on the run, Dustin stayed in contact with Mr. C, an online friend that’s helping him find a cure for his ‘condition.’
Black Widow/Max Mayfield
At a young age, Max had been chosen by a program known as the Red Room, where young girls are turned into spies and assassins. Growing up, Max had received extensive training from a super-soldier named Billy, also known as the Winter Soldier until she was the most skilled, and youngest widow in the program. However, one day, the Red Room decided to include full mind control into their program, and Max was faced with a choice; to stay and become another Black Widow, or escape and be free to make her own choices, her own rules.
Spider-Man/Lucas Sinclair
During a field trip to Hawkins Science Lab, Lucas Sinclair got bitten by an experimental radioactive spider, and received spider powers. However, becoming a superhero isn’t as easy as comic books made it seem. With having to balance life between schoolwork and vigilante-work, dodging his suspicious younger sister, and dealing Jason Carver, Lucas’ former friend from the basketball team who turned into Green Goblin after accusing the spider vigilante for murders across the city.
Iron Man/Mike Wheeler
As a robotic/science prodigy and the son of billionaire philanthropist Theodore Wheeler, Mike's life has been anything but normal. But after spending three months in captivity, Mike's world was changed forever. An arc reactor was implanted into his chest to keep him alive, but his time in captivity had opened his eyes to the dangers in the world. Dangers that only he could stop. Maybe if Ted had paid more attention to his son, he would’ve known that Mike was flying around the city in an iron suit.
The Scarlet Witch/Jane ‘011’ Hopper.
Eleven was raised in a lab by Dr. Brenner after gaining psionic abilities from a magical stone. Every day, she trained to become more powerful, until an incident. Eleven couldn’t remember all the details, all she remembered was the bodies and the blood. The incident had shown up on SHIELD's radar, so they investigated and took Eleven into their custody. Because of Els’ lack of control over her powers, SHIELD had wanted to place her under maximum security, until Jim Hopper stepped up, and offered to keep an eye on the young girl.
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chaosangelmp3 · 15 days
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nooooo max!!! don’t unintentionally take over hawkins and create a perfect reality!!! she can’t hear me she has airpods in!!!!
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What is media like in the Rhine City verse? What are some recurring shows within a show?
We haven’t super got into it, and there’s quite a bit of media that’s fairly different too! A lot of in-universe series are based on scrapped story concepts, some of which long-time viewers of my blog might remember. Here’s a few things I came up with:
The Handy & Ydnah Show: The bastard child of Oobi and ATHF. It’s a PG show beloved by adults and stoners for it’s weird and surreal plots. The production of it is extremely mysterious; no one knows much about it even though it debuted in the 80s.
Tales of Aethra: Based on one of my oldest story ideas. It’s essentially a long-running multimedia fantasy franchise, though its popularity is comparable more to something like He-Man or Xanth than something like LotR. It has gotten a well-regarded animated series, several books, and a crossover set with MTG.
Mercenaries: Based on the story Eric originated from. Basically an over-the-top stunt-heavy action franchise a la John Wick, featuring a sendup of Snake Plissken as its lead (his name is Max Viper). Venus Crowley’s character Scarlet Love became a huge breakout and shot her to stardom.
Genesis: Based on the story David Paine originated from. A TV series about a future where some of the population have superpowers. It’s like Akira or Heroes back when the latter was good.
SafeWord: 90s cult classic comic about a queer S&M themed superhero. Was adapted into an equally cult classic film by Troma. Based on an old OC idea I had.
Virgin Killer: A more recent movie, an action-comedy about a young man who dresses in a Virgin killer and enacts vigilante justice on incel type guys. Based on a joke someone sent into my blog once.
Dick Kicker: Private Eye - A film noir parody series in the vein of Naked Gun. Very deadpan, very respectful of the genre.
Bottom Line: A blaxploitation series from the 70s about the eponymous martial arts hero who protected his community from various threats.
Arya Mournblade series: Long-running sword-and-sorcery fantasy series notable for consistently keeping the same actress from the original 80s film all the way to the 2017 finale. One of the films is infamous for featuring aliens as the antagonists.
Prudence Clay, Student Witch: A young adult fantasy book series by author Frida Spinney, which was hailed as the next Harry Potter by critics. The books have come under constant scrutiny for some extremely problematic elements, not helped at all by questionable comments she made online which inspired others to make similarly questionable comments (she’s friends with JKR if that tells you anything).
The Will of the Old Ones: A book by an author going by “Charlotte Webber.” It is a cosmic horror story whose content was overshadowed by a plagiarism lawsuit alleging the text was cobbled together from several unpublished manuscripts. The author making the claims of plagiarism was eventually found dead of an apparent suicide and the case ended up dropped. Hardly any discussion of the content of the book is made anymore, only the insanity around it.
Salty Steve’s Pirate Pizza Palace: A Charles Entertainment Cheese competitor founded in 1987. The discordant mashup of pirate and dinosaur theming has given it an odd charm that has helped it stay afloat, also helped by it getting a surprisingly good SNES game based around it.
