#makoharu fic
datheetjoella · 4 months
You Make Everything Okay
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Author: DatHeetJoella Fandom: Free! Pairing: MakoHaru Rating: M Summary: Unlike most people, Haruka wasn’t very eager to meet his soulmate. Half of the reason was his inexplicable infatuation with a stranger he saw on the train every morning, the other half was the words that were imprinted on his skin; the first words his soulmate would say to him. They were… ominous.
When Haruka’s absent-mindedness got him into trouble, he had to deal with the unforeseen - but not at all unpleasant - consequences. Or, how getting involved in a car accident became the best thing that ever happened to Haruka.
Word count: 6,871 (total: 112,302) Chapter: 17/32 Chapter summary: During the time they spend together, Haruka and Makoto grow closer and closer.
Chapter 17: Snapshots
With every day that passed, Haruka got more and more used to living with Makoto. Walking to what used to be his parents’ room, waking Makoto up and having breakfast together was an easy, natural routine. After all the cups of tea and shared baths and conversations over the dinner table, the unfathomable concept that the mysterious boy on the train was his soulmate didn’t seem so unfathomable anymore.
Soon, Haruka could barely remember the time before they met; it was like he’d known Makoto all his life. Like he had always moaned his compliments about Haruka’s cooking and offered bites of his food to him as they wandered through the city. Always sat beside him on the couch for TV shows Haruka didn’t care about but watched nonetheless. Always washed Haruka’s back and dried his hair because Makoto knew he couldn’t be bothered to do it himself. Like he’d always been by his side, his very best friend.
Read more on AO3!
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softmakoharus · 5 months
makoharu fanfiction - “let it snow”
“Haru feels exactly the same, really, so even if Makoto doesn’t get that snowfall and Haru doesn’t get that kiss, tonight will still be wonderful, that much is certain. He nods with a smile, gently squeezing Makoto's hand, and the two of them begin their walk to the winter illuminations.”
summary: makoto and haru have their first date on christmas eve to see the winter illuminations, and haru is determined to share their first kiss that evening
words: 3659
rating: general audiences
additional tags: fluff, first kiss, christmas eve
link: ao3
thanks for reading, and i hope you enjoy!! ❄️☺️
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adanima · 8 months
MakoHaru fic search
I know this is probably a long shot but I gotta try
Hi, does anyone have a copy or know where I can find a copy of On His Shoulders by shiniki ? It's a 18-chapter makoharu fic (Free! fandom) posted in 2013 on ao3 that is now deleted
The summary was
There's a heavy weight on Makoto's shoulders.
and it's a makoto-centric fic set at the end of s1 with makoto pulling away from haru because he mistakenly thinks haru likes rin. there's a nice side of makoto-rin friendship development and makoto gets dangerously depressed before haru confesses to him
I checked wayback machine and it only has chapters 1, 4, 13. If anyone has a full copy of the fic, please let me know! Thanks in advance!
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ezzydean · 2 years
trick or treat makoharu?
come trick-or-treat in my inbox requesting ficcies and I’ll either treat you to some fluff or humor or trick you with a horribly twisted sad AU (I’ll use a random generator to pick trick or treat) send me “trick or treat” and a character(s) or ship in my inbox and I’ll write you a short little thing (I’ll be doing these all of October so send away!)
Haru freezes.
“Wait.  What?” Nagisa asks as he bumps into Haru.
“No,” Makoto repeats.
“I can’t believe you just said that.”
“Contrary to popular belief, and that poll you and Nitori did last summer, I can say ‘no’ to Haru.”  Makoto settles himself more comfortably in his chair.  “Case in point?  I just did it.”
“I mean.  I know you can.  I just, well.  I just never thought I’d experience it in person.”  Nagisa twists around Haru and peers up at him, head tilted in curiosity.  “Also I think you broke him.”
Makoto shakes his head.  “I didn’t break him.  His brain is just doing a soft reset or whatever.”
Nagisa scoffs softly.  “Whatever you say.”  He glances at the clock on the wall and gasps.  “Oh crap.  I gotta go.  If I’m late to work one more time I think my boss might actually follow through with his threat to dismember me.”
He waves as Nagisa shoves his feet into his shoes and rushes out the door.
