#i like dropping a list of their names in a randomizer and picking 1-3
minecraftwolfpup · 3 months
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tip-top-cloud-surfer · 5 months
Never Have I Ever (Part 2) - Hangman
Pairing: Hangman / Civilian Contractor! Reader (Callsign: Dove)
Length: 3.1k
This work, all my works, and my entire blog are 18+ Only
Warnings: Female Reader with a Callsign, but no Physical Description or Name; Not Necessarily Healthy Decisions/Coping Mechanisms; Shy! Reader; Slow Burn; Coworkers to Friends to Lovers; Oblivious Idiots; Excessive Pining; Suggestive Humor
Summary: Hangman and Dove move into some more awkward topics as they continue Dove's challenge.
Part 1 Part 3 Part 4
Master List
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# 13 - Ridden a Motorcycle
Stepping out of her apartment building, Dove paused when she saw Maverick waiting for her instead of Hangman in his truck. 
“Hey, Mav,” she greeted him, raising an eyebrow when he offered her a helmet. 
“Hangman looped me in about your challenge to yourself,” Maverick explained as Dove took the helmet. “And I thought I would offer some help.”
“Thanks, Mav.”
Dove put the helmet on and nervously climbed onto the back of the Kawasaki. Looking around, Dove turned back to Maverick. 
“Where are you taking me?”
“You’ll see.”
“That doesn’t really make me feel safe!” Dove yelped as Maverick drove down the road. 
“Why did you have Maverick drive me to Target?” Dove asked Hangman as they walked inside together. “I’m here at least once a week.” 
“We’re stocking up and looking for some inspiration,” Hangman explained, leading the way. 
“Why do I feel like I’m going to regret this trip?” Dove sighed, following behind him. 
They worked clockwise through the store. They spent some time in the food section, picking out a few items for inspiration before moving onto the beauty section. Dove was looking at the hair dye options when Jake dropped a box into the cart. Looking down, Dove raised an eyebrow.
“Are you trying to tell me something, Hangman?” 
“You can wax whatever body part you want. You haven’t ever waxed . . . something before, right?”
“No, I haven’t. And I’ll just leave it there,” Dove replied, turning back to the hair dye options. Picking up two bottles, she showed them to Jake. “Should I do blue or red?” 
“You’re going to dye your hair?” he asked, sounding a bit concerned.
“Just temporary. This stuff is spray-on and it washes off with a shower.” 
“Then red. The blue is too . . .” Jake trailed off, meeting Dove’s gaze. “I don’t want to be rude.” 
“I’ll just get red then,” Dove agreed, placing one bottle in the cart and the other back. 
# 14 - Bought a Pregnancy Test
Jake and Dove slowly walked down the ‘family planning’ aisle. Dove forced herself to stare straight ahead as she and Jake stood side by side in front of the shelves. She leaned forward, grabbing a random pregnancy test before tossing it into the cart. 
Jake didn’t comment on her choice.
# 15 - Bought Condoms
“What size should I buy?” Dove asked Jake.
“What are you talking about?” 
“The condoms.” 
Jake turned to Dove, who refused to meet his gaze. Clearing his throat, he rubbed his cheek, trying to find a way out of the awkward question. 
“Just buy whatever size you’ve bought before.”
“I’ve never bought them before, that’s why I suggested it,” Dove pointed out, causing Jake to clear his throat again.
“Well, just buy a size that one of your exes wore. Just to get it over with.” 
“I don’t remember what sizes they wore,” Dove lied, but not in the way that Jake assumed.   
“Why?” Dove replied defensively. 
“You have an almost perfect memory,” Jake stated calmly, causing Dove to grow sheepish. “How much was your bill at the Hard Deck yesterday?”
“It’s unimportant.” 
But $16.53 kept flashing in her mind. 
“Just pick one.” 
“I’m not going to just pick one. It’ll just go to waste.” 
“Alright, let’s not overcomplicate things,” Jake sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. Glancing over at Dove, and causing her to turn away from him quickly, Jake leaned down, grabbed a box, and tossed it into the cart. “There. Done. Let’s move on.” 
They got to the self-checkout area and they were about to start scanning when Dove let out a groan. 
“I forgot to get milk.” 
“I’ll go grab it,” Jake offered, stepping back. 
“Well, you’re buying me condoms,” Jake mused, causing Dove’s cheeks to warm. “I think I can return the favor.” 
Dove nodded and swallowed thickly before going back to her scanning. She moved through the items before she picked up the box of condoms. She had told herself and Jake that she wouldn’t look, but her impulse control wasn’t what it once was these days. 
“That was a bad idea,” she cursed herself, scanning the box and tossing it into her shopping bag. “A dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb idea, Dove.” 
Jake eventually caught up with her and they walked out of the store together. Putting the bag into the back of Jake’s truck, Dove walked around and sat in the passenger seat. Jake placed the milk carton down beside the bag and quickly grabbed the box of condoms and shoved them into his pocket. 
“You just had to open your mouth in front of the condoms,” he scolded himself, closing the trunk. 
# 16 - Bought a Lottery Ticket
“Why are we stopping at a gas station?” Dove asked Jake as he held the door open for her. 
“Well, I assumed that you’ve never bought a lottery ticket before.”
“No, I haven’t,” she admitted quietly. 
Dove walked over to the clerk and bought a random lottery ticket. After grabbing it, Dove and Jake headed back out to the truck. 
“You think you’ll win anything?” Jake asked as he started the truck. 
“No. I'm not usually lucky,” she replied bluntly, tucking the ticket into her purse.
“You never know,” Jake returned, causing Dove to look over at him. “You could get lucky soon.” 
“Maybe,” Dove agreed quietly. 
# 17 - Tried Baby Food
“If anything, this should be the safest food you'll eat all day,” Jake stated, opening the jar of baby food. “And it’s apple flavored, so it should taste just like applesauce.” 
Dove pulled out a spoon and scooped out some baby food. Bringing it to her mouth, she tasted it tentatively for a moment before shrugging her shoulders and nodding.
“Yeah, just like applesauce. It’s weirdly smooth though.”
#18 - Waxed
“If this burns my skin, it’s on your head, Seresin,” Dove warned Jake, applying the wax to her thigh.
They were standing in her bathroom together and Dove had changed into a pair of gym shorts while Jake heated up the wax for her. Holding out her hand, Dove thanked Jake when he handed her the paper strip before placing the paper down on top of the wax. Turning back to him, she gripped the flap, took a breath, and yanked the strip. 
“What? What?” 
Dove hopped on one foot and eventually balanced herself on Jake as she looked down to see if her leg was actually on fire or not. Jake held her right hand as Dove poked at the now irritated skin. 
“You still have two legs,” Jake remind Dove, causing her to scoff.
“Why don’t you try some then if it’s not so bad?” 
# 19 - Waxed Someone Else
“Just put it on my leg,” Jake sighed, pulling up his shorts a little more. “Tit for tat.” 
Dove placed a heavy glob on his thigh and spread it around. Picking up another strip of paper, Dove pressed it down onto the wax before looking up at Jake. She grabbed the flap and offered him a smile. 
“You need a countdown, Lieutenant?” 
With how they were situated, Dove was sitting in between Jake’s legs as his leg was resting on the edge of the tub. And the way that she was smiling at him and the way that she let his rank slide off her tongue . . . he forced himself to look up at the ceiling.
“Just pull it.” 
# 20 - Left a Negative Review Online
“You know, I didn’t actually rip your leg off.” 
“Still, we have to warn people. Don’t need anyone else getting skinned alive,” Jake replied, accepting a bag of ice from Dove. “Grab your phone.”
“To take a picture of you being dramatic?”
“No, to write a bad review. That shit’s horrible!” 
“It was only seven dollars. What did you expect?”
“Just write a bad review,” Jake sighed, sitting up as he rested the bag of ice against his red skin. Looking up at Dove, who made no move to grab her phone, he tilted his chin up. “You’ve never written a bad review before have you?” 
“Of course, I have!” Dove protested, folding her arms over her chest. When Jake stared her down, Dove winced and turned away.
“Grab. Your. Phone.” 
Dove sat down beside Jake and pulled up the product that they bought. Glancing over at Jake, she turned back to her phone and typed out a review.
Wax was a bit difficult coming off.
“Even when you’re writing a bad review, you’re being nice,” Jake sighed, causing Dove to sour.
Wax felt like you were ripping your skin off. Leaves an angry red rash behind. And it reduced a big tough naval aviator to tears.
“I didn’t cry!” 
“I could see tears,” Dove replied, laughing as Jake tried to snatch her phone. 
Leaning away from him as he pressed up against her, she held her phone away from him. Managing to hit the post button before he could grab it, Dove turned to Jake, who was a lot closer to her than she was expecting. And Jake, in turn, seemed to realize how far he had leaned over, pretty much pressing Dove against the arm of her couch. 
“Well,” Jake stated awkwardly. He scooched over to the opposite end of the small couch and cleared his throat. “I have a couple more ideas.” 
“Alright,” Dove agreed quietly, slowly sinking back into his seat. 
# 21 - Watched Keeping Up with the Kardashians
“I can feel myself getting dumber,” Dove commented, frowning at the ridiculous scene. 
“You want to switch to something else?” 
“Wait, I want to see how Kim flips out first.”
“So, you like it?”
“You’re the one who had it under their recommendations,” Dove pointed out, popping a piece of popcorn into her mouth.
# 22 - Watched a Horror Movie
“This is more like psychological horror than jump scare horror,” Jake replied as Dove hugged a throw pillow, staring at the screen. 
“That can be worse,” Dove stated quietly. 
“Phoenix liked it.” 
Dove groaned and held the pillow to her face. Jake reached for a handful of popcorn and leaned back in his seat. The movie progressed and Jake could feel Dove getting more and more on edge with the direction that the movie was taking. And when it got to the truly creepy scenes, she winced and hid her face in the pillow. 
“Well, you’re watching half of a horror movie,” Jake commented, earning an indignant look. Rolling her eyes, Dove turned back to the screen out of spite
“You’re such a—” 
The jump scare, of course, flashed onto the screen and Dove jumped a bit. She didn’t scream or anything excessive more than a gasp, but because she had been kneeling, she fell over and landed on his thighs. Jake winced and Dove quickly apologized.