Rubber Octopus: Popular mid 2000s indie rock band.
Six Shots: Based on an old scrapped superhero story idea. It’s not made yet, but it’s the next script James Gunn has for a movie, and Venus is gonna star in it.
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kudosmyhero · 8 months
Marvel Team-Up (vol. 1) #48: A Fine Night for Dying!
Read Date: February 25, 2023 Cover Date: August 1976 ● Writer: Bill Mantlo ● Penciler: Sal Buscema ● Inker: Mike Esposito ● Colorist: Janice Cohen ● Letterer: Jean Hipp ● Editor: Marv Wolfman ●
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**HERE BE SPOILERS: Skip ahead to the fan art/podcast to avoid spoilers
Reactions As I Read: ● Spidey is falling through the air, which wouldn't normally be a problem except his web-shooters aren't currently working. oops. ● he's taking his imminent death very calmly ● Iron Man to the rescue! (I can't help but to hear Robert Downey Jr's voice as Tony Stark) ● heheh, Spider-Man makes a bad pun, and Iron Man laments that he should have just let him drop. As someone who likes to make bad puns, I can appreciate this interaction ^_^ ● despite the saves, we have some pre-team-up bickering ● Captain Jean DeWolff. I think I like her. ● yuss, I love the captain's car!
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● now "DeWolf" is spelled with one f… ● back to "DeWolff" in the next panel, so "DeWolf" was just a momentary flub ● this is quite a little mystery developing here! and the images of the shadowy figure in the background of surveillance and/or news clips is rather creepy ● done already? that flew by! ● 👏👏👏👏
Synopsis: Spider-Man is web swinging over Long Island near a Stark International Fuel depot. He suddenly spots a model airplane with a bomb attached it heading toward the depot. The power of the blast sends Spider-Man flying backward. Although he is thrown clear of the heat and flames, he is left in free fall and would have fatally struck the ground if it was not for the timely arrival of Iron Man, who saves him. On the ground, Spider-Man is worried about the innocent people that might be endangered by the blast. However, Iron Man explains that he had the area evacuated and the fire department is at the ready as this attack as Tony Stark received a warning this was going to happen. Iron Man demands to know why Spider-Man was in the area. This infuriates the wall-crawler who doesn't like being accused of a crime he didn't commit. Iron Man admits that while Spider-Man has helped the Avengers in the past, they don't know much about them. Spider-Man points out that his motives are questionable, to ask the Vision, Scarlet Witch, and Moondragon about who he is. Their argument is interrupted by Captain Jean DeWolff, who has been investigating a series of threats that have been made to wealthy businesses, this being the fifth. While DeWolff and Iron Man compare notes, Spider-Man attempts to examine the remains of the model airplane used in the attack. Before he can, his spider-sense begins to tingle. Realizing it was booby-trapped, Spider-Man leaps away and pulls Jean to safety. This fits the pattern of the other attacks. Jean asks the two heroes if they can put aside their differences long enough to help out with the case. As the three continue to discuss matters, they neglect to notice a strange figure enter one the mausoleums in order to return to his secret lair. Meanwhile, Jean DeWolff rushes Spider-Man and Iron Man to her precinct. The pair witness as one of her officers makes light of the fact that Jean's father was the ex-commissioner of police and that they have to look out for her. Unimpressed, Jean bumps the desk Sargent back down to a patrolman. In her office, DeWolff explains to her allies that she needs to run a tight ship to keep out of being under her father's shadow. Activating some video equipment loaned to her department by SHIELD to review the five previous attacks. The first was on the Westchester Mansion of Max Vorster, a wealthy New York City slum lord. Volster was killed in the explosion and all evidence was destroyed. The only clue to the identity of their bomber is from a shadowy figure wearing a hood that was captured on video by the local news crew. The next bomb attack was at the Cosmopolitan Bank and Trust, an explosion that killed fifteen people and injured another twenty-two. This time their mystery attacker was caught on security cameras. After they have finished reviewing the footage, they examine the warning letters and discover that they are written on police letterhead, and the letters that form the messages are clipped out of the Gazette, a police newspaper. Suddenly, the masked figure they have been investigating hurls a model plane bomb from the building across the street. Spider-Man's spider-sense tips them off, and while Iron Man deals with the bomb, Spider-Man goes after the bomber. Much to the wall-crawler's surprise, their foe, a masked being calling himself the Wraith, is able to grab Spider-Man's wrists and crush them under great strength. (https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Marvel_Team-Up_Vol_1_48)
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Fan Art: Captain Jean DeWolff by arunion
Accompanying Podcast: ● Untold Talks of Spider-Man - episode 09
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scarlettshanaart · 3 years
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He - android that was created to destroy humanity. She was the magician-mutant and daughter of mutant extremist. They end up being married and parents of twins-boys. And yes: their dads are not happy with that marriage.
