theoxdarthy · 2 days
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Your new favorite foursome just dropped
@pixieprincessana @apex_sg_ on twt, @pizzandpussy on twt
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boylesbiansftw · 1 day
HAPPY PRIDE MONTH ALL OF YOU. this includes the transtrenders, and the xenogender people, even, especially, if you hoard labels and have 70 different neopronouns you use, and mspec lesbians and mspec gays, and the lesboys, the gaybians, and the turigirls, and the afab transfems and amab transmascs, yes even the perisex ones, and the aros and aces and apls and other atertiaries who are disgusted and loveless, and the alloaros who are very positive with sexuality, and the cishet aro/ace/etc men and women, and the intersex people who have consistently been ignored by the wider and broader queer community for having complicated experiences with gender and sexuality, and the transmasculine people and the trans men who have to deal with being told that oppression against them doesn't exist, and the transfeminine people and trans women who are told their existence is inherently sexual, and the transneutral people who are always forgotten about in conversations and treated as less trans, and the transhet people who are told they're not queer enough, the queer poc who are constantly ignored and pushed down for their existence, and the queer elders who have to hear younger queers demonize decades old identities in the name of discourse, and everyone else i didn't mention. you deserve to have a good pride month too.
exclusionists, transmedicalists and similar who clown on this post will be publicly shamed. <3
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saffigon · 3 days
I'm a trans man and I'm having a hard time understanding one of your posts.
How can trans Men be lesbian? The definition of lesbian is non-man loving non-man.
I understand he/him lesbians, because pronouns don't equal gender.
But to me calling a trans man a lesbian for liking women seems... against the whole point. Wouldn't that be against their gender identity, since lesbian is non men loving non men?
I am genuinely trying to understand this and don't mean to come off as rude. I am also in the lgbtq community, I'm bisexual and transgender. I try to get your points.
Also if I understood the entire post wrong, MB. I'm just trying to make sure i can accept everyone.
Trans men have had a connection to the lesbian community for decades. The line between butch and transmasc "non-man" lesbian and male lesbian is blurry sometimes. If you want historical evidence, Alison Bechdel has some comic strips from the 1980s and 1990s where male lesbians are present. Trans men who like women often identify as lesbians before they realize they're trans, and so they have an established connection to the lesbian community and continue to identify with it as they transition. Some also feel that their attraction to women is inherently queer and don't really feel like their attraction is "straight". Not all straight men identify as lesbians or lesboys, obviously, but it's an option for those who feel like it applies to them.
Also, "non-man" and "non-woman" just create a new binary that's exorsexist and based in racist ideology if applied generally. Not everyone fits neatly into the "non-man" or "non-woman" categories. Multigender people, for example, may be both man and woman, and don't fit into "non-man" or "non-woman" neatly. To say a multigender person who is both man and woman is "non-man" or "non-woman" erases at least half of their identity. Or demigender people who identify with a binary gender can be both not that binary gender and that binary gender. So saying a demiman is "non-man" is to erase their identity as a man and to say they're exclusively "non-man" is to erase their identity as nonbinary. This is also true for genderfluid and genderflux people who are sometimes completely binary men. To say they're exclusively "non-man" is to erase their identity as a man and to say they're exclusively "man" is to erase their identity as nonbinary.
Post by @this-is-exorsexism and @our-lesboy-experience found here
I'm white so I'm mostly going to point to this post by @moonshinedyke to explain the racism surrounding "nonman" and "nonwoman" as terms. Historically, "nonman" and "nonwoman" have been used to degender Black people and the term also degenders Two-Spirit people. As he points out in the post, it's fine to use the definitions for your own attraction, but using them to define the label as a whole is antiblack.
This isn't to like shame you or anything, just to give explanations and resources as to some things. I would recommend checking out the @/our-lesboy-experience blog to learn more about lesboys in general. This Carrd also has a good amount of information.
As for my own experiences, lesbian was the first queer identity I had. I started identifying as a lesbian since I was about 12. I realized I was trans when I was about 15. I've strayed away from the lesbian label because I felt it was "too gendered" both in definition and in the association. As I've gotten older, I've started to connect with the lesbian community again and feel comfortable identifying as a butch lesbian alongside being a trans man. My girlfriend identifies as a bi lesbian, and we consider our relationship both to be a lesbian one and to be a straight one. My attraction to women is both lesbian and straight and it fluctuates between what it is from day to day. I also identify as bigender and have some connection to lesbian identity because of my gender identity being a little funky.
