#s07e01 “Now What?”
thankstothe · 2 months
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The real plot of season 7
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dragonagitator · 3 months
House MD deleted scenes???
(Tumblr ate my first attempt to post these, so I'm trying again with just links instead of embedded videos.)
Did everyone but me know about these deleted scenes or are these new to all y'all too? Are there any more out there?
S01E01 deleted scene 1: Finally an explanation for why Cameron does so much administrative work on top of her doctorly duties. I'd always assumed that House simply dumped it on the nearest female employee because sexism but it turns out it was Cameron's own initiative.
S01E02 deleted scene 2: Apparently Wilson lying about a patient being his cousin to get House to take the case wasn't a one-time thing.
S04E15 deleted scene: Longer version of the fantasy!Cuddy striptease that includes the shots deemed too racy for primetime network television.
S06E05 deleted scene: Greg House back when he was just a tiny precious little boy!!!
S07E01 lost episode: The original season 7 premiere was titled "Thunder Road Trip" and feature House and Cuddy at the beach but they scrapped it after shooting and wrote/shot "Now What?" instead. [Sources: Reddit discussion, beach photo 1, beach photo 2] Has anyone ever found a copy of this lost episode?
Season 7 deleted sex scenes: Rumor has it that some House/Cuddy sex scenes were deleted from season 7 for being too R-rated for primetime network television. I'm unsure if they deleted scenes from multiple season 7 episodes or if all the deleted sex scenes were in the lost episode. [Source: Reddit discussion] Has anyone ever found the deleted House/Cuddy sex scenes?
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miss-ute · 6 months
As we enter season 13 (!) What are your top 5 fav episodes to return to again and again? And what are your top 5 fav Turnadette moments of all time?
5 favourite episodes I return to again and again are (in no particular order):
s05e09 Christmas Special: this episode is just 😍😍 it is so different from the CSs we are used to and...I don't know #loveit
s07e01: I'm not much of a crier but this: "If I never said I was grateful to you. I say it now. If I never said I was proud of the home that you kept, I say it now. If I didn’t tell you that you were beautiful, when your face grew lined…when you didn’t have a new blouse from one summer’s end to the next, I say it now. And if I didn’t tell you that I loved you…I say it now. Missing you…I will talk about tomorrow." (Arnold Gelin), made me sob!
s05e06: I mean...there is so much going on - Sister MC's brutal attack, Sister MJ giving her a bath, Patrick's outfit, Turner's (chaotic) camping trip, Turnadette being all sexy in their tent!, AND that uterine inversion scene! (it made me, apart from 'Nancy pulling Bernard's foot off' scene in s11e03, go 🤢🤢🤢)
s08e09 Christmas Special: I love Scotland...that is it!
s06e08: do I even have to tell you why? THEY WERE SINGING TO EACH OTHER THROUGH THE DOOR!! I know some people did not like that scene BUT! it was everything to me! It made me fall in love with Turnadette all over again! I mean, she was A NUN! okay?! A freaking nun, and there she is in labour with him pacing up and down out in the hall all nervous and worried like a sad little puppy! Not to mention the fact you can see how desperately he wants to be in there with her, but she asked him not to, so he is staying out!...it is like s02e05 all over again! #respect "Once I had a secret love, that lived within the heart of me. All too soon my secret love, became impatient to be free..." (DR PATRICK TURNER WAS HER SECRET LOVE! OKAY?! SHE WAS IN LOVE WITH HIM WHILE STILL BEING A NUN! A NUN! (the way his face went all soft when he realized she was singing about him! #myovariesexploded) and IT BECAME IMPATIENT TO BE FREE!!!!!!!!! HER LOVE FOR HIM BECAME IMPATIENT TO BE FREE!!!!!! SHE LEFT THE ORDER FOR HIM! CAN YOU IMAGINE! IN THOSE DAYS!?! AND SHE TRIED TO TELL SISTER JULIENNE SO MANY TIMES BUT COULD NOT! AND THE FACT SISTER J IS THERE WITH THEM WHILE SINGING IT IS JUST...#full circle moment!) Sorry to say this but if you don't find this scene nothing but perfect, you don't get Turnadette the way I do haha #Ilovethemsomuch (I could go and go but...I won't)
5 favourite Turnadette moments of all time
just 5? no, no, no... so far, I have 28! -> here
ask! really, anything!?
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chaoticornot · 27 days
9-1-1 s07e01 reaction rambles
9-1-1 s07e01
Season 7 here we come. I am excited and also kind of scared.
Hey Frank. Frank, that is perfectly fine, I am also traumatised by the shows and movies that I watched when I was a child. Athena is being very relatable right now. I love it when Frank is an asshole. I know something is gonna happen on that cruise.
Is this a dream?? That man is gonna get bullied for the rest of his life, haha. Captain Hen!! "I'll talk you through it." My mind is in the gutter, haha. This is giving me flashbacks to the ambulance bombing where all started for Buck and Eddie. Hen is like, thank the fuck god. Hey shirtless Eddie, did you grow more abs in comparison to last season or am I tripping? I love Buck's pants. Their smiles talking about Chris, aww. Eddie's face when Buck said they broke up, the dramatics, haha. The hand on the shoulder, oh how I have missed you. I love dramatic Eddie. His smilee after Eddie leaves.
This is such a cute idea, but they are gonna obsess over it and it will become a problem. But it's adorable. Bobby and Athena dancing, love that for them. Athena, noo, Bobby being a supportive nonembarrassed husband, love that for you guys. OMG, THAT'S HER???? I would have not guessed that. This is weird, like suspicious weird. Bobby, spicy. Oh, Athena, do not even worry about that, you will be fine. Bobby is confused, utterly confused but supportive.
Josh is also confused, utterly confused, but supportive.
I love it when they have serious conversations while doing something like putting out a fire. The 'I hate you face' was strong on that one. Christopher's giggles are so cute. Best friends who parent together stay together, haha. The way he is pawning that conversation off to Buck is so funny. Like, best friend, will you please have this important conversation with my son even though I am perfectly capable of doing it, please? The soot under eyes, is so cute, haha.
Bobby is suspecting something. Not the AA meeting, haha, I don't know if that is the place for what your priorities are. The way he popped back into the screen to add the alcoholic part, haha.
The way they are looking at each other, lol. The proud looks, I am so proud and they are too and this is so wholesome, awww, yes Eddie!! The way Buck teases, aww. Not Hen teasing Chim as well. Chris baby, are you doing okay? The way Buck is realising really fast that something is wrong, like really wrong. This is about Shannon, oh Chris, you can't compare that. The way Buck and Eddie both look lost. Eddie's face, the hurt and guilt and pain in that face, oh, this has me tearing up. The way Buck looked at the door, at Eddie like he knew that he was there and knew what he was thinking is fucking with my head.
Bobby is frustrated right now. The proud look in his eyes, he thought he got somewhere. Bobby's face of realisation, haha.
Please Chris don't rip it, please, I know you are feeling emotional but you will regret that. The heartbreak on Eddie's face. They got her to do the audio, shut up, I can't do this. The hope in Eddie's face as he takes in the scene, ohh, you guys.
He bought a hot tub, omg. They are getting pirated, oh no. That is the biggest lie ever told. 
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dynamoe · 2 years
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My friend gave me this two months ago so I could hear the commentaries but I only just am listening to them now
The Rosey Grier Needlepoint for Men insert is the best visual reference in the season and why I finally busted out this DVD (to take a screencap for a friend who brought it up in conversation)
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even the interior pages in the reverse angle? too much!
What can I learn from these commentaries and how can I use this canonical information? Let's semi-live blog...
