#indie book
nicosraf · 4 months
Angels Before Man Valentine's Hardcover sale from Feb 7 - 14 !
Hello! From Feb 7-14, you can purchase Angels Before Man in hardcover for only $20.50 using this link , which you can also find through the link in my bio .
Unfortunately, this is USA only (I'm pretty sure), as it's fulfilled by IngramSpark.
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Usually, I only get cents (!) from hardcover sales, but through a direct buy from Ingram, I get a tad more, so if you've ever considered owning Angels Before Man in hardcover, please consider getting it through the sale link!
The hardcover art is by the incredible @iliothermia and the dust jacket is by @siroc-co ! I also have to thank @swordvampire for their design work here also !!
The sequel to ABM is coming very soon, so now's the time to pick it up if you're interested! :>
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earlronove · 3 months
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Happy book birthday to 🌟BORN OF SCOURGE🌟!
When scourge poisons the land, leaving humanity to slowly die, legend tells of fallen stars who sacrifice themselves to save humanity. Not Sol. When he falls, his goal is to end humanity for all the stars sacrificed before him. Unfortunately, he must act the part before he's caught and then there's the matter of his traitorous heart beginning to care for the humans he sought to eradicate.
If you like… 🌠Dark Fantasy 🌠Fallen stars 🌠Empty & Haunting lands 🌠Legends hiding the truth 🌠Soft m/m romance 🌠All-Encompassing Revenge This might be the novel for you! 🌟
Find ebooks and physical copies here or you can also get the ebook from itchio!
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tdcloud · 2 months
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As promised, we've got the final INFAUST cover! Give it up for @ambisun for hammering this thing out after moving to a completely different continent. Her drive and talent are immeasurable and I think this cover speaks for itself!
A witch with a dead familiar is an outlier and an ill-omen to every village they pass through. Rehan Nadir is one such witch. The only jobs available to him are terrible ones, and vagrancy is his only recourse… At least, it was until he heard tell of the town of Hamelin’s plight. Stories of a malicious entity, a chaos god, have tormented the village for hundreds of years, and like clockwork tragedy has struck once more: while the adults gathered elsewhere, the children were spirited away. No trace of them has been seen since. The town is desperate to bring them back. Very desperate.
Finding and returning the lost children would be just the thing to give Rehan a new chance at the life he lost after the death of his familiar, and if all it takes is killing a god of chaos, then he’s more than ready to take the plunge and open that door. Unfortunately, he just didn’t anticipate opening a few more in the midst of dealing the finishing blow.
More Info below!
Infaust is a dark romance recounting the tale of the witch Rehan Nadir and the elusive chaos god known only as the Piper. Trapped in a world where even the very dirt wants them dead, the two must depend on one another to escape—and along the way realize that perhaps the definition of a happily ever after really is a subjective one.
This is a story for those of us who know things can always get worse, that there's always still something left to lose. It's toxic yaoi, the novel, so if you love your doves dead, seasoned, and served on a magic-tinged platter, look no further. You've found your meal, and it's ripe for the plucking.
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If you'd like to pre-order Infaust, you have a few options!
For Signed Paperback copies alongside a really cool, limited-run merch box bundle, please check out my Itchio: https://tdcloud.itch.io/infaust
For unsigned pre-orders, the Amazon sales page is the place to go for ebooks, with paperbacks coming closer to the launch date: https://amazon.com/dp/B0CRX5M7TX
Thank you so much for your support thus far and your excitement for Rehan's terrible, no-good dance with the Devil. It means the world, and I'm so excited to unleash this beast May 1st!
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junypr-camus · 6 months
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omg omg omg
I swear I never imagined ranking that high among the free books
algorithm shall be defeated mwahahaaa
(if you’d like to grab here’s the link)
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dragonanne · 5 months
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Thought I’d share this fourth-wall-breaking little bit I drew of Lune & Gabryl. It’s not an illustration in the book, but it’s still one of my absolute favorites of them 😂 I just love how the anatomy, poses, and likenesses came out.
The purpose of the artwork was to print out and include in the swag bundles for people who ordered in the first couple of weeks after release. (I have leftover bundles, tho. So anyone who orders a book from my Etsy shop usually get the goodies too 😉). Reviews are super helpful for indie authors, so if you have an Amazon or Goodreads, I would be eternally grateful if you left a review (doesn’t have to be long or in-depth if that intimidates you. It can literally just be “I liked it.”😂)
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chaoskirin · 5 months
It's Time for the Shadecursed Free Book Weekend!
