#please read
akanemnon · 11 months
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1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 -15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20 - 21 - 21-1 - 21-2 - 21-3 - 22 - 23 -24 - 25 - 26 - 27 - 28 - 29 - 30 - 31 - 32 - 33 - 34 - 35 - 36 - 36-1 - 37 - 38 - 39 - 40 - 41 - 42 - 43 - 44 - 45 - 46 - 47 - 48 - 49 - 50 - 51 - 52 - 53 - 54 - 55 - 56 - 57 - 58 -
59 - 60 - 61
To be continued...
Glasses - Fallen down - First steps - Press [C] - Frisk Dance - But nobody came - Whatstheirface - An acquired taste - Eye opening - Smalltalk - Connection issues
What exactly is this AU about? Twin Runes is essentially a comedic crossover AU between the universes of Deltarune and Undertale. No fancy nicnacs. Just the characters being their chaotic selves. But there might be some darkness lurking up ahead...
When is the next comic? The comic updates most Sundays at 6:30 PM Central European Time.
Why is this AU called Twin Runes? The name is more or less a play on the typical naming format of most AU's by featuring the "Runes" part. There are no literal Twin Runes. The whole name is more of a stand in for Undertale and Deltarune as parallel worlds. Hence the "Twin" part.
When does Twin Runes take place? This AU takes place between a hypothetical Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 of Deltarune. On the Undertale side of things, it takes place post neutral route just as Frisk was about to deliver Undyne's letter to Alphys.
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Is the player a thing in this AU? The player lost control over both human children as soon as Frisk entered the world of Deltarune.
When Chapter 3 and 4 are released, will it affect the story? Any chapters after Chapter 3 won't affect the story in the grand scheme of things. If possible, I might make a reference to Chapter 3, but all in all Twin Runes created a new timeline so to speak.
What's up with Kris' and Frisk's hair? The red bits of their hair is more or less a representation of their souls. That in turn is also why Chara doesn't have that feature. They are soulless. It's a stylistic choice.
What's that thing on Kris' chest? It's a scar they got from tearing out their soul.
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And why do they have weird lines all over their body? Both Kris and Frisk's anatomy resemble that of ball-jointed dolls. They appear just as markings across their bodies. Think of them as elaborate birthmarks. Kris and Frisk are still made of flesh and blood, but are in fact hypermobile. The reason as to why they do is still a little secret :) People here like to refer to these markings as "puppet limbs". You can get a better look at them and the scar in this artwork
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Why does Kris have braces? This is why:
Why is Dark World Frisk green? Frisk changes their main sweater colors with Kris when they enter the Dark World.
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Can other ghosts see Chara? (pre Darkner transformation) No, only Frisk and Kris are able to see Chara.
So, was Chara in the locket all along? No, Chara possessed the locket to become a Darkner.
Where are Jevil and Spamton? Are they in Castle Town? The Fun Gang have already fought these two in the previous chapters and added them into their inventory. Outside of that little dream sequence, neither will be making an appearance.
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Is anyone from Undertale Yellow gonna make an apperance? Outside of a tiny cameo from Clover (that has no greater bearing on the story) no one from Undertale Yellow is going to make an appearance.
Is (insert character here) gonna go to the Dark World/underground? With the way the story is going to play out, only the main group will be heading to this new Dark World. The rest of the story will be taking place there.
Is the Group Project miniseries canon to Twin Runes? It was made before Twin Runes was conceived and before I had any idea I would make a series. It is it's own self-contained story. So it is NOT canon to Twin Runes, but You can read it here: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6
How did you come up with the idea of Twin Runes? Twin Runes is an offshoot of a separate script I wrote. It's a similar concept but turned on its head. The funny moments in that script made me just continue what now is the start of Twin Runes. I pretty much just wanted to see if I am actually capable of drawing a comic to begin with. So... in a way Twin Runes is my first attempt at a comic ever. If I ever finish Twin Runes, then I know I can tackle turning that mammoth project of a script into a comic too. In the grand scheme of things these two projects are sister series. They have A LOT in common and even share similar plot elements. When Twin Runes is over you will automatically also know certain mysteries of The Other Script.
What is The Other Script? As of this moment I call The Other Script: "Lost in the In-Between". At its core it's an inverse of Twin Runes. I.e. Kris falling into the underground and being aided by Frisk on their quest to return home. The story and jokes are a considerably more grounded than in Twin Runes and so are the characters. Though they do have their moments from time to time. The overall mood of that script is a lot darker in nature and it's a 200+ page passion project of mine.
Am I allowed to make fanart? ABSOLUTELY! You are very welcome to make fanart if you feel like it. Please let me know if you do by tagging me, so I can share it with everyone to see so that you get the appreciation you deserve :)
Can I use the funny faces you draw for memes or for private stuff with friends? That's what they're here for :)
Is there x ship in this comic? The focus of the story is not on shipping. If it's in the game it will very likely be mentioned or brought up, but that's about it.
What pronouns do you go with for the human children? I try to stick as close as possible to the games so I use THEY/THEM FOR ALL OF THEM WITHOUT ANY EXCEPTIONS.
Asks will open for 24 hours after a new comic has been released. Your questions will then be answered over the course of the week.
Try not to submit multiple asks. If necessary, just keep everything in one post.
Keep in mind that I receive AL LOT of asks, so not every question can be answered...
Questions containing spoilers will not be answered on principle. Wouldn't be as fun if the surprise was ruined, right?
Before leaving an ask (mostly for everyone who's new), please make sure to read the FAQ section above. A lot of times your question might have been answered already :>
I love memes and dumb jokes as much as the next guy, but try not to spam
It probably goes without saying, but please stay civil. I want to give everyone the respect they deserve, and naturally like to be treated the same way.
Please be mindful about drawing requests. It is understandable if you're eager to see a certain character drawn in my style, but I do not like to be bombarded by requests. The more it happens, the less likely I am to do it. Be kind and ask nicely.
Don't use other people's posts that I reblogged to ask me questions! It has happened before and I do not wish to see this!
The following are ref sheets of characters that don't have established Dark World forms yet (as of writing this comic). The list will be updated as soon as a new character enters the Dark World. Here you will also find references of characters that might appear as surprise cameos, or maybe even completely new faces...
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5K notes · View notes
gazing-at-an-eclipse · 2 months
We're everywhere.
Therians and alterhumans are everywhere.
You walk past us in the park, the store, you drive past us, you talk to us, you go to school with us, you work with us.
And although it may not be evident, we are here.
We will always be here.
It's not a trend, it's a way of life. Therianthropy is not a choice, it's something you're born with. For some people, it takes them longer to discover that they're therians.
God, for all you know you could've gone to a McDonald's drive thru and talked to a German shepherd about how you wanted your Big Mac cooked. About how you want your fries with no salt. Your coke with no ice.
For all you know, your college professor could be a grizzly bear teaching you about ancient Roman history. The glee on his face as he explains the Roman empire.
For all you know, your doctor could be a stag, telling you that you need to cut back on the fatty foods; your cholesterol is too high. She tells you that you need to eat more salads and salmon.
We are everywhere.
We are all around you.
We are never leaving.
So, the next time you look around, just remember: we are your neighbors. We are part of the world, just like you.
627 notes · View notes
melaninnpink · 6 days
If you enjoy my blog please do me a huge favor and share this post and please donate, if you can.
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Important! Please read!
