#inspiration playlist✨️
lilbeanz · 19 days
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Tada! The music that inspires the story✨️ (ongoing & still updating)
Sorry it's not Spotify, I'm not cool like that🥲
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apolloslyrics · 3 months
Lazy "Wards"
So today, I was lying in my bed, and I was thinking about how I desperately did not want to refresh my wards. I was feeling tired, burned out, frustrated, and just generally awful. I knew I needed to refresh them, but I also knew that it was going to take so much effort that I didn't have. Thus began the thought:
Is there an easier way to ward my space?
Turns out there is! Now, I know wards are normally random things you put in your room and re-do every once in a while, but ✨️these ones are fun and cool✨️. I compiled a list of the five easy wards I do for when I'm feeling absolutely AWFUL. Here they are!
Morning and Night Playlists
Make two playlists— one that you'll listen to as soon as you wake up, and one that you'll listen to right before you sleep. They don't have to have any specific genre; just do what you feel like you need during those times. Maybe even create a playlist cover photo if you're feeling inspired!
Turn your fan on
I am dead serious with this one, folks. It could technically be considered cleaning, but FUCK IT. Open your window and/or your door and turn on a fan. Let that air flush OUT the energy from inside and pull IN the good shit from outside. I would probably do this like once a week. Have fun with it! Maybe even play those playlists and have a whole dance party!
Stuffed Animal of the Month
That's right. You heard me. Choose a stuffed animal that will protect your space for a month. Next month, choose a different one. Repeat that for, like, forever or whatever. The important thing is that you choose a stuffed animal, you tell them "Hey, I need you to guard my shit," and you give them LOOOOTS of cuddles in return. I love this one a little too much.
Tape a picture of a sigil on your door
This one's for the people who are able to be out as a witch. If you can't do a sigil, even putting a picture of an animal or object is good enough! Just tape it to your door, either facing you or the outside, and let it do its thing.
Incense and screaming
This is more of a cleansing method than a ward. DO IT. Open your window and/or your door again, light that shit up, and scream out all the energy that you've been building up. Tell it to get-the-fuck-out or you'll roundhouse its ass. But also find the good shit and ask it to join you!
I hope yall like this post. I really liked making it!! These methods are probably not all new, and I'm most definitely not the one who invented them, but STILL. I like them and I hope you do too!
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lenfantdeverone · 2 months
I made my extremely well thought AOS Spirk playlist and I wanted to share it with everyone!
Been working on TOS Spirk's one for ages, but I'm truly a perfectionist when it comes to playlist and I need to nail the specific sound vibe I'm going for with them. AOS Spirk just matches my everyday music taste so much better (they're miserable and desperate which is what I am) so the inspiration just naturally came to me.
I highly recommend listening to the music in order as I tried to tell a story through the songs but do whatever, enjoy my favorite music while thinking about the lovers!!!
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cinnamon-irl · 3 months
✧˚ ʚɞ˚ ༘✿ ♡ ⋆。˚๑☆❕☆🦈☆๑✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧
⚪Staying motivated tips I use
1) Change your environment
Sometimes I don't feel like staying in my room, so I move to another room where I can study.  It's a really useful method when you're bored.If there is a library or cafe nearby, going there will increase your determination to study. If you are going to stay at home, you can listen to various venue sounds via YouTube. Or you can feel like you are in different places with lifeat.io. You can also use video study with a friend.
2) Find things that motivate you
These don't need to be big things.  It can be anything that will satisfy you. Colored pencils, making yourself coffee in your favorite mug, a motivating water bottle, or even an object you like to keep with you (motivational words, books, buckles, stickers...)I think this is very important.  Because if you have to do a job that seems boring to you, making it as cute as possible will make your job easier.