Season 7 redesigned Billy is so ugly. I hate it... but he looks OK in some shots because the animators can't keep him consistent looking.
I'm glad the commentary calls out the very Robert Ludlum-y title construction theme they had most of the season.
Billy calls himself a neurogeneticist in Curse of the Haunted Problem (S07E01) which he hasn't since Are You There God? (S01E09). Where's this neurogeneticisizing happening, huh? Off camera? When do you have the time? Billy, admit you're a part-time surgeon AT BEST.
In (S07E03) Arrears in Science, Jonashead also calls Billy a neurogeneticist while requesting Billy perform surgery. Which a surgeon does, not a geneticist.
Commentary: "White, perpetual victim" "He hides during violent scenes. He's always hiding behind things." There was a scene cut that would have explained his decline into a sweaty wifebeater axe-wielding state. Jackson calls Pete's outfit a "Milli Vanilli jacket." Pete doesn't do much of anything else for the rest of the season.
Despite being the focus of The Bellicose Proxy (S07E06), neither Billy nor White have very many lines in it.
The rooftop tennis court where St. Cloud rehearses with Monarch/21— I remember seeing it from NY classroom windows but according to Doc H's commentary, it's been demolished since the episode came out
That red paintball paint would permanently stain White's jacket. Missed opportunity that it wasn't stained through the rest of the episode but it sounds this episode was a nightmare to animate as is.
Billy is way too small inside the Delta Boy/Diet Pepsi space suit. He loses like a foot of height. Was it intentional? (His height & head size is all over the place in these episodes.)
Commentary: Somewhere, there's audio a very long riff of the two ad-libbing as White/Billy describing their imagined beat down of St. Cloud. And 30 minutes of Billy riffing inside the cloud of laughing gas which Doc argued would be a great episode, even with no animation on screen. (I agree, but I'm an outlier.)
Commentary: I hadn't picked up that Killer Drone was supposed to look like a '60s Japanese sentai hero/villain, according to Doc H. (Like that would fight Ultraman or Kamen Rider, I guess.) but I see it.
Commentary: Neither of them knew the name of the Grumman Moon Suit but "The one from Life Magazine," is a pretty accurate epithet.
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They didn't know the name of the Avrocar either. (The real Moon Suit prototype was 8 feet tall! A big-ass Diet Pepsi!)
The Forecast Manufacturer (S07E09) has too much shitting information in it. (I don't need this kind of canon, guys.)
Coffee gives Billy diarrhea. Already used that "fun fact" in this chapter.
Billy went to summer camp (where he couldn't shit) at some point.
Billy needs to read to have a shit (don't want to know this.)
What does he have to do? Bleed for you? His rectum is probably bleeding right now. (ugh)
Rusty: "Do you shave your chest?" line strikes me as coming out of nowhere. Even though Billy has stripped off in loads of episodes, this is the first time he's kickin' it underpants-only-style in front of Rusty. (Nice soft-edged blush on Billy's face here. He's less ugly in-episode than on his model sheet for this episode.)
Commentary: Jackson mentions Billy painting the rest of his arm to look like a full robot. Doc describes Billy having a latex hand cover he doesn't wear because it makes his hand look too big and bloated (I wrote Billy testing a synthetic hand cover in future chapter, now have to rewrite it so it doesn't seem like a ripoff)
The Inamorata Consequence (S07E05)
"White, perpetual victim" "He hides during violent scenes. He's always hiding behind things."
Helper kicked Billy into the pool and Hank filmed it with his watch.
None of these other episodes have Billy or White so I've lost interest.
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tolkienlockian · 2 years
Back to the place where I belong
A/N: MY FIRST FICLET WITH THIS OC, SO EXCITED!! This is set in the Criminal Minds universe, my OC Alexandra “Alex” Hopkins joined the team in the beginning of season 2 and eventually becomes Emily Prentiss’ girlfriend. This is set around two weeks after s07e01 “It Takes A Village” and I wrote this in regards to Alex’s birthday, October 12th, which happens to be both Emily and Spencer Reid’s birthday too. Also featuring Delilah “Del” Watson, the OC of @marauder-level-chaos , thank you so much for letting me include her :D :D
The title is from the song Home by Daughtry, one of my favorite songs for this couple :)
Warnings: may contain SPOILERS for those who haven’t reached season 7 of the show, and also mentions of past injuries, angst and implies of past abuse and trauma
Alex had always enjoyed and feared the silent moments between them. When small talk faded and quiet lingered, even when surrounded by the conversations and teasing banter between the other members of the BAU.
When it was all comfortable silence, quietly walking next to each other holding warm paper cups of coffee, or simply sitting in the office, catching their breaths after a particularly tough case.
Or even when it was secret looks exchanged across the room, lingering from Emily’s side, quick and fearful from hers, since back then she was still too lost in her trauma, too scared of her mother’s voice echoing in her head even so many years later, forbidding her from being more open, more accepting of herself.
There’s still fear lurking right now. And pain too; years worth of pain at being so terrified of expressing her feelings; pain that reached its peak seven months ago.
She barely perceives her friends as they walk around and talk about what should be their next steps; their voices reduced to mere murmurs in her ears, white noise that’s being blocked by the whirlwind of thoughts dancing wildly in her head. Her eyes are locked on Emily’s photo on the screen, from her days as Lauren, and she can’t help but notice every single detail; all the similarities and differences from the Emily she knows; the woman who appeared in her life like a breeze of fresh air, the same air she now feels deprived of as she mentally repeats the same questions over and over again.
What could she have done differently to prevent this outcome? COULD she have done something different to prevent this outcome? Will they manage to reach to Emily on time, so she can tell her everything she has in mind and promise her that, whatever danger she’s facing because of Doyle, she’ll be there for her?
With the corner of her eye, Alex can see Delilah standing next to her, her friend’s eyes also focused on Emily’s picture still displayed. She doesn’t talk, doesn’t even look at Alex, and Alex appreciates that; it’s like Del is giving her the space she needs to sort out her thoughts while still being here for her, so, should Alex want to open up and talk, it can happen on her own terms.
And this makes Alex’s memory travel back in time, to another moment of agony, when feelings were tested, combined with the same terror she’s facing now, that words well hidden will never be expressed.
“Do you remember what you said, Del? Back then?” Her voice a whisper, not daring to talk in a normal volume, the dam of emotions already very close to breaking. “That this couldn’t be the end for you? That you thought you had all the time to say that…..”
She can’t continue, her voice now trembling too much. She can’t say the words either. Not now. Not like this. Not when Emily herself hasn’t heard the words from her and yet was always here, giving her time, over and over again even when her fear and trauma held her back.
“I know, Alex.” Del simply nods, bringing her into a much-needed hug, allowing her to break down in silent sobs, keeping her steady as Alex grabs on her sleeves. “I know.”
And yet right now, in this very moment, the fear and pain aren’t the strongest emotions here. It’s more of a quiet sensation, like they’re still present, yet like she has finally begun to heal, just like the injury Doyle caused to her left side in that car crash is healing, slowly and steadily.
Maybe it’s the soothing feeling the warmth of her apartment is giving her: the knowledge that her baby son is sleeping safe and sound in his room, the gentle jazz music playing softly in her dimly-lit living-room and, of course, Emily’s company, the other woman sitting beside her on the couch, sometimes talking, but mostly enjoying this new-found comfort between them over some wine and chocolate cake, celebrating their shared birthday in a way both of them want and need.