“Don’t worry about it,” Jake assured her, wincing a bit as she slid off of him.
“Do you need more ice?” Dove asked, causing Jake to momentarily panic.
“For what?”
“Your wax burn?” Dove suggested, like it was obvious.
“Oh . . . no, I’m fine.”
# 23 - Pressed Every Button in an Elevator
The elevator bell dinged overhead and Dove grit her teeth together just a little bit more. The doors held open for a moment before closing again.
“If we ever make it to the bottom of the building, Hangman, you have a five second head start before I kill you,” Dove warned him.
“You’re not a very patient person.” 
“For murder, I am,” she replied, shooting him a look.
Jake offered her a smile that had earned him a lot of sharp remarks over the years, but with the way that Dove was glaring at him, the edges of his smile softened. She tried to look menacing, but she only managed to appear about as threatening as a kitten. 
“Where are we going anyways?” Dove sighed, turning back to the door. 
# 24 - Snuck In to See a Movie
“Jake,” Dove hissed to him as he led her in through the side entrance to the theater. “What are you doing? We’re too old for this shit.” 
“No one’s even going to be in here. Come on,” Jake insisted, grabbing her hand and tugging her into the theater closest to the door. “I mean, how many people are going to watch this movie? It’s been out for weeks.”
“I don’t know.” 
“In the middle of the day?”
“If we get kicked out and banned, it’s your fault,” Dove hissed as they took their seats. 
The movie started and after a while, Dove actually relaxed and started to watch it. They walked out together along with three other people and headed out to Jake’s truck.
“That wasn’t too bad for a free movie.” 
“No,” Dove agreed, hopping into his truck. “I mean, Jon Hamm makes every movie better.” 
“You like Jon Hamm?” Jake asked, climbing into the driver’s seat. “Really?”
“Isn’t he a little old for you?”
“And a little too famous for me,” Dove scoffed, putting her seatbelt on. 
“Doesn’t he look too much like Cyclone for you?” Jake continued, starting up the truck. Turning quickly to Dove as realization struck him, he asked, “Is that why you’re so nice to Cyclone? Because he looks like Jon Hamm?”
“He’s our boss, of course, I’m nice to him,” Dove snapped, leaning back in her seat. “And besides, Cyclone doesn’t smile.”
“You like a guy who smiles?” 
“I like a guy who actually drives instead of holding me hostage in a parking lot.”
“Picky, picky,” Hangman joked before driving off.
# 25 - Taken a Coin from a Fountain
“Are you kidding me?” Dove hissed to Jake, who shrugged in response.
“Just do it.” 
“Why not?”
“It’s wrong, Jake.” 
“What? It’s just a coin. Look, that dime’s barely even in the water. You can scoop it up easily,” Jake insisted, pointing at a coin. 
“Someone made a wish and put it in there. We can’t just take it.” 
“They won’t know.”
“But I’ll know,” Dove replied, causing Jake to groan. 
“Why does it matter so much to you?” 
“Because why?”
“Well,” Dove sighed, looking away from Jake. “My parents divorced when I was a kid and they always met at the local mall when I would switch parents. And my dad always gave me a coin to make a wish while we waited for my mom and . . .” 
“Shit, I’m so sorry,” Jake stated as Dove turned her back to him. “We don’t have to do it.”
“Even if I was just lying?” 
“Even if . . . you were lying about that?” Jake demanded, causing Dove to smile proudly. 
“Yeah. Well, my parents are divorced, but the rest of it was bullshit.” Nudging him on the arm, she laughed. “But I thought you of all people wouldn’t fall for the whole ‘divorced parents’ sob story.” Smiling to herself, she folded her arms over her chest. “Maybe I’m a better liar than I thought.” 
“So, you’re going to take a coin then?”
“No, it’s still wrong, Jake.” 
“Here, I’ll throw one in and you can pick that one. I don’t mind if you crush my dreams,” Jake offered jokingly, pulling out his wallet. He grabbed a penny and tossed it onto the edge of the pool. “There.”
Dove huffed and looked around before bending over and grabbing the penny quickly from the water. Turning back to Jake, she handed the penny back.
“What did you wish for?”
“That I don’t fall for your little stories again,” Jake muttered, causing Dove to grin. 
“We pulled the coin out, so your wish isn’t going to happen.”
Jake sighed and shook his head, earning a smile and giggle from Dove in return.
# 26 - Committed a Federal Crime
“Jake, this isn’t a crime.” 
“You’re taking my mail. It’s a federal crime, Dove.” 
“You handed me your mail key.” 
“Sneaking into the movie theater, taking a coin from a public fountain, and now you’re stealing mail? Where will it end?” Jake listed dramatically, causing Dove to shush him. 
“Here’s your mail. All two envelopes,” she replied, handing over the key and mail.
“You have to open it.” 
Dove huffed and rolled her eyes, opening one of the envelopes begrudgingly. Pulling out the paper inside, she turned to Jake.
“Did you want to upgrade your WiFi?” she asked sarcastically.
# 27 - Licked a Bar of Soap
“When I said that I could eat, I wasn’t referring to soap,” Dove replied, opening the box. 
“The rest of the squad is coming over soon. I told them to bring food.”
Dove stuck out her tongue and licked the bar of soap before wrinkling her nose and walking off to the bathroom to wash out her mouth. 
“You pick the dumbest ones,” she huffed.
# 28 - Had an Anchovy
“They’re not that bad,” Bob stated, ignoring the disgusted looks from the rest of the people in the room. “What? They’re not.”
“Let me just get this over with. If the taste doesn’t kill me, the smell will,” Dove sighed, grabbing an anchovy from the tin and shoving it into her mouth.
She wrinkled her nose in disgust but swallowed it like a champion and quickly reached for her drink. Sliding the tin over to Bob as she took a few gulps, Dove finished her drink and hiccuped. 
“You can keep the rest, Bob.”
# 29 - Been Given Flowers
“Sorry, I’m late,” Rooster stated, sliding into Jake’s apartment. “Have we voted yet?”
“Not yet,” Phoenix stated, shaking her head. 
Rooster set the grocery bag down on the countertop and turned to Dove, who sighed when she saw the look in his eye. 
“Please don’t tell me that you brought more fish.”
“No, but have you ever been gifted flowers, Dove?”
“Not that I can think of, no. Why?”
Rooster pulled out a small bundle of yellow flowers wrapped in plastic and handed it to Dove. Her eyes widened and she took the small bouquet in her hand, staring down at it curiously. She sniffed the flowers before turning back to Rooster.
“Any time,” Rooster replied with a wink before moving to walk around the kitchen island. “Excuse me, Hangman.”
Rooster passed by Jake, completely ignoring his death stare, and grabbed a plate. Phoenix got everyone’s attention while Dove quietly placed the flowers down behind her. 
“Alright, where are we going to go for our team vacation? Vegas? Or the lakehouse that Bob found?”
“Vegas,” Rooster quickly voted. 
“Lakehouse,” Hangman immediately challenged. 
“Something tells me that I should crack open a beer,” Coyote sighed, walking to the fridge.
Part 1 Part 3 Part 4
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gaysindistress · 7 months
Here’s a list of things that I feel are canon for our sweet Bucky and no one can convince me otherwise.
1. Bucky’s never used drugs consensually
Now I was going to say he hasn’t done drugs at all but then again Hydra exists. You can’t tell me that they didn’t use drugs in their experiments at some point in time.
Anyways, setting the scene it’s shortly before falcon and the Winter soldier and Bucky is slowly learning how to live for himself.
Enter you; his sweet, beautiful guide to modern society. The two of you met at the grocery store when he was about ready to go full winter soldier on a self checkout machine, but you stepped in and saved both him and the poor machine. It’s late and it’s getting dark so ever the gentleman Bucky walks you to your car. You take his phone and put your number in with a cute contact name of “y/n - the cutie from the store”.
Fast forward two months and the two of you were hanging out, casually seeing each other, seeing where things go. He told you he wanted to take it slow and you respected that. With that being said, you have never been inside of each other’s apartments before. Sure he’s dropped you off at your door and you picked him up from his but you’ve never been inside.
One night when you’re coming home from a date, it starts pouring down raining. You both run to the door laughing and giggling but you insist that he stays until the rain stops because you can’t let him go and ride home on his motorcycle in the rain. It’s not safe and it’s your job as his not quite girlfriend to look out for him.
So he comes in and the first thing he sees are the floating shelves (you built all by yourself) filled with jars of what look like spices. There are also vases but he’s more focused on how many spices you have.
“I didn’t know you liked to cook,” he says as the two of you strip off your wet outer clothes.
“What?” You question back but then you follow his gaze to your wall and you giggle. Of course, this man is thoroughly confused because you have an entire wall of herbs and spices.
You giggle, even harder at his adorable, confused face, and then you tell him that that is in fact flower. Every jar is a different strain of weed and those “vases” are the bongs you’ve collected over the years. But he is not embarrassed, but more shocked because the world of weed is completely different now. He had no idea that any of this existed so naturally, he asks every question you can think of. You, being his guide to modern society, tell him everything he wants to know before he quietly asks if the two of you could get high together. You tell him that if he truly wants to then he has to spend the night because you don’t want him to drive or be alone if anything happens.
This man could not agree faster, because not only is he in your house for the first time but he’s also going to be spending the night with you AND sleeping with you for the first time. Even though he doesn’t show it, he is so giddy and happy on the inside.
Approximately 30 minutes later, you’ve chosen the perfect hybrid that’ll make him feel good but not overwhelm him and picked out the smallest bong so that he doesn’t get too high his first rip. Still you’re nervous about it so you inform him that you'll start the hit and he’ll finish it because “it’s like taking half a hit and you won’t get baked out of your mind right away.”
It’s safe to say that even with all of your precautions, he’s still one with your bed and giggling at the random movie you picked. At some point the two of you have migrated into the middle of the bed and he’s got his arms wrapped around your middle with his head nestled into your stomach.
