spirkbitch · 8 months
Thinking about how, in The Tholian Web, Spock shows that he respects and understands McCoy by approaching him on a human level and calling him “Bones” (like Jim would do)
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...and then McCoy shows he respects and understands Spock by granting him his dignity despite the emotional weight of the situation and calling him “Captain” (like Jim would do)
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...and then both of them team up to charmingly bald-faced lie to Kirk to convince him that they never had time to watch his last orders, so they couldn't possibly have taken his advice...
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(like Jim would do)
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spirkbitch · 8 months
my younger sibling brought up spirk to our dad and asked his opinion of it and he said “i think they’re good friends”
okay sure
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spirkbitch · 8 months
Edith: “ In the future, we will go to space in spaceships!”
Kirk and Spock, who are from the future and live on a spaceship:
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spirkbitch · 8 months
Saw that a new coworker had a generic Star Trek sticker on her car.
Me: "You like Star Trek? Me too! My favorite is The Next Generation."
Her: "Oh my gosh me too!"
Shocked. Overjoyed. Never before seen: a soulmate coworker. Already compiling my list of top 45 episodes for discussion and comparison.
Her: "Yeah Chris Pine is so hot. I'm glad they made a next generation cause my parents used to watch all the old ones from the 90's and they were so boring."
Cause of death: blunt force psychic trauma.
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spirkbitch · 9 months
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spirkbitch · 9 months
hey @starrycrowsx thanks for the tag <3
3 ships: spirk (obvi), cherik (never post about it but i’d die for them, and i can’t think of another one rn that i currently ship
first ever ship: not 100% sure but it was definitely something from twilight (like probably alice/rosalie? idk i was like 8)
last song: I Think It’s Gonna Rain Today by Leonard Nimoy
last movie: star trek: the undiscovered country
currently reading: a whole lot of fanfiction (my favorite series is supposed to have a new book soon and i haven’t found any other books i like so i’m just waiting for that)
currently watching: legacies (my sibling made me but it’s pretty cool)
currently consuming: coffee
currently craving: idk honestly, i wanna make tomato soup but i’m not even excited to eat it i just like making it
(i’m just gonna tag the last few names i’ve seen in my notifs so no pressure if you don’t wanna do it!)
@soufre-de-paris @crowleyesss @ohno0gg @pulsar-1919
Thanks for the tag, @diddys-bong-quest!
1. 3 ships: The Enterprise D, Enterprise E, and the Valdor type Romulan Warbird (they're the ones in Nemesis). I know this is about relationships but I'll explain in however long it takes for your face orbs to move down to question 2.
2. first ever ship: Picard/Crusher. I was 12. I accidentally clicked on a fanvid of them with the song "Far Away" by Nickelback and my brain chemistry permanently rewired. They are basically my only "ship" but I've started watching X-Files and lemme tell ya, there's some vibes with Muldy and Sculz that are RESONATING.
3. last song: "Alone" by Coco and the Butterfields. It's a good one. Nice build up.
4. last movie: Erin Brockovich. I'll be honest, not as good as I was led to believe but still interesting. Difficult to crunch real stories into 120 minutes.
5. currently reading: Making my way (downtown) through the Shatverse Trek novels and I love them so much. They are ridiculous and exactly what I'd expect from Shatty's brain.
6. currently watching: Lower Decks, X-Files, and Ghosts (BBC version)
7. currently consuming: Costco chocolate chip cookies. They are deadly and divine.
8. currently craving: Pho with udon noodles. Also, the ocean (not to eat)
Okay, tag time (no pressure to play):
@cleverlycrusher, @dustydahorse, @gingaaaaa, @superilovejeanluc, @driftwoodthrone, @grissomesque
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spirkbitch · 9 months
someone said “kirk sucks and spock deserves better” implying that spones is the “better” relationship for spock
i’m sorry what? like ship what you want but literally every chance he gets (whenever kirks gone lol) bones is calling spock names and making fun of his lack of emotions while also undermining his authority
and other people in the replies were actually explaining their reasoning, (for shipping spones over spirk) like how the relationship development is more interesting than spirk (valid) or how they like the dynamic better (i don’t but also valid)
so like, yeah it’s a show and obviously it doesn’t actually matter what you ship but personally i very much disagree with the idea that bones is what spock deserves or that it would be a healthier relationship like that person was trying to imply
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spirkbitch · 9 months
Bones with his whole ass black outfit only being in one episode of star trek...seems... CRIMINAL ITS A CRIME AGAINST THE FEDERATION!!!!
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spirkbitch · 9 months
i’m so sorry but every time i see anyone playing Spock all i can think of is how much i wish they were Leonard Nimoy
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spirkbitch · 9 months
genuine question, why ship spones over spirk? like nothing wrong with it obviously, i just don’t really see it (spirk clouds my vision)
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spirkbitch · 9 months
There was some random star trek watcher in 1966 who was like "so those two space dudes are def fucking right?" And accidentally changed the course of human history and fandom culture for the rest of time and honestly? Queen shit.
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spirkbitch · 9 months
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the bucket hat doesn't even hide his ears, he just wanted to accessorize
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spirkbitch · 9 months
How you people watch a show but are not in the fandom is wild to me, like wdym you can consume a piece of media without it consuming yourself? You guys don’t obsess to the point of madness over those fictional people? Just me?
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spirkbitch · 9 months
If the writers and the actors both say “this character would have been queer but the censors wouldn’t allow it”, then the character IS queer.
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spirkbitch · 9 months
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Closeup of Kirk and Spock moving behind Chekov. Kirk is lifting his left arm to place it on Spock and "whisper into his ear". Too bad their heads are cut, so we can't be 100% sure it's what they're actually doing LOL
On a more serious note, Kirk and Spock are lucky their friends and coworkers are used to them being like that, because I certainly wouldn't.
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[Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country]
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spirkbitch · 9 months
If the writers and the actors both say “this character would have been queer but the censors wouldn’t allow it”, then the character IS queer.
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spirkbitch · 9 months
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them <3
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