3) Reach the whole with small parts
Break your to-do list into small pieces.  Determine a certain amount of time for each task and in what time frame you will do it.  Give yourself small rewards when you complete the task. You can benefit from the Pomodoro method. It might be like, after studying for 40 minutes, I will look at YouTube for 10 minutes.  I can recommend Forest as a Pomodoro application. Because when you complete the time, you earn coins and plant trees, making you feel purposeful, satisfied with the process, and able to see your progress. One of my favorite things to do while studying is to watch motivational videos, make a vision board for myself, and find inspiring things through TikTok, YouTube and Pinterest. You can also make your own study playlist with Spotify. One of the applications I use is notion. It is very useful for fulfilling your customs duties, adding your photos and videos, and keeping your lecture notes.  What you need to pay attention to here is to pay attention to your social media usage time.Finally, you aren't a robot. You also need to make time for yourself. Don't forget to go out and get some fresh air, do your favorite hobbies or eat your favorite dessert.🍧🧋🩵
do you like study vlogs?🫧✨️
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clownistyping · 1 year
Funny and fluff ask. Leonardo tmnt scenario. Leo is always usually stressed. So how about he walks in on his s/o with a Jacuzzi in her living room and a smoothie and her floating on the water and cucumbers on her eyes and she is like “I’m destressing. Come sit with me”? (S/o is actually stressed out about something. They’ve already sorted it out but they need to calm down so hence the random event. Might as well invite Leo in).
Lmao I love this.
✨️Spa Day✨️
Before you invited Leo over, you did quickly look up if turtles will live in hot water. You learned they shouldn't be in waters over 78 degrees. But them you reminded yourself that, Leo is not a regular turtle.
He is infact a mutant ninja turtle. So you text him to join you, and at first he hesites but shrugs. Eh why not.
He's got a spare key, but can't exactly just use the elevator. So he goes through your window, thank God you have an alley window.
"Oh wow that's nice." Leo says and looks over everything you've put together. The TV is playing a soothing spa music Playlist. Fake candles are lit. And the blender is dirty but hey smoothies on a table next to said Jacuzzi. Leo takes note to wash the blender later.
"So, what uh..inspired this spa day?" Leo asks and you shrug from the jacuzzi, taking a cucumber slice you eat one slice.
"Long fuckin story, but I'm over it. I'm destressing. Come on join me big guy." You wave him over and he smiles, nodding. Leo joins the jacuzzi. Groaning at the hot water relaxing his water. You hand him some cucumber slices and he does eat them.
"No- Leo. On your eyes. See?" You say and place the slices over your closed eyes. Leo purses his lips but shrugs. He's seen this on TV so its not that werid. Laying the slices on his eyes, he relaxes back.
He can't lie and say this isn't the most relaxed he's ever been. This is definitely something he will never share with his brothers. Knowing they'll ruin the relaxation.
He sips his smoothie with a smile.
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♥️ Favorite Line
Oh gosh it's genuinely so difficult to pick. I poured everything I had into chapters 9, 14, 18, and 20, so those ones are full lines I agonized over.
Currently if I had to choose, I'd say: "Mikey spun his luminescent links in lethargic arcs, paying no heed to their bloody tips shedding dark droplets. Or to the soft ching… ching… ching… as they skittered over stone." from chapter 20 (that whole scene, actually) was a JOY to write.
I love any use of the ticking. Or using the word 'Lollapalooza'.
✨ Favorite Comment
I love getting each and every comment, but I do have some favorites. I screenshot the ones I really like and keep them in a special folder that I might print out one day.
Obviously @purplepixel's comment/essays are some of my favorite things in the world, specifically the one on chapter 20. like_theletter 's comment on chapter 10 is also one of my favorites. But hands down, one of the best comments I have ever received was on chapter 15 by @8rook which said, "NOOO!!! HE'S DEAD!!! AND HE'S IN THE SHOWER WATER!!! AHHHHH!!!" cracks me up EVERY time I think about it.
💭 What Inspires Me
The original inspiration for 'Spider's Web With Strings Attached' was a mix between lfls by @eternalglitch, the '03 turtles in their battle arena, the Gemini Twins by @tangledinink, and @drsmer.
Without Dr. Smer urging me, drawing concept art, making a playlist, helping me decide names, characters, places, events, chapter titles, and even the title of the fic, I guarantee it would not have gotten this far.
