#mind power
mrs-trophy-wife · 7 months
The Creator is your own wonderful human Imagination. That is God.
—Neville Goddard
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danskjavlarna · 9 months
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Archival advertisements reveal the trends of their time: here’s my collection of vintage ads.
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moonlitvixen09 · 4 months
Begin to realize that the world you live in is determined largely by what goes on in your mind. Marcus Aurelius, the great Roman philosopher and sage, said, "A man's life is what his thoughts make of it." Emerson, America's foremost philosopher, said, "A man is what he thinks all day long." The thoughts you habitually entertain in your mind have the tendency to actualize themselves in physical conditions. Make certain you do not indulge in negative thoughts, defeatist thoughts, or unkind, depressing thoughts. Recall frequently to your mind that you can experience nothing outside your own mentality.
The Power of Your Subconscious Mind - Joseph Murphy
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w-i-m-m · 10 months
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bunnyamyrose · 7 months
my name is Amy
I want life to be magical, fun, exciting, adventurous, and prosperous
I want to feel love, happiness, peace, connection, contentment, fulfillment, and freedom
I am connected to existence, and existence is connected to me
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v0e · 7 months
How do you feel about Light Yagami and L from Death Note having their periods sync up??
I think he needs to stop dreaming about gay sex and whoring himself to the neo world order and should start working on growing his power skull mind control so he can begin his qonquest of rome
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What is Meditation and its true benefits?
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Mention the word Meditation, the mind produces an image of a person sitting in an asana.
Rhythmic chanting of some mantra or in other words, repeating a particular set of words, continuously.
Agreed, that it is one form of meditation. Simply one form of meditation. However, meditation as a process and experience is way-beyond this stereotype image your mind is programmed to believe!
Then, what truly is meditation?
In a single word, it translates into Awareness. Herein, we are not pointing exclusively towards the direction of certain paranormal, psychic, universal, spiritual awareness, etc. However, these are phenomenon which one indulges into after mastering the basics.
Thereby, shall we conclude that in basic terms Meditation simply means Awareness? By all means, it does!
Awareness about WHAT!?
Positively the correct question, Awareness about WHAT!?
The Answer surprisingly, is once again very simple about Everything, Anything, Or, (possibly) Nothing. Be assured the word order is absolutely intentional.
Modern day living’s key mantra resides in being aware of Everything. The stock markets, the social platforms, the news, the celebrities, etc. Add to that the adage Know something about everything, but do know everything about something. Yes, correctly identified the last sentence was positively pointing towards the maestros in a certain Area of Expertise.
However, the last but-not-the-least word NOTHING is what ultimately every meditator wishes to achieve. Notice the fact that word choice herein might have been aims to achieve. However, the words read wishes to achieve. We shall reason why this question was specifically posed for the word (choice) nothing? Because, nothing-ness is the sure-shot superhighway to Awareness and results into Spiritual wisdom.
Nothing-ness – How to achieve that?
In corporate or every other environment, we witness the phrase, Get Lost!
To experience nothing-ness, POSITIVELY Get Lost!  By no standards-of-the world we shall Get Lost. However, therein lies meditation as well. How?
Get Lost for a moment on the path you are walking upon.
Get Lost and take a moment to let THAT grass touch your feet that you are destroying with your shoes. That’s a living being and we kill it with our shoes. Allergy? That may be a different issue, but then DO THINK nature is the provider. Why shall it hurt you?
Get Lost for a moment close your eyes and become a part of the chirping of the birds. However, word of caution, kindly Only-and-Only Chirp if you have the voice chords that are Musical.
And numerous more examples where we all shall Get Lost is agreed, however how it even justifies the title?
Awareness is equivalent to meditation, is what was discussed herein. Answer lies in getting lost into THE MOMENT. And, be assured that is meditation.
No offence to the electronic devices. Remember, the TV is called an Idiot Box. Remember, today the smartphone is a phone, a camera, a TV, etc. all rolled-into-one. Think! What shall the smartphone be termed as?
The tile reads benefits of meditation. Nonetheless, that herein is equated with awareness.
Get Lost be AWARE and you are Meditating!
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healthtacher · 1 month
Unleashing My Inner Entrepreneur: A Review of Billionaire Brain Wave
For years, I'd dreamt of running my own successful business. I devoured self-help books and podcasts, but the information often felt scattered or overly theoretical. Then, I stumbled upon Billionaire Brain Wave, a digital program promising to unlock the mindset of an eight-figure earner. Skeptical at first, I decided to give it a go, and let me tell you, it's been a game-changer.
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Actionable Strategies, Not Empty Promises
Unlike many self-improvement resources, Billionaire Brain Wave isn't filled with empty platitudes. The core of the program is a video sales letter (VSL) presented by a seasoned eight-figure marketer. This individual's proven track record immediately instilled confidence in the program's methods. The VSL delves into practical, actionable strategies I could implement right away. From crafting a compelling sales funnel to mastering productivity techniques, the program provided a clear roadmap to success.