Haru shakes his head a few times and starts blinking rapidly when the door slams shut behind Nagisa; brain online again.  Haru shuffles over and sits on the arm of the chair.
“You said ‘no’ to me.”  Haru frowns.  “Rude.”
“I did.”
“Rude,” Haru repeats.
“Come on, Haru.  You and I both know it’s a ridiculous idea.”
“I mean.  Yeah.  That was the whole point.”  Haru shifts and slides down the arm of the chair into his lap.  “I guess I’m just a little surprised that this is where you draw the line.  Like dragging that table into my dorm elevator to play poker was all fine and well but this?  This is where you draw the line?  This is the idea that you push back on?”
“Yep.”  He kisses Haru’s temple.  “It is.”
Haru frowns, staring out the window across from them.
“Was it the costumes?  Cause I can wear the sheep one if you’re that offended by it.”
“It’s not the costumes.”
Haru huffs.  “The candy?  I looked for the Kit-Kats you wanted but I can’t find them anywhere and if I order them online they won’t be here in time for it.”
“The candy isn’t the issue.  I know my Kit-Kat flavor is a summer thing.”
Haru twists and drapes his arms over Makoto’s shoulders, bringing them nose to nose.
“The wigs?”
“The candy corn?”
He shakes his head.  “Nuh-uh.  Not the candy corn but I still maintain that candy corn is gross.”
Haru blows a raspberry against his cheek.
“The silly string?”
“The sunglasses?”
“The fishing line?  The barbwire?  The glow-in-the-dark underwear?”
“Nope, nope, and nope.  Though now that you mention it the underwear is way too big for me.”
“What is it then?  The fairy lights?  The fire?  The tarp?”
Haru goes still and then gives him a suspicious look.
“Play nice, Haru.  That’s all I asked for tonight.”
Haru sighs dramatically and buries his face against Makoto’s shoulder.
“Ugh.  Fine.”
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benka79 · 3 months
Written for the @ficwip ' Drabbles Prompt Challenge.
Fandom: Free!
Ship: Makoto/Haruka
Title: Touching You
Prompt: Work of art
Haruka didn't know why he offered that day to massage Makoto's back.
The situation ran from normal to awkward once Haruka put his hands on Makoto's perfect, muscled back.
“Is something wrong?” Makoto asked. Haruka felt so guilty for being drooling about his friend.
“Everything is ok.” Haruka's voice trembled.
Makoto laughed and turned around to face him. “You're so cute. Don't be nervous” he said, taking Haruka's hand and kissing it as his mischievous eyes flicked to him. “We can talk about this after the massage.” Makoto smiled and Haruka flushed.
“Of course, we’ll talk about this later,” Haruka said, heart beating fast as he resumed the massage.
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shadowi8 · 1 year
Chapters: 1/7 Fandom: Free! Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Nanase Haruka/Tachibana Makoto, Nanase Haruka & Albert Wåhlander Characters: Tachibana Makoto, Nanase Haruka, Albert Wåhlander Additional Tags: MakoHaru Week 2023, No Smut, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff and Angst, Fluff, Angst, Omegaverse, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics Summary:
A good relationship needs more than just love to maintain it for the rest of your life. It is a constant decision between both participants to be together, to fix problems and to do their best when communicating.
Fic made for MakoHaru week 2023
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caffernnn · 11 months
Free! Anniversary Fic Recs 🦋🐋🐬🦈🐧 Can you share your fav fics from each year (2013-2023) Free! has been around?
This is a very fun ask!! Lemme root through my bookmarks and see what I can find 😅
2013 - A lot of the stories I have saved from this time are shorter lil one-shots like “Never Leave” by Shimegami (classic mh hug-it-out interlude fic) and “The Sound of Settling” by teke (feelings realization stuff), but one other one I liked was “The Ocean You Gave My Heart” by miaoujones. Smut warning for that one (if that’s not your thing), but something about desert-bound Makoto learning to swim and indulge in water with Haru, thinking upon meeting him that he’s a wonder whether he’s really a mermaid or not, that’s neat!!
2014 - starting to realize the ones I kept any note of from the early years are some of the popular mh fics probably already recommended 10 times over, but there’s a reason why people sing their praises. If you haven’t checked out fics from tide tothemoon like 2/13189000 (mhtokyo my beloved), their writing is *chef’s kiss* delightful. Another AU I haven’t been able to bring myself to revisit was orihime’s reincarnation stories from “I cannot be without you, matter of fact.” There are two different stories, one where Makoto remembers their past lives and a follow up where Haru remembers, and oh that made me ache dude.
