#i bet she was purring too
spirkbitch · 9 months
i love spock with cats just like everyone and i don’t know how much y’all know about cat body language but i felt this would be important to share
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this cat is extremely happy (understandable), she’s slow blinking (sign that she’s content/comfortable) and even making biscuits a little bit (the way she clenched her paws like she’s kneading, another sign of comfort/that she trusts the person she’s with)
and i can’t find any other clips but you can tell the whole episode that the cat actor is just so excited to be there
anyways that wasn’t really important i just think it’s nice
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itoshi-s · 1 year
iwa getting you all stretched out for his cock :( sniffle pls he’s so grabby, his pinky edging towards your ass i’m a mess
it IS so iwa coded though. big and rough hands roaming everywhere - not leaving an inch untouched :( did u see the way he grabbed at her tits.... yeah...... feeling you all up gets him so ridiculously hard. feeling you up as your chest heaves and tummy tightens under his palm :( the feeling's almost as good as the sight of you squirming and glancing up at him with the widest, neediest eyes he's ever seen on you - gets him burning up, flushed all the way up to the tip of his ears and breathing so heavy :( !!
probably wants to keep eye contact with you as he messes you up - but it's so hard, he wants to take all of u in, all at once. his fingers are so thick, two are just enough to get you soaking and all nice n ready. and yet, he teases at your ass with his pinky, just almost dipping past the muscle as you whine and grab at his forearm. it's all too much and he knows. he's always too much for you with how intense he gets - but you always end up taking him so well anyways. this time will be no different :(
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hihi!! idk if ur requests are open so ignore this if they aren't!
reader was cheated on so she goes to simons house for comfort. one thing leads to another and hes saying "i bet he couldn't fuck you like this" while absolutely destroying her
“You’re so fuckin’ beautiful.” Simon grunted as he placed a gentle kiss to your temple. “He’s such a damn fool for what he did.”
You honestly don’t know how you ended up here. One minute you found out your boyfriend of 3 years was cheating on you, and the next you were laying underneath your best friend of 10 years as he completely worshipped you.
You should’ve known better, your boyfriend (well ex-boyfriend now) had so many red flags you’d lost count, but you always tried to see the best in people, never truly realizing just how hurt you could end up because of it.
Simon Riley was the one person in your life who was always your rock, always was there for you, always cared for you when nobody else bothered to. He was the only person you wanted to comfort you tonight.
He welcomed you with open arms like he always did, his hugs able to cure any emotion or ailment you may have. You’d cried your eyes out to him, let out all your frustrations into his chest as he held you close.
You never, never expected to end up kissing him, let alone finding yourself in his bed, being utterly ruined by him later that night. It was everything you never knew you hoped for. After the many years you’d been friends with him, you finally realized that he was the one you’d always wanted to be with.
“I don’t deserve you, Simon. You’re too good for me.” You cried out, the tip of his cock kissing your cervix after a particular rough jut of his hips. “I’m so sorry it took me so long to realize.”
“You’ve got that backwards, love.” A soft chuckle escaped his lips before he slotted them against yours. His kiss was gentle, but so full of emotion it had your heart swelling. “I’ve wanted you to be mine since the day I laid eyes on you. I’m a patient man, sweet girl.”
You’d never been fucked like this before, never been worshipped like this. Your body felt weightless, a warm heat spreading throughout your body as Simon’s cock rubbed against your slick walls.
A guttural moan escaped your lips as he increased his pace, the sound of slapping skin filling the room. You felt your high rapidly approaching, as your toes started to curl, and your eyes fluttered shut. He was so fucking good at this.
“Did he make you feel this good, sweetheart?” Simon groaned, his breath fanning over your ear. “I bet he couldn’t fuck you like this, could he?”
You weakly shook your head, your mouth falling open slightly as Simon nipped at your earlobe, his thick length sliding against your walls at a frenzied pace. You’d never felt this full before, this stuffed. It felt like his cock was made just for you.
“That’s what I thought.” He purred, moving to capture your lips in his once more. His tongue darted out, exploring each and every inch of your mouth, committing your taste to memory. “Being so good for me. Can’t believe this is what I’ve been fuckin’ missing out on.”
“Simon.” You chanted, your nails digging crescents into the toned skin of his back. Soft moans and sounds of slapping skin deliciously filling the air as both of you lost yourselves in one another.
“That’s right, sweetheart. Say my name. Let me know how good I’m making you feel.” Simon cooed, his hands lacing with your own above your head as his cock continued to slide in and out of you at a brutal pace. “You are so incredible, love. I should’ve made you mine a long fuckin’ time ago.”
Tears pricked in the corners of your eyes, every emotion you were feeling bubbling to the surface. You let your eyes flutter open, your heart skipping a beat as you found Simon looking down at you with complete and utter adoration.
Any self consciousness or self loathing thoughts you may have had before being in your best friend’s arms suddenly vanished, and were now left feeling completely and utterly cherished.
You slipped your hands from Simon’s, and wrapped them around his neck, pulling him impossibly close to you. You never wanted this moment to end. “I’m yours, Simon.”
“That’s right, love. All fuckin’ mine now. I am going to ruin you for any other man, love. Gonna treat you like the princess you are.”
And he fucking did.
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teatreeoilll · 3 months
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“No - No - Don’t put it in your bag. Gojo - Seriously, stop.”
“Well we need to put it somewhere, don’t we?”
“Alright. Alright - Let me hold it. We just need to think of something smart - ow! Little bastard. If you bite me again I’ll leave you here.” At the edge of the street stands the rubble of the house Gojo destroyed half an hour ago - together with the curse in it. The other houses surrounding you look run-down and uninhibited, blending with the rain clouds on the horizon. “I don’t really mean it,” You whisper.
Gojo leans forward and rubs the head of the tiny gray kitten you’re holding. The kitten hisses back at him. “I don’t think he likes us.”
“What makes you think he’s a he - ow! Maybe it’s a she,” You lift the kitten up, but it only digs its tiny claws further into your hand. “Alright, I won’t check -” You bring it closer to your chest, rubbing it on the head to calm it down, and look back up at Gojo, “But we need to figure out what to do with it.”
“Shoko can take care of its leg.” Gojo points to a nasty wound on the kitten, “And then we’ll just put it in your room.”
“My room? Why not your room?”
“Aw, come on. It’s just for a little while - look, it’s already purring. I bet it thinks you’re his mom.”
“Yaga will kill us.”
Gojo’s lips curl up in a familiar smirk, “Only if he finds out.”
“Fine. But you’re buying the cat food.”
“Gojo -” You whisper into the dark hallway, “Gojo - Wake up!”
A few seconds go by and the door creaks open. Gojo’s still halfway into putting on his t-shirt, “What is it?” You stare a moment too long at his abs, “If that’s what you came for I’ll take it off -”
“Don’t be dumb, you oversized noodle. Something’s wrong with the kitten.”
Inside your room, Shoko and Geto are kneeling on the floor over the kitten. All your hear are quiet retching sounds and worried whispers.
“He keeps coughing up like that. Do you think he’s sick?” You ask as you and Gojo kneel with the others, looking at the little kitten shaking its head, “Maybe we need to take him to a vet.”
The kitten wobbles a bit when it moves towards Gojo. “Come here little one,” Gojo whispers as if no one can hear him, “What’s wrong with you? Huh?” He runs a finger between the kitten’s ears. It climbs onto his knees, then wretches again, unleashing a surprisingly big and slimy hairball on Gojo’s lap.
“Oh - God - That’s -” Gojo takes the kitten off his knees. He swears it’s smirking at him. The room is silent for a moment before you let out a snort, and everyone but Gojo howls with laughter. “Quit laughing! D’you have a wet wipe or something?”
“I -” You huff out laughing, wiping the tears pooling in your eyes, “I thought it was sick -”
Geto’s cheeks are bright red and he’s folded almost in half as he sucks sharp breaths through bouts of laughter, “Good thing you called Satoru, poor thing just needed something to look at to get him to vomit -”
“Seriously! Stop laughing and get me towel or something -”
In the doorway, Masamichi Yaga clears his throat.
“I’m not saying get rid of it.” The little kitten strolls on papers on Yaga’s desk. Rain hammers on the window glass. “Just put it back where it came from.”
“How can we put it back where it came from?” You retort, “It’s tiny! It’ll freeze, or it’ll starve or -”
The kitten looks up, its green eyes pointed straight at Yaga’s stern expression. Yaga sighs.
“Come on, Yaga -” Gojo bats his white eyelashes as if he’s the one about to get kicked out in the rain. Yaga sighs again.
“You can’t keep it in your room anymore,” Yaga says as he takes the kitten from the desk and places it on his lap, “But we’ll figure something out. Now get to bed, all of you.”
“Mochi!” Gojo ducks down to pet the cat as he exits the building. It hisses back at him. “You’re getting old now, you little monster. You better start making amends soon.”
“Earl still doesn’t like you, huh?” You chuckle, coming out from the building after him.
“I don’t know how he likes you after you named him Earl.” Gojo looks down at the cat, who left him to rub on your feet. “Bootlicker,” he mutters under his breath.
“Don’t be jealous, Satoru,” Shoko’s smoking a cigarette by the entrance, “Winston can sense it.”
“Don’t even let me get started about naming a cat after a pack of cigarettes -”
“Oh and Mochi’s better?” You chuckle, petting Earl on the head, “Even though nothing beats Yaga who just calls him “Cat” or Suguru’s ‘Bruce Lee’ -”
Suguru. There’s a silence.
Earl meows. “Aw - Earl, you want a treat?” You reach into your pocket, “Lucky for you I came prepared.”
Gojo chuckles, “If I meow, will you -”
“Definitely not, Satoru.”
“Are you sure?” Gojo drawls, leaning forward for his face to be an inch from yours, “Because I’ll meow if I have to.”
You roll your eyes and press a chaste kiss on his lips, “Please don’t meow.”
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jyoongim · 2 months
This is more of an idea (feel free to not respond btw)
But what if married reader gets knocked up with Alastors fawn and the husband divorced her once he realizes the baby isn’t his? You can bet your ass that the deer daddy is already trying to ensnare the reader in his grasp lol
Hehehe i have never written a Part 2 so fast !
Part 1
“Oh my Satan dear! Look at you! Ya look like you’re bout to pop!” Rosie exclaimed when you walked in her shop.
’Pop’ was an understatement.
You were very near the end of your pregnancy and it had not been kind to you.
You never told your husband about the incident with Alastor.
Would he had even believed you?
Alastor was A LOT of things, but the two of you were friends…your husband would think call you insane….
Your eyes widened seeing the very cause of your discomfort.
You wanted to dash out the door, run back home and hide.
The red Overlord turned around, hearing Rosie’s voice, you froze seeing his eyes look you over, you instinctively placed a hand over your stomach when his lips stretched into a smile.
You heard Rosie excuse herself to go get some appetizers but you were too focused to acknowledge her.
You were alone.
With him.
You took a shaky breath as memories from several months ago flashed across your mind, but you shook your head lightly to discard those thoughts.
”My my look at you” he purred approaching until he towered over you, beaming like a Cheshire cat “You really do make a fine mother” his large hand caressed the swell of your belly, smile softening when he felt movement.
”j-just leave me be please” you whispered, wincing when he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into his chest.
Alastor chuckled ”leave you be? Oh ma cherie no can do!” 
He bent his head, his lips grazing the shell of your ear, voice dropping to a whisper “especially since you’re about to give birth to my baby?”
You pushed him away, putting distance between the two of you. Your face was flushed, eyes narrowed “I am NOT having your baby! I am having my husband’s baby!” You defended.
But there was a sliver of doubt you always felt when it came to the little soul nestled within you.
Alastor’s smile never wavered “Hmm you sure? Because i remember vividly filling your cunt with my seed until it dripped down your legs” 
You froze.
”You took me so well I was positive you would be pregnant”
He took small steps towards you
”Did you tell your husband?” 
Your snarl fell at his words and he knew he had you.
”T-there’s n-nothing to tell” you said turning around, ready to leave. 
You didnt have to take this.
He hummed coming up behind you. “Nothing to tell?” He chuckled darkly as his lanky arms wrapped around you, cradling your swollen belly. He leaned his head on top of yours.
”Oooh darlin I’m hurt! You didnt tell your loving husband how you milked my cock? How I tasted the cunt that belonged to him? How I claimed you for myself? That I sent you home filled with my cum?”
You were shaking.
”How unfaithful you were? Could the poor man tell another man’s cum was inside you while he fucked you?”
He kissed your neck
”I can’t wait to meet our little fawn”
Your baby kicked causing him to smile.
Thats all you felt as you tried to breath through your contraction.
”You got this honey! You’re doing great” your husband soothed as you wailed.
”One more push maam the baby’s almost here” the nurse reassured you.
Almost? It felt like you been pushing forever
”I cant” you panted.
Everything burned.
Your husband dabbed at your sweaty forehead, pressing a kiss to it “You got this baby. C’mon just one more push and then it’ll all be over”
Your eyes clenched and with a scream you pushed.
Relief and then the shrill cry of a baby.
The nurses cooed “Ooh a healthy boy!”
she cleaned up the baby and you sighed as you slumped against the bed.
”Ok mama” you felt a small weight on your chest.
Soft noises had you look down and you felt your heart break and bloom.
Red tufts of hair curled on the babe’s head and he looked at you with big red eyes.
He looked like you; round cheeks and a cute nose.
He looked nothing like your husband.
And every bit like…
”what the fuck” you heard your husband say. You turned to him, eyes wide.
He was staring at the baby.
”I-Its n-not what you think dear j-just let me-”
”You fucked Alastor” he was frowning, standing up from the bed.
You shook your head, tears swelling
”N-no that’s…I didnt i swear”
”I am looking at his exact copy. The damn brat looks nothing like me!”
You couldnt move “Honey p-please”
The man backed away. He was angry.
The baby began to cry, you tried to rock the poor soul, but your attention was on your husband
”I should have known” he hissed lowly, pacing.
”I should have known by the way he acted. How you flirted with each other! The fucking radio demon!? Tsk!”
He turned to look at you.
”I dont want some bitch who takes me for a fool. Hope it was worth it you fucking slut” he turned to walk out.
tears ran down your face, your heart was racing “W-What? Honey no it wasn’t like that..it-it was never-”
”I want a divorce. You are dead to me”
and like that he was gone.
You sat there stunned.
Your husband just…left.
He left you and he didn’t even let you explain, tell him how or why all this was happening.
The baby cooed and you looked down at him.
You wanted to be angry, you had every right to be, but looking at this sweet soul…he didnt deserve your anger.
You were a mother now. You would do your best to love your child.
Even if you had to do it alone.
“What a fine mother you make indeed my dear”
He smiled watching the little fawn latch to your chest and stare back at him with vermillion eyes.
You hissed at him, earning a quirked brow “haven’t you done enough?”
Soft static buzzed through the air as the Overlord approached you. You took a step back, as he extended a hand to the babe and rubbed his chubby cheek.
Alastor ignored your question ”How are you feeling love?” He asked as the baby nuzzled into your neck.
How were you feeling?
You were divorced, a single mother, and living with Rosie.
All because of him.
”Like hell but I know you’re not here to ask about my well being”
Alastor ignored your jab.
”I do care for you darlin and its only right that I provide for you and our fawn”
You went to growl, threaten him to die, but your baby reached out to the red demon.
Alastor’s face light up and he grabbed the fawn, cooing and tickling the baby.
Your son squealed and giggled, trying to grab at his claws.
”Let’s make a deal dearest”
You straightened at his words. A deal with Alastor was dangerous.
But you were at rock bottom.
”What kind of deal?” You asked cautiously.
”Marry me. Marry me and you’ll have nothing to be worried about. You’ll be protected, cared for, and have anything you desire.”
The baby was gumming at his collar.
”Be mine”
You bit your lip. What did you have to loose?
You sighed, taking your son.
You looked at the tall demon, green magic swirling around him.
”Do we have a deal?” he extend his hand.
You looked at your baby and then back at Alastor.
”I hate you” you said taking his hand,
You winced as your hand burned and watched a gold ring appear on your finger.
Radio static buzzed and then a soft humming. Alastor purred, smiling, fixing his jacket.