2. Bucky secretly loves fruity drinks
Get this man a pina colada with a tiny umbrella with some pineapple on it. He will drink that shit U P. It stems from being deprived of fun for so long so he will take any and every chance to order the fruitiest drink on the menu.
3. Bucky loves vaping
He smoked here and there in the 40s but it was nothing more than social smoking. One day when he and Sam were working on the boat, a younger guy started talking to them and pulled out his vape. Sam didn’t even notice but Bucky was so confused???? Homeboy almost asked what the fuck he was doing but then the guy offered it to him and his brain short circuited.
Bucky said no but after that he couldn’t stop thinking about it. He later asked you if you knew anything about the “little thingy that you suck on and smoke comes out.” It took everything in you to not die laughing because he was being so sincere and it was so cute. You told him it was probably a vape and that people don’t smoke cigarettes anymore.
It wasn’t until you guys were out with your friends a few weeks later when one of them pulled theirs out that Bucky had to try it.
You took a puff and could feel his eyes on you so you slowly looked over at him with the vape raised.
“You wanna try?”
He nodded and once again you coached him through it so he didn’t cough up a lung. After that he would only steal others when drinking but slowly it turned into him buying one and then another one and then another one. Eventually he was hooked and it cracks you up to see the Winter Soldier, the White Wolf hitting his vape as he lounges spread eagle on your couch while watching The Office.
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birgittesilverbae · 2 years
whats your #1 issue with the sanderson books?
Androl. My (non-exhaustive) list of reasons for that is as follows:
1. He parachutes onto the scene in Chapter 46 of Towers of Midnight. Prior to this, there are two name drops. From his first POV onwards, he has the seventh highest POV wordcount. More than Nynaeve, Min, Moiraine, Faile, Lan, Siuan, and a whole host of other POV characters who've been there since the beginning. Including his appearances in Pevara and Logain POVs, he's on page a whopping 9% of the time following his introduction. For what should be a minor character in an established ensemble cast as large as WoT, that's nuts.
Did you crack open aMoL hoping for an EF5 reunion, a Moiraine and Lan reunion, a Siuan and Moiraine reunion, or any of eight billion other dynamics? Sorry, not gonna happen, you've tuned in to the Androl & Pevara Show.
2. Hmm, I've got this whole Black Tower plot to assign to someone. Do I give it to the character who's been foreshadowed as important since tEotW? Hahaha nope. Sorry Logain but it's all Androl's now.
Like if you simply must grab a random briefly mentioned Asha'man to build your OC, pick a Two Rivers lad that maybe the audience will give the slightest fuck about
3. His arc is bottled as fuck. Outside of Pevara and Logain, there are only brief appearances of secondary and tertiary characters the reader has met previously. A couple plot edits and he could be excised completely.
4. He was intended as Sanderson's self-insert to "push the boundaries of the magical system", but instead violated previously established rules of the system. so that's neat.
5. He's a Gary Stu.
6. He's gotta be the biggest pathological liar. He's approximately 30, but claims to have apprenticed in a dozen crafts, in locations across the continent. To hear him say it, these aren't short-term apprenticeships, as he's supposedly spent the time necessary to acquire high-level skills. Forgive me if I doubt his ability to inveigle his way into traveling with the Sea Folk and convincing a Wise Woman to apprentice him, or his ability to travel as broadly as he claims while still finding the time for his dozen apprenticeships in the space of about a decade.
Just off the top of my head he's supposedly active in Tarabon, Mayene, Cairhien, Murandy, Andor (Mountains of Mist), and random islands far off-shore that even the Sea Folk rarely visit. Pretty sure that's not physically possible within a decade or so given the constraints of the pre-traveling world.
7. Super Special Unique Telepathic Warder Bond
8. I loathe the tea scene
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jokenotfunny · 2 years
how things are in my eddie x platonic! experiment! reader universe
takes place between seasons 1-3 !
- sev! reader’s powers consist of
extasensory perception
electromagnetic disturbance
illusion manipulation
- so in this story reader is bi!
- if you can’t tell by her scary cute obsession with kelly lebrock
- speaking of ! here’s some of sev’s celebrity crushes !
kelly lebrock
anthony michael hall
tom hanks
michael jackson
elizabeth montgomery
- when she got to hawkins high, her being a harrington got around pretty quickly
- like i’m talking between students and teachers
- sev became quite popular
- much to the dismay of mike , dustin , max , and eddie
- but especially rob
- oh yeah ! rob hasn’t been introduced yet but i’ll talk about him anyways
- so remember at the end of season 2’s chapter when someone tapped on sev’s shoulder while she was stuffing her face at the dance?
- that was rob, one of her and the kids classmates
- he was part of the a.v. club with mike, will, lucas , and dustin.
- one day she came in after school, being that her chess club was canceled and just sat and watched them
- rob’s been infatuated since
- he’s harbored this really big crush on her ever since
- unfortunately sev hasn’t noticed
- see, even though sev is pretty well-versed when it comes to the knowledge of things like:
- she’s a bit clueless when it comes to love
- like, guys will give her flowers and bring her chocolates, and some girls will leave notes in her locker and invite her to sleepovers and parties
- but she just thought that meant they really liked her and wanted to be her friend!
- like one day she was walking to her locker with rob and once she opened it, 6 letters fell out. 4 from girls and two from guys
“oh rob look, someone said they think i like cute today 😊 !”
rob : “that’s great 😐”
- but you’ll learn more about rob in my next season 3 chapter
- moving on !
- from the time steve bought her that guitar, to 1986 she’s learned how to do a lot of songs on it
- her love of music continued on as she also picked up other instruments
the saxophone
the cello
the drums
- steve gets no sleep pretty much
- well actually he does because, he got so used to the noise, that it doesn’t affect him anymore
- speaking of steve
steve :
- steve is tired
- so very tired
- calls constantly coming to the house
- like one night while sev, max , el , dustin , lucas , will , and mike were having a sleepover in your room,
- steve was just getting home from dropping robin off after work
- so he just gets home and he’s ready to just fall asleep on the couch
- until the phone started ringing
“sev! go get that please!”
- no answer
“sev! can you- jesus christ, nevermind i got it!”
steve: “hello?”
random kid: “hi, is y/n home?”
steve: “who’s asking?”
random kid: (insert name of a kid he knew when he was in school)
steve: “wait, aren’t you a senior now??”
random kid: “well, yeah but-“
- steve just hung up
the only seniors your allowed near are nancy, robin, and eddie
- speaking of nancyyyyyy
nancy :
- she’s like a big sister to you honestly
- hence why she was so protective over her during that pool situation
- nancy taught her how to use guns
- (steve doesn’t know 😐)
- so when her and steve broke up it was kind of awkward
- especially when she got with jonathan
- but once steve graduated he was over it and so sev was too
and then came robin !
buttt that’ll be in the next part because this is getting too long 😊
tagged list ;
@tuffluuhv @ohthatsalittlegay @sadbitchfangirl
@reasontobebeautiful @uselessbutinteresting
@creativedogs @howlerwolfmax @kik51199
@spookyscarydinosaur @kenzi-woycehoski
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300iqprower · 2 years
Hypothetical Rank Ups No. 74-77: Tamamo (Cat)
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[Special thanks to who else but @hastamamocatdoneanythingwrong for letting me consult them on the balancing (mfw no one on your friends list has a Cat to use) as well as helping to heavily streamline the effects being handed out.]
New Passive:
Catnap B++: Increase your HP Recovery amount by 33% while asleep.
Self-Explanatory really, and it'll come back later on.
Monstrous Strength B -> Maddening Consumption (Beast) B
Increase own ATK (2 turns).^ Remove own Offensive Debuffs. Increase own Quick Card effectiveness (1 time, 2 turns) Increase own Buster Card effectiveness by 10% (2 turns). [ATK up scaling increased to 20-40%, Quick up scales from 30-50%.]
Man, it is NOT easy with these units with odd decks, doubly so if Quick is involved. But at least it makes for variety in the stims I hand out. We're sticking to only 2 turns instead of 3, but they're two turns with the Strength of a Beast. Cat taps into her inner Ammy to massively boost her NP type of Quick 1 time, both increasing its refund, star drop, and of course damage, but not being reliable for looping and you'll want to make sure you don't use her quick facecard beforehand. Meanwhile, her monstrous strength becomes near unstoppable (debuff removal to throw a wrench into attempts to mitigate it) at the "cost" of drastically ranking up her Madness Enhancement while active (Buster up).
So to restate, what this all does is clear the way for Cat to deal major burst damage. By briefly giving in to her Beast attribute alter ego she gains a massive Attack Up and a 2 mutually exclusive stims that stack with the universal one manipulatively: a big one time buff intended for her NP and a small multi-use one for most of her facecards.
Malediction, Cat Sunshine B -> A-
Chance to decrease one enemy's Charge. Apply Invincible for yourself (1 time, 5 turns). Decrease ATK for a single enemy (3 turns). Decrease Quick Resist for a single enemy (3 turns). Apply [Sunlight] field status to self (5 turns) Decrease own Debuff Resist by 100% (1 turn). [Demerit] [ATK down scales from 10-20%, Quick Resist down scales from 10-20%.]
You'd really think they'd have given the already existing rank up for this skill something that reflected how it was used in SE.RA.PH but oh well I guess that's what I'm for. So firstly since this is an Amaterasu spell (and also because ITS LITERALLY IN THE NAME) we're making this a field change! if it wasn't clear yet, get used to seeing these fairly often. Next we're gonna give it a bunch of effects based on what we saw in the event against Suzuka, so that's gonna be an attack reduction as well as a quick res debuff. Oh and we're changing the text so that it's not a flat out lie about the charge's chance to reduce. Originally I was gonna boost that to 100% but I have it on good authority that with Cat's kit that's actually more of a stealth nerf given how useful it is for the charge reduction to NOT proc on the skill. Even still, it's a lot of positive effects so both for lore accuracy and balancing, we're having the skill tucker poor Cat out like we saw in the event, tanking her resistance to other status effects for a turn (because defense down on a berserker is just unfair)
Morph (Lunch) A -> Morph (Lunchtime!) A+
Increase own DEF (3 turns).^ Further increase own DEF for each other [Cooking] ally (3 turns). Increase own Max HP (3 turns).^ Recover HP for all allies by 1000 Further recover HP for each other [Cooking] ally. Apply Debuff Immune to self (1 turn). [DEF up scaling slightly increased to a max of 30%, Max HP scaling increased to 1500-3000, Extra DEF up scales from 10-15%/ally, Extra HP Recovered scales from 1000-2000/ally.]
