helloliriels · 2 days
Our limerick journey now ends,
No tears left to fear (or commend);
This May has been fun!
But now that it's done ...
I hope that all hearts can now mend? 😉🫰💕
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Ty to everyone who shared and commented this month!!! I found a new love of limericks and a few new friends in the bargain!!! Big ty to @friday411 @ghostofnuggetspast for what they begat. 😄 and what I otherwise would not have known. Haha 💕 much love - Liri
@johnlocky @chinike @rhasima @whatnext2020 @wizama @jrow @raina-at @chriscalledmesweetie @totallysilvergirl @7-percent @sarahthecoat @kettykika78 @khorazir @topsyturvy-turtely @iwlyanmw @jobooksncoffee @amyreadsandstresses @kittenmadnessandtea @keirgreeneyes @ohwhataniight @mrb488 @naefelldaurk @safedistancefrombeingsmart @john-smiths-jawline @lisbeth-kk @a-victorian-girl @dapetty @startrekker2011 @jolieblack @copperplatebeech @sakshisahu @ninasnakie @stellacartography @elwinglyre @unburstedbubble @sgam76 @janetm74 @fluffbyday-smutbynight @blogstandbygo @bs2sjh @gregorovitch-adler @dinner--starving @jawnn-watson @justanobsessedpan @dragonnan @liifafaa @impalaparkedat221b @plish-plash
... who am I kidding? there will be more. (lots more) and i hope to attend to each prompt (everyday) but for now, they percolate. I'll sprinkle them out sparingly in the future. 😏😘✌️💋 kiss kiss.
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Here is my first of 2 gif sets for Fandom Trumps Hate 2024.
@helloliriels asked for a gif set for her fic What If I'm Not , co-written with @fluffbyday-smutbynight .
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Made a bonus gif, because I felt like only 2 gifs wasn't enough. 😅
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a-victorian-girl · 6 months
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"Guess we should see what we came here for?" John offered, leading the way, "think the library is back here? Ah!" He flicked on a lightswitch behind a pair of double doors ... and a . "WHOA!!!!" Slipped out of their mouths simultaneously ... jaws dropping. As the darkened warehouse before them flickered to life, row ... by illuminated row ... Revealing hundreds ... if not thousands ... NO ... HUNDREDS of thousands!!! Of stories ... . Written about ... them? . John winked at Sherlock. Before dashing ahead in a mad chase. Each grabbing up several volumes apiece and meeting to read a few pages ... . "Look at this one!" . "John - you won't believe-!" "Sherlock!" "John!" . "This is-" "-I'm taking this one!" "This is brilliant!" . "We're in a sci-fi!" "oooh an epic!" "OHmyGOD!" John's giggling could be heard a few rows down, and Sherlock tucked another in his pocket and swung around the shelving to peruse over John's shoulder. His jaw dropped.
This is an excerpt from this brilliant fic written by @helloliriels, you can read it completely here (( my gift to you, sweetie, I LOVED TO READ IT!! ))
And... this is also my tribute and gratitude to all the wonderful writers, illustrators, digital retouchers, and GIF makers in this glorious fandom, to which I've been very attached for almost a year :)
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barachiki · 2 months
And the winner is...
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I greatly appreciate @helloliriels efforts in spreading happiness with their awards season. So here's an award, just for you! Enjoy!
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weeesi · 2 months
aw fun! thanks for playing, @helloliriels !!! from the
Writers Truth & Dare Ask Game
🍓 ⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction?
I've wanted to be a writer since I was five years old. I've dabbled in original fiction, poetry, and long form essay-type stuff but had no idea fanfic even existed (truly upsetting, I know) until I watched Sherlock for the first time in 2014. I needed *more*
🥐 ⇢ name one internet reference that will always make you laugh
not sure if this counts as an internet reference (probably not) but I came across this recently and it definitely made me LOL
if you see this, consider yourself tagged (you too, @helloliriels) and pick whatever you want to answer!!
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liquor-liquor-lips · 2 years
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Inspired by this gorgeous post by the gorgeous @helloliriels
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gregorovitch-adler · 2 months
This is the BOOP#02 game! You've been BOOPED. Now you gotta Boop someone else's ask box too 🐾 🐾 🐾 (If you want anyway! 😊)
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khorazir · 2 years
For the fic writer questions, #14 & #17? 💋
14. Are there any tropes you would only read if written by a trusted friend or writer?
Quite a lot, in fact. I’m quite selective in what I read, and I wouldn’t normally read stuff such as ABO or very dark fic, or even things like Sherlock/others, if I didn’t know and trust the authors.
17. What highly specific AU do you want to read or write even though you might be the only person to appreciate it?
I have several ideas for AUs that may be very unusual. I even wrote one, The Horse and his Doctor, in which Sherlock is a horse for most of the story. My cycling AU Slipstream is quite specific, too.