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genoshan · 4 years
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Polaris, Rogue, Scarlet Witch, and Magneto all by Thony Silas
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bongaboi · 3 years
2021 Primetime Emmy Awards: The List.
Outstanding Comedy Series Outstanding Drama Series
Ted Lasso (Apple TV+)
Black-ish (ABC)
Cobra Kai (Netflix)
Emily in Paris (Netflix)
The Flight Attendant (HBO Max)
Hacks (HBO Max)
The Kominsky Method (Netflix)
PEN15 (Hulu)
The Crown (Netflix)
The Boys (Prime Video)
Bridgerton (Netflix)
The Handmaid's Tale (Hulu)
Lovecraft Country (HBO)
The Mandalorian (Disney+)
Pose (FX)
This Is Us (NBC)
Outstanding Limited or Anthology Series Outstanding Competition Program
The Queen's Gambit (Netflix)
I May Destroy You (HBO)
Mare of Easttown (HBO)
The Underground Railroad (Prime Video)
WandaVision (Disney+)
RuPaul's Drag Race (VH1)
The Amazing Race (CBS)
Nailed It! (Netflix)
Top Chef (Bravo)
The Voice (NBC)
Outstanding Variety Talk Series Outstanding Variety Sketch Series
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)
Conan (TBS)
The Daily Show with Trevor Noah (Comedy Central)
Jimmy Kimmel Live! (ABC)
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert (CBS)
Saturday Night Live (NBC)
A Black Lady Sketch Show (HBO)
Outstanding Variety Special (Live) Outstanding Variety Special (Pre-Recorded)
Stephen Colbert's Election Night 2020: Democracy's Last Stand Building Back America Great Again Better 2020 (Showtime)
Celebrating America – An Inauguration Night Special (Multiple Platforms)
The 63rd Annual Grammy Awards (CBS)
The Oscars (ABC)
The Pepsi Super Bowl LV Halftime Show Starring The Weeknd (CBS)
Hamilton (Disney+)
Bo Burnham: Inside (Netflix)
David Byrne's American Utopia (HBO)
8:46 – Dave Chappelle (Netflix)
Friends: The Reunion (HBO Max)
A West Wing Special to Benefit When We All Vote (HBO Max)
Lead performances
Outstanding Lead Actor in a Comedy Series Outstanding Lead Actress in a Comedy Series
Jason Sudeikis as Ted Lasso on Ted Lasso (Episode: "Pilot") (Apple TV+)
Anthony Anderson as Andre "Dre" Johnson, Sr. on Black-ish (Episode: "What About Gary?") (ABC)
Michael Douglas as Sandy Kominsky on The Kominsky Method (Episode: "Chapter 20. The round toes, of the high shoes") (Netflix)
William H. Macy as Frank Gallagher on Shameless (Episode: "Father Frank, Full of Grace") (Showtime)
Kenan Thompson as Kenan Williams on Kenan (Episode: "Flirting") (NBC)
Jean Smart as Deborah Vance on Hacks (Episode: "1.69 Million") (HBO Max)
Aidy Bryant as Annie Easton on Shrill (Episode: "Ranchers") (Hulu)
Kaley Cuoco as Cassie Bowden on The Flight Attendant (Episode: "In Case of Emergency") (HBO Max)
Allison Janney as Bonnie Plunkett on Mom (Episode: "My Kinda People and the Big To-Do") (CBS)
Tracee Ellis Ross as Dr. Rainbow "Bow" Johnson on Black-ish (Episode: "Babes in Boyland") (ABC)
Outstanding Lead Actor in a Drama Series Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series
Josh O'Connor as Prince Charles on The Crown (Episode: "Terra Nullius") (Netflix)
Sterling K. Brown as Randall Pearson on This Is Us (Episode: "Forty: Part 2") (NBC)
Jonathan Majors as Atticus Freeman on Lovecraft Country (Episode: "Sundown") (HBO)
Regé-Jean Page as Simon Basset on Bridgerton (Episode: "Art of the Swoon") (Netflix)
Billy Porter as Pray Tell on Pose (Episode: "Take Me To Church") (FX)
Matthew Rhys as Perry Mason on Perry Mason (Episode: "Chapter 8") (HBO)
Olivia Colman as Queen Elizabeth II on The Crown (Episode: "48:1") (Netflix)
Uzo Aduba as Dr. Brooke Taylor on In Treatment (Episode: "Brooke – Week 5") (HBO)
Emma Corrin as Princess Diana on The Crown (Episode: "Fairytale") (Netflix)
Elisabeth Moss as June Osborne / Offred on The Handmaid's Tale (Episode: "Home") (Hulu)
Mj Rodriguez as Blanca Evangelista on Pose (Episode: "Series Finale") (FX)
Jurnee Smollett as Letitia "Leti" Lewis on Lovecraft Country (Episode: "Holy Ghost") (HBO)
Outstanding Lead Actor in a Limited or Anthology Series or Movie Outstanding Lead Actress in a Limited or Anthology Series or Movie
Ewan McGregor as Halston on Halston (Netflix)