But when I'm actually writing, when I need inspiration I'll put random songs on shuffle and see what emotions they make me feel. I've gone on long drives or car rides to give me some inspiration before (I was in the mountains with my family when I got the idea for Viper and chapter 9). However, if I'm being totally honest, the best way for me to get inspiration is to lay on my floor, stare up at the ceiling fan, and let my brain do what it will. That might not work for everyone, but Floor Time™️ is an essential part of my process
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Hi everyone! It's me, your friendly neighborhood Loading-Artist! Or otherwise known as Load!
May' has been tough. And when the going gets rough, why not give yourself a lil treat?
That treat just so happens to be me REALLY wanting to share my secret project before im ready and rush into sharing it, but i HAVE TO HOLD MYSELF BACK. I am fighting myself as we speak.
But that's why i bring to you a compromise! Come one, come all!
As i jumpstart my slow descent into my eventual official full reveal of my secret project.
Starting with something, that i probably should wait til way later. But i dont want to. AT LEAST, it's something that'll give you perhaps an idea on my version of the characters without outright spoilering them yet.
But with that out of way, Drumroll, please!
You guessed correctly! Or didn't.
Specifically, playlists i think my versions of the characters would listen to!
Heads up; i highly recommend listening to them on shuffle! Also, that their a work of progress... But hey, hope you enjoy!
(Special thanks to hypnoi for the inspiration of making these playlists, and i hope it's alright i also used the emoji(s)-in-the-title way of naming them thing as-well. Teehee)
Btw, I do know that Lorelai and Ava are missing, but i WILL reblog this post with their playlists when i finished setting theirs up to a more... reveal-able? Degree? Their playlists are more unfinished than the guys'. So, pls bear? Bare? With me, ahaha...
Hope you guys have a good day/noon/night!
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My Playlist is finnished!! Here it is!
I'm not completely happy with it but the good thing about a playlist is that you can add and remove songs when ever you like!
It has 55 songs right now and only like the first 12 - 14 songs are somewhat corresponding with the AU in terms of placement but only for like a very specific arc that is very late in the story and I haven't even planned yet! (Only daydreamed about it lol)
It also is mainly songs I eather liked or fit the story (mostly due to the ✨️vibe✨️). I don't listen much to Jpop and not a lot of soundtracks and yeah... Tried to find as many lyric videos as possible so you can understand to what your listening to.
Some songs are for like specific characters but who will be kept in my mind right now lol. As nobody but me will understand the song-story-relations yet.
Eather way, hope you folks like it! Enjoy!
Edit: Oh, I forgot! I have two new tags!
If you guys ever want to look at my writing and/or art you don't need to wade through my endless reblogs anymore. Inspired by @tired-reader-writer.
My art you can find under: "important art defender"
And my writing you can find under: "important writing defender".
Originally wanted to put this under the Azar design sheet post but it's here now!
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How do you feel about people making playlists inspired by your works?
I'm all for it! That sounds like a huge compliment haha, it's nice to think that what I make might inspire other people to make things, as well. And if they want to share the playlists with me, that would be amazing. You never know—those songs might help inspire future works, too. ✨️
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prpfs · 4 months
✨️ hello there!! you can call me lumia, i'm 21+, she/her pronouns, and i am desperately looking for a baldur's gate 3 roleplay, specifically a durgetash (enver gortash x dark urge) pairing!
i am completely fine playing either gortash or durge! my durge character can be either male or female depending on whether you prefer m// or mxf pairings. if you play durge, i don't mind if they're male, female, trans, or nonbinary!
dead dove themes will be present by nature of the pairing itself, but certain limits + how far down the pipeline you wanna go can be discussed privately! i have very few limits personally. i'm open for our rp to take place pre-game, during, or post-game and i'm open for both accepting and/or resisting durge + tyrant and/or potentially redeemed gortash. the world is our oyster! i just desperately need to rp these fools.
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
》 i'm a lit multi-para/novella writer and i ask you be the same for establishing a baseline, but i don't abide by arbitrary word counts and write whatever feels needed for a scene. i just like knowing my partner has the ability to write deeply if inspiration strikes/the scene calls for it!