Keep reading
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intoxicating p.2 | s.r
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word count: 4.3k
warnings: smut, cussing, jealousy?, nothing too crazy guys. but i can definitely make some kinkier stuff if you’d like *muah*
mdni por favor
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part 1 here / aaron version here
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A small part of you couldn't believe it had worked. Chewing on the bottom of your lip, your body not halting its movements as the song continued on playing. You swore on everything that you could hear your heartbeat pounding, as you made eye contact with the guy who had clouded a good chunk of your mind all night.
The smallest chuckle left Derek's lips, as he pressed a longer than necessary kiss on your cheek. Detangling from your body, clapping the brunette's shoulder as he took his current spot. The nervous man wrapped his arms around you like he was scared you would regret it as soon as it came, your hands running up his chest and to the back of his neck a small smile on your lips.
"I didn't expect you to come over. I thought you didn't like dancing," You whispered against the cusp of his ear, his grip on you tightening his mind getting lost in the sensation of your sweaty body against his. He seemed at a loss for words her giggling against his neck driving him insane. Before he could utter any words the girl pressed a soft kiss against his neck instant goosebumps appearing on the visible skin she could see. "Morgan and I had just barely started-"
"I couldn't watch the either of you anymore," Spencer mumbled against you, your small kiss still sending waves of shock throughout his overwhelmed body. "I-I couldn't bear the thought of another man being as close to you as he was... my mind just kept telling me that it should have been me."
Your heart fluttered at his words, tightening your hold around his neck pulling him closer. "You could have just asked,"
Fuck. Every ounce of your body was trying to stop itself from pouncing on the glossy eyed agent.
His eyes were blown wide open, his hands trying to memorize every inch of your body. His touch leaving a trail of chills, your lips parted open. The strobes of light flickering across your face lighting your face up in a delicious manner, not wanting to blink and break eye contact.
The alcohol was doing all of the work now, leaning to press an open mouthed kiss on his neck. Spencer hissed at the sensation, his head thrown back as he allowed your mouth to decorate his neck in your sparkly gloss. Your sober self was screaming at you to get it together, your fellow co-workers most definitely watching as you made a mess out of the younger boy.
"P-please. I need to kiss you."
Before you could react, Spencer had cupped your face in his much larger hands and crashed his lips into yours.
For a split second, you had thought the music had been turned off. The ringing in your ears should have concerned you but you paid no mind. The sensation of Spencer's lips on yours all your mind could focus on.
Your hands quickly found his hair, entwining your fingers into his chestnut locks. Spencer's hips instinctively found yours, grinding against you out of force of habit. A groan leaving both of your lips. A small part of you hadn't known Spencer would be this intense of a kisser but he poured every ounce of his being into this kiss. Like he was speaking with his actions. His mouth moved against yours like he was being starved from your touch, allowing your tongue to part his mouth as he moaned against your lips. His chest was growing heavy from the lack of air, but he didn't care.
His body just wanted more. More of you. And damn, he couldn't get enough.
"Spence," mumbling against his now swollen lips, trying to pull away so you could breath. But the brunette had already moved his kisses down to your neck, soft moans leaving your lips. The sensation of someone burning a whole onto your head made your eyes flicker up to where you knew you would find the harsh gaze of Aaron Hotchner.
What a sinful sight.
Your glazed eyes making eye contact with him as the brunette coated every inch of your body he could see with his lips.
Straight out of a nightmare.
Knowing the girl he was pinning after was being pinned against a wall by his friend.
Hotch felt like every inch of his body was on fire. And not in the way you had made him feel only moments prior. He needed to leave and take the coldest shower of his life, hoping it would erase the memory of your lips interlocked with the spewing fun fact machine.
The same lips that he was close to kissing.
The same lips that were flirting with him only moments before.
And now-
Spencer had your body in a way only Hotch could imagine of having you. Every part of your body was so responsive, leaning into his touch to show him he was doing everything right. A small part of him wanted to walk over there and yank you away from his touch. He wanted to crash his lips into yours, and show the younger man exactly how to touch you. He wanted to slam you against a nearby table, and mark your body to let everyone else know that you were his.
Only his.
Not Spencers.
Not Morgans.
Almost as if someone else had a hold of his body, heavy thuds ringing in his ears as he found himself making his way over to her. Your frantic hands tapped on Spencer's shoulders, his actions not faltering. His brain having turned off relying on his instincts.
"Spence- Hotch is- fuck- he's coming over."
The mention of Hotchs name made something click in his brain. Popping his lips off of your neck, proceeding to move to your abused lips. His mouth slamming against yours a small gasp leaving your mouth, using this chance to allow his tongue to enter your sweet mouth.
Jesus christ. Who the hell was this guy?
His tongue left not a single inch of your mouth untouched. His moans sounding like heaven in your mouth, not wanting to stop the boy in your hazy state. Your panties stood no chance against him. Knowing they were behind soaked at this point, clenching your legs together to create some type of friction.
"Mn- spence- stop. Please,"
"Please what sweet girl..." A moan left your moan at the sinful way he moaned your nickname, trying to push the brunette off your limbs not cooperating with what you were trying to convey.
"I think she said stop, Reid." A small shudder ran down your spine at the cold tone of the taller man. Spencer just about snapped back into reality, realizing he was doing all of these activities in front of his boss. The bespectacled boy turned around less confident than he was when he was destroying your neck, his hold on you faltering.
"Hotch, it's okay. I just needed a breath-"
"You should know when to stop, Spencer. No matter what. You of all people should know this." His curt words were slicing through the sexual tension, leaving you standing there like two kids being scolded by their parents.
Spencer ran his hand through his tousled curls, chest rising up and down as he tried to catch his breath. Your now empty hands fiddled with the metal hanging around your neck nervously, clearing your throat awkwardly.
"I think this is a good time to call it a night," Your words landed on deaf ears, seeming that was the plan before Hotch had made his way over to you. "I'll go find Pen and Morgan."
Leaving Hotch and Spencer didn't seem like a smart idea at the time, but you just wanted to get out from in between them. Shaking your head at your antics, finding Penelope pretty quickly her giggly form told you she was pretty gone.
"Morgan, I think Hotch and I are ready to go. Are you guys ready?"
"Yeah, let me go get Reid. He asked if we could take him home as well." Your heart dropped even further into your stomach, hands fiddling with one another at the thought of being stuck with them again.
You brought this on yourself.
You did this to yourself.
Fuck me and these stupid ass men.
Your drunken state made the trip between the bar and into the car a haze, the only thing you knew was that you were sandwiched in between the hottest people you have ever seen in your life. Holding your hands around your body, in fear of them going and doing something stupid again.
Hotch's intense stare was focused on the road ahead, his knuckles a stark white. He was clutching his jeans in a tight grip, trying to hide his frustration from the soft girl beside him.
What did Spencer have that he didn't?
Was is that he was young and cute?
Was it all of his fun facts that kept her wrapped around his finger?
Maybe she thinks I'm too old for her.
His subconscious was feeding him every possible scenario, believing them over and over. Before he could dig a deeper hole for himself, the sound of car doors opening snapped him out of his trance. His eyes fixating on your house, not having realized they had already arrived.
Spencer held the door open for you, his hand extended to you as you thanked him softly.
"Want me to walk you to your door?"
Yes please.
Before you could argue back, your body had already accepted his offer slipping your arm through his. Turning around to face the car, biding everyone a farewell your eyes hesitating over Hotch's. Not being able to ignore the unrecognizable emotion written all over his face.