Paul Bettany as Vision on WandaVision (Disney+)
Hugh Grant as Jonathan Fraser on The Undoing (HBO)
Lin-Manuel Miranda as Alexander Hamilton on Hamilton (Disney+)
Leslie Odom Jr. as Aaron Burr on Hamilton (Disney+)
Kate Winslet as Mare Sheehan on Mare of Easttown (HBO)
Michaela Coel as Arabella on I May Destroy You (HBO)
Cynthia Erivo as Aretha Franklin on Genius: Aretha (National Geographic)
Elizabeth Olsen as Wanda Maximoff / Scarlet Witch on WandaVision (Disney+)
Anya Taylor-Joy as Beth Harmon on The Queen's Gambit (Netflix)
Supporting performances
Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Comedy Series Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series
Brett Goldstein as Roy Kent on Ted Lasso (Episode: "All Apologies") (Apple TV+)
Carl Clemons-Hopkins as Marcus Vaughan on Hacks (Episode: "New Eyes") (HBO Max)
Brendan Hunt as Coach Beard on Ted Lasso (Episode: "Two Aces") (Apple TV+)
Nick Mohammed as Nathan Shelley on Ted Lasso (Episode: "Make Rebecca Great Again") (Apple TV+)
Paul Reiser as Martin Schneider on The Kominsky Method (Episode: "Chapter 18. You only give me your funny paper") (Netflix)
Jeremy Swift as Leslie Higgins on Ted Lasso (Episode: "Biscuits") (Apple TV+)
Kenan Thompson as Various Characters on Saturday Night Live (Episode: "Host: Dave Chappelle") (NBC)
Bowen Yang as Various Characters on Saturday Night Live (Episode: "Host: Carey Mulligan") (NBC)
Hannah Waddingham as Rebecca Welton on Ted Lasso (Episode: "All Apologies") (Apple TV+)
Aidy Bryant as Various Characters on Saturday Night Live (Episode: "Host: Regé-Jean Page") (NBC)
Hannah Einbinder as Ava Daniels on Hacks (Episode: "I Think She Will") (HBO Max)
Kate McKinnon as Various Characters on Saturday Night Live (Episode: "Host: Bill Burr") (NBC)
Rosie Perez as Megan Briscoe on The Flight Attendant (Episode: "Arrivals and Departures") (HBO Max)
Cecily Strong as Various Characters on Saturday Night Live (Episode: "Host: Anya Taylor-Joy") (NBC)
Juno Temple as Keeley Jones on Ted Lasso (Episode: "For the Children") (Apple TV+)
Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Series Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series
Tobias Menzies as Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh on The Crown (Episode: "Gold Stick") (Netflix)
Giancarlo Esposito as Moff Gideon on The Mandalorian (Episode: "Chapter 16: The Rescue") (Disney+)
O-T Fagbenle as Luke Bankole on The Handmaid's Tale (Episode: "Home") (Hulu)
John Lithgow as Elias Birchard "E.B." Jonathan on Perry Mason (Episode: "Chapter 4") (HBO)
Max Minghella as Commander Nick Blaine on The Handmaid's Tale (Episode: "The Crossing") (Hulu)
Chris Sullivan as Toby Damon on This Is Us (Episode: "In the Room") (NBC)
Bradley Whitford as Commander Joseph Lawrence on The Handmaid's Tale (Episode: "Testimony") (Hulu)
Michael K. Williams as Montrose Freeman on Lovecraft Country (Episode: "Rewind 1921") (HBO) (posthumous)
Gillian Anderson as Margaret Thatcher on The Crown (Episode: "Favourites") (Netflix)
Helena Bonham Carter as PrincesOutstanding Comedy Series
Outstanding Drama Series
• Ted Lasso (Apple TV+)
o Black-ish (ABC)
o Cobra Kai (Netflix)
o Emily in Paris (Netflix)
o The Flight Attendant (HBO Max)
o Hacks (HBO Max)
o The Kominsky Method (Netflix)
o PEN15 (Hulu)
• The Crown (Netflix)
o The Boys (Prime Video)
o Bridgerton (Netflix)
o The Handmaid's Tale (Hulu)
o Lovecraft Country (HBO)
o The Mandalorian (Disney+)
o Pose (FX)
o This Is Us (NBC)
Outstanding Limited or Anthology Series
Outstanding Competition Program
• The Queen's Gambit (Netflix)
o I May Destroy You (HBO)
o Mare of Easttown (HBO)
o The Underground Railroad (Prime Video)
o WandaVision (Disney+)
• RuPaul's Drag Race (VH1)
o The Amazing Race (CBS)
o Nailed It! (Netflix)
o Top Chef (Bravo)
o The Voice (NBC)
Outstanding Variety Talk Series
Outstanding Variety Sketch Series
• Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)
o Conan (TBS)
o The Daily Show with Trevor Noah (Comedy Central)
o Jimmy Kimmel Live! (ABC)
o The Late Show with Stephen Colbert (CBS)
• Saturday Night Live (NBC)
o A Black Lady Sketch Show (HBO)