》 please be 18+ (21+ preferred but not required)
》 big fan of playlists, headcanons, au spin-off/oneshot roleplays with our characters, etc. show me you're invested/interested in the story we're creating! also love talking ooc but if you'd rather just stick to plotting lemme know
》 my reply frequency fluctuates and i ask you be ok with that! i promise ooc communication on my end and do not mind longer waits for replies on your end as long as there's communication
》 discord preferred but willing to plot on tumblr and rp on discord if you'd rather
please give this post a like and i'll reach out!
like if you're interested and op will reach out
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thissmycomingofage · 2 months
You know what? Last thing I'll say about this stupid playlist thing, but the worst and stupidest offense is by far made to sweet nothing. I'm not even a big enjoyer of this song but she doesn't deserve the way she's been dragged through the mud since her release.
First for swifties it was ✨️a Joe song✨️ "my god, so cute, they did that together again💗💗💗", then, apparently, it was really a way to express how he doesn't want anything from her, how he didn't respect her fame and success. THEN Taylor liked a post about it being inspired by another relationship. And you know what? Fine. Okay it's pretty unnecessary and clearly petty, but fine, it doesn't change anything except for fans who see everything through her. But now she does this, playing into her fans' """improved""" interpretation of the song (because you won't ever make me believe she would have put it there wouldn't it be for the infamous "midnights is a breakup album" theory).
She can't let this song rest and it's as ridiculous as it's sad.
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mickeym4ndy · 25 days
weekly tag wednesday ! ✨️
thank you for tagging me @sgtmickeyslaughter and @iansw0rld 🫶
oh hi. fancy seeing you, here! today we're talking music 🎶 so put on a playlist and play along.
name: tee
what is the most listened to artist in your music app of choice this month? Taylor swift, shocker
what song do you know all the lyrics to? So so many, if I like a song at all I’ll know the words. Even crazy long ones. My friends always say I know an insane amount of lyrics.
what song do you pretend to know all the lyrics to and sing along to even though you don't? I feel like there definitely has to be one but idk I can’t think of one right now
if you were to be crowned queen/king/royalty of listening to a band or artist, who would that be? Considering I’ve been a fan of her music since I was about 10, Taylor swift
what band/artist surprises you the most on your frequently listened to artists? The Eagles. I mean I love them but I only currently know about 5 of their songs well. I think I just must listen to the same ones on repeat a lot. Great songs though tbf.
favourite line from a song (or one you have been thinking about lately)? “time makes you bolder” from landslide has been my favourite lyric since I first heard the song when I was 12. Stevie Nicks you have my heart
guilty pleasure band or song? Country music ok???THERE I said it ok I like country music, sue me. Also agree with @iansw0rld, glee cast have some bangers.
okay let's talk fandom music:
fave band or song you've discovered from a fan fic? For some reason, the only one I can remember is right now is when we were young by the summer set. I actually think it was a glee fanfic I read when I was like 13. My minds drawing a blank lol. I also haven’t actually listened to this song in years.
fave fanfic playlist? Aw idk tbh
fave gallavich song? Idk tbh don’t hate me but I haven’t really listened to the gallavich songs from the show (I need too I know I know).
do you listen to music recommended by the writer or an included playlist? Sometimes. Maybe not a full playlist but I like to skim through the songs by title at least anyway. But I love when a fic is inspired by a song or they’ve put lyrics in the title/ at the beginning of a fic.
what song do you think is gallavich coded? Just look at the edits I’ve made and you’ll see about a dozen songs I think are gallavich coded lol. I have loads more too. They’re mainly angsty though so here’s a happy-ish one that I think is Gallavich coded
also this rn
what’s a bop you want to share with your mutuals today? women of shameless coded
tagging @stocious @especially-fuk-u @pookiebearmick @em-harlsnow @doshiart
@thirstyvampyr @sleepyheadgallavich and whoever else wants to 🩵
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valiantstarlights · 1 year
tumblr fics masterlist ✨️
My AUs are growing by the day, so here's me trying to list them all in one place. I hope you enjoy reading them! 😊
Fics, fanarts, playlists, etc. inspired by my writing are most welcome. 🙏 Tag me! I would love to see them.