“Oh my dear” His arm looped around your waist, bringing you close to him as he chuckled “Such a good girl”
“Now! I think I have the perfect place for us to raise our fawn”
“Uggghh Al you got a little something…” Charlie said nervously as she watch Alastor sip his coffee.
The little red fawn was hanging on his antlers, happily gnawing at the appendages. Alastor looked up, smiling “Oh he’s fine”
”Alastor have you seen…” your voice floated into his ears as you entered the lobby, stopping when you saw your son among his father’s antlers.
Alastor let out a grunt as the baby pulled at his ears “Hes right here dear”
Your baby babbled as you approached, squealing when you plucked him from his father.
You scowled the Overlord, placing the baby on your hip.
”How many times have I told you not to just let him hang-”
You froze.
“Da…da” your son babbled, squirming in your arms.
Charlie cooed and Alastor smirked as the fawn’s eyes welled with tears as he reached for his father. Alastor walked towards you, scooping the baby from you.
You pouted as the baby happily chirped, nuzzling in his father’s neck.
Alastor sneaked a soft kiss to your lips 
“See he’s fine”
You sighed, rolling your eyes, arms crossing.
”Oh smile my dear. Maybe the next one will say mama first” he laughed, eyes settling on your round belly.
”After all you’re a great mother”
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blackypanther9 · 3 months
Boys ask you out – Demon!Daughter!Reader x Father!Alastor
A/N: A version where you and Alastor are in Hell and Demons, because it was asked ! If anyone wants to be tagged, tell me and tell me if you only want to be tagged for the Daughter!Reader x Father!Alastor, Son!Reader x Father!Alastor, or both series ! ^^ (Picture belongs to rightful owner!)
TAGLIST: @meg-giry1
WARNING!: Blood & Gore, Demon!Alastor, threats, cursing, insults AND MORE ! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED !!! THIS IS NOT ROMANTIC !!
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Alastor and you were in a Café that suited your on and off tastes. Your Dad was very balanced with his diet, even if not many knew that, he ate venison a lot and sometimes other Demons too, but he also ate normal food.
You were the cause of that. You had certain swings in your appetite. Sometimes you wanted Venison, but other times you just wanted normal food and something sweet for dessert.
Your Father, curse (bless but it’s Hell so “Bless” would be an insult) his soul, loved you too much to not indulge you in that simple wish of yours. So here you were. In a small Café.
He had a cup of coffee and a plate of spaghetti Bolognese, while you had a cup of your favorite hot drink and your favorite dish. You were just happily eating and talking with each other in between bites, as a Demon approached your table.
“Hello there, Cutie~”, the Demon purred and was way too close to you, to your liking.
He must have been new to be so bold and approach you, in front of your Father, the Radio Demon. Your Deer ears started to lie back, showing you were a bit on edge.
“First off: I am not ‘Cutie’ and second off: Back off won’t ya ? Never heard of personal space before ?”, you huffed, irritated.
“Aww, c’mon, don’t be like that~”
The man started to touch your cheek and you could hear a static screech. You looked at your Father and he was...pissed. His smile was still present, yet sinister, and his eye twitched showing the raw urge to murder this pest.
The Demon gave you a smug look.
“C’mon, I am way better than this guy~”, he purred.
“I doubt that very much.”, you growled out slightly.
“How about I show you a good time, hmm ? A better one than this stick has to offer~? I promise it will be worth it, Baby~”, he tried to seduce you and started to let his hand travel down to your woman zone.
Almost instantly did you grab his wrist, with his wandering hand, and scratched it deeply. The man hissed and tore his hand away.
“Don’t fucking touch me, perverted pig !”, you snarled.
“What the FUCK ?! YOU LITTLE BITCH !!”
The man snatched your left wrist and tried to tear you away.
Suddenly there was a clawed hand on your offender’s wrist, that owned the hand that held your left wrist. The static was loud and all the Demons in the Café started to cower away. The hand was black, the sleeve red and the claws red. Your Father’s hand.
“Who do you think you are, to treat my DAUGHTER like that, my good man ?”, Alastor asked dangerously calm.
You could see your Papa’s rage in his eyes. He was ready to eat that Sinner in one bite. Your offender’s grip tightened and you winced, looking at your Dad. He could SMELL it, the lowlife made you BLEED.
“What’s it to you, Loser ? She is nothing special, just because she is your daughter, just another common whore.”, the Sinner scoffed, not even looking at Alastor.
 Alastor’s eyes turned into Radio dials, as you started to get small tears in your eyes. You didn’t like being mistreated and called a slut. It was a memory trigger of a few things that happened to you in your living times, after your Papa was killed and long gone. Without his protection, you got into a very dark time, all because you trusted a family friend and they betrayed you both.
The Demon gave a chuckle of amusement.
“I bet you are fucking your own daughter too. How does she feel, hm ? I bet you would love to share her.”
That was it ! You let out a sound of retching and Alastor snapped. No one is allowed to make his fawn vomit her food back out ! No one is allowed to make his Baby CRY ! No one is allowed to VIOLATE his darling child !
Alastor fully transformed and ripped the Sinner’s arm off, that left its filthy touch on you. The Sinner screamed in agony. Instantly Alastor made a live Radio Broadcast.
“A reminder to all of you, to not touch the Radio Demon’s child ! Whoever violates these terms and I find out about it, will PAY. WITH. THEIR. LIFE. HAHAHAHAHAHA !!!”
The Demon was screaming in agony, crying and begging for mercy, promising he will never do it again. He sure won’t. Alastor will take care of that after all.
After a long torture session he killed the Demon, then he looked at you, his beloved daughter, and he rushed to your side.
“My Dear, are you alright ? Do you want to go home ? Here let me heal that for you, my Fawn.”, Alastor fussed over you.
He gently took your injured wrist and started to heal your injury, while you tried to calm down and get your retching under control. You didn’t want to throw up your food. Your anxiety got the best of you and now you have to battle your urge to vomit.
Alastor quickly caught up and started to pull you close to his chest, gently petting your head and ears, rubbing his other hand up and down your back.
“Calme-toi, ma chérie, je suis là. Je suis là...Shhh... (Calm down, my dear, I’m here. I’m here...Shhh...)”, Alastor said in a soothing, gently voice.
After a while, you calmed down, but lost your appetite. You looked at your Papa.
“Pa ?”
“Yes, Cher ?”
“Mwen vle ale lakay mwen. (I want to go home.)“
Alastor took a deep breath, outraged that this vile creature ruined his and his daughter’s good day.
“Oke, mwen Chè. (Alright, my dear)”, he replied gently.
He left some money on the table and then left with you in his arms for home. He held you to his chest, comforting you at home and watching over you.
Another day
Another time the two of you took a stroll through a small park, that Alastor loved to walk through. It had a few bushes of red roses too and you liked it there. Usually you walked through forests together, but a park was nice too, you didn’t mind it.
Then suddenly a Demon came up to you, ignoring your Father entirely.
“Hey there, hot stuff~ Wanna go out and hook up tonight~?”, the Demon asked.
He sounded young, maybe twenty years old. Your Father’s eye twitched in irritation, while you just stared at him, thinking he was a total idiot for asking you in front of your Dad.
“No thank you. I have to decline. I am not interested.”, you kindly rejected him.
“Oh, please reconsider. I promise I will make it worth your while~”, the Demon insisted.
“Didn’t you hear her ? She said ‘no’, so kindly leave, my good man, before I make you leave. P e r m a n e n t l y.“, Alastor threatened.
The Demon froze and looked over to the Radio Demon.
“H-hey man...I-I didn’t kn-know she was y-your sw-sweetheart.”, the Demon stuttered, all confidence gone.
You groaned loudly.
“Seriously ?! Why is everyone thinking all the time that we are Lovers ?! Gross !”, you yelled in disgust and looked at your Papa.
“I do not know, my Dear.”, Alastor replied.
He was breathing raggedly, trying to stay calm.
“Wait...then what are you ?”, the Demon asked you both confused.
You gave the Demon a deadpan look.
“He is my Father and I am his daughter.”
“O-oh...M-may I take y-your d-daughter out o-on a d-date, Mr. Radio D-Demon ?”
Alastor’s static came to a screeching halt.
“HA ! No.”, he deadpanned.
“P-please ? I-I will take good c-care of her !”, the Demon pleaded.
“HA ! Never going to happen.”, he replied annoyed.
You looked at your Father who was deeply annoyed, like Susan was around. You looked at the Demon and shrugged your shoulders.
“Sorry, Sir. But my Dad will NOT be swayed today.”, you said.
“A-and you ?”
Your Father snapped and gave the Demon his Radio dial pupils.
“If you value your life, you best get out of my sight NOW !”, Alastor said with his glitching voice.
The Demon quickly turned tail and ran for dear life. Alastor snapped out of his murderous state and smiled gently at you again.
“Shall we go home, my Dear ?”
“We shall, Papa.”
With that you both walked back home together, chatting and laughing.
If a Demon asks you out and Alastor is near you, he will intervene.
He doesn’t think that any of these loathsome Sinners are worthy enough to even talk to you. You were his Fawn and he will NEVER leave you alone again. He will NEVER let you go anywhere unprotected EVER again.
He always studies the Demons that approach you and he always saw the same thing. The desire to deflower you, to mark you, to kidnap you and hold you against him, the want to kill you just to get him to go after you, the want to hurt you, just to get under his skin.
Absolutely not. He will never let any of these vile nasty creatures touch you. NEVER.
He sees someone approach you, he will instantly appear on your side and make sure you will be okay...or even scare them off.
Wherever you go, he will send his shadow after you, to keep an eye out, in case you get in trouble, he can quickly teleport to you.
Rosie is the only one who is allowed to touch you and he trusts only her to not harm you.
When he is near his...unfortunate time of the year...(mating season), he will get overprotective and overly possessive of you. It is usually always a whole week before his rut. He will spend all the time with you he can get, before he gets into that season, then he will lock himself up in his own room.
No, his rut isn’t as terrible as anyone might think. He is immune to you and you are immune to him. He would NEVER touch you like that and neither would you. You just bring him food and drinks, and if he needs it, you cuddle with him. You are the ONLY ONE that is allowed to enter his room when he gets like that, because nothing will ever happen to you. He loves and values you too much as his daughter to let anything happen to you.
He will kill anyone that dares to be near you.
There was a time where Valentino touched you and tried to force you to make a deal with him, knowing you were the Radio Demons daughter. Let us just say...Alastor roughened him up so good, that Valentino almost died.
There was also a time where Vox tried to woo you, as that didn’t work he tried to force you to be with him, so he can have leverage over your Father.
....Let’s just say....Alastor nearly tore Vox to shreds that not even Lucifer himself would have been able to put that Flat screened Bastard back together, EVER again.
He still growls when you are near Odette, Clara, Carmilla and Zestial, but he is not attacking them. They were your friends. Still he sometimes gets in their way when they try to touch you, or initiate touch.
The four of them were calm about it and understanding. It got annoying from time to time that Alastor was so overprotective and possessive of you, but they understood why. After all you told them why he was acting the way he was. It made sense.
He couldn’t protect you in your human life. As soon as he died, you got hurt, used and abused, forced to do let things happen to you, that you didn’t want. You told him everything when you met him in Hell again and since then, he never left your side. There was always something from him near you, either one of his minions, one of the souls he owned, his shadows or he himself was near you.
You didn’t mind it much. You had nothing to hide from your Father after all. You loved spending time with him and if you needed him to give you some space, all you had to do was tell him and go to your room.
Best Dad in Hell, really.
I hope you like it and it is passable ! ^^'
(Words: 2 247)
Masterlist HERE !
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froody · 4 months
I went to the shelter today and met several cats. A beautiful 3 year old black kitty who had been surrendered for urinary issues, a very sweet very handsome 2 year old tabby man. They were both fantastic cats with fantastic personalities. I liked them both and was having a hard time deciding. Then they told me there was a very skittish 4 month old tortoiseshell kitten at the PetSmart.
I go there and she’s catatonically hiding in the corner. I get her out and she clings to me like a shipwreck survivor. I knew she was the one. The other cats were so sweet but she was utterly petrified being in that environment. Her nose was runny, her eyes were crusty, she was so scared her little body was like stone. I had to put her back to fill out the paperwork and when the employee grabbed her too roughly to try to take her out of the cage, she SHREDDED that woman.
I got in the car like alright, feral kitten. I’ll figure it out. She’ll come around.
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She’s not feral. She’s a precious little angel. She started purring moments after I started petting her. She’s just a shy nervous girl who spend the past two months of her little life in a hell-ish overstimulating environment.
I don’t know about her early life. She’s been spayed, she’s up to date on her shots, she’s FIV negative. They gave her a course of antibiotics for the eye crust and runny nose but she’s still sneezy and crusty and wheezy. I’m betting it’s feline herpes, one of my childhood cats had feline herpes and she always got sneezy and crusty when she was stressed out. I’m going to give her a little period of adjustment and then get her set up with my vet and tested to make sure that’s the problem.
She’s currently hiding under my bed. I can hear her moving around periodically. I’m letting her adjust, decompress and get used to my presence. She will be a challenge. I look forward to loving and knowing her. I think what she needs is peace and quiet and I am like the most peaceful quiet owners a cat could possibly have. I don’t know what toys she’ll like, if she’ll be a candidate for leash training, what her favorite treats will be. We’ll have to get to know each other.
Her name was Holly because she was a December intake. I have tentatively named her Daphne, partially after the nymph and partially after Daphne du Maurier because of her mystique and strange glamor.
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dreamskug · 1 month
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NOT "Gramps". Not for you, anyway. Just my name.
Why, checking if we’d match? Hah. Was told I’m a Scorpio. 'That check out?
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With platforms or without?
If we vibe, nothing else matters. An incubus with neat taste in personalities, I guess.
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So, some Scandinavian blood in me - half, actually. Can speak the language, too - 'least something neat daddy gave me, not that the fucker's outdone himself in parenting. Mom’s an American, born in Badlands. Ever heard of her clan? Messed with witchcraft a lot, and summoning even more. Know what I’m getting at? A perfect fuckin' match, weren't they?
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- Yeah no. Don't even start with anything citrus. Especially don't peel this shit in front of me, alright? Nasty shit. [Interviewer]: - Just wondering, how do you feel about cardboard boxes? [Ívarr] : - Ain't purring for you, man. But nice one.
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Fuck summer. You ever felt what's that like - the real winter nights? Pitch fuckin' dark - quiet so thick you hear the snow falling. First time I saw those snowflakes as a kid - can swear I thought they were bees.
Cherry blossoms? The fuck I know, man. Ask my mainline, I grab whatever he likes.
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Expecting me to be like - "Muahaha, the smell of fear"? Seriously, it's apparently a pheromone released in your sweat or some shit. C'mon I'm joking, it isn't my fav - keeps stinking up this damn city. Alright, a freshly baked cake is something I'd kill for.
Yeah coffee I guess? Rich, strong, black, with a splash of something fun, make it whiskey.
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Woke up just yesterday 'cause my mainline was pulling back my eyelid, imagine? Scared the fuck out of him, no seriously, can sleep through a fuckin' bomb and I'm not joking. Average hours - a shitton honestly? That's how I got my very first cat - Dad got enough of me breaking down every single morning, cause fuck mornings. And he'd be like - this is Snowy, she's gonna live with us and she already had her breakfast, so get the fuck up. How'd I argue with Snowy? You don't mess with Snowy.
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See? Check it out - cat fur. Here too. I'm claimed, man - gave up cleaning it up a long time ago. Not to be dramatic, but if there's anything human in me left - it's for them. Fur kids, all mine, what can I say. Two of them adopted - and you bet each of them has a bigger personality than an average gonk.
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Dream trip, jeez... Somewhere not fucking hot?
Balrog has style, y'know? Gotta be honest, I feel for the dude. Imagine yourself sleeping deep within the mountains for thousands of years to get awoken by a bunch of motherfuckers? I'd go nuclear too. And this one too, ehh you know GoT? The Targaryen, her, yeah. Burn them all, girl. Boss move.
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Man, your questions. I dunno, a half? With my ass covered, or not at all. Bed king sized, lights out, make it pitch black with the window open and you got me passed out.
One doesn't have to actually summon a demon to get them to come play, d'you know? There's one watching you through my eyes right fuckin' now. Should I introduce him?