Or maybe it’s the still mind-shattering reveal Alex went through two weeks ago: that Emily is alive, that she came back and continues to be here, that she and Spencer aren’t spending their birthday in mourning and wondering about all the what-if’s and crying over how it won’t be the three of them celebrating their birthday anymore.
Maybe it’s both. Maybe it’s neither. But maybe for the first time, Alex cares much more about the present, about the result, and far less about the past, her mother’s voice and the memories of the traumatizing years of her adolescence now completely silent in her head, finally leaving her alone.
And this realization is so relieving that Alex can’t help but rest her head on Emily’s shoulder, taking a deep breath and letting her eyes close as she basks in the proximity. It feels nice, comforting, like she belongs here, and a small smile plays on her lips at the feeling of Emily’s hand running through her curls, slowly, almost hesitantly, like testing the waters.
Just like two weeks ago, the night Doyle died, when they returned to the precinct and realization sunk in, and the intensity simmered down leaving only fragile emotions.
“Not sleeping well, have we?” Emily softly asks, her expression betraying the concerned scolding tone of her voice, her eyes focused on her with warmth as she lightly traces the black bags under Alex’s own eyes with her fingertips.
It’s an awkward yet tender gesture that makes something calm wash over Alex as she instinctively leans against Emily, sighing as she feels the contrast of the other woman’s jacket on her face and her arms around her, grounding her to reality.
“I’ll try working on it now that you’re back,” she whispers, only for Emily to hear; a quiet promise, and not only in regards to her bad sleep schedule.
“You better.” Emily’s gentle voice and her nod against the top of Alex’s head, her hug tightening around the younger agent and her soft chuckle reverberating under her ear, like a quiet promise from her side too.
“Alex? Everything okay?”
“Yeah. More than okay, I promise.”
Alex can feel Emily nodding and smiling before pressing a small kiss to the top of her head, and her own smile instantly turns wider. It truly feels like something is coming to a balance. Her fear is still here but this time, she won’t let it overwhelm her.
“Happy birthday, Alex.”
“Happy birthday, Em. Welcome back.”
One more try.
And this time, she’ll make it work.
Tagging @jemily-in-paris and @marauder-level-chaos I really hope you will like it, thanks again for letting me include your OC and thank you for always being an amazing friend <3
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rubyrubyrubytuesday · 8 months
finally finished spn season 12 and congrats to season 7 for no longer being alone as the worst season!!!!!!
Straight up can't believe they decided to take what was essentially The Hunters' Code and gave it to BMOL as their code. For what? So that Sam and Dean and other hunters could be morally sound guys I guess? Someone needed to take Dabb and force him at gunpoint to watch Heart.
Also love Samantha Smith, but she could not sell Badass Hunter Mary at all. It's clear that she was hired in the pilot because she radiates such absolute primal Mom Energy that I could never not see that. I'm glad we got what was essentially the 'actually Mary would have been worse than John' arc though. She quit being a hunter when she was like 20 and died when she was 29 I don't know why they wanted her to be a badass hunter so bad. Kinda wish they gave her the Buffy Season 6 "god I wish I was back in heaven right now" storyline instead.
I don't mind Bootleg Buffy Watchers I mean the BMOL but it was such mid execution. Wish Toni had lived. Lucifer stuff was fun, even the Rock Star Lucifer and President Lucifer (LOTUS was weird in a lore sense but still fun imo). A female character existing just to give birth and die is probably one of my top ten most hated tropes so it's a shame that I liked Kelly with both Dagon and Cas, even though she was a little bland. Great actress. Another one of my most hated tropes is 'rapidly aging child/born as an adult' which does not bode well for Jack (although from the few s13 eps I watched off and on I remember liking him).
Not sure if I'm sincere about it being worse than Season 7. I guess I like S07E01 Meet the New Boss, S07E15 Repo Man and S07E21 Reading is Fundamental more than every season 12 episode so I guess I am. No S12 episode was as bad as S07E13 The Slice Girls, my beloathed though.
Best: S12E12 Stuck in the Middle (With You), S12E11 Regarding Dean Worst: S12E09 First Blood
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sh-93s · 2 years
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WALDER FREY: You're wonder why I brought you all here. After all, we just had a feast. Since when does old Walder give us two feasts in a single fortnight?
The Freys laugh.
WALDER FREY: Well, it's no good being lord of the Riverlands if you can't celebrate with your family. That's what I say!
The Freys cheer and slam their fists on their tables. WALDER snaps his fingers at a servant girl. The girl begins serving flasks of wine.
WALDER FREY: I've gathered every Frey who means a damn thing so I can tell you my plans for this great house now that winter has come. But first, a toast! No more of that Dornish horse piss! This is the finest Arbor gold! Proper wine for proper heroes!
The Freys cheer. WALDER raises his glass.
WALDERY FREY: Stand together!
The Freys stand in unison.
ALL: Stand together!
The Freys drink. WALDER holds his cup to his lips but does not drink. The servant girl picks up her cup and motions to drink.
WALDER: Not you. I'm not wasting good wine on a damn woman.
WALDER addresses the hall again.
WALDER: Maybe I'm not the most pleasant man. I'll admit it. But I'm proud of you lot. You're my family, the men who helped me slaughter the Starks at the Red Wedding.
The Freys cheer.
WALDER: Yes, yes. Cheer. Brave men, all of you. Butchered a woman pregnant with her babe. Cut the throat of a mother of five. Slaughtered your guests after inviting them into your home. But you didn't slaughter every one of the Starks.
Some of the Freys groan.
WALDER: No, no, that was your mistake. You should have ripped them all out, root and stem.
The Freys choke, cough, and spit up blood.
WALDER: Leave one wolf alive and the sheep are never safe.
Game Of Thrones S07E01
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ao3feed-lokiangst · 3 years
Oh my Fuck
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/31ArIto
by pathologic_trash
This is sooo freaky lol!! You gotta read it to believe it!!!! Comment like subscribe there’s more to come my little fandom freaks!!!!!!
