For all the swifties who keep defending Taylor’s silence, this is why it’s important that celebrities use their platform
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this pride month i pray for free and safe Palestine for all my fellow queer Palestinians and for everyone
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Genocide Joe Biden gets the piñata treatment in solidarity with Palestine, in Mexico City
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I can't believe there was ever a time where I defended taylor against people who called her lover era activism performative. At the time it seemed genuine. But it's so glaringly obvious that it was only to get people back on her side. She's been silent ever since then, like when LGBT rights were being stripped all across the US and she was silent—but during lover, she was dressing herself in rainbow colours and being sooooo loud about her allyship.
I know it may sound silly and ironic to expect better from a billionaire, but i really did. As a POC fan I'm continually disappointed in her. I have such a deep love and connection to her music and I can't imagine a world where I don't listen to her. I'm seeing her on tour. She's saved me in so many ways but I'm so torn and so conflicted because I can't ignore her silence and her associating with racists and zionists. I keep asking myself, what does it say about me if I continue to be a fan of her?
Anon, I feel you 100%. As fans from minority backgrounds, how can we not be disappointed?
I wanted so badly for her activism to genuine but it was turned into an era. I’m feeling personally conflicted these days about listening to her music.
Even on the first day of pride month, she has chosen to release another two variants of TTPD. I used to defend her against people who would call “money hungry” but she has proven time and time again that she’s a shallow billionaire.
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is taylor scared of what might happen if she supports palestine or does she just not care? because i can't think of any other reason for her silence than those two.
but i don't get what there is to be scared of! an artist of her stature won't be hurt even if all her sponsors cut ties as a result of her speaking out. she's a billionaire and the biggest artist in the world, for god's sake.
so i really don't get it! i don't want to believe she doesn't care, but every single passing second of her silence makes me more and more upset.
as someone who once called herself "miss americana", she should have already been raising awareness.
we need to keep this up. we need to keep urging her to raise awareness. i just wish there was some way for swifties to tell her what she should do to her face, in real life.
“Is she scared or does she simply not care?”
When I think about these questions, I refer to her history.
The first time she broke her silence to stand for what’s right was in 2019. Famously, this was a period of time when she was sinking into irrelevance. When her fans talk about the Lover era, they say it was like Taylor was “one flop away from a Katy Perry LAS Vegas residency”.
It makes sense that she broke her silence at a time when she didn’t have much to lose and in fact, needed a rebrand to stay relevant.
Now, she’s at the peak of her career and no longer needs to have positive marketing from activism. In fact, she benefits from being silent. She profits off of seeming like she appeals to everyone.
When we think about why Taylor doesn’t speak out, it’s useful to analyse her past patterns of behaviour.
Taylor loves money and she loves fame. She has even admitted to being a narcissist.
It makes sense that she doesn’t care about children being burned alive. As long as it doesn’t effect her bottom line, she will stay silent.
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Hello, anon who struggles with finding a sense to life here again (I'm just gonna say 🌹 anon, call me 🌹). Thank you for the sweet message/answer first of all :c it really means a lot.
I have been feeling so burnt out lately. School has been pushing me to my limits, I have been trying to always advocate for Palestine and stay very vocal (since October ofc) and there have been so many private issues as well. Everything has been so stressful that simple actions started to feel meaningless. And now the exhaustion is coming.
My migraines act up, my stomach hurts and my skin is acting up as well by being dry and itching (I have a skin condition which is chronic). Everything is awful lately. I'm becoming tired of staying alive because I can't take a break because people in Palestine don't get a break either so I keep pushing myself silently wishing it makes me collapse so violently and knocks me out
I completely understand beautiful anon.
I’m sorry you’re going through this and I want to remind you that it’s ok to feel sad. You don’t have to feel guilty about it. I can’t imagine what it would be like to have a chronic skin condition.
I know you’re here to vent and not ask for advice but I really want to encourage you to reach out to me and speak to me whenever you need. I know it seems simple but speaking or writing out your thoughts can help.
Migraines are the worst. Do you think you drink enough water? How are your vitamin levels? I’ve recently been trying to take daily vitamins and I think it’s helping a bit.
Thank you for taking the time to share your concerns. I am here for you <3
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We made it! Together, we have raised over $13,000 for medical aid for Palestinians.
Well done to all of the Swifties for Palestine. Never let anyone tell you that collective action isn’t important.
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Hey everyone, it’s not ethnic cleaning, it’s merely a change in “land use”
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STAY SAFE!! [ID: the Gilbert Baker pride flag with the words “Happy pride to all those who are unable to celebrate openly and safely. You are loved and seen!” in all-caps black text over it. /end ID]
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In 2019/2020, when Taylor Swift was at a low point her career (e.g. she didn’t get a number 1 off her Lover album), she decided to pursue activism.
Now, she’s at the peak of her career again and has chosen to remain silent on the issues she once claimed she cared about.
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Taylor Swift has gone out of her way to avoid Pro-Palestine comments by not posting on Twitter for the first time.
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For the first time, Taylor Swift chose to not post on Twitter where her comments are turned on and where #swiftiesforpalestine has been trending.
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everyone saying "art doesn't need to be perfect" hasn't taken into account the art monster, the monster that comes and kills you if art doesn't look exactly like it did in your head
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For the first time, Taylor Swift chose to not post on Twitter where her comments are turned on and where #swiftiesforpalestine has been trending.
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I’m tired with people saying that the blackout won’t work. Paramore, Charli XCX, and Ariana Grande (the former two who haven’t talked about Palestine the latter who only signed the petition) are making post and rasing funds for Palestine.
More celebrities need to speak up, including and especially Taylor.
So many of her dancers and her friends are Pro Palestine so she can’t possibly not know what’s going on in this world.
Yes I completely agree anon.
There are so many people who will complain and whine about the good work that activists do while they themselves sit on a comfy couch at home.
Do not listen to these arm-chair grumblers. Focus on the good that you’re accomplishing through collective action. This is what counts.
Secondly, Taylor and all of these other celebrities definitely know what’s going on. They just don’t care. That is why putting pressure on them is important.
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Hello! Hope you're having a good day.
I am sorry but I really needed to tell someone about this. So after months of not using Instagram, I logged on today and posted only a story about the fundraisers for Gaza. That's all I did, and my mother saw the story and told me to not get "political" on my Instagram and said I'm not mature enough yet regarding this. She said that I should "observe" both sides. And I was speechless because I never thought my mother would even say something like that. What's political about sharing a fundraiser?
I am so sorry if I'm being annoying or something but I am so sad that my mother would say something like this.
Please don’t apologise anon. You can always vent here.
I understand that this would make you feel dismayed. I have experienced similar things with my own family too. If it’s any consolation, please know that you are not alone. I was with two of my Jewish friends yesterday and they have also really had to undergo family conflict because they are anti-Zionist. We’re all going through it so please know that I have so much compassion and admiration for you 💜
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