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Late to the party, but I remember many of y'all have more than one OC or just created new pixel babies that haven't participated yet, so I'm tagging (with no pressure):
@therealnightcity @wraithsoutlaws @sammysilverdyne @theviridianbunny @th3irin
@a-pirate @chessalein @halkuonn @luvwich @shimmer-like-agirl
@kdval @cybersteal @cyberholic77 @chevvy-yates @morganlefaye79
@anxious--ace @mhbcaps @wormskul @silver-samurai @androgymess
@winkyblinkyandstew @astarionhistears @valsilverhand @drunkchasind @themermaidriot
@pinkyjulien @skelior @medtech-mara @lokiina @timaeusterrored
@tokyofuturnoir @aggravateddurian @sifofasgard @elfjpeg @aurorartz
@lucky38-2077 @dustymagpie @gloryride @stannussy and anyone else who wants to! Also pls DM me if you don't wanna get tagged🖤
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totaly-obsessed · 8 months
Book Love
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Alessia Russo x reader UNC
-> Alessia loves how different the two of you are, despite everyone's teasing
-> Special thanks to @babsisbakery for helping out with ideas
➳ Masterlist
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
Alessia Russo was hopelessly in love with her girlfriend. And it was no secret. But the blonde's popularity didn’t save her from the teasing she received on the daily.
She constantly heard ‘Why would you date someone like that?’
‘You could have anybody.’
A couple of times she was even asked if she dated you because of a bet or because she just wanted to use you. That was the first time that you saw the harsh captain that she could be – making her teammates run until they felt like vomiting blood.
Not all the teasing was bad though – a lot of it actually quite funny. At least to you. Lessi would still get mad, but when she saw you laughing, her problem vanished into thin air.
Whenever you would show up at their practice sessions, the blonde did not get a break. She was too busy staring at you to notice the girls throwing bibs at her. You did not notice it either, too deep into your book – not really being interested in the sport and just showing up for your girlfriend.
Lotte, the blonde’s best friend, loved that she was dating you. You felt like a safe place to her. A cozy blanket that could shut out the rest of the world. You always had an ear open for the half-brit so that she could rant about her latest book without having to explain why some things just annoyed her about it.
While she loved the two of you, Lotte could not stand hanging out with both of you at the same time. When Alessia was around you, you could hardly stand up without the footballer following you like a lost puppy. And the blonde would not stop looking at you until you left the room – so she just ignored her fellow lioness until you were gone.
Alessia’s favorite part of the week? The evening after a match. No matter if they won or lost, she would spend the evening the exact same way. You would join her in her room, curled up in her bed. The blonde's head heavy in your lap as you stroked her hair with one hand, the other holding the book that she picked.
She loved you, your touch, and your voice – so having you read to her after an exhausting game?
Most of the time you made it two chapters deep before the striker fell asleep in your lap, and you did not dare to continue reading.
One time you had read just a couple of pages more until you realized that she had fallen asleep – but it was already too late. When you took out the book the next time, there was a pout on the blonde’s lip, as she immediately rolled off your lap.
“What is wrong Less? It’s our book!”
A deep sigh left her body, still ignoring you. “Baby, I can’t help you if I don’t know what’s wrong.”
She did not forgive you.
She really did not.
At least until your hand had found its way into her hair. With a deep hum, her body relaxed into you. “What’s up, huh?”
“You read without me!” You could not really take the ‘anger’ in her voice seriously. Not when she was purring like a kitten, whining when your hand stilled for a second too long.
“Oh! I am sorry my girl. Promise I did not mean to.” But the blonde did not let up, still having her back turned to you. So you took to your last resort – back scratches and praises.
While she voiced her complaints that your hands left her head, she shut up really quick when she felt them creeping up her shirt You lightly scratched her back, whispering sweet nothings into your girlfriend’s ear, as she was on her way to dreamland.
You knew that the blonde had never really been mad at you for reading ahead, but it seemed that she just needed a little extra touch this evening.
Alessia was always open about her feelings, but she never wanted to cross boundaries when it came to physical touch – always letting you decide how much the two of you touched. If it was up to her there would not fit a single piece of paper between you.
While you wished that her teammates could see Alessia this way, so much softer than they were used to, you were glad that you could keep this side of hers to yourself. She was fiercely loyal and would shut anybody up who would make remarks about the differences between the two of you.
She wished it could stay like this forever. Being able to carry your books through the hallway. Seeing you on the bench for her. Laying in bed with you reading to her, falling asleep to your soothing voice.
But she knew that both of you had to grow up – even if she did not want to.
She wished for a love like the ones from your many books. A love so deep, it would need much more than different countries to break you apart.
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bloodmoonmuses · 4 months
stray cats, cold spaghetti | mark lee
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genre: mark lee x reader, meet cute, friends to lovers (this is unedited, so forgive any typos! happy valentine's day!)
warnings: mentions of food!
summary: your cat introduces you to your new friend, mark. he's a bit more similar to an actual cat than you initially realized.
You didn’t understand the attachment people had to their pets until this stupid cat showed up. She was a stray, with mangled fur and callous eyes, who popped up some months ago. You had checked for any postings about missing pets, and even asked a few of your neighbors, but no one claimed the ratty thing. It’s not that you disliked animals entirely- you’re not a sociopath. You just aired more on the side of nonchalance. 
The cat could sense this, ever since the first time you two crossed paths. You remember that night so vividly. You couldn’t sleep. You laid on your couch, staring at the ceiling, hoping slumber would whisk you away sooner than later. Just as your eyes began to flutter shut, you heard whining. Visceral, pained whining. At first, you tried to ignore it, but when you heard a sound that suspiciously sounded like a young child, you figured it’d be better to survey the situation just in case. When you opened your door to a begging cat, you sighed. Damn the neighbors for feeding this thing. Now she thinks she owns the place. 
“I bet you’re hungry, huh.” The cat bore into you with bright green eyes, tilting its head as if to say, “Duh!”
So you re-entered your home, Googled “What human food can cats eat?”, and came back with canned tuna and half a carrot. The brat looked right past the carrot and inhaled the tuna, this being its first real meal of the day. In between scarfing down food, the gray cat looked at you inquisitively. “Any more where that came from?” her eyes said. She sidled up next to your leg, purring and rubbing her head against it. 
“That’s all I got,” you had confessed. 
You named her June, since that’s the month she came into your life. Now, you’re best friends. June is actually pretty chill. She likes watching movies with you and, strangely, likes going on walks. After getting her groomed, she’s kinda cute too. You hated to admit it, but you love June. You imagine this is how people felt about their kids- without the initial reluctance of course. June comes and goes as she pleases as if she’s still a stray, but always comes back by dinner time. 
When June isn’t back at her usual time one day in October, you get a bit nervous. She never does this. Before breaking out into a full out panic, you remember she’s got a collar and a tracker from the vet now. No biggie. Opening the app that’s connected to June’s tracker, you meander down the path you usually walk with her when it’s warmer out. When you’re a few blocks from your place, you see her, relief flooding your system. Then you realize there’s a man petting her.
“Junie! June!” You run up to her, taking her into your arms. You snuggle her into a tight embrace, planting a kiss on her head. You’re so caught up in your reunion with June that you forget about the stranger standing in front of you. Oh yeah. You should probably say something. His hair is somewhere in between auburn and brown, making his face look incredibly warm. You hold June a bit tighter.
“Cute cat,” the stranger says. His voice is a bit hoarse. “Thought she was a stray before I saw the collar.” Um, okay? June’s a little rough around the edges, but she’s clearly cared for. 
“Yeah, she’s mine. Do you, like, follow strays around in your free time?” you ask with a bite to your tone. 
“Do you let your pet wander around like a stray in your free time?” Fair, you think, but still rude.
“She’s a free spirit,” you contest. 
“So you let her wander.” 
“This is the first time she hasn’t come home for dinner. Our relationship is built mostly on my ability to provide her food- which works for me.” You’re not sure why you’re explaining your relationship with your cat. Who cares what this guy thinks?
June jumps out of your arms, back to the ground, and walks up to the stranger’s legs. He bends down to resume petting her. From his crouched stance, he looks into your eyes. The eye contact makes you shiver.  
“She’s sweet,” he says. “What’s her name?” 
“June. She’s a charmer- and incredibly manipulative. She probably thought she could swindle you out of some food.”
“Do I look easy to take advantage of?” He asks.
You assess him. Oversized hoodie, baggy pants, sneakers covered in scuffs... Maybe he’s a dancer. Or skateboards. You’d be into that, you think. Skater boys weren’t really your thing, but they could be- as long as it’s him. If anything, the guy just looks… cozy, all bundled up like this. There’s a tinge of red on the tip of his nose from the nippy air. He’s smirking to himself at his (flirtatious) question, making his cheek look plump. You want to pinch it. 
You want to make him as warm as his eyes make you feel. 
You realize you’ve probably been staring. Geez, what was his question? Oh yeah. “Yeah. Like a pushover,” you say. “In the best way, of course.”
“Only a real sap would fall victim to June’s powers. She can sense lackeys. No offense.” 
“I’m gonna choose to believe that means you think I’m a nice guy.”
“Nice enough.”
“I’ll take it.” The two of you stand in awkward silence for a few moments, June having finally grown bored of her new friend. The guy stands from his crouching position and sways a bit as he awaits your next move.
“Well, like I said, this little lady was late for dinner. So if it’s okay with you,” you pick up June, then continue your thought, “We’ll be heading out.” 
As you turn to walk back home, the stranger says, “I… didn’t catch your name, by the way.” 
Right. You introduced June, but not yourself. Go figure. “Oh. I’m ___.” 
“Cool. I’m Mark.” He looks like a ‘Mark’-boyish and chipper.
“Nice to meet you, Mark. Well, have a nice night.” You start to walk again, but Mark interjects yet again.
“The sun’s setting,” he blurts it out like he’s trying to rid his mouth of the words as quickly as possible. “Can I walk you home?” Then he amends, “I live nearby, so I know it gets kinda dark in this neighborhood. Not many street lights.”
You think about it. You’re not getting any serial killer vibes, plus he’s already passed the June test. (And if you're being honest, he's very cute.) “Um, sure. Thanks.”
The two of you walk in silence, save for June’s purring. When you make it to your apartment building, you stop. Your gut is twisting, mind fixating on the warmth radiating off Mark’s body. Your fingertips are whirring with electricity. You have a bad idea. 
“Would you maybe… wanna come in for dinner?” Mark turns to look at you.  “I never really learned how to cook for one person, so I always have a bunch of leftovers.” 
It’s a lie, but not entirely. You like to cook enough food for the entire week. Mark doesn't need to know this, you conclude.
Mark nods to himself. “Uh, sure. I could eat.”
As soon as you place June down in your apartment, she sprints to her food bowl. Silly girl. 
“Sorry about the mess. Wasn’t expecting company,” you say. “I hope you like spaghetti.”
“Love it,” Mark responds. (You’d later find out this was a lie.)
That’s how you and Mark became friends- similarly to how June came into your life. You fed him. In all honesty, he wasn’t that fond of your spaghetti. He just liked the way you smiled each time he took a bite. The two of you continued to get to know one another while making food. Neither of you are great cooks, so you usually team up. It’s become a love language of sorts, sending recipes back and forth to try. You look forward to eating with Mark more than anything these days.
You’re more than aware of your underlying feelings for Mark, but you’ve managed to temper them. You don’t want to scare him off, but the tension is relentless. You’re making tiramisu and your shoulders touch. You’re piping flowers on a cupcake while Mark pulls tendrils of hair away from your face. You’re whisking meringue into stiff peaks while Mark hums to June in the living room. It’s heart achingly domestic. 
Oftentimes you imagine Mark as your husband. In your daydreams the two of you are wearing matching aprons, flour dusting his nose. He kisses you, a fit of giggles attacking your system. You’re absolutely smitten and unabashedly so.
 In reality, today is Valentine’s Day. Mark suggests he comes over and makes pizza. You don’t think Mark realizes what day it is until you suggest making your pizzas heart shaped. He says he forgot to buy his friend Jaehyun a birthday gift.
“This is, like, kinda romantic.” If being covered in pizza sauce and flour is romantic, then yes. This was very romantic. You have a nice spread here-  fresh basil, mozzarella, alfredo sauce, vodka sauce, roma tomatoes… It smells so nice. Mark keeps sneaking chunks of cheese into his mouth. He looks like a little mouse. June is fast asleep on the couch. You’ve finally perfected the heart shape of your dough, and begin to spread alfredo sauce on your pizza. 
“Your parameters for romance are very strange, Mark Lee.”
“If you close your eyes, it’s like we’re in Italy.” When he says things like this, they only fuel your daydreams. You blame the flush of your face on the preheating oven.
“Venice, I hope.”
“Of course.”
Mark’s pizza looks more like an anatomical heart than the kind you’d doodle in a notebook. He scoffs when you tell him this, feigning offense.
“Should I remind you of how your cinnamon rolls came out a few weeks ago?” They were awful. At a certain point, you had given up and rolled them into balls. 
“My cinnamon rolls/balls were innovative and transcendent.” 
“I don’t even know how you messed them up,” Mark says as he puts the pizzas in the oven, “We bought pre-made dough.”
“Yeah, yeah.”
When the pizzas are done baking, the two of you sit at the dinner table. It’s a different feel for the two of you, seeing as you usually eat together on the couch.  You take a bite of your pizza, savoring the taste.
“Not bad. Wanna taste?” Mark nods. Instinctively, the two of you swap plates, trying each others’ creations.
“I think you’re better at making savory foods.”
“I agree.”
You and Mark continue to eat your pizzas, taking gulps of your respective drinks in between bites. Beer for Mark, white wine for you. Jazz plays softly from your shitty phone speaker, and June’s snores fill in the gaps of silence. After a bit, Mark’s face goes red from the alcohol. You liked seeing him tipsy. He gets all wavy and fluid, unconsciously swaying side to side like a daisy in the wind. Your face feels fuzzy from the wine and you find yourself biting your tongue. 
You’ve had to be more conscious of your alcohol intake around Mark lately. It felt as if at any moment, your love for him would simply become unbearable. Recently, it’s been hard to just look at him- even while sober. Tonight, apparently, you threw caution to the wind. 
“Mark?” you say.
“Hmm….”  He’s drifting away, lethargic from the food and beer. You repeat his name again, this time getting his full attention. When his glassy eyes meet yours, the force behind them knocks the wind out of you.
“Yes?” says Mark. He takes another sip of beer. 
You can’t do this, you think, backtracking entirely. The lie escapes as a garbled mess of words: “Forgot what I was gonna say.” You take a nervous gulp of your wine.
Mark slams his fist on the table, in a drunken stupor. The sound startles you, but there’s no malice behind his motion. In fact, he’s laughing to himself. “Bullshit.”
“I really did lose my train of thought. Maybe it’ll come back to me.”
“I know you’re lying. Like you lied about that cold ass spaghetti you used to lure me in!” he says, referencing the night you met. The spaghetti wasn’t that cold…
“I really did make too much spaghetti that night! Plus, you kept June safe. It was the least I could do!” 
Mark begins to gather your plates and cups, walking over to the kitchen to place them in the sink. As he stands, he says, “I won’t force you to say it, but I know you’re lying.” 
Then he moves to run the faucet. The rushing water fills the silence like TV static, buzzing and itching in your ears. Your throat is burning. You want to talk to him openly, honestly- but something’s stopping you. Mark washes the dishes wordlessly. With his back turned to you, his words hang heavy in the air. Mark never pries but simultaneously knows you so intimately. You love being known by him. You love knowing him. 
You simply love him.
“Why’d you walk me home that night?” Your voice barely pierces the air. The question practically squeaks out of you.
“What?” Mark turns off the facet and dries his hands on a towel, turning to look at you.
“The night we met. Why’d you walk me home?”
He contemplates the question for a moment, closing his eyes to visualize the night. Then he says, “Wanted to make sure you got home safely.” 
The moment is delicate and fragile. You’re scared that if not nimble enough, if not cradled with the utmost gentleness, it will shatter. You proceed with caution.
“Mark?” At the sound of his name, Mark returns to his seat at the dining table.
“I think… I love you.” Mark chuckles. “Don’t laugh!”
“You think?” he says, now breaking out into a full-bodied laugh.
“Yeah. I think so.” 
“I love you too.” He pauses for dramatic effect. “...I think.”
