#mihawk x reader
luxthestrange · 3 days
OP Incorrect quotes#37 Ranks
Y/n*Wanting to adopt Zoro & Perona when they arrive in the castle and find out both are orphans* As top in this relationship, I think we should- Mihawk*Looking up from his newspaper, slightly...offended* I can't believe you're pulling rank on me...
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turtletaubwrites · 3 days
Numbers Game ~ Part 23
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Pairings: Cross Guild x Fem!Reader x Shanks
Numbers Game Masterlist
Word Count: 4090
Ao3 Link
Series Playlist: Youtube Music Link | Youtube Link
Summary: Party's about to start. Can everybody pull themselves together amidst more untimely confrontations?
Author's Note: Heeyyy, so still hella drama, but not nearly as much trauma this time around. And of course, the smut! There's a new symbol for POV shifting. ⏰ paired with one or more of the boys will be a flashback of their past. I hope you enjoy! (Smutty flashbacks occur during adulthood of all parties involved!)
Alternate POV Symbols:
🌲 ~ Flashbacks from Reader's Past | 🐊 ~ Crocodile | 🗡 ~ Mihawk | 🤡 ~ Buggy | 🔴 ~ Shanks | ⏰ ~ Flashbacks for listed POV | ⚫ ~ Scenes depicting panic attacks &/or big trauma (These symbols bracket sections to denote the POV shift)
!!! SPOILER WARNING !!! Fic contains spoilers for the end of the Wano arc
Rating/Warnings: Author May Choose to Exclude some Warnings to Avoid Spoilers for Certain Chapters, Explicit Sexual Content, 18+ ONLY, MDNI, AFAB!Reader, She/Her Pronouns for Reader, Reader-Insert, Use of Y/N, Dark Content, Blood & Violence, PTSD, Panic Attacks, Dissociation, Grief, Swearing, Alcohol, Cigars, Smut, Fluff, Angst, Guilt, Drama, Jealousy, Manipulation, Pet Names, Power Imbalance, Cross Guild boys are VILLAINS, Possessive Behavior, Teasing, Threats, Size Difference, Daddy Kink, Blowjobs, Inappropriate Use of Akuma no Mi | Devil Fruit Powers, Shameless Shameless Smut, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
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Gods, he’s dull.
He stared at you from across the decadent table, though the candlelight dancing in the crystal glasses was all you wanted to look at. 
“I hear you’re quite the mathematician,” the faceless suitor cooed, almost pulling you out of your daze. “That you’re actually working at a bank?”
“Yes, I—“
“What a unique hobby,” he patronized, making you fight not to roll your eyes.
Not worth it. Not even close.
I love the way he touches me.
You stopped your mind, refusing to go down the dangerous road it was headed. Enjoying every last moment of pretend with them was all you needed. You couldn’t lose yourself in comfort and hope so deep that you forgot it was about to end. 
Yet, those long, dangerous fingers were so good at making you forget everything. 
Mihawk’s touch could be cruel, vicious, intoxicating. Yet, there was something different about times like these as he helped you get ready for the party. Right now, his fingers felt reverent. 
He was a sculptor. An artist who valued beauty, and pleasure above all things. You were both his medium, and his muse. You were the clay, and the marble. His teasing, dancing fingers would call you forth, bringing you out to meet the world. 
Bringing you to life.
Just need to enjoy it. Enjoy his scent, his touch, his hypnotizing voice. 
I’ll take these daydreams with me.
“How’s my little rabbit? Would you like an espresso?”
Huffing a laugh after he caught you in a yawn, you felt yourself slipping. Slipping into grief while you ached to savor every moment you could, but your body wouldn’t let you. Exhaustion was ripping you into useless pieces.
“Do I have enough time for a nap?”
The pity in his eyes turned your stomach.
It’s true. This is my last night.
“Of course, darling. I’ll wake you when it’s time to finish up.”
Gratitude couldn’t leave your lips, even after he wrapped your hair in silk, laying you gently on that massive bed. Even as he left you in the dark. 
Yet, gratitude filled you for the sleep that came quickly, instead of leaving you to scream against the pain and rage in your heart. 
No dreams. 
Thank fuck for no dreams.
Mihawk snuck out of the darkened suite, flashing his golden eyes toward Crocodile’s heavy steps while he shut the door softly. 
Scowling at the swordsman, Crocodile tried to shove down the unease that had been building all fucking day. Y/N. Red Hair. Y/N. Mihawk. Y/N. The stupid, fucking party. 
And the thought of how Y/N would react to the party favors.
Crocodile chided himself, wishing he’d explained it to her before everything got fucked. Now his sweet girl was gonna see—
“She’s taking a nap.” Mihawk cut off that spiral, his hushed tone relaxing as he moved away from the door. “I’ll help her finish soon, she just needs…”
“Is she alright?”
Mihawk tried not to let the guilt in his gut pour out of him, meeting those silver eyes before nodding toward the middle suite. Noting the tension buzzing through Crocodile’s large body. 
“Answer me,” he demanded, fighting to keep his voice down. The ex-warlord wanted to be farther away so he could let this feeling out, but he couldn’t go too far from her. Not when she needed him like this. 
“Our numbers girl is not well,” Mihawk reported, sinking into self hatred as the image of her tired eyes haunted him. “Can we do this party without her? Can we let her sleep?”
Crocodile wanted to ride on his anger, but the weakness in the swordsman’s voice made him pause. 
He cares for her.
“Let’s let her decide,” he rasped, resisting the urge to run into that room to hold her, to beg at her feet for her to stay. The thought of her staying because she feared his reaction made his bones ache, not sure of anything he could do that wouldn’t hurt her. He slumped onto the edge of the bed, his own exhaustion remarkably heavier than after a brutal fight. 
The crack of wood beneath him made him curse, hoping he hadn’t woken his sweet girl. 
“Did you just break the bed,” Mihawk choked, fighting a laugh as the terrifying ex-warlord ungracefully pulled himself up from the caved-in mattress, shards of wood scattered across the lovely carpet. 
“I wasn’t paying attention,” he sighed, nudging a hunk of splintered wood with a freshly shined shoe. 
“I’m amazed that our little green couch has survived this long,” Mihawk teased. He walked toward the larger man, almost forgetting for a moment. 
“I like that couch,” Crocodile grumbled, still frowning at the destruction he’d caused so casually. 
I’m gonna hurt her without even meaning to. I hurt everything.
“I think we all like that couch,” the swordsman purred, resting his hand on Crocodile’s arm. Guilt was almost stuffing itself down while he distracted himself, focusing on the man before him.
“Is that where you and Red Hair were last night? Enjoying our couch while our girl needed us?”
The words came out in a quiet rage, but rage nonetheless. The fact that Crocodile hadn’t already hurt this golden eyed liar was making him dizzy. 
She needs us. It’ll hurt her. Can’t hurt her. Won’t hurt her. 
A constant mantra to keep himself from violence. Y/N’s gorgeous, frightened eyes were like a muzzle in his mind. The urge to bite wasn’t trained away yet, his body just one small push away from giving in.
Never again. 
He still felt sick. 
Mihawk removed his hand, a strange laughter struggling to leave his throat. After what he’d done to Y/N, he hadn’t given a thought to how his new lover might be feeling about his old one. It never even crossed his mind. 
I haven’t changed at all. 
“Your close friend,” Crocodile hissed, clenching his fist, trying so fucking hard to navigate anger without violence. 
Fuck. Maybe she won’t miss this asshole if I kill him. Maybe. 
“Yes, we—“
“You’re gonna leave with them, aren’t you?” His fears rocked through him. The ones he hadn’t let fully take shape in his mind. “You’re gonna take Y/N, and Buggy, and you… you’re all gonna leave the monster behind.”
Crocodile hated every pathetic sound that had just left his lips. He sat down against the wall to avoid breaking more furniture, but it only reminded him of last night. His sweet girl, trusting him with her deepest pain. Trusting him to protect her. Heat filled his throat, and he wanted to spit it out.
“It’s up to her,” Mihawk whispered, not sure what to feel as he watched this mountain of a man clench his eyes shut in pain, not from battle, but from the fear of losing…
Mihawk joined him on the floor, trying not to care about his coat. He leaned his head back against the wall, too tired to resist these new, uncomfortable urges. This new, uncomfortable need to stop hurting everyone. To care. To try.
“I’m sorry I brought him into bed without asking you.”
Crocodile sighed, too caught up to think about how many times Dracule fucking Mihawk had apologized to him the last few days. One time was wild enough, and it seemed to be a lie. 
This time…
“Why did you act like he didn’t mean anything to you,” he whispered, letting this conversation take part of his mind away from his worries about her. 
Mihawk let out a harsh laugh, covering those pretty eyes with his hands while he stretched and groaned, arching his back toward the ceiling. 
Why is all of this so fucking hard? 
“I acted like that because I am a liar,” he confessed, waiting for the sting of a hook that didn’t come. “I lied to myself. I was a coward, and a bad person.”
They both gave a tiny smile, surprised to catch that look on the other’s face when the two ex-warlords met eyes. 
“Trying not to be a monster is proving to be a more difficult challenge than I had anticipated.”
Truth, painful truth filled the swordsman’s words, and Crocodile didn’t fight his new, uncomfortable need.
His need to care for all of his beautiful, little lovers. To keep them from pain.
“We’re partners, right? How about we help each other with that,” he offered, spreading his arm out wide, hoping Mihawk would join him. Needing it. Needing all of them. “Maybe mean ol’ Crocodile, and his selfish little prince can learn not to be monsters. At least not to everyone.”
“I thought you hated liars,” Mihawk teased, scanning the other man for hints of violence. Trying to process all of those strange words. 
“I’m trying out this new thing,” he huffed, shaking his head while he waited for warmth beside him. “Don’t get used to it.”
Mihawk gave a real laugh now, cutting himself off to stay quiet. He scooted over, resting his head against Crocodile’s chest while that terrifying and comforting arm curled around him. 
This is nice, they both thought.
“You know, I was still pretty naughty,” Mihawk purred, unable to resist. “You should probably punish me any–”
“Oh, you’ll get what you deserve, little prince,” Crocodile chuckled. He let himself have just this moment to relax. To feel like things were alright. “Daddy’ll take care of ya.”
“You can suck my dick after the show, Red Hair.”
Shanks loved Buggy even more for the laugh he’d managed to pull free from his rotten soul. 
“Buggy, please,” he begged, shamefully begged. “Do you have any time to talk?”
The clown narrowed his eyes at his old friend, concern creeping around him at the strain in his voice, the tightness in his eyes. 
“What’s wrong,” Buggy hissed, pulling him into the private dressing room. A light blush heated all the way up to his ears from the thought of their last rendezvous here. That heat died quickly, his blood running cold at the bitter laughter that left the red haired pirate’s throat.
What’s wrong with him?
“I’m so sorry, Bugs, I’m sorry I– fuck, I’m being so selfish,” Shanks started rambling, pacing and pacing while his hand flexed, gesturing out with a tension Buggy’d never seen before. “No, I shouldn’t do this now. Not before your show. Sorry, Bugs, you should go have a good show. I’ll just… I’ll talk to you after. I’m sorry.”
Buggy’s floating hand slammed the door closed when Shanks tried to leave, his other hand pulling him around by his cloak. 
“Are you fucking kidding me,” he hissed, eyes wide while he tried to figure out what sort of drug could have made Shanks babble like this. Made him look this scared, this sick. “You can’t do ominous shit like this, and then just leave without telling me what the fuck is going on! Did someone fucking die? Why are you freaking out right now?”
“You’re right.” Shanks let out a pained laugh, leaning his back against the mirrored wall. “I don’t know what I’m doing.”
The clown glared, but nothing else came loose. He shook the other pirate, shaking his shoulders until those desperate, brown eyes met his.
“What you’re doing is telling me what the fuck is wrong with you, shithead.”
“That was always my favorite nickname,” Shanks smiled, eyes going dreamy.
“You know it’s silly to keep blaming me for that,” Shanks teased, trailing his fingers along Buggy’s bare shoulders as the clown took off his shoes. Taking too long to undress while they had another fake argument about Buggy swallowing the devil fruit he’d stolen when they were kids. 
“Well, I’m just a silly clown then,” Buggy grumbled, tossing a shoe against the wall without much force before kicking off his pants. “Just a–” 
“Just my silly clown,” Shanks purred after propping up his straw hat on the nightstand. He pushed that lovely, blue hair aside to breathe kisses up Buggy’s neck.
“I’m not yours, shithead,” he argued, though the fierceness faded into need fast when Shanks’ hand reached around his side to tease along his chest and stomach. Buggy couldn’t handle anything Shanks did or said. Rivals, friends, or this, he was always overwhelmed. 
Especially this. 
Shanks’ compliments and flirtations had always flustered and infuriated him, but now… Now he couldn’t think anytime his new lover was near. His lover. His boyfriend? His Shanks. He would tease, and play, and make him lose his mind. Could hardly get through a conversation without his face getting hot. 
It was amazing. Incredible. Still… unbelievable. Still waiting for his beautiful lover to fall for the next stranger they met. To meet someone as perfect as he was. To fess up that this was just a joke after all.
That I’m just a joke.
Just a silly clown.
Those fears were hard to remember with Shanks’ lips on his skin. With the lovely lies he’d whisper in his ear. With the way he said his name like that.
“Buggy,” Shanks rasped, sinking to his knees between Buggy’s legs at the edge of the bed. “How about I make it up to you?”
Shanks loved saying that. He loved watching Buggy’s eyes flutter, seeing his breath catch. 
One day I’ll make him believe me.
The red haired pirate was determined to make his lover feel beautiful. He’d seen the world be cruel, he’d fought that cruel world for Buggy, with Buggy. 
I’ll make him smile. 
“Do you want me to tell you what to do, baby,” he purred, hands stroking down Buggy’s inner thighs. “Or does my silly clown wanna be in charge right now?”
“Shut up, and suck my dick already, idiot– mmn, fuck yeah.”
Shanks hummed, taking his lover’s balls into his mouth while he started stroking along that perfect length. Buggy always got so hard, so fast, and Shanks’ eyes rolled back at the feel of those thick veins against his skin. 
“I said–”
Shanks grinned at Buggy’s order, cutting him off. He swirled his tongue around the tip, moaning softly at the taste of him. He teased and sucked that sensitive head, pulling away with a popping sound while he watched every little twitch Buggy gave him. 
“Stop teasing.”
“But you’re doing so well for me, baby,” Shanks praised, his voice and eyes dark as Buggy’s head fell back, starting to beg. “So good for—“
“F-fuck, Shanks…”
“Sorry, Bugs,” he gloated, kissing the tip one more time. “Let me make it up to you.”
“Gods, don’t stop! Please.”
Feeling Buggy shake, hearing him beg, whimper, and whine for him, was one of Shanks’ favorite things in the world. There was no one like him. No one more deserving, no one who needed him more. 
He stopped his rhythm just long enough to let Buggy shiver at the slow, tight pressure of Shanks taking him all in, his throat like heaven to the clown that had fallen back against the mattress. The rhythm built again, built until the clown’s still-gloved hands gripped the sheets. Shanks felt a momentary twinge that he hadn't noticed the gloves before, but then his mind was gone, drowning in Buggy, drowning in all that come down his throat, and the sound of his name on those red lips. 
“Shanks,” Buggy cried out, back arching from the insane pleasure that Shanks kept giving him. Spilling his need down that gorgeous, eager throat would never stop feeling like a dream. Never stop feeling like this. 
The red haired pirate couldn’t help but tease, making his clown twitch when he licked his tip again, drained of every last drop. He laughed at Buggy’s gasp, then crawled up beside him, not caring about the colors on his face when he stole a kiss. 
