#martini rants
martiniluvr · 2 months
zack snyder looked at this man
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and said “what if we made him so miserable and tortured and angry” and everyone at dc just agreed.
sleep with one eye open mr snyder. I’m coming for you. for all your crimes.
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mihaelkeehl · 3 months
seeing so much MattMello hate when there’s like five MattMello fans total quietly creating content. besties this fandom is dying we could be friends with each other and create content for what we enjoy
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ziracona · 2 years
Double Indemnity is so good like the first time you get the mystery and tension and “Oh my god how will this turn out,” and the second time you get to watch it knowing Walter Neff got shot and instead of fleeing the cops or going to a GD hospital, he drove 90 to work like an insane person and spent the next two hours bleeding out while recording an explanation-apology-confession to his beloved Barton Keyes.
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lower-east-side · 1 year
This is not a martini. This is chilled vodka served up with a twist. You can enjoy chilled vodka served up with a twist! That’s fine! You should drink whatever you want! But a martini is a cocktail. 
Now, you can argue perhaps that martini has become a way of drinking, as seen in something like an ‘espresso martini’ which contains no vermouth but is served in a martini glass. Language does change. But that example is still a cocktail, not just chilled espresso served up. There are ingredients.* Call it whatever you want in your own house (and playing around with barware on your own time is so fun, please do it.) However...
When things like this become popular I wait for them to trickle down and someone to order one from me. Usually I don’t care - I loved when sbagliatos had their day for example, that’s a glorious drink (and a nice upcharge 😎). But if you come to me in my dive bar arcade, fail to read the room, and order a ‘naked vodka martini’ as I am seeing this called you are going to be in for a shock, because I don’t have martini glasses. I don’t even have glass glasses! You are getting a chilled (and therefore diluted) double shot of Titos in a Pizza Hut cup, my friend, and you are paying 16 dollars for it. Enjoy.
*(The lemon doesn’t count, and she swipes the pith not the peel, terrible form.)
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cladnplaid · 2 years
*clenches fists* Why are movies... so much more different than the books they are adapted from?
#films#books#im talking about in particular#the shining#because thats what i just read/watched and i need to rant for a sec#besties. i just speant the last week reading The Shining. I couldn't put it down!#I have never seen the film or read the book so I was going in blind#Book was fantastic! A very tragic story but it has a theme#layered characters#interesting plot elements#and some extremely creepy horror imagery that will always linger in the back of my brain whenever i see#a wasps nest or razor blades or croquette (rouque) mallets😬#or the dread i will get in my gut when i need to take an excedrin for a headache or when i see a martini (good thing i hate olives)#But the film was just... heartless#It wasn't telling a story#it was just... there to creepify you#with its brilliant cinematography paired with the fantastic score#that was made to jump scare you more than the actual horror imagery#and to make you feel a constant state of unease#But it lacks empathy#There's no moral of the story#no real plot or reason as to why things are happening#all the characters were just paper thin horror movie stereotypes#and the ending was so unfulfilling I laughed when the credits rolled so abruptly saying 'that's it?!'#Fam I could write an essay on this subject#And don't even get me STARTED are the ridiculousness of the behind the scenes#because that will make my blood pressure go up#My poor mother who had to listen to me rant about the book and its sequel for ten minutes today🤣#rambles#just watched
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wemhall · 2 years
An Old Man Rant - Martinis
An Old Man Rant – Martinis
Things that belong in martinis: Gin (or vodka), vermouth, maybe a dash of orange bitters or splash of olive juice, and either a lemon peel or olives. Things that don’t belong in martinis: MSG, pasta water, garlic powder, fish sauce or “Filipino sugar cane vinegar.” Yes, this blog is an Old Man Rant. Dave, a friend of mine, recently gave me the October ‘22 issue of Food & Wine magazine. I was…
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rebelliousstories · 27 days
Ex Lover’s Lover
Relationship: Cooper Howard x Reader
Fandom: Fallout
Request: No
Warnings: Fluff, Brief Angst, Strong Language, Suggestive Themes
Word Count: 2,093
Main Masterlist: Here
Fallout Masterlist: Here
Part Two: My Baby Shot Me Down
Summary: Cooper Howard gets introduced to a new up and coming actress after his divorce is finalized. What happens when Barb finds out that Janey has been spending time with the two of them?
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The sound of giggles and laughter filled the beautiful California ranch home. It was a sound that had almost never existed there again, but that all changed. Two adults were running around their dinning room in just their bathing suits because someone decided to tickle the other one.
“You ain’t gettin’ me, Coop! Not gonna happen!” The sweet accented voice rang through.
“Oh yes I am, darling.” He replied, darting around the table just in time to catch the woman. Wrapping his arms around her, Cooper began to drag her back outside to make use of their hot tub. She giggled the entire way back, and laughed when Cooper picked her up in a bridal hold to set her in the warm water. There was a tray of drinks waiting for them from before they had gotten side tracked.
“Now that we aren’t goin’ to be distracted any longer,” he groaned as he slipped into the warm water. “Here you are, sweetheart.”
“Thank you, hun. Ugh, this is just what I needed. You have no idea the day I have had.” She took a sip of her martini and relaxed further into the water. Cooper squeezed her thigh underneath the water to prompt her into talking about whatever it was.
“So the new Nuka-Cola ads ran today, and I get it, they want the prettiest image out of the bunch. But the retouching they did afterwards made my lips look twice their size. I look like I have clown lips,” pausing to take a sip, “and when I brought up my concerns to John he said, and I quote, ‘that’s what the people want. They want sex appeal.’ I’m selling a drink, not myself for a few bucks for the hour.” She ended her long rant with another sip of her drink.
“Darlin’ why don’t you find a new manager?” He asked, following her lead with his own martini.
“Cause John is a family friend. If I didn’t use him as my manager, my family would freak out. I’m tryin’ to get them out of the slums in Dallas.” Her voice wavered as she thought about it.
“Well, baby. What do you wanna do about it?” Cooper set down his glass on the ledge and turned his body fully towards his lover.
“I don’t know, Coop. I’m just hopin’ this bullshit dies down before the new movie. I’m just so stressed all the time right now. And I wanna go back to when I was actin’ for the love of it. Not just the love of a paycheck.” Downing the rest of her glass, and eating her olive, her hands were relieved of its glass by Cooper. He maneuvered her from her seat to his lap, and wrapped his arms around her middle.
“Darlin’, you can do whatever the hell you want. If you wanna get back into acting for the love of it, you can. If you wanna change a manager, let your family be mad. You’re gonna take over the world one day. I just hope I’m round to see it.” Howard started to press kisses to any and all skin he could get access to. He was briefly interrupted by her hand hitting his own shoulder, and he began to chuckle.
“Shut it. You’re not that old. You’ll still be around to see me reach your level of stardom.” She teased, pressing her lips against his. Their lips moved against each other as hands began to roam. The couple lost themselves in the moment, and did not pull away for anything. That was, until, someone’s stomach growled loudly.
“You hungry there baby?” Cooper teased, rubbing the front of her bathing suit, right over her stomach.
“You know drinking makes me hungry.” She whined, hitting her lover again when he laughed at her.
“If you think it’s so funny, you can go get food to bring out. How about that?” And she scooted off of Cooper to the bench seat of the hot tub. The man groaned, but made the move to get out of the warm water.
“Alright. What you want, baby?” He asked, wrapping his robe around him to make his way to the house.
“Can you get the cheese board from earlier? That sounds wonderful.” She leaned up to give him a kiss as he passed by, before settling back into the water. Cooper walked into the house and quickly found the board that she had made for an appetizer before their dinner. He was about to leave with the board when the phone rang. Setting the food down, Cooper padded over to the phone, and answered.
“Hello?” He asked, waiting to hear the voice on the other end of the line.
“Coop, hey. It’s me.” It was his ex-wife, Barb, on the phone.
“What do you want, Barb?” As much as he tried to sound indifferent, he was worried it came across as rude.
“Listen, I need you to take Janey. I have a big meeting at work tomorrow morning and my babysitter can’t make it. Please, I really need this favor.”
“It’s a Saturday tomorrow, Barb. What the hell you doin’ that’s so important?” He questioned, leaning against the wall.
“It doesn’t matter. Please, Cooper. Will you come take her for the weekend? You guys can start your week early this way.” She pleaded over the phone. Cooper scrubbed a hand over his face while the other held the phone.
“Alright. Alright, I’ll come get her. Be there soon.” He hung up the phone before she could say another word. With a deep sigh, he opened the door to the backyard and made his way over to the hot tub where his lover looked like she was about to fall asleep.
“Darlin’,” he shook her and watched her slowly come back to the land of the living. “Gotta go pick up Janey. Wanna come with me?”