“Very funny, asshole.” 
Mark reaches over the table and places a chaste kiss upon your lips. “Okay, I think I’m a little more sure now,” he says.
“Need some more reassurance?” you ask. Mark nods. 
You lean in to kiss him this time, and just before your lips touch, you hear whining. You pull back to look down, seeing June curled up beneath your chair. Her timing is always impeccable. The two of you giggle, sealing the moment with a fervent kiss. You melt into his touch, the elation coursing through your veins. When you come up for air, you meet Mark’s eyes.  
“What?” he says. “I’m a better kisser than you thought?” 
“I was just wondering… you’re still gonna wash the dishes, right?”
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m-jelly · 28 days
Yandere God!Levi x Goddess!Reader NSFW, God!Levi got jealous seeing another god talking to his darling wife, and decided to show his jealousy to her @2moth-anon2
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This Goddess is mine.
Levi x fem!reader
God and Goddess AU, fluff, romance, married, Hades like Levi, Persephone like reader, possessive Levi, dom Levi, jealous Levi, fingering, dom language, unprotected sex, quickie, rough sex, maturation, safe words, praise, cum eating, oral, excessive cum, sex toys, breeding kink, aftercare.
While at a God and Goddess gathering, Levi notices a lot of Gods fawning over his wife - you. Fuelled by possessive jealousy, Levi pulls you away from a very handsome God of light things and brings you to a closet where he reminds you that you are all his.
Fair warning, I made this one extra filthy and that wasn't intentional, but it became it.
@ladycheesington @darkstarlight82 @levisbrat25 @galactict3a @nyxiieluna
@li-anne @youre-ackermine @thebobaprincess @2moth-anon2 @cypidity
@nbinairyn @bts-spnlvr12 @emilyyyy-08 @notgoodforlife @demonic-bird
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The way you smiled and giggled at the God's jokes, but then he was laying on the moves and you felt uncomfortable. It was this politeness you had in you to listen to people, be kind, talk a bit and humour them, but now it was getting weird.
As you thought about a way to escape, Levi watched you closely and gripped his cup hard. It irritated him how this God knew you were married, yet he was trying to woo you because you were a powerful Goddess and a fertility one too. So, you could create and make your lover more powerful. People knew your and Levi's love was a love of centuries that humans sang praises about.
Levi downed his drink before storming over to you. The closer Levi got the more he could see you were physically uncomfortable, but he wanted to play with you and show you that you're his. "Tch, oi glitter asshole?" He yanked you close as he addressed the God. "This is my wife. Fuck off."
The God huffed. "Honestly, terrible match. She deserves someone better like me."
"Oh, go shit out a mountain." He looked down at you as you gazed longingly with love at him, you were clearly aroused by your husband. "You, brat, you're coming with me."
You nodded. "Y-Yes Levi."
He dragged you through the party until he reached a door. It didn't matter it was some kind of closet, what mattered, was you. He shoved the door open, threw you inside and then locked the door behind him.
You gasped as you looked around. "It's dark."
Levi could see perfectly fine, he was the God of the underworld and darkness was something he knew well. "Good." He leaned closer and whispered against your ear. "I don't want you to see. I need you to listen and feel."
You shivered in pleasure. "Levi. I love you. I was a good girl."
"I love you too." He wrapped his arms around you as his hands glided over your body. "You're always a good girl, but unfortunately I got jealous because you're so good and nice. Too nice." He wrapped his hand around your neck. "I need to remind you that you're mine."
You leaned your head back and panted as he touched and teased you. "Levi."
He moved you to the door and pressed your back against it before shoving his thigh between your legs. Levi made sure that your pussy rested on his thick thigh. "Ride my thigh, brat. Show me how much you love me and how I make you feel. Use me."
You gripped his arm holding your neck and started grinding hard. "Mm, ah, ha, ha, ha, s-so good. I-I'm yours."
"All mine?"
"Y-yes." You gulped hard. "Only you make me feel this good."
He released your neck, pulled your dress open and admired your breasts. "I bet you're dying for me to touch them, huh?"
You nodded and whined. "Please."
He grabbed both and began massaging just the way you liked it. He purred as you kept moving your hips. "Good girl, that's it keep moving your hips." He pinched your nipples a little causing you to mewl. "You liked that?"
You clawed at his chest. "Y-Yes."
He leaned closer and dragged his tongue up between your breasts. "So delicious and all mine."
You wrapped your arms around his neck as you grinded your hips faster. "A-Ah, I'm going to cum."
Levi held your neck as he massaged your breast. "Look me in the eyes and moan my name when you do. I want you to cum with my name on your lips."
You locked eyes with Levi and moaned. "Levi." You came hard against his thigh, your body shaking in delight. "Mm."
"Good girl." He leaned closer and kissed you. "So good." He pulled his thigh back and saw a wet mark on him. "Tch." He smirked. "You came a lot, huh? Were you that horny?"
You gasped and felt a little embarrassed. You turned quickly with your back to him. "Mm, y-yes."
He ran his hands up your hips causing your dress to be pushed up. "Good." He pressed his erection against your bum. "Can you feel how horny I am?" He leaned closer and spoke with a strained aroused voice. "How I crave you."
You whimpered as he rubbed his thick member against your cheeks. "Y-Yes."
"Do you want me?"
You shivered. "Levi..."
He spanked you hard. "I said. Do. You. Want. Me?"
You nodded shyly. "I d-do."
He spanked your bum near your pussy. "Do you want my cock inside you?"
He spanked again. "Do you want me to cum inside you?"
You clenched your fists. "I need it."
He tangled his fingers in your hair and pulled a little. "Look at me when you say that."
You turned your head a little. "I need it."
"Need what?"
You mewled. "I need you to cum inside me."
He smiled at you. "Good girl."
You pushed your bum out a little. "Please, Levi."
He pulled his thick and hard erection out as he felt excitement inside him. He pumped his cock a few times as he felt himself twitching with need. He tugged your underwear to the side and ran his tip up and down your slick lips. He smiled and tapped himself against your pussy.
You huffed in frustration. "Levi, don't tease."
"Yet you teased me with that filthy God."
You whined and looked back at him. "I didn't know it was teasing you."
He pressed his tip in just a little before pulling out. "Sweet and innocent, right?"
You shook with need. You moaned as Levi kept pressing in and pulling out. "Levi, please."
"I need to know how much you need me." He ran his tip up and down again. "Touch yourself. I want to watch you fuck your fingers." He gazed at you. "Remember, say tea."
You felt your heart warm at the agreed safe word you and Levi always used. He didn't need to remind you, but it was cute he did. You were enjoying this more than he probably realised. You did exactly as your dom husband asked of you. You reached down and curled your fingers into your pussy. You arched your back, stuck your bum out and pumped your fingers as your husband watched.
You pressed your cheek against the door as you panted and moaned in delight. Your eyes rolled back in your head a little, your pussy was so wet, hot and sensitive from Levi's teasing. Your fingers felt good, but they didn't scratch that itch. You needed Levi's thick cock ploughing into you as his tip hit your cervix, then his tip pressed and opened your cervix a little before pouring heapings of his seed in.
Levi smiled as you moaned in such an alluring manner. He moved his hand against his cock, your cum on his tip being used as lube. "What is my precious wife thinking about? It must be filthy due to the way you're moaning and fucking yourself."
You dragged your nails down the door. "I-I'm thinking o-of your c-cock moving d-deep. M-my cervix opening a-and you pouring heapings o-of cum into m-me."
He growled at your words, he needed to do exactly what you were thinking. "Move your fingers. Now."
You dragged your fingers out of your pussy. As soon as you pulled out, your walls clenched with a need for his cock. Before you could say anything, Levi pressed his tip into your aching pussy, grabbed your hips and then slammed his cock into you. You went to scream in pleasure, but your voice wouldn't come because your pleasure became overwhelmed by Levi's rough and hungry actions.
Levi gripped your hips and pounded his cock into you as hard and as fast as you could take it. His hips slapped hard against your buttocks like he was spanking you while fucking you. He gazed at his cock plunging in and out of you, his cock glistening with your arousal. He admired how your pussy wrapped around him and pulled him back in.
Your legs were buckling under the sheer body-shaking pleasure Levi was giving you. You couldn't fully comprehend the intense euphoric feeling coursing through your veins. You clawed at the door, felt your legs buckle and almost gave up. Thankfully, Levi noticed so he wrapped his arm around your waist and held you close.
You placed your hand on Levi's arm and moaned in delight as he kept bucking into you like an animal in heat. You pressed your bum back further causing Levi to press in as deep as possible into you. You held onto the door for dear life as Levi ravaged you within an inch of your life. His passion, his love, his desire, his need for you were always so clear when he made love to you.
You panted and clenched your walls around your husband. "Levi."
He bit your shoulder. "Good girl. Moan my name."
You leaned your head back. "Levi!"
He launched for you as passion and pleasure pushed him to act. He crashed his lips against yours and kissed you with all of his fierce love. He gripped you tighter against him as he kissed you over and over while his cock bucked into you and pressed everywhere you needed it to.
With one arm tightly around you, he reached with his other between your legs and began playing with your clit. Your walls instantly clenched his cock hard making him grunt and growl at you. His cock twitched inside you as his balls clenched, he was close to cumming inside you and he couldn't wait to fill your tight pussy.
You squeezed your toes tightly and pulled from Levi's lips. "Le-Levi, I'm g-gonna cum."
He panted as he bucked into you. "Me too."
You shivered and mewled. "Levi, give it to me." You panted and mewled at him. "Cum inside me. Give me everything."
He moved as fast as he could while rubbing your clit. "Only you cumming will make me cum. Tell me, who makes you feel good?"
"Who fucks you right?"
You purred. "You do."
He smiled. "Who fills your womb with cum?"
"You!" You cried out in bliss. "You do."
He nipped your shoulder. "Who breeds your pussy?"
"You." You gasped. "Fuck! You do."
"Good girl. You're such a good girl. You're my good girl." He panted. "Only I can fuck you this good. Only I can make you cum over and over until you can barely walk." He gripped you tightly. "Mine."
Your legs shook hard as you felt a rush of pleasure go through you. "A-Ah." You gasped. "Levi!" You came hard around his cock. Your pleasure burned through every inch of you. "F-fuck. Yes! Oh loves, yes!"
Levi bucked harder then slammed his cock in deep and did exactly what you had envisioned. He penetrated the deepest parts of you before unloading ribbons upon ribbons of his seed deep inside you until you could keep it all in and some oozed out around his cock.
Levi panted and looked down at his cock, his excessive cum seeping out of your pussy and around him. "Mm. What a beautiful sight you are." He dragged his cock out now covered in his and your cum as it twitched a little. "So beautiful." He ran his fingers up your thigh and stopped the running cum. "You want all this cum inside you?"
You nodded. "None of it goes to waste. Please, I need all of it."
He smiled at your words, you were such a kinky little Goddess, but you were his kinky goddess. He pushed the cum back into you before dragging your underwear up. "There. Good girl."
You stood up then slowly turned to face in. "Levi?"
He hummed as he gazed at you. "Yes?"
You nibbled your lip. "Your fingers and cock are covered in our cum."
He looked at his glistening fingers, then his softening cock. "You're right. I can clean them." He gasped when you took his hand. "Love?"
You smiled. "I can clean them, both of them." You pushed his fingers into your mouth and sucked on the sweet mix. Gods and Goddess's cum was always an addictive sweet taste, almost like honey. You moaned against his fingers causing his cock to twitch. "Mm." You pulled his finger out and flicked them with your tongue. "Delicious."
Levi moaned. "You are beautiful. Did that taste good?"
You nodded as you licked your lips. "We taste perfect together."
He leaned closer and kissed you, his tongue moving with yours. "You're right, we taste good."
You slowly sank to your knees as your hands dragged down his body. You looked up at him and smiled. "Can I suck your cock clean?"
He panted a little as he felt arousal surge through him. "Y-Yes."
You dragged your tongue up the underside of his cock and smiled as it grew hard in front of your eyes. "Good boy."
He grunted at your words. "You."
You pushed your mouth down on his cock before he could say anything else. You smiled around his cock and started pumping your mouth up and down on his, the mixture of your sweet cums filling your mouth. You were in pure ecstasy as the taste and the feeling of your husband's cock moving in and out of your mouth.
Levi slammed his hands against the door as he looked down at you and panted. Your mouth was so hot, warm and welcoming with your tongue being skilful as always. Levi loved fucking your pussy the most, but your mouth was so wonderful and fun. The way you looked up at him through your lashes always had his heart skipping a beat.
His breath hitched when you wiggled your face a little closer and pushed him further into your mouth. He shivered when you sank further. He lifted his head and looked to the ceiling as he tried to calm himself down, but then he felt warm air coming from your nose as you breathed. A cry hitched in his throat when your nose pressed against his pelvis.
He glanced down and felt so close to cumming right then and there. He gasped when your hands grasped his ass tightly. He watched as you looked up at him and moved your head back and forth on him. He reached down with one hand and tangled his fingers in your hair, he knew what you were asking for him to do and he was hesitating. He might be a dom, but he was a pleasure dom and bucking into your mouth was a little hard for him.
So, Levi lightly bucked into your mouth causing you to moan in pure bliss. He grunted as the moan sent a vibration around his cock. He was losing his mind. He caressed your cheek and bucked a little bit more. He smiled when you gave him a reassuring squeeze on his bum, you were perfectly fine and happy.
He shivered in delight. "You feel so good, my love." He gulped hard as he felt his cock twitch. "Fuck, you have such a pretty mouth." He clenched his fist against the door. "Shit. Stand up for me. I'm going to cum."
You pulled your mouth from his cock and stood up. "Levi."
He grabbed your thighs, lifted you and then slammed you against the door with your legs wide for him. "Underwear."
You pulled your panties to the side to show your cum filled pussy. "Give me more."
Levi plunged his cock into your pussy and enjoyed how hot and wet you felt. He bucked hard and rough into you. He moaned your name as he frantically moved against you. "Gonna cum again. I have more to give."
You held onto Levi for dear life as he ravaged you against the door. Your eyes rolled back into your head as your pleasure increased, you were also close to cumming. You clawed at Levi's back as you bit his shoulder and moaned in delight. You shivered as the sounds of Levi's panting and moans filled the small room, along with the sounds of Levi's dick fucking your cum filled pussy.
Your toes clenched so tightly that your shoes fell off. You cried out into the bite as you felt another earth-shattering orgasm consume your body. You shook in Levi's arms as you gave into the pure bliss of your orgasm caused by Levi's perfect body.
Levi bucked into you, angled your hips a little then pressed in deep before pouring another heavy load deep within you. He panted and moaned your name as he gave you another excessive amount of cum. He knew he had to summon something to help you keep all it in because you loved feeling all of his cum inside you. You loved keeping it in you.
He kissed you and smiled. "What a lot of cum, hmm?"
You shivered and gazed deep into his eyes. "Yes. It's perfect. Thank you."
He kissed you again. "I better summon our little toy to keep it all in."
You nodded and felt excited. "Yes!"
He clicked his fingers causing a familiar small dildo-like plug to appear in his hands. He dragged his cock out of you then wiped up the cum trying to leak out and pushed the plug into you and smiled when you moaned in response. He lightly touched the outer part which was a strip that ran up close to your clit and back the other way.
You hummed in delight. "My favourite to of ours."
"Mine too." He lowered you to your shaking feet before summoning cleaning things. "No offering to suck me off, okay? We know how that ends."
You leaned your shoulders against the door and pouted. "Mean."
He chuckled and cleaned himself up before using his power to make everything disappear. He tucked himself away before helping you with your dress. "You look a dream, my darling."
You felt your cheeks heat up at his words. "You look incredible."
He pulled you close by your hips and kissed you. "Are you okay to walk?"
You nodded. "I can manage."
He put his arm around you and walked with you. "Let's get you something to drink." He walked with you through the party, it was far too loud out here for anyone to hear what you did in the closet. "Sit here, okay?" He helped you to sit and smirked when you moaned a little at the plug pressing in a bit. "Good girl."
You shivered. "Water."
He kissed you. "I'll get you some and food too."
You lightly touched your pelvis and felt yourself heat up knowing what was in you and the things you'd just done. You smiled at Levi when he came back to you. "Levi."