2015 - Speaking of suffering, have y’all checked out Heart’s Departure yet? I think we’ve referenced and talked about that story enough for it to speak for itself 🥴 heartbreaking circumstances but still cosmic and so so beautiful. Then, once you’re done crying about that story, hop over to “Shake the Heavens” by Ad_Astra to break down over (what I described in my ao3 bookmark) Makoto and Haru’s “inherently cataclysmic devotion.” I guess 2015 was the year of shoving the boys into tragic AUs and seeing how much they were willing to give up to get back to each other. A whole vibe
2016 - let’s goooo gamers, more AUs!! “I’d Create Oceans For You” by trashness is a fun fantasy adventure that has both tender moments and interesting action (and some banger art from donguris omggg). If you want something more future-fish-flavored that shows that happily-ever-after doesn’t save you from your grief, “Sublimation” by RedScribbler was great. You can find more of my thoughts on that one if you scroll back a bit in my “fic recs” tag — one of y’all sent it in and yeeees it was so up my alley!
2017 - Alright fellas, there are so many to choose from, because now we’re getting into the macbetha years! Who would I be if I didn’t mention “Eyes Wide Open All The Time” tbh?? It’s a long one with its own hard-hitting involved lore and world-building, but Beth builds this unique story in a way that pulls from the characters we know and love so effectively. I’ve sung the praises for this story multiple times (and could so do it again bro don’t tempt me) but I’ll end off with saying that if you’re fascinated in watching deeply-wounded people who’ve been put through hell learn how to make a life in the aftermath, there’s something special for you here. Aaaand, if you want something about 1/10 the length and not as heavy, “159 (Architect/Interior Designer AU)” by intoxicatedcinnamon has some fun moments 😌 that’s another one where you can find more of my thoughts somewhere in the fic recs tag (love when y’all send me stories 💚💙)
2018 - “Coral and Bone” by Macbetha my beloved!!!! Wanna play mermaids and fight the gods? Maybe try to find that summer magic that makes you want to keep going and accidentally fall in love on the way? I am puuushing you toward this story bestie. Everyone’s here and everyone’s having fun! OH ALSO I’m throwing in “Night Changes” by SEMellark because I love stories where Makoto and Haru actually figure out how to talk to each other. (Side note — a lot of these are probably gonna be things I’ve rec’d in the past, so feel free to scroll my tag for more details and consider this list an extra endorsement 😅)
2019 - (drops basket full of love for mutuals) OOPS OOPS OOPS!!! Don’t mind me, just popping in with some “Let’s Get Married” by sagesprouts and “Anthropocene” by testosterogna, nothing to see here but some classic natsunao shenanigans and one of the sickest elemental bender AUs out there 😌✨ I also have some fics from Svana saved from this year, but I’ll be mentioning her again later so hold on okay!!
2020 - alright, now the list is getting longer with everyone jumping back in during the early pandemic days 🏃🏻‍♀️SO FIRST OFF “green eyes, you’re the one I wanted to find” by infinite_always is an absolute FLUFF FEST of a soulmate AU! Unbearably tender moments but who doesn’t love that every so often? OH AND we have another one of my all-time ultimate fic recs here!! “Reaching” by CupNoodles55 has shaped and reshaped how I look back at Eternal Summer in the way I’d want any great canon-compliant fic to. Big love for interlude scenes and extra bits that help recontextualize or deepen what a moment could’ve meant in the show. Gonna end off 2020 with “The Sea Aflame” by Dizzydodo because even though this urban fantasy story is unfinished, I was super drawn in by the prospects of dragon!Makoto and whatever god stuff was going on with Sousuke. An interesting universe I love thinking about again from time to time.