“Yeah. I’d love to. You know I love that little girl.” She stretched and made her way out of the tub where Cooper waited with her robe. They made quick work of getting dressed and ready for the evening drive. The sun was just about to set when they left their house and got in the car.
It was a little over an hour before they arrived at Barb’s new house where the lights were still on. The entire drive over Cooper kept squeezing her hand, thigh, or really and part he could hold. There was something nerve wracking about seeing Barb knowing what he knew. He was not looking forward to it, but she was the mother of his child; that would never be taken away.
Getting out of the car, Cooper ran around and opened the door for his lover, before grabbing her hand to walk themselves up to the door. He knocked, and waited. The door opened up to the face of his ex-wife. She relaxed upon seeing Cooper, but was shocked to see the woman beside him.
“Hey,” Barb turned back to her ex-husband, “thank you for coming to get her. Come in. She’s just getting her things.” The couple walked inside the luxurious home. Everything in it looked like it was from a magazine.
“Cooper, may I talk to you?” Barb whispered, beginning to drag the man into the kitchen. He turned to his girlfriend, and only went when she nodded. Walking into the kitchen, he placed his hands in his pockets, and waited for her to speak.
“What is she doing here?” She just came out and said it.
“What do you mean?” Cooper responded.
“Don’t give me that, Coop. I thought it was just her imagination, but now I can see that Janey wasn’t lying.” Barb continued, placing her hands on her hips.
“The hell do you mean?” He asked once more.
“What are you doing with a girl young enough to be your daughter?” It was finally out in the open.
“Barb,” Cooper began, “she is a wonderful lady and I’m really happy with her. She’s of legal, consenting age. I didn’t coerce her into anything. She makes me happy and she makes Janey happy.”
“But she is so young. What’s gonna happen when she decides she doesn’t want to be with you anymore and leaves? Then you and Janey are heartbroken.” Her stern words caused Cooper to reel back as if he had been slapped.
“Wow. You really think that she is going to leave me just like that? Because of my age?” He watched as Barb stammered and tried to back pedal on her words. But Cooper just held up a hand, and silenced her.
“Listen, we’ve talked about our age difference. Hell, this is not the first time that I’ve thought about that. But every time I try and bring it up, she’s the one that puts me in my place. We love each other, of course I want her to be around Janey. And they love each other.” Cooper had stunned Barb into silence. The sincerity in his words was shocking to his ex-wife. All she could do was nod without a word as she tried to think. But before she could get another word in, footsteps ran into the kitchen.
“Daddy!” Janey yelled, happily throwing herself at her father.
“Oh, hello sweet pea! You been good for your momma this week?” He pressed a kiss to her cheek as he set her back down. She nodded eagerly, and smiled, which prompted her parents to smile. Another set of footsteps came in the room.
“Sorry, I know y’all were talkin’. But she was so excited to hear daddy was here.” Cooper’s girlfriend had made her way into the kitchen. Neither her nor her lover missed the way Barb’s face screwed up at the mere sight of her. Extending her hand, she introduced and gave her name to the older woman.
“It’s very nice to finally meet you. Janey has told me so much about you.” Barb shook the woman’s hand with a firm grasp.
“Likewise,” she turned to her daughter, “alright. You go have fun with daddy and his friend?”
“She’s not just his friend. Daddy loves Cola like he loved you, mommy.” Her words held an innocence that only a child could have. The three adults looked in between each other with solemn looks.
“Come on, Janey. Let’s let momma and daddy finish their conversation. Can I have the keys, please?” She held out her hands, and offered one to Janey while the other waited for the keys to the car. Cooper handed them over and sent a smile towards his girls as they left.
“At least she’s polite. That seems to be a lost skill for this generation.” Barb commented, tapping her nails against the counter top.
“Yeah she is. Listen, she’s going to be a staple in my life and Janey’s for the foreseeable future. So just try and keep the comments to a minimum. Good luck at your meeting.” And with that, Cooper left his ex-wife’s presence.
When he left the house, he felt like he could breathe again. Letting out a sharp exhale, Howard did not notice his ex-wife watching him from the window with a mournful expression. He opened the car door and smiled at the sound of laughter.
“Now what are we laughing about in here, huh?” He pressed, turning towards his daughter and lover. They shared a look and giggled to themselves once more.
“Nothing. Just laughing about the new advertisement that Janey saved.” She replied, showing Cooper the clipped out image. It was the same one that she had been lamenting over earlier in the hot tub.
“Gotta say darlin’. Clown look is a good look on you.” Everyone laughed at that, and Cooper handed the image back to his daughter before driving out and away, back to his house.
“Can we get ice cream?” Janey piped up after a minute. Cooper looked in the mirror to his daughter, and then over to his lover in the passenger seat.
“Well, I don’t see why not. Whatcha say, Nuka-Cola? Want a Nuka-Cola float?” He teased, squeezing her thigh when she slapped his shoulder.
“Maybe a root beer float. Do you know the chemicals in Nuka-Cola?” She quipped back, holding Cooper’s hand tightly in hers on her lap.
“Alright, well, let’s go get something for y’all’s sweet tooth.” They continued driving, talking, and laughing all the way to the ice cream parlor. And it was there,the Cooper realized that he could find a second chance at love and a family.
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abbyromanoff · 10 months
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PAIRINGS: Spider-Woman!Wanda x reader
WORD COUNT: 1,752 (22 dashes)
WARNINGS: fluff, smut, small pervy!Wanda, mentions of public sex, virgin!Wanda, kinda innocence kink, switch!Wanda, breeding, children, mentions of cheating (no one actually cheated), small angst, somnophillia, masturbation, toys, pegging, anal, blowjobs, handjobs, tying down with webs, cunnilingus, sex in a suit, think that’s all :)
• She doesn’t trust many people, so when you two first met she wasn’t planning on telling you her hidden identity, but once the two of you got closer you accidentally found out when you heard a large bang in your room and found Wanda coming through the window after finally taking her mask off.
• At first, you were shocked, but then it sort of became something you were used to. You were honestly surprised how you didn’t find out sooner seeing as her identity was uncovered nearly five months after you two had started dating.
• I feel like you two met in a bar one night. Wanda isn’t a huge drinker but her friends invited her out, and she went even though she was dreading it. You were bartending there and happened to stumble over to the girl playing with the small straw in her martini and struck up a conversation, getting ready to hear another break-up or cheating story like usual. But she was different, her laugh was so contagious and her smile was glowing.
• That night her friends dragged her away before she could ask for your number so one night after patrol she stopped by, after changing into something more casual of course, and nervously asked for what she came for, and she got it. That night she happily texted you until you both said your goodnights and fell asleep, unaware of the smiles on each other’s faces.
• Wanda wasn’t your first partner, not even your first girlfriend, but you still got butterflies every time she’d stop by your work with flowers during your lunch break or interlace her hand with yours shyly.
• She’s very shy. Some would think she’s innocent, but her thoughts proved that different. Every time she’d see you it would instantly bring a shade of red to her cheeks along with a toothy grin that you adored, even taking to keeping multiple photos of her exactly like this. She saw your lock screen one day and when noticing the embarrassing photo of her smiling larger than ever before, she wanted to crawl into a hole and die. But you loved it, it was the first thing you saw when you woke up and the last thing you’d see before bed.
• After four months together Wanda asked you to move in with her. She did so by innocently asking you to go apartment shopping with her, insisting that she was looking for a new place, leaving out the part where she hoped it would be with you. She had you pick out your favorite one and after a few weeks, she was able to officially ask you while you two were cuddled up watching your show before bed.
• Whenever she was gone for too long or you’d find yourself missing her she’d feel a tremendous guilt at hurting you. She’d come home to see you with dried tears on your face as you finally fell asleep, instantly cuddling you close and reassuring you that she wouldn’t leave you, not in a million years. Before you knew about her secret, your friends insisted that she must be cheating if she was out so late, but you didn’t want to believe it. The night you did find out, however, it all seemed to make sense in your mind, especially as she went on ranting about how she never wanted to leave but she had to keep the city safe.
• Wanda has always wanted kids in the future, it’s always been a dream of hers. And she hoped you’d want the same, and to her luck, you did. The two of you were never allowed in baby stores because you’d truly never leave, having to be forced out once it became too late and the shop was closing.
• If you ever did get pregnant she’d be over the moon but also nervous. She’d cry even more than you when seeing the pregnancy test and would instantly be too scared to go near you in fear of somehow hurting her child, even if there weren’t any signs of your belly growing. And when she found out you were having twin boys? The amount of tears she shed was incredible.
• She’d be the best mom out there, she’d love her children to death. Everything she did was for her family, and often times while she was out on patrol she’d stop to get you three something or take a picture of the sunset from the side of a building, even when you begged her not to bring her phone in fear it would break.
