inmate62763 · 1 day
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cybertied · 4 months
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an athlete is tied up, suspended, and gagged
ai generated image
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Arthouse Muppets
The Prisoner featuring Fozzie, Statler And Waldorf
Art by Bruce McCorkindale
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wwwjam · 7 months
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I really, really like Slay the Princess.
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pikamusume · 12 days
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prisoner9494 · 4 months
perp walked at Franklin County Jail
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ordheist · 30 days
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low rez prisna
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henk-heijmans · 5 months
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Buchenwald concentration camp, April 1945 - by Margaret Bourke-White (1904 - 1971), American
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one-time-i-dreamt · 4 months
I was running around on a farm somewhere and we were keeping prisoners behind a three-foot wooden fence but they refused to go near it for fear of Rogelio and also I was queen of the squirrels.
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inmate62763 · 3 months
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You ain't going anywhere!
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cybertied · 5 months
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a dude is bound with a leather harness and muzzled in a garage
ai generated image
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inmate27509 · 4 months
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oldschoolfrp · 4 months
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OD&D and AD&D 1e had special rules for subduing dragons in combat so they could be sold, making the dragon itself potentially more valuable than its hoard (Clyde Duensing III, Dragon 134, June 1988)
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illustratus · 2 months
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Oliver Cromwell Questioning a Prisoner by Ernest Crofts
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eyeonpalestine · 2 months
Facts about Palestinian prisoners/hostages:
➡ April 17 is Palestinian Prisoners Day.
➡ There are 9,500 Palestinian prisoners/hostages inside Israeli prisons.
➡ There are 80 female Palestinian prisoners/hostages inside Israeli jails.
➡ There are 200 Palestinian minors inside Israeli jails.
➡ There are 3,660 Palestinian hostages inside Israeli jails without charges.
➡ There are 56 Palestinian journalists inside Israeli jails.
➡ There are 17 Palestinian MPs inside Israeli jails.
➡ There are over 400 sick Palestinian prisoners/hostages inside Israeli jails.
➡ Tens of Palestinian prisoners/hostages has been in Israeli jails for decades.
➡ All Palestinian prisoners/hostages inside Israeli jails are enduring very difficult detention conditions.
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Well, let's start with a simple pic, which i like very much: a new prisoner, presumably just arrested a few days before, brought to the court-house for trial by two police-officers. They just brought them there with the car you see on the background.
This is always a very humiliating moment for a new prisoner, who in this case indeed does not look very happy. He now has to bridge the distance from the car to the front door of the courthouse, in full view of family, random onlookers and - if the crime for which he is to appear appeals to the imagination - often also the local (sometimes even national) press: the so-called perp walk. This can be just a few meters, but sometimes also a considerable distance.
The suspect no longer appears in his own civilian clothes, but has already put on a prison uniform. Presumably he was forced to wear it immediately after his incarceration in the local jail, prior to his first night behind bars.....
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The bright orange color makes him very visible and makes him contrast sharply with the police officers behind him and all bystanders.
The stigmatizing effect of this will not go unnoticed by the wearer of this uniform: it clearly separates the (not yet convicted) criminal from the civil society that will soon keep him behind impenetrable concrete walls for many months or even many years because of the crime he has committed. from a state prison. The forced wearer of such a uniform immediately feels like an inmate, and it influences his mindset and his behavior. It often automatically makes them a bit more docile.
For this uniform, the prison has not opted for a so-called two-piece, trousers and shirt, but for a very basic one-piece jumpsuit, which is simply closed at the front with a row of six or seven silver-colored press studs one above the other. This was indeed done neatly, in accordance with prison regulations, so that the top snap button is not clearly visible. This also applies to the bottom one(s) for another reason. These jumpsuits are often much too big and fit around the wearer like a bag. But it fits well here - and it looks good on him too, I must add.
Most prisoners - but they don't have a say in that - would prefer a two-piece, because it is more practical and you look even more out of place in such a jumpsuit, especially with that row of clearly visible press studs on top of each other. Its compulsory wearing is experienced by many as extra humiliating. Perhaps this also plays a conscious role for the prison authorities, but such a jumpsuit is moreover considered 'safer' because it is more difficult to hide everything in it.
The guy is of course extra recognizable as a prisoner because, as is prescribed in almost all states for the transport of prisoners (and often also in court), he is carefully handcuffed. He wears a wide leather belt around his waist, to which a set of handcuffs is attached in a very simple but effective manner in the middle of the front. This combination is very effective in making any possible attempt at resistance impossible. There are circulating on the internet many pics showing inmates in court shackled this way, like this one.
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Only after the belt is placed, with the buckle out of reach of his side at the rear, the cuffs are put on. At the front, where on a normal belt the buckle would be, there is fixed a large steel D-ring that protrudes straight forward. The D-Ring is wide enough to pull an open cuff through it. The short connecting chain between the two separate cuffs then passes through this D-ring, so that one handcuff hangs down on each side. Only thereafter are the handcuffs themselves placed on the prisoner's wrists one by one.
With that they are immediately inextricably attached to the belt, because the prisoner can now no longer possibly free himself from this situation – nor from the shackles, nor from the grip of the D-ring on his shackles. He is forced to keep his hands low in front of his crotch all the time, because the D-ring plus the short chain offer little room for maneuver. He can no longer do anything dangerous with them, and it is also completely impossible for him to hold them in front of his face to avoid the curious eyes of onlookers.
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I’ve here inserted a photo of another prisoner in the courtroom itself, this time in a two-piece uniform, which clearly shows how in fact a normal belt has been reversed, with the buckle at the back. In addition, I deliver underneath a detailed photo that shows much better how exactly the handcuffs are attached. A video is also circulating on the Internet, showing how a brand new juvenile detainee is handcuffed in this way immediately after he has had to change clothes and put on his new (this time black-and-white striped) prison uniform. See: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9vzE4JSmzLw
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An alternative to the leather belt with handcuffs consists of a steel chain around the waist, to which the handcuffs are attached, sometimes in advance, sometimes on the side. The latter is a much more natural position than both hands right in front of your crotch. Although steel is more uncomfortable than leather, most prisoners - but of course they are never asked  - seem to prefer it. This socalled belly-chain offers more freedom of movement, as you can with some physical flexibility move it up or down rather far. The belt is usually stuck to your waist. Because your belt is really fixed, so are your handcuffs. Even swearing an oath in court is this way difficult, as the pic underneath shows. Of course, seen from the opposite perspective, it is very safe and therefore convenient for the guards.
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Many prisoners find having to wear such a leather belt, to which the handcuffs are attached by inserting them through the D-ring, and in which case the handcuffs after locking also automatically are attached to the belt too, more humiliating than a belly-chain with handcuffs on it. It feels a bit like being a dog on a leash. The belt indeed can offer a good grip for the guard...
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Moreover, a leather belt around the waist is traditionally a symbol of male pride and self-confidence, hence the striking buckles in cowboy culture. There, such a belt embodies male freedom. And that male symbol of freedom is turned into its opposite here: by attaching his handcuffs, to a prisoner it becomes the symbol of his loss of freedom, of his powerlessness.
The photo ends just above the prisoner's knees. Although his feet are not raised, it is almost certain that he is, as its called, 'fully restrained', meaning that in addition to the belt and handcuffs, he is also wearing foot cuffs. That is the standard combination, especially for prisoners on transport. Naturally, these were also applied to the video clip just now. There is little chance that they were omitted in this case. Also he will thus have looked like this outside on the street.
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