“So,” Shanks smirked as he rested his head on Buggy’s chest. “Did that make up for–”
“No,” Buggy scoffed, struggling to keep a cheesy smile off of his face. “Not even close, shithead.”
“Hey, idiot! Are you on drugs? I told Mohji not to share with–”
The giggle that Shanks let out did not help his case, but he tried. 
He tried to figure out how to do or say anything with this weight on him. He felt like he was being crushed beneath all this guilt, this disgust, this fear that he’d ruined his own happiness, and how selfish that thought felt after all he’d done. 
And now he was piling it all onto Buggy before his big show. 
How do I stop being such a fucking asshole?
Buggy was very close to slapping him. Really fucking wanted to. Why wait–
“I fucked up,” Shanks admitted, his arm hanging loose at his side. He paused again, and Buggy pulled his hands away from the red haired man’s cloak, releasing him, and readying himself to beat the shit out of his drug-addled friend.
“I have too many apologies to give you right now. I’m sorry. I should have said it sooner, and I shouldn’t have come and ruined your pre show yellfest.”
“There wasn’t much to ruin,” Buggy laughed, still watching Shanks like he was a cornered animal. “Apparently I’m good at my job now.”
“You’ve always been good, Bug–”
“Don’t fucking do that.”
Shanks’ breath caught at the sudden anger in Buggy’s voice. Real anger. Not the play anger they always had. 
“I’m sorry, Bugs. What do you mean?”
“What do you mean,” Buggy mocked, stepping back as his body disconnected, pieces floating up and around while he snapped. “Your favorite fucking sentence. You always just swoop in, and act like nothing bad ever happened! You act all sweet, say all this shit, and fucking touch me like– It’s not fair! You’re too…”
Red Haired Shanks had never looked like this. All of Buggy’s pieces stopped moving while he stared his old friend. He’d never looked this wrecked, not even when he was blacked out, and throwing up over the side of the ship. He always looked dreamy eyed, or just too fucking relaxed, no matter what was happening. The most negativity he’d show Buggy was just mild, teasing annoyance, and even then, he’d slip into flirting almost instantly.
Right now Shanks looked like he was falling to pieces. 
Buggy’s words were knives through the gut, tearing him down, almost dragging him to his knees. That anger that he’d always ignored was brutal. It was evidence of everything Shanks now hated about himself. Every ugly, selfish mistake was real. 
He’d truly hurt Buggy.
Now he’d hurt the woman he loves. 
And now he might be hurting this strange group of lovers that he’d been so determined to steal his clown back from. 
Not my clown.
“Are you crying,” Buggy shouted as he grabbed Shanks’ face, squeezing his cheeks to force him to look up. Buggy’s head flew down, blinking at the tears in the Emperor of the Sea’s eyes.
“I’m sorry for everything, Buggy,” Shanks mumbled, struggling between the pressure in his throat, and the clown’s grip on his face. “I’m not gonna say I’ll make it up to you this time. I know I say that every time, Bugs… but I’d like to talk about it all later. If you want to.”
“Okay…” Buggy pulled his body together, slowly releasing Shanks’ face, and wondering if he was the one on drugs instead of his old friend. “You swear no one died?”
“I swear,” he laughed, finally a sliver of hope showing through his darkened soul. “Although the party hasn’t started yet.”
“Will you watch out for her for me?”
Buggy’s voice sounded light, but Shanks knew how real his request was. That sliver of hope felt pathetic.
I’m the one that hurt her.
“I will.”
Buggy kissed him before kicking him out, and Shanks stood there, frozen in shame until performers cussed at him for being in the way. 
Can I fucking drink now?
Beautiful, they both thought while they looked at their numbers girl.
Mihawk’s guilt over treating her like a toy, and dressing her up like a doll was almost forgotten when she’d let him trail his hands over her skin, her hair, let him play with her. Y/N was always stunning, but he couldn’t wait to turn her around for Crocodile to see after he’d accentuated her features. 
It was incredibly satisfying to watch that frightening face melt at the sight of her. 
What a strange, lovely girl, to bring so many villains to their knees. 
The swordsman was already on his knees for her, and would gladly do so again, smiling to himself at the thought. 
“Are you ready, little rabbit,” he rasped, standing to offer her his hand. Crocodile could see her shaking at the vanity, and he had to move toward her, coming to stand beside his little prince. 
“We’re right here with you, sweet girl,” he promised, wanting to take her and run, to leave the fucking guild behind just to see her real smile again. 
“I’m ready,” Y/N cleared her throat, that perfect mask of a smile hiding his girl away. He didn’t even care that she’d lied. 
They weren’t supposed to touch you at the party. A firm rule you’d set in place, needing to be seen as professional to maintain respect with these contacts, even if they assumed the truth anyway. 
It was always about the image you showed, not the truth behind it. No truths in this world.
Just need enough berry to paint a pretty picture. 
You couldn’t decide if you regretted the no touching rule or not. Which option was less likely to make you cry in front of all the guests?
Here they come.
You almost smirked at the twitching in Crocodile and Mihawk's hands as they stood beside you, watching the line come closer. Buggy had to wait backstage for the show, so his executives and CFO would be greeting the guests. 
The guest list was seared into your mind. You had obsessed, going over and over it, making sure that only the right people showed, making sure that their plus one’s were up to your standards. 
Each guest could bring a maximum of two personal guards. Crocodile had fought you on that, but he’d finally agreed that not a single rich sleaze bag would be brave enough to meet with a bunch of pirates without security. He did insist that sea prism stone would be confiscated at the gate, and that all the guards would be tested to ensure no devil fruit users would be attending. 
You knew every single thing about the guests heading up those steps, yet you still scanned each one as you turned on that Sylvad charm. 
Mihawk and Crocodile seemed to radiate the opposite of charm, and you were glad you were part of the greeting party, otherwise the guests might have all run screaming.
“Do you have to be so scary,” you scolded with a laugh. “You’re making my job harder here.”
“Come now, rabbit. You have them all wrapped around your little finger,” Mihawk teased, his voice bringing a flush to your skin that you tried to ignore.
“That’s Mayor Kottley, isn't it?” Crocodile flicked his eyes toward the ostentatious man in a bowler hat that was taking his time strutting up the steps. “The one with the brothel–”
“Shh,” you swallowed a laugh, your eyes wide. You tried to get your face straight, but couldn’t resist asking. “How did you know that?”
“My sweet girl's notes are very thorough, and very entertaining.”
A true smile started.
Almost forgot. I almost forgot it’s over.
That thought made it easier to find your face again, the pride and warmth that had flooded your veins drifting away. 
Guest after guest after guest. So many annoying people with condescending smiles. This was not the kind of pretend you wanted.
At least I get to help them all before it’s over. At least I matter that much.
“Sweetheart,” Crocodile interrupted your spiral, his voice reminding you to breathe and smile. “You know what this guild is for, right? Sorry, of course you do…. I just forgot to warn you. We're gonna be doing that tonight.”
“Doing wha—“
“Well, don’t you look lovely, Y/N. And here I thought you hated parties.”
That voice came from a tall, handsome man in a conservative, yet expensive suit. The scent of citrus and cedarwood moved with him when he kissed your hand.
It’s over.
“Hello, Uncle Cedrick.”
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Likes, comments, and reblogs bring me much ✨dopamine✨ thank you!!
a/n: Hi!!! How's everybody doing? Please don't kill me for the cliffhanger, there's sooo much going on with this party, lol. Also, I hope you don't mind that I decided against describing reader's dress, hair, and makeup (besides "accentuating features") for the party. I had some ideas, but I figured your ideas would work better for you! Numbers Girl will pretty much always be wearing dresses though since Daddy Croc likes them, and Mihawk enjoys the easy access 😅
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Tag List: @shewrites02 | @caniseethefourthsword | @hey-august | @chaoticqueen33 | @destinationmars | @novakitten0901 | @h0n3y-l3m0n05 | @dorky-birdie | @szired | @pinejayy | @laws-wife-things | @jadeddangel | @gingernut1314 | @urlocaltwink | @blue-rae18 | @bontensbabygirl | @bbnbhm | @0-sparkling-lace-0 | @ihearthazuki | @mikisspeak | @djloveyou3000 | @mercymccann
Part 23
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Operation Olive Branch has compiled a working spreadsheet of ways to help families fleeing from the genocide in Palestine. If you enjoyed this fic, and are able, please click the link to find a list of GoFundMe's, as well as other ways to help.
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feet010 · 15 hours
(This is not the majority this is just a good portion of fanfics)
I hate when people don't portray a character correctly in a fanfic physically (unless stated in title but I'm talkin about canon fics)😭
I hate to break it to y'all, but unless ur talking about pre-timeskip Law (usually said in title). He is NOT a skinny twink emo boy, blud is BULKED UP
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Abs made of steel
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59 notes · View notes
Love is a killer that never dies (part 3)
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Dracule Mihawk x reader. NSFW!! Discussion of dub-con.
Sex Pollen!AU for the short series that began with Built a haven for your love (until I let you fall apart). Can be read as a standalone.
This is part three of four.
Title taken by another song by Beast in Black -Born Again- since it's not part of the main continuity. Kuraigana Island is Mihawk's home in the manga/anime.
Shanks being in a relationship with his crew's doctor is an allusion to this headcanon list and then to this fic, even though they take place in a different continuity.
He would have expected pain to keep him awake, but in the end fatigue got the best of him, his body and mind welcoming the vague, unsatisfactory relief of a fitful sleep from which, the swordsman had no doubt, he would awake feeling more tired than before. He dreamed of her, dreams both lurid and terrifying in which he assaulted (name) to satisfy his needs, or where she gladly let him take her in his arms, before disappearing in thin air a moment before Mihawk could kiss her, the slumber interspersed with moments of pure delirium, in which the swordsman heard the name of the woman he loved leave his lips in a neverending prayer, and his hands ran all over his body in the attempt to give him even just a moment of respite - and failing miserably. 
What he felt now went beyond desire, feelings or arousal; his own body was revolting against him, devouring him from the inside. Mihawk had never felt so helpless, so aware of his own frailty and mortality, frustrated by his own inability to save himself… and by the burning awareness that the only person who could help him was peacefully sleeping three corridors from him, just a call away and at the same time more unreachable than if they had been on different planets.
He had to make use of the water basin two more times. In the end, disgusted by the horrible taste in his mouth, not to mention the fact that he was covered in sweat from head to toe, he dragged himself to the bathroom to clean himself; a long shower made him feel marginally better, but it didn’t help cooling down his spirits, no matter how cold he turned the water on.
A new day had dawned out of his window; Mihawk fatalistically wondered if he’d be still alive to see the end of it. He was hard again, all the little remaining energies of his body concentrated on the stubborn erection rising as if to mock him; lying on his back, Mihawk was wondering whether it was worth rubbing it or he might as well leave it, since it would return soon in any case, when suddenly
Toc toc. “Mihawk?”
he heard. 
He freezed.
The knocking on the door occurred again a moment later. “Mihawk, it is (name). I’m… I’m sorry to disturb you, but you missed dinner, and the servants who came to get you for breakfast said you didn’t answer.” the woman explained from the other side of the door. Lost in his personal hell of pain and desire, Mihawk had not heard anyone knock or call for him; on the other hand, he really hoped the servants had not heard the sounds he had uttered in the last twelve hours…
“Are you alright? It’s fine if you want to sleep in, of course, but… I just want to make sure you don’t need help…”
She was worried for him. The thought warmed Mihawk’s heart, but at the same time it made it even more difficult to resist simply running to the door to take her into his arms. He wouldn’t impose his attentions on her in any way -he would rather carve his heart out with the Kogatana to present it to (name) by way of apology- but to know she was right there, no more than three paces away, was a temptation no man could resist.
(name). Beautiful (name). Warm, tight (name). Come here, let me hold you, let me kiss you, let me open your legs and make you scream my name…
“Are you unwell? Do you need a doctor?” the woman insisted, having received no answer “Mihawk, can you…?”
“No! No doctors.” he barked suddenly, immediately ashamed of the tone he had used.
“Well, at least I know you’re awake. What are you doing? It’s not like you to dawdle. You have already skipped two meals. Are you not hungry?”
He was; just not for food. “I’m alright.” he answered in the end, a bald-faced lie if he had ever heard one; he had propped himself on an elbow, looking at the room’s closed door and wishing he could see, even just catch a glimpse of, the woman on the other side of it. He knew that would be enough to make him feel better, no matter how ridiculous and pathetic it made him feel “I simply… slept very poorly last night. I just need to rest for a while, if you don’t mind.” 
“... yes?”
“Are you lying to me?”
Silence again; the swordsman could feel his cheeks burn with something different from the fever that was ravaging him. “I’m sorry.” he murmured, barely loud enough for her to hear. 
“You don’t have to apologise. I am not your mother, you don’t owe me anything - not even sincerity; but I can hear you’re unwell, and I worry for you.” (name) confessed; the open concern in her voice was genuine, and while he had known for years the woman cared for him, hearing it filled Mihawk’s heart with a tenderness he had forgotten he could feel “Is there anything I can do to help? Even just calling someone else; if it’s… something you’d rather discuss with a man…”
He smiled to himself. “I don’t have gonorrhoea, (name). And it’s not contagious, so you don’t need to worry.”
“I’m very glad to hear it. Listen, I promise I will not judge you, not now and not ever. I just want to make sure you’re alright.”
The swordsman sighed; he had always prided himself on his stubbornness and willpower, but Shanks was right, this was not how he wanted to die, and irrespective of her feelings for him (name) would help him, he was sure of it.
He forced himself to stand once again. Completely naked, he walked to the door and opened just the minimum necessary to be able to talk to her in a whisper, since that was a conversation they absolutely had to keep private. He forced himself not to look through the gap; his self-control was hanging by a thread, and who knew what would have happened if he only caught sight of her?
“I need you to listen very carefully.” he started “The reason I’m sick… has to do with the flower your cousin gifted you.
“It’s true. It’s not a poisonous plant, but it’s extremely dangerous. Where is it now?”
“Well…” (name) hesitated “I have put it on my balcony; you know, for the light.”
“And it didn’t…” he suddenly couldn’t remember the words to describe what the flower had done to him; Mihawk liked to think he was better-spoken than the average man, but the pain prevented him from thinking clearly “The thing with its pollen; did it do it again?”
“It didn’t; probably because I was careful not to touch it. Is this how you…?”
“It is. (name), it is extremely important that no one approaches that flower; it is possible that it can only… erupt its pollen once, but we can’t risk it. Please, make sure no one touches it.”
“I will.” she immediately answered, clearly willing to trust him even though she couldn’t begin to comprehend the reason; Mihawk, who knew how self-assured she was, and how difficult it was to convince the woman of something she didn’t fully agree with, loved her for that - as well as all the rest.
“Thank you. Second: do you have a doctor at the fortress? Or at least books on medicinal plants in your library?”
“Both things.”
“Good. The name of that flower is Lily of Twilight; I need you to learn all you can on it, especially if you can find a book with a green cover, perhaps your doctor has it. Read it, and… everything will be clear.”
Mihawk bit his lip, clinging to the door jamb. “Before you read, or hear it…” he started, his gaze fixed on the small gap between the door and the wall; if he slipped his hand through it, he thought, he could touch her, feel the softness of her skin under his palm “Know this; I would never, ever hurt you, (name). Whatever the price; I would rather die.”
He heard her flinch. “Mihawk, you are scaring me.” 
“There is no need.” he promised; another lie “Please, do as I told you; it is very important.”
“I promise.” she whispered; suddenly her hand appeared through the gap, her fingers closed around the door jamb. Mihawk would have given half of his blood even just to place a kiss on the back; but everything he allowed himself to do was covering it with his own hand, only for a moment, the chaste contact filling his heart with tenderness.