2021 - Starting off strong with “love on the water, love underwater (and so on)” by rudimentaryflair because we love introspection here!!! Lovely writing style with lines that make me want to scale the walls. This take on Makoto is so so special. Also gonna rec “To Clear Away Today” by suhmayzooka (omg hiiii) if you want to be thrown into another hard-hitting intricate AU with loads of potential. Love exploring what we’ve got to see of the world so far 💞 and OOOH IT’S TIME!! “Extraordinary” by Svana_Vrika is basically canon to me at this point. Svana has a lot of sweet shorter stories with Makoto and Haru (look here, look here), but this one is everythinggg my guy. Similar appeal to “Reaching” mentioned earlier: a story of interludes that bring the story we already know to life in a delightful new way. Required reading for mhtokyo fans forreal. ONE LAST ONE OKAY!! “Teacher” by VeloxVoid is a great future fic with teacher!Makoto and artist!Haru (and I’m not biased just bc it was a gift exchange for me with details fit to my specific tastes wdym🧍🏻). Domestic blisssss
2022 - Ooh we’ve almost caught up y’all ☺️ gonna start with “All This and Heaven Too” by SocksAreArgyle because sometimes the bestie crafts a smorgasbord of smut with a delicious throughline of character/relationship development baked in. If you want your choice of spicy makoharus or some character exploration, you’re SET with this one. Next is “I Let My Heart Go” by martincrieff because sometimes the bestie looks at poor pining Makoto and goes “you know what would be messed up?” AND I JUST !!! So full of love and now full of flower petals. Hanahaki!Makoto my dearest boy!! Aaaand ending off the year with some tender mh (to Ikuya’s detriment) in “The Night Train” by Lizzyboo. They’re so softtt with each other and UGH this story is so nice. Love watching people take the crumbs from FS/FS2 and make a meal 💜
2023 - The year is young! And old! So here’s some more, with who knows how many bangers yet to come 🎉 First going to throw in the Makoharu Week 2023 collection for your perusal because I saw some fantastic stories emerge from that event. If you have twitter, I’d recommend also seeing some of the threadfics posted over there from the event as well 💚💙 and I thiiink I’m gonna close off for now with “just like it was always meant to be” by tonfea because they’ve been putting out banger stories that deserve all the love. Haru introspection is one of those things that isn’t always done very well (which is especially hard to reckon with in older fics) but tonfea’s stories all have an intimate understanding about Haru’s mind and journey that just makes sense.
Alright hello we made it to the end!!! Might’ve thrown in more than expected but I hope makoharu enjoyers find something on this list that fits their fancy 🥲 (and if anyone wants to rec something or ramble about a story here that they loved I’m all ears)
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small-lizard · 4 months
It has been 7 years … but! I finally finished the last chapter of my MH fic 🥳
Summary: Haruka Nanase wakes up one morning to find that something is not quite right. That something being he is now a cat; tail, whiskers, four paws, and all. To say this was a surprise is an understatement. Luckily he can always count on his friends to be there for him. But as they keep running into dead ends Haruka starts to wonder if he will never become human again, and if maybe he would prefer it that way?
Word count: 77k+
Pairing: Makoto/Haru
Status: Complete. 12/12 Chapters.
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psiodine · 1 year
“Oh, dear brother, you’re in trouble,” is all Ren thankfully says. He squeezes Makoto’s shoulder through his leather jacket, a comforting and familiar gesture. “You punched God in the face. Telling a girl how you feel should be a small matter.”
4k words of transmasc makoto indulgence, and p5s makoharu
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edenfire · 1 year
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baby, oh, something's gotta give
I'm working on a little project, so I doodled up this quick harumako for @jessalynny 's fic, Baby, Oh, Something's Gotta Give ♡
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datheetjoella · 3 months
You Make Everything Okay
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Author: DatHeetJoella Fandom: Free! Pairing: MakoHaru Rating: M Summary: Unlike most people, Haruka wasn’t very eager to meet his soulmate. Half of the reason was his inexplicable infatuation with a stranger he saw on the train every morning, the other half was the words that were imprinted on his skin; the first words his soulmate would say to him. They were… ominous.
When Haruka’s absent-mindedness got him into trouble, he had to deal with the unforeseen - but not at all unpleasant - consequences. Or, how getting involved in a car accident became the best thing that ever happened to Haruka.
Word count: 7,621 (total: 119,923) Chapter: 18/32 Chapter summary: After spending the night in Makoto’s bed, Haruka awakes to an unpleasant surprise.
Chapter 18: Dolphin and Orca
An odd scent roused Haruka from his slumber. Through hazy eyes, he looked around himself, making out the big bed beneath him and the curtains of his parents’ room. That was right, he fell asleep here last night, next to Makoto. But now, Makoto was gone.