"Morgan, you can go ahead without me. He can just spend the night here. What's the worst that could happen?"
The sound of Morgan laughing at his choice of words made the vein on the side of Hotch's forehead throb, trying to ignore the suggestive tone in Morgan's response.
"Don't have too much fun with him, sweet girl. I want him at work on time and in one piece."
A small giggle left your lips, saluting the chauffeur as Spencer led you away. The soft chirps from the crickets were all that you could hear, the cold air feeling nice on your sweaty frame.
"I hope you're okay with me spending the night- I know we've slept in the same room together before, but if it's too much I'll just sober up for a bit and head on home. Should take me about an hour and 37 minutes to be fully sober-" Spencer rambled grabbing a hold of your keys, expertly opening your front door as he held it open for you. Your scent slapped him right in his face as he made his way inside, locking the door behind him flicking the lights on.
Your house screamed you.
All of your little knick knacks around the house, the way you decorated your house just made sense.
It was like he could see your exact thought process on where you had placed your furniture, the decorations.
The colors you picked all worked well with each other.
Whoever walked in and saw your place would be able to know what kind of person you were.
Spencer had only seen your house from the entrance of your front door, but seeing it in all of its intimate details made him feel a little warm.
A smile making its way onto his lips as he locked eyes on a picture of you and the BAU team. Everyone in the picture was smiling straight at the camera; except for you. Your head was thrown back a laugh frozen in your expression, your fingers on Spencer's bicep whose arm was resting happily beside you. He could see the fondness in his eyes, noting the way everyone just moved into you. Spencer remembers this day in a fonder memory than he does every other day- he was able to have a special part of you that no one else could touch.
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"Did you know that Texas' state flower is the bluebonnet?"
"I always thought they were more of a weed." Morgan questioned, tucking his sunglasses into the neck of his shirt. You smacked his arm at his comment.
The team was currently on a case in Texas. More specifically, on the side of a highway in Texas. The sound of people speeding by made you a little nervous, but you felt safe surrounded by all of your fellow co-workers. That and the fact that the sun was your biggest enemy at the moment. You had lived in Texas for the longest before pursuing the F.B.I., the agonizing sun reminding you of one of the worst and best things about Texas.
Currently sporting your almost not work appropriate tank top and some bootcut jeans to match your matching cowboy boots.
You figured what better time to bring out your pride and joy than now.
Elle hadn't stopped growling at you the second she had seen your outfit, whispering sweet nothings to you in spanish. 
Making you wonder why you hadn't pursued Elle any sooner.
"That's rude." Crouching down by the blooming field of blue, touching the petals lightly. "They're a gorgeous flower. Their color is so vibrant! The petals look like the bonnets women used to wear on their heads- look!"
"I think you've been hanging around Reid too much, sweet girl."
"If I was, I would have been able to tell you that bluebonnets are a part of the pea family and of the-"
"- North American lupinus genus." Spencer finished for you, a wide smile coating his features dimples poking out. His cheeks a bright red, wiping the sweat off his forehead with the back of his hand.
The brunette was dressed in semi different attire, a pair of black sunglasses hanging off the tip of his nose. He rid of his usual cardigan leaving him in just his baby blue button up, the top button undone leaving his glistening collarbone exposed. You had barely been able to concentrate when he looked that good. Licking your lips slyly as you eyed the taller man from your position on the grass.
Morgan rolled his eyes at the boys words. His hand reaching down to grab your hand lifting you from your dazed state, a giggle left your lips as he about hoisted you off the ground.
"Thank you, handsome." Teasing the dark haired man who just smirked at your flirting, wrapping an arm around your waist. Immediately regretting the decision as the heat between the two of you became unbearable pretty fast. Before you could split, you felt a someone jump on your back their arms wrapping around your neck . Turning to face JJ who was giggling at her current position atop your back.
"JJ, what in the-"
"Hey! No group hug without me!" Penelope shouted, running towards you a huge grin etched on her face. A bubble of laughter tumbled out of your lips, her shorter frame placing itself directly next to Morgan's who happily wrapped her up as well. Elle had somehow snuck in as well, her body lying horizontally on the plush grass. She fanned herself with a manila folder, her hair blowing in the small gusts of wind.
"Come here, pretty boy."
"Oh no, I'm perfectly okay not being surrounded by sweaty bodies-"
"Spence! Get your big ass over here," At the sound of your sweet voice hitting his eardrums he trekked over to you. Derek had moved over so he could be in the middle, alongside the girls giggling frame as she held onto JJ tightly. Spencer gently rested his arm against yours, not wanting to invade your personal space but you had other plans. Happily resting your unoccupied hand on his bicep, squeezing him happily a huge grin on your face.
"Everyone smile for the camera." The sound of Gideons voice made everyone get in position, their sweaty faces looking at the older man who bore amused expressions on his face. Your hand never once faltered on Spencer's arm.
He knew it was medically impossible; but his heart felt like it was going at light speed. Trying to regulate his breathing as he grinned at the camera.
"Sweets. What do you a call a small pepper in late autumn?"
The most genuine laugh that could ever come out of you bubbled out, throwing your head back at Gideons question. The rest of the group eyed you with a bewildered look on their faces, except for a pair of hazel eyes. Spencer bore the most awed and adoring gazes he could ever bare, as they saw her wipe the tears from the corner of her eyes. 
"A little chili!"
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Spencer chuckled at the memory, setting the picture frame back down.
"Of course not. I- I was kind of hoping you would want to anyway," The blood rushed to your face fiddling with the back of the couch behind you, facing the taller man with a smile on your lips. "I can't guarantee that I will be able to do a whole lot of talking tonight."
"Whys that, sweet girl?"
The name slid off of his tongue deliciously, clenching your thighs together as you fumbled to find the words. You felt the air shift almost instantly, eyeing his frame his hands tucked into the front of his slacks.
"I think- I um- my brain would be able to form coherent sentences when I'm not as intoxicated as I am right now. I'm not drunk- by any means. But I definitely wouldn't trust the words leaving my mouth. They would just be screaming at you to just shut up and kiss me-"
Spencer took your words literally his body moving before he could process it. Slamming his lips against yours. Your body instinctively followed him, fumbling your fingers into his feather soft hair. The brunette moaned into your mouth, pressing you against the back of the couch his grip on your hips tight.
A soft whine left his lips as you grinded against his half hard member, not wasting any time in sliding his slender fingers under the hem of your dress trailing it up your thighs ever so slowly. Your hands fumbled to his shirt, unbuttoning the buttons like second nature exposing more of his torso.
"I can't believe- mm- that you're kissing me right now- fuck me."
A deep chuckle rumbled his chest, his lips parting from your already marked neck. Spencer wouldn't bring himself to admit that he liked seeing you covered in hickeys. Hickeys that he made.
"Jump up for me sweets." Following his instructions without hesitation, your legs wrapping around his waist hands cupping your thighs tightly. The bespectacled boy made his way around the couch, gently sitting down with your legs on either side of him. "Fuck... you look gorgeous. I just want to eat you out so bad."
Moaning at his confession, instinctively grinding against his now too tight slacks. Spencer's mouth was parted as he eyed you in awe, his hands guiding your hips back and forth on his cock. Your clit was getting all the friction it could possibly get with only your panties to cover your soaked cunt. Feeling your arousal seep through the thin material, leaving a wet spot on his dark pants.
