#my brain is fried
uredrunk · 8 days
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99griffon · 3 months
Don't try to come 'round here spreading sentiments of cheer You told your last white lie, everything is not alright You hope, you pray, you love the light of day But there's no one up there listening tonight
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So this is that female rage I keep hearing about, huh? Somebody better come get this bitch before she commits a war crime
literally slammed this shit out at midnight for @asleepyy instead of working on commissions
One of my classic "just a doodle" moments... I'm gonna go pass out -- the song is Blood of Angels by Brown Bird
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s0apmactav1sh · 3 months
More knight!reader and king!price since Im sick atm so this is very self indulgant.
Cw: fluff and smut.
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Thinking about the days where price gets sick, coming down with a cold, his nose blocked, throat completely dry, constant coughs he seems to be having and of course the headaches he just cant seem to shake. Theres not a single word spoken about the king being sick as it would only cause havoc within the kingdom as most would be worried about their poor kings health and wanting to bring gifts in hopes that he got better. But then theres you. His devoted knight and his lover laying underneath him allowing him to take your warmth from you since he's 'freezing' as he's told you.
Of course you dont believe that he is, since he ran up a temperature of 39.7° and he was hot to the touch but you would indulge in his little lies since he seemed so happy to be laying on your bare chest. The castle servents and guards however go about their days not coming near the kings chambers since he specifically requested that no one disturb him as he rested up and gained his strength back.
King!Price just expects you to dote on him, to make him feel small even though your not that much taller than him and by order of your king you do. Giving him loving kisses on the top of his head, rubbing his back soothingly when he complains of an ache there, holding a cold towel over his forehead to help with his temperature and helping him undress when he gives out again about being to warm now.
He cant be the only one naked, that be madness so like the obediant knight you are you undress after him and go back to laying as you once were only now the both of you are naked. And so after a few minute of mindless cuddling price starts fidgeting and twisting and turning saying hes only trying to get comfortable even though you can feel him subtlely grinding against your softened cock. But as a knight your not easily seduced. Even if it is your king whos trying to tempt you to bed him.
You who just does have it in you to let him grind against you, using your strenght to flip him onto his bath while hovering over him, the veins in your arms practically bulging out and price is drooling at the sight. His own cock was hard and dribbling a pathetic amount of precum just at the sight of you above him. And who are you to deny the whimpery little 'please' he lets out. Just like that his legs are thrown over your shoulders and your face is buried between his cheeks as you eat him out, using one hand to keep his hips steady and the other to finger his hole open to take your cock.
And by the time you deem him ready he's already finished his second orgams all because of your fingers pressing against his prostate and the way you so expertly ate him out like a man starved. But even with all the stretching he still feels like he's beinf split open of your cock. Each inch going into him having him whining and moaning for more. And once your finally fully inside of him its price who starts trying to move so soon which has you gripping his waist with a bruising grip he'd think you were about to weld him like you would your sword.
Prices hands are moved to your shoulders, his legs wrapped around your waist as you pound him into the soft mattress below you both. Each thrust sending mindblowing pleasure through him and you, his hole constantly clenching tighter around you as you do. His moans are nearly echoed off the walls with how loud he's gotten and you almost feel bad on the poor souls who do unfortunately pass by the room because hes just being so mouthy, begging and pleading for what your already giving him. Mindblowing pleasure. You dont think of your own pleasure just making him orgams as many time as he needs until he is shaking from any form of stimulation to his lower parts.
He's almost disappointed that you never came a small pout on his face even as you so graciously pull out and go draw him a bath adding in his expensive bath salts he likes so much. Even as you pick him up and bring him to the bath placing him so gently into the water before getting in behind him to wash him off. You even deny his offer of a handjob or a blowjob that he wants to give a thanks. But no, you clean off his chest and stomach from the semen he splattered all over himself massging any aread where it may be sore. You even help him get dressed, choosing more soft things for him to wear. And if it wasnt enough that you did all that you even changed the sheets on the bed so he wouldnt have to sleep in dirty ones.
Amd even after all that you still got in beside him to cuddle him once again mumbling out a small reason as to why your not deserving of pleasure because of the blood on your hands the thousands of lives youve taken all to protect the kingdom. He nearly gets out a word but the way your hands are making small circles on his back have him dozing off before he can convince you that you are deserving of pleasure. You dont sleep that night still watching over him like a gaurd should be able to do.
A knight like you would never know the word pleasure nor the word pain because you had lost to much and gained so little that they no longer mattered.
I dunno what this is either but yh count it as fluff count it as angst count it as whatever you want but yh this is mostly just something i wrote bc im sick and prolly wont write for a few days till im better. Sorry for the misspelt words but just ignore them anyways enjoy :)
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octomyth · 4 months
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Don’t ask why, but I made a funny little comic with my little Trollsona just cause
Ft. @bulliestrolls, @aethiriarts, and @ohposhers
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santaricotta · 11 days
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Another draw your OTP ’cause they’re really fun to do lol
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the---hermit · 9 days
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Today was quite productive and chaotic but I am satisfied with my day. I had some last minute change of plans, but that's okay. I managed to finish rereading the Paradise Lost passages I have to study, I re-annotated them, and I started the same process with Richard II. Tomorrow the goal is to finish rewriting the annotations on Richard II and maybe start rereading it. I also emailed my history professor to ask if the idea I have for my paper is any good, and if she has suggestions for me. Finally I did some practical planning for my exams, writing down dates for when to book a place in the exam, and so on. My brain definitely needs a break because it feels so cluttered right now, but thankfully I have podcasts to help me deal with the horrors of life.