You'd ALSO really think that the series of Nasu "Everything must have a foodporn scene" TypeMoon would have a dedicated Cooking trait but again I guess that's what I'm here for. I still have no fcking idea why they give so many berserkers Morph when it's about as much use as, to pick a random example, giving Mash a buste-crit stim, but I suppose if there's any berserker it makes sense to give a semi-tanky skill it might as well be the chef taking as much comic punishment as wile e coyote.
To do that though we need to ramp it WAY up, both in the base effects and the new ones, using the team-specific qualifier to balance it out. To that end Cat'll work with everyone else available to whip up a feast for the entire party. Not only do other allies increase the food to go around and thus the recovery, but in addition to that being at home in the kitchen also does wonders for keeping her berserker tendencies at bay (IE the defense mitigation further increases for each cook with her). While the numbers reached can reach astronomical amounts given the skill's unchanged 5 turn cooldown, reaching said numbers requires one of the most finicky team compositions around given the scattershot results of who exactly qualifies as a cooking servant. None of the staple DPS or Stall support units qualify with the exception of Castamamo whose arts focus is completely at odds with the rest of Cat's kit. There are a handful of units with good inherent synergy with Catamamo, but more than half of them are gold rarity and/or limited. Overall the result is that, under the right conditions with event bonuses or something similar at play you could have a real dream team, but most of the time you're better off not going for a full team of 3 fielded cooks at once. ...I'm sure there's a witticism buried in there about spoiling the broth.
Cooking Servants: Emiya, Arash, Boudica, Saint Martha, Ruler Martha, Santa Martha, Medea, Medea Lily, Kiyohime, Lancer Kiyohime, Tamamo Cat, Tamamo no Mae, Tamamo Lancer, Geronimo, Tawara Touta, MHXA, Suzuka Gozen, Paul Bunyan, Tomoe, Saber Tomoe, Inshun, Oskabehime, Circe, Chiron, Robin, Qin Liangyu, Beni-Enma, Muramasa, Percival, Barghest, Gareth, Gareth (Saber), Yamanami Keisuke, Daikokuten
Napping in the Dazzling Sunshine and Feasting D+ -> D+++
Apply Sure Hit for yourself (1 turn). Deal heavy damage to all enemies. Inflict Sleep^ to yourself (2 turns). [Demerit] Increase your Buster Card effectiveness when field is [Sunlight] (3 turns). [Activates first] Increase your Quick Card effectiveness when field is [Sunlight] (3 turns). [Activates first] <Overcharge> Restore your HP per turn (3 turns). [Buster and Quick Card up scale with level at 20/30/35/37.5/40%.]
I told you Catnap would be relevant later! Self-Stun is pretty horrid demerit, even if they gave Cat that rank up with a debuff immune charge, so we're buffing that up to only be a self-Sleep now that Sabby made Sleep an official debuff. This is a buff twofold, both removing the stun a turn early if Cat gets attacked (which without setupid is still pretty devastating given she's a berserker) and boosting the HP recovery per turn indirectly since while the rank up isn't changing the inherent Overcharge scaling, the new passive improves the HP it'll recover by 33% so long as Cat remains asleep. Next we're gonna give her a much needed Sunlight buff, again ITS LITERALLY IN THE NAME. Scaling with level, which isn't TOO hard as an unlimited servant who still gets rate-ups to boot, we're tying a Sunlight dependent buff to both her 3 buster cards and her Quick NP which without leveling isn't as strong as her first skill but has a more flexible duration to make up for it, and with a dedicated team can probably fairly easily get stacked with itself at least once (and if you do have a dedicated Cat team, you deserve that). Lastly for some niche appeal we're giving Cat the role of Sure Hit AOE Berserker as well, something desperately needed in the free to play pool as well as a representation of the patented Catamamo tactic of "Just make the fight dust cloud so big everything gets caught in it! :3"
This was a real fun one, even if I got a bit too carried away and had to tone it down quite a bit to make it properly balanced. Which is at least in character for Cat. Again, super huge thanks to @hastamamocatdoneanythingwrong ! Their help went beyond simple tweaks into basically being half the reason I was able to do this one.
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implausiblyjosh · 11 months
Let's Play A Terrible Wrestling Video Game, TEW 2020
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I've been feeling the call to play TEW 2020 again. This is a text-based pro wrestling management video game that just sucks so much ass. That screen you see above? That is the main window and it cannot be resized. Seriously, I'm fairly certain every menu in this game is just an image file with clickables put over it. Nightmarish.
Anyways, the cool thing is that people make their own mods for this game, either building up entire fictional wrestling universes (the game comes with it's own version of this, the CornellVerse, that has been building and changing with each entry) or mapping out the mod-makers approximation of the real world. Today, we're going to be making a new company using Real World Chronicles 2023, the June 2023 edition.
Anyways, let's start our save!
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Now. I'm playing with a larger mod database, which means there's a lot of data to crunch, but like... this hangup happens anytime I play this game unless I'm playing an "organic" save (you start w/ the bare minimum in the database and let the game generate new stuff), but this always freaks me out.
Now we have to pick who we're playing as and folks... this list is a doozy.
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Usually what I like to do is start with a created User Avatar (I think that's what this game calls player characters), where I set their stats up basically to the max but I never have them do in-ring work, usually just commentary. I... forgot to do that this time. I don't wanna back out, so I'm just gonna pick someone who is closest to me in age. In this case, I'm playing as Poppy who I guess has worked closely with WWE's NXT brand to make music for them??? She's 28, I'm 29, I've already imposed this rule on us.
The second thing we set is "User Talents". These traits (Negotiating, Motivating, Creativity, Leadership, Diplomacy, and Silver Tongue) will help and hinder us in certain ways, and we will get more points for every X number of shows we run. At the start we have 30 points, along with some template options. Usually I do not care about this and pick Jack of all Trades to get 5 across the board. But let's go full chaotic and do Lucky Dip. This will give every one of our stats a random number, so our total could be higher or lower than the initial 30.
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That's... not great? So negotiating is maxxed out, which means we can really have our way in contract negotiations. Diplomacy is also high at 9, which means when incidents happen back stage we should be able to handle them better. Leadership of 5 is basically neutral, and would give us a passive bonus to backstage/locker room morale. Creativity of 3 is less than neutral, and handles Gimmick changes and Heel/Face turns. Silver Tongue at 1 is awful, that handles how we can talk workers into doing angles/matches they may not be jazzed about. Finally, Motivating is at 0 and this means our workers will likely have loads of "off" days. This is 28 points total, so we missed out on 2 points and the spread is bonkers. We cannot reroll this. We must move on.
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Next thing we can tinker with is Preferences. This will impact how our matches and promos are rated, which impacts how our shows are rated, which impacts how our audience perceives us, and on and on. There's a lot here, but I keep it on "Standard" from the drop down and also add "Enable Dirt Sheet" since that will tell us what is providing positive or negative impacts on matches and promos. It'll really help us figure out what is or isn't working on our shows!
Now we could start with an already established company (WWE, Impact, AEW, etc) with this, but I always prefer to make my own way in the world. We will start as Unemployed and make our own company!
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Here's our start screen. It's... a lot. This will be good to see when new wrestlers get generated, or when other companies go under or let go of people, but for right now we do not care about this. We care about the "Start Own Company" button. And I happened to throw together a logo and a name, so we should be good to set up True Power Wrestling. And it's time for yet another awful menu.
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This used to be better and worse in some ways. In the last game, TEW 2016, you used to build your own product based on a handful of different axis ("Mainstream", "Realism", "Comedy", etc.) and how important they were to the types of shows you were putting on so you could fine-tune what you wanted your audience to care about, and what may or may not be fit for television. It was a worse menu, but allowed you some cool options to really make the product you always wanted. In TEW 2020, the devs have effectively laid out that people were "gaming" the product setting system, and there's only so many distinct types of wrestling that exist or could exist, so they've just made a drop-down of all the wrestling products they think are possible. If you have an idea for a product type you think is missing from the game you can ask nicely on the forums and they will maybe add it in a future update.
I'm not gonna go over what each and every product is, but I'm going to use the Family Friendly Pro Wrestling product you see above. In my mind I'm thinking "what if my idealized version of 90s/2000s Cartoon Network had a wrestling show". 70/30 Match and Promo split for TV shows, 85/15 for events, wrestlers are rated 30/70 on in-ring performance vs popularity, and we really want the matches to be family friendly. No high-risk moves, no spinal-impact moves, and "called in the ring" means that our workers will know how long a match needs to go and who's winning, but otherwise no other planning is happening.
Additionally, I'm starting under the "Rock Hard" conditions. This means our company will be barely known, have 0 prestige, and start w/ $2,500 in the bank. We will be changing that dollar amount soon, but I love to play "Backyard to Global" style where we start as complete unknowns and see how popular we can get before I run out of steam.
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We have started True Power Wrestling. This will be our actual main screen, as this hellish menu will be how we make changes to our product. But first, let's see what the internet says Poppy's net worth is.
Uhhh I forgot how nightmarish those types of sites are, but the number I'm getting is between $1-3 Mil. I'll say Poppy is putting $1 Million of her own Net Worth into True Power Wrestling.
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Now we gotta start looking for workers. Poppy is a Personality, which means she'll talk on-screen and be a personality, but she's not gonna do any in-ring work. She will not take a pile-driver. So we gotta find literally everyone else: Wrestlers, Refs, Announcers, Commentators, Road Agents, & Managers. Let's look at the "Workers" tab.
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An overload of information, but! We're only looking for a couple things right now: Psychology, Popularity, if they will work for us, and if they are a good backstage presence. Psychology is just a rating of "can they tell a good wrestling story in the wrestling ring", so that'll be good for our actual show ratings. By clicking "Search" we can narrow down what workers will show up in this tab.