"Pretty girl... oh you're so pretty when you moan." Spencer's praise went straight to your head grinding on him at an embarrassing speed on his lap, his hands groping your exposed skin his finger trailing along the hem of your panties.
"Spence- please. I need your mouth. Your cock- fuck- just anything please."
Spencer could come right then and there if you had asked him to, shoving you off his hips laying you flat on the couch your legs spread wide open. He shrugged his shirt off exposing his slender body your shaking fingers trailing down his torso making their way to his waistband.Shaking his head at your needy whines, laying on his stomach to get closer to your soaked panties. A soft moan left your lips as he wrapped his arms around your thighs getting comfortable, his warm breath fanning over your leaking cunt.
"Please don't hold back on me, sweet girl."
Before you could utter any words of protest, Spencer had slid your panties to the side and licked a stripe up your slit. Hissing at the sensation of him on your swollen clit, bucking your hips up. He chuckled against you looking up at you through his lashes, enjoying the view of you gripping the couch cushions in a tight grip. Taking a deep breath as he delved in, his mouth leaving not a single inch of you untouched.
He moaned at the taste of you feeling himself getting addicted to your arousal his lips wrapping around your clit, feeling his cock harden at the sinful sounds leaving your lips. Your head was thrown back chest heaving up and down, your fingers trying to find something to grasp. 
"My hair."
"Your hands- grab my hair." Without a second thought you trailed your hands to his head full of curls, allowing your fingers to tug on his feather soft hair. A guttural moan leaving his lips, sending waves of pleasure down your legs. "Just like that."
Spencer adjusted his hold on your thighs his free hand toying with your clit as he used his tongue to fuck your spongy walls.
"Jesus- fuck. God, Spencer. Please..."
"Mmm" He hummed against your puffy lips, not faltering his movements as he eased two of his slender fingers inside your warmth. Feeling as full as you did should be illegal, clenching your eyes shut as he fucked you gingerly not wanting to make you cum quite yet. "I want to see your eyes, sweet girl."
Fluttering your eyes open locking eyes with his dark eyes. The sight of your glossy eyes was enough to make him want your cum to coat his cock, speeding up his slick fingers carefully inserting a third feeling you clench around him. 
"Fuck! Yes… please don’t stop-"
A pair of sticky lips pressed against yours shoving his tongue in your mouth as he fumbled with his slacks, tossing them elsewhere. He couldn't be bothered to remove either of your garments, tugging his cock out of his briefs a soft hiss leaving his lips at the freeing sensation. Stroking his slick covered hand over his cock, coating it in your sweet juices. 
"I'm on the pill. Please. I just want your cock deep inside of me," You blabbered out too far in your haze to form coherent sentences. A soft chuckle left his lips, lining himself up with your cunt enjoying the way you shivered at the sensation of his leaking cock against your abused hole. "Spence.."
"I know pretty girl. I just want to soak up every bit of this,"
Soft gasps left your lips as he eased inside your spongy walls, his scrunched up face let you know he was trying to hold back. Taking matters into your own hands wrapping your legs around his hips, using your entwined feet to push him deeper into you bottoming out.
"Fuck me like you mean it." His eyes darkened even further, snapping his hips against yours a loud moan leaving your swollen lips. Pulling out all the way enjoying your whines of protests, his body seeming to move without him needing to think . Fucking you like he had never dreamt of anyone before, soft pants leaving his body as he felt the coil tightening inside. 
He didn't want to stop.
Not when you looked so heavenly yet oh so sinful below him. 
Your hair was splayed on the couch, your doe eyes looking up at him as he destroyed your pretty little cunt. The sound of his cock squelching with every thrust would be engraved in his brain forever, quite literally. Already replaying every moment in his head, as he leaned down to press a feverish kiss to your lips wanting to inhale every bit of you.
You tasted so sweet. 
Oh so sweet. 
Your cunt tasted just as sweet as your lips did. He couldn't get enough. Your walls clenched around his cock, a groan leaving his lips giving you a harsh thrust enjoying the loud sounds he was able to pull from you.
Having been on the edge this entire time, his cock feeling like a heaven sent. You didn't want this to end, having stopped yourself from cumming like your life depended on it. Not being able to hold it back anymore your hands clawing at his back for something to hold.
Taking one look at his face, his glasses had been tossed somewhere on your rug. His eyebrows furrowed as he focused on the sounds leaving your body. A small whine left your mouth as you took every inch of him in.
"Jesus... Spence. I'm-"
"Cum for me sweet girl... I'm right behind you," He mumbled into your lips his tongue having found his way back into your mouth. Those words were all you needed to hear, arching your back off the couch a groan leaving your lips as you writhed under him.
Every last inch of your body felt numb. Everything had gone foggy. Feeling a new wave of content wash over you as you began to climb down from your orgasm. 
The feeling of Spencers thrusts speeding up made you tighten your hold on his back your nails digging into the soft flesh. Heavy grunts escaped his lips at every thrust, his hair clinging to his sweaty forehead. The sight of your lips parted open, your breasts bouncing with the harshness of his thrusts sent him over the edge his hips sputtering with every snap of his hips.
Shooting ribbons of his cum deep inside your velvety walls, a soft moan leaving your body at the filling sensation. The brunette didn't dare move his body tingling as his chest heaved up and down.
A soft giggle broke him out of his trance, his eyes snapping up to your flushed face. Your hands were covering your face as you giggled into your hands, peeking an eye open at the confused boy.
"Morgan is going to absolutely murder me. Look at the state of your neck," Your comment send the two of you into a fit of giggles, shaking his head at the girl who looked up at him with a wide smile. Your eyes blown wide open eyeing him with something he couldn't quite place.
Where had he seen that look before?
His mind immediately blanked, only being able to focus on one thing flashing in his mind. 
The picture.
The picture of him and the team. The only person looking down at you; was him. The same twinkle in your eye as you eyed him flushed face was one he had seen on his face countless of times. Feeling his heart rate pick up tucking a strand of your hair behind your eyes, enjoying the warming of your cheeks under his large hands. Spencer couldn't believe someone as sweet as you was his.
 Who could have ever know?
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hey you lovely’s! i’ve been watching criminal minds for like the first time ever!! and i’ve been obsessed with just about every character on that show. please, if you want to send me any requests feel free to do so <3 i think i’d be open to write just about anyone and everything so :p thank you guys!!!! lots of love and kisses
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a/n: GUYS WHAT PLEASE IM SCARED. FILTHY. let me know if yall enjoy <3. this is my first criminal minds fic.
a/n: considering making an aaron option??????? lmk if i should pursue
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xxizombiexx · 4 months
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Maki Zenin x FEM! Reader
Idc what anyone says, Maki will always be my smoking hot lesbian girlfriend
Tw- maki having an obsession with you, oral, pet names (baby, doll, ect), fingering, lesbian shit, dirty talk, sub reader, dom Maki (let's face it, Maki is the man in the relationship), reader is kinda of a bimbo, begging, teasing
Maki just couldn't take her eyes off you. You were just so, so beautiful. Like a doll. A special doll. The type you keep in a box because of its valued beauty. The type that you keep away from others because of how rare it is. She wanted to keep you away from others. Maki wanted to keep you away from all things that would hurt you. You were hers, You were Maki Zenin's girlfriend.
"Maki! You're staring again." You whispered to her; you two were out with your friends, having lunch after a long day of training, and Yuji and Nobera who had just came back from a mission.