Words: 43, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Мор. Утопия | Pathologic, Marvel Cinematic Universe, Star Wars - All Media Types, Sanders Sides (Web Series), Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Artemiy Burakh | Artemy Burakh, Stanislav Rubin, Daniel Dankovskiy | Daniil Dankovsky, Loki (Marvel), Loki, Self-Sides (Sanders Sides), Anxiety | Virgil Sanders, Creativity | Roman "Princey" Sanders, Logic | Logan Sanders, Thomas Sanders (Video Blogging RPF), Tony Stark, Vlad "The Younger" Olgimskiy | Vlad "The Younger" Olgimsky, Hunk (Voltron), Lance (Voltron), Lance's Family (Voltron), Keith (Voltron), Keith's Wolf (Voltron), Keith's Father (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt, Shiro (Voltron), Allura (Voltron)
Relationships: Artemiy Burakh | Artemy Burakh/Daniel Dankovskiy | Daniil Dankovsky, Artemiy Burakh | Artemy Burakh & Daniel Dankovskiy | Daniil Dankovsky, Artemiy Burakh | Artemy Burakh/Daniel Dankovskiy | Daniil Dankovsky/Stanislav Rubin, Artemiy Burakh | Artemy Burakh/Stanislav Rubin, James "Bucky" Barnes/Thomas Sanders, Dogma (Star Wars)/Hunk (Voltron)/CT-5385 | Tup
Additional Tags: Smut, Fluff and Smut, Eventual Smut, Shameless Smut, No Smut, Angst and Fluff and Smut, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Mild Language, Mild Sexual Content, Anal Sex, Oral Sex, Rough Sex, Sex, Vaginal Sex, Sex Toys, Semi-Public Sex, Public Sex, Gay Sex, Original Character(s), Past Relationship(s), Original Character Death(s), Relationship(s), Minor Original Character(s), Original Female Character(s) - Freeform, Interspecies Relationship(s), Major Original Character(s), Loss of Parent(s), Long-Term Relationship(s), Assassination Attempt(s), Dead People, Presumed Dead, Talking To Dead People, Nobody is Dead, Everyone is Dead, Inspired by The Walking Dead, Jason Todd Needs A Hug, Jason Todd is Robin, Omega Jason Todd, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha/Omega, Omega Verse, Non-Traditional Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Jeanne d'Arc | Joan of Arc References, Waterbending & Waterbenders, Water, Water Sex, Waterboarding, Watercolors, Water Balloon Fights, Angst with a Happy Ending, Sharing a Bed, Tony Stark Has A Heart, Tony Stark Needs a Hug, Bakugou Katsuki Swears A Lot, Based on a Tumblr Post, Peter Parker Needs a Hug, Everyone Needs A Hug, Bucky Barnes Needs a Hug, NSFW Art, Art, Digital Art, Inspired by Art, Podfic Cover Art, Gift Art, Alternate Universe - Art School, Alt Modes, Alternate Universe - Alternian Invasion, Alternate Universe - Altered Carbon Fusion, Episode: e044 Crisis of Leadership and Oatmeal, St. Patrick's Day, St Mungo's Hospital, St Bartholomew's Hospital, Bottom Jung Hoseok | J-Hope, Top Jung Hoseok | J-Hope, Hurts So Good, Reunited and It Feels So Good, Sobbing, So Married, Hunk (Voltron) is so Pure, Bisexual Lance (Voltron), Gay Keith (Voltron), Galra Keith (Voltron), Pining Keith (Voltron), Cuban Lance (Voltron), Bottom Keith (Voltron), Insecure Lance (Voltron), Top Jeon Jungkook, Top Toni Topaz, Top Harry, Top Kim Taehyung | V, Don't Examine This Too Closely, To Read, Friends to Lovers, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Enemies to Lovers, To Download, To Rec, To Comment, Love, Falling In Love, Love Confessions, Unrequited Love, Friendship/Love, Idiots in Love, Boys In Love, True Love, Dorks in Love, Love/Hate, Late Night Conversations, Late at Night, Ten Years Later, Years Later, Latex, Late Night Writing, Tags May Change, How Do I Tag, Tags Are Hard, Other Ships Not Mentioned in Tags, Tags Contain Spoilers, Tags Are Fun, Dog Tags, Other Fandoms Not Mentioned in Tags, AO3 Tags - Freeform, DONTNOD Entertainment, Saarebas, Sabaody Archipelago, This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things, WWE NXT, Where We Are Tour, We Just Love Each Other, Strong Woman/Weak Man, Wow, Reverse Ed Edd n Eddy, Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE, Episode: s09e01 I Think I'm Gonna Like It Here, Threesome - F/M/M, Episode: s01e13 Le Morte D'Arthur, E-mail, Episode: e002 Living Pictures, Episode: e001 The Coldest Cut of All, Episode: e003 River of Night, Post-Ending E (NieR: Automata), Episode: s07e01 Makaukau 'oe e Pa'ani? (Ready to Play?), Chuck E. Cheese's, Moaning, Mob Boss Steve Rogers, Alternate Universe - Mobfell (Undertale), Park Minkyun | MK-centric, SPN A/B/O Bingo, Human E. Aster Bunnymund, Good W. D. Gaster, Scientist W. D. Gaster, Inspired by Kimi no Na wa. | Your Name., Parent W. D. Gaster, Pre-Accident W. D. Gaster, W. D. Gaster Being An Asshole, Underfell W. D. Gaster, Goopy W. D. Gaster, Face-Fucking, Fuck Or Die, Fucking, Breast Fucking, Fuckbuddies, Phrack Fucking Friday, Threesome - F/F/M, Threesome, Threesome - M/M/M, Threesome - F/F/F, Pre-Timeskip | Academy Phase (Fire Emblem: Three Houses), Firebending & Firebenders, Earthbending & Earthbenders, Earth, Middle Earth, Earth C (Homestuck), Homelessness, Home, Homecoming, Homophobia, Internalized Homophobia, Homophobic Language, Implied/Referenced Homophobia, Period-Typical Homophobia, Male Homosexuality, Homosexuality, Alex Mercer's Parents Are Homophobic (Julie and The Phantoms), Wraith, Wraith (Stargate), Don We Now Our Gay Apparel, Modern Assassins (Assassin's Creed), Leonardo da Vinci is an Assassin (Assassin's Creed), Implied/Referenced Sexual Assault, Assassins & Hitmen, Attempted Sexual Assault, Quintessential Works for Everyday Reasons To Yield (QWERTY), Villain Ojiro Mashirao, Song: Bitch Lasagna (Dylan Locke ft. Felix Kjellberg & Party In Backyard), Community: hh_sugarquill, community: xmen-on-lj, Episode: s09e10 Pio Ke Kukui Po'ele Ka Hale (When the Light Goes Out the House is Dark), H/D Food Fair 2018, H/D Erised 2018, H/D Fan Fair 2019, H/D Career Fair 2017, Episode: s05e02 Good God Y'all!, Pokemon X & Y Spoilers, Episode: s02e05 Smell Ya Later, Ya Dead Ya Dead (Achievement Hunter), Hydra (Marvel), Post-Civil War (Marvel), Arachnophobia, Alternate Universe - Arabian Nights Fusion, Arab Character, عربي | Arabic, Racism, Rabbits, Race, Alternate Universe - Race Changes, RuPaul's Drag Race References, Lesbian Catra (She-Ra), Episode: e045 The Great Race, Racist Language, Anti-Faunus Racism (RWBY), Racing, Fairy Tail: When We Take Different Paths, Renaissance Faires, Fabletown (Fables - Willingham), Ryuu ga Gotoku | Yakuza 0 (Video Game), Mentioned Demon Brothers (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!), Murphamy Week Winter Weekend, Cute Ed (Ed Edd N Eddy), JJ Style Week, Studio Ghibli, Butt Plugs, Butt Slapping, Butterflies, Butterfly Effect, Peanut Butter, Butt Dialing, Butterfly Miraculous, Wade Wilson Likes Peter Parker's Butt, Butterbeer (Harry Potter), Steve Rogers's Butt, Protective Star Butterfly, Butterfly Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Dick Grayson Has a Nice Butt, Ass Play, Assassination, Ass to Mouth, Alternate Universe - Assassins & Hitmen, Assassin's Creed III, Video, Embedded Video, Video & Computer Games, Webcam/Video Chat Sex, Video Format: Streaming, Video Game Mechanics, Porn Video, Were-Creatures, WWE Draft, WWE SummerSlam, WWE Royal Rumble, WWE Extreme Rules, WWE Money In The Bank 2016
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/31ArIto
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thankstothe · 7 months
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starrybouquet · 3 years
Quarantine Survey
I was tagged by the lovely @love-letters-x-cardigan-sweaters - thanks! I’m answering ALL the things right now, since it’s New Years Eve and heck I don’t wanna work on actual things. Even my fandom brain is fried from fic exchange things (in a good way!)
Where are you isolated?
What are you currently reading or watching?
Currently reading: Mostly fanfic. Also a lot of sports stuff y’all probably don’t want to hear about. Although if you do, I have SO MANY recommendations. 😀
Currently Watching: NCIS! I just finished season 6 (dammit Ziva). Actually, I’m about to go watch s07e01. No spoilers, my sister (who’s already watched NCIS) has already accidentally spoiled a little!
