thomas--bombadil · 8 months
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Egrets and their reflections.
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nouvellelune97 · 3 months
¿Estaré sanandome?
Ya hace días que no te escribo. Nuestra conversación siempre fue banal, sin más sentido que hablar y hablar. Había intermitencia, no era nada fluído entre tu y yo, solo la constante y misteriosa soledad y el silencio antes de una respuesta.
Respuesta que llegaba tardía, como una carta. Pero seguía sostenida, en todo, como esperanzada, pero ¿De qué?
Ahora solo siento apatía. En donde antes había ansiedad por responder, por no dejar pasar mucho tiempo, ahora pasan días y mi mente sigue detenida en una línea y ya no me molesta salir de ahí.
Quizá mi mente se cansó de lo que mi corazón insistía en soportar. Tus ausencias largas, tus frías vueltas y tus poco interés en lo que decía sino en lo que te daba, en el calor que necesitabas, pero nada más.
Pedía esta indiferencia y acaba de llegar de una manera desbordante. Rápido, sin avisar, sin anestesia.
No me afecta el muro entre los dos, porque siempre existió. Solo lo hice un poco más grande.
Antes pensaba que pensarías de todo esto, de mi frialdad repentina, de mi escape, de mi alejamiento. No lo sé y seguro que nunca lo sabré, pero ya no me interesa. Lo dejo pasar y sigo con otra cosa.
Quizá entendí finalmente, después de tanto ensoñamiento, de tantos sueños, fantasías, posibles y expectativas, que no había nada ahí de vos para mí. No había nada y ¿Puedo culparte?
No, no puedo culparte.
Nunca me prometiste nada, fui yo la ingenua y la enamoradiza. Fuí yo la que creó este mundo de fantasía y romance. Y ahora, debo destruirlo. Debo intentarlo...
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synsick · 25 days
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Bbydickcheney ph Sick Syn
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driedupink · 3 months
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Would love a coffee 🖤
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joen-lenawley · 29 days
Why does locking eyes with myself in the mirror feel so uncomfortable? /gen
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jonkwasnyczka · 8 months
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Kap Arkona, Insel Rügen
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coolbugpics · 3 months
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maxencededry · 10 months
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owlart18 · 8 months
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Cattember day 28: Reflection (with my current favourite cat at the shelter I volunteer at, Betsey. And her change from scared and aggressive to friendly and curious, now loving pets and being brushed. I hope she finds a lovely home one day)
2023 prompts
(Commission info here)
Version without bg and my lil guy herself:
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mdenvs3000w24 · 4 months
The Art of Interpretation: Beauty in Nature
Who am I to interpret nature through art? I’m a student currently studying biological science.  In this field of study, there is often a lack of traditionally artistic expression, such as music, painting, dance etc. Yet, even so there is art to be found in studying biology. To me, the creative endeavor of understanding and deciphering nature takes on a creative artistic element. I am a curious student trying to unravel the intricacies of nature through the combination of science and creativity. There is often beauty when learning something and a ‘lightbulb moment’ occurs and you understand something new about the natural world! I would argue that there is a creative and artistic element to this process, even within the ‘hard sciences’ such as biology. 
That being said, I also enjoy connecting to nature through other forms of artistic expression. I appreciate paintings because they allow me to understand diverse perspectives on how nature is interpreted. I also appreciate paintings for another reason: they can let us see how we change. For example, you can return to the same painting every few years and realize that you interpret it in a completely different way. The painting is the same, but my life experiences are different and I have changed. There is something I really love about that. It’s like watching a movie from your childhood and figuring out all the jokes or themes or emotions you couldn’t understand because you were a kid. It is an opportunity to see the changes in yourself that you do not notice on a day-to-day basis, but accumulate over time. In the context of nature interpretation, it can allow you to see how your interpretation of nature has changed over time. 
Anyone who cares about their relationship with the natural world and people has the tools to interpret art through nature and find the connection between their emotions and the physical world through a variety of mediums. Everyone has a particular preference in the art that they prefer and what aspects of the natural world they enjoy the most. As long as you explore what they are, many connections between art and nature can be forged.
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Even though I don't paint regularly, I did go to a painting tutorial back in High School! I completely forgot that I have painted nature in the past!
The ‘gift of beauty’ is a personal talent that allows the interpreter to instill in visitors the ability and desire to sense the splendor of nature, fostering a deep connection between the observer, the artist, and the natural world (Beck et al., 2018; p. 85). Each individual will have a subjective experience of natural beauty and its presence in the world around us. For me, I experience the beauty of the natural world in remote regions where it feels like there’s a distinct separation of distance between myself and the human world. Particularly, I enjoy being near the water along a beach. So, being in a remote location on a beach is where I most experience the beauty of nature. The strength of this experience often makes me introspective and sometimes even existential. It often invokes in me reflection on humanity's long standing connection to nature. I look out along the shoreline and imagine how people for tens of thousands of years have walked along similar shores, and what they might have thought about the expensive and beautiful world. I also enjoy documenting these locations with basic photography, and it has produced some of the photos that I most enjoy reflecting on.
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All photos are my own
Beck, L., Cable, T. T., & Knudson, D. M. (2018). Interpreting cultural and natural heritage: For A Better World. SAGAMORE Publishing.
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meganmaryillustration · 5 months
Prepping for an upcoming gallery exhibition.
Title: Imperfect
Medium: Tombo Brush Markers, Color Pencil, Gouache
Original Date:2014
Touch Up Date:2024
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trinityslyle · 2 years
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Greenery,🌳💚🌊 waterfalls, and rocks surrounding a pond 💚🌊💚🌳🌳🌊
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yogadaily · 1 year
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(via Pin on Yoga  || Curated with love by yogadaily)
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mydarlingdahlia · 1 year
Me casually watching Mulan for like the 7th time today because I’m singing reflection for a concert
Also I’m jealous of Mulan she gets Shang all to herself like share the wealth girlie
@yeahitzally would you like to hear the audio? (Once it’s recorded I haven’t done it yet 😭)
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peethings · 2 years
I wished that I could have been a better person for him to stay with me. I realised I already was.
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