"I'm sorry, baby, you're just so beautiful. How could I keep my eyes off of you." Maki responded back, pushing a piece of your (h/c) hair behind your ear. You blushed and looked back at your half empty plate of sushi. "You know, I'm not really hungry for sushi." She muttered into your ear.
"What are you hungry for?" You asked, generally. Maki looked at you and smirked a little.
"How about we ditch this losers and I can show you at our dorms. Hm?"
Your entire face was most likely red now. You couldn't say no to her. You just can't.
You give her a look that answered her question.
"Oh, damnit. Principle Yuga needs Y/n and I at the school." Maki announced, pulling out her phone and standing up from her chair.
"He does? I thought you were hungry--" Maki quickly shushed you up, by pulling you up by the arm. It didn't hurt, but it did cut you off guard.
"Sorry guys. We have to go. Goodbye."
Maki's pink lips kissed down your neck, as she pulled down your pants.
"Oh, what am I going to do with you, hm? You make me go crazy." Maki muttered, leaving dark purple spots on your neck. All you can do is whimper her name, as her slender fingers circled your clit through your panties.
"M-Maki~" You moaned as you felt yourself getting even more wet. "I-I need more."
"Aw, does my poor baby want more? That's not how you ask for things." Maki said, smiling. "Beg." 
"Maki, I-I need you. Please! I need to feel your fingers in me. Please!" You begged. Maki gave a light chuckle, as she slowly pulled down your underwear.
"Why didn't you just say so in the first place, baby? You know I'll give you anything." Maki's fingers ran up and down your folds, practically teasing you, before sliding a finger in your tight hole. "This pussy is nice and tight, just for me. Right? Only me."
All you can do is moan back, as you felt her slide in another finger. "Yes, yes!" You moaned as Maki slowly, but surely, started to pick up the pace. "Only you!" Maki smiled once more.
"Good." She then began to kiss the sensitive spot on your neck once more. Your moans got louder as she shoved her two fingers inside of you.
"M-Maki, Maki, I think..I-"
You couldn't even get the words out of your mouth. But somehow Maki understood what you were trying to say.
"Go ahead, baby. Come all over my fingers." Her thumb came up to rub your clit, adding more pleasure. Your moans were getting louder and louder as you came on her fingers. Maki didn't stop. She continued to thrust her fingers in and out of you until you came down from your high.
Out of breath, you closed your eyes, and slammed your head on her pillow.
But your eyes quickly shot back open you felt Maki move and rest her head in between your thighs.
"You thought this was over? I told you I was hungry for something else."
Maki wasted no time, licking your sensitive nub. The taste of you wetness and your cum mixed together was heaven dancing on Maki's tongue. God, she wish she could eat you like this everyday.
You quickly grabbed onto Maki's hair, moans turned into whimpers because you were so sensitive down there.
Your second orgasim came much quicker then your first.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck." You moaned, falling back into the bed.
"Looks like this pretty doll is all fuck out, ain't she." Maki said, more to herself then you. "I've just bearly started, too. What a shame."
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starz4ruii · 3 months
I see a lot of people saying to stop kosa and then giving no info about what kosa is.
So here are some sites to get educated about it- https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2023/05/kids-online-safety-act-still-huge-danger-our-rights-online
Please lmk if there are any helpful sites that you want me to add :]
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dingus11111 · 4 months
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Includes: Sub!Bottom!Male reader, Dom!Top!Boro, Sadist!Boro, Masochist!Reader, CIA!Reader, bondage, sexual torture, nipple play, edging, BLOOD, choking, videotaping, butt plugs, impact play, CBT, subspace, biting, knife play, use of “sir” for Boro, and probably more shit.
A loud slap echoed the darkly lit, dingy, concrete room.
Your face was red and slightly swollen. You were half naked with your shirt off, but your pants and boxers were still on. You had a blindfold on, and couldn’t see anything.
Your breath hitched as a large hand grasped your cheeks and forced your face to lift up to face the man doing this to you.
“I’ll ask you again… What is your real name, and who are you working with?”
Your mouth wasn’t gagged, so you took this chance to show him that you would never tell him. You gathered as much spit in your mouth as you could manage and spat on his face, hoping you had hit him with it.
Unfortunately, you did hit him.. DIRECTLY in the face. This made him angry. REALLY angry.
He growled in aggravation before stepping back to think about his next move.
After a minute or so, he took off your blindfold. As the blindfold fell to the floor, you looked up at your captor. The well known Boro Polonia had you tied up to a chair and at his mercy.
He quickly grabbed a gag from the table next to him, and put it on you.
“You’re cute for an traitor. Since you didn’t answer my questions, I believe I’ll have to use… harsher… methods.” Boro smirked softly.
You raised a brow, curious as to what he meant. That curiosity was wiped off of your face as he punched your jaw to knock you out. Everything went black and your body went limp.
Your eyes flickered open. You felt cold. Too cold. A shiver ran through your body before you really started to take in your surroundings.
Your hands were chained to the ceiling, and you were stripped naked.
You began to feverishly look around and thrash at your confines. A cry for help escaped your lips, but it was muffled due to the gag in your mouth.
After a minute or more of struggling, you heard footsteps. Your eyes darted to the person who had entered the room.
It was Boro.
He approached you agonizingly slow, allowing you to take in the fact that his eyes were on your body.
You began to struggle again, screaming against the gag.
Boro chuckled at your anger and fear. His hand caressed your torso, starting at your sternum and making his way down to your lower abdomen. Your breath hitched as his hand got dangerously close to your flaccid dick.
He looked down and then back up at your face, a smug grin painted on his.
“Now, let’s begin…” He strode over to a table next to where you were confined and grabbed something.
The room was too dimly lit for you to tell what it was. As he leisurely strolled back to his spot before he moved, you noticed multiple objects in his hand. You shook your head in objection and began to wiggle again.
“Shut up!” He yelled as he slapped you across the face hard. A muffled groan fell from your lips. A small amount of what felt like electricity rushed to your penis.
“Good..” Boro continued.
He began to show off the items that were in his hand.
“A whip to pry information out of you… A sounding rod for later, and lastly..” He smiled.
“A knife.” His eyes burned holes into your body, causing the slightest blush to appear on your cheeks.
Your cock was now half hard and Boro liked that. He smirked, enjoying seeing you like this, and even starting to grow hard himself.
After a minute or so of him peering at your body, he stepped back and put two of the three items down on the table. The object remaining in his grasp was none other than the whip.
“I’m going to remove your gag, and you will tell me what you know. If you do not comply, I will hurt you until you do.” Boro announced with a straight face.
He walked up to you and removed your gag. Spit dripped out of your mouth due to being gagged for so long.
You noticed that the whip in his hand was not a normal whip. It was a type that was designed for torture and could even kill you in severe cases. It had metal beads at the end that were followed by some knots as well. You shivered slightly.
“Tell me what you know.” He said coldly.
You glared at him before speaking.
“Even if I knew, I wouldn’t tell you anything.”
His brow furrowed.
“So be it.” He muttered.
The first lash of the whip ran diagonally across your torso, leaving a deep-ish gash. Blood trickled from the wound, staining the concrete floor below you. You were paralyzed in shock. Nothing could come out of your mouth. Not a single sound. Tears welled up in your eyes from the pain.
Another lash. Another wound across your torso. The pain was immense, and for some reason.. your cock was fully hard. The pain of the whip and the shame of being hard mixed together causing your mind to spiral. You couldn’t tell him what he wanted to know, yet you wanted this to stop. To stop your shame. Your pain. Your pleasure that felt wrong to feel. Tears trickled down your face and your mouth opened.