• One year, the boys surprised her by dressing up as Spider-Man for Halloween while their moms were Spider-Woman, she ended up crying once more when seeing them. She then stole a few pieces of their candy once they fell asleep, but they would never need to know that.
• It would take Wanda a while before she’d sleep with you seeing as you were her first. She feared no one would want her or appreciate her body but you proved that worry wrong, spending the entire night worshipping her entirely. After that, she was hooked. She always wanted to be inside you in any way possible, your mouth, your cunt, or even your ass.
• Her hips often tend to have a mind of their own as she thrusts into you, immediately apologizing after she does. She instantly panics when hearing you gag, but you let her wrap her fingertips in your hair to bring you up and down. Her head thrown back, hair sprawled on the pillowcase, mouth wide open with whimpers leaving her and her flexed muscles was a sight to see, you wanted to capture it in your mind forever.
• Is a huge switch. She mostly lets you take control earlier on but once she starts getting the hang of it she loves to make you feel good. You caught her once or twice watching porn, not to masturbate to but instead with a pencil and notebook in hand as she wrote down notes, you created a hobby of knocking before you entered a room after that.
• Whenever she wants to try something new she does it in small little hints, she’s way too nervous to express what it is that she wants. She’d do this by sending you her cart on a sex toy website, telling you that you two should look into trying new things to, in her words, ‘spice it up’. Sometimes she’d even leave her tabs open on purpose so when you one time opened it for a Zoom call with your family you instead found multiple websites with different toys catering to each. She told you it was an accident, but she seemed way too excited when they arrived in the mail a few days later after you placed your order.
• This woman has begged you to peg her and she will continue to do so. She never thought she’d be so interested in it, but one night when your mouth was busy wrapped around her cock and your thumb trailed down to her asshole to test the waters, you swore you’d never seen her cum so hard. She has a few but plugs and will sometimes even tease you while you’re at work with photos of said objects, even taking to going on patrol as her favorite one had been buried inside of her.
• When you first found out about her late-night job as a superhero you couldn’t deny the biting of your lip that occurred when seeing her in her suit. While she was explaining herself anxiously and refusably apologizing for not telling you, you were too busy staring at the way her suit hugged her biceps. Her red hair was messy due to the ridding of her mask and her breasts were hugged perfectly, how could you stop yourself? You threw yourself onto her as she was backed into the wall, your mouth on hers as your knee pressed against her growing bulge. That night your face was painted with her cum as you stroked her off while she was still in her suit, the sight alone caused you to soak through your panties which were later ruined.
• Once Wanda becomes more experienced and used to the act she’d look into more ludicrous things, such as ropes. At first, she thought she’d buy them, but then she pulled you into her one night by her webs and the reaction out of both of you was pornographic. She ate you out while you were pinned against the wall, and when you tried to wiggle away out of overstimulation, she used her webs out of instinct to keep you tied down. Your hands and legs were covered with her substance as she brought you to the edge multiple times.
• Sometimes when she’d come home it would be late at night, much to your dismay. So, on these nights, she’d find herself staring at your half-naked body covered loosely by the blankets. It brought shame when she found her length in her hand, stroking herself to release over your sleeping form. This happened more times than she’d wish to admit, but one night, as her eyes were squeezed shut in pleasure, her body towering over you, you found yourself waking up. She didn’t notice until she felt your cold hands covering her own, helping her up-and-down motions. You teased and tortured her that night, shaming her for doing such a dirty, perverted thing when you were out of consciousness.
• One of her deep fantasies, ones she’d never share with anyone but her own mind, is the thought of fucking you in public while in her suit. Having everyone see Spider-Woman fucking her partner, the guilt and fear in your eyes disappearing when you cum all over her cock, feeling her fill your cunt with her seed.
• She loves breeding you. Like, so much. She discovered this when her condom broke one night and she accidentally came inside of you. You didn’t push her off of you, instead wrapping your legs around her waist to keep her close. And when she pulled out she admired the white substance oozing out of you, not being able to hold herself back as her fingers thrusted into you, restricting her cum from leaking. After that, she’d beg to fill you up and while you were hesitant at first, you eventually gave in, finding yourself pleading for the same as your orgasm came rushing through you.
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To hunt or be hunted #7
Pairing: Alastor x Fem!Reader x Lucifer Summary: A moment of weakness, or perhaps of caring? Warnings: SMUT kids scram!.
Hazbin Taglist: @sakuraluna2468 @boogiemansbitch @mysterypotatoink @sibsteria @cherry-cola-100 @readergirlstuff @phoenixica24 @martinys-world @alientee @jellyroom2 @jewelsrules @ladyzaunis
Sorry for the updating problems, now it's finished :3
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"Then...make me your reason" your laughter was unexpected, but then again, he wasn’t expecting for you to say yes right away.
"Why? And don't sell me the cow that in less than three months you fell for me, 'cause it's not possible, besides you're married" the brightness that surrounded him, upset your stomach, it was a reminder.
Her. His story, the fall, his and her promises of never stopping loving each other. What could happen between them to break such a love story? What if she never came back?
Could you live long enough to make him happy? Will you suffice?
"Well, I grew fond of our talks, it will be really sad if I lost my cuddle buddy" He wasn't sure what he was saying, just the fact that not seeing you was not an option, "And, I've noticed you take good care of Charlie" it hurt him, a lot, but seeing his own daughter being taken care of in any way possible, but not by him, was like a direct stab to his heart.
Your weirded out face made him explain:
"You make sure she eats, in the mornings it's you who gives her vitamins, you remind her of her appointments, bandage her when she gets hurt, I've even heard her rant to you and take your advice at heart. You've taken care of my daughter as if she was yours" Lucifer’s heart ached with every word.
A lightning bolt hit your entire body, figuratively. Eight years of taking care of her, it was as natural as breathing. Did you perhaps reflect the stolen need for motherhood in her? If so, her real mother is going to annihilate you.
"What if that was your reason?" he had his hope on the line, "I'm not her mother, the real deal will kill me if she hears me, but though she's being unbelievably irresponsible, I cannot take this from her” you took notice on his hands again, he had them on each side of your head it was hard not to notice.
Subtle scratches, horizontal, messy and weirdly even, the depression medication. Oh you prayed she never get back, he would never forgive you if her head was on the other end of your axe, but you won’t have him getting hurt by her again, and if it could be at the expense of your life, even better.  
"I think, deep down, she knows that. I'm not excluded in that" he lowered himself again, at least you wouldn’t look him in the eyes when you spoke, it hurt seeing his ‘at the verge of tears’ look.
"You know, I think if you tell your daughter of your depression, she will stop resenting your absence" he pulled himself up again, his red cheeks went so down you thought they would reach the underside of his chin "She does what?" anguish, pure at that.
"What did you think she rants about? Partially you, mainly why her hotel isn't working” he sighed, listening to you made him understand why Charlie stook around you, which was the other way around mostly, but still. He took your hand from his shoulder, kissed your knuckles with his eyes closed, then muttered a very heartfelt "Thank you for taking care of her” before leaning against your palm.  
"With time it became my pleasure, at first I wanted to kill her" you chuckled, he came down on your neck, inhaling the remanent smell on his shampoo. What an intimate thing, Lilith wouldn’t be caught dead wearing some other thing than her rose smelling antique perfume and products.
“Good thing you didn't” he muttered, “And face you? I ain't stupid" you only realized what you said when he started laughing at you, a soundly one with one or two occasional snorts, "Shut up" you rolled on your side with him still on you, which was pretty easy.
"Make us your reason, stay" if you were sober you would’ve coward in your old morals for the intimate position, crotch to crotch, but it was so close and warm.
“I'm just leaving that option on the table, if you still want to die, we'll miss you dearly, heck, I think even that son of bitch of Alastor will” you shook your head softly, attempting not to laugh, the alcohol doing all the funny work in your brain.
“You enjoy being in between my tits, huh?” his snake smile was too much when you dropped that, “I've been here through all this conversation, didn't heard you complaining” his hand went up and down your back.
“You have her in your mind when we do this” your happiness went away, your limbs went limp, so did your mind for a moment.
“No, not so much” his smile dropped, gosh you wished you could sew it up, “I wasn't asking, I just want to know if you're aware of who I’m not”.
“I am” he assured.
“Do I disappoint you, when you open your eyes and realize she's still not here?” he was, his hesitation told you everything.
"Thing is, I can't make you or Charlie my reason, I will not be a replacement, I'm sure you understand"
"And what if Alastor asked you that? Will you?".
"No, he’s two different people, one with me and another in public, and he despises physical touch and PDA on a daily basis, and I need that" you saw his shadow slip from under the door, drawing a finger along his neck and an ok hand gesture.