A better definition of lesbian would be queer attraction to women. It includes people of all gender identities and is generally a good faith way to understand lesbianism.
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funniest thing about being a lesboy is that most of the people who would accept me being a he/him lesbian on paper (in a "oh youre bigender, youre not a binary man so thats fine/you have a connection to womanhood (i dont) so you can be lesbian/etc") would 100% not accept me as a he/him lesbian irl (stealth trans man who uses exclusively he/him, never really switches up presentation and never presents femininely despite being bigender, most people think im a cis/het man and i never correct them), non lesboys and monogenders have such strict criteria for whos allowed to be a lesboy that doesnt even seem to follow any definition, its so interesting
if we're even allowed to be lesboy in the first place
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It's lesboy time
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noxwithoutstars · 3 days
Aro and Ace Lesboy flags
PT/ Aro and Ace Lesboy flags /PT end
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IDS/ Two flags with six equal stripes. Left flag's colors top to bottom are dark blue, green, pale green, orange, bright pink, and dark magenta. Right flag's colors top to bottom are dark blue, purple, light lavender, purplish pink, pink, and dark red. /IDS end.
-> Aro Lesboy and Ace Lesboy
-> Requested by anon. @lesboy-archive
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ID/ The words, "No DNI but I will block!" in a bold serif font in white and outlined in black. The 'will' is in light indigo. /ID end
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noahizslay · 1 day
🏳️‍🌈 happy pride month to all: 🏳️‍⚧️
• gays, mspec gays and turigirls
• lesbians, mspec lesbians and lesboys
• bi, pan, ply, omni, abro and other mspec people.
• trans and non-binary people
• queer people
• intersex people
• ace and ace-spec people
• aro and aro-spec people
• apl and apl-spec people
• xenogender people
• polyamorous, ambiamorous and other non-monogamous people
• queerhets
• and to all other queer people not mentioned here
i love y'all and fuck queerphobes, they're jealous cause we slay and they don't 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️💞
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sketchyferrfgg · 1 day
Made art for someone I’ve wanted to make art for awhile now. I rlly look up to this artist personally. I’m tired I hope it looks okay @everyponie happy pride to someone who makes me want to learn more about myself and embrace it. And is supperrr cool and everyone else too🌈
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d4rkc4rnival · 2 months
came home drunk last night and got way too excited to see my computer
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queerbatting · 1 year
people need to realize that dissolving the lines between gender also means dissolving the lines between sexuality. you cannot say gender is fake and then say sexuality is strict and rigid.
there are multigender/genderfluid people who are lesbians and gay men at the same time. there are mspec lesbians/gays/straights who have a complex relationship with gender and their sexuality. there are gay men who are women and lesbians who are men because male isn't the opposite of female.
"conflicting" labels are a part of many people's queer experience, because the human experience isnt simple enough to be put into neat perfect categories. if you truly support trans/genderqueer people, you need to accept the fact that gender and sexuality is complex and there will be people whose identities you don't understand
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transmultiphobia · 8 months
“We need more weird queer people” Y’all can’t handle 90% of the ways multigenders label their sexualities
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michaelmilkers · 10 months
i'm regularly astounded by the cognitive dissonance some of yall have to accept that gender is a social construct with infinite possibilities with the capacity to be deeply personal and individual but still think there's a list of like 4 acceptable sexual orientations and if you go outside of that list or mix entries on that list or relate to them in a non-traditional way not only are you Breaking The Rules you're personally directly harming people who follow them
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genderqueerdykes · 24 days
the term lesbian means many, many things, but it has never and will never mean "hates men,". when you want to say "i hate men" you should say "i hate men". just say what you mean. lesbian means having a queer relationship with sexuality, gender, presentation, and/or biological sex, it means something about who you love and who loves you, but it does NOT mean hate or who you pathologically hide from. it will never stand for who you hate, only for who you are, who you find community with, and/or who you love. inclusion, not exclusion.
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transonlyspace · 5 months
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sapphic-boy · 1 year
Okay yes you reblogged a post about a boyfriend being a girl but are you like actually normal about multigender people especially about multigender lesbians and gay dudes
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adiodont · 10 months
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figuring things out, reflecting.
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