Due to the entire AI scraping thing going on, my fics in AO3 can now only be viewed by registered users. I apologize for the inconvenience. 🙇‍♀️
Last updated: September 15, 2023.
AU List
101 Dalmatians Meet Cute AU - Dream's dog is a purebred named Jessamy (very calm, very regal), and Hob's dog is a mutt named Matthew (excitable and energetic).
Art by designtheendless
Android Corinthian AU - (Hobrintheus) Dream and Hob are husbands who bought a sex android (Corinthian) for them to use.
Black Butler (Kuroshitsuji) AU - featuring Hob as a demon butler, and Dream as a monsterfucker nobleman.
Canon Divergence
Enlightenment - Hob takes Dream's words in 1889 to heart, and realizes that he has never had a single friend in his entire life.
The origin story of monsterfucker Hob Gadling
Recently recovered amnesiac Hob and currently amnesiac Dream inspired by beholdme's prompt. 🔥? 😂!
Chef Hob AU - Hob is a chef who owns a food truck selling authentic Indian food, and Dream is someone who doesn't really eat well. (He had a bad breakup a year ago and it caused him to eat less. He's trying to eat better with his siblings' help.)
Food by carnelianmeluha
Dungeons and Dragons AU - The Endless siblings and Hob playing DND. Details about their characters, that kind of thing.
Fae Dream and Vampire Hob AU - Fae!Dream runs away from home in the middle of winter and has no choice but to shelter in a castle. Coincidentally, Vampire!Hob lives there.
Hamilton AU - 1789 Albany NY. Hob has amnesia and is going by Capt. Gideon "Leon" Roberts. Dream is masquerading as a rich foreign lord named Mr. Thomas Murphy to better keep an eye on him. (Also an American Gods crossover.)
The Feeling of Freedom (AO3 link)
Keep Me in Comfort For All My Days (AO3 link)
Mermaid AUs
Little Mermaid AU - Dream is the king of Atlantis, Orpheus is his only son who is all about that land stuff, and Hob is a (human) thief being transported with other convicts to a penal colony.
Little Mermaid AU ft. Human Hob and Merman-turned-mute-human Dream inspired by designtheendless's art. 🍬🤗
Teacher Hob and Merfolk Performer Dream AU inspired by (OP: cosmic--static's prompt. 🍬!
Personal Trainer Dream AU - Dream is a personal trainer trying to be professional while being horny on main for his newest trainee, Professor Robert Gadling. (Except he's not trying very hard, and Hob also thinks he's super hot.)
Priest Hob and Demon Dream AU inspired by alexxuun's art.
June 7 episode 💀! 🔥? (Kyrie Eleison on AO3)
December 24 episode 💀! 🔥! (Offertory on AO3)
Shadow and Bone AU - Dream is the (sad wet cat) Darkling and Hob is the (soft dom) Sun Summoner. There are two versions of this AU: one where Dream is in the position of power, and one where Hob is.
Show x Comic Swap AU - Basically Comic!Dream x Show!Hob, Comic!Hob x Show!Dream, and other variations. inspired by alexxun's art.
The angsty version 😭! (The Burning House on AO3)
The spicy+happy(?) version 🔥! 💀! (The Gilded Cage on AO3)
The actual happy ending 🤗🍬 (Fidelity on AO3)
The Truth Can't Hurt You, It's Just Like The Dark (AO3 link)
Slice of Life
Professor Hob and Thirsty 24/7 Dream inspired notallsandmen's Kirby!Dream meme. 🔥! 😂?
Tiny Dream AU - Sometimes, when Dream is in the Waking World, he likes to be small. So he retreats into a Barbie doll house that he has since renovated into a Dream doll castle.
Playtime 🔥 (AO3 link)
Urban Fantasy Spy AU - Dream (half-eldritch being, tech officer) and Hob (full human with an immortality mutation, field agent) are co-workers working for The Agency, and they have a 600 year history of not liking each other.