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I'm not going to go through every single worker we add this way, but know I'm messing around with these filters to get us workers. When I find a worker who looks like they may be a good fit, I click negotiate and I get this:
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Now you gotta make a contract offer. There are handshake deals and written deals, with either of them having the option to be "exclusive" so they can't work elsewhere. I usually try to make the numbers multiples of 10, and a little higher than what the game tells me to give just so the workers are in a good mood. As a backyard promotion, even with $1 Mil at your disposal, there is no way you're going to get exclusive deals this early on so I just make regular written agreements. This way everything is locked in for a set time and the payments don't fluctuate before contract negotiations, and if I let them go before the contract is up they gotta be paid which is just good for these digital workers.
When I do this, I usually make 2 templates at first: 1 Yr Wrestler and 3 Yr Worker. For wrestlers, especially just starting out your company, you don't know who is or isn't gonna work or be Your Guys, ya know? This way they get a year of work in (about 12 shows) and you can get a feel of who you wanna build around. For the 3 Yr, I keep that for Everyone Else. I think of it like superhero comics, ideally even if the writing team changes, there's some aesthetic connections and stability if you keep the pencilers/inkers/colorers the same. My commentary team, my refs, my on-screen personalities, my road agents, they are that aesthetic stability. And it means I don't have to worry about them on top of my wrestlers.
After spending the better part of 15-30 mins looking through the workers I can hire, here are notables: Shane McMahon (dunno what I'm gonna do with him, but it won't be in-ring work), Brian Zane (commentary, I watch this dude's YouTube videos!), and the Da Vinki guys (The Voros Twins! Guess I have to have a tag division for them). Usually what I'll do is grab who I can, about 10-20 wrestlers, 1-2 refs, 1 road agent, 2-3 commentary people, and then wait for the negotiations to come back. From there I can see who has tag partners I didn't hire yet, and see if I missed any other types of workers.
I still have other things to do while I wait. First, let's look at our Title situation.
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A normal menu. I'm going to create our Primary title, the True Power Title, and our Secondary title, the Rising Star title. True Power will be our World Heavyweight, the top title everyone has dreams of. Rising Star will be the stepping-stone, our equivalent of a US or Intercontinental title. Might even have it so in-universe the champ of the Rising Star title can vacate their title to make a True Power title match, add a little Money In The Bank flavor.
You can actually purchase a retired title, which is kinda handy! As a backyard promotion, the True Power title only has a prestige of 30. There are some on the market with 45 prestige! But I'll hold off on that, we'll wait to at least have our first year of shows before doing that.
Now... we wait. I don't have any workers, negotiations don't happen the same day, so we gotta move forward. I click those double arrows on the upper left hand side and tell the game to advance a week, for next Monday. The game stops at Wednesday, and we have some updates! The Voros Twins and Brian Zane wanna join in on this, along with about 5 other workers. A ref who I didn't realize was retired rejected us, but this is why we put out so many feelers!
Since we have Zane as a commentator we'll set him for every Event moving forward. We haven't scheduled any yet since we don't have our full roster just yet, but that's okay! We're ready. Let's move forward in time a little more, still aiming for Monday of Week 2, June 2023.
Thursday of Week 1, June 2023 and we get basically everyone else signed on. We've got a ref, we've got a road agent, we've got it all! We don't need a minimum number of wrestlers as we're such a small promotion, but we do need enough to run shows using a Heel/Face split (good guy/bad guy split) and we need at least one of each of those other non-wrestling positions.
I push us forward once more to Monday of Week 2, and we get stopped again. On Friday we sign Shane McMahon. My idea with him is to have him be some type of personality, probably a CEO trying to destroy True Power Wrestling? I dunno, we haven't even done our first show yet.
All this, and we still haven't run a show. And we still won't! I'm tired and don't wanna play anymore today lmao. Next time we'll plan and run our first True Power Wrestling show!
See ya!
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Watch It Or Drop It - A 2024 Drama Challenge
As always, the impending chime of a brand New Year just around the corner is stirring up the age old urge to Sort My Life Out somewhere deep inside me and rekindled the burning flame of No I Really Mean It This Time once more.
So far this has meant deep cleaning my house with a fervour rarely seen outside of the pages of the most fanatic of Cleaning Tiktokers (something which will definitely have faded even before the clock strikes 12), setting up a planning and organisational system so that my life can go smoothly for once (that will probably last until summer after which point I'll be so sun addled I'll stop caring about to-do lists altogether), and forcing myself to confront my mountain of unread books (by placing them accusingly next to my bed so I can wake up and fall asleep to them until the growing sense of guilt forces me to hide them in a cupboard).
No a bad start if I may say so myself. It's not even 2024 yet and things are already looking Sorted.
Joking aside though, while there are, as there usually are, big (potentially life changing) goals that I want to work towards this year and which will take a fair bit of work and/or courage on my part to make happen, there are also smaller ones. Manageable ones. Silly ones. Ones that'll make the whole year just a little bit more fun. For example: clearing my MyDramalist Want-To-Watch list.
Because there are 84 dramas on that list and while some of them haven't aired yet, over two thirds of them are fully complete and sitting patiently, ready for me to watch at my own leisure whenever I want.
And, unfortunately, up until now I've been so over-faced with how many dramas there were waiting for me that I didn't want.
At all.
As in I was actively avoiding watching anything off my Want-To-Watch list.
As you can imagine this has been frustrating because 1) this is the opposite of what a Want-To-Watch it's for (I put the dramas on there for a reason after all) and 2) not very conducive to making the big, scary number go down, quite the opposite in fact.
So I've found myself at a bit of an impasse.
And to break that impasse I have come up with (what I hope is) a foolproof solution (because there is nothing more fool than having to trick yourself into doing something you want to do anyway).
The Watch It Or Drop It Challenge
I have been avoiding watching dramas on my Want-To-Watch list because:
1) I'm feeling overwhelmed with the amount of dramas currently on there and end up feeling time pressured to watch them all.
2) Linked to this, I'm worried about making the "wrong choice" (i.e not enjoying which ever drama I pick and being disappointed about something I was previously excited for, being in the wrong mood for a drama I would have otherwise enjoyed) leading to analysis/choice paralysis where I end up being unable to pick anything at all.
As such I need a system that:
1) Takes aways the element of choice, at least in the initial stages.
2) Removes some of the pressure to enjoy every drama I pick and allows me to celebrate both a "watch" or a "drop".
1) Dramas are selected completely at random using a random number picker (this random number picker to be precise, isn't she gorgeous?).
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Unless it hasn't aired yet (in which case I obviously can't watch it, I'll do a lot for this challenge but not bend time and physics) I have to give it a go. I can't spin the wheel again. What I get is what I watch (or drop).
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2) I watch it or I drop it (self-explanatory, really, given the name of the challenge but it's something my brain clearly needs reinforced otherwise we wouldn't be here in the first place). A drop has just as much "value" as a watch in terms of continuing my learning curve about my drama tastes and there's no shame in not liking something I thought I would enjoy.
3) I can take as long as I need to decide if it's a watch or a drop, the only condition is that if I am watching it, I actually have to be enjoying it. This is not an endurance test or an exercise in how long I can guilt myself into watching something (5 minutes before the end of the final episode is the current record by the way, incase anyone's interested), this is me making sure I...
4) ✨ Have fun ✨ There are many things in life that aren't fun, watching dramas should not be one of those things (although they are allowed to make me so uncontrollably, that I will allow, nay even encourage).
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🎉 And there we have it! My own little challenge for 2024 🎉
I'm feeling very pleased with myself but let's see how long I can keep it up, unless something drastic happens I'm planning to start a little early and pick the first drama tomorrow. I'm going to be post the whole challenge here (which dramas get picked, pre-watch thoughts, whether I watched or dropped it and why, etc) for accountability's sake because I know myself well enough to know that if I don't then this whole meticulous plan isn't happening. I also think it could be a nice little momento, if this whole challenge is successful, something to look back on from the time I bravely took on and defeated a list of my own creation.
And so without further ado,
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doctorhelena · 1 year
One line, one fic
rules: pick any 10 of your fics, scroll somewhere to the mid point, pick a line, and share it! Then tag 10 people.
I was tagged by @beautifulwhensarcastic and @thesokovianaccords! Thanks, guys!
(I am terrible at decisions. So, I have 45 fics on AO3 right now, and I sampled a random line from the middle of every 4th fic.)
1. Between the Acres of the Rye (Peggy/Steve) 
 “Well, I really would like some of the strawberry tart too,” Steve confessed, and Peggy laughed, leaning forward to kiss him in return, her lips warm and soft against his, their noses brushing, her hair falling like a curtain against his cheek so that it felt, even more than a moment ago, that it was only the two of them in the world.
2. Life, Uncovered (Peggy/Steve)
“Exactly,” Steve said, and Peggy smiled at him in the mirror, then tugged his hand back down to rest on the faint curve of her belly, her skin smooth and warm under his palm. “You really do have a while yet before anyone's going to be able to tell,” he said, into her ear.
3. Comfort and Joy (Peggy/Steve) (this one has 10 chapters so I went to the middle of Chapter 5)
“The fact that you couldn’t find either of us doesn’t mean we disappeared together,” Steve pointed out. “We’re actually not always both in the same place.”
4. The Scandalous Secrets of Spies (Peggy/Steve, minor Edwin/Ana Jarvis)
The illness went through Agent Thompson, both the Jarvises, Mr. Stark, and in the end nearly half of SHIELD headquarters, with only two small consolations: the first being that it was a short-lived, if intense affliction, and the second being that Miss Carter had almost certainly infected McKay as well and, with any luck, his entire organization.
5. Private Displays of Affection (Peggy/Steve)
“You know perfectly well what we were doing in there,” said Peggy, evenly. “We were searching the office for that list of names.” She cleared her throat, colour creeping into her cheeks. “Once we realized the room was bugged, we had to improvise a little.”