If you can go outside, what do you like to do during this time?
I’m embarrassingly bad at getting outside in quarantine, even though I like nature. Um, walk, I guess? Feel weather?
Any fascinating concept you’re studying?
Depends what you call fascinating...I’ve been doing way more coding during lockdown which has been fun. Also, classwork. Y’know. The usual.
What kind of acts of creativity/forms of art are you currently doing?
Writing fic, when I can. Making gifs, when I can. Photoshopping, when I can. Fandom is the creative side of me. All of it. There is none left. 😂
A song that resonates with your state of mind at the moment?
It’s not Christmas anymore, but Somewhere in my Memory...
Favourite impulsive/’bad’ coping techniques?
Um, is being way more emotional than usual a coping technique? Definitely staying up way too late. Also, um, smut. Is a thing. That I now read. And am thinking about writing. It’s a good thing my mother doesn’t know. *winces*
Favourite healthy/’good’ coping techniques?
Fandom, writing fic. Definitely. Coding up a storm. I swear Tumblr, Twitter, AO3 and Github are my four most used sites. Stack Overflow too :D
No-pressure NYE tag some of the latest people in my notifs... @agentkalgibbs @janewayscoffeecup @captaincarriekathryncoffee @valamaldorcns @holyjambatman @nightskythoughts22 and anyone else who wants to!
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Ah yes, God!Castiel
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No one's gonna bow down to you, Castiel
Oh, well, Bobby will apparently
right, we went from Hate Sam season to Hate Cas season
Genocide is not a good look on you, Castiel
I love how Dean doesn't hesitate to apologize to Bobby for raising his voice
Sorry, I'm upset, I shouldn't take that out on you
It's very refreshing to see a man character that admits when they're wrong without being forced to
just out of desire to make things right by the ones they care about
Castiel calling out the homophobic shit
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"And he who lies in my name" okay, I gotta agree that Cas punishing homophobes is nice
Random woman calls Cas sexy
-> Dean rushes to turn off the TV
Crowley hiding from Cas 😂
what do you think you're doing, man
poor Sam, honestly
I don't like him any more than before but those hallucinations/memories are horrible
Crowley's so pissed 😂😂
Jimmy can't hold all the souls there, God
They're gonna bind Death, because they're fucking suicidal
Dean you little fuck
"Because we said so" 😂 you idiot
Castiel you hungry hungry hippo
Death and God!Castiel arguing
this is great
Castiel you don't look great mate
Death is so cool, have I ever said that before?
Oh no, Cas, what the fuck did you dooooo
the Leviathans are bad
send them back
Dean just giving up
"I'm gonna drink and watch hentai because the world is about to explode anyway"
Cas is in bad shape
and he's much less arrogant now that he needs help
what a fucking ass
"I feel regret" no fucking shit there, genius
Ooh, Lucifer, long time no see
Sam, stop listening to Lucifer
"I'm sorry Dean"
Dean not wanting Cas to be dead even if he just spent so long trying to kill them
Misha 😂
this is going to be so much fun
also, bonus gif of Misha being so beautiful
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adultswim2021 · 3 years
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Space Ghost Coast to Coast #77: "Kentucky Nightmare" May 7, 2001 - 12:00AM | S07E01 Hey, it’s Space Ghost! Not an Adult Swim original per se, but it was more-or-less the basis of Adult Swim’s start, and was part of Adult Swim proper for this season. This episode was technically a stealth premiere; Space Ghost was advertised as airing at it’s normal Sunday Night time slot but the episode scheduled was “President’s Day Nightmare”. When you moused over the image on Cartoon Network’s Space Ghost companion website, it changed to include Old Kentucky Shark (pictured above). Not sure what I can possibly say about this episode, other than it’s extremely funny. Last time I attempted this I was also at a loss for words. THIS is Space Ghost firing on all cylinders. and it’s required viewing for anyone who likes to laugh. I like to laugh! This was required! The only problem is that the jokes in this are so odd and at times, esoteric (UP THE CHAIN), they might alienate a first-time viewer who MIGHT assume that the gags are all weird inside jokes to the series past. Well, there’s one bit in this that IS explicitly like that; Space Ghost hears the phrase “crack a window” and Space Ghost stops in his tracks to remember Bobcat Goldthwait saying it in 1994. But the thing is, despite being so specific in it’s reference to the past, it’s also equally inexplicable. It’s just weird and funny that Space Ghost would become so distracted by this phrase, as if he’s being Manchurian Candidated at that moment. He’s not! He’s just a crazy buffoon fixating on that moment for literally no reason. I don’t know why, but it’s fucking hilarious. The lack of logic is breathtaking. It almost pisses me off. The DVD, now out of print, includes two nice bonuses of George Lowe & C. Martin Croker (RIP) recording their lines for the show. It’s incredible watching them work and listening to Dave directing them, making sure the script is  perfectly interpreted. If you can get your hands on it, I recommend it.
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mightyhemsworthy · 5 years
SURVIVAL INSTINCTS (Jake Gyllenhaal x Reader)
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Fandom: Jake Gyllenhaal x (fem!)Reader
Requested by: @cxxl-gall
The reader and Jake Gyllenhaal doing the Bear Grylls thing that he did/or something similar (2011) and they’re flirting throughout the day. When Bear makes 2 separate shelters, one for him and the other for the two ‘celebrities’, horny frustrations and attractions to each take its toll when they end up getting on with each other (off camera). - This is my first request EVER I'm so honored and happy! I LOVED WRITING THIS! I altered some things, but I hope you'll like it anyways!!
Word count: almost 3,5K.
Warnings: silly and dirty (also cringeworthy) jokes, insecurity (as always with my fics) and smut.
GIF: mine (from Man Vs. Wild, S07E01)
Author's note: I was watching the episode which he played in and I gathered some inspiration from it. I hope it is not messy and all over the place, I tried my best. Please keep in mind that English is not my native language so I'm sorry for any kind of mistakes. It’s a little bit cringy at the beginning but Bear with me (lol). If you have any ideas or wishes just let me know in an ask or something. I don’t promise that I’ll write them 100%, because I work but if I have the time and inspiration I definitely will!!❤️
Author’s note 2:  I’m sorry for any kind of mistakes about the show, I’m not quite familiar with it.
Man Vs. Wild. Expect this time it's Woman & Men vs. Wild, starring with Y/N and Jake Gyllenhaal as special guests on Bear Grylls’ show's new season. This was the first time that a woman has been on the show, but this was a very well needed change.
However, as you looked down from the helicopter, you weren't sure this was a great idea anymore.
"Great, we're going to die," you said to Jake, as Bear was talking to the crew to get through some safety precautions as he did with the two of you a few minutes ago.
"Don't worry, I'll protect you," Jake breathed through his scarf, which was covering half of his face, making his blue eyes pop up which was just as beautiful as the Icelandic mountains, glaciers, and lakes which laid underneath you. It was a breathtaking sight; the country was truly dazzling and still kept its integrity during the age of climate change. You loved nature and adventures, that is why you wanted to be on this show with Jake, as you promote your new movie together. Even though you were quite reversed, you liked to try out new things once in a while.
"Yeah, sure," you answered to him, as the pilot started to take down the helicopter. "We'll see how much you can protect yourself first," you added sassily, which made him roll his eyes.
"You have a big mouth now, but I'm curious to see how you'll behave at the end of the day," he said loudly and you just started to chuckle.
"I always have a big mouth, but you couldn’t have known that," you said before you jumped to the ground, smiling under your jacket. Sadly, you couldn't see his reaction, but he was just staring at your back, taken aback with unreadable emotions on his face. Bear patted him on the shoulder as he said:
"I like her."