He sat next to you, held you close and helped you drink. "Are you okay? I was a bit rough."
You gulped down a lot of water before smiling at him. "I'm perfect. I didn't say tea."
"You didn't." He nuzzled the crook of your neck as he massaged your thigh. "Eat." He fed you some food. "Good girl. Is there anything else I can get you? Do for you?"
You nibbled your lip. "Take me home."
He smiled softly. "Of course. I'll put you in the bath and give you a massage."
You giggled. "You're sweet."
He blushed. "Oh, you wanted...well...I can do that, but bath and comfort first."
You kissed his forehead. "Of course, my handsome husband."
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turtletaubwrites · 23 days
Numbers Game ~ Part 16
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!!! SPOILER WARNING !!! This chapter, and the following chapters will contain a spoiler for the end of the Wano arc. This spoiler occurs in the anime before the Cross Guild is formed, but I realized that some readers aren't caught up with the show yet, and are just enjoying Cross Guild fics for the "vibes" 🥵😅 I apologize if this means you'll have to wait to continue. I detest spoilers, so it didn't occur to me until I was editing that there might be people reading Numbers Game that haven't made it to the Cross Guild yet. I'm not sure if you'll care about this spoiler or not, but you have been warned!
Pairings: Cross Guild x Fem!Reader
Numbers Game Masterlist
Word Count: 9686
Ao3 Link
Summary: Red Haired Shanks comes to visit with an interesting request, and you learn a bit more about your lover's past.
Author's Note: Sorry this one's extra long, I hoped you'd prefer longer with smut vs less long with no smut, lol. I hope you enjoy it!
Flashbacks from reader's past are bracketed between these symbols: ~🌲🌲🌲~
Rating/Warnings: Author has Chosen to Exclude some Smut Warnings for this Chapter to Avoid Spoilers, Explicit Sexual Content, 18+ ONLY, MDNI, AFAB!Reader, She/Her Pronouns for Reader, Reader-Insert, Dark Content, Swearing, Alcohol, Cigars, Smut, Fluff, Manipulation, Humiliation, Pet Names, Power Imbalance, Cross Guild boys are VILLAINS, Possessive Behavior, Teasing, Threats, Size Difference, Daddy Kink, Overstimulation, Degradation, Hair-Pulling, Vaginal Fingering, Cock Warming, Unprotected Sex (stay safe out there), PIV Sex, Rough Oral Sex, Comeplay, Inappropriate Use of Akuma no Mi | Devil Fruit Powers, Shameless Shameless Smut, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
| masterlist | about me | rules | ao3 |
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Shanks and Mihawk shared pleased laughter while your mind reeled, shocked to be face to face with another terrifying pirate, this Emperor of the Sea. 
This cheerful, flirtatious man that was bringing his eyes back to you, still holding your fingers in his hand. 
Cold metal pulled at your wrist, a golden hook chilling your blood as it passed between you and the red haired pirate, breaking your contact with him. 
“Miss Y/N isn’t his ‘bunny,” Crocodile warned, his hand tensing against your back before he led you to the couch. You sat in your usual spot, with his arm draped around your shoulders. Shanks stared at the two of you, then caught eyes with the swordsman before cracking up. 
“Don’t be sour, Crocodile,” Mihawk coaxed through smug, fading laughter, “I’m sure our little rabbit wouldn’t mind a new nickname.”
“She’s got plenty,” he growled, pulling you in against the warmth of his body. “I won’t have you loaning out my sweet girl to every lowlife that comes to visit.”
Shanks grabbed a heavy, velvet chair, dragging it close before lounging across from you. His eyes gleamed while he grinned at you, and Crocodile’s body was stiff beside yours while you were still too dazed to speak. Mihawk took his seat, chuckling when you jolted at the touch of his hand on your thigh.
“We can talk business,” he soothed, looking over your head at the larger man, “but it seems cruel to deny our little vixen a treat. You’re already dripping with excitement, aren’t you, darling?”
A tiny sound left your throat, your eyes wide as Shanks tilted his head, looking down at your tensed thighs before meeting your gaze.
“It’s alright, darlin’,” he purred, that deep voice doing too much to you. “I don’t like to scare my bunnies as much as ol’ Hawk Eyes over there. I bet he’s real mean, isn’t–”
“That's enough,” Crocodile warned. He wrapped his arm around your side now, practically squishing you against him, bringing another small noise from your lips.
“Why don’t we ask Y/N what she would like,” Mihawk taunted, leaning down to pour his vicious words into your ear. “I know your body is just aching for another owner, isn’t it? Would you like his sweet tongue to taste you? Want to give us a pretty show while another man has his way with you on the table?”
Your body was quivering, and you were almost grateful when Shanks cut in, until his words shook you more.
“Mihawk, it’d be a shame to have my first time with such a beauty in front of an audience. Surely Miss Y/N would prefer some privacy.”
“Not happening,” Crocodile spat, and you couldn’t believe how calm Shanks seemed when he gave a little shrug, imploring the larger man. 
“I’m just shy, Crocodile. I’ll take good–”
“You are the furthest thing from shy,” Mihawk laughed, his fingers digging into your thigh as he leaned toward the red haired man. “You just enjoy making your toys fall in love with you before you break them.”
For the first time since he’d sauntered into the room, Shanks was frightening. It was so fast, so subtle, but something dangerous flashed in those deep, brown eyes when he looked at you. A wicked purr filled his voice as he spoke to Mihawk, his eyes never leaving your face.
“Hush now, old friend. Don’t scare the little bunny away before we’ve even gotten acquainted.”
“Fuck this,” Crocodile scoffed, kissing the top of your head. “We’re leaving. You two can enjoy your–”
“Just a moment,” Mihawk prodded, dancing his fingers along Crocodile’s wrist. “It’s Y/N’s decision. Tell me, little rabbit, would you like to enjoy some alone time with this delightful, old friend of mine?”
Shanks’ eyes gleamed at you until you clenched yours shut, nails digging into your palms to stop yourself from moaning “yes,” fighting to remember why you shouldn’t.
“No, thank you,” you croaked, trembling as you wrapped your arm around Crocodile’s waist, burying your head against his silk vest. He gave a surprised hum, smoothing his hand along your side. You kept your eyes closed, but could feel the stares from the other men crawling up your skin. 
“Good girl,” Crocodile praised softly, the vibration of his voice letting you sigh with relief. 
“Oh, I don’t think our little treasure is being good for you, Crocodile,” Mihawk taunted, patting your thigh a few times before playing with the hem of your dress. “I think she’s valuing the clown more than her own desires again. I thought we fucked that out of you, darling. We even let you keep him in our bed, our little toy. Yet you’re still going to deny yourself–”
“Buggy’s your���” Shanks interrupted, sitting up a little straighter. “You didn’t tell me he–”
“Shanks, please. After how you went on about him, and how Miss Y/N can't seem to let him go, you can’t blame me for being curious,” Mihawk sighed, taking a large swig of wine. “Even if he is a clown.”
You coughed, trying to pull away from Crocodile, but his arm held you in place. Shanks started to speak, but turned to watch as steely words rolled over you.
“Is it true, sweetheart,” Crocodile questioned, leaving your mouth dry. “Don’t lie to me, Y/N. You really want this stranger to fuck you right now, don't you? But you’re pretending to be a good girl because you don’t wanna hurt the clown’s feelings?”
Blinking away tears of overwhelm before they could stain your cheeks, you caught the soft smile of the red haired pirate across from you. There was no lying to Crocodile. The thought of what he might do if he ever caught you in an outright lie made you shiver.
“It’s true.”
“What a sweet, little bunny,” Shanks hummed, leaning over the table to grab your chin with a gentle touch. The red haired man just looked at you, his eyes too soft for a stranger’s. Before Crocodile’s anger could boil over, the large door creaked open, and you watched a painted smile go taut.
“Buggy, old friend,” he beamed, looking over his shoulder to see your clown slamming the door shut. “Just who I was hoping to see.”
Buggy moved forward, his eyes flaring at Shanks’ hand on your chin. That hand pulled away as the pirate stood, holding his arm out wide, but the gesture went ignored.
“Friends? In what fucking world, shithead,” Buggy scoffed, getting a bit taller in his stretchy clothes. You couldn’t hold in a gasp as Buggy got in his face, looking down at the other Emperor. He was going red under the light coat of paint, his voice more vicious than you’d ever heard. “Did you forget the last time I saw you, asshole?” 
“I don’t know what you mean, we–”
Buggy fisted his hands into the collar of Shanks’ cloak, pulling him even closer, and you would have tried to stop him if strong, dangerous hands hadn't pressed you further into the couch. All you could do was watch. 
“You lied to me, AGAIN,” he seethed, Shanks’ face not showing a hint of reaction, just a bland smile as Buggy continued. “And now you’ve got the nerve to come into my own fucking house, and touch my girl…”
All that rage died in his throat when Buggy’s wide eyes looked to you, then to the two men with their hands on you. 
“Your what, clown,” Crocodile scowled. He was as cold as stone while he watched Buggy reconnect, returning to his normal height. 
Buggy opened his mouth but nothing came out, until Shanks patted him on the back. 
“Miss Y/N’s your girl,” Shanks asked, whistling as he shook his head. “No need to worry, friend. She already shot me down.”
Anger had coursed through Buggy's body again at Shanks’ touch, but those words sent confusion flying across his face. He risked another glance at you, tentative pride pulling his lips into a tiny, crooked grin. 
A split second of warmth, and Buggy’s sweet disbelief made you smile so freely for him. 
Forgetting that you weren’t quite free.
“I believe that was still up for debate,” Mihawk drawled, lightly pinching your thigh. “Now, if you’re done acting like a blowfish, pull up a chair. Unless you’d rather leave your girl all alone with three, scary men.”
As everyone settled, you held your breath. Crocodile had found your forearm, tracing his fingers down your wrist until he held your hand in your lap, so tiny encased in his. He wasn’t hurting you, but the pressure of that large hand gripping yours felt more like a trap than a comfort. 
You leaned against him, looking up until those stony eyes met yours. 
He gripped a little tighter. 
“You haven’t even been here for thirty minutes and you’ve already caused chaos,” Mihawk scolded, the faintest hint of twisted delight in his words as he pulled your attention. “Since you refused to tell me anything over snail, I can’t imagine what sort of ‘business’ you claim to have on our little island.”
Buggy had pulled up a chair as far from Shanks as possible, and you couldn’t look at him on the other side of Crocodile without moving your head, so you didn’t. Instead, you stared at the easy smile of the stranger as he unhooked his cloak to lay across the back of his chair. His loose shirt was tied off at the left sleeve, showing that he was without a left arm. 
How often does that happen to pirates?
You started to turn your head to glance at Crocodile’s hook, but caught yourself, not wanting him to think you were looking at Buggy. 
But Shanks was looking at Buggy. 
“It’s time, old friend.”
“Stop fucking calling me that, dickskin,” Buggy grumbled, only making the man smile wider.
“I wasn’t ready back then,” Shanks confessed. 
You didn’t know this man. You hardly knew anything about him, but somehow you knew this was important to him. It tasted like reverence was dripping from his words as his eyes implored Buggy to listen, to be happy. 
“I know it’s been a long time,” he continued as the world seemed to freeze, “but I’m going now, Bugs. I’m going after it, and I’d like you to join me.”
The silence was thick with things you didn’t understand, even Crocodile and Mihawk going taut beside you.
“You fucking ASSHAT,” Buggy fumed, almost screeching as most of his body parts flew toward the red haired man who just covered his face with his arm. “You think you can just show up, and say that shit after TWENTY FUCKING YEARS? You sick fuck. Piece of shit. You trying to fuck with me? Think I’ll forgive you after all— OW.”
Crocodile had released you, making you yelp as his hand shot forward to grab a piece of Buggy’s floating body, squeezing it until Buggy went quiet. You were trembling now, unable to stop after Crocodile let go of Buggy to sit back, wrapping his arm around your shoulders again. 
“Calm down,” he ordered, his voice steadier than you expected after all the anger he seemed to be holding back since Shanks walked in. “You’ve talked yourself into enough trouble today, don’t be more of a nuisance than usual.”
Buggy pulled himself together, breathing heavily while he stood beside the source of his rage. You started to understand Buggy’s frustration when the red haired pirate just gazed at him, as if the clown had been showering him with compliments instead of insults. 
“So,” Mihawk changed the subject, waving his hand as if to brush the moment away, “it seems you’ve come to steal away our colorful leader so that you can sail off into the sunset together. To find the One Piece, if I understood that correctly?”
“I don’t think our clown wants to go anywhere with you,” Crocodile rasped. Your trembling stopped at what sounded like a possessive note to his voice, as your brain took in Mihawk’s words without fully processing them in the face of your other lover's exchange.
Buggy blinked at Crocodile a few times, mirroring your confusion before rage took over his features again, his gloved fists clenching when he met Shanks’ doe eyes. His next words came out through his teeth, almost growling as he held himself in. 
“You scum sucking liar. You expect me to believe that you’ve finally stopped being a coward? You betrayed everything we–” his voice cracked a bit, and he coughed to shake it away. “How dare you use the One Piece to trick me. To use our dream– my dream... This is a new fucking low for–”
“Buggy,” Shanks soothed, grabbing one of those gloved hands. Buggy took a step back, but his hand disconnected, held firmly by the other man. “I’m not lying to you. I’ll even show you my proof if you like, it’s on the ship... I stayed with you back then, remember?”
Crocodile let out a quiet sigh, as if he’d rather be anywhere but here, while Mihawk seemed to have electricity running under his skin. The emotions and pain running across Buggy’s face sent an ache into your chest, but you couldn’t reach for him yet. 
“I didn’t ask you to stay with me,” Buggy sneered, though his voice was weaker now. 
“I didn’t wanna go without you,” Shanks coaxed as he stood, moving close to place Buggy’s hand back on its wrist before gripping the clown’s shoulder. “I know it’s later than you wanted, but there’s room on my ship if you’d like to join me now. For old time’s sake?”
Buggy’s mouth went slack, his shoulders slumping, even under Shanks’ touch. A touch he didn’t shrug off. 
Then he looked at you. 
Your chest caved in, a hammer of pain and guilt hitting deep. 
Buggy's going to leave me. 
The selfishness you felt in that moment made you sick. You hadn’t known anything about their relationship besides Buggy’s rage, but their connection practically radiated off of them. Who were you to keep him from that? 
People like me don’t get love after all.
Bile hit your throat at that self pitying thought. Crocodile and Mihawk startled you, their hands moving in soothing motions at the same time, everyone waiting for Buggy to speak. 
He didn’t.
“I heard you’re throwing a party,” Shanks broke the silence, his relaxed voice a bit tight as he patted Buggy on the back. “Could I stay for a few days to enjoy the festivities? You can think on it, and we can all have a bit of fun, eh?”
“Was all of this simply a ruse so you could drain us of all our liquor, Red Hair,” Mihawk cut in, his sharp tease giving Buggy a chance to step away as Shanks’ attention was pulled. Buggy plopped down in his chair beside Crocodile, and you didn’t care this time, tilting forward to look at him, but he had leaned back to stare up at the ceiling. 
“Worry not, Hawk Eyes,” Shanks laughed, "we made sure to stock up before we came. In fact, I even brought a few vintages worthy of your refined palate.”
“I’ll let Y/N be the judge of that,” Mihawk praised, helping you breathe again with a soft kiss to your temple. “My little rabbit is more skilled at detecting quality after a couple of weeks than you've been your entire life.”
“Miss Y/N does seem to have good taste,” Shanks grinned, catching your eyes again. 
“Can we drink now,” Buggy groaned, earning laughs from everyone, even Crocodile who stood, walking around to pat him on the back. Buggy gasped, but there was no violence in the touch, or in the larger man’s eyes. 
“Come on, let’s go grab some more bottles. I doubt there’s enough in here.”
It took him a long moment, but Buggy agreed, and you couldn’t help but stare after them. Crocodile never “fetched” anything. Buggy didn’t need to either, there were servants in the hall. You didn’t know whether to feel touched or scared on Buggy’s behalf. 
“Why do you always make such a mess,” Mihawk complained. He wrapped his arm around you, and you let the scent of him calm you down as he pulled you against him. 
“This is actually me trying to clean up a mess,” Shanks laughed, propping his feet up on the table. 