“But he did me a solid tonight, a huge one, if he asked me for a kiss tomorrow I would give him some sugar” the shadow winked then slipped under again.
“And if I did? Would you?” you knew what he was asking, but instead you just played something random in your head in hopes for him to let you sleep a bit, “Give you a kiss? My, my, your majesty, how forward”.
“You're a prude” he moved away from your neck, “I'm simply old fashioned”.
His hand rested on your cheek, gently moving towards your neck, not squeezing or pressing, just holding it. Your tail wrapped around your leg, at the same time you closed your eyes as her face approached, slowly. A kiss, calm, soft, near the corner of your lips.
"Is that okay?" you weren’t listening, you wanted to relish on the loveliness of his gesture, it made you all bubbly and lovely. You hummed, there was nothing else you could utter, not when his breath went back to your neck.  
A mental ‘fuck it’ later, had you yanking his head away from your neck and pressing your lips on his, "Remind me of this when I'm sober" as soon as you were done you pulled him back against you, "Will do" a loved sick king he was, reminded him when he just had met Lilith.
"And Y/n…if you gave me a chance and some time, you wouldn't be a replacement” after a second of thought and a heavy sigh, “Can I keep that option and sleep on it for a while?" he smiled then nuzzled into your warmth, as did you, "Sure thing, like I said, the option is there".
The way Lucifer saw it, an abstract void in which he was trapped, willingly so.
How can he put seven years of pain behind him? It is as if he is sitting in the dark, while the world moves around him, he doesn’t know if he falls or rises, he only feels the movement and how it leaves him behind in a certain way. He sees you, far away in the shadows, your body wrapped in them, covering everything except your face, to him it looks like you are drowning, in the center of your chest a white, empty hole.
Your tired eyes without more tears to shed, even without strength they managed to stay away from the shadows, how? He alone clinging to hope and denial kept the cold of loneliness and despair at bay.
Contrary from him, you maintained yourself above the darkness, standing, strong despite being tired out of your mind. He longed to know what drove you to keep walking despite everything. Reach you in some way, save you from the hands of pain that tried to drag you into oblivion.
What were you reaching for? Your arm was out stretched, towards the sky, was it heaven? Someone to help you? He wanted to, he wanted to move, why he couldn’t?
“Fuck, Y/n! Wait for me, please, I’ll find a way, I promise!” he yelled into the void, not getting your attention despite how many times he did, or how loud he was.
Specks of lights made you fade from view, “No, please, not you too, I can be better!” His knees shook, so he used his claws against the ground to try to move towards you, tearing the skin under his nails from the strength he put into it.
“Please, don’t leave!” he yelled one more time. And then, he felt how his agitated breathing dried his throat, the light from his room almost blinded his eyes when he opened them. It took him a few seconds to realize that it was a dream.
It was still pretty early, the sky was still dark, the only light that illuminated the room was the one from the bathroom.
You were kneeling near the toilet, head down, he guessed the alcohol caught up on you and moved away from him to vomit. Silently he picked up your hair from your face, gently holding all the soft strands in his hand, as the other caressed your back softly.  
Still, not a single word being uttered, he materialized you a toothbrush, then he waited for you to come back to bed, his arms open. This time he positioned himself behind your back, one arm under your neck and the other across your waist, avoiding pressing too hard.
You wondered, what made him treat you so sweetly? You touched with your index softly along the scratches on his wrist, “How can someone ethereal like you, be troubled by things so earth bound?” you realized you said it out loud when the hand that was on your waist moved to intertwine it with yours.  
“I’m far from ethereal” his hot breath was on your ear, the twitching made him smile. “You were an angel, how can someone like you feel so much pain?” It was difficult for him to analyze your question, were you perhaps questioning that angels did not feel emotions? “How? I feel, you like you” you shook your head, “That’s not what I mean” collecting your thoughts seemed impossible, it was a mental mess.
“You wonder why I feel pain?” you hummed in response, “I feel like at the beginning, helpless, useless, I took away her chance to go to heaven, believing I could make her happy, but it wasn’t enough” he then added “I wasn’t enough” hurt was an understatement, there was a whole set of words yo describe how his voice sounded, but his sadness overall brought a few tears to fall off your eyes.
“I may have felt the same way… still do” he hugged you even tighter, “We are two broken souls, a bunch of messy pieces” you leaned your face to the marks on his wrist, placing a subtle kiss as you joked “Scrap books”, making him smile and let out a small laugh, “You’re so cute”.
"Alastor, is me, open up" you leaned against the door frame, your headache killing your head and your stomach on the verge of jumping off your body. That and the tiredness for waking up in the middle of the night made your voice a bit raspy and slurred.
"Good morning mon chérie, how was your night?" either he was being a sunshine to piss you off, or he was in a sincere good mood…or both.
“I am never drinking again” he laughed a little, watching you push the silver ‘room service’ cart inside his room, setting it on a near corner.
“I assumed as much” he reached his bookshelf and pulled a couple pills out of a few boxes, “You're amazing” he got all kind of tingles when you took the pills off his hand, he relished on how unbelievably soft your skin was.
"I must say that about you, quite the entertainment your ex resulted to be" With his cup of tea he sat in a single red sofa chair, with his free hand he pat the black one on his side. You flopped on the seat with your cup of coffee.
“Is he dead?” he couldn’t tell by your already sour tone if you were being sarcastic or you really cared, "Barely alive, but healing, I will tore him apart again tonight" the little smile he got from you was delightful.
"Darling, I have some information for you" if the ass of your ex told him anything, you didn’t needed to know, curiosity burned your insides though. “What will it cost me?” he hummed pensative, “A kiss” that was odd coming from him, but then again you remembered telling him, or his shadow, that.
“The intel first, to see if it's worth it” you tried to laugh your urge to kill someone, “I know the name of the man your daughter got sold to, he's down here" he took a sip of his tea, "He's in the mafia district, I know where his base of operations is".
"I… want to see him first, hear from him what he did with my daughter, even if it hurts" he hummed in understanding, reaching your hand, giving you a reassurance squeeze.
"Again, thank you Alastor, you...have no idea how much I appreciate this" he smiled, the shadows that conformed the chair you sat on elevated you and with a swift movement you fell gently on Alastor’s lap. "Show me” ‘fucking narcissist’ you thought, bringing your hand to cup his cheek.
When your lips merged with his, time didn’t mattered, it in fact went a lot slower. He embraced your waist with one arm, bringing you closer if that was possible, his other one secured your back and neck in place, grasping a fistful of your hair once or twice.
He sensed his mental sanity left his body when he felt your hand on the back of his head, caressing ever so lightly, going down to the rim of his shirt, respecting the limit he wanted to eliminate.
He felt a little brave, comfortable with the interaction, the white shirt carefully tucked into your pants was lifted, allowing Alastor’s hand to roam around your back, feeling the corset laces, playing with them.
"Don't do that if you're not going to do something about it" you warned, your forehead in touch with his. Alastor’s smile softened, “I’m not partial to physical touch” he started, “You’ve made that clear” you giggled, pecking his cheek, earning a content sigh from him.
“Somehow you… how to put it? Make me desire it, to have you nearer than I accustom” you blinked a few times, your hand went back to his cheek, softly making your way to his hair, “I don’t understand why, nor this feeling, would you help me dearest?” He had closed his eyes when your hand touched him again, but at the end of his question he opened them.
Having known well the desire faces of countless men, you knew that what Alastor was begging for was not any sexual impulse, but closeness, warmth, softness. The pleasure that only a person who burns for another can deliver.
You weren't sure if you could provide him with such a feeling, however the guilt of having denied him your sympathy for fear of becoming too attached dissipated for a second.
His face got close once again, his eyes asking for permission, without wasting any more time you let him introduce his tongue into your mouth, a passion that ignited a flame of desire that ran through your entire body.
He pulled apart, “May I?” He referred to the bulletproof corset you were wearing. After nodding your head, he deftly undid the slats that held your torso together, as well as unbuttoned your shirt and removed the leather straps over your shoulders.
He seemed to pay no attention to the snake tattoo clutching your arm, making its way to in between your breast.
Exposed from the waist up, but that wasn't going to be uneven. You asked the same thing, your hands playing with the hem of his shirt, occasionally touching his Adam's apple to rile him up.
You knew he was unsure, but he nodded nonetheless. He kissed you again as he felt you letting his coat fall from his shoulders, as well as the leather cross that adorned his chest, and then one button at a time his shirt opened, until you had a clear view once again of the scars. under his fine fur, the already healed battle wound and his thin but strong torso.