I still have this idea of a My Name is Nobody AU going around in my brain, based on the 1973 film with Terrence Hill and Henry Fonda. And there’s a Sharpe’s Rifles AU, and a Bob Ross one ... I just need time to actually write all this stuff down.
More cool writer asks here: https://khorazir.tumblr.com/post/700662927852699648/questions-for-fic-writers
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fluffbruary · 2 years
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Sherlock (TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Sherlock Holmes/John Watson Characters: Sherlock Holmes, John Watson Additional Tags: Bathing/Washing, Fluff, Romantic Fluff, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Bath Sharing, Fluff without Plot, Seriously ... no way out but through, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, fic therapy Summary:
It had devastated John ... seeing Janine go in to share a bath with Sherlock. Why it still bothered him a year later? He didn't know.
Sherlock had explained it all. It was a ruse ... a cover. He had done everything to find out what Magnussen held over Mary, and therefore ... held over John. Janine was simply a means to that end. But that didn't make the truth any easier.
Mary was gone ... And Janine had shared a bath with Sherlock.                                     ... And John had not.
fluff captured in the autumn dawn
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meetinginsamarra · 2 years
Happy Birthday!
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helloliriels · 10 months
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"You idiot ...
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... we could have been ... us."
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fth2022fanworks · 1 year
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strawberrywinter4 · 2 months
Pass the happy! ✨ When you get this, reply with 5 things that make you happy and send this to the last 10 people in your notifications!
1. Long naps
2. Writing
3. My fandoms
4. Pastries
5. Cozy clothes (fuzzy socks, long sleeves, sweaters, etc.)
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raina-at · 2 years
Just a little ficlet for @helloliriels, inspired by this fanart by @minuiko
The shadows grow long as he thinks. And thinks. And thinks.
The case has some interesting aspects, and he has yet to fully grasp the solution, but as he's sifting evidence and forming connections and deductions, he's suddenly aware that the mattress is dipping next to him.
He surfaces briefly to turn his head, and finds John, looking done in and exhausted by life, sitting there, watching him.
John's work at the clinic doesn't usually exhaust him like this, unless...
Cancer, inoperable, young patient, woman, new parent, cried on John's shoulder Sherlock deduces with ease, gaze flicking over John's clothes, his posture, the expression on his face.
Aloud, he says, "I need some more time to think. But you can stay, if you want to."
John's face registers surprise, but it's tempered by exhaustion, and an unwillingness to pretend that this isn't exactly what he came here for. Sherlock can see John's adam's apple bob as he swallows heavily. "Thank you."
Sherlock doesn't respond, because he hates platitudes, and sinks back into his mind palace. But a part of him is wholly aware of John's body stretching out next to his, of the warmth of him, the smell of tube and clinic and tea.
He's still thinking of the case, but he's also aware of the exact moment John falls asleep, breath evening out, muscles going slack.
The shadows lengthen even further as they lie there, Sherlock thinking, John sleeping.
Then John rolls in his sleep, towards Sherlock, enveloping him in sprawling limbs, nuzzling his face into Sherlock's arm.
Sherlock's eyes fly open and he just gazes at John for a moment. Stares at the soft, content smile on John's face. John hums, just once, a small sound of contentment Sherlock can feel against his skin as well as hear.
It doesn't mean anything, he thinks. I'm a warm body, he's exhausted and upset. When he wakes up, he'll be embarrassed and apologetic and I'll hate the way he hesitates and deflects and I'll still pretend it's fine just so he won't leave.
But it's not fine. All the little moments, the looks, the touches, the loaded silences. All of the moments where Sherlock is so desperately unsure whether they mean anything. So utterly terrified of reading into it. So very done with the nagging uncertainty.
Slowly, John stirs. Lifts his head. Blinks at Sherlock, drowsy and warm. "Hey," he says, voice gravelly and sleep-soft.
Sherlock swallows around the lump in his throat and resists the urge to run his fingers through John's sleep-mussed hair to straighten it. "Hey."
John smiles. "I think I drooled on you a bit. Sorry about that."
"I don't mind," Sherlock says, softly, gently, and meets John's searching eyes directly for once.
John's smile broadens. "Really?"
Sherlock nods, and his heart does a very impressive flip when John leans over him and brushes warm, dry lips over his. "Okay?" John asks, quietly, whispering into the strange intimate twilight of Sherlock's bedroom, as if they're sharing a secret.
And they do, Sherlock realises. The share a wonderful, delicious, brilliant secret.
I'm head over heels in love with my mad flatmate.
"Okay," Sherlock whispers as he leans up and presses his lips against John's. "Okay."
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liquor-liquor-lips · 1 year
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Excerpt from Funeral Blues, by WH Auden
Concept by @helloliriels Designed by @helloliriels and @liquor-liquor-lips Gifs by @liquor-liquor-lips
Dedicated to @topsyturvy-turtely <3
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when someone you look up to likes your post and was one of your very first followers and you’re like asdfghjkl how do you consider me qualified to be in your presence????
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