“Are you going to hurt him again?”
Those words rang through the air, and your eyes went wide when you realized that you’d let them escape your lips. Mihawk squeezed you to him gently while Shanks gazed at you. His eyes were so damn pretty, and it felt impossible to think of him as anything other than sweet and handsome. Another slow smile almost took your thoughts away, but you dug your nails into your palms to ward off his charms. 
“I don’t think you’ve made a good impression with our numbers girl,” Mihawk purred, his voice not filled with the usual warning it held when you were doing something he didn’t approve of. 
“I’m glad he’s got someone like you to look out for him,” Shanks praised, and the jovial tilt to his head pissed you off. 
“You don’t know what kind of person I am, and you didn’t answer my question.”
Mihawk chuckled, pulling back from you as if giving permission. 
“You’re right,” the red haired pirate agreed, dipping his head. “I never meant to hurt Buggy, and I don’t plan to do it again.”
“Then why didn’t you say you were sorry,” you snapped. 
I really do have a fucking death wish. 
The Emperor of the Sea finally showed something else on his face besides humor, his brows furrowing as if he didn’t understand. He paused for too long, so your voice went high, fear almost getting in the way. 
“Even if you didn’t mean to do it, you hurt him,” you explained, hoping there was more behind those soft eyes than charm. “You know you hurt him, you just said it. Even if you hurt someone by accident, and especially if you care about them, you should fucking apologize. Otherwise, you’re just an asshole.”
You held your breath. 
Shank’s eyebrows raised, and his lips parted just a bit, while Mihawk laughed openly now, taking a sip of wine as if he were having a lovely time. 
“Let’s get shitfaced,” Buggy yelled as he crashed through the door with a case of wine, the bottles clinking like chimes. Crocodile followed close behind, his face unreadable as he offered you his hand. Confused, you stood while you watched Buggy’s hands fly to the bar to grab more glasses. Crocodile pulled you to the side, pressing another kiss to the top of your head.
“Take your spot, clown,” he ordered, gesturing to your normal seat. Everyone paused while Buggy sat down, leaving you to stand awkwardly while Crocodile sat, until he smoothed his hand along his thigh, giving you one of those smiles that made you shy. “Take your spot, sweetheart.”
Even with the tension in the room, Crocodile’s attention washed it all away until you bit your lip, your body swaying slightly. You leaned in for a kiss, and he didn’t let you pull back. His large hand grasped your waist, his thumb tracing up and down the fabric of that expensive, purple dress he’d picked out for you. 
“Come here, babygirl,” he whispered, helping you climb onto his lap. He guided you to lie back with your legs stretched out across Buggy’s thighs, but ordered the clown to grab the cushion from his vacated chair to prop up behind you. You hummed, perfectly comfortable laying across all three men on the couch. 
Mihawk’s cool fingers tracing over the tops of your feet made you shiver, while Buggy’s grin, and his gloved hands running up and down your bare legs warmed you up. Crocodile supported your head with the base of his hook, hidden behind that velvet cushion, while his hand reached down to your hip, smoothing and holding your dress in place as he stared down the man you’d completely forgotten about. 
When you turned to look at Shanks again, he wasn’t holding that perfect, jovial smile as he took you all in. Instead, his eyes held some of that danger you’d seen before, but there were no emotions that you could read. 
Except for hunger. 
Those soft eyes that were suddenly anything but soft met yours.
“So, Y/N, how long have you known Buggy?”
Thank gods for alcohol.
You thought drinking wine from your relaxed position would be difficult, but your lovers kept taking turns holding the glass to your lips. Laughter grew in the room, but it didn’t quell the rotating guilt, sadness, and anger that kept moving through you every time you looked at Shanks, every time you heard his welcoming voice, so full of joy. 
He said it’s his dream. He needs to go. I can’t let him stay. 
Buggy was wiggling in his seat while he told a story, swaying back and forth as he pinched and squeezed lightly up and down your legs. He looked so happy and cute, and seeing him this way between Crocodile and Mihawk made you close your eyes, sighing as you pressed your head back against the cushion. 
“I’m going to take my little rabbit out for some fresh air,” Mihawk announced, still massaging your ankle. 
Crocodile looked down at you as if to disagree, but nodded, helping you to your feet. 
“I’ll join you. Could use a smoke.”
You couldn’t argue as Mihawk's strong arms carried you out into the hallway. Buggy’s wide eyes followed you, and you caught a glimpse around the swordsman's shoulder of that red haired pirate standing up to move closer to your clown. 
Throat tight with trapped emotion, you held yourself up, knowing that relaxing into Mihawk’s warmth and scent might make you lose what control you had. 
The stars were out in full force, sparkling over the balcony like stage lights that were just a tad too far away. Nothing interrupted that silence except for a few small sounds as Mihawk set you comfortably in his lap, and the flick of a lighter followed by the thick scent of smoke as Crocodile sparked his cigar, his silver eyes never leaving your face. 
“Want us to make him stay?”
“What,” you choked out, not sure if you’d imagined that deep voice.
“All you gotta do is tell me what you want,” Crocodile reminded you, that curling smoke hypnotizing you as you tried to understand. “I’ll even fight our hawk eyed friend if he disagrees. Do you care more about making our sweet girl happy, or impressing your red haired ex?”
A tiny sob squeezed from your chest as you closed your eyes. You didn’t have the energy for one of their fights right now. 
“Shh, rabbit,” Mihawk hummed, tracing fingers through your hair. His voice went listless as he stared into the stars, holding you to him. “Shanks is one of my oldest– ha, maybe one of my only friends... But he’s also a grown man with a trail of mistakes. I can’t promise you that his request will lead to joy or sorrow.”
Words couldn’t pass through the threat of tears in your throat. 
This isn’t real.
Those long, dangerous fingers kept playing with your hair, pulling you back into the moment as he tugged and scratched at the strands at the nape of your neck.
“I won’t trap him,” you declared, voice rough as you sat up straighter. “If he doesn’t want to be here, then I would feel sick to make him stay. It’s… I want Buggy to live the life he wants.”
“Caring more about the clown’s feelings than your own desires,” Mihawk scolded in a whisper after a heavy pause. You waited for a threat, for a punishment, but all you got was a gentle kiss to your forehead. 
Crocodile snuffed out his cigar, reaching with those smoke scented fingers to trace along your cheek. 
“You really are sweet, aren’t ya?”
You choked out a laugh, still waiting for the ax to fall, gasping when Mihawk sat you on the table. They both stood to look down at you, and you tried not to be empty. 
“So,” Mihawk waved his hand again, his sharp voice driven toward his goal, “Buggy gets to decide if he stays or goes, and we still have a few days until the party. What would you like to happen in the meantime, rabbit?”
Mouth hanging slack, you jolted a bit when Crocodile rested his hand on your shoulder, his eyes so far above you from this angle.
“What do you…”
Mihawk grabbed your hand, bringing your knuckles to his lips with an almost wistful smile.
“Would you like to partake in a ridiculous amount of fun with the man that might take your clown away? Or would you like us to make him sleep on his ship?”
Soft shock hit your face, and those golden eyes just narrowed in a tease. 
“If it helps your decision, he is a phenomenal fuck.”
“Don’t pressure her,” Crocodile growled, squeezing your shoulder. 
Laughter broke through that dam of emotions in your throat, bursting through you to echo up toward those shining stars. 
Those pretty stars. 
You pressed away the hint of tears from your eyes with the meat of your palm, laughter like a drug to cleanse those bad feelings away. 
“Why do you care about me so much,” you coughed, unable to keep that risky question in. 
“Get over here,” Crocodile ordered, Mihawk helping to lift you into his arms. “Didn’t I tell you already? When I find something of value, I protect it.”
Your laughter bubbled down to quiet giggles, shy once again as that frightening face smiled down at you. Mihawk tugged at your hand, guiding you both down the corridor. 
“Come along now,” he purred as he pulled you back toward the lounge. “Let’s find out how our little rabbit wants to get fucked tonight.”
Mihawk crashed through the door more violently than you’d ever seen, slamming it wide. Buggy was leaning back into the couch, those crystal eyes wide as he looked toward you. Shanks was laying across the coffee table, propped up on his elbow while a floating hand held a glass of wine near his lips. 
“Here comes the party,” Shanks called over his shoulder as he sat up. You noticed his knees intertwined with Buggy’s when you were laid out in your new spot, and he was close enough to your clown that you were now laying across all four of their laps. 
“Thank you,” you breathed, trying to read Buggy’s overwhelmed face as he brought a glass to your lips. 
“Look at you two,” Shanks teased as those playful eyes went back and forth between you. He was so close to you now, and you found yourself pressing your legs together to avoid touching his bare chest, or flashing him as he mirrored Buggy around your knees. 
It was hard to focus on any coherent thought with so many idle hands on you. Mihawk was slowly massaging your feet, Buggy still using your legs as a fidget toy, and Crocodile eventually gave up on or forgot about holding up your short dress as he cradled your hand in his. You caught Shanks’ eyes dragging across the exposed skin of your hip, smirking at you when you pulled the fabric up.
The conversations twisted and turned, until he brought it back to you. 
“I’ve never met anyone that had such a hold on so many powerful pirates,” Shanks laughed after downing another glass. “At least not at the same time.”
The night had loosened you all by now, and you felt pulled by his smile. He snagged your free hand, rubbing his fingers along yours while he studied you. 
“Just where did you come from, little bunny?”
“A snooty little tavern–”
“She’s a mystery actually,” Mihawk cut Buggy off, trailing his hand up your shin. “Our numbers girl has secrets.”
“Secrets you’ll be sharing in a few days. Right, sweetheart?”
“Right,” you gasped, meeting Crocodile’s stare as he nudged your face toward his. The press of lips against your palm tore you away to find the red haired man kissing your hand as Crocodile released you. 
“A mystery girl, huh? No wonder you’ve got these three wrapped around your finger.”
“You don’t know her,” Buggy huffed, folding over to lay his head against your stomach. He tugged your hand from those foreign fingers to hold you close, and you couldn’t help but smile. 
“Why don’t we all take a walk,” Mihawk suggested, making you sigh again as those deadly fingers worked the muscles of your feet. “I’d like to give a tour.”
Mihawk carried you down the halls, and you weren’t the only person that noticed the direction he was leading you toward.
“I think the tour of the bedroom can wait,” Crocodile complained. 
“You can just stay in the hall then,” Mihawk taunted. You heard a disgruntled noise from the larger man, but before he could complain again, Mihawk stood before his old suite, across the hall from the one you shared now. 
“Korris,” he called, tapping the bottom of the door with his leather boot. 
“Yes, sir,” came a rough voice through the door. He cleared his throat before opening the door, just a crack. “Status report; Adam has continued to show preference for wet food, the litter was changed this morning, and play time has–”
“Thank you, Korris,” Mihawk hurried, and you pretended not to hear the stifled laughter behind you. “We’ll be visiting with Adam, you may take a break.”
“Of course, sir.”
The bearded man that emerged from that cracked door was large enough to match that deep voice. He wore aged leather armor that carried an array of scratches and tears, and you smiled at what you thought might be the source of some of the more recent additions. Korris left the room quickly, holding the door closed to prevent an escape attempt that didn’t arrive. 
The changes to the suite were drastic, and you couldn’t keep from laughing as you all rushed inside. The large space meant for multiple humans to live in had been altered into exactly what Mihawk had called it.  
A cat paradise. 
So many interesting toys and surfaces, covered beds, endless shelves, scratching posts, and plenty of couches for humans and cats to lounge on together. 
And there was Adam. 
Mihawk kissed you before setting you down, and you went straight to the ground as your sweet tabby came right up to Mihawk to rub against his ankles. 
“You assigned the cat a servant,” Crocodile deadpanned while you gave chin scritches in exchange for head bumps. 
“This is nothing,” Shanks smirked, patting the larger man on the arm before plopping down on a couch. “I’m amazed there’s only one cat in here.”
Buggy choked out a laugh before joining you on the floor, already snagging a toy for Adam to focus on. Those cute, little eyes went massive as he wiggled his butt before pouncing. 
“No more cats,” Crocodile sighed, shaking his head softly as Mihawk walked up to him. 
“Everyone should have someone to curl up to at night,” the swordsman teased, turning his back on Crocodile to face the rest of you. “Speaking of that, Shanks, you may have Y/N’s old suite. It’s the door on the left when you leave Adam’s room.”
You and Buggy glanced at each other, and you grinned at the impulse.
“You two can decide which of these three suites you’d like to sleep in tonight,” Mihawk announced, drawing everyone in. “I’m sure Adam would enjoy some company, but we’ll be across the hall if you need us.”
“Come on, Crocodile. Let’s take a nightcap in our suite. Let the little one’s play for a bit.”
“No,” your scarred lover insisted, walking around Mihawk to offer you his hand. “I’m not leaving Y/N alone with a stranger.”
“I’m no stranger,” Shanks started, but Mihawk reached for Crocodile’s hand before you could take it. 
“Don’t you remember our brave clown last night,” Mihawk praised. He gestured to Buggy, whose lips parted as he stared at the swordsman, until Adam pawed at that faded paint. “He won’t let anyone hurt her, not even us. Such a loyal little toy.”
He patted Buggy on the head before rounding on you.
“Besides, our little rabbit has a safe word, and you know I’ll hear it if you say it. Tell us your safe word, darling.”
“Hopscotch,” you managed, each surreal moment making you question your grip on reality. 
Maybe he did put me away. He said it wouldn’t be that hard. Maybe this is all just a drugged, fever dream, and I’m strapped up in an asylum somewhere.
That could have sent you into the worst sort of spiral, if not for your next thought. 
I don’t fucking care. It’s a good dream.
A gasp left your throat when Crocodile took a knee, tugging you up off the carpet to scan your face. 
“You’re my sweet girl, huh,” he whispered in your ear, making you melt against him. 
“Mhm,” you promised, falling into his kiss. 
“Be good.”
You were left with your mouth agape while Crocodile walked toward the door, Mihawk nudging your chin before leaving a wicked kiss, a kiss that made you dizzy. 
“Be bad if you like, little rabbit,” he purred, making your eyes roll back before he sauntered out of the room. 
“Well,” Shanks stood, wiggling a half-empty bottle toward you. “I’ll trade you a drink for a tour of my suite.”
As soon as Crocodile and Mihawk left you alone, Buggy had his hands on you. Giggling as you squeezed through the door, you smiled at Korris who’d returned to keep Adam company. 
It felt strange stepping into that suite. You’d only stayed there a few nights when the new regime had taken over, but heat rushed to your cheeks at the sight of the bed.
The bed you’d buried your face into, trying to relieve the aching need they’d stirred in you, trembling under the desperate fear of being heard. 
“You like this bed, huh,” Shanks rasped, leaning to breathe those words against your ear before lounging on the mattress. “Seems pretty normal to me. Care to show me–”
“Lame,” Buggy mocked, letting go of your waist to give two thumbs down while he blew a raspberry. You laughed a little too loudly at the face Shanks made before you kissed Buggy on the cheek.
 “You’ve got such a great sense of humor,” Buggy grinned, lifting you by the hips until you wrapped your legs around his waist, giggling as he covered your neck with kisses before leaping onto the bed with you beneath him.
“I’m not used to being the third wheel,” Shanks laughed, moving closer to smile down at you while Buggy kissed along your collarbones.
“Get used to it, shithead,” he mumbled, rubbing his face down your chest, that purple dress about to get smeared with grease paint. 
“Stop,” you breathed, grabbing his hand when he pulled away with worry in his eyes. “No, keep doing that, please! Just– Crocodile likes this dress.”
A half second of confusion was followed by that look of ownership you’d missed in his eyes until recently. 
“Can I take it off for you? Or does my pretty star wanna put on a little show?”
The normal, giddy nerves you would have felt were magnified when you caught Shanks’ eyes. 
“I’ll take it off,” you decided.
“Hold on,” Buggy yelled after letting you off the bed. He dug through both nightstands until he pulled out a tonedial, holding it up with a triumphant laugh.
“I forgot about those,” you squealed, leaning toward him to press the shell. Cliche “sexy” music filled the air, which Buggy had deemed vital to place in every suite. 
“Never know which room you might fuck in,” the two of you joked simultaneously, devolving into silliness until Shanks snagged the dial. 