“Please stop… no more! I- I’ll tell you what you want to know…”
You closed your eyes in guilt. You were betraying the CIA.
Boro paced up to you and looked down and your hard dick.
“Hmm.. It seems that, deep down, you want me to keep going.” He snickered.
You shook your head rapidly, clearly signaling that you didn’t want to be whipped again.
“I’ll tell you what you want to know.. just please no more whipping.” You cried.
Boro smiled at this.
“Go on. Tell me.”
You nodded. ‘I’m sorry everybody.’ You thought.
“My name is M/N L/N.. and I work for the CIA.”
Boro looked extremely pleased as you said this.
“Good boy…” He praised as he brought one of his hands over your whip lashes.
You winced in pain, yet your cock twitched and leaked a bead of precum. He noticed this and chuckled.
“You like the pain, don’t you M/N?” He teased as he brought his finger tips down your dick and lightly touched the tip.
A soft moan escaped your lips as he did so. He grinned and began to stroke you.
“Fuck.. Ngh…” You gasped out.
“I think you deserve a reward for betraying your colleagues.” Boro suggested.
He then stopped stroking your dick and stepped to the left of you. On the wall, there was a lever that caused the chains confining you to suspend you slightly. He pulled the lever and that caused you to fall to the ground. You groaned slightly. He walked over to you and unshackled your hands. He quickly pulled out some handcuffs and cuffed your hands together.
“Good.. Now, time for your reward.” A sweet, but slightly menacing smile appeared on his face.
“Kneel.” Boro ordered.
You obeyed, not wanting to be whipped again. Your eyes widened when you realized what he was doing. He unbuckled his belt and then unzipped his pants. There was a massive bulge in his boxers. Your breathing got faster as you eyed his clothed cock.
He pulled over a chair that was close to him. He took off his boxers before sitting down. His cock was huge. He was about 8 inches and girthy. He noticed the surprise in your eyes and laughed.
“You know what to do, M/N.”
A smirk was painted on his face as you attempted to crawl to get closer to him. Your hands were cuffed behind your back. You breathed shakily before licking the underside from the base to the tip. You then began to kiss and lick at the tip. A groan escaped Boro’s lips. As you started to bob your head up and down on his length, you brought your hands up to stroke what you couldn’t suck. He didn’t like this and growled. He tapped your cheek a few times and you stopped sucking. Once he had your attention, he spoke.
“Ah ah ah.. No hands.” He nodded in acceptance as you continued to suck him off, this time with no hands.
Eventually, he wanted to feel more of your throat, but you wouldn’t go any further. He tangled a hand into your hair, and gripped it. He pushed down on your head so that you took him all the way to the base. Your nose was shoved into his trimmed pubic hair. You moaned softly. Boro smirked and continued to face fuck you. Your eyes rolled back into your head as you gagged here and there. After a few minutes, you learned to relax your throat and breathe through your nose. A loud groan left Boro’s mouth as he had came into your mouth. He didn’t pull his dick out of your throat.
“Swallow all of it. You will take what I give you with appreciation for it.”
You swallowed all of his cum. The salty and bitter taste staying on your tongue, but for some reason, you wanted more.
Once he was satisfied, he pulled his cock out of your mouth. He was still half hard. You looked up at him, waiting for his next move.
He got up and stripped himself of his remaining clothes; that being his shirt. You blushed hard as you saw his defined biceps and toned abs.
“Get up.”
You obeyed. Once you were up, he nudged you over to the table that had numerous…devices… on it. He pushed them away and laid you on it. After he made sure that you were secure on the table, he grabbed a camera he pushed out of the way before. He set it up on a stand behind you so that when your face hung off the table, it would catch your face. And not just that, it would get EVERYTHING.
Boro walked back to his spot beforehand and smiled.
“Hello.” He greeted the camera.
“As you can see, I have one of your agents here.”
As you heard those words, you flushed in embarrassment. He was going to send this video to the CIA. The camera could see your body. Your hard cock. Your blushing face.
“For every minute that you do not rescue him, I will test his limits. I will push past them and ultimately break them.”
As he finished his sentence, you cried out. He had suddenly pushed his dick inside of you without any prep or lube whatsoever. You wanted to cover your mouth and stop the moans spilling from it, but your hands were handcuffed behind your back.
You moaned in both pain and pleasure as he began to thrust in and out.
“I don’t know.. I don’t think you should rescue him. He seems to be enjoying this.” Boro snickered.
His hands held your thighs apart and pushed them back as he fucked you in a standing missionary position.
“Aaahh… fuck.. Boro!~” You couldn’t help but moan his name.
He smirked at this.
“He’s really enjoying this.” He said to the camera.
Suddenly, he pulled out, and flipped you so that you were bent over the table. You looked confused as he did this.
“Wha-“ You were cut off as he thrusted back inside of you harshly.
He pounded into you, and the camera caught all of your faces of ecstasy. Your eyes rolled back as he hit your prostate.
It felt so fucking good for being so fucking wrong.
You started to go into subspace. Only being able to focus on the pleasure. His large dick and the way it felt inside of you. Drool seeped from your open mouth.
He spanked you hard. This immediately woke you up from your trance. Your cock twitched from the pain.
“We’re going try something fun, okay?” He chuckled.
You couldn’t see behind you as he picked up a knife that was moved to the side and a sounding rod. He was nice enough to lube up the sounding rod before putting it against your tip. Your eyes widened as you realized what it was.
“W-wait!!” You begged.
He disregarded your please for mercy as he shoved it into your urethra in one go. You screamed in pain, only the slightest bit of pleasure filling the back of your head.
You breathed heavily, thinking it was over as he began to fuck you again. Boy, were you wrong…
Remember the knife he picked up? Well, he’s gonna use it.
As he continued to plow into your tight ass, he brought the knife up to your lower back.
“Want me to make you mine, baby?” He asked quietly so that the camera wouldn’t pick up the noise.
You nodded, thinking he would cum inside of your or something among the lines.
He grinned maliciously as he slowly began to carve the name “Boro,” into your lower back.
“FUCK!” You screamed in agony.
Tears of pure pain streamed down your face. It hurt so fucking bad, but something about it had you feeling just a smidge closer to your orgasm.
You breathed heavily with occasional whimpers and moans echoing from your exhausted body.
Boro felt himself getting close as well. The knot in your stomach grew as you realized that you had a sounding rod in your dick. You took it upon yourself to beg.
“Please, sir.. Please let me cum!” You begged him.
“You may cum once I have finished.” He responded.
A small gasp left his lips, signaling his upcoming orgasm.
After a few more thrusts, he pushed as deep as he could inside of you and came.
“Fuck..” He groaned as he continued to fuck you through his orgasm.
You felt his hand creep towards your dick and start to teasingly tug on the sounding rod. He repeatedly pulled it halfway out and then quickly pushed it back in causing your hole to clench around his cock tightly. Eventually, he pulled it out and you came hard. Cum spurted out of your twitching dick as your back arched. You screamed out his name in doing so. A pleased smile spread across his face.
You breathed heavily once your orgasm was over.
“You think we’re done?” He asked, rasing a brow.
You gasped as he pulled out and quickly shoved a butt plug inside of you to keep his cum from spilling out. He then lifted you up onto the table so that you faced the camera. His hands then snaked around your torso towards their target.