“Make it quick.”
“I will. You hang on, you hear me?” she insisted “I won’t abandon you.”
Mihawk was sure of it; he let her hand go, and a moment later he had closed the door, the sound of (name)’s hasty pace receding.
Now all he had to do was wait, and Mihawk waited, sitting on the floor -both because he didn’t trust his legs to carry back and forth once more, and because he was tired of lying of that bed, no matter how comfortable it felt- idly caressing his erection and staring at the door.
In the end he fainted - he didn’t fall asleep, he actually lost consciousness, and when (name) returned, almost half an hour later, only her vigorous knocking on the door was able to wake him up. 
“Mihawk? Mihawk! Please, answer! Don’t tell me you’re…”
“I’m here.” he rushed to answer; the last thing he wanted was for the woman to enter to help and find him sprawled on the floor, his ass in the air. The cramps had started once more, hurting so much he couldn’t even sit straight, and when he tried to reach for the door to open it a crack, he found that the muscles of his arm had stopped responding “Did you… find it?”
This time the woman hesitated for a moment before answering. “Yes. Our doctor was with a patient, but in the meantime I found a book similar to the one you mentioned, and he confirmed the informations I read about the Lily of Twilight. I didn’t tell him you were the one affected, I thought you’d rather keep it private.”
Thank the Gods for small mercies. “Thank you.” he murmured; then “What… what do you think?”
“That the flower’s name itself is a deception; lilies don’t look like that.”
Mihawk grinned. “You’re not alone in that view.” 
“Is… is it bad?”
“You mean the physical pain or the other thing?”
“Either way it is very bad. I-I usually endure pain better than the common man, but I’ve never felt like this.” he explained; admitting his weakness, no matter how objectively excruciating, would have normally shamed him, but with (name) it was different - she was different, and the swordsman was all too aware of it, his erection throbbing painfully between his legs “I feel like I’m dying. No, it’s worse than dying, because I have no clue how long it will last.”
Through the door, Mihawk heard (name) grunt - an unladylike sound, proper of a person who acknowledged the problem at hand and prepared to tackle it using every resource at her disposal. “All right, let’s see what we can do.” she started matter-of-factly “My doctor said that it could take several days for this sickness to kill you, but I’d rather solve it as soon as possible, given the fact it may also hurt you at the psychological level. I… don’t know if I ever told you, but there is a brothel here on the island; I could… send for one of the women to come here… or two…”
“I can have my doctor visit them, to make sure they are clean; and… you could tell me what sort of woman you’d rather have…”
One with your height and build. And your colour of hair and eyes. And your face. And your name. The thought had filled Mihawk’s head and heart with such intensity, for a moment the swordsman actually thought he had uttered the words out loud; he had perceived the hesitation in (name)’s voice, and while that might very well have been due to the need to act as a procuress for his friends’ sexual needs, there was another possible explanation, one Mihawk couldn’t avoid focusing on no matter how slight the chance it was true…
“Mihawk? Are you still there?”
“I am, forgive me.” he rushed to answer; to his profound dismay, he had suddenly realised he had started pumping his shaft more and more enthusiastically while he spoke to the woman behind the door - and she spoke to him. The Gods have mercy on him, simply hearing her voice made him horny! “Any woman who can be here quickly, and is clean, will do. Thank you.”
“Are you sure? You don’t have… preferences?”
“(name), I really don’t want to sound vulgar, but given the state I am in a woman's hair colour or her particular talents have no importance whatsoever. I only need to… accomplish an act; it doesn’t have to mean anything - and it won’t, since you…”
He bit his tongue.
“Since I…?” (name) wondered; she sounded perplexed, and almost wary… as if afraid to discover what those words actually meant “What do I have to do with it?”
All. All of it has to do with you.
“Nothing.” he answered reluctantly; despite the great strength he had trained his arms to apply, he discovered the right one -specifically, his wrist- had started hurting “(name), I am so sorry… I would have never wanted to involve you in such a squalid matter…”
“Are you kidding?! Mihawk, you could die; you are my friend, a guest in my house, and I couldn’t protect you. I should be the one begging for your forgiveness.”
He wouldn’t have minded to see her begging - but for something else. Mihawk sighed, summoning the little self-control he had left. “How could you expect a simple flower to pose such a danger? I didn’t.” he pointed out “I am more concerned that your own cousin gave it to you.”
(name) admitted she found the matter more than a little disturbing; she had had Theon locked in his room, to make sure he couldn’t run away or harm someone else.
“Good thinking, my lady.”
“Thank you. Now, why did you say I had something to do with the sort of woman you could sleep with?” (name) inquired, and Mihawk sighed; he should have expected a relentless, capable killer-for-hire like her would not simply forget, or let go, a doubt she wanted to find an answer for. What could he tell her? That whoever he fucked, no matter how attractive and uninhibited and expert in the arts of love, he would see her face instead than theirs? That he would think of her, call her name, and undoubtedly find the intercourse unsatisfying because it wasn’t her in his arms?
Very simply; he couldn’t. He couldn’t tell her. Mihawk had never allowed anyone and anything to stop him from saying what he thought, but right now he felt unable to utter the few words that might change his life forever - or maybe not. He would never know unless he tried, but he couldn’t risk disappointment and awkwardness to ruin…
“Mihawk, please; tell me the truth.”
It had been little more than a whisper, but he had heard it just fine, not least because the door was now ajar once more; Mihawk lifted his free hand to close it, but an equally determined force from the outside prevented him.
“Close the door, (name).”
“Not before you explain yourself.”
“Close this door, woman. You don’t understand, I… I might not be able to control myself…”
“I am not afraid of you.”
“You should be, at least now.”
“Well, I’m not.” she argued “You would never hurt me; you said so yourself.”
A rustling vibrated through the gap of the door; a moment later, when Mihawk saw her lovely eyes staring at him, he realised the sound had belonged to the fabric of her skirts as (name) squatted in order to look at him face to face. Almost unconsciously, making sure the woman couldn’t see the lower half of his body, Mihawk knelt on the floor and leaned forward; their gazes met, two mirror images separated by the apparent barrier of the door. Gods, she was so lovely, the swordsman thought; more perfect and radiant than he could describe in words, and so worried for him. Mihawk felt ashamed for having alarmed her, but at the same time he couldn’t deny being flattered…  
“Mihawk, please.” (name) murmured; the sound of her voice to his ears was as delicate and intimate as the caress of a lover “You can trust me; tell me…”
“I love you.”
The simple utterance of those words were enough to make him feel marginally better, a moment of fresh air after a lifetime spent breathing poison; perhaps for this reason, he hadn’t exactly intended to say it, rather it had been his body and his mind pushing the declaration beyond his lips, as a defence mechanism against the openly suicidal tendenses of their owner. While embarrassed, Mihawk found he didn’t mind it - and now that the floodgate had been opened, stopping himself was almost impossible.
(name) gaped; she was usually known for having the gift of the gab, one of the many things Mihawk found endearing about her, but at the moment she seemed unable to speak at all.
“...w-what?” she stammered in the end; flabbergasted as she was, Mihawk couldn’t exactly decipher if she was upset, happy, or simply embarrassed by his declaration “What did you say?”
His pelvis was pulsating, his swollen erection begging to be stimulated and then made come; for the first time, the swordsman found he could ignore it, or at least speak clearly despite it “You have heard me.”
“Mihawk, I…”
“I am not asking you to reciprocate; I just want you to know what I feel. I am in love with you, (name); I have trusted and cared for you for so long, but for a while… for a while I have felt something that goes beyond simple friendship. You… you are so beautiful, and clever, and strong, and kind; you are everything I would look for in a partner and much more. Rarely in my life I have considered people my equal, but with you… with you is more than that; when we are together, I can feel my spirit resonating with yours, as if I was talking to another part of myself, or something that matched and compensated me. I am attracted to you, yes; any person would have to be crazy not to want you, and thinking about kissing you is enough to make me tremble with desire. But I want more; even more than your body, I want your heart. I want to be your lover, your confidante, your partner, and one day, if you want, your husband; I want us to share everything, and no other man to exist for you, because no other woman could ever exist for me.”
Mihawk stopped to swallow; he couldn’t remember the last time he had drunk a sip of water, but what made him unable to go on for a moment wasn’t a dry mouth; it was emotion.
“This is why I don’t want you to send me a prostitute, or any other woman. Because there is no woman I could ever want to sleep with, not even now that my life is on the line and my body has been screaming for it for the last twelve hours; the only woman I want is you. If you don’t share my feelings I will accept it, and I don’t want you to do it only because otherwise I could be dead by today’s afternoon. If you do this because you want me like I want you it’d be a dream, a heaven beyond any imagination; but what I want most of all is for you to know the truth.”
Silence fell, both in the room and in the corridor outside; Mihawk licked his lips, relieved he had come clean and at the same time physically trembling as he waited for (name)’s reaction. From his position he could no longer see her through the gap of the door; he could have moved to peek, but he decided to wait.
And wait he did, for what felt like hours. Finally he felt the woman’s skirts rustle again as she stood. “I’m going to send someone to the whorehouse.”
“I’ll ask for the best they have; you may not like her, but I beg you, Mihawk, do what you have to, because I won’t have you die under my roof if I can avoid it.” 
“I’m sorry, but in the situation you are in you can’t afford to be picky. In the meantime I’m gonna use my cousin as a target for my shooting practice…”
“(name), listen to me…”
He heard her step away from the door. “I’ll be as quick as I can. Maybe, err, I should ask for two women to come, in case you…”
“(NAME)!!” Mihawk roared; what little patience he had left finally evaporated “Stop talking and come back here, woman!”
He would have expected her to point out he had absolutely no right to order her around, especially in her house, but (name) remained silent; she returned to the door, lowering herself once more to meet Mihawk’s gaze through the gap.
“Well? You have nothing to tell me?”
“You screamed at me to shut my mouth a moment ago.” she pointed out “Which I didn’t like at all, by the way.”
Mihawk admitted -out loud- that he shouldn’t have done it, and he was sorry. “I appreciate your concern for my well-being, but I… expected you to say something.” he added in a murmur; he had reached a peculiar state, beyond affliction, beyond arousal, as if his mind had detached itself from his body as protection from the pain that made his flesh, his skin, his very soul scream in agony “About what I told you.”
(name) sighed tiredly. “What do you want me to say?”
“What you think. What you feel. Nothing more, nothing less; we’ve always been honest with each other, and I’d like you to be sincere today as well. I… I don’t expect you to share my feelings, but I thought at least I’d deserve an answer…”
(name) sobbed; it was sudden, brief, but loud enough for him to hear it beyond any doubt. That little sound caught him off guard; in all the long years of their acquaintance he had never seen his friend cry, and the last thing he wanted was for her to do it because of him.
“(name), what…?”
She shook her head, a joyless smile on her lovely lips. “If only I could tell you what I feel.” she murmured in the end, as if talking more to herself than to him “If only I could tell you how dear you are to me, and what your friendship has meant for me in all these years. Mihawk, as clever and perceptive as you are, how could you have not realised what I feel? That no man could ever compare to you in my heart? That no matter how much I appreciate your company, the only reason why I invited you here on my island has been for the two of us to be alone, and maybe find the right occasion to confess how crazy I am about you?”
Dumbfounded, Mihawk stared at her through the gap; he slowly lifted his hand to close it around the doorjamb, and (name) covered it with hers, just for a moment, before pulling away. “I know what you’re thinking.” she murmured; heartbreak was in her eyes “But I can’t do it, Mihawk.”
“I understand.” he murmured softly; his agony seemed to have given him a moment of respite, or maybe it was him that, elated, couldn’t feel it.
How dear you are to me. No man could ever compare to you in my heart. How crazy I am about you. This was what she had said, and had not uttered that word, of course, perhaps because she didn’t feel comfortable doing so, for any reason, but that was enough, that declaration was a treasure superior to any Mihawk had taken from the countless pirate crews that had had the misfortune of finding themselves on his path, more than he had realistically hoped for.
In that moment, Mihawk swore he would live, whatever the price. For himself, and for her, and for the future they could build together. 
“It’s alright.” he murmured softly; there was nothing he wouldn’t have given just to feel her hand on his again, that simple, chaste contact sufficient to make his heart flutter “I can wait. We can wait. If you don’t feel comfortable right now, I understand… I want to court you, you deserve it… you deserve better than a quick romp, especially given the state I am in…”
(name) laughed; it wasn’t a pleasant sound, filled with more despair than amusement. 
“It’s not that.” she admitted “I wouldn’t mind to… come in, and help you; a quick romp sounds perfect, to be honest, especially if it were just the beginning of… well, something more lasting. But I can’t, Mihawk; I can’t, because this is not you talking.”
Again, the swordsman was speechless; he moaned as a sudden, violent stab in his stomach passed through him, and for a moment he was sure he would pass out, losing consciousness on the floor like a drunkard who hadn’t reached his bed in time.
“Oh, Gods, I should hurry…”
“What did you mean?” he forced himself to say, quickly before (name) had time to leave “What in the world does it mean, that it is not me talking? I am talking!”
“Are you? Or is it just the effect of the pollen speaking through you? I can’t be sure, Mihawk, and because of this I can’t come to you.” (name) explained, sounding miserable “if it were anyone else…someone I cared for and trusted and I wanted to help… I would do it, even if it meant our friendship could never recover. But with you… if I let myself give in, and discover what it actually feels like to be your woman, to know the warmth of your body like I have longed to for so long… and then I discovered what you said wasn’t true…”
“It is! (name), I am in love with you!”
“... and you only let yourself be carried away, simply preferring a woman you actually knew to one you should have paid for, and the impulses of the sickness you’re suffering from had done the rest? You will die soon if you don’t do it, and perhaps your survival instinct is making you say things to convince me to help you. I won’t berate you for it; but I can’t do it. Mihawk, forgive me, I can’t; I can’t risk it. Let me find you someone appropriate, and once you’re safe, once you’re in control of yourself again… then, if what you said is true, we can talk about it.”
She wasn’t asking for much, Mihawk had to admit, and her reasoning was more than reasonable. The last thing he wanted was for (name) to feel uncomfortable in his company, or to come to him only because the alternative was to see him die. He could use the women of the local brothel to satisfy his urges and make sure the lack of sex didn’t kill him, and then, maybe as soon as tomorrow, he would take a bath, make himself presentable, and confirm his declaration of feelings, and of intent; and then, nothing and no one would stop him and the woman he loved from being together, and enjoying their intimacy. 
A day; this is what she was asking, and he was willing to give it to her, especially if it meant spending the decades beyond it together. Unless…
“What if someone could attest my feelings for you already existed before that blasted flower poisoned me?” he whispered; he had started sweating again, which was probably why his mouth felt drier than a desert. Or maybe not. “And that I also hoped to take advantage of our time here alone, to confess what I felt?”
(name) didn’t answer; she was biting her lip -Gods, if only he could- her lovely face a picture of uncertainty, but Mihawk couldn’t mistake the emotion filling her eyes.
The swordsman reached behind him to take his Den Den Mushi from the bedside table. “Call Shanks; he knows everything. Ask him. I… have told him about you, many times. Ask him what I said; he’s an honourable man, he’ll tell you the truth, no more and no less. Then you will decide what to do.” 
Neither spoke as the Den Den Mushi passed from his hands to hers; she smiled shyly, like the sun after a violent storm, and stood. “I’ll be back soon.” she promised.
“I can wait.” he assured her, and smiled “As long as I need; you are worth it, (name).” 
They parted, and Mihawk forced his legs to carry him to the bathroom; even if (name) decided she was more comfortable waiting for him not to be victim of a poison that could kill him if he didn’t have sex soon, he didn’t want her to see him looking, and smelling, as a swamp rat after a hurricane.