As a new movie comes out, sometimes it is required to pretend to have some tension between the actors as it was a great tool of marketing. Sometimes it is in the contract, sometimes it's not necessary. You and Jake didn't talk about anything like this with your manager, however, the tension between the two of you was there. Dirty jokes and unnoticeable flirtation were constantly present and even Bear mentioned it throughout the shooting.
"Jesus Christ, guys, I'll make a tent for the two of you and just get over with this because you're ruining my show," he said jokingly, but his words were honest.
Marching through mountains was the easy part of the expedition, however, things started to go downhill (literally) when Bear decided to march through a river... almost naked.
"Jake, you've down this before, right?" Grylls asked as he started to take off his beanie and jacket. You were just standing there, watching them. Even though you've pretended that you're a badass and though woman, underneath the layers there were lots of insecurities and doubts. You didn't want to get undressed before them, especially not in front of Jake.
"Yes, in 2011," he answered as he got off more and more layers. You were just still standing there, with your arms crossed.
Bear looked up at you, with concern in his eyes.
"What's wrong, Y/N?" he asked and at this point, Jake looked at you as well. He was shirtless, wearing his cargo pants and boots, but his chest was naked. The only thing which was still there is his chain, which made you insane.
He was flushed because of the cold, his hair was messy, his eyes were dilated as he looked at you. He was perfect and you were... well, you. Even though you were preparing for your role, you were never satisfied with how you looked. You always seemed to be anxious about your body, although you were perfect just the way you are. Jake thought the same, even when he said nothing.
"What should I take off?" you asked shyly looking at Bear as you were too afraid to look Jake in the eyes.
"Just the..." Grylls started but Jake cut him off.
"Well, everything if it's up to me," Jake said and suddenly all of your fear disappeared. The tension on your shoulders eased up as you started to unzip your jacket.
"In your dreams, Gyllenhaal," you shivered as the cold crept between the layers as you started to undress.
"Just the top layers," said finally Grylls, rolling his eyes as took his backpack. "I would advise removing your shirts and keeping only the bra if you're comfortable with that, but if not only till you reach your shirt," he added, and he turned away.
Jake looked at you, his eyes were filled with something which you could not understand. He was behaving so much different than he used to. You always joked, in and out of set, but lately, things started to get ... out of control.
Crossing each other’s arms, you started to march in the river. It was incredibly cold, waking up all of your senses. You were freezing, shivering and your teeth started to clench together as you were taking more and more distance.
"Nice and steady," added Bear as he guided the two of you towards the dry area. Jake's skin slightly brushed against yours. His touch was like fire against the icing cold water which was constantly licking your boots. You tried to focus on the road, but it was quite difficult as Jake radiated the heat next to you. You wanted to embrace his warmth, melting between his arms but that was just impossible to do.
“Nice and controlled”, he said again almost reaching the other end of the river. When you did, you released a breath you didn’t know you were holding. A sudden wave of relief washed you over as all of you started to dress up again to protect yourselves from the cold. You were out of breath as your body was given to these extreme situations, but you liked the experience so far. It was a nice day when you could enjoy the nature around you without thinking about the fast and stressful real life which was waiting for you.
The men next to you were groaning as they were dressing as well.
“How did you like it, Y/N?” Grylls asked and a smile pressed across your face.
 “I loved it, I feel like a freaking Lara Croft and I love it!” you said excitedly, and Jake couldn’t notice how adorable you were with this enthusiasm. Your cheeks were flushed as well, which was a nice contrast to your “ordinary” skin. Your eyes were shining with so much joy that he wanted to see this moment till the rest of his life.
“Good,” Bear added. “The fun just only begins,” and oh boy, he was right…
He was also right when he said that he’ll make a tent just for the two of you.
“What’s this?” you asked kind of surprised as you saw two shelters built up quite far from each other.
“We’ll sleep here and the two of you’ll sleep there if that is okay,” he said, pointing to the other direction. Well, you wanted to protest but you knew that you didn’t have any chance, so you just nodded and started to walk into the other direction.
“Goodnight,” you said to them as the darkness started to lay down on your surroundings. Jake hasn’t followed you yet as he was talking to Bear about tomorrow’s schedule. You went to the tent which was quite big, so you had plenty of places to arrange your stuff. You laid down your sleeping bag, as well as the night lamp. Switching it on, it gave the tent a nice feeling, pulsating warmth from the bulb. You took down your cap as well as your jacket, laying in your t-shirt and jeans as you took out two blankets to wrap yourself in.
You’ve just laid there, watching the shadows through the tent as you were thinking about the actions which happened that day. Gosh, you were so frustrated and… aroused. Which was slightly absurd in this situation, but you’ve just couldn’t help yourself. You were thinking about Jake’s bare, slightly hairy chest, which was decorated by his necklace. His plumped lips, his rosy cheeks, his beard…
Your thoughts were interrupted by the man himself, unzipping the front of the tent, letting himself in. He smiled as he laid beside you, taking off his beanie and parka as you did a few minutes ago.
“What a day,” he breathed. You tried to fight the urge to turn towards him. Your whole body was aching, you wanted to turn around and touch him, wanted to feel him, his touch, his warmth, his… “Are you okay?” he asked worriedly. You left out a breath.
“Yes, sure,” you swallowed as he was moving behind you. “What about you?” you asked back.
“I’m fine,” he said curtly and that was it. The two of you didn’t speak for a few minutes, that is when you decided to switch off the light and try to get some sleep.
But sleep didn’t welcome you. It didn’t want to embrace you like Jake’s arms wanted. You turned a little bit to lay on your back, but in this way, the cold from the ground started to wrap around you more and more. You were sure that you won’t get any rest today, so you huffed out the breath in frustration.
“What’s wrong?” Jake asked, his voice was kind of sleepy and hoarse which made your current feelings worse. You never knew you would fall this hard for this man, but things just happened. From the moment you’ve seen him on set, he turned your world upside down and it was very difficult to admit it.
“I can’t sleep,” you answered, he didn’t say anything, but his fingers slowly reached for yours. He started to caress the back of your hand with his fingertips to ease you up a little bit, but your whole body was tensed up and cold.
“You’re freezing, Y/N,” he said softly taking your whole palm into his hands, rubbing it lightly to give some life back to them. The sudden sensation felt so good, that your whole body and core started to throb for more. “I can make you warm if you would like,” he offered, and you were grateful that you were laying as your whole body buckled.
“Yeah, sure, why not,” you breathed out, swallowing hard the knot which was filling your throat. You turned back to your side, as he lifted your blankets and pressed his whole body against your back. You tried to bite back a moan at the sudden heat and his touch, trying to keep your eyes shut as he softly started to rub your shoulders and hands to make them warmer.
He caressed them for a few minutes when he suddenly pressed a soft kiss to the nape of your neck. Your whole body shivered as his beard scraped you, making you tickle. You started to giggle at the feeling, moving between his arms which were now wrapped around your whole body, keeping you steady.
“Jake,” you whispered, as he pressed another kiss, making you shiver and filling you up with heat at the same time. Now, all of your senses were awake, and they were on fire. Your whole body was boiling with desire and lust, it was really hard not to turn around and kiss him desperately. “What are you doing?” your voice was rough.
“Keeping you warm,” he answered and chuckled into the crock of your neck, burying his head in it. This felt so right and so wrong at the same time. “I can stop if you don’t want it,” he offered and oh boy, you didn’t want to stop. But you had questions.