Try to Hide Your Hand (AO3 link)
Vampire!Dream Soulmate AU (a.k.a Lord Dimitrescu!Dream AU) - History professor Hob Gadling wins an annual faculty raffle that enables him to take a 3 days, 2 nights trip to anywhere in the world, and he chooses to visit the little village of Dreaming somewhere in Eastern Europe.
Here at the Boundaries of Dream, All Shadow-Wrapped on AO3
Wedding Planner AU - Dream is getting married to Calliope, and the wedding planner is Hob, the one that got away.
events/commissions for charity
Dreamling Week 2023 by (OP: mr-sadman)
Day 1: Meowpheus - 5 Pictures of Dream as Meowpheus, and 1 Picture of Dream as Himself (AO3 link) [Canon Divergence] 🍬 😂
Day 2: Dragon - A New Beginning (AO3 link) [The Hobbit AU] 🍬 🤗
Day 3: Curiosity (killed the cat) - An All-Consuming Kind of Love (AO3 link) [Human AU, Professor!Hob/Student!Dream] 💀! 🔥!
Day 4: Fake Dating - Fidelity (AO3 link) [Show X Comic Swap AU, Show!Hob/Show!Dream] 😭 🤗
Day 5: Jealousy - The Feeling of Freedom (AO3 link) [Hamilton AU] 🍬 🤗
Day 6: Sick - In Sickness (AO3 link) [Canon Divergence] 🍬 😂
Day 7: AUs or Crossovers - Of Surviving (AO3 link) [The Hunger Games AU] 😭 🤗
Dreamling for Ukraine by (OP:dreamlingforukraine)
Try to Hide Your Hand (AO3 link) for seiya-starsniper
Keep Me in Comfort For All My Days (AO3 link) for bazzybelle
The Truth Can't Hurt You, It's Just Like The Dark (AO3 link) for hoblingtyrant
Sandmanniversary 2023 (OP: mr-sadman)
Day 1: Size Kink - Playtime (AO3 link) [Tiny!Dream AU] 🔥!
Day 2: Soulmates + Hunt - The Helpful Stranger (AO3 link) [Vampire!Dream Soulmate AU]
miscellaneous stuff
The Dreaming Loyalty Card
Chat Posts | Meme Edits | Speech Bubble Posts | Random Text Posts | The Sandman Text Posts | Visual Novel Posts
Lord Byron AU memes
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nguyetvan · 11 days
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Because I'm shy & an overthinking mess, I have decided to post this to make life easier for myself. ✨️ Also, since I write best when something is plot-driven, or when the muses have established a solid dynamic, I figure this will help make this blog a more comfortable space for me.
Softblock spree will be conducted every now and then to filter out blogs that hasn't interacted with mine for months (unless a hiatus is announced), as I want to keep my circle small and close. Making new friends is a large part of my joy for being here.
By liking this post, you give me & I give you permission to:
Hop into either of our ims/discord anytime to discuss dynamics/plotting, especially if we have never interacted before.
Bless each other with random messages & things like playlists of songs, insta reels, etc that can serve as a reminder of our muses.
Infodump about things that we think may help with the plotting/dynamic (whether it is some random inspirations, a long & impromptu character study,...)
Write surprise random starters.
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That's it for now! Have a good day everyone 💕
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autistook · 1 month
Merry Brandybuck x fem!hobbit!reader / soft oc
click here for the fanfic masterpost
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○ songs that I was listening to that inspired chapters or moments in the story
● some of these are in finnish, sorry lmao. u can always google for the translations ♡
○ not necessarily chapter specific
● will be updated when I discover more songs that remind me of this story!
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outer-space-face · 10 months
As per the inspiration of the lovely and wonderful boog, I have made a playlist full of songs that feel like me!! :) SO HERE IT IS!!!! >:DD
(Also sidenote but I recently gave little updates to some of the playlists I love the most, like my Halloween playlist, my autumn playlist, my witch playlist, and my fantasy playlist, so if y'all wanna check that out too you're more than welcome!! :DD)
ALSO ALSO I'm very proud of the order of each song that I came up with too!! :) <33
Thanks again to boog for the inspo!! <333
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