Sharpening My Mental Edge
Billionaire Brain Wave goes beyond just business tactics. It dives deep into the psychology of success. The program explores mind optimization techniques that have helped me develop laser focus and unwavering determination. Learning how to manage my limiting beliefs and cultivate a growth mindset has been particularly empowering. These mental tools have not only bolstered my entrepreneurial spirit but have also spilled over into other aspects of my life.
A Wealth of Bonus Content
The core VSL is just the tip of the iceberg. Billionaire Brain Wave comes packed with valuable bonus content. I received in-depth guides that provided a deeper understanding of key concepts. The additional video modules offered advanced strategies for specific business challenges. These extras felt like getting an entire library of resources at my fingertips, all designed to fuel my entrepreneurial journey.
Results That Speak for Themselves
Since starting Billionaire Brain Wave, I've noticed a significant shift in my approach to business. I'm no longer overwhelmed by the "what-ifs" but am laser-focused on taking action. I've implemented several of the program's marketing strategies, and I'm already seeing a positive impact on my fledgling business. More importantly, I feel equipped with the mindset and tools to navigate the inevitable challenges that come with entrepreneurship.
If you're serious about achieving financial success and building a thriving business, Billionaire Brain Wave is an investment worth considering. It's not a magic bullet, but it provides a clear roadmap, actionable strategies, and the mental fortitude needed to turn your dreams into reality.
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natasa-pantovic · 1 month
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“Have you noticed that within the thinking process, a thought weaves into another thought, seeking the...” Nataša Pantović, Mindful Being Course
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Mindful Being towards Mindful Living, AoL #4 is a 12 module self-development course with 100s of Personal Development Tools that combine self growth tools of both Western and Eastern philosophers.
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mitleiden · 3 months
Decided to join forces with the 'manifestation' community After read many posts from many bloggers addressing the topic on how to manifest what you really want for you, I decided to add my thoughts in the hope to help the people interested in jump off the boat of a live imposed since the childhood to many of us. Of course it is not our parents fault since they were raised in the same limited way of thinking as their own parents before. Time to break the link my dears :) You may note that I I bolded some words like decide. This key word will let you get in the world you want for you so be careful on what you decide to be. And that is all the secret of the thing: to decide what you really want to be, the rest is aggregated, which means that if you decide to be rich, you will be able to buy chips and fries the time you want without even think about it :) Or you decided to be so smart to become the next Nobel prize in Physics for your work on subatomic particles. Or whatever you want to achieve just decide to be that, forget about anything else, no faith needed, no visualizations, no nothing. Just get off the bus and relax for a second or two and feel that you already are what you want to be. Once done this simple step you made it. Congratulations, you are now part of the miracle makers of this planet and with some luck, many more will follow you in the path you choose to be happy. Of course this is a condensed narrative of one more extended, long ago started and originated from the concept of personal evolution of a simple human being trapped in a weird world, transforming into an awakened individual that sensed the possibilities the universe extends to those who are willing to try to be conscious.
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mentagenesis · 10 months
Soul Abilities Rediscovered.
by Daniel Wolfert. For a long time I’ve been convinced that materialistic rationalism has robbed us of abilities that are innate and quite natural to us as humans. During the 18th and 19th centuries cultures that had adopted materialistic and rationalistic thinking came into contact with what they considered to be primitive cultures and dismissed their beliefs as mere superstition. Ironically,…
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mrs-trophy-wife · 2 months
God does not ask you to consider the means,but to define the end and dwell on it.
—Neville Goddard
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danskjavlarna · 2 years
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starseedpsychics · 5 months
A Deep Dive into Human Interaction
Spiritwalker Shikata’s “The Art Of Reading People” In the realm of spiritual growth and psychic development, understanding human interaction is a crucial skill. Spiritwalker Shikata, a renowned figure at Starseed Psychics, has penned a new book titled “The Art Of Reading People” that serves as a comprehensive guide in this field. Unveiling the Art of Reading People Spirit’s book is not just…
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yamnbananas · 7 months
Gimme some Flute
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bunnyamyrose · 5 months
✨💖💫 Seeking, Searching, & Beingness 💫💖✨
it is “ego” that keeps seeking to understand, “ego” that keeps searching for answers, messages, information, reassurance, stimulation, fulfillment. in beingness can be “no unfulfillment”, “no lack”, “no separation”. in beingness, there IS. in beingness IS everything. rest in beingness and “the now”. we don’t even have to “focus” on “trying”. just rest and be, let it go. rest in that connection to allness, to oneness, to connectedness, to beingness. in beingness IS already “the answers” and at the same time “no need for answers”. “let” yourself stop and rest from seeking and searching, even “just for now”. “let” yourself BE. BEING is what you ARE, so “let” yourself BE what you ARE.
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