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Why, hello there! Meadow's here to tell you about a GREAT OFFER. In fact, it's so great that it won't cost you a thing! Shadecursed is on sale RIGHT NOW for the low, low, LOW price of $Free!
For those who haven't been following me, Shadecursed is the first book in a trilogy, which follows a faun named Meadow and his friends on a quest to save the whole planet! Enjoy a humor-filled adventure as they try to discover the secret behind the disappearance of a goddess!
It might seem counterproductive to give my book away, but it's got some pretty sweet benefits:
The more people download it, the more likely it is to end up in people's suggestions.
The more people download it, the more likely I am to get reviews and/or ratings, which help me with the algorithm.
I just want people to read this story that I spent five years working on.
Check it out here, and grab it while you can: https://mybook.to/QCpQ 
Clicking on the button to get it for free is a great help, even if you don't intend to read it right now. Or ever! Help an indie author out. It only takes a few seconds and you get a free book out of the deal!
And yes, reblogging this post is an amazing help, too. <3 Thank you in advance. Let's see if I can push Shadecursed to the top 100 this weekend!
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sidhewrites · 1 month
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Now Available: Glimte
As a child, Katja was the only person to believe her father’s stories about the sirens living in the waters surrounding their village. When a siren saves her from drowning, her belief becomes a fixation that follows her throughout her life.
[Click Here] and pay what you want for the ebook and .pdf versions of the novella.
Genre: Low fantasy, slight horror, wlw romance
Content Warnings: thalassophobia, children in danger, near-drowning experiences, parental death, violence/gore, mentions alcoholism.
Hi! I’m Ray Lane, aka Ree, a queer writer and illustrator born and raised on fantasy and fairy tale. When not doing anything important, you’ll usually find me doodling pictures of frogs in hats.
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apolline-lucy · 2 months
thanks for the tag @illarian-rambling ✨
OC in 3
introducing Brume from my witchy wip~
Brume is a necromancer—a death witch, except she doesn’t know it. All her life she’s been thinking she had no talent but seeing dead cats, and making moss and mushrooms kill themselves at her feet. She thought she would spend the rest of her days baking pastries against broken hearts and nightmares in her parent’s magical bakery. That is until a curse hits her town and forces her to make an alliance with a witch who’s half-demon. With her best friend, the bone witch Luonto, they adventure the swampland and demonic orchards, pushing the limits of her magic to places she never knew existed. Suddenly she sees ghosts and leaves death in her tracks. Will she be able to break the curse of Misttown, or will she be the reason for its destruction? Will the love of a demon be her doom, or her salvation?
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I’ll tag @words-after-midnight @sarahlizziewrites @caspia-writes @caspersgraveyard @jmhwritesstuff @angelltheninth @randomwriter23 @cssnder & everyone else who’d like to do it!
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eruden-writes · 2 months
Lights, Camera, Orc-tion! + Strike the Set: Special Double Feature is available through IngramSpark!
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Which means...
You can request the ebook and/or print version to be bought by your local libraries or through bookstores now!
Some highlights for those new to this story:
Orc movie director x human personal assistant
LGBTQ+ lead characters, with the (sometimes) male lead being gender fluid
Sex worker positivity
Fake dating
Boss x Employee
Spicy intimate scenes ;3
So help out an indie creator and put in a request at your local library today!
Print ISBN: 9798869182258 Ebook ISBN: 9798869182265
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ambisun · 1 year
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Laos Fable: Child of the Woods
We are thrilled to announce that our Kickstarter campaign for Tales and Oracle of Eleven, a storybook and oracle deck based on Southeast Asian mythology is just around the corner. 
Here’s an Illustration that I created for a story from Laos called Child of the Woods. It is a story about a girl who chose to live in solitude in the woods as she finds it difficult to exist in her village and the people around her. The full story is much longer, but I'll leave the rest for you to discover when you get the book.
To ensure you don't miss out on the early bird rewards be sure to follow us on Kickstarter.
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charactersonstrike · 1 year
Hello everyone!
I have a book coming out next Saturday! It’s a little gay, very magical, and builds on the world in THE GHOST AND THE REAL GIRL.
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All her life, Adi has felt at home underground. The daughter of copper miners, it was expected that she would follow her parents’ into the Red Mines as soon as she was old enough. Only now, she wakes to find gemstones in her bed every morning. At first, it's exciting. New crystals ever day, and maybe her parents won't have to work for days on end. However, it soon becomes clear that each time she brings something to the surface, it vanishes from below, making the mountain crumble underneath them.