Outstanding Variety Special (Live)
Outstanding Variety Special (Pre-Recorded)
• Stephen Colbert's Election Night 2020: Democracy's Last Stand Building Back America Great Again Better 2020 (Showtime)
o Celebrating America – An Inauguration Night Special (Multiple Platforms)
o The 63rd Annual Grammy Awards (CBS)
o The Oscars (ABC)
o The Pepsi Super Bowl LV Halftime Show Starring The Weeknd (CBS)
• Hamilton (Disney+)
o Bo Burnham: Inside (Netflix)
o David Byrne's American Utopia (HBO)
o 8:46 – Dave Chappelle (Netflix)
o Friends: The Reunion (HBO Max)
o A West Wing Special to Benefit When We All Vote (HBO Max)
Lead performances
Outstanding Lead Actor in a Comedy Series
Outstanding Lead Actress in a Comedy Series
• Jason Sudeikis as Ted Lasso on Ted Lasso (Episode: "Pilot") (Apple TV+)
o Anthony Anderson as Andre "Dre" Johnson, Sr. on Black-ish (Episode: "What About Gary?") (ABC)
o Michael Douglas as Sandy Kominsky on The Kominsky Method (Episode: "Chapter 20. The round toes, of the high shoes") (Netflix)
o William H. Macy as Frank Gallagher on Shameless (Episode: "Father Frank, Full of Grace") (Showtime)
o Kenan Thompson as Kenan Williams on Kenan (Episode: "Flirting") (NBC) • Jean Smart as Deborah Vance on Hacks (Episode: "1.69 Million") (HBO Max)
o Aidy Bryant as Annie Easton on Shrill (Episode: "Ranchers") (Hulu)
o Kaley Cuoco as Cassie Bowden on The Flight Attendant (Episode: "In Case of Emergency") (HBO Max)
o Allison Janney as Bonnie Plunkett on Mom (Episode: "My Kinda People and the Big To-Do") (CBS)
o Tracee Ellis Ross as Dr. Rainbow "Bow" Johnson on Black-ish (Episode: "Babes in Boyland") (ABC)
Outstanding Lead Actor in a Drama Series
Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series
• Josh O'Connor as Prince Charles on The Crown (Episode: "Terra Nullius") (Netflix)
o Sterling K. Brown as Randall Pearson on This Is Us (Episode: "Forty: Part 2") (NBC)
o Jonathan Majors as Atticus Freeman on Lovecraft Country (Episode: "Sundown") (HBO)
o Regé-Jean Page as Simon Basset on Bridgerton (Episode: "Art of the Swoon") (Netflix)
o Billy Porter as Pray Tell on Pose (Episode: "Take Me To Church") (FX)
o Matthew Rhys as Perry Mason on Perry Mason (Episode: "Chapter 8") (HBO) • Olivia Colman as Queen Elizabeth II on The Crown (Episode: "48:1") (Netflix)
o Uzo Aduba as Dr. Brooke Taylor on In Treatment (Episode: "Brooke – Week 5") (HBO)
o Emma Corrin as Princess Diana on The Crown (Episode: "Fairytale") (Netflix)
o Elisabeth Moss as June Osborne / Offred on The Handmaid's Tale (Episode: "Home") (Hulu)
o Mj Rodriguez as Blanca Evangelista on Pose (Episode: "Series Finale") (FX)
o Jurnee Smollett as Letitia "Leti" Lewis on Lovecraft Country (Episode: "Holy Ghost") (HBO)
Outstanding Lead Actor in a Limited or Anthology Series or Movie
Outstanding Lead Actress in a Limited or Anthology Series or Movie
• Ewan McGregor as Halston on Halston (Netflix)
o Paul Bettany as Vision on WandaVision (Disney+)
o Hugh Grant as Jonathan Fraser on The Undoing (HBO)
o Lin-Manuel Miranda as Alexander Hamilton on Hamilton (Disney+)
o Leslie Odom Jr. as Aaron Burr on Hamilton (Disney+)
• Kate Winslet as Mare Sheehan on Mare of Easttown (HBO)
o Michaela Coel as Arabella on I May Destroy You (HBO)
o Cynthia Erivo as Aretha Franklin on Genius: Aretha (National Geographic)
o Elizabeth Olsen as Wanda Maximoff / Scarlet Witch on WandaVision (Disney+)
o Anya Taylor-Joy as Beth Harmon on The Queen's Gambit (Netflix)
Supporting performances
Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Comedy Series
Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series
• Brett Goldstein as Roy Kent on Ted Lasso (Episode: "All Apologies") (Apple TV+)
o Carl Clemons-Hopkins as Marcus Vaughan on Hacks (Episode: "New Eyes") (HBO Max)
o Brendan Hunt as Coach Beard on Ted Lasso (Episode: "Two Aces") (Apple TV+)
o Nick Mohammed as Nathan Shelley on Ted Lasso (Episode: "Make Rebecca Great Again") (Apple TV+)
o Paul Reiser as Martin Schneider on The Kominsky Method (Episode: "Chapter 18. You only give me your funny paper") (Netflix)
o Jeremy Swift as Leslie Higgins on Ted Lasso (Episode: "Biscuits") (Apple TV+)