“I might need to borrow one of these, Buggy,” he teased, holding it in his palm while he gestured toward you. 
“I wouldn’t trust you to return it.”
Buggy’s mouth had opened, but it was your lips that delivered that harsh quip, earning you a raised, red-haired brow, and a red-painted grin.
“We’ve only just met,” Shanks studied you, the corner of his lips teasing into a wicked smirk, “but I think I need to earn your respect, don’t I?”
“Good luck,” Buggy snorted, but you got caught by his old friend’s soft, and dangerous eyes. 
“I hope luck is on my side,” Shanks rasped, dropping the tonedial onto the bed to grab your hand, pulling you toward him. Your pulse got heavy as his breath got close, his fingers leaving featherlight touches along your arm, your shoulder, your neck. “Can I try to make it up to you?”
Shanks breathed that question against your ear, his fingers teasing into your hair as you swayed. 
“I don’t…”
“Of course,” Shanks backed off, sitting beside Buggy. “I don’t want to overstep.”
“Yeah, you do,” Buggy rolled his eyes, sending a hand to hold against your cheek until you looked at him. “Star, we can leave if you don’t want to–”
“Do you want to?”
A tiny hint of fear touched your words, but you pushed it aside, willing Buggy to see nothing but your gentle smile.
He’s with me right now, and right now is good. 
“Yeah, Buggy,” Shanks purred, a shit eating grin taking over his face. “Do you want to?”
“Fuck you,” Buggy grunted, frowning at his own choice of words before studying your face. “I only want to if you want to.”
Letting out a breath, you leaned forward to click the button on the tonedial. 
The air shifted as it filled with that cheesy music, and with the heat of consent that left goosebumps along your skin while they watched you dance. They hardly moved, but their eyes that had just been so playful and bright were now heavy with promises you weren’t sure you were ready for. 
But as the purple dress fell to the floor, and hunger filled both of their faces, you stopped caring about anything except for those eyes on your skin. 
“Fuck,” Buggy breathed as you tossed your lingerie to the side. 
“You like to watch, don’t you,” Shanks asked, wetting his lips while his eyes stayed fixed on you. “You like watching Crocodile and Mihawk fuck your girl.”
“Yes,” Buggy surprised you, cutting you off with his quiet, but firm agreement.
“Wanna watch me take care of her for you,” Shanks rasped, your body reacting before you could think. “One apology isn’t nearly enough, is it, Buggy? I need to make it up to you. Need to make your little bunny come ‘til she cries, huh?”
Buggy pulled you onto the bed when you gasped, your knees going weak before he set you down next to Shanks.
“I want to if you want to,” Buggy teased into your ear. The tension in your body relaxed as you nodded, smiling when he addressed the other man. “Take care of her for me.”
“Of course,” Shanks vowed, cradling your face as he leaned toward you. “Anything for a friend.”
Buggy’s grunted insult had Shanks pressing a smile against your lips, and after a moment of tightness, you let yourself give in. A satisfied hum left his throat, as if he knew he’d finally caught you. Like a trap slamming shut, he deepened the kiss, his fingers tracing along your bare skin until you whimpered for him, tugging at his loose shirt. 
“Want me this bad already, mystery girl,” he taunted, his words burning along your cheeks. That didn’t stop you though, and you hid a smug smile at the little gasp he let out when you started pulling at his waistband.
“I wanna put on a good show for my captain,” your challenging words rolled out in a purr. You couldn’t recall feeling this wickedly powerful before. The danger that flashed in his eyes should have sent you cowering. 
Fuck it.
“I was expecting more from the ‘Great Red Haired Shanks,” you risked, looking him up and down as he hopped off the bed. “You’ve been pretty underwhelming so far. No offense, of course.”
You didn’t dare look away from Shanks, even as Buggy started laughing so hard he was wheezing, his body parts floating lazily around the room as if he couldn’t hold himself together. The red haired pirate’s face was frozen, staring at you as if you truly were a little bunny that had somehow learned to speak.
Then he smirked, dropping his clothes to the floor. 
“Ugh, seriously,” you complained, rolling your eyes at the sight of his nude body.
Not even a heartbeat passed before he was straddling you, pinching your cheek while a frightening grin pulled at his lips.
“Hey, hey,” Buggy calmed, grasping the other man’s wrist.
“Mihawk must–”
“Do all pirates have perfect cocks, or do I just keep getting lucky,” you cut Shanks off, breathless as adrenaline buzzed through you. You flicked your eyes toward Buggy, giving your clown a wink. 
Shanks sucked his teeth, releasing your cheek to tilt your chin up toward him. 
“I’ve got a whole ship full of pirates that would love to help you test your theory,” he warned. You couldn’t tell if he was teasing or not, and the potential threat made your mouth dry.
“You can barely handle my pretty star,” Buggy taunted as he wrapped himself around your back, sticking his tongue out at his old friend. “I doubt any of your underlings would last a minute.”
Buggy’s kisses and praise along your cheek brought more breathless giggles, and you relaxed back against his chest. Shanks paused to watch you both before his retort. 
“I don’t know,” he hummed, brushing hair from your face. “Ol’ Benn has taught me a thing or two about dealing with bratty little bunnies. Seems like Mihawk’s been going easy on you. Never thought I’d see the day.”
A nervous laugh escaped you at that terrifying thought.
“Y/N,” he soothed, tracing his thumb across your lips, “I know I’ve made a bad first impression, and I’ve been a bad friend.”
“A terrible friend,” Buggy corrected softly, earning another little smile. “A shit friend, actually. Dog shit friend.”
Shanks stayed quiet for a moment, his lips quirking as though a laugh or an argument could come flying loose at any moment. He took your hand, his gentle touch carrying too much heat. 
“Please, Y/N,” Shanks started again. Those pretty eyes implored you, and all that ungodly charm weighed your body down. You knew you were falling for it, but didn’t care enough to resist. “Please, let me make it up to you, to both of you.”
The corner of his lips picked up when he noticed your body react, that cocky gleam shining in his eyes when he scanned your features. 
“How about I sweeten the deal for ya, gorgeous? Let’s put on a helluva show for our favorite clown, and if you promise to be a good little bunny for me, I promise I’ll make you scream my name so loud, you’ll forget why you didn’t like me in the first place.”
“I remember you being better at this,” Buggy deadpanned, while you failed to hide your snort with a cough. 
“Tough crowd,” Shanks sighed, studying you.
I’d like to get fucked sometime tonight.
Laughing at your own impatient thought, you took Shanks’ hand in both of yours, kissing his knuckles, tracing along his rough, calloused fingers. Just your breath moving across his skin was enough to shift the air, and you tried not to gloat.
“Here’s the deal,” you hummed, pausing to drag your lower lip down with his thumb. You gave him wide, innocent eyes, letting your body melt under his gaze. “If you can fuck me dumb enough that I can’t say another bad thing about you tonight, then I’ll let it all go. But if you can’t, then I get to drag you through the dirt tomorrow, however I see fit.”
You ended your demands by sucking two of his fingers into your mouth, your body finally giving in to that desire. 
Holy fuck, I am insane. 
Buggy was shifting, gasping softly as he kissed your hair, while Shanks stared down at his fingers in your mouth. Your needy, challenging eyes trailed lower, but you choked before you could find what you were looking for, rough fingers shoving down your throat. 
“You didn’t say anything about me getting some help,” Shanks taunted, winking at Buggy who let out a soft moan. The red haired pirate kissed the corner of your lips while you fought not to gag around his fingers, his next evil words whispered into your ear. “Could have been so nice and sweet. Could have taken all night to tease and taste you. But my friend’s girl needs to learn some manners, huh?”
Buggy grabbed your wrists, already trapping you for Shanks without needing to be asked. Shanks laughed when your eyes rolled back, the smug sound making you shake. You'd forgotten to tell Shanks what your hand signal was if you couldn't use your safe word, but Buggy was right there.
Buggy's right here with me.
Shanks' commanding voice ripped you back into that edge of fear and need, that loss of control.
“I agree to your deal, little bunny,” he taunted, fingers still invading your throat, “but here’s mine. I’ll do all of those wicked things you want me to do to you. I’ll even let you have this pretty mouth back. But if anything but sweetness falls from these lips, we’ll find out how many body parts I need to shove down your throat until you learn to shut the fuck up.”
Hot tears flowed down your cheeks as you tried to meet those “soft” eyes, struggling to relax while four of his fingers fucked your throat now.
“Don’t piss me off, bunny. I’d hate to fail my own challenge, but if this sweet mouth spills anything rotten, then we'll be too busy cleaning it out to give your pretty pussy any attention. Do you understand?”
“Mnngnm,” you moaned around his hand, drool trailing down your strained lips. He released you slowly, pulling free to smile at the strands of spit connecting his hand to your lips you while you gasped and coughed.
“So pretty with all that mess,” he praised, his thick voice making Buggy pause before wiping your chin with a gloved hand. “It’s alright, you can clean her up. It won’t be the last mess on that beautiful face tonight. Would you like that, darlin?”
A needy moan left your raw throat at the sight of Shanks’ sticky fingers reaching down to trace along his perfect, dripping cock. Mesmerized, you watched his thumb tease that bead of precum around his swollen tip. He hissed softly at his own touch, eyes feasting on you as you started to struggle and whine under their weight. 
“Bunny wanna taste,” he offered, holding his thumb in front of your face. Satisfied laughter left his lips as you wrapped yours around his thumb, desperately sucking in the taste of him.
“Mm, is that what this is,” Shanks soothed as he pulled away, freeing your legs to sit beside you. You slumped back, melting against Buggy’s chest while Shanks traced fingers down your thighs. “You really are just a sweet little bunny, aren’t you?”
“Fuck,” you gasped, back arching against Buggy as Shanks plunged two of his fingers into your dripping cunt, his thumb teasing over clit until you moaned for him. 
“I knew it,” he laughed, never letting up. “You only acted like a brat because you’re such a good girl, wanting to make Buggy happy. Isn’t that right, old friend?”
“My girl’s so good for me,” Buggy praised, his name now pouring from your lips. 
“What a cutie,” Shanks chuckled, curling his fingers up until your eyes rolled back, then he froze until you stared up at him. 
“Uh uh uh,” he tutted, tearing a surprised yelp from you when he lightly pinched your clit. “Even though you were acting out for the right reasons, you still need to learn your fucking manners.”
“I’m s-so—”
“You were so mean, and you're already saying sorry,” he wondered, pressing a few teasing circles over your clit with his thumb before leaving another pinch. You recognized a bit of Mihawk’s manic glint in his eyes as he watched you squirm for him. “It’s too bad, huh? Could’ve just shown me what a good girl you were, and I would have helped you.”
“Shanks–” Buggy warned, still holding you against him.
“All you wanna do is please him, don’t you, sweetheart?”
“Yes,” you cried out as he gifted you with pleasure again. “Wanna please you, Buggy. So bad, please…”
“Fuck, baby,” Buggy moaned, meeting your half lidded eyes. It was Shanks’ fingers that were bringing you, but you couldn’t look away from the shocked smile on your clown’s face, ignoring the other man, yet again. Buggy ate your screams, his faded red lips on yours while you came on those wicked fingers. The pleasure stretched on and on, until you gasped at the change in pressure. 
Shanks palmed your dripping cunt, still twitching from his work. Both you and Buggy turned to him as he raked his fingers through your core, before dragging all that slick over his cock. Your eyes rolled back, returning to find Shanks’ manic eyes searing into Buggy’s now.
“Can I help her please you, Buggy? Let me do it for you, please?”
The tiniest slip of need from his voice made you shiver, Buggy freezing behind you. He just blinked at the red haired man, until you whispered his name.
“I want to if you want to,” you smiled, giving permission for your lovely clown to enjoy whatever Shanks’ needy request had promised. 
“So darn sweet. Come on, Bugs. Let me show our bunny how it’s done.”
“That thirsty, even after our little water break,” Shanks teased, smirking as you crawled across the bed with bare need on your face. He had his back against the headboard, lazily stroking himself while you and Buggy joined him. 
“Yes,” you admitted, fighting the urge to grab his veiny shaft when you sat beside him.  
“What are you waiting for then? Let me feel that hungry, little pussy.”
Buggy kissed your shoulder as you shuddered, crawling over Shanks’ lap until you hovered over that pretty cock. If not for the last couple weeks of your wild life, you might have been timid. Instead, you moaned as he teased his tip through your folds, dragging all that wetness down his shaft. You didn’t pause when he lined himself up, shoving yourself down slowly. 
“Oh gods,” you choked out when you’d taken all of him in.
“Mm, this is what you needed, isn't it,” he rasped, tracing his lips along your neck before chuckling softly, nibbling at your ear. 
“Yes, please,” you moaned, starting to move over him, until floating hands appeared at your waist, holding you down. Buggy gave a soft laugh with Shanks’ cruel one as they watched you whine and fight for friction on that swollen cock.
“Come on, little bunny,” Shanks laughed, teasing his thumb over your clit for a brutal moment before smearing it across your lips. “I’m gonna show you how to please Buggy, just like you wanted. Be a good girl, and you might get to do more than just warm my cock tonight. Do you wanna be a good girl for me, Y/N?”
“Mhm,” you panted, catching eyes with Buggy as he sat beside Shanks. The slow, satisfied look in Buggy’s eyes let your body go loose as you glanced back and forth between them. “I’ll be a good girl.”
“You heard her,” Shanks growled as he held his hand in front of your face. His eyes were wide and hungry as he stared at your lips, until his hand was suddenly full. He tilted his head back, letting out a deep laugh while your brain processed that Buggy’s cock was now gripped in his friend’s hand. 
“Let me show you how it’s done.”
Shanks kept taunting eyes on yours while he licked and sucked Buggy’s cock like he was born to do it. The sight of him taking your lover down his throat had you clenching around his length inside you, until all three of you reacted to each other, a loop of pleasure and need that had only just started. 
“Your turn,” Shanks rasped, planting a sloppy kiss on your lips before shoving Buggy’s dick down your throat. 
Digging your nails into your thighs was the only thing you could control, besides relaxing your throat to let Shanks use you. Buggy’s fingers tightened as he kept you in place, your body going frantic with the need to fuck yourself onto that thick cock.
“There ya go, bunny girl. Relax just a bit more for him, and we’ll give you what you need. Mm, that's good. Is she pleasing you, Buggy?”
“F-fuck yes,” Buggy groaned, the press of his fingers only adding to your need. 
“Do it, Buggy,” he purred, guiding a little more force down your throat. “Fuck her onto me. Show me what a sweet little cunt you’ve got– gods damn…”
Buggy’s hands on your waist went from pressing you down to lifting and slamming you onto Shanks' cock over and over until you forgot you were human. All the pressure and discomfort of waiting, of getting throat fucked so thoroughly, turned into blinding pleasure as Buggy used your cunt like a toy for his friend. 
“I’m gonna–”
“I feel you, Bugs. Fuck, yes. Let me see you make a mess on her.”
Shanks pulled him out, holding that floating dick above you just in time for hot lines of come to paint your face and neck, dripping down to your chest. You were still gasping, relearning how to breathe, but you licked your lips clean. The way they both looked at you made you want nothing more than to please them for the rest of your life.
“Come here,” Shanks growled, before pulling you in for a kiss. He dragged his tongue across your chin first, sharing the taste of Buggy’s come while he ate at you, moaning as he sat back. Your clown’s hands still used you like a fuck toy for the other man, and your body loved to be used.
“That’s right, bunny,” Shanks praised, fisting his hand into your hair. “You’ve been so good for us. Such a messy girl. Mm, what a sweet little pussy, milking my cock like this. Gonna stuff you so fucking full.”
Buggy’s hands returned to holding you down while Shanks groaned, forcing his friend’s come as deep inside you as possible. Your voice was almost lost by the time you could remember language. 
“Got anything to say about me now, little bunny,” Shanks threatened, a dangerous laugh leaving his lips as he trailed his fingers down your skin.
You fell against his chest, shaking your head as you took in the scent of him. He kissed your temple, chuckling as he wrapped his arm around you. Sleep felt suddenly urgent, but Buggy’s lips tickled up the back of your neck until you shivered. 
“Shower time. Unless you want another hair care lecture in the morning.”
“You know he can still hear you,” Shanks teased over Buggy’s hushed tone. 
“Now he can, asshole!”