“Is this because of this day?” you asked, and he suddenly stopped his actions, listening to you. “Or you…” you didn’t know how to ask it, but you wanted to know if there is more than sexual tension between the two of you.
“What do you mean?” he asked softly, his breath stroked your neck making you shiver.
“You just want sex from me?” you asked, and you could feel that his whole body tensed up behind you.
After a few seconds, he finally answered.
“Yes, I mean, no…” he said as he elbowed up to see your face better in the darkness. “Currently yes, I would really like to have sex with you, but not just because of today,” he said and slightly grabbed your chin to make him look at you. “I want you, not just now but from now on,” your heart started to beat faster at his words, pumping against your ribcage harder than before. “I wanted you from the first day of the set but today, I’ve lost my goddamn mind today and I don’t want to hold it back anymore,” he whispered and that is what you needed. He leaned closer to you, his half body was still pressed against you and you could feel his hardening member which was painfully squeezed between the two of you.
“I know,” you finally breathed. “Today was something new,” you added and he nodded in the dark, cutting the distance more and more between the two of you. “You said,” you started. “That you want to keep me warm.”
“Yeees,” he said.
“You’re on the right track,” you chuckled and that is what he needed. He pressed his lips against yours.
The two of you were in a very intimate position, your body was brushing against his, but you turned your head to the side to have better access for him, while he hazily rested his fingers on your neck as he started to conquer your mouth more and more. He was an amazing kisser, needless to say. You lifted your hands, racing through his hair while he slowly rolled his tongue against yours, lowering his hands till he reached your jeans.
He was such a tease, moving incredibly slowly which made you impatient and lose your mind. He started to rub your clit through the fabric, which made you arch your back more which so delicately rubbed against his cock.
“Jake,” you moaned between kisses when he grabbed your waist and turned you, so now you laid on your back. He climbed on top of you, looking at you as you were laying underneath him. He liked this sight and he couldn’t wait to get use to it.
He moved painfully slow, removing your jeans and boots, to expose your wet underwear to him. He did not say anything, he did not have to as the moan which escaped from his mouth told more than words. He didn’t want you to get cold, so as he positioned between your legs, he arranged the blankets to make you feel warm. He couldn’t wait to taste you, but he wanted to torture you a little bit before that. 
He started to give small kisses to your thighs, dangerously close to your wet folds. Your whole body started to shake and getting hot at the same time. You could feel that your icy limbs started to warm up, scorching through your whole body as he was kissing you. You slightly grabbed his hair, trying to get him closer to your core but he resisted.
“Wow, you can’t wait,” he started to laugh at your reaction, but he liked to see this vulnerable side of you.
“Can you blame me?” you asked him.
“No, but this what I like to see, Miss L/N” he breathed. “You’re such a mess for me,” he growled while he raced his mouth and nose through your flesh. You arched your back, wanting some kind of friction to ease your tension but he stopped again.
“Jake…” you muttered now, kind of angrily and he just chuckled at how impatient you were.
“Alright, alright…” he said, suddenly pushing your panties aside while he dug his finger into you. The movement was so quick and unexpected that your walls already clenched around him.
“Fuck, you’re so tight” he purred, while with his other hand he started to massage your clit finally giving the feeling what you’ve needed.
He dug now two fingers into you while he replaced his other hand with his tongue, tasting your juices which were now all over him. His beard started to tickle you as he was eating you out, but it made the whole situation even better. You were truly a mess underneath him, but you did not care. Your whole body was now on fire and it was really difficult to imagine that the two of you were in a tent in the middle of the cold Icelandic territory.
He made you feel so good that you wanted him inside of you. Just by imagining it - as well he was fucking you with his fingers mercilessly - you orgasm hit you so powerfully that you cried out his name as you were grabbing his hair as well. He licked you through your orgasm, never stopping. Your eyes rolled back as you give yourself to the sensation. Your vision faded and you couldn’t stop saying his name over and over again. He liked it hearing from your mouth and he liked that he did this to you, providing you all the emotions which made you weak and a good girl for him.
You did not notice how he stopped and looked at you, while he sucked your cum off his fingers. He looked straight into your eyes while doing it and it made him so hot that you wanted to taste yourself on him. Like he was reading your mind, he bent down to give you a heated kiss, conquering your mouth, sliding his tongue inside of it to interlace his with yours. Your taste which interfered with his tasted so good, that you wanted him being inside you as fast as possible.
He kissed you roughly, while he unbuttoned his jeans and pulled down his briefs a little bit. He pumped himself a few times and made his way towards your entrance, between your legs. You couldn’t react anything else as he slid into you, making your whole world tremble. It took a few seconds to adjust to his size, but you assumed you felt as good as he did to you. He buried his head into the crock of your neck, while he pinned your wrist beside your head. You hooked your legs around him, pushing him further and deeper into you. He rewarded you with a muffled sound, trying not to cum on the spot because of how goodly you took him. You were the perfect amount of wet and tight which he started to fuck, losing his mind.
“Fuck, babe,” he moaned as he tilted a little bit to the side, grabbing your thighs to penetrate you from a different and a deeper angle. The pool of pleasure started to grow in your belly again, while he hit you all the right places steadily and fast.
“Fuck,” you cried out as well. Maybe your moans and screams could have been heard from the other tent, but you just couldn’t care. And it seemed that it turned Jake on ever more than he already was.
He was looking at you if you were a goddess. He didn’t want to hurt you, but he squeezed your thigh and ass harder as he was approaching his pleasure as well, leaving imprints all over your body. The burn in your belly started to spread and you reached your high once again as you shattered into ten million pieces. After a few seconds, he followed you as well, feeling his cock pulsating inside of you as he brushed the softest kiss of the night to your lips.
It was so sweet and gentle that you could truly melt underneath him at this point. You tried to recollect yourself, reach for your breath and make it steady as sudden sweat took over your body, beaming through the whole tent.
“I’m warmed up now,” you whispered, and he started to chuckle.
“I hope so, but we’re just only getting started,” he said and pressed another kiss to your lips.
Your way home was quite uncomfortable, to say the least. You were cold, your whole body hurt, and you were tired. You just couldn’t wait to reach home and sleep till tomorrow. 
“So, guys,” Bear started as the three of you headed to the helicopter. “How did you sleep last night?” he asked, something lingering in his voice as he did so.
“Well, I didn’t get much sleep last night,” you answered, looking to the side where Jake was marching beside you. The two of you exchanged some looks and smirks when Grylls said:
“I bet that. I bet.”
