kaalbela · 6 months
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Tatreez (Arabic: تطريز) is a type of traditional Palestinian embroidery. Tatreez uses traditional cross-stitch embroidery and is practiced largely among women. The craft was originally practiced in rural areas of Palestine, but is now common across the Palestinian diaspora. Historically, each village in Palestine had their own tatreez patterns. The landscape was a major source of inspiration for the patterns and motifs, which speaks to the variation in style that was common to see among all of the different tatreez expressions that were particular to each Palestinian village.
After the violent displacement and dispossession of Palestinians in 1948, people were living together in refugee camps. The different styles of tatreez became less distinct and have continued to evolve with the diaspora. Following 1948, tatreez evolved to reflect the experiences of Palestinians. Palestinian women began to incorporate the Palestinian flag and its colors into their tatreez as a means of resistance to the occupation of Palestine. Consequently, tatreez became an expression of the identity, heritage and resistance of Palestinian women and their dedication to preserve their ancient culture.
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 | textile series
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bugkeeping · 11 months
giant leaf katydid (Steirodon sp.) cleaning her antenna :)
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namsoek · 1 year
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hope world meets cole world
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coolthingsguyslike · 2 months
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super-oddity · 9 months
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adgp35 · 26 days
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OTS Conversation
Samantha Spade, secret services operative with the DIA, has a one-way conversation with the guard she has just kayoed as he lies slumped over the formidable woman’s shoulder.
Artist unknown by me, but they post on Deviant Art; caption mine.
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myluckyerror · 9 months
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Madhubala and Shammi Kapoor on the sets
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myobsessionsspace · 19 days
‘On The Street’
Source: BTS on TT
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choke2sleep · 1 year
Sleep……ssleeeep. Charles Mason puts “Bounty Hunter” Bryan Keith to sleep and then Carlos Ramirez carries the sleeping “Bounty Hunter” back stage.
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yukiusagigames · 1 year
一之瀬 剛さん( GoIchinose )が手掛けるCrystariseのBGMを期間限定でYUKIUSAGI Gamesの公式YouTubeで配信していきます。 2曲目はフィールドで流れる「大地のきらめき」 是非聴いてみてください!
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kaalbela · 10 months
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Gertrude Vanderbilt Whitney, sculptor and founder of Whitney Museum of American Art, New York. Photographed by Robert Henri, 9 January 1925.
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namsoek · 1 year
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hope on the street
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pegasus-viagens · 10 months
Explorando o mundo em tons únicos de Ots, em Campinas
Com certeza, em algum momento, você já se deparou com ilusões de ótica que nos fazem questionar aquilo que percebemos e entendemos como "realidade". Agora pense como seria se só você visse o mundo pelas lentes da ilusão de ótica permanentemente. Perceber as coisas de uma maneira diferente dos outros geraria vários desafios cotidianos e outros bem mais complexos. E é nesse contexto, enxergando de uma forma única, que Tiago Almeida Barreto, também conhecido como Ots, fez grafites que podem ser apreciadas por todos.
Ao contrário do que muitos pensam, ver alguns tons a menos não faz o grafiteiro gostar menos das cores ou não ter vontade de usá-las para expressar sua arte, que apresentam várias tonalidades e dão vida aos muros de Campinas (SP), mostrando a sua visão única do mundo.
Além dos trabalhos espalhados pela área urbana da cidade, a Galeria Urban Arts também foi seu espaço para brilhar. A exposição de quadros "Só de passagem", em 2017, possui análises interplanetárias inspiradas em elementos e cores cósmicas.
Enquanto descobrimos os mais diversos lugares do mundo, as obras de Thiago Barreto nos fazem perceber que cores são muito mais que apenas pigmentos e que a arte vai muito além de um desenho, é expressão e movimento. Fica o convite, aos observadores atentos, que procurem pelas obras desse artista pela grande cidade de Campinas, e nelas busquem experimentar ampliar os horizontes para enriquecer suas histórias, se permitindo filosofar sob a perspectiva de uma outra paleta de cores.
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bumbleblues · 8 months
[1/4] Hello! I've been following your Isekai Chisaki story for a while now and I really love it. I was re-reading it yesterday (I always re-read my favorite works again, don't judge me) and you could say that I fell in love with your work again. I couldn't find if you had clarified this anywhere (if so, I apologize for being annoying) but I wanted to know what your position is on someone making their own work based on yours (giving you credit, of course).
First of all, please don't worry. I'm not bothered by your message(s), rather the opposite! I dare say I'm a bit flustered. Flattered. Flatustered? Eh. I think you know what I mean. ^^
To answer your question: Yes, you are absolutely allowed to take inspiration from my work. I'm looking forward to reading what you come up with! :)
(Now that I think about it, I probably should update OtS sometime soon too... it's been about a year now, oof.) Anyway, I hope you have fun in the fandom! I'm excited for what kind of spin you take on it. Best wishes, Bumbleblues
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stroebe2 · 1 year
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Más Allá de la Ciencia - N°099 - The Order of the Solar Temple (1997)
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icon8-1 · 9 months
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If you like what you see of my work here, you'll probably love my Patreon.  I post new material there every week, and there are thousands of images to be seen.  Check it out!
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