o Kenan Thompson as Various Characters on Saturday Night Live (Episode: "Host: Dave Chappelle") (NBC)
o Bowen Yang as Various Characters on Saturday Night Live (Episode: "Host: Carey Mulligan") (NBC) • Hannah Waddingham as Rebecca Welton on Ted Lasso (Episode: "All Apologies") (Apple TV+)
o Aidy Bryant as Various Characters on Saturday Night Live (Episode: "Host: Regé-Jean Page") (NBC)
o Hannah Einbinder as Ava Daniels on Hacks (Episode: "I Think She Will") (HBO Max)
o Kate McKinnon as Various Characters on Saturday Night Live (Episode: "Host: Bill Burr") (NBC)
o Rosie Perez as Megan Briscoe on The Flight Attendant (Episode: "Arrivals and Departures") (HBO Max)
o Cecily Strong as Various Characters on Saturday Night Live (Episode: "Host: Anya Taylor-Joy") (NBC)
o Juno Temple as Keeley Jones on Ted Lasso (Episode: "For the Children") (Apple TV+)
Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Series
Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series
• Tobias Menzies as Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh on The Crown (Episode: "Gold Stick") (Netflix)
o Giancarlo Esposito as Moff Gideon on The Mandalorian (Episode: "Chapter 16: The Rescue") (Disney+)
o O-T Fagbenle as Luke Bankole on The Handmaid's Tale (Episode: "Home") (Hulu)
o John Lithgow as Elias Birchard "E.B." Jonathan on Perry Mason (Episode: "Chapter 4") (HBO)
o Max Minghella as Commander Nick Blaine on The Handmaid's Tale (Episode: "The Crossing") (Hulu)
o Chris Sullivan as Toby Damon on This Is Us (Episode: "In the Room") (NBC)
o Bradley Whitford as Commander Joseph Lawrence on The Handmaid's Tale (Episode: "Testimony") (Hulu)
o Michael K. Williams as Montrose Freeman on Lovecraft Country (Episode: "Rewind 1921") (HBO) (posthumous) • Gillian Anderson as Margaret Thatcher on The Crown (Episode: "Favourites") (Netflix)
o Helena Bonham Carter as Princess Margaret on The Crown (Episode: "The Hereditary Principle") (Netflix)
o Madeline Brewer as Janine Lindo on The Handmaid's Tale (Episode: "Testimony") (Hulu)
o Ann Dowd as Aunt Lydia on The Handmaid's Tale (Episode: "Progress") (Hulu)
o Aunjanue Ellis as Hippolyta Freeman on Lovecraft Country (Episode: "I Am.") (HBO)
o Emerald Fennell as Camilla Parker Bowles on The Crown (Episode: "Fairytale") (Netflix)
o Yvonne Strahovski as Serena Joy Waterford on The Handmaid's Tale (Episode: "Home") (Hulu)
o Samira Wiley as Moira on The Handmaid's Tale (Episode: "Vows") (Hulu)
Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Limited or Anthology Series or Movie
Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Limited or Anthology Series or Movie
• Evan Peters as Det. Colin Zabel on Mare of Easttown (Episode: "Enter Number Two") (HBO)
o Thomas Brodie-Sangster as Benny Watts on The Queen's Gambit (Episode: "Adjournment") (Netflix)
o Daveed Diggs as Marquis de Lafayette / Thomas Jefferson on Hamilton (Disney+)
o Paapa Essiedu as Kwame on I May Destroy You (Episode: "That Was Fun") (HBO)
o Jonathan Groff as King George on Hamilton (Disney+)
o Anthony Ramos as John Laurens / Philip Hamilton on Hamilton (Disney+) • Julianne Nicholson as Lori Ross on Mare of Easttown (Episode: "Sacrament") (HBO)
o Renée Elise Goldsberry as Angelica Schuyler on Hamilton (Disney+)
o Kathryn Hahn as Agatha Harkness / Agnes The Nosy Neighbor on WandaVision (Episode: "Breaking the Fourth Wall") (Disney+)
o Moses Ingram as Jolene on The Queen's Gambit (Episode: "End Game") (Netflix)
o Jean Smart as Helen Fahey on Mare of Easttown (Episode: "Sacrament") (HBO)
o Phillipa Soo as Eliza Hamilton on Hamilton (Disney+)
Outstanding Directing for a Comedy Series
Outstanding Directing for a Drama Series
• Hacks (Episode: "There Is No Line"), Directed by Lucia Aniello (HBO Max)
o B Positive (Episode: "Pilot"), Directed by James Burrows (CBS)
o The Flight Attendant (Episode: "In Case of Emergency"), Directed by Susanna Fogel (HBO Max)
o Mom (Episode: "Scooby-Doo Checks and Salisbury Steak"), Directed by James Widdoes (CBS)
o Ted Lasso (Episode: "Biscuits"), Directed by Zach Braff (Apple TV+)
o Ted Lasso (Episode: "The Hope that Kills You"), Directed by MJ Delaney (Apple TV+)