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gffa · 4 years
Scattered Star Wars Thoughts: - As I’m catching up on Resistance, I think one of the missteps this show made was in the title, given that it really doesn’t connect to the larger Resistance movement.  Maybe it would have been better titled as Star Wars: Colossus or something instead?  Because I think those misplaced expectations (which are on me, admittedly) made it harder for me to really get into the show and take it on its own merits. Which is a shame, because I do very much like this show!  The characters are really good, though, admittedly, another thing that itched at me is how I still just don’t really feel the First Order as an enemy.  With the Empire, it came from the Republic, so I understood how it took over the governments, because the same people were basically already in place, it was just a name change. But the First Order, for all that it came from the Empire’s remnants, just appears out of nowhere, bombs the New Republic government, and then, what?  They seem like they’re so much more established than they could possibly be.  I get that they have a lot of money to spend on things, but the patrols on planets?  What is the infrastructure and local planetary government situations like? The problem isn’t with SWR, though, it would have been a good chance to show some of that stuff, but instead I feel like there’s just no plan beyond, “The First Order showed up and now everyone listens to them.” but even then there’s still an element of feeling like this is routine, which feels like it’s being patterned off how the Empire was everywhere, had patrols all over the place, had legal authority, etc. I get that things are in disarray because of the Hosnian System being destroyed, but the First Order feels so much more established than it should, and it itches at me.  I think that’s one of the reasons why the sequels will never really be of my heart, because the politics just don’t quite gel for me.  Incredible characters, some really lovely stories, but the politics just don’t quite track for me. - Weirdly, I’ve been getting into a lot of horror shows lately (Locke & Key, The Outsider, Mr. Mercedes) and have been finding them rather relaxing to binge on, which should be strange, but I guess maybe they’re more horror-light?  Anyway, it’s been fun to dive into a bunch of things without having to have Thoughts on them or anything. Which is a stark contrast against Picard which I keep thinking I’m going to drop because I really haven’t been enjoying what they’ve done to Picard’s character and how much of a dick they’ve made him (without intending to, they pay lip service to how he understands the Romulans’ pain, but then keeps stomping all over their boundaries and there’s apparently a whole string of people that he just abandoned because if he couldn’t save everyone, he would just give up all together, just arrrghhh and I’m not wild about this version of Starfleet, either), but then I really like some of the side characters.  Elnor has been in like one episode I’ve seen and already he has my heart.  I enjoy Raffi a lot.  And, oh, shit, I forgot that Seven of Nine was in this.  SIGH, I guess I gotta keep watching. Scattered Star Wars Thoughts/2020 Resolutions Update: - Star Wars: The Clone Wars s06e07-20 - Star Wars: The Clone Wars s07e01-03 - Star Wars: The Clone Wars Story Reels #1-3 - Star Wars: The Clone Wars featurettes - Star Wars Resistance s02e08-15 - Star Wars Radio Drama - A New Hope - Star Wars Rebels - Season 4 Extras Current total:  186/260 Scattered Everything Else Thoughts/ 2020 Resolutions Update: - IT, Chapter 2 - The Outsider s01e01-05 - Star Trek: Picard s1e01-04 - Mr. Mercedes s01e01-10 + s02e01-06 Current total:  205/260 Star Wars Fic Recs 2020 Resolutions Update Current total written:  144/520
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vvivacious101 · 4 years
Rewatching S07E01 - Meet the New Boss
Season Seven.
This episode brings up a lot of mixed feelings. I watched the first six seasons of Supernatural very close together but then I watched the first episode of season 7 and then didn’t watch the show at all till I learned of the existence of 7x17. I really didn’t want to watch a Supernatural without Cas and I’m glad that they brought the character back because yeah, Sam and Dean got me started on this journey but Cas made me stay and I just couldn’t fathom Supernatural without Cas. So, I didn’t even try till he returned in the last few episodes of Season 7 and I then proceeded to continue with the series.
For a very long time I hadn’t watched a substantial a chunk of season 7. Barring some six episodes, season 7 was a bit up in the air for me and I didn’t bother to like watch those episodes till a very long time. But finally a few years ago, i watched season 7 and I was surprised by the fact that I liked it.
I feel a lot of the reason I didn’t even try with this season is because Cas seemed to have gone away forever and I could be lenient with the season only when I knew he came back. I kind of sympathize with the people who manged to stay with the show throughout season 7 without knowing where it would all lead to because that would have taken a lot of courage.
One of the things that I remember viscerally about this season is the promo they released. The one that said ‘Kiss Your Cas Goodbye’. It was supposed to be about Cas becoming God but it turned out to be a little too literal.
Anyhow, with all that out of the way let’s delve into this season. A big reason I’m rewatching Supernatural was because of this meta I found on season 7 which really made me want to watch this season with that perspective in mind. So, I am really glad I get to do that now. All links to the meta mentioned can be found in this post.
So, let’s get down to it!
Meet the New Boss!
In my rewatch the most amazing thing has been developing new favourites like the old favourites remain but all of a sudden there are new episodes coming up the ranks and this one broke all records.
Oh My God! This is so good. Why the hell have I never seen this episode in this light before? It was amazing. I am floored.
There is just so much Dean and Cas here that I can’t even believe that this is all in one episode, like I’m speechless.
Let’s begin, this is a long list.
1. Someone mentioned that Dean does a jaw clench when the women on TV describes Cas as sexy and man, getting to see that was so epic. It’s totally there.
2. We have Sam who wants to talk to Cas because he believes that’s the only thing they can do and Dean is like no more talk, we have spent enough on him and Sam agrees so quickly that you can totally tell Dean had a whole rant lined up. Trying to convince yourself Dean.
3. Sam tries to convince Dean to help Cas by mentioning that Dean never gave up on him, like what Sam’s saying is basically that Cas means as much to Dean as Sam does and considering the amount of crazy shit Dean does for Sam that is one big accusation. Like Sam literally believes Dean will forgive Cas’ mistakes and Sam’s right but I can’t get over how big this is because it highlights just what Cas is to Dean. Cas gets all the special treatment, Dean forgives Cas because losing Cas is not an option he can live with.
4. Sam the guy hallucinating being tortured in Hell by Lucifer himself and I’m quoting here says that Dean has a lot of “pretty severe crap” swinging his way. Like, literally. Apparently, Dean has more crap to deal with than Sam and I can’t...
5. Cas broke Sam’s wall but he wants to makes amends with Dean before he dies like he literally apologises for breaking Sam’s wall to Dean because Dean was the one most hurt by Cas’ actions because these two share a profound bond and like that entire exchange is golden because Cas is just brimming with regret and Dean can’t bear to look at Cas so tattered and continue to hold onto the anger he was depending on to get through Cas’ betrayal.
6. Cas falls and Dean just rushes to prop him and I love how he like has his hand outstretched to catch Cas in case he falls again as he slowly backs away. No words.
7. “I’m sorry, Dean.” “”I’m going to find some way to redeem myself to you.” “I mean it, Dean.”
8. Remember the gif where Bobby and Dean pick Cas up and Dean holds Cas’ hand and elbow while Bobby goes for his wrist and elbow and how quickly Bobby let’s go once Cas is vertical but Dean just runs his hand down the length of Cas’ arm. Remember that one. It’s in this episode.
9. Also, Dean’s expressions both times he’s told Cas’ gone/dead.
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What even is this episode, it was like they knew they wouldn’t have Cas for much of the season so they crammed a season full of Destiel moments in the last seven and a half minutes of this episode and liberally sprinkled the rest throughout the epiosde. Man, season 7 is going to be a riot!
And this episode still had so much more to offer.
We have Sam having a full-on Hallucifer moment and I loved that Lucifer tries to convince Sam that what he believes to be reality is just an elaborate illusion he created so that when Lucifer pulled the rug away it would hit that much more harder because damn! I feel Hallucifer was the best Lucifer ever.
We have Crowley being cheeky as ever and I can’t get over this -
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But, man the very last scene of this episode with Leviathan!Cas took the cake. Man, I definitely don’t give Misha enough credit for his acting because he made Levi!Cas like so good. I’m quaking in fear over this new menace and I totally know what’s coming but I’m still shaking. “This is going to be so much fun.” Indeed.
Compared to Season 6 that definitely felt all over the place from beginning to end, season 7 is much more structured and nobody could have guessed that Leviathans would be the main issue this season but focusing on one big bad made this season that much more better. We could concentrate on the one enemy and really make them the true focus instead of having a new big bad every few epiosdes till they all become anticlimactic. Structurally, season 7 has to be prefect they introduced the big bad and then made them the biggest and baddest. The Leviathans totally wanted world domination and they almost succeeded. This season also has one of my most favourite Supernatural episodes ever and if the beginning is anything to go by, this rewatch is going to legendary.
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