His hands then touched a series of indentations on your skin, long and repetitive, almost all of the same length, spreading across your skin to a little below your shoulders. When he wanted to stop kissing you to take a look, you held his face against the back of the chair, "Don't make me feel like damaged goods, don't pay attention to what you're touching, okay?" You didn't want to see him feel sorry for you, for once you wanted to enjoy the attention without thinking about your past.
He obeyed your wishes. Standing up from the chair, with you up with him, in a flash of green, he laid you down on a dark red fabric, he had materialized a bed on his room.
His hands caressed from your shoulders to your breasts, perhaps admiring the shape or the softness, but more than anything, what made Alastor make sighs of pleasure was leaving small kisses and bites from your neck to the space between your breast.
The small electric sensations made you cling to his shoulders, fighting any urge to accidentally scratch him. Purposedly, returning to your face level, he pressed his groin against your core, a yelp escaped your throat, a sound that to his ears was heavenly.
“Take the cover off” He knew you used a dental cover over your fangs, mostly to avoid cutting your tongue or lips, “You want me to bite you?” he chuckled, his face adorned with a lustful glint, “I want you to devour me, chérie” with a snap of his fingers, he made it go away, leaving it on a tiny box on the shelf on top of the fireplace.
He left his collarbone exposed and free for you, raising his body a little higher, taking the opportunity to lick the sensitive edge of your ear. His breath caught as your teeth embedded in the curve where his shoulder and neck meet. When he was able to breathe again he exhaled shakily, causing your cervix to tingle.
Ecstasy, that was the word that came to Alastor's mind after trying to rationalize. His knees trembled, but he felt strong enough to lift your body and move you from the edge of the bed, towards the center, your head resting on one of the pillows.
Something that he could not do in life, but because it never occurred to him that he would need it, try the pleasures of skin. He moved down your body, hands on your belt, he again asked for your permission and with a smile you nodded. His constant questioning was refreshing, no one was interested in asking you if you wanted to be defiled, however, he was different.
Like the show man he is, he traveled down to your feet, pulling one up his shoulder, as he unzip your boots and felt all undergarments discarded on the edge of the bed. Never breaking eye contact as he did.
He also undid his pants, allowing you to see the red streak of hair that went down his bellybutton to the groomed part over his groin. He was big, the color of his skin matching the cream hue on his face, only lighter.
“I’ve never done this before” he confessed, ears to his sides, “You want me to take the lead?” you asked, not mocking but trying assure him it wasn’t something to be embarrassed about, “Tell me how can I pleasure you” your own ears went down embarrassed, “You don’t have to go down on me, but the path has to be opened, you can do it with your fingers”.
He hummed, burring his face in your neck as his hand went down your stomach, passing over your clit to go in between your folds, finding your wet entrance. You gasped, he rid of his claws as he introduced one finger.
Your hands flew to his back, alarming him a little, “It’s okay, it just…been a while, I kind of forgot the feeling” your face was flushed, too embarrassed to look at him in the eye. He continued a soft pumping motion, nipping on your neck as he did. Relishing on the gasps and moans that left your throat. He continued that way until he was able to add three fingers, and by the then your insides squeezed him tightly, then your back arched as you emitted a loud high gasp.
“Sorry, I’m so sorry, I couldn’t hold it anymore, it felt so good, I’m sorry” he kissed your tears away, “I’m actually quite flattered I was able to pleasure you to the point of finishing just with my fingers” he made you laugh, “Al, please, I need you inside” your whole body was shaking as he touched you.
“With pleasure, ma belle vie” He positioned the tip on the edge, sending shivers up his spine. Little by little he pushed himself inside, all the way to the rim.
He waited for some kind of confirmation despite his urge to move, although he found your hips grinding on his was enough of a clue to continue.
His pace started off slow and gentle, when you pulled his face back for a kiss, something inside of him snaped. “Y/n” He brought your knees higher on his sides, making you press against his skin.
His eyes went black, his antlers and body increased in size, and so did his dick as he was still inside you. Not enough to rip you apart, but considerably bigger than at the beginning.
Alastor's mind suddenly switched off, wandering in darkness for a few seconds, “Alastor! Ah!” before your loud whine brought him to clarity again.
He looked down on you, "Are you alright?" On the inside he was worried out of his mind, but he tried to seem - in his own words- cool, as he asked.
Tears ran down your eyes, your skin was sweaty and flushed, you were panting and moaning as you tried to make up an answer. He felt your legs trembling against his skin. “Something like that” you said out of breath, a week smile on your face.
"Please don't stop now, I'm very close" he wanted to please you, but when he looked down at in between your legs, as he decreased in size, his dick was now soft and leaking.
"I think it won't be possible dearest" you shook your head with a soft smile, "Don't you worry, come here" he didn't noticed how much of his strength his orgasm took away, until he relaxed his body nuzzling into yours.
“Are you sure it’s enough?” since you had already came twice, you felt that you didn’t need to be greedy, after all, it was his first time. “I’m sure” to your eyes he truly seemed happy.
It warmed your heart when he hid his face on the crook of your neck, looping his arms around your waist and legs intertwined with yours. "I suppose after this you won’t be allowing me to touch you for a week” he sighed, “Most likely” you felt comfortable, happy, his was another type of warmth, “Y/n” he spoke, kissing the red marks he left on your skin.
“I’m sorry for what I said, I really am” spotting his ear, you seized the opportunity to nip at it, gently but with a little force that caused him to dig his nails on your hips, and let out a whine.
“What was that for?” he pushed himself off to hover on top of you, not necessarily angry but bothered and hot, “To piss you off” he groaned at your amused expression, not having any fun with it despite his permanent smile, “You’re more than forgiven, will you accompany me to pay the mobster a visit?” he sighed, lowering himself to kiss your lips before whispering against them, “It will be my pleasure, darling”.
You two agreed to stay a little bit more time in bed before attempting to shower, despite his wish to take a bath with you, he felt too overstimulated to allow any more touch, which you respected.  
Little did you know, that the king found himself making a mess inside his pants, as he had watched the whole thing from the rim of the door. With the aid of his wings he scurried back to his room, his hand going up and down his dick in an attempt to soothe the aching.
“Y/n” he repeated, panting. In his mind he saw himself taking hold of your hips, your hair, hands, breast. Holding your whole being against him. He thought he knew angelic chorus sounds, until your moans proved him wrong.
His breath hitched cumming a second time into his hand, “Fucking bell hop, fucking bastard” he hit the back of his head against the wall he was leaning in.
The painting of his wife on the wall made him feel guilty about what he had done. Masturbate thinking about someone else? he had never thought about it when she was away. He didn't even have the strength to do it anyway.
At the end of a mental torture, he concluded that the kiss you gave him last night was not enough, he was going to make sure he didn’t lost you to Alastor, he just had to figure how to convince you to want to live.
Stay tuned ;3.
Part 8
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eco-lite · 11 months
I’m once again returning to do god’s work by bringing you delightful moments from Spock’s World by Diane Duane.
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[Text ID: “Spock was bent over [the Science Station], making some adjustment. ‘Readout now,’ he said, straightening and looking over his shoulder at the large, shaggy-fringed rock that was sitting in the center seat. Some of those glittering fringes stroked the open circuitry of the communicator controls in the seat’s arm. ‘Point nine nine three,’ said a scratchy voice from the voder box mounted on the rock’s back. ‘A nice triple sine.’ ‘Nice?’ said Spock. Jim raised an eyebrow: you could have used Spock’s tone of voice to dry out a martini.” End ID]
There’s a Horta crewman on the Enterprise now and they’re great!
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[Text ID: “Still working on her doctoral thesis, Jim thought. Uhura was busy working on improving universal translator theory, mostly by taking the old theory to pieces and putting it back together in shapes that were causing a terrible furor in academic circles on various planets. Jim vividly remembered one night quite a long time ago when he had asked Uhura exactly how she was going about this. She had told him, for almost an hour without stopping, and in delighted and exuberant detail, until his head was spinning with phoneme approximations and six-sigma evaluations and the syntactic fade and genderbend and recontextualization and linguistic structural design and the physics of the human dextrocerebral bridge. The session had left Jim shaking his head, thoroughly disabused of the idea (and ashamed of how long he had held it) that Uhura was simply a sort of highly trained switchboard operator.” End ID]
Uhura continues to be a total badass and is amazing at what she does.