o Ted Lasso (Episode: "Make Rebecca Great Again"), Directed by Declan Lowney (Apple TV+)
• The Crown (Episode: "War"), Directed by Jessica Hobbs (Netflix)
o Bridgerton (Episode: "Diamond of the First Water"), Directed by Julie Anne Robinson (Netflix)
o The Crown (Episode: "Fairytale"), Directed by Benjamin Caron (Netflix)
o The Handmaid's Tale (Episode: "The Wilderness"), Directed by Liz Garbus (Hulu)
o The Mandalorian (Episode: "Chapter 9: The Marshal"), Directed by Jon Favreau (Disney+)
o Pose (Episode: "Series Finale"), Directed by Steven Canals (FX)
Outstanding Directing for a Limited or Anthology Series or Movie
• The Queen's Gambit, Directed by Scott Frank (Netflix)
o Hamilton, Directed by Thomas Kail (Disney+)
o I May Destroy You (Episode: "Ego Death"), Directed by Sam Miller and Michaela Coel (HBO)
o I May Destroy You (Episode: "Eyes Eyes Eyes Eyes"), Directed by Sam Miller (HBO)
o Mare of Easttown, Directed by Craig Zobel (HBO)
o The Underground Railroad, Directed by Barry Jenkins (Prime Video)
o WandaVision, Directed by Matt Shakman (Disney+)
Outstanding Writing for a Comedy Series
Outstanding Writing for a Drama Series
• Hacks (Episode: "There Is No Line"), Written by Lucia Aniello, Paul W. Downs, and Jen Statsky (HBO Max)
o The Flight Attendant (Episode: "In Case of Emergency"), Written by Steve Yockey (HBO Max)
o Girls5eva (Episode: "Pilot"), Written by Meredith Scardino (Peacock)
o PEN15 (Episode: "Play"), Written by Maya Erskine (Hulu)
o Ted Lasso (Episode: "Make Rebecca Great Again"), Written by Joe Kelly, Brendan Hunt, and Jason Sudeikis (Apple TV+)
o Ted Lasso (Episode: "Pilot"), Written by Jason Sudeikis, Bill Lawrence, Brendan Hunt, and Joe Kelly (Apple TV+) • The Crown (Episode: "War"), Written by Peter Morgan (Netflix)
o The Boys (Episode: "What I Know"), Written by Rebecca Sonnenshine (Prime Video)
o The Handmaid's Tale (Episode: "Home"), Written by Yahlin Chang (Hulu)
o Lovecraft Country (Episode: "Sundown"), Written by Misha Green (HBO)
o The Mandalorian (Episode: "Chapter 13: The Jedi"), Written by Dave Filoni (Disney+)
o The Mandalorian (Episode: "Chapter 16: The Rescue"), Written by Jon Favreau (Disney+)
o Pose (Episode: "Series Finale"), Written by Steven Canals, Brad Falchuk, Our Lady J, Janet Mock, and Ryan Murphy (FX)
Outstanding Writing for a Limited or Anthology Series or Movie
Outstanding Writing for a Variety Series
• I May Destroy You, Written by Michaela Coel (HBO)
o Mare of Easttown, Written by Brad Ingelsby (HBO)
o The Queen's Gambit, Written by Scott Frank (Netflix)
o WandaVision (Episode: "All-New Halloween Spooktacular!"), Written by Chuck Hayward and Peter Cameron (Disney+)
o WandaVision (Episode: "Filmed Before a Live Studio Audience"), Written by Jac Schaeffer (Disney+)
o WandaVision (Episode: "Previously On"), Written by Laura Donney (Disney+) • Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)
o The Amber Ruffin Show (Peacock)
o A Black Lady Sketch Show (HBO)
o The Late Show with Stephen Colbert (CBS)
o Saturday Night Live (NBC)
s Margaret on The Crown (Episode: "The Hereditary Principle") (Netflix)
Madeline Brewer as Janine Lindo on The Handmaid's Tale (Episode: "Testimony") (Hulu)
Ann Dowd as Aunt Lydia on The Handmaid's Tale (Episode: "Progress") (Hulu)
Aunjanue Ellis as Hippolyta Freeman on Lovecraft Country (Episode: "I Am.") (HBO)
Emerald Fennell as Camilla Parker Bowles on The Crown (Episode: "Fairytale") (Netflix)
Yvonne Strahovski as Serena Joy Waterford on The Handmaid's Tale (Episode: "Home") (Hulu)
Samira Wiley as Moira on The Handmaid's Tale (Episode: "Vows") (Hulu)
Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Limited or Anthology Series or Movie Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Limited or Anthology Series or Movie
Evan Peters as Det. Colin Zabel on Mare of Easttown (Episode: "Enter Number Two") (HBO)
Thomas Brodie-Sangster as Benny Watts on The Queen's Gambit (Episode: "Adjournment") (Netflix)
Daveed Diggs as Marquis de Lafayette / Thomas Jefferson on Hamilton (Disney+)
Paapa Essiedu as Kwame on I May Destroy You (Episode: "That Was Fun") (HBO)
Jonathan Groff as King George on Hamilton (Disney+)