Fifteen minutes later he was sitting on the edge of the bed wearing a comfortable pair of black trousers, his still damp hair and naked torso drying at the sunlight filtering through the window; he was forcing himself to breathe normally, given the fact that, after he had emptied his stomach once more -even though he had nothing else to release; he had brushed his teeth furiously, not wanting his first kiss with (name) to be ruined by the taste, but he still felt horrible- a moment before stepping in the shower, his lungs had started feeling abnormally constricted, as if they were trying to pump something more dense than air… or as if they could no longer work properly. Dying of asphyxiation in a perfectly airy room was a doom the swordsman preferred to avoid, but the choice had been taken out of his hands; in line with the sickness invading his body, his mind also felt foggy, memories and thoughts overlapping and blending until he could no longer make sense of them. His hard cock hurt in his pants, but not in the way it had done until then… his body was no longer simply begging for relief, it was expressing a level of discomfort and exertion that could actually destroy it, desperately screaming for help against an enemy that was about to devour it from the inside. 
For once all of his power, all of his strength, was useless; Mihawk’s life was literally hanging by a threat, and he could do nothing to improve his chances of survival, even infinitesimally.
It was unpleasant; it was frustrating, and even scary, but the swordsman had made peace with the nightmare his life had turned into. He didn’t like having to ask for help, he never had, but he was glad it was (name); whatever she decided, she would not disappoint him.
Mihawk was sure of it.
He suddenly started coughing, long and hard enough to leave him breathless; when he looked at the hand he had instinctively raised to his mouth, he saw drops of blood dotting his palm. This wasn’t good, one didn’t need to be a doctor to know; Mihawk gritted his teeth, cleaned his hand on the sheet he had taken off the bed, and hid it under it. He had already emptied the water basin in the bathroom, but he didn’t want (name) to see what he had done on that precious linen; at least the mattress pad was clean.
Twenty minutes, according to the clock on the wall. Mihawk forced himself to remain calm, but he couldn’t deny it: he knew he was running out of time, and when he finally heard knocking on the door, his heart leaped in his throat.
“”It’s (name). May I come in?”
“Of course.”
 The woman entered silently, closing the door behind her; he looked at Mihawk, composedly sitting on the bed, and without breaking eye contact she reached behind her to turn the key in its hole, locking the door.
Mihawk knew she could see him struggle to swallow.
(name) deposed the Den Den Mushi on a nearby shelf, as if fearing it could be damaged by whatever would occur on the bed from then on. “I spoke to Shanks.” she explained “It was a little odd to discuss such personal matters with a man I had never even met, but he was more than willing to help. He is very fond of you; and he was also very, very worried.”
It wasn’t a question, so Mihawk avoided answering; he couldn’t breathe, again, but this time the sickness had nothing to do with it. Finally, (name) walked to him; she rested a hand on his shoulder, as if to stop him from standing, and the other on his cheek, her fingertips gently caressing his skin. She was smiling, flattery and joy dancing in her eyes, and Mihawk felt himself resting his face against her palm; that simple touch was enough to make him feel better, the pain ravaging him melting at the tenderness of their contact.
“As you imagined, he had many things to tell me. Including… that you have a picture of me on your ship.”
He did; he had cut it from a newspaper page, part of an article that discussed a particularly impressive bounty the woman had just retrieved, and then framed to keep it in his cabin. Mihawk had always made sure to hide it on the few times (name) had come aboard the Hitstugibune, but Shanks had seen it once. Is this your friend, the mercenary lady you told me so much about? She is very pretty; are you going to introduce her to me?… and why, pray tell, are you blushing?
Mihawk closed his eyes. Thank all the Gods, at least Shanks had no way of knowing, and as a consequence of telling (name), what he had used that picture for, a month before, on a particularly torrid night, when he had dreamt of her, kneeling in front of him with adoring eyes and an already open wide mouth; he had climaxed so hard it had hurt, screaming his pleasure in the silent, empty immensity of the Sea. 
“I’m sorry.”
“For what? I have one of you in my room as well; it’s a copy of the one the Marines have in their dossier on you, I might have corrupted a young recruit to have it.”
(name) smiled. “I have never felt so happy.” she confessed; one of her hands had moved from his shoulder to his hair, gently petting them. Mihawk lifted his gaze to her, relishing in that simple, innocent contact. He forced himself to swallow.
“May I hold you?”
A moment later (name) was in his arms, her fingers still caressing his hair as Mihawk rested his cheek against the softness of her chest; there was so much more he wanted from her, to take from and to give to and to experience together, but for a long, precious moment this was enough, this was perfect, and he could remain like this…
… forever…
“Mihawk, I love you.” (name) murmured above him; when the swordsman raised his gaze to meet hers, the woman smiled, shy and almost embarrassed “I wanted to tell you before we… well, get into it. I don’t want you to doubt I know what I’m saying, like I shouldn’t have doubted you did.”
“Mihawk? I’m warning you, if you retract your words now it will be more than a little embarrassing for both…”
He stood slowly, gently breaking the embrace to take her face in his hands; a moment before his lips touched her forehead, Mihawk saw (name) close her eyes, as if to relish the pleasure of his touch. 
“You make me the happiest man in the world.” he said; he wasn’t smiling, but the conviction and certitude in his voice were almost tangible “And the happiest I have ever been, truly. Whatever happens, tomorrow or in a decade, I know my life right now is perfect.”
(name) smiled; the adoration in her eyes was almost vertiginous. “As is mine.” she murmured “Especially if you were to kiss me, that is.”
“As my lady commands…”
He had imagined -dreamt, even- her lips to be warm, the searing hotness of a fire that would soon consummate both, but they weren’t; (name)’s kiss was cool, soft and fresh, as invigorating as a glass of spring water, and Mihawk, who had never been so thirsty in his life, drank it avidly, tasting the delicious sweetness of her mouth, a promise of what was to come and a treasure in its own right, the certitude that his feelings were reciprocated and (name) wanted him as much as he wanted her.
He would never learn to be without her; and that was scary, and at the same time simple, because he did not plan to ever let her go.
That first kiss lasted long enough to leave them both trembling; Mihawk could feel (name) smile into it, and when she gently used her tongue to part his lips and deepen the kiss, the swordsman heard himself moan, a sound so lewd it could have made him blush.
The woman he was now holding by the waist, on the other hand, seemed to appreciate it.
“What lovely sounds you make.” she murmured, a touch of mischievousness in her voice.
Mihawk grinned. “In a moment you’ll be the one singing for me, my lady.” he promised, and for a few minutes neither spoke again, too busy as they were exploring each other's mouths. Mihawk finally broke the kiss to let his lips descend on (name)’s throat.
“Do you own a dress that covers your neck completely?” he wondered idly; his hands, having happily explored her lovely curves for a while, had settled just under the small of her back, unashamedly exploring the softness of her buttocks.
“I…” she swallowed “I don’t… at least not for this season…”
“Then you should prepare yourself to have the whole island gossip about you.”
“Oh, Gods, Mihawk…”
He made sure to suck on the side of her neck long and hard enough to leave a bruise, (name)’s panting and whining filling his ears; the woman, well-known for her self-restraint and the ability to keep her emotions in check so that no one could perceive what she was thinking, was pressing herself to him, desperately searching for whatever friction could help relieve the need between her legs. They had barely started touching each other and she was already wet for him, Mihawk thought with a surge of affection; he might enjoy teasing her, making her wait just like he had craved her in the last twelve hours, but soon they would find their pleasure in each other.
“I can’t speak for the next ten years.” (name) murmured after a while; she was still caressing his back, her delicate hands leaving a trail of fire behind them on his skin “But I think I know what will happen tomorrow; specifically, what you will be doing.”
“And that is?”
“You’ll still be here; making love to me. I don’t know exactly how long it will take for you to be healed from the flower’s poison, but I don’t intend to let you go any soon. I want you so much.”
Mihawk smiled; he stopped kissing her neck to look at her, seeing her chest rising and falling with her breathing. “And you’ll have me.” he murmured, brushing the pad of his thumb against her lip “As long as we both want it, and hard enough I’ll make you scream. It’s a promise.”
(name) laughed as she circled his neck with her arms; she pressed her hips against his, and her smile was almost wolfish as she slowly rolled them, deliberately feeling the pressure of Mihawk’s erection against her core. “I have always wondered how big you are.” she confessed “It was embarrassing, but I couldn’t help it; and I may have wondered how it would feel to have you inside me.”
Mihawk smiled; it was amazing, even exhilarating, how she was still able to surprise him, after so many years since their first meeting. “Allow me to demonstrate, then.” he said, and he lowered himself on the bed, pulling (name) on his lap; she laughed, immediately opening her knees to sit more comfortably, her legs now caging his. She started rocking back and forth, Mihawk’s hands on her hips firmly keeping her in place; the friction between their bodies was delicious but frustrating, a few inches of fabric preventing him to taking her, there and then, but the swordsman didn’t mind too much; he could wait a few more minutes, since they had all the time in the world in front of them.
“May I help you with your dress, my darling?” he inquired, and a new smile blossomed on (name)’s lips.
“If it pleases you...” 
The dress she was wearing was relatively simple, since no public duties were scheduled for the lady on that morning, the bodice held closed by a single bow on her chest; Mihawk used the tip of his fingers to untie it, and (name) wordlessly separated the two halves to make them slip off her shoulders.
For a long moment neither moved.
“Where is your bra, woman?”
“Don’t presume I took it off for you; but I put on a new one this morning, and it was uncomfortable. I thought no one would notice, since the dress is tight enough.” she explained, but there was a pleased look on her face, and the woman was all too aware of the effect her partial nudity was having on her lover “It’ll save you the effort to unclasp it, it took me ten minutes…”
Her breast was lovely, an image of sensuality and femininity no artist could ever reproduce on canvas or on stone, the perfect size for her build, soft and firm. Mihawk took his time to admire them before taking the soft mounds of flesh in his hands, and he used the pads of his thumbs to gently stimulate her erect nipples; he saw (name) sigh, pleasure filling her eyes. Her undulatory movement had quickened as the woman rubbed herself against him, desperately looking for a release she couldn’t reach. 
“Oh… I knew it…”
“What did you know, my beauty?”
“That it’d be good. That it’d feel good, you and me. I looked at you, when you held your sword, firmly but elegantly, and I knew you could be gentle as well as strong… and I wanted you to be both when you’d make love to me. I knew you would feel so good… oh… oh, yes…!”
She was writhing above him, her body almost squirming with pleasure and, at the sale time, the frustration of not having him where they both wanted him to be: inside her, pumping his cock in her pussy as if both of their lives depended on it.
“You’re so gorgeous.” he murmured. He was still in pain, his body and his mind begging for the salvation he would find between (name)’s legs, but at the same time he had never lived such a perfect, blissful moment; the swordsman was usually content -albeit a little bored- with his life, but for the first time he knew in that moment, he was exactly where he was meant to be: with (name), enjoying her presence and making her happy “So absolutely ravishing, my darling… let me taste you…”
(name)’s breathless moan was answer enough. Mihawk lifted her towards him and started kissing her breast, butterfly-light pecks on her tender skin, before closing his lips around her left nipple.
(name) screamed. Again, and again as he kept sucking her, relentless in the sweet torture he was gifting her; he found out she liked it -loudly- when he used his tongue on her, and he did, until the woman was almost crying as she bounced on his lap, filling the room with the sensual simphony of her moans. “Mihawk, please…”
“Please what?” he asked, without stopping; a moment later he felt her hands in his hair. 
“This is so sweet, but… I want more. Please, my darling, I want to help you as well…”
Well, the swordsman mused, how could he say no to that? He gently broke the embrace once more, and “Let me see you, my lady.” he murmured.
“As you wish.”
(name) stood, taking a single step back. She quickly freed herself of the soft slippers she wore when remaining at court, then she brought her hands to the small of her back, untying a second ribbon to open her dress; she looked at him, both delighted and expectant, as she pushed the waist of her skirt under her hips. The fabric slipped down her legs, as delicate as the caress of a lover as it brushed against her skin, until it pooled around her feet in a circle of velvet and silk. 
(name) smiled; she clearly enjoyed the way he was looking at her. “Shall I take this off as well?” she inquired, referring to the short underskirt that was all she was wearing at the moment - at least, that Mihawk could see; who knew, the swordsman mused, perhaps her underpants had felt uncomfortable as well that morning… 
He offered his hands to her. “No.” he murmured “Please, keep it on.”
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tokoyamisstuff · 8 months
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phntmeii · 8 months
🌊 OPLA Characters And Physical Touch
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[SFW + No Gendered Terms]
🌊 Characters Featured: Luffy, Zoro, Nami, Sanji, Usopp, Mihawk, Shanks, Buggy, Koby
🌊 A/N: Can't believe that Zoro post kinda popped off immediately lmao. But here's a more fluffy list with a bunch of OPLA characters <3 It's an absolutely self-serving headcanon list just bc they all deserve so much love. Also, I need to hug Sanji in the above clip so bad :((
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Monkey D. Luffy
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🐚 Luffy is absolutely in love with physical touch no matter who it is! He's completely comfortable initiating it toward anyone, finding it the best way to show his affection.
🐚 Toward his partner, he just can't keep his hands to himself. He's hand holding with them always, planting kisses all across their face, etc.
🐚 He'll end up stretching his arms to pull his partner if they're far away and drag them toward himself to hold them close to his body in a hug.
🐚 Luffy is absolutely addicted to their touch and will whine, wrapping his arms around them to convince them to cuddle in bed if they try and refuse him.
Roronoa Zoro
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🐚 Zoro is distant even with friends in terms of affection. It's just what he's been used to all his life and he can't break out of the habit easily.
🐚 With his partner, he tries to do it more often although they have to initiate it most of the time.
🐚 Zoro keeps his touches light and generally hidden. Leading his partner with his hand on their back as they walk, reassuring them by rubbing their arm, or locking his hand with theirs under the table.
🐚 When completely alone, he gets a bit softer even if he is still hesitant. His eyes will have a small shine as he caresses their cheek, memorizing their face with pure adoration.
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🐚 Nami likes physical touch but only when she's known the person long enough. She welcomes hugs and other touches but if it's a stranger, she'll shrug them off and tell them not to do so again.
🐚 Her partner definitely knows how affectionate Nami can be. She can't help it since she's so in love with them!
🐚 Nami might try and complain if she's busy despite knowing how much she loves it. Trying to navigate with her map, using her finger to memorize the pathways and lands, she felt her partner's hand come around her waist and their head resting on her shoulder.
🐚 She couldn't help but smile while keeping her eyes to the map, pausing her finger in its place. "You know... I can't focus when you do that."
Vinsmoke Sanji
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🐚 Sanji is sly and confident in taking his opportunities to initiate physical touch. It's not even necessarily in a perverted way, but just because he loves to show affection physically.
🐚 His partner will never know the end of his affection as he uses any excuse to touch them. His hand lingers on theirs as he passes their plate to them or he'll swear that he just needs to spoon them when he sleeps or else he'll be cranky in the morning.
🐚 Sanji is likely the least concerned about how PDA looks because he's just showing off what is his. It especially becomes apparent when he's jealous because his hand is never leaving their body.
🐚 Sanji's goal with physical touch toward his partner is to see them get flustered by it. However, turn the tables on him and he's kicking his feet in the air and giggling.
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🐚 Usopp is absolutely down for physical touch but will hesitate until he knows the other person would be okay with it. The moment he gets confirmation that it's okay or the other person initiates it, he'll happily go along with it!
🐚 Usopp is a bit nervous when it comes to relationships since he's always second-guessing himself. His starting physical touches will be his fingertips touching theirs but then quickly pulling away.