With a frown, Haruka pushed himself upright and scanned the whole room for any sign of him, but he wasn’t here. The door was left open ever so slightly, so he must’ve gotten up before Haruka for once. How strange.
What was also strange was that the odd scent was growing stronger. As if on cue, a loud banging followed by a shrill beeping sound reverberated through the room and instantly activated Haruka’s brain. The fire alarm. Makoto.
Read more on AO3!
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softmakoharus · 7 months
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thedragonhermit · 2 years
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I’d been really wanting to draw some stuff related to HoB’s still unnamed sequel, so here’s some teaser art! Featuring a few new original characters some of you should be able to infer who they’re referencing~ And yes, two of the three aren’t references to Beastars characters akdhfjhadk 
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monafiedbonafide · 5 months
woe, makoharu soulmate goose of enforcement be upon ye
pairing: Niijima Makoto/Okumura Haru
wc: 4.3k
summary: Makoto’s had a long night in Mementos and just wants to go home. Unfortunately for her, The Goose has other ideas.
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Mako/Haru (Free!) Rec p1/?
Shorties but Goodies (5,000 words or less) - Favorites from the Knife Drawer
What Do You Need? by oprhan_account
Makoto tends to get really bad headaches, and nothing seems to relieve the pain. Except, maybe one thing. Or one person. (headcanon that whenever Makoto gets really bad headaches, Haru will give him a head massage and take care of him)
Word Count: 2,263
Mine by kmc995
That’s his spot. It’s always been his spot – for way longer than it’s been Nagisa’s. What makes him think he can just swoop in and steal it? That should be him sleeping there. That should be him basking in the endless warmth that seems to just naturally radiate off of Makoto…
Word Count: 1,671
fold by Fluffifullness
Haru probably could have chosen a better method for settling his concerns regarding the obvious height difference between himself and Makoto.
Word Count: 3,816
Tell by orphan_account
Haru won't let Makoto sing, which is kind of inconvenient since they're at a karaoke bar and everything.
Word Count: 1,437
Haru’s Grudge by nanasehharu
Childhood: Makoto gets in trouble for something and the teacher makes him sit outside the class for the rest of the period. Haru sees that Makoto looks like he's about to cry any minute and he rushes out the door with him. The teacher gets even more mad but Haru doesn't care and he just silently comforts a crying Makoto outside the class.
Present time: He still secretly holds a grudge against that teacher who made Makoto cry.
Word Count: 2,048
Confession to a Textbook by uchiuchi
Makoto writes a secret inside of one of his school books, which Haru accidentally takes home.
Word Count: 2,049
Then and Now by yeastofeden
"Does it even work?" Haru asked himself, shaking the device with a chiding frown. His fingers glided over the smooth surface of the tape recorder, wiping away a layer of dust that had gathered at least a few years. He remembered using this years ago, but he didn't remember what for. More than that, he certainly didn't remember using it recently. Unnamed fingerprints, however, proved otherwise, and he set it down in front of him to pass judgment on it.
Word Count: 2,217
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partrin · 10 months
i'll be honest: i used to write a lot on asianfanfics and often got comments on my work, so when i first wrote a free! fic on ao3, i was really nervous because: a) a huge portion of the readers on ao3 are english speakers, which for some reason is daunting to me because oh my god, what if my english is absolute bollocks and people dislike my writing because of it?! b) asianfanfics had more asian readers, so i didn't feel as awkward writing about themes i wasn't sure non-asians would get, and c) readers on ao3 don't seem to comment as much as readers on aff do, so i'm often left feeling like i don't know if anybody enjoys my writing....... which oftentimes leads to me being a critical little shit towards my own work.
but then i reread all the comments left on all my works.. and i had this.. newfound appreciation for everyone that has commented on them, be it a short one-liner or an extremely long comment detailing exactly what they liked (or thought could be improved) about my story. like.. it makes writing so worthwhile, even if i may not get as many comments as some other authors do (i compare myself a lot—a horrible, self-detonating habit, really). i just really enjoy hearing from people that they enjoyed my work or it made their day or resonated with them in some way.
so like, thank you!!!!! to everyone who has commented on my work. it means the world to me.
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