6. You Must Have Danced (Peggy/Steve) (this one is a collection of Tumblr ficlets, with 7 chapters, and I went to the middle of chapter 4)
She drew in a shaky breath. “I still haven’t quite forgiven you for not giving us your coordinates,” she said, into his shirt. “Particularly, since, as it turns out, we could have rescued you almost immediately. However,” she pulled back, and their eyes met. “I’m afraid I have found myself quite unable to move on.”
7. A Slight Miscalculation (Peggy/Steve) (this one has 4 chapters, and I went to the middle of chapter 2)
Peggy took Steve’s arm as they walked out the heavy front door into the cold night. “Do you think someone else is after the toxin?” he asked, slowly, contemplating what the coat check girl had said. “Or are there really just that many couples sneaking up to, uh -”
8. It’s Classified (Peggy/Steve) (this one has 2 chapters, and I went to the middle of chapter 1)
“You know, you’re rather good at feeling your way through a situation,” she said, a little hoarsely, once she’d recovered.
9. The Best That We Can Do (Agent Carter, minor Edwin/Ana Jarvis)
Peggy shrugged. “Well, let’s hope he doesn’t know me by sight,” she said, and set about disheveling her hair and removing her jacket. She dug for her tube of Sweet Dreams, applied a coat, then considered and opened the top two buttons of her blouse. Howard’s eyebrows crawled toward his hairline. “Oh, shut up or I’ll kiss you too,” she said, dropping the tube back into her case.
10. Expanding the Agency (Peggy/Steve)
“Good Lord!” said Jarvis, looking mildly horrified. He collected himself and came back to sit in the chair next to her. “I hope you realize that Phillips would be a fool to change his mind because of this. And I am quite certain the man is not a fool.”
I’m tagging @roboticonography, @buckywiththegoodhair86, @teaandatale, @theawkwardterrier, @invidiosa, @eliza49-7190, @behindthelabels, @followingyourbliss, @formerlyir, and @melliabee
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halleyuhm · 8 months
~WTW Ghost Gala: Days 1 to 8~
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I just found the event and I'm several days back, so I'll try to be brief. I'll be using my WIP The trees don't let you see the forest because I think it's the one I'd like to try for NaNoWriMo and the aesthetics fit with the season.
It tells the story of a young witch cursed with blindness due to a failed spell and her journey to find the way to reverse it, aided by friends, fought by foes, and realizing the might be more important things than getting her sight back. It will be a challenge to write using every sense but vision! I have written the synopsis here, if you are interested. Yeah, I should probably do an official WIP intro.
So there we go, under the cut.
(Divider by @cafekitsune, go check her work out!)
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🎃 Pumpkin Carving - You have to kill off a character: Who do you choose?
Right now, without having planned much, I choose Mauve. She's the secret keeper and sooner or later the past catches up with everyone.
🦅Raven - Create a tagline for your WIP
"Things we lose aren't lost: they remain with us, albeit in different shapes".
🔮Crystal Ball - Outline a scene, act or your entire WIP.
Let's just try the first scene so we can compare what I plan with what will later come up:
1. Juniper wakes up and sees nothing. Elowyn is there tending to her wounds. Crying, stress, oops she messed up so bad, she can't be a Sun Sage anymore. But she deserves it, and Mauve, her mentor, lets her know. Periwinkle, the cat, is silently judging June so hard she can feel it.
2. Laurel comes in, distraught because he played a part in the situation (unknowingly??). Maybe he argues with Elowyn and Mauve because of inner guilt + they accuse him. But June crashes against something and they focus on stopping her from falling head-first into a boiling pot.
3. Same scene or after some struggles?? Mauve (or Periwinkle, why not) mentions the Wildfire Hollyhock, the burnt lands, and the town there, but doesn't tell what happened in those cursed places.
4. June wants to go, Laurel joins, and Elowyn is told by Mauve to go with them because she is the BEST. There are obvious reactions. Witchy stuff.
5. I'm bad at this.
🍂Fallen Leaves - Create a playlist for your WIP
Work in progress but here it goes.
🎇Jack o' lantern -Share an interesting fact you found while doing research for your WIP
There is a flower that only blooms after wildfires. The seeds lay dormant under the surface until the soil is burnt and then they sprout. They don't last long, just enough for bees to pollinate them and drop seeds which will stay dormant until they are awakened.
You can read an article here, for example.
🧄Vampire - Tell us where you find inspiration or motivation.
This is what I struggle with the most (along with planning).
Inspiration comes in dreams, random shower thoughts, a single word in an extensive paragraph, Pinterest aesthetics, little things I see in my daily life, name generators (that I never end up picking), and simple things. Like, "Oh, this would be fun to write about."
Motivation uh, comes when my brain hyperfixates on an idea. And reading. Reading lots.
💀Skeleton - Have a favorite plot structure? If not, share how you plot.
I have no idea how I plot. Usually, I start writing and let the story take me where it needs to go (yeah, there's lots of editing later). I get ideas on the go, maybe a whole scene, and I add it to my evergrowing list of ideas waiting for the auspicious moment when it comes into play. Somehow, I managed to be very cohesive, though. And I surprise myself with how everything seems to flow as if I had previously planned it.
🍬Trick or Treat - Set some writing goals and milestones for your WIP.
This crashes a bit with the last answer, but I really really want to be more disciplined and focused. I just want to manage to plot the story and get to the NaNoWriMo final milestone. Let's do it!!
If you've come this far, thank you! You are my hero 💜
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thetruthlsoutthere · 8 months
'Dreams' playing into real life
_ yes, that kind of weirdness.
i have express permission from the one who had these dreams, to share them because they involve me. One of the dreams involving me BEFORE they even met me. I don't remember which one it was. I THINK the first one.
Make of them what you will. I am also going to include my thoughts as well.
this dream was where my friend was walking out of school, i think i can remember her mentioning, the school she was in at the time and I had arrived. I don't remember how but perhaps my friend's school was also connected to lower forms of schooling {like a grande kind of school where theres sections for elementary, middle, and high school}
and when i had arrived, i had given her a book that she had left at the place me and my mate {romantic aspect} share. I don't know what this place was: that part was vague. And in this dream, i was either picking up or dropping off my kids - 3 with 1 girl and 2 boys. My friend remembers me calling the girl Lynn. Don't know if this was a first name or a middle name.
((( Note: interesting about the Lynn thing because that is the name of the human mother i have - since for all intents and purposes: my biology, my health, etc, age, indicate i am human BUT if i went into the theory that I am a Gallifreyan/time lady or timeless child with my real self hidden away in a fob/pocket watch/jewelry/object containing my real self then i don't know, lmao))
((DOUBLE NOTE: who is the mate? who is the mate that i am assuming is the other parent to these kids? and what place? lmao. Also kinda curious over what the book was))
2) this dream, my friend had years ago. I know this because at the time, they said that based on the years, I would be 27 or 28 at the time of this 'dream' and i am 27 now. This friend is a few years younger than me. THE DREAM: My friend, i am trying to remember, but she was walking around her neighborhood and further away from it and she ended up running into me and me and her got into talking, hanging out, and i feel like at one point, we were sitting by a pool? And in this dream, she noticed a big ring on my finger. And dream me asked her if she would be coming to the wedding. And at this time, apparently dream me was pregnant. my friend of course said that she would be there. And after that, dream me told her that me and her ought to go and meet up with the Doctor now and then me and her ran and took off.
who am i marrying? are they the mate from the first dream and they got me pregnant? Is this pregnancy mean i am carrying one of those 3 children, any of the boys or the girl? what wedding? And the meet up with the Doctor with this friend of mine, this assumes that there had already been a meeting and being in each others lives and this current thing was just.. currently meeting up with them. That leads to questions of how long of knowing and the history.
these dreams are just more added to the list of all the countless dreams and signs in my waking reality showing me out right view, hearing, signs and hints of having 3 children with two being boys and 1 being a girl with a name of Lynn - and the possibility of more children. Any of these 'dreams' directly involving the Doctor themself which seemed based on a random person's ask and even vibes on some dreams i have had, that they could be the other parent.
NOW: i am fangirl, don't get me wrong. I love fandoms and ships and fanfictions> But that is not what i am doing here. I literally am just stating from start to finish the things i am willing to share that i experience in my 'dreams' and my waking reality. And i have stated more times than i can count that i always try to thing logically first before going to other conclusions when logical doesnt make the weird things happen. Like i said: make of this what you will.
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lilguiguinevere · 11 months
I am interested in your fangan, please enlighten me
it's called phoenix's hope . takes place like ages after the tragedy kinda like drdt !! some dumbass gets the idea to try and recreate team danganronpa and stuff happens , after a few years they get it up and running. the first few seasons flopped but then there was an Interesting Plotline carried through all of the others and caused it to blow up. the seasons always ended quick due to the plot, and this season would be considered the finale !!
i still dont have a full name for the school but i do know that it'll have the word phoenix in it, and that it is a college. it was originally a rebuilt hope's peak, but they changed the name and made it a college instead of a hs
the main character is names haru suzuki !! shes 18 & is the ult lucky student, but she doesnt really have anything going for her. she's not unlucky either, but she will have random bursts of luck or misfortune when it matters most ; shes got a prosthetic leg due to one of those. obviously picked to be put into the college !
everyone is 17-19 except for 1 character who i will talk ab eventually .
im just gonna list the characters now
haruni kai, 17, ultimate tutor, she/her
lizabeth [pending], 17, ultimate veterinarian, she/her
umaiyuu ikan, 19, ultimate mangaka, she/they
xiomara [pending], 19, ultimate dollmaker, she/her
yukine, 18 physically/mentally / 10 chronologically, ultimate doll, they/them
ren ishiyama, 19, ultimate violinist, he/him
rin ishiyama, 19, ultimate violist, she/her
hiroto yamamoto, 18, ultimate vtuber, any pronouns
kyo amano, 17, ultimate assistant, he/him
airi bushida, 19, ultimate hacker, she/her
yuki sora, 17, ultimate [pending !], he/him
koki hotaru, 17, ultimate host, he/him
nyoka makino, 21, ultimate copycat, she/her
miragaru nishise, 18, ultimate [also pending], she/it
jinkahashi maha, 17, ultimate seamstress, he/they (i think) .