🐚 Once he knows his partner is comfortable, he’s all about it! Hugs, smooches, you name it and Usopp has it :)
🐚 Usopp will just be head over heels if his partner initiates physical touch on their own. Even if it’s in passing like a small kiss before a fight starts, he has to take a moment to process before snapping back to reality.
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🐚 Mihawk isn't shy as much as he is reserved. He isn't a big fan of PDA although he'll indulge his partner in private.
🐚 He's very much someone who only tolerates so much from his partner over anyone else. If anyone else attempted, he's giving a warning look when they even try and reach out to him. For his partner? They could be smothering him while he's trying to focus and he's not making any effort to take them away.
🐚 He pretends to not enjoy his partner’s affections but the moment they pull away, he’s immediately trying to get them to come back and do it again.
🐚 Mihawk shows more of his affection when seeming jealous. Although, it’s not that he’s jealous of other men but more so possessive over what is his.
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🐚 Shanks is affectionate towards those he knows and doesn't hesitate to show it. He's just so loving and that doesn't go away for his partner.
🐚 Shanks is always so soft and gentle. His way of showing physical touch is always delicate.
🐚 He'll be laying down, barely awake, swearing he isn't asleep like always. When he senses his partner beside him, he'll crack a smile and pull their face closer, placing a small kiss at their cheek.
🐚 In group settings, he'll have a drink in one hand while his other hand will be firmly around the waist of his partner. He just loves having them close.
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🐚 Buggy is not capable of shame and is unapologetic, especially with his partner in terms of PDA.
🐚 Genuinely doesn't matter who is in attendance, he's holding onto them in any way he sees fit. Preferably he has his partner sit in his lap while he talks.
🐚 Buggy finds it hilarious to find any way to embarrass his partner and makes it a personal goal to see them blush or get nervous by him. So you can trust that he's always upping how intimate his touches are.
🐚 But, Buggy isn't patient either. There'll be a point where he just tosses his partner over his shoulder and walks away with them for a more private show just between them.
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🐚 Poor bby boy Koby is an absolute wreck when it comes to physicality because he's nervous to go too far or initiate it. His partner will likely have to be the one to do so.
🐚 Koby's favorite is late night cuddling though. Burying his head into the chest of his partner, whether of embarrassment or comfortability or both, who knows, but it's an adorable sight to see regardless.
🐚 Any physical touch will have him doing an upside down smile in response while he looks away, even if it's hand holding.
🐚 Koby loves to receive kisses from his partner and often goes out of his way to do things that their partner would approve of to get more of them like a reward. Because that's what he sees that as. His reward from his gorgeous partner.
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⤷ divider credits: @cafekitsune
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lehguru · 7 months
they start to realize they might be a little too old for you ft. crocodile, mihawk, smoker, shanks, doflamingo, corazon
info: will do this for other fandoms too i think, angsty on some; not proofread
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crocodile never felt insecure, at least when it came to your relationship. after he left impel down and came to look for you, things got a little... weird. he was avoiding you. you knew it wasn't because he didn't want to bring you into his business (he did it more than once), it was something you didn't really understand. before you could even confront him about it, he said out of nowhere one day: "did you... get with anyone while i was away?" he looked at you with a hard stare. "someone... younger?" you almost laughed at his question, but you held yourself back. your arms circled his waist and you rested your chin on his chest. 'i don't know anyone younger that is as attractive as you, sir.' he grinned, holding the back of your head with his hand. "good."
mihawk noticed how you and zoro interacted during his time at the island. he wasn't suspicious that something was happening, he knew you would never cheat on him or break his trust; but... a thought started to spread in his mind like poison. once zoro and perona left, and you two finally managed to carry on with your married life alone, he asked you one day while you drank tea together. "how do you feel about me being... older?" you looked at him with raised eyebrows and 'the only thing that matters to me is you. i fell in love with your personality and the way you treat me, not your age.' he hummed, a deep sound that you know reverberated on his chest. even if it was faint, you could see a soft pink dusting his cheeks.
smoker didn't think about your age gap until he overheard some of the new recruits talking about you two. captain smoker having a younger partner is a little weird isn't it, was what they said. when he was back home and you were resting against his chest, softly playing with the hair on the area, he told you about it. you looked up, your eyes shining, 'old pan makes good food'. the laughter that left his lips was one that he always reserved for you, his most sincere and genuine laugh; he pressed his lips on the top of your head, murmuring praises and love confessions against your hair.
shanks really didn't care about it, not as much as other members of his crew did – with how well they knew their captain, the man would be destroyed if you decided to leave him. 'she might go for a younger guy, when your thing doesn't get up anymore.' they usually voiced their concerns in the form of jokes, so they wouldn't be too harsh on their captain, but it was effective. those comments made him start to realize what you two were – lovers. one day, without telling you, he and the crew left. simply left the island, leaving you behind with only an note written "don't look for me." in a messy manner.
one thing about doflamingo is that he gets whatever he wants whenever he wants. and since the moment he laid eyes on you, you were his. the people that tried to comment on your age gap always "mysteriously" disappeared, even if they were from inside his organization. no one could talk about him and his partner like that. if he ever brought up the topic, it was only to test if you were seeing anyone or wanted someone younger (he knows you don't. he knows everything); your praises towards him and your love always left him pleased – he would give you the same in return.
corazon is frequently insecure about your relationship. he wonders if you really love him, if he's good enough for you, if he's being a good boyfriend, if he missed any important date that he should've remembered – your age gap (made worse by your height gap too) is only another one of those concerns. no matter what you say, he often asks you if you wouldn't want to be with someone younger and with a better family than him. one day, after he asked that for the millionth time, you answered: "we can have a family of our own, rosi. you deserve happiness. you said once i made you happy, so i will stay. the only way you're going to get rid of me is if one of us is gone." he chuckled and smiled widely, as he often did around you and law, hugging you tightly against his body. 'i adore you. with all my heart and soul, i love you.'
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2023 © content belongs to lehguru, but the characters used in them belong to their respective creators!!
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taissabelle · 6 months
Therapist: Oh, you definitely have daddy issues
Me: no, I don't
Also, me hours later realizing all my favorite fictional characters are older man....
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sinning-23 · 6 months
Calling Them By Their Full Name
OPLA Headcannons! I thought htis was a funny little thing lol. Anyway enjoy
Warnings: slight mentions of nsfw topics but nothing too serious
Sorry for any spelling errors!
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-ohhhhh that did not sound like your usual happy, loving voice.
-he knows he fucked up and now he’s hiding from your wrath.
-you could hear a pen drop from how quiet the ship got
-ok so maybe he ate that super expensive, super special dessert you had been saving for a while now. And like, it was going to go bad! All he wanted was a little taste! Than a taste turned into accidentally eating the whole thing.
-He was gonna tell you, honest! But it had proven obvious you found out before he could. He seen you round the corner with RAGe on your face and tears in your eyes.
-"TRAITOR!" You yell, throwing a tired punch to his chest.
-“I’m sorry mami, I’ll find you another one. Promise.” He hums, peppering your face with kisses, squeezing your face between his palms when he did.
-There’s no way you could stay mad at him for long
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-whoa whoa whoa why are you so ANNNGRY
-hated when you call him by his full name like that, makes him feel like a child being reprimanded
-“RORONOA GODDAMN ZORO.” You boom, Nami’s jaw dropping at the sound. Even she could tell you were pissed
-he’s the sassiest mf alive so he’ll probably just be like, “who the hell are talking to woman?!”
-“You’re a real piece of work you know that??” You’re still yelling and he wastes no time rolling his eyes at you and grabbing you by your waist, the action shutting you up.
“Wanna stop yelling and be a big girl and tell me what’s wrong?” He teases, that stupid smirk you love falling over his features at your speechlessness.
-It’s not often you say his full make but when you do he makes sure you’ll never forget it that same night.
-“Say my name baby, real loud.” He groans, a hand around your throat to steady spent body as he slams back into you
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-I know thats not a cigarette i smell Vinsmoke Sanji."
-awe hell. Yout tone is deadly. he tried he damndest to stomp it out before you rounded the corner but nope.
-You never use his full name like that. Never.
-did he just get chills?
-"Of course not my love!" He lies throigh his teeth but before he can say anything ese you re lips are on his, you fist gripping the fabric of his shirt.
-He knew he was caught, the taste of tobacco mixing with your usual mint. You pull away, smoothing his shirt out with a warning smile.
-"Don’t lie to me again, I’ll always know when you do, Black Leg." You explain , taking the small cardboard box from his pocket and walking off.
-Even though it was ment as a threat, he couldn't help but feel hotter than ususal. God he loved it when you talked all serious to him.
Bonus: Mihawk
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-You know better than to use his full name. Orr to even call him anything besides the usual endearing pet name.
-So when he hears his name called with nothing short of rage, hes trying to figure out who you think you’re talking to.
-"Dracule. Mihawk." You spit, holding the empty bottle in your hand
-Ok so your rage was warented cause he managed to drink the entire vintage bottle of wine you'd been saving...it wasn’t like it was on purpose!
-He doesn’t even bother to look up from his book, just barely giving you a slight glance when you were right in front of him, pointing to the bottle.
-"Id watch your tone darling." he warns, smirking at the way you purse your lips and turn away with a fierce attitude he'd be sure to deal with later.
-“Oh shove it up your ass Dracule.” You scoff, trying to quicken your pace but failing when he’s already behind you, his much larger hand holding your wrist as you yelp.
-His look says it all. You’re screwed.
-So now you’re sitting pretty, bent over and counting each time his hand meets the sore and slightly reddened flesh of your ass.
-“Now, what’s my name again darling?”
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undiscovered-horizon · 7 months
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[To be loved is to be changed. And while being married to you has changed Mihawk, it's not entirely for the better. He's a possessive and protective lover to the marrow of his bones.]
(TW for unwanted sexual comments)
Mihawk knew the name 'Shantaro' quite well. Any time you told him a story from your adolescence that revolved around borderline illegal, unethical or simply reckless adventures, Shantaro was there. The little devil on your shoulder but as reliable as a true angel.
He, however, never expected you to run into Shantaro on the odd night when the two of you can go out. Comfortably basking in your presence, Mihawk is thoroughly enjoying your undivided attention.
You're suddenly rendered speechless as you notice something - someone - over his shoulder. A wide smile spreads across your face. Mihawk is unsure whether he should rejoice with how beautiful you look or seethe, knowing that another person dared to distract you from him.
"It's Shantaro!" you squeal excitedly. "I'm sorry, love, I'll be just a moment. I haven't seen her in ages!"
Mihawk doesn't even try to stop you as you make your way through the crowd at the lounge. His watchful gaze follows your steps as you approach a stringy woman in a silver dress. A hurricane of black curls sits on top of her head. Her piercing, grey eyes notice you, suddenly widening with both surprise and happiness. The two of you engulf each other in a bone-crushing hug, silently exchanging feelings of longing towards the closest friend from younger years.
The swordsman's night, however, is about to get even worse as he hears someone behind him whisper:
"She's a minx, that foxy wife of yours."
He turns around with his jaw and fists clenched. Mihawk's enraged gaze meets the face of an amused man who is casually sipping on his drink. There's a glint in the stranger's eyes that makes the swordsman's skin crawl - he wanted to get under Dracule's skin.
"Don't look so surprised," the stranger reprimands him. The man must have mistaken Mihawk's baffled expression at the bold words for genuine surprise that someone put two and two together. Truthfully, he couldn't care less whether people know that he's married. "Many pirates get hard fantasising about having their way with the Warlord's wife." Judging by the way the man licks his lips and hides a certain hunger behind his eyes, it's clear he's part of the aforementioned group. "But the Warlord himself? Unfortunately for him, she turns him soft," he drones the word as though it's a serious insult.
"Yes, she does," Mihawk answers slowly.
The events that followed happened exceptionally fast: Mihawk reached for the stranger's neck and slammed the man's head against the bar counter. Curiously, people happening to be in their vicinity carry on as though nothing bizarre is happening - they are smart enough not to get in Dracule Mihawk's way, especially when he is visibly upset.
Blood is gushing from the strange man's forehead, his eye already beginning to swell and change colour. The swordsman tilted his victim's head back just enough to lean down and growl. "Which is why I'm going to kill you much faster than you deserve for your offence."
Mihawk glances in your direction. You're still occupied, excitedly telling Shantaro about the years after you've last met her.
He'll be done before you notice him gone.
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writingoddess1125 · 9 months
The old men of One Piece finding out they have a child with you. Pt. 2
Due to popular demand I have a part two for you guys!
Shanks, Buggy, Mihawk xFemreader
Healthy Mix of Angst and Fluff
Support me on Ko-Fi
Part 1 <- -> Part 3
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The crew was quick to follow orders, Cabaji grabbing you as others grabbed your sons. Dragging you from the restaurant you called a home and out onto the streets, screamed fill the air as the village was being ripped apart. Your boys crying out in fear as the crew harshly brought you onto the ship you once were apart of.
You yelped as you were thrown into Buggy's room. Your boys being tossed in as well, you quickly grabbed Dee and Bee and brought them to your chest. Running your hands through their hair as they sobbed against you, shaking like a leaf and terrified.
"Ssshh it's okay my loves it's okay" you whisper trying to soothe them, holding them tightly to try and ward away the bad dream. After a few hours they finally fell asleep, You carefully rolling up and placing them on Buggy's large bed. It wouldn't be best to let them sleep in your arms since they were fairly large and when asleep could kick and roll. You couldn't risk injury if you were going to escape with the twins.
You tucked them into the big stripped bed and sighed- Surrounded by more of this circus shit made them look way more like Buggy then you cared to admit. Smoothing Dee and Bee wild blue locks with your hand you sighed heavily. Trying to come up with a plan to escape- but the plotting was short lived as the bedroom door opened.
Buggy stared at you and then glanced at the boys as they slept soundly in his bed. He was holding a large tray and set it down on the side table, meeting your eyes as he picked up a fork and took a bite from each both and even a bite of the bread, before taking a seat clearly wanting to show it was safe to eat and feed the children. You looked at the food it was 3 healthy servings of pasta with fresh bread and 3 drinks, 2 milks and a ale. You looked at him in question but you didn't dare voice anything. Instead gently shaking the twins awake-
"Eh? Mom?..." Dee mumbled as he rubbed his sleepy eyes. "Dinner is here" You say calmly, holding a bowl out to Dee who gently took it in his tiny hands before waking up Bee with a bit more force and doing the same. Splitting the bread in half and giving each half to your sons to make sure they had full bellies.
You ate your own food, Watching as the twins hungrily ate there like they hadn't had a meal before, havjng to make sure they didnt mess up the nice bed. However you kept glancing back at Buggy, feeling his eyes on you.
He sat across the room stull, watching you closely as you wiped their faces clean with your dress and handing them their drinks and even taking your own ale and sipping it. You saw Bee wat hibg Buggy closely, the two staring at each other silently.
"What are you looking at Old Man?-" Bee snapped as he glared at Buggy. You snapping your finger quickly at him.
"Attitude-" You hissed in warning. However heard a shuffle to see Buggy snorting a laugh and turning away to giggle-
"Damn these really are my Kids- I was at least 90% sure before but now it's 100%!" He laughed, actually Wiping the tears from his face.
"Mom what is he talking about?" Dee questioned first, raising a brow at the Clown in their room.
"Yeah and whats with hi-" You smacked your hand over your sons mouth. Knowing that the following question would lead to a fight you didn't have the strength for.
"Boys this is your father... Buggy the Clown. He's a Pirate Captian"
"Our Dads a clown-" Bee deadpanned as his face looked at you in what can only be described as confused horror. You sighing mentally by this, as Dee stared at Buggy suspiciously.
"How do we know?-" Dee started, But Buggy pulled the hat from his head and bandana to show his blue locks that were identical to their.