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[Text ID: Chatroom title in all caps: “COMMON ROOM OPINION, INFORMED AND NON- RANTING AND RAVING PERMITTED NAMES NOT NECESSARY” Regular text: “It was one of the places he came to find out what his crew was thinking. Messages did not have to be attributed to a name or terminal, but they could not be private. The office of the common room system operator rotated through the crew, offered to various members on the strength of their psych profiles in areas like calm reaction to stress and anger. The common room syops tended to be closemouthed and dependable, the kind of person that others refer to as ‘a rock.’ (Once it had actually been Naraht, to the amusement of just about everyone.) Here tempers could flare, awful jokes be told safely, suspicions be aired, rumors be shot down. The common room was sometimes a peaceful place, sometimes a powderkeg. Jim never ignored it.” End ID]
The Enterprise has a dumpster fire chat room that has just as much shitposting and vitriol as twitter.
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[Text ID: “Jim bowed over her free hand. ‘It’s been too long,’ he said. ‘It’s good to be back,’ Amanda said. ‘And in the middle of a party as well.’ She looked a little wry. ‘A little entertainment will be pleasant before the deluge.’ Sarek’s eyes flicked to Kirk, a considering look. ‘My wife speaks figuratively,’ he said, ‘in the tradition of her people. Deluges are not common on Vulcan.’ ‘My husband speaks circumspectly,’ Amanda said, just as dryly, ‘in the tradition of his.’” End ID]
Amanda and Sarek are as charming as ever.
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[Text ID: “Jim was mildly surprised to see that to his other rank tags and decorations, McCoy had added a small, understated IDIC. ‘If I didn’t know you better,’ he said, ‘I’d think you were going native. When did you get that?’ ‘Today in the gift shop, when you were looking at the snowball paperweights with Mount Seleya in them. Tackiest things I ever saw.’ ‘Yes,’ Spock said; ‘they were imported from Earth.’ ‘You be quiet. We can’t let these people leave the Federation, Jim. At least not until they teach us how to make tasteful souvenirs.’” End ID]
Just this.
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[Text ID: “There was Sreil, the burly, brown-haired biologist from the Academy, and T’Madh, a little bright-eyed woman of great age and curiosity, a computer programmer; and her son Savesh, who when asked what he did, said, ‘I am a farmer,’ with a sort of secret satisfaction that hinted he thought his job better than any of the more technical ones that the people around him held. Jim had to smile; the thought of a Vulcan farmer was slightly funny, even though there naturally had to be some. But the image of a Vulcan in coveralls, chewing on a stalk of hay, kept coming up and having to be repressed.” End ID]
I love Savesh the Vulcan farmer!
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[Text ID: “’Jim,’ he said, ‘the best translation of nehau would be an old word: “vibes.” The feeling-in-your-bones that something gives you. It’s highly subjective.’ ‘Right. Go on, Savesh.’ ‘Well, Captain, I have heard numerous Vulcans say that losing the Federation and the Earth people would be no particular loss, because they had bad nehau, and that could not fail to affect us sooner or later.. But I must tell you that I find your nehau not objectionable at all; pleasant, even.’ End ID]
Vulcan wanting to leave the Federation because the ~vibes~ are off.
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[Text ID: “His grasp of dialect and idiom as amazing for anybody, off-planet or on. He once reduced the President of the United States—then a ceremonial post, but one much loved by the people who lived within the old borders—to tears of laughter at a state dinner, by delivering a learned dissertation on computer data storage technology in a flawless Texan accent. The lady was later heard to propose an amendment to the Constitution to allow off-worlders to hold high public office, so that she could have him for her running mate in the next election.” End ID]
I would give anything to hear Sarek do a perfect Texas accent.
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[Text ID: “—but when Amanda became annoyed over what she perceived as his smugness about being right, her eyes would flash and she would become splendidly insulting, usually in bizarre Anglish idiom that Sarek found as refreshing as it was annoying. She caused him to laugh out loud for the first time in many years when she told him, after a disagreement over the translation of the word for war, that he should only grow headfirst in the ground like a turnip. Later that month, when he was right about something again and made the mistake of not immediately down-playing it, she issued him with a formal malediction, wishing that the curse of Mary Malone and her nine blind orphan children might pursue him so far over the hills and the seas that God Almighty couldn’t find him with a radio telescope. Sarek laughed so hard at that that he entirely lost his breath, and Amanda panicked and started to give him cardiopulmonary resuscitation, which was useless, because his heart was somewhere other than the spot on which she was pounding. It took him nearly an hour to recover: he kept laughing. He had never been cursed like that before, not even by union leaders, and it was very refreshing.” End ID]
This dynamic is perfect, no notes.
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[Text ID: “The next night they sat in the Rec Deck again, in the middle of a large impromptu party that was going on around them by way of celebration. The sense of relief in the ship was palpable. A group of about a hundred crewfolk, mostly human, had surrounded Spock earlier in the evening and sung ‘For He’s A Jolly Good Fellow,’ accompanied by twenty crewmen on kazoos. Sarek had been given champagne.” End ID]
I really hope the TOS Enterprise has crew performances like on Next Gen. This kazoo band needs to be heard! Also, I can perfectly picture Spock’s annoyed-but-tolerant expression as he resigns himself to the kazoo serenade.
Thank you @dianeduane for making me laugh!
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martiniluvr · 1 month
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how it feels to write for jason todd vs dick grayson
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harrywavycurly · 11 months
Fake Husband Eddie Part 2: Meeting Someone?
Part 1: here
Part 3: here
Tag List: @alana4610 @fluentmoviequoter @alicentswife @vivalasv3gan @goth-cowgirl-03 @yujyujj @slowgabinaburninroom @zaddyskye69
TW: Cursing and drinking
A/N: Before you all come for me don’t worry there is a part 3 and it’s the final part of this little trilogy lol also idk why I added in Frank and the Hideout backstory it was just something that was sitting in the back of my mind and it fit. Anywayyyy enjoy!!✨
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You smooth out the front of your shirt as you sit down on one of the worn out barstools at the back of the Hideout. It’s been exactly a week since you met Eddie and it only felt right that the two of you have your first official date at the bar you met at. Over the span of a week you two have gotten to know each other quite well, you learned that Eddie would much rather FaceTime you than text you because he likes to hear your voice, especially your laugh he loves how it sounds even through the phone. You also learned that he loves his job, he works at the garage in town and he’s always got his head under someone’s hood fixing a transmission or tinkering with a stubborn fuel line.
Eddie has learned things about you as well, he knows that you like to read before bed and he doesn’t know why but it shocked him a bit to learn the two of you have a few books in common on your bookshelves. He notices things like how you try to hide your face when you’re smiling and he just assumes that’s something you’ve always done but he’s made a mental note to try to remind you how pretty you are when you smile because it’s really one of his favorite things to see. You go on little rants about things that have bothered you during the day and he loves how passionate you get because your arms go everywhere and you also always end it with “you know what I mean?” and even if he has no clue he can’t help but smile and just nod and reassure you that yes he knows what you mean.
The two of you have grown close over the past several days and you’ve started to develop a rather large crush on the long haired metal head. Luckily for you though Eddie made his feelings known the night he drove you home from the hideout.
“You know what?” You turn your head and look at Eddie who’s smiling at you as he watches you reach for the handle of the passenger side door of his van.
“What?” Eddie leans over his middle console so he can tuck a few stay hairs behind your ear making you blush as you feel his hand brush against your cheek.
“I think I like you.” You raise an eyebrow at him as you playfully glare at him making him laugh.
“You think?” You tease as Eddie reaches for your hand that has his skull ring on it, you smile as you watch him twirl it around your finger since it’s a little too big for you but you like how it feels so you haven’t taken it off.
“Sorry sweetheart.” He looks up at you as you find yourself leaning into him. “I know I like you.” He adds right before he places a kiss to your lips making you smile as he pulls away.
The sound of a glass being set down in front of you jolts you out of your daydream as you blink a few times before looking around to see if Eddie has shown up yet. You look at your phone and see it’s only ten minutes past six, the time you both agreed to meet so you just brush it off to him being a little late and look up to see the bartender cleaning a few glasses in front of you.
“What can I get ya?” Frank the bartender and half owner of the Hideout asks as he gives you a smile. “I make a mean martini.” He jokes as he shoots you a playful wink making you laugh.
“Uh I’ll just have a vodka tonic please.” He nods and starts making your drink. “Have you worked here a while?” You ask trying to make small talk to help the time pass before Eddie shows up and this is only the second time you’ve ever been here so might as well get to know the bartenders.
“You could say that.” Frank answers as he slides your drink in front of you. “I’m Frank and I may not look it but I’m one of the Hideout's original customers.” You just nod your head encouraging him to continue as you take a sip of your drink, Frank is an older gentleman with long gray hair he has tucked into a low pony on the back of his neck and a few tattoos scattered around his forearms that are only visible because he has his flannel rolled up to his elbows. “I helped them name this place because we used to meet here back in the day when it wasn’t actually a bar, to hideout from people we didn’t want to see or nagging wives we were avoiding so when they wanted to turn it into a bar I said why not just call it the Hideout?” Frank explained and you couldn’t help but giggle at the mention of avoiding nagging wives.