and there are also ghosts !! previous ultimates who died. only 3 of these characters can see them and you'll never guess who ,
i don't have names but i have ultimates ? translator, skater, knife thrower, costume maker. and a few others who dont have ults yet.
the costume maker is named nichi makino tho, and the translator's surname is amano. smile
uhhhhh i think thats all thats rlly important ?? ill drop more on characters eventually
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soleilnomoon · 2 years
🍭✨🍨sticky & sweet 🧁✨🍭 - a milestone event !
hello, hello 💛it’s finally time for another milestone event! i didn’t expect to have one so soon tbh, but that’s just how life goes; the other day i saw that i had 555 followers at exactly 3:33 a.m. (spooky, but also extremely lucky?) and now that i have 564 followers, i want to show my appreciation for each one of you. when i first made this blog, it was really just to get back in the groove of writing — how i write off of tumblr is vastly different, actually — and to sort of experiment with various style of prose, so it’s been a learning curve and a fun journey writing, plus everyone’s been so cool so that’s been a plus 🥰 anyway, i present to you 🍭✨🍨sticky & sweet 🧁✨🍭 a 555+ followers event. i will write drabbles & ficlets/scenarios, and i will take requests for characters from one piece, jujutsu kaisen, attack on titan, & obey me.
please don’t forget to check out my rules before sending requests 💕
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i’ve had a terrible sweet tooth lately, so that’s partly the inspiration behind this event’s theme. please choose a topping (it’s ok to request multiple), 3 to 5 items from the main menu and/or special menu (it’s ok to request multiple/combination from both lists), and one item from the secret menu (one character from the fandom of your choice). also, if you want me to choose for you, just let me know.
example: “hi! i would like to order an eclair, a chocolate truffle, and taffy with whipped cream and #1 (zoro) from the side menu.”
the event will run from 08.14.22 (today) until 11.05.22, so be sure to get your requests in before it finishes.
current status: closed.
masterlist of requests
i. please choose one character from either one piece, jjk, aot, or obey me — if you’re feeling indecisive, you can toss a few names my way and i’ll pick at random.
ii. you can send multiple requests (but please consider requesting different characters if you do.)
iii. if there’s a preferred gender you want me to write the reader as, please let me know.
iv. since the event is more or less a nsfw one, i will only write for canonically adult characters; i’m not budging on that.
v. this is an 18+ event, so minors please do not interact, thank you.
✨ place your orders & enjoy a lil’ sugar rush✨
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⁎ whipped cream - fluff
⁎ honey - angst
⁎ caramel - smut
⁎ poppy seeds - hurt / comfort
items on the main menu:
crepe // early morning
eclair  // holding hands
macaron // party
cafecito // tongue kisses
pain au chocolat // hug from behind
apple strudel // body warmth
chocolate truffle // missed opportunity
tres leches // bite marks
strawberry cake // candle wax
flan // knife
dulce de leche roll // “stop running.”
meringue cookie // fingertips
konpeitō // denial
parfait // stargazing
white chocolate // “i have to go.”
dark chocolate // bind
milk chocolate // slow dancing
coconut cake // card game
fudge // “it’s too late.”
toffee // tongue-tied
glazed donut // “stay.”
cupcake // toxic
cafe con leche // first date
gingersnap cookie // rumors
cheesecake bar // sharing dessert
fruit tart // “don’t give me that look.”
cinnamon roll // wrist kiss
churro // choke
licorice // argument
mocha latte // fake dating or marriage of convenience
tiramisu // breakup
lemon bar // secrets
scone // betrayal
sorbet // “don’t leave.”
brownie // blush
chocolate mousse // “i can’t do this right now.”
jelly bean // kneel
lollipop // neck kiss
peppermint // nightmare
lemon drop // confession
cotton candy // possessive
marshmallow // lingering touch
jawbreaker // “move.”
taffy // “open your mouth.”
candy necklace // praise
gumdrop // “did i tell you to stop?”
shortbread cookie // slap
cobbler // “we’re in public.”
frozen yogurt // only one bed
angel food cake roll // late night drink
items on the special menu | ✨🍬 new 🍩✨
banana bread // “say my name.”
cake pop // massage
funnel cake // hopeful
sugar cookie // precious
donut hole // straddle
popsicle // desire
sponge cake // taste
peanut brittle // inside joke
gingerbread cookie // “need help with that?”
ice cream sundae // strip
palmier cookie // dream
blan manje // control
key lime pie // starlight
muffin // “i’ve never done this before.”
nougat // punishment
oatmeal raisin cookie // “behave.”
neapolitan rose cake // enemies to lovers
red velvet cupcake // shower
strawberry shortcake // reunion
anmitsu // first love
creme brulee // revenge
arroz con dulce  // push
springtime beignets & berries // dinner
ice cream cake // “don’t cover your mouth, i want to hear you.”
brown sugar pound cake // champagne
peach turnover // sunrise
rum cake // rest
affogato // devious
tembleque // “don’t stop.”
pastelito de guayaba // cuddle
cream puff // “shut the hell up.”
buñuelo // erratic
items on the secret menu:
one piece
jujutsu kaisen
attack on titan
obey me
other fandom *  — just ask and i’ll let you know if i write for them
(only choose one character per request, please and thank you).
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crazymadredfox · 1 year
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I posted 6,347 times in 2022
That's 2,808 more posts than 2021!
40 posts created (1%)
6,307 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 3,459 of my posts in 2022
Only 46% of my posts had no tags
#mp100 - 730 posts
#jjba - 522 posts
#mcr - 303 posts
#reigen - 257 posts
#sbr - 207 posts
#bsd - 205 posts
#dr stone - 165 posts
#teru - 149 posts
#kny - 133 posts
#diu - 93 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#and other is the ‘it’s objectively alright but i like it and i find enjoymentin it throught my day and my own investment in the fandom space
My Top Posts in 2022:
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See the full post
57 notes - Posted August 6, 2022
Ongoing list of mostly random, kinda insignificant things that just scream sengen:
Gen showing up on that lil tv screen in the second opening
That non essential (but appreciated) shot of them passing the telephone in ep3 that was also used in the trailer for s2
Fucking senku making a Christmas tree literally knowing only gen would get it (???)
Kohaku changing clothes in front of them and saying “like these guys would care” (meaning gen and senku specifically)
Feel free to add your own
102 notes - Posted April 3, 2022
me seeing posts that aren’t about my chem on dash rn
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136 notes - Posted May 13, 2022
out of nowhere and been said before but having such a stark parallel between senku and gen through their birthdays is so so obviously intentional and meaningful on many other levels i probably can’t think of now but:
birthdays are quite substantial, i’d say mostly because senku’s birthday was a HUGE deal, with gen calculating it and senku finally knowing he is safe, to senku’s own last name and the reveal of the village name etc etc, but also because they were quite hidden from the readers for so long. There was an ongoing speculation for all of them in the fandom, and one day they were dropped on us and all hell broke loose because they obviously weren’t random dates
Tsukasa being the strongest coinciding with 10/10 is clever and all, but the real deal is in dates around senku’s 1/4.
Chrome, who was born only a month later, the date telling us he is senku’s supposed successor, his prodigy, a brilliant mind like his own, just a bit younger.
Taiju as well, mostly in the way it’s written: 4/2 always looked to me like he’s right after senku, slightly behind, but similar enough for us to know that he is very much connected to him.
And then comes gen, born on the first of april, an inverted number to senku’s fourth of january. And from there it just keeps piling up in my mind: they are the opposites in their fields of work: senku for natural sciences and gen skilled with people and humanities; the way they talk and act, one blunt with no bullshit, other coating every word he says in honey; their early interactions when they were almost on opposite sides, before gen chose his allegiance…
And maybe the most important thing that i can’t even articulate how much it means to me: they gifted each other their birthdays. Senku revived on gen’s birthday. (That alone is SO FREAKING VALUABLE, fueling the relationship strictly in the meta sense, for us readers to interpret.) Senku meticulously kept count, and PICKED A DAY HE WOULD BREAK OUT OF STONE- not knowing of course whose birthday that is, but you can’t deny it sounds like destiny. He wakes up, and to give himself strength and the will to keep going he craves the date in a tree. And it just so happens that that date is the day gen asagiri was born. Gen gets depetrified and it’s the first thing he learns about a stranger who is the reason he got brought back: he stayed awake and counted, and he carved his birthday in a tree. It almost feels then, like gen is the one returning the favor, a bit later when he decides to surprise senku with the observatory. To be the first person to think of senku in that sense: to give him something special, even though he could tell senku doesn’t care about birthdays. To show that he is grateful that on that day millennials ago, a particular boy was born, one who would save them all.
the numbers alone are such a strict, decided and intentional correlation, something the writer decided to put in, then build upon it more and more, until these particular two dates 4/1 and 1/4 are the only ones to have so much extensive significance
Beyond even the romantic connotations I literally refuse to ignore, all this just confirms one of my favorite facts and building bricks of this series. In a story with so many moving parts and lovable, charismatic characters, it’s impossible to give them all much screen time. So, even in arcs where pilots and scientists and warriors had to slightly outshine gen, all this underlining, almost background information and storytelling just lets us know that no matter what, senku and gen share a bond that cannot be broken, replicated, or overlooked. They’re essential to each other, and whatever distance is maybe separating them truly amounts to nothing at all.
243 notes - Posted March 16, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
you guys ever think how different bsd would have to go if poe wasn’t so fiercely in love with ranpo
i swear at this point ranpo’s using his “seal someone in poe’s book” strategy as if it were his own ability
1,205 notes - Posted August 3, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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Hey, y'all remember this shit I did years ago? Well, I had the most random thought to pick it back up again so here I am, back on my bullshit! As a reminder, since it's been a while, keep in mind that these are fandoms I'm personally into and don't necessarily [or accurately] reflect their popularity
The fandom districts are as follows and in order:
Def Leppard
Yandere Simulator
Fire Emblem
Voltron: Legendary Defender
Mortal Kombat
Forever Knight
Touhou Project
Megaman X
Dark Parables
Wild card [each character is from their own fandom]
I'll reblog the icon sets sometime later. Fun facts and change log from hell under the cut!