"Our Dads a Clown!?" Bee said again this time
"I'm a porate clown-" Buggy shot back as he frowned at the boy. The two locking in gaze of equal stubbornness and attitude.
Dee started to say"Is that why you took us?" But was cut off gloriously by Bee"If you're our dad then you suck! Why did you grab mom by her hair and make her cry!" He proclaimed, Jumping up on the bed and pointing to Buggy angrily. You urging the boy to sit down, But Buggy's gaze softened.
"I apologize- I didn't see it was her or else I would have never raided you town. Instead just picked you three up to take with me" He admitted calmly. The seemed to take the wind from Bee's sails as he sat back down- You also surprised to hear Buggy apologize or be so vulnerable.
"I want to have you three here with me and be apart of my children's life" Buggy started as he stared at you- You started to protest but he held up a hand.
"60 Days, that's all I ask. If in 60 days you don't want me in their lives I'll drop you and the boys off at a Marine Base with some berry. Enough to be comforble for the rest of your lives"
It was a good deal- a damn good deal. It's not like you had a berry to your name or a place to return to. That and he genuinely seemed interested in the boys, you gave a defeated sigh.
"Alright... 60 days- then we will talk from there" Buggy smiled at hearing you agreeing to this. Excitement shining in his eyes as he jumped up from his seat.
"Perfect! You all rest here. I'll leave and bring some supplies for you all" Buggy said calmly as he stood up and quickly left, a grin plastered on his face as he left you.
You should have known that Buggy was planning something. For the next 3 days it was like he turned the ship into a child's dream. There was suddently a absurd about of toys, sweets, every game imaginable too seemed to have suddently appeared. Buggy all to happy to shower the twins in anything they asked for, played any game they wanted.
You inwardly sighed as you watched the twins start to warm up to Buggy, More like clinging to him. Bee seemingly the most interested in him while Dee seemed to just love sailing. Having to be coaxed down from the crows nest were he would hide all day. At the mess hall however is were they fit in the best- It was like Buggy had cloned himself the two perfect best friends, aka himself.
Dee had taken to keeping his hair up due to his time in the crows nest and also had become more confident- pushing his brother back whenever he messed with him a bit too much- As for Bee it was like Buggy 2.0- Loud, flashy and ready to find trouble. It had been only 3 days but so much had changed, Currently it being evening dinner time.
Sitting next to Buggy in the mess hall, who had made it a habit of keeping you close you glared as your son then Buggy who was just laugjing "Benny (Y/L/N) get your monkey ass here right now!" You yelled as you saw your son running down the tables of the mess hall. Singing a made of sea shanty that the rest of the freaks were actually drinking and singing along to.
"Let the boy have some fun (Y/N)! It's not like he's hurting anyone- Besides what's the worse that can happen! Stop with the snooty attitude" Buggy proclaimed with a laugh, you saw Dee get a mischievous look in his eye before slipping under the table. You give a sarcastic smile, knowing your twins all too well.
"Fine then, I won't be snooty for the next hour whatever they damage you gotta clean" You proposes with a smile. He laughed and nodded.
"Deal! Finally now we can have some fu-"
And like a symphony of madness all hell broke lose. Dee had popped put from under the table and grabbed Bee's foot nid step. The singing child falling into a massive bowl of mashed potatos which managed to spray everywhere- coating all the people at the table in potatos and the floor which made a few Crewmates who had been walking slip and slam into tables flinging more food and creating more mess paired with a hunk of cake landing right in Buggy's face. Wiping the frosting as he watched the two boys make a run from the mess hall cackling like two Imps.
"Boys!!" He yelled, trying to wipe more of the pink frosting from his face. You smiled and handed him a napkin.
"Have fun Captian!~" You said with a grin and patted his shoulder as Buggy sat there red faced and glaring at you half heartedly. As if taking your cue, you got up and left. Giggling as you hear Buggy snap at some crewmates to grab something to help clean the mess.
Deciding to take the time for yourself you went to the main deck. Leaning against the rails as you watched the dark waves of the ocean and the setting sun. You couldn't lie and say you didn't miss the ocean, or the time to yourself. You stood there watching as the sun set and plunged the ship into darkness, the lanterns of the ship turning on as well as the ship seemed to be sailing in darkness.
"Enjoying your free time?" A deep voice snapped you from your thoughts. Seeing Buggy walking towards you, his face washed of makeup and hair in a ponytail. Having clearly just bathed after getting the mess hall cleaned.
"Yeah, I forgot how nice it is being on this ship.. How are the boys?" Buggy smiled at hearing you enjoying yourself before shrugging.
"Got them washed up and put them to bed.....They seem to like me" He boated, seemingly proud he had formed such a strong bond.
"That they do" You reply. Watching as he put his hands in his pockets a bit awkwardly, that tough Captian Facade crumbling a bit under his own anxiety.
"(Y/N) Why did you leave?... Was it me? Were you ashamed of me or-" He started, the back of his hand brushing against his nose as the enxiety slammed into his chest.
"What?.. No that's not why I left Buggy- I was scared. How the hell was I suppose to go through pregnancy on a ship? Hell the labor?! That was 36 hours to give birth to both of them!" Buggy winced at the thought, you leaned against the railing and stared at him.
"It was the fact that I couldn't predict how you would react and no idea how to raise a baby here. So in a village with at least some stability seemed like the best option- Even if it ment having to do it alone"
You admit, Buggy messing with his gloved hands. Sadness bleeding through his gaze as he sighed.
"I suppose- I can see your point... but I would have put everything on hold if I knew-" Buggy admitted, before rubbing the back of his head a bit hesitantly.
"You know- We only got 60 days and I've been wanting to take a vacation. Drop off the crew maybe for a bit and I know this really nice island" Buggy said casually. Your eyebrows raising at hearing this- He wanted to stop pirating just for you and the twins?
"What?-" You started but he cut you off quickly. "I mean it would only be a little bit of course- unless something urged me to stay a bit longer. However I think being on the open ocean can be damaging for super long term- I mean the meals can cause scurvy and who knows what else" He quickly justified, even at this distance you could see his ears turning red. You couldn't help but giggle at this, which caught his attention quickly.
"I'd like that Buggy.. But I don't want to take you away from what you love" you say, Watching Buggy take a hesitant step towards you.
"Who knows... 60 days can quickly turn into eternity.. if you want it to.. and i lost what i loved once- Ill never let that happen again" He said locking eyes with you which made you smile brighter.
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It had been 3 weeks since Shanks arrived- and it had been one journey, The man clearly loved to be a father. Willing to do anything for Vivian, her having the powerful pirate wrapped around her little finger and not even knowing it.
Shanks having let his crew take the time for essentially a vacation on his dime while ge stayed in your guestroom. Excited every morning to wake up and play with his daughter. He bought her so many toys, a chest full of pretty dresses, a giant stuffed monkey and a play wood sword since she had been so interest in his.
She had even taken to tying her favorite green ribbon on his sword since "It looks pretty" and he didn't have the will power to take it off. So for the most part, it had been complete and total bliss.
It was early morning when you heard some loud Noises coming from the kitchen area of your home- Getting up from bed and put on your robe and walked to see what all the noise was.
You stood in the kitchen with a raised eyebrow, the only word fitting this situation was- Hilarious. There sat Shanks, sat on the floor with his back leanes against the oven holding a old muffin. His eyes were covered in a thick layer of green glittery eyeshadow (from your makeup bag) hot red lipstick that was sneered on other parts of his face. Some bows randomly scattered in his red hair. His coat that usually covered his missing arm dropped over your daughter who was still in her baby blue tight gown and she was dragging behind her as she adding things to the spread on the floor. A bag of sugar, some water, a scattering of teabags and whatever had been in the fridge- including half eaten sandwiches and cupcakes which Shanks was currently chewing on.
"Starlight, I don't think there is anyway you can make the wate- I mean tea any sweeter" He said calmly, Watching Vi try to pour more sugar into her little China set with her chubby hands. Shanks cringing a bit at this as she poured him a cup and handed it to him.
"See! Now it's perfect!" She chimed and giggled loudly. He gave a smile as he set aside his muffin and sipped the tea, trying to suppress the cringe from the unholy amount of sugar that was mixed with water and a hint of a poor teabag.
"It's delicious Baby Girl- Fantastic" He choked out, working through a smile as he forced himself to take another sip. You couldn't help bit to laugh, which brought the attention of both Red Heads.
"Mommy!" Vivian chimed loudly running towards you still wearing Shank's cloak and you scooped her up carefully.
"I must say Shanks, you look fabulous" You said with a smile. Shanks Grinning up at you as he sat on the floor.
"I always thought I'd look good in green" He said, Gesturing to the sloppy eyeshadow. Rolling himself up to his feet as he smiled down at you.
"By the way are you ready for today?" You raised a brow-
"Oh boy what do you have planned?" Shanks only gave a wide smile before grabbing a box from the kitchen table and holding up a lovely yellow sundress for you and a similar one for Vivian.
"Fun day out!"
Shanks hadnt beem kidding about a fun day, staring with a lovely resturant on the island, sailing, having in a meadow and then time out at the park the sun started to set. Shanks held Vivian who was passed out against him, walking back to your home. The two of you talking about the time you two where together in the past.
"Thank you (Y/N).." He said softly, Smiling as he watched the sun set and the two of you walked up hill.
"For what?" He smiled brightly at you "Making me the happiest man in the world" You couldn't help but blush at hearing this. Looking away bashfully as you came up to your home, Seeing a man standing there a bit awkwardly.
"Yasopp! Glad you stopped by, This is (Y/N) and my darling daughter Vivian. She's asleep right now but I'm sure she'd love to meet ya"
Shank smiled brightly at seeing his fellow crewmate. However the look on Yasopp face said otherwise.
"Its lovely to meet you (Y/N)... but Captian- we have to talk.." He said softly, Shanks frowning at the tone he gave before gently passing Vivian to you.
"I'll be in a sec" He said, nodding you quickly head inside to get Vivian ready for bed. Yasopp and him talked outside, Shanks looked angry. Staring at the letter and running his hand through his hair clearly stressed. You finished cleaning Vivians face and got her in her PJs, tuckering her in for the night. In the hallway you could hear the should of bottles shifting, turning to see Shanks in the kitchen grabbing the bottle of whiskey you kept on the top shelf- his face twisted in anger as he plopped on the couch.
"You have to leave.. don't you-" You finally blurted out, watching him open the bottle with his teeth and take a sip. His eyes shiny with unshed tears, he nodded soberly as he took a hard swig of the drink.
"Shanks you can't finally meet her and just leave her life-" You stressed, anger bubbling in your chest as you stared at him. He sat slunched in the chair a swirling of different emotions in his eyes.
"They need my help.. and I can't risk it (Y/N).... I can't risk them finding out about you and Vi... they would kill you both" He whispered, shock slamming into you. Your eyes drifting to Vivian's room were she laid sleeping.
"...How long will you be gone" You whispered finally, sitting down on your sofa sadly.
"I don't know..." He whispered, defeat written on his face. Holding the bottle out to you, which you took and started to sip before passing it back.
"When do you leave?" Shanks took another heavy swig of the drink and held it out to you. "Tomorrow morning..." You nod at this- Taking another sip of the whiskey.
"...I-Is she going to hate me?" Shanks whispered, Looking up at were he knew Vi was. You shook your head "She doesn't have it in her heart to hate.." You said softly. He nodded at this and messed with the ribbon she tied on his sword, staring at it hard.
"I love her (Y/N).... so much it hurts.." His voice cracked. But he instead stood up, taking a heavy breath.
"I'm going to get some sleep... you should as well" He said softly, Turning and walking back to the guest room. Leaving you alone with the whiskey bottle, as you put it back in its rightful place. You could have sworn you heard hushed sobs... but left them be and went to cry in your own bed as well.
In the morning, the nice breakfast was made. Shanks feeding Vivian her oatmeal and letting her talk his ear off, you knew he needed this moment. Needed to have this with her. Once breakfast was finishes the three of you started the walk to the docks, Vivian holding Shanks hand as they talked about the pretty ocean.
Walking to the docks he saw the ship being loaded up, Vivian staring in awe at the massive vessel and giggled at the sight of all the men who stared at her and gave friendly waves. Shanks taking a deep breath to look at you both. Hurt shining in his eyes as he swallowed a hard lump in his throat. Kneeling down he looked at Vivian, his hand cupping her chubby cheek as he took a shaky breath holding back tears clearly. "Princess, I've got to go for a while.."
"But why?... you just got here?"
"I know baby girl- But, see there is this trouble maker- His name is Luffy. Think of him as your big brother, he needs my help.. And I don't want to put you and your Mommy in danger while I go get him. So I have to leave-"
He said, Biting his bottom lip for a second as he let a few tears roll down his cheek. Reaching into his pocket and pulling out a solid gold coin- it was quite large and he carefully handed it to Vivian. Her little fingers holding the big coin and touching the detailed design thay decorated it, his Jolly Roger.
"But I promise I'll be back.. but until I do- you have to keep this with you. It's special, it will protect you from Pirates- And when I come back, and I promise I will. I'll trade you that coin for your ribbon back okay?"
He said softly, watching Vivian smile up at him at the promise.
"Okay Daddy.." She said softly before jumping and hugging around his neck. He held her tightly, wrapping his arm around her as if he didn't want to let go.
"Captian-" Yassop said softly, Shanks nodding and carefully standing up. Handing Vivian to you a bit reluctantly, Vivian own eyes starting to water. You held her close as tears rolled down your own cheeks. Shanks leaning in and kissing the tears on your face and one gingerly on your lips.
"I'll see you two again, I swear" He said softly, Stepping back as he followed after his crew. The crew somber like their Captian as he boarded, yelling out commands to set sail. Looking back as the ship began to leave the harbor, Waving at the two of you. Vivian waving back gently as tears rolled down her chubby cheeks clutching the coin close to her chest.
You and Vivian standing on the docks as you watched the ship sail and disapear over the horizon. You sniffles and wiped your eyes of the tears you didn't know had still been running down your cheeks.
Your daughter looking at you and wiping your tears, giving you a smile just like Shanks "Don't worry Mommy.. Daddy said he'd be back"
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You stood in your tiny kitchen, rubbing your temple as the days situation settled on your bones. Your son standing next to you chopping vegetables silently, Clearly ignoring the elephant in the room.
"Alucare- Do you want to-"
"No" He cut you off quickly, quickly cutting down on a carrot like it had wronged him. You sighed at this setting the kettle on the stove to start a pot of tea. Knowing damn well what was coming- right on cue there was a knock to the door.
Turning you went to let in the Warlord, he looked like a kicked puppy. Awkwardly standing there at your door with his hat removed, his eyes glancing up at you hesitantly.
"(Y/N)..." He said softly, surprising you that he had even remembered your name. He stepped to the side, inviting him into your home and guiding him to your dining room were he took a seat at the kitchen table.
You took a seat as well, Alucare not turning from preparing the vegetables. A awkward silence following the trio as there was only the sound of chopping.
"Mihawk.. It's been a while" You finally speak, the Warlord nodding in agreement. Silence falling over you two again.
"Oh for God's sake. Alucare sit down please, we are going to get this out" You said, Hearing the shuffle of your son moving from his spot and sitting next to you. You couldn't help but stare in awe- The two sitting across from each other made it seem like they were looking at some odd mirror, they looked almost identical except for the age and minor changes.
"Mihawk this is Alucare, your son. As we can clearly can see. Alucare this is your father Dracule Mihawk"
You introduce, swallowing thickly as the two continued to stare at each other. Silence falling again over you all, Mihawk sighed and rubbed his temple. Turning his eyes away from this odd sort of staring contest.
"Alucare.. That's a good name.. How old are you?" Mihawk asked, staring at his child for a moment before Alucare looked away.