“It’s a great name.” You watch him smile as he looks around the bar to see if anyone needs anything.
“Meeting someone?” Frank asks as he glances down at the giant skull ring on your ring finger.
“Uh yeah.” You’re not sure how to answer his question so you just go with your gut. “My husband actually.” Frank just smiles and nods as he goes back to cleaning glasses as you slowly sip on your drink as you anxiously look at your phone again and let out a sigh when you see it’s now six thirty.
Eddie is elbows deep in a minivan’s engine that is just refusing to let him get his fingers in the correct place to install a new part. He lets out a frustrated groan as he takes a step back from the van and places his grease covered hands on his hips and closes his eyes and looks up towards the ceiling of the garage. He wonders for a moment what you’re going to wear on your date with him tonight, he’s had tonight circled on his calendar all week and he’d be lying if he didn’t say he even added little hearts to it and everything.
“Why do all minivans have to be so damn stubborn?” He mumbles as he opens his eyes and takes a step closer to the van. “I’m just trying to help you.” He explains as he uses his wrist to wipe some sweat off his brow, as he drops it back down to his side he feels his whole world begin to move in slow motion when he catches the time on his watch. “Oh fuck fuck fuck.” He drops the wrench in his left hand and heads for the break room of the garage.
“Eddie?” Greg the parts guy asks as Eddie rushes past him so he can grab his stuff from his locker.
“I’m late!” Eddie shouts over his shoulder as he heads for the door. He quickly jumps into his van and starts the engine as he digs around in his bag for his phone. “You’ve got to be fucking kidding.” He groans when he sees his phone is on 10% battery because he forgot to put it on the charger after falling asleep on FaceTime with you last night. He looks at the clock and silently prays to whoever it is that might be listening to let you still be waiting for him even though it’s well after eight at night and he was supposed to meet you at six.
“Shit shit.” He presses your name in his phone and it rings once before his whole screen goes black meaning his phone is dead. “Fuck!” Eddie feels like his heart is in his stomach as he pulls out of the parking lot of his work and heads straight for the Hideout.
He doesn’t look for your car in the bar’s parking lot because he knows you planned to get dropped off so he could just take you home. He not so gently snatches his keys from the ignition after putting it in park and slams his door closed as he exits the van. He ignores the looks he’s getting form the men outside smoking as he rushes into the bar, he’s sure he looks like he’s lost with his work overalls on tied around his waist and his hair in a messy bun and grease stains everywhere. Frank turns when he hears the door open and he raises an eyebrow at Eddie when he lets out a sigh at all the empty seats in the back of the bar, exactly where you told him you’d be so he could meet you.
“Looking for your wife?” Eddie looks at the bartender and nods his head because you’d been jokingly calling yourself his wife all week so of course you’d tell the bartender you were waiting for your husband. Frank tosses something at Eddie and when he catches it and sees what it is he feels his heart break a bit. “Left about an hour ago.” He adds as Eddie stares at the skull ring that’s sitting in the palm of his hand.
“Oh no.” And with that Eddie turns on his heels and runs straight back out to the parking lot towards his van because no way is he letting him being an idiot be the reason you two end things.
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matrixbearer2024 · 3 months
Hate And Love, A Fine Line
Vox x CollegeStudent!Reader
A/N: I CAN'T ANIMATE FOR SHIT BUT I CAN'T STOP THINKING OF THIS AUDIO WITH THE DYNAMIC BETWEEN VOX AND READER IN MY GET OFF MY SCREEN SERIES- LIKE UGGHHHHH- Here's a little drabble about it because I am way too busy to make a whole ass animatic/comic for it I would literally pay someone to do it though like PLEASE I NEED-
You were ranting towards Husker once again at the hotel's bar. He became someone you could talk about your troubles to without fear of being teased or judged. Charlie was too caring, Vaggie would immediately go for the jugular, and let's not even bring up Alastor.
Your fluffy deer ears pinned back at the irritating reminder of Vox's shenanigans, how could he just let Angel get treated like that at work?! By his colleague no less! He was such a fucking dolt! You wanted to punch his screen in from frustration, words rapidly spilling from your mouth in anger as Husker served you up a cocktail.
"Oh I hate that man! I HATE THAT MAN!"
You didn't ask for a drink, your surprise causing you to abruptly shut up when you also realized you'd been given a Martini. It wasn't a drink you would typically have. But it was a cocktail someone you knew preferred.
The current source of your frustration and ire for his total stupidity.
You just glared at the beverage like it's existence personally offended you. Still, not only was it a reminder of Vox- but that same night he really humored you at that roller rink.
The memory of his concerned smile and gaze was permanently etched into your brain. It didn't help that every time you remembered, your heart would skip a beat.
His endearing smile, his charming laugh-
"You were saying?"
You looked back up at the hotel's resident bartender and the scowl returned to your face. A slight blush had settled on your cheeks without you realizing it.
Geez, you were supposed to be angry with Vox! Not fawning over his dorkiness! Or- everything else about him! The infuriating fool!
"Whatever, just forget it."
Husker could only sigh when he saw how you looked at the drink in front of you. Fondness, irritation, anger, love, your eyes always betrayed you. Still, it was always like that between you and Vox. Like an on-off that perpetually swung so far to one side or the other. Love him or not- you constantly danced in the middle.
Your relationship with the tech overlord was laughable really. A befuddled mess that no one could really make proper heads or tails of.
One was hesitant and the other confused. He was paranoid, you were nonchalant. He stuck to a rigid schedule, you just went with the flow.
It was like watching fire and water trying to mingle and mix.
You weren't the only one irate because of Angel's situation, especially after how close you got to the spider. But even Husker knew that you didn't mean a word you said about your techno companion.
The next time the feline checked, you were just silently just staring at the Martini. The rage and irritation you arrived with had all gone away. Instead it was replaced with what Husker could only guess was sad infatuation.
But oh cara mia, how you loved him.
You were both just so blind.
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wndaswife · 2 years
(req) 122 smut prompt, top!wanda with bratty reader who didnt expect to get edged in a public bathroom
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wanda maximoff & gn!reader
tags: smut, semi-public sex, fingering, orgasm denial, praise, jealousy, mommy kink, dom!wanda maximoff, sub!reader. MINORS DNI.
word count: 1265
“Mommy, I wanna go home!” you whined quietly, tugging at Wanda’s arm as you urged her to leave the party.
Wanda shot you a look, looking down her shoulder to you while you tugged at her arm and followed her around the party like a lost puppy. “Stop whining. We’ll go home soon. I need to discuss something with Natasha first,” she repeated to you. You’ve been complaining for the last twenty minutes and Wanda only reiterated the same thing to you over and over.
“You can talk to dumb Natasha later. I wanna go now,” you huffed petulantly and tugged on her arm again.
“Y/N, stop it!” Wanda hissed and tore her arm out of your hold. “Just talk to someone or get a drink. I’m going to look for Natasha and then I’ll come back.” She walked ahead of you and left you to stand by the bar empty-handed. You heard her mumble something about how clingy you were before she disappeared into a crowd of people.
You pouted. You turned to the bar and took a seat.
“Two martinis, please,” you heard a woman say beside you.
You looked up carefully to take a look at her only to find her already looking at you.
“Hi,” she greeted, smiling down at you. “Are you here on your own?”
An idea came to you and you nodded. “I am. Are you?” you responded, straightening in your seat.
“Nope. I’m Thor’s plus one- Valkyrie. You are… from Earth?”
You nodded in response.
The bartender brought over the two martinis you heard the Valkyrie order earlier and she slid one over to you. She lifted hers up, waiting for you to lift yours too.
“To strangers from Earth,” she cheered and when you lifted your glass, she clinked her own against yours.
You spent the next few minutes talking with Valkyrie, who was lively and eccentric as you knew Asgardians to be. She was entertaining and good company. But you kept wondering where Wanda was and what she was talking to Natasha about.
Just then, a gust of Wanda’s perfume reached you and your drink was taken from your hand.
You turned your head to see Wanda finish your drink in one quick swig. She placed it down on the bar harshly and took your wrist with her hand. In a blur, piercing eyes met yours and you looked down to her heels in embarrassment. You were too busy trying not to fall to the ground when Wanda pulled you off your chair to hear the pass she made at Valkyrie before she pulled you away from her and towards the washrooms.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Wanda barked, turning to you when the two of you entered the empty women’s washroom.
“Why were you letting her feel you up like that?”
You looked back at the bathroom door which slammed shut behind you. You turned back to Wanda and argued, “She wasn’t feeling me up.”
“She was. You’re too idiotic to notice how she put her hand on your knee and squeezed your thigh,” Wanda ranted, exasperated.