Suddenly one day, an earthquake buries her father and the other miners under ten tons of rock, trapping them deep underground. Adi must summon all of her new magic to find a way through the caves that snake their way through the mountain before they run out of air, water, and hope.
Preorder your copy now!!
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ninawolv3rina · 1 year
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THE CREED OF GETHIN #2: The Forgotten Lyric, out August 1st 2023!
A retired assassin and a bard with mysterious powers team up to save a young girl who's been poisoned. What they find will change their lives forever.
Preorder for Kindle here
Add on goodreads here
Read the first book, the Unwanted Prophet, here
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earlronove · 15 days
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Still like these nerds a lot. If you think you might like them (there's a knight, a princess, a star, a hero, a bandit queen, and a bard!), you should check out Born of Scourge! It's full of feels, danger, and death!
Find more information and links here!: sjean.carrd.co/#bornofscourge
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gwen-tolios · 8 months
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My second fantasy anthology is coming out next week!
You can snag a copy from Amazon today if you want. There are 22 stories in this collection, most are fantasy but there are a few other genres (I'm really fond of the SF horror one about humans adopting an alien species). Some of the stories you might have already seen around Tumblr (like Siren Screech) but jazzed up a bit, others are brand new!
Give her a few months, and you'll find her in library systems too.
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binarybitex · 3 months
behind the scenes: "The Heart of Heart Hollow" 🏩🌲
my writing process is ridiculous and erratic. i thought it'd be fun to share my notes and sketches that formed the most recent chronological chapter in Heart Hollow.
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this was the first note i could find regarding the creation of this chapter. the thought of Zeke and Lewis leaving the Hotel together (even if on an errand) seemed very intimate to me. this specific note was a much smaller, looser idea for another chapter later in book 1.
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the first picture is the first time that "The Heart of Heart Hollow" was shown in my ever changing master arc list. i didn't have a concrete name for it yet, and often referred to this chapter as "Into Town" (ode to camp camp s01e08.) in the next revision of the arc list, it seems i had settled on calling it "The Heart of Heart Hollow"
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when i was drawing the comic, id often get these scene ideas and rough them out. i like the idea of Lewis having a custom plate. oh, and Zeke staring at Lewis' arms is an excellent touch - i ended up using that in "Trash Fire"
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i had to consider: what is the infrastructure of Heart Hollow like? how are the roads laid out? i still havent settled on a concrete idea for the center of town, aside from the central placement of the Great Heart Hollow Oak.
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a sketch from the unfinished Elevator Stuck Part 4. i really started to get a feel for the geography i wanted for the town. it's a long stretch of land, scattered within the hills. it's disorganized and hidden between the mountain range. on the contrast, the Hotel is perfectly planned and measured. it jets out over the canyon with pride.
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some drawings of the Great Heart Hollow Oak. the first picture shows the first render i had ever done of it; the second is where i decided to throw more heart imagery on it via leaves. the last picture really conveys that this is a burial place as it wears a protective fence and a historical plaque.
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notes on the Great Oak. i like this question i raised: "is she still buried there?"
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some more explorations on Heart Hollow, PA's heart imagery.
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since this episode is all about Heart Hollow's love for folklore and wives tales, I found it appropriate to include Zeke and Lewis' encounter with Cupid. this first page shows a crude idea of him; the chapter was still being called "Into Town." the second drawing shows a more recent render of Cupid.
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and of course, how could i forget the inciting incident within Heart Hollow? the mirror break. the first drawing is the earliest i could find (may 2022) that documents this scene. the second one is nice, but he's way too angry!! the third is more recent, but it's still just not quite right. i've always had trouble showing Lewis' expression in this scene through artwork.
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and finally, a little scene via thumbnails from the beginning of the next chapter "Boss Babysitter" :] felt like i should include this as it directly ties back into Zeke being present for the mirror break.
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hooray! that is all for now!! i can't wait to release the next chapter. i'm aiming for april; i've got some pretty big life changes coming down the pike that'll (hopefully) leave me with more time to create 💕
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dragonanne · 5 months
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✨❄️Happy Appreciate a Dragon Day!❄️✨
I always forget about #appreciateadragonday until my phone reminds me the day of or the day before 😂 But in honor of this day where we appreciate dragons, I thought I was time for a sale. So today, you can purchase a signed copy of one or both of my dragon books on Etsy for 25% off!! But beware! The sale only lasts today, so snag one while you can! 👀
Check out my Etsy to see the deals! Remember, this books has dragons, sword fights, magical mysteries, and a TON of illustrations!
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