"I'm 16..." He said softly, Mihawk nodding at this before his eyes landed on you.
"How come you didn't tell me- I would have been here, helped you. I have a home and more" He asked, his eyebrows betraying him in pure confusion and he frowned. You sighed and rubbed the back of your neck.
"I was scared- How would it look like if some random person claimed to have some famed Warlords child.." You mumbled, still embarrassed by the whole ordeal. "Besides it wasn't even until after are alleyway escapades that I understood who you were-"
"I see..." Mihawk sighed as he stared at Alucare again, who seemed to grow a bit uncomforble at the direction of this conversation.
"Alucare do you wish to ask something of your father?-" You encouraged. Wanting to create a olive branch between the two.
"What is there me to ask? It's not like it's a secret that we are related or his reputation. The only thing I would wonder is how you found out about us-" Alucare said a bit dismissively, you felt genuine surprise at this. He had never shown anyone disrespect before until now-
"There were rumors of you that traveled to a Marine Base I was at- how a child looked like the famed Mihawk... eyes and all" Mihawk clarified. Alucare only rolling his matching yellow eyes at this, standing up from his seat.
"I'll be dismissing myself. Thanks for the talk" He said calmly, walking out the back door and slamming it shut behind him. You sighed and looked to Mihawk
"Hes normally not like that, I don't know what to say" You admit. But the Warlord just stood up with a understanding nod.
"Hes angry... that I understood.. I'll return" He said before following out the back door as well.
Standing by the grove of trees next to the house Alucare let the cool blade of the knives brush over his fingers, sighing as he quickly released the blade at lightning speed at the carved target on the old tree hitting bulls eye. Alucare walking to retrieve the lone blade and repeat the process.
"Impressive shot-" The deep voice only belonging to Mihawk sounded behind the teen. Alucare glancing back at the man as he resumed his position and went back to throwing his blade.
"Thanks I suppose-" Alucare mumbled as he continued to task. Mihawk sighing softly as he glanced at the sky.
"What is the true reason you resent me- One that you don't wish to express with your mother around" He finally asked, staring at the sky. Alucare faltering in his movements for a moment, keeping the blade in his hands for a moment.
"If you had been anyone else she wouldn't have had to suffer so much-" He admitted, his eyes showing a deep sadness as he sighed "I saw the way they looked at her, despite her smiling and ignoring it.. how she acted as a human shield for me. Because we share blood- How she would sit on the bed after working day and night to put that home over our head... how tired she was and then emotionally carying the brunt of people looking at her in either pity, fear otlr disgust for my sake"
He admitted, throwing the blade once again watching the blade stick deeply into the tree the handle being the only thing that showed. Mihawk quietly listened and clenched his hands.
"I understand... if I had known I would have protected her... I would have protected you- Nothing I can say can make up for 16 years of hardship... but I do apologize" Mihawk said, bowing his head gently.
Alucare looked at him silently for a moment. Looking away for a moment and went to grab the blade.
"...How do you sharpen a blade-" Alucare asked, In his own way accepting Mihawk apology and extending a form of communication. Mihawk gave a hint of a smile on his lips as he stepped forward.
"I can show you-"
Tag List-
For all the people who requested Pt. 2
@lunanight1021 @lolavegas20 @cuteastrash @thatcharmingmushroom @marsilis @thesadvampire @amecchii @zaphira-san @matronofthevoid @mothmans-left-nipple
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httpwintersoldier · 7 months
opla men hc || you tease them with a short skirt
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ᴢᴏʀᴏ ; ᴍɪʜᴀᴡᴋ ; ʟᴜғғʏ ; sᴀɴᴊɪ ; sʜᴀɴᴋs ; ʙᴜɢɢʏ
ᴄᴡ: ᴘᴜʙʟɪᴄ ꜱᴇxᴜᴀʟ ᴀᴅᴠᴀɴᴄᴇꜱ
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⤷ when zoro sees you parading around with that skirt hanging dangerously close to your ass cheeks, a whirlwind of emotions goes through him
⤷ he wants to stand behind you to cover you so no one else can see the way your ass revealed slightly when you walked, he wanted to lift it slightly and get a better look, he wanted to pick you up, carry you to his bedroom and fuck you senseless...
⤷ so many scenarios and all he could do was silently play the scenarios in his head over and over as he shamelessly stared at your ass
⤷ it all changed when zoro noticed you'd bend down only when he was watching, you'd sway your hips playfully and bounce back and forth jiggling your ass on purpose
⤷ you were teasing him
⤷ once zoro puts 2 and 2 together he just chuckles
⤷ the swordsman comes behind you, grips your waist and pulls your ass against his growing erection
⤷ "I'm gonna love to see this during the rest of the day, because I'm not fucking or touching you until you're on your knees, begging"
⤷ the second you step out in the miniskirt mihawk smirks
⤷ he instantly knew what you were doing, and smirked - mihawk found it... amusing
⤷ the man loved to see how hard you tried to bend over and expose your ass, desperately trying to get a reaction out of him
⤷ mihawk enjoyed how hard you were working to get his attention
⤷ most of all, he did love the view - the way the skirt almost gave him a look of your pretty panties huggung your ass beautifully...
⤷ "once you've had enough of teasing me, do meet me in my room, it's my turn now"
⤷ luffy is oblivious to what you're trying to do, but either way he doesn't care because he was too focused blatantly staring at your ass
⤷ his eyes were glued to your rear, often brushing against the bits of your cheeks that peeked out of the small piece of fabric
⤷ luffy doesn't care who's watching, if he wants it he gets it, so if he wants to grab your ass, he will
⤷ you didn't think luffy would sneak his hands under your skirt and grab your ass, but he did, several times
⤷ it made it hard for you to maintain your composure, especially when he wrapped his arms around you and laid his head on your ass, sneeaking a couple bites in
⤷ he will get very protective, whiny and jealous if he sees other people looking as well though
⤷ "I think I wanna try some new stuff, y/n"
⤷ he didn't even care that you were teasing him
⤷ sanji's hands were all over you the whole day, groaning in your ear and whispering praises and dirty things every time he passed by you
⤷ he would find any and every reason to come behind you and brush his crotch against your ass
⤷ would definitely pull you into a dark corner in the middle of the day and fuck you from the back against a wall while he covered your mouth so no one could hear you
⤷ sanji would cum on your panties and make you walk around with his cum sticking to your pussy
⤷ "how many rounds do you think you can handle, my love?"
⤷ shanks loves it
⤷ he obviously knows what you're doing and you knew he'd catch on so you're not exactly discrete with your plans either
⤷ shanks would make little sexual comments here and there (and would praise you equally as much)
⤷ he wouldn't mind the constant boner throughout the day because he'd love the show you'd be putting on for him
⤷ the man would absolutely love to see the way your crotch squeezed in between your legs when you bent over (and he would definetily tug your panties to the side to "take a peek" while you bent down)
⤷ ass smacks the whole damn time
⤷ will be thinking of all the ways to fuck you at the end of the day and will make sure to whisper all of them to you
⤷ "I'm gonna fuck you for the exact ammount of time you've been teasing me for, how does that sound?"
⤷ oh buggy loves it
⤷ he doesn't even care that you're teasing him
⤷ buggy loves it when you put on a show for him and he loves it even more if you do it in front of others - he wants to show off how lucky he is, how he gets to fuck someone so beautiful and only he can do it
⤷ he would groan at the sight of you asscheeks and panties
⤷ buggy would beg you to sit on his lap while he was on his throne
⤷ the Captain would praise you constantly as he caressed your body and admired the way your ass sat against his cock
⤷ you'd end up riding him on the throne
⤷ and after he'd cum in you he would just wrap his arms around you and have you cockwarm him
⤷ "where can I find more of these pretty skirts? We need to get you some more..."
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Just imagine
Posted on 05. 11. 23
18+ content ahead
"Oh god." You moaned as his thick cock was in you. And that's what he needs to hear, without a second thought he started bullying his dick in you. Oh, he absolutely loved this. He always lost his mind whenever you begged him to ruin you. He was moving inside of you at an animalistic pace. The only thing in his mind was to reach his climax, and bring you to yours in the process. He himself was an utter mess, morning, whimpering and almost tearing up from the overstimulation. But he didn't want to stop. He never wanted to stop. If he could he would be inside you all the fucking time, but he had business to take care of. So whenever he was blessed to be inside you, he savoured every damn moment.
Your rolled eyes behind and your toes curled. That's it you were there once again thanks to this crazy bastard, who was obsessed with your pussy. You could feel him twitching in you. He was there so were you. His pace increased. He was too lost in the feeling of your slopping warmth around his cock. His moans and loud grunts outmatched your screams and the sound of your skin against each other. "Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck daddy. Too much I can't." " A little more darling, a bit…" And, as your inner walls clamp down onto him, your tears falling on your face as a strained moan leave your lips. Oh, how divine it feels when you finally cum together, after all those rough strokes, stimulating you so perfectly in ways that you could never imagine, building up to that perfect moment again and again, both of you moaning like a mess as he fills you up as if you were his personal flesh light.
Shanks, Benn Beckman, Trafalgar Law, Eustass Kidd, Roronoa Zoro, Dracule Mihawk, Kakashi Hatake, Madara Uchiha, Sosuke Aizen, Kisuke Urahara, Shunsui Kyoraku, Toji Fushijuro, Nanami Kento, & your favourites ♡
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sordidmusings · 8 months
Cuddling Headcanons - Straw Hats and the Three Unwise Men
A/N: Just mulling over something sweet and something to reference back to for my own use in future writings. I just wanna give all of them some love tbh I am a slut for affection
Includes! Zoro, Sanji, Nami, Luffy, Usopp, Mihawk, Buggy, and Shanks
Warnings: gn!reader, all fluff, opla leaning for the most part but I think it can fit both pretty well, an innuendo or two
Part 2 (drabbles for each character) here!
Enjoy some guided daydreams!
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Partial touches during naps were how he started interacting with your personal space but your lap no longer belongs to you it is now his pillow 
Honestly, basically any of you is a pillow whenever he decides - I don't care if you are significantly shorter than him he will find a way to fall asleep on your shoulder 
For more contact, you need to be the one to cling to him but he does absolutely need to be touching you at least a bit 
Once he gets used to it he’ll give you a look any time you’re depriving him of his daily intake of physical affection (the sass king will always get his tribute)
He absolutely melts like a cat in the sun if you massage at any of his muscles, could be anything as much as an evening dedicated to working out every knot he has or as simple as putting intentional pressure behind your thumb as it circles and drags along his skin
He can get nervous about kissing you when it’s not on the lips - something about it feels more vulnerable to him somehow - so if he does venture to kiss your cheek or head or shoulder or hand please reassure him with a smile or your own kisses or a firm squeeze
He gets better about being seen hugging/holding you eventually, but will never get comfortable with giving more than pecks on the cheek or forehead around the others. Maaaaaaybe the corner of your lips if he’s feeling ~spicy~
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Back hugs, back hugs, back hugs-
He’s always making sure that the two of you brush hands or arms when near each other, even after you two establish a relationship it will always give him tingles 
Likes to be very intertwined when you cuddle - if he can somehow wrap around you more then he absolutely will
He is The Best at tracing shapes gently on your skin, just like with brushing hands he never tires of it because, wow, he gets to touch you! He still can’t believe it sometimes
Very good at making you feel cherished when he holds you because of the way he always seems to take his time and ease into it and constantly caress you not to say that there’s never a time he’s hurried and ravenous 
It also helps that he’s always whispering sweet nothings to you about how wonderful you are, how beautiful and precious and lovely and kind and capable and special
When he wants to trap you while cuddling, he wraps his legs around you and uses their absurd strength for evil
He will melt if you ever do the same to him and he will happily be at your whims to cuddle until you've decided it's enough, all of you could be under attack but he is staying right where you want until you decide that he needs to move
Loooooves showering you with sweet little kisses anytime you're cuddling
He can sometimes get carried away with pda because he forgets that there’s anyone else around whoops
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She has her legs on your lap always - sometimes while she's laying/leaning back, sometimes with one leg hooked over one of yours, sometimes basically sitting on your lap
She likes to be the one that is held and feels most comfortable with her face snuggled into something (please nurture her and that scared, lonely inner child)
Enjoys brushing the tip of her nose across you, especially across your cheek or neck or the tip of your own nose
She likes to hook your arms together whether you’re standing next to each other during a convo or you’re walking or she’s sitting next to you, she just loves the casual contact and how she can use it to be playful and pull you around or use it to stay close and let others know that both of you are taken do not even think about it keep moving along dude
She’s very weak to hugs where you pick her up a few inches off the ground for a second, they send her heart racing (bonus points if you’re noticeably taller or shorter than her and do this)
She’s also weak for words of affirmation, especially when you speak them to her while you hold each other in the quiet hours of night 
For some reason literally being on your lap around others is fine but if you give her a kiss to the temple while that's happening? Suddenly it's Too Much, both in how sweet it is and also because she’s being perceived while it's happening
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Any/all contact is being had whenever he’s with you
If he’s on the floor next to you then your calf is now his teddy bear, if you’re on the floor near him he’ll snatched your torso with his legs, if you’re sat near him he’s wrapping both arms around one of yours to snuggle it
One of his favorites is leaning your backs against each other, he feels really supported and the way you occasionally lean and twist your head back to nuzzle his or give him a quick kiss makes him smile with the utmost joy
He will carry and move you around in the strangest ways - fireman carry, one arm around your waist while you’re upside down, your knees hooked over his shoulders while the rest of you hangs down, you trying to koala to his side, one time you were curled completely around his waist like a pool floaty - no one understands why you two can’t be normal
Likes to be the one to hold you so he can fidget when he needs without feeling like he has to unlatch you first, this is especially when you two are laid down and/or going to be cuddling together for awhile
PDA doesn’t bother him at all, he doesn’t give a fuck if anyone sees you snuggled up together, doesn’t even occur to him that he should care 
His playfulness will come out often with dramatic “mwah!” kisses, nipping at you, blowing raspberries on your skin, and the occasional tickling
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It’s necessary for him to have his arms wrapped around you some way 
Likes to be the big spoon to feel like he’s acting as armor and protecting you, it just hits the right place in his brain that has him feeling Big and Strong in the best way
He loves when you plant a kiss on his chest, especially if you aim one directly over his heart (that is totally at a normal rate plz don’t check)
He likes to play with your hair and/or massage your neck and scalp
Big into making sure wherever the two of you are cuddling is comfy, has many extra blankets and a selection of pillows by size and firmness
Always down to cuddle but feels more comfortable if you initiate first, especially when it’s a new thing between the two of you 
He simultaneously loves pda and is nervous about pda but that nervousness is absolutely gone when he’s drunk or even pretty buzzed
Good at incorporating his head into hugs - hooking his jaw on your shoulder or on top of your head, leaning his temple gently into the side of your head, bumping you softly with his forehead 
Need background noise while you go to sleep? He’s more than happy to hold you and turn on storyteller mode. Honestly, it’s one of his favorite things to do and he cherishes that time together
When it’s bedtime stories he’s telling, his voice is so low and soothing
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This man needs to have his hands holding something on you (your hand, your shoulder, your waist, your thigh, your back, your ass lol), 
He likes to feel wrapped around you like hes hoarding you to himself, this leads to him enjoying you laying on his chest, having all of your weight on him has him feel like he’s fully possessing you
Will definitely kiss the top of your head/your temple/your forehead/basically whatever his lips are near, not a consistent bout of them, more one deliberate peck when the need strikes him (it’s also his customary goodnight to you)
Like the other swordsman, he will give you a look if you miss a habitual touch (especially if it’s the way you usually ran a hand through his hair with a kiss to the forehead before you left the castle, that was non-negotiable it had to happen), his stare however is more the 1000 yard variety and those bright yellow eyes will bore a hole through you until you understand what you did wrong
Something about this man makes me feel his temp runs hot but not in a way that bothers him, like he doesn’t feel hot or overheated but when you touch him the difference between you two is noticeable
It’s a damn good thing that he reciprocates your physical affection, even if 70% it’s just an arm coming around you, because his stony expression makes it easy to assume that your touches are unwanted 
This type of limited response is mostly for more casual cuddling like hugs or sitting next to each other because when you’re laying together his face is always soft and he’s much greedier to be pressing into you
Okay with some pda like quick and passing touches including kisses, but not a fan of anything more intimate when others can see
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The Chairrrrrr, as you’ve told him it’s circUS so both of you need to be on the throne (If he’s wanting to look extra powerful or intimidating you have no problem sitting at his feet and holding him like a heroine on a 70s fantasy novel)
He’s a big fan of any possessive gestures - arm around shoulders, back hugs, pulling you to wrap your arms around him, having you sit in his lap
He’s a cuddle switch for sure because sometimes he needs to hold you to remind himself that you’re his and sometimes he needs to feel held
Very fragile for gentle affection - please draw shapes on this man’s back, play with his hair and massage his scalp, give him head kisses, hand kisses, wrist kisses 
Feels like his heart will explode if you nuzzle your face into him whether its into his chest or the side of his head or good lord his pALM (He may have literally fallen apart the first time you did that and if you’re ever in the mood for some Entertainment bring it up) 
He is actually made for cuddling because if his arm is uncomfortable to lay on or starting to fall asleep? He can detach it and now it’s your stuffed animal. This can extend to literally any part of him that either of you feels is getting in the way of the perfect cuddle 
Need to feel needed? The way he’ll pull you into him and hold you like you’re going to disappear will let you know he needs you
Absolutely LIVES for pda, he gets to show you off to everyone and have your gorgeous self make him shine brighter in the spotlight? Nothing could be better
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Sharing his space often means one of you sitting between the others legs, whether one is on the floor in front of the other’s seat or y’all are laying down together with one settled further down the bed, this often leads to you laying your head on the hip or stomach or upper thigh of the other 
He mostly likes to be on his back or stomach and pretty splayed out, so you’ve adjusted yourself to gripping to him after he’s taken over the bed
It always makes him soft to think about you always choosing to cling to him without him having to hold you there, it really drives home that he’s something you actively want
Will grope you, sometimes sexually, but he also just likes the feeling of grabbing you, it’s somewhat of a manifestation of cute aggression 
He’s a sucker for getting his neck/shoulders/upper back rubbed while cuddling (which is a pain if he’s decided to be on his back) and he is not above bargaining for it or prodding you like an indignant pet each time you stop (very good puppy eyes), this is one of his favorite perks of having you in his lap
He’s another one to not care about being seen by others but not because it hasn’t occurred to him (like Luffy) but because anyone judging him is WAY less important than getting more affection from you 
His heart gets really tender when you lay with him and massage the stump of his arm and the shoulder above it because it helps with the phantom pains when he has them, it also help with the tension from using the muscles on that side to compensate, and it reminds him how the only thing about his arm that bothers you is that it hurts him
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louebel · 9 months
— [ 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐅𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 . . . 𝟐 .ᐟ ]
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: sanji, zoro, mihawk, buggy × gn!reader 𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐨/𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐬: not proofread and rushed,, it's not as wholesome as the first and more calm + horny my bad, lowercase, gets a bit explicit with sanji and buggy at the end... i am deeply sorry not. rest is sfw, fluff, and... fluff. usage of "baby, sweetness, honey, good boy" (and... others? i forgot) in all of them except zoro's, lots of caresses and kisses! these are rather short,, anddd dripping divider by @ benkeibear :) 𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: you couldn't help but share the sudden warmth you felt with them, resulting in... a lot of kisses! ... and more. part one is here!! though idk should i repost it? since it's in my archived blog— eh idk maybe not.