District 2: Fullmetal Alchemist to Yu-Gi-Oh!
District 7: Ouran High School Host Club to Forever Knight
District 11: Yu-Gi-Oh!/Pokemon to Pokemon
District 3: Osana to Akane Nemesis to Hanako [name change only]
District 4: Narcian to Marianne Tsubaki to Constance
District 5: Acxa to Allura
District 9: X to Alia Zero to Marino
District 11: Bakura to Jessie Kaiba to James
District 12: Carmen to Tobias Hitch to Edward
District 1: Sav, Joe
District 2: Bakura, Kaiba
District 3: Hanako [recropped]
District 4: Eltshan
District 8: Remilia
District 9: Axl, Iris
District 11: Serena
District 12: Tobias***
Fun facts 1, 2, 3, and 4 here! New fun facts below!
Fun Fact #1: This is the most edited roster change since the first one. Way more has changed here than any other roster update
Fun Fact #2: The original season code had not been used in so long that when I tried to load it up, it failed because it was auto deleted a good two years ago. I had to completely remake this roster, plus the custom events, from scratch
Fun Fact #3: Allura's icon is from an edit done by a Tumblr user named r-i-v-e-r. Unfortunately, it seems the artist is no longer on the site
Fun Fact #4: Okay, let me make this clear: I HATE the post-XY art style for Pokemon. Fucking hate it. That said, I saw images of Serena's new design and she's??? Actually??? Decent??? Like holy shit a design I don't hate. It wasn't that hard of a decision at that point to replace her icon with a more recent appearance
Fun Fact #5: YGO and Pokemon were lumped together for the longest time and now I was finally able to separate them and let them go full throttle. Bakura and Kaiba, with new icons and as promised in a previous fun fact, took Joey with them, but they have Marik instead of Yugi since he's been growing on me a lot more. They took the place of the FMA district. Meanwhile, Serena and Clemont now have, again as promised, Team Rocket joining them
Fun Fact #6: While debating on characters and fandoms to include, Nick, Nat, and Divia seemed to just be easy inclusions to replace the Ouran district. It was deciding on their fourth districtmate that was difficult. It ultimately came down to either LaCroix or Janette [sorry, but Schanke is Babey and I refuse to corrupt him like this]. LaCroix was picked due to the potential for some interesting scenarios
Fun Fact #7: In previous updates, I mentioned Sav's icon somehow becoming more saturated even though the image had not changed. I discovered while updating the icon sets earlier today that this was indeed a Tumblr issue like I had initially thought. Apparently something happens when posting it live, causing the image to saturate. I was able to fix this, but this required, well, not using Tumblr. The image is still saturated in the actual post its in, but the exact link used in the simulator settings is now being hosted on Discord
Fun Fact #8: Back in the very first run of the Multifandom Hunger Games, District 6 was the Animorphs and Tobias was a part of that district. For this brand new run, I decided to bring Tobias back. ***He's listed in the change log for icon updates as I decided not to reuse the original icon he had. His new icon is from a comic version of the series
Fun Fact #9: The character hasn't changed, but this short comic dropped some time ago, revealing Nemesis' true identity as Hanako Yamada. Her information for the season was updated accordingly
Fun Fact #10: I initially didn't plan on updating Joe, Hanako, or Remilia's icons, but ultimately did. Hanako's uses the exact same image, just recropped to look less awkward
Fun Fact #11: The Fire Emblem district was supposed to be a one-character-per-game situation, but let's be real, Three Houses has way too many interesting characters to ignore entirely, so I added two instead while also updating Eltshan's icon. Ferdinand was briefly considered before deciding on Constance. Marianne's has a Black Eagles background instead of Golden Deer because I just like the Black Eagles more
Fun Fact #12: Amnesia was considered for a return, but I decided not to go with this. Sailor Moon was also briefly considered for inclusion
Fun Fact #13: Before deciding on Tobias, I was originally going to have Florence [Alchemists of Loom] take Carmen's place. Other wild card characters considered for inclusion were Nanashi [1bitheart] and Fletcher Raleigh [The Summoner series]
Fun Fact #14: Since Mulberry has been revamping a lot of older character art she's done, including the student council, I decided this would be a good opportunity to update Shiromi's icon. At the same time, I decided to replace Osana with another student council member. Imagine the scary implications. Also yes, I am aware how divisive YanSim is, but I ain't here for bullshit. I'm here to vibe. This district stays put
Fun Fact #15: X and Zero were replaced because they needed a break. End of, just let them enjoy some peace
Fun Fact #16: As I am no longer into SNK, dropping Hitch was an easy decision, and even though I dropped FMA as a full district, I did want to keep Edward, so he got to stick around and take Hitch's place
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atlanticcanada · 1 year
Bedard bedazzles, breaks 5 records as Canada eliminates Slovakia with overtime win
Connor Bedard made one opponent miss.
And another. And another.
The breathtaking 17-year-old then calmly slid the puck home to set off wild celebrations and send his country to the semifinals at the world junior hockey championship.
Bedard scored at 5:17 of overtime on a brilliant, jaw-dropping individual effort Monday as the tournament hosts defeated Slovakia 4-3.
The extraordinary talent deked his way past three Slovaks before backhanding his eighth goal of the event to blow the roof off a red-clad Scotiabank Centre.
"I always want the puck," Bedard said. "It's still hockey, I'm still out there doing what I love. The moment's big. But I've done that same move, I've done the same shot I took a million times in my basement … in practice, by myself on the ice.
"I'm out there playing hockey."
At an absolutely astounding level.
"I'm kind of calling for it," Canadian defenceman Brandt Clarke said of the highlight-reel OT sequence. "But I see him burn the first guy, see him burn the second guy, see him burn the third guy and then go to the backhand on the goalie.
"That was one of the craziest moments I've ever been a part of."
CONNOR BEDARD SENDS CANADA TO THE SEMIS! #WorldJuniors pic.twitter.com/4s06UDY6oX
— TSN (@TSN_Sports) January 3, 2023
Bedard also scored early in the first — setting four records in the process — before adding an assist on Canada's second goal to establish another national mark.
"It's hard to describe what he means for our team," said goaltender Thomas Milic, who made 24 saves, including a couple huge stops to keep his team alive. "It's almost like he's pressing random buttons on the Xbox controller coming up with some of these dangles. You never know what he's going to do next. He keeps surprising."
"I think (Bedard's) from another world," said Slovak captain Simon Nemec.
Dylan Guenther and Zack Ostapchuk provided the rest of the offence for the Canadians, who will face the United States on Wednesday after the Americans thumped Germany 11-1.
Libor Nemec, with two, and Robert Baco replied for Slovakia, which got 52 stops from Adam Gajan.
"Played a great game," Simon Nemec said. "Best game in the tournament."
Czechia trounced Switzerland 9-1 to set up the other semifinal against Sweden, which beat Finland 3-2.
With Simon Nemec off in the penalty box for a cross-check on Bedard late in the third, Shane Wright hit the crossbar in overtime on a shot that went off Gajan's pad.
Milic then made a terrific glove stop on Servac Petrovsky to keep his team alive before Bedard added his name to Canada's world junior lore.
"I thought it went in," Bedard said of the Petrovsky chance. "I was about to start crying on the bench. That was ridiculous. I was so scared."
The presumptive top pick at the 2023 NHL draft, Bedard opened the scoring just over six minutes into the first on a breakaway after Slovak defenceman Pavol Funtek turned the puck over.
That pushed the centre for the Western Hockey League's Regina Pats past Eric Lindros for top stop on Canada's all-time list with 34 points at the men's under-20 event.
The North Vancouver, B.C., product has also passed Jordan Eberle for the most combined goals at the world juniors by a Canadian with 16.
Canada went up 2-0 on a power play with five minutes gone in the second when Bedard found Othmann, who in turn fed a falling Guenther.
Bedard set a new record for the most points by a Canadian in a single tournament with 21, owns the national mark with 13 assists at a single event, and passed Jaromir Jagr for the most points by a player aged 18 or younger.
"I'm not focused on personal success here," said Bedard, who topped the podium with Canada in the summer. "I want another gold medal … and that's all I want."
The Slovaks came off the mat and responded on a power play of their own when Nemec tipped in a point shot.
Canada restored its two-goal lead just over three minutes later when Ostapchuk fired past Gajan's blocker on a 3-on-1 break.
But Slovakia got back to within one when Peter Repcik showed great patience to find Baco for his second.
Canada hit two posts early in the third period before Milic made an incredible stop on a mad scramble off Adam Sykora, shooting out a pad before Canadian defenceman Tyson Hinds stopped the followup attempt with his glove.
"Incredible atmosphere," Milic said. "Bit of a roller-coaster."
But Nemec scored his second of the game moments later with under nine minutes to go on Milic's doorstep after an icing to make it 3-3.
Bedard had a terrific chance to put Canada ahead late in the third, but Funtek blocked his effort.
In the end, however, the phenom wouldn't be denied.
"That's what he does," Wright said. "Stepped up when he needed to. Big-time player, big-time game."
And the Americans are up next.
"What else is better? What else do you want?" Bedard said of the mouth-watering matchup. "Something that everyone in the country, everyone on the continent is going to be pretty excited about.
"There's no better situation."
There's also no one better than Bedard.
The Seattle Kraken forward congratulated Bedard on passing him on Canada's goal list in a pre-recorded message.
"You're an unbelievable player to watch," Eberle, a hero at the 2009 tournament, said in a video posted to Hockey Canada's official Twitter account. "I've been following your career since you got drafted to my hometown and playing with the Pats.
"Enjoy the experience."
Connor Bedard @jeberle_7 From one @WHLPats star to another, the #WorldJuniors legend has a personal message of congratulations for the new all-time goal-scoring leader. pic.twitter.com/B2L0cdpIrX
— Hockey Canada (@HockeyCanada) January 3, 2023
This report by The Canadian Press was first published Jan. 2, 2023.  
from CTV News - Atlantic https://ift.tt/oSWAu6y
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