Your nipples.
He began to pinch, tug, flick, and roll them.
It felt so odd, but so good at the same time. Your cock started to harden again. You wished you could hide your face from the camera.
Boro saw this pinched your nipples particularly hard and choked you, causing you to moan loudly.
He addressed the camera.
“Is this the type of employees you hire for the CIA? Sluts who can’t get enough of what they are given?”
-Charlie <3
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cheshire-j · 10 months
The US Government is trying to pass a bill that will censor the Internet under the guise of protecting kids! And it has bipartisan support.
This bill is called KOSA, Kids Online Safety Act. This basically gives government the power to censor anything they deem as "inappropriate" or "harm content" to kids. And if you want unrestricted access to the Internet, the bill stated you will need to prove you are a user over the age of 18, which means you will likely need to give your ID in order to access the web. And there is no guarantee listed that your ID will be safe alongside the rest of your data online, if this passes (think how well Instagram and Facebook and how well they've protected data i.e sold it to Russians).
This bill also includes censoring history as well as websites that could be medically helpful, in ADDITION to restricting or out right banning certain apps and websites like;
- Tumblr
-Ao3 (Archive of our own)
- Medical Information: for things like Mental Health, Sex Ed, medication
And more
The bill is set for markup on July 27 2023 at 10:00 am.
Also, if this passes it'll be the start of quickly passing other internet acts like the EARN IT ACT and the RESTRICT ACT.
Please call and or email your representatives and senators. You can find the needed contact information on Congress.gov. This is a abuse of power and a violation of our 1st amendment rights to freedom of speech, choice, and press, as well as the 4th amendment that prohibits unlawful searches and seizures, and a violation of privacy.
SIDE NOTE: While I agree that there needs to be protections for kids online, KOSA, as well as the other bad internet bills, is not it. And if protecting kids is really the concern, then why not focus sights on implementing regulations that holds the people who intend to harm kids accountable?
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akanemnon · 7 months
I've done a little thinking of how I'm gonna be tackling asks from now on...
Since I'm getting so easily overwhelmed I decided that asks will only be open for one day after a new comic comes out. That way you guys can ask about certain details you're curious about without it getting out of hand. I will slowly be getting to the asks throughout the week. Really hope you won't be confused about this decision. This was never intended to be an ask blog, since the focus was supposed to stay on the comic itself. It had kinda gotten out of hand a long time ago haha...
Anyways about how asks are gonna be handled... I'm sorry to say this, but for the sake of the comic, I won't be answering any more questions that are related to spoilers. Kinda learned my lesson the hard way *cough* So please don't be confused if your question wasn't answered.
Also, this one especially goes out for the new folks (Hi! Welcome! 💕) Before leaving an ask, please make sure to read the FAQ section of the masterpost that's pinned on my blog. It is possible any question you have might have has already been answered there!
Hope you understand
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chelscait · 2 months
jonas eidevall shouldn’t be allowed to coach a woman’s team.. all this stuff i’m seeing, it’s disgusting. and the fact people are so quick to judge what emma did, she’s a woman protecting her own female players. i’d do the fucking same.
losing his shit on the touch line was so immature. i back emma in every way, even if she does some questionable things. what she did was not out of losing, or being a ‘sore loser’ please. this was fighting against misogyny, as much as you arsenal fans hate to hear it.
and i’ll say it now and forever, GET MEN OUT OF WOMENS FOOTBALL.
stop being blind, wake up. lets get gareth, marc, jonas and every other male manager of a women’s team out of this sport, it’s slowing it down from its proper potential.
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hpnewgen · 11 months
⚠️Hey, so this may be very (VERY) urgent:⚠️
So, I don’t normally do this, but something urgent came up, and I really need y’all to read this. There’s a TL;DR at the bottom of this post, but I strongly advise reading this post all the way through to gain more context on the situation at hand.
I don’t know all the details, but there’s this act floating around in the US called the “Kid’s Online Safety Act” - or KOSA , if you will. Here’s a description of it:
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In summary, this law, if put in place, would aim to wipe out sites that could provide youth with life-saving resources, or even mention topics related to the LGBTQIA+ community and suicide prevention.
Now, obviously this is only a thing in America, so you’d think it wouldn’t affect the rest of the world, right?
Well, not exactly.
So you know how fandom sites such as Tumblr, AO3 and Wattpad provide an escape for many people across the world who are going through hard times (to put it simply)? I don’t mean to scare anyone, but if this law passes, these sites may be negatively affected globally.
Here’s a TikTok I found by a creator known as omarsbigsister that explains it better. It’s mainly about AO3 but Tumblr and Wattpad are mentioned too:
We all know why fandom is so important. Many people, as I’ve mentioned, use sites such as the ones previously listed to escape the troubles of their everyday life. In addition, fanfiction sites in particular provide creative outlets for writers across the globe. This law could possibly destroy this form of escapism and a creative outlet.
I’ve linked a link tree found in the above TikTok creator’s link tree at the bottom of this post. Please sign them regardless of where you’re from.
Also, y’all know I usually don’t ask for clicks, but interacting with this post in some way or even making a post of your own like this to spread the word would also be of great help!
We have to stop KOSA from being passed. The lives of America’s youth and future of fandom depend on it.
Thanks in advance!
- hpnewgen
TL;DR: KOSA is putting the lives of American youth and the future of fandom as a whole at risk and we need to act now.
Edit: Since this post is still getting engagement (thank you all for the support!), I should mention that I made a second KOSA post highlighting how dangerous the bill is outside of fandom-related things. I highly suggest checking that one out, since the info provided is very important! It’s the second-latest post on this blog excluding the pinned post. Thanks!
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bambinella · 2 months
Rumors pt 2
I recently made a post to address the ongoing situation, and I feel like I have to address it yet again, since it’s getting out of hand. 
First of all, I want to apologize to everyone that got involved in this mess, especially the tickle community. I’ve been part of this community for many years now, and I’m enraged by all the hate all of you are receiving by this anon. None of you should be in this situation, and I definitely want to get out of it. I’ve been trying to keep this wildfire contained, but anon is targeting literally anyone right now, be it people who follow me or people who’ve never heard of me before.
In my previous post I mentioned that I suspect ticklee25 to be behind the anon hate, but I didn’t specify or clarify why. Since I still think it’s her, I will explain my thoughts on the why. I’m aware that the messages are still anonymous, so I cannot say with 100% certainty that it’s her, but there are certain details I wish to address.
For starters, the anon hate started on the day I blocked her. ticklee25 and I chatted on discord for a while, and after she became rude, insulted me and my interests and started calling me several times in the middle of the night, knowing of our 5 hour difference, I removed her as a friend. The next day she reached out on tumblr asking me why, yet since I was out all day I hadn’t seen it so I didn’t respond. Then I came back to another message where she was gaslighting me into being a bad friend, which ended with ‘bye’. I removed her as a friend on tumblr too and simply deleted the conversation, since I thought that was gonna be the end of it. Alas, it was not. When she returned with yet another message to insult me some more, I blocked her. That’s when the hateful rumors started spreading. At the time I had no idea I'd have to take screenshots to collect proof, so this is all I have on this matter.
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Secondly, some of the anon hate messages had my real name in it. Since my name is not on my tumblr page, you’ll only know my name if you either know me in real life or if we chatted. This indicates that the anon hate is being spread by someone I talked to before. I have no quarrel on tumblr with anyone else, so this points yet again in her direction. Seems a little too suspicious to me to be a coincidence.