“Why do you care anyway, clown? Don’t you have your own sense of style?”
“Crusty gizz hair might still be your style, Shanks, but some of us have actually grown up.”
“If I don’t go to bed now, I might get grumpy, and say grumpy things.”
“Can’t have that,” Shanks agreed, and you let these two old friends carry you to the bathroom. Buggy asked you both to wash him while he sent his hands out to change the sheets. 
Of course, the bed was a mess since he’d done it blind, and you had to interrupt before Shanks finished claiming he could have done a better job one handed.
“Sleeeep,” you chanted, laying down on the plush carpet until they got it together. Humming through the air when Buggy lifted you, you let out a contented sigh as he laid you down in the middle of those clean sheets. You curled up against his chest as you had so many times before, but instead of Crocodile’s large form, it was Shanks that wrapped himself around your back. 
Exhaustion hit hard, and you enjoyed the soft, silly banter as you all drifted off. 
So comfortable. So happy. You’d almost forgotten about the painful question this man had brought with him. You almost let it go, relaxation so close to winning out.
But even after Buggy drifted off into light snores, Shanks’ hand didn’t stop reaching for him. 
The red haired pirate’s arm was curled around you, but he couldn’t seem to pick a spot to rest. 
His hand gripping Buggy’s shoulder.
His thumb tracing along Buggy’s hip. 
His hand wrapped around Buggy's waist. 
His rough fingers teasing across Buggy’s skin until goosebumps rolled over him, until Buggy shivered in his sleep beside you.
Now that Buggy’s snores had grown louder, you doubted you’d get any sleep tonight.
“You can come if he wants you.” 
The almost sound was timed with Buggy’s snore, and you jolted when you felt that breath in your ear. 
“Shh, little bunny,” Shanks urged, pressing his hand over your lips until you froze. “Let’s let him rest.”
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Part 17
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bifuriouswaterbender · 4 months
Edge of Seventeen
I'm a little later in the month than I normally am, but here's my February entry for @steddiemicrofic at a T rating. The prompt was "edge" with the word count 509. I know I'm a little behind Valentine's Day, but enjoy!
Their security hated when Steve did this. They always tried to talk him out of it, and the compromise included at least two members of the team standing near him and a few extra joining the venue security on the other side of the barricade. But he loved the feeling of being part of a crowd, of looking up at Eddie just like any other fan.
"And that's what I am," he'd told a reporter at the Oscars last year, Eddie's arm wrapped possessively around his waist. "I mean yeah, he's my husband too, but I'll always be one of the fans." The absolute heart eyes Eddie had sent his way were still making the rounds as a reaction image on social media.
Steve thought he had a similar expression on his face now. He leaned against the barricade, fans pressing in around them. There was a woman practically hanging on his side that reminded him of Robin. Clearly Lawrence on security didn't like that she was touching him, but when Steve had made it clear that he was fine, there wasn't much the guard could do.
"Jeff thinks I'm a sap for this," Eddie continued, practically purring into the mic.
"No, no," Jeff said. "I know you're a sap for this."
The crowd around Steve laughed, then laughed again as Gareth added the slap stick sound on his drums.
"You see what I put up with?" Eddie complained, but his smile never left his face as he flipped off his friends. "Anyway, it's time for my annual tradition. It's the only time of year I let myself be this gooey on stage."
That was absolutely a lie, and Steve was sure the whole crowd knew it. But when Eddie had found him in the crowd and crouched at the edge of the stage to talk right to him, Steve wasn't going to tease him about it. Not right now anyway.
"Happy Valentine's Day, baby," Eddie said. "I gave you a Springsteen last year, which means it's an off year. I get to pick something else, and while I know you were hoping for ABBA, I can't quite give up my metal card that swiftly."
The crowd laughed again, especially since Eddie had serenaded Steve with Take A Chance On Me six years ago. This year, Steve had seen the betting and predictions online. ABBA had been a pretty strong contender.
Eddie continued, "I figured it was time for a badass lady I haven't sang for you before."
This time the crowd screamed. Steve's smile grew, then grew wider as he recognized the guitar riff of a song he'd convinced Eddie to dance to on New Years Eve. He'd been hoping for some Stevie Nicks.
Apparently so had some of his new friends because the crowd screamed as they placed what it was.
Steve loved his husband's fans and their support. But most of all, loved that they could stand here in a sold out show on either side of the barricade and have a moment just for them.
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eulalielatibule · 4 months
Can we have more of the perfect pair au please it’s so cute and I love the idea behind it it’s awesome!!
Maybe r and Wanda’s first time? N maybe r doesn’t know what it is so Wanda has to show her and tell her about it?
Or literally anything at all I love them they are adorable
Thank you so much for the love!! I'm sorry this took so long to write. But I love this idea, I love a good corruption kink 😵‍💫 I hope you don't mind, I'm not the best at writing smut so this is a bullet point list lol.
Warnings: Smut, loss of virginity, corruption kink, innocence kink, maybe soft!dark?Wanda. BDSM dynamics. Mistress and Kitten honorifics. Fingering. Mentions of oral (r giving).
Minors and Blanks DNI. This is an 18+ blog and story.
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���‍⬛ Maybe it starts with you and Wanda cuddling and she's petting your head, whispering sweet words to you.
🐈‍⬛ Her hand travels down to your thigh where she lingers, tracing idle shapes on your skin. You look so cute in a fluttery dress she made you for spring.
🐈‍⬛ "Kitten," she hums, looking down at you as her hand continues to feel your soft thigh, "Do you wanna play a little game?"
🐈‍⬛ Your eyes light up- you love games! Especially games with your Mistress. "Yes please, what kind of game?"
🐈‍⬛ She can't help but smirk at your sweet excitement. You're just too cute for words. "It's a very special game. The rules are that you are to obey everything I tell you to do, or else you get a spanking. Understood?"
🐈‍⬛ Your head nodded automatically. You hated when Mistress spanked you. You weren't naughty very often, loving being a good girl for her- you were made to serve her. It's in your nature. But sometimes you got cheeky and she had to nip it in the butt to deter that. "Yes Mistress, I understand."
🐈‍⬛ "Good girl. Stay still." She purred, letting her slender hand wander up your dress. "I've heard the dreams you've been having, baby."
🐈‍⬛ For a while now, Wanda had been reading your mind. She wasn't proud of it- everyone deserved their privacy. But she was just so curious about what her little kitten thought about. What she dreamed about.
🐈‍⬛ So when she found out you were having lewd dreams about her just about every night? Well she had to do something about it.
🐈‍⬛ "Shhh kitten, it's okay," she cooed when you started stammering, trying to find an explanation or an excuse. "It's okay. Everybody has dirty thoughts."
🐈‍⬛ Her hand starts rubbing your clothed pussy. When you jerk in surprise, she gives a swat to your thigh. "Make me proud. Stay still."
🐈‍⬛ Your eyes teared up from both arousal and frustration, you wanted to be good for her so so bad. "Yes Mistress, 'm sorry." She kisses your cheek in response and tries again.
🐈‍⬛ Rubbing firm, slow circles, watching you intently to see your reactions. "I bet you're confused by your dreams, baby. Are you?"
🐈‍⬛ "Uh huh, I- I never had those thoughts before. It was kinda scary." You admitted in a small voice. It was hard to concentrate when Wanda was making you feel so good.
🐈‍⬛ "Oh honey, it isn't bad or scary. It's good, it's natural." She said sweetly, kissing your cheek as her fingers pulled your panties aside.
🐈‍⬛ "Humans have sex all the time. It's just a way of life. And it feels so good." She couldn't help but moan at the feeling of your wetness. You had gotten so worked up so fast.
🐈‍⬛ "Are we having sex?" You asked in a shuddering voice, finding it hard to stay still with all the new sensations going on. But you had to stay still. You had to make Mistress proud.
🐈‍⬛ "Oh we're going to, baby. Don't you worry your pretty little head about it." She whispered, spreading your wetness around your achey pussy. When she touched your clit you gasped and twitched a little, but managed to stay still.
🐈‍⬛ Wanda rubbed your clit for a few moments, whispering words of praise as you sat so nicely in her lap. And soon she was delving between your folds, stretching your hole out so perfect.
🐈‍⬛ Using only two fingers for now- she'd add more once she thought you were ready for her strap.
🐈‍⬛ Your head felt like it was spinning, how good you felt. Humans did this all the time? How on earth did anything else get done?
🐈‍⬛ In this moment all you wanted was to have sex all the time. Wanda chuckled, "my little fuck toy."
🐈‍⬛ Soon you were feeling strange. These pleasure you were feeling was getting stronger and stronger, it was making you feel a little scared. Like something big was about to happen.
🐈‍⬛ Your orgasm exploded with a cry, your body arching as you blacked out for a moment. Wanda hissed as you clenched down so tight on her fingers, helping you ride out your orgasm as long as possible.
🐈‍⬛ She sensed you growing sensitive and pulled her fingers out slowly. First she licked your juices off her fingers, then she let you have a taste.
🐈‍⬛ You hummed around her fingers, moaning at the taste. "How is it, sweet girl? Do you taste good?"
🐈‍⬛ "Yes Mistress, never tasted anything like it before." You said sweetly, making Wanda smile.
🐈‍⬛ "Mm, you do taste amazing. Mistress wants you to taste her now."
🐈‍⬛ Your eyes widened- was that allowed? You felt like getting to taste Wanda was a privilege only the very best should be allowed to have.
🐈‍⬛ Your mouth watered at the thought. If Mistress was inviting you, then surely it was okay.
🐈‍⬛ "Yes, Mistress." She helped you get on your knees in front of her, mind racing at what was about to happen.
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akutasoda · 3 months
I think Jing Yuan is definitely the type to cling to his lover and just NOT let go.
You're smaller than him? Perfect! Good luck trying to move this humanized cat out of your lap. (Spoiler; you can't)
Taller than him? Still perfect! Hope you like having to carry the Xianzhou general around while he just attaches himself to you. Arms and legs wrapped around your torso while he rests his head on your shoulder.
It was charming the way he acted when you even came into his peripheral vision. He could be having a normal chat with someone, but the moment he sensed your presence, it would immediately be "oh, seems like something very important just came up" while the biggest cat grin would appear on his face as he walked up to you.
"Loooove~" You didn't even have the time to react before feeling his weight drop on your back. "Missed you." It had been a total of 30 minutes since the last time he had seen you.
You can't even bring yourself to tell him to let you work or for him to get off of you. How could you? Look at that goddam adorable (—ω—) smile he has on his face; it felt almost illegal to even give him a side-eye.
You two always made everyone so confused. Jing Yuan is known for his incredible strength and intelligence, and here he is acting like a neglected cat around you (something he would say after you didn't pet him for 0.1 nanoseconds).
And God forbid you actually push him away, saying "not now" or something like that. He's gonna obviously oblige to your request, but you can bet all your credits that he WILL look like a kicked puppy after it. (How dare you) So much so that Fu Xuan had to come find you and ask for you to "fix" him.
And she will make you fix him so he can go back to work properly.
"You're so..." You tried to speak, but something inside your head wouldn't allow you to be mean towards Jing Yuan when he stared at you with such lovesick eyes. Only a grunt escaped your lips as you opened your arms to invite him for a hug. In which he took it gladly.
You could feel the smug grin on his face; his plan worked perfectly to get you to give him attention again. "Love you too," he purred. (Ps: Mimi wants to join your cuddling sessions too)
(Ps 2: In this house we believe in touch starved Jing Yuan 🫡 )
i am in full support of touch starved jing yuan 🫡
he absolutely would have no shame in draping himself on you or holding you anywhere, anytime. who's going to dare say something to the general?
your presence would be something he'd grow all too fond of. it'd become his personal safe space. affter all this time he could finally have somebody who wasn't going to leave him, somewhere that felt like home, somewhere he could feel loved without the worries of titles and upholding appearances.
at home he'd be even worse. he'd follow you around from room to room and whenever you stopped he'd have to have atleast one arm around you, personal space just doesn't exist in his opinion. mimi would catch on to his actions and would start copying them and so whenever you walked around at home you'd have two lost cats trailing after you and your affection.
uwwe his hair would be so fluffy as well! it'd tickle your face whenever he buried his face in the crook of your neck, i think i would just have the urge to play with his hair especially if i knew i wasn't going to be leaving anytime soon!
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holylulusworld · 4 months
All the pie in the world
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Summary: It’s Dean's 45th birthday and you will celebrate it.
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Warnings: fluff, mentions of near-death experience, implied naughtiness, fuck canon, Dean is alive for my story
A/N: A short drabble for his 45th birthday. Take this canon. You cannot stop me!
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A single moment. One false step and you almost lost him.
You always feared this is how you are going to lose Dean. In a battle, killed by one of the many things that bump in the night.
It was a close call.
Since that day, you have tried to make the best out of every day you can spend with Dean. Especially when the day is his special day.
January the 24th – his birthday.
You are going to celebrate the day as if there is no tomorrow. When you live the life of a hunter, you never know what will happen next.
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“What is all of this?” Sam watches you carry another pie inside the library. You decorated the whole room with balloons, a huge banner saying Happy 45th Birthday, and garlands. “Y/N?”
“A pie for Dean’s birthday,” you quip and go back to decorating the library for the surprise party you planned for Dean’s birthday.
Not many of your friends are still alive, and the rest won’t make it in time for the party. But this didn’t keep you from cooking and baking all night to give Dean the best 45th birthday he could imagine.
“There are like ten pies on the table,” Sam furrows his brows. “Why did you bake so many pies? We are three people and an angel.”
“You only live once,” you shrug before going back to decorating the table. “Dean will get as many pies as he can eat. He’ll get all the pie in the world. I made one of every sort he loves. So, stop moping and help me decorate the room. Dean will be back any minute. He wanted to go for a ride and enjoy the snow is gone.”
“I hope he won’t have a heart attack after eating all the pie,” Sam jokes. “You know he won’t be able to stop eating a slice of every pie you baked for his birthday. His stomach will combust.”
You grin. “That’s the plan, Sam. I will feed my man with so much pie he’ll never complain about getting old again. Dean will be busy complaining about his stomach. I’ll give him belly rubs and—”
“STOP!” Sam raises his hands. “I don’t want to know what comes after the belly rubs.” He shudders. “Please don’t tell me more. No one deserves to hear about the things you and Dean do in the dark.”
“Aw, we don’t do it in the dark, sweet Sammy,” you pat Sam’s chest. “We do it in the morning, during lunch. Sometimes even while having lunch.” You smirk and continue. “Dinner is always special. Dean loves having a snack before the main course. Oh, and we leave the light on. I wanna see the stallion I call my boyfriend when I—”
“I didn’t hear a thing.” Sam puts his index fingers in his ears. “I hate you. Both of you!”
“Sammy! Sweetheart!” Dean calls for you and his brother. “I’m back. Damn, the ride was awesome, and Baby purred like a cat for me. I bet she knows it’s my birth—” He stops in his tracks to drink the decoration in. He hums and wrinkles his nose looking at the big forty-five laughing in his face.
“Happy birthday baby,” you jump in Dean’s arms, giggling as he easily lifts you and helps you wrap your legs around his waistline. “You look good today.” You peck his lips. “We have pie, homemade lasagna, beer, booze, and later…” You dip your head to whisper in his ear. “I’m going to put whipped cream on every important part of you and lick it off.”
“Uh-“ he swallows thickly. “Can we go to the whipped cream part first?” Dean grins when you shake your head. “What else do you have to offer.”
“Ten pies,” Sam says. He points at the table. “Your girlfriend lost her mind, but we still love her.” He says. “I’d hug you and wish you a happy birthday too, but you are occupied with cuddling.”
“We are not cuddling,” Dean grunts, and smirks at his brother. “Not yet, bitch!”
“Jerk,” Sam retorts as always. “Happy birthday man, you don’t look bad for your age.” He grins. “How about you open my present before you unpack something else.”
You let go of Dean and wrap him in a bear hug, whispering Happy birthday again. Sam takes your place when you step away. He hugs his brother and holds him for a moment.
They part after a few moments and nod at each other. Sam steps away and watches his brother sit on a chair.
“I want pie first.” You laugh at Dean’s words. “A slice of every sort!” He exclaims while hungrily staring at the pies on the table. “Damnit, I’ll need bigger pants after this birthday…”
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