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notdelusionalatall · 1 month
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Especially for the last part LMAOOO
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blu3haw4 · 3 months
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For this Clexaweek, I'll try to write for last year themes as I make y way updating my WIP's. So here it is, For day one: Childhood Friends, an update and final chapter to this one.
Here's a summary:
Lexa, the future Queen of the Kongeda and Clarke, daughter of one of the biggest noble families of Polis, have been best friends since they're kids. As they grow up they start considering their feeling for each other, but the world and time were they live in is not on their favor. Chapter two is full of different moments of their lives, as they navigate to their happy ending.
Thank you for the amazing moodboard to @thecrimsonknight
Happy March third kru! Merry Clexaweek 💖
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lonksadventures · 2 years
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The great witch Shelby and her little froggy helper!
I tried to make it look like the mangrove roots were kinda overtaking her because the swamp be like that sometimes and also dryad Shubble-
It was so hard not to use the same colours as the wolf spirit aaaaaaa
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ryan-waddell11 · 11 months
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idk it feels like the same picture to me
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s0apmactav1sh · 2 months
Its been a hot minute friends. I am currently going through a shitty ass time but here have me waffling about my fic im trying to write.
(This isnt an update, i just need to qrite something before i disappear for a bit over shit thats happening)
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Crawler, the nickname given to you by the 141 after they got used to you casually crawling around the ceiling so it just came naturally to them to start teasing you with the nickname whenever the found you having a fit and giving out about the recruits while sitting upside down on the roof.
"Ya alright there crawler?" With how usually it was to find you in the prediment you were in right now it was no secret you didnt like the recruits you dealt with on the daily "No! How do they even survive on missions. My gods-" Cue Gaz listening for an entire hour as you ramble on about every mistake made by each individule recruit, names given and all. Once you stop your out of breathe and glaring at gaz because of the stupid grin hes been giving you. "What are you smiling at?" "You."
Spiderman kisses. No matter what no matter where. Could be in a random hallway, an office the debriefing room or any of there rooms at this point with how much time you spend with them. Soaps always the one looking for them no matter if you agrue that your nothing like a spider and he is being silly. But still you give in to the puppy eyes the werewolf man gives you. Your quite the sucker for them.
"No way am I hanging upside down because you want a kiss!" The way soaps ears droop and his tail lessens in wagging has you feeling guilty but what truly sticks it to you is the puppy dog eyes he now has to try convince you. Lips so prettily pouted and everything and who are you to deny that face. Even if you huff and groan as you geting yourself situated and crouched on the ceiling. So he can kiss you like in the spiderman movies. And as soon as its over Soaps rushing off to gaz to bloat over what you did.
Ghost somehow being the one to discover the ear bursting screech you let out when anyones hand even remotely brushes off your tail. He didnt even mean to purposely do it and the wraith was so thankful he was already dead bc the screech you had let out when his fingers lightly touched off the tip was enough to have him wincing and covering his ears to protect them.
It was a pure accident. He didnt even realise he had come in contact with your tail until you let out a horrifyingly loud screech that had him covering his ears. "Jesus. What on gods green earth was that. Are you some sort of banshee aswell." Before he can even get an answer out of you, your gone having bolted for the door as soon as that sound left your lips. What an awkward interaction that leaves you both walking on eggshells around each other.
Price deciding with all the time youve been around and the fact that his boys seem to trust you he adds you to his horde. But in a way that you dont realise that you apart of it. It starts off with him patting your back after missions amd saying goodjob, even if you were just look out. Then it moves on to him giving you random things, youve been eyeing up a new pair of gloves? Hes bought them and left them outside your door the next morning before you woke up. Its not until he leaves one of his scales on top of your desk that your realise what was happen but still you kinda oblivious so you just pocket the scale and run your fingers over it for good luck before every mission.
Ever since the others had become more comfortable and accepting with you on the team Price had bene thinking of making you a part of his horde. You'd be just like his boys, the centerpiece the thing he cared about the most. So whenever he saw your dule eyes light up at the sight of new gloves or a weapon he knew the way of winning you over was sneakily gifting you little presents. Without your gruad up so much it was easier to tell that you were a bit oblivious. Certain signs and things not processing in your mind. So when he leaves the scale down hes not sure if youll even see it but sure enough he manages to walk past your room, stopping when he see you slip the scale into the pocket of your gear before walking away with a goofy smile on his face. You may not know that your now his, but hey you will soon enough when the rest of the boys give you something of significance to them.
Silly rambles. Ok ima go take my meds and cry myself to sleep I might bring back king!price at like 4 am tonight.
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ree-duh · 1 month
Just in guys only white people can be autistic apparently
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tafferling · 2 months
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I want to spin him around until he's so dizzy he has to drape himself over me.
Unfortunately, I can't spin him.
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tim-lucy · 2 years
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chenford + getting figuratively and literally closer through the seasons
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joshbruh10x · 4 months
research midterms < Fazboys
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I cannot stress you enough how much last week killed me no joke. Anyways Fazcule bois in suits and are flirting bc gay
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