“Then maybe you shouldn’t have left me at the bar!”
Wanda stared at you, eyes widened and lips parted. “Are you joking? That’s what this is about? You let some stupid bitch feel you up because I left you for all of fifteen minutes?” she shouted.
You only stared back at her defiantly because you had no confidence in you to even dare shouting back at her when she was now yelling at you.
After a few moments of staring back at you, Wanda took your hair into a fist and pulled you over to the sinks. She threw you against one so you were bent forward and looking at yourself in the mirror.
“Poor baby was just jealous, weren’t you?” she cooed and ran her hands up your clothed back.
You nodded and looked away from your reflection in the mirror.
Wanda hummed in response. “Don’t worry. Mommy’s going to make her sweet, sweet angel feel good,” she whispered and leaned down, pushed your hair out of the way and kissed the back of your neck.
“This feels dirty,” you muttered out, your voice trembling.
Your girlfriend laughed and she replied, her hand squeezing your hip. She spoke against your ear, “That’s because it is.” She reached down and cupped your sex all while whispering dirty confessions into your ear. Her fingers slipped past your waistband and found your dripping cunt. “I do hope all of this is for me and not that stupid slut out there.” Wanda nipped at your earlobe and you shook your head.
“All for you, Wanda,” you told her. You watched as Wanda grinned in the mirror.
“That’s what I like to hear, baby. Now, let mommy make you feel good.” She pulled your panties to the side and pushed two fingers into your hole. Wanda hummed into your ear, feeling satisfied as she watched your lips part and your eyes screw together.
Her thumb found your clit and she drew circles against it. The thrusts of her fingers were languid but she parted and curled them inside you, making up for her slow speed tenfold.
“W-Wanda… someone’s going to come in,” you warned.
But she only hushed you in response. “Don’t worry. Everything’s going to be okay,” Wanda purred. She kissed your cheek and her fingers sped up slightly. “You’re so wet, my angel. Who’s mommy’s pretty puppy, hm? Tell me.”
“I’m mommy’s pretty puppy.”
She chucked and used her other hand to bring your face to her, kissing your lips softly. “That’s right. You’re so smart. Come for me, sweetheart,” Wanda whispered against your lips.
Your hips began to buck down onto Wanda’s hand and your head rested in the valley of her breasts. Your walls tightened around her fingers and your breath hitched. The coil in your stomach tightened and your walls clenched harder around her fingers. Then ever tighter and-
Wanda’s fingers suddenly pulled out of you and your panties moved back into place. A frustrated exhale escaped you and your girlfriend stepped away. You pushed your hair back and looked over to the side to see Wanda washing her hands.
“Wh-What are you doing? I was so close.”
“Did you really think I’d let you come after what you did to me?” Wanda asked, looking over to you with a smirk that was evident of obvious amusement. You knew then she wasn’t even going to give you the satisfaction of watching her lick your cum from her fingers.
Your eyes widened and your jaw went slack.
Wanda shook her clean hands dry and took a step towards you, taking the lower half of your face one hand. She pulled you close to her face and whispered under her breath, “Be my cute little trophy for a few more minutes while I show you off. Then we can go home and I’ll make you come over…” She leaned forward to kiss your lips softly, her eyes not leaving yours for a moment while she did. “… And over again until you’re crying. Does that sound good?”
You nodded, not making a single noise besides a helpless little squeak when Wanda tightened her hand around your face.
She smiled. “Good,” she said and let go of you. “Let’s go.”
Wanda extended a hand to you and you took it with your own. She winked at you over her shoulder before she led you out of the washroom, squeezing your hand and looking forward.
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y13evie · 7 months
Something that's living in my head: Cameron x reader where reader picks Cameron up from work and house is spying on them.
Btw love you fics luv❣️
i’m so sorry for the wait! here you go my dear ❤️
tags: nothin but fluff, gn! reader
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it’s 7 o’clock pm. you’re sitting in an ‘employees only’ parking spot waiting for your girlfriend’s shift to end. the reservation you ordered for the surprise date was for 7:30. you anxiously tap the steering wheel, praying your dear, overworked girlfriend, isn’t too late. you grin as the doors open to the hospital and allison greets you with a warm smile. she makes her way to the passenger door and gets in the car, happy to be done with her shift. you sit and chat about her day, completely oblivious to the fact her slightly deranged coworker has gotten into his car as well. on a few occasions you’ve met dr. gregory house, he’s a funny guy to be around. a little weird; although, very intelligent. you two pulled out of the parking lot and began your trip to the restaurant. allison had been able to change out of her scrubs before she left, however you wouldn’t mind if she showed up in the most ridiculous thing ever. she was gorgeous.
absentmindedly listening to the sound of allison rant about the ups and downs of her day, you didn’t notice how the same black car follows you to your destination. however there are a lot of black car and you have bigger things to worry about. you pull into the restaurant and find a parking spot close to the entrance. allison has already walked far more than needed today. you hold her hand delicately as you enter the restaurant and are guided to your seats.
“i really do appreciate you”. she stares at you from across the table. she still makes your heart race like the first day you met.
“you know i’ll do anything for you, allison.” she smiles at the affection and looks down to see what she’ll want for dinner tonight.
the two of you scan the menu, unaware of the eyes burning holes into your heads. house knew something was up when dr. cameron was overly happy almost all day. nobody could be so excited at 8 am. so naturally, he had to investigate. now he’s here. at a nice restaurant, sitting in a booth alone ominously sipping on an extra dry martini. each time the waiter asks if he’s ready to start on anything he shoos him away, intently watching the situation.
before asking if your ready, your waiter approaches your table. he looks a little nervous.
“i’m so sorry for interrupting, but the man sitting in that booth over there had been watching the two of you all night.” he motions his head to house’s secluded booth.
allison scoffs and puts her hand up, “we’re fine, thank you.”. she gets up and you quickly follow, making your way to the booth. she slaps her hands down on his table.
“what the hell are you doing here.”
house looks around sheepishly, “eating? what else would i do at a restaurant?”.
“oh i don’t know, maybe stalking me?” she sighs in disbelief. house looks just as shocked, staring at her, wide mouthed. he throws his hands up in defeat. “maybe i was following you guys. BUT, only because you were way too happy to be at your job. i knew something was wrong.”.
“oh my god! nothing is wrong, no wonder you get a bad rep. you follow your colleagues.”. house rolls his eyes at her statement, looking you up and down. the three of you wait in silence until house breaks the ice.
“if i pay for your dinner will you leave me alone?”. the two of you look at each other and somehow telepathically agree on the offer. allison nods, and slowly backs away with you right behind her. you two sit back down at your original table and finally relax for a moment.
“free dinner is free dinner, right?”
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thebramblewood · 10 months
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Ulrike's Big Night: Part II
Let's just say it was a good thing they decided to leave, though not for the reason Helena thinks.
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Thanks to @whyeverr for another super creative lot that, again, I only used a very small part of! I can't take any credit for the tower of gnomes (other than adding a few extras to it), but I'm pretty sure I must've subconsciously given Ulrike a gnome obsession for this exact purpose.
Transcript under the cut.
Helena: “Oh, this is f-”
Ulrike: “Awful.”
Helena: “What, really?”
Ulrike: “Please. A life-size chessboard? It’s just lazy selfie bait to ensure it’ll be all over social media before tomorrow morning.” *gestures in annoyance* “Case in point. God, I need a drink.” *snatches first champagne flute in sight*
Helena: “Ulrike!”
Ulrike: “What?”
Helena: “I don’t think it’s safe to mix poisons that way.”
Ulrike: *rolls eyes* “You’ve come a long way, babe, but you’re still such a Puritan sometimes. It’s not hard liquor. We’ll be fine. Let’s mingle, if we must.”
Ulrike: “A giant martini glass. How revolutionary.”
Helena: “You’re so cynical!"
Helena: "I’m dying of anticipation! Are you ever going to show me your piece?”
Ulrike: “Actually, it should be right around the next- Oh, here she is.”
Helena: *eyes immediately widen* “It’s, it’s, it’s…”
Ulrike: “Kind of ridiculous, I know. What can I say? My inner troll took over.”
Helena: “It’s GLORIOUS!”
Yasmine: “Ms. Faust? Yasmine Jabari. I run a gallery of my own near campus. This is certainly a showstopper. I’d love to talk more about your work…”
Helena: *under breath* “Oh, shit.”
Ulrike: “Hey, there you are.”
Helena: “We have to get out of here.”
Ulrike: “What? Why?”
Helena: “I just saw that jerk from my writing workshop and he looked poised to unleash a monster rant.”
Ulrike: “Good call. We definitely don’t need to hear that.”
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