#greek deities
xnimnimsx · 3 days
ʚ Reminder ɞ
It's ok if you can't afford fancy offerings to deities.
It's ok if you don't work with or worship deities.
It's ok if your altar is small.
It's ok if your altar was made from things found at a dollar store.
It's ok if you don't have an altar.
It's ok if you don't read tarot cards, or do pendulum.
It's ok if you can't read Oracle cards.
It's ok if you only wanna work with the stars and moon.
It's ok of you only wanna do simple candle spells.
It's ok to only focus on one craft.
Your craft is YOUR CRAFT. You do what feels right to you always. Don't let other people tell you you're wrong for following a certain path or for following all paths. Also remember you don't need to buy the most expensive items for your craft!! The dollar store and Walmart are great for witchy items!
Just remember to always research and respect peoples cultures and practices as well. But NEVER let anyone tell you you're wrong in YOUR CRAFT. You are the only person who gets a say on that.
Blessed be. 🧿
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apolloslyrics · 2 months
I see so many people criticizing others over their relationships, or lack thereof, with their deities, so here are some reminders:
Not having deities is okay.
Having just a devotional relationship with your deities is okay.
Having a working relationship with your deities is okay.
Playing games with your deities is okay.
Harmless jokes with your deities are okay.
Doing fun things with your deities is okay.
Doing devotional offerings for your deities is okay.
Giving physical offerings to your deities is okay.
Not being able to do certain offerings for deities is okay.
Having an altar for your deities is okay, no matter the size.
Not having an altar for your deities is okay.
Laughing with your deities is okay.
Crying with your deities is okay.
Having genuine conversations with your deities is okay.
Being unable to hear/see deities is okay.
Being able to hear/see deities is okay.
Not being able to communicate through divination is okay.
Using divination as a key element in communication is okay.
Not calling on deities during spellwork is okay.
Asking deities to help during spellwork is okay.
Asking deities for help in general is okay.
This is your relationship with your deities in your practice. Don't let anyone tell you what you can and can't do. 🫶
It's 2am, please forgive me if there are any mistakes!
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ivettaflowerblooom · 3 months
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Eros and Psyche by William-Adolphe Bouguereau, 1889.
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thewhisperofzagreus · 2 months
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Oh, Hermaphroditus, a Holy One.
1. Hermaphroditus statue from Imperial Rome, around 70-100 AD, at "Lady Lever Art Gallery" in Europe England 2. Hermaphroditus statue from Imperial Rome in the 2nd century AD, at "Louvre" in Paris, Europe France
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starsthewitch · 2 months
Some Aphrodite facts for people who want to know more!!
✶She’s the mother of Hermaphroditus, the god of effeminacy and the origin of the word hermaphrodite. They’re an intersex person born with male and female characteristics.
✶ Aphrodite was believed to have a magical girdle (or belt) called the "Cestus," which could enhance her irresistible allure and seductive powers.
✶ In addition to her romantic and sexual aspects, Aphrodite was also revered as a protectress of sailors, offering safe passage across the seas.
✶ She was also worshipped as a protector of prostitutes and courtesans, reflecting her association with love and desire in all its forms.
✶ Aphrodite's name originated from the word Sea-foam.
✶ The dove, The affectionate white or turtle-dove was the bird of love, was a bird sacred to the goddess Aphrodite. Doves were said to draw her heavenly chariot, and the Syrian Aphrodite Ashtarte was said to have been hatched from an egg nursed by doves.
✶ In most sculptures, she is often depicted with a round face and a pear body shape! Even having rolls on some of them.
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luchia-a · 7 months
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So this is from april, but i need to say it...
For the Olympian Games, we saw a emotional and very cute representation of the Ancient Gods Cult... Women dressed as priestess honoured Zeus for the Olympiads, was beautiful 🤗
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.... But we have, of course, these comments:
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Zeus was also a god of justice and order if you don't know…
Do you really think that Ancient Greece treated Zeus or another deity like Modern Media and Retellings treats them? Pick a book of History and Religion of Greece, please…
"But Zeus did this in the myth…" Gods are not characters that the Greeks worshiped from their myths… The myths are stories that Greeks wrote for the Gods them worshiped! Was a religion first, read the hymns and you will understand how Greeks respected and still respect their gods!
Also is still today a religion… A polytheist religion like Hinduism. Is not "gone"!
Hellenism is still practised in some regions, inside and outside Greece… So please be respectful 🙏💙
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gotstabbedbyapen · 3 months
Surprise attack! Talk about whatever you’re really into right now! Can be anything just tell us about what you’re personally passionate about and have been looking for an excuse to rant about! >:D
I want to ramble about Hyacinthus of Sparta, but right now I don't have the time and energy to write an essay about him.
So, have this iceberg meme summarizing everything I know or am still researching about him!
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achillesoul · 5 months
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Hail Lord Dionysus.
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childofthewolvess · 7 days
How to participate in Devotee & Deity Trend
(I invented it but it got enough interest overnight that I’m making an official post to help folks if they want to do this!)
Let’s do this, pagans + witches! I love seeing how devotees resemble their deities’ energies, or even sometimes physical traits.
Post a picture of you alongside your deity! You can post a moodboard, statue, art of the deity, whatever floats your boat, my dude!
Tag the post with #devotee and deity so participating people can find the trend easily!
Don’t you people start judging each other. This is meant to be a fun little online activity to honor our deities! People don’t have to look like their deities to worship them, of course… I just find that a lot of times people give off the same energy as their deity and I think that’s so cool.
Have fun! 😊
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helpolnix · 11 days
The energy of the gods
I had the wonderful opportunity of having a first meeting with lady Aphrodite. To say I didn’t immediately recognize her presence would be a lie, even though I’ve never met her before. Her energy was so distinctly her. For lack of a better, stronger term, she was so overwhelmingly feminine.
Strongly so. It was an aura that demanded to be acknowledged and heard. So very distinctly her. She was so kind and warm with me. It was definitely a privilege to have such a close encounter with her.
I’ve had a very crazy 2 or so days, and while I can’t talk about all of it due to how ridiculous it sounds to me, even in my head, I just wanted to say not to doubt yourself if you think you feel your god.
If they want you to feel their presence, you’ll feel it.
One way or another.
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a-sip-of-ambrosia · 1 month
those tiny harmless lies to narrowly escape getting into trouble with your parents or anyone else and then apologizing to the gods for being a bit untruthful but knowing that sometimes, Lord Hermes secretly condones it and is proud of how cheeky you are... yeah <3
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apolloslyrics · 2 months
Here is your reminder that veiling does NOT have to be with traditional veils!
It's okay to veil with a hat.
It's okay to veil with a bandana.
It's okay to veil with a scarf.
It's okay to veil with jewelry.
It's okay to veil with oils.
It's okay to veil with perfume.
It's okay to veil with a simple cleansing.
Heck, it's okay to veil with hair binding!!
It's okay to veil with ANYTHING, and to prove it, here is my veil for today. It's a new hairstyle I'm trying out! (Also, a face reveal?? omg!)
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Love yall! Take care of yourselves 🫶🌻
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ivettaflowerblooom · 3 months
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La Danse Triomphale de Pallas Athénée
Statue of Athena in Paris. She is also supposed to be holding a spear in her hands
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thewhisperofzagreus · 5 months
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Allegorical figure of Hermes on the portal of the building on Komenského Square in Czech Republic. Photo by Peter Zelizňák
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acids-and-basses · 8 days
To give the gods and deities offerings, do they see us as we see crows bringing them shiny things?
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