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The first anonymous message (as far as I know) was sent to my close friend @otomiyaa, which claimed that I was a pedophile. It quite frankly shocked me since I was not prepared for the anonymous hate. I naively thought it would stay with that simple message, and then I thought it would stay with otomiyaa. For a while it did, as she kept receiving several anonymous messages which insulted me. It went from me being a pedophile, to being fat and ugly, to being a shitty writer, which heavily reminded me of the last message I’d received from ticklee25. Then it started spreading to other people, since anon didn’t get the satisfaction of a reply. They first targeted everyone who interacted with me, and when those accounts defended me they moved on to people that don’t follow me and minors.
I have an entire list of rumors being spread about me, from very serious to simply stupid, but it sadly didn’t stay with just rumors. Anon here took it upon themselves to send anonymous messages warning everyone that I spread hate into the tickle community, only to send the hateful anonymous message themselves while tagging me in it. Most people instantly realized that it would be really stupid to send an anonymous message and tag yourself in it, so they knew it wasn’t actually me sending the messages. Here are some examples:
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Another thing I have noticed is how, despite me blocking ticklee25, the anonymous hate continued being sent. Some argued that this was a good enough reason for me to change my mind, that it couldn’t be her. However, after looking into it I noticed how several blogs, who were reblogging hate about me, hadn’t even been up for 24 hours, or spammed within mere seconds of each other. Very suspicious again. Some of these blogs are lifeisstrangeenthusiast, swiftlyticklish and ticklelover5.
So, I simply want to clarify some things. I am not a pedophile. I have not been sending hate to people from the tickle community. I have not been sending hate towards minors. I have never forced someone to do something they’re uncomfortable with. I am not a groomer. I am not trying to steal your partner. There may be more rumors, but these are the ones I wanted to address. And to be perfectly clear, I am not the jesus anon.
If you get messages like these, please know that it’s not me. I literally have no reason to spread hate, and I don’t want to stoop to this level. Like I said before, I’m only here for fanart, fanfics and da gays. 
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I turn myself directly to the anon now. I suspect you've created multiple accounts to keep spreading hateful messages, no matter how many times I’ve blocked you. You could have reached out to me and spared everyone the pain, but you wanted to cancel me so badly so instead you decided to make it everyone’s problem, even going as far as targeting minors. You’re pathetic. I’ve taken the next step, and unlike you I do have screenshots to back me up.
Lastly, I want to thank everyone who has backed me up over these past 6 weeks. You’ve all helped me more than you realize, and I love each and every one of you. I'm super grateful.
@otomiyaa @rach-amber @thebest-medicine @whatsjulietslastname @amazingmsme @turtlee-rockin @toweroftickles @wild-lee-ticklish @softleesam @fluffomatic @ticklerfluff @atlaslunacozycorner @a-ticklish-banshee @objectfromthesky @kaseylovesbayley @knizmokat @wheezylee-jay
Longest post of my life, but it had to happen. I hope we can end the bs now, because I'm honestly done with it.
Update: I didn't have to wait long, as suspected, until someone was getting pissy about my post. @ticklelover5 decided to spread screenshots of random conversation with ticklee25 before the drama started, which only confirmed my suspicions that they're the same account and same person. Thing is, all her replies somehow have mysteriously disappeared! Shocker. So it looks like I'm just talking to myself like a fool. And this somehow adds to her cancel campaign? Proving that I'm horrible because I was talking? I'm confused and pissed, but I kinda expected this when I made this post. I'll post them here too, so you can see what I'm talking about.
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Not gonna lie, the fact that she's been blocked back in december and somehow still has my conversation is kind of sickening to me. The fact that it's my current pfp and not the one from my screenshot means she just screenshotted these to try and get some dirt on me. I'm glad I got out of this friendship just in time, and I would have left sooner if I knew the level of psycho I'd be dealing with.
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thebubblesareevil · 8 months
Strap in Folks it’s time to learn some shit!
As HR manager at my job I have to look at A LOT of applications because we are primarily a seasonal job. We have busy seasons and slow seasons.
Allow me to clarify.
If you take a break between jobs or couldn’t find a job
-did you do baby sitting?
-yard work for family members?
You didn’t have a gap!
Make a note of work history as landscaping or childcare!
Gaps in your employment never look good unless you also state you were in school!
If your previous job sucked and you only stayed there for about a week
- you never worked there
Don’t put on there that you only worked a week or lie about how long you worked there!
-I am absolutely allowed to call previous jobs and not only confirm you worked there and ask how long
-first assumption will always be that you were fired (sucks but it’s true). I don’t have any backstory so I won’t assume the job was at fault.
-Your resume should NEVER be tailored to the job you are applying for.
-this is supposed to be a basic outline of what you have done and what you can do
- I hate the autogenerated resumes from indeed because I have to go down a giant list that tells me you know how to use Microsoft 20 times in a different font.
- if you use indeed please submit an actual resume.
It never looks good if you misspell cashier or drink…repeatedly.
-keep it short! Unless you are going into a technical field that needs to know a full list of you certifications and the programs you can use, you want to keep it to 1 page. I need a summary, not a life story
SCHOOL IS NOT WORK EXPERIENCE! Do not put on there that you have 4yrs xp as a student!!!
Speaking of life stories
-do not leverage your kids for a job. If you tell me you have kids and it affects your availability that’s one thing. If you tell me you really need this job because you have kids, now you are using your kids to get a job and that’s not kosher.
Do not lie about your availability!!!!
We ask for that for a reason! If you tell me you have open availability and you get hired, I will schedule you based on that availability. If you then tell me you are only available between the hours of 4pm-9pm….you aren’t getting scheduled and will be terminated.
-cannot and will not cater to your availability and schedule everyone else to accommodate your availability. That’s not fair to me or for coworkers.
-talk for the love of god, talk! If it’s a group interview, we want to see how involved you are. If it’s one on one, I want to learn about you!
-dress for success! even the most casual of jobs do not want you to show up in a tank top and shorts. You are here for a job not for a party 😭
Okay I think that’s all I need to rant about. There may be more when we hire again and the torture begins again.
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abditoriee · 9 months
this is lowkey so late and very rushed but i promise did do it so here’s the Mamma mia! scene from amazing @cordelia---rose fic “august”, i’ll try to link it pls read
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will shows nico the beauty of meryl streep and amanda seyfried in one movie !!
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I'm from a slightly different part of the world, so I'm a little confused: how will Taylor's story help the situation (because I see how celebrities post and?..nothing changes as I see)? I just stop listening to artists with a political position that is alien to me, why don’t you do the same?
Let me lay it out plain and simple for you:
Using your platform as a tool for activism -> donations to victims of oppression -> aid means relief (e.g. people can now eat and not starve for a little while at least. Some people consider this to be important.)
Here is a recent example:
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Please, please, please for the love of God do some reading. Do some research. It’s so easy. I use a really great website called Google. You should try it.
If you genuinely cared about gaining knowledge on this issue, you would’ve done that by now. Unfortunately, there’s not much I can do for you.
Please resign yourself to moral apathy away from my blog. I’m busy participating in an important movement.
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Also, yes, I don’t listen to artists who don’t care about human rights. In her documentary, Miss Americana, Taylor participates in activism and declares that she “wants to be on the right side of history.” As you can see from my previous posts, I’m wondering if she still cares about this. It’s an internal conflict that I am dealing with right now.
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