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"sanji... honey..."
a very pleasant smell engulfed the kitchen. sweet and homely, a dish that piqued your appetite. seagulls could be heard outside the sunny, the sun rising slowly to greet all those who continued their lives.
and then there were you two, already awake. sanji always got up earlier, and so you did too, wanting to keep him company at such early hours. you could still hear sanji's wails and the rivers of tears plopping onto the wood at your kind gestures, and you swore you saw the sunny sweatdrop that day. (you were definitely not imagining things...)
"hmm? yes, love?"
his voice was your greatest weakness. freshly awake, groggy with sleep... if only you could both rest right now — what you'd do to feel him tend to your scalp, brushing his treasured fingers upon you, perhaps humming a tune in your ears. you remembered his words: "because my love for you is so profound, i can't contain it" and now, every time he murmurs, you melt a little more, thinking of what he said. of course, not all the time, sometimes he just does it.
sadly, however, you couldn't go back to sleep. he had to cook, and he was going to treat you with the most delicious, mouthwatering breakfast ever, but you'd still be disappointed since what you wanted was... something else. you were so spoiled...
"i think i could get something else for breakfast... it's fine, right?"
now, you know sanji despised wasting food. it wouldn't really be a problem considering luffy, but... why didn't you say anything?
he glanced at you from his shoulder, a bit perplexed. he felt his heart flutter as you approached him, wrapping your arms around his waist, pressing your face on his tender nape.
"... those are definitely sweet," you pointed at the pancakes, already smiling, "but i think you're sweeter."
it was only morning, damnit. and yet here he was, already blushing, cheeks tinted a lovely shade of pink. a small chuckle rumbled from his chest, the cook lowering the heat as the first batch was ready, before turning to you and pressing a tender kiss upon your forehead.
"you do, love?"
"mhm. and, you know, i'd really like if you gave me some of your love right now. i think that's the most sweet... 'm thinking about just sitting here and kissing you all over while telling you "i love you, i love you, i love you" ," you brought his hand to your chest, smiling at how his visible eye softened. "feels really warm right here, just thinking 'bout it..." you were so wonderful that sanji might just die on the spot.
"oh, love... you can't just say those things so early..."
"hmm? and why not?"
"... m—might faint."
fainting in your arms didn't sound so bad though, he thought dreamily.
"ppff... if you faint, i won't shower you with kisses."
"i won't faint."
you giggled at his suddenly determined tone. tenderly brushing your lips around the side of his neck, you nudged his jaw, sliding your hands under his shirt, feeling him tense beneath your skimming fingers. his flesh felt firmer to the touch, lineaments of his abdomen and torso defined with each part you mapped.
"hmm... i love you so much, sanji. really love you, hon."
"... a—ah, getting handsy, aren't you?"
you loved how he got so flustered with just a couple of touches. he shuddered as you placed your hand on the crook of his neck, pulse quickening beneath your thumb. he was rather sensitive, there, too...
"you— you know, i, hnngh, think you're the sweetest..." he whimpered, his slender fingers finding your tantalizing ones.
"hmmm? is that so, honey?"
"y—yes — ohh... love..."
you were gliding dangerously lower...
"mmm... you're so hard, sanji." oh... "i think you should relax a bit before cooking..." oh my... "it's so early... you need proper rest." ba-dump.
"... i—i do, don't i? heh... hehe..."
"yeah, you do. come on... i'll show you just how sweet i am. will give you all my love. you want that, baby?"
"oh, ooh please... goodness, don't—don't hold back, mon ange..."
"mhm... good boy. relax..."
and soft moans soon filled the piquant kitchen — followed by smooches, wet sounds, and declarations of love from both ends.
you truly were the sweetest in his eyes.
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— 𝐑𝐎𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐎𝐀 𝐙𝐎𝐑𝐎, wc. 388
"zoro... your face looks pretty kissable today."
sometimes, zoro had no idea what went through your head. you've both been sitting on the deck, zoro against the mast and you lying your head on his lap. he was going to take a nap but it seemed you were feeling chatty, so he decided to entertain you for a little while before he dozed off.
he had no idea what you were thinking, but he liked it.
"does it?" he mumbled, gazing down at you to see you shift in his lap, eyebrow raising as you got up and cuddled to his side, chin on his shoulder. he tilted his head slightly, seeing your pupils dilating at the sight of him; already quite big as the sun was setting. he smirked, though the expression on your face only made his heart beat faster.
you looked completely smitten.
"yep. very."
smooch. smooch. smooch.
and he probably did, too, in his own way. he couldn't see it, but you did. how he relaxed, how he so softly sighed. you smiled, realizing just how much he laid himself bare to you. it wasn't the same trust he shared with luffy, no. it was something more intimate. something... sweeter. and with each osculate to his neck and jaw, zoro loosened just a bit further, his consciousness slowly slipping away.
"hm. thought you said my face." yet, he still taunted you, with that stupid smug grin on his lips. you rolled your eyes, continuing to pamper him with love.
"shut up. mm..."
"love you, zoro. so much."
you slowly pushed him down on the floor, the swordsman tensing a little before following your silent command. you lay on his body, his arms splayed on the wood, eye closed as you kissed his eyelid, brow, and nose. a reddish hue colored his cheeks, chuckling as your tiny, adoring pecks tickled his skin.
so lovely.
" 'that so..?"
your eyes mitigated further, noting the corners of his mouth curve up more. you were lucky...
"mhh... y'know, i think you look pretty kissable today, too."
he'll rearrange his naps, just for you. with a kiss to your lips, he sealed the unspoken "i love you" with his tender actions — his heart all yours.
and he'd care for your own... like one of his swords.
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perona was speechless. she knew, she knew. she knew that you were dracule's lover...
"miiiiihaaawk... will you look at me?"
but what she witnessed was as surprising as the first time you told her that.
you grinned at the sighing warlord, shutting his book as you've been pestering him for minutes. arms wrapped around him, kisses to his neck — he wasn't a man easily swayed, even by you. the armchair leaned back as he finally eased, your form against his soft.
"... do you have nothing to do?" he huffed, rather tired of your games. interrupting him was almost sin; perona had no idea how you lived. were these the privileges of being dracule mihawk's partner? he treated you so differently... how could you even fall for someone as brooding as him? every time she did something nice, like give him pastries or clean the castle as she had nothing to do, he'd ignore her completely. (though he appreciated it.)
"i do. i'm loving you." yet here he was, letting you speak and do as you wished with a faint smile on his face. he looked like a big cat.
"something other than that."
"hmm... no. i wanna love you right now."
the longer she watched from her little corner, the more her mind crumbled.
"... you're impossible."
"but you love me too. like how i love you. i love you a lot."
you were so... mushy. something that did not connect to mihawk at all — unless you were around. his actions conveyed what he felt, even if they were scarce at the moment.
"like, a looot. you know? a lot. i really do."
but... no words would topple from his mouth, perona was sure of that.
"i reciprocate." incredibly sure.
"c'mon, say it." there was no way.
"... i love you too."
"there you go. good boy."
he could only sigh at your antics — though inside he felt as warm as a star. after that, perona left her hiding spot and dragged her jaw that sat on the floor.
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— 𝐁𝐔𝐆𝐆𝐘 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐂𝐋𝐎𝐖𝐍, wc. 426
buggy was not happy.
he was not happy you gave him a kiss, in front of his whole crew, completely unbothered as you pretty much established he was yours. he did not like it. at all.
"just..! what do you think you're doing?! kissing me out of nowhere? they have no idea we're together! what if someone took a photo!—"
"did i tell you?"
"—tell me what?"
you chuckled while he blinked. it was always funny how simple it was to make him stop; one word and he'd immediately listen to you. it was as if his own temporarily had no weight, just to hear your own thoughts, only to slander them later or actually agree with them.
most of the time, he ended up stuttering. you loved how much he hated you teasing him; it became your favorite pastime.
"you look incredibly cute." your grin always meant trouble.
"my nose looks redder than usual??"
your chuckle the last sound he heard,
"no. you, look, cute. cute. adorable. precious." and your words forever his downfall.
you could see his cheeks gaining color, a pretty rouge that matched his lipstick and nose, mirth decorating your face at the view. he was just so, so so cute. but when he snorted and flailed his hands around with parts of his body floating at the use of his devil fruit... that's when he got even cuter.
"y—you say that all the time!" he squeaked and pointed at you, stomping closer to you to somehow look "threatening". in reality, he was just a cub. you kept on smiling, looking at him with an adoring gaze that managed to make his poor heart stop — your affection a treat he relished.
"i mean it." plus, when your voice had that adoring tone... he could do nothing but take what you said. maybe he was just making a big deal out of things...
"w—well! of course you mean it, hahaha! i'm... buggy the... aah..."
his eyes almost popped out of his sockets as you got closer to him; wrapping your arms around his waist, teeth nibbling his neck. a tiny, soft moan that made you shudder left buggy's lips, already trembling.
"... mm... love you so much, baby. 'm sure they don't mind the kiss... come here."
he could barely get a word in, before his squeals and whimpers reached even those outside, as all of his skin got caressed by your lips. soon, he was screaming "i love you too!" and your stunt was the last thing he thought about.
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bbyjackie · 8 months
one piece social media + dating feat: shanks
》 i had to edit half of these photos to have red hair lol
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♡ liked by d_mihawk, B.B_buGGY and 8.8k others
_ynln: this man is definitely 'wanted'
tagged: sh444nks
sh444nks: i know you're obsessed but gosh stop flirting with me 😒😒
↳ sh444nks: i have a girlfriend already geez 🙄
↳ _ynln: not with that attitude you won't 😐
↳ sh444nks: WAIT IM JOKING PLEASE 😭🙏
↳ benn__b: I hate you guys, you're literally a meter away from each other right now
YASXPP: Yo captain you're looking a little too fine right now 😍🫵
↳ luckyroux.x: For real Yn gotta start gatekeeping these photos 🤤
↳ _ynln: can u guys stop trying to steal my man 🤨
↳ YASXPP: He was our captain before he became your boyfriend, get in line (liked by luckyroux.x, sh444nks)
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♡ liked by luckyroux.x, _ynln and 10.3k others
sh444nks: gf taught me abt angel numbers, that's why my user is now 4️⃣4️⃣4️⃣
tagged: _ynln
_ynln: the yn effect (liked by benn__b, luckyroux.x)
↳ sh444nks: my angel 😇😇
↳ _ynln: nah stop 😔💗
B.B_buGGY: Simp
↳ sh444nks: mad you don't get any huh 🥱
↳ sh444nks: get some skincare that's what u rlly need 😭
↳ sh444nks: also what the hell is wrong with your user
↳ B.B_buGGY: I was drunk
YASXPP: Damn captain you're not gonna post me? 😩😩
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♡ liked by sh444nks, benn__b and 6.1k others
_ynln: im gonna miss this little sucker 💓
sh444nks: he’s so annoying though
↳ _ynln: shanks you literally have no say, luffy is literally a mini you 🤨🤨
↳ sh444nks: this is so offensive my love 😔
sh444nks: nah this isn't even cool, luffy stole my girl
↳ d_mihawk: He just has more game than you. (liked by YASXPP, luckyroux.x, _ynln)
↳ luckyroux.x: LMFAOOO 😭😭
↳ sh444nks: MIHAWK WTF BRO
benn_b: Nah cause Luffy had us nervous all the time, little shit
↳ _ynln: HES SOO CUTE THO!!
↳ sh444nks: what about me yn!
↳ _ynln: no
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♡ liked by benn_b, YASXPP and 9.5k others
_ynln: happy birthday my ancient artefact 🎉
tagged: sh444nks
sh444nks: i love you but damn im not THAT old 😭😭
↳ _ynln: love u 2!
B.B_buGGY: Break up
↳ sh444nks: ayo?!!
d_mihawk: Happy birthday you drunk slop
↳ sh444nks: knew you loved me mihawk 🥺🥺💓
↳ d_mihawk: die
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