Anthony Ramos as John Laurens / Philip Hamilton on Hamilton (Disney+)
Julianne Nicholson as Lori Ross on Mare of Easttown (Episode: "Sacrament") (HBO)
Renée Elise Goldsberry as Angelica Schuyler on Hamilton (Disney+)
Kathryn Hahn as Agatha Harkness / Agnes The Nosy Neighbor on WandaVision (Episode: "Breaking the Fourth Wall") (Disney+)
Moses Ingram as Jolene on The Queen's Gambit (Episode: "End Game") (Netflix)
Jean Smart as Helen Fahey on Mare of Easttown (Episode: "Sacrament") (HBO)
Phillipa Soo as Eliza Hamilton on Hamilton (Disney+)
Outstanding Directing for a Comedy Series Outstanding Directing for a Drama Series
Hacks (Episode: "There Is No Line"), Directed by Lucia Aniello (HBO Max)
B Positive (Episode: "Pilot"), Directed by James Burrows (CBS)
The Flight Attendant (Episode: "In Case of Emergency"), Directed by Susanna Fogel (HBO Max)
Mom (Episode: "Scooby-Doo Checks and Salisbury Steak"), Directed by James Widdoes (CBS)
Ted Lasso (Episode: "Biscuits"), Directed by Zach Braff (Apple TV+)
Ted Lasso (Episode: "The Hope that Kills You"), Directed by MJ Delaney (Apple TV+)
Ted Lasso (Episode: "Make Rebecca Great Again"), Directed by Declan Lowney (Apple TV+)
The Crown (Episode: "War"), Directed by Jessica Hobbs (Netflix)
Bridgerton (Episode: "Diamond of the First Water"), Directed by Julie Anne Robinson (Netflix)
The Crown (Episode: "Fairytale"), Directed by Benjamin Caron (Netflix)
The Handmaid's Tale (Episode: "The Wilderness"), Directed by Liz Garbus (Hulu)
The Mandalorian (Episode: "Chapter 9: The Marshal"), Directed by Jon Favreau (Disney+)
Pose (Episode: "Series Finale"), Directed by Steven Canals (FX)
Outstanding Directing for a Limited or Anthology Series or Movie
The Queen's Gambit, Directed by Scott Frank (Netflix)
Hamilton, Directed by Thomas Kail (Disney+)
I May Destroy You (Episode: "Ego Death"), Directed by Sam Miller and Michaela Coel (HBO)
I May Destroy You (Episode: "Eyes Eyes Eyes Eyes"), Directed by Sam Miller (HBO)
Mare of Easttown, Directed by Craig Zobel (HBO)
The Underground Railroad, Directed by Barry Jenkins (Prime Video)
WandaVision, Directed by Matt Shakman (Disney+)
Outstanding Writing for a Comedy Series Outstanding Writing for a Drama Series
Hacks (Episode: "There Is No Line"), Written by Lucia Aniello, Paul W. Downs, and Jen Statsky (HBO Max)
The Flight Attendant (Episode: "In Case of Emergency"), Written by Steve Yockey (HBO Max)
Girls5eva (Episode: "Pilot"), Written by Meredith Scardino (Peacock)
PEN15 (Episode: "Play"), Written by Maya Erskine (Hulu)
Ted Lasso (Episode: "Make Rebecca Great Again"), Written by Joe Kelly, Brendan Hunt, and Jason Sudeikis (Apple TV+)
Ted Lasso (Episode: "Pilot"), Written by Jason Sudeikis, Bill Lawrence, Brendan Hunt, and Joe Kelly (Apple TV+)
The Crown (Episode: "War"), Written by Peter Morgan (Netflix)
The Boys (Episode: "What I Know"), Written by Rebecca Sonnenshine (Prime Video)
The Handmaid's Tale (Episode: "Home"), Written by Yahlin Chang (Hulu)
Lovecraft Country (Episode: "Sundown"), Written by Misha Green (HBO)
The Mandalorian (Episode: "Chapter 13: The Jedi"), Written by Dave Filoni (Disney+)
The Mandalorian (Episode: "Chapter 16: The Rescue"), Written by Jon Favreau (Disney+)
Pose (Episode: "Series Finale"), Written by Steven Canals, Brad Falchuk, Our Lady J, Janet Mock, and Ryan Murphy (FX)
Outstanding Writing for a Limited or Anthology Series or Movie Outstanding Writing for a Variety Series
I May Destroy You, Written by Michaela Coel (HBO)
Mare of Easttown, Written by Brad Ingelsby (HBO)
The Queen's Gambit, Written by Scott Frank (Netflix)
WandaVision (Episode: "All-New Halloween Spooktacular!"), Written by Chuck Hayward and Peter Cameron (Disney+)
WandaVision (Episode: "Filmed Before a Live Studio Audience"), Written by Jac Schaeffer (Disney+)
WandaVision (Episode: "Previously On"), Written by Laura Donney (Disney+)
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)
The Amber Ruffin Show (Peacock)
A Black Lady Sketch Show (HBO)
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert (CBS)
Saturday Night Live (NBC)
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